Rice Noodles
Rice Noodles
Rice Noodles
Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan
College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao,
Shandong 266003, China
Abstract: Asian peoples consume noodles as a staple food since ancient time. It is convenient, easy to cook,
delicious and nutritionally rich product and is now gaining great appraisal outside Asia also. Generally,
rice noodles are prepared from flour, salt, water and various optional ingredients. Rice flour is kneaded in
the presence of water and salt to form dough and is then sheeted, compounded, steamed and cut to form
a noodle strands. The noodle strands can be further processed (dried, fried, boiled and frozen) to develop
various types of noodles based on consumer preferences. This review article focus on different ingredients
and their functionality as well as the processes involved in transforming raw material to finished product.
Protein, ash, dough strength and amylose concentration are very crucial regarding noodle quality. Variation in
compositions affects the cooking, functional and eating properties of noodles. Due to the absence of gluten,
rice noodles have less cohesive and extensive texture. Steaming gelatinizes rice starches up to some extent,
which aids in the partial compensation of gluten role in rice based noodles. The trend towards gluten free
noodle is due to their health beneficial effect as they help in lowering the risk of allergic reactions and celiac
diseases, as well as induce lower glycemic index for patients suffering from diabetics. High quality noodle
must be bright in color, have an adequate shelf life without oxidative rancidity or microbial spoilage, and
have good textural and cooking properties.
Keywords: Rice noodle; raw materials; processing; quality characteristics
these are also classified on the basis of form of of rice flour greatly influences the textural quality of
product in the marketplace i.e. instant noodles, rice noodles. Additionally, rice noodles properties
boiled noodles (yude-men), dried noodles, (kan- are also influenced by paste viscosities, swelling
men), steamed noodles (mushi-men), frozen boiled power (SP) and gel texture of rice starch. The high
noodles, instant cup noodles, and machine made amylose concentration in rice flour gives noodle
noodles [1]. Noodles are also classified as Japanese with bright color and low bulk density because of
type wheat noodles, buck wheat noodles (Soba), their educed swelling power [8-10].The chemical
Chinese type wheat noodles, Naengmyon noodles composition i.e. protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash
(Korean type noodles), starch noodles, rice noodles concentration of rice noodles were found to be
and pasta based on the raw materials and other 7.20%, 0.84%,91.7% and 0.24%, respectively [11].
ingredients used [3, 4]. Rice noodles are prepared The texture of rice noodles is less cohesive and
by gelatinization of dough using cold extrusion extensive due to the absence of gluten. The textural,
process [5]. cooking and sensory properties depend upon the
pasting and physicochemical attributes of rice flour
obtained from different rice varieties [5, 9, 12].
1.2 Rice Noodles Flour particle size can also influences the properties
Noodles are safe and nutritious product that of noodles [9, 13]. However, noodles made from
conforms to the set food standards of various flour having smaller particle size showed better
countries. With the increase in Asia pacific textural properties [13]. Similarly, the smaller
economy, the demand for quality noodle products particle size had highest water absorption index,
among consumer gets higher [1]. Rice noodles are hot paste viscosity, peak viscosity, and breakdown,
the most consumed form of rice product next to final or cold paste viscosity and gel hardness, but the
cooked rice grain in Asia [6]. Noodles may either lowest gelatinization temperature [5, 13]. However,
be served by frying and mixing with vegetables fat concentration did not significantly influence the
and meats or served as a soup noodle by boiling properties of noodles [5, 10, 13].
in a broth. Rice protein lack gluten; hence lack the Rice vermicelli is prepared from flour having
functionality of continuous visco-elastic dough. high amylose concentration, which is obtained
Rice flour is therefore pre-gelatinized in order to by steeping followed by wet milling. The flour
act as binder for the remaining flour. The extent of is filtered, pulverized and molded into balls that
pre-gelatinization plays a vital role in providing are pre-cooked in boiling water for 20 minutes or
desirable texture to the noodle strands. The level of steamed to facilitate surface gelatinization. The
gelatinization is maintained adequately to develop partially cooked balls are kneaded, which causes
the desired binding power during the process of uniform distribution of the gelatinized starch all
extrusion; though too much gelatinization may over the dough which performs a binding role.
create handling problems [6]. Rice noodles are The dough is then passed through the extruder or
commonly prepared by two main methods; sheeting noodle making machine to make noodle strands.
of dough to develop flat noodles and extruding to The noodle strands are then put in boiling water and
develop vermicelli. The raw materials for rice based taken out when cooked adequately. Immediately,
noodles are usually evaluated by determining their the cooked noodles are cooled by transferring
functionalities; processes involved and desired end into a cold water container. The noodles are then
product [1]. allowed to dry by placing them in racks. On the
Generally, rice noodles are made from flour other hands, the noodles can also be subjected
containing high amylose concentration (> 22%), to steaming process for a time period of 10-15
which contributes to the gel network. It provides minutes, by directly placing them in racks, followed
firm structure and desirable properties to noodle [5- by tap water washing, and drying. Dry milling is
6]. There is significant association found between preferred to wet milling for making rice noodles
amylose and acceptability of rice noodles [7]. The in Japan. The dry milled flour is mixed with water
wide variation in physical and chemical properties and heated for about one minute at 100 oC to cause
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 217
partial gelatinization of starch and then kneaded by method of production, production environment,
the help of screw kneader or by hands [1, 13]. existing facility and regional preferences [1].
Flat or sheeted fresh rice noodles are famous The flour physicochemical properties would
in many areas of Southeast Asia, southern China facilitate the understanding of its possible uses
and Japan. The dough is placed in a rotating heated and applications [11]. Brown rice variety had the
drum to form sheets. The sheets are then placed in a highest protein concentration (8.16%) and lowest fat
steamer that causes partial gelatinization of starch. concentration (0.07%). However, white rice variety
About 1 mm thick sheets are passed through the has high amylose concentration (27.71%), while
cutting rolls to form noodle strands. The noodles brown rice variety has low amylose concentration
are then served either as fresh rice noodles or can (3.36%). On the other hand, white rice had 25.0%
be dried before sale. The process involved in the amylose, 8.0% protein and 2.2% fat concentration
preparation of Japanese rice noodles comprises [19].Rice flour is categorized according to the
of the following steps; washing milled rice, presence of amylose concentration, as either high
pulverizing, steaming, kneading and sheeting. The amylose (25-33%), intermediate amylose (20-
final thickness of the noodle sheet is maintained at 25%), low amylose (12-20%), very low amylose
about 1-2 mm before cutting [1, 9, 14]. (2-12%) and waxy (1-2%). On the basis of cooking
properties, rice is categorized into two groups;
waxy and non-waxy rice. Waxy rice is mostly
2. RAW MATERIALS FOR RICE NOODLES composed of amylopectin and produces chewy and
The basic ingredients used to develop rice based sticky structure; whereas non-waxy rice contains
noodles include flour and water, along with 10-20% amylose and produce firm noodle [20].
additional ingredients i.e. salt, oil to improve the The quality attributes of rice grains are
quality of final product. Raw materials are judged appearance, cooking and eating properties as well
by determining their physicochemical properties as nutritional value [21]. Rice varieties containing
and processing parameters. It is important that high amylose concentration, high gel consistency
raw materials possess appropriate functional and and low gelatinization temperature are appropriate
processing properties in order to develop a quality for making rice noodles [7]. Rice flour having
product [1, 15]. intermediate amylose concentration produce soft
texture noodles. Such noodles lead to high solid
loss in cooking water. Noodle made from very
2.1 Rice Flour low amylose concentration flour lead to very
Rice flour is obtained from fine milling of rice poorly textured noodles and is therefore not used
kernels. Rice flour may be made from either in preparing noodles [22-23]. The granule size of
brown rice or white rice [16]. It is energetic and rice starches may vary from 3 to 8 m and is much
basic food consumed on a regular basis and has a smaller from granules obtained from other starch
very high digestibility value. Rice flour comprised sources. The use of larger granule size (> 20 m)
of about 0.40.8% fat, 7% protein and 78% for noodles making showed higher processing
carbohydrates[17]and provide substantial amount ability and quality attributes [24]. Rice flour
of B vitamins; thiamin, niacin and riboflavin [18]. starches exhibited weaker resistance toward shear
Different type of products are made from rice forces and do not form strong gel. It also loses
flour, such as bread, noodles, cakes, and other thickening power and viscosity significantly during
conventional products developed in the homes or cooking process. The gelling property of rice starch
in the industries, across the world [1, 10]. Different is dependent upon rice varieties, amylopectin and
types of noodles consumed in the Asia-Pacific amylose concentration, as well as the duration of
region. Each noodle is preferred and consumed in the ageing [25]. Physical modification of flour such
different culture within different region of Asia. as addition of water and heat treatment improves
Hence, it is not easy to discuss flour specifications the eating and cooking properties of rice noodles
or quality, without recognizing the type of noodle, [7].
