Craig Turnbull (Auth.) - A History of British Actuarial Thought-Palgrave Macmillan (2017)
Craig Turnbull (Auth.) - A History of British Actuarial Thought-Palgrave Macmillan (2017)
Craig Turnbull (Auth.) - A History of British Actuarial Thought-Palgrave Macmillan (2017)
A History of British
Actuarial Thought
Actuary, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
state that are acceptable to the societys social and political culture all help
to define the context and parameters within which the actuarial profession
must exercise its role. These factors mean that, for example, the intellectual
research interests of British and continental European actuarial professions
over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have often been markedly differ-
ent (though perhaps increasingly less so by the end of the period).
A history is about the past rather than the present. Our story therefore fin-
ishes some years before todayat around the start of the twenty-first century.
In addition to providing an appropriate distance from contemporary actuarial
activities, this also represents a natural end-point. Around this time, each
of the key practice areas of the British actuarial professionlife, pensions
and general insurancehad, after some traditionalist resistance, undergone
intellectual revolutions of varying degrees that offered the prospect of better
coming decades than those experienced by the British profession at the end of
the twentieth century. The concluding section of the book, however, provides
some final reflections on the possible implications of the tumultuous finan-
cial years since the global financial crisis of 2007/8 for actuarial thinking and
This history attempts to span 350 years, the three core actuarial practice
areas and the most relevant external developments in the fields of probability
and statistics and financial economics. Inevitably, what has been striven for in
breadth has necessitated compromises in depth. For the reader whose inter-
ests have not been satiated, the author can heartily vouch for the pleasures of
reading some of the texts discussed in this work. Those with a deep interest
in the history of probability and statistics should read Hacking, Stigler and
Todhunter. For the history of financial economics, try Rubinstein. Walford
and Ogborn will provide the interested reader with a fascinating history of
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British insurance. And for the most
inspirational, original British actuarial thought, the reader will not be failed
by the papers of Richard Price, John Finlaison, Frank Redington or Sidney
Over the course of my career to date, I have had the great fortune of work-
ing with many actuarial thought-leaders who have provoked, stimulated and
inspired my own thinking. A few of these deserve particular credit for the
direct support, input and advice they have provided throughout the develop-
ment of this book. I would particularly like to acknowledge Seamus Creedon,
Peter McDade and Colin Wilson in this regard.
The librarian team at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries were unfailingly
responsive to my seemingly endless stream of requests for obscure historical
journal papers. The library is a remarkable asset of the profession that is easy
to take for granted.
As an actuary whose only professional examination failure was in the writ-
ten communications paper, I never presumed to write a bookit just sort of
happened. It could not have happened without the patience, support, love
and understanding of my family.
Author Biography
Probability andLife Contingencies,
16501750: TheFirst One Hundred Years
Coming at the end of the Renaissance period and some 100 years after the
Reformation, the mid-seventeenth century is generally regarded by histori-
ans as part of the early modern epoch. We should not, however, infer from
this label that for Britain it was a time of stability in its political institu-
tions or sophistication in its financial institutions. England spent the middle
of the seventeenth century at war with the Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland
and itself. The country recovered quickly from the tyranny of Cromwells
Commonwealth; the arrival of King William III from the Netherlands in
1689 brought peace with the Netherlands but still more wars in Europe, this
time with France. In the second half of the seventeenth century, England
lagged behind some of northern Europe, and most notably the Netherlands,
in the sophistication of its financial systems. King William imported Dutch
practices in the raising of long-term government funding, and his costly wars
had much use for them.
Marine insurance was a well-established commercial activity in England and
continental Europe by 1650. European trade and early colonisation created
demand for the pooling or transfer of the risks associated with the transporta-
tion of valuable goods over long distances by sea. In contrast, very little life
assurance business was conducted at this time. There were no significant finan-
cial institutions in England in 1650 that existed for the primary purpose of
providing life assurance. The economy was predominantly agricultural. The
industrial revolution and the professional middle class that it would foster were
over a century away. Life assurance as insurance for a familys loss of a bread-
winners future salaried income was a concept whose time had not yet come.
This was also the midst of what is sometimes called the Scientific
Revolutionthe era of Galileo, Newton and Leibnitz. This title reflects the
exceptional intellectual progress that occurred in the seventeenth century,
which saw the development of the scientific method and the mathematisa-
tion of nature. Intellectual progress in the fields of probability and life con-
tingencies up to 1650 had been rudimentary. These disciplines, however, both
now started to attract some of the greatest mathematical and scientific minds
of this period of remarkable intellectual progress. The initial seeds of develop-
ment in each of these fields were planted side by side and followed strikingly
contemporaneous paths of growth over the next 100 years. The pricing of
life contingencies emerged as one of the most relevant empirical applications
of the evolving ideas of probability and statistics during this era and some of
probabilitys leading figures actively applied these new concepts to the simi-
larly nascent field of the pricing of life contingencies.
See Hacking (1975) Chapter 1 for a survey of ancient probabilistic thinking and a discussion of what
may have limited it.
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 3
A total of ten can be produced by six distinct combinations: 6, 3, 1; 6, 2, 2; 5, 3, 2; 5, 4, 1; 4, 4, 2; 4, 3,
3. A total of nine can be produced by the six distinct combinations: 6, 2, 1; 5, 3, 1; 5, 2, 2; 4, 4, 1; 4, 3,
2; 3, 3, 3.
4 A History of British Actuarial Thought
points and it represented new territory. The Pascal and Fermat letters provide
the first recorded instance of mathematical expectation being explicitly calcu-
lated. But neither of them used the term expectation in their correspondence.
It was the Dutch mathematician, Christiaan Huygens, who first introduced
the term expectatio in the Dutch translation of his 1657 paper on why it
was appropriate to use mathematical expectation to price claims on uncertain
cashflows (he focused mainly on fair lotteries).3 Pascal and Fermats 1654 cor-
respondence was not published until 1679, but Huygens visited Paris in 1655
and, whilst he did not meet Pascal or Fermat, he was introduced to their ideas
by mutual acquaintances.
The idea of using mathematical expectations to value uncertain claims can
be viewed as a more technical treatment of the already established legal doc-
trine of equity, and its application to the treatment of aleatory contracts.4 The
term aleatory referred to contracts where there was a settlement of a fixed
payment today in exchange for uncertain future cashflows. Insurance and
annuities fell under this category, and so too did a wider array of contractual
arrangements such as settlement of inheritance expectations or, more gener-
ally, risky business investments. Like all contract law, a principle of fair and
equitable treatment for both parties existed. For aleatory contracts, a quali-
tative, heuristic notion of expectation was already part of established law in
the mid-seventeenth century. This did not make explicit use of probabilities,
but did recognise degree of likelihood as an important factor in determining
equitable contract settlements. From here, the development of mathematical
expectation can be viewed as a natural quantitative development.
Fermats solution to the calculation of mathematical expectation was to
tabulate all the possible (and equally likely) combinations of wins/losses that
could occur over the remainder of the game. He then worked out the prob-
ability of each player winning by enumerating the winning combinations and
dividing by the total possible number of combinations. The equitable split of
the stakes was then found as the winning probability multiplied by the total
stake, i.e. the expected pay-off from the game. This basic concept of aleatory
probability as a ratio of the number of equally possible favourable events to the
total number of equally possible events was not newas we saw above, it was
used by Cardano and Galileo a century earlier. The breakthrough was in the
conception of mathematical expectationthe probability-weighted value
and its use as a measure of fair value. But from a mathematical perspective,
Huygens (1657).
See, for example, Section 1.3, Daston (1988) for a scholarly discussion of the legal doctrine of equity
and its influence on the development of mathematical expectation.
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 7
Suppose that the first player has gained two points and the second player one
point; they have now to play for a point on this condition, that if the first player
gains he takes all the money which is at stake, namely 64 pistoles, and if the
second player gains each player has two points, so that they are on terms of
equality, and if they leave off playing each ought to take 32 pistoles. Thus, if the
first player gains, 64 pistoles belong to him, and if he loses, 32 pistoles belong
to him. If, then, the players do not wish to play this game, but to separate with-
out playing it, the first player would say to the second I am certain of the 32
pistoles even if I lose this game, and as for the other 32 pistoles perhaps I shall
have them and perhaps you will have them; the chances are equal. Let us then
divide these 32 pistoles equally and give me also the 32 pistoles of which I am
certain. Thus the first player will have 48 pistoles and the second 16 pistoles.
Next, suppose that the first player has gained two points and the second
player none, and that they are about to play for a point; the condition then is
that if the first player gains this point he secures the game and takes 64 pistoles,
and if the second player gains this point the players will then be in the situation
already examined, in which the first player is entitled to 48 pistoles, and the
second to 16 pistoles. Thus if they do not wish to play, the first player would say
to the second If I gain the point I gain 64 pistoles; if I lose it I am entitled to 48
pistoles. Give me then the 48 pistoles of which I am certain, and divide the
other 16 equally, since our chances of gaining the point are equal. Thus the first
player will have 56 pistoles and the second player 8 pistoles.
Finally, suppose that the first player has gained one point and the second
player none. If they proceed to play for a point the condition is that if the first
player gains it the players will be in the situation first examined, in which the
first player is entitled to 56 pistoles; if the first player loses the point each player
has then a point, and each is entitled to 32 pistoles. Thus if they do not wish to
play, the first player would say to the second, give me the 32 pistoles of which I
am certain and divide the remainder of the 56 pistoles equally, that is, divide 24
pistoles equally. Thus the first player will have the sum of 32 and 12 pistoles,
that is 44 pistoles, and consequently the second will have 20 pistoles.
This is the first record of a backward recursive method being used to evalu-
ate expectations through a path of stochastic steps. Its appeal to Pascal lay in
its relative computational efficiency and elegance, but, in retrospect, it offers
a great insight into the behaviour of the prices of assets with claims on uncer-
tain cashflows: his method provides insight not only into how to price the
claim at any given point in time, but also on how that price will change as
uncertain events crystallise. Those with a familiarity with standard option pric-
ing theory will immediately recognise the similarity between Pascals logic
and the binomial tree approach to option pricing6 (which is used both to
intuitively illustrate the mathematics of option pricing to the uninitiated and
to provide solutions to path-dependent option pricing problems that are too
complex for analytical treatment). But the path behaviour of asset prices was
not of interest to Pascalwhen he realised that the arithmetical triangle could
efficiently identify the binomial coefficients required by Fermats brute force
method, he advocated using this approach to solving the problem of points
and similar combinatorial problems.
In summary, Pascal and Fermat s solutions to the problem of points weaved
together a handful of concepts that were new or at best half-baked at the time
of their writing:
Francis (1853).
10 A History of British Actuarial Thought
discernible impact on what limited life insurance business was practiced at the
time, it did highlight the latent potential in existing population records and
the possibilities of statistical analysis. His paper was reviewed by William Petty
in a Paris journal in 1666. In 1667, France started to collect statistical data of
a similar form to that found in the London Bills. The influence and impact of
Graunts work was confirmed when he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society
at the behest of King Charles II, who is said to have commended him to the
sceptical and snobbish fellows with the remark that if they found any more
such tradesman, they should admit them all.10
Johan de Witts life contrasts starkly with the humble background of John
Graunt. De Witt was born in 1825 as the son of an influential politician, and
by the age of 28 he had obtained the position of grand pensionaryroughly
equivalent to prime ministerof the States of Holland, and held it for the
following nineteen years. The Dutch Republic was one of the most significant
European powers throughout this period, and de Witt established himself
as one of Europes pre-eminent statesmen of his time. His political career,
and ultimately his life, was cut short in 1672 when 120,000 French troops
of Louis XIV invaded Holland. De Witt resigned but was nonetheless assas-
sinated, along with his brother, by a mob supportive of his political rival
Prince William of Orange, the future King William III of England, Ireland
and Scotland (William II in Scotland).
As a youngster, de Witt received tutelage from some of Hollands leading
thinkers of the time, from which he obtained a lifelong interest in mathemat-
ics. Between plotting geopolitical strategic alliances and fighting wars with
England and France, he also devoted some time to the theory of annuity
pricing. His interest in actuarial science was not driven entirely by mere math-
ematical curiosity. The Netherlands was advanced in the sophistication of its
approach to raising government funding and by the mid-seventeenth century
it had a long-established practice of using perpetuities and life annuities to
issue state debt. By contrast, England at the time had no facilities for raising
funded government debt until the final years of the century (it had experi-
mented with issuing life annuities in the first half of the sixteenth century,
but never in significant volume).11 De Witt was concerned that the state was
paying too much for its life annuity funding relative to the cost of perpetual
annuity funding, and he proceeded to produce the first rigorous analysis of
annuity pricing to make his point.
Francis (1853), Chapter 1, p.11, Hacking (1975), Chapter 12, p.106.
See Homer and Sylla (1996), p.112.
12 A History of British Actuarial Thought
De Witt (1671).
they die at a rate of one per year; and between 73 and 80 they die at a rate of
2/3 per year. All 128 lives are therefore extinguished by age 80.
Unlike Graunt, de Witt offered no empirical basis for these mortality
assumptions. De Witt had some correspondence on these assumptions with
Johannes Hudde, a contemporary mathematically minded Dutch politician
who was mayor of Amsterdam during the period. Hudde developed an empir-
ical mortality analysis from the records of the annuities sold by the Dutch
government between 1586 and 1590. This qualifies as the first mortality expe-
rience analysis of annuity business. He grouped the data by age of the annui-
tant when they purchased the annuity and tabulated the number of years for
which each annuitant received their annuity payment. De Witt was satisfied
that this data was consistent with his assumptions, noting that the data sug-
gested that the proportion of 50 year-olds dying by age 55 was 1/6, and of 55
year-olds dying by age 60 was 1/5 (although de Witts assumptions implied
both these proportions would be very close to ).
Armed with the above mortality decrements and the 4 % interest rate
derived from the perpetual annuity price, de Witt then undertook the arith-
metic computation of mathematical expectations discounted by the time
value of money in order to calculate the price of an annuity for someone aged
three on purchase. He found that the annuity price was sixteen, thus support-
ing his initial statement that the price of fourteen, at which the annuities were
currently being sold, was too low. De Witt then went on to argue that the
selection effect of choosing a life, or person in full health, and with a manifest
likelihood of prolonged existence should significantly increase the price of
the annuity further. This is notable as perhaps the first published discussion of
the impact of selection on the price of life contingencies.
De Witts work can be viewed as a synthesis of the probabilistic and valu-
ation thinking developed by Pascal, Fermat and Huygens together with the
pragmatic mortality modelling introduced by Graunt. Its originality lay in
demonstrating how these emerging ideas could be used to rationally obtain
fair prices for annuities, and how such pricing must consider practical effects
such as anti-selection. The application of the then-recent developments in
probabilistic thinking to the valuation of life contingencies had begun.
Halley (1693).
In every place that just supports itself in the number of its inhabitants, without
any recruits from other places; or where, for a course of years, there has been no
increase or decrease, the number of persons dying every year at any particular
age, and above it, must be equal to the number of living at that age. From this
observation it follows, that in a town or country, where there is no increase or
decrease, bills of mortality which give the ages at which all die, will show the
exact number of inhabitants; and also the exact law, according to which human
life wastes in that town or country.
Price (1772), Essay IV.
16 A History of British Actuarial Thought
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age, x
Halleys paper, and consider it alongside the other practices that were taking
place in the life contingencies business at the end of the seventeenth century.
Hacking (1975), Chapter 13, p.111.
Ogborn (1953), Phillips in Discussion, p.196.
Chapter IX, Homer and Sylla (1996).
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 17
Following the glorious revolution of 1688, King William III was in much
need of funding for his European wars, and the English government looked
to raise 1 million through the issuance of life annuities in 1692. Interest
rates had fallen significantly since the Tudor annuity issuance: between the
sixteenth and late seventeenth centuries, English interest rates had dropped
from around 12 % to 6 %. Despite this substantial fall in interest rates, the
1692 annuity issuance was offered at exactly the same price as the one of the
1540s! Once again, the annuities were priced at a multiple of seven times
annual income with no variation by age or sex of the nominated life.
Halleys Breslau table implied that the governments annuity pricing was
extremely generous. He included a table of life annuity prices using an inter-
est rate of 6 %, a reasonable assumption for the long-term risk-free interest
rate prevailing at the time.20 The government also sold 99-year fixed-term
annuities at a price of 15.5annual income,21 again consistent with the 6 %
interest rate assumption. Using his table and this interest rate assumption,
Halley produced an annuity price for a ten year-old of 13.4annual income;
for a 40 year-old a price of 10.6; and for a 60 year-old a price of 7.6. Despite
the apparent generosity of the government pricing, the life annuities sold
poorlyless than 110,000 of the targeted 1 million was raised from the
sale of annuities on 1,002 lives.22 But many of the investors who did partici-
pate were well aware of the opportunity created by the age-insensitive annuity
pricing: more than half of the nominated lives were under eleven years of
age, and the annuities were therefore obtained at almost half of the fair price
implied by Halleys Breslau table.
Full records of the mortality experience of these annuitants have not been
found, but it is known that 503 of the 1,002 lives were alive in 1730; 175
lives were still alive in 1749 and that the last survivor died in 1783.23 This
mortality experience is quite similar to the ten year-old in Halleys table. The
government borrowed at a realised interest rate of 12 % when they could have
borrowed at a rate of 6 % by issuing long-dated gilts.
The historical literature offers different interpretations of the influence that
Halley had on the governments annuity pricing policy. Some modern histo-
rians have suggested that his annuity pricing recommendations were rejected
by the government.24 But Walford25 noted that the government subsequently
Homer and Sylla (1996) p.127.
Francis (1853), Chapter 3, p.55.
Leeson (1968), p.1.
Leeson (1968), p.1.
Daston (1988), p.139.
Chapter IV, Walford (1868).
18 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Halley (1693)
Government (1692)
Annuity Price for Single Life Age x
12 Government (1703)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age, x
increased its single life annuity prices in a 1703 Act of Parliament from a mul-
tiple of annual income of seven to nine, and Francis attributes this revision
to the influence of Halleys paper.26 The conventional contemporary historical
position is that the early mortality tables had no discernible impact on the
practice of insurers or governments in their pricing of life contingencies.27
Figure 1.2 compares Halleys annuity prices with the government prices of
1692 and 1703.
Irrespective of its direct impact on contemporary government annuity pric-
ing policy, Halleys paper introduced a new standard of method for mortal-
ity modelling and the Breslau table remained the benchmark mortality table
until well into the second half of the eighteenth century.
We saw above how, despite the emergence of an actuarial approach to
annuity pricing, at the end of the seventeenth century the English govern-
ment did not feel compelled to move to an annuity pricing approach that
priced annuities as a function of age (or indeed any other variable). Virtually
no life insurance business existed in the private sector at this time. The growth
of this industry would gather pace in the following decades; but in the final
decade of the seventeenth century, there were only one or two examples of
businesses that were transacting life contingencies.
For example, see Daston (1988) Section 3.4, Hacking (1975), p.113.
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 19
Price (1772), p.105.
20 A History of British Actuarial Thought
amongst the policies of those who had died. No mortality risk was transferred
to the insurer, the company simply acted as an administrator of the direct
pooling of mortality risk amongst the policyholders.
In summary, at the start of the eighteenth century, the theoretical proba-
bilistic and actuarial developments of the preceding 50 years had not yet sig-
nificantly impacted on the life contingencies pricing practices of insurers or
governments. Relatively little mortality risk transfer took place in this era,
and the examples we do have are mainly of life annuities which resulted in
significant losses or failures for the recipients of the risk (whether government
or private sector company).
result in m/n being a more stable and reliable estimate of p already existed.
Bernoulli writes: For even the most stupid of men, by some instinct of nature,
by himself and without any instruction (which is a remarkable thing), is con-
vinced that the more observations have been made, the less danger there is of
wandering from ones goal.
But no quantification of how the accuracy of a sample increased with sam-
ple size had been developed. Even more vitally, it had yet to be determined
whether there was some fundamental limit to the amount of certainty that
a random sample could provide, even for very large sample sizes. Bernoullis
treatment of these questions arguably signifies the moment where probability
emerges as a fully formed branch of applied mathematics.
Mathematically, Bernoullis Theorem, or the weak law of large numbers,
limPr ( p m / n < ) = 1
Todhunter (1865).
De Moivre (1718).
De Moivre (1724).
24 A History of British Actuarial Thought
decrease in proportion to the square root of the sample size. The primitive statisti-
cal practices of the time, such that they existed in areas like the treatment of
discordant astronomical observations, had assumed that the sample variability
decreased in direct proportion to the sample size, rather than its square root.33
The section of Doctrine of Chances containing the derivation of the normal
distribution is entitled A Method of approximating the Sum of Terms of the
Binomial (a+b)n expanded into a Series, from whence are deduced some prac-
tical rules to estimate the degree of assent which is to be given to experiments.
De Moivre believed that his approximation result supported the inversion
of Bernoullis Theorem for use in statistical inference or inductionthat is,
to make statements about the likely behaviour of a population based on the
behaviour of a sample, as opposed to making statements about the behaviour
of a sample, based on knowledge of a populations characteristics. De Moivre
argued from Bernoullis Theorem that if a large sample could be observed
to converge on a given probability, then that must provide the unknown
population probability. This idea of convergence recognised that the sample
ratio is an unbiased estimator of the population probability, but de Moivre
did not suggest any means of determining how large the sample must be to
obtain convergence, or how much uncertainty is in a given sample when the
population probability is not known. De Moivres uncovering of the normal
distribution is arguably a profound moment in probability. The mathematics
of statistical inference, however, was not directly furthered by it.
De Moivres Annuities on Lives, published in 1724, was the most significant
work on life contingencies since Halleys seminal Breslau paper. De Moivre
did not seek to improve on Halleys mortality table. Rather, his objective was
to show how Halleys work could be more readily applied to the valuation of
annuities by reducing the computational burden associated with calculating
annuity prices from age-specific mortality rates. Halley himself had pointed
out in his Breslau paper that the calculation of annuity prices from the mor-
tality rates of his table will without doubt appear to be the most laborious
calculation and noted that the production of the annuity table in his paper
was the short result of a not ordinary number of arithmetical operations. De
Moivre specified a simple mathematical form for the behaviour of mortality
as a function of age that permitted a straightforward annuity pricing formula
to be obtained which required a much smaller set of arithmetic operations:
year; 634 after two years; 628, 622, 616, 610, 604, 598, 592, 586, after 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years respectively, the common difference of those whole numbers
being 6.34
De Moivre derived a relatively simply pricing formula for a single life annu-
ity when the decrements of life followed this arithmetic progression:
(1 + r ) P
Annuity Price = n
16 1000
Annual 900
8 500
0 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Fig. 1.3 Decrements of life from ages 10 to 82 (from 1,000 births); Halleys Breslau
De Moivre's approximation
Annuity Price for Single Life Age x
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age, x
By doing so, he was able to find joint life annuity prices that were simple func-
tions of single life annuities such as:
Joint Life Annuity Price =
M + P rM.P
where M is value of the single life annuity on the first life; P is the value of the
single life annuity on the second life; and r the rate of interest.
The derivation of the above joint life annuity price relies on a different
assumption for the mathematical model of mortality than the one he used in
developing the single life annuity pricing approximation. Instead of assuming
that the decrements of life follow an arithmetic progression, he here assumes
that they follow a geometric progression. Expressed in modern actuarial termi-
nology, he assumes q is constant across age (though it does not need to be the
same q for each of the lives).
The assumptions used to derive M and P above, and the assumptions used
to derive the above joint life formula are not only different, they are incon-
sistent and mutually incompatible. But this does not necessarily matterde
Moivre was not deducing a theorem, he was attempting to find a compu-
tational shortcut that produced reasonable estimates. So how effective was
this formula against this criteria? Suppose we obtain the single life annuity
prices M and P above using de Moivres single life formula, and then plug
these prices into his joint life formulahow does such a joint life annuity
price compare with the exact value implied by Halleys table? Inevitably, the
additional layer of approximation amplifies the errors in the valuation. For
example, consider the joint life annuity price on two 30 year-olds. The exact
price according to Halleys table (and at 6 % interest) is 9.5. And whilst de
Moivres single life annuity price provides a very close approximation to the
exact single life price (11.6 versus 11.7), his joint life annuity price is 8.9,
whereas the exact price 9.5. Nonetheless, in the great scheme of approxima-
tions involved in obtaining an early eighteenth-century annuity price, per-
haps 5 % or so is not too bad.
bulk of insurance activity at this time was in marine insurance. Life assurance
was essentially a spin-off activity of the individuals and businesses that were
focused on other forms of insurance.
In the early years of the eighteenth century, a number of new insurance
ventures emerged. Foreshadowing a trend that was to continue until the final
quarter of the century, many of these businesses were ostensibly life assurers,
but actually provided a vehicle for speculation on a wide range of contingen-
cies that could occur to third party individuals. The breadth of possible specu-
lations was constrained by an Act of Parliament of 1711 that made insurance
of events such as marriages, births and christenings illegal. But the legal con-
cept of insurable interest was not introduced until later in the century and, in
the meantime, life assurers continued to provide a vehicle for gambling and
speculation on the health or otherwise of (usually famous) other people. In his
review of life assurance in the early eighteenth century, Francis notes:
From 1720 much of the legitimate business had been usurped by it, policies
being opened on the lives of public men, with a recklessness at once disgraceful
and injurious to the morals of the country. That of Sir Robert Walpole was
assured for many thousands; and at particular portions of his career, when his
person seemed endangered by popular tumults, as at the Excise Bill; or by party
hate, as at the time of threatened impeachment; the premium was proportion-
ately enlarged. When George II fought at Dettingen, 25 per cent was paid
against his return.35
The most notable new insurer to emerge in the period of 17001720 was
the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office (generally known sim-
ply as the Amicable), which was founded in 1706. Like the other businesses
that emerged around this time and prior to it, the Amicables life assurance
policies were essentially a form of mutual benefaction rather than insurance.
That is, rather than providing a fixed sum assured, the premiums received
from all policyholders in a given year were distributed amongst the arising
claimants in that year.
The joint-stock company emerged as an increasingly important form of
business corporation during this era. Such companies had been formed in
Britain in the previous century, mainly for the purposes of funding colonial
expansion. The East India Company is perhaps the most famous example. At
this time, joint-stock companies could only be established by a Royal Charter
of incorporation, and permission for such a charter would usually be granted
by an Act of Parliament. Typically, the Royal Charter would grant the joint-
stock company some exclusive privileges in exchange for the company making
a form of contribution to the state. For example, the East India Company was
granted exclusive rights to trade with India in exchange for agreeing to loan
the government 1,662,000.
In 1720, an Act of Parliament gave permission for two new joint-stock
companies to be created for the specific purpose of writing insurance. Royal
Exchange Assurance and London Assurance were thus founded. The Act of
Parliament precluded any other joint-stock company from writing marine
insurance. Whilst this seemingly granted the two companies significant
market power, it did not prevent private individuals from continuing to
write marine insurance. As this was the long-standing practice in the marine
insurance market, it did not directly impact on the established marine
underwriters ability to compete with the new companies. But in return
for the exclusive right to be the only joint-stock companies permitted to
conduct insurance, the two companies agreed to pay 300,000 each to the
Exchequer.36 1720 was also the year of the South Sea bubble. The first half
of the year saw much activity in the forming of petitions for various new
joint-stock companies amid an atmosphere of stock market speculation.
Somewhat ironically, the Act of Parliament that provided the permission for
the Royal Exchange Assurance and London Assurance charters was primar-
ily focused on restraining the explosion of new joint-stock companies (it is
often referred to as the Bubble Act). The act went some way to pricking
the South Sea bubble, and, as a result, the new insurance corporations were
founded at the very peak of a stock market boom.
The total British life assurance market of this time is estimated to have been
no greater than a few thousand policyholders. Life assurance was not included
in the two new insurance companies charters as one of the forms of insurance
that the executive privilege applied to: initially, only marine insurance was
covered by the charter. In the months following the granting of the charter in
June 1720, the two companies major preoccupation was with the turbulent
stock market and the need to meet scheduled payments of the 300,000 gov-
ernment donation (Royal Exchange also committed, in addition, to buying
156,000 of government stock). Following some aborted equity capital issues
in the autumn of that year, Royal Exchange failed to meet the scheduled pay-
ment dates for their outstanding sum of 200,000. The companies argued
with the Treasury that their ability to pay their government obligations would
Part A of Supple (1970) provides an excellent account of the establishment and early growth of Royal
Exchange Assurance.
30 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The demand for the only life insurance product in existence at the time
(one-year term assurance) appears to have been so small that it failed to
provide any incentive to invest significant effort in refining its pricing.
In this era, age may not have been the most important factor in determin-
ing a fair one-year term assurance price. Individual risk factors such as class,
career, location and health may all have been considered by insurers when
deciding whether or not to write a life policy.
There would have been an intuitive understanding that for mortality statis-
tics to be useful as a set of forward-looking estimates, a temporal stability
in mortality behaviour was required that did not match the reality: the era
was one where mortality rates could vary significantly from year to year as
outbreaks of virulent diseases such as the plague came and went.
Even if such stability were present, it should be remembered that the lack
of an inferential statistical science meant that there was no understanding
of how much confidence could be placed in the estimates derived from
limited sample sizes. No one knew how to ask what the standard error was
in Halleys q(60), never mind how to answer it.
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 31
Some historians have also argued that the eras predominant use of life assur-
ance as a form of gambling and speculation was another important factor that
delayed the application of actuarial techniques to life insurance business.37
It is near impossible to apply conventional statistical methods to the analysis
of highly specific contingencies such as whether a prime ministers proposed
tax increases will result in him being the victim of a rioting mob, or whether
the king will lose his life on a foreign battlefield. Yet it may still appear odd
that no attempt was made to distinguish between the typical mortality rate
of a twenty year-old and 50 year-old in standard term assurance pricing. We
should not, however, lose sight of the fact that, at this time, quantitative sta-
tistical data had never actually been used to do anything. The first applications
of statistics to scientific problems such as astronomical observationwhich
arguably were more amenable to quantitative analysis as they had more statis-
tical regularity than social and demographic behaviourdid not fully emerge
until the nineteenth century.
lands heads, player A pays player B 1. If it lands tails, then the coin is tossed
again. If it lands heads on this turn, then player A pays player B 2. If it lands
tails, then the coin is tossed again. If it lands heads on this turn, then player
A pays player B 4. And so on, with the amount player A must pay player B
when heads lands doubling each time the coin lands tails. An interesting dif-
ficulty arises when mathematical expectation is used to determine how much
player B should pay player A to play this game: the mathematical expecta-
tion of this cashflow is infinite. This was viewed as a paradox because it was
thought that no reasonable person would pay more than, say, 10 or 20 as
player B in the game, even though he would receive a pay-out that had an
infinite expectation.
