A Research About Environmental Awareness of The Youth

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Candaza, Nathania Betrina F.


Crisostomo, Kristel V. Technical Writing and Editing

A research on what can youth do for the earth

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A research on what youth can do for the earth. This focuses on telling the importance of nature

and saving the mother earth by the youth that are particularly 15 to 29 years old. Also how the

earth changes its climate and temperature throughout the years. The materials needed for the

campaign to start implementing. Mechanism is a strategy that can be a lot helpful to prevent global

warming with an improvised or alternative way without harming the earth. Warnings will be more

helpful if people will understand more why it is important. How-to instruction gives youth an idea

on how they can save the mother earth even with those simple little things they can do.


There are many campaigns about the environmental awareness, global

warming, climate change, air pollution but most people do not fully

understand it and some does not take the issue seriously. Many knows

what to do but only few people take action. The intended audience of this

campaign are the youth particularly 15 to 29 years old. The motivation

of this research is to communicate and tell the importance of the earth.

The purpose of this research proposal is for the youth to fully understand and learn about the

happenings in our environment. Also for the youth to make an action about this issue in any

possible way they can.


The climate of the Earth changed

throughout the history. In the last

650,000 years there were seven

cycles of glacial advance and

retreat, with the unexpected end of This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that
atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (Credit: Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record.)

the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era or the

human civilization. Some of the evidence for rapid climate change are: global temperature rise,

warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, decrease of snow cover, sea level rise,

declining arctic sea rise, extreme events and ocean acidification.

List of equipment

The materials needed for the implementation of the campaign are:





Social Media accounts




Different trash bins (for biodegradable and non-biodegradable)

Description of mechanism

Any communication materials is fine as long as the information of the campaign is disseminated

especially to the youth. It is really important to distribute the message so that the youth will have

their reflection and realization on the issue and probably take action and become part of saving the

earth. Things like eco-bags is needed to help the campaign to say no to plastic because plastic is

harmful to our environment, to animals and even for humans. Taking bikes instead of commuting

is a good way to help the earth because it does not cause any air pollution. People should know

how to segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable because it makes more gases like methane

that would add to the global warming on earth.


The simple cautionary advice that people always hear is Do Not Litter, it is simple yet most

people cannot follow it; but it will really be helpful if people would just know how to comprehend

to some simple warnings. If only humans can understand the danger that they give to the

environment and how it would affect them back, they will follow.

How-to Instructions

How to save the earth? Surely, you alone cannot save the entire earth but with a lot of people

helping and doing little things to save earth then it would not be impossible. Here are simple little

things will help us save the earth:

Save trees. We should plant new trees plant trees. The schemes afforestation and

reforestation should be wholeheartedly supported.

Save natural vegetation. We should use less paper. We can make arrangement for recycling

of used paper and other natural products. Plants and trees covers and holds the surface of

the earth.

Save natural resources. We all know that the supply of natural resources such as minerals,

stones, coal, oil, etc. are limited. We can save electricity by putting off the lights when not

in use. Or we can switch to fans instead of air conditioners during nights.

Save water. Water is life. It is the basic necessity for every human being living on this

planet. We can stop throwing wastes into open water bodies. At home, we can use water

cautiously and ensure that it doesnt get wasted. Remember, a large many people are still

deprived of safe pure water. Be the change that you want to see in this world.


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