218 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
The adaptation of proper milling process is very and (H), respectively. Bao et al [32] also observed
important to obtain flour of desired properties i.e. similar results regarding rice starch. They concluded
bright color, fine particles, low ash concentration that gelatinization temperature is a critical step, as
and damaged starches. Every type of noodles it is an indicator of processing and cooking quality.
has their own specific protein range. The milling Gelatinization leads to collapse of double helical
procedure must be adopted in such a way as to ensure structure and crystallinity, which resulted in crystals
proper separation of endosperm and bran, including melting at different temperature to form suspensions
tempering as well as break release adjustment in of starch mixtures. The variation in morphology
the mill [26]. Usually, flour containing high protein and rigidity of starch granule causes differences
concentration is required to develop dried noodles, in gelatinization peaks of waxy and indica starch.
while boiled or fresh noodles are made from flour Amylose and amylopectin concentration also affect
containing lower protein concentration. However, the gelatinization peak [30]. Tan et al [33] reviewed
high level of protein in dried noodles helps to that long chain amylopectin might also be a factor
keep the noodle texture during drying. Protein to higher gelatinization temperature of starches.
concentration plays vital role in the preparation of Therefore, it can be concluded that starch thermal
instant noodles, because fat uptake decreases as the properties are influenced by various factors like,
protein concentration increase during the frying variety, starch source, morphology of granules,
process [27-28]. The natural color pigments in amylose, amylopectin concentration etc. Flours
flour are destroyed by bleaching. Noodle darkening containing high percent crystallinity and amylose
increases with higher extraction rate of flour. The concentration exhibited higher gelatinization
high bran level resulted in dark color noodles due to parameters due to the rigid amorphous regions of
the greater level of polyphenol oxidases in the bran starch granule by the association of amylose chains.
layer. Low ash concentrations and low extraction This might increase the stability of amorphous
rate are mostly preferred to develop high quality region, thereby leading to higher energy input for
noodles with bright and clean appearance [1]. gelatinization process [34].
On the other hand, thermal properties such as Starch gel is defined as a continuous network of
gelatinization, pasting and retrogradation impart solid-liquid phases in which liquid is dispersed in the
significant role in product development. It controls solid phase [35]. Hydrogen bond is formed between
the rheological properties and determines the amylose molecules as well as with amylopectin
quality of starch based products [29]. Gelatinization branches of swollen granules. Morphology of
refers to the disruption of molecular order within starch gels and its strength is effected by different
the starch granule, thereby leading to irreversible factors i.e. starch sources, cultivar or variety of
changes in properties i.e. loss of birefringence, each source, granule size and shape, moisture
granular swelling, loss of crystallinity and starch concentration, ratio of amylose to amylopectin,
solubilization. The gelatinization process is gelatinization time and temperature and pH [9,
governed by the concentration of starches, types of 36-38]. Comparatively, the gelling strength of
granule and amylose and amylopectin concentration. aged rice flour is superior to flour obtained from
While retrogradation is the reassociation of freshly harvested rice grains [39]. Hormdok and
starch chain into an ordered structure after starch Noomhorm [9] also observed that ageing of rice
solutions are cooled [30]. Zhou et al.[31]found no flour had increased the gel strength significantly,
significant difference in onset temperature (To), as evident from the observed values of 27.38 (flour
while significant difference was noted in peak from freshly harvested grains) and 33.13 g (aged
temperature (Tp), gelatinization enthalpy (H) rice flour). Huang et al.[40] made mixed gel from
and conclusion temperature (Tc) in flour obtained two rice varieties (Japonica and Indica starch),
from three different rice varieties, which were hydrocolloids (carrageenan and gellan), deionized
stored at 4C and 37 C for 6 months. Hormdok water and CaCl2. They observed the influence of
and Noomhorm [9] found that rice starch had 67.7, rice starch, hydrocolloids and its concentration
73.49, 78.75 oC and 13.21 j/g in case of To, Tp, Tc on the quality of gel via texture profile analysis. It
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 219
was found that the texture of the gel depends on (PV), trough (T), break down (BD), final viscosity
rice variety, hydrocolloids and its concentration. (FV), set back (SB) and pasting temperature of rice
Addition of 0.2% (w/w) carraggnan to the Indica flour were 253.17, 191.29, 61.88, 351.38, 160.08
rice starch improved the texture of rice gel. While, RVU and 76.38 C, respectively [9].The pasting
addition of 0.3% (w/w) gellan to the Indica rice properties of rice flour from aged (paddy and milled)
starch enhanced the adhesiveness/ hardness ratio. rice and fresh rice from two rice varieties stored
Likewise, pasting is an important functional at different temperature conditions for a storage
property, which occurs after gelatinization in starch period of 10 months is shown in table 1. The SB
dissolution. It is an important index for evaluating and FV values were increased with the increase of
the starch properties of rice [39]. It consists of storage temperature and time. Moreover, the rise in
swelling of starch granules, leaching of molecular SB values showed a higher degree of retrogradation
components from granules and finally total rupture due to the increase in rice firmness [42]. The rice
of granules. Several parameters can be acquired flour obtained from milled rice and stored paddy
from the pasting curve, which manifest the extent was firmer compared to flour procured from fresh
of disintegration and beginning of retrogradation rice; hence stored rice gave less sticky texture
[41]. However, starches obtained from tubers and [39]. Ageing of rice and amylose concentration
roots showed weak intra-granular bonding, lower significantly influenced the pasting properties of
gelatinization temperature, rapid and uniform rice [43]. Kanlayakritand Maweang [44] studied
granular swelling, paste clarity and high viscosity the pasting properties of rice flour obtained from
compared to cereal starches [41]. The peak viscosity stored paddy and freshly milled rice under different
Table 1. Comparison of pasting properties of rice flour from fresh rice and aged (paddy and milled) rice
from two rice varieties stored at cold room, room temperature and warehouse for 10 months [44].
Peak Viscosity Trough Breakdown Final viscosity Setback
Rice sample Storage condition
(RVU)* (RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU)
Kalasin11 Fresh rice 247.64 3.95f 131.66 1.80f 115.98 5.75e 267.63 3.95g 135.97 5.75d
Room Temperature1 199.60 3.93j 151.62 2.26bc 47.99 1.68i 334.33 1.97b 182.72 0.29b
Paddy Cold Room2 225.66 2.64h 143.45 1.17de 82.21 3.81g 282.81 3.13e 139.36 1.96d
Warehouse3 186.99 6.26k 154.54 3.81ab 32.46 10.08j 356.49 3.15a 201.96 0.66a
Room Temperature1 211.79 3.50i 147.27 4.26cd 64.52 7.76h 322.48 3.17c 175.22 1.10c
Milled Cold Room2 239.51 2.50g 138.63 2.53e 100.88 0.03f 276.50 0.93f 137.87 1.61d
Warehouse3 201.94 3.52j 152.58 2.60bc 49.36 6.12i 331.47 1.66b 178.89 4.26bc
KDML105 Fresh Rice 331.62 4.58a 126.34 4.06f 205.28 0.52a 219.68 1.21j 3.34 2.85g
Room Temperature1 288.50 3.92d 155.86 4.77ab 132.64 0.84 265.44 1.02g 109.58 3.75f
Paddy Cold Room2 303.34 2.95c 141.66 2.02de 161.68 4.97c 234.38 2.09i 92.72 4.11g
Warehouse3 276.57 3.08e 159.57 1.48a 117.00 4.55e 293.51 2.41d 133.94 3.89d
Room Temperature1 301.40 2.64c 142.04 1.29de 159.37 3.94c 251.76 1.61h 109.72 0.31f
Milled Cold Room2 322.90 3.00b 139.58 0.90e 183.33 3.90b 231.39 1.06i 91.82 0.16g
Warehouse3 287.55 1.94d 151.08 1.08bc 136.47 3.03d 274.38 2.09f 123.30 3.17e
Mean values for each characteristic followed by different letters within a column differ significantly (P = 0.05).
