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The Electric Distribution System 1

EE 153
Electric Power Distribution Systems

Lecture Notes No. 1

The Distribution System

Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Institute
College of Engineering
University of the Philippines

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Institute EE153 Electric Power Distribution Systems
University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 2

The Distribution System

1. The Electric Power System
2. Distribution Substation
3. Subtransmission System
4. Distribution Feeders

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 3

The Electric Power System

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The Electric Distribution System 4

The Electric Power System

(Embedded Generator)
Coal Plant
Wind Farm

Hydro Plant Users

Generation Transmission Distribution
System System System

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 5

Distribution System

The system of wires and associated facilities that

are owned by a franchised distribution utility.
It is used to deliver electric energy to End-Users
within the franchise area;
It extends between Transmission System and End-
User premises;
Distribution voltages in the Philippines
Primary : 4.16, 13.2/13.8, 23 or 34.5 kV
Secondary: 115/230 or 230 volts

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 6

Distribution of Electricity
Primary Distribution Lines
Subtransmission Lines
(Main Feeder)
Power Primary Distribution Lines
Transformer (Laterals)

Misc Loads

Distribution Secondary Distribution Lines

System Service

Residential Commercial Industrial


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Distribution Substation

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The Electric Distribution System 8

Primary Distribution Lines

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The Electric Distribution System 9

Service Drop & Metering

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The Electric Distribution System 10

Electricity Consumers




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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 11

Load Characteristics

100 PEAK

Percent of Peak Load


40 OFF-
20 PEAK Load Profile of
12 4 8 12 4 8 12

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 12

Load Characteristics

100 PEAK
Percent of Peak Load



Load Profile of
20 PEAK Commercial
12 4 8 12 4 8 12
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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 13

Load Characteristics

100 PEAK
Percent of Peak Load


Load Profile of
0 Customer
12 4 8 12 4 8 12
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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 14

Load Characteristics

Average Demand
Load Factor PEAK
Peak Demand

Average Demand AVERAGE
Annual kWh
8760 hrs

Annual kWh / 8760

Load Factor
Peak Demand
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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 15

Distribution Substation

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The Electric Distribution System 16

The Distribution Substation

Combination of switching, controlling and voltage step-down
equipment arranged to reduce sub-transmission voltage to
primary distribution voltage for distribution of electrical energy
to customers
To take power at high voltage from the transmission
and/or subtransmission level, reduce its voltage, and
route it onto a number of primary voltage feeders for
distribution in the area surrounding it.
To perform operational and contingency switching and
protection duties at both the transmission and feeder

Also provides a convenient local site for additional

equipment such as communications, storage of tools, etc.
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The Distribution Substation

Substations performance and economy interact greatly with the
(sub)transmission & feeder system.
The influence of Substations on the Cost & Reliability of T&D
often outweighs their own costs and reliability.

As delivery points of (Sub)Transmission System

Transmission system must reach and deliver power even
in cases where the task is costly or unreliable because of
other system constraints

As Starting points of Feeder System

If the substation is in a poor location from the standpoint
of the feeder system, it increases feeder cost and
decreases reliability

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
The Electric Distribution System 18

The Distribution Substation


Elements of a Substation
6. Circuit breaker
A. Primary power lines' side 7. Current transformer
B. Secondary power lines' side 8. Lightning arrester
1. Primary power lines 9. Main transformer
2. Ground wire 10. Control building
3. Overhead lines 11. Security fence
4. Potential transformer 12. Secondary power lines
5. Disconnect switch

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The Distribution Substation

Incoming Transmission
1. HV Side Buswork and HV SIDE
2. The Transformer TRANSFORMER Site

3. LV Side Buswork and

Protection LV SIDE

4. The Substation Site

Outgoing Feeders

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Termination for incoming (Sub)transmission
Monitoring and Control
Represents from 1/4 to 1/3 of a substations total cost.

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The Electric Distribution System 21

HV Side Buswork
& Protection
Radial Sub-transmission

*Willis, 2004

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The Electric Distribution System 22

HV Side Buswork & Protection

Loop or Dual Sub-transmission Supply

*Willis, 2004

A sub-transmission loop is not actually a

loop circuit it terminates at different
locations in the transmission grids but loops
through different substations.

