Rectisol PDF
Rectisol PDF
Rectisol PDF
After 50 years still unrivalled in the
purification of syngas (Diagram
0 derived from the SFA Pacific World-
1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2004
wide Gasification Database 2004)
The first Rectisol installation was started up in Sasolburg,
Republic of South Africa, in 1955. In the following decades
Rectisol paved the way for huge-scale ammonia and Fischer
Tropsch Synthesis. In the 1970s and 80s, oil residue gasifi-
cation proved to be another field of application. The impres-
sive success of this technology is visualized above.
Nowadays, more than half a century later, Rectisol is still
unique reaching synthesis gas quality in one single process.
Meanwhile, a bunch of alternative technologies appeared
on the market for the simple removal of sulfur com-
pounds and CO2. However, Rectisol is still the only process
taking care of all other raw gas contaminants specific for
coal and oil gasification, sometimes only present in parts per
billion (ppB) in the raw syngas.
Because of this, the comeback of the coal gasification tech-
nology experienced in the first decade of the millennium
comes along with an impressive boost in the track record of
Rectisol plants: Nearly each of the coal gasification units for
production of ammonia, methanol, hydrogen or synfuels is
or will be equipped with a Rectisol gas purification system.
This will result in another sharp increase in the curve depicted
above when the plants are in operation.
In the new millennium, the purification of syngas produced
by gasification of heavy oil residue from recovery from oil
shale or oil sands are a new field of application adding to
the classics, coal, lignite and refinery residue gasification.
The principal useful components of a raw syngas gas pro- The CO2 separated from the gas can be a mixture with
duced by heavy oil or coal gasification are H2 and CO. nitrogen when it is vented to the atmosphere. If the CO2
Dependent on the feedstock and type of gasification is used as a feedstock for another process (e.g. in a urea
process this raw gas can contain 340% CO2 as well as synthesis or for production of food grade CO2) the CO2 has
smaller fractions of CH4, H2O, N2 and Ar. Trace contami- to be partially or completely recovered as a highly concen-
nants present may be H2S, COS, HCN, NH3, nickel and iron trated, pure and dry product stream. The allowable residual
carbonyls, gum formers, CS2, mercaptans, naphthalene, H2S content for both cases typically varies in a range of
thiophenes, organic sulfides, and higher hydrocarbons. 525 ppmV.
In order to obtain the gas quality needed for its usage as a To summarize, the following functions have to be fulfilled
feedstock for a synthesis, as e.g. ammonia synthesis, by the gas purification system:
methanol synthesis, Fischer Tropsch Synthesis, oxo-alcohol
synthesis or simply as hydrogen product, reduction gas or Trace contaminant removal
town gas, these impurities must be removed. This especially Deep de-sulfurization
holds true for the trace contaminants which usually have to Drying
be eradicated. Bulk CO2 removal
CO2 purification
Typical purity requirements for synthesis gas: Acid gas enrichment
Total sulfur less than 0.1 ppm by volume Where other approaches may end up with up to six sepa-
CO2 2 ppm to 3% by volume rate processes, the Rectisol technology provides an excellent
depending on the type of synthesis option to stick with only one integrated technology and
plant, yielding excellent results with respect to performance
Sulfur compounds, HCN and NH3 should be discharged and reliability. In order to judge correctly on complexity,
in a stream as concentrated as possible so as to improve investment costs and consumption figures for Rectisol vs.
the economics of subsequent treatment. The CO2 must alternative schemes, battery limits have to be set correctly:
be sufficiently clean to allow it to be discharged directly For example Rectisol absorbs also COS so that a separate
to atmosphere or even used as a product. COS hydrolysis process upstream of the gas wash is not
0,1 CO2
0,01 CO Absorption coefficient a of various gases in
methanol (partial pressure: 1 bar)
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Temperature [C]
Process Principle
Rectisol has been successfully applied for purifying syngas Rectisol uses refrigerated methanol as the solvent for
produced by: physical absorption.
The undesired components of the raw gas, such as CO2,
Sasol/Lurgi Fixed Bed Dry Bottom Coal and Lignite H2S, COS and the remaining sulfur compounds, HCN, NH3,
Gasification as well as nickel and iron carbonyls are physically absorbed
Lurgi British Gas BGL Coal gasification from the raw gas by the solvent. These components are then
Lurgi MPG Heavy Oil Gasification desorbed by reducing the pressure of the solvent, stripping
Shell Oil Gasification and, if required, reboiling the solvent. The absorbed higher
Shell Coal Gasification hydrocarbons are recovered in an additional extraction
GE (former Texaco) Oil & TAR Gasification stage, if necessary.
