WL-5450AP: User's Manual

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Wireless Access Point

User’s Manual

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

FCC Certifications
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
y Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
y Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
y Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
y Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement

This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and
your body.

CE Mark Warning
This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which
case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
All trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective proprietors.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notification.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Declaration of Conformity
We, Manufacturer/Importer
OvisLink Corp.
5F., NO.6, Lane 130, Min-Chuan Rd.,
Hsin-Tien City, Taipei County, Taiwan
Declare that the product
Wireless AP
AirLive WL-5460AP , WL-5450AP
is in conformity with
In accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive and 1999/5 EC-R & TTE Directive

Clause Description
■ EN 300 328 V1.6.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
(2004-11) Wideband transmission equipment operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band
And using spread spectrum modulation techniques; Part 1:technical
Characteristics and test conditions Part2:Harmonized EN covering
Essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive

■ EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
(2002-08) Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) standard for radio equipment and
■ EN 301 489-17 V1.2.1 Services; Part 17:Specific conditions for wideband data and
(2002-08) HIPERLAN equipment

■ EN 55022: 1998/A1 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance

:2000/A2:2003 characteristics of information technology equipment

■ EN 55024:1998/A1 Information Technology equipment-Immunity characteristics-Limits and

:2001/A2:2003 Methods of measurement

■ EN 50385 Product standard to demonstrate the Compliance of radio base

stations and Fixed terminal stations for wireless Telecommunication
System with the Basic restrictions or the reference levels related to
human exposure to radio Frequency electromagnetic fields ( 110 MHz
– 40 GHz ) - General public

■ EN 60950-1:2001/ Safety for information technology equipment including electrical

A11:2004 business equipment

■ CE marking


Name : Albert Yeh
Position/ Title : Vice President Date: 2005/8/17
AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP CE Declaration Statement
Country Declaration Country Declaration
cs OvisLink Corp. tímto prohlašuje, že tento AirLive lt Šiuo OvisLink Corp. deklaruoja, kad šis AirLive WL-
Česky [Czech] WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP je ve shodě se Lietuvių 5460AP / WL-5450AP atitinka esminius reikalavimus
základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými [Lithuanian] ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.
da Undertegnede OvisLink Corp. erklærer herved, nl Hierbij verklaart OvisLink Corp. dat het toestel AirLive
Dansk [Danish] at følgende udstyr AirLive WL-5460AP / WL- Nederlands [Dutch WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP in overeenstemming is
5450AP overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante
relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
de Hiermit erklärt OvisLink Corp., dass sich das mt Hawnhekk, OvisLink Corp, jiddikjara li dan AirLive
Deutsch Gerät AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP in Malti [Maltese] WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet
[German] Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li
Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG
et Käesolevaga kinnitab OvisLink Corp. seadme hu Az OvisLink Corporation kijelenti, hogy az AirLive
Eesti [Estonian] AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP vastavust Magyar WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP megfelel az 1999/05/CE
direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud [Hungarian] irányelv alapvető követelményeinek és egyéb
direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele vonatkozó rendelkezéseinek.
en Hereby, OvisLink Corp., declares that this AirLive pl Niniejszym OvisLink Corp oświadcza, że AirLive WL-
English WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP is in compliance with Polski [Polish] 5460AP / WL-5450AP jest zgodny z zasadniczymi
the essential requirements and other relevant wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
es Por medio de la presente OvisLink Corp. declara pt OvisLink Corp declara que este AirLive WL-5460AP /
Español que el AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP cumple Português WL-5450AP está conforme com os requisitos
[Spanish] con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera [Portuguese] essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva
otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la 1999/5/CE.
Directiva 1999/5/CE.
el ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ OvisLink Corp. ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ sl OvisLink Corp izjavlja, da je ta AirLive WL-5460AP /
Ελληνική [Greek] ΟΤΙ AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP Slovensko WL-5450AP v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in
ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ [Slovenian] ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.
fr Par la présente OvisLink Corp. déclare que sk OvisLink Corp týmto vyhlasuje, že AirLive WL-
Français [French] l'appareil AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP est Slovensky [Slovak] 5460AP / WL-5450AP spĺňa základné požiadavky a
conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive
it Con la presente OvisLink Corp. dichiara che fi OvisLink Corp vakuuttaa täten että AirLive WL-
Italiano [Italian] questo AirLive WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP è Suomi [Finnish] 5460AP / WL-5450AP tyyppinen laite on direktiivin
conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien
disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen
lv Ar šo OvisLink Corp. deklarē, ka AirLive WL- Hér með lýsir OvisLink Corp yfir því að AirLive WL-
Latviski [Latvian] 5460AP / WL-5450AP atbilst Direktīvas Íslenska [Icelandic] 5460AP / WL-5450AP er í samræmi við grunnkröfur
1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.
saistītajiem noteikumiem.
sv Härmed intygar OvisLink Corp. att denna AirLive no OvisLink Corp erklærer herved at utstyret AirLive WL-
Svenska WL-5460AP / WL-5450AP står I Norsk [Norwegian] 5460AP / WL-5450AP er i samsvar med de
[Swedish] överensstämmelse med de väsentliga grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i
egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta direktiv 1999/5/EF.
bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv

A copy of the full CE report can be obtained from the following address:
OvisLink Corp.
5F, No.6 Lane 130,
Min-Chuan Rd, Hsin-Tien City,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

This equipment may be used in AT, BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK,
Table of Content
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 4 

1.1 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 
1.2 APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 
1.3 PARTS NAMES AND FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 6 

CHAPTER II: HARDWARE CONNECTION ........................................................................................................ 9 

2.1 CHECK THE LEDS: .................................................................................................................................................. 9 

CHAPTER III: ABOUT THE OPERATION MODES .......................................................................................... 10 

3.1 ACCESS POINT MODE ............................................................................................................................................ 10 

3.2 WDS REPEATER MODE ......................................................................................................................................... 11 
3.3 CLIENT MODE (INFRASTRUCTURE) ........................................................................................................................ 12 
3.4 CLIENT MODE (AD-HOC) ....................................................................................................................................... 13 
3.5 WDS BRIDGE MODE.............................................................................................................................................. 13 

CHAPTER IV: CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 14 

4.1 LOGIN ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 
4.2 STATUS .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 
4.2.1 System .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 
4.2.2 System Log .................................................................................................................................................. 16 
4.2.3 Statistics....................................................................................................................................................... 16 
4.3 WIRELESS .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 
4.3.1 Basic Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 17 
4.3.2 Advanced Settings .................................................................................................................................... 18 
4.3.3 Security ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 
4.3.4 Access Control ........................................................................................................................................... 23 
4.3.5 Site Survey ................................................................................................................................................... 24 
4.3.6 WDS Setting ................................................................................................................................................ 24 
4.4 TCP/IP ................................................................................................................................................................... 26 
4.4.1 Basic .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 
4.5 OTHER .................................................................................................................................................................... 28 
4.5.1 Upgrade Firmware ..................................................................................................................................... 28 
4.5.2 Save/Reload Settings ................................................................................................................................ 28 
4.5.3 Password ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Chapter I: Introduction
AirLive WL-5450AP is an IEEE802.11b/g compliant 11 Mbps & 54 Mbps Ethernet Wireless Access Point.
The Wireless Access Point is equipped with two 10/100 M Auto-sensing Ethernet ports for connecting to LAN
and also for cascading to next Wireless Access Point.

AirLive WL-5450AP provides 64/128bit WEP encryption, WPA and IEEE802.1x which ensures a high level of
security to protect users’ data and privacy. The MAC Address filter prevents the unauthorized MAC
Addresses from accessing your Wireless LAN. Your network security is therefore double assured.
The web-based management utility is provided for easy configuration that your wireless network connection is
ensured to be always solid and hassle free.
1.1 Features
1. Two LAN ports for Wireless AP cascade.
2. Support WPA.
3. Support AP client mode.
4. Support WDS for bridge mode.

5. Support data rate automatic fallback.

6. Automatic channel selection.
7. Client access control.

8. Support 802.1x/Radius client with EAP-TLS, TKIP, AES encryption.

9. Support IAPP.
10. Adjustable Tx power, Tx rate, and SSID broadcast.
11. Allow WEP 64/128 bit.

• Web interface management.

