SoB02 Bonds of Fate

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Bonds of Fate

A One-Round Low-Rank Adventure for Heroes of

Rokugan: Spirit of Bushido

by Cory Mills
Module Number SoB02
Release Date: 11/4/2010
Month of the Moon, 1137 (Spring)

A learned guest at the wedding of an influential lords son delivers news that will drive a samurai to the limit of his
loyalty and obedience.

LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS is a registered trademark of Alderac Entertainment Group.

Scenario detail copyright 2010 by the author and Alderac Entertainment Group. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without
This module is written for the Legend of the Five Rings: Samurai do not commonly concern themselves
Fourth Edition, published by Alderac Entertainment. with money or commerce; exchanges between
samurai are treated as gifts, and payments are
made to peasants as though humoring the
GM's Information lower orders petty ways.
An event is not truly considered to have
THIS SCENARIO SHOULD NOT BE happened without samurai witness; even
RUN COLD! criminal investigations rely entirely upon
eyewitness testimony.
Please read the scenario thoroughly before attempting
to run it. Some events that occur within this module affect the
storyline and may need to be reported by the Campaign
A four-hour time block has been allocated for playing Administrators. This module has an effective active
this game. The actual playing time should be about three period which is 3 months after its release, and these
and a half hours. events (listed at the end of the module) MUST be
reported by the GM to the campaign administration
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag in before the end of the active period for them to take
front of him or her. The tag should have the player's effect.
name at the bottom, and the character's name, gender,
glory and status at the top. This makes it easier for the
players to keep track of who is playing which character. Glory and Honor Awards and
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you
may present it as written to the players, while other text This adventure contains suggested Glory and Honor
is for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in bold awards (and penalties) for dealing with the challenges
italics. It is strongly recommended that you paraphrase presented herein. However, at times the players may
the player text, instead of reading it aloud, as some of the take extra actions which the GM judges worthy of
text is general and must be adapted to the specific additional reward or punishment. Please consult the
situation or to actions of the player characters. All Honor table on page 91 and the Glory table on page
bulleted information is just that, pure information. Feed 93 of the Legend of the Five Rings Fourth Edition core
it to the players through an NPC when appropriate, as sourcebook for more specific guidelines for Honor and
sometimes reading it straight just doesnt sound right. Glory gains and losses. Specifically, be mindful of the
performing PCs current Honor, Glory, and Infamy
Players will have Module Tracking Sheets that need to when meting out rewards and punishments.
be filled out at the end of the game, which is to keep
track of certain circumstances and events for future
GMs to create a better roleplaying experience for the
player. Important information to be included in the
game will be listed at the beginning of the module, and This module is intended for entertainment purposes;
information that needs to be recorded will be listed at this means that the goal is to provide an enjoyable
the end of the module. Please fill out the GM tracking playing experience for the players. The events of the
sheet attached to the end of this module and return it to module should be challenging, so as to ensure the
the Campaign Coordinator. If you need an electronic players have a sense of accomplishment, but the
version of the form, please contact the Campaign mechanics presented here are, ultimately, guidelines. If
Administrator or Campaign Coordinator (e-mail adjustments are necessary to adapt to the specific group
addresses are available on the website). of players, it is suggested that care should be taken to
ensure the player characters do have a reasonable
Rokugan has a complex and rich culture that is different chance of achieving their goals (or at least of achieving
in many ways from modern Western civilization. The an entertaining failure). Remember that the GM has the
Legend of the Five Rings book details these numerous final word at the table, and use that power with
differences, but it is suggested that GMs keep a few discretion and consideration.
specifics in mind.
Family name preceds personal name for all Adjusting for Party Strength
characters; Akodo Toturi was a member of the This is a Low-rank adventure, and the encounters have
Akodo family with the personal name of been optimized for a party of average Rank One.

Bonds of Fate Page 2

of disobeying his lords commands, or to help the lord
Although most of the challenges here are role-play save the life of his son.
oriented and thus not terribly dependent on party
strength, a few changes can be made to adjust the
adventure difficulty for high-end parties, as follows:
High End Party (at least three non-courtier characters
of Rank Two): Mirumoto Takako is present for the final The PCs have been sent to the lands of Iuchi Barashi to
scene with Koishi in his tower, and will fight to defend attend the wedding of his youngest son Aseo to
him. Toritaka Hamako, the daughter of Toritaka Shippou, a
Crab provincial daimyo. Iuchi Barashi is an
Take note of the following Advantages and exceptional healer, and over the course of several
Disadvantages: decades of activity, has accrued a large number of
Oath of Fealty (Iuchi Barashi) political favors from various lords across the Empire.
Oath of Fealty (Toritaka Shippou) The PCs daimyo owe Iuchi Barashi, and the PCs have
Insensitive been sent to represent their lords at the wedding and to
provide (or look for) any necessary service for Barashi
in order to discharge that debt.