Room temperature (305oC),
Cold Rooms (205oC),
Warehouses (405oC).
*RVU = Rapid Visco-analyzer Unit
220 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
storage conditions. Amylose concentration the pasting properties of rice flour [31, 43, 45-46].
significantly influenced the RVA pasting properties Inglett et al.[48] investigated the pasting properties
of fresh rice flour. On the other hand, stored paddy of blends of rice and wheat flours. It was observed
showed significant difference in pasting properties that the pasting properties of wheat flour increased
during the storage period. Peak viscosity (PV), with the increase in the concentration of rice flour
trough (T), final viscosity (FV) and setback (SB) of in the blends. Nura et al. [13] evaluated the pasting
KDML105 rice flour were lower than Kalasin11 rice properties of rice flours with different particle sizes.
flour that were obtained from milled rice and stored It was found that variation in particle size influenced
paddy, respectively. Furthermore, it was observed the pasting properties as shown in table 2. Pasting
that the changes in pasting properties of milled rice temperature of rice flour samples was decreased
were lower than stored paddy. It was noticed that significantly with the reduction in particle size.
the paste viscosity decreased as the ageing process This could be attributed to the smaller particle
proceed [44]. The structure of rice granules became size, which provides greater surface area for rapid
more organized during storage. Although, the hydration. The starch granules swell quickly leading
surface of granules characterizes the major barrier to gelatinization of starch at lower temperature. Rice
to hydration, consequently, pasting may be affected flour with smaller particle size attained the onset
by the presence, nature and orientation of surface gelatinization temperature earlier. Peak viscosity
proteins and lipids. Protein is basically composed (PV) shows the highest viscosity attained by starch
of amino acids and is hydrophilic in nature. under given conditions during the gelatinization
Any changes in the granules during storage and process (Shuey and Tipples, 1994). Rise in PV
processing could alter their hydrophilicity, which indicates the ability of starch granules to swell up to
would influence the hydration and swelling of the extent before physical breakdown occurs [49].
granules, thereby influencing the pasting properties However, set back (SB) was comparatively higher in
of rice flour [31, 42-43, 45]. Storage of rice at all the flour samples evaluated. This might be due to
cold temperature stopped alterations in the pasting leaching of amylose in starch gel that caused quick
properties [31, 46]. retrogradation and gave harder texture after cooling
Techawipharat et al. [47] observed that waxy [13]. The SB shows the retrogradation tendency
rice starch had much lower pasting properties than and is determined by the difference between PV
normal rice starch. This is due to the lower amylose and HPV [5]. On the other hand, hot paste viscosity
concentration (< %) in waxy rice starch. Granular (HPV) is affected by the formation of amylose-lipid
interaction and amylose concentration significantly complex, granule swelling, amylose exudation,
affected the starch pasting properties. Similarly, and competition between remaining granules and
storage temperature and duration also influenced exuded amylose for free water [50].
Table 2. Pasting properties of rice flours with different particle sizes [13].
Hot Paste Pasting
Particle Peak Viscosity Breakdown Final Viscosity Setback
Viscosity Temperature
Size (m) (RVU)* (RVU) (RVU) (RVU)
(RVU) (oC)
2.4 Oil gums are added in the salt solution prior to mixing
After the process of steaming and molding, instant of dough. Synthetic and natural colors can be added
noodles are mostly fried in oil. Oil used in noodle to different types of noodles (alkaline noodles, tea
processing must be about 20 percent of the noodle noodles and vegetable noodles) in order to improve
weight. Among the different types of oil available their natural color [1, 22].
in the market, palm oil is extensively used in Asia,
due to its availability, heat stability, better frying 2.6 Preservatives
performance and cost effectiveness [1]. Similarly,
partially hydrogenated canola and soybean oil The shelf life of raw noodle could be prolonged
is used to fry instant noodles. The degree and by inhibiting growth of micro-organisms with the
conditions of the hydrogenation must be balanced inclusion of alcohol in the formulation [42, 44].
to provide desired properties. The oil should be Usually, the noodles are immersed in dilute solution
selected based on the consumer preferences, as of organic acids prior to packaging. Steamed and
the oil compositions can significantly influence deep-fried instant noodles have comparatively
the flavor of final product. Usually, the oil higher fat concentration (> 15%), hence there is
deteriorates during cooking due to complex series greater chances of oxidative rancidity. The use of
of chemical reactions [14]. Thermal oxidation antioxidants such as butylated hydroxy-anisole
causes decompositions of non-volatile and volatile (BHA), tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ),
components. These decomposed products build butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and propyl gallate
up to a greater extent with extended heating and are commonly used to avoid oxidative rancidity.
results in deterioration and sensory failures of the Among these, TBHQ greatly reduced the oxidation
finished products. Hence, stability of oil during process [1, 31].
heating process is a great concern in the selection
of oil. Furthermore, non-refined oils should not be 3. PROCESSING OF NOODLE
used for frying purpose, as it can cause undesirable
changes in flavor and color of the noodles. The Regardless of the great variance in size, shape and
specification mostly considered in selecting frying formulation; the noodle making process is constant
oils include flavor, color, peroxide numbers, free for all types. Generally, it consists of dough mixing,
fatty acids, smoke point, melting point and iodine dough sheeting, compounding of dough sheets, and
number [1, 14]. reduction in sheet thickness and formation of noodle
strands. The noodles can be processed further in
various ways after cutting. Afterward, the noodle
2.5 Improvers strands can be distributed directly to the market or
Hydrocolloids and polyphosphates are commonly can be marketed as a raw noodles or can be dried,
used to improve the overall quality of noodles. The boiled, fried, frozen, steamed or combination of
use of polyphosphate increases the gelatinization these processes can be used to develop large array
of starch and water retention ability of the noodles noodle types[1].On the other hand, Hormdok
during cooking. It also modifies the properties and Noomhorm [9]made noodles by a different
of dough and retards formation of off-color in method. Instead of dough, slurry was prepared by
raw noodles by acting as chelating agents. It is mixing rice flour with water to a concentration of
mostly added at 0.1% in the flour [1]. Similarly, 40g/ 100g. The slurry was allowed to equilibrate
hydrocolloids i.e. guar gums are extensively used in for 60 minutes and poured to a stainless plate of 1
the processing of rice noodles. They are hydrophilic mm thickness to form a sheet. It was then steamed
in nature and increase the water binding capacity for 4 minutes and then allowed to cool at ambient
of the flour. Gums added at a level of 0.2 to 0.5% temperature. The sheets were then cut into a strips
of the flour weight enhanced the water absorption of 3 mm and dried to 10-12% moisture level at
capacity and altered the texture properties and a temperature of 40 C. Rice noodles are mostly
overall mouth-feel of the end product. Usually, prepared by these two aforementioned methods.
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 223
3.1 Mixing need less time for mixing [5, 34]. The greater
Mixing is the initial process in the formation of level of damaged starch granules resulted from the
noodles. Water is added to flour in a container and milling of flour can also contribute to the increased
other ingredients are also mixed. The ration of water absorption capacity [50]. The concentration
flour to water must be appropriate in order to make of water should be optimized in order to develop
dough of optimum consistency. Mixing resulted in dough with good processing characteristics [5]. The
a uniform distribution of ingredients and also even ingredients such as salt and alkaline salt can also
hydration of flour. In the noodle making industry, help flour hydration during mixing. Mixing process
two types of mixers are mostly used: the vertical conducted at lower temperature slow down the
mixer and the horizontal mixer. Generally, the hydration of flour. It is also not desirable to perform
mixers work at a speed of 70 to 100 rpm for 10- mixing process at a temperature of greater than
20 minutes and provide proper mixing and some 35oC, as enzymatic activity and protein degradation
kneading actions. However, vertical mixer is can occur at such higher temperature. The optimum
usually used on a large scale continuous product temperature is for making proper noodle dough is
of noodles. The blades of vertical mixers have 25-30 oC [50]. Afterward, the dough is rested for
a large surface area that aid in the distribution of some time that allows uniform hydration of flour
water evenly throughout the flour during the initial particles and allows distribution of water to the
stage of mixing. It also provides a certain extent dough mixture. The crumbly dough is agitated at
of kneading action after sufficient hydration of a speed of 5-8 rpm for 10 to 20 minutes during the
the flour. On the other hand, the horizontal mixer resting stage that avoid development of large dough
has single shaft or double shafts. The double shaft crumbs and also facilitate dough feeding during the
horizontal type mixer has shown best result in the sheeting process [1, 5, 34, 50].
