Amphibian and Reptile in Malin Au
Amphibian and Reptile in Malin Au
Amphibian and Reptile in Malin Au
The Amphibians
and Reptiles
of Malinau Region,
Bulungan Research Forest,
East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes
on ecological preferences
of the species and local utilization
Djoko T. Iskandar
Edited by
Douglas Sheil and Meilinda Wan, CIFOR
The Amphibians
and Reptiles
of Malinau Region,
Bulungan Research Forest,
East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes
on ecological preferences
of the species and local utilization
Djoko T. Iskandar
Edited by
Douglas Sheil and Meilinda Wan, CIFOR
Cover photo (Rhacophorus pardalis) by Duncan Lang
2004 by Center for International Forestry Research
All rights reserved. Published in 2004
Printed by ???
ISBN 979-3361-65-4
Published by
Center for International Forestry Research
Mailing address: P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia
Ofce address: Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang,
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Table ofof Contents
Abstract iv
A preamble regarding CIFORs work in Malinau v
Introduction 1
Aims of This Study 2
Material and Methods 3
Results 4
Conclusions 19
Acknowledgments 20
Literature Cited 21
The amphibians and reptiles of CIFORs field with logging activities because diversity levels are
site in Malinau were investigated for a one month similar to those in undisturbed forests. All streams
period in June - July 2000, a study which was then contain roughly the same species, indicating that the
continued by two interns from Aberdeen, so that the habitat itself is essentially homogenous. Knowledge
total length of study was about 72 days. A number of the habitat of amphibian species should be
of amphibian and reptile species were directly explored more deeply for future monitoring of
observed in the area during this time. Following logging activities. The local people used turtles,
that work and interviews with local people, a total monitor lizards and pythons as food, but they rarely
of 97 species are noted, and 76 among them are eat frogs, although they acknowledge that at least
conrmed. This is an ecologically rich area for an six species are known to be edible. Therefore we
exploited forest and researchers found less logging believe that the reason for the low number of large
damage than previously believed. Observed impacts adults frogs of the genus Limnonectes is most
only occurred locally around skid trails, logging probably the result of natural causes and not by
roads, and in areas where trees have been harvested, human exploitation. Local people are principally
though a more intensive study around those sites familiar with a variety of poisonous snakes, so as
must be performed. This study indicates that current to avoid them. The poison from the king cobra was
logging activity has only minimal impact on frog used in the past for the poison darts of blowpipes,
diversity. Although their abundance is relatively but the poison is now seldom used.
low, the present study is unable to link this fact
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
iv Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
A preamble regarding
A preamble regarding
CIFORs work
work in Malinau
in Malinau
The Malinau area of East Kalimantan (Borneo) There is an increasing appreciation of environmental
was until recently little known biologically. It was values, including biodiversity, and their role in
suspected that the rugged and forested landscape, maintaining human well-being and economic
next to the Kayan Mentarang National Park, would development. Under Article 7 of the Convention
have a high value in terms of its plants and animals. on Biological Diversity, for example, signatory
A major emphasis for CIFORs research has been countries must assess and monitor their biodiversity.
to document this biological wealth. This research Despite these developments, there is little general
has had three major components: guidance or practical consensus on how to
proceed. The academic approach to surveys has
1. Finding out what occurs and where; generally been to match very specic methods
2. Assessing to whom it matters and in what way; to very specific questions. However, the most
and obvious and urgent practical questions have
3. Identifying what steps are needed to maintain been too broad and multifaceted for such clear
this biota in the future. resolution. One such question, which we consider
here, is how can we nd out what we should
Together, these three strands of information help know to make better decisions about tropical
dene priorities that reect local considerations forest landscapes? Following CIFORs goals, we
and can inform a wide range of processes, from the emphasise biodiversity, forest dependent people
development of reduced impact logging guidelines and the environment.
to international forestry and conservation policy.
The account of amphibian and reptile studies Much of the global concern about tropical
reported here provides information relevant to rainforests derives from fears of major impending
each of these strands by combining an extensive extinctions. Considerable efforts have focused on
eld study with an evaluation of local views and identifying the most important sites for protection
practices, as well as a careful review of what is or sensitive management. Biodiversity surveys have
know about the vulnerability and sensitivity of become a major preoccupation of conservation
each species. Using available reference material agencies and are increasingly included in impact
and knowledge helps provide a body of information assessments. However, the information generated
that is available to guide management (for a fuller by these efforts remains less inuential than many
discussion of this philosophy see Sheil and van would wish. In many tropical forest countries, the
Heist 2000). It is however, the second aspect what opportunity costs of large-scale conservation are
matters and how priorities are established that considerable and local people frequently have other
has been so overlooked in earlier environmental priorities. The notion that every species must be
science. Therefore, we will briey introduce this maintained at all costs is thus a view irrelevant to
topic. many key decision makers.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Local decisions can only balance biodiversity goals personal knowledge, but few decision makers are
with other demands if the values and preferences willing to live for long periods in the communities
of local stakeholders, especially forest dependent they will inuence. What is needed is a practical
communities, are addressed. Local decision makers method or, indeed, a suite of methods, that can
are not the only agents of landscape changes we reduce the understanding gap and provide a
need to consider: outsider-led interventions can comprehensible summary of what actually matters
also lead to major changes for local people and locally. Such approach could also determine what is
the environment. Indeed, from a rural perspective, important, to whom, how much, and why, as well as
a town-based official may be viewed as much a means to make these local values and preferences
of an outsider as an overseas funding agency more understandable and relevant to the decision
or a foreigner-led research project. For many making process.
stakeholders, especially commercial enterprises,
such as timber concessionaires and mining CIFOR research is thus committed to developing an
companies, their preferences and motivations emerging paradigm in biodiversity research that ts
are relatively clear and easily communicated and these key objectives. Its goal is to record and assess
understood. But, when rural communities with the biophysical environment while building clear
strong indigenous cultures are considered, their links to the needs and priorities of key stakeholders.
needs and perceptions remain hidden to most For CIFOR, the key stakeholders are often the
outsiders unless a specic effort is made to uncover poor and forest dependent people that are often
them. neglected in national development strategies. Such
knowledge helps identify the priorities and needs of
Is there a solution to this problem? Ideally, detailed local stakeholders, and identies priorities for both
knowledge would be gained through intimate effective interventions and further research.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
vi Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Amphibians and reptiles are frequently neglected (e.g. OBrien and Fimbel 1999; Rachmatika 2000
in forestry studies. Their role in the ecosystem (unpublished), a similar survey of birds and sh
is often considered to be of low importance. A commissioned by CIFOR). Although amphibians
consequence of this neglect is that little information stay in the forest during daylight, they tend to
about amphibians and reptiles has been recorded concentrate in riparian areas at night (Inger 1980,
from Indonesian forests. To date, in fact, only one Inger and Colwell 1977).
report about the herpeto-fauna of the study area of
Kalimantan has been published, and that deals with The species composition of amphibians can change
snakes alone (Stejneger 1922). very quickly in relation to ecological conditions.
Unfortunately, as of yet very few studies have
Much of the Malinau area is covered by a timber been undertaken in Indonesia (Iskandar 1999a, b;
concession of the government owned company Iskandar and Setyanto 1996, 1999; Iskandar and
PT Inhutani II. It, in connection with CIFOR, has Colijn 2000; Stuebing, Iskandar and Sabky 1999;
experimented with Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) Mistar pers. comm.; Liswanto pers. comm.). In
techniques and comparing their impact with that North Sumatra, logged forests have been found
of Conventional Logging (CL) techniques used to have only about 20% of the individuals found
at present. It was expected that RIL could have in an unlogged forest of the same area (Iskandar
a smaller impact than CL on the ora and fauna 1999a, b). Their abundance is strongly correlated
composition. For this reason, data from various with the amount of forest litter. Logged forests have
groups of species is badly needed. considerable open areas that allow the litter to be
exposed to sunshine, which reduces the rate of litter
Amphibians, in particular, (and some reptiles) decomposition. Closed canopy litter is more humid
are good indicators for assessing forest condition and decomposition proceeds at a much faster rate.
because they are very sensitive to ecological Many insects live in decomposing litter but dry
and climatic change. They are abundant in the litter attracts few insects, making it unattractive
ecotones and easy to observe, so that a quantitative as food sources for reptiles and amphibians. There
analysis can be performed. The number of species are, however, species with a wider tolerance to
is limited (about 160 species in Borneo) and a ecological conditions, or a preference for open
number of guidebook on amphibians are now areas, and deforested areas are frequently invaded
available. Yet information on species composition by these species. A study on this group of species
of amphibians and reptiles remains scattered and has been considered by CIFOR staff on several
records are frequently made by non-herpetologists occasions and eventually nalised in this work.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Aims ofof This
This Study
To prepare an initial checklist of the amphibians To provide the local names of these species when
and reptiles in the area bordered by the Seturan available.
and Rian Rivers.
To identify if any of these species are used by, or
To annotate the list, when possible, with information valued by the people of Langap, Loreh and Seturan
on habitat, life history requirements, and possible and if so why, in what manner and by whom?
vulnerability to harvesting and forest conversion.
