Mathematics of Modality
Mathematics of Modality
Mathematics of Modality
Robert Goldblatt
CSLI Publications
Center for the Study of Language and Information
Stanford, California
CSLI was founded early in 1983 by researchers from Stanford University, SRI
International, and Xerox PARC to further research and development of inte-
grated theories of language, information, and computation. CSLI headquar-
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Copyright 1993
Center for the Study of Language and Information
Leland Stanford Junior University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goldblatt, Robert
Mathematics of modality / Robert Goldblatt.
p. cm. (CSLI lecture notes ; no. 43)
Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 1-881526-24-0 (cloth) ISBN 1-881526-23-2 (paper)
1. Modality (Logic). I. Title. II. Series.
QA9.46.G66 1993
511.3-dc20 93-13522
Introduction 1
1 Metamathematics of Modal Logic 9
2 Semantic Analysis of Orthologic 81
3 Orthomodularity is not Elementary 99
4 Arithmetical Necessity, Provability and Intuitionistic
Logic 105
5 Diodorean Modality in Minkowski Spacetime 113
6 Grothendieck Topology as Geometric Modality 131
7 The Semantics of Hoare's Iteration Rule 173
8 An Abstract Setting for Henkin Proofs 191
9 A Framework for Infinitary Modal Logic 213
10 The McKinsey Axiom Is Not Canonical 231
11 Elementary Logics are Canonical and
Pseudo-Equational 243
Bibliography 259
Index 267
The full temporal logic of T4, with past and future operators, has
still not been investigated, and there remain some challenging open ques-
tions, as indicated at the end of the article.
My work has benefited from many interactions over the years with a
number of modal logicians who have contributed remarkably to the sub-
ject: Johan van Benthem, Robert Bull, Max Cresswell, Kit Fine, George
Hughes, Krister Segerberg, and Steve Thomason. I am grateful also to
Wilf Malcolm for the inspiration of his teaching and for providing my
introduction to the world of models and ultraproducts.
The new material was written during tenure of a Visiting Fellow-
ship at the Centre for Information Science Research of the Australian
National University, supported also by a sabbatical grant from Victo-
ria University. I thank Professor Michael McRobbie for the conducive
facilities that were made available to me at the Centre.
I am indebted to Jason Christopher for carrying out the initial re-
formatting of the previously published papers. Finally, I want to record
my gratitude to Dikran Karagueuzian, friend and "faithful editor", for
making the project possible, and for furnishing a marvelous typesetting
and publishing environment within which to carry it out.
[email protected]
Waitangi Day, 1993
Metamathematics of Modal Logic
This study is concerned with the mathematical objects that provide in-
terpretations, or models, of formal prepositional languages. Historically
there have been two kinds of approach in this area. The first of these,
algebraic semantics, employs algebras, typically lattices with operators,
as models. Prepositional variables range over elements of the lattice,
and formal connectives correspond to its operators. In other words each
formula induces a polynomial function on any of its algebraic models.
Truth and validity of formulae are then defined in terms of designated
polynomial values.
The other approach is set-theoretic semantics. Here the models,
known as frames, carry structural features other than finitary opera-
tions, such as neighborhood systems and finitary relations. Formulae
are then interpreted as subsets of the frame in a manner constrained by
its particular structure.
These two kinds of model are closely related. Algebras may be con-
structed as subset lattices of frames. Frames may be obtained from
algebras through various lattice representations. Furthermore the syn-
tactical frame constructions in the Henkin style that are now widely
employed in set-theoretic semantics may be mirrored on the algebraic
level to recover the lattice representations.
The guiding theme of the present work is the relationship between
frame and algebra, and the relative strengths and limitations of the se-
mantical frameworks that these notions determine. The vehicle chosen
for this study is normal modal logic. It should however be stressed
from the outset that many of the concepts and results developed may
be parallelled in other areas, or even stated for an abstract formal lan-
guage. On the other hand modal logic provides a natural context for
the discussion given. It is the most widely investigated and best un-
derstood branch of non-classical propositional logic. Indeed it was here
that set-theoretic semantics began with the work of Saul Kripke [51, 52].
The significance of Kripke's method was quickly recognised, particularly
since he showed that different logics could be characterised by imposing
simple conditions on models. The 1960's saw these ideas being rapidly
applied to tense, deontic, epistemic, and intuitionist logics, and to oth-
ers besides. Currently they are proving relevant to such diverse areas
The first part of the present study (Sections 1-11) develops the gen-
eral structure theory of "first-order" frames. These are the secondary
models for modal logic. The initial emphasis is on validity preserving
constructions subframes, homomorphisms, disjoint unions, ultraprod-
ucts each of which corresponds to a polynomial-identity preserving
construction on modal algebras. This is followed by the examination of
a new kind of model the descriptive frame. These structures are de-
signed to provide an exact set-theoretic analogue to the modal algebra,
and indeed they give rise to a category that is dual to the category of
modal algebras. Because of this relationship, descriptive frames have
proven invaluable in solving a wide range of problems. The later form
the major pre-occupation of Sections 12-20. The problems considered
there include: characterisations of classes of frames that are modal ax-
iomatic, i.e. the class of models of a set of modal formulae; syntactic
criteria for a logic to be determined by its principal models; elementary
definability of modal formulae; conditions under which an elementary
class of frames is modal axiomatic.
Sections 1-18 comprise the content of my doctoral thesis, written at
the Victoria University of Wellington in late 1973 (Section 16 was rewrit-
ten in the light of subsequent developments). I would like to express my
gratitude to my supervisors, Professors M. J. Cresswell, G. E. Hughes,
and C. J. Seelye. To the various participants in the logic seminars at
1.1 Syntax
Modal logic is designed to formalise philosophical discourse about the
nature of necessity, possibility, and strict implication. A typical object
language for such an inquiry (and one that will remain fixed throughout
this chapter) has the following primitive symbols:
(i) a denumerable collection of prepositional variables (p, q, pi, qi,
(ii) the Boolean connectives -i (negation), and A (conjunction),
(iii) the modal connective D (necessity),
(iv) brackets ( and ) .
The class <? of all (well-formed) formulae (wffs) of this language is de-
fined by the three formation rules:
(1) each variable is a wff,
(2) if a is a wff, so are ->a and Da,
(3) if a and J3 are wffs, so is (a A /3).
The Boolean connectives V (disjunction), > (material implication), <->
(material equivalence) and the modal O (possibility) are introduced as
the abbreviations
a V /3 for -i(-ia A -i/3)
a -> (3 for ->a V /3
a <- /3 for (a -> 0) A (/? - a)
Oa for -iQ-ia
(Brackets may be omitted where convenient, the convention for reading
formulae being that -i , D and O bind more strongly than V and A, the
latter binding more strongly than and <-.)
The syntactical study of formulae is concerned with formal relation-
ships between wffs, and focuses on the notion of derivability. In this
context a useful distinction can be made between axiom systems and
logics. An axiom system 5 has two basic componentsa set of wffs,
called axioms, and a set of rules of inference that govern operations al-
lowing certain formulae to be derived from others. A wff a is said to be
a theorem of S, written hgoj, if there exists in 5 a proof of a, i.e. a finite
sequence of wffs whose last member is a, and such that each member of
the sequence is either an axiom, or derivable from earlier members by
one of the rules of inference of 5.
A logic, on the other hand, can be thought of as a set A of wffs closed
under the application of certain inferential rules to its members. The
members of A are called yl-theorems, and in this case the symbolism
\~AOC indicates merely that a e A.
For example, if 5 is an axiom system, than an S-logic can be defined
as any set of wffs that includes all the axioms of 5 and is closed under
the rules of S. In general the intersection AS of all S-logics will be an
S-logic whose members are precisely those wffs for which there are proofs
in 5. This is often described by saying that S is an aziomatisation of
AS, or that AS is generated by 5.
Thus each axiom system has a corresponding logic (the set of its
theorems) and in some formal treatments little or no distinction is made
between the two. The converse however is not true. Not every logic is
axiomatisable. In any semantical framework, the set of wffs true in a
particular model will be a logic of some kind, for which, in some cases,
there may be no effectively specifiable generating procedure. A classic
example is the first-order theory of the standard model of arithmetic.
Definition 1.1.1 A modal logic is a set A C < satisfying
(i) A contains all tautologies of the classical prepositional calculus PC,
(ii) if a, (a > (3) 6 A, then /3 6 A (Modus Ponens),
(iii) if a A and ft is obtained from a by uniformly replacing some
variable by some other wff, then /3 A (Uniform Substitution).
The symbol K (for Kripke) denotes the logic axiomatised by the system
that has a standard basis for PC (including Modus Ponens and Uniform
Substitution as rules of inference) together with the axiom
D(p -> q) -> (Dp -> Hq)
and the rule of Necessitation:
from a to infer Da.
A logic is normal iff it contains K and is closed under Necessitation. If
F is a set of wffs, KF denotes the normal logic generated by adding the
members of F as extra axioms to the system that generates K.
Definition 1.1.2 Let A be a modal logic, F C $, and a $. Then a
is A-derivable from F, F\-/[ a iff there exist oti,... ,an 6 F such that
(ai A ... A an > a) G A. a is an A-theorem, \~A a, iff a . A. F is
A-consistent iff there is at least one wff not A-derivable from F, and
A-inconsistent otherwise. F is A-maximal iff F is A-consistent and
! , . . , On) =
alence that have been discussed in the present section. Before doing that,
however, we examine a number of frame constructions that preserve the
validity of modal formulae.
1.4 Subframes
Our first observation about subobjects is effectively a reformulation of
the general algebraic fact that polynomial identities are preserved under
Theorem 1.4.1 LetF=(W,R,P) and FI = (W,R,Pi) be frames with
PI C P. Then F \= a only if ^ \= a.
Proof. By hypothesis, and by 1.3.4(ii), J^ is a sub-M.A of F+, so
h%i+ = 1 identically only if hal = 1. The result then follows by the
equivalence of JF and T\ to F+ and F^ respectively. D
Our next concern is with frames whose base is a proper subset of the
base of a given frame. For this we need some preliminary definitions.
Definition 1.4.2 Let R be a binary relation on W . For each k N (the
set of natural numbers) we define the relation Rk C W2 by the inductive
xRy iff x =y
xRk+ly iff 3z(xRz and zRky).
Definition 1.4.3 IfRCW2, then W'CW is R-hereditary iff
ifx&W and xRy, then y W'.
It is readily seen that the intersection of a class of .R-hereditary sets
is itself .R-hereditary, and so for any W' C W there is a smallest R-
hereditary set W'R containing W.
Theorem 1.4.4 W'R = { y : 3x3k(x e W and xRky)}.
Proof. The right-hand set is ^-hereditary, contains W (by 1.4.2 with
k 0), and is contained in any other .R-hereditary set that contains W.
(i) W - (W n 5) = W 0 (W - S),
(ii) (W ns)r\ (W n 50 = W n (s n SO,
(iii) rnK (W n 5) = W n mR(S),
(iv) iR,(W'nS) = w'niR(S).
Proof, (i) and (ii) are straightforward. For (iii), let x e m,Ri(W n 5).
Then x E.W and xR'y for some y EW'ftS. Then z.Rj/, and since y e 5,
x e mR(S). Conversely, if x G W n mfl(5) then x &W and zfty for
some i / 6 5 . Since W is fl-herditary, y e VP' (hence y e W n 5) and
so xR'y. Thus a; 6 mK(W D 5).
(iv) follows by (i), (iii) and 1.2.3(5). D
Corollary 1.4.7 If F = (W,R,P) is a frame and W C W is R-
hereditary, then FW = {W',R',Pw>) is a subframe of F, where R'
Rr\(W'x W) and Pw = {W n 5 : 5 6 P}.
Proof. The only requirement of 1.4.5 that is not automatically satisfied
is that FW is a frame, i.e. PW> is closed under n, ,and IK- But
this follows from 1.4.6 and the closure of P under the corresponding
operations. D
Corollary 1.4.8 Let {F% : i /} be a collection of subframes of F, and
W = flie/Wi. Then ifW'^, Fw> is a subframe o f F .
Proof. W is E-hereditary (each Wi being so), hence the result by 1.4.7.
1.4.8 states in effect that the intersection of subframes is a subframe,
so each W C W has a smallest subframe of F containing it. This sub-
frame is of course FW> (cf. 1.4.4,1.4.7), and will be called the subframe
f F generated by W. If W = {x} then FW will be written simply
as Fx, the subframe generated by x.
If (W,R) is a /f-frame and W C W, then (W',Rr\ (W x W1)}
is a substructure of (W,R), as that term is understood in the theory
of relational structures, but will not be regarded as a subframe unless
W is ^-hereditary. That 1.4.5 provides the appropriate subobjects for
modal logic is shown by the next result and its corollary.
Theorem 1.4.9 // F' C F, afa ... ,pn) $, and Si,..., Sn e P,
hC(W n 5i,..., W n 5n) - W n fc+(Si, - - ,5n).
Proof. By induction on the length of a, using 1.4.6. D
Corollary 1.4.10 // F' C F and F \= a then F' \= a.
Proof. It suffices to prove that F+ \= a only if F'+ \= a. If F'+ a,
there exist TI, ... ,Tn P' such that h+(Ti,... ,T n ) ^ W (W being
1.5 Homomorphisms
That subframes preserve validity (1.4.10) may in fact be established
indirectly from the preservation of polynomial identities under homo-
morphisms of algebras. For if P C T, then the map 5 i-> W n 5 is
by 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 an MA-homomorphism of F+ onto P+. There are
a number of other algebraic constructions that preserve identities (sub-
algebras, direct products, direct limits, ultraproducts) and, as we shall
see, each of these is associated with a particular frame construction. In
this section, it is shown that structure preserving maps between frames
are linked with sub-M^4's.
Definition 1.5.1 Ij T and P are frames, a map Q : W W is a
frame homomorphism of T into P iff
(1) xRy onlyifQ(x)R'Q(y),
(2) Q(x)R'z only if 3y(xRy and Q(y) = z),
(3) 5 e P' only i!Q~l(S) P, where Q~l(S) = {x e W : Q(x) S}.
If Q is surjective (onto, i.e. Q(W) = W), then P is a homomorphic
image of J~ (written P ^ f ) .
Q is an embedding iff it is injective (one-to-one) and satisfies
(4) S P =* 3T P'(Q(S) = Q(W) n T).
If Q is bijective (injective and onto) and Q~l is a homomorphism then Q
is an isomorphism, in which case f and P are isomorphic (f ^ P). An
isomorphism may alternatively be described as a surjective embedding.
Note that a bijective homomorphism need not be an isomorphism, e.g.
= Q(h^(Q-1(Si),...,Q~1(Sn))) (1.5.4)
- Q(W) (f+\=<*)
= W (Qonto).
Thus F+ \= a, so f (= a. D
Corollary 1.5.6 Isomorphic frames are semantically equivalent.
Theorem 1.5.7 If f is embeddable in F , then f \= a only if T |= a.
Proof. Let Q : T -> .F' be an embedding. Then JF' D TQ and FQ^T
(1.5.3). The result follows by 1.4.10 and 1.5.6. D
Theorem 1.4.1 may be regarded as a special case of 1.5.5, for in that
theorem the identity map is a homomorphism from T onto T\ .
We now show how frame homomorphisms give rise to structure pre-
serving maps of the associated ATA's.
Definition 1.5.8 If Q : T T' is a frame homomorphism, then Q+ :
T'+ - ^+ is defined by Q+(S) = Q~1(S), all S e P1 .
By 1.5.1(3), Q+ is indeed a mapping into P.
Theorem 1.5.9
(1) Q+ is an M A-homomorphism.
(2) Q+ is injective if Q is onto.
(3) Q+ is onto if Q is an embedding.
(4) Q+ is an M A-isomorphism if Q is a frame isomorphism.
(1) An MA-homomorphism is a mapping of Myl's that preserves the
MA operators, so we have to show that Q+(S D T) = Q+(S) n
Q+(T), Q+(-S) = -Q+(S), and Q+(mR,(S)) = mR(Q+(S)).
But this is immediate from 1.5.8 and 1.5.2.
(2) Suppose Q+(S) - Q+(T), i.e. Q~l(S) = Q~l(T). Then Q(Q~l(S))
= Q(Q~l(T)). But as Q is onto, Q(Q~1(S)) = S, Q(Q-1(T)) = T,
whence S = T as required.
(3) Let S P. Then as Q is an embedding, Q(5) = Q(W) n T, for
some T 6 P'. Clearly S C Q~l(T). But if x Q"1^), Q(x)
T n Q(W) = Q(S), so Q(x) = Q(y) for some y e S. But Q is
injective, so x = y 6 S. Hence <2-1(T) = S, i.e. <5+(T) = S, and
<3+ is onto.
Theorem 1.5.5 may now be obtained indirectly from 1.5.9, for if T' is
a homomorphic image of f ', by 1.5.9 there is an injective homomorphism
from F'+ to f+ '. Thus F'+ is isomorphic to a sub- MA of .F+, and
polynomial identities are preserved under subalgebras and isomorphisms.
Similarly for 1.5.7, if f is embeddable in T' , by 1.5.9 f+ is a homo-
morphic image of F'+ , so validity is preserved in passing from the latter
to the former.
The disjoint union of the ft's is then defined to be the disjoint union of
the F"s. Clearly 1.6.4 continues to hold for this construction.
1.7 Ultraproducts
The theory of ultraproducts plays a central role in the model theory of
first-order quantificational logic. It forms the basis of many compactness
results and characterisations of semantic concepts, such as equivalence
of models, and elementary classes. The frame constructions associated
(1) Since / ~ g, A = {i : f ( i ) = g(i)} G. But [/,a] nAC\g,<r]t and
[g,ar] C\AC [/,CT], so the result follows by 1.7.1(4), (5).
(2) Let a ~ 0. Then A = {i : a(i] = 0(i)} & G. Then if / RWi,
[/, cr] n A C [f,6], and we proceed as in (1). For the converse, we
observe that I is partitioned into the disjoint sets A = {i : o~(i) =
6(i)}, B = {i : a(i) C 0(t)}, C = {i : 9(i) C a(t)}, so by 1.7.1,
exactly one of A, B, C is in G.
full first-order frames is a first-order frame that may not be full. So, for
ultraproducts at least, the distinction between .ftT-frames and full frames
becomes significant.
Our next two results hold for either kind of ultraproduct,
Theorem 1.7.9 Let Qi : Ti > T[ be a frame homomorphism, for each
i G /, and G an ultrafilter on I. Then there is a homomorphism from
TG to T'G which is onto if (almost all) of the Qi 's are onto.
Proof. The construction is a standard one in the theory of ultraproducts
(cf. [42, p. 107]). Let / WG. Define /* e R W< byj*(i) - &(/()),
all i 6 /. Then Q : WG -> WG, defined by Q(f) = /*, is the required
homomorphism. The only new feature, in the event that the frames
are of the first-order kind, is to check that Q satisfies 1.5.1(3). So let
S 1%, where o- e Upi Let 6(i) = Q~l(a(i)), all i e /. Then, as
each Qi satisfies 1.5.1(3), 6 Y[Pi, so Sg PG- But a straightforward
argument shows S = Q"1 (S^). D
Definition 1.9.1
(1) A frame T = (W, R, P) is descriptive iff it satisfies Axioms I, II
and III.
(2) T is refined iff it satisfies I and II.
Refined frames were first defined and studied by Thomason [96].
Theorem 1.9.2 Any full frame is refined. Any finite full frame is de-
scriptive, but no infinite full frame can be descriptive.
