One-Cycle Control of Switching Converters: Group
One-Cycle Control of Switching Converters: Group
One-Cycle Control of Switching Converters: Group
1 Introduction
Switching converters are pulsed nonlinear dynamic systems. There
has been n o standard way t o model and control nonlinear systems. At
present, most control schemes are approached by first linearizing the
governing equations and then applying a linear feedback technique.
DC line Chopped DC output
This approach greatly restricts the capability of switching nonlinear input voltage Waveform + ripple
systems. Vl ~
'Keyue Smedley is currently with the Superconducting Super Collider Lab in A buck converter with conventional feedback is shown in Fig. 2.
Texas. T h e duty-ratio is modulated in the direction t o reduce the error.
-I -
-i 7 m r ~~
I - * v,4
Comparator Amplifier
Figure 4: Current-Mode Control of the Buck Converter.
Figure I: T h e Conventional Feedback Buck Converter.
V, di dl
Ir I I
of the One-Cycle Controlled switching converter is exactly equal
I L I t o the control reference; therefore, the average value of the diode-
voltage should completely reject the input voltage perturbations and
instantly follow the control reference. The circuit used for the experi-
ments is shown in Fig. 9. T h e operating condition for the experiments
is V, = 15V, fs = 30kHz, L2 = 0.48mH, Cz = 30pF, R = 25R. A,
B, C , D, and E are the test points used in the experiments.
V d Integrator
The diode-voltage is fed back to the real-time integrator. The
integration value is compared with the control reference in real time.
When the output voltage of the integrator reaches the control refer-
ence, the transistor is turned off and the integration is immediately
reset t o zero to prepare for the next cycle
Comparator Integrator
Ad" vgdt = vref. (9)
b I
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: :
" .
" .
or:oJ1 im
ISO 2m
' BO
300 JSO
I 400
Time (Sec) T i m (Sec)
Figure 11: Buck Converter Rejects a S t e p - u p in the Input Voltage. Figure 13: Buck Converter Response t o a S t e p - u p in the Input Volt-
age and a Sinusoid Change in the Control Reference.
into the plot of the experimental results shown in Fig. 11. The spikes control reference was measured. A step-up function from 1OV to
on the input voltage are caused by the non-zero output impedance 20V was injected into the input voltage at Point C, while the con-
of the power source. These spikes did not influence the average value trol reference was varied with a sinusoid wave ~ , ,=f 3.1 1.2sinwt,+
of the diode-voltage, because the spikes are included in the real-time f = l O k H r , at Point A. The output response of the integrator was
integration that is compared to the reference voltage. The input measured a t Point E. Note that the input voltage has been reduced
voltage stepped up while the transistor was ON and the slope of the by a factor of two in order to fit it into the plot of the experimen-
integration of that cycle changed immediately; therefore, the duty- tal results shown in Fig. 13. The slope of the integration changed
ratio was adjusted instantaneously. immediately when the input voltage stepped up. The envelope of
the integration waveform kept up with the control reference exactly.
3.2 Load-Disturbance Rejection Therefore, the average of the diode-voltage was not influenced by the
Suppose the control reference and the input voltage are constant, input disturbance and was fully controlled by the control reference.
whereas the load current is perturbed. If the input voltage source
has some output impedance, the amplitude of the diodevoltage will 4 Stability of One-Cycle Control
be perturbed because the disturbing current generates a voltage dis-
turbance across the input impedance. This disturbance is equivalent Experiments proved the feasibility of One-Cycle Control of the buck
to the case when the input voltage is perturbed. One-Cycle Control converter. If converter is more complicated, such as the Cuk con-
completely rejects load disturbances at the diodevoltage, and keeps verter, will One-Cycle Control still work? Is the system globally
the average of the diode-voltage constant. However, the output volt- stable?
age is disturbed because of the dynamics of the output filter. Fig. 14 shows the One-Cycle Controlled k u k converter. The clock
triggers the FtS flip-flop to turn on the transistor with a constant
3.3 Following the Control Reference frequency. The diode-voltage is integrated and compared with the
reference voltage v,,f. When the integrated value of the diode-
Suppose the input voltage and the control reference are changing
a t the same time. For example, the input voltage has a step up
perturbation while the control reference changes sinusoidaly. The
r"i /y
,,,........') ,)(
......... .~
Figure 12: Following the Control Signal and Rejecting the Input
Voltage Perturbation.
Figure 14: T h e Experimental C u t Converter with One-Cycle C o n -
slope of the integration becomes steeper when the amplitude of the trol.
input voltage steps up. No matter how the integration slope changes,
the integration value still keeps up with the sinusoid control reference voltage reaches the control reference, the comparator changes its
in each cycle. Therefore, the average value of the diode-voltage does state, which resets the RS flip-flop and consequently turns off the
not see the input perturbation and it follows the control reference in transistor. A,B,C,D, and E are the test points. The circuit operating
one cycle, as shown in Fig. 12. condition is V, = 20V, f s = 5 0 k H z , 151 = 2.39mH, Lz = 2.34mH,
C1 = 100pE, Cz = 1000pF, R L = ~ l R , RLZ= l R , R = 10R.
