Emotional Intelligence: Why It Matters For Teachers?
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Matters For Teachers?
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Matters For Teachers?
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the role of emotional intelligence in teaching
learning and in the life of a teacher. Education is the most effective instrument to meet the
challenges. Education to be meaningful should not only aim at the physical and mental
growth of the individual, but also take into account the needs and the aspirations of a
developing society. Emotions of teachers are vital in this regard. The conventional teaching
just impart knowledge or fill students' brains with facts, but todays educators having a
broader role of shaping students skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflict
nonviolently, and make responsible decisions. There is a growing body of evidence that the
ability to work with emotion is an important part of the teachers skill set. The factor of
emotional intelligence is looked as one of the factors that influence students learning