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The Electric Distribution System 23

HV Side Buswork & Protection

Alternative Configurations for Dual-Feed Substation with Multiple

*Willis, 2004

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The Electric Distribution System 24

HV Side Buswork & Protection

Substation bus/switching arrangements
a. Single Bus, Single Breaker
b. Double Bus, Double Breaker
c. Main and Transfer Bus
d. Double bus, Single Breaker
e. Ring bus
f. Breaker-and-a-Half

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Single Bus Low Profile

*USDA, 2001

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The Electric Distribution System 26

Single Bus High Profile

*USDA, 2001

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Advantages: 2. A single bus arrangement has
1. Lowest cost the lowest reliability.
2. Small land area required 3. Failure of a circuit breaker or a
3. Easily expandable bus fault causes loss of the
4. Simple in concept and operation entire substation.
5. Relatively simple for the 4. Maintenance switching can
application of protective relaying complicate and disable some of
the protective relay scheme and
Disadvantages: overall relay coordination.
1. High-profile arrangement 5. Maintenance at the upper
equipped with circuit breaker elevations of high-profile
bypass facilities does not provide arrangements necessitates de-
for circuit protection when bypass energization or protection of the
facilities are being used inside the lower equipment.

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The Electric Distribution System 28

Sectionalized Bus

*USDA, 2001

Physically, the equipment can be organized similar to that for the single bus arrangement.

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Sectionalized Bus
Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Flexible operation 1. A sectionalized bus
2. Higher reliability than single arrangement has a higher cost
bus scheme than a single bus scheme.
3. Isolation of bus sections for 2. Additional circuit breakers are
maintenance required for sectionalizing.
4. Loss of only part of the 3. Sectionalizing may cause
substation for a breaker failure interruption of non-faulted
or a bus fault circuits.

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The Electric Distribution System 30

Main and Transfer Bus

Low Profile

*USDA, 2001

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Main and Transfer Bus

High Profile

*USDA, 2001

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Main and Transfer Bus
Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Accommodation of circuit 1. An additional circuit breaker is
breaker maintenance while required for bus tie.
maintaining service and line 2. Since the bus tie breaker, have
protection to be able to be substituted for any
2. Reasonable in cost line breaker, its associated relaying
3. Fairly small land area may be somewhat complicated.
4. Easily expandable 3. Failure of a circuit breaker or a
bus fault causes loss of the entire
4. Somewhat complicated switching
is required to remove a circuit
breaker from service for

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The Electric Distribution System 33

Ring Bus

*USDA, 2001

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo
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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Ring Bus
sections. Some consider this,
1. Flexible operation
however, to be a second contingency
2. High reliability
3. Isolation of bus sections and circuit
2. Each circuit has to have its own
breakers for maintenance without
potential source for relaying.
disrupting circuit operation
3. This configuration is usually limited
4. Double feed to each circuit
to four circuit positions, although
5. No main buses
larger rings are in service, including
6. Expandable to breaker-and-a-half
10-position ring buses. A 6-position
ring bus is usually considered as a
7. Economic design
maximum limit for the number of
terminals in a ring bus.
4. This is a more involved relay
1. Ring may be split by faults on two
scheme since each breaker has to
circuits or a fault during breaker
respond to faults on two circuits.
maintenance to leave possibly
5.Automatic reclose schemes may be
undesirable circuit combinations
(supply/load) on the remaining bus

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*USDA, 2001

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Flexible operation 1. One-and-a-half breakers are
2. High reliability required per circuit.
3. Can isolate either main bus for 2. Relaying is involved, since the
maintenance without disrupting center breaker has to respond to
service faults of either of its associated
4. Can isolate any circuit breaker circuits.
for maintenance without disrupting 3. Each circuit should have its own
service potential source for relaying
5. Double feed to each circuit
6. Bus fault does not interrupt
service to any circuits
7. All switching done with circuit

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The Electric Distribution System 37

Double Breaker-
Double Bus

*USDA, 2001

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Double Breaker-Double Bus
Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Flexible operation 1. This configuration carries a high
2. Very high reliability cost.
3. Isolation of either main bus for 2. Two circuit breakers are required
maintenance without disrupting for each circuit.
4. Isolation of any circuit breaker for
maintenance without disrupting
5. Double feed to each circuit
6. No interruption of service to any
circuits from bus fault
7. Loss of only one circuit for breaker
8. All switching with circuit breakers.