The problem posed by Nicolas was eventually tackled by another Bernoulli
Daniel, another nephew of Jacob Bernoulli. Daniel was born in 1700 and
established himself as another Bernoulli mathematical genius, making last-
ing contributions to mathematics and physics, most notably in fields such as
fluid mechanics. In 1738, Daniel published a solution to the paradox in the
annals of the University of St Petersburg (from which the paradox derives its
name).38 Bernoullis solution proposed the use of a new form of expectation.
Instead of pricing a contract using mathematical expectation (i.e. by consider-
ing the product of the possible cashflows and their respective probabilities),
he proposed using what he termed moral expectation, which he defined as the
product of the utility the recipient gained from each possible cashflow and
their respective probabilities. This was the first time a quantitative concept of
expected utility was considered in the context of valuation of risky cashflows.
Bernoulli went on to show that an intuitive price could be obtained for
the St Petersburg game when moral, rather than mathematical, expectation
was used. To do this, he supposed that increases in wealth were directly pro-
portional to increases in utility (that is, a logarithmic utility function). He
noted that the risk-aversion embedded in this non-linear utility function
could rationalise demand for insurance and diversification practises (such as
dividing cargo amongst several ships) as well as help to solve the St Petersburg
To find the maximum price that someone would pay as player B in the
game, Bernoulli argued we should find the price that equates his expected
utility after playing the game with the utility he obtains from his wealth with-
out playing the game. If the utility function is linear, then the expected utility
from playing the game is infinite for any finite price. The non-linearity of the
logarithmic function places less value on the extremely unlikely upside pay-
Bernoulli (1738).
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 33
offs of the game. As a result, a finite value for the game is obtained. The risk-
aversion embedded in the utility function also implied that the maximum
value a player would rationally pay to play the game would be a function of
his current level of wealththe smaller his current wealth, the less he would
be prepared to pay to play, even though the expected pay-out from playing is
technically infinite.
Interestingly, Nicolas Bernoulli, who originally considered the paradox 25
years earlier, did not accept Daniels concept of moral expectation. Nicolas
was by this time a professor of law at the University of Basel. He maintained
that for a contract to be legally equitable it should be priced such that the
buyer and seller have an equal chance of winning or losing. Daniels more
sophisticated treatment had moved the pricing of uncertain claims from the
realm of jurisprudence to that of economics.
His cousin was not the only one to object to Daniel Bernoullis conception
of risk-adjusted valuation of stochastic cashflows. Jean DAlembert, another
contemporary French mathematician, argued that the introduction of moral
expectation was an ad hoc solution to the St Petersburg Paradox. He sug-
gested a simpler way of reducing the value that the mathematical expectation
attached to the extremely unlikely but extremely large pay-offs that arose in
the game: he argued that beyond a particular probability level, an event is not
physically possible, and it should make no contribution to the valuation. But
the choice of such a probability level is similarly ad hoc and arbitrary.
One of the implications of Bernoullis utility treatment is that the price a
player would be willing to pay to play the game increases as his starting wealth
goes up relative to the stake of the game. This implication is consistent with
modern economic thinking on pricing of risky cashflows. The pay-out from
the game is, in economic terms, a diversifiable risk. If the game can be played
an increasingly large number of times for increasingly small stakes (relative to
starting wealth), the utility function and starting wealth of the player becomes
increasingly irrelevant, and the value of the game will tend to its mathemati-
cal expectation. So Bernoullis solution to the paradox arguably only applies
when it is assumed that the game must be played for stakes that are a material
portion of the players current wealth. This line of argument was pursued by
the respected English mathematician Augustus De Morgan in the early nine-
teenth century. In his discussion of the St Petersburg Paradox he concludes:
The results of all which precedes shows us that great risks should not be run,
unless for sums so small that the venture can afford to repeat them often
enough to secure an average.39
De Morgan (1838), Chapter V, p.101.
34 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Concluding Thoughts
The 100 years between 1650 and 1750 saw remarkable progress across the
broad spectrum of human endeavour and societal development. The Scientific
Revolution was in full flow, with fundamental breakthroughs occurring in
mathematics, physics, astronomy and other branches of science, as well as in
the development of the scientific method itself. In Britain, the Royal Society,
founded during Charles IIs reign, had established itself as a significant arbiter
of intellectual endeavour by the early eighteenth century. The Enlightenment
and the age of reason brought important developments in philosophy and
economics that would further influence and challenge society.
From the perspective of British finance, London emerged particularly
strongly from this period. The City of London transformed itself from being
a laggard of financial sophistication relative to practices in cities such as
Amsterdam, Antwerp and Florence into a leading banking and insurance cen-
tre, with a respected Bank of England.
The developments in probability and life contingencies over the period can
be viewed as intrinsic parts of these broader scientific, economic and indus-
trial developments. Mathematical probability fully emerged as a branch of
applied mathematics over this period, and its early development fully repre-
sented its holistic nature, involving contributions from disciplines as varied
as jurisprudence and number theory. The use of statistical population data to
model mortality and analyse its implications for the pricing of life contingen-
cies developed contemporaneously. These early forms of statistical analysis
pre-dated a rigorous theory of statistical inference, and did not directly rely
on the theoretical developments in mathematical probability that were occur-
ring at the same time. The two disciplines overlapped, but were generally each
developed by a different cast of characters. Occasionally, however, titans such
as de Moivre straddled both these disciplines and made substantial and lasting
contributions to both.
Samuelson (1960).
1 Probability andLife Contingencies, 16501750... 35
The second half of the eighteenth century was a remarkable period of develop-
ment for both probability (and statistics) and actuarial thought (and practice)
more broadly. Two fundamentally important fields of statistical and actuar-
ial thought emerged over the period that can each now be seen as a natural
flowering of the seeds planted over the previous 100 years. First, a number
of major theoretical breakthroughs were made that created the permanent
foundations for the inversion of mathematical probability into inferential sta-
tistics. Second, the whole-of-life with-profit policy was conceived and success-
fully brought to market. This transformed life assurance from a short-term
insurance contract into a long-term savings vehicle that strongly resonated
with the emerging professional classes of late-Georgian Britain.
Over this period these two fields of mathematical statistics and actuarial
science followed increasingly distinct paths of development: the primary
application that drove statistical thinking over this period was found in the
physical sciences, and especially astronomy, rather than finance; similarly, the
success of new and more complex life assurance products meant that actuarial
thinking and practice had to wrestle with a broader set of challenges than
just making good statistical estimates of mortality rates. One man, Richard
Price, notably transcended both fields during this era, marking him as one of
the most important historical figures in early actuarial history.
Given the number of times in which an unknown event has happened and
failed. Required the chance that the probability of it happening in a single trial
lies somewhere between any two degrees of probability that can be named.
Bayes (1764).
Todhunter (1865).
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 39
P ( B | A ) .P ( A )
P ( A | B) =
P ( B)
Hume (1739).
Bayes (1764).
Hacking (1965), p.190.
40 A History of British Actuarial Thought
n further balls
First ball
sequent n balls landed to the right or left of the first balls position could be
used to make a statement about the probability distribution of , the position
along the x-axis of the table of the first ball. This set-up can be summarised
simply in the Fig.2.1 above.
Bayes wished to infer the probability distribution of the position, , of the
first ball along the line AB, given only the number of times that the n subse-
quent random balls landed to the right or left of the first ball. For any given
value of , the probability of a subsequent ball landing to the right of the
first ball is simply the ratio of the line distances B/AB (as the balls position
on AB is uniformly distributed). For a given , the number of times, M, that
the n subsequent balls land to the right of the first ball is therefore binomially
distributed with parameters n and . So, we can write:
B n (n x)
= = x (1 )
Prob M = x
AB x
So far, this looks extremely similar to Jacob Bernoullis work on the distribu-
tion of the number of black balls chosen from an urn that has a known pro-
portion of black and white balls. But Bayes had merely laid the preparations
for his breakthrough step. He then noted that his theorem allowed him to
find an expression for the probability that is between two points b and f on
the line AB:
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 41
( n + 1)! f x
Prob b < < f M = x = ) x ! ( n x )! b
(1 )
(n x)
Bayes had provided a rigorous mathematical solution for the probability dis-
tribution of the location, , of the first ball along the line AB, conditional on
the observed results of how many of the subsequent n randomly distributed
balls were positioned to the left or right of the first ball. Today, this distribu-
tion is known as the beta distribution. The integral is intractable for large
values of n and (n x), but is very straightforward for relatively small values.
For example, consider the case of n = 6 given in Fig.2.1 above. Without any
knowledge of the distribution of the subsequent balls, the probability of
being in the right-hand half of the line AB is clearly simply 1/2. If three of
the six balls were observed to land to the right of , the above distribution
implies that the probability would, intuitively enough, remain 1/2. However,
if, instead, four of the balls were found to have landed to the right of , the
probability of being in the right-hand half of AB would be reduced to
29/128 (slightly less than a quarter).
Thus far, Bayes work is a novel but still uncontroversial application of
mathematical probabilitywithin the physical framework set out, his results
are unambiguously rigorous mathematics. In Bayes physical model of the
table with randomly thrown balls, a uniform prior distribution for arises
by construction. It has an unambiguous physical interpretation that derives
from the set-up that the balls are randomly thrown onto the table.
Bayes argued that the inversion logic of his theorem was naturally appli-
cable to statistical inference. That is, to making conditional statements about
the properties of unknown populations (analogous to on his table) based
on observed sample data (the position of the n balls). The more general
42 A History of British Actuarial Thought
ublication of the paper. As we shall see in the next section, the Bayesian
uniform prior was adopted whole-heartedly by no lesser mathematicians than
Laplace and Gauss in the decades following Bayes paper. In 1854, George
Boole, an English mathematician and philosopher (and the father of Boolean
logic) was the first to publish a significant critique of the logic of Bayesian
statistical inference, arguing:
It has been said that the principle involved is that of the equal distribution of
our knowledge, or rather of our ignorancethe assigning to different states of
things of which we know nothing, and upon the very ground that we know
nothing, equal degrees of probability. I apprehend, however, that this is an arbi-
trary method of procedure.6
Laplace considered the same binomial problem as Bayes. That is, given a
sample of n binary observations of which x are successes, what is the prob-
ability distribution of the population probability of success, ? He obtained
the same result as Bayes for the posterior distribution of . We noted above
that Bayes was unable to find an analytical solution, or indeed a good approxi-
mation, for the integral when n and (n-x) were large. Laplace, however, used
his superior mathematical skills to manipulate the integral so as to provide
a much more accurate numerical solution than the crude limits that Bayes
(and Price) had been able to find. The posterior probability distribution that
could be inferred from a finite sample of binomial observations could now be
quantified quickly and accurately.
In his papers of 1774 and 1781, Laplace took a number of further impor-
tant steps beyond Bayes. Bayes paper had presented how to generate a pos-
terior probability distribution for the probability of the success of a binary
event, based on a sample of n observations and the assumption of a uniform
prior distribution. But he had not explicitly considered how to use this pos-
terior distribution to infer a single best estimate for the success probability.
Some measure of central tendency of the posterior distribution would be a
natural candidate for the estimate, but Bayes never explicitly discussed this
topic. Laplace addressed this directly, and suggested two possible approaches
for determining the best estimate: the value that makes it equally likely that the
true value will be larger or smaller according to the posterior distribution, i.e.
the posterior median; and the value that minimises the probability-weighted
sum of the absolute differences between the observed value and the best esti-
mate, where the probability weights were obtained from the posterior distri-
bution. Laplace then proved that these two approaches were mathematically
identical and hence would always produce the same value for the best estimate.
Laplace also moved beyond Bayes in terms of to what he applied the Bayesian
prior/posterior framework. Bayes paper had focused on binary events (success
or failure; a ball landing to the right or left of another). Laplace moved onto
variables that could take a continuum of sizes. His main motivation for this
was found in astronomical observation. Astronomers of the time found that
observations of an object in the sky, such as the planets Jupiter or Saturn, were
not perfectly consistent with each othersome empirical observation error
would inevitably arise from the physical, manual process of observing plan-
etary positions in the sky. How should these observations be combined to find
the best estimate of the position of the planet? This problem had bedevilled
some of the greatest mathematicians of the age, including Euler, who could not
find a satisfactory way of solving a system of inconsistent linear equations.12
Euler (1749). See Chapter 1 of Stigler (1986) for further discussion of Euler and the treatment of dis-
Laplace wished to find a best estimate for some continuous variable V, based
on a limited sample of observations, say, v1, vn. He tackled this using the
Bayesian frameworkthat is, by obtaining the posterior distribution pro-
duced by assuming a uniform prior distribution for V, and then integrating the
conditional probabilities of observing v1, vn, over all possible values of V.
Laplaces best estimate would then be the median of this posterior distribution.
In Bayes specification of the problem, the conditional probabilities that he had
to sum across were already defined: because he was considering binary events,
the sum of observations had a binomial distribution. Laplaces more general
problem meant that he had to specify the conditional probability distribution
for observing v1, vn for a given value of V. But how could he determine a
universally useful form of distribution for these conditional probabilities?
In order to tackle this generic specification of the sampling distribution,
he made a subtle change of tack. Instead of considering the conditional prob-
abilities for v1, vn, he considered the probabilities of the differences or obser-
vation errors between vi and V: ei = vi V. This simple change immediately
allowed some intuitive general criteria to be established for the shape of the
sampling probability distribution. In his 1774 paper, Laplace specified three
criteria: the error probability distribution should be symmetric around zero
(as the errors should be as likely above as below); the error probability should
tend to zero as the error tends to infinity in both directions (small errors
should be more probable than large errors); and, of course, the area under the
error probability distribution must integrate to one. This still left an unlimited
number of possible functions that could be specified for the error probability
distribution and at the time no good reason existed to choose a particular
one amongst them. He considered some specific error distribution choices,
but was unable to find approaches that were amenable to analytical solution
for large sample sizes and that did not involve the introduction of additional
arbitrary parameters. A best estimate of a population parameter as a function
of sample data could not be mathematically defined without an explicit error
distribution. Laplaces journey to a general solution to statistical inference had
reached a dead end.
Legendre (1805).
48 A History of British Actuarial Thought
as a best estimate. Like Laplace and Legendre, he focused the bulk of his
energy and talents on pure mathematics and astronomical problems. In 1809,
he published a major paper on the mathematics of planetary orbits, Theoria
motus corporum celestium.14 Like Legendres paper on the orbit of comets,
he included as an appendix a piece on statistical inference. Gausss statistical
piece started where Laplace had finished. That is, he considered the Bayesian
approach to developing a posterior distribution based on an assumption of a
uniform prior distribution and the conditional distributions of the observed
errors. He showed that the choice of parameter value which was implied by
the median of the posterior distribution in this case was also the choice of
parameter value which maximised the value of the joint conditional probabil-
ity distribution of the errors. So, the parameter value could therefore be found
by differentiating the joint error probability distribution and setting it equal
to zero. Interestingly, this was very close to the maximum likelihood concept
that Fisher developed in the early twentieth century. However, without defin-
ing the form of the error probability distribution, Gauss had not practically
advanced beyond where Laplace had reached twenty years earlier.
To break the impasse, Gauss did something rather ad hoc. Instead of speci-
fying a form of error distribution and then deriving the optimal parameter
estimate that it generated, he specified a particular form of parameter estimate
(the arithmetic mean of the sample), and then derived the form of error dis-
tribution that implied this form of parameter estimate was optimal. He found
that the arithmetic mean of the sample maximises the joint distribution of the
errors only when the error distribution has the form:
z ( x) =
2 2
e h x
Gauss (1809).
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 49
This so what did not hang in the air for long. Laplace had returned to
the subject of mathematical statistics during the first decade of the nine-
teenth century, and, without any knowledge of the work of Gauss, published
in 1810 his Memoire sur les approximations des formules qui sont fonctions de
tres grand nombres et sur leur application aux probabilities.15 This paper con-
tained Laplaces most important contribution to probability and statistics:
the Central Limit Theorem. Speaking loosely, this said that the sum of any
independent variables would be approximately normally distributed when the
number of terms in the sum is large.
This suddenly propelled the normal distribution from obscurity to centre
stage. De Moivres derivation of the normal distribution as the limiting case
of the binomial distribution almost 100 years earlier could now be seen as
just one example of an all-pervasive phenomenon. In an instant, Gausss work
on normal error distributions went from being an interesting piece of ad hoc
analysis to being the defining statement of statistical inference. By Laplaces
Central Limit Theorem, error distributions could be assumed to be normal
(for large samples). In which case, Gausss optimal estimator for the popula-
tion mean was the arithmetic mean, which Legendre had shown was the least
squares estimator. An elegant and profound synthesis had been achieved that
would form part of the permanent foundation of inferential statistics.
James Dodson, born in England in 1710, was a friend and pupil of Abraham
de Moivre. It is reasonable to assume that his interest in life contingencies
Laplace (1810).
50 A History of British Actuarial Thought
value equated to the present value of the sum assured benefit for a policy-
holder of a given age, according to a given mortality table and interest rate.
Dodson developed some example premium calculations using a mortality
basis derived from the London Bills of Mortality from 1728 to 1750. In 1728,
the London Bills had started to include age of death in its data (though even
then it was recorded only by decade rather than year of age).
Significantly, Dodson argued that the pricing basis for setting the whole-
of-life premium rate should be set by referring to the worst mortality that
was experienced in any given year in the data sample, rather than the average.
Thus he derived two sets of mortality rates: a mean deaths table and a great-
est deaths table. Dodson used the bills to show that the average number of
deaths over the sample period was 26,207, whilst the worst year experienced
32,169 deaths (this occurred in 1741, where severe weather resulted in high
food prices and near famine in parts of England). Thus the greatest deaths
basis had mortality rates that were almost higher than the mean deaths
basis. Dodson also noted that even the mean deaths basis would likely pro-
vide some margin over the experience of a well-run life assurer:
As the Bills of Mortality contain the deaths of all kinds of people healthy and
unhealthy and as care will be taken not to insure those lives which are likely to
be soon extinct therefore in all probability fewer of the persons insured will die
in proportion to their number than those who are not insured, which will also
contribute to the gain of the corporation since the premiums are proportioned
to the Bills.16
The use in the pricing basis of the greatest deaths rates experienced in any
one year of a 22-year period may appear today as a somewhat ad hoc and noisy
way of setting a pricing margin. But he provided an explicit rationale for this
margin, based on a distinction between those policyholders who would bear
the risks and those who would not. In his conception of a mutual life assurer,
there would be two classes of policies: one that would underwrite the guaran-
tees and participate in the profits of the business; and another that would not
participate in the risks or profits of the business. Furthermore, at this time lim-
ited liability was only applicable by exception to companies that were granted
it by royal charter. So the participating policyholders would have unlimited
liability, and in the event that claims were due which could not be met by the
assets of the corporation, they would face a call on their personal assets.
Dodsons view was that a non-participating policyholder should be charged
more than a participating policyholder for the same sum assured, so that the
Dodson (1756), Chapter 1.
52 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Regular Premiums
140,000 Claims
120,000 Interest Income
0 5 10 15 20
with a sum assured of 100 each is therefore 37,763. By the end of Dodsons
twenty-year projection, 4,647 of the 8,165 lives in the cohort have died, leav-
ing a total of 3,518 alive (and hence the total sum assured outstanding is
351,800), while assets of 152,392 have been accumulated. Not all of these
assets represent a surplussome of it is required as a reserve for the heavier
mortality experience that is expected in the later years of the cohorts lives.
Dodson calculated that, at the end of year twenty, the present value (on the
mean deaths basis) of the future claims of the remaining 3,518 lives was
265,917; and that the regular premium annuity stream (again on the mean
deaths basis) from the 3,518 remaining 60 year-olds had a present value of
134,412. Thus, a surplus of assets over liability reserve of 152,392(265,
917134,412) = 20,887 had, so far, been generated by the pricing margin
implied by using the greatest deaths table in pricing.
Interestingly (in the context of actuarial debates to come much later),
Dodson presented this prototypical liability reserving calculation by explic-
itly appealing to the logic of valuing the liability with reference to the cost of
transferring the liabilities to a third party:
Now let us suppose that the corporation will contract with some other body,
take the insuring of these off their hands by a payment of a sum in hand, being
allowed discounts for the money so advanced them by computing the sum for
which 100 may be insured for a life of 60 on the manner already planned.18
It seems, therefore, unreasonable to divide any part of the profit [from non-
participating business] among those who have not paid as much as they receive
because they have evidently a profit by being paid their claims which profit is
very great in first years it seems reasonable therefore to divide the profit
amongst the persons to have paid more than claims and to do this in proportion
to the sums so overpaid.19
Dodson (1756), Chapter 3.
Dodson (1756), Chapter 4.
54 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The use of mortality tables to produce age-specific premium rates for life
assurance. At the time, a flat non-age-specific premium basis was standard
market practice.
The development of a whole-of-life assurance policy, available in single and
regular premium forms. At the time, only short-term (usually one-year
term) assurance was sold.
A with-profit system where participating and non-participating policies
were simultaneously provided. Non-participating policies would be more
expensive and would be priced to make it unlikely (relative to experience)
that losses would be suffered. Participating policyholders would nonethe-
less have an unlimited liability exposure to calls on their personal assets in
the event of losses exceeding the assets in the fund.
The surplus on non-participating business would be distributed equitably
amongst participating policyholders, in proportion to how much profit their
own policies had generated for the corporation by virtue of their longevity.
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 55
It has been frequently said that the history of the Equitable Office is the history
of life assurance in England. If this be not literally true, it certainly is true that
the readiness with which the conductors of this Office have ever listened to and
embraced all real improvements, not only led it to the high position which it so
speedily attained, but has tended to advance both the theory and practice of Life
Assurance in this Kingdom.20
Walford (1868), Chapter 4.
56 A History of British Actuarial Thought
argued that it would be unsafe for the new insurer to be established without
the backing of a capital fund. The petition was rejected by government in
1760, and in the intervening time since the application, Dodson had died. A
report was published by the Attorney General and Solicitor General in 1761
explaining the reasons for the rejection of the petition. A few quotes from the
report can give a sense of the nervousness about the revolutionary life assur-
ance design being proposed by the petitioners.21
On the funding of risk capital through capital calls rather than a paid-up
The success of this scheme must depend upon the truth of certain calculations
taken upon tables of life and death, whereby the chance of mortality is attempted
to be reduced to a certain standard: this is a mere speculation, never yet tried in
practice, and consequently subject, like all other experiments, to various chances
in the execution.
The register of life and death ought to be confined, if possible, for the sake of
exactness, to such persons only as are the objects of insurance. Whereas the
calculations offered embrace the chances of life in general, the healthy as well as
unhealthy parts thereof, which, together with the nature of such persons occu-
pations, are unknown numbers.
The following quotations from the report of the Attorney General and Solicitor General are obtained
from Ogborn (1962), Chapter II.
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 57
We are more apt to doubt the event, because it has been represented to us that
all profit that has been received by the Royal Exchange Assurance Office, from
the time of its commencement to the present time (40 years) amounts only to a
sum of 2,651, the difference between 10,915 paid in premiums and the sum
of 8,263 disturbed in losses If then, this corporation, who are charged with
taking big unreasonable premiums have reaped no greater profit, we can hardly
expect a more considerable capital to arise from lower premiums, and the hazard
of loss will be increased in proportion as the dealing will be more extensive.
If the petitioners, then, are so sure of success, there is an easy method of making
the experiment, by entering into voluntary partnership, of which there are sev-
eral instances now subsisting in the business of insuring; and, if upon a trial
these calculations are found to stand the test of practical experiment, the peti-
tioners will then apply with a much better grace for a charter than they can at
present, whilst the scheme is built only upon speculative calculations.
The promoters immediately took the advice of the Attorney General and
Solicitor General and produced a draft deed of settlement that would create
a new life assurer as an unincorporated partnership of participating members
(just as Dodson had always advocated). The Society for Equitable Assurances
on Lives and Survivorships was thus established in September 1762.
For the next ten years, the Equitable developed as an established life assurer
in a small life assurance market. Like most businesses, it had its fair share of
corporate politics and power struggles, but it stayed largely true to Dodsons
vision. By 1772, it had accumulated assets of around 30,000, with an annual
premium income of 7,558 and total sums assured of 174,282 on 567 assur-
ance policies. The policies were a mix of participating and non-participating
contracts, and whole-of-life and term assurance policies. There were also 20
annuitants receiving a total of 694 per annum. The further development
of Dodsons vision and indeed the next developments in actuarial thought
required impetus from a new character.
Richard Price is known for two particular achievements that made perma-
nent contributions to the history of actuarial thought and beyond. As we saw
above, he presented Bayes revolutionary work on statistical inference to the
58 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Price (1772).
2 Revolutionary Developments Between 1750 and1810 59
Halleys Breslau table had remained the standard reference table from its
publication in the 1690s until the arrival of Prices tables. No practical use was
made of Halleys table by life assurers, but it was used by other writers such
as de Moivre in their research on life contingencies. Halleys paper did not
include an explicit description of his assumptions and methodology. Price was
more forthcoming and provided a detailed discussion of exactly what steps he
believed should be taken in transforming raw data on deaths into a finished
mortality table.
In the earlier discussion of Halleys tables, we noted that Price had specified
how mortality rates could be derived from ages at death when the underly-
ing population is at a stable level and there is no immigration or emigration
(recall that the technical challenge here arose from the lack of information
about the number alive at each age, and this therefore needed to be inferred
from the data on numbers of deaths). In his essay, Price showed how mortal-
ity rates could be derived when there is a stated level of net immigration or
emigration, setting down the following general rule:
From the sum of all that die annually, after any given age, subtract the number
of annual settlers after that age; and the remainder will be the number of the
living at the given age.24
Price (1772), p.246.
60 A History of British Actuarial Thought
and none occurs beyond that age, no adjustment for immigration would be
implied for mortality rates from age 20 onwards.
Figure 2.3 compares the no-adjustment and with-adjustment results
obtained by Price for ages up to 20.
The chart shows that mortality rates at very young ages had, until this time,
been significantly understated by calculations using the Bills of Mortality (such
as those produced by Dodson for use by the Equitable). This did not have
much direct consequence for the pricing of life contingencies as most policies
were written on lives older than twenty years of age. It did, however, have
implications for the assessment of life expectancy at birth and for government
health policies. Great Britain underwent an unprecedented period of popula-
tion growth in the second half of the eighteenth century. The population is
estimated to have grown from around 6.3 million to 9.2 million between
1751 and 1801, and most of the growth over this period is believed to have
occurred form 1780 onwards.25 A sharp fall in infant mortality rates is gener-
ally believed to have been a significant factor in this population growth. Prices
estimates certainly highlight how shockingly high infant mortality rates were
at the start of this periodaccording to his calculations, most of Londons
newborn babies of this time would not survive to see their fifth birthday.
No adjustment
0.25 With adjustment
Mortality Rate
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 2.3 Prices mortality rates derived from London Bills of Mortality 17591768
data, with and without adjustment for immigration
Price then identified Northampton and Norwich as towns that had kept
Bills of Mortality which included ages at death for many decades. He applied
his methodology, including his adjustment for immigration, to both these
datasets to produce tables for each town. He also compared these results with
Halleys Breslau table. The mortality rates of these two tables, together with
Prices London table and Halleys Breslau table, are compared below in Fig.2.4.
The consistency of these tables is quite striking, and Price noted, with an
unbridled satisfaction, there is a striking conformity between all the three
Tables [Norwich, Northampton, Breslau], which gives them great weight and
authority. The London table produced noticeably higher mortality rates than
the other three tables and this was unsurprising: John Graunt had noted a cen-
tury earlier the relatively lower mortality rates associated with country living.
As we might expect from Price given his history of involvement with sta-
tistical inference, he gave some consideration to the potential sampling error
in his data. He did not attempt to calculate an explicit standard error for his
mortality rates (no such concept existed at this time). Instead, he used an
empirical approach noting that whilst 30 years of data were used in each of
the Northampton and Norwich tables, the results for each were very similar
when any ten-year period within the 30 years was used instead. Based on this
analysis, he concluded: These Tables, therefore, are founded on a sufficient
London (1759 - 1768)
Northampton (1741 - 1770)
Norwich (1740 - 1769)
Breslau (1687 - 1691)
Mortality Rate
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86
Fig. 2.4 Prices mortality tables for London, Northampton and Norwich and
Halleys Breslau table
62 A History of British Actuarial Thought
the benefit which a member is to receive to depend, not on the value of his
contribution, but on a contingency; that is, the number of members that shall
happen to die in the same year with him.27 He also noted that charging all
members the same premiums irrespective of their age was not equitable.
He went on to contrast these imperfections with the Society for Equitable
Assurances on Lives and Survivorships (of which he was a paid consultant)
and provided some public advice to its managers:
Price (1772), p.124.
Price (1772), p.129.
Price (1772), p.129.
Price, Observations, p.131.
64 A History of British Actuarial Thought
niques at the Equitable, and these would be a critical part of that businesss
huge success in the following decades. Added to these contributions is his
vital role as the midwife of Bayes revolutionary work on statistical inference.
All this taken together, Richard Price stands as a titan of actuarial thought. If
an actuary is someone who provides rational and rigorous advice on the sus-
tainable long-term financial management of life contingencies business, then
Price was arguably the first actuary, and inarguably one of the most important
and influential actuaries in the professions history.
by Price in 1773 before being appointed assistant actuary. At this time, the
actuarys role in a life assurance business was not yet well defined. Edwards
and Pocock had been book-keepers rather than statisticians. It would not have
been viewed as essential for Morgan to demonstrate advanced mathematical
learning, and the tutelage under Price would likely have carried some weight
with the directors of the business.
At the start of Morgans tenure as actuary, there was an emerging inter-
est in the distribution of the capital that was evidently accumulating in the
business. A satisfactory way of assessing the appropriate level of reserves for
in-force business had yet to be fully implemented (actuarial methodology
and the computational burden of policy-by-policy valuation both had to be
addressed). A rigorous and accepted means of determining how much of the
visible asset accumulation could be considered as surplus available for distri-
bution was therefore wanting. With Morgan still establishing himself in his
new role, the directors looked to Price for guidance and he duly provided
them with a number of recommendations. Price suggested the society should
pursue three approaches to analysing the current adequacy of the accumulated
capital fund: a comparison of the actual mortality experience to date with
the mortality assumptions used in the premium basis; a comparison of the
amount of premiums being received with the claims being paid (he s uggested,
as a rule of thumb, that around two thirds of premiums received in the early
years of a whole-of-life policy would be required to adequately build up the
reserve for the claims that would arise in its latter years); and a comparison of
the accumulated assets of the society with a valuation of the liabilities.