GE (former Texaco) Petcoke Gasification The solubility of the different components to be removed
Reformed gas from natural gas reformers varies considerably. This also applies to H2S and CO2 and
allows selective removal of these components.
The solubility data of the various gases in methanol are
illustrated above.
Since the solubility data of H2S and the organic sulfur
compounds are appreciably higher than that of CO2, the
H2S concentration in the Claus gas can be increased to
acceptable levels even if the H2S to CO2 ratio in the raw
gas is unfavorable.
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
CO2 Partial Pressue in MPa CO2 Bulk Removal capacity of
Rectisol at -20 C different types of solvents
aMDEA, 50 wt% at 70 C Chemical Solvents (Amines)
The solubility of the trace components HCN, NH3 and sulfur The process is extremely flexible, a feature which allows
compounds like mercaptans are much higher than those it to be tailored to a large number of different individual
of H2S. This makes it possible to remove them separately applications. The block flow diagram shows one possible
using a very small solvent rate in a prewash stage. The rich arrangement starting with the gasification of heavy oil using
methanol from this prewash stage is regenerated by inte- the Lurgi Multi Purpose Gasification Process (MPG). The
grating this loop into the H2S hot regeneration system so example focuses on the production of methanol. However,
that these trace components are routed directly to the Claus additional possibilities for other products are indicated by
gas. Rectisol also provides excellent performance in separat- dotted lines.
ing big amounts of CO2 from the gas. At CO2 partial pres-
sures due to high concentration in the feed gas and/or On page 8, we show a simplified process flow diagram for
due to high gasification pressure the absorption capacity this scheme. In this example, the gas train is equipped with
of low temperature methanol exceeds the one of each a clean gas shift, integrated in the Rectisol system. Schemes
alternative solvent. where a raw gas shift is installed upstream of the Rectisol
unit are also possible and demonstrated manifoldly.
Oil Oxygen Steam
Partial Oxidation
CO Shift Conversion
Liquid Nitrogen
Wash System
Ammonia Methanol
Synthesis Gas Synthesis Gas
Process Description
The raw gas entering the plant is cooled. The trace compo- The portion of the clean gas which has been shifted in the
nents like HCN and NH, are removed in the prewash stage CO shift conversion unit has a typical CO2 content of 33%.
with cold methanol. This gas re-enters the Rectisol unit, is cooled, and CO2 is
Thereafter, the sulfur is removed from the gas using CO2- removed in a two-stage CO2 absorber. In the lower section,
laden solvent to a residual sulfur content of below 0.1 ppm. the CO2 content of the gas is reduced to about 5% using
The solvent from the H2S absorber is regenerated first by flash-regenerated methanol. The remaining CO2 is removed
flashing at medium pressure to recover the useful gases using hot regenerated, cold methanol in the upper section
(H2 and CO) and then by heating to boiling temperature so that about 3% CO2 is contained in the synthesis gas.
and stripping with methanol vapor.
In cases where there is sufficient H2S in the raw gas, hot
regeneration produces a Claus gas with adequate H2S
content for further treatment without any special measures
needing to be taken. Where the H2S content of the raw
gas is lower or the CO2 content higher an additional stage,
stripping and reabsorption, must be provided.
The flashed CO2 is free of sulfur and can be discharged through decomposition of the carbonyls, if present in the
directly to atmosphere. Under certain circumstances a water raw gas. Nevertheless, as the concentration of such compo-
wash system may be necessary to further reduce the resid- nents is small, the water can be routed directly to a bio-
ual content of methanol in the CO2 for environmental rea- logical water treatment for work-up.
sons. The refrigeration balance of the system is maintained
by the refrigeration plant. Utility Consumption (typical)
As the raw gas usually is saturated with water, a small por- Reference is made to a 2,000 metric tons per day methanol
tion of water is fed to the plant, which is also completely plant.