Proof. Consider T = (W,R,P), where P = 2W . If x ^ y, then x
Px Py, whence Px ^ Py, and I holds. For II, suppose that not xRy.
Let S = {z : xRz}, then x IR(S) and y $. S. Thus T is refined.
It is a standard result that if W is finite then every ultrafilter on W
is principal and has singleton intersection, whence III holds. On the
other hand every infinite set has non-principal ultrafilters [4, p. 108]
with empty intersection, in which case III fails. D
Descriptive frames are extremely rich in structure. Axiom III is
reminiscent of the notion of convergence of ultrafilters, which in topology
is equivalent to compactness. In fact the set P, being closed under n
and containing W, is a base for a topology on W which is compact in
the presence of III. Axioms I and III make (W, P) a perfect reduced set
field in the sense of Sikorski [90, p. 20].
Theorem 1.9.3 Axiom III is equivalent, given P closed under n and
, to each of
IV Every subset of P with the fip has non-empty intersection;
VlfW- Uie/ Si, with Si 6 P alii 7, then W = (Ji6/0 Si for some
finite I0 C I.
Proof. Ill =J> IV. If P0 C P has the fip, by 1.7.2 P0 C G for some
ultrafilter G on f+ . By III, G = Px for some x W. Then clearly
). (1-10.7)
Now the identity map on any frame is a homomorphism, and the
composition of frame homomorphisms is a frame homomorphism, so the
collect 3 of all descriptive frames and homomorphisms between descrip-
tive frames forms a category in the sense of Pareigis [69, p. 1]. Similarly
the class 9JI of Mvl's and MA homomorphisms is a category. The corre-
spondence F >-> .F+, Q h-> Q+ defines functor ( )+ from S) to 2Tt that is
contravariant ([69, p. 7]; it is easily checked that (Qi o Q 2 ) + = Qj o Qf
and (idf)+ = idf+, where id denotes identity maps). Similarly, the con-
structions of 1.10.1 and 1.10.8 yield a contravariant functor ( )+ from
9JI to D. 1.10.10 shows that the collection of isomorphisms tp<n con-
stitutes a natural isomorphism between the composite functor (( )+) +
and the identity functor on JDl ([69, pp. 9, 18]). Similarly, by 1.10.11
the Q.F'S are a natural isomorphism between (( ) + )+ and the identity
functor on 2). Hence the categories 2) and 9Jt are dual to each other
([69, p. 18]).
Subcategories S' and 9tt' of 5) and 9JI may be formed by keeping the
same objects but retaining only isomorphisms as the maps. By inverting
these maps appropriately, we obtain covariant functors between >' and
9JI' whose composites are naturally isomorphic to the respective identity
functors. This means that the category of descriptive frames and frame
isomorphisms is equivalent ([69, p. 18]) to the category of MA's and
MA homomorphisms. It is in this sense that we assert the two kinds of
object are mathematically equivalent.
rl(S):SP>}, where
(7) f is a frame.
(8) J- satisfies Axiom II and is a descriptive frame.
(1) [39, p. 131].
(2) By (1) and distribution of Q~1 over n.
(3) Since -Q~l(S) = Q~l(-S) and Pi is closed under -, so is
poo If Qf-^S^Qf-^T) e P, choose some k > i,j (k ex-
ists by the directedness of <). As Q, Q* are homomophisms,
Ql-l(S),Q*-l(T) e Pk, so Q~l(S)^Q-l(T) 6 P by (2),
closure of Pk under n, and the definition of P.
(4) If / ^ g e W00, then for some i, f ( i ) + g(i). But Ti satisfies I,
so there is Si 6 Pi such that f ( i ) 6 Si, g(i) Si. Then clearly
Q" 1 (S)P / 00 -P 9 00 .
To prove V we appeal to the topological properties of descriptive
frames. By 1.9.4(1) each (Wi,Ti) is compact and Hausdorff, where
Ti is the topology with Pt as base. Hence by Theorem 3.6, p. 217,
of Eilenberg and Steenrod [11], W is a non-empty subset of J] Wi
that is compact in the subspace topology of the product topology
on n Wi. But if S e P, Qf-^S) = W n Q^S), where Q% is
the projection map on H Wi. Thus each member of P is open
in the subspace topology, hence by compactness V holds for P.
(5) That Q satisfies 1.5.1(1) and 1.5.1(3) follows easily from the def-
initions. For 1.5.1(2), let / W and suppose Q(f)RiZ, i.e.
f(i)RiZ. For each j 6 /, let Aj C Y[Wi contain those g such that
(i) g(i) = z,
(ii) Qi(9(j)) = 9(k) if j>k,
(iii) f(k)Rkg(k) if j>k.
Then if g e flje/^. bY ( m ) fR9, by (ii) g & W and by (i)
Q?(g) = z. We must therefore show there exists such a g.
Lemma 1. Aj = 0.
Proof. Take / > i,j. As Q\ is a homomorphism and f ( i )
Qli(f(l)), for some t 6 Wt we have f ( l ) R t t and Q((t) = z. Put
g(k) = Q((t) for all k <l. Then (i) holds with i = k, (iii) holds
as Qk is a homomorphism and j > k only if / > fc, and for (ii) we
have j > k only if Qjk(g(j)} = QKQ1^}} = Qlk(t) = g(k). Thus, if
we choose g(fc) arbitrarily if not k < I, we have g 6 Aj. D
Lemma 2. Aj is closed in H Wi.
Then 2loo = (Aoo,n, ', /} is the direct limit of the 21^ 's. (A proof that
2loo is well denned is given in [39, p. 129]).
E ?i ifIis finite
((E?i)+)+ if I is infinite.
(2) if G is an ultrafilter on I, the descriptive ultraproduct of the
Ti 's over G is the frame
G if TG e S
.F+)+ if FG$S).
By 1.10.5 we always have fg^Ff e 2). In general f is equivalent
semantically to (J- + )+ (1.10.6) so the new constructions are validity
preserving, i.e. 1.6.4 and 1.7.13 hold with f, F, in place of Fi, TG.
Theorem 1.12.4 Let X be a class of descriptive frames closed under
isomorphism. Then
(1) X is closed under subframes only if X+ is closed under homomorphic
(2) X is closed under homomorphic images only if X+ is closed under
(3) X is closed under finite disjoint unions only if X+ is closed under
finite direct products;
(4) X is closed under descriptive unions only if X+ is closed under
direct products;
(5) X is closed under onto inverse limits only if X+ is closed under
one-one direct limits.
Proof. A subframe (homomorphic image) of a descriptive frame need
not be descriptive, so by "X is closed under subframes (homomorphic
images)" we mean that if T e X and T\ C T (Tl =$ f} and ^ S,
then FI X.
Now in general if 21 X+, 21 = T+ for some T e X, so 21+ *
(f )+ ^ T (1.10.7) and since X is closed under S, 2t+ X.
(1) Suppose 21 6 X+ and *B is a homomorphic image of 21. Then by
1.10.9(3) and 1.5.3(2) 03+ is isomorphic to a subframe of 21+ X.
tic criteria that are sufficient for a formula to be valid on its associated
canonical frame.
Definition 1.14.4
(1) a 6 $ is constant iff h is a constant function on any MA 21,
i.e. iff V(a) V'(a) for any valuations on the same frame, a is
atomic iff it is either a variable or a constant wff.
(2) a is positive iff it is formed from atomic wffs using only A, V, D, O.
n denotes the set of positive wffs.
(3) a is a O-string iff for some k N and some variable p, a ~ Dkp.
Similarly, a O-string is a wff of the form O fc p. (Note that with
k = 0, each variable is both a O-string and a O-string). a 6 IT
is O -positive iff the only occurrences of D in a are within D-
strings. n<> denotes the class of <C> -positive wffs. Similarly, the
class IIa of D-positive wffs consists of those a II whose only
occurrences o/O are within O-strings.
The class of constant formulae can be described syntactically as follows:
Theorem 1.14.5 Let C be the smallest subset of $ satisfying
(i) every instance of a PC-tautology is in C,
(ii) a e C only if ->a, Da C,
(iii) a, /3 e C only ifa/\/3&C.
Then 0 E. $ is constant iff \~K 0 -* o. for some a C.
Proof. It is clear that each member of C is constant and therefore
anything deductively equivalent to a member of C is constant (because
VK (3 - a only if /$ = h%, any 21).
Conversely, for each variable p, let ap be a PC tautology. Suppose
that /? is constant. Let (3' be obtained by replacing each p in /3 by ap.
Then clearly /?' 6 C. If not !-# (3 <-> /?', by the completeness theorem for
K [59, Section 2] there exists a V on some /f-frame such that V(/3) ^
V(/?') Choose a valuation V on this frame such that V'(p) = W =
V(ap). Then a simple induction shows that V'(/3) = V(fi') ^ V(/3), so
/? is not constant, contrary to hypothesis. Thus (-#/?<- /3' as required.
We note that 1.14.5 would seem to be the "best possible" result, for
there are constant wffs not actually in C, e.g. (Dp A Dg) > D(p A g).
We saw in Section 1.10 that within isomorphism every descriptive
frame is 2l+ for some MA 21. Thus the question of d-persistence is
equivalent to that of determining which MA polynomial identities are
preserved in passing from an MA to the power-set algebra of its as-
sociated frame. This problem was considered for BA's with additive
operators by Jonsson and Tarski [48] (cf. also Section 2.8 of [42]). The-
orem 2.18 of [48] may be interpreted as proving d-persistence for any
wff constructed from atomic ones using only A, V, O. We now propose
to develop and expand the Jonsson- Tarski techniques to show that the
property is possessed by a much wider class of wffs.
Theorem 1.14.6 For any a II, ho, is a monotonic function, i.e.
a,i < hi only if ha(.. .a; . . .) < ha(. . .6, . ..).
Proof. By induction on a. From a < b we may infer a n c < b n c,
a U c < & U c, ma < mb, la < Ib. D
From now on we assume that T = (W, /?, P) is a descriptive frame, T
and are as in 1.9.4 and a <? has a single variable, i.e. ha is a one-place
function on F+ . The reason for the latter restriction is simply expository
clarity. All proofs may be adapted with only technical modifications to
wffs with any number of variables.
Theorem 1.14.7 If a II,
(1) For a r, ha(a) = U,o&6p M&),
(2) For a C, ha(a) = n a c b p M&)-
(1) By 1.14.6 the result holds from right to left. We prove the converse
by induction on a.
(i) If a; hp(a) = a, by definition of T there is some b & P such
that b C a and x b = hp(b). If a is a constant wff, with
ha = 6 identically for some 6 C W, then t ha(a) = b only
if t e /ia(0) = b and a D 0 e P.
(ii) If t G ftaA/?(a) = ha (a) n hp(a) then by IH there exist bi, 62
P such that a D &i, a D & 2) * ha(bi) and t 6 hp(b2).
Then by 1.14.6 ha(bi) C ha(bi U6 2 ), Mfc) ^ M6i ^62), so
* /iaA/3(6i U 62) and a D 61 U 62 P.
(iii) If i /iav/3(a), then say t 6 ha(a), so by /ff, for some a D
6 P, t /i a (&) C hay/3(b).
/i0a(a) = m fi (/i a (a))
= fi(UaD6 6 pM&)) (/H)
(1) 1.14.6 and 1.14.7(2).
(2) 1.14.6 and 1.14.7(1).
(3) By (2), antitonicity of , and De Morgan's Laws.
Theorem 1.14.10 For all aCW,
(1) a e T/o only if ha(a) = UaD&ec(fi&CcepM c ))>
(2) a //D only if ha(a) = r\aCber(\JbDc^phc-(c))-
(1) 1.14.8(1) and 1.14.7(2).
(2) 1.14.8(2) and 1.14.7(1).
// X C ^ we write:
X EC (X is elementary) iff X = (a) for some a fH;
X 6 EC A (X is A- elementary) iff X is the intersection of a set of
elementary classes;
X e ECs (X is S-elementary) iff X is the union of elementary
X 6 ECsA (X is SA-elementary) iff X is the intersection of S-
elementary classes, or equivalently iffX is closed under first- order
semantic equivalence.
Corollary 1.16.3
(i) If X E MEC, then X 6 EC zjff X is closed under ultraproducts.
(ii) // X 6 M^4C, i/ien X 6 EC/i z^ X is closed under ultraproducts.
(i) If X MEC (indeed if X MAC) then X and -X are closed
under isomorphism (1.5.6). The result then follows from 1.16.2(i)
and (A) above.
(ii) Similar to (i), using 1.16.2(ii) and (B).
Since /\-elementary classes are closed under ultraproducts, it follows
from 1.16.3(i) that any X MEC is Zi-elementary only if it is elemen-
tary. Recently this result has been improved by van Benthem [101] to
Proof. Let X R(A), where A = {an n > 1} and for each positive
integer n, an is the sentence
Opi A . . . A Opn -> O(Opi A ... A Opn).
Each Qfra is a Lemmon- Scott axiom as defined in Section 1.15, and so by
1.15.1, 1.15.3 and 1.15.5, &(an) = (/?) where /? is the ^-sentence
Vz.yi, . ,( /\ xRyi => 3z(a;JZz &
'O 3'O O O
Figure 1.17.1
Wl = {0}
Wl = {l,...,2n + l}
W* = {!',... ,(2n+l)'}
and Rn holds precisely in the cases
ORnj 1 < j < 2n + 1
IRnl', lRn2', (2n + l)Rn(2n + 1)' , (2n + l}Rn1'n
jRn(j - l)',jRn(j + 1)' K j < 2n + I
The following description of the ultraproduct differs from that given in the original
version of this article, since the latter was not strictly correct, as pointed out by Bjarni
(I) Po
(2) n ^po (i<fceN)
(3) --P! A ... A ->p2n+l
( 4 ) D fc H>! A . . . A - . p 2 n + l ) (2<fcGN)
(5) D(pi V . . . V p 2 n + i )
(6) Opi A ... A Op2n+i
(7) CHpiAp,-) (l<i^j<2n+l)
(8) D f c (giV...V 9 2 n + 1 ) (2<fcN)
(9) OV A . . . A O2(?2n+l
(10) Dfc-.(gi l\qj) (I < i ^ j < In + 1, 2 < k N)
(II) -K?i A ... A-^n+i
(12) D-i((/i V . . . V < f e n + i )
(13) D(pi -> O?i A O?2 A D(gi V q2))
(14) D(p2n+l -> O2n A Og2n+l A D^n V g 2 n+l))
(15) D(pj -> Oj-i A Oqj+i A n((/j_i V 9j+1)) (1< j < 2n + 1)
(16) ak(qj - O?j A Dqij) (1 < j < 2n + 1, 2 < fc e N).
By (6),
(22) V(Pl) ? 0.
By (7), (20),
(23) V(Pi) n V(pj) = 0, for 1 < i ^ j < In + 1.
Hence by (20)-(23),
(24) the sets V(pi), . . . , V(p2n+i) partition S.
By similar reasoning, using (8)-(12) we obtain
(25) V(qi), ..., V(q2n+l) partition W - (S U { t } ) .
Thus by (19), (24), (25), for each x e W either
(i) for exactly one j < 2n + 1, x V(PJ),
(ii) for exactly one j < 2n + 1, x V(QJ),
and not both.
If (i), let Q(x) = j. If (ii), let Q(x) = j'. Then Q : W - Wn is a
well-defined surjective mapping. Now from (13)-(16) we deduce
(26) Each x V(p\) has alternatives in and only in (inn) V(q\) and
(27) If 1 < j < In + 1, x V(PJ) has alternatives inn V(q^l) and
Proof. Take V on fn such that V(PJ) = {j} for 0 < j < 2n + 1, and
EI = {a : a is first-order definable}
The converse of 1.19.2(ii) is false (cf. the comments at the end of this
section). However a connection between the two kinds of frame is given
Theorem 1.19.3 For any replete frame T there is a descriptive frame
f such that T1 ^ T and T+ = T'+ .
Proof. Let T' = (F+)+. Then T1 is descriptive by 1.10.5, and F+ S fl+
by 1.10.3. To establish that T' =<; f we show that the map Q : x i-> Px,
as used in 1.10.7, is a surjective homomorphism according to 1.5.1. Since
T satisfies III, the proof that Q is onto follows exactly as in 1.10.7, as
does the proof of 1.5.1(1). 1.5.1(2) may be "read off" from VI and the
definition of T' (cf. 1.10.1). Finally to establish 1.5.1(3) we note that
every proposition of f is of the form \S\f+ for some S 6 P (1.10.1).
) = {x : Px e \S\f+} = {x:S
and so Q - ^ S I ) e P. D
We come now to a method, based on some work of Fine [15], of
producing replete frames through a construction from classical model
theory. The map x i-> Px used in 1.19.3 is not even a modal homomor-
phism unless its domain has some special properties. Our construction
shows in effect that this map may always be factored through an elemen-
tary embedding followed by a modal homomorphism. The idea here is
to treat a first-order frame as a genuine model for a first-order language.
Definition 1.19.4 Let T = (W, R, P) be a frame, with P = {Si : i 1}
for some indexing set I. Let SK(7) be a first-order language obtained from
the language 9\ of Section 1.16 by the addition of a set {Si : i e 7} of
monadic predicate letters. Then T is a realisation o/!!H(7), and constants
may be added to fH(7) by taking each element of W to be a name for itself.
A set A of formulae o/?l(7) with at most one free variable is satis-
fiable in f iff there exists some a 6 W such that T (= <5[o] for all 6 A.
J- is 2-saturated iff whenever A is a set of formulae with at most one
free variable and at most one constant (the same for all members of A),
and such that every finite subset of A is satisfiable in T , then A itself
is satisfiable in T' .
Theorem 1.19.5 (Fine [15]) If f is a 2-saturated realisation of 91(7),
then T is a replete modal frame.
Proof. To prove 1.9.3IV, let Q be a subset of P and put AQ = {$() :
Si Q} for v some variable of SH. Then if Q has the fip, each finite
subset of AQ is satisfiable in f. Since T is 2-saturated, it follows that
there is some a 6 W such that a e Si for all Si E Q and hence f|Q ^ 0
as required. To prove VI, suppose MPb C Pa, for a,b e W, and let
A - (R(a,v)} U (Si(v) : Si Pb}, where /Z is the dyadic predicate
letter of the language 91. Since Pb is closed under finite intersections,
and by hypothesis b 5 only if a rafl(S), it follows that each finite
subset of A is satisfiable in T. But only one constant appears in A, so
we conclude that A is satisfiable by some c W . Then aRc and c Si
for all ,% e Pb, whence PC = P6. D
Definition 1.19.6
(i) For any first-order frame T = (W,R,P), the reduct of F is the
Corollary 1.19.9 For any frame T there, exists a descriptive frame T'
such that f+ = F'+ and J-'Q is a homomorphic image of some K -frame
that is elementarily equivalent to F.
Proof. By 1.19.8 and 1.19.3. D
It should be noted that the construction of 1.19.8 will not in general
produce a descriptive frame, and so the homomorphism of 1.19.9 cannot
be avoided. To see this let f = (N, <}. Then if G is descriptive and
F+ S g+ we cannot have F0 = Q0. For by 1.10.7, if J"+ = Q+ then the
reduct of (.7r+)+ is isomorphic, and hence elementarily equivalent, to QQ.
But Thomason [98] has shown that the former satisfies the SK-sentence
Vv3u(R(v, u) A R(u,u)), and clearly this is not true of T.
