FCE Exam Teacher's Guide
FCE Exam Teacher's Guide
FCE Exam Teacher's Guide
DATE OF WRITTEN EXAM: (NB these are probable dates at time of writing)
In this (Oxford) Book of Cambridge Practice Tests they have failed to update the
instructions for Part 3 of the Speaking Test, as seen in their practice material found
on pgs. 25, 45, 65 & 85. It should be You have 2 minutes to discuss (the first part of
question 3). Then once theyve done that, You now have 1 minute to decide (the
second part of question 3).
Linking Words
Gerunds & Infinitives
Verbs, Adjectives & Verbs + Nouns that take Prepositions
Modal Verbs
Reported Speech
Conditionals & Wish
* Please note: The following less extensive areas are not included
in the syllabus, but should be dealt with by you
in a grammar slot as they come up:
So Vs Such
Too Vs Enough
Little & Few
Relative Clauses (particularly Non-Defining)
Do Vs Make
Be/Get Used to Vs Used to
Expressions + Simple past (Id rather you...
Its time...)
The timetable included in this pack is optional. As long as you cover all the material, feel
free to do it in any order you like.
The syllabus has been timetabled for a minimum of 12 compositions to be done from now until
the exam. Important to note: It is essential that students do exactly what is required of
them on each composition. In other words, they must be sure to include all points
indicated in the question. Students will therefore need training in interpreting questions
& planning their compositions. Please keep a record of the marks.
FOR ALL CLASSES OF YOUNGER LEARNERS, get in touch with their parents
immediately if theyre not doing the homework.
Students will have a practice interview before their oral exam. You will need to do a lot of
work in class as well, making sure students can describe with ease what they do,
their background, their interests etc., and can contribute confidently in a problem
solving activity with another candidate. Oral work has been included in the timetable.
Please also refer to the list of useful language found in this syllabus.
This course aims to build up your use of English in both structure and vocabulary to the
required level of the First Certificate Exam, while perfecting your general skills in reading,
writing, listening and speaking. In addition to language and skills focus, you will be doing a
series of practice exams and will be focussing on the various techniques needed to tackle all
the different exam questions.
If you have been recommended by Academia Lacunza to do the First Certificate, either
by our First Certificate Predictive Test or by our End of Grade First Certificate Exam,
and you follow these guidelines you are on course for passing First Certificate.
1. Your attendance in class is vital. You should aim to attend 100% of the course. If you
must miss class, this should be no more than 5% of the course.
2. Be punctual to all classes, equipped with the books, a notebook and a pen.
3. Do 100% of all homework, including the homework set on a day you were absent.
This includes compositions and practice tests, as well as homework exercises.
1. Organise your notebook to aid memory and revision. For example, divide it into
different areas and group new language under headings, such as miscellaneous
vocabulary, phrasal verbs, verbs + prepositions, grammar etc.
2. If you must miss a class, be sure to copy down all the new language from another
student when you return.
3. Note and learn new language in whole phrases. For example, instead of learning
to manage = lograr, learn and write: I managed to pass the First Certificate Exam.
4. Use new language when you are writing (for example your compositions) and
5. Read and listen to as much English as you can outside the class. Watching TV or
videos, reading magazines, newspapers or information on the Internet, or listening to
music will improve your level considerably.
6. Note down on your own the new language that you hear and see outside class.
7. Revise daily. A good formula for learning is " a little and often".
8. Note and follow the exam techniques outlined by your teacher when doing the
practice tests.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
__________________________ ____________________________________________
Please note that DURING THE FIRST THREE WEEKS you will have needed to do
Practice Test 1.
OPTIONAL: Self-study Vocabulary Sport & Hobbies (FC Organiser pg. 152)
Confusing Words (FC Organiser pg. 103)
WEEK FIVE: 10th October - 15th October Wednesday 12th Oct. - Holiday
NB you will have to provide two given ideas that students will need to include
in their essay, as in all Part One Essays two ideas are given and one more is left
up to the students.