This includes comprehensive references to
published information.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
2 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Material andand Methods
The methods are a slight modication of those used For this study the following regions of the Bulungan
by Heyer et al. (1994). In order to obtain sufcient Research Forest (BRF) have been surveyed:
data, we performed quantitative analysis using
quadrats (30 m x width of the river). Each quadrat A small tributary of the Seturan River, about 45
was assessed for three consecutive nights when minutes walk from Seturan base camp. In this
possible. Data obtained from quantitative analysis is stream we set up 17 quadrats. This area is a at
shown in Tables 1 and 2. In addition, we also cruised primary rainforest that was to be logged in the
the forest to obtain qualitative data on species not year 2001.
found in the riparian area. A small tributary of Rian River that was logged
in 1996-1997. Only seven plots were set up
The streams were surveyed during daytime and because of the small stream area.
the quadrats were set up at the same time. The A stream behind the Seturan camp consisting of
river was mapped to sufcient detail so that the a strip of about 200 m, or about seven quadrats,
nighttime research could be performed without and the search was then continued onto the
much difculty. Only streams wider than 5 m but banks of Seturan River.
less than 15 m seem suitable. Larger streams or A stream near Inhutani Camp (Plot 39),
rivers were unsuitable, because the currents were consisting of a strip of 11 quadrats.
too strong and the water was too deep to allow work A stream at the left side of the road from Seturan
at night. Streams with too many logs were also camp, a small tributary of Rian River, probably
unsuitable for work at night. In addition streams connected with stream from Plot 39. This is
with stagnant water or intermittent ow were not outside the logging area and a relatively well-
used because it was very difcult to design plots covered gallery primary forest.
of equal length and width and, as a result, nearly
impossible to accurately assess the abundance. In addition, we incorporated the data obtained
from two student interns from Aberdeen (Lang
Information was not gathered during nights with and Hubble 2000, 2001 unpublished; Lang 2002
heavy rains, because of the risk of being washed unpublished). Because of the frequent rain, usually
away, the danger posed by oating debris, and a short survey was performed after the heavy
poor visibility. Tree buttress searches were also rainy night, although this was not performed
performed during the mornings. quantitatively.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Table 1. The increase in number of species during the survey
Species\days 1 2 3 4 5 8 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 70
Found 16 18 18 21 24 26 29 32 35 37 40 42 45 48 49 53 76
Reported 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 18 20 21
Total 21 25 26 29 32 34 37 40 43 45 48 50 53 64 67 73 97
Note: Data from day 25-70 are from Hubble and Lang (pers. comm.)
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
4 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
1. Checklist of Species
Extensive scientic literatures have been compiled nguang, while those from Loreh (Merap, Kenyah
by Das (1998) and Iskandar and Colijn (2003). All or Punan and probably Putuk) call all large frogs
frog species can be identied using books by Inger saai. This last name is also used by people in Sabah,
(1966), Inger and Stuebing (1989, 1997, 1999), Kadazan - Dusun for large edible frogs (Stuebings
Berry (1975), Iskandar (1998a, b). For reptiles, the pers. comm.). Other Punan use the name preeh for
two books by de Rooij (1915, 1917) are the only small frogs and bunong for medium sized frogs.
references available that cover the whole region
(though they are out of print and 75% out of date). ANURA
Turtles can be identied using Lim and Das (2000), Bufonidae:
Moll and Sharma (2000), or Iskandar (2000), which 1. Bufo juxtasper (jaui)
also includes crocodiles. Snakes can be identied A very large plump toad, up to 30 cm in size.
using the Stuebing and Inger (1999) guidebook Colour: dull-blackish, with or without darker
or David and Vogel (1997) for species that occur parts. The species frequents running waters such
in Sumatra (and partly in Borneo). Inger and Tan as streams or big rivers. Usually found submerged
(1996) illustrate some lizards, snakes and frogs that in the river during daylight. It is not found around
are common in Sabah, but the book is difcult to use Rian or Seturan River, but reported from more
as a source of identication. A beautiful and useful remote areas in the forest. The species, as a toad,
book by Manthey and Grossmann (1997), written has poisonous skin and pungent smell. Because of
in German, lists most amphibians and reptiles of its large size, it is sometimes eaten if it is carefully
Southeast Asia, describing and illustrating about skinned (avoiding contact between the outer layer
40% of the known species of Kalimantan. A book of the skin and the esh).
by Chanard et al. (1999) lists all amphibians and
reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand, which Megophryidae:
could be useful. Iskandar and Colijn (2000, 2002) 2. Megophrys nasuta (nguang)
recently published a complete amphibian and snake A toad like species that has smooth skin, as well as a
list of Southeast Asia. remarkably long and pointed protrusion of skin fold
on the upper eyelid and at the tip of the snout. Colour:
A. Locally reported species reddish brown like dead leaves. Call: a single note
In this section, only species that were not observed (kang). During dark moon, its call is repeated once
directly during this study are discussed. Data on every 30 minutes, but during mating season (full
species obtained from direct observation will be moon period) the intervals are about once every 30
discussed in the next section. seconds. The species is usually hidden among dead
leaves and litter. It does not jump away if disturbed,
AMPHIBIA but hops away if touched. The species only enters
People from Langap and Seturan call most frogs the river during breeding season. The species was
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
not observed nor heard in Seturan and Rian Rivers, lowland forest. It is completely absent around
but reported from more remote areas. human habitation.
Ranidae: Lacertidae:
3. Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (saai Taiwan) 6. Takydromus sexlineatus (kadal ekor panjang)
This is a medium sized frog (up to 10 cm) with A very slender lizard with a very long tail (about 3-5
smooth skin, although the dorsum has numerous, times its body length). It is a relatively small species;
short, elongated ridges. It has brownish or yellowish the head and body length is about 5-7 cm and the
green colouration with white ventral and small scales are strongly keeled. The body colouration is
black spots on the gular region. We have no idea golden brown or greenish with several white stripes
how far this species has spread. Matsui (1979) rst along the back. The species inhabits open areas
reported it from Sabah in 1978. The species was such as elds and alang-alang grassland. It feeds
brought to North Borneo in order to be ranched, but on small insects.
later escaped in the wild. It is occasionally hunted
for food. In East Kalimantan the local people claim Varanidae:
that they rst observed the species around 1997. 7. Varanus rudicollis (kabok)
It can be concluded that the species needed about A terrestrial or arboreal monitor that is reported to
20 years to spread from Northwest Sabah to East attain about 2 m. The body is completely black or
Kalimantan. This involves a distance of about 400- with some reddish hue on the head, the neck has
700 km depending on the route taken. If the route enlarged and strongly keeled scales. The species is
followed the shoreline then the distance would usually arboreal and can be found far away from the
be 650-700 km. However, because the species is river. It feeds on birds, small mammals, and some
apparently absent from the shoreline area of Tawau, amphibians and reptiles. It is hunted for food when
a shorter possible path of dispersal could be from encountered. This species is probably also known as
Keningau (where it is abundant) through Sapulut, bucou, a name that would appear to apply when an
down to Tanjung Selor (Stuebings pers. comm.): a animal is still about half of its adult size. Unless it is
distance of about 400 km. If this is true, it migrated a wholly new species there are no other candidates.
at a speed of about 20 km per year southwards to Local people claim that this smaller lizard is
East Kalimantan. Unfortunately, we were unable to different from Varanus rudicollis. They claim that
conrm this nding. their hunting dogs die almost instantly after being
bitten by it. This phenomenon is similar to the
4. Limnonectes ingeri (saai) fact that V. komodoensis has a number of virulent
A large frog (up to about 15 cm) with smooth skin. microbe species in its mouth that can inict death
Colour: dorsum reddish brown; ventrum: cream on bitten animals. From a literature search, only
and nely spotted with black. Snout rounded, sides one other species is known from Borneo, Varanus
of the snout convex, ventral skin slightly granular. heteropholis (or Varanus dumerilli heteropholis),
Habitat: swampy area. The species has not been seen but the colour is greyish-black. It is also eaten after
around Seturan and Rian Rivers, but the local people skinning.
reported its presence. It is occasionally hunted for
food. The species was described from Sabah and OPHIDIA
found to be present in Kayan Mentarang National Acrochordidae:
Park (Stuebing pers. comm.), hence its occurrence 8. Acrochordus javanicus (okat)
is certainly plausible. This is a very sluggish aquatic snake. Outside the
water, it is practically helpless. The skin is very
REPTILIA rough, covered with tiny spinose scales. It can attain
SQUAMATA a size of about 120 cm, and weigh more than one kg.
Agamidae: The body colouration is greyish-black with some
5. Draco quinquefasciatus (takang) mottles. The species is considered a pest in sheries
A greenish ying dragon with black and orange and ponds. Otherwise its skin is highly prized in
banded patangium. The species is known from Java and Sumatra; exploited for golf gloves. The
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
6 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
species is ovoviviparous and can give birth to about Cylindrophiidae:
40 siblings in a single clutch. Although it is largish 13. Cylindrophis ruffus
snake, local people do not eat this species. A small non poisonous snake, famous for having
a second head, because if disturbed, the species
Colubridae: attens its body and raises its red coloured tail to
9. Boiga dendrophila mimic its head. The species has a general size of
This species can attain about 2 m in length and about 40 cm, and feeds on other snakes. The body is
is characterized by its distinctive colouration: usually blackish with some reddish or white bands.
black with narrow, yellow rings. It lives in trees It gives birth to about two siblings.
near the rivers and feeds chiey on mammals and
birds. Although usually found high in the tree, the Elapidae:
species descends to the ground at night. It is mildly 14. Bungarus aviceps
poisonous and is avoided by local people. The red-headed krait can attain about 2 m. It is
actually a rather sluggish species, but it is very
10. Chrysopelea paradisii poisonous, with a long poison gland that extends
This paradise tree snake is a small mildly into the body cavity much like Maticora. The body
poisonous species. It is green with a series of four is black but each scale has some small white dots at
red scales all along the vertebral region, that makes the borders, and it has a red tail. It is very similar in
it one of the most colourful snakes of Borneo. colouration to the smaller Maticora bivirgata that
The species usually lives high in the canopy in has red head and tail, with a bluish body instead
the primary forest and it is capable of fall-gliding of black. Bungarus is believed to feed on small
between trees. It feeds chiey on small lizards, and mammals.
occasionally on frogs.
15. Maticora intestinalis
11. Oligodon spp. This is the smallest species of the poisonous cobra
A group of small snakes (more than 50 species family and it measures at most 30 cm. The underside
worldwide) that coil up their tails when disturbed of the tail is red and the ventral scales are black and
or molested. They rarely attain more than 40 cm. red in alternating position. The head is black and has
Although they are harmless, the species have very two stripes at the sides, continued as a single stripe
sharp teeth, used to slit reptile eggs open and eat onto the vertebral region. Some populations have
their contents. Therefore, live specimens could not three stripes on the back. The dorsum is basically
be kept in a plastic bag. There are numerous similar black. When molested, it raises its tail mimicking
species of Oligodon in Southeast Asia, hence it is the head much like Cylindrophis. Although it is
difcult to identify the species to specic level. The highly poisonous and has the largest venom gland
species is non-poisonous. in the world (75% of the body length), its head is
so tiny that it prevents from biting larger species
Crotalidae: including human beings. It lives underground and
12. Trimeresurus albolabris feeds on worms and termites.
A green snake with a red tail, total length about 60
cm. It is characterised by its triangular head with a 16. Ophiophagus hannah
relatively slender neck. This could also be attributed The king cobra is the largest and amongst the most
to T. albolabris, T. popeiorum, T. sumatranus, T. poisonous terrestrial snakes in the world. The
malcolmi or Tropidolaemus wagleri, though the body colouration is usually blackish or brownish.
last three species can attain a much larger size. It is Juveniles have narrow, oblique light bands on the
poisonous and can give a nasty bite that can cause body that disappear with age. In adults, the scales
painful swelling that lasts for more than a week. It of about one third of the body and the tail are edged
is usually arboreal, but also very often found in the with black. It feeds on small mammals and has a
lower levels of the forest canopy. It feeds on small particular appetite for other snakes. The species is
rodents, birds, and lizards. This snake species is one found in primary rainforest and also in open areas.
of the few snakes that gives birth. The female is very aggressive during reproduction
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
and guards her eggs and newly hatched young. A be Amyda, it is more appropriate to link the record
king cobra mother will chase people aggressively, to Pelochelys, because Amyda rarely measures over
and is perhaps the most threatening and truly 1 meter. A photograph of a large specimen supports
dangerous animal in the Borneo forests. my supposition (Stuebing pers. comm., the specimen
is in the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB)
Pythonidae: collection). It is exploited for food locally and is
17. Python curtus (lepung boot, bongi) now considered as rare; IUCN even considers it
A relatively short plump python. Colour: blackish to critically endangered. The taxonomy is unsettled,
orange with some darker orange or reddish brown and it is unclear whether there is one or perhaps
blotches. Its colouration makes this species very even more than three species occurring in Southeast
sought after, by both the leather industry and local Asia. This species is reported in Long Loreh, but
hunters. The species habitat is semi fossorial (living not from Seturan. A previously preserved specimen
beneath ground) and during daylight is often found was obtained from Kutai.
in a rat burrows. It is extremely rare in the forest,
but can be very abundant in oil-palm plantations. CROCODYLIA
Compared to the reticulated python, this species is Crocodylidae:
considered aggressive. 21. Crocodylus porosus
Another CIFOR team working in other villages
Typhlopidae: conrmed the occurrence of a crocodile species in
18. Ramphotyphlops braminus the Rian and Seturan Rivers. Two specimens were
The species is reported as small species, not longer recorded. A small specimen of about 1 m was been
than 150 mm with diameter usually less than 5 mm, captured in Seturan River several years ago. Another
and capable of rapid movement. Colour: blackish, specimen of about 2 m has been sighted recently in
glistening and worm-like. Habitat: burrows into Rian River close to Long Loreh when our boat was
the ground. It is usually found while turning over passing by. It was observed basking at the riverbank
leaf litter or digging. It is the only snake species and sliding down into the water when the boat
in Southeast Asia that is an all female species (i.e. approached. Based on the description and habitat
parthenogenic). The species have a very wide - around brackish water - the species identication is
distribution in the tropical region, extending from relatively certain. The species is hunted for its skin,
Africa, Asia up to Central America. which is highly valued, despite an older tradition of
living peacefully with crocodiles.
Geoemydidae: B. Species obtained during the survey
19. Orlitia borneensis AMPHIBIA
This is the largest terrapin in Southeast Asia and ANURA
can measure up to 120 cm (weighing about 100 Bufonidae:
kg), although it is commonly only about 80 cm. 22. Ansonia albomaculata
The carapace is uniform black and smooth. The This is a small toad approximately 20 mm in size.
plastron is uniformly cream without any darker area. It is principally reddish, with a small whitish spot
It feeds on leaves, fruits and large seeds. The species below each eye. Only one specimen was captured,
is recently considered to be an endangered species in low-lying vegetation by the camp on the bank of
because of excessive exportation to South China Seturan River, where it was vocalising. It feeds on
from all over Southeast Asia for food. Specimens small insects. It matches A. albomaculata, which was
have been reported from around Long Loreh, and also reported to be present in relatively large rivers,
from Malinau, an area with a slight brackish and but differs in having light tubercles along the dorso-
tidal inuence. lateral region. These tubercles were not found on our
specimen, thus our identication remains tentative.
20. Pelochelys cantorii (?) (kerabang) 23. Ansonia leptopus
This is a large soft-shelled turtle. Although it could This species was located in only one site, but is
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
8 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
found all over Borneo. This is a relatively slender 25. Bufo asper (laak)
toad, about 25-35 mm. As is true for most toads, the This is a very common toad, found in many riverside
skin is covered by numerous large bumps. Under the habitats (from primary rainforests to the cities with
margin of the lower jaw, we could observe about two polluted water). The body colouration is usually
rows of black spines. This species is very similar to greyish-brown. Some specimens, especially the
A. longidigita that has four rows of black spines at juveniles and half-grown specimens, often have
the lower jaw margin. black patterns on their backs. Adults can reach
a size of more than 12 cm, but are usually less
24. Ansonia sp. than that. The species was very common and the
This small toad has an overall blackish body frequency of occurrence was 3/54 quadrats in
colouration with a white spot at the middle of the Temalang River (Table 3). Up to 4 individuals were
shoulder. The skin is covered with small, but pointed, found in quadrats VI and VII of Rian River, but the
tubercles. This specimen was similar to A. leptopus, frequency was relatively higher (5/21 quadrats) in
though A. leptopus is larger in size and the body Rian River. Apparently the uneven distribution (in
colouration is usually brown, not black. The white several plots only and up to 4 individuals) is related
shoulder spot is also found in A. spinulifer, A. inthanon to reproductive behaviour (breeding season), and
and A. siamensis but the skin texture of these species not linked to habitat. Most if not all specimens were
is extremely rough and spiny. The specimen was found on the riverbank up to 2 m from the waterside,
captured among large stones in the Seturan River. either on the soil (11), on a large trunk (1) and on a
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
boulder in the river (1). Near the camp, specimens at the riverbanks of the gallery forest at Rian River.
were found on the riverbank (4), on a boulder or a It was suggested that they were moving to the river
large stone in the river (2) and on a tree trunk (3). to breed. They are common from sea level to above
1000 m, though records from other areas in Borneo
26. Bufo divergens (saai, nguang) need verication. Our specimens were collected
We found only two specimens of this medium sized about 100 km from the type locality, so we can be
toad which is usually less than 55 mm. The rst one condent in their taxonomy. There were a lot of
was collected in the forest behind the camp, and specimens from other places that were identied as
the second one came from Long Loreh, collected this species, but as the ventral colouration is either
by the children (and thus has no habitat record). immaculate or covered with small black spots (not
It is brownish to reddish and has a pair of ridges heavily blotched as our specimens) it is not clear
between and behind the eyes. The dorsum has that they were in fact of the same species. The dorsal
some symmetrical dark markings, similar to some colouration of this species varies from completely
juveniles of Bufo asper. black to dark-brown with darker or lighter blotching.