In anticipation of a surplus being identified by the above methods, Price
also provided some advice on the form of distribution of surplus to the par-
ticipating policyholders. In particular, he advised against the payment of any
cash dividends. Instead, he argued, if any distribution of surplus was deemed
appropriate, it should be made by either increasing the sums assured or reduc-
ing the future regular premiums of the participating policies. Prices advice
was acted upon by Morgan and, like virtually everything else Price did in the
field of actuarial science, his recommendations became part of standard actu-
arial practice for decades (or, as in this case, centuries).
The market value of the assets of the society at the end of 1773 amounted
to 33,000. Price surmised that a valuation of the liabilities might be around
22,000, implying a surplus of 11,000. It was Morgans job to perform the
first rigorous valuation of the societys liabilities and hence determine a reli-
able measure of the surplus. He and his small team of assistants valued each
of the 922 policies in-force individually. Four months and several thousand
manual calculations later the full results were ready to report. The results were
66 A History of British Actuarial Thought
even better than anticipated by Price. At the start of 1776, the assets were val-
ued at 41,928 (their market value) and the liabilities were valued (using the
premium basis) at only 16,786, implying a surplus of 25,142. This startling
result raised two fundamental questions: how did such a large surplus arise?
And what should be done with it?
The surplus primarily arose from the much lighter mortality experienced
to date than that assumed in the premium basis. This was especially true in
the non-profit business, where, as discussed earlier, the premium basis was
more expensive than the premium basis applied to with-profit policies. But
even the with-profit experience was very substantially better than assumed in
its premium basis. Morgan himself noted that the 1776 investigations had
concluded the probabilities of life in the Society had been higher than those
in Mr Dodsons Table, from which its premiums were computed, in the pro-
portion of three to two.31
This substantial mortality margin had several contributory factors. The pre-
mium basis used Dodsons recommended London Bills of Mortality basis.
This was based on mortality data from 50 years prior at a time when life
expectancies were improving significantly due to medical developments and
improvements in economic and social conditions. The period on which the
bills were based included 1740, a year of weather-induced food shortages that
resulted in mortality almost as severe had been experienced in bouts of the
plague. The bills were based on the experience of London, which was probably
the least healthy place in the country; and they were based on the full breadth
of the London population, not the emerging middle class that was buying the
Equitables whole-of-life assurance policies. Furthermore, the business had an
active approach to underwriting, with every new life assured being reviewed
and approved by a director.
There were other factors beyond the mortality basis that also contributed
significantly to this accumulation of surplus. A number of somewhat arbitrary
additional loadings were applied on top of the premiums implied by Dodsons
tables. These included loadings for larger assurances, young lives and females
(sex-specific mortality tables were not in use at this time). And then a final
6 % margin was additionally applied to all premiums. Furthermore, wars in
Europe and America had resulted in significant increases in government bond
yields, and much new money was therefore invested at yields well in excess of
the 3 % assumed in the premium basis.
These profits were amplified by the gearing effect whereby the surplus gen-
erated by non-participating short-term business was left to be shared amongst
the remaining participating policyholders. A decade later, in an analysis of the
surplus that had emerged between 1768 and 1787, Morgan concluded that
more than half was due to profits made on temporary (and non-participating)
Finally, there was another source of surplus that was important during this
period. Of the whole-of-life assurances written during the societys first twenty
years, less than half ultimately resulted in claims. The vast majority of those
policies that did not result in claims were forfeited without any compensation.
The society did have a policy of offering fair surrender values, but it may have
been that many policyholders never actually applied to surrender their policy
but merely forfeited them when they chose not to make any further premium
payments. Furthermore, the surrender basis used by the Equitable was based
on a form of net premium valuation rather than an asset share-based calcula-
tion. This prospective approach to assessing the surrender value was highly
sensitive to the mortality basis used in the valuation. When the Equitable
moved its premium basis to the Northampton table in 1780 (discussed further
below), it meant that many of the regular premium whole-of-life contracts
written on the old premium basis were worth very little on this prospective
basis, or even had a negative value to the policyholder!32 So the surrender
values were much lower than the accumulated value of the assets that the
surrendered policies had contributed (even after deducting the cost of the life
assurance that had been provided over the duration of the policy to date).
What to do with the surplus? A series of meetings of the general court of
the society in 1777 determined that a 10 % reduction in all future premiums
should be effected. Moreover, the in-force with-profit policyholders would
have this reduction back-dated: it would be calculated for all the premiums
they had paid to date, and this would be offset against their next regular
premium. To the extent that the refund was greater than the next regular
premium, the remainder would be paid to the policyholder in cash. So the
back-dated element was essentially a one-off cash dividend.
The premium reduction and refund of 1777 was a temporary stop-gap
measure that alleviated the building pressure from participating policyhold-
ers. But a more fundamental review of pricing and surplus distribution was
called for. As usual, the intellectual impetus was provided by Richard Price.
In 1780, he advocated a change in the underlying mortality tables that were
used in the premium basis. Dodsons London Bills of Mortality premium
basis was still in use, and this was clearly generating premiums that were much
larger than was reasonable. Indeed, it is interesting that the business could
continue to generate significant new business at these rates. This perhaps
Morgan (1829), p.38.
68 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Deane and Cole (1967), Chapters I and II.
Ogborn (1962), pp.104 and 123.
Ogborn (1962), p.155.
70 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Morgans time was many years before the introduction of financial regula-
tors and statutory capital standards. There was perhaps less need for them
when men like him were in the chair.
The modelling of mortality and its implications for the pricing of life con-
tingencies continued to dominate actuarial thought in the first half of the
nineteenth century. Whilst important, even fundamental, developments in
mortality modelling continued through to the end of the nineteenth century,
a sense emerged by the middle of the century that mortality was increasingly
well-understood. Likewise, it was recognised that a greater amount of profes-
sional energy should be invested in the further development of thought in other
important aspects of actuarial responsibility within a life assurer such as reserv-
ing methods, surplus distribution approaches and the assurers investment pol-
icy. The forming of the Institute of Actuaries in 1848 (and Faculty of Actuaries
in 1856), and the arrival of their professional journals and sessional meetings,
was a catalyst for more collaborative and co-ordinated thought-leadership
amongst actuaries. It is perhaps no coincidence that the 25 years following
the formation of the institute was a period that saw the crystallisation of many
important ideas and principles that acquired permanence in actuarial thought.
The technical considerations involved in the valuation of liabilities, and
hence surplus, emerged as a major field of actuarial research in the mid-
nineteenth century, together with the related topic of determining how the
surplus should be distributed amongst the with-profit policyholders in a way
that was just and equitable. To a lesser degree, the second half of the eigh-
teenth century also saw actuaries give greater consideration to the asset side of
the balance sheet, and the first actuarial papers on investment strategy for life
assurance liabilities were produced. But just a handful of investment papers
emerged in the nineteenth century, and this field was only to become an area
of real focus for the profession in the twentieth century.
The economic turmoil of the first half of the twentieth century and its
implications for the management of the British life offices kept valuation,
surplus and investment strategy at the top of the thought-leadership agenda.
New mortality tables continued to be developed, but the first half of the
twentieth century did not witness any notable fundamental breakthroughs in
thinking on the construction of the tables.
The historical developments in these three broad areas of actuarial thought
mortality modelling, valuation and surplus, and investment strategy for life
assurance liabilitiesover the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth cen-
tury are discussed in turn below.
1869. The truth is more nuanced. The next significant development in mortal-
ity modelling to follow Price was made by Joshua Milne in 1815. Milne was
then actuary at the Sun Life Assurance Society, one of the many new life assur-
ance offices established in the early 1800s following the success of the Equitable.
Milnes two-volume tome A Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and
Assurances on Lives and Survivorships largely consisted of mathematical book-
work on the valuation of various forms of annuities and assurances.2 But the
inclusion of his Carlisle mortality table made it a historic actuarial publica-
tion. The Carlisle table was, like Prices Northampton table, based on observa-
tions from local Bills of Mortality data (the Carlisle table was based on data
from 1779 to 1787 inclusive). However, Milnes Carlisle data was superior
to the data used in any prior mortality table in one key respect: it included
population data categorised by year of age (it was also categorised by sex,
and whilst Milne did analyse and discuss some of the differences in mortality
behaviour observed for the two sexes, he did not publish separate male and
female mortality rates in his Carlisle table). The Exposed to Risk element
of the mortality calculation therefore did not need to be estimated with the
use of assumptions about population stability and immigration/emigration
patterns. It could now be directly observed. This naturally supported a more
refined and accurate estimation of experienced mortality rates.
The Carlisle data had another advantage over Northampton: it was some-
what less out of date. The Northampton data was based on mortality data
from 1741 to 1770, whereas the Carlisle table used data from 1779 to 1787.
Life expectancy had improved at a significant rate over the second half of the
eighteenth century, particularly for infants. Milne noted that, even over his
observation period, infant mortality rates were rapidly changing, largely due
to the impact of social health policy initiatives such as smallpox inoculation.
The Carlisle data included some data on cause of death, and Milne noted that
the number of deaths from smallpox in the Carlisle Bills was 90in 1779 and
only 141 for the remaining eight years from 1780 to 1787. Dr Heysham, a
local doctor who prepared some of the Carlisle data noted that in 1779 that
several hundreds were inoculated in the neighbourhood of Carlisle, and it is a
pleasing truth that not one of them died.3 Almost all of these smallpox deaths
would have occurred at age five or under. In the Carlisle data, only 712 deaths
of age five and under occurred over the full nine-year data period. If the small-
pox death rate had continued at its 1779 rate, more than 700 would have died
from smallpox alone. This reduction in smallpox mortality therefore had a
substantial impact on the overall infant mortality rates of the period.
Figure3.1 compares the Carlisle and Northampton tables.
Milne (1815).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
The Carlisle table produced lower mortality rates than the Northampton
table for all ages from birth to aged 80. This reduction in estimated mortality
is attributable to two effects: the later data period of the Carlisle table and
the improvements in life expectancy that occurred over the second half of
the eighteenth century; and Prices assumption of a stable population from
Northampton in estimating Exposed to Risk, when in fact its population was
rising (as noted above, Milne did not require any such assumption for Carlisle
due to the availability of population data).
The Carlisle table was undoubtedly an improvement on Prices Northampton
table, and it was widely recognised as such in the actuarial and academic cir-
cles of the period. For example, Professor Augustus De Morgan, an academic
mathematician and influential writer on life contingencies (and the great
grandson of James Dodson!), wrote of the Carlisle table in 1838 they are to be
considered the best existing tables of healthy life which have been constructed
in England.4 Yet life offices never applied it to the pricing of life contingen-
cies to the degree that they used Prices table. This was at least partly because,
as we shall see later, life offices increasingly focused on the use of mortality
data directly observed on assured lives rather than the general population.
Meanwhile, at the Equitable, an aging William Morgan, increasingly set in
his ways, would never abandon his uncles Northampton table. As we shall see
The aftermath of the British Governments life annuity issuance of 1808 pro-
vides a colourful and historically important example of how the eighteenth-
century foundations of mortality thinking were built upon and extended by
some new and highly able actuarial thinkers in ways that prompted some dis-
agreement with the earlier actuarial generation. This particular example of the
changing of the guard of actuarial thought leadership involved some public
controversy, prompted Cabinet-level political reaction and was accompanied
by increasing personal animosity.
Some 120 years earlier, the British Government had experimented with the
use of life annuities as a form of debt funding for its European wars. It found,
somewhat peculiarly, that the scheme was both quite unpopular with investors
and yet highly unprofitable for the government issuer, relative to simply issu-
ing fixed long-term bonds. The government subsequently tried on occasion to
use life annuities to raise debt funds over the course of the eighteenth century,
but the issuances were very small in volume. For example, a life annuity was
issued in 1779 with the aim of raising up to 7 million, but only 133 annui-
ties were sold raising a sum of only around 150,000.5 In 1808, in the midst
of the Napoleonic wars and with Britain under serious threat of invasion, the
government tried again with renewed vigour. The profitability to the issuer
was similarly dismal to the 1692 issuance, but this time the market was better
prepared to spot a bargain.
William Morgan, as the actuarial leader of the pre-eminent and dominant
life assurance company of the age, advised the government on the mortality
basis to be used for the pricing of these life annuities. His advice was to do
what he did: use the Northampton table. The exact form of the advice that
Morgan provided is not available, but with the benefit of hindsight his recom-
mendations might appear surprising, or indeed rather odd. Morgan was well
aware at this time that the Equitables mortality experience was significantly
lighter than that implied by the Northampton table. He would have known
that if the annuity purchasers had experienced mortality rates similar to those
experienced at the Equitable, life annuities priced with the Northampton table
would prove highly profitable for the annuitant investor and unprofitable for
the issuer. However, Morgans view was steadfast and consistent throughout
his entire career: he believed that the Northampton table was a fundamentally
accurate description of the law of human mortality; and the lighter mortal-
ity experienced by the Equitable on its assured lives was due to the selection
effects of its rigorous life assurance underwriting practices.
Even if Morgans belief was in fact correct, it ignored the self-selection effect
that is inevitably to be observed in annuity experience: only the healthiest of
lives would be nominated for annuity contracts, and this selection effect was
likely to be even stronger than the impact of the underwriting safeguards that
Equitable applied to its assured lives. The potential for annuity selection was
exacerbated by the ability of the annuity purchaser to nominate the life on
which the annuity is writtenannuities were not considered as insurance in
the context of the 1775 act that created the concept of insurable interest. In
Morgans defence, however, it should be noted that the Equitable had been
open for annuity business for many years and used the Northampton table as
the premium basis throughout. This had hardly stimulated an overwhelming
public demand for annuities (they consistently sold in tiny volumes compared
to assurance business). Indeed, the Equitable had managed to sell such small
volumes of annuities on the Northampton basis that there does not appear to
be any record of an analysis of its profitability.
And so, in 1808, the government offered life annuities at prices based on
the Northampton table, and this offer remained open for many years to fol-
low. Ten years later, several million pounds had been raised by the annu-
ity scheme, requiring annual annuity payments of 640,000.6 Around this
time, a civil servant at the Admiralty named John Finlaison wrote a letter to
the Chancellor of the Exchequer expressing his concern at the losses that he
believed were arising from the overly generous annuity pricing basis. Finlaison
estimated that losses of 8,000 per month were being incurred as a result.
Finlaison would, in 1848, become the first President of the Institute of
Actuaries. For an actuary of the period, he had an unconventional career and
background. He never worked in a life office, and instead spent his entire
career as a civil servant. He first made his mark in 1805 as the second clerk of
the Commission of Revising and Digesting the Civil Affairs of the Navy. As
noted in a recent history of the role of Britains civil service in the Napoleonic
Wars: Finlaison, born in Caithness, the son of a fisherman, had come to
London after an education in Edinburgh; at this time only twenty-three, but
already demonstrating a formidable logical brain and an immense capacity for
work.7 He worked at the Admiralty from 1809 to 1822, where he joined the
newly established Admiralty Record Office and was responsible for a much-
improved parliamentary reporting of the naval accounts and expenditure. He
then moved to the Treasury and was appointed the Actuary of the National
Debt, a position he held for the next 29 years.
No action was taken by the chancellor in 1819 when Finlaison first raised
his concerns about the pricing of the governments life annuities. Empowered
by his appointment as Actuary of the National Debt, he was eventually asked
by the Treasury to provide a full analysis and he delivered a parliamentary
report on 31 March 1829.8 Finlaisons report contained a comprehensive
analysis of the mortality experience of the annuities and tontines written by
British (or English) governments since 1693. His work was ground-breaking
in many ways. Most pertinently, it showed that the view he had expressed
to the chancellor ten years earlier was right: the mortality experience of the
government life annuities was much lighter than the Northampton table that
had been used in pricing them for the previous 20 years. This is illustrated by
Fig.3.2, which also shows Milnes Carlisle table for comparison.
Government Annuities Experience (1808-1826)
Price's Northampton Table (1741-1770)
Milne's Carlisle Table (1779-1787)
Mortality Rate
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Fig. 3.2 The government life annuity mortality experience and Northampton
and Carlisle tables
Finlaison (1829).
78 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The shrewd gentlemen of the Stock Exchange immediately saw and seized the
advantage. Agents were employed to seek out in Scotland and elsewhere robust
men of ninety years of age, to select none but those who were free from the hard
labour which tells on advanced life Wherever a person was found at the age
of ninety, touched gently by the hand of time, he was sure to be discovered by
the agents of the money market The inhabitants of the rural districts of
Scotland, of Westmoreland, and of Cumberland, were surprised by the sudden
and extraordinary attention paid to many of their aged members. If they were
sick, the surgeon attended them at the cost of some good genius; and if they
were poor, the comforts of life were granted them. In one village the clergyman
was empowered to supply the wants of three old hale fishermen during the win-
ter season, to the envy of his sick and ailing parishioners. In another, all the
cottagers were rendered jealous by the incessant watchful attention paid to a
nonagenarian by the magnate of the place. It was whispered by the less favoured
that he had been given a home near the great house; that the cook had orders to
supply him with whatever was nice and nourishing; that the laird had been
heard to say he took a great interest in his life, and that he even allowed the doc-
tor twenty-five golden guineas a year, so long as he kept his ancient patient alive.
Clearly there was still much to learn about annuity market behaviour!
Nonetheless, the new pricing basis undoubtedly brought the cost of ser-
vicing new government life annuities closer to that of long-dated gilts.
William Morgan resented and resisted the implication that his advice had
unnecessarily cost the government huge sums of money, commenting:
s ubstantially over this period, but Finlaison was able to provide greater detail
of how mortality rates had changed differently across ages. He also noted that
this had implications for how historical mortality observations should be used
in constructing forward-looking estimates:
If the diminution (in mortality rates) had been doubtful, or very slight in degree,
it would follow as a matter of course, that a combination of all the facts observed
upon would have formed the proper basis for life annuities and insurances; but
this being quite otherwise, there was no choice but a combination of two or
three observations, the latest in point of time.
See Ogborn (1962), p.200.
Morgan (1829), Appendix.
82 A History of British Actuarial Thought
William Morgan retired in 1830 and passed away in 1833, aged 83.
His son, Arthur, who was a member of the Equitables actuarial staff when
Morgan senior retired, was elected actuary. Arthur Morgans first major task
was to construct mortality tables of the Equitable experience on a more thor-
ough basis than his fathers somewhat half-hearted effort of 1829. His analysis
included all 21,398 lives who had been members of the Equitable during its
first 67 year years since inception (17621829). The data included a total of
5,144 deaths. This work appears to have been regarded highly by his actuarial
peershe was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1835 primarily for
his work on the experience tables, and his Royal Society sponsors included
leading actuaries of the day such as Benjamin Gompertz and Griffith Davies.15
Arthur Morgans Equitable experience analysis was the first statistical
analysis of mortality rates that considered the behaviour of mortality rates
as a function of the duration of membership as well as age of member. This
demonstrated that the Equitables experienced mortality rates had varied sig-
nificantly with duration of policy. For example, a 40-year-old who had been
admitted to the society within the previous five years experienced a mortal-
ity rate of around 5 %, whilst a member of the same age who had been a
member for between 15 and 20 years experienced a mortality rate of around
7.5 %.16 This strongly supported the hypothesis that the selection effect of
underwriting was a significant driver of the gap between the mortality experi-
ence and the pricing basis, and that the selection effect, whilst substantial, was
Arthur Morgan made his experience analysis publicly available, providing
the opportunity for other actuaries to contribute to the investigation of the
data. T.R. Edmonds, a widely published economist and demographer who
had been appointed actuary of Legal & General in 1832, published an impor-
tant paper in The Lancet in 1837 that discussed the implications of Morgans
results.17 Edmonds argued that the bulk of Equitables mortality profit had
likely arisen from this selection effectthe mortality rates of long duration
policies were not significantly different to the premium basis. This had been
William Morgans consistent position. Edmonds also warned about expecting
this effect to be a permanent feature of the future of life assurance:
Ogborn (1962), p.215.
Edmonds (1837), p.159.
Edmonds (1837).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 83
At the present day, such is the competition among various life offices, that a
large proportion of lives proposed for insurance are now accepted, who would
formerly have been rejected.18
0.12 Amicable (pre-1808 members)
Amicable (post-1808 members)
Mortality Rate
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Edmonds (1837), p.162.
Galloway (1841).
84 A History of British Actuarial Thought
I am grateful to D.C.E.Wilson for highlighting this point to me.
Ansell etal. (1843).
Ansell etal. (1843), p. xi.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 85
When the Seventeen Offices tables were constructed, actuaries were ask-
ing these questions, but the volume and spread of data could not support a
rigorous answer. By 1869 the British life offices had been in existence long
enough to generate the experience data required to build a two-dimensional
mortality table that recorded mortality as a function of the age of the poli-
cyholder and the number of years the policy had been in-force. This data
Institute of Actuaries (1869).
Institute of Actuaries (1869), p.19.
86 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Institute of Actuaries (1869), p.25.
Institute of Actuaries (1869), p.22.
Meech (1881), Preface, p.4.
Maclean (1948), p.284.
Meech (1881).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 87
more.30 In general, the results were consistent with the Institutes conclusions
that the selection effect was evident for the first five years of policies duration
and was not significant thereafter.
By 1881, the practice of pooling experience mortality data was well-
established in developed life assurance markets around the world. Actuarial
thinking moved on from the quantification of selection effects to considering
the implications that this should have for pricing and reserving.
The use of pooled mortality data increased the sample sizes available for use
in the development of mortality tables. But statistical noise was inevitably still
found in mortality rate estimates, and this was especially true when rates were
estimated as a function of both age of policyholder and duration of policy.
Visual inspection of the Carlisle table highlighted that it could also be true
for the contemporary tables based on population data. Some back-of-the-
envelope calculations could easily highlight why. A total of 1,840 deaths were
observed over the nine-year span used in the Carlisle data set. 173 of those
deaths were at ages between 60 and 70.31 So there were less than 20 deaths
observed at age 60: a single observation of one more death of a 60-year-old
within the nine-year period would result in a 5 % proportional increase in the
mortality rate estimate. In the Carlisle table, the mortality rate of 6070-year-
olds increases by an average proportion of 4 % per year of age. So the noise-
to-signal ratio was high. Data samples of this size would unavoidably result
in material irregularities in the observed progression of mortality rates as a
function of age.
Actuarial thinking on the smoothing, or graduation, of age-dependent
mortality rate estimates started to develop in the 1820s. Broadly speaking,
two types of approach emerged: a non-parametric smoothing approach that
set the mortality rate of a given age as a weighted average of the raw mortal-
ity rates estimated across a range of ages centred around the given age; and a
parametric approach that specified a functional form for how mortality rates
varied as a function of age (and potentially policy duration), and then fitted
the parameters of that function to the observed mortality rates. These two
approaches were focused on the same objective, but were philosophically dif-
ferent. The latter approach aimed to provide an explanatory law of mortality
Meech (1881), p.31.
Milne (1815), p.405.
88 A History of British Actuarial Thought
that was consistent with the data, whilst the former merely tried to remove
the noise in the statistical samples of mortality rates. In a wider context than
actuarial thought, this was an era of exploration in the application of sta-
tistical approaches to social science, and the notion of scientific laws that
could explain social phenomena was in keeping with the zeitgeist of the first
half of the nineteenth century. Perhaps partly for this reason, the explanatory
approach caught the actuarial imagination and became the dominant method.
As we shall see below, it also had more grounded actuarial advantages.
To gain an understanding of these approaches and how they were imple-
mented, we need to recall the overall state of development of statistics during
this era. As we know from Chap. 2, the method of least squares had been
developed and placed in a statistically rigorous context by Legendre, Laplace
and Gauss a decade or so earlier. But this method had not yet been used
to develop a best fit for a function that describes how a dependent variable
(in this case, the mortality rate) behaves alongside an independent variable
(in this case, age). Perhaps surprisingly in retrospect, it took another half-
century before a statistical theory of regression was developed and applied
when Francis Galton considered the hereditary dependencies of plants.32 And
so, lacking a statistical framework to consider how information from neigh-
bouring estimates could statistically improve the estimate of a given point, the
methods proposed for fitting the smoothed rates were inevitably somewhat
ad hoc. There was also some debate about what should be smoothed. Efforts
were focused on the smoothing of the mortality rates, but some thinkers of
the time argued that it would be preferable to apply the smoothing process
directly to the ultimate variable of interest: the value of a life contingency.
Writing in 1838, the influential Augustus De Morgan argued:
The events of single years are subject to considerable error, and generally present
such varieties of fluctuation, that it has become usual to take some arbitrary and
purely hypothetical mode of introducing regularity. This practice cannot be too
strongly condemned, since the tables thereby lose some of their physical facts,
without any advantage ultimately gained. For if by using the raw result of exper-
iments, tables of annuities were rendered unequal and irregular, it would be as
easy, and much more safe, to apply the arbitrary method of correction to the
money results themselves, than to introduce it at a previous stage of the
This perspective did not prevail: virtually all actuarial thinking of the time
focused on smoothing the observed mortality rates. John Finlaison, in his
parliamentary report of 1829 on government annuity pricing, employed a
couple of non-parametric smoothing formulae in his experience mortality
tables, such as:
Woolhouse (1839).
Woolhouse (1839), p.7.
Galloway (1841), p. ix.
90 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The parametric function approach had another advantage over the non-
parametric smoothing methods. Since the time of de Moivre, it was recog-
nised that specifying a particular mathematical form for the behaviour of
mortality could provide an annuity pricing formula that involved signifi-
cantly less arithmetic operation than the explicit calculation of expected cash-
flows directly from a given set of mortality rates. De Moivres assumption of
arithmetic decrements in deaths could be viewed as the first parametric form
of mortality graduation. For de Moivre, the object of this assumption was
entirely motivated by the improvement in the efficiency of the annuity pric-
ing calculation. One hundred years later, enough progress had been made in
arithmetic computation to make full calculation of single-life annuity prices
accessible. But the calculation of the prices of annuities that were written on
two or three lives was still very challenging. So in the early nineteenth century
actuaries such as Gompertz hoped that parametric functions for mortality
rates could kill two birds with one stone: providing an appropriate way of
smoothing out the noise in sampled mortality rates, and providing efficient
formulae for the pricing of complex annuities.
Gompertz started a revolution in graduation thinking in 1825 when he
developed a parametric function that was intended to be consistent with the
fundamental characteristics of how mortality should behave as a function of
age (a law of human mortality)37:
This suggested there were two forms of exposure to mortality: one that was
constant across all ages; and the other that increased with age. To model the
behaviour of the age-varying component of the mortality rate, he assumed
the average exhaustions of a mans power to avoid death were such that at the
end of equal infinitely small intervals of time, he lost equal portions of his
remaining power to oppose destruction which he had at the commencement
of those intervals.39
The above statement implied that the age-dependent component of the
mortality rate increased exponentially with age. Gompertz then considered
how well this assumed mortality behaviour could fit to standard mortality
Gompertz (1825).
Gompertz (1825), p.517.
Gompertz (1825), p.518.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 91
tables such as Prices Northampton table and Milnes Carlisle table. Curiously,
when Gompertz came to the application of his formula, he chose to omit the
age-independent mortality component that he had earlier described. Hence a
Gompertz function only includes an age-dependent exposure, even though
he expressly identifies a constant age-independent source of mortality (chance
without deterioration).
Gompertz originally expressed his function in terms of the number living
at age x, lx, rather than the force of mortality. T.R.Edmonds, writing a few
years later in 1832,40 defined the force of mortality, x, as the continuously
compounded rate of mortality and expressed the formula in those terms. The
modern form of the Gompertz function would typically be written:
x = e x
x = x
Today, such a function would typically be fitted by finding the parameters that
minimise the squared errors between the observed and fitted mortality rates.
As discussed above, this regression-style approach to function fitting had not
yet been applied to statistical problems, and Gompertz used a more heuristic
approach. He considered the change in mortality rates that applied over the
ten-year gap between ages 15 and 25, and over the ten-year gap between ages
45 and 55. These observations could be used to solve two simultaneous equa-
tions that uniquely determined the two parameters of the function.
Whilst the parameters would fit exactly to those equations, they would
not produce an exact fit to all the mortality rates of the table. However, he
was pleased with the quality of fit he obtained when he compared his func-
tion to the observed rates of the Northampton table between ages fifteen
and 60, noting: This equation between number living and the age is deserv-
ing of attention, because it appears corroborated during a long portion of
life by experience.41 Figure 3.4 shows a Gompertz function fitted to the
Northampton data for ages 1560.
Edmonds (1832).
Gompertz (1825), p.519.
92 A History of British Actuarial Thought
15 25 35 45 55
Fig. 3.4 Gompertz mortality function fitted to Northampton table (ages 1560)
The above chart illustrates how the Gompertz function can provide a very
useful graduation of the Northampton table over this range of ages. However,
the limitations of the function become apparent when a broader range of ages
is considered. Figure3.5 fits to the 1580 age range and again shows the fitted
function values and observed mortality rates.
Clearly, the two-parameter function is unable to provide an adequate fit over
this wider age range. The same conclusion was reached when Gompertz applied
the function to other standard mortality tables. Nonetheless, the Gompertz
law of human mortality was widely celebrated by actuaries and medical think-
ers of the time. De Morgan wrote of Gompertz: As this ingenious paper con-
tains a deduction from a principle of high probability, and terminates in a
conclusion which accords in a great degree with observed facts, it must always
be considered a very remarkable page in the history of the enquiry before us.42
It was clear, however, that as a practical actuarial tool, improvements
were required. William Makeham, another senior actuary of his generation
(and also a noted mathematician), proposed a natural generalisation of the
Gompertz law in papers published in 185943 and 1867:44 he suggested includ-
ing the age-independent parameter that Gompertz had described but chosen
to ignore in his formula. The force of mortality could then be written as:
De Morgan (1839).
Makeham (1859).
Makeham (1867).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 93
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Fig. 3.5 Gompertz mortality function fitted to Northampton table (ages 1580)
x = x +
Makeham (1867), p.333.
94 A History of British Actuarial Thought
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
but Makeham and Gompertz both recognised that such functions could
not provide a satisfactory fit across the entire spectrum of ages in mortality
tables, particularly at very young and very old ages. They each proposed vari-
ous extensions. Gompertz proposed using piece-wise functions with differ-
ent parameterisations of Gompertz functions applied to specified age bands.46
Makeham proposed extending the function further by adding polynomial
terms.47 Elsewhere in Europe, other mathematically inclined actuaries devel-
oped similar functions for graduation purposes. For example, the leading
nineteenth-century Danish actuary T.N.Thiele proposed a seven-parameter
exponential function in 1871.48
The significant developments in statistics that occurred in the early twenti-
eth century provided a further fillip to actuarial research in mortality gradu-
ation. Elderton49 and Ogborn50 each considered the application of Pearson
frequency curves to mortality table graduation, but neither was able to dem-
onstrate any significant advance in performance relative to the Gompertz-
Makeham framework. It remains today an important and well-used part of
the toolkit of mortality actuaries and demographers.
