Template (General & Preliminaries)
Template (General & Preliminaries)
Template (General & Preliminaries)
General Notes:
The Contract Documents consist of the Contract Agreement, General Conditions of Contract, Construction
Schedule, BID Plans & Technical Specifications, BID Bulletins. Bill of Quantities, Price Preamble,
Delineation of Responsibilities, Letter of Award / Notice to Proceed, etc. These Contract Documents are
complementary with each other, and what is called for or prescribed by one shall be considered as if called
for or prescribed by all,
The Contractor is to provide any sum he considers necessary in complying with the following requirements
and terms. The monetary value of any item which is left unpriced shall be deemed to have been included in
the rates of each item of work in the Bill of Quantities.
The Bill of Quantities are prepared and grouped in sections. Within each section the items are set out in
trade order.
The Contractor is requested to check the number of pages of the Bill of Quantites and if any page is
missing or duplication or if any figure us indistinctive, he shall notify the project Manager who will rectify the
matter. No claims for loss consequent upon the Contractor's failure to observe this Clause will be
Wherever the term "Dittoo" appears in the Bill of Quantities, the item concerned will be interpreted in the
context of the preceding items. The term may refer to a single word or phrase.
Wherever the term "Allow" occur in the General Preliminaries, the Contractor shall provide cost/ price on
such items. The cost/price indicated on such items will be at the Contractors risk and no adjustment in
relation there to will be made at the Final Account, except where such adjustment is expressly provided for
in the Conditions of Contract. In the absence of any price against such items, the cost of such items will be
deemed to be included on the other rates contained in the Bill of quantities.
Wherever the term " Provisional Sum" occur in the Main Works, the Contractors shall provided cost on such
items. The cost indicated on such items will be subject to remeasurement based on the actual quantify
installed. Provisional Sums may be used in whole or in part as directed in writing by the Project Manager.
The balance shall be deductible from the Contract Price. vc
All items in the Bill of Quantities shall be priced in detail not grouped together as total prices for any trades
or sections. All Bid items unit prices shall consider those indicated in the price Preamble provided ass part
of the Contract documents.
The items of work and corresponding quantities indicated in the Bill of Quantities are for information only,
therefore the Contractor shall be responsible to counter check thegiven items prior to pricin. In the event
the contractor is not satisfied, he should make the necessary corrections/adjustments which in his opinion
would be sufficient to complete the work as required. The Bid Price dhall be considered as a Lump Sum
Price for the work regardless of the actual quantities installed except for those items marked as provisional
which are subject to remeasurement. No claim shall be entertained due to the negligence of the Contractor
in respect to the increase of quanties.
The Contractor shall be deemed too have taken into account all possible inclement weather when
preparing his Bid and shall not be entitled to extra payment by reasons of the occurance or effect of
excessive wind, typhoon and the likes.
These Schedules shall form part of the Contract and become known as the Contract Bills.
Allow all costs and charges associated with the Contractor's establishmentbon site of its personnel, plant
1 20,000.00
and equipment (MOBILIZATION)
Please provide cost breakdown for Site Management & Supervision in accordance with "ANNEX D" of the
1.1 -
Technical Annexes.
Please provide cost breakdown for construction Plant & Equipment (Provide List of Plant/Equip,emt with
1.2 corresponding cost and equipment hour of operation, this is in accordance with "ANNEX E" of the -
Techinical Annexes.
Allow all costs in connection with providing the following Bonds and Insurance obtained through the
bonding Company acceptable to Owner
2.6 Employee's Accident Insurance and / or CGLI (Compressive General Liability Insurance)
Allow all costs to obtain all necessary permits, liscenses, etc. from the relevant authorities in connection
with the carrying out of the works until its completion and pay all fees in connection therewith
Supplementary Permit such as Structural/ Mechanical/ Electriical/ Plumbing/ Sanitary / Fire Protection/
ExcavationPermits where applicable.
4.1 Temporary Offices, Contractors Building, Laydown Area, Fabrication Area, Access Roads etc. 100,000.00
The Contractor shall provided and maintain at all times adequate water tight temperorary office with water,
light, toilet facilities, sufficient parking area for the use of the General Contractor and its Sub Contractor.
a This office shall be provided with floor raise above the ground, windows, doors and locks included. When
required, the Contractor shall transfer these temporary facilities inside the Building or at other area approve
by Owner / PM
The Owner's Representative, Project Manager's, and Quantity Surveyor offices and conference room is
b approximately____sq.m. and fully air-conditioned. Office furnitures and equipment for the Project Manager
and Quanttity Surveyor shall be provided by th Owner or the Contractor as the case maybe.
