Solution Problemset 4

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Solution Key Problem Set 4

The following linear programming problem has been solved by The Management Scientist. Use the
output to answer the questions.


MAX 25X1+30X2+15X3
1) 4X1+5X2+8X3<1200
2) 9X1+15X2+3X3<1500

Objective Function Value = 4700.000

Variable Value Reduced Cost

X1 140.000 0.000
X2 0.000 10.000
X3 80.000 0.000

Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Price

1 0.000 1.000
2 0.000 2.333


Variable Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
X1 19.286 25.000 45.000
X2 No Lower Limit 30.000 40.000
X3 8.333 15.000 50.000


Constraint Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
1 666.667 1200.000 4000.000
2 450.000 1500.000 2700.000

a. Give the complete optimal solution.

b. Which constraints are binding?
c. What is the dual price for the second constraint? What interpretation does this have?
d. Over what range can the objective function coefficient of x2 vary before a new solution
point becomes optimal?
e. By how much can the amount of resource 2 decrease before the dual price will change?

f. What would happen if the first constraint's right-hand side increased by 700 and the
second's decreased by 350?


a. x1 = 140, x2 = 0, x3 = 80, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, obj. func. = 4700

b. Constraints 1 and 2 are binding.
c. Dual price 2 = 2.33. A unit increase in the right-hand side of constraint 2 will increase the
value of the objective function by 2.33.
d. As long as c2
e. 1050
Question Number 2

The binding constraints for this problem are the first and second.

Min x1 + 2x2

s.t. 1) x1 + x2
2) 2x1 + x2
3) 2x1 + 5x2
4) x1 , x2

a. Keeping c2 fixed at 2, over what range can c1 vary before there is a change in the optimal
solution point?
b. Keeping c1 fixed at 1, over what range can c2 vary before there is a change in the optimal
solution point?
c. If the objective function becomes Min 1.5x1 + 2x2, what will be the optimal values of x1,
x2, and the objective function?
d. If the objective function becomes Min 7x1 + 6x2, what constraints will be binding?
e. Find the dual price for each constraint in the original problem.


a. c1
b. c2
c. x1 = 250, x2 = 50, obj. func. = 475
d. Constraints 1 and 2 will be binding.
e. Dual prices are .33, 0, .33 (The first and third values are negative.)

Question Number 3

Write the LP formulation for this transportation problem.


Min 5x1A + 6x1B + 4x2A + 2x2B + 3x3A + 6x3B + 9x4A + 7x4B

s.t. x1A + x1B

x2A + x2B 200
x3A + x3B
x4A + x4B
x1A + x2A + x3A + x4A = 250
x1B + x2B + x3B + x4B = 250
all xij

Question Number 4

Draw the network for this transportation problem.

Min 2xAX + 3xAY + 5xAZ+ 9xBX + 12xBY + 10xBZ

s.t. xAX + xAY + xAZ

xBX + xBY + xBZ
xAX + xBX = 300
xAY + xBY = 300
xAZ + xBZ = 300


Question Number 5

Canning Transport is to move goods from three factories to three distribution centers. Information about
the move is given below. Give the network model and the linear programming model for this problem.

Source Supply Destination Demand

A 200 X 50
B 100 Y 125
C 150 Z 125

Shipping costs are:

Source X Y Z
A 3 2 5
B 9 10 --
C 5 6 4
(Source B cannot ship to destination Z)

Min 3xAX + 2xAY + 5xAZ + 9xBX + 10xBY + 5xCX + 6xCY + 4xCZ

s.t. xAX + xAY + xAZ

xBX + xBY
xCX + xCY + xCZ
xDX + xDY + xDZ
xAX + xBX + xCX + xDX = 250
xAY + xBY + xCY + xDY = 125
xAZ + xBZ + xCZ + xDZ = 125

Question Number 6

Write the linear program for this transshipment problem.


Min 3x16 + 2x14 + 3x15 + 5x24 + 6x25 + 2x32 + 8x34 + 10x35 + 5x46 + 9x47 + 12x56 + 15x57

s.t. x16 + x14 + x35

x24 + x25 x23
x32 + x34 + x35
x46 + x47 x14 + x24 + x34) = 0
x56 + x57 x15 + x25 + x35) = 0
x16 + x46 + x56 = 600
x56 + x57 = 600

Question Number 7

RVW (Restored Volkswagens) buys 15 used VW's at each of two car auctions each week held at different
locations. It then transports the cars to repair shops it contracts with. When they are restored to RVW's
specifications, RVW sells 10 each to three different used car lots. There are various costs associated with
the average purchase and transportation prices from each auction to each repair shop. Also there are
transportation costs from the repair shops to the used car lots. RVW is concerned with minimizing its
total cost given the costs in the table below.
a. Given the costs below, draw a network representation for this problem.
Repair Shops Used Car Lots
S1 S2 L1 L2 L3
Auction 1 550 500 S1 250 300 500
Auction 2 600 450 S2 350 650 450

b. Formulate this problem as a transshipment linear programming model.

c. Report the optimal solution using excel solver.



b. Denote A1 as node 1, A2 as node 2, S1 as node 3, S2 as node 4,

L1 as node 5, L2 as node 6, and L3 as node 7

Min 50x13 + 500x14 + 600x23 + 450x24 + 250x35 + 300x36

+ 500x37 + 350x45 + 650x46 + 450x47

s.t. x13 + x14 15

x23 + x24 15
x13 + x23 x35 x36 x37 = 0
x14 + x24 x45 x46 x47 = 0
x35 + x45 = 10
x36 + x46 = 10
x37 + x4 = 10
xij 0 for all i,j

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