Gompertz (1871).
Makeham (1889).
Thiele (1871).
Elderton (1934).
Ogborn (1953).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 95
The two principal sources of profit to an Assurance company are the selection of
lives and the accumulation of the excess of the premiums at a higher rate of
interest than is assumed as the basis of the Companys operations With
regard to the [selection of lives], it is impossible not to feel that the margin of
profit has very much diminished of late years This makes the question of the
rate of interest obtained from investments so much the more important: it is, in
fact, the principal source of profit.51
And in 1862:
Of the two main elements on which all life assurance transactions depend the
rate of mortality and the rate of interest the latter, I think, affords more scope
for the exercise of judgement and skill than the former there can be no doubt
Brown (1858), pp.24142.
96 A History of British Actuarial Thought
that the amount of interest realised on the assets can be materially influenced by
the degree of judgement and knowledge brought to bear upon the subject.52
These statements could be viewed as the very first steps on a long slip-
pery slope that led to twentieth-century British actuaries taking actions which
suggested that they regarded geared exposure to financial market risks as an
equivalent and equally sustainable form of risk taking to the underwriting
of largely diversifiable mortality risk. That was not, however, the vision of
the nineteenth-century British actuarial profession. Rather, these early con-
siderations of the asset side of the balance sheet can be viewed as a natural
broadening of the actuarial horizon as the skills, experience, confidence and
influence of the profession grew. It was also perhaps inevitable in the context
of the long-term trend in British life assurance whereby the products invest-
ment element became ever more significant relative to the protection element.
In the early nineteenth century, British life offices invested in two main
asset classes: long-term government bonds (usually consols, which were per-
petuities) and mortgages on freehold property (including agricultural lands).
Long-term government bonds served two purposes for life offices. First, whilst
the emergence of concepts such as duration and interest rate immunisation
were many years away, there was an intuitive understanding that the long-
term nature of the liabilities demanded that some funds should be invested in
assets that paid similarly long-term cashflows. Second, in this era, the possibil-
ity of an epidemic or plague, whilst viewed as increasingly unlikely, was still a
credible contingency. Funds needed to be readily convertible to cash in such
circumstances, and so the liquidity offered by government bonds was valued.53
The main attraction of mortgages was that they offered higher yields than
government bondshigh-quality mortgages typically yielded between 50 and
100 basis points more than long-term government bonds.54 The mortgages,
however, offered neither liquidity nor long-term fixed cashflows, and these
characteristics constrained the amounts that were invested in the asset class.
By the middle of the nineteenth century, the concerns about the possibility
of epidemics had receded and with it so did the requirement for asset liquid-
ity. The amounts invested in mortgages correspondingly rose. This investment
strategy stands up well to modern scrutiny: it was a strategy that paid respect
to the liabilities interest rate duration and liquidity characteristics and which
aimed to obtain additional yield through reducing excess asset liquidity rather
than by materially increasing market or credit risk.
Bailey (1862), p.143.
Deuchar (1890), p.451.
Brown (1858), pp.245, 25354.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 97
Brown (1858).
Homer and Sylla (1996), p.182.
Brown (1858), pp.25354.
98 A History of British Actuarial Thought
with pricing, reserving and bonus policy? Did the very long-term nature of
the liabilities create particular forms of risk that would help determine a desir-
able asset profile? The history of actuarial consideration of questions such as
these is explored below.
They (life assurers) engage to pay fixed sums of money at periods generally long
distance from the time when the contracts are entered into the probable
amount of demands on their resources can be calculated from time to time
within not very wide limits. Life assurance Societies, unlike banks and commer-
cial enterprises generally, are not exposed to sudden or unusual demands on
their resources in times of panic and financial difficulty.59
Put simply, life assurance liabilities are long-term, predictable and illiquid,
especially when considered relative to those of banks. Bailey took it as a given
that illiquid assets offered additional compensation to investors for sacrificing
liquidity. He hence argued that life assurers should take full advantage of their
unusual capacity to bear asset illiquidity:
Bailey (1862).
The much larger proportion [of life office assets] may safely be invested in secu-
rities that are not readily convertible; and it is desirablethat it should be so
invested, because such securities, being unsuited for private individuals and
trustees, command a higher rate of interest in consequence [emphasis added].60
Bailey (1862), p.144.
Bailey (1862), p.143.
Bailey (1862), p.145.
Mackenzie (1891), p.195.
100 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The final quarter of the nineteenth century was the high watermark for
illiquid asset investment by British life assurers. In subsequent years, British
life offices started to tilt their asset allocation towards more liquid assets. The
final decade of the nineteenth century marked a decisive shift away from mort-
gages. Allocations to more liquid stock exchange securities such as long-term
debentures and government bonds correspondingly increased. Between 1890
and 1900, the percentage of life assurance assets invested in stock exchange
securities increased from around 18 % to 39 %. By 1910, this percentage had
reached 49 %; by 1920 it was 60 %.64 A similar trend was observed amongst
the US life offices, and indeed started a decade earlier following the US bank-
ing crisis of the early 1870s. The US offices, however, retained a larger mort-
gage allocation than the British offices after the switch. Between 1874 and
1920, US life offices investments in mortgages had been reduced from 54 %
of assets to 34 %.65
This great rotation from illiquid to liquid assets that occurred between 1890
and 1920 was not solely due to a desire for greater asset liquidity, though that
was a factor. Other drivers were also important. There was a substantial fall in
the value of British agricultural land during this era (perhaps as much as 30
%). This may have awakened life offices to the potential risks inherent in the
mortgage asset class. It also reduced the value of the land upon which new
mortgages could be offered. Increasing competition amongst mortgage lend-
ers emerged, with legislative changes making the provision of mortgages more
accessible to other investors such as trust funds. Mortgage yields fell.66 In
summary, there was a reduction in the illiquidity premium on offer, a reduc-
tion in the size of the market, and perhaps a re-appraisal of the risks associated
with the asset class. All whilst the size of funds available for investment by life
offices was increasing substantially.
The First World War also had a direct and significant impact on asset allo-
cations. In particular, it resulted in a very substantial increase in life offices
allocations to British government securities. Life offices were not legally
compelled to buy government debt, but they reached a form of patriotic
gentlemans agreement with the government where they agreed to buy gilt
issues during the war.67 As a result, investment in British government bonds
increased from 1 % to 35 % of life office assets between 1915 and 1920.
However, this was not the main driver of the move from illiquid to liquid
assets: much of the increase in gilt allocations was financed by reductions in
Murray (1937), p.259.
C.M.Gulland, in Discussion, Murray (1937), p.274.
Mackenzie (1891), p.198.
Whyte (1947), p.223.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 101
liquid debenture securities (the asset allocation of which was reduced from
30 % to 12 %). Nonetheless, the scale of the gilt allocation necessarily further
reduced illiquid asset holdings. Mortgage allocations fell from 21 % to 15 %
between 1915 and 1920.68
Changes in the liquidity profile of life assurance liabilities played a signifi-
cant part in motivating this fundamental shift in asset allocation and liquidity
profile. The liquidity requirements of the liabilities were growing by the end of
the nineteenth century. Unlike 100 years earlier, these liquidity requirements
were not driven by the risk of mortality spikes arising from epidemics (whilst
the influenza epidemic of 1918/19 did generate an unexpected concentra-
tion of claims, its impact was still relatively small in comparison to premium
incomes).69 Instead, the liabilities liquidity profile was being changed by sur-
render practices. Surrender rates had increased. In the fast-growing industrial
assurance sector of the 1920s, double-digit surrender rates were the norm.70
Historical anecdotes from the USA also highlighted how life liabilities may
unexpectedly experience sudden liquidity demands. In 1873, a US banking
liquidity crisis had created a surge of demand for the surrender of life assur-
ance policies as these policies became the policyholders most direct route to
cash. In British life assurance, there was an increasing practice, driven by com-
petitive forces, of offering guaranteed surrender values (legislation passed in
1929 may also have encouraged guarantees in surrender values on some types
of business).71 A 1933 paper by William Penman noted that if very large
sums can be withdrawn, virtually without penalty and at very short notice, it
becomes necessary to revise materially our views of Life Assurance finance
it seems to me that the investment position, to the extent that guaranteed sur-
render values are made excessively liberal, approximates to that of a bank.72
These changes in surrender practices materially impacted on the desired liquid-
ity profile of the assets. With-profit life policies were never again thought of as
illiquid. Today, actuaries illiquid investment strategies are largely focused on lia-
bility types such as non-profit fixed annuities that do not offer surrender values.
Actuarial awareness of interest rate risk was first heightened by the economic
experience of the early nineteenth century. Interest rates increased significantly
Dodds (1979), Table A.3.
Clayton and Osborn (1965), p.65.
Clayton and Osborn (1965), p.64.
Laing in Discussion, Penman (1933), p.421.
Penman (1933), p.391.
102 A History of British Actuarial Thought
during the Napoleonic Wars, and then experienced a long and substantial
decline for the following next forty years (Fig. 3.7). In 1838, Augustus De
Morgan wrote:
Long-term Government Bond Yield (%)
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950
the price of the uncertainty of the return of their capital and so many events
cause fluctuations in the Funds [consols], that he never knows what amount
of his capital he may be able to recover when he needs it.74
Baileys analysis of long-term government bonds as an asset class for life
assurance liabilities continued in the vein started by Brown, and was even
more emphatic:
I believe it to be true that the English Funds [consols] are altogether unsuited
for life assurance investments. For income they offer probably the best security
the world has yet seen; but with us that is a secondary consideration; the capital,
the security of which is our first object, is subject to very inconvenient fluctua-
tions in value.75
features of strategies that would successful marry assets and liabilities. But
clarity gradually emerged. In the Institutes sessional meeting that discussed
an investment paper by A.C.Murray in 1937, J.D.Binns submitted:
Regarding the office as a closed fund, owing to the incidence of future income
it will be found that assets should be made to mature at rather later dates than
the corresponding liabilities. Then should interest rates fall the future income
will be accumulated at a lower rate of interest, but this would be compensated
by the appreciation shown by the assets at the time that the corresponding lia-
bilities fall due (and vice versa if interest rates go the other way).78
It would seem almost natural to assume that the duration of any loan involv-
ing more than one future payment should be some sort of weighted average of
the maturities of the individual loans that correspond to each future payment.
Two sets of weights immediately present themselves the present and the future
values of the various individual loans Future value weighting seems clearly
inadmissible. It gives absurdly long durations The argument for present
value seems strong.80
Macaulay did not recognise that his duration measure was also the first
derivative of the bond price with respect to changes in the interest rate. He
did, however, find that it was extremely useful in describing the empirical rela-
tive behaviour of different bonds: The concept of duration throws a flood of
light on the fluctuations of bond yields in the actual market.81
Macaulays duration measure had no discernible impact on economic
research or financial market practice for over 30 years. Then, in the early 1970s,
the confluence of the rapid growth in fixed income securities with important
breakthroughs in quantitative financial economics research suddenly placed it
firmly at the centre of fixed income risk management. The actuarial profession
appears to have been wholly unaware of Macaulays work in the years follow-
ing its publication. Macaulay himself had no appreciation of its implication as
a risk and asset-liability management tool. His discussion of duration covered
a handful of pages in a 600-page tome on nineteenth-century US interest
rate behaviour. In these circumstances, it is perhaps unsurprising that the
latent usefulness of Macaulays duration measure in asset-liability manage-
ment passed by the actuarial profession (and everyone else).
Following the hiatus of the Second World War, the British actuarial profes-
sion embarked on its most fertile period of thought leadership activity since
the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Two important papers on inter-
est rate management were published in 1952Redingtons famous paper on
immunisation theory82 and a paper by Haynes and Kirton83that tackled
similar subject matter. Whilst these papers would have been somewhat con-
troversial at the time of publication or at the least outside the norms of con-
temporary thinking, with historical hindsight they can now be viewed as the
natural culmination of the developing interest rate and asset-liability manage-
ment thinking of the previous 20 years (in particular, the Penman and Murray
papers of the 1930s and their respective Staple Inn Discussions).84
Frank Redington spent his entire working career at Prudential Assurance,
a leading UK life assurer, joining in 1928 after graduating in mathematics at
Macaulay (1938), p.47.
Macaulay (1938), p.50.
Redington (1952).
Haynes and Kirton (1952).
Penman (1933), Murray (1937).
106 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Cambridge. He became chief actuary there in 1951 and remained in that posi-
tion until his retirement in 1968. He was President of the Institute of Actuaries
from 1958 to 1960. He is most famed, both in actuarial circles and in the
broader financial community, for his work on duration and immunisation. His
contribution to actuarial thought-leadership and practice, however, was much
broader than immunisation theory. He published widely throughout his career
on a range of actuarial topics, most notably on with-profit reserving, and valua-
tion and bonus policy. Indeed, the paper in which he introduces his immunisa-
tion theory was entitled Review of the Principles of Life Office Valuations, and
the section on immunisation was a last-minute addition to it.85
Redingtons immunisation theory took the amorphous actuarial intuition on
interest rate matching that had gradually developed over the previous quarter
of a century and crystallised it into some clear mathematical statements. In
this work, Redington produced the same measure of duration that Frederick
Macaulay published some 25 years earlier. Redington was not, however, aware
of Macaulays work, and Redingtons approach was the polar opposite to that
taken by Macaulay: where Macaulay had been ad hoc and empirical, Redington
was mathematical and deductive. Macaulay had been interested in explaining
the historical price changes of different bonds. Redington was interested in
matching assets and liabilities, where matching meant the distribution of the
term of the assets in relation to the term of the liabilities in such a way as to
reduce the possibility of loss arising from a change in interest rates.86
It is often the hallmark of a great idea that it appears disarmingly simple
after someone has thought of it. Redingtons immunisation theory belongs in
that category. He was aware that the results of the mathematical treatment
he was about to introduce were intuitive or even inevitable: in the broadest
sense, it is apparent without mathematical proof that if the liability-outgo and
asset-proceeds are to be equally sensitive to changes in the rate of interest they
must have roughly the same mean terms.87 Writing 30 years after the publica-
tion of the paper, Redington explained how his fundamental development of
the theory arose:
As is so often the case once you look at a problem straight between the eyes and
with undivided attention you find yourself staring the answer in the face. The
actual assets and liabilities were known facts if their present values were equal
at one rate of interest and remained equal on a shift in the rate of interest this
Redington (1982), pp.8485
Redington (1952), p.289.
Redington (1952), pp.28990.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 107
was only the laymans way of saying that the differentials of the present values
with regard to the rate of interest must be equal. The basic equation followed
immediately as an elementary piece of differential calculus.88
Redington set out the Taylor series expansion of the change in assets and
liability values for a given change in the interest rate i (which, importantly,
is assumed to be constant as a function of the term of bond). From this
expansion he was able to argue that a satisfactory immunisation policy is one
where two conditions hold:
di di
d 2VA d 2VL
> 2
di 2 di
where VA is the value of the asset portfolio and VL is the present value of the
liability cashflows.
Assuming asset and liability cashflows are fixed, we can write the asset and
liability values as:
VA = v t At
VL = v Lt
where v=1/(1+i) and At and Lt are the asset and liability cashflow respectively
due at time t. Taking the derivatives of the above asset and liability values with
respect to i, the first immunisation condition implies:
tv A = tv L
Redington noted that this condition is simply that the mean term of the value
of the asset-proceeds must equal the mean term of the value of the liability
out-go.89 The weights used in the calculation of the mean term are the ratios
Redington (1982), pp.8485.
Redington (1952), p.290.
108 A History of British Actuarial Thought
of the present value of the cashflow due at that time to the total present value.
He did not know it at the time, but he had shown that Macaulays duration
measure was the first derivative of the bond price with respect to the interest
rate, and that immunisation therefore required equating the duration of assets
with liabilities (the term duration never appears in Redingtons paper).
Redingtons second immunisation condition implies that a successful
immunisation strategy should satisfy the secondary condition:
t v A > t v L
2 t
2 t
He intuitively describes this condition as the spread of the value of the asset-
proceeds about the mean term should be greater than the spread of the value
of the liability-outgo.90
The major limitation of Redingtons immunisation analysis was its assump-
tion of a uniform interest rate applicable over all maturities (that is, a flat yield
curve). This was a natural modelling assumption to make and Redington
noted the practical complication that Yields are not uniform for all terms
of assets, and the differentials are not stable in time.91 But he did not ponder
much on the limitations that this assumption placed on the implications of
his analysis. This is doubtless easy to see in hindsight after several intervening
decades of quantitative yield curve modelling development, but it is none-
theless true that the direct implications of Redingtons equations could lead
to dangerously misleading insights. Redingtons two immunisation equations
imply that the optimal asset strategy would entail equating asset and liability
duration whilst maximising the spread of asset cashflows around the liability
duration. This implies that the best asset strategy would be the mix of cash
and perpetuity (or, even better, very long-dated zero-coupon bond) that has
the same duration as the liability cashflows. Such a strategy, however, is merely
maximally exploiting the limitations of the uniform yield assumption. If we
consider the possibility that movements in yields may be imperfectly corre-
lated over the term structure, or that long-term yields will be less volatile than
short-term yields, we can see that the cash/perpetuity strategy would gear up
on risks that are not recognised by Redingtons analysis. This is not a point
that he directly addressed.
Haynes and Kirton independently published a paper on cashflow matching
only a month prior to Redingtons immunisation paper.92 Their paper did not
Redington (1952), p.291.
Redington (1952), p.294.
Haynes and Kirton (1952).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 109
develop the duration or immunisation concepts, but they did find that asset
portfolios that used combinations of cash and perpetuity (dead-short and
dead-long assets in their terminology) were optimal across a range of parallel
yield curve stresses amongst the bond portfolio choices they considered. This
result was entirely consistent with Redingtons pair of immunisation equa-
tions. Haynes and Kirton attached the explicit caveat that at this stage we
would emphasise that any such combination of dead-short and dead-long
investments offers no protection against a change in interest rates which is not
uniform for all terms.93
Redingtons immunisation theory delivered a thunderbolt of much-needed
clarity to the management of interest rate risk inherent in long-term liability
business. Thirty years later, he wrote It is really extraordinary that the elemen-
tary matching principle to which I have given the rather impetuous title of
immunization should have escaped the profession for so long.94
For life offices, however, it did not resolve the question of which liabilities
it ought to be applied to. In particular, in the context of with-profit business,
should an immunisation strategy be pursued that immunises liabilities inclu-
sive of anticipated future bonuses, or only the guaranteed liabilities that have
accrued to date? In his paper, Redington explores, without explicitly advocat-
ing, the strategy that immunises both accrued liabilities and future bonuses
(and future regular premiums could be treated as negative liability cashflows).
This strategy of attempting to lock in all future bonuses at a with-profit
policys inception met with the disapproval of many of his peers. It did not
appear consistent with policyholders expectations of participation in future
increases in interest rates, if such rate increases should arise over the lifetime
of their policy.
In 1953, the year following Redingtons paper, two senior life actuaries,
G.V.Bayley and Wilfred Perks, presented a paper95 to the institute that advo-
cated applying immunisation only to the paid-up policy values (i.e. the sum
assured that would be provided in the event that the policyholder chose not
to pay any further regular premiums). This would mean that future regular
premiums, by being invested at the prevailing interest rate when they are
received, could participate in any intervening increase in the interest rate.
However, this failed to address the fundamental interest rate solvency risk:
under this strategy, falls in interest rates below that assumed in the premium
basis could result in future premiums being inadequate to fund the contrac-
tual liabilities.
Haynes and Kirton (1952), p.155.
Redington (1952), p.90.
Bayley and Perks (1953).
110 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Haynes and Kirtons paper advocated what is perhaps the most natural
strategy: match the accrued guarantees with bonds, and invest the remain-
der of the funds in risky assets. Whilst sounding straightforward, even this
strategy was not without complications in the context of regular premium
with-profit business. For example, in the early years of a with-profit policy,
a realistic valuation of future regular premiums could exceed the present
value of the guaranteed sum assured, implying that all of the accrued assets
could be invested in risky asset classes such as equities. This was generally
viewed amongst life actuaries as being uncomfortably imprudent. However,
if a with-profit fund was considered in aggregate, as was arguably reasonable
for a pooled investment vehicle, then this strategy could result in with-profit
equity/bond allocations that were sensible and sustainable.
Finally, it is interesting to consider from a historical perspective if
Redingtons concept of matching asset and liability value sensitivities can be
viewed as an antecedent to the dynamic replication concept that underlies
derivative pricing and hedging. Dynamic hedging assumes the continuous
matching of the instantaneous sensitivities of asset values to changes in under-
lying fundamental variables. Redington noted that immunisation was not a
static solution but rather the equations define the position at a moment in
time. Their solutions change continuously [emphasis added]96
Redingtons paper presented some charts that showed how example asset
and liability values changed as a function of interest rates, showing that there
are levels of interest rate at which they are solvent (i.e. assets exceed liabili-
ties) and levels of interest rate at which they are not. The liability valuation
curves included heuristic allowances for the effects of cash maturity guar-
antees and annuity options. But he did not explicitly pursue the possibility
that the asset value curve could be altered by dynamically updating the asset
duration to match the liabilities new duration following an interest rate shift.
In the discussion that followed the Institutes meeting at which the paper was
presented, A.T.Haynes (of Haynes and Kirton) commented:
Where the asset and liability curves might cross owing to a change in the rate of
interest the position could be converted immediately by altering the assets in
such a way as to immunise the liabilities. The asset curve would then follow the
same form as the liability curve 97
We saw above how both British and American life offices shifted substantially
away from illiquid mortgages and loans and moved further into liquid gov-
ernment and corporate bonds between 1890 and 1920 (the US shift start-
ing some fifteen years earlier). Over the following 30 years, another radical
change in actuarial investment thinking occurred: equities emerged as a major
asset class for British life offices. In aggregate, British life offices increased their
equity allocations from under 2 % in 1920 to 21 % by 1952.98 This time,
British and American life office investment practices diverged. The British
offices had more surplus capital and a more flexible with-profit bonus distri-
bution system than their US counterparts. These features allowed the British
offices more freedom to tolerate and manage the greater volatility associ-
ated with equity investment. The American offices were also under a more
prescriptive and restrictive regulatory system that varied somewhat from state
to state but which generally curtailed equity investment (Fig.3.8).
Nineteenth-century actuarial orthodoxy had been unambiguous: equities
were an unsuitable asset class for life assurance business. Bailey thought it
self-evident that equities were too risky for such liabilities. Other nineteenth-
century actuarial papers followed this doctrine. In 1891, Mackenzie wrote
that ordinary shares should be rigidly excluded.99
Actuaries first intellectual embrace of equity investment occurred in the
1920s. This was in part a reaction to the poor performance of the long-term
government bonds that life assurers had invested so heavily in during the
First World War. The high-inflation post-war environment had resulted in
substantial falls in long-term bond prices and consequent losses for life offices.
As noted by The Economist: From the beginning of 1916 to the end of 1920,
Dodds (1979), Table A.3.
Mackenzie (1891), p.205.
112 A History of British Actuarial Thought
50 25%
Equities and Property (LH
45 Axis)
UK Life's Equity & Property Allocation (%)
35 13%
30 9%
25 5%
20 1%
15 -3%
10 -7%
5 -11%
0 -15%
1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970
Fig. 3.8 UK life offices equity and property allocations and UK inflation
(18701970) (Dodds (1979))
The effects of the War in matters of finance have taught us that it may be
safer to have a proportion of our investments in first-class ordinary shares,
rather than entirely on a fixed monetary payment such as is given by gilt-
edged investments.
The increase in long-term bond yields that occurred in the early 1920s
generated disturbing falls in the market values of life office asset portfolios.
It probably did not have an adverse impact on life offices overall economic
balance sheets, however, as the assets were unlikely to be substantially, if at all,
longer than life office liabilities. In this era, actuaries were reluctant to increase
the discount rate used in liability valuation unless absolutely necessary, and
so the stated surplus positions in the early 1920s were likely to have been
a prudent interpretation of the economic reality. Later in the 1920s, bond
yields started to fall again. In the midst of economic depression and a policy
of cheap money, consol yields fell from over 4.5 % in 1925 to 3.5 % by the
mid-1930s. Whilst this resulted in a recovery in bond prices, it resulted in a
new problem: such low rates made it increasingly difficult to for bond invest-
ments to sustain historical bonus rates, although the competitive pressure to
do so was intense. John Maynard Keyness speech at the 1927 annual general
meeting of National Mutual captured this sentiment:
Scott (2002), quoting from Keynes (1983).
114 A History of British Actuarial Thought
May (1912).
May (1912), p.135.
May (1912), p.143.
May (1912), p.153.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 115
offices should be more willing to invest in high-yielding securities that are sig-
nificantly riskier than those that had been typically held by life assurers.
Mays advocacy of the adoption of greater investment risk by life offices
anticipated the post-First World War zeitgeist. This experience highlighted
the benefit of diversification (or the risk of a lack of it). Life offices were ready
to invest in something else. During the decade of the 1920s, three men in
particular had an especially great influence on British actuaries thinking on
life office equity investment: John Maynard Keynes, the famous British econ-
omist; Edgar Lawrence Smith, an American economist and investment man-
ager; and H.E.Raynes, the actuary of the Legal & General Assurance Society.
John Maynard Keynes joined the board of National Mutual, a medium-
sized British life office, in 1919 and became its chairman in 1921, holding
that position until 1938. He also had a less substantial role on the board
of another life office, Provincial Insurance, during this period. In the early
days of his involvement with National Mutual, Keynes was not yet the global
statesman he would become in his elder years. His revolutionary General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was still some fifteen years away
from publication. He had, however, played a prominent role as an economic
advisor at the Treasury during the First World War, and his 1920 book, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace, was a bestseller that raised his profile and
marked him out as an influential commentator on economics and politics.
Although he only ever played a part-time role there, he had a major influence
at National Mutual, especially on investment policy, where the office pursued
a distinctive strategy. In the actuarial journals of the period, National Mutual
was often referred to as Keynes office.
Throughout his adult life, Keynes was an active investor. As well as his role
at life offices, he managed money for himself and his friends, was involved
in various investment trusts, and he managed the endowment fund of Kings
College, Cambridge, where he was a Fellow. Keynes was a man of strong opin-
ions, often flavoured by a strain of iconoclasm, and he always had the courage
to back his convictions. This is reflected in his approach to investment. As
an investor, Keynes has been described as a scientific gambler.107 His invest-
ment philosophy was active and aggressive. As might be expected of a man of
Keyness breadth, his investment views transcended any specific type of asset
and he regularly took short-term positions in commodities, currencies, equi-
ties and bonds as dictated by his macroeconomic and geopolitical outlook.
He had a noticeable preference for investing in liquid securities: illiquid assets
could not support the short-term active speculation that was at the heart of
Skidelsky (2003), p.520.
116 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Keyness investment style. When applied to life assurance, this was the polar
opposite of Baileys conception of life offices reaping illiquidity premia from
assets that would never be sold.
National Mutual was not one of the largest offices, but this appears to have
suited Keynes, providing him with an institution which had a certain critical
mass but which could be made more malleable to his vision than the larger
offices. His vision was of mutual life assurance as the leading savings vehicle
for the middle classes. He strongly advocated the promotion of endowment
assurance as a more savings-orientated alternative to whole-of-life assurance.
He argued that life offices should pursue an active investment policy and he
piloted such a policy at National Mutual. He viewed investment as the critical
function of a life office. In January 1922, in the first of his chairmans speeches
at the annual meetings of National Mutual, he said:
I venture to say that at the present time life assurance societies must stand or fall
mainly with the success or failure of their investment policy. The labours of the
great actuaries of the 19th century have carried actuarial science to a point
where great improvements or striking innovations are no longer likely But
investment, on the other hand, provides both more pitfalls and also more
opportunities than formerly.108
Most significantly of all, Keynes held a strong view that the investment
policy of a life office should feature material allocations to equities. In his
speech at National Mutuals annual meeting of 1928, he explained:
Keynes would indeed pervert his morals, and most of the rest of the actu-
arial profession. But he was not the only important actor in this scene. Edgar
Lawrence Smith was an economist at Columbia University and a Wall Street
investment manager. His pioneering short book, Common Stocks as Long Term
Investments, was published at the end of 1924. It, perhaps inevitably, reso-
nated with Keynes, who wrote a positive review of the book in the Nation and
Athenaeum. The book also registered with the British actuarial profession, and
was referred to in the papers and discussions of the profession in the second
half of the 1920s and beyond.
Smiths book was the first significant quantitative comparative analysis of
the long-term empirical returns of equities and bonds. Smith considered the
returns that had been produced from diversified portfolios of equities and
high-quality bonds over various 20-year holding periods between 1866 and
1922. He demonstrated that the long-term returns of equities had consis-
tently exceeded those of high-quality bonds. He also showed that the income
received from equities had also tended to exceed that generated by bonds over
long-term investment horizons. Neither of these observations would neces-
sarily have been especially surprising to financial practitioners. But a more
provocative conclusion of his analysis was that equities would even tend to
outperform bonds in periods of low inflation or deflation as well as in infla-
tionary periods. It was generally accepted wisdom that equities were a real
asset class whilst bonds were money assets, and as such equities would outper-
form in times of unexpectedly high inflation and vice versa. Smith argued that
the evidence suggested that over a horizon of 20 years equities would outper-
form bonds under any economic conditions with a high degree of likelihood.
Smith produced a novel argument for why equities performed so robustly.
He argued that the corporate practice of only paying out a small propor-
tion of annual earnings as dividends and reinvesting the remainder facilitated
a compound interest effect in future earnings which allowed dividends to
be smoothed over time, and hence protected equity values from economic
Keynes (1983), p.80.
118 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Assuming a cash rate of 5 %, an equity risk premium of 4 % implies an (arithmetic) expected return
of 9 % and hence a geometric expected return of c. 7.5 %.