Adventure Summary and The wedding of Iuchi Aseo to Toritaka Hamako goes
entirely without incident. It is not until the feast
Background following the ceremony that something happens to gain
the entire courts attention.
Fate is a powerful force in the life of any Rokugani.
From the highest to the lowest, each person living in the
Empire has a destiny of some kind or other, even if it is
Part One: Unexpected
of no great significance or importance. Most samurai News
have no idea what this destiny may be, but meet their
fate with as much dignity and honor as they can. Wedding guests gather in the garden of Shiro Onseba,
the castle of Iuchi Barashi. Banners bearing bright
Recent events have changed much, however: returned colors are everywhere. The tables have been set with
spirits stand slightly outside the kharmic cycle, and thick soft cushions to sit on, and brightly, almost
their actions can therefore alter the course of fate. This garishly, clothed Unicorn samurai wander about. The
has been made abundantly clear with the demise of the servants circulate with smiles and polite bows, seeing
Empress, but there are a steadily-growing number of that all the guests are given refreshments while they
smaller, more subtle instances that have begun to wait during the ceremony itself.
change the Empires path even further.
The bride, elegant in her fine red wedding robes, and
The PCs will begin the module at the wedding of Iuchi the groom in his formal black kimono emerge from
Aseo, son of Iuchi Barashi. Iuchi Barashi is a highly the shrine with their parents. Iuchi Barashi raises his
influential daimyo, as a number of samurai around the arms, gesturing to the couple with an open smile.
Empire owe much to his abilities as a healer. One of My guests, I have been honored on this day to
the things that this module will explore is the nature of welcome a new daughter into my home! I ask you all
samurai duty, and it will be one of the first to make use to greet Iuchi Hamako, and make her feel welcome
of the extended daimyo character options. among us!"
The wedding itself is nothing more than background With that, the bride and groom step down towards the
material; the ceremony itself, and the build-up to it, has small tables set out for the evening, taking a moment
little to do with the plot other than to get the PCs to greet each of their guests before the meal. The feast
together. After the introduction, a fair amount of travel is laid heavily in the Unicorn style, though not of
will be required of the PCs, with the details largely exclusively Unicorn foods for the sake of their guests
handled by the relevant NPCs. The players will sensibilities. Music is planned throughout the night,
encounter a situation in the eastern Dragon lands that though a play is scheduled for just after sunset.
will require them to make a choice between helping a
loyal samurai serve his lords best interests at the cost

Bonds of Fate Page 3

Barashis guests are given a table of their own, near the Sake, and stronger drink, flows freely, and as the sun
family. The PCs will share the table with a few sets, the guests become more boisterous in their
members of other Clans, as well as the highest-ranked celebration. Isawa Tomo is a notable exception to this;
guest. though he is polite, the gathering is obviously more
than he was expecting to deal with. When the meal
Agasha Koishi: Dragon Clan shugenja and comes to a finish, the Master of Water rises to call
servant of Mirumoto Takejiro (governor of down blessings upon the union. May joy and
Heibeisu). He is a tall, thin man with a prosperity flow to you from the Fortunes, in measure
pinched face and the typical ascetic demeanor as bountiful as the sea. He turns to Barashi, and
of his Clan. He is a driven man, utterly loyal continues politely. I thank you for your hospitality,
to his lord, and has little patience for the Barashi-san. I am certain that your guests share my
frivolity of the festivities. His lord has sent amazement at the boundless depths of your generosity.
him to escort a shipment of medicines from The welcome I have been given is beyond anything I
Barashi back to Heibeisu. would have expected. With your indulgence, I would
Bayushi Sugimi: Scorpion Clan courtier. A like to present my gift to the happy couple. Tomo
quietly pretty older woman, she watches the gestures to a servant, who brings forward an ornately
proceedings (and the other guests) from behind covered scroll-case. This is the original of a treatise I
a feathered mask of white and black. She will have been working on for some time now. Between
not speak of it, but one of her daughters was Barashi-sans many years of study of the elements,
fostered to the Crane during the Scorpions and Shippou-sans long devotion to the other Spirit
banishment to the Burning Sands, and there is Realms, the subject of this work seems highly
a subtle tension between her and Mizuyumi. appropriate for the union of their children. This is the
Doji Mizuyumi: Crane Clan duelist. She is a research I have done into the nature of returned
diminutive, lovely young woman, with spirits. If I may, Barashi-san, I should like to give a
exquisite manners but a core of steel. She has short reading from it. Fascinated, the Unicorn host
little patience with the Scorpion; the result of nods and gestures his assent. Tomo opens the scroll
having been forced to accept a Scorpion as a and reads an excerpt from the introduction. The subject
foster-brother shortly before her gempukku. matter is relatively esoteric, dealing with the effects of
Moto Maduhl: Representative of the Khan. A returned spirits and their nature in the Realm of
boisterous, somewhat uncouth Moto from the Ningen-do. It theorizes that, having met their destiny in
Burning Sands, he speaks Rokugani with a their first life, spirits stand slightly outside the standard
heavy accent, but is proud of his facility with karmic order. Most of the guests are somewhat
the language after four years of learning. nonplussed, though shugenja or spiritually-inclined
The last guest is none other than Isawa Tomo, people dont seem to have too much trouble following
the Phoenix Master of Water, and brother to it. Barashi, Aseo, Hamako, and Shippou all are politely
the late Empress. He is a slight man with an attentive, though the two daimyo do continue to drink
undeniable aura of power in addition to the while the Master of Water reads. The other guests are
glowing nimbus that marks him as a returned significantly less enthrallled, with the exception of
spirit. The Master of Water has worked with Agasha Koishi. The Dragon shugenja is riveted on
Barashi for years, both before and after Tomos words, and seems disappointed when the
Tomos death, as both are among the most Phoenix comes to the end of his excerpt.
skilled magical healers in the Empire.
After the rest of the gifts are given, the evenings
The players will get some time to interact with each entertainment begins with a short kabuki play. Packed
other and the other guests over the meal. The other with action, it rivets the attention of the crowd with the
guests, except for Maduhl and Tomo, are tale of the Unicorns return to the Empire and eventual
representatives of daimyo that owe Barashi (much like revelation as the former Clan of the Ki-Rin. During the
the PCs). Maduhl is present to observe a traditional play, perceptive PCs (those who make an Investigation
Rokugani wedding, which the Iuchi present far closer / Perception roll with a TN of 20) will notice Agasha
than the Moto do (marriages between Clans require Koishi approach Isawa Tomo for a quiet conversation.
approval from both Champions, and Gaheris curiosity The two shugenja speak quietly for a few minutes, then
was piqued). Tomo is merely an old friend of the the Dragon bows and departs abruptly. Tomo watches
family; as the highest-ranked samurai in attendance, he him go with a disturbed frown, then turns his attention
is somewhat uncomfortable with the attention he is back to the play.

