AT-iMG626MOD: Modular, Ethernet Intelligent Multiservice Gateway For Outdoor Deployment
AT-iMG626MOD: Modular, Ethernet Intelligent Multiservice Gateway For Outdoor Deployment
AT-iMG626MOD: Modular, Ethernet Intelligent Multiservice Gateway For Outdoor Deployment
Modular, Ethernet intelligent Multiservice Gateway for Outdoor Deployment
AT-iMG626MOD Software Real-time Applications Key Features
The AT-iMG626MOD ia a modular gateway Optimization
product that consists of a base module with: Quality of Service High-speed up to 100Mbps delivery
6 x 10/100TX LAN ports, 2 x VoIP FXS ports The AT-iMG626MOD ensures Quality of
and pluggable IP Triple Play ready
Service through OSI Layer 2 and 3
1 x LAN module, 1 x WAN module
prioritization techniques that include priority
Stateful Inspection Firewall / NAT for customer
Modular, Ethernet intelligent tagging with IEEE 802.1p and IP DiffServ Code
and service security
Multiservice Gateway for IP Triple Points (DSCP) Type of Service (ToS).
Play Services Optimization for IP Video Streaming Modular WAN and LAN modules reduces
A member of Allied Telesis family of residential The AT-iMG626MOD snoops IGMP multicast deployment cost (CAPEX and OPEX savings)
and intelligent Multiservice Gateways, the packets in-transit allowing the simultaneous
outdoor hardened AT-iMG626MOD combines AlliedViewTM NMS integration removes need for
delivery of multiple movies or TV channels to
truck-roll during deployment
powerful Layer 2 and 3 networking functionality the subscriber using the minimum bandwith.
together with Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephony This results in high-quality video streaming Major softswitch manufacturer interoperability
support, to provide versatility, value, and without impacting other services like Internet established
validation for any network.The environmentally browsing or IP telephony and delivering the fast
sealed enclosure mounts outside the customer channel changes users expect from video Service specific management and monitoring
premise for optimal service provider ensures Quality of Experience to customers
services.The iMG aids in the management and
diagnosis of the MPEG video service.The video
quality can be monitored using the unique Environmentally hardened unit for outdoor
Applications deployments
MPEG stream monitoring tool.
Capitalizing on Existing Infrastructure
The AT-iMG626MOD offers tremendous IP Telephony Installation flexibility through two part
versatility by offering both a modular Wide The AT-iMG626MOD offers 2 FXS interfaces enclosure and electronics design
Area Network (WAN) interface, as well as a that leverage the H.323, SIP and MGCP Voice
modular Local Area Network (LAN) interface. over IP (VoIP) protocols, with interoperability Internal fiber management for fiber-optic drop
Combined with the built-in Ethernet LAN and established with major softswitch vendors.The cable termination
Plain Old Telephony Service (POTS) ports, the AT-iMG626MOD supports the connection of
MOD offers unlimited adaptability for field Eight hour battery back-up option for lifeline
dial-up modems and fax machines with voice
deployments.The AT-EN646MOD enclosure POTS support
PSTN interfaces and transports the data
provides integrated fiber-optic drop cable streams to support existing SoHo business
management, where needed, with the ability to
secure and ground the drop cable, as well as
protect a fusion splice. Enclosures may be Data Delivery and Security
deployed at the time of fiber installation, Differentiated Bandwidth Services
allowing a single fiber crew to complete all The AT-iMG626MOD provides extensive
fiber-splicing needs during a single truck roll. support for per-port rate-limiting enabling the
service providers to deliver tiered data services
catering for the wide spectrum of end-
customer profiles.
Ordering Information
Model Description Part #
iMG626MOD-PKG1 Outdoor intelligent Multiservice Gateway with single-mode BiDi WAN, AT-iMG626MOD-PKG1
6 x 10/100TX LAN, 2 x FXS. Requires enclosure AT-EN646MOD, power supply
AT-iMG006G and AT-iMG646MOD-C01 cable for battery back-up.
The enclosure may be ordered in advance of the electronics, for pre-installation.
EN646MOD Outdoor Enclosure for AT-iMG626MOD. AT-EN646MOD
iMG626MOD-PKG2 Outdoor Modular intelligent Multiservice Gateway with single-mode BiDi WAN, AT-iMG626MOD-PKG2
6 x 10/100TX 2 x FXS plus HPNAv3 module. Requires the HPNA end-point to
terminate each coaxial cable end-point. Requires enclosure AT-EN646MOD,
power supply AT-iMG006G and AT-iMG646MOD-C01 cable for battery back-up.
iMG626MOD-PKG3 Outdoor Modular intelligent Multiservice Gateway with single-mode GEPON AT-iMG626MOD-PKG3
WAN, 6 x 10/100TX 2 x FXS. Requires enclosure AT-EN646MOD, power supply
AT-iMG006G and AT-iMG646MOD-C01 cable for battery back-up.
iMG646MOD-L01-001 HPNA v3 LAN module. For use with AT-iMG646MOD and AT-iMG626MOD. AT-iMG646MOD-L01-001
Battery back-up: order with the following:
iMG006G DELTA PowerShield Grounded battery back-up (indoor) for RG/iMG series AT-iMG006G-10*
(requires relevant battery back-up cable: AT-iMG646MMOD-C01).
iMG646MOD-C01 Battery back-up cable, for use with AT-iMG646MOD. 15 connectorized UV rated AT-iMG646MOD-C01
cable for connection between DELTA PowerShield battery back-up unit and iMG.
Configuration Cable
Model Description Part #
MOD console cable Configuration cable. AT-iMG-MOD-CONSOLECABLE-00
*Power supply information Where xx = region specific power cord / adapter *Where xx = 10 US power cord / adapter
30 UK power cord / adapter
50 European power cord / adapter (excluding UK)
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European Headquarters | Via Motta 24 | 6830 Chiasso | Switzerland | T: +41 91 69769.00 | F: +41 91 69769.11
Asia-Pacific Headquarters | 11 Tai Seng Link | Singapore | 534182 | T: +65 6383 3832 | F: +65 6383 3830
2007 Allied Telesis Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. All company names, logos, and product designs that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 617-000258 Rev. A