12. Support System event log and statistics.

13. MAC filtering (For wireless only).

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

1.2 Application
Example 1

Example 2

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

1.3 Parts Names and Functions
1. Front Panel: (LED Indicators)

LED Status
Indicator Color Solid Flashing
1 Power Green Turns solid green when power is N/A.
applied to this device.
2 Status Red Turns solid red when the device is
booting, after boot successfully, the
light turn off.
3~6 Link/Act. Green Turns solid green when connected Receiving/
Wireless and associated to at least a client Sending data
WEP/WPA Orange Turns solid orange when wireless N/A
security is enabled.
MAC Ctrl Orange Turns solid orange when MAC Control N/A
is enabled.
Bridge / Orange Turn solid orange when Bridge or N/A
Repeater Repeater is enabled.
7 LAN 1 Turns solid green when linked to a Receiving/
8 LAN 2 local network. Sending data

Table 1: LED Indicators

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

2. Rear Panel: Connection Ports

Port/button Functions
A 12V DC Connects the power adapter plug
B LAN1 Connects to Ethernet
C LAN2 Connects to Ethernet
D (Factory) Press over 3 seconds to reboot this device.
RESET Press for over 10 seconds to restore factory settings.
Performing the Factory Reset will erase all previously entered
device settings.

Table 2: Connection Ports

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

1.4 Factory Default Settings
Setting Wireless Access Point
Device Name WL-5450AP
SSID Default value: airlive

WEP Default value: Disabled

IP Address
192.168.100. 252

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Chapter II: Hardware Connection
Note: Before you starting hardware connection, you are advised to find an appropriate location to place the
Access Point. Usually, the best place for the Access Point is at the center of your wireless network, with line of
straight to all your wireless stations. Also, remember to adjust the antenna; usually the higher the antenna is
placed, the better will be the performance.

1. Connect to your local area network: connect a Ethernet cable to one of the Ethernet port (LAN1 or
LAN2) of this Wireless Access Point, and the other end to a hub, switch, router, or another wireless access

2. Power on the device: connect the included AC power adapter to the Wireless Access Point’s power port
and the other end to a wall outlet.

3. Configure your PC: Make sure your local PC(s) has wireless network adapter installed.

2.1 Check the LEDs:

The Power and LAN # LEDs should be ON. LAN# LED will even blink if there is traffic.

The Link/Act LED will be on in static when associated with a station and blink whenever this AP receives data
packets in the air.

If the Status LED glows after self-test , it means this Wireless Access Point fails on self test. Please ask
your dealer for technical support.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Chapter III: About the Operation Modes
This device provides four operational applications with Access Point, Bridge, Client (Ad-hoc) and Client
(Infrastructure) modes, which are mutually exclusive.
This device is shipped with configuration that is functional right out of the box. If you want to change the
settings in order to perform more advanced configuration or even change the mode of operation, you can use
the web-based utility provided by the manufacturer as described in the following sections.

3.1 Access Point Mode

When acting as an access point, this device connects all the stations (PC/notebook with wireless network
adapter) to a wired network. All stations can have the Internet access if only the Access Point has the Internet
See the sample application below.
To set the operation mode to Access Point, please go to “Wireless JBasic Settings”, in the “Mode” field
click the down arrow b to select AP mode.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

3.2 WDS Repeater Mode
Refer to the illustration below. While acting as Bridges, AP1 (with Station 1 being associated to) and AP2
(with Station 2 being associated) can communicate with each other through wireless interface (with WDS).
Thus Station 1 can communicate with Station 2 and both Station 1 and Station 2 are able to access the
Internet if only AP1 or AP2 has the Internet connection.
To set the operation mode to Bridge, please go to “Wireless JBasic Settings”, in the “Mode” field click the
down arrow b to select AP mode. And go to “Wireless JWDS Settings” to enable WDS.
To act as Bridge, both AP1 and AP2 must have WDS enabled and add each other as its WDS Access
Point. (e.g. Add AP2’s MAC address to AP1’s “WDS AP List” and vice versa)

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

3.3 Client Mode (Infrastructure)
If set to Client (Infrastructure) mode, this device can work like a wireless station when it’s connected to a
computer so that the computer can send packets from wired end to wireless interface.