Proof. By [39, pp. 152 and 171] the equational class generated by X+
is HS(P(X + )), where P(X+) is the closure of X+ under direct prod-
ucts. But since X is closed under disjoint unions, Theorem 1.6.5 gives
x+. a
Theorem 1.20.5
(i) <a# X only t/a e HS(X+).
(ii) If X 6 ECsA and X is closed under homomorphic images and
subframes, then 21 HS(X + ) only /2t# G X.
(i) 21 S (21+)+ C (2l#)+ (1.10.3, 1.20.2, 1.19.6).
(ii) Since 21 2 (21+)+, if 21 HS(A"+) then (21+)+ is a homomorphic
image of a subalgebra of (W, R)+, for some (W, R) X. Thus
there is some P C 2^ such that (2l+)+ is a homomorphic image
of (W,R,P)+. By 1.20.1 we may presume that (W,R,P) is de-
scriptive. But 21+ is descriptive, so by 1.10.9 and 1.10.7, 21+ is
embeddable in (W, R, P}. Then 2l# = (21+ )o is isomorphic to a
subframe of (W, R) X, whence our hypothesis gives 2l# X.
The above result gives access to the following characterisation of modal
axiomatic classes.
Theorem 1.20.6 If X <E ECSA, then X MAC iff
(i) X is closed under disjoint unions, homomorphic images and sub-
frames, and
(ii) f* e X only ifftX, for any K -frame F.
Proof. If X e MAC, (i) holds by 1.6.4, 1.5.5, and 1.4.10, and (ii) by
Theorem 1.20.8
(i) f#\=aonlyif{i:ri\=a}G.
(ii) JQ contains a substructure (not necessarily a subframe) isomorphic
toUfi/G (cf. 1.7.3).
(i) ?%\=a only if U^/G\=a (1.20.7,1.20.3(1))
only if {i : T+ \= a} G (Los's Thm)
only if {i : ft |= a} 6 G (1.3.3).
(ii) For each i / take Ti to be (Wi.^P;} where P; = 2Wi, and
consider the ultraproduct J-Q = (WG,RG,PG) as defined in 1.7.6.
Now if (U^/G)+ = (W,R,P) then by 1.7.8 (W,R,P) = (7"+)+.
But TQ = (W, R), and so it suffices to find an appropriate map
from TG into (?)+. Now by 1.9.2 and 1.9.11, TG is a refined
frame and so satisfies axioms I and II of Section 1.9. But then the
proof of 1.10.7 shows that the map given there from TG to (F^j )+
has the required properties for our theorem.
2.1 Syntax
The primitive symbols of our object language are (i) a denumerable
collection {pi : i < LJ} of propositional variables, (ii) the connectives ~
and A of negation and conjunction, (iii) parentheses ( and ). The set
<P of well-formed formulae (wffs) is constructed from these in the usual
way. The letters A, B, C etc. are used as metavariables ranging over
<. Parentheses may be omitted where convenient, the convention being
that ~ binds more strongly than A. The disjunction connective V is
introduced by the definitional abbreviation A V B =jf ~ (~ A A ~ B).
Our concern is to explore the relationships between two quite dif-
ferent ways of studying formulae. The semantical approach, to be ex-
plained in detail in the next section, has as its goal the assignment of
meanings or interpretations to wffs, and the setting out of conditions
under which a wff is to be true or false. The syntactical approach ex-
amines formal relationships between wffs, and focuses on the notion of
consequence or derivability of formulae. In this context we can distin-
guish between axiomatic systems, and logics. Given a formal language,
an axiom system S can be defined as an ordered pair (21, y\) where 21 is
a set of wffs of the language, called axioms, and $H is a set of rules of
inference that govern operations allowing certain formulae to be derived
from others. A wff A is said to be a theorem of S, written hs A, if there
exists in S a proof of A, i.e. a finite sequence of wffs whose last member
is A, and such that each member of the sequence is either an axiom, or
derivable from earlier members by one of the rules in 91.
A logic on the other hand can be thought of as a set L of formulae
closed under the application of certain inferential rules to its members.
The members of L are called L-theorems, and in this case the symbolism
HL A indicates merely that A 6 L.
For example, if S = (21,9t) is an axiom system, then an S-logic can
be defined as any set of wffs that includes the axiom set 21 and is closed
under the rules of 91. In general the intersection Ls of all S-logics will be
an S-logic, whose members are precisely those wffs for which there are
proofs in S. This is often described by saying that S is an axiomatisation
of Ls, or that Ls is generated by S.
Thus each axiom system has a corresponding logic (the set of its
theorems) and in some formal treatments little or no distinction is made
between the two. The converse however is not true. Not every logic is
axiomatisable. In any semantical framework the set of wffs true in a
particular model will be a logic of some kind, for which, in some cases,
there may be no effectively specifiable generating procedure. A classic
example is the first-order theory of the standard model of arithmetic.
An orthologic is a binary logic L such that, for all A, B, C <?,
#1. A I-L A
#2. AAB h L A
#3. AAB h-L B
#4. A t-L ~~A
#5. A I-L A
#6. A A ~A h L B
#7. if A I-L B and B h L C, then A h L C
#8. if A I-L B and A h L C, then A h L B A C
#9. if A I-L B, then ~ B h L ~ A.
It is easy to see that the intersection of any family of orthologics is an
orthologic, and hence that there is a smallest logic, which we call O, that
satisfies #1,..., #9. O is characterised by the class of ortholattices, in
the sense that A ho B iff v(A.) < v(B) for all valuations v on all or-
tholattices (a valuation on an ortholattice is a function from $ into the
lattice under which ~ and A are interpreted as orthocomplement and
lattice meet respectively). The necessity part of the above biconditional
is proved by showing that it holds for #1,..., #6 and is preserved by
# 7 , . . . , #9. Sufficiency may be established by showing that the Linden-
baum Algebra for O is an ortholattice (if $ is thought of as an algebra,
2.1.2 Definitions
Let L be an orthologic and F a non-empty set of wffs. A wff A is said
to be L-derivable from F, F !~L A, if there exist BI, ... , Bn 6 F such
that BI A ... A Bn I-L A. If A is L-derivable from {A V ~A} then we
simply say that A is L-derivable, or is an L-theorem, and write \~i A. F
is L-consistent if there is at least one wff not L-derivable from F, and
L-inconsistent otherwise. (It can be shown that F is L-consistent iff
for no A do we have both F HL A and F HL ~A.) F is L-full iff it is
L-consistent and closed under conjunction and L-derivability i.e. iff
(i) lor some A, not F I~L A,
(ii) if A T and A hL B then B e F,
(iii) A, B 6 T only if A A B e F.
2.1.3 Lemma
If x C $ is L-full, then
(i) A A B e x iff A x and B e x,
(ii) x h L A iff A x,
(iii) A V ~A e x, for all wffs A.
(i) The 'if part is 2.1.2(iii), and the converse follows from #2 and #3
by 2.1.2(ii).
(ii) Since A HL A (#1), sufficiency follows from the definition of L-
derivability. Necessity uses 2.1.2(ii) and (iii).
(iii) By definition x is non-empty, so there exists B S x. But
B h L A V ~A
(use #6, #9, #4 and #7), so the result follows by 2.1.2(ii).
The basic result linking full sets and derivability is the following version
of Lindenbaum's Lemma.
2.1.4 Theorem
jf KL A iff A belongs to every L-full extension of F.
Proof. If r hL A, then there exist B l v .., En F such that
BI A . . . A Bn h L A.
If x is L-full and F C x, we have BI, . . . , Bn 6 x. Applying 2.1.2(iii)
and then 2.1.2(ii) we obtain A. E x.
2.1.5 Lemma
If x is L-full and ~A x, then there exists an L-full set y
such that A y, and for all B, either ~B x or B ^ y.
Proof. Let y = {B : A hLB}. By #1, A y. Now let ~ B e x. Then
B 0 y, or else A KL B, whence ~ B KL ~ A by #9, and so by 2.1.2(ii),
~A 6 x, contrary to hypothesis. By 2.1.3(iii), A V ~ A x, i.e. ~(~A
A ~~A) x. By what we just proved it follows that ~ A A ~~A #
y. Proceeding in a similar manner to 2.1.4 we can show that y is closed
under conjunction and L-derivability, and hence that ~A A ~~A is not
L-derivable from y, i.e. y is L-consistent, and therefore L-full as required.
2.2 Semantics
2.2.1 Definition
>"={X, _L) is an orthoframe iff X is a non-empty set, the carrier
of F, and J. is an orthogonality relation on X, i.e. _L C X x X is
irreflexive and symmetric.
If x -L y then we say that x is orthogonal to y. If x is orthogonal to
every member of a subset Y of X then we say x is orthogonal to Y and
write a; -L Y. Y C X is said to be L-dosed iff for all x e X, x Y only
if there exists y X such that y -L Y and not x -L y (the converse is
always true by the symmetry of -L).
2.2.2 Definition
.M={X, _L, V) is an orthomodel on the frame (X, _L) iff V is a function
assigning to each prepositional variable p; a -L-closed subset V(pi) of X.
The truth of a wff A at x in M is denned recursively as follows. (Read
"A is true (holds) at x in X" for M \=x A).
(1) M K Pi iff x V( P i)
(2) M K A A B iff M (=x A and M (=x B
(3) M \=x ~A iff for all y, M \=y A only if x J. y.
Denoting the set {x X : M \=x A} by HAH^, we can rewrite the
above as
If F is a non-empty set of wffs, then we say F implies A at x in M,
denoted M: F \=x A, iff either there exists B r such that not M \=x
B, or else M \=x A. F M-implies A, M:F \= A, iff F implies A at all x
in M. If .F is a frame, r f -implies A, F:F \= A, iff M:F f= A for all
models M on T. If C is a class of frames, F it-implies A, :F \= A, iff
T-.r |= A for all T e C. If T={AV ~A} then we may simply write M
|= A, T |= A and so on, and speak of truth of A in M, F- validity of A
Let L be an orthologic. A class C of orthoframes is said to determine
L iff for all A, B $, A h L B iff :A \= B. strongly determines L iff
for all T and A, T hL A iff <L:F (= A.
The structures that we call orthoframes are not in fact new. They are
described as "orthogonality spaces" in Foulis and Randall [18]. That the
_L-closed subsets of an orthogonality space form an ortholattice under the
partial ordering of set inclusion is a result of long standing (cf. Birkhoff
[6, Section V.7]). What appears to be novel is the idea of using such
2.3.3 Definition.
If L is an orthologic then the canonical orthomodel for L is the structure
XL = {x C <? : x is L-full},
x J-L y iff there exists A such that ~A x, A 6 y,
= {x XL: pi 6 x}.
2.3.4 Lemma
ML is indeed an orthomodel.
2.3.6 Corollary
r I-L A iff ML . r (= A.
Proof. If T I-L A, BI A . . . A Bn h L A for some BI, . . . , Bn e -T. If A4L
\=x B for all B e r then in particular, by 2.3.5, BI, . . . , Bn x. By
2.1.2(11) and (iii) it follows that A x, hence by 2.3.5 ML f=^ A.
Conversely, if A is not L-derivable from F, by 2.1.4 there exists x
XL such that F C x and A g x. By 2.3.5, M L NX B for all B T, but
not ML \=x A. D
logic, based on <?M> that includes all classical PC tautologies, all in-
stances of the schemata
D(A - B)-> (DA -> DB)
DA-> A
and is closed under Modus Ponens (from A and A > B to infer B) and
Necessitation (from A to infer DA).
2.4.1 Definition
Q = (X, R) is a B-frame if R is a proximity relation on X,
i.e. R C X x X is reflexive and symmetric.
Af = (X, R, V) is a B-model if V is a function assigning to each q; a
subset V(pi) of X. The truth stipulations for q^ and conjunction are as
in 2.2.2(1), (2). For negation and necessity we have
2.4.2 Definition
We recursively define a translation that associates with each A $ a
modal wff A* e $M as follows:
p* = DOqi all i < u
(A A B)* = A*- B*
(~A)* = D-.(A*)
2.4.3 Lemma
Let J- = (X, _L) and Q = (X, R) be an orthoframe and a B-frame
respectively, such that x _L y iff not xRy (clearly J. is an orthogonality
relation iff R is a proximity relation). If M and JV/" axe models on T and
Q such that for all i < w, and all x X, M ]=x p; iff Af \=x p*, then for
all A *, and all x 6 X, M \=x A iff M f= x A*.
Proof. Let A=~B and suppose the Lemma holds for B. Then
2.4.4 Lemma
0 : T f= A only if 03 : F* \= A", where r* = {B* : B 6 T}
and 23 is the class of B-frames.
Proof. If not <B:.T* |= A*, there is a B-model M = (X, R, V) and some
t X such that M \=t B*, all B 6 r, but not A/" K A*- Let M = (X,
, V), where V'(p t ) = V(p*), and x 1 y iff not zR.7/. To show that
V'(pi) is -L-closed, suppose x V'(pi). Then not A/" |=x dOqi and so
there exists y such that xRy and not A/" )=,, <C>q;. Then if yRw, wRy
and so not A/" ^ DOq;, i.e. w V'(pi). Thus w V'(pi) only if
not yRw, i.e. y _L w. Hence y -L V'(pj) and, since xRy, not x -L y as
required. Thus A4 is an orthomodel satisfying the hypothesis of 2.4.3.
We therefore conclude that M \=t B for all Be F, and not M. \=t A,
hence not 9 : F |= A. D
2.4.5 Lemma
<B : T* (= A* only if 0 : F \= A.
Proo/. If not 6 : F \= A, there is an orthomodel M = (X, -L , V) and
some t X such that M \=t B, all B e T, but not X (=t A. Let M = (X,
R, V) be a B- model, where xRy iff not x 1. y, and V'(qi)=V(pi). Then
using the fact that V(p z ) is J--closed we deduce
M K Pi iff for all y, y 1 \\pt\\M only iixLy
iff for all y, xRy only if for some z, not t/ _L z
and =2
iff for all y, xRy only if for some z, yRz
and A/" |=z q,
iff M \=x DOq,
iff A/> s pJ.
Thus the hypothesis of 2.4.3 is satisfied, and we conclude A/" |=t B* for
all B e T, but not A^ \=t A*, hence not OS : F* |= A*. D
Using Lemmata 2.4.4, 2.4.5, our strong determination result for O,
and that of 8, we arrive at
2.4.6 Theorem
r ho A iff r* \-B A*.
2.5.2 Definition
Let M ~ (X, -L , V) be an orthomodel and ip an admissible set of wffs.
We define an equivalence relation on X as follows:
x y iff for all A V, M \=x A iff M (= A.
Putting [x] {y : x y} we define
X' = {[*] : x eX};
[x] _L' [y] iff there exists A such that ~A if), and either
(i) M (=x ~A and M \=y A, or
(ii) M \=y ~A and M \=x A;
V'(pi) = {[x] : Pi V and x V(Pl)}.
The structure M' (X', _L', V) is then called the filtration of M through
2.5.3 Lemma
M! is an orthomodel.
Proof. We note first that the above definitions are correctindependent
of the choice of equivalence class representative. _L' is symmetric by
definition. Furthermore by 2.2.2(3) and the symmetry of JL, [x] ' [y]
only if x _L y. From this, and the irreflexivity of -L, it follows that
-L' is irreflexive, and thus is an orthogonality relation. Now if p{ ^ V>
V'(pt) = 0 and so is J_'-closed. On the other hand if p^ e t/> and [x] (
2.5.6 Corollary
0 is decidable. D
2.6.4 Definition
J- = (X, -L, } is a quantum frame if (X, ) is an orthoframe and is a
non-empty collection of -L-closed subsets of X such that
(i) is closed under set intersection, and the operation * defined by
Y* = {x : x .L Y}
After this article was first published I discovered that no such condition exists.
The proof is given in the next chapter.
2.6.6 Lemma
All quantum models verify #10.
Proof. For any M we have M : AAB |= A, hence ||AAB||^ C HAH^.
Thus if M is a quantum model it follows by 2.6.5 and 2.6.4(ii) that
IIAABH^ is J_-closed in ||A||^, whence by 2.6.3,
M : AA(~AV(AAB)) (= AAB.
By the verification of #3 and #7, this yields
M : AA(~Av(AAB)) (= B.
We could at this point produce analogues to 2.3.6 and 2.3.7, and to-
gether with 2.6.7 conclude that Q is strongly determined by the class of
all quantum frames. However with our new structures, much stronger
results are possible. Our earlier methods provided each orthologic with
a characteristic model (.ML) but did not produce a characteristic frame,
or class of frames, except in the case of O. Whether every orthologic is
(strongly) determined by a class of orthoframes is as yet unknown, al-
though recent work by Thomason [97] on incompleteness in modal logic
suggests that the answer will probably be negative. For quantum logics
and quantum frames however the matter can be settled completely in
the affirmative.
2.6.11 Theorem
Let L be a quantum logic. Then F HL A iff L : F |= A.
Proof. If GL : r \= A, then A/L : F (= A, so ML : F \= A by 2.6.10.
F H L A then follows by 2.3.6. Conversely, if F \~L A, there exist AI, . . .,
An F such that AX A . . . A An FL A. Now let M be any model on / L -
For each i < u, \\pi\\M 6 L, so there exists B; such that HpiH^ = |Bi|L
= UBill^1-. For any wff C, let C' be the result of uniformly replacing
each pi occurring in C by B;. Clearly we then have AJ A . . . A A^ HL
A' and so by 2.3.6 and 2.6.10, A/L : A( A . . . A A^ |= A'. But a simple
induction shows that HC]^ = \\C'\\*L and so M : AI A . . . A An f=
A, whence M : F \= A. Since this holds for all models M on C/L, we
conclude L : F (= A. D
I am indebted to my supervisor, Dr. M. J. Cresswell, for some very
helpful discussions and comments on the composition of this paper. I
would also like to acknowledge a debt to Mr. K. E. Pledger, through
whose involvement with quantum logic I first became interested in the
subject. He had earlier established algebraically a connection between
the logic of orthomodular lattices and an extension of B. The blame
for the techniques and results of this paper however lies solely with its
I have a proof that any finite quantum frame is semantically equiv-
alent to one for which is the class of all _L-closed sets. Thus if Q has
the FMP for quantum frames it will be determined by a class of finite
Orthomodularity is not Elementary
Theorem 3.2 gives a well-known criterion [4, p. 76] that ensures that if
P and Ji are as stated, then (P+,.) is an elementary substructure of
(7i+, J.). Hence the two structures satisfy exactly the same L2-sentences.
Now let P be the incomplete pre-Hilbert space of finitely nonzero
sequences of complex numbers, and Ti. the separable Hilbert space I2
of absolutely square-summable sequences [5, Chapter 11]. Then P is an
infinite-dimensional subspace of H, so (P+, J.) is elementarily equivalent
to (Ti+, JL). But the latter is orthomodular, while the former is not. To
see this, observe that adjunction of the zero vector to a -L-closed subset
of Ti+ turns it into a J_-closed subspace of 7i, and this process gives
an isomorphism between the lattices of -L-closed subsets of 7i+ and
closed subspaces of H (in H, "l-closed" and "(topologically) closed"
first example of a natural and significant logic that leaves the usual meth-
ods defeated. There are some very basic questions about orthomodular
logic which, to my knowledge, remain unanswered:
Is it characterised by the class of orthomodular orthoframes?
Is it characterised by its canonical frame?
Does it have the finite-model property?
Is it decidable?
