IBM Training Filenet CM 5-2 Implementation and Administration - Excercises PDF
IBM Training Filenet CM 5-2 Implementation and Administration - Excercises PDF
IBM Training Filenet CM 5-2 Implementation and Administration - Excercises PDF
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Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.
This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible,
the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious, and any similarity to
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Course description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-6
What is property-based searching? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7
Content Engine and the database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
How a user request can affect the database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9
What are property indexes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10
Locating data without an index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11
Indexing properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-12
Property indexing guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-13
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-14
Lesson 6.2. Create Stored Searches and Search Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-15
Create Stored Searches and Search Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16
Activities that you need to complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-17
Why do you create searches? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-18
Considerations for creating searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-19
An overview of searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-20
Types of searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-21
Simple search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-22
Search Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-23
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-24
Search criteria options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-25
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-26
Lesson 6.3. Configure Content Search Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-27
Configure Content Search Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-28
Activities that you need to complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-29
What is content-based retrieval (CBR)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30
What is a content index? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-31
What is IBM Content Search Services? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-32
Starting and stopping IBM Content Search Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-33
What is an index area? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-34
Use affinity groups to control server assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-35
Enable Content Based Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-37
Domain level tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-39
IBM Content Search Server console commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-40
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-42
Lesson 6.4. Configure Index Partitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-43
Configure Index Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-44
Activities that you need to complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-45
What is an index partition? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-46
Configuring Index partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-47
Settability values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-48
Selecting a string property for an index partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-49
Use a date property for a partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-50
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-51
Lesson 6.5. Create Content Based Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-53
Create Content Based Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-54
Activities that you need to complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-55
Index areas and full-text indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-56
Index area states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-57
Automatic activation of index areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-59
Enable Content Based Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-61
Object store level tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-63
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Student Exercises
xii System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Unit overview
Lesson 1.1, "Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager," on page 1-3
Lesson 1.2, "System Architecture and Startup," on page 1-9
Lesson 1.3, "Use IBM Content Navigator to Work with Content," on
page 1-23
Lesson 1.4, "Content Storage Concepts and Components," on page 1-39
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-1
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
1-2 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 1.1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager
Identify functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager solutions: Written
exercise, on page 1-5
Explore the architecture: Interactive exercise, on page 1-7
User accounts
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-3
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Student Exercises
1-4 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager solutions:
Written exercise
Identify the functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager solutions. For each question, indicate the
correct answer or the best answer.
1. Which product is the core of the IBM FileNet P8 family of products?
a. IBM Case Manager
b. IBM Content Manager
c. IBM FileNet Content Manager
d. IBM Content Federation Services
2. Which two clients connect to IBM FileNet Content Manager by using FileNet Collaboration
a. Microsoft Office and SharePoint
b. IBM Connections and Lotus Quickr
c. IBM Content Manager OnDemand and SAP
d. IBM Enterprise Records and IBM Case Manager
3. A user can tag managed objects by using which client?
a. IBM Connections
b. FileNet Workplace XT
c. Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine
d. Application Engine
4. IBM FileNet Content Manager is the former name of the product IBM Content Manager.
True or False?
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-5
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Student Exercises
1-6 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the architecture: Interactive exercise
An interactive architecture diagram is included on your student system. Take
a few minutes to explore the diagram and then answer the questions that
1. Log on to your student system as Administrator:
- User name: Administrator
- Password: passw0rd
2. Open the P8 Architecture folder on the desktop of your student system.
3. Open P8 Architecture.htm in Firefox.
4. Take a few moments to explore the system architecture diagrams.
- Hover your cursor over components to read about them.
- Click components to learn more about them.
- Click the Main Map button to go back to the start.
5. Answer the questions in the following section.
Select the best answer.
1. Where does the component integrator for non-legacy components run?
a. Application Engine.
b. FileNet Workplace XT.
c. Rendition Engine.
d. Content Platform Engine.
2. Which product uses OLAP cubes?
a. Case Analyzer
b. Rendition Engine
c. Datacap
d. Image Services Resource Adapter
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-7
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
1-8 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 1.2. System Architecture and Startup
Identify system components: Written exercise, on page 1-11
Start and stop System Components: Activity, on page 1-13
Verify that the system is started: Activity, on page 1-19
User accounts
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-9
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
1-10 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead system components: Written exercise
Identify the function of each system component. For each question, indicate the correct answer or
the best answer.
1. The Content Platform Engine handles process management services.
True or False?
3. What is the primary administration tool for the Content Platform Engine?
a. Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine
b. FileNet Enterprise Manager
c. Configuration Manager
d. Deployment Manager
4. You can log in to Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine, but you cannot see
any of the object stores. Which cause is most likely?
a. The application server is down.
b. IBM FileNet Content Manager is down.
c. The directory service is down.
d. The RDBMS is down.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-11
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Student Exercises
1-12 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead and stop System Components: Activity
In this activity, you start the IBM Content Manager system and then use the
Ping pages to check the system status. You then shut down individual
components and observe the results of the component dependencies.
Procedure 1, "Start WebSphere Application Server," on page 1-13
Procedure 2, "View the Content Engine Startup Context page," on page 1-14
Procedure 3, "Open the Content Platform Engine log files," on page 1-14
Procedure 4, "View the Process Engine Server Information (Ping Page)," on
page 1-14
Procedure 5, "View web applications," on page 1-15
Procedure 6, "Shutdown individual components," on page 1-16
Procedure 7, "Restart the system components," on page 1-17
You can also use the Start the Server batch file in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop to
start WebSphere Application Server.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-13
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
The Content Platform Engine has two main services: Content Services and Process Services. Both
services create log files in the same location. Content Service log files begin with p8, while
Process Service log files begin with pe.
1-14 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-15
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Student Exercises
You can also use Stop the Server.bat in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop. The batch file
enters the username and password for you.
5. Stop the database server software for the Content Platform Engine:
a. Open the Windows Services Console: Click Start > Services.
b. Locate the two DB2 server instances:
IBM Tivoli directory Server Instance V6.3 - dsrdbm01 stops when you stop the directory database
1-16 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 7: Restart the system components
1. Start the Directory Server and Content Platform Engine database DB2 server instances in this
a. DB2 - TDSV63DB2 - DSRDBM01 (Directory Services DB2 instance)
b. DB2-TDSV63DB2 - DB2TDS63-0 (Content Platform Engine DB2 instance)
c. IBM Tivoli Directory Server Instance V6.3 - dsrdbm01 (Directory server)
2. Start WebSphere Application Server.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-17
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Student Exercises
1-18 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead that the system is started: Activity
In this exercise, you check that the system is running and functioning
normally. Whenever you start working with a system in an unknown state, it is
useful to do a quick verification to ensure that all of the components are
Procedure 1, "Check Content Platform Engine status," on page 1-19
Procedure 2, "Check object store connectivity," on page 1-19
Procedure 3, "Check the workflow system," on page 1-20
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-19
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Student Exercises
3. Verify object store connectivity by expanding the object store node and selecting the object
stores to view their properties
- If you get an error when you attempt to open the object store, the object store database
might be offline.
4. Log out from Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine.
If you see a Java update message, select the Do not ask me again option and then click Later.
1-20 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
- If the Tasks page opens to My Inbox, then the workflow system is running.
3. Log out from FileNet Workplace XT.
4. Close the browser.
In this lesson, you started the P8 system and verified that the components started.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-21
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Student Exercises
1-22 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 1.3. Use IBM Content Navigator to Work with Content
Use IBM Content Navigator to work with content: Tour, on page 1-25
Practice working with content: Exercises, on page 1-35
User accounts
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead IBM Content Navigator to work with content: Tour
Perform the procedures in this lesson to learn basic content management
Procedure 1, "Log in to IBM Content Navigator," on page 1-25
Procedure 2, "Browse object stores," on page 1-26
Procedure 3, "Inspect document properties," on page 1-26
Procedure 4, "View document content," on page 1-27
Procedure 5, "Create annotations," on page 1-27
Procedure 6, "Search for documents by title," on page 1-28
Procedure 7, "Search for documents by using other metadata," on page 1-28
Procedure 8, "Add folders," on page 1-29
Procedure 9, "Add a document to an object store," on page 1-30
Procedure 10, "Optional: Test document security," on page 1-31
Procedure 11, "File a document," on page 1-31
Procedure 12, "Checkout," on page 1-32
Procedure 13, "Optional: Verify document reservation," on page 1-32
Procedure 14, "Check in," on page 1-33
Procedure 15, "Inspect document versions," on page 1-33
IBM Content Navigator is configured to open to the Browse page on your system. The default
repository is the Sales object store.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-25
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
2. Inspect the folders and contents in the LoanProcess object store by expanding the folder nodes
and viewing the contents in the contents panel.
3. Select the Loans folder. The folder contents are displayed in the content area.
4. Select the document titled J Jones Loan.
5. Review the information that is displayed in the properties pane on the right.
The document class is HomeLoan, which includes many custom properties that are specific to
home loan documents, such as CustomerName, Address, LoanAmount, DownPayment. Content
Navigator also provides a preview of the document.
1-26 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
2. Hover your cursor over the highlighted area. Verify that the annotation has associated
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-27
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Student Exercises
3. Right-click the highlighted area. New controls open that allow you to change or delete the
4. Delete the annotation.
5. Add a stamp that shows that the document was approved:
a. Click the Stamps button.
b. Select Reviewed <user><date>
c. Click the open space at the top of the document, just to the right of the word LoanID.
d. Click somewhere else on the page. The stamp automatically includes your user name and
the date.
6. Click the Save button to save your annotation changes.
2. Create a search:
a. Click New Search.
b. Enter the following search options:
Property Operator Value
Document Title Like Jones
3. Click Search to execute the search.
4. Verify that the Joness loan document is returned, as well as two bank statements.
1-28 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
g. Click Add.
b c d
h. Verify that Clerks are now listed in the Author permission area.
i. Click the X to remove P8Users from the Reader permission area.
1-30 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
The Document Title property automatically takes the value of the file name. However, you can edit
the Document Title.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-31
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Student Exercises
Other folder options include moving and removing from the folder.
If you move a document from one folder to another, then the document is no longer filed in the
original folder.
If a document is removed from all folders, it continues to exist as an unfiled document that can be
found by using Search tools.
Procedure 12:Checkout
When you are working on a document, you can check it out so that other users cannot edit it. While
the document is checked out, only the person who checked it out (or the administrator) can change
it. In this procedure, you are going to change the file name of the document to match the document
title. You are logged in as Clark.
1. Go to the Sales object store > New docs.
2. Select the document that you added to this folder.
3. Click Actions > Check Out > Check Out and Download.
4. Save the file.
5. Locate the file on the local machine. By default, Firefox saves the file in
6. Change the file name to Approved Basic Model 201.doc.
7. On IBM Content Navigator, verify that the document has a lock icon. This icon means that the
document is checked out.
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Procedure 14:Check in
As Clark, you checked out a document and changed the content element. When you check the
document back in, a new version of the document is created in the repository.
1. Log in to IBM Content Navigator as Clark.
- User name: Clark
- Password: filenet
2. On the Browse page, go to the Sales object store > New Docs.
3. Select the document that you added to this folder.
4. Click Actions > Check In.
5. Browse for the document that you changed. If you saved it in the default location, it is in
6. Select the document.
7. Click Open.
8. Click Check In.
9. Verify that the lock icon is gone. The document is checked in.
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Student Exercises
4. Verify that the document has two versions that were modified by Clark on both occasions. The
latest version is Released and the prior version is Superseded.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead working with content: Exercises
Complete the three exercise scenarios to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson. You must complete the exercises in order.
Use the Search page to find the loan document.
Compare the value of the LoanTerm property with the loan term as it was
handwritten on the form.
Loan documents are in the LoanProcess object store.
Your search returned George Greens loan.
You were able to compare the property value of the loan document side
by side with the scanned content.
You determined that the loan term matched.
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Student Exercises
Add Olivia as an Author to George Greens Loan document.
P8admins password: IBMFileNetP8
Olivias password: filenet
George Greens Loan document is in LoanProcess > Loans.
You must log on as P8Admin to make the security change, then log on as
Olivia to test the change.
In the Security tab of the property page, Olivia is listed as an Author.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 3: Annotations
You are Olivia, a loan officer. You need to make annotations to a loan
document to highlight the loan term.
Create and save an annotation to George Greens Loan.
George Greens Loan document is in LoanProcess > Loans.
Olivia must have Author access to save annotations to the document.
You must have completed the previous scenario.
After you save the annotation, close and reopen the document. The
annotation must be visible.
In this lesson, you used IBM Content Manager to perform the most common
content user tasks, including the following task:
Log in to IBM Content Navigator
Browse object stores
Inspect document properties
View document content
Create annotations
Search for documents by title
Search for documents by other metadata
Add folders
Add a document to an object store
File a document
Check in
Inspect document versions
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 1.4. Content Storage Concepts and Components
Examine the P8 Domain structure: Tour, on page 1-41
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the P8 Domain structure: Tour
As an administrator or solution builder, you must be able to quickly find any
structure within the P8 Domain.
In this exercise, you locate and examine structures within the P8 domain.
Procedure 1, "Start WebSphere," on page 1-41
Procedure 2, "Explore domain structures by using Administration Console for
the Content Platform Engine," on page 1-41
Procedure 3, "Explore domain structures by using FileNet Enterprise
Manager," on page 1-43
Procedure 4, "Explore the site by using FileNet Enterprise Manager," on
page 1-44
Procedure 5, "Obtain a document GUID," on page 1-45
Procedure 6, "Inspect storage areas," on page 1-46
Procedure 7, "Inspect databases," on page 1-47
Procedure 8, "Inspect the gcdDBfile," on page 1-48
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Student Exercises
b. Log in:
- User name: P8Admin
- Password: IBMFileNetP8
2. Examine the P8 domain properties:
a. Select P8Domain at the top of the tree view.
b. Open the Properties tab to review the domain properties.
c. Open the Directory Configuration tab. Verify that IBM Tivoli is used as a directory service
3. Examine the database connections:
a. Expand the Global Configuration > Administration > Database Connections node.
b. Verify that one database connection exists: FNOSDS.
4. Examine the object stores:
a. Expand the Object Stores node.
b. Verify that you see the following object stores:
- LoanProcess
- LoanProcessQA
- P8ConfigObjectStore
- Sales
- SalesQA
- SalesSBx
Six object stores share a database connection. Using a single database connection for multiple
object stores can reduce administration time.
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Student Exercises
These items are not yet supported in Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine. You
must use FileNet Enterprise Manager to inspect them.
You can override those settings for this server by selecting server1 as the configuration source.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 1. Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager 1-43
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Student Exercises
FileNet Enterprise Manager sometimes starts behind other windows. If you double-clicked the
desktop icon, but do not see the connection window, select the task from the Tasks bar.
In Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine, the process region and connection point
are specified at the object store level. In FileNet Enterprise Manager, the process region and
connection point are specified at the domain level. In either case, each region uses a connection
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead - Verify that the site properties are shown in the details pane.
b. Right-Click Initial Site.
c. Select Properties. The site properties page displays.
4. Click cancel on the Properties page.
5. Minimize FileNet Enterprise Manager.
The site properties page has several tabs. The tabs correspond to the properties shown in the
details pane. From here, you can change the site properties. The property values are disabled
because they are inherited from the P8 Domain. If you choose to override these inherited values,
you can set the values here.
The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is a unique string that individually identifies every object. The
GUID cannot be changed, so it can reference the same document regardless of document title, file
name, or other changes.
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Student Exercises
Each object store has a default database storage area. Additionally, three object stores have file
storage areas. The file storage areas correspond to folders in the file system.
The File Count and File Bytes columns show the file storage usage. For example, the Sales file
storage area contains 51 files. Your file count might be a different number.
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Student Exercises
The Content folder contains the documents. The document file names are replaced by their GUIDs.
They are contained in two levels of folders named FNX, where X is an integer between 1 and 22.
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Student Exercises
Each object store has its own set of tables, including a DocVersion table. The tables are listed
under separate schema names.
In this lesson, you located and examined structures in a P8 Domain, including:
Object stores
File storage areas
Database tables
The local gcdDBFile
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Student Exercises
Unit Overview
This unit contains these lessons.
Lesson 2.1, "Create an Object Store," on page 2-3
Lesson 2.2, "Create a File Storage Area and a Storage Policy," on page 2-25
Lesson 2.3, "Create Properties and Choice Lists," on page 2-43
Lesson 2.4, "Create Document and Folder Classes," on page 2-59
Lesson 2.5, "Modify Classes and Properties," on page 2-71
Unit Dependencies
Refer to Unit 1: Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager for the system
startup and system check.
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
System Startup
Start the WebSphere Application Server by double-clicking the Start
Server.bat file in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop.
Wait for the Start the server window to close.
System Check
Perform a system check whenever you start an IBM FileNet P8 system or
start working on a system that is in an unknown state. These activities
assume that you did a system check when you begin an activity session.
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Student Exercises
2-2 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2.1. Create an Object Store
Create a Connection Object: Activity, on page 2-5
Create an Object Store: Activity, on page 2-14
Create an Object Store: Practice, on page 2-23
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
DB2 Control Center p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM FileNet Configuration Manager p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Connection Object: Activity
Procedure 1, "Examine the target database," on page 2-5
Procedure 2, "Create the required Data Sources," on page 2-6
Procedure 3, "Test the Data Sources," on page 2-10
Procedure 4, "Create a Database Connection Object," on page 2-12
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Student Exercises
c. The properties of the MARKDB database are listed in the lower right pane of the Control
DBM State: Started.
The Size of the database is shown in MB.
The Capacity of the database is shown in MB. A small horizontal bar icon displays the
percentage of the available capacity used (such as 20%).
4. Expand the MARKDB in the left pane of the Control Center window.
Many database components are listed, including Tables, Views, Triggers, Indexes, and Table
5. Examine database components.
a. Click the MARKDB > Table Spaces node.
b. Several table spaces are listed in the upper right pane of the window. MARK_TS,
USERTEMP1 and TEMPSYS1 are user-defined table spaces.
c. From the menu bar, click Control Center > Exit to close the tool.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead d. When prompted with the Verify your application server settings before proceeding
message, click OK.
b. Click Edit Application Server Properties from the list. The Properties page opens.
c. Change the Application server version to version 8.5.
d. Enter IBMFileNetP8 in the Application server administrator password.
e. Click Test Connection. A Test Results window is shown with the message that the
connection to the server is successful.
f. Click OK to close the Test Results message window.
g. Click Finish.
4. Create a task for Configure Marketing Object Store JDBC Data Sources.
a. Right-click the Configure Object Store JDBC Data Sources task and click Copy Selected
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Student Exercises
A copy of the task with a name beginning with the string Copy_of_ is listed in the left pane.
b. Right-click the task Copy_of_Configure Object Store JDBC Data Sources and click Rename
A Rename Task window opens.
c. Enter the following name and then click OK: Configure Marketing OS JDBC Data Sources
d. In the left pane, double-click the renamed task.
e. The Configure Marketing OS JDBC Data Sources task properties are shown in the right
5. Edit the configuration properties page for the task. Use the following data.
Item Value
JDBC driver name DB2 Universal JDBC Driver
JDBC driver version 3.0
JDBC Data Source name MOSDS
JDBC XA Data Source name MOSDSXA
Database server name localhost
Database port number 50000
Database name MARKDB
Database user name osdbuser
Database password IBMFileNetP8
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a. Accept the default settings for any values that are not specified in the table
b. Click Test Database Connection.
c. Click Yes on the Action Required window to save the task before proceeding.
d. A Test Results window is shown with the message that the connection to the database is
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 2. Build an Object Store 2-9
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Student Exercises
b. Monitor the status in the Console on the lower right corner of the window.
c. Wait for the message Finished running Configure JDBC Data Sources in the Console.