Refer to the illustration below. This station (AP1 plus the connected computer 1) can associate to another
Access Point (AP2), and then can have the Internet access if the other Access Point (AP2) has the Internet
To set the operation mode to Client (Infrastructure), please go to “Wireless JBasic Settings”, in the
“Mode” field click the down arrow b to select Client mode, and then select “Network Type” as

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

3.4 Client Mode (Ad-hoc)
If set to the Client (Ad-hoc) mode, this device can work like a wireless station when it is connected to a
computer so that the computer can send packets from wired end to wireless interface. You can share files
and printers between wireless stations (PC and laptop with wireless network adapter installed).
See the sample application below.
To set the operation mode to Client (Ad-hoc), please go to “Wireless JBasic Settings”, in the “Mode” field
click the down arrow b to select Client mode, and then select Network Type as “Ad-hoc”.

3.5 WDS Bridge Mode

The WDS (Wireless Distributed System) function let this access point acts as a wireless LAN access point
and repeater at the same time. Users can use this feature to build up a large wireless network in a large space
like airports, hotels and schools …etc. This feature is also useful when users want to bridge networks
between buildings where it is impossible to deploy network cable connections between these buildings.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Chapter IV: Configuration
4.1 Login
1. Start your computer. Connect an Ethernet cable between your computer and the Wireless Access Point.
2. Make sure your wired station is set to the same subnet as the Wireless Access Point, i.e.
3. Start your WEB browser. In the Address box, enter the following:

The configuration menu is divided into four categories: Status, Wireless, TCP/IP, and Other settings.
Click on the desired setup item to expand the page in the main navigation page. The setup pages
covered in this utility are described below.

4.2 Status
In this screen, you can see the current settings and status of this Access Point. You can change settings
by selecting specific tab described in below.
4.2.1 System

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Uptime The time period since the device was up.
Firmware Version The current version of the firmware installed in this device.
Wireless Configuration
Wireless Mode There are four modes supported, Access Point, Client (Ad-hoc and
Infrastructure), WDS Bridge and WDS repeater. The default mode is Access
Point. If you want to change to bridge mode, please go to Wireless/WDS Setting
to enable the WDS function.
SSID The SSID differentiates one WLAN from another; therefore, all access points and
all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN must use the same SSID. It is
case-sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters. A device will not be permitted
to join the BSS unless it can provide the unique SSID. An SSID is also referred to
as a network name because essentially it is a name that identifies a wireless
Channel Number The number of channels supported depends on the region of this Access Point. All
stations communicating with the Access Point must use the same channel.
Encryption WEP Encryption (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is set to Disabled by default. When
WEP is enabled, data packet is encrypted
before being transmitted. The WEP prevents data packets from being
eavesdropped by unrelated people. By using WEP data encryption, there may be a
significant degradation of the data throughput on the wireless link.
Associated Clients Displays the total number of clients associated to this AP. You can have up to 64
clients to associate to this Access Point.
BSSID BSSID displays the ID of current BSS, which uniquely identifies each BSS. In AP
mode, this value is the MAC address of this Access Point.
TCP/IP Configuration
IP Protocol Display the method to get the IP of this AP, which could be obtained by Fixed-IP or
br0 IP Address Current IP address for this Access Point
br0 Subnet Mask Current Subnet mask for this Access Point
br0 Default Gateway Default Gateway for this Access Point
br0 MAC Address The MAC Address for this Access Point

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.2.2 System Log
This page display log events with time when events happened, log events’ types, log sources and the
description for events themselves. System manager can use the system log to trace when problems occur.

4.2.3 Statistics
The Statistics table shows the packets sent/received over wireless and ethernet LAN respectively.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.3 Wireless
4.3.1 Basic Settings
This page includes all primary and major parameters. Any parameter change will cause the device to reboot
for the new settings to take effect.