Arithmetical Necessity, Provability
and Intuitionistic Logic
4.1 Motivation
The interpretation of the modal operator D as "it is provable that"
seems to have been first considered by Godel [20], who observed that
there is a theorem-preserving translation of Heyting's intuitionistic logic
IL into the modal system S4. He "presumed" further that the translation
is deducibility-invariant, i.e., that a sentence is an IL-theorem precisely
when its translate is an S4-theorem. This was later verified by McKinsey
and Tarski [68].
A recent paper by Solovay [91] considers a number of provability
interpretations of modality, the most significant being "it is provable in
Peano arithmetic that". The basic idea is that if a is a sentence of Peano
Arithmetic (P), then Da denotes the sentence
(1) Bew( r a n ),
where r a n denotes the numeral of the Godel number of a, and Bew(x)
is the formula that expresses "x is the Godel number of a theorem of P."
Now the most well known reading of D is the alethic modality "it
is necessarily true that", and the most well known account of necessity
is the Leibnizian dictum that a necessary truth is one that is true in
all possible worlds. We can relate this to (1) by defining (as seems
eminently reasonable) a possible world for arithmetic to be a model of
P. A sentence a is then arithmetically necessary when it is true in all
P-models, which, by the Completeness Theorem, holds precisely when
P h a. Since the latter holds just in case P h Bew( r a n ), we obtain the
equivalence of
(2) a is arithmetically necessary
(3) Pi-Da.
There is however a major inadequacy in this analysis. A necessarily
true statement is in particular a true statement, and so for the alethic
interpretation we require the validity of the schema
(T) OA -> A.
But if validity is taken to mean derivability in P, as is done in [91], then
not all instances of this schema are valid. Indeed P h BewC'a"') > a
only in the event that P h a, as was shown by Lob [60]. The purpose of
this article is to offer a modified interpretation of D that leaves (2) and
(3) equivalent, but makes T valid. The modification is simply to take
Da as
(4) aABew( r a n ),
which has the apparent meaning "a is true and provable". Read like
that, (4) seems equivalent to "a is provable", i.e., to (1). However the
two are not the same, in view of the existence of true but unprovable
sentences of arithmetic. The precise situation is that each of (1) and
(4) is a P-theorem precisely when the other is (which is why (2) and (3)
remain equivalent), the two are materially equivalent in the standard
P-model, but this material equivalence is not in general itself provable
in P.
An interpretation of the language of modal logic will be developed
on the basis of (4), and then by axiomatising the resulting class of valid
sentences, and invoking the Godel-McKinsey-Tarski translations men-
tioned above, we will obtain a provability interpretation of IL in P, in
which an intuitionistic implication asserts the truth and provability of
a material implication, and an intuitionistic negation asserts that an
arithmetical sentence is false and refutable (inconsistent). Subsequently
we shall show that the arithmetically necessary non-modal sentences are
just the IL-theorems.
These results were obtained while the author held a position as Vis-
iting Scientist at Simon Fraser University. He would like to thank Dr.
S. K. Thomason for the hospitality afforded him at that time.
4.2 Method
Let $ be a modal prepositional language based on prepositional letters
Po>Pi,p2> -i the connectives A, V, ~, (all taken as primitive), and
the modal operator D. Define a translation A i- A from $ to $ by
(5) Pi=pt,
(6) (A t\ B) = A f\ B,
(7) (AV B) = A VB,
(8) (~Ar = ~(A),
(9) (A - B) = A -> B,
(10) (DA) = A A D(4).
We presume the reader is familiar with the notions of a frame f ~
(U,R), a model M = (U,R,V) based on F, the validity of a sentence
A on F, and the truth of A at a; in M, M\=XA. We recall only the key
(11) M\=XDA iff for all y,xRy only if M\=yA.
(The details of these definitions may be found, e.g., in [86]).
Lemma 4.2.
(i) \=* A only if u \=* A,
(ii) |=* A if and only if u |=* OA.
(i) P h A* only if A* is true in w.
(ii) P h A* iff Bew( r ^* n ) is true in LJ.
Solovay [91] proves that
(29) w \=* A iff G' h A,
where G' is the modal system whose theorems form the smallest set of
sentences containing all K4W-theorems, and all instances of T, that is
closed under Modus Ponens. Combining (29) with Lemma 4.2(ii) and
(17) gives the apparently new
The reader has probably anticipated the next question - which <?-
sentences are valid in ui when interpreted according to (26)-(28)? He
or she may, however, be a little surprised at the answer: precisely the
IL-theorems are thus valid. In other words, any $- sentence that is valid
in w is valid in all P-models, and the only ^-sentences that are arith-
metically necessary in this latter sense are the intuitionistic theorems.
To see this we need
Lemma 4.3.
(i) For any A <, G' h (A A OA) <- DA.
Let A = {A : u (=* A0} = {A : G' I- A0} be the set of modal
sentences valid in the standard model under interpretations satisfying
(18) in place of (16). A is recursive, since G' is, [91, 5], and by Theorem
4.1, S4Grz C A. The problem is to axiomatise A by adjoining a finite
number of schemata to S4Grz.
A number of people have worked on the problems considered here.
George Boolos independently proved Theorem 4.1, while a proof that
IL h A iff K4W h (^4~) was previously given by A. Kuznetsov and
A. Muzavitski (cf. Proceedings of the IVth Soviet Union Conference on
Mathematical Logic, Kishiniev, 1976, p. 73, (in Russian)).
The above Problem has also been solved by Boolos (personal com-
munication, April 1979), by showing that A is just S4Grz itself! Thus
S4GrzF.4 iff w [=* 4,
or equivalently
A0 iff G'*rA.
Diodorean Modality in Minkowski
oo n
Figure 5.1
The following result is due originally to Dov Gabbay, and was indepen-
dently discovered by Johan van Benthem. The construction we use in
the proof is that devised by the latter.
level n+j'+l
level n+y
level n+l
level n
Figure 5.2
Theorem 5.5. T +1 - T.
Proof. Let / : (x\ , . . . , z n + i) >-> (x2, ..., xn+i) be the (surjective) pro-
jection map. Then if x < y T +1 , we have
Z)"=i(2/' ~ xi? ^ (Vn+i - Zn+i) 2 and xn+i < yn+i.
But then as (yi - xi)2 > 0,
_ V - r-12
(zn+l ~ Xn+i),
Figure 5.3
Figure 5.4
Now let Tg = {t : 0 < t} be the "first quadrant" of the plane,
consisting of all points with non-negative coordinates. A future-open
box in TO is a subset of the form [a, b) x [c, d) (cf. Figure 5.5).
Figure 5.5
Notice that any two members t, s of a future-open box have an upper
bound v within the box, and that v may be chosen to lie on the diagonal
line joining (a, c) to (6, d).
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.7
Figure 5.8
01 on
10 101
11 111
1/2 3/4 7/8 1
Figure 5.9
It is apparent that
(**) if z < y in B, then the box permanently assigned y lies inside the
one temporarily assigned z.
Figure 5.10
Slower-Than-Light Signals
In T, define
x -< y iff [i(y x) < 0 and xn < yn-
Then x -< y holds just in case a signal can be sent from x to y at less
than the speed of light. The reflexive relation
x =<; y iff x y or x -<y
yields the same logic as before - we leave it to the reader to analyse the
above proof to verify that the valid sentences on (Tn, ^4) are precisely
the S4.2 theorems.
Irreflexive Time
Tense logic, as a branch of modal logic, is generally taken to be concerned
with irreflexive orderings, so that a point is not considered to be in its
own future. In spacetime there are two natural strict orderings, viz. the
x -< y iff n(y - x) < 0 and xn < yn
defined earlier, and
xay iff x ^ y and x < y.
(a is the relation "after" axiomatised by Robb in [75]).
The logic of these two orderings can be distinguished in terms of the
validity of modal sentences. There may be two propositions A and B
that are true in the future at two points that can only be reached by
travelling (in opposite directions) at the speed of light (cf. Figure 5.11).
Figure 5.11
In this situation, will be true now, but never again, and hence
the sentence
Figure 5.12
Figure 5.13
Thus in (T 3 ,a), and indeed in (T n ,a) for n > 3, we can falsify the-
following sentence (here i and j range over {1,2,3}):
A n(Pl A pi A Oft-))-
However this sentence is valid under -< for all n > 2, and is valid under
a in T2.
1. Axiomatise the logics corresponding to a and to -< in the various
2. Analyse the logic of discrete spacetime, i.e. when E is replaced by
the set Z of integers .
I am very much indebted to Johan van Benthem for a stimulating and
fruitful dialogue, without which I doubt that I would ever have com-
pleted this jigsaw puzzle.
The fact that S4.2 is the logic of the direct product of the real linear
frame (M,<) with itself was discovered independently by Valentin She-
htman (cf. [89]). Theorem 5.1 was also proved by A. G. Dragalin. More
details of these other works are given in the Editor's footnote to [22].
Grothendieck Topology as
Geometric Modality
6.1 Introduction
The language of prepositional modal logic extends that of ordinary logic
by the additional of a single unary connective. This connective has a long
history of investigation in terms of modal interpretations of philosophical
interest, such as "it is necessarily the case that" (alethic mode), "it ought
to be the case that" (deontic mode), "it is known that" (epistemic), "it
will always be that" (temporal), and so on. Recently a number of in-
terpretations have been studied that are of more mathematical concern.
Thus we have "it is provable (or true and provable) in Peano arithmetic
that" (cf. [91] or [21]), and "whenever a certain program terminates, it
is the case that" (cf. [16]).
The present article is a contribution to the study of mathematical
modalities, and is concerned with what might be called the geometric
mode. The above quotation comes from the address [55] at which LAW-
VERB first announced the results of his work, with M. TIERNEY, on
axiomatic sheaf theoryan elementary (first order) treatment of the
notion of a Grothendieck topology on a category and its attendant cat-
egory of sheaves. In order to elucidate this claim we shall interpret
the formal modal language within elementary sites. An elementary site
comprises a topos with a topology O -^ f l . may be thought of
as a generalised universe of (perhaps non-extensional) sets, with 1 its
(and), V (or), > (implies) and V (it is locally the case that). Negation,
the biconditional, and the constant T are defined by
~A = A->, A=B = (A^B)h(B^A), T = ->l.
The set of all sentences will be denoted !?. <P denotes the subset of all
non-modal sentences, i.e. those with no occurrence of V.
The Kripke semantics for ^-sentences employs as its basic structure
a partially-ordered set (poset) P (P, C). For each p P we put
\p) = {q & P : p C. q}. A subset 5 C P is P-hereditary if it is closed
upwards under C, i.e. if p 5 implies [p) C 5. We put
P+ = {S C P : 5 is ^-hereditary}.
A model based on P is a pair A4 = (T3, V), where V : &Q > 73"1" is a
P- valuation assigning to each sentence letter TT !?o a 'P-hereditary set
V(ir) C P. The notion of a non-modal sentence A <P being true at a
point p in M, written M. \=p A, is defined inductively by:
(2.1) M (= P 7T i f f p e V(TT),
(2.2) not M hp-L,
(2.3) A1 (=p A A B iff A^ f= p A and M (=p B,
(2.4) X (=p yl V JB iff A^ (=p A or X |=p B,
(2.5) . M } = p A - > . B i f f p C < ? implies that M \=q A only if M \=q B.
Hence we also have
(2.6) M t=p ~A iff p C g implies that not Ai f= 9 A.
Putting M(A) = {p : M \= A}, these clauses become
(2.10) M(A VB) = M(A) U M(B),
where for S, T 6 P+
(2.13) 5|^T = { p : [ p ) n S C T } ,
(2.14) -.5 = 5 |=>0 = {p : [p) n 5 = 0}.
The set "P+ contains 0 and is closed under the operations n, U, t=>. From
this a straightforward induction shows that M (A) P+ , for all A <
[84, Lemma 2.1]. Sentence .4 is true in M, M h A, if M \=p A for all
as the set of all sets that are equivalent to 5 at p. This situation can be
remedied in topological theories that admit infinitesimals. In the work
of Robinson [77] the germ of S at p is the intersection of 5 with the
monad of p, the latter being the set of points infinitely close to p.
6.3.2 Frames
We now introduce the concept of a frame as a structure P = (P, E,/j)
comprising a poset on which there is a function n : P > 2P assigning to
each p e P a subset n(p) C P (the monad of p) such that
(3.3) p C q implies n(q) C fi(p).
Writing p X q for q fi(p), (3.3) becomes
(3.4) p C g -< r implies p -< r.
The notion of a model Al = (P, V) based on P is defined as in Section
6.2, and truth in M at a point is defined for all ^-sentences using (2.1)-
(2.5) and the new clause
(3.5) M \=p VA iff /i(p) C M(A),
or equivalently
(3.6) M |=p VA iff p -< q implies M (=, A,
which formalises principle (3.1).
Defining j^ : P+ ^ P+ by jM(S) = {p : //(p) C S} which does
indeed make jM(S) P-hereditary by (3.3)we find that (cf. (3.5))
(3.7) M(VA)=jlt(M(A)),
and from this it can be shown that M(A) P+, for all A !?.
The notions A1 (= A and P (= A of truth in a model and validity on
a frame are again as for posets. Amongst the sentences that are valid
on all frames we cite
(3.8) V(A -> B) - (VA - VB),
(3.9) V A A V B - ^ V ( A A B ) ,
(3.10) VAVVB-+ V ( A V 5 ) ,
while amongst the validity-preserving rules there are
(3.11) if P\= A then P \=VA,
(3.12) if P \= A -> B then P (= VA -> VB.
The verification of these facts is left to the reader.
6.3.3 Increasing Frames
We say that /*, or more loosely P, is increasing if it satisfies
(3.27) (VA - A) - VA
is valid, since to falsify it at p requires an infinite ascending chain in [p).
(3.27) is not however valid on (uj, <), where < is the usual numerical
ordering of the natural numbers.
Whenever the condition
(3.28) p\2q implies p -< q
obtains, the sentence
(3.29) VA-*(B\/(B->A))
is valid, and conversely in the presence of hereditary monads. In general,
validity of (3.29) is equivalent to
(3.30) p e g implies 3r(p -< r C q),
i.e. [p) {p} C /i(p)#. To indicate the proof, suppose p C q, so that
p ^ [q), and take a model with A and 5 being distinct letters having
V(A) = p,(p)# and V(B) = (9). Then A4 (= VA but not M \=p B,
so by the validity of (3.29) we obtain M \=p B -> A. Since p C q and
.A/1 |=g B, it follows by (2.5) that M \=q A, hence q /x(p)# as required.
Returning now to the question of reflexivity of -<, we observe first
that validity of the schema VA A is equivalent to the frame condition
(3.31) 3 g ( p - < ? E p ) ,
which when MP)* = M(P) is itself equivalent to
(3.32) p -< p.
But when (i(p) is hereditary, p -< p iff [p) C /i(p). Noting that on an
increasing frame (3.31) implies (3.32), we conclude that VA A ("local
truth=truth") is valid just in case /i(p) = [p) for all p, i.e. just in case
(3.33) p-<q iff p C q.
6.3.7 Continuous Lattices
Let T> be a subtopology of the order topology on a poset (P, C). The
following definition is essentially that made by Scott [81] for a particular
T> in his work on continuous lattices:
(3.34) p(p) = [p),
where the interior is taken with respect to T>, so that
(3.35) p^q iff 3S V(q 5 C [p)).
This yields an increasing frame with hereditary monads. A sufficient
(though not necessary) condition for it to be dense, and hence a J-
frame, is that T> have a base of sets of the form [r). For if q [r) C [p)
with [r) D, then p -< r -< q. Such an example is provided by the model
of [82] for Lambda-calculus, where P 2U, C is set inclusion, and T> is
generated by all sets of the form [r) for finite r C w. In this case we
(3.36) p -< q iff p is a finite subset of q.
Of course if [r) 6 T> for even/ r, then T> = P+ and the construction
collapses to (3.33).
6.3.8 Cofinality
There is a standard Grothendieck
topology on any topos, namely dou-
ble negation, which is more appro-
priately put into words as "it is co-
finally the case that".
(3.41) A - + V A
is valid precisely on those frames that are both increasing and satisfy
(3.42) p -< q C r implies q = r,
i.e. the members of n(p) are ^.-maximal. That these conditions imply
validity of (3.41) is left to the reader to verify. For the other direction,
noting that the schema A > ~~yl is valid on all posets, we have that
validity of (3.41) implies that of A > VA, so the frame must be increas-
ing by (3.15). Also the schema ~~(A V ~A) is poset-valid, and so with
(3.41) yields validity of
(3.43) V(AV~A).
But this last sentence is precisely equivalent to (3.42). Once more we
shall only prove one direction: Take p -< q and let M(A) = [q) - {q}
P+. If (3.43) is P-valid then M \=p V(A V ~A), hence M (=, A V ~A.
But not M \=q A, so we must have M \=g ~A and thus ((2.12) and
(2.14)) [q) n M(A) = 0. But M(A) = [q) - {q} C [q), so this is only
possible if [q) {q} = 0, i.e. [q) = {q} as required.
Confining our attention now to frames with /x(p)# = [i(p), we see that if
p,(p) is cofinal with \p), all C-maximal members of \p) must be in ^(p).
Then any such frame that validates
(3.44) VA = ~~A
must by (3.42) satisfy
(3.45) p -< q iff q is a C-maximal member of (p).
However this condition is not always sufficient for (3.44). It is satisfied
vacuously by the frame (LJ, <, n) where /i(p) = 0 for all p, since there are
no <-maximal elements. But in any model on this frame V-L is true and
~~_L is false at all points (alternatively observe that (3.40) fails). On the
other hand, on a finite poset every element has a C-maximal successor,
and indeed the finite frames on which (3.44) is valid are precisely those
satisfying (3.45).
In Sections 6.6 and 6.8 we shall see how the various schemata we
have been discussing can be used to axiomatically generate the logics
determined by the structures that satisfy the frame conditions that cor-
respond to those schemata.
of opens that 5 covers. This notion can be lifted to any complete Heyt-
ing algebra (CHA). A CHA is by definition an HA Ti in which every
subset S has a least upper-bound (join) |J 5. CHAs satisfy the infinite
distributive law
(4.19) (U S} n (U R) = LU sdWr n *)).
Now if U is a CHA with lattice ordering C, let H0 = (H, <) be the
inverse ordering to C, i.e. p < q iff q C p. Then for 5 e WQ", put
(4.20) jff(S) = {p e ff : p E |JS} = [LJS) in H+.
(4.21) IfS,Re H^ have pt\_\S and p^L\R, then p C |J(.R n 5).
Proof. Let <j denote the term on the right hand side of equation (4.19).
For each s 5 and r e R we have s < s n r and r < s fl r. But S
and .R are <-hereditary, and so 5 n r e Rr\ S, from which it follows
that s n r C \_\(R n ) Hence we may show that 9 E l\(R n S)- But
the hypothesis of (4.21) yields p C (|J 5) n (|J R) = q. (The proof of
(4.21) for T)(X) can be done by elementary set theory, without explicit
recourse to (4.19).) D
Now let us define a neighbourhood structure on H by putting
(4.22) rf = {SeH+:pC(JS}.
That p < q implies 7^ C 7^ is obvious, and so SH = (H, <,7 H ) is a
space, in which
(4.23) J7*(S) = J H ( S ) , for all S e H+ .
It is readily seen that 7^ is closed under supersets, and the import
of (4.21) is that it is closed under finite intersections. Thus SH is a
filter-space. Moreover, since \p) = {q : q C p} we have
which ensures that \p) 7^. Finally, if J 7 (S) 6 7^ then
P E \J{q : q E !_]?} = LHLJS) = U^ (4.24),
and so S e 7^.