Bonds of Fate Page 4

If any PCs wish to chase down Koishi, they may do so, samurai in service to the Toritaka provincial daimyo
but he is very curt and unresponsive. The Master of will be directly ordered by Shippou to assist his new in-
Water was kind enough to answer some questions of law.)
mine; I must meditate upon the answers. Please
excuse me, samurai. He will quickly gather his The PCs may have questions for Barashi, and he will
things, and leave the castle that night. answer to the best of his ability. That is, unfortunately,
not likely to be particularly informative he does not
The festivities continue well into the night, with music, know why Koishi left, though he suspects it had
storytelling, and even the spectacle of drunken samurai something to do with his conversation with Tomo. He
dancing. The next morning, Iuchi Barashi summons the doesnt know anything about the potential bandits,
PCs to a private audience. though he has been assured by the local Dragon daimyo
that their magistrates are looking for them.
Iuchi Barashi is an older man, with hair almost
entirely white and flowing moustaches that dangle Barashi will arrange travel papers, supplies for the
below his chin. He strokes them thoughtfully as he journey, and whatever else the PCs will need to make
speaks, obviously nursing certain ill effects from the the trip. The caravan consists of two wagons and a
night before. I hope that you all have felt welcome in half-dozen peasant porters, with one other samurai
my home. It has been an honor to have guests of such remaining as escort. Mirumoto Takako is a low-
distinction, and I glad to have been able to share this ranking ji-samurai from a vassal family sworn to the
celebration with you. Unfortunately, something Mirumoto; she was sent to help Koishi, and is quite
unexpected has happened. One of my other guests left irritated to have been left behind. Takako is a fairly
in the night without warning. This would not skilled samurai, and will serve as a native guide for the
normally be something worth speaking of, however, PCs through the Dragon mountains.
Agasha Koishi-san was also sent here to escort a
shipment of medicines to the city of Heibeisu. A If the PCs think to seek out Isawa Tomo to question
gift from myself to Mirumoto Takejiro, the governor him, they will discover that the Master of Water is
of that city. Your daimyo have sent you to my court to fairly approachable, but that he does not have much
represent them, and though I am loathe to deprive information. He will reveal that Koishi spoke with him
them of your service for any longer than need be, I during the play, and that the Dragon asked him several
find I must ask of you a favor. He pauses for a uncomfortable questions about how spirits interact with
moment to take a sip of his tea while he studies the prophecy. Tomo will admit that Koishi seemed
reaction of his audience. extremely intense, but that he was not specific about the
prophecy that concerned him. The Master of Water
This is a moderately subtle reminder that the PCs have was at a loss for what the Agashas true concern, but
been sent to help him with whatever he might ask. He the subject was too close to the death of the Empress
is not quite crass enough, hangover or not, to bring it up for Tomos comfort.
directly, but he will make certain the characters
understand what is going on.

Barashi continues blandly, This is the third such Part Two: On the Road to
shipment to be sent; the other two never arrived at
their destination. I am uncertain exactly what
occurred, but we have begun to suspect perhaps
bandit activity in the mountains. Takejiro-san had The road to the Dragon lands heads east from Shiro
sent one of his most able servants, but, well. I am Onseba, into the Lion lands and along the River of the
certain that this will not prove beyond your abilities, Drowned Merchant. The road will turn north at Oiku
and I know that your daimyo would not begrudge me toward Kyuden Tonbo, which serves as the gateway to
your assistance in this matter. I would ask you to the mountains. The Dragonfly Clan historically act as
escort the medicines to Heibeisu, in the Dragon the keepers of that gate, preventing people that the
lands. Dragon Clan do not want to deal with from traveling
into their lands. They do so very politely, of course,
This is obviously what the PCs daimyo were hoping with claims of waiting for appropriate guides to show
would happen when they sent the PCs here. (PCs who the safe passages through the dangerous mountain
are vassals of either Iuchi Barashi or Toritaka Shippou passes. The PCs do not have to worry about such
are treated somewhat differently: Barashi simply orders delaying tactics, however, as they are expected in
his own servants to escort the shipment, while Crab Heibeisu, and have both papers and a Dragon samurai

