Prospect Kredmash 2014 English
Prospect Kredmash 2014 English
Prospect Kredmash 2014 English
Training personnel 29
ublic joint-stock company Kremenchug Plant reliability of operation, quality of manufactured
of Road Machines (KREDMASH) is the leading asphalt. Quality policy is one of the priority lines
manufacturer of road-building machinery in of the enterprise. Quality Management System at
the world. The history of the plant started in 1870.
PJSC KREDMASH is confirmed by the Certificate
A considerable way of creation of a successful
of Conformity stating that the products meet the
enterprise has been covered. During recent 65 years
the steadily operating and dynamically developing international standard of quality demanded by ISO
enterprise has been specializing in working out, 9001-2000.
manufacturing and putting on the market asphalt Application of up-to-date technologies and
mixing and soil mixing plants as well as specialized
structures, flexible response to consumers
vehicles. More than 21 thousand asphalt mixing
plants have been produced since 1949. The products requirements make it possible to manufacture high-
of the enterprise are exploited in more than 50 quality products and meet customers needs more
countries of the world. KREDMASH asphalt mixing completely: sell the whole offer of the equipment,
plants can operate for 30 and more years. original spare parts and consumables, perform
Nowadays KREDMASH company offers new assembling, commissioning and flaw detecting,
generations of asphalt mixing plants meeting all perform warranty, modernize plants manufactured
modern requirements as to ecological compatibility, in previous years, train specialists.
New generation
of asphalt mixing plants.
PJSC KREDMASH develops a new family of asphalt batching of asphalt-concrete mixture components,
mixing plants of KDM 205 type of the capacity of with heat-insulated hot materials bins and ready
200 tons/h and KDM 206 of the capacity of 160 mixture bins, equipped with electric heating of
tons/h. The main blocks and units are made in auto bolts and inclined walls, a bitumen equipment
dimension. The standard complete equipment of package (bitumen tanks, bitumen communications,
the asphalt mixing plant includes: a feeder unit pump units) with an oil heat generator and bitumen
with frequency-controlled feeder productivity, an heating due to high-temperature heat medium. The
oversize separation grid, a conveyer, a drying unit control system provides a remote connection with
with a dust cleaning system based on bag filters the manufacturer and control of the plant operation
regenerable by traction of smoke exhauster, a from the customers office. The following is offered
dust unit with the possibility of feeding caught optionally: twice as big (up to 170 t) volume of ready
coarse fraction dust to the hot elevator, a mineral mixture bins, cellulose addition unit, an expanded
powder unit, a mixing tower with a five- or six- reservoir for mineral powder, bitumen, equipment
fraction (for choice) system of rock materials sieving for modification of bitument with liquid and
and batching, a system of improved accuracy of polymeric additions.
liquid heat
bitumen bitumen tanks
medium heater
heater feed of bitumen
from the
storehouse or
a bitumen truck
Specification DS-185 DS-185U KDM 201 DS-168 DS-185M DS-168
185UM 201
Installed power, kW, maximum 199 200 330 420 199 200 360 450
Capacity of feeder unit bins, pcs. m3 4x8=32 4x8=32 5x8=40 5x16=80 4x8=32 4x8=32 4x8=32 5x16=80
Width of the conveyers belt, mm 500 500 500 650 500 500 500 650
Drying drum drive adjustable, with smooth start-up and speed change
Maximum mass of a batch, kg 730 800 1500 2200 730 800 1500 2200
100 100
Total capacity of ready mixture unit bins, t (m3) 72 (39) 72 (39) 72 (39) 72 (39) 72 (39) 72 (39)
(55.6) (55.6)
Way of loading ready mixture into a vehicle from the mixer or ready mixture unit
Type of dust catching device at choice: bag filters or combined: dry (cyclones), wet (Venturi scrubber)
ll the plants manufactured by PJSC
Kredmash can be made as tower-
type models with the storage bin
under the mixer, which makes it possible
to reduce the area of the mounting pad by
25% and compactly locate the equipment.
