Changing Direction at Speed and Finishing PDF
Changing Direction at Speed and Finishing PDF
Changing Direction at Speed and Finishing PDF
15 Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach
Distance and Intensity of Running in Football
Analysis of competitive matches has shown the yy Midfielders were found to perform more forward
intermittent (stop and start) nature of the sport, and movements than defenders who had the highest
subsequently the need for players to repeat high- amount of backwards and sideways movements.
intensity exercises (Bangsbo, 2007; Dellal et al., 2012). yy The majority of diagonal and curved movements
Recent studies have estimated that between 1000 were performed by midfielders and strikers (in
and 1500 distinct movement changes occur within order to create space, evade a marker or be in a
each match at a rate of 5-6 seconds whilst having a position to receive a pass from a teammate). From
a strikers perspective these arching runs also
static pause of 3 seconds every 2 minutes (Reilly, 2003;
give them the opportunity to stay onside when
Strudwick et al., 2002). running in behind the oppositions defence.
Previous research has shown how players make yy High numbers of turns were made with the
majority between 0 to 90.
various accelerations, straight-line, backward and
sideways movements throughout the course of a yy Defenders made approximately 700 turns per
game (Bloomfield et al., 2007), however, early research match.
conducted by Reilly and Bowen, (1984) indicated
yy Midfielders made approximately 500 turns per
how these unorthodox movements led to significant match.
increases in exertion when compared to running
forwards. yy Strikers made approximately 600 turns per match
and made the most turns between 270 and 360.
These turns may be in order to evade a marker
These findings have been further confirmed through
or through general play, making movements
recent research comparing the physiologic responses towards the ball when it was played overhead
of traditional high-intensity straight-line running (e.g. from a goal kick).
intermittent exercise with shuttle-running requiring
yy The amount of 90 to 180 turns is relatively even
180 directional changes (Dellal et al., 2010). It was
with all positions performing approximately 90-
concluded that the physiological impact of directional 100 in a match.
changes required a significant increase in the
anaerobic metabolism (see definition on key terms
page) when compared to straight line running. KEY POINT:
These specic turning exertions and
The results from both of these studies may aid coaches accelerations/decelerations should
in the design of intermittent (stop-start) training be included as part of conditioning
programmes using classical straight-line and changes sessions to maximise the performance
of direction to get different physiologic responses. for these specic movements. The
inclusion of these movements at game
This is where you can use small sided games as a way intensity within small sided games or
of having more CODs and subsequent increases in general conditioning can significantly
the anaerobic metabolism of players through specific enhance football specific strength
training as opposed to traditional interval training. capacity of players.
22 Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach
Distance and Intensity of Running in Football
In addition to the previous research highlighting directional changes within the varying work-rate profiles of elite
level players, Orendurff et al., (2010) concluded that within competitive matches:
Further analysis into movement changes within elite professional football also suggested that players
perform between 1000 to 1400 short duration actions in a game, lasting 2-4 seconds (Stolen et al, 2005), with
approximately 220 of them being at a high intensity (Mohr, 2003). Bangsbo (1994), suggested that players
perform a different action every 4-6 seconds throughout a competitive match.
23 Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach
Distance and Intensity of Running in Football
To develop explosive power, reaction speed, acceleration and football specific conditioning.
In a 40 x 30 yard area, we mark out the hurdles, mannequins and cones in the positions shown. Players perform
various explosive movements before shooting at goal.
The players are in 2 groups facing each other and start by jumping over the 2 hurdles. They then accelerate
to touch the first mannequin, jog (recovery) around the second mannequin and perform diagonal explosive
movements through the poles. The coach plays a pass to one of the players who must react quickly to meet the
ball, receive and pass the ball across to the player on the other side. The second player receives with an open
body shape, dribbles at maximum speed and shoots. Players then walk to the back of the opposite group.
Progression: The player who makes the pass across moves to apply pressure on the attacker from behind.
Coaching Points
1. Players must accelerate at maximum speed.
2. Players must react to the coachs pass accordingly to maintain the technical quality throughout the drill.
3. Dribbling at maximum speed towards goal is required to make it more game realistic.
24 Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach
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