P) Eiemiee (: Shot Peening Intensity Measurement

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Shot Peening Intensity Measurement
Jack Champaigne

I ( Shot Peening Intensity

Measurement.. . Page 1
Electronics Incorporated/The Shot Peener

[Excerpts from U.S. Patent 2,350,440 of shot in its relation to the work being peened. The
by J.O. Almen on Shot Blasting
- Test] basis of measurement of these properties is as follows:
If a flat piece of steel is clamped to a solid block and

The Development s is well known, cold working by shot
of NewType Almen blasting improvesfatigue durability of ma- exposed to a blast of shot, it will be curved upon
Strip for Measurement chine parts. Its effectiveness depends removal from the block. The curvature will be convex
of Peening lntensity upon producing a thin surface layer stressed in on the peened side. The extent of this curvature on a
on Hard Shot Peening.. compression by the peening action of the shot. This standard sample serves as a means of measurement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 peening action varies with the velocity of the shot, of the blast. The degreeof curvaturedepends uponthe
with the size of theshot, and with the number of shot properties of the blast, the properties of the test strip,
directed at the work. To assure that the operation will and the nature of exposure to the blast, as described
be properly performed, it is desirable to be able in a below. Properties of the:
Creating an In-HouseShot simple and inexpensive mannerto measure intensity
Peening Specification for of shot blasting. Likewise it is necessary that manu-
Gears.. . . . . . . . .Page 13 facturing standards beset and that engineeringspeci- Blast Exposure Test Strip
fication show the extent of shot blastina rewired for
a given piece of work. To meet these 2emands the Velocity Time Dimensions

1 Company Profile
GMA Industries. . . . . . . .
present invention has for its object the provision 01
instrumentation and a plan for use whereby the
effectiveness of shot blasting can be easily andI
Flow Rate

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23 quickly measured.

When the effectiveness or intensity of a shot blast
operation determined, whether for initially Kind
Excerpt from Bambi.. . . . setting standards or for checking to meet given
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24 specifications, it is here proposed to submit to the -
shot blast one face only of a thin flat steel plate and
then gage the radius of curvature of the shot blasted
specimen. Prior to the test the opposite faces of the
News Release flat blade have surface layers substantially free from
Vacu-Blast. . . . . Page 26 unequal stress. Compacting or peening the surface
on one side only created an unbalance which causes
the initially flat plate to bow. The extent of bowing is
dependent upon the degree of compressive stress
Media Screening for Size and there is a measure of the intensity of the shot
Control . . . . . . . .Page 27 blasting operation. Gaging the height of the arc
between predetermined points indicates the radius STRIP THICKNESS (IN) THICKNESS (MM)
of curvature of the test specimen and reflects the
result of the peening action. After the procedure is N STRIP ,031 f ,001 .79 +.005
accurately charted, tests may be made quickly and A STRIP ,051 f.OO1 1.29 +.005
Letters To
The Editor.. . . . . Page 30 without the exercise of special skill. C STRIP ,094 f .OOl5 2.39 +.02

Figure 1
Standard test strips N,A, and C
From the Desk of
Jack Champaigne. . . . . . HOLDER

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 31
I 1/2
News Release
Rotex Inc.. . . . . . Page 34 L
~ o t e s ... . . . . . . .Page 35 A8BEYBL.ED TEST
[Excerpts from SAE document J442]
The control of a peening machine operation is prima- Figure 2
rily a matter of the control of the properties of a blast Test strip holder
- ----
- - - - - -- -
The concept of intensity is sometimes hard to grasp. It must be
realized that intensity is a measure of the shot blast stream energy,
proportional to mass and velocity, and is not afunction of coverage.
The intensity of a single shot Impact is the same as the intensity of
a large stream of shot. Obviously the force applied to the surface will
be much higher in the latter case, but the intensity is the same It is
the intensity of the shot particle that allows the creation of a d
in the target surface. Also, the diameter of the dimple is di
related to the shot intensity.
The use of thermometers to measure temperature is similar to the
use of Almen strips for intensity measurement. Just as a thermom-
0 . m 0.004 0 . W 0.012 0.016 0.m 0.024 eter must be subjected tothe heat source for asuff icient time to reach
INTENSITY. C or N equilibrium, the Almen strip must receive enough surface coverage
to reach equilibrium. Once the surface of the Almen strip has
Figure 3 received enough dimples it is said to be saturated. Additional
Relationship between test strips N, A, and C dimpling will not produce additional strip curvature.