The ready mixture bin is located under
the mixer and is divided into four
compartments. Two compartments are
meant for storage of ready mixture, one
compartment for direct discharge of
asphalt and the other compartment for
exceeses and oversize. There are upper
level indicators in each compartment. The
whole block is heat-insulated.
oil mixing plant DS 50B with the mixer of batching and delivery of liquid binding materials
continuous operation and its modifications (can (bitumen) or water from the intermediate tank
be delivered as a stationary or movable fast- into the mixer;
mountable version). The plant is used for preparing mixing all the components of the mixture and
road-building cement-soil and bitumen-soil mixtures feeding the ready mixture into the bin;
from loose soil at roadside quarries. The plant
dispatch of the ready mixture from the bin into
equipment provides continuous manufacture of
a vehicle.
high-quality cement-soil, bitumen-soil and cement-
macadam mixtures. A centralized control of the plant is performed by
an operator from the control panel located in a
The design of the soil mixing plant makes it possible
separate cabin equipped with AC (split-system).
to perform the following technological process
operations: Modular design of the plant improves its manufacture
batching of soil, cleared from big (more than 100 readiness, which considerably reduces the mounting
mm) rock enclosures according to the assigned and dismantling times during transportation from
formula of the mixture and feeding it to the one construction site to another. New generation soil
mixer; mixing plant DS 50B with MIS (capacity of 240 tons/h,
with a microintegrated system) batches powder
batching and delivery of cement and other dry
materials and water by weight not by volume. The
binding materials to the mixer from service
design includes continuous-operation batchers and a
bunker filled from cement trucks via pneumatic
flow meter; the whole process of mixture preparation
is shown in the display screen.
long with stationary plants PJSC Kredmash
produces fast-mountable relocatable plants
of the capacity of 56, 64, 110 and 160 tons/h.
Their design does not require concrete foundation
for assembling. These plants can be mounted
and started within 10-15 days. Fast-mountable
plants have all the advantages of the stationary
ones: the same productivity, capacity of bins for
ready asphalt-concrete mixture, store of hot rock
materials, mineral powder, fuel, the same access
for maintenance, repair, etc.
Reduction of assembling and dismantling time is
fast-mountable plug-and-sockets
provided by improved mounting readiness due to
the block (module) assembly of the structures,
enlargement of the units and decrease of the
conditions; application of joints allowing units
number of bolted joints; installation and test of
fast assembly and dismantling. Plant units are
the performance of the component parts under
adapted for long-distance transportation by motor
the manufacturers conditions; producing electric
transport and trailers with low platform or via
connections in the form of fast-mountable plug-
railroad. The plants contain additional subframes
and-sockets; test assembly of plant blocks and units
and their adjustment under the manufacturers Asphalt mixing plant DS-185U
(used for macadam storage after the assembly) is guaranteed and damage to the environment is
providing both low site specific load and resistance minimized. All the above mentioned plants can be
to wind load. produced as tower-type models (with the ready
mixture bin located under the mixer).
After dismantling and moving of the plant the
assembly site is recultivated. Thus, ecological safety
Components/basic parts
of asphalt mixing plants
Feeder unit
he feeder unit consists of blocks with 12 m3 (in the automombile overall dimension) or 16
installed belt feeders and a conveyer. It is m3. Switching to a different asphalt formula can be
intended for preliminary batching initial made without shutting down the plant. Application
materials (macadam, sand) in accordance with the of frequency converters allows remote change of
assigned formula and feeding them to the inclined the belt feeders productivity from the operators
belt conveyer. Initial inert materials (macadam cabin. In this case the productivity of belt feeders
and sand) are delivered into tanks equipped with is adjusted automatically. The feeder unit of
a vibratory feeder and a sieve to catch oversized plants DS 185 KDM 201, DS 168 can be additionally
fractions. Vibrators located on the sieves and side completed with a block with the width of material
wals of the tanks prevent materials from getting loading equal to 3.5 m, on request.
stuck. The conveyer is equipped with a safety
system. Tanks are made with the capacity of 8 m3,
Feeder unit
Inclined conveyer
An inclined belt conveyer is intended for transportation
of rock materials from the feeder unit to the drying drum.