Disable Wireless LAN Check the box to disable the Wireless LAN Interface, by so doing, you won’t
Interface be able to make wireless connection with this Access Point in the network
you are located. In other words, this device will not be visible by any
wireless station.
Band You can choose one mode of the following you need.
~ 2.4GHz (B): 802.11b supported rate only.
~ 2.4GHz (G): 802.11g supported rate only.
~ 2.4GHz (B+G): 802.11b supported rate and 802.11g supported rate.
The default is 2.4GHz (B+G) mode.
Mode This Wireless Access Point can support four modes AP, Client, Bridge and
Repeater. (Refer to page 7-11 for detailed information)
Network Type When in Client mode, you can select between Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure.
SSID The SSID differentiates one WLAN from another; therefore, all access
points and all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN must use
the same SSID. It is case-sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters. A
device will not be permitted to join the BSS unless it can provide the unique
SSID. An SSID is also referred to as a network name because essentially it
is a name that identifies a wireless network.
Region Domain The AP’s domain determines the channel number.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Channel Number Allow user to set the channel manually or automatically.
If set channel manually, just select the channel you want to specify.
If “Auto” is selected, user can set the channel range to have Wireless
Access Point automatically survey and choose the channel with best
situation for communication.
The number of channels supported depends on the region of this Access
Point. All stations communicating with the Access Point must use the same
…Enable Mac Clone (Single If your ISP restricts service to PCs only, use the MAC Clone feature to copy
Ethernet Client) a PC Media
Access Control (MAC) address to your router. This procedure will cause the
router to appear
as a single PC, while allowing online access to multiple computers on your

Apply Changes Press to save the new settings on the screen.

Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply

4.3.2 Advanced Settings

It is not recommended that settings in this page to be changed unless advanced users want to change to
meet their wireless environment for optimal performance

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Authentication Type
To provide a certain level of security, the IEEE 802.11 standard has defined
two types of authentication methods, Open System and Shared Key. With
Open System authentication, a wireless PC can join any network and receive
any messages that are not encrypted. With Shared Key authentication, only
those PCs that possess the correct authentication key can join the network. By
default, IEEE 802.11 wireless devices operate in an Open System network.

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) data encryption is used when the wireless
devices are configured to operate in Shared Key authentication mode.

If the Access Point is using Open System, then the wireless adapter will need
to be set to the same authentication mode.

Shared Key is used when both the sender and the recipient share a secret

Select Auto for the network adapter to select the Authentication mode
automatically depending on the Access Point Authentication mode.

Fragment Threshold Fragmentation mechanism is used for improving the efficiency when high
traffic flows along in the wireless network. If your 802.11g Wireless LAN PC
Card often transmit large files in wireless network, you can enter new
Fragment Threshold value to split the packet. The value can be set from
256 to 2346. The default value is 2346.
RTS Threshold RTS Threshold is a mechanism implemented to prevent the “Hidden Node”
problem. “Hidden Node” is a situation in which two stations are within range of
the same Access Point, but are not within range of each other. Therefore, they
are hidden nodes for each other. When a station starts data transmission with
the Access Point, it might not notice that the other station is already using the
wireless medium. When these two stations send data at the same time, they
might collide when arriving simultaneously at the Access Point. The collision
will most certainly result in a loss of messages for both stations.

Thus, the RTS Threshold mechanism provides a solution to prevent data

collisions. When you enable RTS Threshold on a suspect “hidden station”,
this station and its Access Point will use a Request to Send (RTS). The station
will send an RTS to the Access Point, informing that it is going to transmit the
data. Upon receipt, the Access Point will respond with a CTS message to all
station within its range to notify all other stations to defer transmission. It will
also confirm the requestor station that the Access Point has reserved it for the
time-frame of the requested transmission.

If the “Hidden Node” problem is an issue, please specify the packet size. The

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

RTS mechanism will be activated if the data size exceeds the value you set..
The default value is 2347.

Warning: Enabling RTS Threshold will cause redundant network overhead

that could negatively affect the throughput performance instead of providing
a remedy.

This value should remain at its default setting of 2347. Should you encounter
inconsistent data flow, only minor modifications of this value are recommended.