Smith (1924), p.12.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 119
Keynes and Edgar Lawrence Smith were both outsiders to the British actu-
arial profession. H.E.Raynes, however, as the actuary of the Legal & General
Assurance Society, was in its inner sanctum. He presented two influential
papers to the Institute of Actuaries in 1928 and 1937 that advocated a greater
role for ordinary shares in life office asset allocations.113 Raynes was doubt-
less influenced by the practices of Keynes and the writings of Smith (both
are referred to either directly in his papers or in the formal discussion of the
papers that followed their presentation to the profession). But he was not an
immediate convert. As late as mid-1927, Raynes contended that consider-
ations of security excluded ordinary shares as investments for life offices.114
He underwent his Damascene conversion when he attended an
International Congress of Actuaries in Canada in 1927. He had discus-
sions with T.B.Macaulay, the actuary of Sun Life of Canada (and father of
Frederick Macaulay of bond duration fame), in which Macaulay strongly
advocated investment of a proportion of funds in common stocks as a mea-
sure to combat the trouble of a depreciation of currency [i.e. inflation].115
This inspired Raynes to develop a piece of empirical analysis of UK equity
data that was very similar in spirit to Edgar Lawrence Smiths US equity work,
if less comprehensive. The paper, The Place of Ordinary Stocks and Shares
(as distinct from Fixed Interest bearing Securities) in the Investment of Life
Assurance Funds, was presented to the Institute of Actuaries in 1928. A fol-
low-up paper, Equities and Fixed Interest Stocks during Twenty-Five Years,
provided further statistical analysis to the first paper, but no new conclusions,
and was published in 1937.
Raynes analysed the investment performances of a diversified portfolio of
UK equities and a portfolio of debentures over the fifteen-year period from
1912 to 1927. Like Smith, Raynes found that equities strongly outperformed
the bond portfolio, both in terms of capital appreciation and income. He
found this was true during periods of rising interest rates and falling inter-
est rates. Raynes concluded that equities had a significant role to play in life
office asset allocation for the two distinct reasons that Keynes forwarded in his
chairmans speech of 1928: inflation protection as per T.B.Macaulays argu-
ment; and for the more fundamental reason that they appeared good value
to the long-term investor who could ride out the higher short-term volatility
that comes with equity investment.
Given Rayness role as a leading life actuary, his paper is surprisingly light
on the risk implications of equity investment, and how equity asset allocation
Raynes (1928), Raynes (1937).
G.H.Recknell in Discussion, Raynes (1928), p.35.
Raynes (1928), p.22.
120 A History of British Actuarial Thought
This sentence creates the sense that actuaries thought themselves above the
theories and deductions of others such as economists, and instead would use
their uniquely endowed capacities of observation to judge what was right.
This sense of hubris and complacency can be increasingly identified when
considering some of the doctrines of the actuarial profession in the second
half of the twentieth century. Arguably, it started when actuaries were seduced
by the cult of equities in the 1920s.
Thus, the intellectual groundwork for greater life office equity allocations
was laid in the decade of the 1920s by the triumvirate of Keynes, Smith and
Raynes. Lewis G.Whyte, a senior Scots actuary, wrote in 1947 that by the
time Mr Raynes paper was submitted to the Institute of Actuaries in 1927,
the movement [to invest life office funds in equities] had received a large
measure of professional approval.118 But equity asset allocations in aggregate
across the British life offices remained fairly modest through the 1920s. A few
life offices such as National Mutual, Scottish Widows and Equity & Law led
the way with larger equity allocations than the rest of the industry. Equity
allocations gradually climbed during the 1930s in an environment of endur-
ing low government bond yields. The post-Second World War economic
environment then provided equity allocations with a significant further fillip.
This was driven by near necessity. The cheap money era of Hugh Dalton,
the Labour chancellor of the exchequer, drove consol yields down to 3.1 %
R.G.Hawtrey, in Discussion, Raynes (1928), p.42.
Raynes (1928), p.22.
Whyte (1947), p.221.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 121
in 1945, presenting a real threat to life offices ability to meet the 3 % (after-
tax) return assumption almost universally used in with-profit premium rates
at the time. As in the 1850s, low interest rates had prompted life offices to
take more investment risk. J.B.H.Pegler, the investment secretary of Clerical
Medical presented a paper119 to the Institute of Actuaries in 1948 that argued
that this environment demanded a less risk-averse attitude to investment: if
the assets are invested, no matter how safely, to provide a yield less than that
assumed in the calculation of premium rates, the soundness of the invest-
ments is somewhat illusory.120
Pegler proposed investment principles that turned Baileys risk-minimising
ethos on its head. He suggested: It should be the aim of life office investment
policy to invest its funds to earn the maximum expected yield thereon whilst,
in a nod to George May, Investments should be spread over the widest pos-
sible range in order to secure the advantages of favourable, and minimize the
disadvantages, of unfavourable, political and economic trends. These prin-
ciples were perfectly reasonable long-term investment objectives of an invest-
ment strategy, but the disregard for how such a strategy should ensure assets
could meet guaranteed liabilities is striking. With the benefit of hindsight, it
is hard to resist the thought that actuaries were starting to surrender rigour
and prudence under the significant competitive pressures of their marketing
Pegler (1948).
Pegler (1948), p.180.
122 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The actuarial valuation of liabilities was, and arguably still is, the quintessen-
tial actuarial task of life actuaries. It has been a topic of much debate through-
out most of the history of actuarial thought in both life assurance and defined
benefit pensions. The second half of the nineteenth century was arguably the
period of its greatest technical development in life assurance. Throughout
this period, the liability valuation was calculated prospectively as the pres-
ent value of a set of projected cashflows. Technical debates centred around a
handful of methodology choices for the projection and discounting of these
cashflows. The major (and interrelated) valuation methodology topics were
(and, to some extent, still are!):
As discussed in Chap. 2, the first life office liability valuations were per-
formed by William Morgan in the 1780s. The solvency of the Equitable was
never doubted during this period, and the object of his valuations was pri-
marily to limit the pressure for faster distribution of surplus. At this time,
Morgans liability valuation basis was the same as the Equitables premium
basis (a 3 % interest rate and the Northampton mortality table). At the time
of the liability valuation, the premium basis was arguably already recognised
as being significantly more prudent than a best estimate of future experience.
The liability valuations included the bonuses already accrued, but made no
provision for future bonuses. The value of the future (gross) premiums was
deducted from the reserve. He did not explicitly reserve for future expenses.
He likely believed that the margins in the liability valuation (premium) basis
adequately allowed for them.
Over the course of the first half of the nineteenth century, a number of other
prototypical actuaries, both within the emerging group of life offices (Joshua
Milne, T.R.Edmonds and others such as David Jones, Charles Babbage and
Griffith Davies), and outside it (such as John Finlaison and Augustus De
Morgan) were actively considering all aspects of nascent life office actuarial
practice. The concept of a net premium valuation emerged as an alternative
conceptual approach to Morgans liability valuation approach by the middle
of the century (though as we discuss below, Morgans approach could be cast
as a form of net premium valuation). It is difficult to precisely date the first
conception of the net premium valuation, especially as there were no profes-
sional actuarial journals in the first half of the nineteenth century. However,
we know it was established in actuarial thinking by 1853 as it was discussed at
124 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Jellicoe (1851), Jellicoe (1852), Sprague (1863).
Sprague (1870), p.411.
126 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Redington (1952), p.307.
Sprague (1870), p.414.
Makeham (1870).
Sprague (1870), p.417.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 127
Bailey (1878), p.119.
Bailey (1878), pp.12526.
Zillmer (1863).
128 A History of British Actuarial Thought
asset to be created that recognised that an initial expense had been incurred
that would otherwise be due later in the contract. Zillmers work did not have
an immediate impact in Britain as the tendency at the time was for sales com-
missions to be paid with each regular premium received rather than at the
policy inception. But by 1870 British commercial practices had increasingly
moved towards the up-front commission model, and net premium valuations
started to generate losses on new business. Spragues 1870 paper introduced
Zillmers approach to the Institute and commended it as a very able work.132
It was broadly well-received as sound actuarial practice in Britain and the
USA, though there were reservations that it could be imprudently misused or
abused. US regulators were particularly sceptical and commuted commisions
were not admissible as assets in the US regulatory returns.
Zillmers logic could be shoe-horned into the net premium valuation
method. It detracted from one of its fundamental advantagesparsimony
but it did not deliver a fatal blow. A more serious and fundamental challenge
to the logic of the net premium valuation arose in its application to with-
profit business and its bonus system. The logic of the net premium valuation
as the natural method for recognising the emergence of surplus demanded
the use of best estimates of future experience for mortality and interest rates
in the valuation. This ensured that the surplus that emerged would simply be
the difference between the actual and net premiums (providing the experi-
ence was consistent with the best estimate used in the valuation basis). By
this time, with-profit premium rates typically included bonus loadings that
set them at significantly more expensive levels than without-profit premium
rates. The premium rates were set by using interest rate and mortality assump-
tions that included substantial margins relative to the experience that was
expected. This, in itself, was not a fundamental issue for the use of net pre-
mium valuations: if the net premium valuation was performed using best
estimate interest rate and mortality assumptions, the net premium would be
significantly lower than the actual premium and a surplus would gradually
emerge with the receipt of each regular premium. However, assuming the
experience assumptions were borne out in practice, such an approach would
result in the same cash amount of surplus emerging with each premium. This
was not consistent with the way that surplus was distributed to with-profit
policiesthe approach of adding a reversionary bonus to the sum assured
meant that an increasing cash value of surplus would be added as policy dura-
tion increased. The cost of bonus was not perfectly aligned with the premium
pattern. So, for growing with-profit businesses writing high volumes of new
Coutts (1908), p.162.
Coutts (1908), p.161.
130 A History of British Actuarial Thought
and approximate, and the notion of, for example, having to estimate interest
rates at a granularity of 1/16 of 1 % in valuations created some consternation
amongst actuaries.
The second concern related to the management of policyholders expecta-
tions: if actuaries started to explicitly reserve for future bonus as though it was
a promise, did that turn it into a promise? In the discussion at Staple Inn fol-
lowing the presentation of Couttss paper, S.J.H.W.Allin commented, they
should be very careful about doing anything which tended to give policyhold-
ers the idea that the whole of the funds of the company belonged to them
to do as they liked with It was even possible that policyholders, if their
bonuses were reduced might insist that the contract between them and the
company had been broken.135 Of course, the application of a net premium
valuation with bonus loadings in the assumptions also reserved for future
bonus, but this was an implicit approach buried in the actuarial machinery
it was believed that this opaqueness reduced the risk of encouraging inappro-
priately demanding expectations from policyholder.
The net premium and gross premium methods went on to live in a some-
what uncomfortable coexistence. The stability of the net premium valuation
was attractive to actuaries in measuring the emergence of distributable surplus
from one valuation period to the next; gross premium valuations (without
future bonuses) would be the preferred approach for testing the solvency or
absolute adequacy of the reserves to meet liabilities. Redingtons seminal 1952
paper that introduced his immunisation theory was actually a paper primarily
about reviewing these with-profit liability valuation methods. In this review,
he emphasised that the distinct questions that actuaries attempt to answer
could not be answered by the same valuation:
A valuation has two main purposes, and the fundamental difficulty is that these
two purposes are in conflict. The first and primary purpose is to ensure that the
office is solvent. The second is to allow the surplus to emerge in an equitable way
suited to the bonus system. The solvency criterion leads to a changing valuation
basis On the other hand, the pursuit of equity of emergence of surplus tends
to lead to stable valuation bases, influenced mainly by retrospective
Surplus can be estimated only by a passive valuation policy which leaves the
valuation basis both of assets and liabilities unchanged Yet when we turn to
That the Society may probably have the right to estimate its Stock in the Public
Funds at the price it bears at the time of determining the surplus, I do not pre-
tend to dispute The great fluctuation in the value of the funded property
[long-term government bonds] will always render the surplus very precarious. It
might perhaps be desirable that the Stock in the Funds should be invariably
fixed at some mean price, rather than that the amount of the surplus should be
suffered to depend on property perpetually changing its real value.138
Redington (1952), p.304.
Ogborn (1962), p.202.
132 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The established practice of British Offices is to write down security values when
prudence dictates such a course and only in very exceptional circumstances to
take credit for capital appreciation apart from realized profits on maturity or
sale. The justification for this procedure lies in the necessity for creating a reserve
against adverse movements in the value of assets, so endeavouring to secure that
the life assurance fund shall be represented by assets of equal value.139
of the solvency position of with-profit funds. In that context, and in the con-
text of surplus assessment using a bonus reserve valuation, the use of market
values for assets was more typical, and was increasingly viewed as the natural
valuation approach to take in such cases, as was argued by T.R.Suttie in his
important Institute paper of 1944:140
There does not seem to be any object in making a bonus reserve valuation unless
it is based upon the true facts, i.e. the actual premiums to be received, the actual
renewal expenses, the experience rate of interest, and the market value of assets.
Hidden reserves seem entirely contrary to the principles of a bonus reserve valu-
ation The position is quite different under a net premium valuation. The
valuation basis being more or less fixed, hidden reserves are necessary, not only
to avoid violent fluctuations in the rate of bonus if appreciation or depreciation
occurs, but also to enable the results of the published net premium valuation to
correspond with those of the unpublished bonus reserve valuation.141
The net premium valuation was still used widely, both in measurement of
surplus for bonus determination, and in the published regulatory returns of
life offices. The always write down, never write up asset valuation method was
invariably used with net premium valuations in the first half of the twentieth
century. As the asset and investment thinking of the profession developed in
the 1940s, the justifications for its use came under inevitable scrutiny. It made
the relative treatment of assets and liabilities somewhat opaque, particularly in
the context of volatile long-term interest rates. In the event of a general fall in
the level of interest rates, assets book values could substantially understate the
market value of long bonds, creating a substantial hidden reserve. Meanwhile,
the actuary would be under pressure to reduce the valuation interest rate
used for the liabilities to reflect the reality of the new market prices. But
the assumed valuation interest rate was at the discretion of the actuary and
need not be directly related to the market yield. The net impact of the rate
fall would therefore be confused or even arbitrary. Similarly, in the event of
an interest rate rise, the assets would be written down to their new market
values, and the actuary would have some choice over whether this was offset
by a reduction in the size of the estate or by increasing the liability valuation
interest rate. It was the role of actuaries to use their judgement in these choices
so as to meet their twin objectives of ensuring the solvency of the fund and
delivering an equitable distribution of surplus to different generations of poli-
cyholders (and holders of different types of with-profit policy). But it is easy
Suttie (1944).
Suttie, in Discussion, Suttie (1944), p.226.
134 A History of British Actuarial Thought
wrote it would be helpful to have in mind a price below which the security in
question would be considered as unlikely to fall,145 though he did not venture
any quantitative suggestions. For long-term government bond yields, he, like
Pegler, suggested a margin of 0.5 % (Peglers paper came after Whytes and
Peglers assumption was influenced by Whytes).
Both these approaches are notable for advocating a prospective risk-based
asset reserve rather than an arbitrary hidden reserve based on historical
transaction prices. This concept was fairly revolutionary, and inevitably was
resisted by the more traditional thinkers. The depreciation reserve approach
also required difficult assumptions to be made about how much depreciation
would be reasonable to reserve for. A parallel to the net premium valuation
versus bonus reserve valuation debate can be observed hereactuaries were
reticent to adopt new methods that required them to make new, difficult and
explicit assumptions relative to the more opaque requirements of their estab-
lished methods.
The application of the depreciation reserve concept to bonds was especially
confusing. Actuaries understood that from an asset-liability perspective they
were often more exposed to falls rather than rises in interest rates. So it did
not make sense to hold a reserve based on how much bond values would fall
if rates went up. These were teething issues that would be ironed out in the
coming decades. Pegler and Whytes contributions should be recognised as
important groundwork for the later development of solvency capital systems
that were based on the assessed riskiness of assets market values.
Whyte (1947), p.236.
136 A History of British Actuarial Thought
But this was never a universally accepted standard and a number of actuar-
ies felt that the Equitable had inequitably under-distributed bonus. Charles
Jellicoe, the first editor of the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, argued in
1851 that the whole of the earned surplus should be distributed to the poli-
cyholders, reasoning The practice of reserving a part of it seems unnecessary,
for there is not only the excess included in the future premiums, but very
generally a subscribed capital to fall back upon, beside the fund reserved for
the liability.146
How much of the surplus should be distributed to the current generation
of policyholders, and how it should be distributed amongst those policyhold-
ers, were decisions primarily driven by a consideration of what was equitable.
The concept of policyholder equity has long been amorphous and ambigu-
ous, especially for British life offices. What exactly was meant by equity in
the context of a pooled system of investment such as with-profits? When
unexpected events happened, how much cross-subsidy between the lucky and
unlucky policyholders was equitable? As R.H.Storr-Best put it in 1962: The
problems [with equitable surplus distribution] that have arisen result from
the conflict of these two ideason the one hand, the averaging of experience
and on the other the return to the policyholder of what is his due. The inter-
pretation of equity depends on the emphasis placed on each idea.147 Thus
policyholder equity was a matter of interpretation, precedent and, ultimately,
actuarial judgement.
As well as considering how much bonus should be distributed to each poli-
cyholder, the form the bonus took was another important element in s urplus
distribution. Chapter 2 discussed how William Morgan, in accordance with
Richard Prices advice, pioneered the distribution of surplus through an
irreversible addition to the sum assured (instead of by cash dividend). This
practice was adopted by the significant majority of British with-profit offices
during the nineteenth century, but not universally. Of 59 British life offices
writing with-profit business in 1870, 47 were found to be distributing surplus
by reversionary bonus, with the remaining twelve doing so by cash dividend
or by abatement of future premiums. Around half of the offices distributing
by reversionary bonus did so by a uniform rate applied to all with-profit poli-
cyholders sums assured. This was clearly the simplest mode of bonus, but it
constrained the amount of variation in the relative size of bonus that could
be distributed to different policyholders. The remaining half varied the rever-
sionary bonus according to age and/or the duration of the contract.148
Jellicoe (1851), p.26.
R.H.Storr-Best in Discussion, Cox and Storr-Best (1962a), p.40.
Cox and Storr-Best (1962a), p.47.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 137
Jellicoe (1851), p.26.
Homans (1863), p.122.
138 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Homanss principle still left plenty of latitude. Any insurance relies on pool-
ing and cross-subsidy, so the calculation of an actual cost of insurance expe-
rienced by an individual depends on a definition of what risks are pooled by
whom over what period. The bonus allocation system advocated by Homans
involved splitting the life fund into separate sub-funds with each sub-fund
including a cohort of policies of lives of the same age of policyholder and same
policy duration. The cost of mortality insurance was assessed within each of
these sub-funds based on the mortality experience of the cohort. A surplus
calculation was then made for each based on this assessed cost of insurance,
together with the funds earned rate of interest and the change in the cohorts
liability reserve over the assessment period. He did not suggest any smooth-
ing of the mortality insurance cost over time or any cross-subsidy between
cohorts: if the experienced mortality rate in a given year of the cohort of 50
year-old policyholders with a policy duration of two years was half of that
anticipated in the premium basis, and the experienced mortality rate of 61
year-old mortality rate with policy duration of one year was the same as that
anticipated in the premium basis, the first cohort would receive a contribution
to dividend from this particular source whereas the second cohort would not.
Homanss contribution method was first implemented by himself at Mutual
Life in the 1860s, and was then widely adopted by the US life offices. It did
not have a direct impact on bonus practices at the British offices at the time.
The reversionary bonus system had never aimed to deliver the granularity of
cohort-specific surplus distribution that Homanss system achieved. Over the
subsequent decades, the British method of bonus distribution moved further
towards the uniform reversionary bonus system, and hence further from a
method that could deliver the level of granularity in surplus distribution that
was implied by the contribution method (and that was present in the USA).
The British actuarial profession, however, continued to wrestle with its own
interpretation of equitable distribution of surplus over the following decades.
The contribution concept constantly resonated in the professions collective
conscience as an important reference point during these deliberations.
Surplus distribution was an ongoing topic of actuarial thought through
the final quarter of the nineteenth century. H.W.Andras, the actuary of the
University Life Assurance Society, presented a notable paper to the Institute in
1896 that shone further light on the performance of British bonus methods in
the context of the contribution concept.151 He analysed the uniform reversion-
ary bonus system and its practice in Britain at the time, considering how well
it could achieve equitable outcomes for policyholders. Andras concluded that:
Andras (1896).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 139
[The American contribution method] was a highly scientific plan, but on the
whole was not practicably workable at all events in this country the main
objection being that the whole of the mortality fluctuations at individual ages re-
appeared in the shape of fluctuations in the bonus In the present state of our
knowledge it was not known what the true rates of mortality were, and that was
a great argument in favour of adopting a simple method like the compound rever-
sionary bonus method, instead of the much more complex contribution plan.154
Andras (1896), p.359.
Andras (1896), p.359.
In Discussion, Andras (1896), p.368.
140 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The question has been raised whether the subordination of other considerations
to the stabilizing of bonuses is always perfectly fair as between policyholders of
different generations.156
Cox and Storr-Best (1962a), p.66.
Lochhead (1932), p.75.
Suttie (1944). See also Anderson (1944).
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 141
During the war of 191418 and the years immediately following, there was a
very substantial rise in the level of interest rates and consequent depreciation of
investments. It would appear that in many cases life offices wrote down their
assets to their new market values and continued to make their valuations on the
same net premium basis as had been used in the past this procedure benefited
the more recent policies at the expense of the older. Further, if the level of pre-
miums charged for new policies remained unaltered, it benefited policies enter-
ing after the depreciation occurred, while if the premiums were reduced on
account of the increase in the rates of interest obtainable, new policies were even
more favourably treated.159
In 1932 there was a reduction in the level of interest rates and consequent
appreciation in investments, but it would appear the majority of offices did not
write up the assets to their new market values so that the difference between
book values and the market values constituted a hidden reserve which was not
made available for distribution in bonuses. This again benefited the more recent
policies at the expense of the older policies, and greatly benefited the policies
entering after the appreciation unless the premiums for new policies were sub-
stantially increased.160
Suttie (1944), p.203.
Suttie (1944), p.214.
Suttie (1944), p.214.
142 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The most equitable method of dealing with [bond asset] depreciation under a
uniform reversionary bonus system is to write down the assets to their new mar-
ket values and to increase the valuation rate of interest to that obtainable under
the new conditions, valuing as a liability a future rate of bonus at the rate which
the existing premium scale will support under the new conditions If these
arguments are accepted, depreciation will involve a decrease in the rate of bonus
declared in respect of the valuation period during which the change in value
occurs while, if conditions again become stable, future bonuses will be at a
higher rate than in the past.161
But he went on to note that Such abrupt changes in the level of bonus
rates are contrary to the usual practice of offices and it would undoubtedly be
difficult for one office to follow such a policy.162
Sutties analysis was essentially showing how a contribution approach to
bonus distribution would behave through time in an interest rate stress sce-
nario. Perhaps predictably, the discussion following his presentation of the
paper cleaved to the more conventional route of setting the current and
future bonus rates at equal levels that would result in a reduction in the
bonus reserve valuation that absorbed the asset depreciation. In essence, his
peers advocated spreading the recognition of the market value impact of the
interest rate increase over the full run-off of the existing business. Concerns
were voiced over the variability of bonus that would be implied by Sutties
proposed approach:
He did not know what would be said by the holder of a policy nearing maturity
if, just before maturity, there were a fall in prices and, as a consequence, a reduc-
tion of the sum payable at maturity. He felt that such a type of distribution
would be bound to cause dissatisfaction.163
Stability in bonus rates still trumped all else in British actuarial thinking on
surplus distribution. Unlike in the United States, cross-generational smooth-
ing had become a fundamental feature of with-profits. This cross-subsidy
could apply not only between different generations of existing policyholders,
but also between policyholders and the estate, as was expressed at the Staple
Inn meeting:
Suttie (1944), p.213.
Suttie (1944), p.213.
M.E.Ogborn, in Discussion, Suttie (1944), p.220.
3 Life fromtheNapoleonic Wars totheSecond World War 143
With most offices, part of the profits of the past had been used to create contin-
gency reserves which should be drawn upon to deal with the depreciation of the
assets the aim should be to smooth out the effect of the depreciation by declaring
a current bonus at a reasonable level and by rebuilding the contingency reserves
gradually in the future [emphasis added].164
L.Brown, in Discussion, Suttie (1944), p.218.
A Brief History ofFinancial Economics
This chapter gives an historical overview of the emergence of some of the key
ideas in financial economics (the branch of economics concerned with fields
such as securities pricing, portfolio theory, corporate financial and investment
theory and the behaviour of financial markets). Financial economics was not
developed by actuaries. You may well ask why it is included in a history of
actuarial thought. The answer is that, rather like probability and statistics,
once its foundations had been developed, its ideas had important practical
application in the world that actuaries occupied. As these ideas emerged, the
actuarial profession had to determine how to incorporate the new insights
provided by financial economics into its thinking and practices (and, indeed,
where theory did not translate into practice). This was not an easy process, as
these insights were often incongruent with the traditional actuarial perspec-
tive. It triggered great actuarial debate: was this incongruence merely a result
of the theoretical and unworldly nature of the economic studies, or did it
signal that some key areas of actuarial thought needed fundamental revision?
This process is arguably still underway. It is one of the more interesting and
fundamental aspects of the historical development of actuarial thought in the
second half of the twentieth century. To really appreciate it, we need to under-
stand something of the ideas of financial economics and how they originally
developed, and this is the object of this part of the book.
Our historical survey of financial economics focuses mainly on the remark-
able quarter of a century of activity bookended by the seminal papers of Harry
Markowitz in 1952 and Oldrich Vasicek in 1978. This period saw the devel-
opment of a handful of interrelated big ideas in financial economics that
Fisher (1930).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 147
e conomics for how it influenced the way in which its theories would be devel-
oped as for its specific content. In particular, ModiglianiMiller pioneered
the formal use of no-arbitrage as a way of proving a financial theory. That is,
the proof was based on the demonstration that if the theory did not hold, an
arbitrage would exist such that some investors would be able to make limit-
less riskless profits at the expense of others: if it was an assumption of well-
functioning markets that such opportunities do not exist, then the theory
must hold in such a market. Virtually every notable theory of financial eco-
nomics published ever since has used a no-arbitrage argument in its formula-
tion. ModiglianiMillers version of Williamss Law was given in their famous
Proposition I:
The market value of any firm is independent of its capital structure the aver-
age cost of capital to any firm is completely independent of its capital structure
and is equal to the capitalization rate of a pure [unleveraged] equity stream of its
The sum of the pay-outs is always X and the present value of the sum of the
pay-outs is not a function of the choice of value for D. Proposition I also
said that the choice of capital structure had no impact on the firms total cost
of capital (and hence on corporate investment choices): the cost of capital
was solely a function of the riskiness of the investments that the firm made
(the asset side of the corporate balance sheet), and this was not altered
by the firms capital structure (the liability side of the corporate balance
sheet). In a similar vein to Fishers argument, ModiglianiMiller said
firms create value through the investments they make; these investments
should be discounted at market discount rates commensurate with the
risk of the investments; the firms capital structure and the individual
preferences of their capital owners were both irrelevant to these choices
and values. The behaviour of the firms cost of capital as a function of the
level of debt in the capital structure according to Proposition I can be
summarised by Fig.4.1 below.
The cost of capital is constant across the choice of capital structure, and is
therefore always equal to the cost of capital of a pure equity (unleveraged, zero
debt) firm. As debt is introduced into the capital structure, three things happen
that have a collectively offsetting impact on the firms weighted-average cost of
capital: the value of debt as a proportion of total assets increases; the expected
Fig. 4.1 Cost of capital and capital structure example (ModiglianiMiller proposi-
tion I)
150 A History of British Actuarial Thought
return on debt increases (starting from the risk-free rate); and the expected
return on equities increases (starting from the cost of capital of an unleveraged
firm). In the limit, very high debt levels make default increasingly more likely
and debt accordingly behaves more and more like (unleveraged) equity.
ModiglianiMiller did not say anything about how to value the respective
shareholder and bondholder claims, or how the expected return on equities
and debt specifically behaved. Their valuation statements were only relative:
the sum of their pay-outs was not a function of the choice of D and the firms
cost of capital was not a function of D. Absolute statements about the valu-
ation of equities and debt would require a specification for the stochastic
process driving the underlying assets of the firm (and a theory of valuation
of contingent claims that did not yet exist). ModiglianiMiller showed that
these relative properties must hold true for any stochastic process that drives
the asset values of the firm, and this had major ramifications for how manage-
ment can and cannot create value for the firms capital providers (in perfect
market conditions).
Whilst their theory could be derived from a relatively simple arbitrage argu-
ment and could be shown to ultimately be a simple expression of the additiv-
ity of present values, it still ran counter to perceived wisdomwhich was that
firms should prefer to use debt rather than equity until required bond returns
became prohibitive. ModiglianiMiller recognised that their assumption of
perfect markets was a drastic simplification, and that real-life complexities
may have an impact on optimal financial structure. Their paper prompted
decades of further academic research into how market imperfections such as
taxation,8 bankruptcy costs,9 management agency costs10 and information-
signalling11 could make capital structure relevant to firm value. But their
theory showed what did not matter: whilst expected equity returns would be
enhanced through debt financing, this only systematically increased the riski-
ness of the equity return. Raising debt merely geared up equity returns in a
way that individual shareholders could choose to do (or undo) with their own
borrowing and lending (rather like in Fishers Separation Theorem).
Modigliani and Miller published a second jointly-authored paper12 in
1961 that provided the equivalent irrelevancy theorem for corporate divi-
dend policy: in perfect capital markets, changes in dividend policy could not
Miller (1977).
Stiglitz (1972).
Jensen and Meckling (1976).
Ross (1977).
Miller and Modigliani (1961).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 151
have an effect on the overall return earned on a firms equity, all other things
being equal. Again their argument was that all value was determined on the
asset side of the corporate balance sheetwhether firms chose to finance that
investment through retained earnings or new equity issuance or other forms
of capital raising was irrelevant to the economics of the value. Again they rec-
ognised that the theory was an abstractionfor example, in real life, dividend
decisions were likely to have important informational content for shareholders
but they once again highlighted that where these decisions did matter, it
was because of market imperfections or limitations rather than the fundamen-
tal economics. Miller-Modigliani were aware that what they were saying was
beguilingly simple:
Markowitz (1952).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 153
This presumption that the law of large numbers applies to a portfolio of securi-
ties cannot be accepted. The returns from securities are too intercorrelated.
Diversification cannot eliminate all variance.16
Efficient Portfolio
E / V combinations
. .
Expected Portfolio Return
Security i Security j
Possible Portfolio
E / V combinations
Security k
Fig. 4.2 Portfolio risk and return (Based on Markowitz (1952) Fig.1))
Markowitz (1952), p.79.
154 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Efficient Portfolio
E / V combinations
(with risk-freeasset)
. .
Exp ected Portfolio Return
Security i
Risky Portfolio,P
Possible Portfolio
E / V combinations
(risky assets)
Security k
So far, the portfolio theory story has been focused on how rational investors
should behave in constructing investment portfolios. The story then moved
onto a distinct new phase: financial economists next considered what this
behaviour would imply for the pricing of risky assets. If investors followed the
behaviour described by Markowitz and Tobin, what type of risk would impact
on the price of an asset? In what way? At this time, there was no economic
theory of how risk impacted on equilibrium asset prices. A great deal of eco-
nomic theory explained how the risk-free interest rate was determined. And
there was a general recognition that risky assets should offer a risk premium.
