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J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci.

, 5(5)90-95, 2015 ISSN: 2090-4274

Journal of Applied Environmental
2015, TextRoad Publication
and Biological Sciences

Benthic Macrofauna in Mangrove Zonation at Poteran Island, Madura, Indonesia

Aunurohim1*, Bagus Karim Sujatmiko2, Aminatul Badriyah Ikrom2, Nengah Dwianita Kuswytasari1, Maya Shovitri1,
Enny Zulaika1, Nur Hidayatul Alami1, Triono Bagus Saputro1, Wirdhatul Muslihatin1,
Dini Ermavitalini1, Taslim Ersan3
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, ITS
Student of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, ITS
Departmen of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, ITS
Surabaya, Indonesia
Received: January 25, 2015
Accepted: March 17, 2015


Some coastal areas of the Poteran Island had covered by mangrove that associated to benthic macrofauna and had given an
ecologically value. This study was aim to determine the trend of living of benthic macrofauna on mangrove tree species at
certain parts such as roots, stems, leaves, or substrate. Benthic macrofauna sampling had done using the random method with
hand collecting at one meter squares of each area of mangrove zonation. Illustration of benthic macrofauna living tendency
on mangrove zonation showed using multivariate Canoco. Dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna in mangrove zonation
calculated manually using Poisson Index. The population of benthic macrofauna that associated with mangrove zone of
Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba and Rhizophora apiculata respectively were 3, 10 and 10 species, while the pattern of
dispersal of macrofauna associations had a tendency to cluster (clumped) in the zone of Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba
and Rhizopora apiculata, except for some specific types such as Cerithidea cingulata, Metopograpsus latifrons and
Gaffrarium pectinatum that showed random pattern.
KEYWORDS - Benthic macrofauna, dispersal pattern, mangrove zonation


Mangrove forest was one of the unique natural ecosystems that had a high ecological and economic value. Ecological
functions of mangrove ecosystems include: coastal protection from attack wind, currents and waves of the sea, habitat
(residence), foraging (feeding ground), care and rearing (nursery grounds), and breeding (spawning ground) for aquatic
biota. Economic function of mangrove ecosystems produced household purposes, producer of industrial purposes, and
producer of seeds [5].
According to [6] benthic communities were organisms that live in the bottom of waters. Further stated that the epifauna
was live on a base, while infauna lived among the sediment particles. Based on the size of benthic fauna divided into
macrofauna (> 0.5 mm), meiofauna (10-500 m) and microorganisms (< 10 m).
Benthic macrofauna communities included Gastropods could use also as an indicator of the recovery of function of
mangrove vegetation, i.e by studying the community structure of Gastropods that found in various levels of mangrove
vegetation [11]. Habitat conditions that included mangrove vegetation species composition and density would determine the
characteristics of the physical, chemical and biological water which in turn would determine the structure of a community of
organisms associated with mangrove communities include Gastropod [1].
Poteran Island had two types of beach with different substrates, which were rocky and sandy, in the north, east, and south
of the island.Some Poteran Island coastal region with these substrates covered by mangrove ecosystems that had the
potential to be developed. Mangrove ecosystem was also important for benthic macrofauna associated with economic value.
It was therefore necessary to first establish a correlation between the benthic macrofauna and mangrove ecosystems in the
Some studies indicated that the composition of benthic macrofauna in mangrove zonation influenced by the composition
of mangrove species in there. As in the study by [6], explained that the sampling sites had some common types of mangrove
vegetation and common environmental conditions, gave rise to the common species of benthic macrofauna. This indicated a
relationship between zone mangroves with benthic macrofauna diversity at the study site.
The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of community linkages benthic macrofauna at mangrove
zonation in Poteran Island, Madura, East Java.There was no research related to the study of the distribution of benthic
macrofauna in mangrove zonation Poteran Island. This study complemented previous research related geology of the region,
offshore, and Foraminifera in the Poteran Island conducted by the Department of Mines and Energy, Directorate General of
Geology and Mineral Resources Development Centre of Marine Geology in 1994.


A. Time and Place of Research

This study conducted for 3 months (April - June 2014), it included determining the location of sampling and data analysis
in the laboratory.

*Corespondence author: Aunurohim, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, ITS
[email protected]
Aunurohim et al.,2015

Sampling sites located in mangrove zonation of Poteran Island, Madura, East Java. Sampling conducted in the northern
part of the Poteran Island, because the best mangrove zonation only found in this area of the Island. Samples of benthic
macrofauna would be taken at each zonation and then identified at laboratory.

