Iso 01127

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DEUTSCHE NORM Januar 2001 { March 1997) Stainless steel tubes QEMS | pimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length DIN EN ISO 1127 DEMAG (80 1127:1992) English version of DIN EN ISO 1127 108 23,040.10 Supersedes DIN 2462-1 ana Descriptors: Steel, pipes, dimensions. DIN 2485-1, March 1981 editions, and Nichtrastende Stahlronre ~ MaBe, GrenzabmaGe und langenbezogene Masse May 1996 edition, 180 1127: 1992) European Standard EN ISO 1127: 1996 has the status of a DIN Standard. ‘Acoma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword 8g = BS||] This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by ECISS/TC 29 to adopt, without alteration, BEB |] intemational standard 180 1127 as a European Standard. BZ 3 || the responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschu8 Eisen und Staht (Steel and Iron £8 Q |] standards Committes), 385 35 |] amonaments 82.9 |) imcompanson with DIN 2462-1 and OIN2469-1, March 1981 edltons, the folowing amendments have been made. EEE | a) The specications for seamless and welded pipes have been combined go8 ») Tolerances on the pipe length are no longer specied. BEE| Tolerances on the outside diameter and wall thickness have been changed EEE] 0) an outsize iamoter of 12:7 mn has been included 3 58 |] tacomparison with DIN EN ISO 1127, May 1986 edition, a printing enor in the German version has been corrected (ue. no E85 || amendment hes been made to the Engish version. 525 25 |] Previous editions E'2 8 |] pn 24e2-1: 1969-03, 1981-03; DIN 2465-1: 1969-03, 1961-0; DIN EN 180 1127: 1996-05, 228 zee gE gk EN comprises 8 pages. a [| 18.02.08 1 nop oth teard may bo epogices whet the prarpemenon ot DIN EN ISO 1127:1997-03 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 1127 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Api 1998 Ios 23,040.10 Descriptors: Steal, pipes, dimensions. English version Stainless steel tubes Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length (80 1127: 1992) ‘Tubes en acier inoxydable - Dimensions, _Nichtrostende Stahirohre ~ Mase, Grenz tolérances et masses Ineiques abmae und langenbezogene Masse conventionelles (10 1127:1992) (is0 1127:1992) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1996-02-16 and is identical to the 180 Standard as reterrad to. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration, Up-to-date lists and bibliographieal references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. ‘The European Standards exist n three official versions (English, French, German). A version In any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its ovn language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Por- tugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Unites Kingdom, CEN European Committee for Standardization Gomité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee fir Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels (© 1996. CEN ~ All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ret. No. EN ISO 1127:1896 E reserved worldwide for CEN national members. Page 2 ENISO 1127: 1996, Foreword International Standard 1801127:1992 Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length, which was prepared by ISO/TC 5 ‘Ferrous metal pipes and metalic fitings' of the International Organization for Standard Zation, has been adopted by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29 ‘Stee! tubes and fittings for steel tubes’ as 2 European Standara This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, elther by publi endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by October 1896 at the latest, In accordance with the CEN/CENELEG laternal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standars Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Swedan, Switzerlang, and the United Kingdom jon of an identical text or by Endorsement notice “The text of the International Standard {SO 1127: 1992 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without any modiffca- 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the diameters, thicknesses, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length of stainless steel tubes. 