mixing of dough. The blades of the shaft move in
opposite direction, so that the dough crumbs move
both horizontally and vertically during mixing [1]. 3.2 Steaming
Different types of mixers are also developed in The process of steaming is carried out in
the industry for performing noodle mixing i.e. low manufacturing rice noodle. During streaming,
speed super mixer, continuous high speed mixer starch gelatinization and protein denaturation takes
and the vacuum mixer. Low speed super mixer is place in wet raw noodles. The cooking of noodles
used to mix dough with higher water absorption depends upon the original water, temperature and
capacity. It is considered a copy of hand mixer and pressure of the steam and the time the product is
performs mixing at a speed of less than 10 rpm to exposed to steaming process [5]. Noodles steamed
minimize damage to the starch and protein matrix with hot water spraying speed up the starch
[1]. While the continuous high speed mixer is used gelatinization process and are stopped by washing
to mix water and flour evenly in a very quick time. with cold water. The dough must have high water
Water is added to the flour, which is rotated at a absorption capacity and the steam must be highly
speed of 1500 rpm. High speed mixing leads to saturated in order to develop quality steamed
the formation of greater surface area for maximum noodle. The steaming process is critical for noodle
hydration of water. Nowadays, vacuum mixer is cooking. Under-steamed noodles are hard inside
used extensively in noodle industry. The vacuum and causes problem in subsequent processing such
mixing let addition of extra water to the flour as stir-frying prior to serving. While, over-steamed
without effecting processing efficiency [1, 5, 50]. noodles are sticky and soft. For stir-frying the
The process of mixing is affected by flour quality, appropriate level of moisture must be about 59
the addition of certain components, the volume 61% in steamed noodles [1, 5].
of water added, the humidity and temperature of Fari et al. [5] prepared noodle from 1 kg rice
the processing environment. The water hydration flour, which was mixed in a Hobart mixer to form
correlates positively with protein concentration and dough. The dough was steamed for 30 minutes in
can form dough crumbs of large size, consequently a kitchen steamer. Then the dough was kneaded in
224 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
order to distribute the partially gelatinized starch. through the sheeting rolls that have a gradually
Afterward, the dough was extruded in a pasta reduced gap in between. The number of sheeting
machine, fitted with a die having a pore size of rolls varies from three to five [1]. The final sheet
0.1cm. The noodle strands were steamed for 15 thickness is maintained according to the type of
minutes and placed in an electric dryer at 40 C noodles developed [54]. In modern noodle making
for 4 hours. Detchewaet al. [53] also steamed the industries, sheeting in conjunction with increased
rice dough in a steam cooker for 30 minutes. After hydration has improved the eating quality of noodle.
streaming, the rice dough was kneaded and extruded A homogenous protein matrix can be attained during
via a spaghetti die in a laboratory scale extruder. The sheeting that aid to develop noodle with best eating
rice spaghetti was dried till the attainment of 10% quality. The major factors involved in the sheeting
moisture concentration in tray drier. The steaming process are reduction rate, speed, number of passes,
process is an important step in the production of temperature, size, and position of the sheeting rolls.
instant noodles and rice noodles. Higher gelatinized The thickness of dough sheets must be reduced
starch is needed for the manufacturing of air-dried gradually in order to minimize surface damage.
instant noodles. The steaming process takes less This can be achieved by controlling the gap setting
time in case of deep-fried noodles compared to hot in a series of smooth rolls [1]. After compounding,
air-dried noodles. Excessive starch swelling must the thickness of dough sheets should be reduced to
be avoided during the steaming process, as it can below 40 percent. The final sheet reduction should be
cause many processing problems [1, 14, 55]. no more than 10% before cutting. The roll diameter
should decrease gradually with each successive
pass, so that pressure and compression distance are
3.3 Sheeting lowered also. With the increase in roll diameter, the
Since adequate hydration of flour particles horizontal movement of sheeting rolls increases.
are done after mixing and resting of dough. After each passage through the roller, the length of
Starch gelatinization in rice based noodles takes dough sheet increases. However, over-stretching of
place during the sheeting process. The uniform dough sheet could occur by performing the process
development of protein matrix with sufficient at very high speed. The temperature of the sheeting
extensibility and elasticity is vital to obtain better rolls is maintained at proper temperature to give a
processing and eating properties of the final desirable dough sheet [1, 5, 54, 56].
product [1, 56]. The neighboring endosperms
mix together to form continuous protein matrix 3.4 Cutting
during compression. Sheeting of noodle dough is
The noodles are cut into strands after the desired
proposed to obtain smooth sheets of dough with
thickness is achieved during sheeting. The shape
proper thickness as well as uniform and continuous
and width of the strands are identified by means
gluten matrix and gelatinized starches distributed
of the cutting rolls [1, 5]. The cutting machine
throughout the dough sheet [50]. The crumbly
comprised of a pair of slotted rolls having similar
dough is conveyed to a hopper or sheeting rolls,
slot widths. The rolls for cutting are arranged in a
and passed through the sheeting rolls to develop
linear fashion, with the front one turning counter-
continuous dough sheets. After compression, the
clock wise and the rear one turning clockwise
dough sheets are usually of non-uniform texture
with identical speed. The cutting force is produced
with rough surface. Two sheets of dough are then
among the adjoining two pointed slots edges of the
folded before the next pass. The combined sheets
cutting rolls. A comb is there at the bottom of every
are then usually rested for few minutes to several
cutting roll to avoid sticking of noodle strands
hours. The maturing of dough at this stage helps
to the rolls. The final shape of noodle strands
the following sheet reduction process and gives a is based on the slot groove, the thickness of the
uniform protein network [1, 5, 50, 53, 56]. dough sheet and the width of the slot. The shape
After the resting step, the thickness of mostly preferred is square, rectangular and round
the compounded sheets is reduced by passing [1]. For the specification of noodle cutter there are
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 225
two systems, namely imperial and metric. In the having lower concentration of salt could be dried
imperial system, noodle strands is cut to a width quite easily compared to noodles with high salt
of 25.4 mm, while in the metric system, the noodle concentration [1, 55].
strands of 30 mm width is cut down according to The drying of noodles not performed properly
the assigned number of the cutting rolls. Finally the could damage the structure of noodle resulting in
strands are cut into appropriate lengths through the cracking, splitting and over-elongation of noodle
help of length cutter. However, the noodle strands
strands, which subsequently affect the handling and
are fed continually into a moving net conveyor in
packaging process [1, 14]. Additionally, textural
case of instant noodle production that moves slowly
and cooking properties could also be affected
as compared to the cutting rolls. The difference in
severely. If the noodles are quickly dried, intense
the speed of feeding of noodles and net traveling
moisture gradient could result between the core
resulted in a distinctive wave to the strands of
and the noodle surface. When the noodles start to
noodles. After steam cooking, noodle strands are
lose moisture, shrinking takes place. There occurs
cut into desirable serving size [1, 5, 14].
tension in the surface of noodle, while compression
occurs in the core and finally resulted in deformation
3.5 Drying of noodle strands. Proper drying of noodles consists
The noodle shelf life can be extended considerably of multi-stages to avoid objectionable changes in the
by limiting the biochemical and microbiological structure of the final product [1]. A common drying
stability, which can be achieved by drying the practice involves pre-drying, drying and cooling.