Beacon Interval Beacon Interval is the amount of time between beacon transmissions. Before
a station enters power save mode, the station needs the beacon interval to
know when to wake up to receive the beacon (and learn whether there are
buffered frames at the access point).
Data Rate By default, the unit adaptively selects the highest possible rate for
transmission. Select the basic rates to be used among the following options:
Auto, 1, 2, 5.5, 11or 54 Mbps. For most networks the default setting is Auto
which is the best choice. When Auto is enabled the transmission rate will
select the optimal rate. If obstacles or interference are present, the system will
automatically fall back to a lower rate.
Preamble Type A preamble is a signal used in wireless environment to synchronize the
transmitting timing including Synchronization and Start frame delimiter. In a
"noisy" network environment, the Preamble Type should be set to Long
Preamble. The Short Preamble is intended for applications where minimum
overhead and maximum performance is desired. If in a "noisy" network
environment, the performance will be decreased.
Broadcast SSID Select enabled to allow all the wireless stations to detect the SSID of this
Access Point.
IAPP IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) is designed for the enforcement of unique
association throughout a ESS (Extended Service Set) and a secure exchange
of station’s security context between current access point (AP) and new AP
during handoff period.
802.11g Protection The 802.11g standard includes a protection mechanism to ensure mixed 802.11b and

802.11g operation. If there is no such kind of mechanism exists, the two kinds of
standards may mutually interfere and decrease network’s performance.

Apply Change Press to save the new settings on the screen.

Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.3.3 Security
Here you can configure the security of your wireless network. Selecting different method will enable you to
have different level of security. Please note that by using any encryption, by which data packet is encrypted
before transmission to prevent data packets from being eavesdropped by unrelated people, there may be a
significant degradation of the data throughput on the wireless link.

Encryption: None (Encryption is set to None by default.)

If Use 802.1x Authentication is selected, the RADIUS Server will proceed to check the 802.1x

Encryption: WEP
If WEP is selected, users will have to Set WEP keys either manually, or select to Use 802.1x Authentication
to make the RADIUS server to issue the WEP key dynamically.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

ƒ Click the Set WEP Keys will prompt you a window to set 64bit or 128bit

ƒ Select HEX if you are using hexadecimal numbers (0-9, or A-F). Select
ASCII if you are using ASCII characters (case-sensitive).

ƒ Ten hexadecimal digits or five ASCII characters are needed if 64-bit

WEP is used; 26 hexadecimal digits or 13 ASCII characters are needed if
128-bit WEP is used.

Encryption: WPA (TKIP)

WPA (TKIP): If WPA is selected, users will have to select the Authentication modes between Enterprise
(RADIUS) and Personal (Pre-shared Key).

Pre-shared Key Pre-Shared-Key serves as a password. Users may key in a 8 to 63 characters

string to set the password or leave it blank, in which the 802.1x Authentication will
be activated. Make sure the same password is used on client's end.
There are two formats for choice to set the Pre-shared key, i.e. Passphrase and
Hex. If Hex is selected, users will have to enter a 64 characters string. For easier
configuration, the Passphrase (at least 8 characters) format is recommended.
Group Key Life Time Enter the number of seconds that will elapse before the group key change
automatically. The default is 86400 seconds.
Enable The two most important features beyond WPA to become standardized through
Pre-Authentication 802.11i/WPA2 are: pre-authentication, which enables secure fast roaming without
noticeable signal latency.
Preauthentication provides a way to establish a PMK security association before a
client associates. The advantage is that the client reduces the time that it's
disconnected to the network.
Authentication Port: Enter the RADIUS Server’s port number provided by your ISP. The default is
RADIUS Server 1812.
IP Address: Enter the RADIUS Server’s IP Address provided by your ISP.
Password: Enter the password that the AP shares with the RADIUS Server.

Apply Change Press to save the new settings on the screen.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply Change.
4.3.4 Access Control
When Enable Wireless Access Control is checked, only those clients whose wireless MAC addresses listed
in the access control list can access this Access Point. If the list contains no entries with this function being
enabled, then no clients will be able to access this Access Point.

Wireless Access Select the Access Control Mode from the pull-down menu.
Control Mode Disable: Select to disable Wireless Access Control Mode.

Allow Listed: Only the stations shown in the table can associate with the AP.

Deny Listed: Stations shown in the table won’t be able to associate with the AP.

MAC Address Enter the MAC Address of a station that is allowed to access this Access Point.
Comment You may enter up to 20 characters as a remark to the previous MAC Address.
Apply Changes Press to save the new settings on the screen.
Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply Change.
Delete Selected To delete clients from access to this Access Point, you may firstly check the Select
checkbox next to the MAC address and Comments, and press Delete Selected.
Delete All To delete all the clients from access to this Access Point, just press Delete All
without selecting the checkbox.
Reset If you have made any selection, press Reset will clear all the select mark.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.3.5 Site Survey
Site survey displays all the active Access Points and IBSS in the neighborhood. When you are in the client
mode, you can select one AP to associate.
Press Refresh to get the latest information.

