Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
Due to decrease of lack of insulin in the body, the glucose level continuously rises because
glucose cant be utilized without the presence of insulin. Glucose is the source of energy, while
insulin is the vehicle to transport glucose to the body tissues. Because of decrease insulin level in
the blood stream, the cells starved, leading to alteration of metabolism. The body needs glucose
for metabolism; there will be a breakdown of energy reserved from adipose tissue, muscles and
liver (glucagons). This will result to weight loss. But the energy breaks down, the glucose level
continuously increase because there is less amount of insulin. The body tissues need to be fed,
this will lead to polyphagia and polydipsia because the tissue are not being fed and need glucose
for metabolism.