noodle strands to a minimal moisture level. The The initial stage takes about 15 percent of the total
process of drying is achieved by air drying, vacuum drying time that involves a low temperature of 15 to
drying or deep frying [1]. Deep-frying is done in 25 oC. The application of dry air at this stage causes
order to develop deep-fried and steamed noodles. lowering of moisture from 38% to below 28%. This
The application of vacuum drying in the noodle step is important to dry the exterior of the noodle
industry is a newer method for drying noodle strands to avoid sticking and over-elongation of the
strands. Vacuum-drying of frozen noodles are noodle strands. Diffusion of core moisture takes
usually performed in order to manufacture better place to the surface, and an equilibrium condition is
quality end product. Drying by air is classified in to attained between the surface moisture evaporation
two basic types; hot air drying (>70 oC) and non-hot and the inside moisture diffusion. However, higher
air drying (<50 oC) depending on the temperature temperature of 40-50 oC and drier air of 55-60%
used for drying purpose. The process of hot-air relative humidity is given to eliminate the moisture
drying is applied to develop dried instant noodles in the second drying stage [1, 55]. Finally, the
and steamed noodles, while non-hot air drying noodle strands is cooled down gradually and dried
is provided to develop regular dry noodles. The again. The gradual reduction in temperature is
uncooked raw strands of noodles are hanged on rods aimed to minimize the interior resistance in the
in the drying chamber, where ventilation, relative noodle. The interest toward a healthier diet resulted
humidity and temperature are synchronized. The in the development of hot air dried instant and
rods travel through various sections of the drying steamed noodles, instead of fried noodles. Hot air
tunnel. Water is evaporated from the surface of is used to dry steamed noodles instead of frying to
noodle by air drying. The driving force needed lower the water below 12 percent. They are dried
for removal of water is the differences in the by hot blast of air (70-80 oC) for a time period of
vapor pressure of noodle surface and the partial 30-45 minutes [1, 5, 8, 14, 55-56].
pressure of the vapor in the air. Relative humidity,
temperature, air flow rate and noodle properties
are the most imperative factors that determine the 3.6 Frying
drying rate of noodles. Due to the hygroscopic After steaming process, instant noodles are mostly
nature of salt, it significantly affects the diffusion fried deeply. The strands of noodles are supplied
of water during the process of drying. Noodles to the frying baskets and are then dipped for deep-
226 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
frying in hot oil. Usually, the frying time and needed for processing and also the noodle strands
temperature are 60-100 seconds and 140-160 oC, stick together without enough relative movement
respectively. The outlet of the fryer temperature is in the boiling water, which lead to coarse texture
usually kept somewhat more than that of the inlet and non-uniform strands during cooking [1]. In
temperature [1]. Frying is maintained carefully in contrast, excess of boiling water or intense heating
order to have minimum fat and fat decomposed can damage the noodle strands owing to the greater
products, as well as have good sensory properties, friction among noodle strands and boiling water.
Deep-frying causes moisture loss, fat uptake and The temperature of the boiling water is generally
starch gelatinization, as well as formation of pores kept at 98 oC. However, boiling time is based upon
in noodle both externally and internally. The water the size and shape of the noodle strands and also
in frying noodle migrates from the core to the the type of end products. Both boiling temperature
surface. The steam vaporization in noodle during and boiling time are adjusted carefully to give
frying process created a porous sponge texture. Oil optimal textural attributes. Care should be taken
moves into the porous structure of the noodle strands during cooking to keep cooking loss to a minimum
from which steam flashes out. The mechanism of level. Higher rate of hydration, pre-gelatinization
mass transfer during frying is dependent on the of starches and greater amount of salt concentration
properties of steamed noodles, as well as frying (up to 8%) reduce the boiling time in processing
time and temperature. The moisture and oil content rice noodle, thereby minimizing the cooking loss.
of fried noodles are 15-22% and 3-6%, respectively. Boiling water having pH of 56 shows little solid
Water contributes an important role during heating, loss. However, solid loss increases substantially
as it aids in providing thermal energy to the noodle when the pH of the boiling water reaches neutrality
strands in the hot frying oil. This transfer of heat (pH 78). Therefore, the adjustment of pH from
from noodle surface avoids burning due to undue slightly acidic to neutral is necessary for boiling
drying. During heating, the exchange of water to noodles. For this purpose, organic acids such as
steam takes away large quantity of contacting oil citric acid, acetic acid, malic acid or lactic acid are
energy from the system. Adequate heat should be commonly used to control the pH of the boiling
provided in order to obtain full gelatinization that water in order to develop good quality boiled
begun during the steaming process. The cooking noodles [1].
of deeply fried instant noodles in boiling water
resulted in the swelling of starch prior to the
3.8 Freezing
reduction of the moisture gradient. In contrast, the
cooking of deep-fried noodle by means of steeping Boiled noodle texture deteriorates soon as a result
lead to the disappearance of moisture gradient in of loss of moisture among the exterior and interior
noodle strands before attaining sufficient starch of noodle strands throughout storage period. The
swelling [1]. taste of boiled noodles can be extended through fast
freezing. The absorption of water greater than 40%
during dough mixing is important to facilitate the
3.7 Boiling attainment of desirable and pleasing texture in the
The process of boiling is simple but very crucial end products. Noodles with greater water absorption
in regard to quality attributes of the final product. capacity minimizes the time needed for boiling of
The increase in popularity of refrigerated, frozen noodles. Blending of starches is also helpful in
and shelf stable noodles in recent year resulted in retaining boiled noodles texture during freezing.
the rise of using boiling process in manufacturing The noodles are dipped in cold water below 5 oC
noodles. The important factor in boiling is time and then frozen quickly by blast of cold air at 30oC.
and water quality. The appropriate amount of The noodle strands can be separated easily during
boiling water must be 10 to 20 times greater than thawing if they are cooled to proper temperature
the weight of wet uncooked noodles. If the amount (05 oC) before quick freezing. However, noodles
of boiling water is insufficient, then longer time is frozen below 40 oC could spoil the structure of
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 227
noodle as a result of noodle core expansion during range of rice varieties are cultivated in the world
freezing by breaking the surface of the noodles, as that shows compositional variation among them.
it freezes fully prior to the freezing of noodle core Noodles prepared from various rice varieties shows
[1]. variation in quality characteristics [5]. It was reported
that the moisture, ash, protein and fat concentration
of dried rice noodles varied from 5.00-8.20%, 0.24
4. QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF 1.51%, 7.210.47% and 0.361.14%, respectively
RICE BASED NOODLES [55-56, 60]. Han et al. [50] studied the chemical
The quality attributes of noodles are established composition of nine different rice varieties (Table
by considering the visual characteristics of 3). Protein concentration was found in the range of
cooked and uncooked rice noodles. The cooking 6.92% to 8.65% in various rice varieties. While, the
properties such as high transparency, glossiness amylose concentration of rice varieties ranged from
and absence of discoloration are the important 10.13% to 32.07%. Juliano et al. [21] classified
factors for purchasing noodles by the consumers. rice as low amylose (10-20%), intermediate (20-
Fine straight strands, translucency, whiteness 25%) and high amylose concentration (> 25%).
and absence of broken strands are considered Varietal differences were found in case of ash,
as the characteristics of premium quality and lipid and starch concentrations, which might also
better priced noodles. The noodles must remain be attributed to the processing such as milling [50].
non-sticky, chewy and firm after cooking. Good These compositional differences influence the
quality rice noodles must cook quickly with little functional, thermal, cooking, eating and pasting
cooking loss [57]. Noodle qualities i.e. uniformity properties of final noodles [61]. Starch is the main
of shape, size, texture and color as well as component of rice flour and has significant impact
nutritional, textural and cooking properties are on the overall quality of noodle [62]. As gluten is
the key criterion for evaluating rice noodles[1, 5, absent in rice noodles; the pasting, thermal and
7, 30, 56]. physicochemical properties of the starches would
be responsible for providing a quality noodle [63].
Rice flour provides smooth and creamy texture to
4.1 Proximate Composition
noodles, which gives a clean taste [64]. On the other
Proximate analysis of any food sample is conducted hand, Edwards et al [65]pointed out that increasing
to determine the nutritional profile of that sample the concentration of smaller granule starches
and also its amount by weight in the sample. The enhanced the elasticity and visco-elastic structure of
analysis is important in understanding the nutritional the dough and also interpreted that this differences
advantage of that specific product in the diet [50]. occurred in consequence of the interaction between
Some peoples are gluten intolerant (celiac disease) protein and starch. Protein and lipids are present
and wheat flour cause digestive malfunction. The in substantial amount, which affect the properties
only treatment is to exclude the intake of protein of rice flour. It inhibits starch granules expansion
mostly found in barley, oats and wheat [54, 58]. during gelatinization and inhibiting retrogradation
Nowadays, consumers are interested in purchasing [62].The proximate composition (moisture, ash,
and consuming gluten free products, as these protein, crud fiber) of rice noodles are also affected
provide health benefits by inducing low glycemic by rice bran. The moisture level increases with the
index for diabetic patients; minimize chances of increase of bran in rice noodles. However, higher
celiac diseases and other allergic reactions in gluten the level of bran in rice noodles improved the
intolerant peoples [59]. protein and fat concentrations [66]. Intermediate
The proximate analysis of rice flour i.e. amylose rice flour was used to develop soft texture
moisture, protein, ash, crude fiber, fat, amylose and noodles [23].Ordinary milled rice grains lack
amylopectin concentrations varies significantly due certain components, while brown rice contain
to the variation in genetic makeup, environmental germ and bran also, which provide certain health
factors and milling process [5, 13, 50, 56]. A broad beneficial ingredients like vitamins, gamma amino
228 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
Table 3. Proximate composition of flour obtained from different rice varieties [50].
