Name: Nurhidayah Saadah Binti Ismail (55102315093) Supervisor'S Name: Zuraidah Binti Rasep
Name: Nurhidayah Saadah Binti Ismail (55102315093) Supervisor'S Name: Zuraidah Binti Rasep
Name: Nurhidayah Saadah Binti Ismail (55102315093) Supervisor'S Name: Zuraidah Binti Rasep
Blending Oil
Analysis Density Analysis Viscosity Analysis FTIR
RBD palm olein + Synthetic oil
26 28
For every added of 20% of synthetic oil into palm olein, the density value slightly decrease. For the overall oil composition, SO80
-PO20 has a lower density value which is 0.878kg/m3 than SO20-PO80 which is 0.896kg/m3. It can conclude that the result obeys the Aiman and Syahrullail (2017). Development of palm oil
theory because the value that gets from the experiment is same as the value that provides by the manufacture of synthetic engine oil blended with semi synthetic oil as a lubricant using four-
although the 100% synthetic is without the range. ball tester. Jurnal Tribologi 13, pp.1-20.
Based on viscosity graph, the oil composition value is below 60mm2/s. For the overall oil composition, PO60-SO40 has lower Hassan, Ani and Syahrullail (2016). Tribological
viscosity value which is 20mm2/s than PO20-SO80 which is 48mm2/s. It can conclude that higher viscosity is the best because has Performance Of Refined, Bleached And Deodorised
high anti-friction and anti-wear ability. Palm Olein Blends Bio-Lubricants. Journal of Oil Palm
Research 28, pp. 510-519
Based on FTIR graph, for the comparison of figure and table of FTIR analysis, it can conclude that the major type of bond in the Jabal, Ani and Syahrullail (2016). Tribological Features
blending oil is alkanes (CH2 & CH3), alkyl halide (C-CL), and carboxylic acid (C=O). But in the 100% synthetic oil there was alkenes Of Refined, Bleached And Deodourised (RBD) Palm
groups and the carboxylic acid group was weak stretching. In the figure 100% synthetic, it shown that peak 1705.51 was weak Olein Blends With Mineral Oil. Jurnal Mekanikal 38, pp.
stretching of carboxylic acids compared to other like 100% RBD palm olein and 80% RBD palm olein. Besides that, in pure synthetic 22-31.
oil and 20% RBD palm olein, there was alkenes functional group. It clearly shown that every 20% reduction of RBD palm olein there
will forming alkenes.