Altogether then, 5H satisfies (4.10) and (4.11) and so is a ./-space.
If we construct its associated frame (4.17) by putting n(p) = f|7^> tne
definition of -< becomes
(4.25) p -< q iff VS 6 H$(p E |J S implies q e S).
Associated with ^ is the operation jM(5) = {p : /i(p) C 5}. It can be
shown that j^ is identical with the function jjj , i.e.
(4.26) n(p) C S iff p C U51 for all p 6 P and 5 S Wj,
precisely when W satisfies
(4.27) p = \
In the case of T>(X) we have p X q as in (4.25) when q belongs to every
hereditary open cover (decomposition) of p. Intuitively this makes q an
irreducible (indecomposable) open subset of p. In the discrete topology
~D(X) = 2X it means that q is a singleton subset of p. In the event that
V is an order topology, it means that q is a set of the form [x) for some
x p.
The condition (4.27) means that p is covered by its irreducible open
subsets. It is satisfied by all P|-closed topologies: given x 6 p, choose
from each hereditary cover of p a neighbourhood qx of x. Then the
intersection of all these qx 's is both an open set around x and an irre-
ducible subset of p. (4.27) also holds of the topology on 2" described
in Subsection 6.3.7, where each open set is a union of sets of the form
{q : r C q} for finite r C uj. The latter have the irreducibility property
we have been describing.
6.4.4 Cofinality
Let P = (P, C) be any poset. Then,
(4.28) the set 7^ = {S P+ : S is cofinal with \p)} is a filter on P+ .
Proof. 7 ^ 0, since it contains P, and it is easy to see that cofinality
is preserved under supersets. Next, take 5 and R in 7^. Then if q 6 [p)
there is some r e 5 with q C r. But then r e [p), so there is some t R
with r C t. Then qC.rC.teSr\R, and so we have shown 5 n R to be
cofinal with [p), giving the closure of 7^ under finite intersections. D
By (4.28) it follows that Sc = (P, C,7 C ) is a filter-space (why is (4.3)
satisfied?). Since [p) is cofinal with itself, it belongs to 7^. Moreover if
J 7 c(5) e 7 and p C. q there is some r in jfc(S) with q C r. But then 5
is cofinal with [r), so for some t 5 we have q C. r C t. This establishes
cofinality of 5 with [p), i.e. S 7^.
Altogether then we find that Sc is a J^-space. It is left to the reader
to verify that
(4.29) 5C (= V4 = ~~A
6.4.5 Topological Neighbourhood Systems
In a topological space (X, >) a set Y is a neighbourhood of p when there
is an open S T> with p 5 C Y. Open sets are characterised as
those that are neighbourhoods of all of their points. The axioms for the
system 7 of topological neighbourhoods are
(4.30) 7P is a filter,
(4.31) VF e 7P 35 7p[(tf S implies 5 6 7,) and S C Y],
(4.32) p E
(The set j^(Y) = {p : Y 6 7P} is then the interior Y of Y with respect
Now the system 7^ on a jT-frame satisfies (4.30) and (4.31) for
(4.31) take S = //(p)*'. However while it is true that p e 5 6 S+
implies 5 e 7P, we do not require that J"-spaces satisfy (4.32) (which is
equivalent to the validity of VA > ,4). Thus it may be that p $ S e 7P
for some 5. In this case we may think of 5 as a punctured neighbourhood
of p, i.e. a set of the form R - {p}, where R is a neighbourhood of p.
These sets are sometimes used to define limit points: p is a limit point
of Y iff every punctured neighbourhood of p meets Y (cf. also Section
Notice that in a J"-space satisfying (4.32) we have j'7(S) = S for all
5 e P+. Now classical logic is modelled by posets with the discrete
ordering (i.e. p C. q iff p ~ q), in which P+ 2 P . Thus on a discrete
poset (set) the only classically topological neighbourhood system that is
also a ./-system is the one inducing the discrete topology.
(4.44) S~ is a J-space. D
Using the fact that x C y iff x l~l y = x, it is not hard to see that any
multiplicative operator is monotone, i.e. satisfies
(5.15) x C y only if j ( x ) C j(j/).
This property is useful in developing an even finer analysis of the rela-
tionships between the various structures we have been considering.
(5.16) There is a bijective correspondence between local operators and
topological congruences on P+ , for any poset P.
Proof. Given a congruence ~, the neighbourhood system 7- of (4.41)
yields a J'-space S- (4.44) whose associated operator
(4.42) j^(S) = \J{R:R~S]
is local by (5.13). Conversely, given a local operator j : P+ > P+, then
motivated by (4.45) we define
(5.17) R~jSiSj(R) = j ( S ) .
~j is obviously an equivalence relation. Multiplicativity of j makes it
stable under finite intersections. For unions, suppose Ri ^j Si, alH I.
Then using the inflationary property and (5.15) we have that for each
io e /, Rio C j(Rlo) = j(Sio) C j(\jSi). Hence we have (JR, C
j(\JSi). But then by (5.15) and (5.5) we get j(U ft) j(j(U)) =
j(\JSi). Interchanging the Ri and the Si yields j(\JSi) C j((JRi), and
so \JRi ^j \JSi as required. Thus ~j is a topological congruence.
(5.18) S -,- j ( S ) .
Proof, j is idempotent. D
(5.19) j ( S ) = (J{R:R ~, S}.
Proof. By (5.18), j ( S ) {R : R ~j S}, so j ( S ) C \J{R : R ~, 5}.
Conversely, if R ~^ 5 then R C j ( R ) - j ( S ) . D
In view of (4.45), (4.42), (5.19), the constructions ~ i-> j7^ and
j H-> ~j are mutually inverse, and this establishes (5.16). D
The laws (5.4)-(5.6) defining local operators were isolated by LAW-
VERE and TIERNEY in developing an abstract characterisation of the
notion of a "sheaf over a site" (cf. [55], [56], or [26, Chapter 14]). These
laws combine some of the properties of interior and closure operators
on standard topological spaces, and lead to a modal logic that differs
considerably from those that have been held significant in the context of
classical logic. In particular the schema A * VA is certainly not valid
when V is given any of the philosophical interpretations listed in the first
paragraph of this paper (cf. the next section for more information about
the behaviour of this schema over classical logic). But the naturalness
Punctured Neighbourhoods
We end this section with a re-examination of the idea of punctured neigh-
bourhood mentioned in Subsection 6.4.5.
Let (X, V) be a topological space and
(5.25) 7P = {Y C X : 3S <E T>(p S C Y)}
its associated (topological) neighbourhood system. We form a new sys-
tem by adding to 7P all the punctured neighbourhoods of p, to form
(5.26) Sp = 7p U {Z C X : 1Y e 1P(Z = Y - {p})}.
Then in fact
(5.27) 6P = {Z : 35 6 D(p 6 S and 5 - {p} C Z ) }
as may be seen from (5.25) and (5.26). For each open RT>, put
(5.28) js(R) = {p:R6p}
as usual. Then
(5.29) js(R) E -D, i.e. jg:T>^ V.
Proof. Let p e jg(R). We show that p is ^-interior to js(R). By (5.27)
there exists 5 e T> with p S and 5 - {p} C R. Then if q e S, either
(i) <? = P,and so q js(R), or (ii) q ^ p, and so q 6 5 - {p} C R, giving
R 8g (since R ~D), and again <j> 6 Js(R)- Thus we have p 5 C jg(R)
and S D, i.e. p lies in a >-open subset of js (R) as required. D
(5.30) js is inflationary.
Proof. If R e T> and p 6 7?, then fl - {p} C .R, so .R e <5P, hence
pjs(R).Th\nRCjs(R). D
(5.31) js(R) C 5 U (-5 U R) for all R, 5 D.
Proof. Let p e j g ( R ) , so that S" - {p} C R, for some 5' with p e 5' X>.
Then for any 5 P, if p < S, {p} C -S, so 5' = {p} U (5' - {p}) C
-5 U .R. But as p 6 S', this implies p (-5 U R) as required. D
The operator jg is not in all cases idempotent. To see this, observe
that if V = P+ is an order topology then the definition of 6 reduces to
(5.32) Sp = {Z : [p) - {p} C Z}.
Then on the order topology of (w, <) we see that jg([n + 1)) = [n), so
that, for example, js(js([2))) - js([2)) = {0} + 0. We shall see later (at
the end of Section 6.6) that in a sense the properties (5.30) and (5.31)
characterise all algebras of the type (T>,jg). Notice that 6P is a filter,
and so jg is always multiplicative.
Representing Algebras.
The canonical frame construction can be translated into the language of
lattices to give a representation theory for algebras of the type = (H,j)
(cf. Section 6.5) extending that for HAs sketched in Section 6.2. Define
+ = (P-n, C , n j ) , where PH is the set of prime filters of H, and
q e Hj(p) iff {x : j ( x ) e p} C q.
Then the function <p : x i> {p : x p} is an HA-monomorphism of
into the set algebra +' defined prior to (5.2). In order that y> be a
j-operator homomorphism, which amounts to requiring that
j ( x ) e p iff /ij(p) C <p(o;),
it is necessary and sufficient that be an 7/f-algebra. This in turn
amounts to requiring that j be multiplicative and satisfy j(l) = 1. In
the event that is a local algebra, + will be a J'-frame.
Finally we consider algebras on which j is inflationary and satisfies
multiplicativity and
(6.34) j ( x ) C j / u ( 3 / = > x ) .
By (5.30) and (5.31) these include all algebras of the type CD,js), where
8 is the punctured-neighbourhood system associated with the topology
T>. Given any such algebra , + will be an ./V-frame and so we can
fix fi ~fi
falsed\. /false
A topology on is an arrow fi -i fi for which the diagrams
fix fi^ fi
(7.6) J*j| [j
fix fi^ fi
hn(joh) = H o ( h , j o h ) (7.1)
= no(ifi)j)o/i
= In o f t (7.4)
- h,
so that h C j o h. The idempotent and multiplicative properties of
h H-> j o ft are given by (7.5) and (7.6).
An Sj-valuation is a function V : <P0 - (!,/?) assigning to each
sentence letter TT a truth- value ("element" of fi) in , i.e. an arrow
V(TT) : 1 -> /?. This is lifted canonically to a function V : & -> (!,/?)
by putting
(7.8) V(_L) = /ofae,
(7.9) F(4 A 5) = V(A) D
(7.10) V(4 V 5) = V(A) U
(7.11) V(A - 5) = V(A) =
Let us suppose further that P is a ^7-frame (P, C, p,). Then for each
p we define, for 5 6 [p)+,
(7.24) jp(S) = fe(5))p = {r : p C r and /x(r) C 5} [cf. (7.20)].
Then jp(S) is hereditary in [p) . We leave it to the reader to verify that
(7.25) jp : J?p > fip is a local operator on the Heyting algebra fip.
The right-hand side of equation (7.24) is in fact defined for any 5 P+.
The general situation is
(7.26) 0 M (S)) P = jp(Sp).
JP(SP) = 3P(\p)nS) (7.20)
= b)n.Ub)nS) (7.24), (7.20)
^(5) (5.6)
From this, noting that p C q only if \q) C [p), we can prove that
(7.27) ifp C q then ^ p q ( j P ( S ) ) = jq(npq(S)), for S f i p .
flPq(jP(S)) = [q)njp(S) (7.21)
= b)nb)n^(5) (7.24)
= [9)nj M (5) (above note)
= j,(5,) (7.26)
= j,(/?p,(S)) (7.21).
(7.27) asserts that the diagram
aj \npq
cq i" O
+ jq
where -> -> is the composite of the negation truth arrow with itself, is
an elementary site (cf. e.g., FREYD [19]). In Setp the natural transfor-
mation -< has component -ip : Qp > /?p given by ->P(S) = (S (=>0)p. We
leave it to the reader to contemplate the details of
(7.37) if P is the canonical frame for the logic 1C = IK + (VA = -- A),
then for all A, \-IC A iff (Setp)^ \= A;
(7.38) \=IC A iff (-,-, \= A for all elementary topoi ).
It was pointed out in Section 6.3 that the finite frames for the logic
1C = IK + (VA = ~~,4) (which contains J) are precisely those satis-
(3.45) p ~< q iff q is a C-maximal member of \p).
Our nitration definition can be used now to show that 1C is determined
by its finite frames.
(8.20) // \~i VA = ~~j4, and T is closed under negation ( i.e. B r
only if ~J5 e T), then P'T satisfies (3.45) and so is an IC-frame if
it is finite.
Proof. Prom (6.29) and (6.30) we know that PL is increasing, has HL(P)
cofinal with [p), and the members of ML(P) are maximal in [p). By
(8.19) we also have P'r increasing. Now suppose in P'T that \p\ -<' \q\,
with prt ~<L q for some t. Then if \q\ C \r\, we have q fl r C r n T. But
from the proof of (6.30) we have that V(BV~B) *, and so BV~B g,
for all B &. Then if B S r fir we must have B qC\r, or else ~B q,
and since T is closed under negation this would make ~B 6 q n T C r.
The latter is incompatible with B r. Thus r n r C g n r, making
|g| = |r|, and so |<?| is C-maximal in {|r| : \p\ C |r|}.
Conversely, suppose this last condition holds, i.e. that \p\ C \q\, and
(8.21) \q\ C |r| implies |g| = |r|.
Now in PL, fJ.L(q) is cofinal with [q), and since q G [<?) there must be
some r [q), i.e. 9 C r, with q -<L r. But then qC\r C rHr, i.e. \q\ C |r|,
so by (8.21) \q\ = \r\. However, since \p\ C \q\, we have prq -<L r, so
\p\ -<' |r| = |g|. This completes the derivation of (3.45) and the proof of
(8.20). D
In order to apply (8.20), we take r to be the closure under negation of
the set of subsentences of a given non-theorem A of 1C. Denoting this set
of subsentences by TA, it follows from the fact that h/ (~~~5 = ~B)
that T is logically /C-finite, and that
TO = TA U {~B : B TA} U { B : B TA}
is an /C-base for T. The filtration P'T of Al/c through T will be a finite
/C-frame with .M'T a falsifying model on it for A. Thus the Finite Model
Property holds for 1C with the upper bound in (8.15) modified to 23n.
Finally, we return once more to the limit point condition
(3.26) p -< q iff pCq.
Let FN denote the logic obtained by adjoining to IK the schemata
(3.29) VA -> (B V (B -> 4)),
Notice that since h/ A > (VA > A), we have \~FN A VA, so FN
contains the logic TV of Section 6.6: the latter, as shown there, being
determined by the frame condition (3.26). We are going to prove that
FN is determined by the class of finite frames satisfying this condi-
tion (soundness was noted in Section 6.3). To do this we reverse our
approach, so that instead of showing that a filtration has the relevant
frame condition, we prove that the condition implies the Filtration The-
(8.22) Let L be a normal logic containing FN and r a set of sentences
closed under subsentences and under the implication connective.
Then in the model M = CP T ,E>C) we have for all p PL and
Proof. The only new part is the inductive step A = VB, for which we
use the obvious fact (cf. (8.4), (8.5)) that
(8.23) \p\ C M iff pnrCgnr.
Now if ML \=p VB, then VB p (6.20). Then if \p\ E \q\ there exists
(8.23) some C q n r with C p. Since
(VB - (C V (C - B))) e p (3.29),
we then get (C -> B) 6 p. But r is closed under , so (C > B) 6
pC\r C q n T. Using C q we then get B q, whence by (6.20) and the
induction hypothesis, M \=\q\ B. This shows M \=\p\ VB. On the other
hand, suppose that not MI \=p VB, i.e. VB p. By the .FW-axiom
(3.27) it follows that (VB - B) p. But then by properties of XL,
and the semantic clause for > (2.5), there exists q PL with p C g,
VB 6 q, and B q. By induction hypothesis, .M |=|9| B fails. But
VB p, and so p n T C q n r, giving |p| C |g|. Thus X (=|p| VB fails.
This completes the proof of (8.22). D
Taking T now to be the closure of the set of subsentences of A under
>, then if not \~FN A the model M constructed from MFN as in (8.22)
will falsify A at some point and, by definition, will be based on an FN-
frame. But it is known from the work of DiEGO [9] that there exists
a primitive recursive function / such that if a is a set of sentences of
finite cardinality n, there are at most a finite number f ( n ) of sentences
constructible from a by the implication connective that are deductively
non-equivalent over /. Thus the T just described is logically finite, hence
M is finite. We see then that the Finite Model Property holds for FN,
with an upper-bound on the models of the form 2-^"'.
The Semantics of Hoare's Iteration
The modal logic of programs proposed by PRATT [71] associates with
each command a a modal connective [a] that is read "after a termi-
nates...". Thus the symbolism
A-> [a]B
expresses the partial correctness assertion "if A is true (now), then after
a terminates B will be true". In these terms, the Iteration Rule intro-
duced by HOARE [45] for reasoning about while-commands takes the
following form:
if h e A A - [ a ] A ,
then h A > [while e do a](A A ->e).
The validity of this inference rule is based on the fact that a performance
of (while e do a) consists of a finite sequence of executions of a, leading
to a state in which e is false, with each execution starting in a state in
which e is true. The premiss of the rule asserts that the sentence A is
an invariant of each step in such a sequence, i.e. if it is true at the start
of the step, then it is still true when the step ends. Prom this the rule
infers that if A is true at the outset, then when the whole sequence is
finished we will have A still true, with e false.
The Iteration Rule has been used to establish the correctness of many
specifications of algorithms (cf. ALAGIC and ARBIB [1] for an introduc-
tion to this methodology). Examples have also been given (cf. WAND
[105]) of correctness assertions that it is incapable of deriving. A poten-
tial explanation of this phenomenon is that we really need an infinitary
inference rule to obtain certain assertions about while-commands, since
there are infinitely many possibilities for the length of a finite sequence,
and we need one premiss for each such possibility.
Another source of "incompleteness" of Hoare's Rule is that while it
allows us to draw conclusions about what happens if a while-command
terminates, it does not allow us to establish that it terminates. Thus,
for instance, we could use the Rule to infer that the command fails to
terminate, by deriving
[while e do a]false,
(where false is some constantly false, or contradictory, assertion), but
we cannot, as we shall see, use it to derive the sentence
(1) ->e ->[while e do ajfalse,
which expresses the valid principle that a while-command terminates if
its test expression is false.
In this article a completeness theorem for a prepositional logic of pro-
grams is presented which establishes that the meaning of (while e do a)
is exactly characterised by the Iteration Rule in consort with (1) and
(2) e ([while e do a\A [a][while & do a]A).
Hoare's Rule itself corresponds to the semantic principle that every ex-
ecution of (while e do a) consists of a sequence of the type described
above. (1) and (2) are needed for the other side of the coin, viz. that
every such sequence constitutes an execution of the command.
These results were first announced in GOLDBLATT [38]. In a subse-
quent monograph (GOLDBLATT [23]) the author has developed a com-
pleteness theorem for the program logic over a general first-order lan-
guage, using an infinitary analogue of Hoare's Rule. The first stage of
the proof is a completeness theorem for a propositional logic, using the
same infinitary rule. However, whereas this rule is unavoidable in gen-
eral in the presence of elementary quantification, at the propositional
level the set of valid formulae is decidable and can be given a finitary
axiomatisation. The burden of this article is to establish that fact. This
will be done in the context of a simplification: we overlook the dis-
tinction drawn in [23] between external and internal logic, i.e. between
Our formal language contains the following syntactic categories:
Boolean variables: p Bvb
Program letters: ?r Prl
Boolean expressions: e e Bxp
Commands: a 6 Cmd
Formulae: A Fma
Bvb and Prl are two disjoint denumerable sets, from which Bxp, Cmd,
and Fma are generated by the BNF-style definitions
e ::= p \ false | ei 62
a ::= ir \ skip | abort | ai;Q2 | if e then a\ else a? \
ai or 02 | while e do a
A ::= p | false Al -> A2 \ [ a ] A .
