Planning and Local Government Policy
Planning and Local Government Policy
Planning and Local Government Policy
Government Policy
Planning for our Future Importance of Local
1. Labor recognises that Local Provisions Schedules
Councils, comprising of community
4. A Labor Government will ensure
elected Councillors and Aldermen are
Local Councils are appropriately
appropriately placed to make planning
resourced to develop Local Provisions
decisions that meet the expectations of
Schedules (LPSs) for unique areas which
locals and reflect the best outcomes for
may not fit within the generic State
the local environment.
Planning Provisions. This includes the
2. Labor will ensure that Councils, protection of local character, amenity and
operating as planning authorities, have special values. This will ensure community
access to the best possible Statewide expectations for the protection and
Planning Scheme that provides enhancement of important areas are met
consistency for decision making and and these areas are not automatically
ensures conditions of approval take available for development.
into account the strategic direction and
5. Labor will not set unachievable
requirements of the State.
and unrealistic deadlines for the creation
3. A Labor Government will ensure of Local Provisions Schedules. These
State Planning Policies (such as liveability, Schedules are crucial to get right and
heritage, natural and environmental require extensive public consultation and
values, biodiversity, coastal, climate community engagement.
change, settlement, sustainable
6. A Labor Government will always
transport and infrastructure strategies)
protect third party rights of appeal for
are developed in consultation with the
discretionary development applications.
community. This important work is
Labor recognises that one of the important
currently missing from the process.
principles underpinning the decision to
have a single Statewide Planning Scheme
was to simplify and provide certainty of
approval and conditions for permitted
use developments.
7. Labor will continue to provide
planning certainty for permitted use
This is why Labor will make real time 19. Labor has a proud history of
information and data sets freely available, working together with Local Government
including planning applications, status to deliver positive outcomes for
and decisions. communities. The people of Tasmania
have every right to expect to be consulted
Recognition of Local and engaged on local issues.