Modeling Detection Thresholds of Microseismic Monitoring Networks
Modeling Detection Thresholds of Microseismic Monitoring Networks
Modeling Detection Thresholds of Microseismic Monitoring Networks
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4 authors, including:
Toni Kraft
ETH Zurich
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Estimating the ambient seismic noise level only in the upper 500 m, and plays a role in selecting the
optimal depth of shallow-hole monitoring arrays. At deeper
The ambient seismic wave field has a unique spectral
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listening distance is greater. This greatly increases the not likely, that in this case the seismic noise drops below
probability of detecting a Mw -0.5 event, and a Mw -1.0 the instrument noise level. We assume an instrument noise
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event would now be detected with a probability of > 50 %. level of -190 dB, corresponding approximately to state-of-
A Mw -1.5 event would never be detected. In order to the-art borehole sensors. In reality, the noise level at depth
consider the possibility of stacking a dense surface array may be higher due to body- or tube waves (Goertz et al.,
we assume an array of 200 stations and subtract a bulk 23 2011).
dB from the noise power spectra. This translates into a
decrease of the overall detection threshold by almost 1
magnitude unit (Figure 4). In reality, it is to be expected
that the stacking is frequency dependent. While it may
work well at the low frequencies, it will be increasingly
difficult to achieve a SNR improvement at higher
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