Experiment 2 The capability of the diodevoltage to reject a step-
up input-voltage perturbation while following a sinusoidally varying
89 1
I I II I I , I, I I
-30 3
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
J VOlloge (v)
w k r r Y-Q: ua*,rrz3r d I+ Uodtiplirr. 1 3 x y Figure 17: T h e Global D y n a m i c Behavior with Duty-Ratio Limita-
A digital injector [3] was built t o measure the loop-gain. The pre-
-30 dicted and the measured loop-gains, are plotted in Fig. 18. The loop-
.io -io -io i io 20 io rb So gain of the One-Cycle Controlled Cuk converter is not infinite; it is
VOllngC ( V )
actually lower than Odb!
Figure 16: T h e Global D y n a m i c Behavior of the One-Cycle C o n - One-Cycle Control instantaneously controls the average value of
the diode-voltage. Nevertheless, the loop-gain is not infinite. All
trolled d u k Converter.
the other state variables inside the loop obey the physical laws. The
the input capacitor vc1 and the y-axis represents the input inductor variables actually move along the state-space trajectory shown in
current i ~ 1 The
. system is not globally stable. PI is a stable spiral Fig. 17. As a matter of fact, the voltage across the diode has a fi-
point and Pz is an unstable saddle point. The region around PI is the nite transient. O n e c y c l e Control takes advantage of the pulsed and
desired working region. The lower part of the y-axis is an unstable nonlinear nature of the switching converter, and adjusts the average
region, and the upper part of the y-axis is stable. value of the diode-voltage instantaneously. For example, when the
In practice, there is a physical restriction on the duty-ratio, Dmin5 control reference steps up, the voltage across the input capacitor un-
d 5 D,,,. When vc1 5 2,
the system operates at the maximum dergoes an attenuating oscillation. The input signal of the One-Cycle
duty-ratio D,,; therefore, the state space Equations (11) and (12) Controlled switch is the capacitor voltage v c 1 . The output signal of
become linear with d = D m a x . the One-Cycle Controlled switch is the diode-voltage ud, which has
1 i r i i----------- 7
Figure 18: T h e Loop-Gain of the One-Cycle Controlled b u k Con- Figure 20: T h e Control-to-Diode-Voltage Frequency Response of the
verter. One-Cycle Controlled d u k Converter.
Experiment 4 T h e control-teoutput frequency response was mea- Figure 21: T h e Control-to-Output Frequency Response o f the One-
sured. A sweeping frequency signal was injected into the control ref- Cycle Controlled Cuk Converter.
erence at Point A, and the output-voltage response was measured a t
Point B. T h e experimental result is plotted in Fig. 21. T h e frequency
response of the One-Cycle Controlled Cuk converter is equivalent t o
a second-order system as expected.
I l l
I I I' I I I
The output signal y(t) of the switch is the product of the input signal
z ( t ) and the control signal vrej(t); therefore, the switch is nonlinear.
If the control signal u r e j ( t ) is constant, for example v,,f(t) = D ,
the output signal of the switch is D + ( t ) , which is the case when
the switch is used for digital signal processing. In power processing
applications, for example a power amplifier, the input z ( t ) usually
represents the power, while the control signal v,,j(t) represents the
signal to be amplified. In the ideal case the input power z ( t ) is
constant X ; therefore, the output signal y(t) = XvTej(t).However,
Frequency (Hz) in reality perturbations always exist in the input power z ( t ) ;hence,
the output signal y(t) contains the power disturbance as well.
Figure 22: T h e Input-to-Output Frequency Response of the One- If the duty-ratio of the switch is modulated such that the integra-
Cycle Controlled 6uk Converter. tion of the chopped waveform a t the switch output is exactly equal
to the integration of the control signal in each cycle, ie.
5 Extension of One-Cycle Control
The One-Cycle Control technique found for the constant frequency
1"" +(t)dt = iT' v,,j(t)dt,
switching converter is extended to a general theory. The implemen- then the average value of the chopped waveform at the switch output
tation circuits are found for any type of switch, constant frequency, is exactly equal to the average value of the control signal in each cycle,
constant ON-time, constant OFF-time, and variable. ie
1 1 1 1
control signal v,,f; therefore, the One-Cycle Control technique turns
a non-linear switch into a linear switch.
Y(t) = k(t).(t) (16)
Four types of switches are considered here: 5.2 One-Cycle Control of Constant Frequency Switches
switch type TON TOFF T, For a constant frequency switch, T, is constant. The object of One-
constant frequency variable variable constant Cycle Control is to adjust the switch ON-time TON in each cycle,
constant ON-time constant variable variable such that the integrated value of the chopped waveform is exactly
constant OFF-time variable constant variable equal to the control reference.
variable variable variable variable The implementation circuit for One-Cycle Control of a constant
frequency switch is shown in Fig. 24. The key component of the
Suppose the switch frequency fs is much higher than the fre- One-Cycle Control technique is the real-time integrator. The real-
quency bandwidth of either the input signal x ( t ) or the control signal time integration is started the moment the switch is turned on by
vrej(t); then the effective signal carried in the switch output is the fixed frequency clock pulse. The integration value,
1 z(t)dt, (25)
is compared with the control signal v r e r ( t )in real time. At the instant
when the integration value vinl reaches the control signal vref(t), the
controller sends a command to the switch to change it from the ON
state to the O F F state. At the same time, the controller resets the
1 iri i II
One-Cycle Controlled Comtant Frequency
Figure 24: The One-Cycle Controlled Constant Frequency Switch
One-Cycle Controlled
Cotutant ON-Time Switch
' I
I ( I .
