Caract Tecnicas Opgw Lsgs-11-Po0186 24s
Caract Tecnicas Opgw Lsgs-11-Po0186 24s
Caract Tecnicas Opgw Lsgs-11-Po0186 24s
: LSGS-11-PO0186
User / Customer : VEN/PDVSA/ELECVEN Page No. : 1 of 4 Date : Aug. 18, 2011
Project Title : Lineas 115kV/13.8kV asociadas a la Substatoin NIF
Contractor :
Document Title :
Fiber Optic Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW)
Type Designation : CS(AT)-OPGW-37/22-24S
Prepared : J. H. BYUN
Reviewed : K. H. SEO
Approved : K. I. SOHN
Ref. No. : LSGS-11-PO0186
Date : Aug. 18, 2011
Page No. : 2 of 4
1. Scope
This specification covers the general requirements for fiber optic overhead ground wire (OPGW).
The optical fibers are accommodated in an aluminum covered stainless steel loose tube filled thixo-tropic
jelly compound and this optical unit is protected by aluminum-clad steel wires and aluminum alloy wires.
8. List of Appendix.
Appendix A. Typical Construction Diagram of OPGW
Appendix B. Color Code of Optical Fiber Unit
Appendix C. Typical Diagram and Dimension of Steel Reel
Ref. No. : LSGS-11-PO0186
Date : Aug. 18, 2011
Page No. : 4 of 4
1. Optical fiber
2. Stainless Steel loose tube
with water-blocking compound
3. Extruded Aluminum tube
4. Aluminum clad steel wire
5. Aluminum alloy wire
* Note: 1. Reels will have suitable flange diameter(D) for winding a specified length
2. OPGWs standard length per reel : 4,000m
3. All dimensions are for reference