The conveyer movable operating element consists of a belt
stretched on the drive pulley set into motion via a reductor
by an electric motor. For the case of sticking the material
to the conveyer belt the cleaners are provided both inside
and outside. The conveyer is equipped with safety system
Dryer unit
intended for heating and drying rock materials interior part provides efficint heat of the materials
up to the state required for preparation of and minimum fuel consumption. A possibility of
the mixture as well as for eliminating dust processing wet materials is provided. Optionally,
particles in the exhaust gases. the plant can operate on natural gas or liquid fuel
(residual fuel oil or diesel fuel oil). Full combustion
The dryer unit includes:
of heavy oil fuel (black oil M100) is achieved by
a drying drum with a furnace unit; thorough heating of the oil inside the tank and
a dust filtering system (gas-purifying fast heater, use of a high-capacity smoke exhaust,
equipment). modern burners and automatic temperature/
The use of frequency converter in the drying drum rarefication level adjustment inside the furnace.
control allows its smooth start and regulation Switching between the fuel types can be done in
of rotation speed with optimum temperature short time.
adjustment. Thermal insulation inside the drum
reduces heat dissipation and improves plant
efficiency. Exterior of the drum may be lined
with polished stainless steel. The design of the
Dryer unit
Furnace unit
urnace unit is intended for burning fuel to achieve high-
temperature gas medium in the drying drum. The burner
is controlled according to the output parameters the
temperature of rock materials and exhaust gases. Temperature in
the drying drum is regulated remotely from the control panel in the
operators cabin through the change of thermal productivity.
Mixer unit
used for sorting, storing and batching of heated sand and
macadam, batching of bitumen, mineral powder and dust,
preparing asphalt-concrete mixture and its dispatch directly into
trucks or into the ready mixture unit skip.
The mixer unit consists of:
screen block,
upper, middle and bottom blocks,
a bin for surplus and oversized material.
The hot bin is equipped with sensors of high/low levels of rock materials,
mineral powder and dust. Temperature control sensors are installed
in rock material compartments and before the bitumen batcher.
Optionally, the mixer unit can operate bypassing the screen. All asphalt
mixing plants are equipped with CAMOZZI pneumatics, which made it
possible to improve the reliability of the plant operation.
vibration screen of a self-balance type is used in the design of
manufactured asphalt mixing plants of the capacity of 110 (KDM
201) and 160 tons/h (DS 168).
The screen design is based on the following:
new engineering solutions of design departments of PJSC
Kredmash ;
OLI motors-vibrators (Italy);
WRTH products (Germany);
high-strength grades of steel for the basic structures of the
All this will allow increase of the operation resource of the new screen
and the asphalt mixing plant on the whole.
intended for acceptance, temporary
storage and dispatch of mineral
powder into the batcher or intake of
the mineral powder elevator in the mixer
unit. Bins are available in volumes of 23m3;
32.5m3 and 60m3.
tended for collecting dust caught by the dust filters
and feeding it via elevator to the mixing unit for
batching. If necessary, dust can be dispatched via
loading auger into tracks.
Mineral powder and dust bins are equipped with high and low [2]
level sensors.
Aeration system at the bottom of each bin prevents loose
material from choking-up. [1]
The reservoirs can be completed with continuous sensors or a
third middle-level sensor.
ellulose addition unit design provides
acceptance, batching and dispatch
of granulated cellulose additives of
VIATOP, GENICEL type and the like into
the asphalt mixing plant mixer with the
apparent density of 50050 kg/m3.
The unit includes all the necessary
equipment providing the possibility to
outfit the asphalt mixing plant quickly
(within 1-2 days) and start production of
macadam-mastic mixtures.
Batching accuracy, % 1
ugers are intended for transportation
and feeding loose materials: dust,
mineral powder, cellulose additions,
polymers into batchers or elevators. Augers
of domestic production and those made in
Italy are used.
used for accumulation,
temporary storage and
dispatch of prepared
asphalt mixture into vehicles.
Asphalt temperature remains
constant for a long time due to
the thermal insulation of the
bins. Indicators of the upper
level and temperature control
sensors are installed in the
bins. Bins walls and valves are
heated by means of electric
heaters. Skip hoist of the unit is
designed to smoothly start and
The ready mixture unit
storage bin;
holding bin for dumping
Specification of ready mixture bin DS185 KDM 201 DS168
ill-conditioned materials;
Total capacity, tons 72 72 100
Number of bins 1 1 2 skip emergency stop
Bitumen equipment
he bitumen heater is intended for heating the bitumen and heat material up to the operating
temperature and feeding it to the mixing unit batcher. It consists of a tank of the capacity of 30m3 or
60m3, a furnace unit, a fuel tank, electric equipment.