Bonds of Fate Page 5

to prove it. When they cross into the mountains, the spear)
journey becomes somewhat more difficult, as the high Armor TN: 15 Damage: 4k2 (bow or
passes are still fairly chilly in mid-spring, but no major spear)
problems arise until they are about two days out of Reduction: 1 (partial armor)
Shiro Mirumoto. School/Rank: none
Skills: Athletics 1, Defense 1, Hunting 2, Kyujutsu 2,
Inns have been few and far between along the Spears 2
mountain roads through the Dragon mountains. This Wounds: 10: +0; 14: +3; 18: +5; 22: +10; 26: +15; 30:
has required stopping for the night and camping +20; 34: Down; 38: Dead.
alongside the road, but while the spring weather in the
mountains has been a bit chilly, it has not been cold This is not designed to be a significant encounter;
enough to be truly uncomfortable. The peasant however the PCs choose to deal with the bandits, they
porters tend to the wagons and the tents as the sun will meet a Dragon patrol the next day. They can report
sets behind you. the whereabouts of the bandits or turn over any
prisoners and receive thanks from the local bushi.
The PCs may make an Investigation (Notice) /
Perception roll at a TN of 20. Success lets them notice
five men moving carefully through the brush down the
hill, toward the camp, and spreading out to flank the Part Three: Guardian of
PCs. If challenged, they will pause for conference, and
two of them will approach more openly.
the Dawn
Well, well, well, what have we here? The question After almost three weeks on the road due to the slow
comes from a large, shadowy form on the edge of the pace of the wagon over the mountain passes, the PCs do
camp, with a spear slung casually over one shoulder. eventually arrive at Heibeisu.
Barely a second passes before it is answered from an
unexpected source the small figure behind him pipes Heibeisu is a small city, though it is one of the largest
up in a clear voice: It, ah, appears to be a group of in the Dragon lands. It is home to several thousand
well-armed and highly trained Clan samurai. Pardon, people, and serves as a trade hub between the Dragon,
samas, but might you be in need of guides? The Phoenix, and Crane lands. Buildings come right up
large man turns toward him in evident surprise. to the low walls of the city, with the main keep of the
governors mansion rising above them all. You arrive
The five men are bandits, former ashigaru who have at the city walls just before midday; the road is backed
taken up a life of crime after the wars. The large man is up, with guards carefully searching all traffic and
their leader, Aki, and is not a very subtle thinker his paying extremely close attention to every wagon or
second in command, Ichi, is far more clever and cart departing the city. Stone-faced Mirumoto bushi
realizes that the PCs are well out of their league. examine your papers and the wagons, then provide
directions to the governors keep. Tension is heavy in
How the encounter goes will depend entirely on the the air, with the merchants and travellers uncertain as
PCs choices. Ichi will try his best to talk Aki out of to why the guards are so attentive.
attacking, without tipping his hand to the samurai; he
will try offering the samurai his knowledge of the area Heibeisu is a fairly prosperous city, with new
as a guide, but does not have much in the way of hope construction and a bustling trade district. There is a
that this will succeed. The PCs should be suspicious, as fairly large temple dedicated to Bishamon in the city,
the bandits approach was hardly upfront, but the which has recently seen an increase in its patronage,
bandits will not attack first. If combat starts, Aki and and a smaller shrine to Fukurokujin that has
the other three will close without much self- unfortunately seen better days. (This is a direct result
preservation (they are used to attacking ronin or of the increased tensions between the Dragon and
ashigaru guards who are relatively easily intimidated), Phoenix since the defection of the Agasha family.)
but Ichi will simply run away.
If the PCs seek gossip on entering the city (or later),
they may make the usual Courtier (Gossip) /
Bandits Awareness roll at a TN of 10 to gain one random item
Air 1 Earth 2 Fire 1 Water 2 Void 1 from the list below; every 5 they exceed the TN by
Reflexes 2 Stamina 3 Agility 2 gives them one additional piece of information.
Honor 1.5 Status 0.0 Glory 0.0
Initiative: 3k2 Attack: 4k2 (bow or

Bonds of Fate Page 6

The guards have been acting strangely all day; Takejiro, wishes to speak with them. I will be
ever since the first caravans tried to leave this honored to escort you to your audience with him.
morning, they have been carefully scouring Though polite, it is fairly obvious that Tetsuzan is not
every single person and vehicle that leaves the actually asking.
city walls. They refuse to answer any
questions, which has caused more than a few The PCs will be given a place to rest and recover from
problems and delays, but something has their journey, but within an hour (far sooner than might
obviously happened to attract their interest. be expected when dealing with a samurai of the
The most common speculation is that governors Status), Tetsuzan will escort them to an
something was stolen from the lord of the city. audience chamber.
Mirumoto Takejiro is the governor of
Heibeisu. He served as a shireikan during the A tall, well-dressed bushi in Dragon colors rises as
Clan War and was on Hitomis command staff you enter, and offers you polite bows. Greetings,
in the early part of the War Against the samurai. I am Mirumoto Takejiro. Welcome to
Shadow. The city has prospered under his Heibeisu. Takejiros voice is deep and even, and
command, and he has a great deal of respect though there does appear to be some strain in his
from his vassals for both his prestigious posture, his demeanor is polite. He gestures to the
military career and for his adept administration servants, who pass around refreshments, and sits.
of the city. Please take your ease, my friends.
The eastern division of the Mirumoto armies, a
unit called the Army of the Dawn, has recently Takejiro and his guard captain settle in while the
been reassigned to Heibeisu. Though they had servants follow their orders. The governor studies
been headquartered here before the Clan War, your group for a few quiet moments, then speaks
they were moved to Shiro Mirumoto again. I thank you for the service you have done my
afterward. Their return is attributed to the city, samurai. The loss of these shipments has been
increased tensions between the Dragon and felt keenly. I appreciate your assistance in this
Phoenix Clans following the defection of the matter but it seems as though I must ask something
Agasha family. more of you. Your daimyo are honorable samurai,
Construction of shrines to the newly-named and I trust that they will not begrudge me your help; I
Fortune of Noble Sacrifice has begun; the first, assure you, that it will be remembered. He sighs
in Otosan Uchi, has almost been completed. heavily and looks around. I ask that you keep this
Others are planned throughout the Empire, matter discrete until it is resolved. Late last night, my
though the Emperors proclamation that son was abducted. I would ask that you help find and
samurai should be willing to undertake the recover him. My guards are searching, but I believe
labor themselves has not been well-received. that an outsiders perspective may prove necessary.
A group of bandits recently attacked a
shipment of rice bound for Otosan Uchi; Takejiro is fairly desperate, and is willing to owe the
though they were hunted down and PCs daimyo a favor in exchange for the PCs help.
exterminated by the Imperial Legions almost Given that this is the sort of thing that got them
immediately thereafter, the fact that a band of involved in the first place (repaying a favor to Barashi),
criminals was bold enough to assault an they should understand what is happening.
Imperial shipment has disturbed many in the
Empire. Takejiro will answer whatever questions the PCs may
have to the best of his ability, with a few exceptions.
Mirumoto Takako will escort the PCs and their cargo to He has informed only a few of his direct servants and
the governors keep, and will provide introductions to his guards that the boy is missing, and a concerted
the governors staff, who will take custody of the search of the city is underway. A lord of Takejiros
delivery. (Afterwards, she will receive orders from her station cannot avoid having some political enemies, but
commander concerning the missing boy; suspicious, he does not know of any that would be responsible. He
she will seek Koishi in his tower, and speak with him is concerned that one of his vassals was involved (this
there. She will be convinced by him to save their lord, is why he is willing to bring in outsiders), but is hesitant
but will not be present at the final confrontation unless to mention it unless the PCs bring it up first. He will
it is a high-ranked table.) Mirumoto Tetsuzan, a not speculate on Koishi unless the PCs mention the
grizzled older samurai and the captain of the citys shugenja by name; the Agasha has not reported in since
guard, will meet the PCs as they leave the keep. He returning to the city, so Takejiro is not certain where he
informs them that the city governor, Mirumoto is. Takejiro knows that Koishi felt he has reason to be