absorbed by the solvent. The water content of the solvent Electric power 1,600 kW
is kept at the desirable low level by continuously distilling (without refrigeration unit)
a small side stream of the solvent circulation in a methanol/ Low pressure steam 5,500 kg/h
water distillation column which due to simplicity is not Cooling water 130 m3/h
depicted in the schemes. An important feature of Rectisol is (temp. difference: 10 K)
that this water leaves the distillation as the bottom product, Refrigeration duty 4,200 kWth
carrying heavy boiling trace contaminants, salts, other trace (boiling temperature: 31 C)
contaminants and/or even Ni and Fe sulfides formed in
Selective desulfurization and CO2 removal to produce
methanol synthesis gas
Methanol Synthesis
CO Shift
Raw Gas
CO2 Absorption
Prewash Stage
Claus Gas
Hot Regeneration
Other applications
This arrangement can be modified for production of pure Rectisol is a key technology for both CCT as well as CCS:
gas streams fulfilling other product requirements. This may The most promising route for CO2 emission free production
be mainly with respect to the stoichiometric ratio between of electricity from coal, lignite, oil residue, biomass and
H2 and CO in the product gas, required by type of the wastes is a Zero Emission Integrated Gasification Combined
downstream synthesis process, or with respect to purity Cycle (ZE IGCC). In a ZE IGCC, CO2 can be separated in
requirements for certain components. In principle, one an elegant manner and prepared for underground storage
single Rectisol scheme could provide the whole indicated easily, such that the efficiency loss can be kept low.
product range simultaneously, although usually only one
or two of the products are needed. In the COORIVA project, founded by the BMWA, a consor-
tium of leading German utilities and engineering companies
develops the German ZE IGCC, fuelled with lignite or hard
Clean Coal Technologies & Carbon Capture & Storage coal. It will enable us to generate CO2 emission-free power
With the beginning of the new millenium, the world experi- from coal in a very efficient and environmentally friendly
ences a revival of coal as the raw material for the produc- manner. Contributing its excellent capabilities with respect
tion of chemicals, petrochemicals and even synthetic natural to trace contaminants, bulk CO2 removal and overall relia-
gas (SNG). Clean coal technology (CCT) allow the process- bility, Lurgi Rectisol is the key technology in the Fuel Gas
ing of coal in an environmentally friendly manner, thus chal- Conditioning, provided by Lurgi, allowing to produce
lenging the general perception as coal being the source of the CO2 in the purity and quality needed for safe storage
dirty power. or other usage, as for example Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
The Lurgi OxyClaus sulfur plant is integrated in a way with
As a key consequence from the Kyoto protocol, CO2 emis- the Rectisol system that no further source of emission exists
sion reduction will be a vital issue talking about coal, Car- apart from the nearly CO2-free exhaust gas of the power
bon Capture and Storage (CCS) is the key to this. CCS has island. Aside of the hydrogen fuel gas fed to the gas turbine
the potential to settle the controversy caused by the trend and the pure, dry, liquid CO2 produced, the only co-product
back to coal on one hand and the postulation for mitigation is saleable bright yellow sulfur.
of the global CO2 emissions postulated in the Kyoto proto-
col on the other hand.
Technological Highlights of Rectisol
The emission-free gas conditioning concept of the Cooriva Removal of all impurities and trace contaminants in one
ZE IGCC can be easily transferred to every coal or oil residue single absorption process
gasification based project, whatever the usage of the puri- Ultra-pure product gas: e.g. total sulfur <0.1 ppmV,
fied syngas is. Thus the ZE IGCC is only one example for a CO2 <2 ppmV
whole family of Zero Emission Syngas Technologies (ZEST), Tailor-made stoichiometrics for any kind of synthesis
taking care of the energy and product demands of today either with raw gas shift or integrated clean gas shift
as well as of the climate of tomorrow. Multi-product application possible in one single unit, e.g.
methanol-syngas plus ammonia syngas plus hydrogen
plus IGCC fuelgas
All gaseous products are completely dry
Thermal regeneration usually only for a smaller portion
of the solvent, cheap flash regeneration and/or nitrogen
stripping for the rest. Acid gas enrichment: A suitable
Claus gas can be produced even with a CO2 /H2S ratio up
to 700 in the raw feed gas
A pure CO2 product stream, ready for Enhanced Oil
Recovery, underground storage or chemical usage can
be produced
Inexpensive, thermally and chemically stable solvent,
available worldwide anywhere.
H3S CO Shift CO2
Rectisol Conversion Rectisol
Gasification Gas Turbine
G Turbine
Zero Emission IGCC with integrated Rectisol based fuel gas conditioning
Lurgi is a leading technology company operating worldwide
in the fields of process engineering and plant contracting.
The strength of Lurgi lies in innovative technologies of the
future focusing on customized solutions for growth markets.
The technological leadership is based on proprietary tech-
nologies and exclusively licenced technologies in the areas
gas-to-petrochemical products via synthesis gas or methanol
and synthetic fuels, petrochemicals, refinery technology
and polymer industry as well as renewable resources/food.
Lurgi is a company of Air Liquide Group.
Lurgi GmbH
Lurgiallee 5 D-60295 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 5808-0 Fax: +49 (0) 69 5808-3888
E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: