Fitness Workout Routines For A Perfect Body 1 PDF
Fitness Workout Routines For A Perfect Body 1 PDF
Fitness Workout Routines For A Perfect Body 1 PDF
This plan was created to introduce the student in the world of fitness. With this plan we guarantee that
you will see results if you follow it accordingly (the benefits are: increased general strength and re-
duced body fat levels). In the first month we combine low intensity cardio and strength exercises, as
well as isometrics, plyometrics and stretching. We recommend you to follow every step of the course
without skipping any of the routines (except from some optional sets).
This is the ebook of the video tutorial that we have created and it contains the first 7 days of the work-
out. Every section is an hour of training and must be followed on a daily basis. After the first 7 days of
training, all sections must be repeated for additional 3 to 4 weeks. Even if some days of the week look
the same, they differ in small or big details in sets (except the days 2 and 4). There is no rest be-
tween the exercises except from the 2.5 minutes rest between the lectures of each section/day (ex-
cept from the divided lectures like the warm up circles, which require rest for 90 seconds between
the a,b parts).
1. THE WARM UP These are general exercises that activate the whole muscle
group and contribute to the continuous blood flow in your body.
CIRCLES Most of these exercises last 1 minute and there is no rest be-
tween them. Only between the a,b circuits there is a 90 second
break. This circuit routine is a combination of low intensity
plyometric, isometric, stretching and cardio exercises. This cir-
cuit can also be used as a separate fitness workout. The workout
is divided in 2 different circuit routines (1,2) and each one con-
tains an a,b circuit. The 1,2 routines should be alternated every
other day for example: Day 1: (1), Day 2: (2), Day 3: (1), Day 4:
(2) etc.
2.LOW INTENSITY A simple way to burn calories while placing your body under a
CARDIO minimal amount of total additional stress. There are 3 circuits of
different exercises (last is optional). Most of the exercises last 1
minute without any rest between them.
muscle groups (upper body, core, legs). For this workout you will not
use the stopwatch for the exercises, except from 1 minute pause be-
tween sets. It is made of 3 sets (last is optional) of which repetitions are
4. LEGS increased.
TRAINING Reactive strength exercises with low-moderate intensity. They create
PLYOMETRICS muscle coordination and improve your jumping technique as well as
the general strength of your legs, the speed and the vertical jump. This
workout is formed by a group of exercises based on set and repeti-
tions. There is 1 minute rest between sets. The variety of exercises can
5. ABS
create well shaped legs by training every single muscle fiber of them.
WORKOUT This workout combines strength and cardio exercises, giving emphasis
on the abdominal muscle group. The abdominal muscles coordinate
every part of the body and they work as the center of motion. The exer-
cises presented in this routine combine time and repetitions inside 3
power sets (last is optional) in which there is one minute rest between
6. UPPER BODY This workout includes some of the best exercises to increase
your upper body power and muscle mass using only your body-
WORKOUT weight. Burn calories and create a beautiful chest, arms and
back through 3 repetition sets (last is optional). There is one min-
ute rest between sets.