A detailed analysis is in progress.
27. Pedostibes hosii (saai, nguang)
A yellowish brown to brownish arboreal toad. Males 30. Leptolalax gracilis (saai, nguang)
usually measure up to 78 mm, while females can A single specimen of this tiny frog was found not far
attain a size of 105 mm. Some females are blackish from a tributary near the Rian River. Colour: limbs
with a few greenish or yellowish spots. A thick are blackish, although the elbows are white. The
bony ridge is present above each ear and connected dorsum has few bumps and some short, elongated
with the parotoid gland which is rather small. The ridges. Members of this genus have a particular
ngers and toes have truncated tips. The skin is venation of the iris that might be of diagnostic value.
rather smooth for a toad and has few tubercles. This characteristic is only evident during daylight
The species is not very common. We collected only and cannot be observed at night, because the pupils
two specimens in 51 quadrats in the tributary of are widely dilated.
Temalang River, one in 21 quadrats in Rian I River
and one other specimen along the Stream 27 near 31. Leptolalax pictus (saai, nguang)
the camp. All specimens were found on the ground, A specimen was found in Stream 27. It was caught
despite its arboreal habitat. at the riverbank of a small stream near the camp. It
is essentially blackish like Leptolalax gracilis, but
Megophryidae: lacking the diagnostic features commonly associated
28. Leptobrachella myobergi with that species. Only L. pictus has this kind of
This species was recorded by the Aberdeen team colouration, but this species has only been recorded
after I left the locality. It was rare and recorded in at altitudes above 1850 m, so that this species has a
only three transect sites. This is a relatively tiny more extensive range than previously thought.
species; adults measure about 15-18 mm and have
a reddish brown colour without distinct markings. Microhylidae:
The species can be easily identied by its practically 32. Chaperina fusca
webless toes and by its small size. The nger and This safran frog has a yellow coloured ventrum.
toe tips are essentially conical and pointed. When handled, the yellow stain on the ventrum
transfers to your hand. It is frequently found in
29. Leptobrachium abbotti (saai, nguang) puddles with putrefying plant materials. Only one
This litter frog is commonly associated with leaf specimen was found in the survey.
litter and is rarely captured. Its relatively black
colouration blends very well with the background. 33. Metaphrynella sundana (saai, nguang)
The species rarely jumps and only hops if disturbed. This species is about 25-30 mm. It is brownish
Because of its secretive habits, the litter frog is without distinctive pattern, but the soles have a
usually caught by pitfall traps, but rarely found large tubercle at the base of each nger. It was only
during night searches. The specimens were collected recorded at one site and represented by just a single
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
10 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
specimen. The species is rarely encountered in 38. Limnonectes kuhlii form 2 (saai, nguang)
Borneo and is identied by its male call. The species This is a small brownish species, measuring about
is arboreal and usually found in small water bodies, 60 mm. The skin is heavily tuberculated on the
e.g. in bamboo stumps or tree holes. hind limbs and posterior part of the dorsum, but
the underside parts are essentially smooth. It is
34. Microhyla borneensis a member of a very large species complex that
It is a small, dark brown frog of about 22 mm in size includes about 20 morphological forms, extending
with dark, blurred markings on the dorsum in a form from China and India up to Borneo and Java. The
of a double arrowhead. The species is very agile and species is found in very shallow, stagnant to slow
able to jump over 2 m, and well camouaged which moving waters near the riverbanks. This was a
makes capture difcult. They are not rare. relatively common species and was found in every
surveyed river.
35. Fejervarya cancrivora (saai, bilang) 39. Limnonectes leporinus (saai, nguang)
A number of specimens were collected from A large sized frog (about 15 cm) with reddish brown
around Long Loreh village. This was commonly to blackish colouration and some mottling on the
in rice elds, and never encountered in the forest. back. Its limbs are very long and the toe webbing is
The species can attain a size of about 12 cm. The nearly complete. This is the most common species
body is plump, limbs moderately eshly, dorsum in the region and is known to be edible by most
usually greenish or greyish-green with some darker local people. We collected 31 specimens (mostly
mottlings. The dorsum skin is usually ornamented juveniles), the majority of which (29) were found
with elongated, longitudinally oriented ridges. in the soil or river-banks up to 2 m from the water
border; the other two specimens were perching on
36. Limnonectes nchi (saai, nguang) a boulder in the river. Its frequency of occurrence
Although this species was only represented by two is 14 of 51 quadrats in Temalang River tributary; 9
specimens, we expected it to be more commonly of 21 quadrats in Rian River tributary.
found in the forest because it is known to lay eggs
on the ground. It is a brownish species, hardly 40. Limnonectes palavanensis (saai, nguang)
distinguishable from juveniles of L. leporinus. The Three specimens have been collected from three
only reliable characteristic that is easily observed is different sites, implying that this is not a common
the reduced toe webbing. The dorsum is moderately species. The species is very similar to L. nchi in
ornamented with tubercles, although it still has a having reduced webbings and of its size, but this
relatively smooth appearance. The dorsum is usually species has a relatively smooth skin and a pair
dark brown with some blackish mottling, while the of dorsolateral folds. On the back, between the
gular region (underside the lower jaw) is usually scapulas, usually there is an inverted V tubercle.
moderately blotched with black. It is a litter frog
that lives near riverbanks. Males guard the eggs 41. Limnonectes paramacrodon (saai, nguang)
and bring tadpoles to the water by transporting them A medium small species with very smooth skin and
on their back. Although common in forest litter, uniform reddish brown to dark brown colouration.
several specimens were observed in the understorey The tympanums are usually masked with black
vegetation (>50 cm above the ground). and the gular is usually heavily dusted with dark
pigment. The limbs have reduced webbing much
37. Limnonectes ibanorum (saai, nguang) like L. nchi. It is easily distinguished from that
A plump frog, with a size of up 13.5 cm. It is easily species by its larger size, smoother dorsum, dusted
distinguished from the other members of the genus gular and the presence of a black tympanic mask.
by its few short ridges on the dorsum. The gular This species was particularly abundant in Stream
region is usually boldly mottled with black. We 27, but conned to the muddy section present in
only collected four specimens, two in Rian River I several quadrats only. In other streams or rivers,
and two in Stream 27. Local people appreciate this the species was very badly represented.
species as edible.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
42. Meristogenys phaeomerus (saai, nguang) 46. Rana picturata (saai, nguang)
This species was found by the Aberdeen team. It A small, black with numerous reddish spots frog
is one of the most common species of the genus in that is always found at the border of a stream. Its
Borneo. It is a relatively small frog (males about 30 colouration is so distinctive. Females are slight
mm; females about 60-70 mm). The hind limbs are bigger compared to the males. Breeding usually
extremely long and slender. Its knees usually extend occurs in small sidepools all year around. Usually
beyond the level of the insertion of fore limbs. The males are easy to collect due to its vocalisation and
species has a pair of vocal pouches, situated near the ecological behaviour (always along streams), but
corners of the mouth. Males are usually aggregated females stay in the forest until the breeding period.
near the riverbanks, but the females are difcult to
nd outside the breeding season. 47. Rana raniceps (saai, nguang)
(=Rana chalconota raniceps)
43. Meristogenys whiteheadi (saai, nguang) A small frog, similar in size to Rana nicobariensis
This slender species of frog has very long legs, with (40 mm), though females are usually slightly larger.
heels that are strongly overlapping when placed at a It is greenish with red hind limbs. Though its back
right angle to the body. The males have a pair of vocal is green at night, it usually changes to brown during
pouches at the sides of their mouths. The dorsum the day. The legs are slender and long; the toes are
is smooth, dark coloured and basically featureless. fully webbed. This species is commonly found
Adults of this genus are very hard to differentiate, in garden areas, but also found in primary forest
and identication is most easily accomplished at the perching in shrubs or small trees.
tadpole stage, where differences are most notable.
48. Staurois guttatus (saai, nguang)
44. Rana hosii (malih) A small species of frog, with males measuring about
This is a large forest frog commonly found in low 30-37 mm and females 44-55 mm. It is a beautiful
level forest vegetation near riverbanks in primary species with dark green spots on a golden dorsum
forest, but it is also abundant in disturbed forest or and a jade green ventrum - even its bones have a
secondary forest. The male is much smaller than green pigment. The iris has a blue and red part on
the female. The maximum size of an adult female the upper side. Iskandar and Colijn (2000) consider
is about 12 cm, while the male is usually less than that the Bornean and Palawan populations belong
6.5 cm. The dorsum colouration varies from green to this species while those from other parts of the
to brownish or even blue. Some populations, green Philippines belong to S. natator. This distinction
spotted with dark green or nearly black dorsums. The is based on differences in colouration (dorsum
skin of this frog is poisonous; other frogs that were usually uniform), size (females of S. natator are
kept together with it usually died within minutes. smaller compared to S. guttatus), egg colouration
The toxin is generally harmless to humans except (white in S. guttatus, blackish in S. natator) and
if it comes in contact with the eyes. some morphometrical measurements (Inger 1954,
1966). The species was usually collected perching
45. Rana nicobariensis (saai, nguang) on branches or leaves in the lower storey of the
This is a small slender frog with a narrow and pointed forest, usually at the riverbanks. According to
head. The males only measure about 47 mm, females Diesmos (pers. comm.) the Philippine population
are about 5 mm larger. The sides are usually darker assigned to S. natator is more likely to be a complex
than the dorsal region, the back is usually golden of several species.
brown with some black mottling or darker regions.