Mean values for each characteristic followed by different letters within a column differ significantly (P = 0.05)
butyric acid and dietary fibers [67-68].Rice varieties in WAI was found as the proportion of wheat flour
having high amylose concentration showed less in the blends increased. Similarly, it was observed
starch lipid complex as compared to intermediate in earlier studies, that the addition of wheat flour
amylose containing rice [21]. with rice flour caused a decrease in WAI of the flour
blends [73-74]. The water absorption capacity of the
flour is generally based on the variation in sources.
4.2 Functional Properties It is also significantly influenced by the level of
The functional properties of flour plays important damaged starch. Higher the level of damaged starch,
role in product development, as it specify the greater would be the water absorption capacity [37,
quantity of water required to develop dough 75]. Similarly, starch granule size also influence
of optimum consistency and also represent the the water absorption capacity. The granule size of
properties and behavior of the flour after hydration rice starch is very small compared to other cereal
[69]. The functional properties such as water starches; therefore, it offers greater surface area for
absorption index (WAI), swelling power (SP) and water absorption [13]. Rice flour having smaller
water solubility index (WSI) are of major concern particle size tends to release more amylose into the
[56]. Thumrongchote et al. [34] determined the starch gel, which resulted in quick retrogradation.
functional properties of rice flour obtained from The gel hardness of flour is considered to be an
different varieties, which differed significantly, important factor for noodle texture [7, 9]. The
as given in table 4. The WAI indicate the ability compositional variations in carbohydrate, protein,
of a food product to hold water [70]. Noodles fat, fiber and amylose concentration of the flour
manufactured from rice flour showed higher water lead to changes in WAI. Greater the percentage
absorption capacity compared to other cereal flours. of starches and fibers in flour, higher would be
It was observed from the previous literatures that the WAI [13, 72]. However, the WAI decreases
the WAI of rice flour ranged from 3.38.0 g/g [34, in varieties containing high amylose [13, 76].
71]. On the other hand, Chandra and Samsher [72] Similarly, the bonding between protein and starch
found reasonably lower WAI (1.92 g/g) in rice flour. also affects the hydration capacity of noodles.
Ahmed et al. [56] blended wheat flour with rice High protein concentration offers greater sites to
flour and investigated its effect on the functional make strong bond with starches, subsequently the
properties of noodles. The incorporation of wheat water absorption capacity of noodles decreases [5,
flour resulted reduction in WAI. A decreasing trend 77]. As the concentration of protein increases, the
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 229
Table 4. Functional properties of rice flour from different rice varieties at a temperature of 80 oC. [34].
Mean values for each characteristic followed by different letters within a column differ significantly (P = 0.05)
optimum hydration of noodle dough minimizes and power of rice flour. The SP of wet and dry milled
vice versa [78]. Lower water absorption lead to firm rice flour at temperature of 25 oC and 100 oC were
noodles as favored by most of the consumers [56]. 3.8 g/g, 12.6 g/g and 4.7 g/g, 10.9 g/g, respectively.
On the other hand, the water solubility index of Thus it shows that processing temperature and
rice flour usually ranged from 0.6 to 7.94% [34, 71, milling method significantly influence the swelling
79]. However, the WSI of wheat flour is very low power of rice flour. On the other hand, increase in
compared to rice flour [80]. A soluble loss of 0.04 protein concentration lead to a stiff starch/ protein
to 0.12 g/g was found in rice based noodles [54]. complex. That causes a reduction in swelling
There are many factors which influence the WSI power by restricting the starch granules to imbibe
of flour. Damaged granules showed highest WSI water, resulting in coarse and firm noodles [82-83].
than normal granules. The degradation of granules Similarly, amylose and amylopectin concentration
occurs during dry milling of cereal grains 71, 80]. of the starch granules pose substantial influence
Similarly, rise in temperature also causes increase on the swelling power of rice flour [84]. The
in WSI [79]. The composition of flour, i.e., protein degradation of starch granules due to various
and amylose concentration also effect WSI. Higher means (milling and processing) lead to the lowering
the amylose and protein concentration, lower would of swelling power [7, 85]. When starch is heated
be the water solubility index of the flour [81]. Flour above the gelatinization temperature in the presence
containing lower protein concentration leads to of excess water; the starch granules swells due
greater leaching of solids, which is attributed to to water imbibitions, resulting in the leaching of
the disintegration of the starch and protein network starch components into the solution. The amount of
[46].Blending of wheat flour with rice flour resulted solubilization and the degree of swelling depends
in lowering of water solubility index [56]. on the chemical association within the granules
Swelling power is the other important [39]. High concentration of amylose and strong
functional property, which shows the capability chemical bonds minimizes the swelling power by
of starch to absorb water under a specific cooking developing an extensive network [8]. Similarly,
condition of 92.5 oC for 30 minutes. The swelling swelling power of rice flour is reduced with the
power of rice flour ranged from 5.82 to 16.23 g/g increase in the concentration of wheat flour in the
[5, 34, 79]. Hormdok and Noomhorm [9] found blends [56]. Techawipharat et al. [47] reported
that the swelling power of rice starch was 10.54 that waxy rice starch has higher swelling power
g/g. Different factors such as milling methods, and solubility compared to non-waxy rice starch.
processing temperature, starch granules, protein; Normal rice starch is intact and rigid, which could
amylose and amylopectin concentration affect the not be ruptured easily compared to waxy rice starch.
swelling power of rice flour. Heo et al. [71] studied Amylose acts as an inhibitor as well as diluents
the influence of milling method (dry milling and to swelling, while amylopectin mainly affect
wet milling) and temperature on the swelling the swelling power of starches and subsequently
230 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
influence the quality of noodles. Therefore, rice between glass slides and monitoring the time of
varieties with low amylose concentration give a fading away of the white core of noodle strands
high swelling volume [8, 30, 47]. Noodles prepared that indicates the time of cooking [5, 56]. Usually,
from flour with greater swelling power had softer rice based noodles takes 5 to 9 minutes to cook [5,
texture [1]. 9, 56]. The cooking time of rice based noodle is
influenced by their higher water absorption index
as compared to wheat based noodles. It is because
4.3 Cooking Properties of their smaller starch granules, which provide
Gluten is the most important factor for evaluating higher surface area for hydration that reduces the
cooking quality. Gluten is formed on hydration gelatinization temperature and cooking time [62].
of glutenin and gliadin which provide elastic Cooking time is also influenced by the type of
and extensive texture to the dough. It minimizes starch used and the thickness of noodles strands.
stickiness and solid loss and provides firmer texture It is observed that thin noodle strands have short
to the product [6].However, due to the lack of cooking time due to greater surface area for
gluten in rice flour, some technological problem diffusion of water [7, 62].Compared to wheat based
arises. So, it requires proper processing techniques noodles, rice noodles have lower cooking time
and additives to modify the characteristics of starch due to pre gelatinization of rice flour and higher
and protein [86]. For this purpose, rice flour is pre- water absorption index [86-87].Addition of various
gelatinized that performs same function as gluten, starches at different level to rice flour effected the
thereby provides firm structure and avoids stickiness cooking time of rice based noodles, which in turn
after cooking [86-87]. Cooking quality of rice flour affected the final texture of noodles. Noodles made
depends on the genetic and environmental factors from rice flour showed lower cooking time values
[88]. Cooking time, cooked weight, cooking loss compared to noodles made from canna starches,
and percent rehydration are important factors that mung- bean starches and sweet potato starches.
determine the cooking properties of noodles. Lower This difference was attributed to the different
cooking time and slight loss of solids in cooking gelatinization temperature of each starch [22].
water are prominent features of good quality The cooked weight of noodle is determined by
noodles [80].Rice flour obtained from freshly taking weight of the wet mass of noodles [5, 56].
harvested rice is usually soft and sticky compared Rice based noodles showed higher cooked weight
to flour from aged rice. It is therefore important as compared to wheat based noodles. The higher
to keep harvested rice for certain period to aid in pasting viscosity, swelling power and lower amylose
processing. During storage, changes in physical concentration of rice starch granules is responsible
and chemical properties are observed, which for higher cooked weight of rice noodles [22, 80].