7. Close the profile and exit Configuration Manager.
a. From the menu bar, click File > Close Profile.
b. Click File > Exit to close the Configuration Manager.
The activities in this unit refer to the Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere Application
Server Administrative Console.
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Student Exercises
After a few moments, a message is shown on the same page that the test connection
operations for Data Source MOSDS and MOSDSXA were successful.
4. Log out of the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console and close the browser.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
If you get an error similar to the following screen capture when you complete the wizard, do the
following steps:
1. Click OK on the Error page.
2. Verify your inputs and click Cancel in the Error page of the wizard.
3. Repeat the Steps 2-6 to create the Database connection.
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Student Exercises
Procedure 1, "Create an object store," on page 2-14
Procedure 2, "Verify the new object store," on page 2-18
Procedure 3, "Configure your repository," on page 2-18
Procedure 4, "Edit the desktop to add your repository," on page 2-20
The symbolic name, which is used for internal programmatic purposes, must contain only ASCII
characters and must begin with an alphabetic character.
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Student Exercises
Since, the same database can be shared for two or more object stores, each object store must
contain a schema name that is unique for that object store.
6. Leave the default values (no value) for the other fields.
a. Click Next.
7. Select the Type of Storage Area for Content.
a. Accept the default Database Storage Area and click Next.
If you select a storage area other than Database, two storage areas get created because an object
store always has a database storage area. You are going to configure File Storage Area in the next
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 2. Build an Object Store 2-15
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Student Exercises
b. In the Search for field, clear the Search for Users and Search for Special accounts check
boxes. Leave Search for Groups selected.
c. Type P8 in the text field that is next to the Starts with field. Click Search.
d. In the Search Results section > Available Users and Groups column, a list of groups that
starts with P8 is listed.
e. Select and Move P8Admins to the Selected Users and Groups column by clicking right
arrow. Click OK.
9. Repeat Steps 8a-8e to add the Admins group.
a. The completed list looks like the one in the following screen capture.
b. Click Next.
10. Grant Basic Access.
a. Click Add.
b. Repeat Steps 8a-8e to add the P8Users group.
If you specify an empty list, the wizard automatically adds #AUTHENTICATED-USER, which gives
all network users in the authentication realm access to the object store.
c. Click Next.
11. Select AddOns.
a. Select the following add-ons.
5.2.0 Base Application Extensions
5.2.0 Base Content Engine Extensions (by default selected)
5.2.0 Process Engine Extensions
5.2.0 Publishing Extensions
5.2.0 Stored Search Extensions
5.2.0 Teamspace Extensions
5.2.0Thumbnail Extensions
5.2.0 Workplace Base Extensions
5.2.0 Workplace Template Extensions
5.2.0 Workplace XT Extensions
b. Click Next.
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Student Exercises
It could take a few seconds before the progress bar changes, and several more seconds for the
new object store to be created.
If a message states that the script is unresponsive, click OK to continue.
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Student Exercises
b. Observe that the Marketing object store uses the new MOSDS data connection.
c. Click the Marketing object store.
2. Create a folder.
a. In the left pane, expand Marketing > Browse.
b. Right-click the Root Folder and click New Folder from the list.
The New Folder tab opens.
3. Define New Folders.
a. Enter Test Folder in the Folder name field.
b. Notice that Class field has Folder as the value. Click Next.
4. Complete the wizard.
a. In the Specify Settings for Retaining Objects, leave the defaults and click Next.
b. In the Summary page, click Finish.
c. In the Success page, click Close.
5. Verify the new folder.
a. In the Marketing tab, click Refresh.
b. In the left pane, expand Marketing > Browse > Root Folder.
c. Verify that the Test Folder that you created is listed.
If the new folder is added, you successfully created the object store.
6. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
a. Close the browser.
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Student Exercises
You are going to learn in more detail how to configure the IBM Content Navigator in a separate unit.
In this procedure, you configure the repository that recently created.
1. Start the IBM Content Navigator.
a. In your browser, go to
The URL value is case-sensitive.
b. Enter the logon credentials for an administrator (user name: P8admin, password:
IBMFileNetP8). The user should have administrative access.
2. On the Content Navigator desktop, click the Open Administration View icon in the leftmost pane.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead c. Verify that you are able to select your repository (Marketing) from the list.
d. Click Marketing.
e. The Browser view now shows your object store and the Test Folder that you created.
In the following lessons, you are going to create other content objects in this object store in Content
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead an Object Store: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson.
Create an object store with a shared database connection.
Item Value
Administration Console for Content
Platform Engine account p8admin/IBMFileNetP8
Name and Symbolic name HR
Database connection MarketingDC
Schema name HRSchema
Storage area type Database
Grant Administrative Access P8Admins, AEAdmins
Grant Basic Access Legal
5.2.0 Base Content Engine Extensions
5.2.0 Process Engine Extensions
You are sharing an existing database connection. You complete the
create object store activity.
Verify that the new object store is listed in the Object Stores tab.
Verify that you are able to create a folder in the new object store.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2.2. Create a File Storage Area and a Storage Policy
Activity: Create a File Storage Area, on page 2-26
Activity: Create a Storage Policy, on page 2-35
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM FileNet Enterprise Manager p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Administrator user) p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Business User) burt filenet
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Student Exercises
Procedure 1, "Verify the default storage area," on page 2-26
Procedure 2, "Create a subdirectory for the file storage area," on page 2-27
Procedure 3, "Create a file storage area," on page 2-28
Procedure 4, "Verify the storage area directory structure," on page 2-30
Procedure 5, "Configure a Document class," on page 2-31
Procedure 6, "Edit your storage area," on page 2-32
Procedure 7, "Add a document to verify the configuration," on page 2-33
c. Since you added no documents after creating this object store, the file count is 0.
3. Open Test folder.
a. Expand the Marketing > Root Folder > Test folder in the left pane.
4. Add a document (Class: Document).
a. Right-click the Test folder and click New Document.
b. In the Create New Document wizard, enter TestDoc for the Document Title field.
c. Select the With content option and click Next.
5. Click Browse/Add for the File name field.
a. In the Open window, go to the C:\LabFiles\SampleDocuments folder and select a
document (Example: Testfile.doc)
b. Click Open. In the wizard page, the document path is added. Click Next.
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Student Exercises
6. In the Class and Properties page, verify that Document is selected for the Class field. Click Next.
a. In the Object Retention page, leave the default values and click Next.
7. In the Advanced Features page > Storage Settings section, verify that <None> is selected. After
you configure a Storage Area for the Document class, your Storage Area is automatically
a. Notice that Default Database Storage Policy is selected for the Storage Policy field. Click
8. Verify the File Count for the storage area after the document is added.
a. Select Object Stores > Marketing > Storage Areas in the left pane.
b. From the menu bar, click Action > Refresh to ensure that the current data is shown.
c. Observe the File Count column for the Default Database Storage Area.
d. Since you added one document, the file count is now increased to one.
9. Leave the FileNet Enterprise Manager opened for a later procedure.
You can use any string value for the base and root directory names. You can select any location in
your local or distributed file system for the base directory.
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Student Exercises
c. Expand the file_stores\content folder and verify that there are 23 folders named FN0 to
These directories store the committed content element files. The Storage Area wizard
creates these content folders.
d. Expand the FN0 (or any one of the 23 folders) folder and verify that each of them contains a
set 23 folders named FN0 to FN22.
e. Expand the file_stores\inbound folder and verify that there are several folders.
f. The inbound folder is the working area for uploading new content.
2. Create a subfolder to use it as a root directory for the new file storage area.
a. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\filenet drive.
b. Create a folder with a name: Marketing_filestore.
3. Verify and set the security for the folder.
Only the admin user must be able delete and write files in the file store directories.
a. Right-click the Marketing subdirectory and select Properties.
b. In the Properties window, click the Security tab.
c. Verify that the permission for the non-admin users is read-only to the folder.
d. Close the Windows Explorer.
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Student Exercises
Click the question mark next to each field name to get more details about that field.
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Student Exercises
c. Expand the content folder and verify that there are 23 folders named FN0 to FN22.
d. Expand the FN0 (or any one of the 23 folders) folder and verify that each of them contains a
set of 23 folders named FN0 to FN22.
e. Expand the inbound folder and verify that there are several folders.
f. Close the Windows Explorer.
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b. Select <None> from the list for the Default storage policy field.
c. Click Save.
d. When prompted, click Cancel in the Propagate Metadata Changes page.
The configuration on this page affects the subclasses of the Document.
e. Close the Document tab.
4. Refresh the object store.
a. In the Marketing tab, click Refresh.
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Student Exercises
6. In the Class and Properties page, verify that Document is selected for the Class field. Click Next.
a. In the Object Retention page, leave the default values and click Next.
7. In the Advanced Features page > Storage Settings section, verify that the Marketing Storage
Area <Default> that you created is selected. Observe that it is set as default because you
configured this Storage Area for the Document class.
a. Notice that <None> is selected for the Storage Policy field. Click Finish.
8. Verify the File Count for the storage area after the document is added.
a. Select Object Stores > Marketing > Storage Areas in the left pane.
b. From the menu bar, click Action > Refresh to ensure that the current data is shown.
c. Observe the File Count column for the Marketing Storage Area.
d. Since you added one document, the file count now increased to one.
9. Close the FileNet Enterprise Manager by clicking File > Exit from the top menu.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Create a Storage Policy
Create two file storage areas to represent a storage area farm. Create a
storage policy that includes both of these storage areas and assign it to the
Document class. The storage policy uses the load-balancing capabilities of
the Content Platform Engine to distribute content within a storage area farm.
Add some documents to the object store and observe the file count
information in the storage areas.
Procedure 1, "Create storage area farms," on page 2-35
Procedure 2, "Configure a new storage policy," on page 2-37
Procedure 3, "Add more storage areas to the storage policy," on page 2-38
Procedure 4, "Assign the storage policy to the Document class," on
page 2-38
Procedure 5, "Verify that storage area farming is working," on page 2-39
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7. If needed, expand Marketing > Administrative node and click Storage Policies on the left pane.
a. Verify that the Storage Policy that you created is listed.
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Student Exercises
Verify that <None> is selected for the Default storage area. The Farm Storage policy specifies the
FS1 and FS2 storage areas to save the content for the Document class.
If both the Default storage area and the Default storage policy are set, the Default storage area
setting takes precedence and the storage policy that you defined is ignored.
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Student Exercises
3. Add a document.
a. Right-click the Test folder and click New Document.
b. In the Create New Document wizard, enter SPTest1 for the Document Title field.
c. Select the With content option.
d. Click Next.
4. Click Browse/Add for the File name field.
a. In the Open window, go to the C:\LabFiles\SampleDocuments folder and select a
document (Example: Testfile3.doc).
b. Click Open. In the wizard page, the document path is added.
c. Click Next.
5. Complete the wizard:
a. In the Class and Properties page, leave the default values (Class: Document).
b. Click Next.
c. In the Object Retention page, leave the default values and click Next.
6. In the Advanced Features page > Storage Settings section, verify that the Storage Area field
has <None> value.
a. Verify that Farm Storage Policy <Default> is selected.
b. Click Finish.
7. Add a two more documents by repeating Steps 3-6.
a. Verify that all the documents are listed.
8. Review the results in Enterprise Manager.
a. In Enterprise Manager, select Marketing > Storage Areas.
b. From the menu bar, click Action > Refresh to ensure that the current data is shown.
c. Observe the File Count column for the FS1 and FS2 storage areas and verify that both
storage areas contain files.
d. When you created the FS1 and FS2 file storage areas, the file count was 0.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2.3. Create Properties and Choice Lists
Create a Choice List: Activity, on page 2-45
Create a Choice List: Practice, on page 2-49
Create Property Templates: Activity, on page 2-51
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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EXNoSideHead a Choice List: Activity
Procedure 1, "Create a choice list," on page 2-45
Procedure 2, "Verify the new choice list," on page 2-48
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b. In the New Items window, for each name in the table, type the choice item name in the
Display Name field.
Display Name Value
Reseller Reseller
End User End User
c. When you click outside Display Name field, the value is automatically populated in the Value
field. Optionally, you can edit the value field.
Verify that the Value field is populated before you click Add.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead c. In the New Items window, repeat Step 5 with the values in the table.
Display Name Value
Motorcycle Motorcycle
Trailer Trailer
Vehicle Vehicle
d. Verify that your completed choice list looks like the one shown in the screen capture.
You can edit the choice items. To edit, select the item and click Edit.
You can also rearrange the choice items. To rearrange, click the item and use the Move Up or Move
e. Click Next.
8. Complete the wizard.
a. In the Summary page, view the details and click Finish.
b. In the Success page, click Close.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Choice List: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson.
Create a choice list with choice items and a group.
Item Value
Administration Console for Content
Platform Engine account P8admin/IBMFileNetP8
Object Store Marketing
Choice List Name Product Type
Data type String
Choice Items Software, Services
Choice Group Name Hardware
Choice Items for the group Monitors, Servers, Tablet PC
Verify that your completed choice list looks like the one shown in the
screen capture.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Property Templates: Activity
In this activity, you create several property templates for the Marketing object
store in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine. You associate
the choice list that you created to a property template. You are going to use
them to create Folder and Document classes in the next lesson.
Procedure 1, "Create a Property Template," on page 2-51
Procedure 2, "Create a Multi-valued Property Template," on page 2-53
Procedure 3, "Create a Value-required Property Template," on page 2-54
Procedure 4, "Create a Property Template with Choice List," on page 2-55
Procedure 5, "Create a Date Time Type Property Template," on page 2-56
Procedure 6, "Create an Integer type Property Template," on page 2-56
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b. Click Next.
6. Complete the Single or Multi-Value page.
a. Select the Single option for the Single or Multi-Value.
b. Click Next.
7. Complete the wizard.
a. In the Summary page, view the details and click Finish.
b. In the Success page, click Close.
8. Verify that the new property template is listed.
a. Click the Property Templates tab and click Refresh.
b. Scroll down and verify that prospect_name is listed.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2: Create a Multi-valued Property Template
1. Open the New Property Template wizard.
a. In the administration console, expand the P8Domain > Object Stores node on the left pane
and click Marketing.
b. In the Marketing tab, expand the Marketing > Data Design node on the left pane and click
Property Templates.
c. In the Property Templates tab on the right pane, click New.
d. The New Property Template tab opens.
2. Name and Describe the Property Template.
a. In the New Property Template tab, enter contact_methods for the Display name.
b. Verify that the Symbolic name and Descriptions fields are automatically populated. Click
outside of the Display name field.
c. Optionally edit the Description. Click Next.
3. Select the data type.
a. Select String from the list for the Data type field. Click Next.
4. Select Choice List or Marking Set.
a. Select <None> from the list for both the fields. Click Next.
5. Complete the Single or Multi-Value page.
a. Select Multi for the Single or Multi-Value.
b. Select Unique and ordered values for the List order option.
c. Click Next.
6. Complete the wizard.
a. In the Summary page, view the details and click Finish.
b. In the Success page, click Close.
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Student Exercises
the default values for the other fields that are not listed in the table.
When you select the Set other attributes option in the Single or Multi-Value page,
the wizard opens with more pages to set other attributes for the property template.
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b. Click Data Type in the column heading to sort the property templates by data type.
5. Log out of the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine and close the browser.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2.4. Create Document and Folder Classes
Create Document and Folder Classes: Activity, on page 2-61
Create a Folder Class: Practice, on page 2-67
Create a Document Class: Practice, on page 2-69
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Document and Folder Classes: Activity
You created property templates and choice lists that are required for your
organization in the previous lesson. In this activity, you create custom Folder
and Document classes with those property templates in the Administration
Console for Content Platform Engine. You test each class by creating an
instance in the IBM Content Navigator client.
Procedure 1, "Create a Folder Class," on page 2-61
Procedure 2, "Create a Document Class," on page 2-62
Procedure 3, "Test your Folder class," on page 2-64
Procedure 4, "Test your Document class," on page 2-65
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b. Click OK.
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f. Click Add.
4. Verify that your new document is listed in the folder.
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Student Exercises
5. Click the document. Verify that the properties and their values are shown in the rightmost pane.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Folder Class: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in the two lessons.
Create two property templates in the Administration Console.
Create a Folder class in the Administration Console.
Verify the class by creating an instance of that class in the IBM Content
Use the default values for the fields that are not specified in the tables.
Field Value
Administration Console for
Content Platform Engine p8admin/IBMFileNetP8
account (logon/password)
Object Store name Marketing
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Student Exercises
Verify that the property templates are available to add to the Folder class.
Verify that the new Folder class is listed under the Folder class node on
the left pane.
Verify that you are able to create an instance of this Folder class.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Document Class: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in the two lessons.
Create two property templates in the Administration Console.
Create a Document class in the Administration Console.
Verify the class by creating an instance of that class in the IBM Content
Use the default values for the fields that are not specified in the tables.
Item Value
Administration Console for
Content Platform Engine p8admin/IBMFileNetP8
account (logon/password)
Object store Marketing
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Verify that the property templates are available to add to the Document
Verify that the new Document class is listed under the Document class
node on the left pane.
Verify that you are able to create an instance of this Document class.
Verify that the properties have the value that you entered.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2.5. Modify Classes and Properties
Change the Property Template Name: Activity, on page 2-73
Modify a Choice List: Activity, on page 2-77
Change the Class for an Object: Activity, on page 2-81
Work with Metadata Dependencies: Optional Activity, on page 2-85
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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EXNoSideHead the Property Template Name: Activity
Procedure 1, "View the property template display name," on page 2-73
Procedure 2, "Change the property template display name," on page 2-73
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead d. Verify that the property display name now shows as Prospect Code (in stead of the old
name: prospect_id).
The name change to the property template was automatically propagated to the property definition
based on the property template.
Only name changes to a property template are automatically propagated to property definitions.
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EXNoSideHead a Choice List: Activity
Procedure 1, "Add a group to a choice list," on page 2-77
Procedure 2, "Verify the modified choice list," on page 2-78
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Student Exercises
d. When you click outside Display name field, the value is automatically populated in the Value
field. Optionally, you can edit the value field.
Verify that the Value field is populated before you click Add.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead b. Enter the logon credentials for an administrator (user name: P8admin, password:
The Content Navigator Sample Desktop opens in Browse view.
c. Select the Marketing repository from the list.
The Browser view now displays your object store.
2. Create a folder.
a. Click New Folder.
3. Select your Folder class.
a. In the New Folder window > Properties section, select ProspectsFolder from the list for the
Class field.
b. Click OK.
c. Enter Test New Choice for the Folder Name.
4. Verify that you are able view and select a choice item from you new choice group.
a. Select Cars for the prospect_category from the list. Click OK.
b. Enter TNC for the Prospect Code. The value for the field is required.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the Class for an Object: Activity
In this activity, you create a Document class and use it to change the class
for an existing document (that belongs to a different class).
Procedure 1, "Create a Document class," on page 2-81
Procedure 2, "Examine the properties of a document," on page 2-82
Procedure 3, "Change the class of an object," on page 2-82
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b. Verify that the document has last_contact_date, times_contacted property names, and
These properties are removed from this instantiated object when you change the class of
this object.
c. Verify that the document does not have Prospect Code property is displayed.