Measurement of human body temperature, normally near 98.6

degrees F, is made by placing the thermometer under the tongue for
approximately one minute. Shorter time periods may not allow the
thermometer to achieve its final (accurate) reading. The same
technique must be applied to shot peening. (Be careful to not
swallow the Almen strip after placing it under your tongue.)

The exposure of Almen strips to the shot blast must be done for a
sufficient time to allow saturation. The only way to assure that
saturation has occurred isto use several strips and expose each strip
to longer and longer periods of shot blast. Graphing the results
allows interpretation of the data and a reading of intensity can be

Intensity is defined as the first point of the curve that, if the exposure
time is doubled, the arc height increases by 10%. Experience will
also show that this is also the approximate time required for the
Almen strip to receive 100% surface denting, as would be expected.
Figure 4
Gage for determining the curvature of the test strip
- - - - U- n . - -
- - - - - - 10%
The curvature of the strip is determined by a measurement of the I
height of the combined longitudinal and transverse arcs across I
standard chords. This arc height is obtained by measuring the I
displacement of a central point on the nonpeened surface from the I
plane of four balls forming the corners of a particular rectangle. (This I
gage is commonly referred to as the Almen Gage No. 2. It super- I
sedes the Almen Gage No. 1.) To use this gage, the test strip is
located so that the indicator stem bears against the NONPEENED

We might question why the Alrnen graph curve is interpreted in this
way instead of referring to an asymptote. Referring back to our
description of shot peening, effective peening is done when the
largest and hardest shots, traveling at the highest speed strike the
surface at the most direct angle. Softer or smaller shots, traveling at
S lower speed or striking at shallower angles, do not contribute to the
peening effect. The saturation curve would approach an asymptote
if, and only if, all shot were of one size and one hardness traveling at
one speed and striking the surface at one angle. Since it would be
extremely difficult to maintain the above conditions, one would
S I R I S I S INDUCE ARCHING HEIGHT MEASUREMENT expect the saturation curve to continue to increase until some final
(C) quilibrium had been achieved. Also, there are examples of arc
!eights decreasing with (extremely) prolonged exposure times.
The standard designation of intensity measurement includes the
gage reading or arc height and the test strip used. It may be Various methods for gaging shot blast intensity include:
explained by the following example:
METHOD 1: To Determine Intensity-
1. Expose (4) or more Almen strips to the shot blast stream for
increasing amounts of exposure tlme and plot the data ontr
linear graph.
Almen Gage No. 2 2 Draw a best-fit curve through thedata Pints.
-Test Strip 3. Determinethe intensity as that point on the curve (not necessar-
Gage Reading ily a data point) that is at 10% of the curve when the exposure
time is doubled.

The Shot Peener * Volume 6 Issue 4

page 2
The arc height at this point is called INTENSITY and the
exposure time is called SATURATION time.
METHOD 2: To Confirm Intensity-
1. Expose one Almen strip at the saturation time as determined
((-\ Expose a second Almen strip at double the saturation time.
If the arc heights are within 10% of each other the confirmation
is valid.
4. If the arc heights are different by 10% or more you must return
to Method 1 to determine intensity using (4) points.
METHOD 3: To Confirm Consistency-
1. Construct SPC charts
Another process tool that is useful is statistical process control (SPC)
charting. This technique is appropriate for large quantity production.
One or more Almen strips are exposed to the blast stream and the
arc height is charted. The exposure time can be either the saturation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time or the time used to achieve piece part coverage (also called I Number of Cycles
machine cycle time). Saturation time and part coverage time are not Figure 6
necessarily equal. Components softer than Almen strip
SAE 1070 Cold Rolled Steel (Rc 44-50) will exhibit coverage faster
than the Almen strip. Conversely, components harder than the
Almen strip will take longer to exhibit coverage. Be sure to indicate
which method is used since results are likely to be differentforthetwo
The use of SPC charts can contribute much to the maintenance of
consistent processing. Changes in shot size, hardness or velocity
(velocity is a combination of speed and direction), will be displayed
and the process will be seen as "out of control".

