Wooden Puzzle Number Matching

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Student Name: Helena Toolsiedas Date: Sept. 21st, 2017 Age Group: Preschool

Purpose: Purpose:

Reason for developing Most of the preschool children have recently transitioned from
learning experience. This the toddler room to the preschool room. Due to this, many of
could be in response to an them are not at the typical preschool developmental level.
observation, discussion With that, the preschoolers have room for growth with tasks
with the site supervisor, such as counting and the alphabet.
Ontario Curriculum
Objective, etc.
During a small group activity with the children, I observed that
- Document what you saw
and heard many of them could count to 10 however if I showed them 10
- Document non-verbal blocks they could not tell me how many there were. I asked
communication (i.e., the ECE and he mentioned that some can only count to three.
body language, facial Also, most do not know what the numbers really mean or
expressions and voice where the numbers position is. 1 out of the 5 children in the
tone) group could correctly state how many blocks were presented
- Document in detail: who,
to them. The other four children were either confused or
what, where, and when
- Documentation should guessing random numbers. With this, I asked the ECE if an
be written in past tense, activity surrounding numbers would be something they would
objective, and in be interested in, he said it sounds like a good idea.
anecdotal format


Document the discussion

between you and your site
supervisor that led to the
Learning Experience

What are you planning in Wooden Puzzle Number Matching

response to your purpose?
- Label your experience
(e.g. Painting with cars). 1. The first objective is to explain ordinal number and
- What are your 3 positions to the preschoolers. In the ELECT,
objectives for this determining number position (4.16), can be achieved
experience? (i.e. What when laying out objects based on their value. For
interests are you example, when I show them the first puzzle piece with
extending? What
one fish on it and compare it to a puzzle piece with 3
strengths and
monkeys on it, they can see that the first has more
opportunities for growth
are you animals then the second puzzle piece. By identifying
enhancing/supporting?) the number of animals on each puzzle piece, they can
Please Note: You should see which has less or more.
refer to appropriate
pedagogy to support your 2. The second objective is to show numbers to them in
discussion around more than just one way. In the ELECT, representing
strengths and numbers (4.15) explains that a wide range of number
opportunities for growth representations can allow the children to understand
(e.g. ELECT, How Does and recognize numbers. By showing them puzzle pieces
Learning Happen, Ontario with a specific amount of animals and the
FDK Curriculum, etc). corresponding number piece, they will be able to
identify the numbers and see how much each number
is worth.

3. The third objective is to increase their learning by

determining quantity. In the ELECT, determining
quantity (4.13) can occur when you match numbers to
a set of objects. The puzzle piece with the actual
number is supposed to be matched to the correct
quantity of animals. If done successfully, the
preschoolers will be able to determine the value of
each number.
Describe the experience: This experience will either take place on the table with all the
other table toys or on the carpet for their free play. I will have
- Who will be involved in
between 1-3 children so I can focus on their understanding of
the experience?
- Where will the matching the puzzle piece to its correct value.
experience take place?
(e.g. Indoors or
outdoors? In the -10 puzzle pieces with items on it ranging from 1 to 10
dramatic centre, the
creative table, etc). -10 puzzle pieces with the numerical value of 1 to 10
- List the materials and
resources you will use Implementation:
- Describe the
implementation of the 1. Lay out each puzzle piece randomly
experience, with a step 2. Allow each child to assess the numbers
by step description 3. Observe if they are trying to match them by number,
- List and describe 2 colour or animal etc.
teaching strategies. How 4. Assist them if they are not matching anything at all
will you use them? Why
5. Count each animal on each puzzle piece and ask if they
have you chosen these
strategies? can find the correct number vice versa
6. Model how to connect the puzzle pieces together
7. Ask questions such as is one fish less than 3 fish?,
how many monkeys are on this piece? etc
8. Gradually increase the difficulty level of questions
depending on their understanding

Teaching Strategies:

1. Performance Task Analysis will be used by breaking the

task of matching the pieces into simply counting the
number of animals on each piece. Then I will ask them
to count to ten or show me where the number 1-10 is.
Then I will introduce the next step which will be to
show me where 3 fish are etc.

2. The second teaching strategy I will use is telling,

explaining and informing. For each puzzle piece, I will
tell them what it represents and ask them to repeat it.
I will also explain and show why certain numbers have
more than others etc.

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