Bonds of Fate Page 7

concerned about Fukurou, but will not mention it unless 20 will find a few more clues from the pattern of
directly asked. disturbed items in the main room, it becomes clear that
someone was carried to the balcony. Additionally, they
If the PCs specifically ask if any of Takejiros vassals will find a rock (slightly larger than a fist) embedded in
would wish to do Fukurou harm, he will pause the solid wall of the sleeping chamber near the ceiling.
thoughtfully before sending Tetsuzan and the servants If they rolled a 25 or more on the Investigation roll (or
out of the room. I do not wish to speak of this, but as make a separate Investigation / Intelligence roll at a
you point out, it may be relevant. However, I must TN of 20), they will realize that this stone likely is what
have your oath as samurai that you will never discuss shattered the screen; a Spellcraft / Intelligence roll at a
this matter with anyone else. I assure you, it will TN of 20 will realize it was caused by a casting of Earth
bring no dishonor to you, or danger to your lords Becomes Sky. (Agasha Koishi used the spell to break
but I have my reasons. Takejiro will not speak of this the screen, which was latched from the inside; casting
with anyone who does not vow to keep silent, sending Commune with the stone will not likely identify Koishi
them away if they do not feel that they can. Once he directly, but should provide a clue as to his identity.)
has an oath of silence, he will continue: When my son Finally, if the initial Investigation (Search) roll was a 35
was born, Agasha Koishi, my spiritual advisor, read or higher, they will notice a small streak of clay on the
the omens and reported to me that Fukurou is fated to wall outside the balcony. Investigation in the garden
kill me. If that is my karma, then so be it; I will face (with a Search TN of 20) will give the same clue, along
what my destiny brings as a samurai should. But with an empty glass bottle this is residue from Koishi
Koishi-san never seemed willing to accept it. No one drinking a potion of Hands of Clay to gain access to
else knows of this; I do not wish my political enemies Fukurous room. (Communing with the potion bottle
to use it to pressure me to disinherit my son or try to produces the same results as communing with the stone
claim the city as I have no other heir. Even Fukurou- in the ceiling beams.)
kun himself does not know. His mother died in
childbirth, and I did not wish to further burden him Seeking witnesses yields little further: one of the
with this knowledge. Takejiro is concerned that, if servants heard what they describe as a crashing sound
Koishi is the one responsible, this may allow Koishi to (most likely the shattering of the shoji screen), and ran
sway his other vassals. He only suspects Koishi of his to report it to a guard. The guard entered the room and
involvement, found the scene described above.

If questioned about Koishi, he will report him to be a Searching Koishis rooms provides some interesting
loyal samurai. I have had many vassals over the results. The rooms are very sparsely furnished: only the
years, but none as dedicated as Koishi-san. He spent essential furniture, no decorations, and very few
the Clan Wars building the defenses of the Dragon personal belongings. This is actually a clue in itself
Clan, and has a greater affinity for Earth magics than (and the PCs may roll Investigation / Intelligence to
many of his familiy. I understand that he is, like realize it): he is a powerful shugenja, and may have
many of his School, a skilled alchemist, but I do not been mentioned as an alchemist, yet there are no scrolls
know where he conducts those studies his rooms are and no alchemical apparatus in the room. This
almost entirely empty. I have to order him to accept indicates that he has a laboratory elsewhere. If they
his stipend; he truly does not seem to care for material search the room, a result of 25 on Investigation
things. (Search) / Perception will discover a hidden
compartment under the writing desk this contains a
Takejiro will allow the PCs access to most of his significant amount of koku, and it appears from the dust
residence, encouraging them to examine his sons that several strings have been recently removed.
rooms. He will also allow them to search Koishis room
if they ask. Investigation in Town
Koishi has a number of close associates in the city,
Searching the Mansion though few of them would be best described as friends.
Mirumoto Fukurous rooms are on the third floor of the Takejiro will tell the PCs that, as his main spiritual
mansion; they consist of three rooms, with a main room advisor, Koishi has worked closely with Mirumoto
that opens out onto a balcony above the gardens. They Tetsuzan (Captain of the City Guard), Komasan (abbot
have been left as the servants found them: the shoji of the temple of Bishamon), and Hireiji (monk at the
screen between the sleeping chamber and the main shrine to Fukurokujin). Any of them are willing to
room has been shattered, and the bedding and futon in speak about Koishi, describing him as a dedicated
the sleeping chamber have been scattered. An servant of Takejiro (though certainly not an easy man to
Investigation (Search) / Perception roll with a TN of know), and a powerful shugenja of note. These three