These properties are added to this instantiated object when you change the class of this
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b. Observe that the Class Description has the new class name (ProspectUpdated).
c. The last_contact_date, times_contacted properties are removed from the document.
d. Log out of the admin console and close the browser.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead with Metadata Dependencies: Optional Activity
In this activity, you replace a choice list with a data entry value for a property
template. The updates to a property template do not automatically update the
existing property definitions of a class. You must apply this change to a class
definition. You must remove the original property definition from the class and
add the updated one.
Procedure 1, "Remove the choice list," on page 2-85
Procedure 2, "Remove a property definition from a class," on page 2-86
Procedure 3, "Assign the property definition to the class," on page 2-87
Procedure 4, "Verify the modifications," on page 2-88
Procedure 5, "Examine the ProspectsFolder class," on page 2-90
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e. To remove the association of the choice list, click the arrow next to it and select Unset Value.
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e. Verify that the property is removed from the list and click Save to save the changes.
f. Click Close to close the tab.
g. In the Marketing tab, click Refresh.
3. Optionally, examine the changes to the document in the IBM Content Navigator.
a. Verify that the document (that you created earlier with the choice list value; Document class:
PropspectUpdated) does not have the choice list property called prospect_category
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead e. Select navigator and click Start. Wait until the message is shown.
f. Log out of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
For the property template changes to show in the IBM Content Navigator, you must restart the
Content Navigator in the WebSphere Application Server.
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f. Click Add.
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Student Exercises
In this activity, you did the following steps.
Removed the choice list from a property template.
Removed the original property definition (that has the choice list) from a class.
Assigned the modified property definition (no choice list) to the class.
Verified the modifications by creating a document class.
Examined the ProspectsFolder class that did not get affected by the change.
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Student Exercises
Unit Overview
This unit contains these lessons.
Lesson 3.1, "Create a Subscription with an Event Action," on page 3-3
Unit dependencies
Refer to Unit 1: Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager for the system
startup and system check.
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
System Startup
Start the WebSphere Application Server by double-clicking the Start
Server.bat file in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop.
Wait for the Start the server window to close.
System Check
Perform a system check whenever you start an IBM FileNet P8 system or
start working on a system that is in an unknown state.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 3.1. Create a Subscription with an Event Action
Create a Subscription with an Event Action: Activity, on page 3-5
Update the Event Action with new Code Module: Activity, on page 3-11
Examine a Workflow Subscription: Tour, on page 3-15
Create a Subscription with an Event Action: Practice, on page 3-19
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
FileNet Enterprise Manager p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Administrator user) p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Business User) burt filenet
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Subscription with an Event Action: Activity
In this activity, you create a code module with prewritten Java code, an event action, and a
subscription for the Order document subclass. You associate the event action with the subscription
and test it by creating an Order document. Document creation triggers the subscription and the
code is executed which creates an entry in a log file.
Procedure 1, "Create an Event Action," on page 3-5
Procedure 2, "Create a Subscription," on page 3-7
Procedure 3, "Test the Subscription and Event Action," on page 3-9
Procedure 4, "Examine the EventLog.txt file," on page 3-10
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Student Exercises
e. Click Next.
i. This event action is now one of the event actions available for selection when you create a
6. Close the Enterprise Manager application.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 2: Create a Subscription
1. Start the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
a. In your browser, go to
b. Log in as the P8admin user (password: IBMFileNetP8)
2. Create a subscription.
a. In the administration console, expand the P8Domain > Object Stores node on the left pane
and click the Sales object store.
b. In the Sales tab, expand Sales > Data Design > Classes > Document > Order on the left
c. Right-click Order and then click New Subscription from the list.
Observe that the Create a workflow subscription is not selected for the workflow subscription
option field since you are not launching a workflow with this subscription. Later in this lesson, you
explore a workflow subscription.
b. Click Next.
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d. Click Next.
8. Review the summary and click Finish.
9. Click Close when you receive the confirmation message that you successfully created the Log
10. View the subscription that you created.
a. Select the Sales tab, and click Refresh.
b. Expand Sales > Events, Actions, Processes > Subscriptions on the left pane.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead c. Click Subscriptions and verify that Log Subscription is listed on the right pane.
The Java Code Module contains instructions to write an entry into a log file each time a document of
the class that is subscribed to is created.
1. Create a folder.
a. In the Sales object store tab, expand the Sales > Browse > Root Folder node on the left
b. Right-click the Root Folder and click New Folder.
c. Enter Test Folder for the folder name.
d. Leave the default value (Folder) for the Class field.
e. Click Next and leave the default values for all other fields.
f. Click Next and click Finish.
g. Click Close to close the New Folder tab.
h. In the Sales object store tab, click Refresh to refresh the Object store.
2. Add a document.
a. In the Sales object store tab, expand the Sales > Browse > Root Folder > Test Folder node
on the left pane.
b. Right-click Test Folder and click New Document.
c. Enter Log Test as the Document title.
d. Select Order from the list for the Class field.
e. Complete the wizard by clicking Next three times. Leave the default values for all the fields.
f. In the final page, view the summary and click Finish.
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Student Exercises
g. When the page displays that the Log Test document is created, click Close to close the New
Document tab.
3. In the Test folder tab, click Refresh.
a. Verify that the new document is listed.
4. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
a. Close the Browser.
The code for the Log Action adds a text line to the EventLog.txt file each time that the event action
executes. This line consists of the following statement:
A new document is created on: Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS EDT YYYY. Document class name =
Order, Document id = {GUID}
2. Verify that the log file has an entry for the Order document that you created.
a. Open the EventLog.txt file with the text editor. Example: Notepad
b. Verify that it includes a line that identifies the date and time that your new document was
created in the object store.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the Event Action with new Code Module: Activity
Your Management wants to include the user who creates the document in the event log every time
a document is added. The Developer provides the new JAR file that contains the updated code to
the Administrator.
In this activity, you are going to modify the Code Module to use the new JAR file. You also update
the Event Action that references the Code Module and test it.
Procedure 1, "Update the Code Module," on page 3-11
Procedure 2, "Update the Event Action," on page 3-12
Procedure 3, "Test the new Code Module," on page 3-13
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Student Exercises
e. For the File of type field, select Jar files (*.jar) from the list.
b. Scroll down to the Code Module property at the bottom of the window.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead c. Right-click the Code Module value field and click Paste Object.
e. Click OK.
f. Click Apply to save the changes.
g. Click OK to close the window.
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Student Exercises
The updated Code Module generates an event log entry that also includes the name of user that
added the document:
The entry consists of the following statement:
A new document is created on: Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS EDT YYYY. Document class name =
Order, Document id = {GUID}
Added by: P8Admin
5. Verify that the log file has an entry for the Order document that you created.
a. Open the EventLog.txt file with the text editor. Example: Notepad
b. Verify that it includes a line that identifies the date and time that your new document was
created in the object store and the user who created it.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Workflow Subscription: Tour
In response to a fired event on an object, a Workflow Subscription launches a workflow. In this
activity, you examine a Subscription that is already configured on your student system.
You can create a subscription that launches a workflow as well as executes an event action
Procedure 1, "Open a Workflow Subscription," on page 3-15
Procedure 2, "Explore the Workflow Subscription," on page 3-16
Procedure 3, "Test the Workflow Subscription," on page 3-17
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Student Exercises
The Properties page for this subscription has a WorkFlow tab because it is a Workflow
Subscription. When the subscription is only associated with a custom event handler, the Properties
page does not have a WorkFlow tab.
a. Verify that for the Workflow definition field, Test Subscription Workflow is selected. (Version
number is selected at the time of creation but not shown in the view).
b. Scroll down and locate the Property Maps.
c. Notice that the workflow properties are mapped to the document properties.
6. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine and close the browser.
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Student Exercises
The names of workflow and document properties do not have to match, but they must be of the
same data type. Example: both quantity properties are of integer type; description and
product_description are of string type.
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Student Exercises
Your student system is configured for the Workflow Subscription. When you add a document of
Product class, a workflow is launched. A work item is available in the Sales Officer in-box.
e. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine and Content Navigator.
f. Close the browsers.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Subscription with an Event Action: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson.
Create an event action with Code Module. Associate it with a
Subscription and test it. Use the data in the following tables.
1. Create an Event Action with a code module in FileNet Enterprise Manager.
2. Create a Subscription in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
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Student Exercises
3. Test the subscription by creating the specified folder under the Test folder in Administration
Console for Content Platform Engine.
Create a folder (Name: Subscription Test) of ProjectFolder class
under the Test Folder in Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine. Verify that the subfolders (Contracts, Orders, and Quotes) are
created under the Project folder.
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Student Exercises
Unit Overview
This unit contains these lessons.
Lesson 4.1, "Configure a Content Navigator Desktop," on page 4-3
Unit Dependencies
Refer to Unit 1: Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager for the system
startup and system check.
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
System Startup
Start the WebSphere Application Server by double-clicking the Start
Server.bat file in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop.
Wait for the Start the server window to close.
System Check
Perform a system check whenever you start an IBM FileNet P8 system or
start working on a system that is in an unknown state. These activities
assume that you did a system check when you begin an activity session.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 4.1. Configure a Content Navigator Desktop
Configure a Content Navigator Desktop: Activity, on page 4-5
Configure a Content Navigator Desktop: Practice, on page 4-17
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Administrator user) p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Business User) burt filenet
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Content Navigator Desktop: Activity
In this activity, you configure a new desktop in the IBM Content Navigator web client application.
You also change the appearance of the banner for this decktop.
Procedure 1, "Configure Repositories," on page 4-5
Procedure 2, "Create a Desktop," on page 4-8
Procedure 3, "Configure the Layout and Menus," on page 4-9
Procedure 4, "Configure Workflow options," on page 4-10
Procedure 5, "Save the Desktop Configuration and test," on page 4-10
Procedure 6, "Edit the Desktop to customize the Banner," on page 4-12
Procedure 7, "Configure Sample Desktop as the default," on page 4-14
Click the question mark next to each field name to get more details about that field.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 4. Configure IBM Content Navigator 4-7
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Student Exercises
3. Specify a repository (already configured) that you want to use to authenticate users.
a. Select Sales from the list for the Repository field.
b. Select Enable to Limit access to specific users and groups.
c. Click Select Users.
d. Enter the logon credentials (user name: P8admin, password: IBMFileNetP8).
e. In the Add Users and Groups page, search for P8admin.
f. Move it to the Selected pane.
g. Select Allow from the list for the Permission field.
h. Click Add to save the changes and close the page.
i. Repeat the steps to add the user called burt.
4. Select a Viewer map for the Viewer map field:
a. On the General tab, verify that Default viewer map is selected in the list.
5. Configure Error message information:
a. Accept the default option (IBM Information center).
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Student Exercises
c. Select DefaultApplication from Available to Selected Application Spaces. Use the right arrow
to move it.
2. Repeat the step 1 to select the application spaces for other repositories in the list (Example:
LoanProcess and SalesQA).
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Student Exercises
3. Test the new desktop by accessing it with the (case sensitive) web address for that desktop in a
a. Enter the logon credentials for a business user.
User name: burt
Password: filenet
The desktop opens to the specified default feature page (Browse).
b. Verify that the application name is shown in the banner area at the top of the page.
c. The global toolbar that you enabled is shown at the top of the page.
After creating a desktop, you can copy your desktop and save it as another desktop.
The URL also brings up your desktop, since you set your
desktop as the default desktop.
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Student Exercises
An image for the banner logo is already copied into the C:\Program
or.ear\navigator.war\MyImages folder.
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Student Exercises
6. Observe the following changes (as you configured) in the banner for your desktop.
- The banner background color
- Banner logo
- Application name text color
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead b. In the Additional Settings area, select the option Set as the default desktop.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Content Navigator Desktop: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson.
Create and configure a desktop.
Item Value
Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine account (logon/password)
IBM Content Navigator Administrator account
Business User accounts for this desktop sydney/filenet
(logon/password) sylvia/filenet
Repositories to add to the desktop LoanProcess
Default Repository LoanProcess
Default Feature Browse
Viewer Map, Layout, and Menu Use Default.
You must log in as P8admin to configure the desktop. After the
configuration, log in as Sydney or Sylvia to test the desktop.
The URL for the desktop:<your Desktop name>
Log in to the desktop that you created. Verify that the desktop contains
the repositories and other settings as you configured.
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Student Exercises
Unit 5. Security
Unit overview
Lesson 5.1, "Security Concepts," on page 5-7
Lesson 5.2, "Modify Direct Security," on page 5-17
Lesson 5.3, "Configure object store security," on page 5-29
Lesson 5.4, "Configure Class and Property Security," on page 5-47
Lesson 5.5, "Configure Security Inheritance," on page 5-55
Lesson 5.6, "Work with Security Policies," on page 5-69
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
3. With the browser cache cleared, you can proceed with the lab activity.
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Student Exercises
Group Members Object stores
Clerks LoanProcessQA
Components Component
Customers Customer
Finance Admins Allison LoanProcessQA
Finance Clerks LoanProcessQA
Finance Managers LoanProcessQA
Finance reviewers LoanProcessQA
Loan business analysts LoanProcess
Loan business users LoanProcess
Loan guests Gail
Loan Managers LoanProcess
Olivia LoanProcess
Loan officers
Loan operations LoanProcess
Loan processors LoanProcess
Loan system administrators LoanProcess
Loan underwriters LoanProcess
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Student Exercises
Group Members Object stores
PEadmins LoanProcess
Reviewer Mark
Supervisor Sue
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.1. Security Concepts
Resolve Logon Failure, on page 5-9
Verify object store access: Practice, on page 5-15
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Logon Failure
In this exercise, you simulate a problem with the authentication provider and
then observe the results.
Procedure 1, "Stop the authentication provider," on page 5-9
Procedure 2, "Observe logon failure," on page 5-9
Procedure 3, "Observe object store access," on page 5-10
Procedure 4, "Create a user," on page 5-11
Procedure 5, "Log on to IBM Content Navigator as outsider," on page 5-12
Procedure 6, "Log on to Workplace XT as outsider," on page 5-12
The ping page is up. You have verified that the Content Platform Engine is running. You can check
the log files to find out what happened.
4. Copy the location of the log files from the CE Ping page.
5. Using Windows Explorer, open the p8_server_error.log file from this location:
- C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\FileNet\server1
6. Search the log files for any errors that relate to connectivity to the LDAP provider.
7. Use Windows Services console to restart IBM Tivoli Directory Server Instance V6.3 - dsrdbm01.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead - LoanProcessQA
- P8ConfigObjectStoreLog out
- Sales
- SalesQA
- SalesSBx
- Marketing (if you completed the unit Build the Object Store)
8. Log out of Workplace XT.
You can see more object stores in Workplace XT than in IBM Content Navigator because, in
addition to having authorization to use the object store, the object store must be defined as a
repository for your IBM Content Navigator desktop.
4. Expand cn=users.
5. Click Add to add a new user.
Outsider does not have access to the object stores defined for the default user desktop. A user
must have access to at least one object store in order to log on. In some cases, an authorization
problem might appear to be an authentication problem.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead -
- User name: outsider
- Password: filenet
2. Verify that you can log on. Outsider has access to two object stores: P8ConfigObjectStore and
3. Log out of Workplace XT.
4. Close the browser.
The P8ConfigObjectStore and SalesSBx object stores were configured to allow all authenticated
users to access them. Therefore, anyone who can log in with the authentication provider can also
access these object stores. Ensure that security issues are resolved before moving any solution
into production.
Remember that if someone cannot log onto IBM Content Navigator, it is not always an
authentication problem.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead object store access: Practice
In this exercise, you log onto Workplace XT as different users to see the
effects that group membership has on object store visibility.
Log onto Workplace XT as various users. Note any differences in object
store visibility.
Use the users and groups list Table on page 5-1for user names to test.
All passwords (except for administrators) are filenet.
Try using users from groups that have access to different object stores.
Try using groups that do not have access to any object stores.
Verify that the LoanProcess, LoanProcessQA, Sales, SalesQA object stores
are not visible to all users.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Resolved logon failure from stopped authentication system.
Observed logon failure from failed object store authorization.
Observed object store security.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.2. Modify Direct Security
Change direct security of a document: Activity, on page 5-19
Customize access: Activity, on page 5-25
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Finance clerk Carol filenet
Finance clerk Charles filenet
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead direct security of a document: Activity
In this exercise, you create a document as one user in order to observe
default instance security. You then modify the security directly and observe
the results.
Procedure 1, "Add a folder and document," on page 5-19
Procedure 2, "Verify access," on page 5-20
Procedure 3, "Remove group access to a document," on page 5-20
Procedure 4, "Verify that access is removed," on page 5-21
Procedure 5, "Change access level," on page 5-21
Procedure 6, "Remove ownership," on page 5-22
Procedure 7, "Change ownership," on page 5-23
Procedure 8, "Verify the change in ownership," on page 5-24
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Student Exercises
b. Click Save.
8. Log out of IBM Content Navigator.
7. Click OK.
8. Verify that Finance Managers are now in the Authors group.
9. Click Save.
You might think that Carols continued access to the file is caused by browser caching or some
other glitch. It is not, but you can test this hypothesis if you want.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 7: Change ownership
Both Finance Clerks and Carol have been removed from the documents ACL. However, Carol can
still see it. To find out why she can still see it, you must use Administration Console for Content
Platform Engine to investigate.
1. Use Firefox to log on to Administration Console for Content Platform Engine:
- URL:
- User name: p8admin
- Password: IBMFileNetP8
2. Go to LoanProcessQA > Browse > Root Folder > Loandocs.
3. Open the document properties.
4. Open the Security tab.
5. Verify that Carol is still the owner.
a. Scroll down the page to the Owner/Active Markings area.
b. Confirm that the Owner is CN=carol, cn=users,o=sample.
7. Click Save.
8. Log out from Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
The Owner of a document is not the same thing as a member of the Owner role in the ACL. The
Owner of an object has implicit READ, WRITE_OWNER and WRITE_ACL privileges no matter
what is in the object's ACL.
These implicit rights can be lost by marking sets.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead access: Activity
In IBM Content Navigator, you can specify security on a document or folder
using predefined security roles, including:
No access
Each of these groups has a predefined set of access rights.
In Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, you can specify
security using predefined Permission Groups. These groups are similar to,
but not identical with the roles in IBM Content Navigator. The groups include:
Full Control
Minor versioning
major versioning
Modify properties
View content
View properties
Create subfolder
In this exercise, you are going to see how to use Permission Groups for
common security scenarios, and specify custom permissions for fine-grained
security configurations.
Procedure 1, "Add typical document permissions," on page 5-25
Procedure 2, "Edit security settings," on page 5-27
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Student Exercises
If all the rights do not show, logout and log back in to retry.
setting custom permissions. You are logged on to Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine as p8admin. You are viewing document properties.
1. Select the Coordinators row.
2. Click Edit.
In this lesson, you completed the following tasks:
Modified direct security on a document.
Changed the owner of a document.
Customized user permissions on a document.
Observed the effects of implicit denial.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.3. Configure object store security
Configure Initial Object Store Security: Exercise, on page 5-31
Add groups to an object store using a supergroup: Procedure, on
page 5-37
Use the Security Script wizard: Procedure, on page 5-43
Configure Finance for Content Navigator: Exercise, on page 5-45
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Legal user Larry filenet
outsider filenet
authenticated user
Finance Admin Adam filenet
Finance Admin Allison filenet
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Initial Object Store Security: Exercise
In this exercise, you create an object store. You specify security on the object
store so that all P8 users (but not all authenticated users) can see it.