The three methods outlined above are not equivalents. Each has its
proper application.

Method 1. Intensity (4-point graph)

Method 2. Confirmation (2-points)
Method 3. Consistency (SPC Chart)
Only the first procedure can truly be called intensity. It is the only
d 10
40 50
Number of Cycles
70 80
method described by MIL-S-13165 or SAE J442. The use of the
second or third method is done as a means of process verification or Figure 7
process control.
Before describing what is happening in this example let's explore an
The following data and graphs will illustrate the importance of the electrical engineering analogy. The voltage of a capacitor is a
distinctions made for the three procedures. Figure 5 shows data [unction of its charging current and time. A simple circuit consisting
taken for 10 machine cycles. It appears that saturation has been 3f a battery, a resistor and a capacitor can be compared to Almen
achieved and intensity may be interpreted as 16. Additional expo- strip saturation. However, as will be shown, a significant difference
sure time, however, discloses that this may not be the intensity. See s inherent. The final voltage of the capacitor will asymptotically
Figures 6 and 7. approach the battery voltage. But, the graph for intensity does not
appear to be asymptotic.

-et's examine the capacitor's voltage response. If the capacitor

loltage is initially zero and the battery is connected at time t=O, the
loltage on the capacitor will rise exponentially toward the battery
~oltage.See Figure 8. The curve for this graph is expressed as:

t = time
V = Voltage
V, = Final Voltage
R = Resistance (Ohms) 0.4

c = Capacitance (Farads) oa
e = natural number 2.7183 c.~

Figure 8

Theterm RC in the exponent is referred to asthe circuit timeconstant.

Mhen the time is equal to one time constant the value of that term is
:-I or .37. Electrical engineers are very familiar with this concept,
Figure 5 ~ n itd provides a quick estimate of capacitor voltage. The following

The Shot Peener Volume 6 Issue 4 Page 3

table shows typical values.
1. (4) points - Method 1 with graph & analysis
1 time constant = e-1 = .368 2. (1) point - exposure for saturation time
2 time constants = e-2 = .I35 3. (1) point - exposure for coverage (machine cycle) time
3 time constants = e-3 = .050
4 time constants = e-4 = .018 The above techniques can be enhanced by using multiple st
5 time constants = e-5 = .007 the same fixture location) and using averages. This allows c
As you can see, the capacitor voltage is slowly approaching the tion of range (max-min) and provides a more robust control c
battery voltage. It iscommon for engineers to declare"close enoughn ity.
at 4 to 5 time constants.
It should now be appreciated why Method 1, using a minimum of (4)
Unfortunately, Almen strips don't behave in the same manner, due Almen strips and construction of a graph is the ONLY method able
to shot size, hardness and velocity variations. In every peening to determine intensity. Method 2 (2-points) may be used to confirm
operation a small quantity of shot will be bigger, harder and have intensity but it may give misleading information. Method 3, SPC
higher velocity than the average. Repeated impacts by these shots charts, can reveal process capability, especially if the data measure-
will, slowly and surely, increase the arc height. ments are of high confidence. The highest confidence being in
intensity (Method 1) readings, followed by single point saturation
Refer back to Figure 8 to see how these "Higher Intensity" but "Few- readings and finally by single point coverage (machine cycle) read-
in-number" shots can prolong the determination of saturation. Mul- ings.
tiple knees, false indication of saturation can readily be seen.
Finally, some other physical factors must also be considered. It is
Another common mistake made in drawing the graph for saturation vitally important that accurate records be kept todescribe Almen strip
is shown in Figure 9. This graph shows (incorrectly) a point-to-point placement and nozzle (or wheel) placement and motion. If the
method of curve fitting. The preferred method is shown in Figure 10. operation is re-peening by someone other than the original equip-
A smooth curve, approximating a natural exponential response, is a ment manufacturer (OEM), care should be taken to insurethat similar
better representation of actual conditions. To see this more clearly techniques are used. Failure to duplicate the original set-up may
we repeat the trials shown in Figure 9 four times and plot the data produce invalid data.
points in Figure 10. It is reasonable to take the average of each data
point cluster, thus producing a smooth curve as shown, rather then CONCLUSION
choosing discrete data points.
Peening intensity can only be determined by using (4) or more
Almen strips and constructing and interpreting a graph. Peening
intensity can beconfirmed by using 2 Almen strips, one at saturation
time and one at double saturation time. Peening consistency can
be exhibited by use of SPC charts. Shot size, hardness and velocity
determine intensity. Exposure time for coverage may be different
than Almen strip saturation time.

