And Energy Abstmcts July 1999

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06 Electrical power supply and utilization (scientific, technical)

99102603 Optimal dynamic load shedding policy for genera- 99lO2609 A study of a high-power, ammonium chloride zinc/
tion load imbalances including characteristics of loads manganese dioxide dry battery
El Arini, M. Inf. 1. Energy Res., 1999, 23, (l), 79-89. Zhao, S. er al. J. Power Sources, 1998, 76, (2). 218-220.
Modern electrical power systems are highly interconnected and heavily A high-power, ammonium chloride zinc/manganese dioxide dry cell is
loaded, and consequently an emergency may occur as a result of a sudden prepared by modification to the components of the electrolyte and the
increase in system load or unexpected partial or total outage of a generator. cathode. Detailed studies are carried out on the effect of some factors
This paper presents an optimal dynamic load shedding policy for generation which include the electrolyte, the moisture content and the ratio of
load imbalances. The effects of voltage and frequency characteristics of acetylene black to graphite. The cathode product is analysed by X-ray
system loads, transmission lines, transformers and reactive power compen- diffraction. Specifications are given for the high-power cell.
sator are reported. Equality and inequality system constraints are also
considered in the formulation of this nonlinear programming problem. The 99102610 Study of lithium insertion in hard carbon made from
further effects of system average time constant, speed drop factor, load cotton wool
reduction ratio (load frequency sensitivity factor), system inertia, load Peled, E. er al. J. Power Sources, 1998, 76, (2), 153-158.
shedding and spinning reserve are included. A simple load distribution Hard-carbon materials were made either by one-step or multi-step pyrolysis
factor is also considered in this algorithm. The results of the unified power of cotton cloth between 700 and 1100C. All carbons have been
system of lower Egypt are given in order to validate the algorithm and characterized by gas sorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and small-angle
demonstrate its effectiveness. X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques. Two types of carbons have been
obtained. One, made by multi-step pyrolysis, has the highest lithium
reversible capacity [about 600 (mA h)/g] and two distinct voltage regions: a
99102604 Orbital simulation life tests of nickel hydrogen sloping one between 1.5 and about 0.1 V, called the high-voltage region
batteries with additional non-eclipse cycles (HVR), and a horizontal one between 0.1 and 0 V, called the low-voltage
Johnson, P. J. et al. J. Power Sources, 1998, 76, (2), 210-215. plateau (LVP). The other carbons made by the one-step process have only
Nickel-hydrogen battery technology has established itself as the system of the HVR and less capacity [up to 470 (mx h)/g]. The influence of the
choice to provide energy storage on board Earth orbiting satellites. In current density and temperature on the capacity and degradation rate in
addition to providing electrical power for the satellite during the periods both LVP and HVR was checked. We suggest that there are two different
the satellites solar arrays are eclipsed by the Earth, applications are modes of lithium insertion: intercalation-like (on both sides of single
evolving (such as ion propulsion) where the battery is required to graphene sheets) at lower potentials and chemical binding to edge carbon
supplement the power supplied to the spacecraft by the solar panels in atoms at higher potentials vs lithium reference electrode. A schematic
order to meet the peak power demands. In this paper, the results of a four- model for lithiated carbon is proposed.
year accelerated life test programme, equivalent to more than 20 years in
orbit, are reported. Additional non-eclipse cycles were added to both the
99102611 Syngas and electricity production by an integrated
eclipse and solstice seasons of each simulated spacecraft year. The results
autothermal reforming/molten carbonate fuel cell system
show that the additional discharges do not significantly effect the rates of
Cavallaro, S. and Freni, S. J. Power Sources, 1998, 76, (2), 190-196.
performance degradation of the batteries.
The feasibility and the overall process economy of an integrated system of
molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) and autothermal reformer (ATR) have
been studied. The ATR-MCFC performance has been evaluated in terms
99102605 PLZT. Precursor characterization and ferroelectric of pressure, inlet rates of oxygen and steam, current density and cell
properties configuration (indirect or direct). The process, carried out close to the
Fe, L. et al. Integr. Ferroelectr., 1998, 22, (l-4), 35-43. MCFC basic conditions (T = 923 K), can be alternatively addressed to the
A sol-gel route was used to prepare PZT and PLZT precursor solutions, main production of syngas or electricity by means of the inlet operative
varying the Zr/Ti ratio and the La doping level. The solutions were parameters that strongly influence the outlet composition and the overall
characterized by TGA coupled with FTIR. In this paper, the reactions thermal balance. A better heat compensation (but a small syngas/electricity
which occurred during heat treatments are discussed. The composition of production) corresponds to a greater oxygen content in the inlet stream