Although the species is very common in swampy 49. Staurois latopalmatus (saai, nguang)
areas and ditches, it usually requires relatively clear, A medium sized blackish frog with white dots. Its
unpolluted water, and is thus a good indicator of limbs and hands are long; nger and toe tips have
disturbed habitat. Rana nicobariensis mates and very wide expanded disks; snout is extremely short.
vocalises year around. Males usually aggregate to This species usually lives along rivers with a very
make a loud nocturnal chorus, especially when the swift current, especially those with a stony bank in
moon is bright. midrange forest.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
12 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
50. Staurois tuberlinguis (saai, nguang) 55. Rhacophorus harrissoni (saai, nguang)
Although usually recorded at altitudes above 300 This lowland tree frog is rare outside forests. It is
m, we obtained several specimens from three greyish, though the sides of its head and the webbing
different sample sites below 50 m asl. Similar to of its digits is dark. Its snout is pointed. It is found
Staurois guttatus this species has greenish muscles in both primary and secondary forest. The species
and bones, but it has smaller size and tuberculated rarely breeds on the ground. The tadpoles are found
skin. in tree holes about 1-4 m from the ground. The
occurrence of this species in Malinau is the rst
Rhacophoridae: record outside Sabah and Sarawak.
51. Nyctixalus pictus (saai, nguang)
This small red tree frog is covered with small 56. Rhacophorus nigropalmatus
tubercles, each covered with a hair-like structure. The species is well known as Wallaces ying frog.
The canthal region of the snout is usually armed It is relatively large with males measuring about 80-
with a white stripe. Although not very common, 90 mm and females up to 90-100 mm. The overall
the species is always present among collections and body colouration is green with white dots and black
usually found in lowland forest. webbings. Local people describe it as occurring in
the forest. It occurs in low elevation primary forest
52. Polypedates leucomystax (saai, nguang) and lives in the canopy, descending only to breed
A medium tree frog, with males reaching about in turbid waters provided by temporary ponds or
30 mm and females up to 70 mm. They are pig wallow. Single specimen was collected by the
distinguished by a narrow dark black band at the Aberdeen team.
sides of the head that does not cover the eardrums,
and sometimes four ne black stripes on the back. 57. Rhacophorus pardalis (saai, nguang)
Its skin is essentially smooth, with wide-tipped This is a medium sized tree frog, with males
digits, and a scalp that is co-ossied with the skull. measuring 55 mm and females up to 70 mm. The
This species is usually found in disturbed areas and overall body colouration is reddish brown with
rarely in primary forest. some darker marbling on the back and bright red
webbing between its digits. It is a procient glider,
53. Polypedates macrotis (saai, nguang) like the Wallace tree frog. Although it can be found
A medium tree frog, with males reaching 60 mm in marshes, the species is tightly bound to closed
and females up to about 85 mm. The dorsum is canopy humid forest where it can be extremely
either uniform or marked with a pair of dark bands abundant along streams. Populations are very scarce
that cover the eardrums. The skin is essentially in disturbed forests.
smooth, with wide-tipped digits with broad tips.
This species is found in both lowland primary GYMNOPHIONA
forests and disturbed areas, thus its occurrence does Ichthyophiidae:
not automatically serve as an indicator of forest 58. Ichthyophis sp.
degradation. This worm-like amphibian is uniformly dark brown,
bluish or blackish with a yellow band at the sides.
54. Polypedates otilophus (saai, nguang) Its length can reach 25 cm and the body diameter
This is a medium sized tree frog with males reaching is usually less than 1 cm. It is usually misidentied
80 mm and females up to 100 mm. The dorsal as a worm or a small eel. The body is extremely
colouration varies from light brown or grey up to slippery and difcult to hold. This group of species
bright yellow. It is distinguished by the presence of is found in damp places near the river. Larvae
a saw edged bony ridge above the ears. The inner live exclusively in the river, especially among
sides of the hind limbs have black and white (or leaf litter. Juvenile specimens were collected in
yellowish) stripes. This species, like Polypedates a shallow part of the river and in leaf litter at the
macrotis, lives in primary forest as well as in sides of river. Adult specimens were collected in wet
disturbed areas, including plantations; it does not sandy soil near the river and on the ground around
do well in captivity. the Seturan camp after heavy rain. In Malinau, a
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
juvenile specimen was captured by electroshing markings on the back while the other two house
(Rahmatika 1998, unpublished). When squeezed, gecko species (Hemidactylus frenatus and Gehyra
it emits a soft chirping sound exactly like a cicak mutilata) are either immaculate or with very ne
(house gecko). There is no evidence that these marks. It is quite common in Long Loreh and also
species vocalise except when molested. seen in Paya Seturan and Langap, though it was not
observed in the camp area. The species is tightly
REPTILIA bound to human settlement and has a very wide
SQUAMATA distribution in the tropical region of Southeast Asia
Agamidae: and Australia. At present we have only found this
59. Bronchocela cristatella (takang) species of house gecko, but it is merely a matter
A very widespread agamid, found throughout the of time before H. frenatus and G. mutilata will be
mainland of Southeast Asia and through Indonesia observed in this area, as they are nearly always
to New Guinea. Its body length is about 10 cm, with reported among human settlements, and are even
a tail that measures nearly twice as long. The overall more common than Cosymbotus platyurus.
colouration is green, sometimes with small blue
dots oriented in a transverse line to the body and 63. Cyrtodactylus malayanus
a very small crest on the neck. The species is very A slender gecko without enlarged digits, better
common in secondary forest and disturbed areas, known as bent-toe gecko. The specimen was
including near human habitation, but is not found in relatively small (presumed juvenile). The overall
cities. The eggs are oval, about 6 mm in length, and body colouration is greyish brown with several
usually placed in a hole dug in the soil by females blackish blotches traversing both sides of the
forelimbs. The species feeds on small insects. dorsum. The specimen was found foraging near the
riverbank, but otherwise it is an arboreal species that
60. Draco cornutus (takang) only occurs in the understorey. Borneo has about a
This species is also known as the ying dragon. dozen species of the genus of bent-toe geckos. Most
The colouration is greyish blue and the underside bent-toe geckos are generally only present in either
of the patangiums (wings) are spotted with black. primary or secondary forests, but some species
The male has an orange dewlap, while the gorge might have an exceptionally wider distribution and
of the females is usually greyish blue. The ying can be found in plantations.
dragon commonly lives in trees; however, somewhat
unusually, it is often found in areas close to human 64. Gekko smithi (heard only)
habitation, such as gardens or towns. Only two oval A large forest gecko with a body length of about
eggs about 8 mm in length are laid in a single clutch. 16 cm, and tail of more or less similar dimensions.
The species feeds on ants and termites. It has a greyish, black body colouration, and the
dorsum is usually covered with several transverse
61. Gonocephalus grandis (takang, puan - seen only) white tubercles. It is commonly found on large tree
The body colouration of the juveniles and young trunks and lays eggs in tree holes. The species is
females is brown with bold black blotches. The found in both primary forest and secondary forest,
adult males are uniformly green and have a strongly but never among human habitations.
developed crest on the nape and the vertebral row;
the females have no crest. This species is found in Scincidae:
the gallery and secondary forests. At night they are Although this reptilian family is widely found in
often found sleeping in plants overhanging the river, Indonesia, including Borneo, it is surprising that
and are much more widely seen than other species of only few members of this family were observed
this genus which live high in the canopy. The clutch during this study.
size is 4-8 eggs, and usually buried in the soil. 65. Lipinia quadrivittata (seen only)
This arboreal skink is only about 7-10 cm long.
Gekkonidae: It is bluish black with three white stripes on the
62. Cosymbotus platyurus dorsum and a cream coloured tail. Another specic
This house gecko is easily recognised by the dark characteristic is that the ear opening is not visibly
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
14 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
evident, and covered by scales and can be located or yellowish stripes along each side of the ventral
by a shallow depression at the side of the head. scales. The species is arboreal and feeds on lizards,
especially agamids but also skinks or tree frogs. It
66. Mabuya rudis (teliap, belang) is mildly poisonous, though local children were
This is a medium large skink species, with a seen on one occasion playing with this snake at
body length of about 15 cm and a tail of similar school. A botanist working with CIFOR collected
dimensions. The overall colouration is black with this specimen when working in a forest plot.
a white stripe on each side of the head and body,
situated dorsolaterally. The scales have about three 71. Amphiesma sp.
weak keels so that it has the general appearance of a This specimen was found during the last night,
rough-skinned skink. This species is very common swimming in a small stream. The checker pattern
in disturbed areas, and was only found in the areas matched Amphiesma sarawacensis, but its reddish
around the camp. colouration might apply to other species; therefore,
the specimen needs reidentication.
