SoB02 Bonds of Fate
SoB02 Bonds of Fate
SoB02 Bonds of Fate
by Cory Mills
Module Number SoB02
Release Date: 11/4/2010
Month of the Moon, 1137 (Spring)
A learned guest at the wedding of an influential lords son delivers news that will drive a samurai to the limit of his
loyalty and obedience.
Adventure Summary and The wedding of Iuchi Aseo to Toritaka Hamako goes
entirely without incident. It is not until the feast
Background following the ceremony that something happens to gain
the entire courts attention.
Fate is a powerful force in the life of any Rokugani.
From the highest to the lowest, each person living in the
Empire has a destiny of some kind or other, even if it is
Part One: Unexpected
of no great significance or importance. Most samurai News
have no idea what this destiny may be, but meet their
fate with as much dignity and honor as they can. Wedding guests gather in the garden of Shiro Onseba,
the castle of Iuchi Barashi. Banners bearing bright
Recent events have changed much, however: returned colors are everywhere. The tables have been set with
spirits stand slightly outside the kharmic cycle, and thick soft cushions to sit on, and brightly, almost
their actions can therefore alter the course of fate. This garishly, clothed Unicorn samurai wander about. The
has been made abundantly clear with the demise of the servants circulate with smiles and polite bows, seeing
Empress, but there are a steadily-growing number of that all the guests are given refreshments while they
smaller, more subtle instances that have begun to wait during the ceremony itself.
change the Empires path even further.
The bride, elegant in her fine red wedding robes, and
The PCs will begin the module at the wedding of Iuchi the groom in his formal black kimono emerge from
Aseo, son of Iuchi Barashi. Iuchi Barashi is a highly the shrine with their parents. Iuchi Barashi raises his
influential daimyo, as a number of samurai around the arms, gesturing to the couple with an open smile.
Empire owe much to his abilities as a healer. One of My guests, I have been honored on this day to
the things that this module will explore is the nature of welcome a new daughter into my home! I ask you all
samurai duty, and it will be one of the first to make use to greet Iuchi Hamako, and make her feel welcome
of the extended daimyo character options. among us!"
The wedding itself is nothing more than background With that, the bride and groom step down towards the
material; the ceremony itself, and the build-up to it, has small tables set out for the evening, taking a moment
little to do with the plot other than to get the PCs to greet each of their guests before the meal. The feast
together. After the introduction, a fair amount of travel is laid heavily in the Unicorn style, though not of
will be required of the PCs, with the details largely exclusively Unicorn foods for the sake of their guests
handled by the relevant NPCs. The players will sensibilities. Music is planned throughout the night,
encounter a situation in the eastern Dragon lands that though a play is scheduled for just after sunset.
will require them to make a choice between helping a
loyal samurai serve his lords best interests at the cost
Barashi continues blandly, This is the third such Part Two: On the Road to
shipment to be sent; the other two never arrived at
their destination. I am uncertain exactly what
occurred, but we have begun to suspect perhaps
bandit activity in the mountains. Takejiro-san had The road to the Dragon lands heads east from Shiro
sent one of his most able servants, but, well. I am Onseba, into the Lion lands and along the River of the
certain that this will not prove beyond your abilities, Drowned Merchant. The road will turn north at Oiku
and I know that your daimyo would not begrudge me toward Kyuden Tonbo, which serves as the gateway to
your assistance in this matter. I would ask you to the mountains. The Dragonfly Clan historically act as
escort the medicines to Heibeisu, in the Dragon the keepers of that gate, preventing people that the
lands. Dragon Clan do not want to deal with from traveling
into their lands. They do so very politely, of course,
This is obviously what the PCs daimyo were hoping with claims of waiting for appropriate guides to show
would happen when they sent the PCs here. (PCs who the safe passages through the dangerous mountain
are vassals of either Iuchi Barashi or Toritaka Shippou passes. The PCs do not have to worry about such
are treated somewhat differently: Barashi simply orders delaying tactics, however, as they are expected in
his own servants to escort the shipment, while Crab Heibeisu, and have both papers and a Dragon samurai
If questioned about Koishi, he will report him to be a Searching Koishis rooms provides some interesting
loyal samurai. I have had many vassals over the results. The rooms are very sparsely furnished: only the
years, but none as dedicated as Koishi-san. He spent essential furniture, no decorations, and very few
the Clan Wars building the defenses of the Dragon personal belongings. This is actually a clue in itself
Clan, and has a greater affinity for Earth magics than (and the PCs may roll Investigation / Intelligence to
many of his familiy. I understand that he is, like realize it): he is a powerful shugenja, and may have
many of his School, a skilled alchemist, but I do not been mentioned as an alchemist, yet there are no scrolls
know where he conducts those studies his rooms are and no alchemical apparatus in the room. This
almost entirely empty. I have to order him to accept indicates that he has a laboratory elsewhere. If they
his stipend; he truly does not seem to care for material search the room, a result of 25 on Investigation
things. (Search) / Perception will discover a hidden
compartment under the writing desk this contains a
Takejiro will allow the PCs access to most of his significant amount of koku, and it appears from the dust
residence, encouraging them to examine his sons that several strings have been recently removed.
rooms. He will also allow them to search Koishis room
if they ask. Investigation in Town
Koishi has a number of close associates in the city,
Searching the Mansion though few of them would be best described as friends.
Mirumoto Fukurous rooms are on the third floor of the Takejiro will tell the PCs that, as his main spiritual
mansion; they consist of three rooms, with a main room advisor, Koishi has worked closely with Mirumoto
that opens out onto a balcony above the gardens. They Tetsuzan (Captain of the City Guard), Komasan (abbot
have been left as the servants found them: the shoji of the temple of Bishamon), and Hireiji (monk at the
screen between the sleeping chamber and the main shrine to Fukurokujin). Any of them are willing to
room has been shattered, and the bedding and futon in speak about Koishi, describing him as a dedicated
the sleeping chamber have been scattered. An servant of Takejiro (though certainly not an easy man to
Investigation (Search) / Perception roll with a TN of know), and a powerful shugenja of note. These three
If a PC has a Crafting cert, they may make a Crafting Module Tracking Sheets
roll at this time.
Mark any PC who swore to keep Takejiros prophecy a
secret with Oath to Takejiro. If they ever reveal this
Experience Points information, they will lose two Ranks of Honor and
gain Mirumoto Takejiro as a Sworn Enemy (losing him
Surviving the adventure: 1XP as an Ally if they had him as such).
Good roleplaying: +1XP
Escorting the caravan to Heibeisu: +1XP GM Reporting
Rescuing Fukurou or Assisting Koishi: +1XP
Did Mirumoto Fukurou survive?
Total Possible Experience: 4XP
GM must report this information BEFORE
Honor (Expiration date) for it to have storyline effect
Other Awards/Penalties