PZT and PLZT thin films was measured using RBS and their orientation (02/H20/CH4 = 0.6/2/6/l), while the Hz residual is a complex function of
was determined by XRD. Hysteresis and fatigue measurements were found the current density and of the O$H20/CH4 relative ratios. A total gas
to characterize ferroelectric capacitors with platinum electrodes. pressure in the ATR compartment higher than that into the anodic housing
can be hypothesized for a direct ATR-MCFC equipped with a ceramic
membrane that strongly improves the cell performance.
99102606 Proposal for a high efficiency LNG power-genera-
tion system utilizing waste heat from the combined cycle
Hisazumi, Y. et al. Applied Energy, 1998, 60, (3), 169-182.
99102612 Synthesis and characterization of LiNiOz com-
High-efficiency power-generation with an LNG vapourizing system is
pounds as cathodes for rechargeable lithium batteries
Wang, G. X. J. Power Sources, 1998, 76, (2), 141-146.
proposed which utilizes the LNGs cold energy to the best potential limit.
Layered LiNiOz compounds are synthesized using a variety of conditions.
This system can be applied to LNG vapourizers in gas companies or electric
Lithium hydroxide (LiOH.H20) and nickel oxide (NiO) are used as
power companies and recover the LNGs cold energy as electric power. The
precursors. Heat treatment at 750C in oxygen is found to be an optimum
system consists of a Rankine cycle using a freon mixture, natural-gas
synthesis condition. Excess lithium (Li:Ni = 1 N 1.1 in molar ratio) is
Rankine cycle and a combined cycle with gas and steam turbines. The heat
essential to produce LiNiOz compounds with good electrochemical
sources for this system are the latent heat from the steam-turbines
performance. According to DTA/TG analysis, the LiNiOz can decompose
condenser and the sensible heat of exhaust gas from the waste-heat
to Lil-xNil+x02, which has a detrimental effect on the electrochemical
recovery boiler. In order to find out the optimal condition of the system,
reactivity of the LiNiO* compound. The kinetic parameters of LiNi02
several factors are evaluated by simulation. The results of these studies
electrodes are characterized by AC impedance spectroscopy.
show that in the total system, about 400 kWh can be generated by
vapourizing 1 ton of LNG, including about 60 kWh/LNG ton recovered
from the LNG cold energy when supplying NG in 3.6 MPa.. About 8.2 99102613 Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of
MWh can be produced by using 1 ton of LNG as fuel, compared with about LIMO2 (M = Ni, Nio.7sCoo.zs) for rechargeable lithium-ion
7 MWh by the conventional combined system. A net efficiency of over 53% batteries
HHV could be achieved by the proposed system. In the case of the LNG Chang, C.-C. et al. Solid Stale Ionics, 1998, 112, (3-4), 329-344.
terminal receiving five million tons of LNG per year, this system can The study describes a particulate sol-gel process which was developed in
generate 240 MW and reduce the power of the sea water pump by more order to synthesize LiNi02 and LiN/Co,_,02 (x = 0.75) powders, using the
than 2 MW. reaction of lithium hydroxide with nickel acetate in a water-ethanol solvent
system. The chemical homogeneity of the prepared xerogels was indicated
by the one-step weight loss with a single exothermic peak, demonstrated by
99102607 Reformfng apparatus for manufacture of hydrogen- thermal analyses. IR and chemical analyses suggest the possible formation
rich fuel gas for fuel cells of Ni(OH)-(OAc). The main rate determining step responsible for the
Tsuru, K. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 10 287,401 [98 287,401], (Cl. formation of the desired lithiated metal oxide was found to be the
COlB3/38), 27 Ott 1998, Appl. 97/91,022, 9 Apr 1997, 11 pp. (In Japanese) generation of lithium carbonate as an intermediate product during the
This article discusses reforming apparatus for the production of hydrogen- initial heat treatment of the precursors, and its subsequent decomposition
rich fuel gas. It is designed to decrease formation of methane slips and to during heat treatment. The presence of residual lithium carbonate in the
improve reforming efficiency. synthesized materials may result in a decline in the discharge capacity of the
materials. Electron microscopy was used to investigate the morphology of
the residual lithium carbonate, and examples of its effect on the
99102606 Structural properties of amorphous electrochemical properties are given.
Tanaka, K. 0yo Bursuri, 1998, 67, (ll), 1306-1310. (In Japanese) 99102614 Technolo y of Bi, Pb-2223 tape fabrication with Ag
A review on fundamental lecturing of the structure of amorphous and Ag alloy sheaths Por electric power systems
semiconductors. The emphases are on thermodynamical state, the Fischer, K. ef al. Superconducrivity Sci. Technol., 1998, 11, (lo), 995-1000.
classification based on their average coordination number with respect to The OPIT technique was used to fabricate Bi-2223 multifilamentary tapes
structural stability, and the structure of hydrogenated amorphous silicon with silver and silver alloy (AgMn, AgPdAu) sheaths. Thermal analysis and
(a-Si:H). The qualitative relationship between electronic and structural XRD studies have shown that the formation rate and microstructure of the
properties is also considered. Bi-2223 phase is strongly influenced by the occurrence of a liquid phase

272 Fuel and Energy Abstmcts July 1999

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