The procedure for creating an object store is covered in the unit: Build an
Object Store.
The Finance department needs an object store for its operations. All P8
users must have default access to the object store. You can further configure
security on objects within the object store at a later time.
Create an object store for Finance.
Provide basic user access to the P8users group.
Review the procedure for creating an object store: "Create an Object Store:
Activity" on page 2-14
For Add-ons, click the Workplace/Workplace XT Configuration button above the table.
Object store creation success message.
Use Workplace XT to test object store security.
Larry can access the object store.
Outsider cannot see the object store.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Root Folder Security: Procedure
The initial security on the object store allows P8users to use the object store.
However, you do not want everyone to be able to add folders at the root
level. This permission must be given only to Finance Administrators.
You have created an object store. The object store currently allows all P8
users default permission (Use object store). Any users can currently add
documents and folders to the Root folder. In order to reserve the right to
organize the top folders for P8admins, you must remove this access. You
must also create the folders in which Finance users can create subfolders.
Procedure 1, "Edit Root Folder security," on page 5-33
Procedure 2, "Add a folder for Finance group," on page 5-34
b. Click Edit.
Finance Admins are now allowed to add subfolders to the Root Folder. Finance Admins can then
specify security on the folders that they create.
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f. Click OK.
6. Log out of Workplace XT.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead groups to an object store using a supergroup: Procedure
After you create an object store, you might have to add group access to new
groups that did not exist when you first created the object store. When the
object store is created, specified groups have access because they are
added when the object store is instantiated. You cannot add new groups to
the object store security because too many instantiated objects would need
to be updated.
You can add groups to an existing object store in either of two ways:
Using supergroups.
Using the security script wizard.
In this lesson, you are going to practice both methods.
Procedure 1, "Preparation: Create users and groups," on page 5-37
Procedure 2, "Create test groups," on page 5-38
Procedure 3, "Test the accounts," on page 5-39
Procedure 4, "Edit the user token TTL," on page 5-40
Procedure 5, "Add the grouptest group to P8Users group," on page 5-40
Procedure 6, "Retest grouptester," on page 5-41
7. On the Required Attributes page, enter the following information, an then click Next:
- Relative DN: cn=grouptester
- Parent DN: cn=users,o=sample
- cn: grouptester
c. sn: grouptester
8. On the Optional Attributes page, do the following steps:
a. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
b. Enter a value for userPassword: filenet
c. Click Finish.
d. Click Yes to add a similar entry.
9. Create the user Scriptester:
a. In the Structural object classes menu, select inetOrgPerson.
b. Click Next.
10. On the Select auxiliary object classes page Click Next.
11. On the Required Attributes page, enter the following information, an then click Next:
- Relative DN: cn=scriptester
- Parent DN: cn=users,o=sample
- cn: scriptester
- sn: scriptester
12. On the Optional Attributes page, do the following steps:
a. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
b. Enter a value for userPassword: filenet
c. Click Finish.
d. Click No to add a similar entry.
2. Expand cn=groups.
3. Click Add to add a new group.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the Security Script wizard: Procedure
If you need to add a group of users to an object store, and you do not have
an established group to add them to, then you can use the Security Script
Wizard. The Security Script wizard allows you to assign security roles to user
and group accounts in order to create security principals for the objects in an
object store. You must run the Security Script Wizard on each object store to
which you are adding the accounts.
Security Script Wizard is currently available only in FileNet Enterprise
Be cautious about running the SecurityUpdate script. This script updates an object store's set of
administrator groups and regular users. It makes wholesale changes to the Default Instance
Permissions settings of many class definitions and also changes the security permissions of all
folders. After running it you must remake your Default Instance Permissions changes and possibly
redo the security for your folders.
Procedure 1, "Run the Security Script Wizard," on page 5-43
Procedure 2, "Test object store access," on page 5-44
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Finance for Content Navigator: Exercise
Although this issue is not specifically related to security, the new object store
cannot currently be seen by IBM Content Navigator users. You must
configure the Finance object store as a repository so that IBM Content
Navigator users can access it.
The procedure to configure a repository is in the unit: Configure IBM Content
You must complete this exercise to continue the lesson exercises.
Use the IBM Content Navigator Configuration feature to add the Finance
object store as a FileNet Content Manager repository.
Add the new repository to the Sample Desktop.
Repository Data
Property Value
Display name Finance
ID Finance
Protocol EJB
Server URL iiop://ecmedu01:2809/FileNet/Engine
Object store symbolic name Finance
Object store display name Finance
Log on to IBM Content Navigator as May (password: filenet).
Verify that you can see the Finance object store as a repository.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Configured initial security on a new object store.
Configured the security on the Root Folder of an object store.
Provided access to an existing object store by adding a group to an established group.
Provided access to an existing object store by using the Security Script Wizard.
5-46 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.4. Configure Class and Property Security
Configure Default Instance Security: Activity, on page 5-49
Configure property modification access, on page 5-53
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Finance Clerk Carol filenet
5-48 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Default Instance Security: Activity
In this activity, you configure default instance security on a document class.
Whenever an instance of that class is created, its security is determined by
the default instance security.
Procedure 1, "Set default instance security on a new document class," on
page 5-49
Procedure 2, "Verify default instance security," on page 5-50
5-50 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
Finance Clerks do not have permission to file documents directly into the Invoices folder, but they
can add subfolders.
6. Click Cancel.
7. Log out of IBM Content Navigator.
8. Close the browser.
5-52 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead property modification access
Finance clerks can currently edit the value of the InvoiceNumber property of
any Invoice that they create. You want only users who have Full Access to
the Invoice documents to be able to change this property. You can customize
property modification access to change this.
Property modification access behavior is a feature primarily intended for the IBM Enterprise
Records application, especially in connection with markings. It is available for use by non-records
management applications that need granular control over user ability to modify properties.
Procedure 1, "Set property modification access," on page 5-53
Procedure 2, "Verify property modification restriction," on page 5-53
5. Click Cancel.
6. Log out from IBM Content Navigator.
7. Close the browser.
You changed the InvoiceNumber property definition on the Invoice document class, but you did not
change the InvoiceNumber property template. If you create a new class and you use this property
template, the property will have normal modification access.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Configured default instance security on a document class.
Configured property modification access on a custom property.
5-54 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.5. Configure Security Inheritance
Configure folder inheritance: Procedure, on page 5-57
Configure a security parent using a custom OVP: Procedure, on
page 5-61
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Finance Admin Adam filenet
5-56 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead folder inheritance: Procedure
In this exercise, you create a folder and use folder inheritance to secure
Procedure 1, "Preparation: Create a document class," on page 5-57
Procedure 2, "Create a parent folder," on page 5-58
Procedure 3, "Create a receipt," on page 5-58
Procedure 4, "Configure the document to inherit security," on page 5-58
Procedure 5, "Verify security change," on page 5-59
5-58 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5: Verify security change
1. Open the Security tab of the Test receipt.
2. Verify that Finance Admins and Finance Managers have inherited permissions.
6. Click Cancel.
7. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
5-60 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a security parent using a custom OVP: Procedure
In this procedure, you create an object specifically to be a security parent.
Documents that inherit security from this parent will be affected when you
change security on the parent.
You use a custom object-valued property (OVP) to designate a security
parent. You can set this propertys default value on the class definition, so
that all new documents of this class are created with the same default
security parent.
Procedure 1, "Create a security parent folder," on page 5-61
Procedure 2, "Create a security parent," on page 5-62
Procedure 3, "Edit security of the security parent," on page 5-62
Procedure 4, "Create a custom object valued property template," on
page 5-63
Procedure 5, "Create a document class," on page 5-63
Procedure 6, "Change default instance security," on page 5-64
Procedure 7, "Add the custom OVP to the document class," on page 5-64
Procedure 8, "Configure the default value for the custom OVP," on page 5-64
Procedure 9, "Create test document," on page 5-66
Procedure 10, "(Optional) Observe inherited security changes," on
page 5-67
You are copying the object reference now, but you do not actually need to paste it until you edit the
property definition for the document class that inherits security from this object. If for any reason
your copy buffer gets erased before you edit the property definition, you must come back to this
document to copy the object reference.
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Student Exercises
If the permissions are not what you expected after saving the document, try editing each ACE
separately and saving between.
The Security Proxy Type value of Inherited appears as the integer 2 when viewed in the documents
property grid.
For the Required Class property, you must select the exact class of the parent object.
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Student Exercises
Be patient: this menu sometimes takes a couple minutes to load. Click the arrow one time and wait.
If you are prompted to continue running scripts or stop, select Continue.
The Property Definitions menu on the Properties tab is not the same as selecting the Property
Definitions tab of the class definition.
If the Paste Object option is inactive, you need to copy the object reference of the Accounts
Payable Access document.
c. Verify that the Property Default Object Value is now Accounts Payable Access.
You cannot save the values on the Security Parent OVP Properties page: you must save the
changes to the class definition.
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Student Exercises
6. Verify that the document has inherited the security settings from the security parent:
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 5.6. Work with Security Policies
Configure a security policy: Procedure, on page 5-71
User accounts
Type User ID Password
Operating system Administrator passw0rd
P8 Domain p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Finance Manager May filenet
Finance Reviewer Richard filenet
Finance Clerk Clara filenet
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a security policy: Procedure
In this procedure, you create a security policy that changes document
security when the document version status changes.
The solution requires a new Contracts class. When a Contract is first added
to the system, it must be editable by Finance Managers. Finance Reviewers
must be able to view the contract information, but not edit it. Finance
Managers will promote the document to a Major Version. When it is released,
the Contract content must be viewable by all P8users, but only Finance
Managers can make changes.
P8Admins must retain full control at all times.
Procedure 1, "Change versioning preference configuration," on page 5-71
Procedure 2, "Create the Contracts document class," on page 5-72
Procedure 3, "Create a security policy," on page 5-73
Procedure 4, "Configure security templates," on page 5-73
Procedure 5, "Add a Contract document," on page 5-76
Procedure 6, "Add a security policy to the document," on page 5-77
Procedure 7, "Promote the document," on page 5-77
Procedure 8, "Configure the default security policy on the class," on
page 5-78
Procedure 9, "Test users and interfaces," on page 5-78
4. Click Connect.
5. Log on using p8admin user name and password.
6. Open the Configuration Paremeters tab.
7. Change the Add as major version option to No.
8. Change the Check in as major version option to No.
5-72 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 3: Create a security policy
You are logged on to Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
1. Go to Finance > Administrative > Security Policies.
2. Click New.
3. Name and Describe the Security Policy:
a. In the Display Name field, enter Contracts Security Policy.
b. Click Next.
4. Specify Security Templates:
a. Click Add.
b. Select the following templates:
In Process
c. Click OK.
d. Click Next.
5. Click Finish.
6. Click Open.
7. Clear the Preserve Direct Permissions option.
8. Click Save.
By default, security templates add to the default instance security. You are changing this setting to
allow the Security Policy to replace direct security.
c. Search for and add the following security principals to Selected Users and Groups:
Finance Managers
Finance Reviewers
d. Click OK.
e. Click Save.
3. Edit the Finance Managers ACE:
a. Select the Finance Managers.
b. Click Edit.
c. Select Major Versioning.
d. Click OK.
e. Click Save.
All permissions for this security policy apply to This Object Only.
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Student Exercises
Remember to save the Security Policy after you edit each ACE.
After you save, you must re-select the Released security template.
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Student Exercises
The direct permissions are gone. Only the Template permissions remain.
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Student Exercises
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Created a Security Policy.
Created security templates.
Applied a security policy to a document.
Associated a security policy with a document class.
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Student Exercises
Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance
Unit overview
Lesson 6.1, "Create Property Indexes," on page 6-3
Lesson 6.2, "Create Stored Searches and Search Templates," on page 6-11
Lesson 6.3, "Configure Content Search Services," on page 6-27
Lesson 6.4, "Configure Index Partitions," on page 6-33
Lesson 6.5, "Create Content-based Indexes," on page 6-41
Lesson 6.6, "Optimize CBR Queries," on page 6-55
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-1
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Student Exercises
6-2 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
Create a Property Index: Procedure, on page 6-5
Create a Property Index: Exercise, on page 6-9
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
This exercise shows you how to create a property index and then verify that it
Procedure 1, "Create a property index," on page 6-5
Procedure 2, "Verify that the property index exists," on page 6-6
e. Click OK
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
4. Click Close.
5. Close DB2 Control Center.
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Student Exercises
6-8 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you practice creating a property index.
Customer service representatives are going to be searching the Sales object
store for Orders by using the customer_id property frequently. You must
improve the search performance by indexing the customer_id property.
Create a property index for the customer_id property on the Sales object
Use the DB2 Control Center to verify that the property index exists.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-9
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Student Exercises
6-10 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
Create Stored Searches and Search Templates: Walkthrough, on
page 6-13
Practice Creating a Search Template: Exercise, on page 6-25
User accounts
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Student Exercises
6-12 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
This exercise gives you the opportunity to practice creating stored searches
and search templates by using the Search Designer tool.
Procedure 1, "Create a stored search," on page 6-13
Procedure 2, "Create a stored search with multiple conditions," on page 6-18
Procedure 3, "Create a search template," on page 6-22
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-13
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Student Exercises
5. Configure Subfolders.
a. Click the Subfolders tab.
b. Note the empty table with the three column headings.
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Student Exercises
EXempty c. Click the folder icon above the Include Subfolders column.
The Select a Folder window opens.
i. Select the Sales icon and click Open.
ii. Select Products.
The View column has no affect on a stored search even though it is settable in the UI. Not setting
simply allows it to default to the first item in the list, which just happens to be Editable.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-15
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Student Exercises
b. Select or verify the values for each column on each of the three lines as shown here.
Property Alignment Sort Priority
Document title left none 0
product_id left none 0
price left descending 1
quantity left none 0
If necessary, reorder the sequence in which the properties are listed by using the Up and Down
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
6-18 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXempty c. In Search Designer, select Stored Search from the selection list near the top of the
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-19
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Student Exercises
d. Click the Value column for the first entry in the table. Next, hold down the Ctrl key
and click the Value column for each of the remaining two entries in turn, and then
click the OR icon and release the Ctrl key.
Now the first two entries are shown as part of an AND clause, and this pair of entries and the
third entry are shown as part of an OR clause.
5. Configure Format Results.
a. Click the Format Results tab.
b. Change the Alignment values for amount_due and hours to right-aligned.
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Student Exercises
The right pane of the browser window displays a number of documents that meet the search
i. Verify that at all but one service order has an hours value less than or equal to
ii. Verify that one service order has an hours value greater than 100, and that this
service order is for a customer that has ABC in its name. This result is because
of the OR condition in the search.
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Student Exercises
iii. Verify that at least one service order has an amount_due value of greater than
100, and that this service order is for a customer that has ABC in its name. This
result is because of the OR condition in the search.
10. Close IBM Content Navigator.
To specify which subfolder in an object store to limit a search to, click the Select a Folder button
or type the subfolder path exactly as shown in the table.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
The Sales team often verifies service orders over the telephone. The caller
must have the order_id, which the clerk uses to find the order. The clerk must
be able to see the customer_name, po_number, and service_date in the
results to verify the order.
Use Search Designer to create a search template that searches by order_id
and displays the order_id, customer_name, po_number, and service_date
fields in the results. The search must be available to Sales clerks.
Document class: ServiceOrder
Test user: Clara
Password: filenet
Log in to IBM Content Navigator as Clara and then run the search. Use the
following test value: Order_id = 9992131. The search must display the
following result:
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Created a Search Template and Stored Searches.
Combined search criteria by using Boolean operators.
Selected document subclasses.
Formatted the search results.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Configure a Text Search Server: Exercise, on page 6-29
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you learn how to obtain the Content Search Services
authentication token, and then use that token to create a text search server.
Procedure 1, "Obtain the authentication token," on page 6-29
Procedure 2, "Create a text search server," on page 6-30
Procedure 3, "Inspect the text search server," on page 6-31
Procedure 4, "Verify indexing on P8 Domain," on page 6-31
Procedure 5, "Verify indexing at the site level," on page 6-32
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Student Exercises
Do not confuse the security token with the encryption key. The security token in this example is
printed on line 5 of the output: ISzPjZk=.
You must include the equals sign (=) as part of the token text.
The token is case-sensitive.
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Student Exercises
On the Properties tab is a required Text Search Credential field. This property contains the value of
the authentication token that you entered when you created the Text Search Server. The field is not
actually blank, but the value is hidden.
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Student Exercises
Use the left and right arrows to shift the tabs; then select Text Search Subsystem.
The Searching, Indexing, Extracting areas have values that are disabled. These values are set at
the domain level. If you choose to override them at the site level, they become editable.
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Obtained an authorization token for IBM Content Search Services to communicate with
Content Platform Engine.
Registered IBM Content Search Services with Content Platform Engine as a text search
Inspected the text search server properties.
Verified that indexing is enabled at the domain and site levels.
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Student Exercises
Select a Property for an Index Partition: Written Exercise, on page 6-35
Configure a String Index Partition: Procedure, on page 6-37
Configure a Date Property Index Partition: Practice, on page 6-39
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Selecting a property for an index partition is not a trivial task. A good index
partition can improve search efficiency for properties that are often used in
searches, but has no effect otherwise. Plan to make the selection before you
create the indexes: If you change the index partition later, you must reindex.
Users are going to be searching mainly for Product Orders and Service
Orders, which both belong to the Orders document class. Users often search
by customer_name, customer_id, po_number, product_id (for product
orders), and service date (for service orders).
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 6. Optimizing Search Performance 6-35
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Student Exercises
Read the notes for each property and then circle the property that would
make best candidate for a string index partition.
Property Notes
Inherited from the Document class.
String data type.
Document title
Large number of values that are non-unique.
Occasionally used in searches.
System property.
String data type.
Globally unique identifier.
Never used in searches.
Custom property.
String data type.
Large number of values that are non-unique.
Often used in searches.
Custom property.
String data type.
Large number of values that are unique.
Often used in searches.
Custom property.
String data type.
Small number of values that are non-unique.
Often used in searches.
Custom property.
String data type.
Currently unused.
Not used in searches.
Custom property.
service_date DateTime data type.
Sometimes used in searches.
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Student Exercises
This procedure shows how to configure an index partition for a string
Procedure 1, "Change the property settability option," on page 6-37
Procedure 2, "Create the index partition," on page 6-37
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Student Exercises
3. Click Save.
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you practice the steps to create an index partition. You can
have only one string property partition and one date property partition for
each object store. You must create a date property partition.
Customer service representatives often search for service orders by using
the service_date property.
Create an index partition based on the service_date property. Set the Date
property interval to 1 month.
Your Text Search page Index Partitions section must show the following field
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Selected a string property for an index partition.
Configured a string property index partition
Configured a date property index partition.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Configure CBR: Walkthrough, on page 6-43
Configure an Index Area: Practice, on page 6-49
Check Indexing Logs: Activity, on page 6-51
Reindex: Challenge, on page 6-53
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you create and configure a content-based index area.