WRITING: Article
(FC Organiser pg. 150 Describing People) (Or see model pg. 31 in this guide )
WRITING: Article
(FC Organiser pg. 176 ) ( Or see model pg. 32 in this guide )
WEEK EIGHT: 31st October 5th November Tuesday 1st Nov. - holiday
Set writing from list Use the same task as on the model pg. 35 in this
guide or from list - FC Organiser pg. 204
NB. The transformations on pg. 132 mix Reported with Indirect Speech
You may need to work on each separately first.
th th
WEEK THIRTEEN: 5th December - 10th December Tues. 6 & Thurs 8
(FC Organiser pg. 200) ( Or see model pg. 37 in this guide )
OPTIONAL: Self-study Vocabulary Science & Technology (FC Organiser pg. 178)
Confusing Words (FC Organiser pg. 110)
( See model pg. 38 in this guide )
OPTIONAL: Self-study Vocabulary Family & Relationships (FC Organiser pg. 180)
Uncountable Nouns (FC Organiser pg. 138-139)
Set writing from list - FC Organiser pg. 204 or From Test Book 1 pg. 65
GRAMMAR: Passives
(FC Organiser pg. 136)
Set writing from list - FC Organiser pg. 204 or from Test Book 1 pg. 87
WEEK TWENTY-TWO: 20th February 25th February (Last Sat. before Adult FCE)
WRITING: Practice making outlines for various questions in Part Two from
Test Book 1.
Use Sample Exam Paper 1 from FCE 2015 Handbook on Lacunzanet Moodle
REVISION OF WORK DONE UNTIL NOW + focus on areas still causing problems.
First Certificate for Schools - Exam takes place on Saturday, 18TH March 2017
Stds need to know: * The meaning of similar words (pour, spill, leak)
* Fixed phrases / collocations (pay attention to, take no
notice of, hold sme responsible for)
* Phrasal verbs
* The grammar that follows ( interested in doing smth)
* Grammatical words e.g. linkers
Stds need to know: * A range of major structures + some less frequent ones
* A wide range of lexico-grammatical phrases
(e.g. find it difficult to..., is supposed to...make changes to)
* Phrasal verbs
PART 5: TASK - Multiple choice questions about a text Presented in the same order as the
6 questions information in the text
* Read through the text first quickly with the gaps to get an
overall idea of structure and development of ideas.
Questions are not in any particular order & each text can be
used any number of times.
Strategies: * Train stds to skim read first to get general idea and then
study the questions.
Students must use the ideas given and provide an idea of their own
Criteria assessed
* The general format is the same from test to test - so stds know what to expect
* Train stds to use the questions on the page to help predict what they will hear.
* Stds may now be required to make inferences about attitude.
* Its now worth 20% of the test, the same as the other papers.
* Who is speaking?
* What are they talking about?
* Why is s/he saying this?
* What emotion/ attitude/ feeling/ opinion is being expressed?
PART 3: 5 extracts related in some way (e.g. same topic, or all asking for info.)
Assessment - From 0 to 5
Tip: Students wont be able to give prepared answers, but should think previously
about a variety of possible answers to make them stand out.
Follow on:
Students will be asked a variety of questions from topical categories such as the
Home life
Do you spend a lot of time with your family? What sorts of things do you do
What do you like most about your family home?
Personal experience
Tell us about a day that you really enjoyed.
Tell us about a holiday that you will never forget.
Future life
Do you think your life will change much in the future?
Do you think you will use your English much in the future?
Who do you prefer to go on holiday with?
When you go on holiday, do you enjoying travelling to different places or do
you prefer to stay in one place.
Students should know how to say what they are doing at the moment and
what they plan to do/study in future.
To start with... ...and another thing... ...and not only that but...
Locating elements: The man on the left, the house in the top left corner, the one opposite the..
Playing for time: Well... Let me see... Mmmmm... (Not Bueno...Pues...O sea...)
PART 3: TASK - Candidates work together to complete a task (based around written stimuli)
Signalling youre ready to start: Right...Well...OK... Shall I/we begin? Are you ready?
Asking for clarification: (from the examiner) Im not exactly sure what we have to do
Could you say that again? (Not repeat, please)
(from the other candidate) So what youre really saying is...
If I understand you correctly...
Sorry, I didnt catch that last part.
Choosing a course of action: Why dont we... Dont you think we should...?
Agreeing/ disagreeing: I think youre absolutely right. Yes, but dont forget...
I agree entirely That may be true, but...
Thats a good idea, but..
Im not sure I agree...
What about...?
PART 4: TASK - Candidates extend & develop the discussion they began in Part 3
(discussion led by Interlocutor)
Achievement Uses the conventions of the Holds the target readers attention
communicative task in Holds the target readers effectively and communicates
How appropriate the generally appropriate ways to Between attention and communicates Between 3 straightforward and complex ideas
writing is for the task. communicate straightforward 1 and 3 straightforward ideas. and 5 as appropriate.