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The Electric Distribution System 39

HV Side Buswork & Protection

Double Bus-Single Breaker

*Dietzman & Bolin, 2006

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HV Side Buswork & Protection

Double Bus-Single Breaker
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Permits some flexibility with two 1. One extra breaker is required for
operating buses. the bus tie.Four switches are
2. Either main bus may be isolated required per circuit.
for maintenance. 2. Bus protection scheme may
3. Circuit can be transferred readily cause loss of substation when it
from one bus to the other by use of operates if all circuits are connected
bus-tie breaker and bus selector to that bus.
disconnect switches. 3. High exposure to bus faults.
4. Line breaker failure takes all
circuits connected to that bus out of
5. Bus-tie breaker failure takes
entire substation out of service.

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The Electric Distribution System 41

HV Side Buswork & Protection

Substation bus/switching arrangements
Config. Reliability Cost Required Area
Single Bus Least reliable - single failure can Least cost (1.0) Least area - fewer
cause complete outage fewer components components
Double Bus, Highly reliable - duplicated High cost (1.8) - Greater area - twice
Double components; single failure normally duplicated components as many components
Breaker isolates single Component
Main Bus and Least reliable - same as Single Bus, High cost (1.76) - Low area requirement-
Transfer but flexibility in operating & fewer components fewer component
maintenance with transfer bus
Double Bus, Moderately reliable - depends on High cost (1.78) - Moderate area - more
Single arrangement of components and more components components
Breaker bus
Ring Bus Highly reliable - single failure Moderare cost (1.56) - Moderate area -
isolates more components increases
with number of circuits
Breaker-and- Highly reliable - single circuit failure Moderare cost (1.57) - Greater area - more
a-Half isolates single circuit, bus failures breaker-and-a-half for components per
do not affect circuits each circuit circuit

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The Electric Distribution System 42

HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25

Disconnect Switches Q1, Q2 and Q9 can be operated

Q8 only
when breaker Q0 is open (protection against switching under
Breaker Q0 cannot be closed with disconnect switches Q1, Q2
and Q9 in the intermediate position (fault location)
Disconnect switches Q1 and Q2 are mutually interlocked so
that only one can be closed at a time

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HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25

When the bus-ties is closed, a second disconnect switch (Q1 or
Q2) belonging to the tied system can be closed, one of the closed
disconnect switches can then be opened (change of bus under
Disconnect switches Q1 and Q2 can be operated only if the related
bus earthing switch Q15 or Q25 is open

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HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25


Disconnect switch Q9 can be operated only when earthing

switch Q8 is open (taking account of other end if necessary)
Earthing switch Q8 can be operated only when disconnect
switch Q9 is open (taking account of other end of outgoing
line if necessary)

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HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25


Disconnect Switches Q1, Q2 and Q9 can be operated only

when maintenance earthing switches Q51/Q52 are open
Maintenance earthing switches Q51/Q52 can be operated only
when disconnect switches Q1, Q2 and Q9 are open

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HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25

The tie-breaker Q0 can be opened only if not more than one
bus disconnect switch in each branch is closed (tie-breaker
One bus earthing switch Q15 or Q25 can be operated if in
the respective bus section all bus disconnect switches of
the corresponding bus system are open

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HV Switchyard Control System


Q15 Q25 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
Q0 Q25


All interlocks remain active if the auxiliary power fails

An interlock release switch cancels the interlock conditions.
Switching operations are then the responsibility of the authorized

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The Electric Distribution System 48

The Transformer
Distribution Substations utilize
one (1) to six (6) Transformers to
convert incoming power from
sub-transmission voltage to the
primary distribution voltage.
Transformers are not only the
raison d etre for distribution
substations but often represent the
largest portion of the cost, typically
representing from 1/2 to 2/3 of the
total substation cost.