67. Sphenomorphus sabanus
This is a medium small sized species of about 60 72. Boiga cynodon
mm. The dorsum is usually reddish brown and the A large yellow or cream tree snake with black
slender tail is usually dark brown. This skink, like bands. It is most common in disturbed areas, and
other species, is difcult to identify because of the commonly feeds on warm-blooded animals such as
subtle scale characteristics. This species was only small birds and mammals.
found in the forest.
73. Boiga jaspidea
68. Tropidophorus brookei (teliap) The specimen was found while traversing a logging
This skink is slightly smaller than Mabuya rudis (30 road. Its colour is brownish with a lot of small
cm, body and tail), and has a compressed tail that elongated black spots, oriented traverse along the
serves as a rudder when swimming in the water. It back. It is a relatively long (up to 150 cm) and
also has very strongly keeled scales. The underlying slender snake with a relatively blunt head, much
colouration is greyish-green, with some ill-dened wider than its neck. The species is usually arboreal
black bars on the back and the tail. This water-bound and lives in vegetation up to about 1.50 m from the
species is usually found hiding in the leaf litter near ground. It feeds on small lizards and frogs.
the riverbanks. We collected only one specimen.
74. Boiga nigriceps
Varanidae: This is a slender back-fanged snake with a relatively
69. Varanus salvator (aluh, padang - seen only) long tail. The head is blackish, but the other parts
This large lizard, commonly known as biawak, of the body vary from reddish, brownish to greyish
or water monitor can attain a length of nearly 3 brown with some darker narrow bars on each side
m, although the common size is only about 150 of the body. The specimen was found coiled in an
cm. The body colouration is black with transverse arboreal nest on branches hanging over the river.
rows of yellow spots or blotches. The tail is banded It feeds on small birds, lizards and occasionally on
with yellow and black. It was mostly found on the small rodents.
riverbanks and seen traversing logging roads. It
feeds on birds, small reptiles, amphibians and small 75. Calamaria bicolor
mammals. It is a very small snake that is rarely longer than
30 cm. Its dorsum is dark brown with a brick-red
OPHIDIA ventrum. It is non-poisonous and rather common.
Colubridae: However, it should be noted that the genus has
70. Ahaetulla prasina about 56 species, many known from few records.
This green snake has a slender body and tail. It The species is semi-fossorial and believed to feed on
can reach lengths of about 150 cm. The overall worms or termites. This specimen was collected in a
colouration is mat light green with white, cream forest plot by a member of the botanist team.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
76. Calamaria sp. 1 80. Enhydris doriae
An unclassified species similar to Calamaria A mildly poisonous, grey snake that seldom leaves
bicolor, though the colour of the dorsum is grey, the water. The species is a nocturnal forager and
with a white/cream ventrum, not brick red and it has feeds chiey on sh, thus it is considered a sh pest
a slightly longer body length (40 cm). The species is in ponds, and is caught in shnets (bubu). During
semi-fossorial and believed to feed on earthworms the day it burrows in the muddy river bottoms. In
or termites. It is harmless and rather common. Two some areas this species can be abundant, especially
specimens were collected in the forest, one when in the stagnant or slow moving water of rice elds
digging for earthworms and the other one in the or ponds.
forest plot, by a member of the botanist team.
81. Gonyosoma oxycephalum
77. Dendrelaphis caudolineatus (seen only) A large snake measuring more than 150 cm. It is
A very long and slender snake that can attain a green in colour with a reddish-brown or greyish
length of about 2 m, with a diameter not more tail and a slightly lighter green head. While it is an
than 3 cm. The dorsum is reddish with golden and arboreal species, it is often found on the ground.
black stripes or vice versa. It is an arboreal species, Rachmatika (2000 unpublished) reported this
capable of climbing vertical tree stems, but can species as an unknown caught in her sh study in
move quickly on the ground. It can be found in the area. It is non-poisonous, and feeds chiey on
various habitats from primary forest to disturbed frogs and lizards.
area such as plantation or human habitations, but
is rarely found in the villages. This specimen was 82. Lepturophis albofuscus
observed several times in the camp. The species This is a long slender snake that can reach about 2
feeds on lizards and frogs. m long. The colour is dark brown with no mark and
white lower parts. This species is easily confused
78. Dendrelaphis formosus with Stegonotus borneensis, but the juveniles of
Although it is a relative of the Dendrelaphis Lepturophis have about 35 white or yellow narrow
caudolineatus, its body length is only 1 m. The body rings around the body.
is bronze-greenish with some black scales. As the
body scales are narrow, and the overlapping area is 83. Oligodon purpurascens
bluish, it is a very beautiful species when it extends This is a relatively fat snake of about 60 cm with
its body. It is a frequently encountered species, as it dull brown colouration and indistinct markings,
is commonly seen perching among vegetation at the most notably chevron marks on the head. Like other
riverbanks. It feeds on small lizards and frogs. members of the genus, it typically feeds on reptile
eggs. It has sharp teeth, therefore cannot be kept in
79. Elaphe avolineata a plastic sac as it is cut through by its sharp teeth,
This is a large snake that can attain a size of about from which the generic name originates.
2 m or more. The body is essentially black with
some darker and lighter marks, though the juvenile 84. Oligodon sp. 1
is distinguished by a bright yellow stripe down This species is previously reported as a Cylindrophis
the spine. It is a very common species in Java, (pipe snake), but our present identication shows
Sumatra, Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. The that it is not a pipe snake. It has an alternate brick-
species occurs everywhere: in primary, secondary red ventral colouration as in Cylindrophis and a
or disturbed forests, as well as in human habitation relatively long tail. The dorsum colour is reddish
and plantations, thus cannot be used as an indicator brown. The specimen is about 34 cm and its tail is
for habitat degradation. Our specimen was found about 8 cm. It was collected from a skid trail.
dead at the side of the street, most probably killed by
local people. Though it is a non-poisonous species, 85. Psammodynastes pulverulentus
local people often mistake it for cobra species. The A small snake of about 40-60 cm, with a reddish
species feeds on small mammals, birds, frogs and brown to blackish colouration. It is often found in
lizards. leaf litter or in the understorey forest. This species
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
16 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
is one of a few snake species with a wide altitudinal Crotalidae:
distribution (0-1500 m). It is relatively aggressive 90. Tropidolaemus wagleri (kelimut pagung)
with long front fangs, though only mild venom. This is a short thick pit-viper, measuring about 80
It feeds on small lizards and occasionally frogs. cm in length, with a small slender tail. It is green
The species is also one of the few land snakes that with some dark bands on its back. It is commonly
gives birth. a sluggish species and feeds on birds and arboreal
rodents. Local people are afraid of this species.
86. Pseudorhabdion collaris While it is poisonous and its bite can be very painful,
A small species of about 20 cm long. It is a very no fatalities have ever been reported. Rachmatika
discrete snake and usually lived subterranean. This (2000 unpublished) also observed this species in
species could be distinguished from the next species the forest behind the camp.
by having a single and narrow dark collar. It is not a
poisonous species and presumably feeds on larvae Elapidae:
of ants and termites. 91. Maticora bivirgata (seen only)
This species resembles the red-headed krait with its
87. Pseudorhabdion sarawakensis red head and tail, but it is smaller and has a bluish
This is a small species that rarely attains more than body colouration. The body is also ornamented with
40 cm. This species generally has a blackish brown a longitudinal white line. This species usually lives
colouration, with a white or reddish collar notable in burrows in the soil or leaf litter. It was observed in
in some species. Our specimen had a dark brown a forest close to the river, not far from the camp.
dorsum with a blackish ventrum, and no visible
collar. It resembles Calamaria, but with a pointed 92. Naja sumatrana (seen only)
snout and a slender tail. The specimen was found in This snake reaches a size of about 1 m, occasionally
the leaf litter in the forest by CIFOR plant ecology larger. The body is black with a whitish neck and
team. It is not poisonous and feeds on small worms a bold black band at the base of the neck. The
and insect larvae. juveniles have bands which disappear with age. The
species is found everywhere. Of the two specimens,
88. Ptyas fuscus (nawan padek) one was observed in the forest and another one was
This is a very large snake that can attain a size of seen traversing the logging road. They feed on small
more than 2 m. This species belongs to a genus that mammals such as rodents.