Figure 25: The Waveforms of the One-Cycle Controlled Constant Figure 27: The Waveforms of the One-Cycle Controlled Constant
Frequency Switch. O N - T i m e Switch.
L J,'"" z ( t ) d t = vref(t).
TS The waveform a t the switch output y ( t ) is guaranteed t o be
Since the switch period T, is constant and the duty-ratio is con-
trolled, the average value of the waveform a t the switch output y ( t )
is guaranteed t o be where T, is time dependent and TONis constant. Fig. 27 shows the
operating waveforms of the circuit.
5.4 One-Cycle Control of Constant OFF-Time Switches
in each cycle. Fig. 25 shows the operating waveforms of the circuit.
For a constant OFF-time switch, TOFFis constant. T h e object of
One-Cycle Control is t o adjust the ON-time TONin each cycle, such
5.3 One-Cycle Control of Constant ON-Time Switches that the average value of the chopped waveform is exactly equal to
For a constant ON-time switch, TONis constant. T h e object of One- the control reference.
Cycle Control is to adjust the OFF-time TOFFin each cycle, such T h e implementation circuit for One-Cycle Control of a constant
that the average value of the chopped waveform is exactly equal to OFF-time switch is shown in Fig. 28. T h e monostable multivibrator
the control reference. generates a constant pulse width. T h e real-time integration is started
T h e implementation circuit for One-Cycle Control of a constant the moment the switch is turned off. From t = 0 t o t = T O F Fwtnt ,
ON-time switch is shown in Fig. 26. T h e monostable multivibrator increases. When the monostable multivibrator changes its state from
generates a constant pulse width. high t o low, the switch is turned ON. From t = TOFFto t = T', v;,t
T h e real-time integration is started a t the moment the switch decreases.
is turned ON. From t = 0 to t = TON,v;,t decreases. When the
monostable multivibrator changes its state from high t o low, the
switch is turned off. From t = TONt o t = T,, o , , ~ increases.
At the instant when u,,t reaches zero, the comparator changes its
state from low t o high, which triggers the monostable multivabrator
t o high and turns the switch off. T h e present switching cycle is
completed and the switch starts the next cycle.
At the instant when u;,t reaches zero, the comparator changes its T h e ON-time TONof the present cycle is determined by the fol-
state from low t o high, which triggers the monostable multivibrator lowing equation:
t o high and turns the switch back ON. The present switching cycle
is completed and the switch starts the next cycle.
I iri I - - I
One-Cycle Controlled Theoretically, converters with One-Cycle Control are capable of
ComfanlOFF-Time Swifch rejecting the input-voltage perturbations, and the diode-voltage is
able t o follow the control signal instantaneously, within one cycle.
Therefore, the One-Cycle Controlled converter is equivalent t o a con-
trollable voltage source with an output filter. However, in practice,
the switches, the transistors, and the diodes are not ideal switches
and the integration is not instantaneous. Hence, the accuracy of One-
Cycle Control is greatly dependent upon the circuit design. T h e
experimental circuits of a buck converter and a Cuk converter in
this work show a very close match between the experimental mea-
surements and the theoretical predictions. T h e dynamic behavior
of the Cuk converter with One-Cycle Control, for both the large-
signal and the small-signal case, is analyzed. T h e Switching Flow-
Figure 28: The One-Cycle Controlled Constant O F F - T i m e Switch. Graph model shows that the One-Cycle Control Cuk converter is not
globally stable. However, imposing a limitation on the duty-ratio
Dmin 5 d 5 Om,, prevents the converter from becoming unstable
YO ;
1, while operating in the previously unstable regions. As a result, the
system is globally stable and behaves like a second-order linear sys-
tem. However, the system transient takes longer then one cycle if
the it has t o pass the D,, or Dminlimited regions.
~ - - T ~ ~ - + T O N4 T h e One-Cycle Control concept is straightforward and its im-
plementation circuits are simple; yet it provides excellent control of
switching converters.
I , .
6 Conclusion
T h e One-Cycle Control technique is designed t o control the duty-
ratio d of the switch in real time, such that in each cycle the average
of the chopped waveform a t the switch output is ezactly equal t o the
control reference. Experiments show that a switching converter with
One-Cycle Control, rejects input-voltage perturbations, and follows
the control reference quickly. Implementation circuits are found for
any type of switch, constant frequency, constant ON-time, constant
OFF-time, and variable. Therefore, the One-Cycle Control tech-
nique is suitable for large-signal robust control of P W M switching
converters and quasi-resonant converters, inverters, and rectifiers.
This technique may also useful for signal processing and other appli-