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The Transformer
Substation Capacity
- Sum of all the rated capacity of each transformer
e.g., Substation Capacity for 2 25MVA transformers is 50MVA.
Transformers Types
- Separate Single-Phase Transformers in a rural one-
transformer substation
- Three-Phase Transformers
- Special Types
(low footprints, high impedance, & Three-Winding)
Number of Transformers in a Substation
- Single Transformer
- Multiple Transformers
Reliability & contingency support
Size & transportability
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The Transformer
Transformer Configuration in
1. Multiple transformers are all
served from a common source.
2. Exclusive feeder service by
each transformer.

*Willis, 2004

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LV Side Buswork & Protection

Termination for outgoing Feeders
Switching OUTDOOR
Voltage Regulation
Monitoring and Control
Representing 1/15 to 1/5
of a substations total cost

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LV Side Buswork & Protection

Termination for outgoing Feeders
Switching INDOOR
Voltage Regulation
Monitoring and Control

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LV Side Buswork & Protection

Termination for outgoing Feeders
Voltage Regulation
Monitoring and Control

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LV Side Buswork & Protection

LV Side Substation Arrangement

Single (Bus) Feeder Secondary Selective Ring Bus

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The Substation Site

Elements of Site Costs
Feeder Gateway
Public Safety and Aesthetic
Taxes and Permits

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The Substation Site

Identify siting needs far in advance through long-term planning.
Buy sites at whatever time provides the lowest present-worth cost
(taking into account the expected escalation in price and the risk that
current forecasts and plans may not be perfect).
Fence immediately and store several pieces of spare or surplus
substation equipment: a fenced yard with breakers and transformer
inside makes it clear that the site is a utility substation, avoiding
accusations of non-disclosure later on.

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The Substation Site

Preparation includes providing
- Grounding grid
- Foundations for racks and equipment
- Underground electric cables (T&D)
- Underground ductwork for control and
communications cables
- Control house
- Other facilities to support the electrical
function of the substation

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The Substation Site

Feeder Gateway
Routing of large number of feeders out of a
- Challenging in congested and restricted
- If not carefully picked far in advance,
the sites available to a utility may have
severe limitations on the routing of the
distribution ROW and easements out of
the site.
- Even though all construction is intended
to be overhead, feeders may have to be
routed several meters in underground
ducts before space above ground
becomes available.

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The Substation Site

Public Safety and Aesthetic
Site includes, at a minimum, a fence or wall around the site to
secure it from public access.
In problem areas, fence may need to be up to 10 meters high.
Utility may be required to landscape the site.
Substation may be enclosed in
what appears to be a building
(Cottage Substation) to hide it.

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The Substation Site

Site for Outdoor Site for Indoor

Substation Substation

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Types of Substation

Gas-Insulated Substation (GIS)


Air-Insulated Substation (AIS)


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Types of Substation

Air-Insulated Substation (AIS) Gas-Insulated Substation (GIS)


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Distribution Substation Design

Air-Insulated Substation (AIS)
Minimum phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground clearances must
be maintain using air as insulation.
Air-Insulated Substation open design must not be touched.
Always set up in the form of fenced-in electrical operating area,
to which only authorized personnel have access.
Directly exposed to the effects of the environment, such as
weather, and especially lightning.
It has to be designed based not only on the electrical but also
environmental specifications.
Requires bigger land area than the GIS.