Microintegrated system
JSC Kredmash asphalt mixing plants
are equipped with a new generation
microintegrated system based on new
technologies of control of elaborate technological
complexes and making the process of asphalt
preparation completely automatic.
MIS application provides optimum, economic mode
of plant operation and changes significantly the
role of the operator in its control.
MIS advantages:
Due to MIS merits, the influence of human factor
is reduced to the minimum, overhaul idle time is
shorter, high quality of asphalt is provided during
the whole period of the plant operation. All the
stages of technological process are reflected on the
technological screen of the monitor and provide
the operator with all the required information.
Availability of remote monitoring enables distant
monitoring of the system; it even allows software
changing and giving recommendations as to
optimization of the plant operation. MIS is used
in both production plants and modernized asphalt
mixing plants manufactured in previous years.
Complete control of all the plant mechanisms.
Availability of blockings, providing accident-free
Automatic operation mode of all the plants
Control cabinet
Advanced weighing system providing high
accuracy of fractions batching.
Application of industrial modules and complete
galvanic separation of signals provides high
reliability of the control system.
Quick switch to manufacturing the mixture
according to previously assigned formulas.
Complete account of the manufactured asphalt
and material consumption with the possibility of
viewing and printing the results.
Continuous control of the state of the plant
mechanisms and basic technical variables.
Automatic start of the asphalt mixing plant with
automatic ignition and rock materials feed when
the temperature of exhaust gases reaches the
assigned value.
Use of preact by means of assessment of
material batching speed.
Preliminary batching at feeders with principal Control board
Pneumatic system
intended for supply of
compressed air into the
pneumatic cylinders of the
plant units. The pneumatic system
includes a compressor unit, pneumatic
distributors, manometers, bags, air
ducts. To assemble the pneumatic
system it is necessary to use suitable
fittings produced by PJSC Kredmash.
Information as to availability of a
certain type of fittings can be obtained
from the specialists of the enterprise.
Operators cabin
perators cabin is the working place of the
specialist performing control of the asphalt
mixing plant. The control block is divided into
two zones: operators cabin and electric equipment
room. A control panel, a control cabinet and devices
are located in the operators cabin. Start-up and
protection instrumentation is located in the electric
equipment room. For cooling, heating and ventilation
of the air, creation of comfortable climatic conditions
the cabin and the electric equipment room are
equipped with air conditioning.
iming at reduction of operating costs As a result, the necessity for energy carrier
of the consumers of PJSC Kredmash expenditure for heating the whole volume
asphalt mixing plants the design bureau of bitumen in the tank up to the operating
of the enterprise provided modernization of temperature is eliminated. Besides, a profound
the asphalt mixing plant bitumen equipment. automation has been performed, which makes
The basic concept of the design consisted in it possible to control bitumen equipment
improvement of power efficiency due to mild from the main computer of the asphalt mixing
bitumen heating with thermal oil in tanks with plant control system and provides blockings
increased coils area, use of a flow heat exchanger eliminating damages of its components due to
providing rapid bitumen heating from 110 possible maloperations.
up to the operating temperature during a cycle
of preparation of asphalt-concrete mixture.
Heat-generator MG-30
Training personnel
ualified personnel is half the battle for
successful operation. Practice shows that
most of operation problems occur due to
insufficient qualification of the operators and
maintenance staff.
operators cabin modernization is performed by All the supplied equipment is completed with
substitution of a relay control system for an up- technical documents and certificates. Work can
to-date microintegrated system with the use of be performed by highly qualified specialists
components made by leading world manufacturers; of our enterprise. In any case your individual
requirements will be taken into consideration during
if necessary, it is possible to supply a cellulose
addition unit to produce macadam-mastic asphalt-
concretes (MMA), a unit for preparation of modified You can find more detail about AMP
bitumen with a reservoir 30 m3 and two mixing manufactured in previous years at