But no one at this time (circa 1960) had an economic theory for how the risk
premium on a particular security should be determined.
Several financial economists in the USA (in particular, Sharpe, Lintner,
Mossin and Treynor) took the portfolio risk work of Markowitz and Tobin as
a platform and built, independently and simultaneously, theories of risky asset
pricing. Somewhat remarkably, they each produced more or less the same
theory at more or less the same time, and this theory became known as the
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Rubinsteins History summarises this
state of affairs:
All four economists adopted nearly the same set of assumptions (mean-variance
preferences, perfect and competitive markets, existence of a riskless security, and
homogeneous expectations) and reached nearly the same two key conclusions:
156 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Rubinstein (2006), p.172.
Sharpe (1963).
Sharpe (1963), p.292.
Sharpe (1964).
Lintner (1965).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 157
ri = rf + i ( rm rf )
Ross (1976).
Bachelier (1900). For a usefully annotated English translation and accompanying historical discussion,
see Davis and Etheridge (2006).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 159
statements for the behaviour of the underlying asset such as the probability
that it would reach a particular price over a given time period (again under the
assumption that it followed an arithmetic Brownian motion).
Bachelier had done enough to show Samuelson that his application of
continuous-time stochastic processes to derivative pricing opened up many
possibilities for further research. And the work that had been done by stochas-
tic mathematicians in the intervening fifty years to develop Bacheliers model-
ling intuitions into rigorous mathematics provided a ready-made modelling
toolbox for a new generation of financial economists.
The next notable contribution to follow Bachelier on the application of
Brownian motion as a description of the stochastic path behaviour of asset
prices took a full 59 years to appear. M.F.M.Osborne, a researcher at the US
Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC, published a paper, Brownian
Motion in the Stock Market,27 which broke new ground in several ways.
Osborne proposed that stock prices followed a geometric Brownian motion
that is, it is the natural logarithm of the asset price that is normally distrib-
uted, rather than the asset price itself. Osborne does not appear to have been
aware of Bachelier, but the use of a geometric rather than arithmetic process
was fairly intuitive: the possibility of negative prices was removed; and the
process could be viewed as a multi-period generalisation of the single-period
mean/variance description of security returns introduced by Markowitz a few
years earlier. From this point on, geometric Brownian motion would be the
standard modelling assumption for the stochastic process of an asset price.
Secondly, Osborne performed some statistical tests of how well empirical asset
price behaviour (US stock prices from various sources going as far back as
1831) conformed to the geometric Brownian motion model. Osborne tested
for this in two ways: by considering the cross-sectional dispersion of many
stock price changes on a given date; and by analysing how the variance of
stock prices increased with the length of the measurement interval (up to ten
years). Rubenstein has noted that Osborne was the first researcher to perform
this second type of test on asset price data.28 Osborne concluded that the
empirical data accorded reasonably well with the geometric Brownian motion
model (though he noted that the empirical data produced tails that were fatter
than those predicted by the model).
In 1965, Paul Samuelson, now armed with Bacheliers option pricing thesis
and Osbornes geometric Brownian motion proposal and supporting empiri-
cal stock price analysis, synthesised these ideas in a paper that examined option
Osborne (1959).
pricing under the assumption that the underlying asset follows a geometric
Brownian motion.29 Samuelson, with the assistance of the world-leading sto-
chastic processes professor Henry McKean, who was also at MIT, was able
to derive a call option pricing formula under the assumption that the option
had some constant required return and the underlying stock had a constant
expected return of (and followed a geometric Brownian motion with vola-
tility ). The theory of stochastic analysis was now sufficiently developed to
have permitted a closed-form solution to be found for the discounted present
value of the option pay-off. But, critically, Samuelson had no theory for how
to determine the option discount rate . He recognised that the call option
was a leveraged exposure to the underlying asset in the sense that a given
change in the stock price would have a bigger proportional impact on the call
price than the stock price. In the CAPM terminology, the call options beta
was bigger than that of the underlying asset. So he argued it must be the case
that was greater than . But the size of the options leverage (and hence beta)
also evidently varied with the underlying asset priceit was a stochastic pro-
cess itself. Samuelson had no strategy for allowing for that. He was close. He
had perfected the application of stochastic processes to determine the options
expected pay-off, but he had no way of transforming it into an economically
justified present value.
1973 saw the publication of two papersthe BlackScholes paper30 and a
paper by Merton31that used a crucial economic insight to determine how
Samuelsons formula could be parameterised to deliver an arbitrage-free option
pricing formula for the first time. Collectively, the publication of these papers
represented a watershed moment: the era of modern option pricing theory
starts here. Scholes and Merton were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics
in 1997, primarily for the contributions in these papers (Fisher Black died in
1995 and so could not receive the award).
The BlackScholes paper arrived a few months before Mertons. Although
the papers were written contemporaneously and cover similar ground, the
BlackScholes one is the natural starting point for the reader as it is somewhat
more direct and less elaborate (at least for the non-mathematician). Merton
is more general and more formal. The critical breakthrough in Black and
Scholess treatment of the option pricing problem came with the recogni-
tion that changes in the option value were entirely driven by changes in the
stock priceover an instantaneous period, the option and the underlying
Samuelson (1965b).
Black and Scholes (1973).
Merton (1973).
162 A History of British Actuarial Thought
asset were therefore perfectly correlated assets. This implied that a continu-
ously rebalanced portfolio of the option and the underlying asset could be
constructed that would generate a certain rate of return. That is, a portfolio
could be constructed that included one unit of the underlying asset and an
appropriate short position in the call option that provided an equal and offset-
ting exposure to movements in the underlying asset. The short position would
be determined by the rate of change of the call option value with respect to
the underlying asset. In a footnote in their paper, Black and Scholes attribute
this critical idea of the riskless dynamic portfolio to Robert Merton.
Mathematically, the portfolio would generate an instantaneous certain
return if it was of the form:
Hedge Portfolio = S C ( S ,t )
The certain return earned by the hedge portfolio must be the risk-free rate in
order to avoid arbitrageif it was greater (lower) than the risk-free rate, an
investor could borrow (invest) at the risk-free rate and create unlimited profits
by investing in (shorting) the hedge portfolio. Black and Scholes assumed the
stock price followed a geometric Brownian motion. As the call option price
is a function of the stock price, stochastic calculus (in particular, Itos lemma)
can be used to express a change in the call option price as a function of the
derivatives of its value with respect to the underlying asset and time:
C C 2 S 2 2C C
dC ( S,t ) = + S + 2
dt + s dZ ( t )
t S 2 S S
where and are the drift and variance terms of the underlying assets geo-
metric Brownian motion and dZ(t) is the underlying assets Brownian motion
or Weiner process.
From this and the assumption that the hedge portfolio must earn the risk-
free rate, together with the elementary boundary conditions of the option
pay-out at maturity, a partial differential equation can be derived which is
familiarly known as the heat-transfer equation of physics (or simply the heat
equation), and for which there was a well-established pre-existing solution.
Just like that, the arbitrage-free option pricing equation was obtained (under
various technical assumptions such as investors having the ability to continu-
ously rebalance asset positions without transaction costs). The observation that
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 163
dynamic hedging could replicate the options pay-offs (or equivalently, gener-
ate a risk-free portfolio) was pivotal and had transformed the option pricing
challenge into a strictly relative problem: it did not require a grand, unified
explicit model of how the economy priced all risky securities; instead, it took
the current value of the underlying asset as an exogenous input; that input,
together with a description of the underlying asset prices stochastic process
and the risk-free interest rate, was enough to define the arbitrage-free price
(at least for their case where the stochastic process was well-behaved and fol-
lowed a geometric Brownian motion). Moreover, not all characteristics of the
underlying assets stochastic process had to be specified in their option pricing
equation. The expected return of the underlying asset ( in Samuelsons nota-
tion) did not even feature in the BlackScholes pricing equation.
Black and Scholes were not satisfied with providing a single route to their
arbitrage-free pricing equation: they also provided a second, alternative
approach to its derivation that was based on the CAPM. The CAPM was
a single-period model. It had no direct answer to the problem of valuing a
security whose beta changed continuously and stochastically. However, Black
and Scholes showed that the CAPM could be used to determine the return
required on the option at any given instant. They did this by first showing that
the options beta can be related to the underlying assets beta by the equation:
C = S
This allowed the required return of the option to be written in terms of the
underlying asset beta, and by equating this with the expected return implied
by the Ito expansion of the change in the value of the call option as a function
of the underlying asset and time, they were again able to obtain the heat equa-
tion that they obtained in the dynamic hedging derivation (and the various
terms cancel out). In the historical context of the development of financial
economics of the previous 20 years, this CAPM approach to the option pric-
ing formula would perhaps have been the most natural to a contemporary
economist, but it was the dynamic hedging argument that proved to be most
revolutionary in its broader applicability to derivative pricing and hedging.
Black and Scholes did not use the concept of risk-neutral valuation in
either of their two derivations of the option pricing formula. They noted,
almost in passing, that the option price does not depend on the expected
return on the underlying asset (though the expected return on the option does
depend on the expected return on the underlying asset through the above beta
164 A History of British Actuarial Thought
relationship). They did not note that their option pricing formula gave the
risk-neutral expected option cashflow discounted at the risk-free rate (i.e. the
Samuelson formula with = = r ).
It was Merton who generalised and extended the BlackScholes result in
his 1973 paper, and arguably he provided a more mathematically rigorous
treatment of the derivation of the pricing formula. Merton highlighted that
the BlackScholes formula was equal to the risk-neutral cashflow expecta-
tion discounted at the risk-free rate, though this was not a central focus of
his paperthe power of the generality of risk-neutral valuation was not yet
appreciated or anticipated. Merton also generalised the BlackScholes formula
by introducing a stochastic (rather than fixed) interest rate into the model. He
showed that in this case, the dynamic hedge portfolio needed to include a
third asset alongside the underlying asset and call option: a zero-coupon risk-
free bond that matures at the option maturity date. He also extended the for-
mula to allow for the impact of dividends paid on the underlying asset during
the term of the option. As a final flourish, he even included an option pricing
formula for a down-and-out exotic call option (where the option expires if
the underlying asset falls to a specified level at any time before maturity).
With these two papers, the permanent and rigorous foundations of
arbitrage-free option pricing theory had been laid. The vast research pro-
gramme on option pricing theory that their work inspired over the following
decade would focus on a few key themes: applying option pricing theory
to the theory of capital structure; understanding the fundamental valuation
ideas that could be identified in the arbitrage-free option pricing formula (in
particular, risk-neutral valuation); fully developing the mathematical rigour
of the arbitrage-free valuation so as to apply it to a broader range of problems
(such as yield curve modelling). We discuss each of these threads of develop-
ment briefly below (yield curve modelling is discussed in greater detail in the
next section).
The financial economics academic profession around this time was almost
obsessed with option pricing. Exchange-traded option contracts were,
especially in the 1970s, relatively unimportant, niche financial instruments
(though trading volumes increased significantly in the years following Black
ScholesMerton). The academic interest in option pricing theory was primar-
ily driven by the recognition that option-type pay-offs arose in many forms
of more widely relevant contingent claims. Perhaps most importantly, the
ModiglianiMiller capital structure proposition could be viewed as a form of
put-call parity, where the equity of the firm was a call option on the value of
the firms assets, and the debt of the firm was a risk-free bond less a put option
on the value of the firms assets. For Black and Scholes, this was the ultimate
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 165
area of interest, as is reflected in the title of their paper, which refers to the
pricing of corporate liabilities. Modigliani and Miller showed that, in well-
functioning markets, the sum of the claims on the firm always added up to
the same total. But they did not say anything about how to value each of the
different claims. Option pricing theory opened up the possibility of answer-
ing this question.
The application of the BlackScholes option pricing formula to the valua-
tion of corporate liabilities was further developed by Robert Merton in a 1974
paper.32 The paper did not introduce significant new, fundamental theories.
Rather, it formally clarified the conditions required for the use of the Black
Scholes formula in the valuation of corporate liabilities, and it tabulated and
discussed the corporate bond prices, yields and spreads implied by the for-
mula for various assumptions for firm asset volatilities, and the term and level
of debt (all assuming the value of the underlying assets of the firm follows a
geometric Brownian motion). This paper has resulted in the terminology of
the Merton model being used to refer to corporate bond pricing models that
use the insight that a corporate bond is a risk-free bond less a put option on
the value of the firms assets. Such models have been widely used in modern
risk management practice in banking and credit risk modelling.
Curiously, the analogous insight for equitiesthat equities can be viewed
as a call option on the value of the firms assetshas not been so widely
used as the basis for the stochastic modelling of equity returns and the mea-
surement of equity risk. Such a modelling approach can provide a logical
economic explanation for the well-documented failings of modelling equities
directly as a geometric Brownian motion. Since the 1970s, academics and
practitioners have taken geometric Brownian motion as the starting point
for equity modelling, and have then extended it in various complex ways to
capture the fat tails and negative skew that are observable in empirical equity
return data and that are implied by equity option market prices. By starting
with the assumption that it is the value of the underlying assets of the firm
that follow the geometric Brownian motion, and then recognising that equity
is a call option on the value of the firm, similar dynamics can be produced
and arguably in a more economically coherent way. Under this approach, an
option on the equity of the firm becomes a compound optionan option
on an option. Robert Geske, a financial economics professor at UCLA, devel-
oped this logic and obtained the valuation formula for the compound option
when the underlying firm asset value follows geometric Brownian motion in a
Merton (1974).
166 A History of British Actuarial Thought
paper published in 1979.33 In his paper he argues that this approach to valu-
ing equity options is a better theory that produces better empirical results:
The fact that we use a hedging argument to derive [the option pricing equation]
and the fact that P(S, t) [the price of the option] exists uniquely means that
given S and t the value of the option, P, does not depend directly on the struc-
ture of investors preferences. Investors preferences and demand conditions in
general enter the valuation problem only in so far as they determine the equilib-
rium parameter values. No matter what preferences are, as long as they deter-
mine the same relevant parameter values, they will also value the option
identically . A convenient choice of preferences for many problems (although
one can envision problems where another preference structure might be more
suitable) is risk neutrality. In such a world equilibrium requires that the expected
returns on both stock and option must equal the risk free rate.36
Geske (1979).
Geske (1979), p.76.
Cox and Ross (1976).
Cox and Ross (1976), p.153.
Samuelson and Merton (1969). There are also other competing claims for the earliest derivation of risk-
neutral valuation, but the Samuelson and Merton work was most closely related to the option valuation
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 167
Merton (1990), p.335.
Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979).
168 A History of British Actuarial Thought
pricing would therefore no longer hold. Given the empirical tendency of mar-
kets to suffer short-term jumps in price that are difficult to reconcile with
a continuous form of stochastic process for the price, this has and should
prompt caution in applying the model in real-life applications (including
actuarial ones).
As with any model, it is crucially important that the model user under-
stands its assumptions and limitations. These limitations have generally been
well-understood by market practitioners, arguably since the 1970s and par-
ticularly since the equity market crash of 1987. Market option prices are not
fully explained by the BlackScholes modelas is evidenced by the smile in
BlackScholes implied volatilities that has long been observed. Nonetheless,
these implied volatilities are also the currency in which traders quote option
pricessuch is the ubiquity of the BlackScholes model. The academic devel-
opments in option pricing theory of the 1970s have had a most profound
impact on the practices of structuring, pricing and hedging complex financial
market securities; and also in the theoretical valuation of forms of non-linear
contingent claim that can occur in an immensely wide array of economics
and businessfrom executive compensation to the valuation of oil fields. As
we shall see later, eventually it played an important role in British actuarial
thought and practice, particularly in the life sector.
Fisher (1896).
170 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Vasicek (1977).
172 A History of British Actuarial Thought
( t ,T ) r ( t )
q (t ) =
( t ,T )
where (t,T) is the instantaneous drift rate at time t of the price of a bond
maturing at time T; r(t) is the short rate at time t, and (t,T) is the instanta-
neous volatility at time t of the price of a bond maturing at time T.In Vasiceks
framework, no-arbitrage implied that q(t), the market price of risk at time t,
did not vary as a function of the bond term T.
In this setting, the risk premium component could be positive or negative,
and it could vary in size over time, but at any given instant, it could only
take one sign across all points on the yield curve and it varied across the yield
curve in this prescribed linear way. If a bond had a risk premium different to
that implied by the market price of risk and the bonds volatility, it would be
possible to generate arbitrage profits by constructing a riskless portfolio that
generated returns in excess of the short rate.
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 173
This restriction on the term structure of the risk premium had sig-
nificant implications for the economic theories of the term structure. The
Expectations Hypothesis (market price of risk is zero) and the Liquidity
Premium Hypothesis (market price of risk is always positive) could both be
accommodated by Vasiceks no-arbitrage relationship, but it placed significant
limits on the broader Preferred Habitat Hypothesis. In essence, Vasicek had
shown that investors ability to reconstruct bond maturities through dynamic
portfolios of bonds of other maturities meant that there was a limit to the
way in which maturity preferences could impact on the relative differences
in arbitrage-free bond prices. For example, in Vasiceks model, if the ten-year
bond offered a negative risk premium and the 20-year bond offered a positive
risk premium, investors could perfectly replicate the ten-year bond pay-off
through a dynamic combination of the 20-year bond and cash that would
cost less than the ten-year bond price.
To complete his analysis of this general arbitrage-free bond pricing frame-
work, Vasicek then noted that the bond pricing equation that he derived
through the dynamic hedging process was equal to the bond price implied
by the expected short rate when the market price of risk is assumed to be
zero (though this was not a central object of his analysis, it was essentially an
incidental by-product of his real-world modelling presentation). In the same
way that BlackScholesMerton showed that the risk-neutral stock process
determined the value of any option on the stock, Vasicek had shown that the
risk-neutral short rate process determined the arbitrage-free price of risk-free
bonds of all terms.
Having established the above framework and its general properties, Vasicek
then proceeded to illustrate it with the use of a simple example: he assumed
that the short rate followed a mean-reverting process with a normally dis-
tributed volatility process (sometimes referred to as an Orstein-Uhlenbeck
dr = ( r ( t ) ) dt + dZ ( t )
He also assumed the market price of risk was some constant q (i.e. it did not
vary over time). These model dynamics were never meant to be taken as a rec-
ommendation of a realistic description of interest rates, but rather to provide a
simple and tractable illustration of Vasiceks pricing framework. Nonetheless,
this short rate model is universally referred to as the Vasicek model. With
this modelling specification, the arbitrage-free bond pricing equation could
be solved to provide an analytical formula for the bond price as a function of
174 A History of British Actuarial Thought
term. And the expected return and volatility of every risk-free bond were well-
defined functions of the parameters of the short rate process and the market
price of risk (as well as the bonds term).
Vasiceks demonstration that the BlackScholesMerton idea of arbitrage-
free pricing by dynamic replication could be used to price the risk-free term
structure was the permanent foundation for a new branch of quantitative
finance. A vast amount of yield curve modelling research followed in the next
two decades that further developed Vasiceks big idea. One of the most signifi-
cant developments to arise in the years following the Vasicek paper came from
a pair of papers published by Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (CIR) in 1985.46 These
papers were far less accessible than Vasiceks paper. Vasiceks paper had been
very focused in its ambitions: he showed that, under certain assumptions, a
given stochastic process for the short rate together with a market price of risk
could determine the arbitrage-free pricing of risk-free bonds of all terms. Cox,
Ingersoll and Ross broadened the setting. Rather than specifying a framework
where the stochastic process for the short rate is specified exogenously, they
developed a broader stochastic model of the wider economy (production pos-
sibilities, wealth, individuals utility) and all the assets that traded in it, and
then derived the short rate stochastic process that was implied by the specified
economy system.
Before specifically considering interest rate behaviour, their first paper
derived the by now ubiquitous risk-neutral valuation property for their eco-
nomic system. It is interesting to note that Vasicek did not focus the presen-
tation of his bond pricing mathematics in a risk-neutral setting. He used a
real-world probability measure, and showed that the bond pricing equation
could use these real-world probabilities together with the market price of risk
assumption to obtain the bond price (and this could be presented as a risk-
neutral valuation where the market price of risk transforms the real-world
probability measure into a risk-neutral one). After Vasicek, the biggest appli-
cation of the arbitrage-free yield curve modelling that he pioneered was
increasingly in interest rate derivatives pricing and hedging rather than in
macroeconomic descriptions of how interest rate uncertainty impacted on
yield curve behaviour. These applications were most efficiently addressed
by working in risk-neutral probability measures, and the use of real-world
probabilities increasingly disappeared from the yield curve modelling litera-
ture. Cox, Ingersoll and Rosss grand economic framework seamlessly moved
between real-world probabilities and risk-neutral probabilities.
The CIR paper, A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates, broke
new ground beyond Vasicek in a number of important ways. Like Vasicek, they
derived the arbitrage-free bond pricing equation via a stated stochastic process
for the short rate. Their short rate model (below) assumed that the volatility of
the short rate moved in proportion to the square root of the short rate:
dr = ( r ( t ) ) dt + r ( t ) dZ ( t )
This was a slightly more sophisticated and realistic model of interest rate
behaviour than that used by Vasicek. Most notably, it precluded the possibil-
ity of negative interest rates (this has traditionally been seen as a desirable
feature of interest rate models, though that view has been subject to some
revision in the 2010s!). Like Vasicek, they derived an analytical solution for
the risk-free bond pricing equation implied by the short rate process. Cox,
Ingersoll and Ross also went a step further and considered how the same valu-
ation framework could be used to value bond derivatives and, as an illustra-
tive example, derived the arbitrage-free pricing equation for a call option on
a risk-free bond. This was an early illustration of the potential applicability
of stochastic yield curve models to pricing and hedging interest rate deriva-
tives. A huge expansion in the types and volumes of such securities occurred
in the final two decades of the twentieth century. This was facilitated by the
advanced mathematics of these models and motivated further advancements
in the theory and its implementation.
Finally, Cox, Ingersoll and Ross also highlighted the limitations of the
single-factor models that had been exclusively considered by Vasicek and
themselves up to this point. The single-factor model structure had severe
limitationsmost obviously, it implied that the entire term structure was
perfectly correlated. From a derivatives pricing perspective, it would prove
difficult to recover the market prices of derivatives that depended on both
bond price volatilities and correlations with such models. From a risk man-
agement perspective, these models implied that a ten-year liability could be
perfectly hedged by dynamically rebalancing long and short positions in a
three-year and two-year risk-free bonds. These limitations had been recog-
nised by Brennan and Schwartz in the immediate aftermath of the Vasicek
paper, and they published a specific two-factor arbitrage-free interest rate
model in 1979.47 Cox, Ingersoll and Ross developed a more general multi-
factor modelling setting within the arbitrage-free pricing framework first
Brennan and Schwartz (1979a).
176 A History of British Actuarial Thought
pioneered by Vasicek. You may recall that the perfect correlation of risk-free
bond returns was an important step in Vasiceks bond pricing derivation. Cox,
Ingersoll and Ross showed that Vasiceks dynamic replication argument could
still work in this multi-factor, decorrelated yield curve worldmore factors
just meant more risk-free bond holdings of different maturities were required
to construct the dynamically riskless portfolio.
These three themes beyond Vasicek that Cox, Ingersoll and Ross devel-
opedmore realistic volatility behaviour for the short rate; the application
of the model to interest rate derivative pricing; and multi-factor short rate
modellingwere themes that were further developed by academics and prac-
titioners over the following few years. Hull and White,48 Black, Derman and
Toy49 and BlackKarasinski50 were important contributions that pursued
these themes in an extremely active research programme that was at least
partly motivated by the huge growth in the trading of interest rate derivatives
in securities markets.
A notable departure from these threads of development arose in a paper by
Heath, Jarrow and Morton (HJM) published in 1992.51 The HJM approach
reconsidered how to describe the stochastic evolution of the yield curve. As
we have seen, short rate models explicitly specified a stochastic process for
the short-term interest rate, and then deduced the arbitrage-free pricing of
all risk-free bonds from that process. So one explicit equation (the short rate
process) determined the behaviour of every point on the yield curve. This
was very parsimonious, but it also restricted modelling flexibility and meant
that there were limited degrees of freedom to fit to calibration targets such as
volatilities of different points of the yield curve (or to simultaneously fit to the
prices of many different types of interest rate derivatives).
Instead of only explicitly specifying a stochastic process for the short rate,
HJM suggested explicitly specifying a stochastic process for every point on
the yield curve. This general framework provided almost unlimited freedom
in specifying the volatility and correlation structure of the different points on
the yield curve. This flexibility was very powerful in the context of interest
rate derivative pricing (which was the intended purpose of their framework).
HJM then found the no-arbitrage conditions that specified the risk-neutral
drifts that must be generated by each forward rate of the yield curve in order
to avoid arbitrage.
Hull and White (1990).
Black, Derman and Toy (1990).
Black and Karasinski (1991).
Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1992).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 177
Their paper was closely related to the quantitative work of the Harrison
option pricing papers discussed above. HJM showed that their interest rate
framework could be embedded as the interest rate modelling piece of the
broader mathematical economic framework of Harrison and Pliska. They
were therefore able to make use of the equivalent martingale measure con-
cept of Harrison and Pliska to determine the drift processes for any forward
rate on the yield curve. Where Vasiceks yield curve modelling was inspired by
BlackScholes, the modelling framework developed by HJM was inspired by
Harrison and Pliska: with this paper, yield curve modelling had fully caught
up with and become an integral part of option pricing theory.
Market Efficiency
Our discussion of the emergence of key ideas in financial economics has
focused mainly on the development of economic theories. That is, a range of
theoretical results have been discussed (for example, the Capital Asset Pricing
Model) that have been developed deductively from a set of starting axioms
(investor risk aversion and non-satiation, and so forth). In all cases, these
results were subject to various forms of empirical testing, and such testing
has consistently formed a substantial part of financial economics research
output. But this final section is somewhat different in that it is related to a
stream of work that is intrinsically empirical: it is focused first and foremost
on how well real-life financial markets worknot in theory, but in practice.
In particular, this stream of financial economics considers the informational
efficiency of financial markets prices. Pricing efficiency in this context refers
to how well market prices reflect relevant information and how quickly prices
react to new information. Its empirical nature and its implications for the
possible lack of usefulness of large swathes of financial services practitioners
have made it one of the most contentious areas of financial economics. This
was true many decades ago and it remains true today, particularly as later
research has painted a more complex and nuanced picture of real-life market
behaviour than that implied by market efficiencys major research results of
the 1960s and early 1970s.
We noted some detailed empirical studies of stock price behaviour in the dis-
cussion of option pricing theoryin particular, Osbornes 1959 research that
provided an empirical basis for the use of geometric Brownian motion as a rea-
sonable model of stock price behaviour. There are also some earlier examples of
empirical research that date back to the first half of the twentieth century. But
improvements in the collation of security price data and growing computing
power stimulated a new wave of empirical analysis of security prices in the 1950s.
178 A History of British Actuarial Thought
At first sight, the implications are disturbing it seems that the change in price
from one week to the next is practically independent of the change from that
week to the week after. This alone is enough to show that it is impossible to
predict the price from week to week from the series itself The series looks like
a wandering one, almost as if once a week the Demon of Chance drew a ran-
dom number from a symmetrical population of fixed dispersion and added it to
the current price to determine the next weeks price.53
David and Etheridge (2006), p.28.
Fama (1965).
180 A History of British Actuarial Thought
ideas further. This paper, Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and
Empirical Work,60 is one of the most famous and influential financial eco-
nomics papers ever published. As its name suggests, it was a review of the
by-then abundant empirical analysis of stock market behaviour that had accu-
mulated over the previous 15 years. But it was more than a review. Fama took
those various threads of analysis and wove them into a clear body of evidence
in support of the notion of efficient markets, which he defined as where secu-
rity prices at any time fully reflect all available information.61
The theory of market efficiency was concerned with how prices responded
to information. In Famas crystallisation of efficient markets, he proposed
three levels of market efficiency that corresponded to three different informa-
tion sets: weak-form efficiency, where efficiency meant prices fully reflected all
information in historical price movements; semi-strong efficiency, where effi-
ciency meant prices fully reflected all publically available information (a semi-
strong-form efficient market therefore must also be weak-form efficient as
historical prices were public information); and strong-form efficiency, where
efficiency meant prices fully reflected all information, both public and private
(so a strongform efficient market was also semi-strong and weak-form effi-
cient). His paper reviewed the empirical evidence that had been published in
relation to each form of informational efficiency.
The evidence for weak-form efficiency was naturally found in the statistical
testing of historical price data. These tests took two broad forms: testing for
statistical independence of returns through time (mainly by serial correlation
testing such as that done by Kendall and Fama); and testing the profitability
of mechanical trading rules (the idea being that any excess profitability of
such rules would not be consistent with efficient markets). Famas 1965 paper
included some analysis of these mechanical trading tests, and he published
a paper in 1966 with Marshall Blume with further testing of such rules.62
Famas review of the evidence relating to weak-form efficiency allowed him to
conclude that the results are strongly in support.63
The empirical evidence for semi-strong market efficiency was largely based
on analyses of how market stock prices reacted to major public announce-
ments of relevant information such as earnings statements and stock splits.
The basic idea was that if the market was efficient the price impact of these
announcements would be immediate, and subsequent expected returns would
Fama (1970).
Fama (1970), p.383.
Fama and Blume (1966).
Fama (1970), p.414.
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 181
Cowles (1933).
Fama (1970), p.416.
Jensen (1978).
182 A History of British Actuarial Thought
complex strategies)? This left some ambiguity in the conclusions which helped
to shape the future direction of financial economics research.
Jensens special edition helped to create an environment within the finan-
cial economics profession where challenge to the accepted wisdom of perfectly
functioning financial markets was an accepted part of academic orthodoxy. It
ushered in a new era of empirical research in financial economics where the
identification of potentially irrational market behaviour was suddenly highly
in vogue.
In 1981, Robert J.Shiller published a provocative paper where he argued that the
volatility of stock market returns was much, much higher than could be explained
by changes in rational expectations for levels of future dividend pay-outs.67 Using a
dividend discount model for equity market valuation, he showed how, under some
assumptions about the stochastic properties of the dividend pay-out process, a rela-
tionship between the year-on-year volatility of dividend pay-outs and year-on-year
volatility of equity price changes could be established. Shillers long-term empirical
analysis of dividend pay-outs and stock market volatility in the USA implied that
market volatility was five to thirteen times too high to be attributed to new informa-
tion about future real dividends.68 In deriving this analysis, the dividend discount
model he used assumed a constant real required return. He inverted the analysis
and considered how volatile the real discount rate would need to be to generate the
observed level of market volatility. He found it would need to have an annual stan-
dard deviation of 47 %, which he dismissed as economically unfeasible.
Shillers work generated considerable academic controversy and prompted a
notable response from Robert Merton, one of the financial economics profes-
sions established leaders of the period. In a paper with Terry Marsh published
in 1986,69 the authors argued that Shillers conclusions were highly d ependent
on his assumed form of stochastic process for dividends. Marsh and Mertons
key point was that firms managers liked to smooth dividend pay-outs as
much as possible. But, as was shown by Modigliani and Miller decades ear-
lier, the rational or intrinsic value of the firm should be determined by the
performance of the firms underlying assets, and not by its dividend policy. If
investors understood that managers preferred to smooth dividends over time,
then they would be more sensitive to changes in dividend pay-outs (if the firm
still had to reduce dividends even though management prefer to pay stable
dividends, this signalled things must be pretty bad). Their general point was
that inferring rational levels of return volatility from observed dividend policy
Shiller (1981).
Shiller (1981), p.434.
Marsh and Merton (1986).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 183
was very difficult because dividend policy did not necessarily have a direct
relationship with the true value of the firm. To prove this, they showed that
the opposite statistical conclusion could be reached from Shillers data when
they specified an alternative form of stochastic process for dividend pay-outs
(which they argued fitted better to empirical dividend pay-out behaviour).
Despite Mertons protestations, the genie was out of the bottle. Other lead-
ing financial economists followed Shillers lead and produced further analysis
to support the argument that volatility in stock market returns was inexpli-
cably high. Richard Roll, in his presidential address to the American Finance
Association in 1987,70 presented an empirical analysis that argued that, even
with the benefit of hindsight, 60 % of US equity stock market daily price
volatility was inexplicable (in the sense that the price variation in a firms
stock could not be explained by observable new information relating to the
firm, its industry or general economic and market impacts). This was not the
order of magnitude of excess volatility that Shiller had reported, but it was
perhaps all the more plausible for that. Rolls address opened the door to pos-
sible behavioural explanations: Several authors have suggested that volatility
of asset prices can be better explained by psychological factors, fads, etc., than
by information. The results above are actually consistent with such a view.71
If Shiller and/or Roll were right that short-term equity volatility was inex-
plicably higher than could be justified by changes in fundamentals, what did
that imply about long-term equity behaviour? If extra volatility was continu-
ously feeding into stock returns without any form of self-correction, equity
prices would become infinitely dislocated from underlying economic reality.
Eugene Fama, the economist more associated with efficient markets than any
other, worked with another Chicago economist, Kenneth French, to provide
some further insights into the empirical behaviour of longer-term equity
returns. Fama and French published two significant papers on this subject
in 1988.72 The first paper, Permanent and Temporary Components of Stock
Prices, identified statistically significant mean-reversion (negative serial cor-
relation) in historical (19261985) US stock market returns over three- to
five-year horizons. Previous tests of serial correlation in stock market returns
such as Kendalls had used equity data series of a more limited size (Kendall
used a total equity data horizon of ten years). Fama and Frenchs more com-
prehensive data analysis suggested there was a noteworthy cumulative effect
which was highly significant over longer holding periods.
Roll (1988).
Roll (1988), p.565.
Fama and French (1988a); Fama and French (1988b).
184 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Seen alongside the work of Shiller, Ross and others, Fama and Frenchs
research suggested that short-term equity market volatility was excessively high,
and that some of this excess or temporary volatility was removed over time
by a form of correction mechanism in equity market prices (which manifested
itself statistically as a material mean-reverting component in the price process).
Their second paper of 1988, Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns,
took this analysis further: if mean-reversion was an important element of long-
term equity market behaviour, was it possible to observe at any given point in
time whether this mean-reverting component of returns was above or below its
mean level? Fama and French suggested this was possible and indeed trivially
easy: dividend yields appeared to be meaningful predictors of long-term equity
performance. High dividend yields predicted strong returns over the following
two to five years, low dividend yields predicted the opposite.
From a market efficiency perspective, this was a profound challenge to even
the weak-form of the efficient market hypothesis. But there were some caveats.
First, whilst long-term expected returns did vary with the starting level of the
dividend yield, it was unclear whether this was mispricing resulting from fads,
bubbles or some other form of irrational behaviour, or whether this reflected
rational changes in required returns due to time-variation in the riskiness of
equities or in investor risk appetite. Furthermore, an inevitable consequence
of analysing longer-term empirical behaviour is that there is a smaller sample
size to observe. As the leading twenty-first-century financial economist John
Cochrane has pointed out, when dealing with such long-term trends, we may
really only have a few observable data points:
What we really know is that low [stock] prices relative to dividends and earnings
in the 1950s preceded the boom market of the early 1960s; that the high p rice/
dividend ratios of the mid-1960s preceded the poor returns of the 1970s; that
the low price ratios of the mid-1970s preceded the current boom.73
Cochrane (2005).
4 A Brief History ofFinancial Economics forActuaries 185
Whilst it took until the 1980s for the notion of mean-reversion and time
diversification to gain academic credence, it has arguably been part of inves-
tor intuition for as long as equity markets have existed. As custodians of long-
term liabilities, mean-reversion in long-term returns doubtless played a role
in first attracting life offices and their actuaries to equities as an asset class in
the 1930s. For example, in a letter to F.C.Scott, the managing director of the
Provincial Insurance Company, in June 1938, John Maynard Keynes wrote:
A valuation at the bottom of the slump tends to bring out an unduly unfavour-
able result as against an investment policy which on the whole avoids equities;
since it allows nothing for the nest egg in hand arising out of the fact that such
a valuation is assuming in effect that one has purchased a large volume of equi-
ties at bottom prices Investment policy which is successful in averaging through
time will produce the same good results as insurance policy which is successful in
averaging through place [emphasis added].74
Time diversification can only arise if a component of the price change pro-
cess is temporary. As we shall see in Chap. 5, this idea was embedded in
how actuaries modelled and measured equity risk in the context of long-term
liability business in the late twentieth century. This was clearly inconsistent
with the financial economics of the 1960s and 1970s. It was not as inconsis-
tent with the financial economics of the 1980s and beyond as actuaries have
sometimes been led to believe.
Keynes (1983), p.67.
Life Offices After theSecond World War:
TheUnderwriting andManagement
ofFinancial Market Risk (19522004)
The history of actuarial thought in the British life assurance sector over the
second half of the twentieth century is tumultuous. This was increasingly the
case as the century wore on, reaching something approaching a crisis by the
centurys end, from which the profession started to reorientate itself in the
early 2000s. The root causes of the late twentieth-century challenges initially
emerged earlier in the century and have already been briefly noted. The most
important of these was the increasing trend, started in the 1920s and 1930s,
of abandoning the strictly risk-averse investment disciplines of nineteenth
century Bailey in order to pursue greater investment in equities and other
risky asset types.
This apparent increase in risk appetite could be viewed in the context of a
broader long-term trend in with-profits policy design towards it being unam-
biguously configured as a long-term savings vehicle as opposed to a more
balanced mix of savings and life assurance protection. As a long-term savings
product provider, with-profits funds were exposed to increasing competition
from other sectors of the financial services industry such as banks and asset
managers. The stress of competition doubtless placed commercial pressures
on actuaries, whose role was to determine the charging, reserving require-
ments and bonus policies of life products.
From an intellectual perspective, the radical developments in relevant
related disciplines that occurred over the second half of the century created
opportunities and threats for the actuarial profession. Financial econom-
ics, the application of advanced quantitative techniques to finance and new
modelling possibilities created by advances in computing technology each
Redington noted that for some British with-profit funds the e quity/property
allocation was 100 %.3 In the decades following the Second World War,
British with-profits business had transformed into something different, and
the actuarial thought of British life actuaries had to catch up.
There were a couple of key (and related) questions that required actuarial
answers. How did substantial equity/property investment impact on life office
solvency assessment? And how should with-profit bonuses be distributed in
the presence of significant equity/property investment? Most actuarial energy
was initially invested in the second of these questions. In the 20 years follow-
ing the end of the Second World War, equity markets performed remarkably
well (especially in nominal terms). This was driven by both a high rate of
dividend growth and a fall in equity market dividend yields. Between 1950
and 1960, dividend pay-outs more than doubled and market values increased
by a greater amount. Long-term interest rates steadily increased during this
era (from a low of 2.6 % in 1946 to 6.8 % by 1966). Life office solvency was
therefore generally not felt to be a major concern. Conversely, there was a
pressing need to deal with the embarrassment of riches that with-profit funds
had found themselves holding. This was made particularly pertinent by the
increasing competition from other forms of savings vehicle such as unit trusts.
The crux of the bonus distribution challenge was that the reversionary
bonus system did not recognise any equity/property capital gains until they
were crystallised in asset book values, and the writing-up of book values prior
to the sale of the asset was generally viewed as actuarially distasteful. In the
competitive environment, this was a fundamental issue. The only way equity
returns naturally fed into the assessment of distributable surplus was through
the dividends received. By 1960, the reverse yield gap had emerged: equities
generated a lower (initial) income than risk-free bonds. Distributable surplus
would therefore be reduced by increasing equity allocations, even following
a period when the equity holdings had materially outperformed bonds in
terms of market value growth. Moreover, during this time, market practice
was such that actuaries were under significant pressure not to reduce bonus
rates other than in the most exceptional circumstances. This further incentiv-
ised the actuary against releasing unsustainable rates of equity market value
increase into distributable surplus. As a result, with-profit pay-outs started to
significantly lag comparable unit trust pay-outs, and life office estates increas-
ingly bulged with undistributed and unrecognised equity market value gains.
This situation was unsustainablethe with-profit bonus system was
not fit for the purpose of distributing surplus from equity-dominated asset
a llocations. By the mid to late 1950s, British life actuaries started to recognise
that a more flexible bonus system would be necessary in order to distribute
equity capital gains equitably amongst the policyholders whose premiums
had generated them. It was crucial that this was done in a way that did not
create the expectation that such distributions could be predictably delivered
every year. This required two new devices: a special or terminal bonus that was
distinct from the reversionary bonus and that did not have the same policy-
holder expectations for stability attached to it; and an acceptable method for
writing up book values of equity/property assets to market values in order to
transfer some gains into distributable surplus. It is difficult to overstate how
counter to traditional British actuarial principles these developments were.
But several papers were published between 1959 and 1976 that progressively
established the new orthodoxy.
An Institute paper presented to Staple Inn in 1959 by the Equity and Law
actuary Norman Benz was an important early landmark in establishing these
radical ideas in mainstream actuarial thought.4 Those ideas were given further
support in another Institute paper written by P.E. Moody in 1964.5 These
papers reflected the growing recognition that intergenerational policyholder
equity and competition in the long-term savings market both demanded that
policyholders receive the capital gains generated by their investments. This
naturally led to an increasing embrace of the contribution principle of bonus
distribution that had been well-established in the USA for so many decades.
For example, in an influential 1968 paper,6 Skerman argued that the dis-
tributed profits should be allocated between policyholders in relation to the
contribution which their policies have made to them.
However, in the 1950s and 1960s (and beyond), there was still a prevalent
view amongst British actuaries that with-profit funds should deliver something
more stable than what was directly generated by the market returns of their
invested premiums. Both Moody and Benz advocated a smoothed distribution
of equity gains to policyholders. The concept of using the with-profit funds
estate to deliver a smoothed equity return to policyholders would remain
a permanent central tenet of British actuarial thought. The 1976 report of
the Institute of Actuaries Working Party on Bonus Distribution with High
Equity Backing stated that the general view of the working party was that
conventional with-profits business should smooth out the fl uctuations in
Benz (1960).
Moody (1964).
Skelman (1968).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 191
investment return and that the estate should be used to level out fluctua-
tions in experience.7
Benz and Moody explored how to smooth the distribution of equity capital
gains to with-profit policyholders. In both papers there was a particular wari-
ness about distributing equity capital gains that arose through falls in yields
rather than through growth in dividend pay-out levels. Both Benz and Moody
advocated the idea of using an actuarial estimate of the future dividend growth
rate to determine a steady writing up of asset book values and hence release
to distributable surplus, irrespective of how the market yield was behaving. In
his paper, Skerman agreed that market value changes arising due to changes
in equity dividend yields should not enter into distributable surplus. In the
Staple Inn discussion of Skermans paper, A.C.Stalker advocated the use of
the historical average dividend yield to determine equity book value write-ups.
Whilst such approaches could be substantially dislocated from market value
movements, the implications of the Fama and French empirical equity studies
that would emerge some 25 years later arguably offer some degree of intellec-
tual support for these ideas. But such an approach was not without practical
difficulty: did with-profit funds have the capital to underwrite larger distribu-
tions than those implied by market value gains when equity market yields were
unusually high? Did policyholders understand that they may not get a mate-
rial portion of their equity capital gain when markets performed very well?
Whilst Benz and Moody advocated a quantitative method for developing a
smoothed distribution of the equity capital gains, Skerman did not welcome
such a mechanical approach to valuing assets. Instead, he argued that the
release of equity gains into distributable surplus should simply be a matter of
actuarial judgement as part of the actuarys role in the proper steering8 of the
with-profit fund. Such an approach placed a huge amount of discretion in the
hands of the actuary, even by British actuarial standards. In such a system, an
actuarial discipline that balanced policyholder security against intergenera-
tional equity and prudence against competitive marketing pressures would be
critical to the long-term success of with-profits as a popular and sustainable
long-term savings vehicle.
Life office practices evolved concurrently. Leading British with-profit funds
started to use terminal bonus as an additional degree of freedom to deliver
more equitable pay-outs to with-profit policyholders in the late 1950s. The
Prudential, with Frank Redington as its chief actuary, was a leader in this
innovation, introducing terminal bonuses in 1956. The terminal bonus was
Haynes and Kirtons 1952 paper had similarly advocated Recknells form
of asset-liability matching: fixed liabilities (sums assured, including accrued
reversionary bonuses) should be matched by bonds, and the excess funds
could be invested in equities and property. A more ambitious discussion of
the equity asset allocation in a with-profit fund was developed in 1957in an
influential Institute paper written by J.L. Anderson and J.D. Binns,11 who
were, respectively, the actuary and investment secretary of Scottish Widows at
the time. Anderson and Binns suggested that with-profit funds should invest
more in equities than the maximum level implied by the above principle that
guaranteed benefits were matched by bonds:
Kennedy etal. (1976).
G.H.Recknell, in Discussion, Raynes (1937), p.505.
Anderson and Binns (1957).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 193
Anderson and Binns (1957), p.125.
S.H.Cooper in Discussion, Anderson and Binns (1957), p.143.
Dodds (1979), p.50.
194 A History of British Actuarial Thought
What seems important at the time of writing is the greater freedom of invest-
ment which the life offices have felt both necessary and desirable, in the current
economic climate, for the purpose of giving their policyholders some share of
profits from the expansion of industry and some protection against the possible
effects of further inflation, should it recur.15
By the 1960s, British life actuaries had learned to feel quite sanguine about
the financial market risk exposures that their businesses were underwriting in
ever-increasing scale. This contrasted with the technical sophistication that
was developing in the pricing and management of financial market risk out-
side the actuarial world. An interesting next 40 years would ensue for the
The author drew attention to the over-riding need to ensure security for policy-
holders they had to find a way of arriving at a reasonable degree of security,
to which absolute priority should be given He imagined that theoretically
they could approach the problem from the point of view of the Theory of Risk
and estimate a probability of ruin. But even supposing that a reasonably accu-
rate numerical figure could be obtained, he doubted whether it was helpful in
practice to consider whether a probability of, say, 1in 1,000 or 1in 10,000
should be aimed at; he was choosing figures more or less at random, as he had
little idea of the order of magnitude which was relevant.16
Pegler in Discussion, Skelman (1968), p.94.
P.Smith in Discussion, Corby (1977), p.274.
196 A History of British Actuarial Thought
its content would never be published.18 The paper was never published by the
Institute. It was only formally presented and published five years later in 1976
at the twentieth International Actuarial Congress in Tokyo.
What was it about Benjamins work that provoked such a convulsive reac-
tion within the actuarial profession? In stark terms, the British actuarial pro-
fession had not been trained or educated to think about risk. Or, to put it
more kindly, they had been trained to assume that an insurance office could
diversify away risk. This worked well, up to a point, for mortality and other
insurance risks. But it did not work for financial market risk, which was inher-
ently non-diversifiableall policyholders had guarantees on the performance
of funds that would behave similarly. There was an elegant equivalence in the
retrospective and prospective reserves produced by charging for expected costs
and accumulating net premiums. But this was of no use when a contingency
reserve was required for a non-diversifiable risk that could not be fully funded
by the premiums received (at least not without a highly sophisticated dynamic
investment strategy which was far from the actuarial minds of the time). With
non-diversifiable risk, an adequate prudential reserve may be an order of mag-
nitude greater than the value of the premiums accumulated from charging
for the risk. Benjamins paper put the actuarial profession face-to-face with
the realities of non-diversifiable risk, taking it into uncharted waters. It was a
seminal moment in the history of the British profession. With the benefit of
hindsight, it marked the start of a 30-year struggle to modernise its thinking
on the measurement and management of financial market risk.
In the framework of Benjamins paper, the required maturity guarantee
reserve was calculated as the discounted present value of the maturity guar-
antee shortfall (i.e. the shortfall in the final underlying fund value relative to
the guaranteed maturity proceeds) assessed at a specified percentile level (the
accepted probability of ruin). This calculation required two key inputs: an
assumption for the acceptable probability of ruin; and a probabilistic model
of the behaviour of the underlying equity funds that would allow the prob-
ability distribution of the guarantee shortfall to be assessed. This reserve could
be funded by the discounted present value of the premiums that would be
charged for providing the guarantees. If the reserving requirement exceeded
this present value, this excess would have to be funded using the offices capital.
Benjamin developed his probabilistic equity model by considering the his-
tory of annual UK equity returns for the 51 years from 1919 to 1970. He con-
ducted various statistical tests on the time series and concluded that there was
not statistically significant evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the annual
returns were independent. Given this result, he argued that a probability distri-
bution for the n-year equity index could be generated by randomly sampling
(with replacement) n points from the 51 historical annual return data points.
He then suggested that the probability of ruin be set at 2 %, and estimated
the reserve required by generating 50 simulation paths and using the one that
produced the largest reserve.
This was all undoubtedly methodologically quick and dirty, but it captured
the essence of the problem and it produced insightful results. Benjamins cal-
culations implied that the mean ten-year guarantee shortfall for annual pre-
mium business paying a premium of one and with a maturity guarantee of ten
was 0.11 (i.e. 1.1 % of the guarantee), and that the second percentile was 4.5
(i.e. 45 % of the guarantee). Discounting at a risk-free yield of 2.5 % implied a
starting reserve of 39 % of the maturity guarantee would be required. Some of
this reserve could be funded by accumulating the premiums charged for grant-
ing the guarantee, but, at typical charging rates, this still implied that the office
would need to fund an additional reserve of over 30 % of the maturity guaran-
tee. Benjamin himself wrote that this reserve was unexpectedly high and sug-
gested that it meant the contract is probably not a commercial proposition.19
There was something of the spirit of Bachelier in Benjamins research, at
least during this stage in his career. He had a talent for taking ideas such as
game theory or risk theory and envisioning how they could be newly applied
to actuarial problems. But his work needed further development and refine-
ment to be rigorously implemented and made accessible to the wider profes-
sion. A couple of papers quickly followed the Tokyo Congress that provided
this development: a substantial paper by W.F.Scott20 and a shorter note by
David Wilkie21 that were both published in 1977.
Scott followed Benjamins general probabilistic risk-based framework but
his implementation of the reserving assessment differed in some key ways.
Most significantly, Scotts analysis of historical equity returns led him to
reject the assumption that annual equity market returns were independent
over time. Scott used the same data as BenjaminUK equity market returns
from 1919 to 1970 as calculated from the de Zoete equity indexbut Scott
identified statistically significant serial correlation of 0.30 at a two-year lag.
Benjamin never explicitly tested serial correlation in his analysis of the inde-
pendence of historical returns but instead used runs tests and a few other
forms of statistical test of independence. Scott tested lags of one to four years,
Benjamin (1976a), p.25.
Scott (1977).
Wilkie (1977).
198 A History of British Actuarial Thought
and whilst the serial correlation was negative for each of two, three and four
years, it was only the two-year lag correlation that was statistically significant
from zero. Nonetheless, Scott concluded this was sufficient evidence to reject
the independence hypothesis. This analysis is noteworthy for its early docu-
mentation of evidence of statistically significant negative serial correlation in
long-term empirical equity market returns. It anticipated Fama and Frenchs
work by more than a decade (and there is nothing to suggest Fama and French
were aware of this work). Scotts explanation of this negative serial correlation
also anticipated, at least in a heuristic way, Shiller and Rolls excess short-term
volatility arguments. Scott argued that the extraordinary UK equity market
volatility of 1973 to 1976 (during which time dividend yields moved from
3 % to 12 % to 5 %) could only be explained by concluding the market
panicked and then corrected itself 22 (though he was not the first actuary or
market participant to suggest financial markets could behave in such a way).
The stochastic modelling skills of the profession at this time were still
embryonic, and Scott had a preference for a simple model that would not
require Monte Carlo simulation methods in its implementation. So, rather
than developing a stochastic model of equities with negative serial correlation
in returns, he instead used a standard random walk model but with an annual
volatility that was lowered to reflect the long-term volatility that would arise
in the presence of the assumed negative serial correlation. Specifically, he used
an annual equity return volatility assumption of 10 % rather than the 19 %
that he found in the annual historical returns data. He did not provide any
statistical basis for the substantial size of this adjustment.
Scotts rejection of the independence of equity returns through time and
the consequent assumption that long-term returns would therefore be materi-
ally less volatile naturally resulted in significantly reduced reserving require-
ments for long-term maturity guarantees. Scotts modelling implied that the
ten-year annual premium return-of-premium maturity guarantee required
an initial reserve of 15 % of the guarantee rather than the 30 %-or-greater
estimate produced by Benjamin. And that was with a 0.5 % probability of
ruin instead of Benjamins less ambitious 2 % assumption.
Scotts paper was primarily focused on reserving, but he also considered how
to set the premium that should be charged for provision of the guarantee. He
argued the guarantee premium should be based on the expected guarantee
shortfall discounted at the risk-free yield, appealing to the equivalence prin-
ciple. This implied very low premiums for the guaranteefor example, the
expected cost of the ten-year guarantee was estimated at 0.5 % of the guarantee
(a Black-Scholes put option price would have implied 45 %). He also dis-
cussed how the reserving requirement could be mitigated and considered several
approaches. None of them, however, recognised that the guarantee was a put
option and that a body of theoretical work and trading practice had recently
been developed on how to price and hedge such options.
Wilkies paper further refined Scotts analysis. Again, the most significant
development was in the assumptions underlying the stochastic modelling of
the equity market return. Wilkie confidently grasped the nettle that Scott
had avoided: he developed an explicitly auto-regressive equity model that was
fitted to the serial correlations observed in the historical returns and that was
implemented using simulation. This modelling suggested Scotts downward
adjustment of annualised volatility from 19 % to 10 % was too great. Wilkie
also updated the historical dataset to include returns up to 1977, thereby
including the exceptional volatility period of 19731976. These resulted in
reserving estimates that were closer to Benjamins than Scotts.
Wilkie also criticised Scotts argument that the premium charged for the
guarantee should be calculated on the basis of expected cost, arguing that
shareholders would require a return on the capital that they needed to use to
support the business (Benjamins paper had made a similar argument). Wilkie
suggested that shareholders would require a return of 2 % in excess of the risk-
free rate on their capital on the grounds that the riskiness of their exposure
was comparable to reasonable quality corporate bonds. He argued this cost
should be added to the expected guarantee shortfall. Whilst such an approach
was more sophisticated than Scotts, it was still far from utilising the available
economic insights on option pricing that were published a few years earlier by
Black, Scholes and Merton.
Benjamin, Scott and Wilkie differed in their recommended modelling
assumptions, but they all shared a substantial common ground that was a radi-
cal departure from traditional actuarial thought: maturity guarantees on unit-
linked business ought to require a contingency reserve that should be assessed
by specifying a probability of ruin, , and then using a stochastic model of
the underlying unit funds to determine how much reserve is required to fund
guarantee shortfalls with probability (1-).
This rapid actuarial research output of 1976 and 1977 had one curious
institutional feature: none of it was published by the Institute of Actuaries.
The papers of Scott and Wilkie were both Faculty papers, whilst, as we
have seen, Benjamin had been published under the auspices of the twenti-
eth International Actuarial Congress. The Institute had not touched matu-
rity guarantees since the Benjamin Staple Inn debacle of 1971. This was to
be addressed by an Institute working party led by F.B.Corby, but it never
200 A History of British Actuarial Thought
1 k n
(1 + r )
1 + k t =1
where r is the assumed long-term expected equity return and k is some mea-
sure of the extent to which the equity market can diverge from this trend.
This naturally led to the question of how to set the parameter values for k
and r. Corby did not have a clear answer for that. He tabulated results for a
range of values for k (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) and r (5 %, 7.5 %, 10 %) and noted that
values of k=0.4 and r=7.5 % produced results similar to Benjamins. So his
approach was simpler and more transparent, especially to actuaries who did
not have a familiarity with stochastic modelling, but it was somewhat arbi-
trary and Corbys only means of implementing it was to select parameters that
were consistent with the stochastic modelling analysis developed elsewhere.
His approach still demanded that a choice of stochastic model and calibra-
tion be made, even though he believed that it was not possible to make such
a choice in a way that would be satisfactory or acceptable.
Corby (1977), p.261.
Corby (1977).
Corby (1977), p.262.
Corby (1977), p.264.
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 201
The Corby paper was also the institutes first explicit engagement with
financial economics developments in option pricing theory. Corby noted the
existence not of the original Black-Scholes-Merton papers, but of a number
of papers that had been written more recently by academics at the University
of British Columbia on the application of option pricing theory specifically
to unit-linked maturity guarantees.27 These papers by Brennan, Schwartz and
the actuary Phelim Boyle are notable as the earliest work on applying option
pricing theory to the pricing of the financial guarantees found in life assur-
ance policies. They directly applied risk-neutral valuation to the guarantees
and showed that they could be hedged using portfolios with dynamically
rebalanced holdings of risk-free bonds and underlying units. Corby relegated
discussion of these concepts to an appendix and delegated the writing of the
discussion to another actuary, P.J.Nowell.
Nowell dismissed the option pricing work as a theoretical irrelevance, con-
cluding: Here practice and theory are irreconcilable the investment pro-
cedure [dynamic hedging] is a perfectly reasonable theoretical concept but
as a practical proposition it is one which contains risks greater than the risk
which it is designed to eliminate.28 Corby and Nowell threw the baby out
with the bath water. There was no analytical basis for their assertion that real-
life dynamic hedging would result in an overall increase in the life offices risk
position. And the fundamental economic insight of the guarantee replica-
tion argument and its implications for pricing appeared to be lost on them.
However, it is interesting to note that a couple of speakers at the Staple Inn
discussion of the paper raised the prospect of immunising the office from
guarantee losses by holding a negative exposure to the underlying units in the
contingency reserve.29 These actuaries did not refer to option pricing theory
or dynamic hedging. To them, delta hedging was an intuitive extension of
Redingtons immunisation theory.
Whilst Corby and Nowells discussion of option pricing theory and dynamic
hedging was rather perfunctory and dismissive, the topic and its application
to unit-linked maturity guarantees received further attention from the profes-
sion in the following years. In particular, T.P.Collins published an Institute
paper in 1982 which discussed in detail the concept of investing the guarantee
premiums in a dynamic hedging strategy.30 Collinss analysis was intelligent
and open-minded. He provided a thorough examination of the challenges of
Brennan and Schwartz (1976b), Boyle and Schwartz (1977). Also see Brennan and Schwartz (1979b; 2).
Corby (1977), p.273.
Fagan, p.282, and Seymour, p.285, in Discussion, Corby (1977).
Collins (1982).
202 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Collins (1982), p.280.
Collins (1982), p.281.
Ford etal. (1980).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 203
Ford etal. (1980), p.112.
204 A History of British Actuarial Thought
can afford to do little more than provide policies under which the customer
takes nearly all the risks.35
This story reflects the stresses that arose when life offices underwrote, in a
very transparent way, significant volumes of non-diversifiable financial mar-
ket risk rather than (largely) diversifiable mortality risk. As we have seen, this
trend towards taking more market risk had been underway for the previous
50 years. But up until the unit-linked maturity guarantee product, this risk-
taking had been cloaked in the complexities of with-profits business. The
simplicity of the unit-linked maturity guarantee made this risk-taking highly
transparent, and it caught the profession unprepared.
Nonetheless, over the ten years following Benjamins stormy evening at
Staple Innthe sessional meeting that never wasthe profession made
real progress, not least because of the precocious young Scots actuary David
Wilkie. The profession had accepted the principle that life offices should hold
contingency reserves beyond the retrospective accumulation of premiums
to support financial market risk exposures. They had adopted a stochastic
modelling approach that could be used to provide reasonable estimates of
the required reserves. The working party and Collins had produced intel-
ligent and unprejudiced appraisals of the merits of dynamic hedging. Whilst
they had significant reservations, they had indicated a desire to constructively
engage with the new ideas of financial economics and option pricing theory
to further actuarial thought and practices. Significant and permanent devel-
opments in actuarial thought on the management of financial risk had been
Wilkie (1986a).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 205
Wilkie (1995).
Wilkie (1986; 2).
206 A History of British Actuarial Thought
These questions generated very little discussion in the 1980s actuarial papers
and sessional meetings. They did, however, attract greater attention (and
discomfort) amongst actuaries in the 1990s, particularly from those in the
vanguard of modernising actuarial thought through the firmer embrace of
financial economic principles. Arguably, this is perhaps ironic as Fama and
Frenchs 1988 dividend yield and expected return empirical analysis that
emerged between the first publication of the Wilkie model and the profes-
sions eventual interest in financial economics could provide some intellectual
support from financial economics for Wilkies approach.
Risk and return anomalies also existed in the relative behaviour of other asset
classesin particular, between equities and property. Wilkie had a fairly limited
volume of available property data (28 years from 1967 to 1994) and it implied
average property returns significantly in excess of the average return generated
by the equity calibration, yet with a very similar risk profile. Such a feature
might possibly be rationally explained by illiquidity premiums or related trans-
action costs, but it was never Wilkies objective to try to provide an economic
explanation for market behaviour: he simply calibrated to what he found.