has about a dozen species. The species is a terrestrial
but usually found in the forest, and less frequently in Pythonidae:
open grassy places. It, though relatively rare, could 93. Python reticulatus (penganen, lepung)
be considered as an indicator for disturbed habitat. This well-known species can attain a size of more
It largely feeds on rats and birds but also on frogs than 15 m and is claimed to be the longest snake in
and small reptiles. the world. The largest python in the Seturan area was
reported to be about 6 m. It is an arboreal species, but
89. Rhabdophis conspicillata frequently found at the riverbanks during the night.
This water snake measures about 40 cm and has The species usually feeds on amphibians, reptiles,
a small reddish brown colouration with a distinct birds and small mammals (rodents) when it is still
white stripe on the side of its head. The body small, but changes its preference when reaching
also has irregular checkered marks similar to a size of more than 5 m towards larger mammals.
other Rhabdophis species such as R. chrysargos Local people usually eat this species. The fat is
or R. murudensis, two other species potentially used against burns (Loreh, Langap) and also as a
encountered in Borneo. The specimen was evidently traditional medicine for skin diseases.
a juvenile and was found on the riverbank of the
tributary of the Rian River. These species typically CHELONII
live close to water but are not aquatic. They are not Geoemydidae:
poisonous and usually feed on small frogs. 94. Heosemys spinosa (kura-kura duri)
In its adult form this spiny turtle is reddish-brown
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
with a high domed carapace. The juveniles have Testudinidae:
spiny margins. All marginal and costal scutes are 97. Manouria emys (siau seen only)
armed with one to three spines. The more diagnostic The specimen was a juvenile of about 20 cm, but
characteristic is its yellowish plastron marked with the adults can measure up to 45 cm and weigh about
brown lines radiating from the centre of each scute. 30 kg. Based on observations and conversations
After it grows up to 20 cm, the spines practically with local people, this species is considered very
disappear, and the local people recognise it as a rare in Malinau. The usual habitat is in hill forest
different species. Some people claim that this is a up to about 600 m from sea level - it is rarely seen
semi-aquatic species; however, while we observed below 100 m.
that the juveniles lived in the streams, adults were
usually found deep in the forest. The spiny turtle 2. Number of Species
feeds on rotten fruits. It was expected that the number of species would
increase in relation to the number of surveyed days.
95. Notochelys platynota (kelep) The results are shown in Table 1. Prospecting should
A brownish-black species that has six or seven be considered nished only when the number of
vertebral scutes and a fth or sixth scute that is species found no longer increases. Yet the graph in
much smaller. The plastron is yellow with bold Figure 1 demonstrates that many more species would
black blotches on each scute. This is one of the two be found in the region if the work had continued,
locally well-known species. It is commonly eaten by as two new records were obtained each day during
local people. It was regularly observed at the camp. the survey. A comparative study that was carried out
There is some pressure from hunting. in Nunukan, Maruwai and Kayan Mentarang (not
far from the present site) conrms this supposition,
Trionychidae: as a considerable number of additional species
96. Amyda cartilaginea (labi-labi) were found in those regions (many of which were
The soft-shelled turtle is highly prized and considered locally conrmed) (see Table 4). It is certain that
a delicacy in many parts of the world. The species the list will continue to expand since other efforts
can attain a size of 110 cm, although a large specimen undertaken in the neighbouring areas are reporting
of 60 cm is the usual adult size. As the team only a considerable amount of other species not yet
collected several juvenile specimens, even though the recorded from Malinau. In addition, a comparable
species is reported to be common by the local people number of species recorded from Malinau have not
and scientists, our identication remains tentative. yet been recorded in the neighboring areas (Mistar
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
18 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
Table 4. Comparison of species composition in various localities of South
and East Kalimantan
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
No* Species Mal Mar Nun Aya
Occidozyga laevis - - x -
Rana baramica - x x -
Rana erythraea - - - x
44. Rana hosii x - x x
Rana luctuosa - - - x
45. Rana nicobariensis x - x x
46. Rana picturata x - x x
47. Rana raniceps x x x x
Rana signata - x - -
48. Staurois guttatus x x x x
49. Staurois latopalmatus x - x -
50. Staurois tuberlinguis x - x x
51. Nyctixalus pictus x - - -
Polypedates colletti - x - -
52. Polypedates leucomystax x - x x
53. Polypedates macrotis x x x x
54. Polypedates otilophus x - x -
Rhacophorus appendiculatus - x - x
Rhacophorus gauni - - x x
55. Rhacophorus harrissoni x - - -
56. Rhacophorus nigropalmatus x x - -
57. Rhacophorus pardalis x x x x
58. Ichthyophis sp. x x x
59. Bronchocela cristatella x x - x
60. Draco cornutus x x x -
5. Draco quinquefasciatus (x) x x -
Gonocephalus chameleontinus - - x -
61. Gonocephalus grandis x x x x
Gonocephalus liogaster - x - x
Phoxophrys borneensis - x - -
Aeluroscalabotes felinus - x - -
62. Cosymbotus platyurus x - - -
63. Cyrtodactylus malayanus x x x x
Cyrtodactylus sp. - - x x
Gekko gecko - - - x
Gekko monarchus - - x -
64. Gekko smithi x - - -
Hemidactylus frenatus - x x x
Ptychozoon rhacophorus - x - -
6. Takydromus sexlineatus (x) x x x
Apterygodon vittatus - - - x
Dasia grisea - - - x
65. Lipinia quadrivittata x - - -
Mabuya multifasciata - - x x
66. Mabuya rudis x x - x
67. Sphenomorphus sabanus x - - x
Tropidophorus beccari - x - -
68. Tropidophorus brookei x - x x
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
20 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
No* Species Mal Mar Nun Aya
7. Varanus rudicollis (x) - x -
69. Varanus salvator x - x -
8. Acrochordus javanicus (x) - - -
70. Ahaetulla prasina x - x -
Amphiesma avifrons - x - -
71. Amphiesma sp. x
72. Boiga cynodon x x - -
9. Boiga dendrophila (x) - x x
73. Boiga jaspidea x - x -
74. Boiga nigriceps x x - -
75. Calamaria bicolor x - - -
76. Calamaria sp. 1 x - - -
10. Chrysopelea paradisii (x) x - -
77. Dendrelaphis caudolineatus x - - -
78. Dendrelaphis formosus x - - x
79. Elaphe avolineata x - - -
80. Enhydris doriae x - - -
81. Gonyosoma oxycephalum x - - -
82. Lepturophis albofuscus x - - -
Oligodon annulifer - - - x
83. Oligodon purpurascens x - - -
84. Oligodon sp. 1 x - - -
Pareas malaccanus - - - x
85. Psammodynastes pulverulentus x - - -
86. Pseudorhabdion collaris x - - -
87. Pseudorhabdion sarawakensis x x - -
88. Ptyas fuscus x - - -
Ptyas korros - - - x
89. Rhabdophis conspicillata x - - -
Rhabdophis subminiatus - - - x
Xenodermus javanicus - - x -
12. Trimeresurus albolabris (x) - - -
Trimeresurus borneensis - - - x
Trimeresurus sumatranus - x - -
Ular sp. 1 - - x -
90. Tropidolaemus wagleri x - - -
13. Cylindrophis ruffus (x) - - -
14. Bungarus aviceps (x) - - x
91. Maticora bivirgata x x - -
15. Maticora intestinalis (x) - - -
92. Naja sumatrana x - - -
16. Ophiophagus hannah (x) - - -
17. Python curtus (x) - - -
93. Python reticulatus x x - x
18. Ramphotyphlops braminus (x) - - -
94. Heosemys spinosa x x - -
95. Notochelys platynota x x - -
19. Orlitia borneensis (x) - x -
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
No* Species Mal Mar Nun Aya
96. Amyda cartilaginea x - - -
Dogania subplana - - x x
20. Pelochelys cantorii (x) x - -
97. Manouria emys x - - -
21. Crocodylus porosus (x) - x -
Total 76(97) 54 52 57
Average manpower 3/60 8/15 3/30 2/50
days days days days
Note: *These numbers refer to the species description numbers in the text. Data in paren-
thesis means that the data is only reported or seen, but specimens were not collected. Mal
(Malinau), Mar (Maruwai), Nun (Nunukan) and Aya (Aya Yayang Concession) represent
areas from East and South Kalimantan. Data from the areas outside Malinau are based on
unpublished report of Stuebing (pers. comm.), Mistar and Liswanto (pers. comm), Veith (pers.
comm.), and Iskandar and Setyanto (1999).
