Dux Son 2005
Dux Son 2005
Dux Son 2005
Received 24 March 2005; received in revised form 15 June 2005; accepted 28 June 2005
Available online 18 August 2005
A mechanistic model accounting for reduced structural reorganization and densification in the microstructure of geopolymer gels with high
concentrations of soluble silicon in the activating solution has been proposed. The mechanical strength and Youngs modulus of geopolymers
synthesized by the alkali activation of metakaolin with Si/Al ratio between 1.15 and 2.15 are correlated with their respective microstructures
through SEM analysis. The microstructure of specimens is observed to be highly porous for Si/Al ratios 1.40 but largely homogeneous for
Si/Al 1.65, and mechanistic arguments explaining the change in microstructure based on speciation of the alkali silicate activating solutions
are presented. All specimens with a homogeneous microstructure exhibit an almost identical Youngs modulus, suggesting that the Youngs
modulus of geopolymers is determined largely by the microstructure rather than simply through compositional effects as has been previously
assumed. The strength of geopolymers is maximized at Si/Al = 1.90. Specimens with higher Si/Al ratio exhibit reduced strength, contrary to
predictions based on compositional arguments alone. The decrease in strength with higher silica content has been linked to the amount of
unreacted material in the specimens, which act as defect sites. This work demonstrates that the microstructures of geopolymers can be tailored
for specific applications.
2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0927-7757/$ see front matter 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
48 P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758
microstructure and the properties (e.g. mechanical strength) to affect significantly the rate and extent of dissolution dur-
of geopolymers. ing geopolymerization [19].
The majority of published studies on geopolymer systems The link between composition and strength has been inves-
have focused on composite fly ash/blast furnace slag systems. tigated previously for sodium silicate/metakaolin geopoly-
In most cases the analysis has been limited to observation of mers, and while it was hinted that there was a link between
X-ray diffractograms and the ultimate compressive strength, mechanical strength, composition and microstructure, none
which are standard techniques in cement science. Mean- was elucidated [20]. A geopolymer composition with opti-
while, microstructural detail has been less intensely inves- mized mechanical strength was identified to occur at an
tigated, due largely to the complexities involved in analysis intermediate Si/Al ratio. However it would be expected that
of materials formed from such highly inhomogeneous alumi- the strength of fully condensed tetrahedral aluminosilicate
nosilicate sources. The use of metakaolin (calcined kaolinite network structures should increase monotonically with sil-
clay) as an aluminosilicate source eliminates many of these ica content, due to the increased strength of Si O Si bonds
issues by providing a purer, more readily characterized start- in comparison to Si O Al and Al O Al bonds [21]. There-
ing material, thereby greatly enhancing the microstructural fore, the relationship between Si/Al ratio and the mechanical,
understanding that may be obtained by analysis of the final physical and microstructural properties of geopolymers needs
reaction products. Metakaolin-based geopolymers are a con- to be determined, with reference to a new mechanistic under-
venient model system upon which analysis can be carried standing of geopolymerization.
out, without the unnecessary complexities introduced by the The most critical element of geopolymerization that has
use of fly ash or slag as raw materials. been explored only briefly is the transformation from liquid
The effect of different calcium containing raw-materials precursor to solid gel and the mechanisms of densification
[10,11], other ionic additives [12], curing conditions [13] [15]. This provides the key to controlling the nanostruc-
and post-curing chemical treatments [14] on compressive ture, porosity and properties of geopolymers so they may
and/or flexural strength have been investigated in some depth. be tailored for specific applications. Gelation results from
However, few other relevant mechanical properties, in par- hydrolysispolycondensation of aluminum and silicon con-
ticular density and Youngs modulus, have been measured taining species, resulting in a complex network swollen by
in these studies. These properties are highly significant in water trapped in the pores. Aluminosilicate gels formed by
architectural and structural applications, as well as being a the solgel process are made of primary globular polymeric
valuable tool by which the relationship between structure entities 0.82.0 nm in diameter, which are densely packed
and properties may be understood. The general aim of initial according to the hydrolysispolycondensation rate and the
investigations was to demonstrate the utility of geopoly- water content [22]. Structural reorganization of the network
mers in a broader context, but with limited analysis of the occurs by continued reaction and expulsion of the water into
underlying mechanisms. As such these investigations have larger pores. The effect of the main compositional parame-
proven valuable, but lack a systematic approach to deter- ter of geopolymers, the Si/Al ratio, on the gel transformation
mining the effects of basic compositional variables and pro- densification process and how this affects the physical prop-
cessing conditions on intrinsic geopolymer properties and erties of geopolymers has not been explored.