Procedure 1, "Create an index area," on page 6-43
Procedure 2, "Enable IBM Content Search Services on the object store," on
page 6-44
Procedure 3, "Enable CBR on the document class," on page 6-45
Procedure 4, "Create an index job," on page 6-45
Procedure 5, "View the index job progress," on page 6-45
Procedure 6, "View the index properties," on page 6-46
Procedure 7, "View the index in the file system," on page 6-46
Procedure 8, "Create a content-based search," on page 6-46
Procedure 9, "Create a search by using an SQL query," on page 6-47
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Student Exercises
- Password: IBMFileNetP8
4. Go to Sales > Administrative > Index Areas.
5. Click New.
6. Name the Index Area
a. Type Index Area 1 in the Display Name field. The name that you choose is
unimportant but lesson activities refer to this name.
b. Click Next.
7. Configure the Index Area:
a. In the Root directory field, type C:\Indexes.
b. Click Next.
8. On the Summary page, click Finish.
9. Wait for confirmation of success.
10. Click Open.
The index area is currently in the Open state. You can change the state from here if you need to.
You cannot change the state to Full. However, you can set the Maximum index count to some
number greater than zero so that when that limit is reached, the index status changes to Full. You
can have another index in Standby mode so that it can be opened when the previous index is full.
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Indexing can take several minutes. On a production system, the index job might take several hours,
so you must plan the index job to run when the system resources are not in high demand.
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Student Exercises
6. Click Search (you might need to scroll down to see the button).
7. Verify that the search returned a few documents.
8. Open one of the documents to verify that it contains the term Model A.
9. Log out from IBM Content Navigator.
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Student Exercises
You created an index area and a full-text index using the procedures in this
lesson. Now you are going to practice what you learned.
Users must search for service orders. You need to index the ServiceOrder
class so that users can find service orders based on their content.
ServiceOrder is a subclass of the Order document class in the Sales object
Enable the ServiceOrder class for CBR.
Create an index job for the ServiceOrder index.
Use the Index Jobs Manager to verify that the index job for the ServiceOrder
class terminates normally.
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Index jobs sometimes generate errors when documents fail to be indexed.
The error messages contain enough information for you to find the problem
document and identify the cause of the error. When an index job completes,
review the log file to see whether any problems occurred.
Procedure 1, "Check indexing entries in the log file," on page 6-51
The ServiceOrder class contains only images without text. Images cannot be indexed.
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Student Exercises
You can change the status of an index area and an index itself by changing
the options in the index area General and Index tabs. You can use these
controls to recover from data corruption errors.
The ServiceOrder class contains only images, not indexable documents. The
attempt to index this class causes errors in the log file. You must disable
CBR on this class in order to prevent indexing errors.
Additionally, data corruption occurred. The index in Index Area 1 is failing.
Disable CBR on the ServiceOrder class.
Make the full-text index in Index Area 1 unavailable and then reindex.
You can use the Reindex button on the Index tab to reindex.
You must shut down Content Platform Engine to delete the
p8_server_error.log file.
Review the P8_Server_error.log file. Verify that the reindex operation
completed without errors.
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Student Exercises
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Created an index area.
Enabled IBM Content Search Services on an object store.
Enabled CBR on a document class.
Created an index job.
Viewed index job progress.
Viewed index properties.
Viewed the index in the file system.
Created a content-based search.
Created a search .using an SQL Query
Reviewed index log files.
Reindexed a full-text index.
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Student Exercises
Configure CBR Query Optimization Options: Procedure, on page 6-57
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In this lesson, you configure the CBR Query Optimization option for dynamic
switching between CBR-first searches and DB-first searches.
Procedure 1, "Set the CBR Query Optimization options," on page 6-57
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Set the CBR Query Optimization mode.
Set the Requests for ranked results option.
Set the Excessive full-text search hits threshold.
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Unit 7. Deploy Assets with FileNet Deployment
Unit Overview
Lesson 7.1, "Configure Deployment Environments," on page 7-3
Lesson 7.2, "Export Assets," on page 7-11
Lesson 7.3, "Prepare the Half Maps," on page 7-21
Lesson 7.4, "Map and convert assets," on page 7-33
Lesson 7.5, "Analyze and import assets," on page 7-39
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
Create a Source Environment: Exercise, on page 7-5
Create a Destination Environment: Exercise, on page 7-9
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In this activity, you create an environment in FileNet Deployment Manager by
connecting to the P8 domain.
The solution is ready for Universal Acceptance Testing (UAT). You are going
to create an object store for Scott, the QA lead. Scott is going to be the
administrator of the test system. You are then going to create an environment
that includes the new object store.
Procedure 1, "Start FileNet Deployment Manager," on page 7-5
Procedure 2, "Disable FIPS," on page 7-5
Procedure 3, "Create an environment," on page 7-6
Procedure 4, "Establish P8 Domain Connection," on page 7-6
4. Click OK.
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Student Exercises
to allow passwords to be saved to the disk in encrypted format.This feature is usually disabled
unless the customer requires FIPS 140 compliance.
1. Click Window > Preferences.
2. Clear the Enable FIPS 140-ready mode option.
3. Click OK.
The environment exists, but it does not have any configuration data.
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Student Exercises
f. Verify that you see the Successfully Connected message, and that the PE
Connection Point field displays P8ConnPt1.
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Student Exercises
You created a source environment in FileNet Deployment Manager. When
you create a source-destination pair, you must have a source and a
destination. You must now create the destination environment.
Typically, the source and destination environments are different P8 Domains.
You do not have two domains on your student system, so you must create a
second environment in the same P8 Domain.
You must complete this task to continue with the lesson exercises.
Create a second environment by using the same P8 domain as before.
Name the new environment: Sales_UAT.
Use the PE Connection point P8ConnP2.
You have two environments in the tree view, Sales_Dev and Sales_UAT.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Created source environment in FileNet Deployment Manager.
Created a destination environment in FileNet Deployment Manager.
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Student Exercises
Export Object Store Data: Procedure, on page 7-13
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In this activity, you create an export manifest and add objects to it for export.
You then run the export operation.
You created the Sales_UAT destination environment that has no custom
classes, workflows, or any other solution data on it. You need to export the
assets, that comprise your Finance Solution, from the Sales_Dev object
store so that they can be imported into the Sales_UAT object store.
Procedure 1, "Explore the Finance Solution assets," on page 7-13
Procedure 2, "Create the export manifest," on page 7-16
Procedure 3, "Add assets to the export manifest," on page 7-16
Procedure 4, "Export the data," on page 7-18
Procedure 5, "Inspect the Deploy Dataset files," on page 7-19
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Student Exercises
c. On the Contents tab, change the default view of Show Documents to Show Custom
Objects. Two objects should be listed.
d. Open each of the objects and notice that they belong to the Class Description:
4. Explore the Customer Custom Object.
e. In the left navigation pane, expand Data Design > Classes > Custom Object
f. Open Customer
g. Select the Property Definitions tab, you should see 4 property definitions.
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Student Exercises
It is important to have this information so that when the data is exported, you can validate the
number of assets.
e. Click Add.
f. Click Close when you are finished adding assets.
3. Configure the Include Options:
a. Select Customers in the export manifest
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Student Exercises
EXempty b. Click the pencil icon, next to the green plus sign icon, in the menu bar, to open the
Include Options screen.
c. For the Include Options, uncheck Document Related: Include all document versions.
d. Click OK.
4. Repeat step 3 for the Products entry, using the same Include Options.
You have to be very careful when selecting the include options, for the assets. You want to include
only the assets you need (documents, classes, properties, etc.) Normally you would not include all
the versions of documents when moving a solution from development to UAT.
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Student Exercises
If you see a blank gray area instead of the Include Options menu, increase your screen resolution.
The menu cannot display properly on screen resolutions under 1024x768.
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Student Exercises
Adding two items to the export manifest with appropriate include options can result in a large
number of exported items.
The include options you selected are included as xml tags and serve as instructions for FileNet
Deployment Manager, identifying what to include in the export.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 7. Deploy Assets with FileNet Deployment Manager 7-19
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you did the following tasks:
Explored the Finance Solution assets
Created an export manifest.
Exported data to a Deploy Dataset.
Inspected the Deploy Dataset created.
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Student Exercises
Prepare half maps: Exercise, on page 7-23
User accounts
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
In this activity, you prepare the half maps of your source and destination
You have created your source and destination environments and exported
the solution assets from your source environment. You need to create the
object store half maps and the security principal half maps for your source
and destination environment. These two sets of half maps will allow FileNet
Deployment Manager to map source object stores to destination object
stores and source security principals to destination security principals, when
the data maps are created.
Procedure 1, "Retrieve object store data for the source environment," on
page 7-23
Procedure 2, "Retrieve security principal data for the source environment,"
on page 7-24
Procedure 3, "Retrieve security principal data for the destination
environment," on page 7-25
Procedure 4, "Create an object store for UAT," on page 7-27
Procedure 5, "Configure the object store for CBR (optional)," on page 7-28
Procedure 6, "Configure CBR on the object store (optional)," on page 7-28
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Student Exercises
not see this screen, ensure that you have selected the Overview tab.
b. Select the two Options: Retrieve storage policies for each object store and Retrieve
storage areas for each object store.
c. On the Mode option, you can take the default Merge...
d. Click OK.
e. Click OK to close the success confirmation.
3. Verify the object store data:
a. Expand the Sales_Dev node in the Tree View.
b. Right-click Object Store Data node and select open.
c. You should see a list of the object stores configured on your Sales_Dev
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Student Exercises
c. Click Next.
d. For the Select Deploy Dataset: field, ensure that the full path to the
Finance-app-assets is displayed, if not, use the Browse button to select it.
e. On the Mode option, you can take the default Merge...
Since this is the first time you are creating this half map, it does not matter which mode you select,
merge or overwrite. However, if you already have an existing half map, the merge and overwrite
modes will do what you expect, so ensure you choose the appropriate mode.
f. Click Finish.
g. Click OK to close the success confirmation.
3. Verify the security principal data.
a. Right-click the Security Principal Data node and select Open.
b. You will see the list of security principals associated with the assets you exported in
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Student Exercises
5. Complete the wizard using defaults, click Finish after reviewing the Summary page.
You may get a prompt stating that a script is taking too long to complete, go ahead and click
continue to complete the script.
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Student Exercises
Perform this procedure only if you completed the lesson activities in the unit "Optimizing Search
Performance". If you did not configure the Sales object store for CBR, then skip this procedure.
If you performed the lesson activities in "Optimizing Search Performance", then the Sales object
store was configured for content-based retrieval (CBR). In order for the import operation to
succeed, both object stores must be configured the same way. Use this procedure to create an
index area on the SalesUAT object store. You are logged on to Administration Console for Content
Platform Engine as P8admin.
1. Click to open the SalesUAT object store.
2. Click Administrative > Index Areas.
3. Click New.
4. Name the Index Area
a. Type Index Area 2 in the Display Name field. The name that you choose is
unimportant but lesson activities refer to this name.
b. Click Next.
5. Configure the Index Area:
a. In the Root directory field, type C:\Indexes.
b. Click Next.
6. On the Summary page, click Finish.
7. Wait for confirmation of success.
8. Click Close.
Perform this procedure only if you completed the lesson activities in the unit "Optimizing Search
Performance". If you did not configure the Sales object store for CBR, then skip this procedure.
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Student Exercises
EXempty If you performed the lesson activities in "Optimizing Search Performance", then the Sales object
store was configured for content-based retrieval (CBR). Use this procedure to enable CBR on the
SalesUAT object store.
1. Click to open the SalesUAT object store.
2. Click the Text Search tab.
3. Select the Indexing Language:
a. Scroll down the Available Languages list.
b. Select en (for English).
c. Click the arrow button to move the language to Selected Languages.
d. Click Save.
4. Place a check mark in the Enable IBM Content Search Services option.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Refresh to ensure that the changes are saved.
7. Log out from Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine.
8. Close Firefox.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXempty Retrieve the Object Store Data for the Destination Environment:
You created two environments in FileNet Deployment Manager. You must
create object store half maps for the source and destination environments in
order to create the mapping between object stores. You have retrieved the
object store data for the source environment, now you need to retrieve the
object store data for the destination environment.
You must complete this task to continue with the lesson exercises.
Retrieve the object store data for the Sales_UAT environment.
Inspect the resulting object store half map
Your object store half map should include the following;
If you cannot retrieve the object store data, do the following checks:
Ensure that you made a valid connection to the object store.
Ensure that you saved your configuration.
This solution does not include any services, so you do not need to retrieve service data.
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Student Exercises
Map and Convert Assets: Activity, on page 7-35
User accounts
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Student Exercises
You must create a source destination-pair to store the data maps that will be
used for conversion.
Procedure 1, "Configure object store labels," on page 7-35
Procedure 2, "Configure security principal labels," on page 7-36
Procedure 3, "Create the source-destination pair," on page 7-36
Procedure 4, "Inspect the source-destination pair," on page 7-37
Procedure 5, "Convert the deploy dataset," on page 7-38
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Student Exercises
Ensure that the Sales_Dev and Sales_UAT object stores are correctly labeled.
Environment Object Store Label
Sales_Dev Sales Sales
Sales_UAT SalesUAT Sales
For the Sales_UAT security principal half map, you added the labels to the label file used to filter the
retrieval of the security principals from the Content Engine LDAP, which allowed FileNet
Deployment Manager to automatically add the labels to the users and groups in the generated half
map, so you only need to add labels to the Sales_Dev security principal half map.
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Student Exercises
The second column of a data map always includes one of the following icons for each entry.
Icon Description
More information is available about the items in
the row of the data grid.
Hover over the icon to see the additional details.
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you did the following tasks:
Created a source-destination pair.
Mapped object stores and security principals.
Converted content assets.
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Student Exercises
Analyze and import assets: Activity, on page 7-41
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you run an import analysis and then review the results. After
you review the results and everything is acceptable, you can import the
assets into the UAT environment.
Procedure 1, "Analyze the Finance-app-assets dataset," on page 7-41
Procedure 2, "Import the Deploy Dataset," on page 7-42
Procedure 3, "Inspect the imported assets," on page 7-43
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXempty Use storage policies or areas from the imported objects in the deploy dataset
(this option assumes that the appropriate storage policies and areas have been
configured in the destination environment).
Select a specific storage policy from the destination object store (this allows you
to map the storage policies at the time of import, again the storage areas need to
have been already configured in the destination environment).
4. Uncheck the Use original create/udpate timestamps and users
5. Select Always Update
6. Click Finish.
7. Note that 46 items were processed, 45 succeeded and 1 failed.
8. Inspect the deployment.log
a. Using Windows Explorer, browse to C:\FDM-deploy\temp\Run.<timestamp> folder,
corresponding to the most recent timestamp.
b. Open the deployment.log
i. The log shows that the Test Workflow Subscription will not be imported because
the workflow it references does not exist in the destination. (It is Ok for ignore
this error for this exercise).
ii. Close the deployment.log file when you are done reviewing it.
9. Close FileNet Deployment Manager.
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you did the following tasks:
Created a Change Impact Analysis Report.
Reviewed the report.
Imported converted assets.
Inspected the imported assets.
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Student Exercises
Unit Overview
This unit contains these lessons.
Lesson 8.1, "Configure a Sweep Job," on page 8-3
Lesson 8.2, "Work with Sweep Policies," on page 8-15
Unit Dependencies
Refer to Unit 1: Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager for the
system startup and system check.
Refer to Unit 2: Build an Object Store for the concepts on Storage.
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
System Startup
Start the WebSphere Application Server by double-clicking the Start
Server.bat file in the WebSphere Admin folder on the desktop.
Wait for the Start the server window to close.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 8. Manage Sweep jobs 8-1
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Student Exercises
System Check
Perform a system check whenever you start an IBM FileNet P8 system or
start working on a system that is in an unknown state. These activities
assume that you did a system check when you begin an activity session.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 8.1. Configure a Sweep Job
Configure a Bulk Move Content Job: Activity, on page 8-5
Configure a Bulk Move Content Job: Practice, on page 8-13
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Bulk Move Content Job: Activity
In this activity, you configure a sweep job to do a bulk move of document content. You specify a
Document class so that documents of that particular class only moved. You also specify a File
Storage area in the Filter Expression, so the documents in that storage only moved. The destination
Storage area is mentioned in the Storage Policy. You test the sweep job execution by comparing file
count and content in the File Storage Areas.
Storage Areas, Storage Policy, Document classes, and the documents in the file storage are
already configured on the student system for this activity.
Procedure 1, "Examine the File Storage Areas," on page 8-5
Procedure 2, "Create a Bulk Move Content Job," on page 8-7
Procedure 3, "Test the Bulk Move Content Job," on page 8-10
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Student Exercises
The BulkMoveStorageArea is associated with the Bulk Move Storage Policy. You configure this
Storage Policy as the destination in the Sweep Job that you are going to create.
c. In the Storage Areas tab, click the BulkMoveStorage Area to open its properties.
d. Click the Storage Policies tab to view the policy that is associated with this storage area.
5. Examine the Document Class for the nine files in the PurchaseOrderStorage Area.
a. In Sales tab, expand Sales > Browse> RootFolder and click TestBulkMove folder.
b. In the TestBulkMove tab, observe that nine documents are listed. In the Class column, verify
that five documents belong to PurchaseOrder and four documents belong to PriceQuote.
c. Both the Document Classes use PurchaseOrderStorageArea for storage.
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Student Exercises
Your Bulk Move Content Job moves the content for the PurchaseOrder Document class only as you
specify in the wizard. After running the Job, you are going to verify that the documents belong to
PriceQuote Document are not moved.
Sweep mode
The value decides whether to preview the objects that the sweep is going to process.
The Preview mode is useful for testing the filtering expression criteria without performing any
actions on the selected objects.
You are going to use the Preview setting in the next Practice activity.
c. Click the Enable bulk move content job option and click Next.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 8. Manage Sweep jobs 8-7
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Student Exercises
5. Paste Object.
a. In the New Bulk Move Content Job tab, click Paste Object.
b. Verify that the Target class field now has the PurchaseOrder value.
6. Define Sweep Targets - Filter expression:
a. For the Filter expression field, copy the GUID by completing the following step 7. Then,
continue on the New Bulk Move Content Job wizard in step 8.
7. Copy the GUID value.
a. In the Sales tab, expand Sales > Administrative > Storage Areas on the navigation (left)
pane. Click PurchaseOrderFileStorageArea.
b. In the PurchaseOrderFileStorageArea tab > General subtab on the right pane, copy the
GUID value in the Id field.
8. In the New Bulk Move Content Job tab, paste it in the Filter expression field and build the
expression. Example: StorageArea = OBJECT({GUID})
Verify that there are no typing errors in the Filter expression statement. Type the value exactly as
shown. It is case-sensitive and extra spaces are not allowed.
9. Select BulkMove Storage Policy for the Storage policy names field.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead This storage policy and BulkMoveStorageArea (a file storage area that is associated with the
policy) are already created on the student system for this lab exercise.
10. Set other options:
- Include subclasses - Not Enabled
- End replication after move- Enabled
- Record Failures - Enabled
a. Click Next.
11. Define Bulk Move Content Job Dates.
a. Enter todays date for the Effect start date field. (Example: 6/21/2013)
b. Enter tomorrows date for the Effect end date field. (Example: 6/22/2013)
After you enter the value, the system is configured to automatically format the dates.
c. Edit the start time to the current time and end time to 11.00.00 PM.
d. Click Next.
12. In the Summary page, review the information and click Finish.
a. In the Success page, click Close to close the tab.
13. In the Bulk Move Content Jobs tab, click Refresh.
a. Verify that the new sweep job is listed.
