Doktorandentag 2015 DS

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Multiwavelength-EDM for geodetic

instruments. Current perspectives

Dr. David Salido Monz
Assistant of Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
Geosensors and Engineering Geodesy

1 Goal and motivations 3 Frequency comb of a femtosecond laser

The goal of this project is to study, within the geodesy context, A broadband source and high-bandwidth modulator for EDM
the feasibility of developing highly-accurate electronic distance A femtosecond laser with stabilized pulse repetition-rate ( ) generates an optical
meters based on simultaneous measurements at multiple optical frequency comb spanning up to an octave in the visual and NIR regions (Fig. 2),
wavelengths (MW-EDM). providing a broad and stable multiwavelength beam from a single laser source.
This research is aimed at: The comb contains thousands of phase-locked spectral lines equally spaced by the
Serving as a basis for the practical implementation of MW- pulse repetition-rate (typically 50-200 MHz). Direct detection of the laser beam with
EDM, and its integration into geodetic instruments, for integral high-bandwidth (BW) photodiodes produces a similar comb in their radiofrequency
correction of the refractive index of air: sub-mm accuracy on (RF) output (Fig. 3) due to intermode beating. All the harmonics in this electrical comb
ranges up to some km (0.1ppm). are also phase-locked and contain information of the propagation delay, providing
multi-frequency CW-modulation from tens of MHz to some GHz without using any
Providing an instrumental support for the systematic
electrical nor optical modulator. Several of these beats can be processed for phase-
investigation of the effects of reflectoreless EDM (including
based ranging in a simple scheme where cross-talk errors are strongly reduced.
laser scanning) depending on surface and subsurface
materials, surface structure and wavelength.
Optical-BW depends RF-BW depends on
on pulse width photodetector BW

2 Dual-wavelength EDM

The atmosphere is dispersive for optical waves, allowing a

Fig. 2. Optical frequency comb Fig. 3. Detected RF intermode beats
spatially integral estimation of the refractive index of air by
measuring differential propagation delays at different
wavelengths. Using an adequate color combination (e.g.,
blue/green + red/NIR), corrections at the mm-level in the 4 A possible experimental set-up
absolute distance require differential-distance measurements
between colors accurate to approximately 10 m.
Dual-wavelength EDM for refractive index compensation was
first proposed in the late 50s. The method was demonstrated with
several prototypes along the 60s-70s and even reached small-
scale production in the early 80s. However, when high-accuracy
GPS-based monitoring became available, it quickly consolidated
as a more convenient option for long-range measurements,
cancelling further research on MW-EDM to ease its integration in
modern geodetic instruments.
Nowadays, considering the advances in optical sources and
electronic devices, and the increasing number of monitoring
Fig. 4. Initial proposal for a MW-EDM using a femtosecond laser (optical set-up). The full comb is detected for referencing
tasks that require mm-accuracy on km-ranges in GNSS-denied before transmission. After propagating along the measuring distance, the received comb is split in several spectral regions
areas, it is timely to resume these efforts. before detection. (PBS: polarizing beam-splitter, /4: quarter-waveplate, DM: dichroic mirror, PD: high-speed photodiode)

Fig. 1. The Terrameter on a measuring station of the LEP collider control network at CERN. Fig. 5. Initial proposal for a MW-EDM using a femtosecond laser (signal processing). The detected signals, after
The Terrameter is the only dual-wavelength EDM ever commercialized (around 5 units over conditioning, are mixed with a free-running local oscillator (LO) which shifts the selected beat to low-frequency (). The
$200k). It reached accuracies down to 0.1ppm on 15 km, although requiring extensive efforts phase differences between every channel and the reference are measured on the downconverted signals. This process is
for its deployment at every location and permanent skilled supervision for its operation. performed simultaneously on two of the detected RF beats, e.g., 1st (N=1) and 200th (N=200) harmonics (50 MHz and
1GHz for =50 MHz). These frequencies are selected so that the estimated distance for every wavelength range (1, 2 ,
3 ), calculated by combining the pairs of estimated phases, has both high non-ambiguity range and high resolution.

5 Current and next steps

Confirm that there is nothing else that should be taken into account within the reasons that prevented further development on MW-EDM in the past.
Evaluate in more depth the proposed method and its practical implications, including contact with experts in ultrafast lasers (D-PHYS) and manufacturers.
Analyze the problem of refractive index estimation using broad spectral regions instead of narrow lines.

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