Appropriate register?
Text is connected and Text is generally well organised Text is well organised and coherent,
How the writing is coherent, using basic linking and coherent, using a variety of using a variety of cohesive devices
put together. words and a limited number of Between linking words and cohesive Between 3 and organisational patterns to
cohesive devices. 1 and 3 devices. and 5 generally good effect.
Is it logical / ordered?
Model Composition
Most of what we learn at school is useful. The problem is that we do Talk about your
not always realise this fact in the beginning. own experience
if the question
Start your answer
with a sentence that
Take Science, for example. I hated Chemistry lessons when I was asks you to do
younger. I could not see the point in doing boring experiments and learning this.
links to the question
you are discussing. tables. Now I want to be a doctor, I appreciate how important Chemistry is.
I realise that we had to learn the basics first. I used to think learning Latin
was pointless too, but now it really helps me understand my medical
Use linking words Set out your
and phrases. On the other hand, there were some lessons that really were useless. opinion clearly.
At my school we all did Cookery I am sure we could learn that much If you use
better at home! We had to attend Drama classes, too. I could not see the positive and
point of this unless someone wanted to be an actor. negative points,
put them in
In conclusion, I would say that most of what we learn at school is quite separate
Summarise your paragraphs.
useful. I wish, however, that all teachers would make it clear how the
opinion in the final
subjects we study can really help us later on in life.
paragraph and add
some further
Useful language
You have seen this advertisement in an
international magazine. Involving your reader
You can
include one or Would you like to spend two weeks holiday in the film capital of the
two questions world? Do you fancy meeting some of the biggest stars in Hollywood? This
to get your was the dream holiday I won last year.
interest. Dont use very
As the winner of a film competition, I was given a plane ticket for language.
Hollywood, where I stayed in a top-class hotel. Im sure you can imagine
how exciting it was! Every day a car came to take me to the studios and I
watched performers rehearsing and shooting scenes for films.
I learned so much about the film industry, but the highlight of my holiday
was when I was asked to be an extra in an adventure film. Not only did I
meet one of my all-time favourite stars, but I actually acted with him too! I Make your article
couldnt believe my luck! lively and
Finish your
article with a Im sure I will have exciting holidays in the future, but somehow I dont
conclusion that think therell ever be such a special one as Hollywood. All in all, it was the
summarises holiday of a lifetime.
your opinion.
Think of an
Start your A day to remember interesting title.
article in an
interesting way.
e.g. ask the Have all the members of your family ever met together in the same
reader a place at the same time? It happened to me quite recently and was a
question, or remarkable event.
make a strong
The occasion I have in mind took place last summer. It was my The first
grandparents fiftieth wedding anniversary, and my brother Tim decided to paragraph
organize a surprise party for them. He phoned everyone in the family and should involve
told us his plan. Most importantly, we mustnt say anything to our the reader in
grandparents. some way. Try
to end the
paragraph in a
On the eve of the anniversary, we arrived at Tims house at midday. By
way which
three oclock, there were over a hundred people there, including cousins, makes the
uncles and aunts I hadnt seen for years. Everyone was excited as they reader want to
waited for the happy couple to arrive. continue
Finish the
My grandparents, who thought they were visiting my brother, arrived at
article in an four oclock. You can imagine what happened when they found us waiting
interesting way. for them. I have never seen anyone look so surprised and so happy.
This could be
humorous or The celebration went on until the next morning. Now, were looking
thought- forward to celebrating their sixtieth anniversary.
Invent the
name of the Dear Anton,
Begin your
person you are letter with some
writing to, if you general
dont know it. I cant believe Ive been here in England for two weeks already. Sorry I comments, or
havent written sooner but Ive been so busy. Im having a fantastic time. by apologising
for a delay in
When I arrived, I was worried because I didnt know any of the people writing, or by
on my course. However, Ive made lots of friends now. Most of the other referring to a
letter you have
students are the same age as me and, although we come from different just received.
countries (Brazil, Greece, Poland and Spain), we have the same sort of
Divide the letter interests and hobbies.
into paragraphs
and include two So far, Ive been to visit lots of places of interest here, including London
or three points
and Cambridge, and I have learned a lot about English history and culture.
in each
paragraph. Im planning an excursion to Scotland next weekend with people from my
class. Were going to spend a night in Edinburgh and then drive across to End your letter
by asking about
see the islands off the west coast. It should be really beautiful and well the reader,
have good fun together too, I think. thanking
Ive taken lots of photos here so I can tell you all about it when I get sending
back. Hope you are enjoying your holiday. Write soon and tell me all about greetings to his
what youve been doing. Give my regards to you family. I hope you are all family, referring
Use an informal well. to when you will
phrase like next meet, etc.