4.3.6 WDS Setting

To enable WDS function will let this AP enter “Bridge Mode”. Two APs in bridge modes can communicate
with each other through wireless interface. That is, two stations associated to different AP in bridge mode can
communicate with each other.

† Enable WDS Check the checkbox to enable WDS, all of the WDS settings in this screen can
be enabled only when WDS or AP+WDS is selected in Wireless Basic Settings
screen (See page 19).
Add WDS AP MAC Address: Enter the MAC Address for the Access Point to establish WDS
Comment: You may enter up to 20 characters as a remark to the previous MAC

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Apply Changes Press to save the new settings on the screen.
Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply
Set Security Click to set the WDS security, please refer to the previous Wireless Security
Setup section (Page 27).

Show Statistics Click to show the detailed information for each WDS AP.

Current WDS AP List The added Access Points for participating WDS with this Access Point are
Delete Selected You can delete the WDS Access Points listed above by marking the checkbox.
Delete All You can delete all of the WDS Access Points listed above.
Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.4 TCP/IP
4.4.1 Basic
In this page, you can change the TCP/IP settings of this Access Point, select to enable/disable the DHCP
Client, 802.1d Spanning Tree, and Clone MAC Address.

IP Address This field can be modified only when DHCP Client is disabled. If your system
manager assigned you static IP settings, then you will have to enter the
information provided.
Subnet Mask Enter the information provided by your system manager.
Default Gateway Enter the information provided by your system manager.
DHCP Select Disable, Client or Server from the pull-down menu.
Disable: Select to disable DHCP server function.
Client: Select to automatically get the LAN port IP address from ISP (For
ADSL/Cable Modem).
Server: Select to enable DHCP server function.
DHCP Client WL-5450AP IP addresses continuing from to
Show Client Click to show Active DHCP Client table.
DNS Server Enter the Domain Name Service IP address.
802.1d Spanning To enable 802.1d Spanning Tree will prevent the network from infinite loops.
Tree Infinite loop will happen in the network when WDS is enabled and there are
multiple active paths between stations.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

Clone MAC You can specify the MAC address of your Access Point to replace the factory
Address setting.
Apply Change Press to save the new settings on the screen.
Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

4.5 Other
4.5.1 Upgrade Firmware

1. Download the latest firmware from your distributor and save the file on the hard drive.
2. Start the browser, open the configuration page, click on Other, and click Upgrade Firmware to enter
the Upgrade Firmware window. Enter the new firmware’s path and file name (i.e.
C:\FIRMWARE\firmware.bin). Or, click the Browse button, find and open the firmware file (the
browser will display to correct file path).
3. Click Reset to clear all the settings on this page. Or click Upload to start the upgrade.
4.5.2 Save/Reload Settings

This function enables users to save the current configurations as a file (i.e. config.dat) To load
configuration from a file, enter the file name or click Browse… to find the file from your computer.
Save Settings to File: Click SAVE.. to save the current configuration to file.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

When prompted the upper left screen, select “Save this file to disk”, and the upper right screen will
prompt you a dialog box to enter the file name and the file location.

Load Settings From File: Click Browse… if you want to load a pre-saved file, enter the file name with the
correct path and then click on Upload. Or click Browse… to select the file.

Reset: Click to restore the default configuration.

4.5.3 Password
For secure reason, it is recommended that you set the account to access the web server of this Access Point.
Leaving the user name and password blank will disable the protection. The login screen prompts immediately
once you finish setting the account and password. Remember your user name and password for you will be
asked to enter them every time you access the web server of this Access Point.

User Name Enter your new user name to access the web server. User name can be up to 30
characters long. User name can contain letter, number and space. It is case
New Password Set your new password. Password can be up to 30 characters long. Password can
contain letter, number and space. It is case sensitive.
Confirm Password Re-enter the new password for confirmation.
Apply Change Press to save the new settings on the screen.
Reset Press to discard the data you have entered since last time you press Apply Change.

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

AirLive WL-5450AP User’s Manual

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