Appendix A Appendix A Standard Solutions and Reference Materials PDF
Appendix A Appendix A Standard Solutions and Reference Materials PDF
Appendix A Appendix A Standard Solutions and Reference Materials PDF
X pH PhthalateNaOH mixtures
Bromocresol green 14.3 3.85.4 0.2M Potassium
pH hydrogen phthalate (mL) 0.2M NaOH (mL)
Chlorophenol red 23.6 4.86.4
5.0 50 23.65
Bromothymol blue 16.0 6.07.6
5.2 50 29.75
Phenol red 28.2 6.88.4
5.4 50 35.25
5.6 50 39.70
A.1.11 AOAC Official Method 936.16
AOAC Official Method 941.18 Standard Solution
Standard Solution of Sodium Hydroxide
of Silver Nitrate Standard Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Method
First Action 1941 First Action 1936
Final Action Final Action
A. Apparatus
A. Preparation of Standard Solution
Use buret and pipet calibrated by NIST or by analyst. Protect exits
Dissolve slightly more than theoretical weight of AgNO3 (equiva-
to air of automatic burets from CO2 contamination by suitable guard
lent weight, 169.87) in halogen-free H2O and dilute to volume.
tubes containing sodalime. Use containers of alkali-resistant glass.
Thoroughly clean glassware, avoid contact with dust, and keep pre-
pared solution in amber glass-stoppered bottles away from light. B. Reagents
(a) Carbon dioxide-free water.Prepare by one of following
Mohr Method
methods: (1) Boil H2O 20 min and cool with sodalime protection;
B. Reagents (2) bubble air, freed from CO2 by passing through tower of
sodalime, through H2O 12 h.
(a) Potassium chloride.Recrystallize KCl 3 times from H2O, (b) Sodium hydroxide solution.(1 + 1.) To 1 part NaOH (re-
dry at 110EC, and then heat at ca 500EC to constant weight. Equiva- agent quality containing <5% Na2CO3) in flask add 1 part H2O and
lent weight KCl = 74.555. Or, preferably, use NIST SRM 999. swirl until solution is complete. Close with rubber stopper. Set aside
(b) Potassium chromate solution.5% solution of K2CrO4 in until Na2CO3 has settled, leaving perfectly clear liquid (ca 10 days).
H2O. (c) Acid potassium phthalate.NIST SRM for Acidimetry 84.
C. Standardization Crush to pass No. 100 sieve. Dry 2 h at 120EC. Cool in desiccator
containing H2SO4.
Accurately weigh enough KCl to yield titration of ca 40 mL (ca
0.3 g for 0.1M solution), and transfer to 250 mL glass-stoppered C. Preparation of Standard Solution
Erlenmeyer with 40 mL H2O. Add 1 mL K2CrO4 solution and titrate Table 936.16 gives approximate volumes of NaOH solution (1 +
with AgNO3 solution until first perceptible pale red-brown appears. 1) necessary to make 10 L standard solutions.
From titration volume, subtract mL of the AgNO3 solution required Add required volume of NaOH solution (1 + 1) to 10 L CO2-free
to produce end point color in 75 mL H2O containing 1 mL K2CrO4 H2O. Check molarity, which should be slightly high, as in D, and ad-
solution. From net volume AgNO3, calculate molarity: just to desired concentration by following formula:
0.10 54.0 Accurately weigh 0.200.23 g K2Cr2O7 (NIST SRM 136e dried
0.50 270.0 2 h at 100EC) and place in glass-stoppered iodine flask (or
glass-stoppered flask). Dissolve in 80 mL chlorine-free H2O con-
1.0 540.0
taining 2 g KI. Add, with swirling, 20 mL ca 1M HCl and immedi-
ately place in dark 10 min. Titrate with Na2S2O3 solution, A, adding
starch solution after most of I2 has been consumed.
where M2 and V2 represent molarity and volume stock solution, re-
spectively, and V1, volume to which stock solution should be diluted Molarity (mol/L) = g K2Cr2O7 1000/mL Na2S2O3 49.032
to obtain desired molarity, M1. Standardize final solution as in D or E. References: JAOAC 25, 659(1942); 27, 557(1944); 28, 594(1945);
D. Standardization 38, 382(1955); 47, 43, 46(1964); 48, 103(1965).
Accurately weigh enough dried KHC8H4O4 to titrate ca 40 mL
and transfer to 300 mL flask that has been swept free from CO2. Add A.1.14
50 mL cool CO2-free H2O. Stopper flask and swirl gently until sam- AOAC Official Method 890.01
ple dissolves. Titrate to pH 8.6 with solution being standardized, tak- Standard Solutions
ing precautions to exclude CO2 and using as indicator either of Sulfuric Acid
glass-electrode pH meter or 3 drops phenolphthalein. In latter case, First Action 1890
determine end point by comparison with pH 8.6 buffer solution, Final Action
941.17C (see A.1.05), containing 3 drops phenolphthalein. Deter- A. Preparation of Standard Solution
mine volume NaOH required to produce end point of blank by
matching color in another flask containing 3 drops phenolphthalein Table 890.01 gives approximate volumes of 9598% H2SO4 nec-
and same volume CO2-free H2O. Subtract volume required from that essary to make 10 L standard solutions.
used in first titration and calculate molarity. B. Standard Borax Method Standardization
See 936.15E (see A.1.06).
Molarity (mol/L) = g KHC8H4O4 1000/mL NaOH 204.229
C. Specific Gravity Method
References: JAOAC 19, 107, 194(1936).
Dilute H2SO4 with enough H2O to make convenient volume of ca
NIST Certificate for Standard Reference Material 84.
70% H2SO4 by weight. Determine specific gravity in air at conve-
nient temperature (040EC) as in 945.06C (see 26.1.06) (or specific
Constant Boiling Hydrochloric Acid Method
gravity may be determined with Sprengel pycnometer), protecting
E. Standardization solution from contact with air. Calculate exact percent H2SO4 by
Accurately weigh from weighing buret enough constant boiling
HCl, 936.15C (see A.1.06), to titrate ca 40 mL, into Erlenmeyer pre-
P = S(85.87 + 0.05T 0.0004t2) 69.82
viously swept free from CO2. Add ca 40 mL CO2-free H2O, then 35
drops desired indicator, and titrate with solution being standardized. where S = specific gravity (in air) at TE, compared with H2O at tE.
Weigh exactly W g prepared acid containing P% H2SO4 and dilute
Molarity (mol/L) = g HCl 1000/mL titer G to n L to make required solution containing G g H2SO4/L. Calculate
W from equation:
where G has value given in 936.15C (see A.1.06).
References: JAOAC 25, 653(1942); 36, 96, 354(1953); W = nG 100/P
37, 122, 462(1954).
AOAC Official Method 942.27
Standard Solutions Table 890.01 Volumes of concentrated H2SO4 required to
of Sodium Thiosulfate prepare solutions of different molarities
First Action 1942
Final Action Approximate molarity mL H2SO4 to be diluted to 10 L
0.005 2.8
A. Preparation of Standard Solution
0.01 5.6
Dissolve ca 25 g Na2S2O3@5H2O in 1 L H2O. Boil gently 5 min and 0.05 27.7
transfer while hot to storage bottle previously cleaned with hot chro- 0.25 138.1
mic acid cleaning solution and rinsed with warm boiled H2O. (Tem-
0.50 276.1
per bottle, if not heat-resistant, before adding hot solution.) Store