Phishing Attack Types & Mitigation Strategies
Phishing Attack Types & Mitigation Strategies
Phishing Attack Types & Mitigation Strategies
27 OCTOBER 2013
New types and techniques of phishing attacks
1 INTRODUCTION are continuously being developed and uti-
Phishing, otherwise known as carding or lized. Businesses must be proactive in defend-
brand spoofing [1], is a malicious attempt to ing against such attacks.
acquire personal information from a user. The
personal information sought may include, but
is not limited to usernames, passwords and
bank account/credit card details. Since the According to Symantec, Saudi Arabia and the
user is more likely to respond to someone UAE are the most vulnerable to phishing at-
known to them, the attacker may pose as the tacks in the Gulf region [7]. In 2010, Infor-
users bank, email provider, company IT ad- mation Security Solution Provider IT Matrix
ministrator, or social networking website. detected 1145 unique phishing attacks in the
The term phishing may originate from the UAE, while the occurrence in Saudi Arabia
phrase password harvesting fishing [2], or was the highest of the region for 2007 and
may be an adaptation of the term 2008 [8]. Following a phishing attack on
phreak/phone freak [3]. The word is analo- Saudi Aramco in August 2012, more than
gous to fishing as the attacker uses an email 30000 computers were compromised [9].
as bait to catch usernames and passwords. Saudi Arabia also faces the highest risk of pri-
vacy exposure due to malicious Android app
In the traditional model, an attacker sends an usage [10].
authentic-looking email to thousands of ad-
dresses. The PCs of the small percentage of A conference paper examined susceptibility
users that act on the email by downloading of 200 undergraduate students in Saudi Ara-
the attachment are then infected with a Tro- bia to phishing [11]. They were divided ran-
jan or other malware. domly into two groups of click-a-link emails
(after which the user was sent to a login page)
Phishing is a serious threat to consumers as and reply-directly emails. A total of 14 stu-
well as to organizations. Industry sectors dents fell victim to the emails, 12 of which had
most targeted for phishing attacks in the first responded to the click-a-link email.
quarter of 2013 were payment services
(45.48%), financial (23.95%), retail/service
(9.84%), ISP (8.52%), and gaming (5.66%), 3 TYPES OF PHISHING
and the top country hosting phishing sites
Since the first incident of phishing in 1996 [3],
was the U.S [4]. According to estimates, 5% of
phishing has evolved and now has several dif-
adults in the U.S fall prey to phishing every
ferent classifications.
year [5], and with total damages of $3.2 billion
in 2007 alone [6].
The brand and reputation of a business is
damaged by its customers becoming targets This variation of phishing involves some re-
of phishing scams. The experience can make connaissance, planning and information-
users wary of fraud, making them less likely gathering in advance of casting the bait, and
to do business online, which in turn means is so called because it is more specific than
loss of revenue for the company. spam phishing. The information may be pub-
lically available from social networking sites,
New types and techniques of phishing attacks
or may be obtained by methods of social en-
are continuously being developed and uti-
gineering. This information is then used to
lized. Businesses must be proactive in defend-
ing against such attacks.
craft a specific email the content of which ei- a target audience, compromising it, and ex-
ther appeals to the interests of the particular ploiting vulnerabilities in visitors browsers
user or seems to be genuinely addressed to extract credentials and install malware.
them, making them more likely to fall for the
3.2 ROCK PHISH This term refers to any sort of phishing attack
that abuses the DNS lookup process for a par-
Rock-phishing involves purchasing several ticular domain name. This can either be done
domains which are a random mixture of al- by redirecting the users DNS to a malicious
phanumeric characters. All of these domains server, hacking an existing, legitimate DNS
are used to make URLs with unique identifi- server, or by changing the PCs hosts file
ers, and these URLs resolve the single IP ad- through malware.
dress of a compromised machine. When that
machine is removed, the DNS is adjusted to
another machine in the botnet. Rock Phish
was also the name of a phishing gang. On av- When top-level executives or high-value tar-
erage, Rock Phish sites stay live for longer gets are the victims, phishing becomes whal-
than typical ones [12]. ing. This technique is homonymous with
whaling, the hunting of whales, which are
3.3 FAST-FLUX large fish.
or look-alike domains [1], however they may 4.6 PHLASHING (FLASH-BASED PHISHING
be a random selection of words and alphanu-
meric characters.
Since it is relatively easy to detect phishing
4.2 INSTANT MESSAGING AND SOCIAL sites that are copies of genuine sites through
automated software, a new form of phishing
NETWORKING which involves using flash-based sites
The same underlying principle as the emerged. Flash-based sites are not as easily
email/spam technique can be used with In- recognized as HTML phishing sites by spe-
stant Messaging or Social Networking ac- cialized software. This breed of attacks was
counts being used instead of email accounts. first seen in 2006 [14].
sent through the attacker and can therefore generate a regularly varying component. Cer-
be compromised. tain banks have implemented a system
whereby customers are given a number of
Transaction Numbers (TANs) every month,
to approve single transactions [15].
Public places such as cafs and airport often
have public Wi-Fi services. An attacker can 5.1.2 BROWSER PLUGINS
easily set up their own Wi-Fi hotspot in this Certain anti-phishing browser plugins exist
area with the same SSID and authentication that use crowd-sourced and phishing black-
(if present). Credentials of any users that con- list databases to determine that authenticity
nect to the network and visit certain websites of a website, and warn users of potentially
can be sniffed. fake sites, or block them altogether.
5.2.1 LEXICAL ANALYSIS Phishing is an ever-increasing and evolving
threat to businesses. It takes advantage of hu-
Recognition of common word patterns and
man behaviors such as curiosity, trust or com-
phrases in phishing messages is one of the
earliest methods of spam and phishing detec-
tion. As these attacks develop in complexity, the
world is also taking positive steps in anti-
5.2.2 SENDER REPUTATION ANALYSIS phishing efforts. There are several organiza-
Some phishing senders have a certain pattern tions committed to fighting online fraud such
to their domain names, and these may be as the Internet Crime Complaint Center, Na-
blacklisted on well-known sites: tional Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance,
and the Anti-Phishing Working Group. Although there isnt an all-encompassing technology to stop phishing, a mixture of best
practices, constant diligence, and correct ap-
Permutations of existing domains are also plication of the latest technologies can reduce
ideal candidates for phishing use. the frequency of phishing attacks and the en-
suing loss.
Most email providers avail the services of se-
curity companies that provide online scan-
ning of all incoming and outgoing attach-
Saudi Arabian study," in 23rd Australasian
7 REFERENCES Conference on Information Systems, 2012.
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