Thus Bxp C Fma. From the material implication connective , and
the prepositional constant false, the standard Boolean connectives ->, A,
V, <-> are defined in the usual way. skip and abort are constants whose
meaning will be evident from the formal semantics to follow. (ai;a2) is
the composite of QI and 02, executed by doing a\ and then doing a 2 . (if
e then ai else a 2 ) is the conditional command executed by performing
a\ if e is true, and 0:2 otherwise. (QI or 0:2) is a non-deterministic
command executed by arbitrarily choosing to execute a\ or a%.
A model is a structure M = (S, V,R(-)), where
Closure: R* = (Jn<u,Rn.
Now in any model there are standard set-theoretical operations that can
be applied to the subcommands of a and their interpretations to assign
to a a relation on S that corresponds to the intended way that a is to
be performed. This standard meaning of a will be denoted M(a), and
is defined as follows.
M (skip) = Es, i.e. sM(skip)t iff s - t ;
Ai(abort) = 0, i.e. not sM(abort)t for any s,t;
M(ai;a2) = R(ai) o -R(a 2 )
M ( i f e then Q! else a 2 ) = (e ] R(ai)} U (-<e ] R(a2)),
i or a 2 ) = R(a1)LlR(a2)
e do a) = (e] R(a))* \ -<e, i.e.
S.M(while e do a)t if, and only if, for some n < u>, and some
s0,...,sn G 5, we have s0 s, sn t, and M 4 e, with
SiR(a)si+i and M \=Si e whenever 0 < i < n.
Proof Theory
A logic is any set L of formulae that satisfies:
(i) L contains all instances of the schemata
Al: A->(B^>A)
A2: (A-+(B-+C)) ^ ((A ^ B)-> (A-+C))
A3: ^.4 -> A;
(ii) L is closed under Detachment, i.e.
A, (A -> B) e L only if B 6 L;
(iii) L contains all instances of
A4: [ a ] ( A ^ B)-* ( [ a ] A ^ ( a ] B ) ;
(iv) L is closed under the a - Termination Rule, for all a, i.e.
A 6 Lonly if [ a ] A e L.
As is well known, (1) and (2) provide an adequate basis for the classical
Prepositional Calculus (PC), so that every instance in Fma of a PC-
tautology belongs to L.
If X is a subset of Fma, we say that A is deducible from X in L,
in symbols X \~L A, if there is a finite sequence AI, ..., An of formulae
such that An A, and for alH < n either Ai X or Ai L, or there
are j, k < i such that Ak is Aj > Ai (so that Ai is deducible from Aj
and Ak by Detachment). As a special case of this relation, we put \-L A
if 0 )~L A, and observe that this obtains iff A L.
A set ^f is if Jf Fj, false, and L-maximal if it is In-
consistent and contains one of A and -i^4, for each A Fmo (this is
equivalent to requiring that X not be a subset of any other L-consistent
The presence of PC in L suffices to establish the Deduction Theorem
for L:
XU{A}\-LB iff X \-L (A^B),
and this is used to prove, still only using PC, the result known as Lin-
denbaum's Lemma, viz.
Every L-consistent set has an L-maximal extension.
From this follows
(4) X \~L A iff A belongs to every L-maximal extension of X;
(5) \~L A iff A belongs to every L-maximal set.
The essential role of A4 and the a -Termination Rule in the proof theory
of L is to yield
(6) X\~i [a\A iff A belongs to every L-maximal extension of X(a) =
{B: [a}BEX}.
This is proven by induction on the length of A, with (4) and (6) being
invoked to show that
[a] A e s iff sRi(a)t implies A e t.
From (5) and (7) we obtain that in general,
\-L A iff ML f= A,
i.e. the formulae true in ML are precisely the L-theorems. Hence MI
is known as the canonical model for L.
ML as a Standard Model
The theory just outlined is by now standard material in the study of
prepositional modal logics, and the reader will find a full account of it,
with proofs, in e.g. LEMMON [59] or CHELLAS [8]. The usefulness of
the canonical model resides in the fact that in order to prove that L is
determined by a certain class C of models, i.e. that
t-L A iff for all M C, M\= A,
it suffices to show
(i) each member of C is an L-model; and
(ii) ML e C.
Now consider the following axiom schemata:
A5: [skip]^4 <- A
A6: [abortjfalse
A7: [ai;a 2 ]4<-+ [ai][a2]A
A8: [if e then QI else a^A <-> (e [QI]^) A (->e > [a2]A)
A9: [QI or a.i]A <-> [a\]A A [a?] A.
It is readily seen that A5-A9 are true in all standard models. To show
then that these axioms characterise the standard-model conditions for
the commands they refer to, it suffices to show that if L contains all
instances of the axiom in question, then ML satisfies the corresponding
condition. We leave this as an exercise for the reader. The only case
that is not straightforward is to show that ML satisfies
We wish to show that under certain conditions a logic is determined by
its standard models, i.e.
\~L A iff A is true in all standard L-models.
Now if PL A, then we know that ML is always a falsifying model for A,
but not in general a standard one. To remedy this defect we will use the
method of filtrations to "collapse" ML to a standard falsifying model
for A. This will produce a different falsifying model for each A, and
moreover a finite one whose size is effectively determined by the length
of A
Filtrations are constructed as follows. Let Z be a set of formulae
that is closed under subformulae. Then Z determines an equivalence
relation on SL by putting
s~t iff sC\Z ~tnZ.
<l f l l : P e s >
(Actually, the definition of Vz(p) when p ^ Z is immaterial.) We shall
be concerned with truth of members of Z in models of the form
M = (S/Z,VZ,R(-)),
constructed by considering various definitions of R(a) on S/Z (hence
the definition of R(a) will only be significant for those a's that occur
in members of Z). For any model of this form, the following result is
(8) Theorem. // e 6 Bxp, and every Boolean variable in e belongs to
Z, then for any s SL,
es iff M (=|a| e, i.e.
ML \=se iff M \=\s\ e.
The next result is crucial to our analysis of the Iteration Rule below.
(9) Theorem. // Z is finite, then for any subset T of S/Z there is a
formula AT such that for all s Si,
AT s iff \s\ 6 T.
Proof. For each t E SL, let At be the conjunction of
(t r\ Z) \J {->A : A e Z -t}
(which is finite as Z is). The definition of At depends only on \t\, in that
At = As iff \t\ = \s\, and indeed
Ats iff \s\ = \t\.
Now if T 0, let AT be false to obtain our desired conclusion. Oth-
erwise, since S/Z is finite we may take T to be {\t\\,..., \tm\} for some
m > 1, and some t\,... ,tm 5^. Let AT then be
A tl V . . . V A t m ,
so that
AT s iff \s\ = \ti\ or . . . or \s\ = \tm\
as desired. D
Now let a be a command that occurs in Z. A relation R(a) on
S/Z will be called a filtration of RL (a) through Z if the following two
conditions hold.
I(a): sRL(a}t implies |s|fl(a)|t| ;
II(a): |s|#(a)|i| implies {A : [a]A s n Z} C t.
Such relations always exist. The smallest is given by
|s|.R(a)|| iff s'RL(a)t' for some s' ~ s and t' ~ t,
while the largest has
a\R(a)\t\ iff {A:[a]AesnZ}Ct.
A model of the form M = ( S / Z , V z , R ( - ) ) will be called a filtration of
ML through Z if R(a) is a nitration of RL(O) through Z for all a's that
occur in Z. The proof of the next result may be found, e.g., in [59, 3],
or [8, 3.5]. It extends Theorem (8) to include modalised formulae.
(10) Theorem. If M. is a filtration of ML through Z, then for any
A Z, and any s SL,
ML\=SA iff M\=\.\A.
Hence for all A Z,
ML^A iff M^=A.
This result provides us with finite falsifying models: if FL A, then ML &
A, and so A is falsified by any filtration of ML through any (finite) Z
that contains A (e.g. Z could be the set of subformulae of A). In order
to show that the filtration satisfies some desired property we can then
make use of the properties of ML, as determined by the properties of
L itself. We will do this in the next result, which displays the essential
role of Hoare's Rule in the present theory of models.
(11) Theorem. Let L be a logic that is closed under Hoare's Iteration
Rule for the command (while e do a), i.e.
\~i e A A [a]A only if \~L A > [while e do a\(A A ->e).
Suppose that Z is finite, closed under subformulae, and contains all
Boolean variables appearing in e. Then if M is any model of the form
(S/Z,Vz,R(-)) that satisfies the condition l(a), we have
s^?i(while e do a)t only if \s\M(while e do a)\t\,
for alls,t SL.
Proof. Take a particular s SL and define a subset T of S/Z by putting
Proof. Let |s|.M(while e do a)\t\. Then for some n > 0 there exist
points | s o | , - - - ) | s n | , witn SQ = s, sn = t, M \t\ e, and |si|/?(a)|si+1|
and M \=\Si\ e whenever 0 < i < n.
Now let [while e do a]A s n Z. We wish to show that A t.
First we prove by induction on i that [while e do a]A st whenever
0 <i < n.
The case i = 0 holds by assumption. Next assume the result for
some i < n. But e 6 s by Theorem (8), and so as all instances of
A10 belongs to Si we get [a][while e do a]A Si- By Cl this last
formula is also in Z, and hence by II(a), since |s;|.R(a)|sj+i| we get
[while e do a]A Si+i as desired. In particular we can conclude that
[while e do a]A e sn = t. But by Theorem (8) once more, ->e t, and
so we can apply All to obtain A e t. D
The two Theorems 11 and 13 combine as follows.
(14) Theorem. Let L be a logic that is closed under the Iteration Rule
and contains AlO and All. Suppose that Z is finite, satisfies Cl, is
closed under subformulae, and contains all Boolean variables that occur
in e. Then in any model of the form M = (S/Z, Vz,R(-)), if R(a) is a
filtration of fit (a) through Z, then M (while e do a) is a filtration of
RL(while e do a) through Z. D
In order to obtain a full axiomatisation of the formulae true in all
standard models, we need analogues of Cl for the other types of com-
mands we are dealing with. If ML is standard for skip and abort
(when L contains A5 and A6) then A'f(skip) and M (abort) will be
filtrations of .Rt(skip) and Ri(abort), respectively, through Z. More-
over, if ML is standard for /3, where ft is any of (0:1:02), (ai or 02),
(if e then ai else a 2 ), then the property l(/3) will hold with M(/3) in
place of R(/3), provided that I(QI) and 1(0:2) hold. For the condition
!!(/?) to hold however, Z must satisfy further closure conditions, viz.
C2: [ai;a2]AeZ onlyit [ai][a2]AeZ;
C3: [ai or a2]A e Z only if [ai]A, [a2]A 6 Z;
C4: [if e then a\ else a2]A e Z only if [a\]A, [a2]A Z.
(15) Theorem. Suppose that L contains the schemata A7, A8, A9,
and Z satisfies C2, C3, C4- Then in any model M = (S/Z,VZ,R(-)),
if R(oti) and R(ot2) are filiations of RL(ai) and RL(a2) through Z,
respectively, then M(/3) is a filtration of RL(@) through Z, where /3 is
any of(ai;a2), (a\ or a2), or (if e then a\ else 0:2) with all Boolean
variables of e occurring in Z. D
To obtain a filtration that is a standard model, we define
ML/Z = (S/Z,VZlRz(-)),
(i) if a is a program letter, then Rz(a) is the least nitration of RL(OC)
through Z if a Z, and 0 otherwise;
(ii) if a Prl, Rz(oi) is inductively defined to be Mi/Z(a).
The idea here, as explained earlier, is that the .Rz(7r)'s, once given,
generate a uniquely determined standard model based on (S/Z,VZ),
and this is the model we take as Mi/Z. In fact the definition of Rz(ir)
is immaterial if TT $ Z, and otherwise it matters only that RZ(K) be
some nitration of RL(H). For then we have the following result, proved
by induction on the lengths of commands.
(16) Theorem. Let L contain all of A5-A10 and be closed under the
Iteration Rule. Then if Z satisfies C1-C4 and is finite, the standard
model ML/Z is a filtration of ML through Z. D
We denote by FPL (Finitary Program Logic) the smallest logic that
contains A5-A10 and is closed under the Iteration Rule. Then any
standard model is an FPL model. To show that FPL consists precisely
of the formulae true in all standard models, we have to show that any
non-theorem A of FPL is falsified by some standard model. But if Z
is a subset of Fma that contains A, is closed under subformulae and
satisfies C1-C4, then if Z is finite the standard model Mppi/Z will be
a finite filtration of MFPL through Z, and hence (by (10)) will falsify A
because the canonical model MFPL does. Our proof will therefore be
complete once we have established
Decidability of FPL
Rather than simply appeal to the all-powerful Konig's Lemma to com-
plete the proof of Theorem (17), we continue the analysis to observe
that the proof itself indicates that the finite set ZA can be effectively
generated, given A, and its number of elements, denoted UA, thereby
effectively calculated. First of all, the set Z/A of subformulae can be
generated by direct inspection of A. Then each C* can be generated: if
C is of the form [a]B, then the size of C* is determined by the nature
and complexity of a , and the four cases making up the definition of <
provide a set of rules for generating C* as a finite tree. Otherwise, C*
is just {C}. In this way we obtain UA, and hence the upper bound 2nA
on the size of the model MFPL/ZA that has A true iff MFPL does.
We can now say that \TFPL A iff A is true in all models with at most
2nA elements. But then our analysis yields an algorithm for deciding
theoremhood in FPL, for the procedure of generating all of the standard
models up to a prescribed finite size and testing the truth of a given
formula in each of them is an effective one.
An Alternative Axiom
Although All is the natural axiom to use for the proof of Theorem (13),
in the presence of the Iteration Rule it can be weakened to
A12: -ie > -Awhile e do ajfalse,
which is the special case of All in which A is false. We have
(18) Theorem. If L is closed under the Iteration Rule and contains all
instances of A12, then L contains all instances of All.
Proof. We first show that
(i) [while e do a]->e, and
(ii) ->e > (A > [while e do a]A)
are always L-theorems in the presence of the Iteration Rule. For (i), if
A is any tautology (e.g. false > false) then the formula
e/\A -> [a]A
is true in all models, hence in ML, and so is an I/-theorem. Applying
the Iteration Rule, we conclude that
\-L A > [while e do a](A A ->e).
Since A is true in ML, so too then is [while e do a](A A ->e), and hence
[while e do a]->e, making the latter an L-theorem.
For (ii), given A we take B to be (->e A A), so that
e A - > [a]B
is an instance of a tautology, hence an L-theorem. Thus we get
\~L ->e A A > [while e do a](B A -ie).
From this it follows easily that (ii) is true in ML, and so is an L-theorem.
To show that All is an L-theorem it suffices to show that it is true
in ML, for which we can now use the fact that A12 and any instance of
(ii) are true in ML- The argument from here on is very general: it works
in any model. For, suppose that ->e is true at s. We wish to show that
([while e do a]A A) is also true at 5. So, let [while e do a]A hold at
s. Since A12 is true, there must exist a t with s.R(while e do a)t. Hence
we have A true at t. Now if A were not true at s, applying the instance
of (ii) that has ->A in place of A, we would get [while e do a\->A true
at 5, hence ->A true at t - a contradiction. Thus A must be true at s,
as needed to establish the truth of All. D
The reader is invited to develop a more "proof-theoretic" derivation
of All from A12 and the Iteration Rule.
An Infinitary Rule
Given e 6 Bxp, a e Cmd, and A E Fma, a sequence of formulae
An(e,a), for all n < LJ, is defined by putting
A0(e,a) = (-.e->A)
An+1(e,a) = (e->[a]An(e,a)).
Then in any model it is the case that
\=3An(e,a) iff (s(e ] R(a))nt and \=t -.e) implies \=t A.
Hence in any standard model we get
(=s [while e do a]A iff for all n, |=s An(e,a).
It follows that if ML were standard, then for any L-maximal set 5 we
would have
(19) [while e do a]A 6 s iff {An(e,a) : n < w} C s.
There are instances where s does not satisfy (19), as may be seen by
adapting the counter-example to the standardness of ML given earlier.
However by confining ourselves to those members of SL that do satisfy
(19), we can obtain a kind of canonical model for L that is standard.
For this we need to know that L is closed under various infinitary rules
that have premisses of the type An(e,a). To present these rules in a
systematic way we employ the device of admissible forms, which are
expressions $ generated by the recursive definition
Any logic that contains (21) will contain (22) iff it is closed under (23).
To derive (23) from (22) is straightforward via the a* -Termination Rule.
For the converse, replace A in (23) by the whole of the antecedent of
(22) and apply principles that hold for all logics.
In PDL, the commands (if e then a else /?) and (while e do a)
are defined, respectively, as
((e?;a)or(-.e?;/3)), and ((e?;a)*;-.e?).
Using these definitions, our axiomatisation of FPL can be derived in
is quite abstract and applies to any such pair. A set F will be said to
respect the inference (II, x) when
(r I- <p, all </? e 77) implies r h \.
F is dosed under (II, x) if
n c r implies x e r.
F respects (is closed under) a set I of inferences if it respects (is closed
under) each member of J.
The cardinality of a set X will be denoted cardX. If K is a cardinal
number, then X is K-finite if cardX < K. A K-finite extension of X is a
set of the form X U Y with Y /t-finite. In other words a /t-finite extension
of X is a set obtained by adding fewer than K elements to X.
Theorem 8.1.1
Let h be a finitary deducibility relation on <&. If I is a set of inferences
in $ of cardinality K, and F is a \--consistent subset of $ such that
every K-finite extension of F respects J,
then F has a maximally h-consistent extension in $ that is closed under
This theorem will be established by first separating out that part
of its content that does not involve Lindenbaum's Lemma. To do this
requires a further concept: a set F C $ will be said to decide (II, x) if
either x F, or for some if e II, -xp F.
F decides a set of inferences if it decides each member of the set.
The following result holds for any deducibility relation.
Lemma 8.1.2
(1) IfF decides (II, x) and F C A, then A decides (77, x).
(2) If F decides (II, x), then F respects (II, x).
(3) If F is finitely \--consistent, and F decides (II, x), then F is closed
under (II, x)-
(4) If F is \--consistent, and F respects (II, x), then for some ip 6 $,
F(J {tp} is \--consistent and decides (II,x)-
(1) Immediate.
(2) Suppose r h (p, all <p 77. Then if F V- x, by D2 x & r, so if F
decides (77, x) then -iip G F for some ^ 77. But by assumption
T h V, and so by D4 F U {->V} h -L, i-e. T h 1. But then by Dl,
F U {->x} I- -L, and so by D4 again, F h x- Hence r h x-
Case 3: Suppose a is a limit ordinal and that for all ft < a, Ap has
been denned to satisfy (i)-(iii). Put
A" = U,3<a As-
Then (ii) is immediate for a. For (i), observe that Aa is the union of a
chain of h-consistent, hence finitely [--consistent, sets Ap, and so Aa is
finitely h-consistent as in the proof of Lindenbaum's Lemma. But h is
finitary, so Aa is then h-consistent. For (iii), observe that
(Aa - r) = U
and note that by the inductive hypothesis, if /3 < a then ca,id(Ap F) <
/3 < a. Thus (Aa F) is the union of a collection of at most card a
sets, each of which has at most card a members. Hence ca,rd(Aa - F) <
carda < a.