microstructure. The compositions of geopolymers in the current work
Initial studies of geopolymer microstructure focused on have been formulated to ensure that the Al/Na ratio is con-
identification of unreacted particles and determining the stant at unity, providing sufficient alkali to enable complete
chemical composition of the binder in systems synthesized charge balancing of the negatively charged tetrahedral alu-
from multi-component materials, such as blast furnace slag minium centres, while maintaining a constant H2 O/Na2 O
and fly-ash [11,15,16]. Geopolymers have been shown to ratio of 11. The composition of the geopolymers studied is
have a microporous framework, with the characteristic pore therefore controlled by varying the composition of the activat-
size being determined by the nature of the alkali cation or mix- ing solutions by addition of soluble silicate. The differences
ture of cations used in activation [17]. Studies of fly ash-based in microstructure between geopolymers of different compo-
geopolymeric systems identified quartz and mullite particles sition are able to be characterized by SEM and therefore
that act as micro-aggregates in the final matrix, with evidence correlated with basic macro-scale physical properties: ulti-
of unreacted glassy aluminosilicates. It is therefore thought mate compressive strength, Youngs modulus and superficial
that the glassy material acts as the source of aluminum and density. The relationship between composition and properties
silicon for the gel in these systems. Fracture surface analy- is to be explored by firstly confirming the trends in mechani-
sis of clay-based systems shows sheets of unreacted particles cal strength observed by Rowles and OConnor [20] and then
lodged in the gel [16]. The presence of potentially reactive linking these results to the microstructure of the specimens.
aluminosilicate particles in hardened geopolymer indicates Furthermore, through investigation of the activating solution
that hardening is completed prior to complete dissolution by 29 Si NMR and interpretation of the resulting microstruc-
of raw materials [16,18]. As would be expected from sim- tures in terms of gel transformation, a greater understanding
ple mass transport considerations, the initial particle size of the mechanistic processes occurring during the latter stages
and/or specific surface area of metakaolin has been shown of geopolymerization can be achieved.
P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758 49
Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of Na-geopolymers: Si/Al ratio of (a) 1.15, (b) 1.40, (c) 1.65, (d) 1.90 and (e) 2.15.
27 Al MAS-NMR has been used to correlate the amount amount of unreacted phase has been observed to be at a
of Al(VI) and the amount of unreacted phase in metakaolin- maximum. Therefore, the reduction in mechanical strength
based geopolymers of compositions studied in the current of geopolymer with high Si/Al ratios can be understood
work [26]. While this method does not provide an unequivo- by incorporating the concept of a defect density resulting
cal quantification of the unreacted content, it is able to detect from unreacted material. It also stands to reason that with an
a trend in the amount of Al(VI) in all specimens studied, increased defect density, the number of potential pathways to
matching theoretical expectations. The amount of unreacted failure similarly increases. This would lead to an increased
material has been observed to increase with Si/Al ratio. It is distribution in the measured compressive strengths of indi-
thought that greater amounts of unreacted material increase vidual specimens, as observed in Fig. 1.
the defect density in the specimens and have a deleterious Pore sizes in the order of <5 m are observed in the
effect on the mechanical strength of geopolymers. This effect micrographs of geopolymers with Si/Al 1.65 (Fig. 2). The
is particularly pronounced at high Si/Al ratios, where the binder at the interface of some of these pores can be seen
52 P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758
to have a layered texture. This apparent layered texture is an hysteresis loop characteristics indicates a change in the distri-
artefact created by particle pullout of the plate-structure in bution of pores within the specimens. 2 H and 1 H MAS-NMR
metakaolin during polishing as opposed to pores filled with have shown that the pore size in geopolymers decreases with
solution. Previous SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces of increasing Si/Al ratio [26].
clay derived geopolymers do not show the same large pores, The change in pore volume distributions of sodium
confirming the effect of polishing on the porosity observed geopolymers is summarized in Fig. 4. The pore volume dis-
in polished cross-sections [16]. The cross-sectional area of tribution of geopolymers can be observed to shift into smaller
the pores caused by particle pullout indicates that the amount pores as the Si/Al ratio increases. However, the pore size dis-
of unreacted material in the samples once cured is signifi- tribution of the specimen with Si/Al ratio of 1.15 is observed
cant. Unreacted particles can be seen to be loosely wedged to be bimodal, which can be explained by the large volume
in the structure of geopolymers with Si/Al <1.65 and do not of interconnected pores in combination with some level of
appear to be tightly adhered to the binder. Due primarily to crystallinity in alkali-activated specimens [24]. The nitrogen
the dramatic changes in microstructure with Si/Al ratio, it adsorption/desorption characteristics of geopolymers (Fig. 3)
is impossible to confirm from SEM micrographs whether confirm the observations in the SEM micrographs (Fig. 2) that
the trend in the amount of unreacted particles in geopoly- the increase in nominal Si/Al ratio results in large changes in
mers supports the theoretical predictions and trends observed the microstructure and pore distribution of geopolymers.