Bonds of Fate Page 8

men know that Koishi refurbished a ruined watchtower refurbishing it as a personal retreat, where his
about two miles away from the city as a sort of retreat occasional experiments would not risk the city.
it is far enough away from other structures to keep his
experiments from endangering anyone else. The PCs arrive just before sundown, as Koishi and the
spirit ronin are negotiating:
Asking around town requires an Investigation /
Awareness roll, with a TN of 20 (Lore: Underworld / Voices emerge from the ruined tower ahead and echo
Awareness is also possible, at a TN of 15, though the off its shattered stone walls. A deep, gravelly voice
PCs would have to specify that they are asking among that you recognize as belonging to Agasha Koishi
ronin or the lower orders). Agasha Koishi has been responds to a thin, sneering one. As you approach,
seen in the rougher part of town, talking to ronin this their conversation becomes more clear.
is not difficult to determine because he stands out like a
sore thumb in that crowd. He was most recently dont care what you normally ask for this sort of
reported at a very seedy sake house, the Broken Bowl, thing, ronin. Count yourself fortunate that I am not
speaking with a ronin by the name of Kanjin. inclined to ask how extensive your experience in this
field is and inform the magistrate. Koishis voice
Speaking with Kanjin will prove informative, if betrays both exhaustion and desperation.
possibly trying to samurai sensibilities. The ronin is
fairly rude, though he takes care to avoid giving quite The thin voice replies: Ah, but it is you that wants
enough offense to be called out by any but the most me to do something unsavory, is it not, Agasha-sama?
touchy Clan samurai. He is dirty, unshaven, and Who would the magistrate have the most interest in?
unkempt but he also knows things of use, and is Me, for simply selling my sword to survive? Or you,
happy to sell his services or knowledge (at a for trying to purchase this unsavory service? The
reasonable rate, of course, sama). Koishi came to owner of the thin voice chuckles, unpleasantly. But
speak with him about hiring a spirit ronin for some sort no. You see yourself as an honorable man, and I
of unpleasant task. Arent too many of them around, wont try to take that from you. Twenty koku will buy
but I knew a guy, returned spirit, willing to do pretty what you wish. Leave the money and the boy with me,
much anything for enough money arranged for a and youll not see either of us ever again. Shadows
meet between them. I could probably find them, if you move in the lantern light that spills out of the broken
want, samurai. Kanjin is fairly cavalier about the gate.
thought of his contact doing something terrible, unless
the PCs mention the fact that a child is involved. If I must see it happen with my own eyes, ronin.
Fukurou is brought up, Kanjin will realize (from his Otherwise, fate Koishi breaks off suddenly, and
interaction with Koishi) what the shugenjas goal is, his voice sharpens. Someone is coming. Guard that
and this will actually bother him enough that he will door.
offer his services for free to either track the spirit to
the meeting, or help fight, or whatever is necessary to The main floor of the old watchtower is Koishis
save the child. study he has somewhat refurbished the structure
and taken it over as a retreat. It contains his personal
library, worktables for his mizugusuri, a private
Part Four: A Question of meditation chamber, and living quarters. It is also
Duty where he has come to meet with the spirit ronin
Yasutake to negotiate the spirits murder of Mirumoto
Fukurou. Yasutake is a sallow, lean ronin with a
perpetual sneer; there is essentially nothing he wont do
One way or another, the PCs should find themselves for enough money, and he smells a healthy profit to be
heading out of the city by sunset. Agasha Koishis had from Koishis desperation. If the PCs move into
hideout is a ruined tower located a mile and a half away the base of the tower, they will see him moving
from the city walls. It was a watchtower that was casually toward a wooden door off to one side where
mostly destroyed during the Clan War by Shadowlands Fukurou has been locked in the meditation chamber.
forces that assaulted the Phoenix and eastern Dragon
lands indiscriminately; after the wars were over, it was If the group does not immediately step forward, Koishi
decided that the ruined tower was not worth rebuilding calls out to the opening, inviting the PCs to come out.
and the city built a new tower a few miles away. The spirit of the mountain is my ally. I know you are
Koishi turned his engineering expertise to the task of there; come forward. When the PCs do confront him,
recognition will light his eyes, and he stands straight

Bonds of Fate Page 9

with a hand held out in a gesture of warding, glaring at PC with the highest Honor Rank with an almost
the interlopers. This is none of your affair, samurai. pleading expression. I would have you stand as my
I will do as I must, to save my lord. second, once this is done. Take my head back to my
lord with my apology, but let me see him saved first.
The PCs must decide exactly how to react to this. If
Takejiro told them about the prophecy, they may try to The PCs are entirely free to let Koishi kill the boy; it is
speak with Koishi and talk him out of his chosen course highly questionable whether or not it is their business,
of action. If not, it is possible theyll be curious about apart from whatever they may have told Takejiro that
Koishis insistence that he is serving his lord. Talking they would do. Koishis violation of his lords orders is
Koishi out of what he is doing is almost impossible, but certainly distasteful to samurai, but it is technically
he is uncertain enough about his course of action to feel between Koishi and his lord. If the PCs have not
it necessary to justify himself. promised to return the boy to Takejiro, it is actually
possible for them to honorably assist Koishi in pursuit
The child must die, samurai. My lord when his of his duty.
son was born, a vision came to me. A baby owl,
tearing apart its parents. I knew, without doubt, what Of course, the PCs may simply choose to attack
it meant: my lords wife died in childbirth. I even immediately. (Note that in order to place themselves at
sought the Oracle of Fire in his retreat near the risk, any PC with the Insensitive Disadvantage must
Wrath of the Kami, and he confirmed my fears. The spend a Void Point he is not threatening them, and the
boy is fated to kill my lord. Takejiro-dono, he is too possible gain to their lord is not direct enough. They
proud, or perhaps the death of his wife just resigned can, after all, just let Koishi kill the child.) In this case,
him to his fate he refused to allow anyone to try to he will order the ronin to go kill the boy and try to buy
save him. Koishi draws a ragged breath, fists enough time for that to happen he wont go out of his
clenched in frustration. It is not right my lord is way to kill any of the PCs, but he wont stop fighting
the finest samurai in the Empire! Brave, noble, until forced to. Most of Koishis spell slots are bound
honorable a skilled general, he has given nothing up in potions, preventing him from reacting with a wide
but service to his lord and he treats his servants better range of versatility, but effectively allowing him to cast
than any. He does not deserve this! If any of the PCs a spell every round he can get his hands on a potion.
are Dragon, he will single them out. Think! What is Fortunately for the PCs, his creations are not
in the best interests of the Clan? Some child who may immediately close to hand. Yasutake will enter the
never amount to anything, or a proven leader like my Defense Stance on the first Round of combat, opening
lord? the door as instructed. If the PCs do not attack him, he
will enter the room it will take him two rounds to kill
Koishi knows that he is disobeying his lords orders, the boy (Fukurou puts up a good fight for a twelve-
but he honestly believes that what he is doing is in his year-old boy, but ultimately, he is still an unarmed,
lords best interests. He has chosen to do something half-trained child). If attacked, Yasutake will enter Full
that he knows is wrong to save his lord, and convincing Defense and try to flee, only attacking if it seems
him to let the boy live is extremely unlikely. He will necessary to escape.
insist that saving his lord takes priority over anything.
Intimidation or bribery will simply not work; threats Koishi will begin by moving toward his worktable,
will cause him to attack immediately. A very well- where most of his potions are located, and drink a
roleplayed argument about the proper obedience a potion for a suitable defensive spell. After that, if the
samurai is due his lord may convince him to let the boy PCs appear to be moving to interfere with Yasutake, he
go. This will require a Courtier / Awareness roll with will take a potion containing Hurried Steps, to allow
a minimum TN of 40; remember that this entire thing is him to cast Wall of Fire and seal everyone in the tower.
an act of pure desperation on Koishis part, and Between the Wall of Fire and his other potions, Koishi
swaying him from this course of action should be a will try to burn everyone alive inside the tower. Flames
truly epic feat. will spread through the structure, and the Wall of Fire
will make the entrance essentially impassable. Koishi
While the PCs are trying to convince Koishi to let the is a powerful shugenja, but has bound almost all of his
boy go, he will be trying to convince them to allow him spell slots into his potions (he only has his three Void
to kill his lords son. I take no joy in it, but it is what slots remaining for versatility). Koishi is a powerful
must be. The Master of Water told me what must be shugenja, and has long experience with defensive
done to defy fate. A returned spirit, one who has warfare, but he is not thinking entirely clearly he
fulfilled their destiny, can change anothers. The should be a challenging opponent, but he is not fighting
death of the Empress proves it! He will look at the to the best of his ability. (Another suggestion to