Figure 1. Sampling location at Poteran Island with three station of mangrove zonation

Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina found at station 2 with coordinates S 07 04 '18.8 "E 114 01' 54.7". Then,
Sonneratia alba founded at station 2 and 1with coordinates S 07 04 '25.1 "E 114 02'18 .0" and also station 3 with
coordinates S 07 04' 26.1 "E 114 01 '37.6".
These mangroves then used as our main target to collect benthic macrofauna at a few parts of these plants, such as leaves,
stem, root or substrates.

B. Methods
The method that used named random sampling, where the researcher makes squares placed randomly in the sampling in
mangrove vegetation. Macrofauna on the surface of the substrate or attach at the parts of mangrove trees was taken by a hand
collecting, Substrates then excavated using a trowel as deep as 10 cm for take benthic macrofauna that live in the sediment.
These macrofauna then took in a plastic clip include distinguished between those found in sediment, roots, stems, and
leaves of mangrove. Samples then got fixation use 10% of formalin and transported to the laboratory to be identified and
C. Analysis of Dispersal Pattern
The dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna analyzed using Poisson distribution. Tabulated data obtained through
Microsoft Excel, and then the data further analyzed in the index calculation using the Poisson formula as in the table below:

S2 = (x  )2
S2 : Variance
n : The number of benthic macrofauna that observed
 : The average number of benthic macrofauna were found
x : The number of species in each observation station

Values obtained from this index used to determine the dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna in mangrove zonation

J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(5)90-95, 2015

S= : dispersal pattern of random
S> : dispersal pattern of clumped
S< : dispersal pattern of uniform

D. Ordination Analysis
Data analysis performed using ordinate assistance program for Windows 4.5.Canoco program used to see a trend of
benthic macrofauna at the sampling site and where it attached in certain mangrove organs or parts. There would be two types
of diagrams, multivariate diagram where was the first to see the trend of discovery of benthic macrofauna in mangrove
zonation in different species. And the second was a tendency to see the discovery of benthic macrofauna in a part of
mangrove plants as roots, stems, leaves, and substrate.


Benthic macrofauna in the mangrove ecosystem of Poteran Island consisted of 7 families and 12 species. Each species
and families had different numbers on each particular mangrove species zonation.

Dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna in mangrove zonation at Poteran Island

The dispersal pattern was one of ecological theme to be known more bio-ecology of the species. With knowing their
dispersion, we could act with certain data to protect them more safely. In this research, we were focus to know more accurate
about dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna at mangrove zonation. Mangrove ecosystems were big habitats that protected
many of animals, and the one was benthic macrofauna.
Cerithidea cingulatas pattern was random on zone of Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia alba. This might because that
Cerithidea cingulata were the original inhabitants of the mangrove ecosystem and dominated the community. So, they able
to live at all mangrove zonation as long as it could utilize all of the nutrients that served in the mangrove substrate. In
contrast, Cerithidea alata clumped dispersal on zone of Rhizophora apiculata [8].
Benthic macrofauna from Family Littorinidae, like Littoraria melanostoma and Littoraria carinifera had clumped
dispersal in zone of Rhizophora apiculata. Littoraria melanostoma and L.carinifera prefers to stay at mangrove tree with a
short stem that branches and roots that protrude so they can move from one stem to another mangrove stems due to various
reasons, such as to obtain food [2].
The same pattern had shown by Coenobita sp. and Euraphia sp. which was prefer to live at Rhizophora apiculata, and
the pattern dispersal clumped on Rhizopora zone, which the structure of the complex roots and branches provided shade and
extra protection for their associations in mangrove trees [2].
Uca sp.1 had a clumped dispersal pattern on Rhizophora apiculata mangrove zonation. The nature of Uca sp.1 who like
to live on mangrove zonation was slightly open which was likely to cause this distribution pattern had formed [7]. At the
edges of the Rhizophora apiculata mangrove zone, there was also a substrate that not covered by mangrove tree, so that
made an appropriate bio-ecology location for Uca sp1.
Metopograpsus latifrons on Rhizophora apiculata mangrove zonation showed random pattern. According to [7]
Metopograpsus latifrons had a high ability to mobilize so they could move it the location easily. This was the one reason that
expected to cause the pattern of dispersal of Metopograpsus latifrons was random.
Gafrarium pectinatrum had also found in Rhizophora apiculata area with random dispersal pattern. Bivalve like
Gafrarium pectinatrum utilized many types of organic particles on the substrate so it tolerated and lived spread as long as
mangrove forest even if tidal wave swept [13].
Benthic macrofauna found as clumped dispersal in mangrove zonation of Sonneratia alba were Littoraria pallescens,
Littoraria melanostoma, Littoraria carinifera, Uca sp2., Coenobita sp., Metopograpsus latifrons, Euraphia sp. Benthic
macrofauna in mangrove zonation of Sonneratia alba expected to form due to the different content of organic matter at each
sampling location on this zone. Some sampling sites were near the residential area where the waste dumped directly into
mangrove zonation of Sonneratia alba in Poteran island. Benthic macrofauna tend to clumped in locations that contain lots
of organic nutrients that support them [3]. These organic materials obtained from the mangrove trees themselves or from
human activity [4].
According to [10] Littoraria articulata were capable to utilize the mangrove bark as their food and stick on mangrove
leaves to avoid predators, so they were often found living at mangrove trees in any spread. This expected to lead that this
animal had random dispersal at mangrove zonation of Rhizopora apiculata and Sonneratia alba.
Uca sp1, its dispersal patterns on Sonneratiaalbazone is random. The nature of the high mobilization by Uca sp1 and
Sonneratia alba roots that were not as complex as the root structure of another genera of Rhizophora was likely cause of the
random dispersal pattern formation on this Ocipodidae [7].
Clumped dispersal pattern also indicated by benthic macrofauna in Avicennia marina zone with low density. These
benthic macrofauna were Cerithidea cingulata, Littoraria pallescens, and Coenobita sp .The only group on Avicennia
marina zone that bordering with Sonneratia alba zone indicated more density, because the mangroves with high density and
litter were able to provide more lot nutrient for benthic macrofauna [10].

