Multidimensional Array Problem in VHDL - Stack Overflow
Multidimensional Array Problem in VHDL - Stack Overflow
Multidimensional Array Problem in VHDL - Stack Overflow
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I'm trying to use a multidimensional array in VHDL and I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to work
properly. My issue is that I've got an array of 17, of 16 vectors, of a given size. What I want to do is
create 17 registers that are array of 16 * std_logic_vector of 32 bits (which = my b, 512). So, I'm trying to
pass in something to input and output on the register instantiation that tells the compiler/synthesizer that
I want to pass in something that is 512 bits worth... Similar to in C if I had:
memcpy(&var[3].. // I'm talking about 3rd COL here, passing in memory that is ROWS*ELEMENTS long
I tried simply using h_blk_pipelined_input(0) .. up to (16) but this doesn't work. I get the following error,
which makes me see that I need to double index in to the array:
ERROR:HDLParsers:164 - (at the register code). parse error, unexpected TO, expecting COMMA or CLOSEPAR
instantiate_h_pipelined_reg : regn
generic map ( N=> b, init => bzeros )
port map ( clk => clk , rst => '0', en => '1',
input => h_blk_pipelined_input((i - 1), 0 to 15),
output=> h_blk_pipelined_input((i), 0 to 15));
-- Changing 0 to 15 to (0 to 15) has no effect...
...declaration: 1/3
9/17/13 Multidimensional array problem in VHDL? - Stack Overflow
Just a slice of one row can be specified:
One alternative is that I can create more registers that are 16 times smaller, and instead of trying to do
all '0 to 15' at once, I would just do that 15 additional times. However, I think this may lead to inefficiency
in synthesis and I don't feel like this is the right solution.
instantiate_h_pipelined_reg : regn
generic map ( N=> b, init => bzeros )
port map ( clk => clk , rst => '0', en => '1',
input => h_blk_pipelined_input(i - 1),
output=> h_blk_pipelined_input(i));
end generate instantiate_h_m_qa_pipeline_registers;
ERROR:HDLParsers:800 - ((where the register part is)) Type of input is incompatible with type
of h_blk_pipelined_input.
I'm able to do everything I was able to do before, using ()() syntax instead of ( , ) so I haven't lost
anything going this way, but it still doesn't resolve my problem.
Took it a step further and used a conversion function on the input => and output => arguments for the
register instantiation, using a function to convert between the array type and just a std_logic_vector the
size that I need. It fixed the 'input => ' part, but..
Actual associated with Formal OUT mode Signal 'output' may not be a type conversion or
function call. (LRM
2 Answers
How about:
The code on that Xilinx site obviously isn't tested. Since ARRAY OF ... are types, not subtypes, their
code shouldn't compile.
EDIT: These custom types aren't going to play well with existing IP components, but that's ok, the
compiler can infer registers easily enough. Try: 2/3
9/17/13 Multidimensional array problem in VHDL? - Stack Overflow
I think we're getting close here.. see my question edits at bottom of question for errors I'm getting now
Nektarios Feb 26 '11 at 15:06
@Nektarios: VHDL is very picky about types. Even types which are compatible, like UNSIGNED and
STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, can't be used interchangeably. But you can cast between them (casting in VHDL looks
like a C++ constructor-style cast). Or you can change the data type of the component parameters to
reg512_type. To do that, you'll have to move the type declarations to a library module so they're visible to
multiple components. Ben Voigt Feb 26 '11 at 15:14
so, my register is defined with "input : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);" .. are you saying its possible that
when I instantiate one of these registers and set up " input => h_blk.... " I can somehow recast my
h_blk_pipelined_input to be seen as std_logic_vector(size) instead of an array of smaller std_logic_vectors?
How would I do that exactly? Thanks Nektarios Feb 26 '11 at 15:45
To get things to play right, I had to use a function to flatten and unflatten my data interacting with the
register instantiation.
The real issue boiled down to me having an array of std_logic_vector() that resulted in a large vector
which the register instantiation needed to have.. and then the register was giving me back the vector,
which I needed to put in to an array of vectors.
Unfortunately, I found that this doesn't synthesize. Nektarios Feb 26 '11 at 19:04
But, using another intermediate signal, and then using a vec2blk type function there, does work Nektarios
Feb 27 '11 at 18:58
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