influence the cooking quality of rice, especially its Sandhu and Kaur (2010) found lower cooked weight
flavor, texture and product quality after processing. for rice starch noodle than that of potato starch
Certainly, any product, such as noodles prepared noodles. This variation in cooked weight might be
from aged rice will give less sticky texture [44-45]. attributed to the differences in swelling power and
Charutigon et al. [89] reported that noodle prepared viscosities of these starches. A positive correlation
from rice flour had white color but stuck together was observed between water absorption index and
after cooking process. They further suggested that damaged starch level [75], as cooked weight is the
using mono-glyceride and modified starches could rise in the weight of noodle after cooking by the
minimize the stickiness of cooked noodles. absorption of water [91]. While, percent rehydration
The cooking time of rice based noodle is is the relative proportion of weight of cooked
measured by cutting the oven dried noodle samples noodles and uncooked noodles, that may influence
(1 gm) to about 2.0 cm length. The noodle strands the noodle eating quality (5). Researchers found
are cooked by occasional stirring in a beaker having percent rehydration of146 to 290% in rice based
boiling water. Optimum cooking time of rice noodle noodles [9, 22]. The rehydration ratio influences the
is assessed by squeezing together the noodle strands cooking and textural properties of the noodles. High
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 231
rehydration rate in rice based noodles provided a integrity of noodles during the cooking process.
sticky and soft noodle. However, lower rehydration Higher loss of solids in cooking water resulted
rate lead to a course and hard noodle texture [7, 52]. in undesirable noodles characteristics such as
Percent rehydration showed a negative correlation poor cooking tolerance or resistance, high starch
with solubility and showed positive correlation solubility, which lead to sticky mouth feel [8, 71,
with PV, CPV, HPV, setback and consistency [8]. 90, 92].
Rice noodles showed greater rehydration ratio as
compared to starch based noodles, which might
be due to the variation in swelling power and their 4.4 Textural Properties
respective pasting properties [9, 22]. Textural attributes of cooked noodles are evaluated
Cooking loss is the sum total of solid loss in by the mouth feel of the noodles and their
cooking water [54], which is due to the solubility of resistance to chewing. A number of instruments
starches in boiling water. It is the most prominent are available for measuring the texture of noodle,
factor that determines the cooking quality of final as an alternative to sensory analysis [50].Textural
product and illustrates the capability of a product to property of rice noodle is based on flour pasting
offer resistance to the structural breakdown while properties, swelling power and gel hardness [8].
cooking [4]. It was observed form the previous All these physicochemical properties effect textural
literatures that the cooking loss values of rice based quality of cooked noodle, which is directly related
noodle ranged from 0.060.19 g/g [5, 22, 55, 71]. with consumer acceptance [9]. Texture of cooked
Similarly, cooking loss values ranging from 0.27% noodle is one the most critical attribute which shows
to 0.74% was recorded in various rice genotypes consumer acceptance [50]. It is a unique property
[8]. In contrast, Sandhu and Kaur[90] observed a which is influenced by many ingredients like
relatively higher cooking loss (1.53%) in case of protein, water, starch and hydrocolloids that play
rice starch noodles. Ahmed et al. [56] reported vital role in describing the textural characteristics.
significant difference in cooking loss values in The water absorption index is one of the most
noodles prepared from various blends of rice and important factors which impart significant role
wheat flours. Noodles made from broken rice flour/ on textural properties of noodles [93]. The eating
wheat flour (60:40) showed highest cooking loss, quality of cooked noodles is related to cohesiveness,
while pure wheat flour noodle showed lowest hardness and chewiness [94].
cooking loss. However, the cooking loss value The texture of noodle is assessed by the help
increased significantly by incorporating other of tensile testing, firmness and recovery. Tensile
starches in rice flour [55]. Noodle made from wet testing is assessed by the establishing the breaking
milled rice flour showed lower cooking loss as strength and broken length of the noodle strands.
compared to noodles made from dry milled rice Both of these properties are interrelated and indicate
flour, that is attributed to the lower water solubility the resistance of noodle strands to breakage [95].
of wet milled rice flour as caused by due to lower It also reflects the way noodle swells and breaks
level of damaged starch [1, 50, 71]. Amylose during cooking and indicates the cooking quality
concentration negatively influences the cooking loss and cooking tolerance of noodles. While, the
of rice noodles. Noodles containing low amylose distance it take prior to the breakage of noodle
concentration lead to higher cooking loss and vice strands measures the extensibility [5, 13, 95]. Fari et
versa [5, 23, 50]. Cooking loss showed negative al. [5] studied the textural characteristics of cooked
correlation with CPV, HPV, setback and consistency rice noodles made from different rice varieties
except PV [8]. Cooking loss significantly influence (Table 5).The tensile strength of the noodle samples
the sensory properties of cooked noodle samples. prepared from various rice varieties ranged from
The loss of solid in cooking water is influenced 8.0 to 16.7kPa. On the other hand, extensibility
by variation in cooking time, protein and amylose of the noodle strands ranged from 6.0 to 11.8kPa.
concentrations of different rice varieties used [5, While, the elastic recovery and firmness of rice
7].It is very important to uphold the structural noodles ranged from 26.2-52.2% and 85.8-89.0%,
232 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
respectively [5]. The noodles having lowest value rice noodle after storage [14, 92].
for tensile strength entailed little time to break, Nura et al. [13] observed that variation in flour
which shows their less extensibility. Noodles made particle size affected the textural properties of laska
from high amylose rice varieties showed greater noodle. Springiness, chewiness and hardness of
tensile strength and extensibility. It was observed laska noodles made from flour of smaller particle
that the tensile strength is positively correlated size were comparatively higher than noodles made
with amylose concentration. As the concentration from flour of larger particle size, characterizing
of amylose increased, the noodle samples exhibited better quality. Similarly, Yoenyongbuddhagal and
difficulty in breaking and stretching. Noodles with Noomhorm [7] and Hatcher et al. [96]observed
higher elastic recovery and firmness lead to good that the fine flour improves the textural properties
quality noodles with little solid loss in cooking of noodles, which is due to the quick and almost
water [5, 8, 92]. Tensile strength shows the ability of complete gelatinization of smaller particle size.
noodles to withstand a force applied longitudinally Similarly, more water and heat is entered into the
without tearing. Tensile strength shows the cooking starch granule cores of the flours with fine particle
behavior of the noodles, as it gives indication of size. The increase in paste viscosities for finer rice
noodle integrity during cooking. While, elasticity flour represents an increase in gelatinized starch. The
shows the capability of the deformed noodles to higher proportion of gelatinized starch is important
gain its original shape and size after the removal for rice noodle texture, since it acts as a binding
of applied force[8]. Thomas et al. [14] studied the agent during extrusion. Hence, the smaller particle
tensile strength and elasticity of noodles prepared size rice flour produces better quality noodle [1,
from Bario rice and Basmati rice. Noodles made 13]. The textural attribute of noodles is influenced
from Bario rice showed higher tensile strength primarily by proteins, fibers, starch/protein network
(46.33 kPa) as compared with Basmati rice (36.33 and other supplementary constituents [60]. Rice
kPa) on initial day. While the tensile strength noodles having lower amylose concentration
of noodles decreased after 3 days of storage at showed higher adhesiveness, which showed the
room temperature both in Bario and Basmati rice higher stickiness of the cooked noodles. However,
noodles. The amylose concentration of Bario rice lower adhesiveness is an indication of quality rice
was higher as compared to Basmati rice, which noodle, as it gives a clean and smooth texture [50].
significantly affects the tensile strength of cooked
noodle. However, the elasticity modulus of Bario
rice noodle was higher (13.19kPa) than Basmati 4.5 Sensory Properties
rice noodle (7.89kPa) after 3 days of storage period. Consumers usually purchase noodles from either
The elasticity modulus decreases significantly in local manufacturers or convenience stores. Their
Table 5. Textural properties of cooked rice noodles made from different rice varieties [5].