Trends living benthic macrofauna at Mangrove specific zone

Depiction ordinate tendency benthic macrofauna living in mangrove zonation at Poteran Island using Canoco Program
that obtained by Principal Components Analysis or PCA. PCA used because according to [9] when using Canoco obtained

Aunurohim et al.,2015

value ordination length of the gradient was less than 3, then the data consist too homogeneous and the corresponding
modeling was Principal Components Analysis or PCA. PCA graphs tendency benthic macrofauna living on the zonation of
mangrove species presented as follow:

Figure2.Graphic of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of benthic macrofauna living on mangrove species zonation.

Benthic macrofauna at mangrove zonation as follows

Cc :Cerithideacingulata
Lp :Littorariapallescens
U1 :Uca sp1.
Lm :Littorariamelanostoma
Cb :Coenobitasp.
Ml :Metopograpsuslatifrons
U2 :Uca sp2.
La :Littorariaarticulata
Es :Euraphiasp.
Lc :Littorariacarinifera
Gp :Gafrariumpectinatrum
Ca : Cerithideaalata

And the mangrove zonation was:

1 :Avicennia marina
2 :Sonneratia alba
3 :Rhizophoraapiculata

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Illustration of preference habitat from each benthic macrofauna at specific mangrove zonation (a) Avicennia
marina ; (b) Sonneratia alba, and (c) Rhizophoraapiculata

From the graph PCA above (figure 2), it can be seen that the benthic macrofauna most likely to be found living on
mangrove zonation of Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba. They showed 5 species tend to live on Rhizophora

J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(5)90-95, 2015

apiculata and Sonneratia alba zonation. Species who tend to live on Rhizophora apiculata zonation were Littoraria
articulata (La), Littoraria melanostoma (Lm), Littoraria carinifera (Lc), Cerithidea alata (Ca) and Gafrarium pectinatrum
(Gp), while who tend to live on Sonneratia alba zonation are Cerithidea cingulata (Cc), Euraphia sp. (Ice), Metopograpsus
latifrons (Ml), Coenobita sp. (Cb), and Uca sp2. (U2). And, on Avicennia marina mangrove zonation are Uca sp1. (U1) and
Littoraria pallescens (Lp).
Benthic macrofauna possibility that tend to live on Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba zonation because they
would gain more shade and nutrients in these zonation. According to [12] the diversity of mollusks determined by the
availability of protection and feeding ground by mangrove roots, so at least mangrove roots will trigger the organism to
migrate from each root to another if any danger from their predators. Root system of Rhizophora not only protected benthic
macrofauna from the tropical heat of the sun, but also as feeding ground of other organisms, including these benthic
macrofauna [8].
This was according to the conditions in the field, where root system of Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba at
Poteran Island is more complex than Avicennia marina, so the benthic macrofauna that tend to be found at zone of Avicennia
marina is less than Rhizophora or Sonneratia.
In the open space of zonation of Avicennia marina found live crabs from the family Ocypodidae. According to [7] the
crabs of Ocypodidae prefer substrate that was not too densely overgrown with mangrove trees. Uca spp. searched nutrient to
eat when a new ebb and substrate was still wet, whereas when dry Uca spp. would do social interaction [7].