Appendix A. Peening Intensity Procedure

1. Previous Steps

Exposure T i e - Minutes Prior to determining peening intensity the correct set-up should be
verified. Items to consider include the following:
0.m Shot type and size Impact angle
0.018 Part holding fixture Translation speed
Almen strip holding fixture Indexing table accuracy
Nozzle (and jet) size Targeting (Peenscan)
4 0.014 Stand-off distance

E" :::::
Z 2. Preliminary
Check the Almen gage for correct type (either No. 2 or No. 3) and
3 0.m check its calibration schedule. Inspect the gage for obvious defects,
0.m including worn indicator tip or balls. Use the Almen gage calibrator
(flat side) to establish zero. Use the Almen gage calibration (curved
side) to verify gage accuracy of 0.024 within 0.0002" limit.
Exposure T i e Minutes Select the appropriate Almen strip type (thickness):
Figure 10 'N' = .032" for low intensity
Using the logic above, you should be careful when choosing Method 'A' = .051" for medium intensity (range 6A to 24A)
2 which uses only two data points. Variations in intensity (size, 'C' = .094" for high intensity
hardness, velocity) as well as error contributions of the Almen strip
itself, can cause significant datascatter. This scatter, if not assuaged If the strips are premium grade (Group 1) or prelcertif ied, skip to the
by smooth curve fitting can be misleading. You must recognize what next section, otherwise check the following attributes:
assumptions are used in Method 2 and treat the results accordingly.
It is a short-cut method subject to error. 1) length
2) width
4) flatness
5) hardness
Using Method 3, SPC charting, must also be done with great care. 3) thickness
The Almen strip exposure can be done in various ways, listed in
sequence of data confidence:

The Shot Peener Volume 6 Issue 4 Page 4

by MIL-S-13165 and AMS 2432):
Thickness. Place the Almen gage calibrator on the Almen gage with
the flat side against the indicatortip. Be sure the indicator reads zero. 1) Date 3) Shot flow rate
Insert one end of the Almen strip between the flat side of thecalibrator 2) Shot type and size 4) Air pressure (wheel speed)
block and the indicator tip. Be sure the calibrator block stays firmly
seated on the four support balls. The new reading on the indicator
("he strip thickness.
-- - - - --
- n
U - - - - - LESS
I 1O X
Flatness. Zero the Almen gage using the flat side of the calibrator I
block. Place the Almen strip on the gage firmly seated on the four I
support balls. The No.3 Almen gage has end stops to centrally locate I
the proper strip position. The No. 2 gage requires you to estimate the I
central location of the strip. The new reading on the indicator is the I
strip flatness (also called pre-bow). You should also reverse the strip I
" checkcurvature on the opposite side. Strips may not have uniform I
thickness which can be detected by this extra step. Do not use strips T 2T
with flatness beyond specification limits. Do not bend the strip to
make it flat since it obviously has internal stresses that will tend to
corrupt its accuracy.
If the graph does not exhibit saturation (graph increases more than
3. Procedure 10% for the data presented), then you must continue exposing more
Almen strips for longer durations until saturation is achieved. If the
Place the Almen strip onto the Almen strip holder and tighten the 4 graph does show saturation but you do not achieve the desired
screws. Do not use excessive force. Be sure the strip holder is flat intensity you must change shot size, hardnessor velocity and repeat
(within .0002") and that no shot is trapped underthe strip. Expose the the saturation test.
strip to the shot stream forthe time indicated on your procedure sheet
or blueprint. Remove the strip from the holder and measure its arc
height. CURVE 0-SHOT V E L O C I T Y