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encour- aged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Standards, ISO §252:1991, Steel tubes — Tolerance systems. The outside diameters and thicknesses of the tubes specified in this International Standard have been selected from ISO 4200. If thicknesses greater than 14,2 mm are needed, they should be chosen from ISO 4200. 4 Tolerances ‘The tolerances permitted on the outside diameter and thickness of the tubes result from the method ‘of manufacture, the steel types and the heat treat- ment, The tolerances shall be selected from the values given in tables 1 and 2. 4.1 Tolerances on outside diameter See table 1 Table 1 — Tolerances on outside diameter a Tolerance on outside diameter ~ bss | os with 0,75 mim min [To |. £1% a | with $605 mm min. Settee | etree reenter ae rors % s with $03 mm min “pose Co with 0,4 me rin. The tolerances on outside diameter include ovalty. 42 Tolerances on thickness See table2 Table 2 — Tolerances on thickness ierance | aa Tolerance on thickness F Tis % * with £08 mm min ae ERs% ~ if 04 rm min 5 E10 % 2 with £02 em ein, pal zs% “ with £ 0,45 mm mv. eae | 1s% 5 swith £01 rm mi, ‘The tolerances on thickness include eccentricity, 4.3. Other tolerances For tolerances on dimensions other than outside di- ameter and thickness, reference shall be made to 150 5282, 5 Conventional masses per unit length The conventional masses per unit length given in table 3 for austenitic stainless steel tubes are the Page 3 ENISO 11271996 masses given in ISO 4200 multiplied by a factor of 4,015. This factor assumes an average density for these tubes of 7.97 kg/m’ The conventional masses per unit length given in lable 4 for ferrilic and martensitic stainless steel lubes are the masses given in 180 4200 multiplied by a factor of 0,985. This factor assumes an average density for these tubes of 7,73 kg/dm* ‘Table 3 — Conventional masses for austenitic stainless steel tubes ENISO 1127: 1996 Page 4 zee | ez so ore | ove woz we oe a na ere ee we ez | ue | awe eee | seo « we ae oe or woo A ee owe | sev | ors se ove eo ows | avi | ese0 | aco 52 { sr | aee0 | size | 1000 se oot eso | a | we sre z aco | coco ase ew rose | scz0 | 050 | euro @ 190 | cap | sero | sv 7 so00 | ss90 sro] at evo | i920 | sev ovo eu toro | us | srvo | aco 8 toa‘ | sev aco | ow eave sete | aus. | caro | esr | ceo sei taro | rico | e500 | casa | acs | sovo | sve | eae ee cog | sir see a save | sez o vere | eco « one [sero ® [u/s “yun yun 298 ss0u jvopiuanveD sqow | oe | oe |e | ew [os [os | ey | oe | oe | ce | ox | oe | ex | ox ‘au ‘senuyoraL Page 5 EN ISO 1127/1996 ne ° og esr | ror 6 ree ew 0 ze ea esse as vee eo ew | ow ou oer eu. ° we os | cs vest we eas | as eo ae woe | 69 es | oer | soy | ove see for a 8 ave | sew | axe | oz v9 ove | ee 6 cer wee oot | ove see ws | os ave | see | zee | sez roa set | we a see a | ove 6 we sie owe | oes 6 wt wee | a cor a suey wun sod 2 elz fe w]e elelel[u Table 4 — Conventional masses for ferritic and martensitic stainless steel tubes —T T ] ] ] [ose] se at | we we} we] | ae oe | os | Ble ae Lf | ce ost | ev | ae] | we a | ! 5060 se | | | fof | fae oe | act arco | nave Lee | | wo | a | wt} fer] fom wo| [| we | a | ,] [fee wo | aor | wee weve = wi sor +e | | a swe | sar a we ws a eu | wre © | | sev were 4 | | Toor |] [eove [esce | soo vec zu | | sss | wove | voc l_] r | cove | [rave [tere [eae | wee |eozo ex | oso | sexo | rere | ozv0 | rev | sero | sera } 600 | vee’ | zo || see | | 1 || sar | owe ‘ bay ns sew iuonvonOD ee reine en Loo [ve Low [iv [ee [os [os [oe Lov | oe wlelelafalte oes EN 180 1127:1996 Page 6 wu teauye1aL Page 7 EN ISO1127:1996 aio! ne he 28 ze as vee zoe 5 eve ie eve se 30 ve ez ease ow oe seat ow ou re we zo so vow vot oat sve | oe en vee ve ooo | oe | svs we 08 ws wt jf | cee er we we wer | sor | wor 08 we we we we wee se ee see cor wos wt 96 ez | vz oz Page 8 ENISO 1127:1996 Annex A (informative) Bibliography [1] 180 4200:1991, Plain end steel tubes, welded and seamless — General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length

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