Best wishes,
Regards, or
Love to finish Love,
your letter. Simon
Invent a name
for the person
you are writing Dear Sally, Mention the
to if you dont letter you have
know it. received.
Thanks for your letter. It sounds like you really had a great summer. I Thank the
enjoyed the holidays too, but they werent long enough! I would have liked person for it or
to have a few more weeks! react to it in
some way.
As soon as school broke up I went off to Spain with my parents. We
stayed in a lovely little village on the north coast and spend loads of time on
Divide the letter
the beach or walking in the mountains.
into three or
paragraphs, When I came back I spent three weeks working in a caf to earn a bit of
each with its extra money. At first I was in the kitchen, washing up I hated that. But
own topic. after a while the boss let me take orders and serve customers. That was
much more fun, and I got some good tips too. In the final week of the
holiday I went and stayed with my cousins. We just lazed around and spent
most of the time watching DVDs. Then it was back to school. Use informal
Anyway, Id better stop here, as Ive got quite a lot of homework to get contractions,
through before tomorrow morning! Hows school going for you? Write soon phrasal verbs
with more news. and (one or
Finish the letter exclamation
with an informal marks.
phrase such as
Love, Lots of Love,
love, Take care Laura
or all the best.
Useful language
Begin a formal
letter in one of Dear Sir or Madam,
State why you
these ways: are writing.
DearMr/Mrs/ I am thinking of coming to Edinburgh next July for one month to learn Organise the
Miss/Ms Smith English. I saw an advertisement for your school in a local newspaper and I essential
use the persons would like further information regarding the courses you offer. information in a
title and clear and
surname logical way in
Please could you send me details of your classes? I would like to know
the length of the classes, if you have any special courses on offer and the the main
Dear Sir/Madam paragraphs.
if you dont know prices you charge. I was also wondering how big your typical classes are.
the persons Is there a limit to the number of students in each class?
I would also be grateful if you could send me information about
accommodation. Does the Centre have its own accommodation service or
will I have to find somewhere to stay myself?
Say how you
Finish your letter Finally I would appreciate it if you could let me have details of any expect the
in one of these exams I would be able to take at this time. other person to
ways: respond
sincerely, if you I look forward to hearing from you.
have started
your letter with Yours faithfully,
the name of the Eva Peterson
Yours faithfully,
if you have
started your
letter with Dear
Sir / Madam.
Useful language
You have seen this advertisement in an
English-language magazine. Giving a reason for writing Applying for a job
I am writing to apply for I have considerable
I am writing to enquire about experience of
Summer Job at Camp UK, Scotland I am writing in response to I consider myself
I am writing to complain about to be
Do you speak English? Do you enjoy I would welcome the
working with teenagers? Would you like to Requesting information opportunity to
work as A Sports and Activities Organiser Id be grateful if you could tell me
at our summer camp? Could you please let me know.?
If you begin
with Dear Sir or Dear Sir or Madam, Start by saying
Madam, finish why you are
with Yours I am writing to apply for the post of Sports and Activities Organiser, as writing.
faithfully. If you advertised in Jobs Abroad magazine.
begin with Dear
(Mr Smith),
finish with I would very much welcome the opportunity to spend the summer
Yours working at Camp UK in Scotland, as I enjoy working with teenagers, and I
sincerely. would also like to get to know more about life and customs in the UK.
Moreover, I am a keen sportsperson and enjoy horse-riding, tennis and
volleyball. I have ridden horses since I was very young, and I played on my
school volleyball team for four years.
Divide the letter
into three or I have a good command of English, having studied it at school for eight
four years, and I have also spent a month at a summer school in Ireland.
each with its I would be grateful if you could tell me what type of accommodation you
own topic. provide and what it costs. Could you also let me know when you will be If you expect a
holding the interviews? reply to your
letter write I
look forward to
hearing from
I look forward to hearing from you.
you. after the
final paragraph.