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Student Exercises
If there is an error in the Filter expression value, the wizard does not create the Job. It throws an
error similar to the one in the screen capture. In this example, notice that the expression is missing
a single quotation mark before the GUID # starts.
It might take a couple minutes for the Sweep Job to complete. If you do not see the expected
results, wait for a couple minutes and refresh the Sales object store.
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Student Exercises
If you do not see the expected results, refresh the object store and the Bulk Move Content Jobs.
The content for the five documents of the PurchaseOrder class is moved from the
PurchaseOrderStorage Area to the BulkMoveStorageArea by running the Bulk Move Content
The four documents of the PriceQuote class are not moved.
6. Log out of the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine and close the browser.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Unit 8. Manage Sweep jobs 8-11
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Student Exercises
You can also search for the documents of the class that is used for bulk move content job and verify
that their Storage area value is changed.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Bulk Move Content Job: Practice
Complete the following exercise scenario to practice the procedures that you
learned in this lesson.
Create a Bulk Move Content Job and test it.
Use the age of the document as the filter expression in this job. You used
File Storage Area for the filter in the previous activity.
Use Preview for the Sweep mode. (in stead of Normal)
Item Value
Display name MyBulkMoveJob
Sweep mode Preview
Enable bulk move content True
Target class PriceQuote
Filter expression DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(2, 'Days')
Storage policy names Bulk Move Storage Policy
Include Subclasses False
End replication after move True
Record Failures True
Effective Start date Todays date (Example: 06/22/2013)
Effective End date Tomorrows date (Example: 06/23/2013)
Set the age of the document for the Filter expression field.
- Example: DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(2, 'Days')
- This filter moves any documents that were created at least two days ago.
- Type the value as shown in the table. It is case-sensitive and extra spaces are not allowed.
In a production system, the age of the documents could be in months or years, but for this lab
exercise, you use in days.
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Student Exercises
Examine the MyBulkMoveJob properties > General tab.
Verify that four objects were examined and processed. The failed object
count is 0.
Since you chose Sweep mode value as Preview, verify that the Sweep
Results tab contains a list of objects that the sweep is going to move.
The Preview mode helps to test the filtering expression criteria without
performing any actions on the selected objects.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 8.2. Work with Sweep Policies
Create a Disposal Policy: Activity, on page 8-17
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Disposal Policy: Activity
In this activity, you configure a disposal policy to delete the objects. You specify a Target Class so
that documents of that particular class only deleted. You also specify a File Storage area in the
Filter Expression, so the documents in that storage only deleted. You test the disposal policy by
verifying the processed object count and the documents in the folders.
Procedure 1, "Examine documents and File Storage Area," on page 8-17
Procedure 2, "Create a Disposal Policy," on page 8-18
Procedure 3, "Test the Disposal Policy," on page 8-20
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Student Exercises
5. Paste Object.
a. In the New Disposal Policy tab, click Paste Object.
b. Verify that the Target class field now has the PriceQuote value.
6. Define Sweep Targets - Filter expression:
a. For the Filter expression field, copy the GUID by completing the following step 7. Then,
continue on the New Disposal Policy wizard in step 8.
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Student Exercises
b. In the PurchaseOrderFileStorageArea tab > General subtab on the right pane, copy the
GUID value in the Id field.
8. In the New Disposal Policy tab, paste the GUID value in the Filter expression field and build the
expression. Example: StorageArea = OBJECT({GUID})
Verify that there are no typing errors in the Filter expression statement. Type the value exactly as
shown. It is case-sensitive and extra spaces are not allowed.
Use the age of the document for the Filter expression field.
- Example: DateCreated < NOW() - TimeSpan(10, 'Days')
- This filter moves any documents that were created at least 10 days ago.
- Type the value as shown. It is case-sensitive and extra spaces are not allowed.
In a production system, the age of the documents could be in months or years, but for testing, you
use in days.
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Student Exercises
a. Click Next.
10. Define Policy Dates:
a. Leave the date fields blank.
b. Click Next.
11. In the Summary page, verify the details and click Finish.
a. In the Success page, click Close to close the tab.
12. Verify that the policy is created.
a. In the Sales tab, click Refresh.
b. In the Disposal Policies tab, click Refresh.
c. Verify that the policy that you created is displayed.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead b. In MyDisposalPolicy tab, > General sub tab, observe the object counts.
c. Click the item, and observe its properties for each tab.
d. In the Subscribers tab, verify that the policy that you created is listed.
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Student Exercises
5. Log out of the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine and close the browser.
You can also search for the documents of the PriceQuote class and verify that they are deleted.
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Student Exercises
Unit 9. System Maintenance
Unit Overview
Lesson 9.1, "Perform Searches and Bulk Actions," on page 9-3
Lesson 9.2, "Work With Audit Logs," on page 9-17
Lesson 9.3, "Work with System Logs," on page 9-31
The activities in this unit assume that you have access to the student system
configured for these activities.
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Student Exercises
Use Bulk Actions to Modify Security: Procedure, on page 9-5
Practice Using Bulk Actions: Exercise, on page 9-15
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you use a search with a bulk action to modify security on
existing documents.
Your company was reorganized. You have a new Marketing team. You must
create a new Marketing group and then modify security on marketing
documents to provide group members special permissions.
Procedure 1, "Create the Marketing security group," on page 9-5
Procedure 2, "Create a search for marketing materials," on page 9-7
Procedure 3, "Create and run bulk actions," on page 9-7
Procedure 4, "Verify security change," on page 9-8
Procedure 5, "Use a batch operation to modify security," on page 9-9
Procedure 6, "Verify the security change," on page 9-11
Procedure 7, "Use FileNet Enterprise Manager (optional)," on page 9-12
Procedure 8, "Review the search results," on page 9-13
5. Expand cn=groups.
6. Click Add to add a group.
7. On the Select object class page, do the following steps:
a. Select groupOfUniqueNames from the Structural object classes menu.
b. Click Next.
8. On the Select auxiliary object classes page, click Next.
9. On the Required attributes page, enter the following data:
a. Relative DN: CN=Marketing
b. cn: Marketing
c. uniqueMember: CN=mark,cn=users,o=sample
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Student Exercises
- Change state
- Minor versioning
- Major versioning
- Read permissions
8. Click Save As.
9. Enter a Document title for your query (Example: Marketing search) and then click OK.
10. Refresh the saved search:
a. Click the Saved Searches tab.
b. Click Refresh.
c. Reopen your saved search.
The Search page does not auto-refresh, so when you save a new search, you must manually
refresh the Searches page.
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Student Exercises
8. Click Cancel.
9. Click Close.
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Student Exercises
6. Click Cancel.
7. Click Close.
8. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
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Student Exercises
5. Verify that the Rights correspond to the Permissions that you added.
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Student Exercises
Practice the procedures that you learned by completing this exercise.
Mark, a member of the Marketing group, has left the company. He has left
some documents checked out. You must cancel the checkout so that other
users can edit these documents.
As the user, Mark, check out some documents from the Sales object
Use a search with a bulk action that cancels checkout on all of the
documents that Mark has checked out.
The password for Mark: filenet.
Mark can check out only documents to which the Marketing group has
major and minor versioning permissions.
Use the Last Modifier property in your search.
Use the Version Status = 3 as a criterion to confine the search to
documents that are checked out.
Refresh the view if you do not see the changes.
Verify that all of the documents that are checked out by Mark are no longer
checked out.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Used a search with a bulk action to modify security on multiple objects.
Used a batch operation from within a folder to modify security on multiple objects.
Used a bulk action to cancel document checkouts.
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Student Exercises
Before you begin: Exercise Setup, on page 9-19
Create an Audit Definition: Procedure, on page 9-21
Prune Audit Entries: Procedure, on page 9-27
Practice Audit Configuration: Exercise, on page 9-29
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In a production environment, do not run a search without specifying criteria. A search without
criteria can affect performance. On your student system, there are only a few Order documents, so
the search does not have a negative performance impact.
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you add an audit definition to a custom document class. You
update a document and then observe the audit history.
Order information is contained in the Order document class properties. You
want to ensure that when someone updates a property value of an Order
document, that the change is recorded in the audit log.
Procedure 1, "Enable auditing on the Sales object store," on page 9-21
Procedure 2, "Create an audit definition," on page 9-21
Procedure 3, "Make document updates," on page 9-23
Procedure 4, "View the audit history," on page 9-23
Procedure 5, "Create more audit entries," on page 9-24
Procedure 6, "Query the audit log," on page 9-25
If you do not see the Audit Definitions tab, use the arrows to scroll through the tabs.
3. Click New.
4. On the New Audit Definition page, enter the following information:
- Display Name: Update.
- Event: Update Event
- Object State Recording Level: Modified object only.
- Audit type: Success
- Apply to Subclasses: checked
- Is Enabled: checked
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Student Exercises
c. Click Refresh.
d. Reopen the Order Security search.
5. Run the search.
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Student Exercises
EXempty 6. Verify that the security change took place by opening the Properties page of one of the
returned Order documents. Ensure that Clerks have specific permissions for modifying
properties and making minor versions.
- The first entry was the event that was created when Clark changed a property value.
- The remaining entries were created when p8admin updated security by using a bulk
8. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
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Student Exercises
Audit logs can grow quickly and use up storage space if they are not pruned.
You can prune the audit logs manually, by using a search template, or
automatically by using an audit disposition policy. In this exercise, you create
an audit disposition policy.
Procedure 1, "Create an audit disposition policy," on page 9-27
Procedure 2, "Configure the Audit Subsystem task," on page 9-28
Procedure 3, "Verify that the audit logs are deleted," on page 9-28
Procedure 4, "Configure an audit disposition schedule," on page 9-28
To establish an audit disposition policy with a longer time limit, add a TimeSpan expression. For
example, DateCreated < Now () - TimeSpan(30, Days)
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you practice by using auditing and audit disposition skills.
The Loan department wants loan objects to be audited for Update and
Deletion events. Loan object audit entries must be deleted after 30 days.
Enable auditing on the LoanProcess object store.
Create audit definitions for Update and Deletion events on the Loan
document class.
Create an audit disposition policy that deletes audit log entries older than
30 days.
Create, update, and delete a Loan document. Search the audit log and
review the audit entries. Verify that an event is created when you add the
document, update the document property, and delete the document.
Verify that you can save the audit disposition policy without receiving an error
In this lesson you did the following tasks:
Created an audit definition.
Viewed the audit history of an object.
Queried the audit logs.
Created an audit disposition policy.
Created an audit disposition schedule.
Pruned audit log entries automatically.
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Student Exercises
Configure Trace Logging: Procedure, on page 9-33
User accounts
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Student Exercises
In this exercise, you change trace logging options and then compare log
entries and file sizes.
Procedure 1, "Preparation: remove log files," on page 9-33
Procedure 2, "Examine new log files," on page 9-33
Procedure 3, "View trace configuration," on page 9-34
Procedure 4, "Configure trace logging on the domain," on page 9-34
Procedure 5, "Configure trace logging at the site," on page 9-35
Procedure 6, "Inspect the trace log files," on page 9-36
Procedure 7, "Create trace log entries," on page 9-36
Procedure 8, "Disable trace logging," on page 9-37
2. Examine the log files. For each log file, do the following actions:
- Note the size of each file.
- Open each file with Notepad and examine the entries.
3. Verify that no p8_server_trace.log exists. Trace logging is disabled.
4. Close all log files.
5. Minimize this folder so that you can later access it easily.
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Student Exercises
Log files at the Detail level grow quickly. In production, be specific about which subsystems to
enable. Also, remember to disable trace logging when you no longer need it.
The size of the file is already large compared to the other log files.
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Student Exercises
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Enabled trace logging.
Configured trace logging options at the domain level and site level.
Inspected trace logs.
Disabled trace logging.
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Student Exercises
This exercise gives you the opportunity to practice creating a DB2 database.
In this activity, you create a standard DB2 database, increase two HEAP
configuration parameters, and add several different types of temporary table
User accounts
Application name User ID Password
DB2 Control Center p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Configuration Manager p8admin IBMFileNetP8
In this activity, you create a simple database suitable for training purposes and for a single user
development system.
Your Database Administrator creates a database for your organization requirements.
Procedure 1, "Create a target database," on page A-1
Procedure 2, "Change database configuration parameters," on page A-5
Procedure 3, "Configure a MARK_TS table space," on page A-7
Procedure 4, "Configure user temporary table space," on page A-10
Procedure 5, "Configure a system temporary table space," on page A-11
Procedure 6, "Stop and start the database," on page A-13
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Student Exercises
The 32 K Default bufferpool and table space page size selection is necessary because 32 KB is the
minimum page size that is required for Content Platform Engine databases.
g. Click Next.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
If the P8ADMIN user is not listed, refresh it again. If the P8ADMIN user is not shown even after
refresh, you must restart the database as given in the procedure 6 in this activity.
d. In the lower right window, click the Add New User link.
The Add User window opens with the Database tab selected.
e. Select ODDBUSER from the User selection list.
f. In the Authorities pane, select the following two check boxes.
Connect to database
Create tables
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Student Exercises
The APPLHEAPSZ parameter defines the number of private 4 KB memory pages for use by the
database management system on behalf of a program (agent or subagent).
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Student Exercises
e. The Change Database Configuration Parameter window opens. Type 2560 in the
Application heap size field. You increase the value by 10 fold.
Configuration parameter changes take effect after the database is stopped and restarted. Complete
all the changes in the following steps and then restart the database.
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Student Exercises
The STMTHEAP parameter defines the number of 4 KB memory pages for the workspace that is
used for the SQL compiler during compilation of an SQL statement.
c. Click Close.
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Student Exercises
a. Select USERSPACE1 and then click Selected > Drop from the menu bar.
b. A Confirmation window is opened. Click OK.
c. Click Next.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
10. Verify that the command completed successfully and click Close.
The new MARK_TS table space is listed in the upper right pane.
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Student Exercises
5. Specify the extent and prefetch sizes for this table space.
a. Leave the default Determining recommended settings option of Between 200 MB and 2 GB.
b. Leave the Recommended settings panel options:
Extent size of 16 32 KB pages.
Prefetch size of 16 32 KB pages.
c. Click Next.
6. Describe hard drive specifications.
a. In the Determining your specifications and calculated settings panel, select the Server
(SCSI) option.
b. Click Next.
7. Review the actions that will take place when you click Finish.
a. Verify that the entries match what your previous selections specified.
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Student Exercises
b. Leave the default option of Let DB2 manage my storage (automatic storage).
c. Click Next.
3. Specify the type of table space you want to create.
a. Select the System temporary option.
b. Click Next.
4. Specify a buffer pool for your new table space.
a. Leave the default Buffer Pool named IBMDEFAULTBP.
b. Leave the default Table space page size value of 32 KB.
c. Click Next.
5. Specify the extent and prefetch sizes for this table space.
a. Leave the default Determining recommended settings option of Between 200 MB and 2 GB.
b. Leave the Recommended settings panel options:
Extent size of 16 32 KB pages.
Prefetch size of 16 32 KB pages.
c. Click Next.
6. Describe hard drive specifications.
a. In the Determining your specifications and calculated settings panel, select the Server
(SCSI) option.
b. Click Next.
7. Review the actions that will take place when you click Finish.
a. Verify that the entries match what your previous selections specified.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead The new TEMPSYS1 table space is listed in the upper right pane.
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Student Exercises
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Student Exercises
These lessons are optional lessons that you can study if you have time.
Appendix B.4, "Create a Custom Root Class," on page B-3
Appendix B.5, "Configure a Change Preprocessor," on page B-27
Appendix B.6, "Configure an External Data Service," on page B-49
Appendix B.7, "Work with Content Caches," on page B-65
Appendix B.8, "Use System Dashboard," on page B-89
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.4. Create a Custom Root Class
Create a Custom Root Class
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Student Exercises
Create a Custom Root Class
Activities that you need to complete
Create Custom Root Classes.
These are the activities that you are going to perform in this lesson.
Help paths
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Adding documents and objects > Classifying documents > Classes >
Class overview > Custom root classes
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Developing IBM FileNet P8 applications >
Content Engine Development > Content Engine Java and .NET Developer's Guide > Custom
Root Classes > Custom Root Classes Concepts
The following limitations exist with custom root classes:
Cannot query across custom root classes. You can only search specific classses (that are in
one data table).
Cannot change the class of a custom root object to another class that does not fall under the
same custom root class. Because it requires spanning different tables.
Custom root instances cannot be contained in Folders. If you need containment, use
B-6 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
No support for content bearing instances. If you need to store content, use Document (or
Properties of custom root instances are not full-text indexable.
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Adding documents and objects > Classifying documents > Classes >
Class overview > Custom root classes
It provides replication and subscribable functionality (event targets, change preprocessing and
Social Collaboration: Tags, Comments, Recommendations, Download Counts
B-8 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Create a Custom Root Class
Abstract Abstract
Sequential Queue Entry
Link Abstract
AP1a AP1b AP2a
Copyright IBM Corporation 2013
The diagram shows where the abstract custom root classes participate.
The three purple dotted lined rectangles represents abstract custom root classes. You can not
instantiate these abstract classes. But you can create subclasses of these abstract classes which
will result in custom root class which you can instantiate.
The AbstractSequential and AbstractQueueEntry classes are independently persistable. The
AbstractPersistable class is both subscribable and replicable. This is the most commonly used
abstract custom root class.
In this scenario, each of the custom root classes (AP1 and AP2) have their own database table. All
the subclasses of AP1 (AP1a and AP1b) will be stored in the same table as AP1.
The screen capture shows the SEQNUM_IDENTITY field in a database table in DB2 Control
The second screen capture shows the Sequence Number property for an object of a custom root
class (Abstract Sequential class) in the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
B-10 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Create a Custom Root Class
Creation of custom root class establishes that all instances of a class and its subclasses be stored
in a table used solely for that class hierarchy's persistence. For example, all your customer data
could be stored in one table and all the order data in a separate table and so on.
With the Generic table, the stored classes can become unrelated, but not so much with
well-designed custom root classes.
The screen capture shows how to create a custom root class in the Administration Console for
Content Platform Engine.
B-12 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Create a Custom Root Class
In your Student Exercises
Unit: Build an Object Store
Lesson: Create a Custom Root Class
Create Custom Root Classes.
Use your Student Exercises to perform the activities listed.
B-14 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.4, "Create a Custom Root Class"
In this activity, you create custom root classes and subclasses and examine
the database tables. You also create Abstract Sequential type custom root
class and observe the Sequence Number property.
Exercise B.4, "Create a Custom Root Class", on page B-15
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
Procedure 1, "Create property templates," on page B-16
Procedure 2, "Create custom root classes," on page B-17
Procedure 3, "Verify the database table," on page B-18
Procedure 4, "Create an instance (object) of the class," on page B-19
Procedure 5, "Create a Customer class," on page B-21
Procedure 6, "Create a class of Abstract Sequential," on page B-21
Procedure 7, "Delete the class and verify the database table," on page B-24
B-16 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
9. Create two more property templates. Use the data provided in the tables. Use default values for
other fields.
Field Value
Name loan_amount
Symbolic Name loan_amount
Description loan_amount
Data type Float
Single or Multi-Value Single
Field Value
Name home_type
Symbolic Name home_type
Description home_type
Data type Integer
Select a Choice List none, Leave default (blank)
Single or Multi-Value Single
10. Verify that the new property templates are listed.
B-18 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead c. In the right pane, scroll down and verify that a table called UT_Loan is created.
e. Click Next.
