Collaborative Strategic Reading Lesson Plan Final

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Samantha Gomez

CSR Lesson Plan

April 20, 2017
Collaborative Strategic Reading Lesson Plan

Lesson Subject: Strategic Reading on Italian Sailor Rescue Adorable Puppy Lost at Sea

Grade Level: 2nd

Goals/Learning Objectives:

1) The student will be able to preview the article before reading

2) The student will be able to get the gist of the article during the reading.
3) The student will be able to identify two vocabulary words and define them.

Standards: Common Core Standards Grades K-2

Reading 2.5
o The student will use meaning clues and language structure when reading.
o Use information in the story to read words.
o Use knowledge of story structure and sequence.
Reading 2.7
o The student will read fiction and nonfiction, using a variety of strategies independently.
o Set purpose for reading
o Reread and self-correct when necessary.
Reading 2.8
o The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction and nonfiction
Make predictions about content.
Read to confirm predictions
Ask and answer questions about what is read.
Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction and poetry.
Identify the problem, solution, and main idea.
Reading 2.9
o The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials.
Use pictures and charts.


o Reading article
o Paper and pencil


Before Reading: Preview

o Introduction: My name is Samantha Gomez I go to James Madison University and my
professor is Mira Williams.

Today we are going to read a passage called Italian Sailors Rescue Adorable Puppy Lost
at Sea by Meera Dolasia. Were going to talk about some things before we read to see
what the article might be about before we actually read the article.
Samantha Gomez
CSR Lesson Plan
April 20, 2017
o Introduce Vocabulary: Lets start by identifying words that we may not know, that are
going to be in the passage. I am going to point out two words from the passage, those
two words are contemplating and distraught. When you think about the word
contemplating what do you think about?

Contemplating means you are thinking deeply about something or giving it a lot of

The other word I want to point out is distraught. What do you think of when you hear
the word distraught?

Distraught means to be distracted or very upset.

o Preview text: Now that we have pointed out some vocabulary, we are going to preview
the text to see what it might be about. You want to keep the meaning of those words in
your head, so when we get to them in the passage, you know what they mean.

Where not going to read it, were just going to look at things like the picture or the
heading, to see what the story might be about. From looking at the picture and the title,
what do you think the story is going to be about?

o Brainstorm: So I already know that the story is going to be about a puppy that is lost at
sea. The puppy is found by Italian sailors. I know this from the title of the story and by
looking at the pictures. So that is what I brainstormed about the story, can you write
down your own thoughts about what you think the story might be about.
o Prediction: Now that we have brainstormed, I want to make a prediction about the text.
From what we already know about the text from the brainstorm I would make a
prediction that the story will be about how the Italian soldiers found the puppy and
saved him. Now, like you did with your brainstorm, I want you to write down your own
prediction of what you think might happen in this story.
o Purpose for Reading: Okay now that I have made a prediction, I want to set a purpose
for reading the story. So, since my prediction is that the story will be about how the
Italian soldier found and saved the puppy.

So, my purpose for reading this passage is that I hope to find out how the Italian soldiers
found the puppy and rescued him.

During Reading: Get the Gist

Now that we have brainstormed and made predictions about the reading we are going
to start reading the story. Start by reading the first two paragraphs.

o Identify most important who or what: Now that we have started reading we want to
start to get the gist. The first thing we want to do is identify the main who or what.

So the who is the group of sailors form the RYCC Savoia yacht club.

o Important information about who or what: Now we want to pinpoint some important
information about the Italian sailors.
Samantha Gomez
CSR Lesson Plan
April 20, 2017
One of the most important things that I have learned about the Italian sailors so far is
that they were on the water when they noticed an animal swimming toward them.

o Short sentence about who or what: So now I want to write a short sentence that talks
about what the main part of this story is about.

So, I would write a short, complete sentence about the who or what. My sentence
would be something like This is about sailors from the RYCC Savoia yacht club who saw
an animal swimming in the water toward them.

Now we are going to finish reading the passage, while you are reading the passage you
want to think about these parts and write down each part as you go through the


To evaluate the student, you could collect their recordings that they wrote down about the story
during the get the gist portion of the lesson. this will show you if they can identify the who or
what of the story.
This could also be done by giving them an exit slip to fill out when they are done. Asking them
question like to write what the vocabulary terms mean in their own words, or a question asking
if the reading answered their purpose for reading the story.

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