2000; Stuebing pers. Comm; Veith pers. comm.). individuals per plot, but the diversity is very low (3
In addition, local information obtained from tribal species) consisting of Limnonectes paramacrodon,
elders conrms the existence of another 22 species. L. leporinus and Bufo asper. At the tributary of Rian
By combining all this data we can predict that a River, which is outside the logging area, the species
total of 125 species of amphibians and reptiles are density was quite high and probably represented
potentially present in this area. the richest area in the Seturan and Rian Rivers. The
forest behind the camp was also quite rich in species
3. Relative Abundance diversity. Detailed information is given in the entry
The general impression we have about the amphibians of each species at the end of this report.
and reptiles of the Malinau area is that while animal
densities are low individuals, it has relatively many In general, we only captured about 19 species in
species. These results are similar to that performed the designated quadrats, the remaining 32 species
in Betung Kerihun National Park (1996-1997, were found by chance in the forest, the village, the
obtained during three months work) and also in camp or the logging road. A more comprehensive
Nunukan and Maruwai (Mistar 2000, Stuebing pers. treatment of all streams will be addressed below.
comm). However, species in all of these areas are less
abundant than those illustrated in research performed 4. Specicity of Streams
in South Kalimantan and North Sumatra-Aceh as All streams appeared to have more or less the
well as from Tanah Masa Island (Iskandar 1999a, b; same species. Any differences were not signicant
Iskandar and Setyanto 1999; Iskandar and Prasetyo and occurred because of the number of single
1996) (see also Table 4). specimen samples found. The number of specimens
found was too low to extract any conclusions. The
In an unnamed stream of Rian River where logging dominant stream-based species were, for the most
was performed in 1995-1996, the relative abundance part, ubiquitously distributed, and differ only in the
was about 2.1 specimens per plot (n = 21), but in the number of specimens per area. Only one exception
unlogged forest in a tributary of Seturan River the is evident. A large population of Limnonectes
relative abundance was only about 0.95 specimen paramacrodon was found in Stream 27 which
per plot (n = 51). At present, we have no explanation is dened by its very muddy bottom - otherwise
as to why the unlogged area has fewer specimens this species was rarely found in other streams.
compared to other rivers affected by logging. Apparently, the species is tightly associated with
Otherwise, the species composition in these areas this kind of stream. The use of similarity index
is more or less the same. The stream behind the (i.e. Shannon and Weaver) for these streams will be
camp is very muddy but the abundance is about 5 treated when additional data become available.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
22 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
5. Age Structure and Sex Ratio along the river: most Limnonectes species are
The most striking nding was that most of the sparsely distributed along the river; Limnonectes
Limnonectes species collected were either juveniles kuhlii is nearly always found less than 1 m from
or young adults. Among 57 specimens, only ve the water level on a river bank, more often among
were close to maximum size (four Limnonectes gravel banks than sandy banks. On the other hand,
leporinus and one L. ibanorum). We have inquired Rana picturata and Bufo asper are often found in
about the local use of these two species, but small groups of up to eight specimens. R. picturata
apparently the local people only collect them is often found among dead branches or fallen trees
occasionally, so that there is no real collection in the river, while B. asper is more often found on
pressure. The possibility that they were indirectly large logs or up to 3 m onto steep river banks.
poisoned by local fishing activities remains
unknown. The ecology of the forest and rivers 7. Local Use
of the associated areas is little damaged, and the Although a number of amphibians and reptiles
use of poison for shing is not prevalent. One of are consumed, they are seldom specifically
the possible causes of the skewed age structure of hunted. Local people eat four species of the genus
Limnonectes species is the drought and forest res Limnonectes (ibanorum, ingeri, leporinus and
of 1998. During that period, a large part of East kuhlii), Fejervarya cancrivora and Hoplobatrachus
Kalimantans forest was on re (Iskandar et al. rugulosus. These species are valued by local people,
1999, Stuebing et al. 1999). Although there was no but never sold. According to them, they capture L.
res in the study area, not a single land or terrestrial leporinus using a sh net (jala) when the species
vertebrate species was observed calling or mating gather to make their nests on the sandy banks within
during that time. This is particularly important, the river. Other frog species are used as bait for
because amphibians usually breed once a month, all shing. Other than Bufo juxtasper, toads are not
year round. For an organism that is relatively short eaten or used, as most people know that they are
lived, a six month reproductive abstinence and little poisonous. Most local people are afraid of snakes,
or no restocking for the next generation could have even the small ones, therefore they are reluctant
proved a signicant factor in the skewed nature of to capture them, except pythons which are eaten.
this age structure. Iskandar (1998a, b) also reported Among lizards species, local people only eat the
a similar population decline in Java caused by the water monitors (Varanus sp.). According to them,
volcanic eruption of Mount Galunggung. there are three species of water monitors in the area
though only two have been recorded (V. salvator,
The sex ratio of Rana picturata is strongly biased in V. rudicollis). Another small blackish monitor is
favour of males since practically all specimens that seldom eaten, but we were unable to acquire a
have been collected are males. This phenomenon specimen, and were unable to determine whether
has been reported previously (Emerson and Inger it is V. heteropholis or an undescribed species. All
1992). However, this skewed sex ratio is more often species of turtle are consumed locally.
a result of inexibility of xed sample techniques.
Rana and Meristogenys males are commonly found Several species of snake are poisonous:
on riverbanks, but females spend most of their time Tropidolaemus wagleri, Ophiophagus hannah,
in the forest and only came to the river to breed. As Bungarus aviceps and Naja sumatrana. The bite
most sampling was carried out near the river, it is not of T. wagleri or T. albolabris can be very painful
surprising that males were most widely represented. and will subsist for about 10 days, but that of O.
A similar case was also reported for Pedostibes hosii hannah, B. aviceps and N. sumatrana is lethal. The
(Inger and Stuebing 1997). Punan people used to use the poison of O. hannah
for the tips of their blow darts, however air ries
6. Spatial Distribution have long since replaced blow pipes. Ahaetulla
Some species are distinctly arboreal, including: prasina, Chrysopelea paradisii, Boiga dendrophila,
most tree frogs, several toad species and a few ranids B. jaspidea, B. cynodon, B. nigriceps and Enhydris
and aboreal snakes. As to the horizontal distribution doriae are mildly poisonous but are not deadly.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
A total of 97 species have been recorded from this should be noted that that both RIL and CL plots
area, although only 76 species are substantiated in Malinau still have more or less closed canopy
by specimen, sound, picture or other means. This forest. We have made a comparison with other
number represents a considerably high diversity for logging areas outside Bulungan (Leuser, North
the area. Two species from the genera Ansonia and Sumatra) where every large tree has been cut,
Limnonectes are probably new for science. and the composition of amphibians and reptiles
have changed dramatically, because the whole
The occurrence of a poisonous varanid is biologically community is essentially changed.
interesting. Merap, Punan or Kenyah people all
insist that the species is poisonous, and that dogs The utilisation of amphibians and reptiles by the
died very soon after being bitten, thus not likely local people is limited and normally serves as
to be infection related. The species is said to be an emergency food. Monitor lizards, turtles and
terrestrial, similar in colour to Varanus rudicollis, pythons are captured (killed) when found and eaten,
though much smaller. So far, not a single Asiatic otherwise the local people prefer to eat boar or other
lizard has been claimed as poisonous, but it is now large mammals.
known that microbes which occurs in the mouth
of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is Our data also suggests that forest res might have
extremely poisonous. There is apparently a new an effect on the overall density of the species.
black varanid found from Sabah that potentially Size distributions suggests that large Limnonectes
apply to this form. adults are poorly represented despite a very low
exploitation for food, and that this might be the result
According to local people an exotic frog has recently of reduced mating due to the effects of the re.
been invading the region and could pose a danger
to the existence of local species. It is important that We also suggest that forest re might be responsible
this species is clearly identied, for though the local for the low abundance of amphibians and reptiles.
name is linked to Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, it is However, at present we consider that the area is
possible that it could be Rana catesbeiana, judging rich in amphibian and reptile species, comparable
from the local descriptions. to other areas in South and East Kalimantan.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
24 Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
I sincerely thank Dr. Kuswata Kartawinata, Dr. the possibility of obtaining such a high number of
Douglas Sheil, Dr. Herwasono Soedjito, all the species. I also acknowledge the Carbon (GPK) and
CIFOR Staff at Seturan, Loreh (especially Mr. Made Reduced Impact Logging Teams (RIL) for their
Sudana and Mrs. Asung Uluk), the eld assistants cooperation; and the Aquatic Insect Team that made
(Ubang, Subendi (Langap)), the driver (Asri) and my stay agreeable.
the cooks whose indispensable contribution led to
the success of this preliminary study. Mistar (RMID, This work was supported by the CIFOR biodiversity
LMU), R.B. Stuebing (Cincinnati, Ohio) and M. project and funded by ITTO. The production
Veith (Munich) kindly provided me with their and dissemination of this publication was made
unpublished data from Nunukan and Maruwai, and possible by World Bank. Editing by Douglas Sheil
Kayan Mentarang, East Kalimantan; therefore, the and Meilinda Wan with help from Brook Johnson,
comparison of this study with theirs can be made. Marieke Sassen and Bill Faries. Layout and cover
To Dyfrig Hubble and Duncan Lang (Aberdeen) design was done nicely by Catur Wahyu.
who made my stay agreeable and contributed to
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
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Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Aberdeen, UK.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:
Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilisation
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) was established in 1993 as part of the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in response to global concerns about
the social, environmental and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation. CIFOR research
produces knowledge and methods needed to improve the well-being of forest-dependent people and to
help tropical countries manage their forests wisely for sustained benets. This research is done in more
than two dozen countries, in partnership with numerous partners. Since it was founded, CIFOR has also
played a central role in inuencing global and national forestry policies.
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) receives its major funding from governments,
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