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Distribution Substation Design

Gas-Insulated Substation (GIS)
Uses a superior dielectric gas (SF6) at a moderate pressure for
phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground insulation.
The high-voltage conductors, circuit breaker interrupters, switches,
current transformers, and voltage transformers are in SF6 gas inside
grounded metal enclosures.
The atmospheric air insulation used in a conventional, air-insulated
substation (AIS) requires meters of air insulation to do what SF6 can do
in centimeters. GIS can therefore be smaller than AIS by up to a factor
of 10.
In a GIS, the active parts are protected from deterioration due to
atmospheric air, moisture, contamination, etc. As a result, GIS is more
reliable and requires less maintenance than AIS.
GIS is mostly used where space is expensive or not available.
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Substation Size and Spacing

The set of substation service areas for a T&D system must tile
the utility service territory, covering all locations where there is
any demand, and each substation must have sufficient capacity
to serve the load in its service area
As the distance between substations
(SPACING) is increased, fewer
substations are needed, but the
average substation service area
becomes larger, and substations will
need a greater individual capacity to
serve their loads.
6 S/S serving an area of 108 sq. miles, evenly spaced in a hexagonal pattern 4.56 miles apart.
Each S/S serves 18 sq. mi. with a peak load of 58.5 MW (65 MVA) with 80 MVA capacity at 80% util.
If the capacity of each S/S were doubled, to 162 MVA, each could serve twice the area (36 miles) and
only half as many substations would be needed

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Substation Size and Spacing

Area, and load, increase with the square of the spacing
Doubling the capacity will result in an increase of 41% in permissible substation
spacing (e.g., 4.56 mi 6.45 mi.)

4.56 mi 6.45 mi

80 MVA S/S 160 MVA S/S

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Substation Size and Spacing

Area, and load, increase with the square of the spacing
Doubling the spacing, to 9.12 miles, would require construction of substations
with four (4) times the capacity, or 324 MVA each, but on average only 1/4 as
many would be needed

4.56 mi
9.12 mi

80 MVA S/S 320 MVA S/S

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Substation Size and Spacing

Cost Impact of Changing Substation Size

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Subtransmission System

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Subtransmission System
Different Types of Subtransmission Systems
Radial-Type Subtransmission
Loop-Type Subtransmission
Grid or Network-Type

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Subtransmission System
Radial-type Subtransmission

Bulk power
source bus



The radial system is simple and

has a low first cost but it also
has a low service continuity.

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Subtransmission System
Dual-source Single-source,
Subtransmission radial
More reliable: Subtransmission
Faults on one Least reliable:
of the radial Faults on the
subtransmission radial
circuits should subtransmission
not cause circuit
interruptions to can cause
substations. interruptions to
Double-circuit multiple
faults can substations.
cause multiple
interruptions. *Short, 2006

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Subtransmission System
Loop-type Subtransmission
Bulk power
source bus

In this design, a single

Subtransmission circuit originating from a
Circuits bulk power bus runs through
a number of substations and
Distribution returns to the same bus.

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Subtransmission System
Grid-or-Network-Type Subtransmission
Bulk power
source buses


Circuits Has more than one bulk power
source. It has the greatest service
reliability but it requires costly
control of power flow and relaying.

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Subtransmission Cost vs.

Substation Size and Spacing
Each Voltage
has a range
over which it is
best suited to

Cost per MW of the subtransmission necessary to

feed distribution substations, as a function of size
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Substation Spacing and

Feeder System Interaction

81 MVA 54 MVA
15.6 sq. mi. 10.4 sq. mi.

4.56 mi
3.72 mi

A reduction in size from 81 MVA to 54 MVA, with all other

aspects of the substation held the same, results in 33%
reduction in substation service area, and
A reduction in the required reach of the feeder system.

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Substation Spacing and

Feeder System Interaction

Cost of the Feeder System (on a per MW basis) increases

linearly up to a maximum economical reach of the primary
voltage being used, then increases exponentially.
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Substation Size and Spacing

Composite cost of the Entire T&D System

Cost per MW of the combined Subtransmission-Substation-Feeder System

as a function of size and spacing.
Solid line represents the cost with 138 kV. Dotted line represents the cost, assuming that planners
can choose the best subtransmission voltage appropriate to the spacing.

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Substation Siting and Sizing

Where to locate the substation and what capacity?