,:;F: SHOT STREAM 0 750 IN




Hiaher intensitv. To increase the peening intensity you must in-
crease the shot size, hardness or velocity. Usually the velocity is
Arc heiaht. Zero the Almen gage using the flat side of the calibration adjusted by reducing the stand-off or increasing the air pressure or
block. Place the Almen strip on the gage firmly seated on the four wheel speed. Smaller nozzles or changing the air jet size or setting
support balls with the non-peened side touching the indicator stem. can also increase the velocity. Reducing the shot flow rate will
The new reading on the indicator is the arc height. Record this value increase the shot velocity. Be sure that the targeting is correct. The
in a table and on the graph for saturation curve. Do not re-use an highest intensity occurs at the central portion of the spray pattern.
Almen strip. A new strip must be used for each data point of the Also, be certain that the right size of shot is in use and it is not
saturation curve. Repeat the above process using increasingly contaminated (dust, oil, water).
longer exposure times.
Lower intensitv. Refer to above and do opposite.
Construct a r a ~ h . The data points from the table are represented
graphically to determine the peening intensity. Plot the arc height on Archive. Some procedures require that you retain the Almen strips
thevertical axis (Y) with exposuretime (or number of machine cycles) as part of the record keeping procedure. Besure to identify the strips
represented by the horizontal (X) axis. Use a french curve to adequately.
construct a smooth curve near the data points. Do not use straight
lines and connect-the-dots. lntensitv confirmation. The best way to confirm intensity is to repeat
the above procedure used to determine intensity. However, most
Determine intensitv. Select a point on the curve (not necessarily a 2perators use a shortened procedure such as single point or double
plotteddata point) that appearsto be nearthe kneeofthecurve. Note 3oint confirmation. This may be a either saturation time or coverage
the arc height and exposure time. Move to the right to double the (machine cycle) time. Although the shorter methods are prevalent,
exposure time and note the arc height value. If this value is within ;hey are not described nor supported by MIL-S-13165 or by AMS
10% of the previous value, then the previous value is the intensity. If 2432. If you use the shorter methods you should also include SPC
more than 10% increase occurs, then the original value is not :harting to provide process control.
intensity. You should focus on the curve and ignore the data points.
It is unlikely that you might select exposure timesthat "exactly fit" the Problems
ria for determining intensity.
'*id 3ccasionally, the confirmation process shows a change in intensity.
hbceotance. Unless stated otherwise, the intensity should be within If you use Method 1 (saturation curves) for intensity confirmation,
4-points (k .002) of the requested intensity. Some prints or proce- fou have more information available for evaluating process change.
dures may call out upper and lower limits (10A-14A). If the intensity The data points on the saturation curve may be close or scattered.
is within the desired range you should record the following (required

The Shot Peener Volume 6 Issue 4 Page 5

Shot size - wrong size
Shot size - distribution of sizes
Shot speed
Shot angle
Shot contamination - dust & fines
Shot contamination - oil & water
Shot contamination - obstruction
Almen strip - flatness
Almen strip - hardness
Almen gage - zero
Almen gage - calibration
Exposure time - cycle timer
Exposure time - motion fault
Shot flow rate - incorrect rate
Shot flow rate - inconsistent
Targeting - nozzle fault
Targeting - motion fault
Machine modification or repair
Different brand or type of shot
Different brand or defective Almen strips
Different or damaged Almen gage
Nozzle wear or damage
Hose wear or damage
Wheel blade wear or damage
Machine fault - part not moving as expected
Machine fault - nozzle not moving as expected
Dust collector fault
Separator screen defect

'Don't overlook the possibility of 'Fabrication of Fictional Fables".

There have been cases where a new operator could not achieve
specified intensity. In one instance, after extensive investigation it
was learned that previous operators were claiming to achieve
intensity - but actually were not. The new operator was unaware that
the records were altered to conceal the facts.

The Shot Peener Volume 6 Issue 4 Page 6

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