This completes the definition of Aa for all a < K. Now put
here provides one way of "putting one's finger" on the role of countability
restrictions in such applications.
If the ambient formal language has a conjunction connective, allowing
the formation of the conjunction /\ S of any finite subset of $, then
a natural constraint on h would be to require that for all F C $, and all
y e *,
r u \- (f iff r u {A } i- 9.
A deducibility relation satisfying this condition will be called conjunc-
tive. Thus for a conjunctive deducibility relation, the hypothesis (*) in
the Countable Henkin Principle can be weakened to
F U {4>} respects J for all ip 6 .
(c) if A h v(c), and the constant c does not occur in A or <p(x), then
A \-
Now the closure condition (a) on F* in Phase 1 is equivalent to:
if <p(c) e r* for all c C, then Vx<p(x) r*,
i.e. to the closure of F* under the inference
Vc = (Mc):c6C},Va; V >(a;)).
Let I be the set of inferences <pc for all first-order K-formulae <p with
one free variable. The number of such formulae is K, since cardK = K.
Hence card J = K. Thus to prove the existence of F* it suffices to show
that if A is a K-finite subset of <, then
F U A respects 1.
But if card/i < K, then for any (p, card(^ U {tp}) < K, since K is infinite.
Hence fewer that K members of C appear in A U {(f}. But none of these
constants appear in F. Thus if
r U A h- y>(c) for all c C,
r U A h (p(c) for some c not occurring in F U A U {</?},
and so by (c),
the proof of the completeness theorem sketched above, and the required
model is the structure 21* given there.
To simplify the exposition, let be a 1-type. Since each individual
of 21* is of the form c/~ for some c 6 C, to ensure that 21* does not
realise S it suffices, by clause (b) of the description of 21* to show that
for each c 6 C there is some formula ip(x\) S such that ip(c) 0 F*.
Since -L ^ F*, this amounts to requiring, for each c C, that F* be
closed under the inference
I7c = (MO-'>},!).
Lemma 8.4.1 For any ^-sentence a, F(J {&} respects EC.
Proof, a may contain members of C other than c. To simplify the
notation again, let a contain just one C-constant, d, other than c.
Suppose that
ru{<T(c,d)}h v (c),
and hence
(d) rho-(c.d) -<p(c), forall^i) S.
Then as c and d do not occur in F, it follows that
r I- Bx2a(x 1,2:2) - <P(XI), for all ip(xi) S.
But 3o:2<7 (#1,0:2) G, and so 3x2<r(xi,X2) & S, or else S would be
principal over F. Since is a 1-type, it follows that ->3x2&(xi, x2) ,
and so by (d),
F \- <r(c, d) - ->3:r2cr(c, x 2 ).
r h <r(c, d) -> 3x2(7(c, 12),
by a basic axiom of quantification logic, and so F \- cr(c, d) > _L, hence
Now as C is countable, there are countably many rules of the form Sc-
Since the standard deducibility relation of first-order logic is conjunctive,
the lemma just proved applies to the Countable Henkin Principle and
yields, with Lindenbaum's Lemma, a maximally (--consistent extension
F* of F that is closed under Sc for all c C. But K is countable,
since L is countable, and so there are countably many inferences of the
form tp, for tp a K-formula with at most one free variable. Hence if
the latter inferences are added to the He's, there are still only countably
many inferences involved altogether, and so jT* can be taken to be closed
under each y>c as before.
It is left as an exercise for the reader to formulate and derive an omitting-
types theorem for countable fragments of LOO^.
and quantifiers of classical first-order logic. One notion of model for this
logic is a structure of the form
consistent set F* of modal K-sentences that is closed under the rules y>c
for all modal K-formulae if with one free variable. Let Dg* be the set
{(c = d) : c,d 6 K & (c = d) e T*} U {(c d) : c,d K & (c = d) $ F*}
of all equations and inequalities between K-constants that are true of
the structure 21* described in Phase 2 of Section 8.3. We call Dg* the
diagram of/1*.
In general, a set A of sentences will be said to be ^-complete if it
respects all of the rules <f. A is V-closed if it is closed under these rules.
For maximally consistent A these two notions coincide, since A h (p if,
and only if, ip A.
Let Wp be the set of maximally consistent V-closed sets of modal
K-sentences that contain the diagram Dg*. Define a binary relation Rp
on Wp by putting
ARr6 iff {<p : Dip A} C 0.
Each A t^r determines a classical K-structure 2l/\, defined as for the
model 21* in Phase 2 of Section 8.3. Since Dg* C A we have
(c = d) e A iff (c = d) r*
for any c, d K, and this ensures that all structures 21^ are based on
the same set, and give the same interpretation to each constant c 6 K.
2lr = (Wr,Rr,{*A A e Wr}>.
For each K-formula i^(x\,... ,), this model satisfies
(t) arKitf[ci/~,...,c n /~] iff V ( c i , . . . , O e A
From this it follows that 2lr |=r* -T, establishing the desired complete-
ness theorem.
The proof of (f) proceeds by induction, with V-closure taking care
of the case 1(1 "ix(p. For the case if> Otp, the part that is not
straightforward is to show
(t) // O<f $ A, then <p O for some 0 6 Wr with ARr9.
Lemma 8.6.1 // a set of modal K-sentences is V-complete, then so
is S U {a} for any modal ^-sentence a.
Proof, (cf. [44, Lemma, p. 3]) Suppose that tp has only x free, and
17 U {a} h <p(c)
for all c C. Then for all such c,
h a -> <p(c).
But a > >(c) = (<r -+ >)(<:), since cr is a sentence, so the V-completeness
of then implies
S h VX(CT -+ tp).
h tr
as cr does not have x free, and this gives
S U {<r} h
establishing that Z U {<r} respects the rule <p. D
The essential role of the Barcan formula in proving (J) is contained
in the following result.
Lemma 8.6.2 // a set of modal K-sentences is V-complete, then so
S/n = {(r: S\- Da}.
Proof, (cf. [94, p. 59]) Using the axiom K and the rule of Necessitation,
one shows that for any T/>,
v iff
Thus if Zyn I- <p(c) for all c e C, then for all such c we have S h
so the V-completeness of S implies S h Va;D<p. Hence by BF we infer
h DVzv?, and so /D h Vxtp. D
We are now in a position to prove (J), and thereby finish the complete-
ness proof. Assuming that L is countable, it follows that K, and hence
the set of K-sentences, is denumerable. Thus the Countable Henkin
Principle can be applied.
Suppose Dtp A. Let
00 = 4/Du {->}
6>0 is consistent, or else A/H h ip, implying that \3<p G A. Also Dg* C
@o, because Dg* C A by definition of Wr> so if a e Dg* then a A,
whence Do- & Aby the schemata Id and Id+, giving a G Z\/D C 6>0-
Now A is V-complete, so by Lemma 8.6.2, A/0 is V-complete. Then
by Lemma 8.6.1, 6>o is V-complete. But then applying Lemma 8.6.2
again, 6>o U {cr} is V-complete for all K-sentences a. Thus by the Count-
able Henkin Principle and Lindenbaum's Lemma, <9o has a maximally
consistent extension 0 that decides all inferences (p^.
Since Dg* C 6>0 and 0 is V-closed, we get 0 Wr. Since A/H C 6>0
we get ARr. Finally, since ~v e 0o> we nave V ^ - a
Mix: A->AhD\*\A,
Ind : (A - DA) -> (A
and the rule of Necessitation for D and B:
from A derive OA and
The deducibility relation F h* A is defined to mean that for some n
there exist BO, ..., Bn-\ e F such that the formula
B0 -> (Bi - > ( . . - - (B n _j - 4) )
is derivable in the axiomatic system just described. When n = 0, i.e.
when A itself is so derivable, we write h* A. Then it can be proved that
h* A iff for all ancestral M, M \= A,
or equivalently,
(notice that this is essentially the same example as that used in the
previous chapter to show that the canonical model for Finitary Program
Logic is not standard).
A General Approach
We will now take up the matter of adjoining infinitary rules to modal
logics in a general context, and return later to applying our results to
the Ancestral Rule.
Let ^ be the set of formulae of a countable prepositional language
that includes the classical truth-functional connectives and a modal con-
nective D. Consider the following properties of a relation h from 2* to
PC: F \- A if A is a tautological consequence of F.
CT: lfF\-B for all B A, and A h A, then F\- A.
DT: r U {A} h B implies r h A -> B.
IR: F \- B implies (A -> F) h A -> B,
(A -> T) = {A - C : C 6 T}.
BR: F\- A implies OF I- HA,
nr = {OB . B e r}.
Here PC stands for "Prepositional Calculus", CT for "Cut Rule", DT
for "Deduction Theorem", IR for "Implication Rule", and BR for "Box
Lemma 8.7.1 // h satisfies PC, CT, and DT, then it satisfies IR, and
F h A -> B implies F U {A} h B.
Proof. Suppose F (- B. Since PC gives
(A -* F) U {A} \- C, for all C 6 -T,
it then follows by CT that (A -> F) U {A} h B. Hence by DT,
(A -+ F) h A -> B,
establishing IR.
Now fix a relation h satisfying PC, CT, DT, and BR (hence IR). Then
I- is a deducibility relation, since conditions D1-D4 of Section 8.1 can
be derived from PC, CT, and DT, as the reader may verify.
Let T be a countable subset of 2* x $, i.e. a countable set of inferences,
that is included in h:
(r, A) e J implies r h A
Let Jw be the smallest extension of J in 2^ x <P that satisfies IR and BR,
in the sense that
(r, A) e Jo- implies (D/1, D4), (B -+ F, B - A) J w -
Then Jw is countable, because $ is countable and so there are only
countably many instances of IR and BR that need be added to X to
obtain Tw. Also, since h satisfies IR and BR, it extends Jw:
(r, A) 6 Iu implies F \- A.
A set Zi of formulae will be called (I, \~)-saturated if
A is maximally finitely h-consistent, and
A is closed under J w , i.e.
if (r, A) Jw and r C A, then A A
Being maximally finitely h-consistent is enough to ensure that member-
ship of A reflects the classical truth-functions, i.e.
L^ A
-lAeA iff AD
A-* B e A iff Ae A implies B A
etc., but whether A is actually h-consistent, rather than finitely h-
consistent, is not evident. To show this it would be enough to show
that A was h-deductively closed, in the sense that
AhA implies A E A,
for then A h_L would give {_L} C A, contrary to A being finitely h-
consistent. But if A were not deductively closed, then A h A and
A $ A for some A. Hence ->A A, and so by D4, A h_L.
Now let
FD = {B : HB e r}.
Then Fa is denumerable, since < is, and so FD\Jlu is denumerable. Let
Ancestral Logic
We now return to the prepositional language of D and EL Let Ja be the
Ancestral Rule, i.e. the (denumerable) set of all inferences of the form
Define h to be the smallest relation from 2* to $ such that
(10) h a satisfies PC, CT, DT, and BR;
( 2 a ) ( F , A ) e I a implies r h" A;
(30) {A}l-a A/\A.
The last condition is a version of the axiom Mix. Using it, by PC, CT,
and BR, we can inductively derive
{mA} h OnA.
From this it follows that any (Ja,ha)-saturated set A satisfies
(40) SA e A iff {DM : n > 0} C A.
A Better Approach ?
At the beginning of the discussion of the proof of the Box Lemma 8.7.3,
we observed that the proof would be rather short if we knew that (I, h)-
saturated sets were h-closed. We have just established that this is indeed
true in the (Ia,\-a) case, but the result was obtained as a corollary to
the Truth Lemma 8.7.5, which itself depends on the Box Lemma.
A similar analysis could be carried out for other infinitary modal
logics (i.e. other pairs (I, h)). In each case a model would be built out of
saturated sets, leading, via a Truth Lemma, to the proof-theoretic result
that maximally finitely consistent sets closed under certain inferences (I)
are in fact maximally consistent and deductively closed.
We might ask whether it is possible to obtain such a result by purely
proof-theoretic means. Can we make a syntactic construction that ex-
tends any h-consistent set to a maximally h-consistent T-closed set with-
out making a model-theoretic detour to get there ?
We will answer this question in the next chapter.
Related Principles
The Countable Henkin Principle is intimately related to the Principle
of Dependent Choice in set theory and the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma for
Boolean algebras. A discussion of these connections may be found in
A Framework for Infinitary Modal
9.1 Introduction
In prepositional modal logic there are certain systems, defined by a
notion of semantic consequence F (= A over some class C of models, for
which the following obtains.
(1) The set
{A: (= A}
of formulae true in all models from C is characterised by a finitary
proof relation K We have
hA iff \=A,
giving the completeness property:
every h-consistent formula is f=-satisfiable (i.e. satisfi-
able in some C-model).
(2) The relation F \= A is not compact: there are cases where F \= A
but A A for all finite f 0 C T. Then T U {-vl} is not |=-
satisfiable, but all of its finite subsets are. It follows that the
relation F (= A has no finitary proof theory, and so the relation h
of (1) is not strongly complete for (=: there are (--consistent sets
of sentences that are not j=-satisfiable.
Natural examples of this situation arise when there is a pair D,E] of
modal connectives for which the binary relation interpreting H in a
Kripke model is the reflexive transitive closure of the relation interpret-
ing D. We studied this in the Ancestral Logic of the previous chapter.
It also applies to Temporal Logic, where D means "at the next moment"
and SI means "from now on" [32, 9], as well as to Program Logic, where
Let $ be the (denumerable) set of formulae of a prepositional language
that has a countable set of atomic variables, and whose connectives
include _L, >, and an n-ary connective D (and possibly others). The
other standard truth- functional connectives ->, A, V, <- are taken to be
defined in terms of J. and >, while O, the dual connective to D, is
given by
In this chapter, a logic will mean a set A of formulae that includes all
tautologies and is closed under Detachment:
if A, (A->B)e A, then B e A.
A is a normal logic if it is closed under Necessitation:
A&A implies D(5i,... ,,-1, A,Bi+l,... ,Bn) 6 A,
and contains all instances of the schema
K: CA[B^D]-+(CA[B]->CA[D])
where C = D ( B i , . . . , -Bi_i, A, Bi+i,..., Bn) (when D is a unary modal-
ity, this is the standard definition of normality ([32, p. 20]).
From what we noted above about the truth relation M \= A, for any
model M the set
of formulae true in M is a normal logic.
If A is any logic, then a A-model is a model M such that M \= A,
i.e. M \= A for all A e A. If I C 2* x <, then the set
AI = {A: M f= A for all J-sound yl-models .M}
is a normal logic that contains A and is closed under J:
if (r, A) e J and T C /LJ, then 4 AT.
We might ask for the exact relationship between A and AI. Is AX the
smallest normal logic extending A that is closed under I ? An answer
to that question will be given in Corollary 9.5.3.
A more general question concerns the semantic consequence relation
\=AI determined by A and J, where
T \=M A iff r\=M A for all J-sound ^-models M.
The problem is to axiomatise \=AI'- to give a purely proof-theoretic
characterisation of this relation. We will see that this can be done in a
very satisfactory way for countable J.
If A is a logic, then A is h A-deducible from F, F \-A A, if for some n
there exist B0, , Bn-i e F such that the formula
Bo -> (Si - ( ---- * (Bn-i -+ A) )
belongs to vl (in the case n = 0 this means that A ./I). We write hyi .4
when 0 \~A A. Hence
\-AA iff At A.
Consider the following properties of a relation h from 2* to #:
PC: F h A if .A is a tautological consequence of F.
CT: If r h B for all B <E A, &nd A\- A, then r h A.
DT: r U {4} I- B implies r h A -+ 5.
IR: r h B implies (A - T) h A -+ B,
(A - T) = {A -> C : C e T}.
BR: r h A implies
9.3 Theories
Let I be a subset of 2^ x $. Define Iw to be the smallest extension of 1
in 2* x $ that satisfies IR and BR, in the sense that if (F, A) e Z^ then
(B->r,B-> A) and
belong to Jw .
For any model At, the semantic consequence relation \=M satisfies
IR and BR. Hence if \=M extends I it must also extend Jw. In other
words, any I-sound model is T.a -sound.
Theorem 9.3.3 \~\x extends h/i and T, and satisfies CT, DT, and BR.
(1) That F H/i A implies F \-\T A follows readily from the fact that
yU-theories contain A and are closed under Detachment.
(2) That (F, A) e J implies F \-\T A follows immediately from the fact
that /11-theories are closed under T.
(3) CT: If T \-\T B for all B A, and A \-\T A, then any yU-theory
containing F will contain A, and hence A. Thus F \-\x A.
(4) DT: Suppose F U {A} \-\T B. Let
We want to prove B A, so by our supposition it is enough to
show that A is a /U-theory containing FU {A}.
Now since C (A > C) is a tautology, it belongs to A, and this
leads to F h+j A -> C, hence C A in case that C e T or
C /I. Similarly, using the tautology A > A we get /4 A. Thus
/I U T U {A} C A
Next, to show that A is closed under Detachment, suppose C and
C > .D are in /I. Then the tautology
(A -> C) -> ((A - (C - >)) - (yl -I?))
leads to J hjj /4 > ), as desired.
Finally, to show A is closed under Xu, let (Z1, C) Jw and suppose
Z1 C A Then T hjz A -> for all D Z1. Hence any /U-theory
containing T will contain A > H. But
(A - 17,/4 -> (7) e J w ,
since Iw was defined to satisfy IR, so every /IT-theory containing
F will contain /I ^^ C, being J^-closed. Thus C 6 A.
This completes the proof that A is a yll-theory containing F\J{A},
and hence the proof that h Jj satisfies DT.
(5) BR: Suppose T \-+AI A. To show
D(^i,..., Bi-i, r, Bi+i,..., Bn) \-AI C,
where C = D(Bi,... ,Bi-i,A,Bi+i,... ,Bn), take any /11-theory
S that contains D(Bi,..., B,_i, J1, Bi+i,..., Bn), and put
A set F is \-fix -consistent if F Y-AiL, and finitely \-Ai -consistent if each
finite subset of F is h/u-consistent. F is negation complete if
for all A , either A e F or ->A 6 F.
Lemma 9.3.5
(1) // F is finitely \-Ai -consistent, then so is one of F \J {A} and F \J
{~>A} for any A.
(2) // F is negation complete and finitely \-AI -consistent, then F is
closed under Detachment and contains A.
(3) // F is finitely \-AT -consistent, then F is maximally finitely \-Ai -
consistent if, and only if, it is negation complete.
Proof. Most of these are familiar results from standard (finitary) prepo-
sitional logic, but we go over the arguments to see just what properties
of the deducibility relation \~AT are involved.
(1) If the conclusion of (1) fails, T0 U {,4} \-AT _L and A U {-^A} \-AI J_
for some A and some finite subsets F0, PI of F. Then by DT and
Monotonicity (9.2.2(2)), we get
r0 U A \-AT A ->-L, and T0 U A \-AT ^A ->J_ .
But as
Maximal Theories
A maximal AX-theory is a yU-theory that is h^j -consistent and nega-
tion complete. Such a theory has no proper I-A% -consistent extensions,
or else by DT and the tautology (-<An > An) > An we would contradict
the assumption An- AI An.