previously [26]. Furthermore, not all of the pores in the speci- The nominal densities of geopolymers with varying Si/Al
mens with Si/Al 1.65 appear to result from particle pullout. ratios are also presented in Table 1. The density of geopoly-
Some pores appear to be a result of pooling from regions of mers is seen to increase from 1.683 to 1.798 g/cm3 in the
water that are generated in the polycondensation and transfor- range 1.15 Si/Al 2.15. The increase in nominal density
mation step of geopolymerization. The sizes of these pores of geopolymers observed with increasing Si/Al ratio results
range from microns to less than 10 nm in diameter (below from the higher proportion of solid components due to addi-
the resolution of SEM) [27], further complicating attempts to tion of silicon to the activating solution. This provides an
gauge the amount of unreacted phase in metakaolin geopoly- activating solution of higher density, and so mixing a given
mers and provide corroboratory evidence to support previous amount (calculated on a solute-free basis to maintain constant
findings [26]. overall H2 O/Na2 O) of this solution with a particular amount
Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of the speci- of metakaolin will give a product of higher nominal density.
mens in the current work are shown in Fig. 3. All specimens The large decrease in pore volume of geopolymers with
have a type IV isotherm with a hysteresis loop, though the increasing Si/Al ratio (Table 1) infers that accompanying the
characteristic shape of the isotherms and volume of nitrogen change in pore distribution from large to small pores, the
adsorbed per unit volume of specimen change remarkably increase in Si/Al ratio results in a net increase in the volume
with Si/Al ratio. At Si/Al ratio of 1.15, the volume of nitrogen of gel for only a slight increase in nominal density. Pore
adsorbed initially is large, indicating the high volume of large volume is related to the skeletal density, which represents the
interconnected pores in the specimen as observed in Fig. 2. density of the geopolymer gel, and the nominal density by
At higher Si/Al ratios, the initial volume of nitrogen adsorbed the following relation:
is lower, indicating a characteristic change in pore distribu-
tion and a more reduced volume of freely accessible pores. 1 1
Vp = (1)
The volume of nitrogen adsorbed decreases as the Si/Al ratio gel skeleton
increases, which results in a decrease in the pore volume, Vp ,
presented in Table 1. The pore volume is observed to decrease where Vp is the specific pore volume, gel equals the bulk
from 0.206 to 0.082 cm3 /g as the Si/Al ratio of the specimens gel density and skeleton equals the density of the solid
increases. The hysteresis loop measured between the adsorp- phase which comprises the skeletal framework. This rela-
tion and desorption isotherms is observed to become larger tion assumes that pores that are inaccessible to N2 during
and occurs at lower relative pressures with increasing Si/Al the adsorption/desorption experiment are part of the skeletal
ratio, with the exception of the specimen with Si/Al ratio framework. The calculated skeletal densities of the geopoly-
of 2.15, which has the smallest pore volume. The change in mer gel are shown in Table 1 and presented in Fig. 5. The
skeletal density is observed to decrease with increasing Si/Al
Table 1 ratio, while nominal density increases. The increase in appar-
Cumulative pore volume (Vp ), nominal gel density (gel ) and calculated ent gel volume in the polished micrograph cross-sections in
skeletal density (skeleton ) of geopolymer specimens Fig. 2 must therefore result from the decreased skeletal gel
Specimen Si/Al Vp gel (g/cm3 ) skeleton (g/cm3 ) density in these specimens, rather than a greater nominal den-
1.15 0.206 1.683 2.57 sity. This confirms that the porosity within the geopolymer
1.40 0.205 1.695 2.60 monoliths becomes more highly distributed in small pores
1.65 0.187 1.718 2.53 inaccessible to N2 as the Si/Al ratio increases. A decrease in
1.90 0.143 1.777 2.38 skeletal density with increasing Si/Al ratio, while maintain-
2.15 0.082 1.798 2.11
ing a relatively constant nominal density results in a larger
P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758 53
Fig. 3. N2 Isotherms of sodium geopolymers with Si/Al ratios of (a) 1.15, (b) 1.40, (c) 1.65, (d) 1.90 and (e) 2.15.
volume of gel. The larger gel volume leads to a progressively polycondensation in highly siliceous specimens [28], which
more homogenous microstructure as observed in the micro- hinders reorganization and reduces the permeability through
graphs in Fig. 2. The larger gel volume allows stress during aggregation of water in certain regions of the gel. Further-
compression to be spread over a larger area, resulting in less more, the observed differences in microstructure can be seen
strain and higher Youngs modulus. to affect other physical properties of the gel such as adsorp-
The change in pore distribution and localized gel density tion and desorption (Fig. 3), and be likely to also affect ion
must result from differences in the mechanism of geopoly- exchange and chemical encapsulation characteristics. The
merization under conditions of higher concentrations of ability to control microstructural characteristics of geopoly-
soluble silicon in the activating solution. The change in mers will allow future geopolymer formulations to be tailored
mechanism hinders aggregation of pores (syneresis) during on a microstructural and chemical level for specific applica-
polycondensation and hardening, leaving more small pores tions.
distributed around the gel framework, rather than smaller The largest change in the microstructure of geopolymers
numbers of large pores. Hindered syneresis is likely to result in the current work appears to occur between the specimens
from factors such as reduced lability of gel precursors during with Si/Al ratios of 1.40 and 1.65. SEM micrographs of
54 P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758
Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of geopolymers with Si/Al = (a) 1.45, (b) 1.50, (c) 1.55 and (d) 1.60.
P. Duxson et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 269 (2005) 4758 55
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