The contractor shall also provided the PM Site Office of copying machine - A3 size capable (with unlimited
supply of ink and toner)
The Contractor shall also provide/allocate sufficient space at the Project Site for all Trade Contractors and
Specialty Contractors for their temporary site office, warehouse and laydown area, etc.
e The Contractor shall construct and maintain all temporary access roads goind to project site.
The Contractor shall construct and maintain air -conditioned sleeping quarters for PM/CM use at the project
The Contractor shall provide, construct and maintain for theduration of the Contract, first aid station and
ample toilet accomodationand other necessary conveniences including water connections for the use of
personnel and laborers on the work, properly secluded from public observation, in such manner and such
points shall be apporved by the Project Manager and their use shall be strictly enforced. He shall keep
such places clean and free from files, remove all connections and appliances connected therewith prior to
completion of the Contract, and leave the premises perfectly clean.
Temporary Perimeter Fence and Gates, Enclosures and Temporary Barricades/ Gates and Guard
4.3 100,000.00
Lights/ Protection of Works
The Contractor shall provide and put all temporary fence, enclosures, barricades, gates and guard lights
necessary for the protection, proper execution and completion of work. The guard lights at the top of false
tower, barricaed and railings, etc., shall be provided and maintained by the COntractor throughout the
execution of the project. The Contractor shall, likewise, provide enough number of watchmen or security
guards for safeguarding the works, all fixed and unfixed materials on site and plant, machinery, equipment,
tools, etc., against damage or theft for the whole period of the works.
The Contractor shall make necessary arrangments with proper authorities for water, power and telephone
a. requirements. All water, power, telephone and internet changes incurred during the performance of the
work shall be paid for by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall arrange with power provided a total load requirement of ____ KVA for the use of the
Contractor, Trade and Specialty Contractors and any other Contractor to be engaged by the owner.
The contractor shall provide its own reliable emergency gensets at the project site to ensure continuous
site operation in case of brownouts.
The Contractor shall allow all costs in providing and maintaining the following safety measures within the
entire duration of the constructionperiod.
a. Provide temporay directional and safety signs prepared in a neat workman like manner.
Provide First Aid Kit and Fire Extinguisher in accordance to OSHA Guidelines which shall be maintained
properly at the site office, work area and stock rooms.
Provide and maintain Construction Safety nets or "fish net" all around the building structures attached to
temporary vertical safety barriers fom the edges of the various floors. The vertical safety barriers and
c. "inverted umbrella" must be installed every five floors and should be properly supporter or anchored to the
building structures to ensure that it would not be blown away by strong winds anytime during the course of
Provide Safety apparels such as safety helmets, safety belts etc., for the site personnel, Owner, Project
Manager, Consulatants and other such authorized visitors who maybe on site from time to time.
Provide sufficient number of guards who shall protect the materials, equipments, tools and the like from the
damage or loss during construction.
f. Provide and maintain sufficient lighting for the entire project site/ work area.
g. Provide sufficient number of Safety Officers in accorcdance with DOLE guidelines.
The Contractor shall allow cost in procuring as - constructed drawings (as -built) showing the position of
5 works executed for the approval of the Projet Mnager, and shall supply four sets of hardcopies and e -file 50, 000
and should be CAD generated.
The Contractor is required to be prepare and submit partial "AS BUILT" drawings together with its progress
billings indicating among others all structures and services/ utilities completed and shall form part of the
permanent structures and utilities that shall become the reference in preparing the complete and final "As
Built" drawings to be submitted at the end of the project duration.
Daily removal of debris and unnecessary materials from the work areas inside the project site. The
Contractor shall allow costs for proper housekeeping of th eproject site at all times. The Contractor shall be
responsilbe in identifying the dumping site of waste materials and securing permit for ssuch.
The Contractor shall allow cost for the setting out mark and bench marks including reference elevations for
works prior to commencement of any work on site. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
accuracy of the setting out and marks
The Contractor shall allow cost in providing uniforms and IDs to all staff and workers. These Uniforms and
IDs must be worn at all times while inside the project site premises
Allow cost for the protection of existing properties at and near the construction site that maybe affected
during the course of the works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the restoration of damaged areas like public roads, roads sidewalk,
curb and gutter, etc., affected during the execution of the work.
Allow all cost for the removal from the site of all temporary plant, equipment, personnel and cleaning of the
12 50,000.00
site upon successful completiong of the works/project (DEMOBILIZATION)