Bonds of Fate Page 10

increase the tension of this scene is to use a mishap Prepared Potions: 2x Blessed Wind, Be the Mountain,
with Koishis equipment to cause a fire through the Earths Stagnation, Earths Touch, Force of Will, 2x
tower; rescuing the boy should be a dramatic event.) Fires From Within, 2x Hurried Steps, 3x Path to Inner
Peace (36, 24, and 11 Wounds)
PCs who attempt to flee up the stairs must make an Wounds: 20: +0; 28: +3; 36: +5; 44: +10; 52: +15; 60:
Athletics / Agility roll at a TN of 20 (25 if they are +20; 68: Down; 76: Dead
carrying Fukurou) or fall on the stairs. If Koishi has
started spreading fires, they will take 2k1 every round
they remain in the main room or on the stairs. Yasutake, reprehensible spirit ronin
Air 2 Earth 2 Fire 2 Water 2 Void 2
There is a storage room on the second floor with a Reflexes 3 Agility 3 Strength 3
Honor 1.5 Status 0.0 Glory 1.0
window that can serve as a possible egress; the shelves
Initiative: 5k3 Attack: 7k3 (katana)
and crates in the room contain ropes, blankets, and
Armor TN: 23 (ashigaru Damage: 7k2 (katana)
other things that might be of assistance. (Dousing a
blanket in water and wrapping it around someone
Reduction: 1
should reduce damage done by the burning building or
School/Rank: none/Insight Rank 2
even the Wall of Fire, for example.)
Skills: Athletics 3, Defense 3, Hunting 2, Kenjutsu
(Katana) 4, Knives 3, Kyujutsu 4, Spears 2, Lore:
Agasha Koishi Underworld 1, Stealth 3
Koishi is a tall, thin samurai in his late thirties. He is Mastery Abilities: +1k0 damage with swords; may
not a sociable man, and has little patience for the sort of keep a Full Defense roll result for following rounds
frivolity found at the wedding. Koishi spent the Clan Advantages/Disadvantages: Magic Resistance, Touch
War working on the defenses of the Dragon lands, and of Toshigoku / Disturbing Countenance, Social
has been a He has dedicated himself to the service of Disadvantage (ronin)
his lord, and nothing takes precedence over that in his
mind. Absolutely nothing. If the PCs manage to talk Koishi down, he will prefer to
Air 2 Earth 4 Fire 4 Water 3 Void 3 remain behind where he can kill himself in shame.
Reflexes 3 However, the PCs can talk him into doing it properly
Honor 7.0 Status 3.5 Glory 4.2 with his lords permission. Otherwise, he will fight
Initiative: 6k3 Spellcasting: Fire 9k4, until either he or the boy dies, refusing to surrender or
Earth 8k4, Air 6k2, flee.
Armor TN: 20 (26 in Water 6k3
Defense Stance) Returning Fukurou to his father should prove fairly
School/Rank: Agasha (Dragon) Shugenja 3 easy; the guards on the gate recognize their lords son
Skills: Athletics (Throwing) 4, Battle 1, Calligraphy readily, and will provide an escort to the governors
(Cipher) 3, Defense 3, Divination 4, Engineering 4, mansion.
Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu 1, Lore: Theology 3, Medicine 3,
Spellcraft 5
Mastery Abilities: +1k0 to Spellcasting Rolls; may Conclusion
keep a Full Defense roll result for following rounds
Advantages/Disadvantages: Friendly Kami (Earth), If the PCs saved Mirumoto Fukurou, they will earn
Paragon of Duty / Ascetic, Driven (serve Mirumoto Takejiros gratitude. He will send their daimyo letters
Takejiro) of appreciation, filled with praise for the characters
Personal Creations: Due to long study, Koishi may efforts. Because they fulfilled their lords obligation to
create potions with spells that have a Target of one lord and returned with another lord owing them a
Personal by spending a Void Point when he creates favor, the PCs will be rewarded by their liege and
the potion. granted a slightly higher place.
Spells: (Spells marked with a * are memorized.)
Sense, Commune*, Summon; Air: Blessed Wind If they failed to recover Fukurou, Takejiro still
(ML1); Earth: Be the Mountain (ML2), Earth Becomes considers himself obligated to their daimyo for the
Sky (ML2), Earths Stagnation (ML1), Earths Touch attempt. However, he will never forgive the PCs for
(ML1), Force of Will (ML2), Grasp of Earth* (ML2), failing to return his son to him, and they will have
Hands of Clay (ML2); Fire: Fires of Purity (ML1), the earned his undying enmity.
Fires from Within* (ML2), Hurried Steps (ML2),
Ravenous Swarms (ML3), Wall of Fire* (ML4); Water:
Inaris Blessing (ML2), Path to Inner Peace (ML1)

