HSC-Database Management System

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Database Management System

Database Concept. * DBMS, RDBMS Definition. Primary Key. *Foreign Key, Data
One to many, many to many relationship. Entity relation Diagram.
Indexing and sorting * Data mining * cryptography.
Data security. *Data encryption. * Caesar Code, Cypher text, plain text.
SQL query, Classification.
Corporate Database.
Corporate Database * Government Database
SQL Query

Select Name, Emp_no, Skill, Pay_rate

FROM Employee
WHERE Name=Nabil; Name Emp_no Skill Pay_rate
Sofik 001 Web developer 50,000
Nabil 002 Software developer 80,000

Select Loan_no
FROM Customer Name Loan_no branch_name amount
WHERE Faruk 123456 Gulshan 50,000
branch_name=Uttora AND amount >=20000; Bashir 123569 Uttora 30,000
Sihab 123570 Uttora 15,000


Roll Name Result
01 Mosharraf 5.00
Roll Number (5)
Name CHAR(20)
Result Number(5)

INSERT INTO Student /Append Student

VALUES(01, Mosharraf, 5.00);
UPDATE Student
SET Result=4.50
WHERE Name=Mosharraf;
DELETE from Student ( to delete record from a table )
WHERE Name=Mosharraf;
Database Management System
ALTER TABLE Student ( to add a new key field in a table )
ADD Class CHAR(10);
DROP TABLE Student; ( to delete entire table including all records )

(to arrange records in ascending or descending order) we can use the folllowing codes.
SELECT Name FROM Students

SELECT * FROM Customers

ORDER BY Country ASC, CustomerName DESC;

Sql query using two or more conditions.

SELECT * FROM Students

WHERE Name=Mosharraf AND Result >= 4.00;

SELECT * FROM Students

WHERE Name=Mosharraf AND Result <= 4.00;
SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE Name=Mosharraf AND Result <= 4.00
AND Roll=01;

Indexing and sorting are two approaches for establishing the order of data in a table. You
use them to answer different needs in an application. In general, you index a table to
establish a specific order of the rows, to help you locate and process information quickly.
Indexing makes applications run more efficiently. Use sorting only when you want to create
another table with a different natural order of rows.


Bordeshi, Aminbazar, Savar, Dhaka-1348.

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