Varieties Extensibility (mm) Tensile strength (g) Firmness (%) Elastic recovery (%)
Bg 300 11.8 2.5a 13.2 3.8b 87.9 2.4ab 46.6 8.2a
Bg 352 11.4 2.3a 16.7 3.4a 8.6 2.7a 50.3 6.1a
Bg 94-1 9.2 3.1b 12.1 4.6b 88.2 3.4ab 48.6 8.5a
Bg 403 11.8 2.1a 12.2 2.3b 85.8 3.9b 37.3 9.0b
At 306 6.0 1.8c 13.5 3.0b 88.5 3.1a 52.2 14.5a
At 405 6.1 1.6c 8.0 1.7c 86.7 2.6ab 26.2 5.4c
Bw 272-6b 10.3 1.5ab 11.9 3.3b 87.6 1.1ab 49.4 12.6a
Ld 356 10.2 2.6ab 10.7 3.6bc 89.0 1.4a 35.6 10.3b
Mean values for each characteristic followed by different letters within a column differ significantly (P = 0.05)
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 233
Table 6. Sensory attributes of Laska noodle prepared from rice flours with different particle sizes using
9-point hedonic scale [13].
Particle size Overall
Appearance Aroma Taste Texture
(m) acceptability
140 4.301.58e 6.001.57a 5.141.74b 3.661.73e 3.981.61e
125 5.141.40d 5.741.52a 5.241.48b 4.441.46d 4.801.46d
100 5.761.32c 5.581.75a 5.361.60b 5.221.48c 5.561.36c
80 6.441.18b 5.641.69a 5.801.46ab 6.241.39b 6.361.17b
63 7.321.13a 5.741.93a 6.121.45a 6.921.26a 7.021.12a
Mean values for each characteristic followed by different letters within a column differ significantly (P = 0.05)
purchasing decisions are mainly based upon the scores obtained in case of appearance property of
preliminary judgment of the noodle quality visually rice noodles varied from 3.5 to 7.32 on a 9-point
such as brightness, absence of undesirable specks hedonic scale [5, 13, 34-35, 65]. Thomas et al.
and color [97]. The sensory attributes of cooked rice [14] evaluated the appearance of Bario rice and
noodles are appearance, aroma, taste, texture and Basmati rice. The appearance of Bario rice scored
overall acceptability [5, 56]. Preference for each higher as compared to Basmati rice (6.8 and 4.3,
sensory characteristics varies from one consumer to respectively).Wheat flour is sometime blended
another; some like raw milled rice and aromatic rice, with rice flour in order to improve the cooking and
others prefer conventional rice or the parboiled rice sensory properties of rice noodles [61, 100]. The
[98].These properties are significantly influenced first parameter assessed by the consumer in food
by using various varieties of rice for noodle product is color, so the evaluation of visual color as
production. The sensory properties of final noodle part of sensory attribute is very crucial [97].
products are evaluated by trained sensory panels Another important sensory property assessed
[5]. The most important quality factors in this is flavor, which influences the amount of food
regards are texture and color of final product [15, consumed by the consumer. Usually the aroma
99]. Consumers mostly prefer hard and non-sticky of noodle product is determined by subjective
noodles which are influenced by the flour amylose evaluation. Aroma is evaluated subjectively based
concentration [5, 15, 99]. The sensory attributes on the experience of panelists by smelling. Thomas
of cooked rice noodle is also influenced due to the et al [14] found slightly higher acceptance rate in
variation in flour particle size (Table 6). case of aroma of noodle made from Basmati rice
The important factor in the evaluation of rice (5.87) than Bario rice (5.73). Previous literature
noodle product is appearance. The appearance of showed a sensory liking score for taste of rice
noodle manufactured from rice flours exhibited noodle in the range of 5.1 to 6.7[5, 13, 103]. The
variations, which is credited to the presence of panelists observed little variation in the score for
natural pigments, i.e., polyphenols and carotenoids taste of rice noodle samples [13].However, rice
[100]. Color is the most important parameter used noodle blended with wheat flour showed higher
for evaluating the visual quality and is important acceptance (6.187.48) in term of aroma [86]. The
for better marketability of noodles. Fresh noodles aroma of cooked product is generally considered a
must maintain white colored appearance [101]. minor quality factor than other sensory properties
Appearance is also influenced by the interaction (taste, texture, color, etc.), as it minimally affect the
of starch and protein. As the interaction between consumer choice for accepting a product [5].
protein and starch is weak, it gives opaque Texture is an important quality factor for
noodles. An increase in ash concentration also accepting the product in the marketplace. Texture
affects negatively the appearance of noodles. is defined as the property of food structure that
As ash concentration of the final noodle is less, can be observed in response to the applied force.
it gives transparent product [102].The sensory The texture of rice based noodle is affected by rice
234 Ishfaq Ahmed et al
variety, processing factor, amylose concentration noodles. It was observed that panelists usually give
and gelatinization temperature [5, 9]. On a 9-point preference to firm noodle irrespective of the aroma
hedonic scale, the sensory liking scores cooked rice [5]. The cooking loss of rice noodle negatively
noodle in term of texture ranged from 3.11 to 6.92 correlated with the sensory properties of noodles
[5, 13, 55]. Wang et al. [104] found that rice noodle [71]. Maximum cooking loss causes turbidity in
scored highest in case of hardness, while lowest cooking water; thereby decreases cooking tolerance
score in case of slipperiness. The mean scores of and mouth feel [56, 82]. It was observed form the
native rice noodles as well as their blends with previous literatures that variation in genetic makeup
wheat flour differed significantly in regard to texture of rice as well as flour particle size contribute
[56]. Rice noodles made from the incorporation of important role in final noodle acceptance [5, 13].
wheat flour in a considerable amount give desirable
texture [56]. Similarly, Inglettet al. [48] found
similar trend in noodles prepared from blend of 5. CONCLUSIONS
rice and wheat flour. Texture is the main quality Recently, demand for gluten free noodles in the diet
factor that determines consumer preference for the has increased due to their health beneficial effect.
cooked noodle [105]. High quality noodle must be It reduces allergic reactions and celiac diseases in
neither too hard nor too soft [22, 57]. Texture of peoples, who suffer from such problems by eating
rice noodle is also affected by particle size. The wheat based products. Flour, water and salts are the
acceptance rate of noodles made from flour of fundamental ingredients that are used to prepare
small particle size was more as compared to the rice noodles. Sometime, additional ingredients i.e.
flour of large particle size [13]. Muhammad et al. emulsifiers, starches, stabilizer and colorings are
[106] evaluated the stickiness, elasticity and taste added to improve the functional, physicochemical,
of cooked rice noodles by twenty trained panelists. cooking and sensory attributes of rice based noodles.
The noodle stickiness was judged by testing the The basic processes involved in the development of
adherence of the noodles to the tongue. While the rice noodle involve dough mixing, sheet forming,
noodle elasticity was evaluated by stretching the compounding, sheeting/reduction, steaming and
noodle strands until they break. The reduction in cutting. The variation in flour properties and
firmness is due to the lower level of protein in rice processing method imparts significant role in final
noodle as compared to wheat based noodles [107]. noodle quality. Rice based noodles are made from
Generally, rice based noodles have soft, and sticky rice flour having appropriate protein and amylose
texture with lower elasticity [22]. Firmness is the concentration and lower ash concentration.
main factor in representing the texture of cooked Compositional differences and lower starch
noodles [1, 5]. concentration influence the functional, thermal,
The overall acceptability of rice noodles pasting, cooking, eating and sensory properties of
depends upon appearance, aroma, taste and texture. rice noodles. Protein concentration and amylose
Various researchers have found differences in the concentration have a positive correlation with
desirability and acceptance of rice based noodles. the firmness and brightness of the noodle strands.
Overall acceptability score values of rice noodles Higher level of starch causes excessive surface
on 9-point hedonic scale were in the range of 2.7 to swelling and cooking loss. On the other hand, ash
7.02 [5, 13, 55]. Rice noodles blended with wheat concentrations negatively affect the brightness of
flour showed maximum acceptance scores [35, 66]. noodle. Therefore, appropriate amount of these
Thomas et al. [14] studied the sensory acceptance components in flours are preferred to prepare noodle
rate of Bario and Basmati rice noodles. Bario rice with appropriate cooking and textural properties.
had a higher acceptability score of 6.67 compared High quality rice noodle must have appropriate
with Basmati rice (4.8). In term of appearance and textural, cooking and sensory properties with
overall acceptability, noodles made from Bario rice extended shelf life without microbial spoilage and
were ranked higher as compared to Basmati rice oxidative rancidity.
Rice Noodles: Materials, Processing and Quality Evaluation 235
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