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Substation Siting and Sizing

There is an Optimal
Site, Size and
Service Area

Cost of an Entire Substation

Equipment Initial PW
Subtransmission, per S/S 8% 8%
A Substation Consists of Three
Substation, incl. Site 16% 22%
Levels of Equipment
Feeder system for S/S area 76% 70%
Total 100% 100%

Substation Planning is best done by considering the impact of

any siting or sizing decision on all three levels.
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Substation Siting and Sizing

Primary Feeder The biggest impact in changing site and size is on the feeder system. This is always the
Impact dominating variable cost in substation siting studies.
Subtransmission Some sites are near available transmission lines or can be reached at low cost. Others require
Impact lengthy or underground-only access adding to cost.
Feeder Gateway Getting feeders out of a substation requires available routes with sufficient clearance. Confined
Costs or restricted sites mean higher costs in taking feeders underground or over non-optimal routes
around nearby barriers to get power out of the substation.
Geographic Nearby terrain or public facilities may constrain feeder routing costs. Close proximity to a large
Constraints park or cemetery means feeders must be routed around them on the way to the load, which
generally raises feeder costs.
Site Preparation The slope, drainage, underlying soil, and rock determine the cost of preparing the site for a
substation and of building the basic foundations, etc. The cost of transporting material to the site
may also differ from one site to another by significant amounts. Aesthetic requirements also
Land Cost The cost of the land is a factor. Some sites cost much more than others.
Weather Sites on hilltops and in some other locations are more exposed to lightning and adverse
Exposure weather than average, slightly increasing repair and O&M costs.

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Distribution Feeders

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The Feeder System

To distribute power from a few system sources
(substations) to many service (distribution)
transformers, that are scattered throughout the service
territory, always in close proximity to the customer.
Economy Total cost must be kept as low as possible
Electrical Deliver power required by all customers
Service Quality Reliability of service must be high and
voltage quality must be satisfactory

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The Feeder System

Substations and Feeders

Idealized Distribution Feeder Route Covering Substation Service Area
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The Feeder System

Substations and Feeders

Feeders emanate from substations that are optimally located.
But some circumstances forces planners not to follow an optimal
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The Feeder System

Central Location for the Substation
Arrange feeder system so that the substation serves the
distribution needs of the area all around it
Feeders must reach between Substations
Interaction of substation spacing and feeder reach economics
Feeder line types and loading criteria used in the design of the
feeder system must be able to move power reliably, economically,
and within engineering criteria (loading and voltage drop) to all
locations between substations
Contiguous, exclusive service areas
Lay out substations and feeders so that all have exclusive,
contiguous areas

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The Feeder System

Vaguely Circular Service Area of Substations

Substations and Feeders

Feeders Must Cover Service Area of Substations
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The Feeder System

A majority of the load is relatively far from the
Vaguely circular substation service area
Each feeder serves roughly triangular slices
Feeders will have to carry more than half
of the substations load more than half
of the distance to its boundary with other
substation service areas

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The Feeder System

Power must be delivered to the proximity of the
Feeders must reach each of the service (distribution) transformer
along their routes

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The Feeder System

Branching and Splitting Structure
To cover its service area so that primary-level delivery reaches
sufficiently close to all customers, the feeder system typically
splits its routes many times in dendrillic configuration

Feeder consists of a single route

leaving the substation, which
branches and re-branches, gradually
splitting the power flow into more but
smaller-capacity routes for delivery
as power moves from the substation
to the customer

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The Feeder System

Feeder Distance
Lebesgue 1 metric (taxicab cab travel measure) works better than
Euclidian metric
There are usually many routes, all the same shortest distance,
between a substation and a particular customer or service point
But, which route is the least cost?

2 2
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The Feeder System

Most Feeders are the same size
Feeders are planned by starting with the
premise that the main trunk (the initial
segment out of the substation, through which
all the power is routed) will be the largest
economical conductor in the conductor set.
The feeder layout is arranged so this segment
picks up enough load for its peak load to fall
somewhere in the middle or upper half of that
largest conductors economical range

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The Feeder System

Developing Feeder System: Interaction Between Substation and Feeders

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Distribution Feeder Categories



Three Categories of Planning Situations with Respect to Feeder Layout

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Distribution Feeder Categories