Bonds of Fate Page 11

The End a point of Status as they gain their daimyos

If the PCs recover Mirumoto Fukurou, they will gain

Rewards for Completing Mirumoto Takejiro as an Ally (2 Influence/ 1
the Adventure Devotion).

If the PCs fail to recover Fukurou, they still gain the

At the end of the scenario, any PCs with Shadowlands Status (as Takejiro feels he owes the daimyo for their
Taint must make a Raw Earth roll with a TN of 5 + (5 x servants atempt), but his bitter disappointment turns to
Taint Rank). If the roll fails, the PC acquires one anger when it comes to those who dashed his hopes: the
additional point of Taint. PCs gain Mirumoto Takejiro as a Sworn Enemy.

If a PC has a Crafting cert, they may make a Crafting Module Tracking Sheets
roll at this time.
Mark any PC who swore to keep Takejiros prophecy a
secret with Oath to Takejiro. If they ever reveal this
Experience Points information, they will lose two Ranks of Honor and
gain Mirumoto Takejiro as a Sworn Enemy (losing him
Surviving the adventure: 1XP as an Ally if they had him as such).
Good roleplaying: +1XP
Escorting the caravan to Heibeisu: +1XP GM Reporting
Rescuing Fukurou or Assisting Koishi: +1XP
Did Mirumoto Fukurou survive?
Total Possible Experience: 4XP
GM must report this information BEFORE
Honor (Expiration date) for it to have storyline effect

The PCs gain one point of Honor for rescuing

Mirumoto Fukorou as long as their Honor was less than

If the PCs assisted Koishi in meeting what he thought

of as his duty, they gain a point of Honor if they assist
him to commit seppuku. The character who stands as
his second gains an additional point of Honor.


PCs with less than three Ranks of Glory gain 2 points

for recovering Mirumoto Fukurou. PCs with three
Ranks or more gain 1 point.

If the PCs fight the bandits in the mountain and report

their defeat to the Dragon patrol, they will gain a single
point of Glory if they have less than two Ranks of
Glory. (Those were not particularly impressive
opponents, after all.)

Other Awards/Penalties

If the PCs rescue Mirumoto Fukurou, or bring Takejiro

Koishis head if Fukurou dies, Takejiro will consider
himself obligated to their daimyo and the PCs will gain

Bonds of Fate Page 12

Appendix #1: NPCs
Kanjin Advantages/Disadvantages: Crab Hands, Crafty,
Hands of Stone, Luck I, Strength of the Earth / Bentens
Kanjin means scoundrel, and the man who chose
Curse, Infamous
that name did so intentionally. He is not a bad man,
though he is aware of the repuation ronin have and
plays upon peoples expectations with glee. He bathes Mirumoto Takako
and shaves irregularly, just to manipulate others Takako is a low-ranked ji-samurai. She is competent
perceptions, and he is generally rather rude to Clan and capable, despite her low birth, and frequently
samurai simply to see how far they are willling to let somewhat frustrated by the limitations her station
him go. He is not without compassion, however, and places on her, but she does her best to perform her
there are definite limits to what he is willing to do for duties as she can.
either a koku or to tweak the nose of the powerful. She is a tall, slender woman with her hair in a maidens
Kanjin is a short, stocky man with a powerful frame. foxtail. Her gear is well-maintained, though obviously
Though he knows how to use a sword, he does so only not of high quality, but she is determined to do the best
rarely, preferring to rely on his hands and feet. He she can with what she has.
would much rather grapple an opponent into Air 2 Earth 3 Fire 2 Water 2 Void 2
submission than kill them; explaining bodies is Reflexes 3 Agility 3
Honor 4.5 Status 0.5 Glory 1.0
generally more work than he prefers to go to.
Air 2 Earth 3 Fire 3 Water 2 Void 2 Initiative: 4k3 Attack: 6k3 (katana)
Strength 3 Armor TN: 27 (light Damage: 6k2 (katana)
Honor 3.5 Status 0 Infamy 1.0 armor and daisho)
Initiative: 3k2 Attack: 6k3 (unarmed), Reduction: 3 (light armor)
5k3 (katana) School/Rank: Mirumoto Bushi 1
Armor TN: 18 (ashigaru Damage: 4k2 (unarmed), Skills: Athletics 1, Defense 2, Etiquette 1, Hunting 2,
armor) 7k2 (katana) Iaijutsu 2, Investigation 1, Kenjutsu 3, Lore: Shugenja
Reduction: 1 3, Lore: Theology 2, Meditation 2
School/Rank: none Mastery Abilities: +1k0 to damage with swords
Skills: Athletics 2, Battle 1, Defense 2, Hunting Advantages/Disadvantages: Social Disadvantage
(Tracking) 3, Iaijutsu 1, Investigation 1, Jiujutsu 3, (vassal family)
Kenjutsu 2, Lore: Underworld 3

Bonds of Fate Page 13

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