Because there is only one document object for this class, you do a simple search. When there are
many documents, narrow the results by specifying Query criteria.
B-20 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
3. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to verify that the property values that you entered
are shown.
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead b. In the Property Definition page > More tab > Required class field, select Customer.
d. Click OK.
e. In the Order tab, click Save and then click Close.
6. Optional step: Verify the database tables the DB2 Control Center.
a. Refresh the table view.
b. Verify that the UT_Order table is created because Order is a custom root class.
d. Select Sequence Number from the list for the Order by field. Select the Ascending option.
e. Click Run.
f. Verify that four objects are listed in the Search Results.
The Sequence Number value is assigned by the system for the Abstract Sequential class in the
sequence of the objects created. In this case, the value can be used as the order number to keep
track of the orders.
g. Scroll the side bar and observe the values in the Sequence Number column.
c. In the Batch Operations window, select Delete objects and click OK.
d. Click OK on the message window to delete.
e. Verify that the Search Results tab, does not have any objects that are listed.
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Student Exercises
B-26 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.5. Configure a Change Preprocessor
Configure a Change Preprocessor
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Student Exercises
Configure a Change Preprocessor
These are the activities that you are going to perform in this lesson.
Change Preprocessor
Change preprocessor is a user-implemented action.
It allows you to make source object modifications.
Examples of object modifications that change preprocessors
can make:
Alter properties that are settable only during object creation.
Modify a source object synchronously.
Complete actions in time to satisfy dependencies of other
Characteristics of a change preprocessor
Events (create, update, and delete) trigger the Change Preprocessor.
It runs synchronously during a transaction.
It is started unconditionally.
User must have permissions to save the preprocessor changes.
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Changing objects > Subscribing to events > Change preprocessors
In addition to synchronous and asynchronous event actions, you can create a user-implemented
action called a change preprocessor. By using this feature you can make source object
modifications that are difficult or impossible to achieve with synchronous or asynchronous event
Examples of object modifications that change preprocessors can make:
A change preprocessor must be used to alter properties that are settable only during object
creation. The reason for this requirement is that when committed to the database, this type of
property cannot be changed.
A change preprocessor can be used to synchronously modify a source object. The only other
method of modifying a source object is by using an asynchronous event action. However, for
high-volume operations, asynchronous event actions reduce throughput due to the increased
processor usage inherent in using them.
B-30 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
A change preprocessor can be used in cases when the action must complete in time to satisfy
dependencies of other applications. With asynchronous actions, there is a brief time period
between object persistence in one transaction and action changes in a separate transaction.
Therefore, avoid an asynchronous event action if a dependent client cannot tolerate a time
period when required action changes have not been applied.
Characteristics of change preprocessors:
A change preprocessor is triggered by the following types of events: create, update, and delete.
A change preprocessor runs synchronously during a transaction before database updates
occur; so an exception rolls back the entire transaction. If auditing is enabled, the audit log entry
shows the changes that are made by change preprocessors.
Unless disabled, change preprocessors are invoked unconditionally.
Changes made by a preprocessor can be saved only if the user making the request has the
required permissions, and if property constraints are not violated.
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Changing objects > Subscribing to events > Change preprocessors
The diagram shows a Change Preprocessor with a trigger event on a target class that results in a
Change Preprocessor Action.
The trigger events are Content Platform Engine events Example: create, update, and delete.
A Java-implemented action handler can be placed in a code module. It can also coexist with
other action handler types, such as event action, lifecycle action, and document classifier.
B-32 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Configure a Change Preprocessor
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Changing objects > Subscribing to events > Change preprocessors
> Managing change preprocessor definitions
Characteristics of change preprocessor definitions
One or more change preprocessor definitions per class
If identical change preprocessor definitions are assigned to a class, the duplicate definitions are
silently ignored. However, if the definitions are not identical, but reference the same action, you
receive an error when you try to save the subsequent definitions.
Subclasses in the class hierarchy
The change preprocessor definitions are applied recursively to subclasses in the class hierarchy.
If multiple definitions within a class hierarchy reference the same action, only the definition closest
to the root of the class hierarchy is invoked. The other definitions that reference the same action,
but are further down in the class hierarchy, are silently ignored.
B-34 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Configure a Change Preprocessor
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Changing objects > Subscribing to events > Change preprocessors
> Managing change preprocessor actions > Change preprocessor actions
Characteristics of change preprocessor actions
They are independently persistable, so that they can be created separately from other objects
and then assigned to one or more change preprocessor definitions.
If the Java-based action is not included in a code module, the class or JAR file must be located
on the local Content Platform Engine application server. In addition, it must be included in the
application server class path.
A change preprocessor action can be enabled or disabled. If you disable an action, all classes
in the system with change preprocessor definitions that reference the disabled action are
affected. Therefore, if you want to disable change preprocessing for a class, disable the change
preprocessor definition. If you want to disable a particular action everywhere in the system,
disable the change preprocessor action.
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Configure a Change Preprocessor
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Developing IBM FileNet P8 applications >
Content Platform Engine Development > Content Platform Engine Java and .NET Developer's
Guide > Server Extensions > Action Handlers> Action Handlers: Restrictions and Best
The table compares some features of change preprocessors (which always execute synchronously)
with features of event action handlers (which you can configure to run either synchronously or
asynchronously). For a complete list, refer to the documentation.
When does action handler run?
Change Preprocessor (synchronous) - In transaction, before database updates have occurred.
Runs first.
Event Action (synchronous) In transaction, after database updates have occurred. Runs second.
Event Action (asynchronous) - After transaction has committed. Runs third in a separate
In your Student Exercises
Unit: Extend Content Platform Engine Functions
Lesson: Configure a Change Preprocessor
Configure a Change Preprocessor.
Use your Student Exercises to perform the activities listed.
B-38 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.5, "Configure a Change Preprocessor"
Configure a Change Preprocessor: Activity, on page B-41
User accounts
Application Name User ID Password
Administration Console for Content Platform
p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Administrator user) p8admin IBMFileNetP8
IBM Content Navigator (Business User) burt filenet
B-40 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Change Preprocessor: Activity
Procedure 1, "Edit object store security," on page B-41
Procedure 2, "Create a Document subclass," on page B-42
Procedure 3, "Create a Change Preprocessor Action," on page B-43
Procedure 4, "Create a Change Preprocessor definition," on page B-45
Procedure 5, "Test your Change Preprocessor," on page B-46
Procedure 6, "Reset the object store security," on page B-48
c. Click Edit.
4. Set object store security.
a. In the Edit Permissions window, Full control is selected in the Permission group list.
b. For the Apply to field, select This object and all children from the list.
d. Verify that Custom is selected in the Permission group list. Click OK.
5. In the Sales tab, click Save.
a. Click Refresh.
Full Control access does not include the required access rights by default. You must set the object
store security so that you have access rights to modify the Creator system property.
The Modify certain system properties permission must be used cautiously.
B-42 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
b. In the New Change Preprocessor Action tab on the right pane, use the following values and
complete the steps:
- Display Name: CP Test Action
- Description: This action sets the value for the Creator property to CP Test when a new
document is added to the system.
c. Click Next.
3. Specify the Type of Change Preprocessor Action.
a. Verify that Enabled is selected for the Status field.
c. Click Next.
4. Copy and paste JavaScript code.
a. Delete the existing text in the Script text field.
b. Copy the code from the C:\LabFiles\ExtendCPEFxn\ChangePreprocessor.txt file.
c. Paste the code. Avoid any leading space while pasting the text.
JavaScript shown here is for your reference only. To avoid any typing errors, copy and paste the
code from the file.
// Set Creator property to "CP Test" when a new document is created.
function preprocessObjectChange (sourceObj) {
// Verify that the pending action is a create action.
var actions = sourceObj.getPendingActions();
for ( var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++ ){
if ( actions[i] instanceof Create ) {
// Set Creator property to "CP Test"
sourceObj.getProperties().putValue("Creator", "CP Test");
return true;
return false;
d. Click Next.
B-44 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
4. In the New Change Preprocessor Definition page, enter the following values:
- Display Name: CP Test Definition
- Status: Enabled selected.
- Change preprocessor action: Select the CP Test Action from the list.
a. Click OK to close the page.
5. In the ChangeProcess tab, click Save to save the changes.
a. Click Refresh.
In this same tab, you can add more change preprocessor definitions, update a definition, or remove
an existing definition.
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Student Exercises
a. You can also verify by clicking CP Test 1 to open the document properties.
b. In the CP Test 1 tab, click the Properties tab.
c. Scroll down and verify that the Creator property is set to CP Test.
You logged in to the administration console as P8Admin. The document Creator should be
P8Admin. But because of the Change Preprocessor and the JavaScript action that is defined, the
value is changed to CP Test.
B-48 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.6. Configure an External Data Service
Configure an External Data Service
B-50 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
Configure an External Data Service
These are the activities that you are going to perform in this lesson.
Help paths
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Installing additional IBM FileNet P8 products >
Planning, installing, and configuring IBM Content Navigator > Administering IBM Content
Navigator > Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web client > Registering and configuring
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Developing IBM FileNet P8 applications >
Developing applications with IBM Content Navigator > Creating plug-ins to IBM Content
IBM Content Navigator includes the following plug-ins:
External data services plug-in
IBM Content Analytics with Enterprise Search plug-in
IBM Content Collector Viewer plug-in
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Configure an External Data Service
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Installing additional IBM FileNet P8 products >
Planning, installing, and configuring IBM Content Navigator > Administering IBM Content
Navigator > Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web client > Registering and configuring
plug-ins > Configuring the external data service plug-in
4. Click Load.
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Installing additional IBM FileNet P8 products >
Planning, installing, and configuring IBM Content Navigator > Administering IBM Content
Navigator > Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web client > Registering and configuring
plug-ins > Configuring the external data service plug-in
The screen capture shows the plug-in configuration fields.
Enter the URL in the following sample format:
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Student Exercises
Configure an External Data Service
In your Student Exercises
Unit: Configure IBM Content Navigator
Lesson: Configure an External Data Service
Configure an External Data Service.
Help path
Use your Student Exercises to perform the activities listed.
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.6, "Configure an External Data Service"
Configure External Data Service: Activity, on page B-59
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Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead External Data Service: Activity
In this activity, you register a plug-in in the Admin desktop of the IBM Content Navigator web client
application. A sample External Data Services (EDS) plug-in that is provided with IBM Content
Navigator is used for this example.
Procedure 1, "Configure the External Data Service," on page B-59
Procedure 2, "Test the Plug-in," on page B-61
In Windows Explorer, browse to the location of the JAR file. Copy and paste the directory to
eliminate any typing errors.
c. Click Load.
d. If the File entry is valid, the page shows more information about the plug-in, as defined by
the developer of the plug-in.
In this procedure, you are using the default Content Navigator install location for the JAR file. You
can save your custom plug-ins code in any directory that you choose. The programmer in your
company provides the code as a JAR file.
If the plug-in requires more information to complete the registration, it must be supplied as well. In
this case, the External Data Service URL must be entered.
e. Enter the value for the External Data Service URL (you got this value in step 1):
This URL value is case-sensitive.
B-60 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
f. Select a value for the Author, notice that the values in the list for the Document Title field are
dynamically changed to match the Author value.
g. Repeat the step 3e with a different author and notice that values are changed.
h. Optionally, complete adding a document.
4. Test Data Validation feature.
The Folder Name field uses a validation feature from the EDS plug-in.
a. Select the EDSTest folder.
b. Click New Folder.
c. In the Properties section, make sure that Folder is selected for the Class field.
d. Enter any value that contains number 3 for the Folder Name field. (Example: Department3)
e. Click Add.
f. Notice that you get an error message:
g. If you remove the number 3, you are able to add the folder.
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead h. Log out of IBM Content Navigator and close the browser.
If the testing of the Plug-in function does not work as expected, you must restart the Content
Navigator web application in WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
1. In a Firefox browser, click the WAS Admin link in the Bookmarks toolbar or go to the following
a. Enter the account information and click Login.
User ID: p8admin
Password: IBMFileNetP8
2. Open the Enterprise Applications page.
a. In the left pane, expand Applications > Applications Types.
b. Click the WebSphere enterprise applications link.
c. Select navigator again and click Start. Wait for the Start message to display.
d. Logout of the administration console and close the browser.
B-64 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.7. Work with Content Caches
Work with Content Caches
Why is this lesson important to you?
A department in your company frequently accesses document
content that exists on geographically remote storage areas that
are accessed through a wide area network (WAN). As the IBM
FileNet P8 Administrator, you must create a content cache to
expedite access to this remote document content.
B-66 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
These are the activities that you are going to perform in this lesson.
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Administering
Content Platform Engine > Defining the repository infrastructure > Storing content > Optimizing
storage area performance > Caching content > Content cache areas
A distributed FileNet P8 system has many clients reading content from either a remote file server
(for example, over a WAN) or database (possibly on a remote server). To reduce network traffic,
content can be cached in the file system on a local server.
Save files to cache when they are added. A cache can be configured to hold files at the time they
are added to object stores. This feature is useful if the same documents are likely to be retrieved
soon after adding. Do not enable this feature if a content cache area is intended for a site that is
heavily used to create new documents if those documents are not subsequently retrieved.
Confidential documents. If you have sensitive or confidential documents, you need to consider
whether caching is appropriate. Files are not automatically deleted from the content cache area
when the document is deleted from the storage area.
B-68 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
Content Cache at a Remote Location
Object store
object store
storage area Wide area network
Content cache at Remote
(WAN) object store
remote location
The diagram shows the relationship between a content cache, an object store, file storage area,
and a remote object store.
All object store content is stored in file storage areas, fixed storage areas, or database storage
areas, all of which can be the objects of storage policies.
Database storage areas provide permanent storage for document content. A database storage
area is managed by the Content Platform Engine and converts document content into binary large
objects (BLOBs) for storage in the database specified as the object store database.
A file storage area contains document content in a hierarchy of folders on a local or shared
network drive accessible by the Content Platform Engine server. The content is stored in a folder on
a shared network drive.
A fixed storage area is a file storage area that has a connection to a third-party fixed-content
system providing additional storage capacity and security. This connection is provided by an object
called a fixed-content device.
Content cache areas provide local storage of frequently accessed documents, which are
accessible over a LAN.
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
Content cache overview
The content cache handles content only.
Both the API layer and Workplace XT have their own property
The cache works for both file and database content stores.
Content cache performance
Can be improved by adding content cache areas.
Supports write-through caching.
Is a function of the Content Platform Engine, not of the web server.
Any client can use a cache:
Content Navigator, Workplace XT, Custom Java application,
Enterprise Manager, Administrative Console for Content Platform
Exists on
The Content Platform Engine server or on a network share.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2015
The Content Platform Engine server initiates object caching thus a Content Platform Engine server
is required at each site that uses a cache. Upon retrieval, the Content Platform Engine checks
whether the objects in a cache are local to its server, to a virtual server, or to the site.
Multiple caches can store multiple copies of a content object but the local storage area holds one
copy of the object. Documents remain in a cache until cleared, even if the document is deleted from
the object store unless a cache lifespan is specified.
Disable caching at sites with confidential files - If cache is enabled, files can remain in cache and
accessible to users with physical access to the server, even after the files have been purged from
the original file storage area.
A cache can be assigned to one of the following owner objects within the server hierarchy (listed
from highest to lowest level): Domain, site, virtual server, or server instance. This assignment
determines the servers that use the cache: a server finds the lowest-level server hierarchy owner to
which both the server and a cache belong. For any content not found by the server in the cache, the
server copies the content from the storage area into the cache.
The level of caching permitted for a storage area is set independently of the cache area assignment
and is not affected by that assignment. For example, only cross-site caching might be permitted for
a storage area.
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
Definition of pruning
Automatic deletion of content files that have not been accessed
Purpose of pruning
To ensure that the cache is the minimum size necessary to store the
most recently accessed content.
Types of pruning
Periodic pruning
Triggered by the Content Lifespan property
Occurs automatically halfway through the period that the Content
Lifespan property specifies.
Mandatory pruning
Removes content files in a the order of the least recently accessed
to achieve a calculated target total.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2015
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Developing IBM FileNet P8 applications >
Content Engine Development > Content Engine .NET API Reference > FileNet.Api.Admin
Namespace > IContentCacheArea Interface > IContentCacheArea Properties >
IContentCacheArea.PruneAmount Property
Mandatory pruning removes content files in the order of least recently accessed until the total of the
remaining files does not exceed some calculated target total. The target total calculation involves a
property that specifies the percentage to prune and the following threshold properties: Threshold
Size and Threshold Elements. The pruning occurs automatically when the number or size of the
content files exceeds one of these thresholds.
B-74 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
Content Lifespan
You can set the Content Lifespan
property by using FileNet Enterprise
Content Cache Properties >
Processing tab.
The graphic shows the Content Lifespan setting on the Processing tab of the Cache Properties
window in FileNet Enterprise Manager.
Content preloading: When content preloading has been enabled (with the PreloadOnCreate
property), the cache receives duplicates of any new content added to the main storage area.
Cache content can sometimes slightly exceed the designated storage capacity, as statistics are
managed on a delayed basis, and multiple servers can be adding content.
B-76 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
Content Cache Performance Guidelines
Optimize pruning thresholds
Using the Threshold Size property
Using the Threshold Elements property
Preload accessed content only
Adjust Content Lifespan property
Shorter lifespan increases the refetching of content
Longer lifespan requires a larger cache area
Make the cache accessible to all servers in the domain
Accessible from every Content Platform Engine server in the FileNet
P8 domain.
Optimize pruning threshold using the Threshold Size property. - Set the Threshold Size
property to optimize system performance. If the content cache server has a large hard disk, you can
afford to enlarge the maximum space for content caching. This enlargement minimizes network
traffic and reduces network access time by keeping the most recently accessed content in local
cache. If your caching server has limited space available, reduce the maximum space for content
caching. Avoid allocating more space than the server has available can so that system resources
are not stressed and system performance is not degraded.
Optimize pruning threshold using the Threshold Elements property. - Determine the number
of files frequently accessed by users. Increase that number by 5 to 10% to determine the maximum
number of files allowed in the cache. If your system maintains relatively small files, you can allow a
greater number of files in cache.
Preload accessed content only. - Do not enable the Preload On Create option when the
associated site is heavily used to create documents that are not retrieved later.
Adjust Content Lifespan property. - Review your system requirements before setting the Content
Lifespan interval. The shorter the lifespan is, the more often content is removed and refetched. The
longer the lifespan is, the more deleted content occupies the content cache area.
Periodically review cache properties. - Analyze the content cache settings periodically and
modify the configuration properties as necessary. For example, you might experience a system
slowdown if users access more files than the configured threshold permits for the content cache
area. In this case, increase the maximum number of files allowed.
Make the cache accessible to servers. - Make a cache area accessible from every Content
Platform Engine server in the FileNet P8 domain. If only some servers have access to the area, the
information displayed by Enterprise Manager depends on the server to which Enterprise Manager
is connected. No information is displayed for a non-accessible storage area. A server that does not
have access to a cache generates the following error every 30 seconds:
CONTENT_CACHE_AREA_ACCESS_FAILED: Access to the content cache area directory
failed. This error is displayed in the system error logs.
B-78 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Work with Content Caches
In your Student Exercises
Unit: System Maintenance
Lesson: Work with Content Caches
Create, Configure, and Assign a Content Cache Area.
Use your Student Exercises to perform the activities listed.