Feeder Layout in Rural Areas
Rural distribution systems are often not profitable
Voltage drop limits design
Losses costs are high
Loads vary from very small single-phase to medium sized three-
Distances are tremendous
Reliability requirements are below average
Two Principles of Best
Practices in Rural Distribution
1. Application of higher voltage
2. Use of single-phase feeders

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Distribution Feeder Categories

Feeder Layout in Rural Areas (Characteristics)
1. High primary voltage are favored
2. Single phase feeders are common
3. Extreme and innovative measures are often used
4. No provision is made for contingency backup of feeders
5. Very branch-like planning

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Distribution Feeder Categories

Underground Feeder Layout in Urban Areas
Capacity limits design
Layout is restricted to the street grid
Loads are large and invariably three-phase
Fixed cost is very high
The cost of capacity shortfall is extremely high
Reliability requirements are above average

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Distribution Feeder Categories

Underground Feeder Layout in Urban Areas

Loop Feeders are the rule

Maximum size cable is
often installed every where
Very grid-like planning

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Feeder Layout
Distribution Configuration

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Feeder Layout
Radial Feeder Layout

Multi-Branch Layout Big Trunk Layout

Basic Feeder Routing Schemes

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Which is

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Feeder Layout
Sectionalization Targets SAIFI & MAIFI
Designing the protection scheme for the feeder so that it limits the
number of customers interrupted by any failure as much as practicable
Divides a feeder into sections in order to isolate faults

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Feeder Layout
Switching Design Targets SAIDI
Providing for alternate feed routes and a way to bring them into
operation so that the system can tolerate the outage of a major
component(s) while still providing good service
Switchable zones are contiguous portions of a feeder that lie between

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Feeder Layout
Does the feeder system have alternate pathways through which power
can be routed when outages close off normal pathway?
Are there switch points provided so that instantly, automatically, or
manually power can be re-routed as needed?
Configuration planning involves selecting layouts that fit the needs and
approach to contingency backup planning being used in the area.
Do the alternative pathways that are being arranged for switchable
zones have sufficient capability, both in terms of current (load) and
voltage (load reach), to meet at least temporary (emergency,
contingency) criteria when serving the additional load?
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Feeder Layout
Isolate any fault or equipment malfunction in a manner that minimizes
the number of customers whose service is interrupted
At the poor end of the sectionalization scale:
A fault anywhere results in loss of service to all customers
served by the feeder
At the other end of the sectionalization scale:
A feeder where any fault can be isolated while interrupting
service to no more than one customer

Restore then Repair Strategy: Switching time affects only the duration
of interruptions
Hours (for manual operation of switch)
Instantaneous (with fast automatic rollover switch)

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Feeder Layout

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design

Planning for Alternate routes of service during

equipment outages or emergencies is the major
aspect influencing selection of a feeders capacity,
type of route, or layout
In the event of the outage of a major feeder
segment, service can be restored by:
1. Opening switches to isolate the portion which is out of service
2. Closing switches to connect the rest of the feeder to other source(s)

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Support from the Same Substation is Desirable due to
the following reasons:
Substation Load Balance
Feeder Load Reach
Make Before Break Switching

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Single-Zone or Loop Contingency Backup
Simplest approach to feeder contingency backup

During contingencies, the feeder faces four times the total burden
(i.e. it must move twice its normal load, on average twice as far)
and it will cost nearly double what it would otherwise cost
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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Single-Zone or Loop Contingency Backup

Initial PW Cost of
Feeder increase
by 10% to
provide the

Points A (tie-point) & B (point of worst voltage drop during

contingency operation)
Dotted Lines show the points where voltage drop reaches Range
B (ANSI Standard 10.8%)

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Switched Contingency Zones
Alternative arrangement for Contingency Backup

Additional load
transferred to any
neighboring feeder is
only a fraction of a full
feeder load
Load reach increase for
power flow during Disadvantages:
More switch have to be operated
in order to restore service

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design

Normally open

Switching flexibility around the

substation is often provided by
installing lines and switches near
the substation. Any one feeder
can be isolated near the
substation and switched onto
either of two neighbors
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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Multi-Zone Contingency Scheme