Yours faithfully,
Joanna Mills
Useful language
Writing Part 2 Review
Giving background Recommending
This film stars. Overall, Id recommend
The play is directed by All in all, the film was
Do you like music concerts? If so, could The book is about I wouldnt hesitate to
you write us a review of a concert youve recommend
been to? Include information on the music, I would encourage anyone to..
atmosphere, and venue and say whether
you would recommend the concert to Expressions which introduce a contrast
other people. On the plus side,
On the down side,
On the one hand,
On the other hand,
Write your answer in 140-190 words.
The best reviews will be published next
Finish with a final Overall, Id recommend going to see Happy Shoppers, especially if you
recommendation. like dancing. Im sure they will learn how to entertain the audience more as
they get more experience.
In the 1st
paragraph say
what you are I recently read The Phantom of the Opera, a novel written in 1910 by
reviewing and Say briefly what
Gaston Leroux. It has been adapted a number of times for the cinema and
give relevant happens in the
also made into an immensely successful musical. book, play, film
key information
(such as the etc.
author of a Its set in Paris and is the story of Erik (the phantom), a menacing
book or the figure who lives hidden away in the basement of the opera house. He is in
director of a love with Christine, an opera singer, but she in turn loves a young aristocrat
film). called Raoul. The plot is very intricate with lots of twists and turns, which
keep the reader turning the pages.
Useful language
Writing Part 2 Story
Start of the story Things that happen fast/
(FCE for Schools only) At first slowly
In the beginning Suddenly,
The first thing that All at once,
You have decided to enter a short story happened was Gradually,
competition. The competition rules say Slowly,
that the story must begin or end with the Sequencing events in
words: the story The end of the story
Then, In the end,
(Minutes) later, Eventually,
Tom woke up when he heard voices. He After some time, At last / finally,
looked at the clock and saw that it was After that,
11 p.m.
Tom woke up when he heard voices. He looked at the clock and saw Use a range of
that it was 11 p.m. Yawning, he looked out of the window, expecting to see time phrases to
Use a variety of
his parents arriving home. sequence the
narrative (past)
tenses like past
simple, past But there was no car outside. Deciding he must have imagined the
continuous, noise, Tom went back to the book he had been reading. As he turned the
past perfect. page, he heard the noise again. This time, however, it was louder. It
sounded like a window breaking. He turned and looked at the living room
door. The handle was turning! Try to make
your story
What should he do? Keep cool! he told himself. Think! Quick as a interesting /
flash, he jumped behind the curtains just as two men entered the room. exciting.
In crime or Were they kidnappers? Had they come to burgle the house? Whatever
adventure they had come for, Tom was not going to let them succeed.
stories, you can
end on a The telephone was just next to the window. Holding his breath, Tom
moment of crept towards it. The men were busy. Nobody would hear him. He was
suspense and
let your reader
nearly there when, suddenly, the phone rang. Tom froze in horror. My
parents must be calling me, Tom thought. What am I going to do now? Choose vivid,
imagine the colourful words
ending. Or you rather than very
can show how simple
ta problem was vocabulary.
Giving reasons
Write your answer in 140-190 words in Since / As (our town is well-known),
an appropriate style. For this reason / these reasons
During their first week, they could visit historical sites and go to the market.
Later, a tennis competition involving local students could be held.
Finally, during their last week, our visitors could be invited to take part in a
musical evening at our college.
Include an
Make your Unless you are
beginning writing in the
interesting so It was the worst holiday I had ever had. I had never been to a holiday first person,
that people will camp before, but thought that it would be a good place to meet lots of introduce the
want to read people my own age. I was so wrong! main
on. characters.
The holiday was a total disaster from the start. The first thing that went Say where and
when the
wrong was that I had to share a room with a bad-tempered, seventy-five-
events took
year-old woman who went to bed early, snored loudly all night and then place, and give
complained unreasonably that I woke her up when I came back from the any other
Write one or disco at 3 a.m. important
two middle information.
paragraphs, The next problem was that I was woken up four hours later by a
where you cheerful voice over an intercom saying, Good morning everybody! Time to
develop the get up and start the day! It was impossible to go back to sleep, as the
story. Use a Add descriptive
announcement was followed by loud music and repeated every five detail to make it
new paragraph
for a different minutes! more real.
At the end of the fortnight I was absolutely exhausted and had not had
much fun either. That was the last time I would go to a holiday camp.
Include a
where you
bring the story
to an end.