But Sm \~ AX Bm, as \- AT. extends 1^ (since it extends J and satisfies
IR and BR). Hence by CT there must be some formula C G Sm with
An+i = An\J{->An,^C},
which again is \-/a -consistent by Lemma 9.2.2(5).
This completes the inductive definition of the sets An, each of which
is VAT. -consistent. Now put
= Un<u,4n.
is in F.
(3) // (S, C) e Jo, and
for some E S.
(1) By BR, AI is a normal logic, so satisfies the rule of Necessitation
and contains the schema K. (1) can then be obtained by repeated
application of these.
D = D(-.Bi, . . . , -.Bi_i, -.
so that C = ->D.
(i) If yl is not h^i -consistent, then "A, so by Necessitation
\-AI D. Then D f, as T is -closed, so C T as T is
h^ii -consistent.
(ii) Tautologically we have
so by BR
A B], D^(A A -5)]} hyii D
Therefore if C F then > $ f, so one of the formulae
D^A(Af\B] and D^A[->(A/\->B)} must fail to be in F. Hence
the negation of one of these formulae is in F, which is the
desired conclusion.
(3) Let
We are now ready to embark on the proof of the Box Lemma, starting
from the assumption
BQ , . . . , Bm , ......
be an enumeration of the set $ of all formulae, and
If Em ^ -,Cfc for any jfc < u, put Z\f +1 = Z\f U {Em}. Then Df+l =
D A Em, so (20 holds by (f).
If however Em = -iCfc for some fc, then from (f) and Lemma 9.4.2(3),
there exists E Sk such that
(i) 0(>r+1, . ,D+ 1 ,Dr A #m A -.,!, ...,>) e r.
Then put A?+l = A (J {Em, -.}, so that (J) implies (20-
This completes the induction on i with m fixed. But that takes care
of the induction on m, and completes the definition of A for all m < u>
and 1 < i < n.
Applying Lemma 9.4.2(2)(i) to (l m ) shows that each formula Df1 is
I" M -consistent, which implies that the set A is h/n -consistent. Defin-
we then have that Ai, as the union of a chain of \-/\i -consistent sets, is
itself finitely h/n -consistent. Since the construction placed one of Bm
9.5 Completeness
Let A be any normal logic, and I any countable subset of 2* x <. The
canonical Al-model is the structure
.MylI = {W MI ) # 1I ,|=) )
with WAI the set of maximal ylJ-theories, RAI defined as at the begin-
ning of Section 9.4, and |= denned by
MAI |=r A iff AzT.
That MAI satisfies model conditions (ml) and (m2) follows readily from
properties of maximal ylJ-theories. (m3) follows from the definition of
RAI and the Box Lemma 9.4.1.
Theorem 9.5.1 (Soundness) MAJ is an I-sound A-model.
Proof. If (, A) I and MAI \=r , then 27 C T, so as T is Tw-closed,
A 6 F, whence MAI \=r A. This shows J-soundness.
Also MAI \=r A for any F e WAI, as AC T. Hence MAI is a
yl-model. D
Development of the material of this chapter and Section 8.7 has benefited
from discussions with Krister Segerberg.
The logic KM is the smallest normal modal logic that includes the
McKinsey axiom
It is shown here that this axiom is not valid in the canonical frame for
KM, answering a question first posed in the Lemmon-Scott manuscript
The result is not just an esoteric counter-example: apart from inter-
est generated by the long delay in a solution being found, the problem
has been of historical importance in the development of our understand-
ing of intensional model theory, and is of some conceptual significance,
as will now be explained.
The relational semantics for normal modal logics first appeared in
[52], where a number of well known systems were shown to be char-
acterised by simple first-order conditions on binary relations (frames).
This phenomenon was systematically investigated in [59], which intro-
duced the technique of associating with each logic L a canonical frame
FL which invalidates every non-theorem of L. If, in addition, each L-
theorem is valid in PL, then L is said to be canonical. The problem of
showing that L is determined by some validating condition C, meaning
that the //-theorems are precisely those formulae valid in all frames sat-
isfying C, can be solved by showing that J~L satisfies C - in which case
canonicity is also established. Numerous cases were studied, leading to
the definition of a first-order condition Cv associated with each formula
(p of the form
is satisfied by the canonical frame for the logic with axiom (p. This
result was also obtained independently by Sahlqvist [79], who broadened
the class of formulae to which it applied, essentially by allowing the
antecedent of f to be any implication-free formula in which no variable
occurs positively in a subformula of the type O^i or (tpi V ip?) that
is itself within the scope of a D (cf. [80] for a recent discussion of the
result). The McKinsey axiom is the simplest formula not (equivalent to
one) meeting this criterion, and so the main result of the present paper
indicates that there is no natural way to extend Sahlqvist's scheme to
obtain a larger class of canonical formulae.
The class of all frames for KM is not elementary, i.e. is not char-
acterised by any set of first-order conditions. This was shown in [99]
by a Lowenheim-Skolem argument, and in [34], where failure of closure
under ultraproducts was demonstrated. The latter work was then ex-
tended [37, 17] to prove that any class of frames that determines KM
must fail to be closed under ultraproducts, and hence fail to be elemen-
tary (this material may be found in Section 1.17 of the present volume).
This suggests that it would not be easy to establish whether KM was
determined by its Kripke frames at all (Lemmon had conjectured in [59]
that every logic is thus determined, but this was shown not to be so by
Thomason [96, 97] and Fine [13]). That matter was soon resolved, how-
ever, by Fine [14], who gave completeness theorems for a general class of
formulae by an analysis of normal forms. In particular, he showed that
KM is determined by its finite frames, and is decidable.
The first general result about the connection between first-order de-
finability and canonicity appeared in [15]: if the class of all L-frames
determines L and is closed under first-order equivalence, then L is canon-
ical. An example was also given of a logic for which the converse is false.
It was also proved [15, Theorem 3] that if L is determined by some
elementary class, then L is canonical. This clarified the example just
mentioned, since that logic had been shown to be canonical by showing
that it was determined by a first-order condition which was satisfied by
the canonical frame, but not satisfied by all frames for the logic.
It is plausible to conjecture that the converse of Fine's latter result
is true, i.e. that
if L is canonical, then L is determined by some elementary
subclass of its frames
(an approach to this is sketched in [29], where the problem is reduced to
showing that if L is canonical, then L is preserved by ultrapowers of FI
- cf. Theorem 11.5.1 of this volume). Until now KM has been the one
potential obstacle to this conjecture, as the only logic that was known
A (normal modal) logic is a set L of formulae that contains all tautologies
and all instances of the schema
and is closed under Detachment (Modus Ponens), and the rule of Ne-
cessitation, i.e.
(f> e L implies Dtp L.
The intersection of any collection of logics is a logic, and so for any set
F of formulae there is a smallest logic containing J".
The members of a logic L are the L-theorems. An L-model is one
in which all L-theorems are true, and an L-frame is one in which all
L-theorems are valid.
which is true at exactly the same points in all models. Since the set
{tp: F |= ip} of all formulae valid in a frame f is a logic, to prove that f
is a .fiTM-frame it suffices to show that F validates the schema McK.
this holds for every member m\ of R9, O(Dp V D-ip) fails at g in this
model on f.
It remains then to show that the m\i can be defined as claimed. Fix
A < K, and suppose inductively that m^i has been denned for all p, < A
and i 6 {0,1}, such that m^ ^ mvj whenever p, ^ v < A. Let
y\ ~ {m M o,"i M i:/i < A}.
Then if A is a finite ordinal, YA is a finite set, so as J?mx is infinite,
distinct points m\o,m\i can be selected from Rmx -Y\. If however A
is infinite, then the cardinality of Y\ is at most that of A, and hence is
less than K. But Rm> has cardinality at least K, so again the selection
of m\0,m\i e Rm* can be made to ensure that m^ ^ mvj for all
H 7^ v < A. Hence the construction extends to A, and so goes through
by induction. D
The main work of this paper will be to show that TKM contains a point
g fulfilling the hypothesis of Corollary 10.2.
An atom of length n is a formula a of the form
ao A A a n _i,
such that for all i < n, a; is either the variable pi or its negation ->pi.
Put |a| = n, so that |a| denotes the length of a. A partial ordering of
atoms a, /3 is defined by letting a < /3 iff a is an initial segment of /3,
i.e. iff |a| < \/3\ and a; = ft for all i < \a\.
For each atom a, three successor atoms a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 are defined as
a1 = a A pn A pn+i
a2 = a/\pnt\ -ipn+i
a3 = Q A -ipn A pn+i
(a fourth successor could be defined using -<pn A ->pn+i , but this will not
be needed). Then the formula a* is
^ \/ (Oa'
Now let be the closure under successors of the set {po}- Hence (3
iff there is a finite sequence aQ = p0, . . . , a n , with an = /?, such that for
all k < n, ctk+i = ajj. for some i with 1 < i < 3. It follows that if a and
/? are distinct members of S with a < (3, then a1 < /3 for some i (this
fact will be crucial in the proof of Theorem 10.4). Put
* = {a*:a }.
Given such a cr, for each n there is some y 6 XL with mRiy and
(CTO A A <7 2 n) 2/- Hence the set
{<p:D</3 em}u{o- 0 ,...,o- 2 n }
is contained in y, and so is L-consistent. It follows that the set
{(/?: Hip 6 m} U {crn: n < w}
is L-consistent, and so extends to a point ma G XL- Then
mCT e 7?, and \an:n < u>} C ma.
But any two such sequences a, a' that are distinct must have an provably
equivalent to -\a'n for some n, so that o~n ^ mai and hence m^ 7^ ma' .
Thus if it can be shown that there are 2 N <r's satisfying (I n ), then it
will follow that there are 2 N m CT 's in Rf.
To construct a cr, observe first that since DOpo g, Opo 6 ^T1-
Hence putting a0 Po gives
Next, suppose inductively that <70, . - . , <J2n have been defined so that (ln)
holds. Let a - (CTO A A <72n). By (I n ), a Z1. Hence a* 6 Z1* C g, so
(Oa-> \J
But Oa G m, by (I n ), so there exist 1 < i < j > < 3 with
Putting <72rl+fc = a 2n+fc for fc = 1, 2 then defines cr2n+1 , <727l+2 , and gives
(2) E is the set of all end-points of 7", and for each m 6 R9 there is an
end-point in Rm.
Condition (2) implies that in a model on a trellis-like frame, McK is
true at any middle or end point. Hence by (1), in such a model McK
can only be false, if at all, at the generator g.
Returning now to S, for each n put
Sn = {a S: |a| < n}, and S*n = {a*:a }.
Theorem 10.4. For any n, there exists a model Mn, based on a trellis-
like KM -frame, such that %n+\ u {nOpo} is (simultaneously) satisfied
at the generator in Mn.
Proof. The construction takes place within S^n+3- Let
En = {a r2n+3: \a\ =2n + 3}.
The members of En will be the end-points of Mn. Members of the set
^2n+3 - En of atoms of length less than 2n + 3 will be referred to as
interior points.
If a 6 Stn+3 , a binary subtree starting at a is defined to be any set 0
(1) aeec{peE2n+3:a<p};
(2) If a < 7 < /?, and /3 e 0, then 7 6 ; and
(3) If /? (9 and /? is an interior point, then exactly two of the successors
of (3 belong to 0.
Then the inclusion f3z .7>,zl > Hz -^"2 induces an injection tpt'-Gt *"> F
which proves to be a bounded morphism because each Tzjft is an inner
substructure of fz [29, p. 225]. Moreover, t is in the image oift. Hence
the desired ft is given by this image, which is a subframe of f and an
isomorphic copy of Qt 6 Pu/C. D
Proof. Suppose /C determines A and Pu/C = /C. Then by the result just
quoted, since modal validity is preserved by ffiu, Ub, H, and S, every
member of Mod!?/c validates A.
But by Corollary 11.2.2(2), TA 6 HUb/C. Since truth of pseudo-
equational sentences is preserved by bounded unions and bounded epi-
morphic images, this implies that FA G Mod^K.. Hence Mod\Pic deter-
mines A. D
We can now obtain the main result of this article. For a logic A,
let \I?A be the pseudo-equational theory of FA, i.e. the set of pseudo-
equational sentences that are true of the canonical frame of A. Since TA
is elementarily equivalent to all members of K./I, it follows that \PA is also
the pseudo-equational theory of the class 1C A Symbolically: 8^ = \P/cA .
Theorem 11.4.2 // A is determined by some class of frames that is
closed under ultraproducts, then A is determined by the elementary class
Mod$A of all models of the pseudo-equational theory of FA.
Proof. Suppose K, determines A and Pu/C = /C. Then by Corollary 11.4.1
all members of Mod &ic validate A, i.e.
Mod$K C Fr(A).
Also, by Corollary 11.2.2(2) TA HUb/C, so every pseudo-equational
sentence true throughout /C will be true in FA, i.e. $K. Q &A- Hence
Mod&A C Mod$K,
and thus altogether Mod&A Fr(A). Since TA e Mod&A by defini-
tion, it follows that Mod^A determines A. D
Counter Examples
Of course Theorem 11.4.2 is only an advance on Corollary 11.4.1 if there
are cases of a logic A, determined by some Pu -closed class /C, for which
Mod&A ~ Mod^ic- We saw in the proof of 11.4.2 that for such a logic
we have Mod&A Q Mod^ic, but in fact the converse of this last inclusion
does not always hold. This may be seen from the example of KMT, the
smallest normal modal logic that contains all formulae of the form
O((DA! -> At) A - - A (OAn -> An)).
(1) KMT is determined by the class /C# of all frames satisfying the
pseudo-equational condition
l(i) Vx3y(xRy/\yRy).
(2) The canonical KMT-hame ?KMT satisfies l(i) (hence KMT is
(3) A frame (W, R) validates KMT if, and only if, for each x W the
set Rx = {y.xRy} is not finitely colourable.
Here a colouring is an assignment of colours to points in such a way
that if yRz then y and z are assigned different colours. Notice that
91 = (u>, <) is a KMT-fiame by (3), but fails l(i) and so is not in K.H-
Now let K<n be the class of all structures elementarily equivalent to
91. Then for (X, R) 6 K<x, each set Rx will be infinite and linearly
ordered by R, so cannot be finitely coloured. Thus by (3), all members
of K<n validate KMT.
Further, let 1C = K-u U K<X. Then 1C is the union of two elementary
classes, so is itself an elementary class, hence is Pu -closed. All members
of K. validate KMT, and 1C contains FKMT , so 1C determines KMT.
Since 91 1C, it is immediate that 91 e Mod&/c, i.e any pseudo-
equational sentence true throughout K. is true in 91. But 91 ^ Modty/i,
because <?/i is the pseudo-equational theory of the canonical frame
pKMT ^ wm-cjj js m H by (2). Hence the sentence l(i) is in &A but
not in $ since it fails in 01, and indeed 01 $& Thus in this example
we have
&K. &A and Mod$A C Mod<PK.
Next we show that the inclusion
Mod$K. CFr(A)
established in the proof of Corollary 11.4.1 is not in general an equality.
For this, let A be the smallest normal logic containing the schema
OO4 - (OO(A AB)V OD(A A -.)),
and let 1C be the class of all frames satisfying the sentence
VxVy(xRy > 3z(xRz A VuVv(zRu A zRv u = v A yRv))).
Then Fine [15] shows that TA /C C Fr(A), and so A is determined
by the elementary class 1C. Hence Mod\P/c C Fr(A) by 11.4.1. But it is
also shown in [15] that Fr(A) is not closed under elementary equivalence,
and so is not an elementary class. Since Modtf/c is an elementary class
by definition, we have Mod&K. ^ Fr(A).
Finally, consider the the inclusion
1C A C
The main results of the last two sections can be summarised by the
following statement.
The canonical general frame for a normal logic A is T-LA = (J-A, PA),
with TA the canonical Kripke frame for A, and
PA = {\A\:A is a formula},
where \A\ [x WA : A x}. This frame determines A:
\-A A iff HA |= A.
We identify a property of frames with the class IT of all frames having
that property. Some more interesting properties are:
The class of atomic frames, those having {x} P for all x W;
The class of image-closed frames, for which {y : xRy} P for all
z W-
The class of iterated-image-dosed frames, for which {y : xRny}
P for all x W and all n;
The class lid of definably- closed frames, for which P contains every
subset X of W that is Indefinable in the sense that there is some
l-2-formula (f>(v, v\, . . . ,vn) and some wi , . . . , wn W such that
X = {x W : {W, R} t= 4>[x, wi , - . . , wn}}.
Note that the Indefinable sets include all finite and cofinite sets, and
all sets of the form {y : xRny}.
All of the properties just listed are preserved by ultraproducts of
general frames, a notion that was described in Definition 1.7.6 of Chapter
1. Given a collection
The class Fr(K4M) of Kripke frames for KAM is the class of all tran-
sitive frames satisfying the (pseudo-equational) sentence
Vx3y(xRy A Vz(yRz > Vw(yRw > z = w)))
[103, Lemma 7.2]. The canonical /-sT4M-frame is in this class (as has
been known since [59]), so K4M is canonical and elementary. But if P
is the set of finite and cofinite subsets of w, then the frame (u>, <,P}
is in Hid [103, Lemma 9.16] and validates K4M, whereas (w, <) does
not validate the second of the above two schemata. Hence K4M is not
Another illustration of 11.5.1(6) is given by considering the monadic
second-order language of a binary relation, which we will denote L|.
This extends 1-2 by adding quantifiable variables ranging over subsets of
a frame. A given general frame becomes an L|-structure by allowing P
to be the range of quantification of the set variables. It can be shown
that ultraproducts of general frames preserve truth of L^-sentences [103,
Theorem 4.12], in the same way that they preserve validity of modal
formulae. Thus if a class II of general frames is defined by some prop-
erty expressible by a set of L^-sentences, then II must be closed under
ultraproducts. We conclude from 11.5.1(4) that
if a logic A is H-stable for some L^-definable property H
possessed by (J-A,PA), then A is determined by /C/i;
and from 11.5.1(6) that
The most telling conclusion we can draw from Theorem 11.5.1 is that
in order to prove that a particular canonical logic A is elementary, it is
both necessary and sufficient to prove that A is valid in all ultrapowers
( J - A ) J J U of its canonical frame. This offers us both a method for proving
that A is elementary, by showing (FA)J/U (= A, and a way of showing
that it is not, by finding a counter example - an ultrapower of FA that
falsifies A. Neither approach seems easy, and it is perhaps a fitting way
to end this article, and this volume, by placing that challenge in front
of the reader.
O, 83 Q, 93
omitting types, 197 quantum frame, 94
ordinary point, 118 canonical, 95
orthoframe, 86, 101 quantum logic, 93
orthogonal, 86 quantum model, 94
orthogonality relation, 86 canonical, 95
orthologic, 83
orthomodel, 86 r-persistent, 69
canonical, 88 real linear frame, 121
orthomodular, 101 reduct, 74
orthomodular frame, 101 refined frame, 34
relational semantics, 143
P (Peano Arithmetic), 105 relative pseudo-complement, 134
p-morphism, 114 replete frame, 72
p-Morphism Lemma, 114 respect an inference, 193
partial correctness, 173 rules of inference, 12
partial ordering, 115, 133
PC, 13, 206, 217 S4, 107, 250
PDL, 189 S4.2, 114
permanent assignment, 124 S4Grz, 107
_L-closed, 94 satisfaction, 201
Il-stable, 254 satisfiable, 31, 247
polynomial function, 14 saturated
poset, 133 (1,1-)-, 207