Three-Branch/Three-Zone scheme with nine switches

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Multi-Zone Contingency Scheme
Low Capital Cost

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Required Number of Zones
to meet feeder-level contingency requirements

E 1
T E , D 1.125
Zones Required

Where E the economical rating of lines used for tie support

T the thermal rating of lines used for tie support
D ratio of maximum voltage drops permitted under
emergency and normal operation
B Ratio of capital cost, contingency plan over no
contingencies planned
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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Required Number of Zones
Line Type Low Loading High Loading Load Reach
#2 0 MW 1.6 MW 3.5 Miles
4/0 1.6 MW 3.7 MW 3.6 Miles To be used
336 3.7 MW 5.1 MW 3.6 Miles
636 5.1 MW 8.5 MW 3.5 Miles
trunks and
1113 8.5 MW 12.4 MW 2.7 Miles feeder ties
Thermal Limits: For 336 = 10.3 MW & For 636 = 14.3 MW @ 12.47 kV
Contingency/normal voltage drop ratio = 10.8%/7.5% = 1.44
Desired Budget Ratio for Contingency/No Contingency = 1.1
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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Required Number of Zones
Averaging the economical loading points and thermal limits of the line
E = (5.1 + 8.5)/2 = 6.8 MW
T = (10.3 + 14.3)/2 = 12.3 MW

Then, 6.8 1
12.3 6.8 , 1.44 1.125
Zones Required 2

MAX 2.24,3.17
2.62 3 Zones

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design
Required Number of Zones
If the Utility is willing to spend 1.8 times the minimum possible feeder
layout cost in order to gain contingency support, then

MAX 2.24,3.17
Zones Required 0.97 1 Zone
And the system can support contingency operation of feeders
and transformers with single zone/loop configurations

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Contingency Support and

Switching Design

Alternating the feeders from

different transformers by
rotation makes contingency
support for the transformer level
via feeder switching somewhat
easier to arrange. If either
transformer is lost, each of its
feeders lies between feeders
which are still in service, making
the job of picking up its load
from those remaining in service
somewhat easier.

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System
The primary purpose of protection engineering is safety and
protection, not customer service reliability

Protection Coordination of the distribution system is an

Engineering Department Function and not a Planning
Department Function

The manner in which the protection is applied, particularly the

determination of the number and locations of protective devices
installed in the distribution system and the coordination of their
operating characteristics, has a great deal to do with the
reliability of service that the utilitys customers see.

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System
Feeder System Protection
Over-voltage protection
Over-current protection Has something to
do with
Protective Equipment Sectionalization
Automatic Line Reclosers

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System
A 600A breaker relay at the
substation will pick-up
current above 600A.
Fuse at A must have three
a) It must be able to
interrupt at least 700A;
b) It must interrupt when
the current is 160A or
more; and
c) It must not operate
when the current is 58A
700A Fault

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System
The 600A breaker relay and the
fuse at A povides protection for
the entire feeder.
But, it is not necessarily
If a fault occurs from Point A to
the dotted line, and the breaker
relay picks up and opened the
breaker, it will interrupt 162 DTs.
If the Fuse at A operates
instead, only 47 DTs will be

Optimal location of
600A Fault line
700A Fault
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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System

Customer minutes of interruption avoided due to the installation

of each of the 33 fuses that can be installed on the feeder
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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System

Alternative protection and sectionalization scheme using one fuse to protect the pair
of lateral extensions on both sides of the trunk. Requires only 1/2 of the devices

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System
Large-trunk feeder with
the mid-trunk fuse at its
optimal sectionalization
position along with
switches, added there
and at the end of the
trunk end, so that the
farther section can be
restored through tie
switching in the event of
an outage of the near-
substation trunk section

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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System

Large trunk design requires 34 Three-branch design requires 56

protective devices protective devices, but delivers 5%
better SAIDI. In addition, a further
three devices can be added for a
total of 20% better SAIFI
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Protection and Sectionalization

of the Feeder System

Use of Reclosers and Sectionalizers

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The Electric Distribution System 129

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University of the Philippines Prof. Rowaldo del Mundo

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