B-80 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.7, "Work with Content Caches"
Create, Configure, and Assign a Content Cache Area: Procedure, on
page B-83
User Accounts
B-82 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Configure, and Assign a Content Cache Area:
In this exercise, you create a content cache; then configure it and assign it to
a site.
Procedure 1, "Create a content cache," on page B-83
Procedure 2, "Inspect the content cache area object," on page B-84
Procedure 3, "Inspect content cache area file location," on page B-85
Procedure 4, "Assign the content cache area," on page B-85
Procedure 5, "Change content caching permission," on page B-86
Procedure 6, "View content cache statistics," on page B-87
In a production environment, do not collocate the content cache with file stores or indexes.
In production, do not enable the Preload On Create option when the associated site is heavily used
to create documents that are not retrieved later.
c. Click Next.
8. Specify the Content Cache Sizing Parameters:
a. Accept the defaults on this page.
b. Click Next.
9. On the Summary page, click Finish.
10. Click Open to view the cache information.
From here, you can change cache area property values that affect pruning, maximum size, and
other settings.
B-84 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead 3: Inspect content cache area file location
When you create the content cache area, Content Platform Engine creates a folder structure in the
content cache area file location. You are going to verify that the folder structure was created.
1. Use Windows Explorer to go to C:\filenet\contentcache
2. Verify that the folder now contains several subfolders and files.
3. Open the content folder. Verify that the folder structure is similar to the structure of a file storage
6. Select Cache1.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click OK to close the Notice.
9. Click OK to close the P8Domain properties.
10. Close FileNet Enterprise Manager.
B-86 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
7. Click Save.
8. Log out of Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
f. If Firefox prevented the site from opening a pop-up window, click the Options button and
then select Allow pop-ups for ecmedu01.
In this exercise, you did the following tasks:
Created a content cache.
Assigned a content cache.
Viewed content cache statistics.
B-88 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.8. Use System Dashboard
Use System Dashboard
Why is this lesson important to you?
The IBM System Dashboard tool is installed on a server within
your IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager system. You must know
how to use this tool to monitor the components of your system.
B-90 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Use System Dashboard
These are the activities that you are going to perform in this lesson.
Help paths
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > System overview > FileNet P8 architecture >
Administrative components
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Monitoring IBM
FileNet P8 > Using the IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management
IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management is sometimes referred to as System
Dashboard. IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management was previously called
FileNet System Manager, System Manager, or Manager Dashboard.
System Dashboard monitors all components in the same console, a useful feature for sites that use
various management consoles.
IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management runs on the following platforms:
Windows, Solaris, AIX, HPUX (Itanium and PA-RISC), Linux.
Comparison of IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management and ECM
System Monitor
B-92 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
System Dashboard is easily confused with another product named System Monitor. The confusion
arises because System Monitor allows you to manage the system, while System Dashboard
(formerly known as FileNet System Manager) allows you only to monitor the system.
IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management is the standard interface used to
access performance data from IBM FileNet products.
Although FileNet System Monitor can access the same data used by IBM System Dashboard for
Enterprise Content Management, FileNet System Monitor is a separately purchased product for
proactive monitoring. FileNet System Monitor supports prevention by maintaining a corrective
action database. You do not need to install Dashboard if you currently have System Monitor
In addition to providing system information (also provided by System Dashboard), System Monitor
does the following tasks:
System Monitor has a web interface and uses IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content
Management data.
Starts and stops components (if directed).
Notifies support personnel through System Management consoles such as the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console.
Reads the log files to report error messages and conditions.
Provides alerts for critical errors, such as fault detection.
The following examples of system metrics are collected by IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise
Content Management:
Component-specific examples: Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), event times, and custom
Environment examples: Configuration, version, patch levels
Operating system examples: CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, network I/O
You can run management and trend reports on current and archived data.
You can use performance data to do benchmarking. You can collect data immediately after initial
installation and configuration, and then collect the same information after the system has been
running a while. Compare the initial and current data to check whether the system is maintaining
the same performance level.
B-94 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Monitor Use
P8 Components with Other Tools
System Dashboard
Monitor Use
P8 Components with Other Tools
System Dashboard
Event values and accumulator values both stay the same or increase over time.
Example events: a document creation, a document retrieval
Example meter: the number of entries in a cache, the total memory of the Java virtual machine
Example subevents: "success" and "failure" subevents for an event that counts the number of
document creations
Note: Subevents for an event are usually related to each other.
Example accumulator: the duration of an event
An event and duration accumulator example
Every time a document is added to an object store in the Content Platform Engine, the Content
Platform Engine increments the Creations Event by 1 (counting the number of creations). The
Content Platform Engine also adds to a duration accumulator the time that it takes to perform that
operation. During a specified interval, Content Platform Engine creates three documents. The time
that it takes to create these documents was 30 milliseconds, 40 milliseconds, and 35 milliseconds.
B-96 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
During that collection interval, the Creations Event is increased by 3, and the subordinate duration
accumulator is increased by 105 (30 + 40 + 35). System Dashboard divides 105 by 3 to obtain an
average value of 35 milliseconds for each creation operation during that period of time. System
Dashboard displays this average value along with the minimum value (30), maximum value (40),
and standard deviation of the duration value over that interval.
Note: This example uses milliseconds for simplicity. The Listeners actually report durations in
nanoseconds, which were divided by 1 million to produce the millisecond values.
Navigation tabs
Data area
or Meter node
Details view
Message area
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center
The graphic shows the Details view of System Dashboard.
In the Details view of IBM System Dashboard, the container node in the tree is shown as a folder,
and the event and accumulator nodes in the tree are shown as filled circles. Content Platform
Engine has a separate container node for each object store under USER. The object store
container node provides access to all the counters for that object store.
B-98 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Use System Dashboard
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > System overview > FileNet P8 architecture >
Administrative components > System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management
Multiple Dashboards can talk to one Listener, and multiple Listeners can talk to one Dashboard.
After creating a cluster in System Dashboard, you can also save the cluster as a file
(clustername.xml) for use in later monitoring sessions.
Manager connects to and retrieves reports from a listener and processes the collected data,
such as storing it, displaying it graphically, or using it to perform other application-specific tasks.
Dashboard provides two Managers: Dashboard and Archiving Manager.
Listeners continuously collect data from monitored components. This time period is the collection
interval and it is specified in seconds. The data collected is discarded when it becomes older than
permitted for the component it is monitoring. The data sent to System Dashboard must be archived
in order to accumulate historical data for use in reporting and analysis.
A listener waits passively for Managers to connect to it and to inquire about its performance counter
values. In the absence of a Manager connection, the presence of a listener component is nearly
invisible to an outside observer. Dashboard offers Java and Microsoft C++ implementations of the
The type of data collected by the Listener depends on the component or application that the
Listener is monitoring. Each Listener collects either automatic data (CPU, network, and disk
statistics) or application-specific data, which is determined by its developers.
Many IBM products for enterprise content management come with System Dashboard and
Listeners for their core engines or application, for example:
IBM FileNet Content Manager
IBM FileNet Image Manager
IBM Enterprise Records
IBM FileNet Workplace XT
Data Archiving options provide the following two ways to save captured performance data to
compressed log files:
Within System Dashboard, you can right-click a Listener node in the tree view on the Details screen
and archive the data collected by the Listener to a history file.
From a command prompt, you can use the Archiving Manager to archive data (historical and
on-going) from a given host. The use of commands makes the archive process available for use in
scripts and recurring events, for example.
Use the APIs to write Listeners for custom programs and integrate them with the IBM System
Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management framework. Integrated applications can then be
monitored alongside the IBM FileNet P8 components. Specific ways to use the API include the
Create a program that archives the performance and system data into a database.
Expose the data through standard protocols including JMX and SNMP to enterprise system
management consoles, such as IBM Tivoli Monitoring and HP OpenView.
Create a custom Dashboard.
B-100 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Use System Dashboard
Help path
IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.2 Information Center > Administering FileNet P8 > Performance
tuning IBM FileNet P8 components > Tuning IBM FileNet P8 Content Platform Engine > Tuning
IBM Content Search Services > Tuning operating system resources for indexing performance
> Monitoring system performance
Average and Rate meters provide more useful data for long running transactions, such as Content
Search Services indexing.
Moving average and rate of progress meters provide useful information. For example:
The average amount of time it takes to full index an object making it available for full text
searches, beginning from the time an object is submitted/created in Content Platform Engine.
The ability to determine the impact of a configuration change such as adding a new CSS server
or Index Area. The Objects Indexed per-Minute counter provides a way to monitor the impact
of the change.
Determine whether a chronic indexing failure problem exists. Retries of indexing batches and
retries of object indexing failures.
Provide detail analysis by using a break out view of counters by type of text extraction, CSS
server, index job, Index Area, and other factors. Provides useful insight, such as whether an
issue with a specific index area exists.
B-102 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Use System Dashboard
The functional areas reported by the CSS server are:
Index Search, which provides search counters by the CSS server and a specific index. This
area is not a representation of the cost of the user CBR search. For User CBR search
information you must view the object store search counters.
Indexing Batch, which provides counters for the tasks that index data for full text indexes.
Start System Dashboard
To start IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management in Windows, click Start >
Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > Dashboard. To start IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise
Content Management in UNIX, start the manager shell script called Dashboard from the directory
that contains the required JAR files.
Clusters: You can create a single cluster that defines all your hosts. Or you can create multiple
clusters, one cluster for each service. In this case, the cluster is a logical grouping of servers that
you want to view together, because only when all of them are working well is the service working
well. By defining a cluster for each service, you can view just the data for the servers and
components that support one service rather than seeing all the hosts at the same time.
Example: You define a cluster for a mortgage service and another cluster for a bank accounts
service. Each cluster consists of the servers that customers can connect to for information on their
mortgage and their bank accounts, respectively. The bank cluster consists of an Application Engine,
Content Platform Engine, and Process Services combination. The mortgage cluster includes
multiple instances of each engine.
B-104 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
The cluster allows you to concurrently monitor the performance metrics of applications that run on
the servers included in the cluster. System Dashboard uses an automatic discovery process to find
the Listeners running on the specified hosts.
Tip: Use cluster names that describe their functions.
Each cluster definition includes an Interval setting, which defines how frequently data is sampled
from the applications within that cluster. If the interval is not defined, IBM System Dashboard for
Enterprise Content Management accepts samples at the Listener default sampling rate. If multiple
Listeners are used, they can be configured with different polling schedules. In that case, it is best to
define the interval so that data is aggregated at a consistent interval.
Tip: The Image Manager and workflow system Listeners ignore the interval setting. Their interval is
determined by the polling schedule set in the configuration file perf_mon.script.
Each cluster definition includes a data points value. This value specifies how many data blocks are
saved in memory by IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management . The interval
setting does not affect the data points value.
Edit the Max Data Points value to overwrite the default, which is 500. This value is the default
number of interval details that Dashboard keeps in the display.
Edit the TCP port numbers (only if necessary).
The Request user list option is available only for the Content Platform Engine.
Typically, you disconnect Listeners that are monitoring stopped components when you are no
longer interested in their historical data the data is archived. If you reconnect to a Listener after
disconnecting from it, you must stop and start System Dashboard.
B-106 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Use System Dashboard
In your Student Exercises
Unit: System Maintenance
Lesson: Use System Dashboard
Monitor the System State
Run Dashboard Reports
Reconnect a Listener
Use your Student Exercises to perform the activities listed.
B-108 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead B.8, "Use System Dashboard"
Monitor the System State: Activity, on page B-111
Run Dashboard Reports: Procedure, on page B-117
Reconnect a Listener: Practice, on page B-121
User accounts
B-110 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead the System State: Activity
In this activity, you use IBM System Dashboard to view Listener data. You
view the system status. You disconnect a Listener and then reconnect it.
Procedure 1, "Start the simulation program," on page B-111
Procedure 2, "Define a cluster," on page B-111
Procedure 3, "Check component status," on page B-113
Procedure 4, "View counter data," on page B-114
Procedure 5, "Find CBR counter information," on page B-114
Procedure 6, "Disconnect a listener," on page B-115
Procedure 7, "Use the Alerts view for important messages," on page B-115
Procedure 8, "Reconnect a Listener," on page B-116
No data is shown in the Average Response Time chart or Current Status chart on the Summary tab.
No data is reported because the student system does not yet have clusters.
2. Define a cluster:
a. Click the Clusters tab.
b. Click New.
c. In the Add Cluster window, type C1 as the cluster name, and click OK.
3. Specify the servers in the cluster:
a. On the Clusters tab, select the cluster that you defined, and click Edit.
b. Click Add to add a new host.
c. In the Add Host field, type ecmedu01.
d. Accept the default number for the Primary Listener Port, 32775.
e. Click OK to enter the server information.
f. Type 5 in the Interval field.
The amount of activity data that you are going to generate while using this cluster is minor
compared to the volume of data generated by a production system. In this step, you reduce the data
collection period to 5 seconds so that the activity data that you generate manually is visible in the
Connection messages are displayed in the Messages pane at the bottom of the Dashboard
console. Each message identifies a component with an active Listener on the hosts in the cluster.
B-112 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead - IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine PVU Non Prod ICF PE (Process Services)
- Synth CE Java (Activity simulator)
5. Save the cluster.
a. Click File > Save Clusters.
b. In the Save window, browse to the My Documents folder.
c. Type C1 as the file name.
d. Click Save.
A container node represents each component that a Listener monitors. This container node is the
Listener node, and its context menu is the Listener menu. The Listener node has the name of the
monitored component.
Be sure to select the proper node. You might see more than one node that begins with the text IBM
FileNet Content Platform Engine.
Tip: You can expand the left pane to see the entire node names by moving the panel border.
5. Check how long the FileNet P8 Content Engine application has been running.
a. Right-click the Listener node for IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine PVU Non Prod.
b. Click Request uptime.
c. Verify that a message reports how many seconds the Listener has been up (running).
You configured the time interval when you defined the C1 cluster.
B-114 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
2. Verify that you can find counters that are used for indexing jobs.
The Alerts tab makes it easy for you to find important messages when you are monitoring many
servers over a time, because messages scroll up out of view when they accumulate in the
Messages pane.
3. Select the message in the Urgent Messages pane and click Dismiss.
4. Verify that the Critical disconnection message in the Messages pane at the bottom is still listed.
B-116 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead Dashboard Reports: Procedure
In this activity, you use all the reporting features of IBM System Dashboard.
You create a report template and then verify the template works s designed
by using it to run a report. You then archive and report Listener data.
Procedure 1, "Create a report template," on page B-117
Procedure 2, "Run a report," on page B-118
Procedure 3, "Examine the report," on page B-118
Procedure 4, "Archive and report Listener data," on page B-119
Procedure 5, "Run a report on archived data," on page B-120
Procedure 6, "Inspect a report on archived data," on page B-120
c. Select jvm_total_memory.
d. Click Add to Template.
e. Select IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine PVU Non Prod > RPC > ExecuteChanges >
B-118 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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Student Exercises
The CPE_Archive file is a proprietary binary file that is used to generate views and reports of
archived data.
e. Double-click the Archives cluster that is displayed in the tree view pane.
f. Expand the ecmedu01 > IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine PVU Non Prod node.
The label for the IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine PVU Non Prod container in the Archives
cluster is red and contains the message currently unavailable. This message exists because the
node is not displaying data from an active Listener connection.
3. View the archived data by selecting and expanding nodes under the IBM FileNet Content
Platform Engine PVU Non Prod container.
B-120 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead a Listener: Practice
In this exercise, you observe the Dashboard when one of the monitored
components goes offline. You then restart the component and restart the
The Content Search Services server goes offline after a power fluctuation.
The server was restarted. You observe the changes to the system remotely
by using the System Dashboard.
Start System Dashboard.
Use Windows Services to stop the CSS Server service.
View the Dashboard messages.
Request a heartbeat from each Listener.
Determine which Listener is offline.
Use Windows Services to restart the CSS Server service.
Restart the Listener for CSS Service.
Verify that you can find information about the ECMTS Listener going down,
either in the Messages window, or in the Alerts tab.
Verify that you can get a heartbeat from the ECMTS Listener after you restart
the ECMTS Listener.
In this lesson, you did the following tasks:
Started System Dashboard.
Created a cluster.
Viewed Listener status.
Viewed Listener data.
Disconnected and reconnected a Listener.
Ran a report.
Archived Listener data.
Ran a report on archived data.
B-122 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
This appendix includes answers to quizzes from the course.
"Answers to "Identify functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager
solutions: Written exercise" on page 1-5" on page C-3
"Answers to "Explore the architecture: Interactive exercise" on page 1-7"
on page C-5
"Answers to "Identify system components: Written exercise" on
page 1-11" on page C-7
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Appendix C. Answers to Written Exercises C-1
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
C-2 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead to "Identify functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager
solutions: Written exercise" on page 1-5
Identify the functions of IBM FileNet Content Manager solutions. For each question, indicate the
correct answer or the best answer.
1. Which product is the core of the IBM FileNet P8 family of products?
a. IBM Case Manager
b. IBM Content Manager
c. IBM FileNet Content Manager
d. IBM Content Federation Services
Answer = c
2. Which two clients connect to IBM FileNet Content Manager by using FileNet Collaboration
a. Microsoft Office and SharePoint
b. IBM Connections and Lotus Quickr
c. IBM Content Manager OnDemand and SAP
d. IBM Enterprise Records and IBM Case Manager
Answer = b
3. A user can tag managed objects by using which client?
a. IBM Connections
b. FileNet Workplace XT
c. Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine
d. Application Engine
Answer = a
4. IBM FileNet Content Manager is the former name of the product IBM Content Manager.
True or False?
Answer = False
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Appendix C. Answers to Written Exercises C-3
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
C-4 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead to "Explore the architecture: Interactive exercise" on
page 1-7
Select the best answer.
1. Where does the component integrator for non-legacy components run?
a. Application Engine.
b. FileNet Workplace XT.
c. Rendition Engine.
d. Content Platform Engine.
Answer = d
2. Which product uses OLAP cubes?
a. Case Analyzer
b. Rendition Engine
c. Datacap
d. Image Services Resource Adapter
Answer = a
3. Rendition is based on which product?
a. Adobe PDF Maker.
b. Liquent InSight Rendering
c. FileNet Image Services
d. Datacap
Answer = b
4. What controls document security after it is declared as a record?
a. A security template
b. A record template
c. A record object
d. A security object
Answer = c
5. What protocol does the Content Platform Engine use to communicate with the Rules Listener?
c. RPC
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Appendix C. Answers to Written Exercises C-5
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
Answer = b
C-6 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
EXNoSideHead to "Identify system components: Written exercise" on
page 1-11
Identify the function of each system component. For each question, indicate the correct answer or
the best answer.
1. The Content Platform Engine handles process management services.
True or False?
Answer = True
2. Which component is not an IBM FileNet P8 component?
a. Rendition Engine
b. Content Navigator
c. Object store
d. Directory service
Answer = d
3. What is the primary administration tool for the Content Platform Engine?
a. Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine
b. FileNet Enterprise Manager
c. Configuration Manager
d. Deployment Manager
Answer = a
4. You can log in to Administration Console for the Content Platform Engine, but you cannot see
any of the object stores. Which cause is most likely?
a. The application server is down.
b. IBM FileNet Content Manager is down.
c. The directory service is down.
d. The RDBMS is down.
Answer = d
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015 Appendix C. Answers to Written Exercises C-7
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Exercises
C-8 System Implementation and Administration Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2015
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
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