HSC-Database Management System
HSC-Database Management System
HSC-Database Management System
Database Concept. * DBMS, RDBMS Definition. Primary Key. *Foreign Key, Data
One to many, many to many relationship. Entity relation Diagram.
Indexing and sorting * Data mining * cryptography.
Data security. *Data encryption. * Caesar Code, Cypher text, plain text.
SQL query, Classification.
Corporate Database.
Corporate Database * Government Database
SQL Query
Select Loan_no
FROM Customer Name Loan_no branch_name amount
WHERE Faruk 123456 Gulshan 50,000
branch_name=Uttora AND amount >=20000; Bashir 123569 Uttora 30,000
Sihab 123570 Uttora 15,000
(to arrange records in ascending or descending order) we can use the folllowing codes.
SELECT Name FROM Students
Indexing and sorting are two approaches for establishing the order of data in a table. You
use them to answer different needs in an application. In general, you index a table to
establish a specific order of the rows, to help you locate and process information quickly.
Indexing makes applications run more efficiently. Use sorting only when you want to create
another table with a different natural order of rows.