Planning and Local Government Policy

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Planning and Local

Government Policy
Planning for our Future Importance of Local
1. Labor recognises that Local Provisions Schedules
Councils, comprising of community
4. A Labor Government will ensure
elected Councillors and Aldermen are
Local Councils are appropriately
appropriately placed to make planning
resourced to develop Local Provisions
decisions that meet the expectations of
Schedules (LPSs) for unique areas which
locals and reflect the best outcomes for
may not fit within the generic State
the local environment.
Planning Provisions. This includes the
2. Labor will ensure that Councils, protection of local character, amenity and
operating as planning authorities, have special values. This will ensure community
access to the best possible Statewide expectations for the protection and
Planning Scheme that provides enhancement of important areas are met
consistency for decision making and and these areas are not automatically
ensures conditions of approval take available for development.
into account the strategic direction and
5. Labor will not set unachievable
requirements of the State.
and unrealistic deadlines for the creation
3. A Labor Government will ensure of Local Provisions Schedules. These
State Planning Policies (such as liveability, Schedules are crucial to get right and
heritage, natural and environmental require extensive public consultation and
values, biodiversity, coastal, climate community engagement.
change, settlement, sustainable
6. A Labor Government will always
transport and infrastructure strategies)
protect third party rights of appeal for
are developed in consultation with the
discretionary development applications.
community. This important work is
Labor recognises that one of the important
currently missing from the process.
principles underpinning the decision to
have a single Statewide Planning Scheme
was to simplify and provide certainty of
approval and conditions for permitted
use developments.
7. Labor will continue to provide
planning certainty for permitted use

Putting people first TasmanianLabor @TasmanianLabor
Free and accessable 11. Labor has no plans to change the
current legislation for projects of State
Planning Advice for the and Regional Significance. Labor does
community not support giving call-in powers to a
single Minister for projects such as high-
8. Labor recognises that navigating rise towers, without giving the Parliament
the planning process is not always easy the final say.
and clear cut.
9. Labor will ensure a free Planning
Review of Statewide
Advice and Information Service is made Planning Scheme and
available to people to provide professional
advice and support for planning scheme planning systems
and development application issues of 12. Labor recognises that it is
$220,000 per year. Funding has been set consistent with best-practice to ensure
aside for this service. time and resources are allocated to
review the performance of the planning
State involvement in system.
planning decisions 13. Labor will ensure that a review
is conducted into the new planning
10. Where a major development
system to give everyone in the
crosses over more than one municipal
community the chance to provide input
area, or where a Council requests to
about ways to improve outcomes and
transfer their planning authority to
ensure our planning framework reflects
the State (due to a lack of expertise or
contemporary community expectations
resources) the Government will agree
and values.
to process the development application
through the Planning Commission. 14. A majority Labor Government
will support the review of the Reserve
Activity Assessment (RAA) process for
developments within National Parks, as
recommended by the Tasmanian Planning

Putting people first

taslabor.comTasmanianLabor @TasmanianLabor
Open Government
18. Following the review of fees and
15. Labor is committed to putting
charges a Labor Government will work
people first, and we recognise that
with Councils to better understand
technology can help to achieve this.
the roles and functions between State
Labor understands the value of and Local Government to ensure less
information that government generates duplication and better coordination of
and collects. essential services for all Tasmanians.

This is why Labor will make real time 19. Labor has a proud history of
information and data sets freely available, working together with Local Government
including planning applications, status to deliver positive outcomes for
and decisions. communities. The people of Tasmania
have every right to expect to be consulted
Recognition of Local and engaged on local issues.

Governments role 20. Partnership Agreements between

the State Government and Local
16. A majority Labor Government will Councils will be developed to build shared
continue to only support the voluntary vision and outcomes across community
amalgamations of Councils. Labor development, infrastructure, education,
plans to continue to work with the health, wellbeing and employment.
Local Government sector to reform and
improve outcomes for ratepayers. In
partnership with the Local Government
Association of Tasmania,
Only a Rebecca White Majority
Labor Government will be
17. Labor will conduct a Fees and about Putting People First.
Charges Review, after the completion
of the implementation of the Statewide Read Labors Better Plan for Tasmania:
Planning Scheme, to ensure a greater
degree of consistency for developers
across different municipal areas. Authorised by Rebecca White, 33 Cole Street, Sorell, 7172

Putting people first

taslabor.comTasmanianLabor @TasmanianLabor

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