Life tendency of benthic macrofauna at Avicennia marinas trees

The existence Cerithidea cingulata and Uca sp1 only found in Avicennia marinas substrate. Unlike the Littoraria
pallescens were more likely to be found in the stem of Avicennia marina. This was in accordance opinion [7] that Cerithidea
cingulata most kind lived at the mud and crawling on the surface as epifauna.
Crabs from Ocipodidae were often found on substrate of mangrove zonation at Poteran Island. Uca spp lived burrowing
in mangrove substrate. Its width body was almost equal to the length and near-circular at the center of the body, it made Uca
spp easy to burrows into substrate [7].

Life tendency of benthic macrofauna at Sonneratia albas tress

Each species had a tendency found at different part of Sonneratia alba. Uca sp1, Uca sp2., Cerithidea cingulata,
Coenobita sp., and Metopograpsus latifrons tend to be found in substrate of Sonneratia alba. Coenobita sp. also found living
in roots of Sonneratia alba, but the tendency to live in the substrate much higher than root. Hermit crab Coenobita rugosus
and Coenobita sp. were active 24 hours a day, but they were most active among the mangrove roots. Coenobita sp. applied
this because among the mangrove roots wind speed and potential desiccation (drying) are lower [2].
Metopograpsus latifrons was crab tree climber, but they would not always be found in the stem or roots of trees. This
crab climber presented at mangrove substrates to eat the leaves drop long enough and start to rot. Crab prefers rotting leaves
because it was easier to digest [7]. Benthic macrofauna that found at stem of Sonneratia alba were Littoraria carinifera and
Euraphia sp.
Littoraria articulata almost had the same characteristic as Littoraria melanostoma, tend to be found living in leaves of
Sonneratia alba. Besides found at the leaves, this benthic macrofauna also found at root, but much less than to leaves.The
same case for Littoraria pallescens, that was find at the roots and leaf of Sonneratia alba, but much greater at the leaves.
Littoraria pallescens had a flat aperture and also has a shell that was very thin and weak. A shell-breaking crab predators
presented anywhere such as in the trunk or in the mangrove roots, but was not able to be in the leaves. Littoraria pallescens
living in mangrove leaves need more protection against physical damage caused by shell-breaking crabs predators, so it was
not a problem to have a thin shell [7].

Life tendency of benthic macrofauna at Rhizophora apiculatas tress

Species that found at Rhizophora apiculata had 4 different tendencies, on the substrate, roots, stems, and leaves.
Species such as Cerithidea cingulata, Uca sp1., Coenobita sp., Metopograpsus latifrons, Gafrarium pectinatrum, and
Littoraria carinifera tend to be found living at substrate of Rhizophora apiculata.
Bivalve like Gafrarium pectinatrum was benthic macrofauna with a slow movement. Bivalve had an association with
nitrogen bacteria fixative to eat substrate [13]. Bivalve not eating mangrove litter directly, but rely on organic particles that
had processed by other organisms [7].
Benthic macrofauna found to be living on the roots of Rhizophora apiculata are Cerithidea alata and Euraphia sp.
Species like Euraphia sp. was barnacle that easily and commonly found in the root of Rhizophora. The barnacles can be
even found on the stems and leaves of mangrove if floated by a high tide when the larval phase. Barnacle was a filter-feeder
that depends on mangrove roots or stems just as the stick that was strong and stable [7].
At Rhizophora apiculata leaves, Littoraria melanostoma there were likely to be found there, while Littoraria articulata
was alive in the stem. Littoraria spp. was the most abundant Gastropods that found in mangrove zonation. According [3]
Littoraria spp. eat the outer skin of the roots and stems of the mangrove. [10] added that Littoraria spp. eat mangrove leaves,
thus reducing litter fall.

Aunurohim et al.,2015


The conclusions of this research divided into two main focuses:

1. The dispersal pattern of benthic macrofauna at mangrove zonation at Poteran Island was clumped and random,
depends each species that are investigated.
2. The population of benthic macrofauna that associated with mangrove zone of Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba and
Rhizophora apiculata were 3, 10 and 10 species.

This project funded by BOPTN of LPPM ITS with contract no. 016457.5/IT2.7/PN.01.00/2014. Thanks to our beloved
students, Karim and Amina, that gave our research to make beautiful. Thanks to our member of research that supports their
laboratorium for making anything easier. And special thanks to Prof. Christian Stoolberg, that gave his opportunity to make
a joint in this research, hope it would realize in the next year.


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