The other notable historical feature of the Wilkie model was its approach
to modelling the yield curve. In his original 1984/1986 paper, Wilkie only
attempted to model a single yield (the consol yield), so the issue of how to
consistently model all points on the yield curve never arose. But Wilkie chose
a model structure for the consol yield that was quite convoluted. The yield
was a function of its value in the previous three years (and hence was non-
Markovian). It was unnecessarily complicatedWilkie himself noted in his
original paper that a first-order autoregressive process could produce very sim-
ilar results and in the 1995 update of the model he implemented this change.
Writing later, Wilkie acknowledged that the original consol yield model may
have been an example of over-parameterisation.39
Wilkie never really grasped the nettle of producing a full stochastic yield
curve model. In his 1995 paper, he developed a short-term interest rate model
to go alongside the consol yield, but he left it to the user to decide how to join
the two dots. He referenced polynomial functions in the 1995 paper, and in
a later paper of 2003 he suggested a specific polynomial functional form to
interpolate between the two yields.40 He did not consider arbitrage constraints
or advocate the use of the arbitrage-free yield curve models that had been
developed since Vasiceks 1977 paper. (Interestingly, Brennan and Schwartz
derived the arbitrage-free yield curve pricing function for a t wo-factor model
where the first factor is the short rate and the second factor is the consol yield
in 198241). Indeed, Wilkie seemed uninterested in Vasiceks arbitrage-free
logic and its insights for constraints on the term premiums generated across
the yield curve. He was fairly dismissive of the entire stochastic yield curve
modelling stream of financial economic research, writing in 1995:
Many alternative yield curve models have been proposed in the academic litera-
ture Unfortunately, to my mind, they are usually based on an assumption
about how yield curves ought to behave rather than being based on how they
actually do behave.42
Brennan and Schwartz (1982).
Wilkie (1995), p.874.
208 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Boyle (1978).
Geoghegan etal. (1992).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 209
under with-profit policies. With-profits business and its guarantees had some
undoubtedly significant differences with unit-linked business and its maturity
guarantees. In the context of the risks and costs to the life office of providing
guarantees, linked and with-profit business had two differences of the utmost
importance. First, the office had significant control over the investment strat-
egy of the with-profit fund. If assets performed poorly, they could, in theory,
be switched into bonds that matched the guarantees before the surplus funds
were exhausted; second, in with-profits, the cost of the guarantees could be
borne by other generations of policyholders (rather than the office or estate)
through reductions in their future bonuses. If one generation of policyholders
did not have accumulated asset values sufficient to meet the minimum guar-
antee attaching to their policy, this could be funded by reducing the bonuses
that would be distributed to other policyholders. These broad powers of actu-
arial discretion provided risk management levers that could, in principle, sub-
stantially mitigate the financial market risks to the office that were created by
with-profit guarantees.
Actuaries, and indeed the UK life office regulator, were therefore significantly
more sanguine in the 1980s about with-profit guarantees than those found in
their unit-linked cousins. There was no body of opinion advocating the exten-
sion of the stochastic modelling and probability of ruin approach developed
for unit-linked maturity guarantee reservingthe considerable expertise that
Duncan Ferguson referred tointo the domain of with-profit reserving. This
was partly because it would be viewed as unnecessary as the office did not have
the same degree of risk exposure, and partly because it would be much harder
to model the complexities of with-profit business and actually demonstrate
that these risk management levers could be adequately operated by life office
actuaries to manage the guarantee risks. This scepticism around the benefits of
using stochastic modelling in the actuarial management of with-profit business
is well-reflected by Frank Redingtons comments in 1976:
Some British life offices did develop and internally use stochastic model
offices in the 1980s and 1990s, but the application of stochastic models
and probability of ruin approaches to British with-profit statutory reserving
Redington in Discussion, Kennedy etal. (1976), p.48.
210 A History of British Actuarial Thought
was deferred for over 20 years until the beginning of the twenty-first cen-
tury. What about the use of option pricing theory in charging and reserv-
ing for with-profit guarantees? We saw above that the (unit-linked) Maturity
Guarantees Working Party did not actively make use of option pricing theory
in its work on the pricing, reserving and risk management of unit-linked
guarantees. However, in the following years the British profession, and in par-
ticular David Wilkie, started to explore the potential applicability of option
pricing in actuarial work. In 1987, Wilkie published a notable paper on the
use of option pricing in the analysis of with-profit guarantees and bonuses
with his Institute paper, An Option Pricing Approach to Bonus Policy.46
Wilkie showed that with-profit style pay-outs could be replicated by a
mixture of investments in unit-linked funds and put option contracts. The
recognition that with-profit guarantees could be considered as a form of put
option was not remarkable and, as we saw above, this was first considered by
Phelim Boyle some ten years earlier. Wilkie broke new ground, however, by
considering how different reversionary bonus strategies could impact on the
option costs associated with the guarantees. Wilkie also tentatively suggested
that the cost of the options that correspond to the reversionary bonus strategy
could be used as a reference point for a deduction from with-profit terminal
bonuses as a form of charge for the provision of the guarantee (when the fund
performance is good enough for a terminal bonus to be paid).
Wilkies approach resulted in relatively high estimates of the guarantee
cost as it did not allow for the cost-mitigating with-profit features of office-
controlled investment strategy or inter-generational cross-subsidy. A 20-year
single-premium contracts guarantee cost inclusive of reversionary bonuses
was estimated to require a deduction from the final proceeds of the policy of,
on average, around 15 % to 25 % across a range of stochastic scenarios.47 It
was, however, the natural first step in applying option pricing ideas to with-
profit guarantee charging and Wilkie, now established as the British actuarial
technical thought-leader of his generation, was the natural actuary to lead the
way. The paper also helped to more generally introduce option pricing ideas
to the actuarial profession. Collinss excellent work back in 1982 was never
presented at a Staple Inn sessional meeting, and before the presentation of
Wilkies paper in June 1987, option pricing theory had never been discussed
at an Institute sessional meeting. In opening the discussion of Wilkies paper,
J.M.Maud started with the telling statement:
Wilkie (1987).
Until a few months ago I was almost entirely ignorant about option pricing
theory. Having been introduced to the subject, I was astonished that a theory
with so many obvious uses in actuarial work is so little known to many of us.48
J.M.Maud in Discussion, Wilkie (1987), p.78.
212 A History of British Actuarial Thought
It rejected the key recommendations of the Scott working party and recom-
mended that the net premium method be retained for conventional with-
profits. However, part of their reasoning for this recommendation was not
that the Scott working partys findings were necessarily flawed, but rather
that conventional with-profits business was now being written in such low
volumes that a major change in its valuation method was hard to justify. As
Frankland put it at the Institute discussion:
At the start of this century prophetic actuaries spoke of the 20th century being
that in which a replacement would finally be found for the net premium valua-
tion method. Todays prophets appear to accept that, within a decade, the
replacement of the net premium valuation method for conventional with-profits
business will cease to be a matter of materiality in the valuation of a with-profits
life office.51
Like the Scott working party, the Wright working party recognised that
solvency and PRE must be taken into account in reserving for unitised with-
profits business. But unlike Scott, the Wright working party advocated achiev-
ing this through a single reserving figure which would be somewhat akin to the
greater of the two calculations suggested by Scott. The first would be a bonus
reserve test which would be the present value of guaranteed maturity values.
Like in the with-profit regulations of the time, this present value would be cal-
culated in a resilience scenario that featured a prescribed series of stresses to
assumptions. This scenario was not explicitly assessed using stochastic models
and probabilities of ruin as per the unit-linked maturity guarantee reserving
practices, but its intention was fundamentally similar (the effect was not so
severe because the tests were weaker than the tails produced by the stochas-
tic equity modelling of the Maturity Guarantees Working Party and because
asset allocations were less risky for with-profit business). The important point
that the Wright working party advanced was that it was not sufficient for this
reserve to be based only on the current level of the guaranteesome explicit
allowance must be made for future reversionary bonuses that would be con-
sistent with PRE.The allowance should be consistent with the reversionary
bonuses that would be paid in the circumstances assumed in the statutory
valuation basis (including those used in the resilience test). Like the Scott
working party, the Wright working party argued that no allowance should
be made for terminal bonus in this leg of the calculation (this was a principle
Frankland, in Discussion, Wright etal. (1998), p.1036.
214 A History of British Actuarial Thought
that was much cherished by British life offices and its actuaries and that was
only permitted in EU legislation after a great deal of political horse-trading).
The second leg of the reserving calculation was the surrender value of the
policy that was consistent with PRE.This would generally be closely related
to the asset share of the policy (i.e. the accumulated value of the premiums
at experienced investment return, net of charges and expenses). A require-
ment for the reserve for a with-profit policy to have a floor that was equal to
or close to asset share implied that the policy could not provide substantial
capital support to the business, even when the level of guarantee was very low.
PRE implied that terminal bonuses had to be reserved for after alleven if it
was only the terminal bonus that had accrued within current surrender val-
ues. The Institute discussion of these proposals was very mixed. To some, the
principle of reserving for terminal bonus was anathema, and they argued that
PRE did not mean a guarantee of a surrender value that was closely related to
the policys asset share. To others, the proposals were merely a codification of
then-prevailing best practices. But whether they liked it or not, some 40 years
after the first terminal bonuses were paid on British with-profit policies, it
appeared inevitable that regulatory pressure on the explicit treatment of PRE
would result in their inclusion in statutory solvency assessment.
During this episode of statutory reserving navel-gazing and prevarication,
there was very little research published by the profession on the application
of option pricing concepts to reserving or charging for with-profit guarantees.
That changed, however, in the late 1990s. Over the period between 1997
and 2004 several important papers were published on this topic. By the mid-
1990s, the professions internal debates on if and how to use financial eco-
nomic ideas had become increasingly strained and adversarial. This perhaps
reflected a more general malaise that was impacting on the profession and
its traditional areas of focus. Actuaries were facing an unprecedented degree
of scrutiny from others in the financial, regulatory and even legal sectors.
Financial economics was increasingly being viewed by some actuaries as a
threat to their core doctrines rather than as a tool they could utilise. Criticism
emerged, especially in the pensions field (discussed below in Chap. 6), that
suggested some actuarial struggles were arising from their economic illiteracy.
Some actuarial traditionalists now rejected financial economic thinking, not
on the grounds that it was a nice theory with no practical utility (Corby and
Nowells position), or because it needed to be considered more thoroughly
in order to make use of it (Collins and Wilkies position), but because it was
simply wrong and ought to be wholly rejected.
This latter view was the position of Robert Clarkson, who made his argu-
ments in a Journal paper, An Actuarial Theory of Option Pricing, published
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 215
in 1997.52 This paper must surely rank highly on the list of the most eccentric
papers ever published by an actuarial journal. Clarkson took the reader on
a journey that pondered the ideas of many great thinkers such as Einstein,
Keynes, Bernoulli, Newton, Adam Smith, Mandelbrot, Halley, Hayek and
himself before concluding that we have to abandon this [Black-Scholes]
methodology completely53 and it seems unscientific in the extreme not
to conclude that a completely new paradigm of option pricing is urgently
required.54 This rejection was based on the argument that its formal math-
ematical derivation is completely detached from reality.55
He rejected the most basic and general insights of well-established option
pricing theory. He argued that it was commonsense that a call (put) option
price must increase (decrease) with the expected return on the underlying
asset.56 This whimsical rejection of the risk-neutral valuation concept would
have been plausibly breathtaking to other financial professionals. Clarkson
proposed a new approach to option pricing. But it was fundamentally the
same one that had been advocated for unit-linked maturity guarantee pric-
ing back in the 1970s by Benjamin and Wilkie: calculate the guarantee price
as the real-world expected cashflow, discounted at a rate consistent with a
static asset mix, and add a loading for the cost of the capital that would be
required to support the risk associated with the (unhedged) option. Clarkson
also argued that financial markets exhibit systematic over-reaction and that
the expected cashflows and capital should therefore be calculated on the basis
of a mean-reverting stochastic process, which again was consistent with the
Maturity Guarantees Working Party. Beyond the hyperbole, his proposed
grand new idea was not new at all. If anything, it was an anachronism. It
failed to produce prices consistent with put-call paritythe most basic (and
model-independent) fundamental property of put and call option pricing.
Clarkson did have many sensible practical observations to make, and his gen-
eral critique of the limitations of economic theory to practical financial prac-
tice was not without some basis, but his overall position was so extreme and
out-of-touch with the modern financial sector that it was an embarrassing
reflection on the British actuarial profession that it provided a platform for
such views in the late 1990s.
Clarkson (1997).
Clarkson (1997), p.333.
Clarkson (1997), p.335.
Clarkson (1997), p.367.
Clarkson (1997), p.335.
216 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The Faculty discussion of the paper highlighted that by this point in time
an impressive generation of younger British actuaries such as Kemp, Cairns,
Exley, Smith, Mehta, Macdonald, Speed and Bowie had emerged who had
independently developed expertise in financial economics and who worried
that the British actuarial profession was dangerously behind other financial
professionals in their positive utilisation of these ideas. Bowie gave a particu-
larly impassioned speech where he argued that it is nothing short of mis-
placed arrogance to repudiate a perfectly respectable and successful science
on the basis of a criticism [use of abstract or unrealistic models] to which our
own profession is also subject.57 This ultimately bode well for the catching-
up that the profession would go on to undertake in the 2000s.
In the late 1990s with-profit funds were experiencing a period of difficult
publicity that required life offices and the actuarial profession to be clearer
about how the product worked and, in particular, which policyholders were
paying for what. Improving the transparency around guarantee costs and how
they were charged for was increasingly another important factoralong with
PRE and financial reporting requirementsdriving change in actuarial meth-
ods in with-profits. As an appointed actuary commented at an Institute ses-
sional meeting in April 2000:
A flurry of papers was produced between 1999 and 2004 that significantly
enhanced the actuarial professions thinking on the application of option
pricing ideas to the assessment of the costs and risks associated with with-
profit guarantees. These papers provided new insights into potential trans-
parent guarantee charging and risk management approaches for with-profits.
The first of these papers, A Market-Based Approach to Pricing With-Profit
Guarantees,59 was published in 1999 by the Faculty of Actuaries Bonus and
Valuation Research Group. The group was led by David Hare, who would go
on to become President of the Institute and Faculty in 2013. The paper can
be viewed as a natural, if somewhat belated, development of Wilkies 1987
Bowie, in Discussion, Clarkson (1997), p.385.
Saunders in Discussion, Hare etal. (2000), p.722.
Hare etal. (2000).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 217
ith-profits and options paper and the 1980 Maturity Guarantees Working
Party paper. The British actuarial professions 1990s issues with quantitative
techniques and financial economics were referred to by Hare in his intro-
duction of the paper at the Faculty sessional meeting: Mention of the word
stochastic can cause some actuarial eyes to glaze over, and the inclusion of
equations like the Black-Scholes pricing formula can prove major deterrents
to a wide readership of a paper.60
The Hare paper applied the Maturity Guarantees Working Partys approach
to reserving for guaranteesa probability-of-ruin approach using a 1 % prob-
ability and a stochastic equity model with mean-reverting propertiesto
determine the reserves required for with-profit guarantees at various durations
and with various levels of equity backing ratio (which were assumed to be
static). Unsurprisingly given the similarity in methodology, these results were
consistent with the Maturity Guarantees Working Party results. The paper
also considered a guarantee charging approach that had two components: the
expected (real-world) guarantee shortfall plus a loading for the cost associated
with the capital that would need to be held to maintain a 1 % probability
of ruin. As discussed above, this was consistent with the 1970s thinking of
Benjamin and Wilkie, and also with the more recent writings of Clarkson.
The paper then went on to also consider a market-based approach to pric-
ing the guarantee. That is, put options (and their market prices) were used to
match the guarantees (for a given equity asset allocation). They introduced
an interesting wrinkle to the use of optionsthey argued that in order to
compare with the capital-based approach, the strategy should not pay out
on guarantee shortfalls beyond the 1 % probability of ruin level, and so the
strategy involved a put spread where the office sold a put option with a strike
at the equity index value at the 1 % probability of ruin level. They concluded
that the two approaches to pricing the guarantees produced broadly compa-
rable results (though this would naturally be a function of subjective param-
eter choices for the expected-shortfall-plus-cost-of-capital-loading approach).
Like in the Wilkie 1987 paper, these with-profit guarantee costs were gen-
erally higher than was intuitive to with-profit actuaries because it made no
allowance for the cost-mitigation levers that were available to the with-profit
actuary (such as reducing the funds equity asset allocation level when surplus
assets were eroded).
At the start of the 2000s, significant changes in global insurance financial
reporting and UK insurance regulation were afoot. In 1997, the International
Accounting Standards Board started work on developing a new accounting
Hare in Discussion, Hare etal. (2000), p.197.
218 A History of British Actuarial Thought
standard for insurance. In the following years its intention became clear: the
principle driving the Standard would be that a balance sheet-driven approach
should be used for insurance firms financial reporting; profit should be mea-
sured as the change in the value of assets and liabilities; and those valuations
should be done at fair value (which, for deep and liquid markets, meant mar-
ket value). The Faculty and Institute Life Board established a working party
in 1999 to consider what a fair value approach to asset and liability valua-
tion might offer for the development of an improved approach to reporting
for prudential supervisory purposes.61 The terms of reference of the working
party provided the motivation:
This would be the third actuarial working party in ten years to make an
attempt at improving actuarial methods for life office statutory reserving. It
would be easy to suspect it was a task that was beyond the profession. But this
time was rather different: now the profession merely had to follow the lead
given to it from outside. Historically, financial reporting was based on adjust-
ments to the actuarys statutory solvency valuations (the modified statutory
basis). Now the roles would be reversed. Financial reporting standards would
lead the specification of the profit reporting requirements, and the job at hand
for the actuarial profession was to consider how these developments could help
the profession make their necessary improvements in statutory valuations.
This Fair Value Working Party, chaired by C.J.Hairs, presented its find-
ings at Institute and Faculty meetings in November 2001 and their paper was
published in the British Actuarial Journal in 2002.62 Its findings were fairly
revolutionary in comparison to the progress of the Scott and Wright work-
ing parties. This working party supported the fair value approach to financial
reporting. More fundamentally, it concluded that prudential solvency assess-
ment should also be based on the fair value approach. They advocated a risk-
based capital system for with-profits that made explicit use of probabilistic
models and a defined probability of ruin; the ruin event could be defined not
simply as failing to fund all liability cashflows as they fell due, but as fair value
insolvency over some specified time horizon that should be related to the time
taken to close out risk positions. They recognised that with-profit liabilities
Financial Services Authority (2002), Financial Services Authority (2003).
Financial Services Authority (2003), p.11.
Financial Services Authority (2003), p.11.
220 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Hibbert and Turnbull (2003), Dullaway and Needleman (2004), Sheldon and Smith (2004).
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 221
The introduction of the realistic balance sheet is, in part, a response to the difficul-
ties that un-hedged guarantees have caused the life industry in recent years. Reliance
on long-term solvency tests runs the risk that we overlook more imminent prob-
lems, compounded by the use of over-optimistic assumptions and models used to
determine capital needs. While there has been some criticism of the transfer of
banking techniques to life assurance, the rate of deterioration in life offices finances
over the last three years demands a greater focus on the short term.69
One of Hibbert and Turnbulls points of emphasis was that the market-
consistent valuation methodology could also be used to identify the hedg-
ing required in the estate to mitigate the risks left behind after the available
(PRE-compliant) management actions had been implemented. Simulation
modelling together with a codification of the with-profit funds actuarial
management levers could allow the costs and risks of with-profit guarantees
to be analysed like any other derivative contract, albeit a complex one.
The Hibbert and Turnbull case study results suggested that the economic
cost of guarantees could be as much as halved by allowing for the life offices
ability to dynamically manage investment policy and bonus policy under
assumptions that were typical of the time. Dullaway and Needlemans 2004
paper provided additional illustrative results of the impact on liability valu-
ation of dynamic rules for the discretionary management features of with-
profits business, again highlighting that these effects were material and could
be captured by a simulation model.
The paper by Sheldon and Smith further discussed the technical challenges
of market-consistent valuation of life businessparticularly for the calibra-
tion of market-consistent asset models (choice of risk-free asset, extrapolation
of implied volatilities, and so on). It highlighted the important point that
market-consistent valuation of very long-term, complex liabilities could never
be completely objective, even if that was the desire of the regulator. The paper
also showed how some formulations of dynamic management actions could
be captured in closed-form guarantee pricing formulae, thereby avoiding the
need for the brute-force method of Monte Carlo simulation.
Collectively, these three papers provided a technical grounding for the
actuarial implementation of market-consistent valuation of long-term life
assurance liabilities. Such techniques could be used in solvency reserving,
guarantee pricing and hedging of the market risk created by the guarantees.
The FSAs 2004 timetable was successfully met. The use of market-consistent
valuation as a basis for life assurance reserving went on to be adopted more
widelyfor example, in the European Unions Solvency II system. The expe-
rience demonstrated that whilst the British actuarial profession had arguably
lost its ability to be a master of its own destiny, it was capable of technical
excellence in implementation when it was told what needed to be done.
story contains a number of the threads that have already been identified in
our above discussions of post-war British life offices: long-term financial guar-
antees provided under the stress of competition with little initial actuarial
consideration for charging and reserving requirements; a lack of actuarial
interest in modern thinking on economic risk measurement and hedging; an
over-reliance on the assumption that the unique features of with-profits could
mitigate whatever economic risk was created by guarantees; ultimately, in the
face of actuarial prevarication, the intervention of external parties (regulators,
and, in this case, the courts) to compel a resolution.
Forms of guaranteed annuity option were written by British life offices
from the end of the Second World War, and, to a lesser degree, earlier. Long-
term interest rates rose almost continuously between 1950 and 1973 (consol
yields increased from 4 % to 17 % over this period) (Fig. 5.1). GAOs were
valuable to the policyholder in low interest rate environments and they there-
fore did not create any financial stress for life offices over the third quarter of
the twentieth century. From the outset, however, there was some awareness
amongst actuarial thought-leaders that such long-term guarantees were inher-
ently risky for the life office. A particularly notable critic was Dick Gwilt, who
was President of the Faculty of Actuaries from 1952 to 1954 and the principal
executive of Scottish Widows from 1946 to 1960. Speaking at a faculty meet-
ing in 1948, Gwilt voiced his concerns:
Long-term Government Bond Yield (%)
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Some of the guarantees given by offices at the present time [1948] appear to me
to be based on somewhat optimistic assumptions about the level of interest rates
many years hence. I cannot see any justification for giving options on a basis
which may involve offices in serious loss if interest rates are low but do not give
a chance of profit if interest rates are high for, in that event, the policyholders
take the cash and secure the benefit of the high rates. I feel we ought to keep this
matter prominently before us.71
A few years later at the 1952 Faculty meeting where Haynes and Kirtons
interest rate risk management paper was presented, Gwilt again voiced his
concerns about these long-term options:
I think there is no doubt that many actuaries pay lip-service to the dangers of
options, but, unfortunately the stress of competition leads them to grant terms
which in the long run may prove to be a serious embarrassment and source of
loss. I would go so far as to predict that the time will come when offices will
bitterly regret some of the options which have been so light-heartedly granted in
recent years [1952].72
Gwilt was not the only actuary with such worries about these product fea-
tures at this time. In the Staple Inn discussion of Redingtons seminal immun-
isation paper, Haynes commented:
Reserves ought to be set up immediately to meet the chance that the options
might become onerous and that the actuarys assessment of current surplus
should be reduced in some cases very extensively reduced by reason of the
options having been granted to my mind, the fundamental answer was to
restrict the granting of options to an absolute minimum.73
These comments are particularly striking in the context of the life offices
experience of guaranteed annuity options in the 1990s and 2000s, particu-
larly as such options were written up until the mid-1980s and no reserves were
held for them until the 1990s. But they also reflect a more general phenom-
enon that would recur in post-war British life actuarial experience: actuaries
were struggling to keep up with the sales and product development functions
of life offices. Whether it was guaranteed annuity options on with-profit poli-
cies, or maturity guarantees on unit-linked savings products, or perhaps even
Gwilt in Discussion, MacLean (1948), p.318.
Gwilt in Discussion, Haynes and Kirton (1952), p.213.
Haynes, in Discussion, Redington (1952), p.331.
5 Life Offices After theSecond World War... 225
This observation, however, did not influence the business practices of British
life officesGAOs were considered sufficiently worthless to the policyholder
to be given without charge, yet also to be a product feature that was powerful
in driving sales. Guaranteed annuity rates varied, but typically GAOs written
in the 1970s and early 1980s provided a guaranteed annuity rate of around
11 % for a level annuity on a male aged 65. The a(55) m ortality table typi-
cally in use in 1970s life offices implied a break-even long-term interest rate of
67 % for the GAO.Consol yields in 1975 were around 15 % and hence the
options were deeply out-the-money. However, long-term interest rates had
been below 6 % in the early 1960s so there was little reason for the possibility
of rates again falling to these levels over a 25-year horizon to be considered
completely outlandish.
Two unrelated phenomena emerged over the 1980s and 1990s that trans-
formed GAOS from a deep out-the-money guarantee into a highly material
liability. The heady rises in long-term interest rates of the third quarter of the
twentieth century were reversed over the final quarter. Long rates fell inexo-
rably from the early 1980s through to the end of the century (and beyond):
the UK long-term interest rate fell from 13 % in 1981 to below 5 % by 1999.
Secondly, the mortality assumptions of the a(55) table, which was designed
for immediate annuitants in 1955, proved wholly inadequate for pricing
annuities at the time these contracts matured. Pensioner longevity improved
Haynes and Kirton (1952), p.185.
226 A History of British Actuarial Thought
at an exceptional rate over the period from the 1960s to 1990s. For example,
the one-year mortality rate for a 65-year-old male in the Permanent Male
Assurances (PMA) 92 mortality table was less than half of that in the PMA
68 table. This was largely unanticipated by British actuaries. It had a material
impact on GAO liabilitiesthe break-even interest rate of a 11 % guaranteed
annuity rate increased from 67 % to 89 % when a(55) was replaced with a
typical 1990s longevity basis.
What actions were taken by life offices and their actuaries as the double-
whammy of lower long-term interest rates and lower pensioner mortality rates
emerged? Most offices stopped writing GAOs on new business during the late
1980s. By this time long-term government bond yields had fallen below 10 %
and the prevailing market annuity rate approached the guaranteed annuity rate.
Ceasing to write new GAO business could not, however, entirely stop the offices
from accepting further GAO liabilities on to their books: the terms of the exist-
ing business applied the guarantees to future regular premiums and sometimes
to one-off additional single premiums that the policyholder could choose to pay.
By 1993, the combination of further falls in long-term interest rates (by
then below 8 %) and lighter pensioner longevity assumptions brought sig-
nificant volumes of GAOs into-the-money for the first time. Some tempo-
rary respite was provided by the short-lived increase in long-term interest
rates during 19941996 but by 1997 rates had fallen below their 1993 levels.
UK insurance regulators were curiously inactive on the subject of GAOs over
this period. The scale of life offices GAO exposures was perhaps not well-
understood by regulators or indeed the life offices and their actuaries at this
time. In January 1997, the Life Board of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
established an Annuity Guarantees Working Party to establish the scale and
nature of the potential GAO problem and how life offices were managing or
planning to manage it. The terms of reference of the working party noted:
Currently there is no accepted practice for reserving for these guarantees and
there is no published research to guide Appointed Actuaries in setting reserves.
The DTI [Department of Trade and Industry, the UK insurance solvency regu-
lator at the time] have not published any guidance or regulations specific to
annuity guarantees.75
British life offices and the prevailing actuarial practices around it in the key
areas of reserving, hedging and bonus policy (including implications for PRE).
But it stopped short of providing any recommendations. It was never pub-
lished in the British Actuarial Journal or presented at an Institute or Faculty
sessional meeting. With hindsight it seems a curiously understated contribu-
tion from the actuarial profession.
The working party found that around half of British life offices with GAO
liabilities were ignoring them entirely in their statutory reserving at the time
of writing. The other half reserved for the greater of the cash maturity value
and guaranteed annuity value, as implied under the statutory reserving basis.
This reserving adjustment was straightforward in the context of GAOs on
unit-linked business, but the majority of GAOs were written on with-profits
business, and incorporating the GAO into the net premium valuation was less
straightforward. As the working party noted:
The statutory net premium valuation included a resilience test that required
firms to calculate the capital required after some specified stresses to valuation
assumptions such as changes in equity values and interest rates. But, as was
noted in Chap. 3, the net premium valuation has a perverse sensitivity to
interest rate changes. In particular, it understates the economic balance sheet
impact of a fall in interest rates as a lower interest rate basis generates a higher
net premium. As a result of this, many life offices found they had greater
exposure to interest rate rises than falls under the net premium valuation. In
those cases, no resilience reserve was required for the contingency that GAO
costs would increase due to further falls in long-term interest rates (though
that only arose because they were required to hold reserves that incorporated
a loading for the imaginary fall in future regular premiums that would arise
if interest rates increased). This was an archaic actuarial feature that reflected
poorly on the professions ability to understand and manage financial risk.
The originators of the net premium valuation never intended it to be used
in solvency resilience testing, and it is an obviously flawed tool for analysing
exposure to future changes in interest rates.
UK long-term interest rates continued to fall substantially over the late
1990sfrom 8.0 % in 1996 to 4.9 % in 2000. GAOS were by this time
unambiguously in-the-money options. Dick Gwilts prediction that such
Bolton etal. (1997), Section 3.
228 A History of British Actuarial Thought
was irrelevant to the value of the policy pay-out (except in the circumstance
where the GAO cost implied the required equalising terminal bonus was
negative). This was a fairly striking practice. Importantly from a PRE perspec-
tive, it was not a bonus policy that had ever been explicitly communicated to
policyholders when the policies were sold, or indeed at any time prior to its
This bonus policy was questioned by some GAO policyholders through the
pensions ombudsman and the Equitable sought clarification from the courts.
The case went all the way to the House of Lords, the highest court of appeal
in England at the time. In 2000, the law lords found that the Equitables dif-
ferential terminal bonus policy was unlawful. The Equitable immediately cut
bonuses on all policies to zero in order to try to meet their GAO liabilities.
But the Equitable had sailed too close to the wind and was now floundering.
It put itself up for sale and closed to all new business in December 2000.
The House of Lords judgement and the closure of the Equitable to new
business sent shockwaves through the British actuarial profession. Within
weeks of the Equitable closing to new business, the Faculty and Institute
established a committee of inquiry to review its implications for the role of
actuaries in life offices and their actuarial professional guidance. It published
its findings in September 2001.79 It called for a rewriting of key aspects of
actuarial professional guidance, and for external peer review of the work of
the appointed actuary.
The hedging of guaranteed annuity options through the purchase of deriva-
tives from investment banks started in the late 1990s and received a fillip as
the Lords judgement removed other management options. Such hedges were
generally financed by with-profit funds estates, and they secured the financial
safety of the leading British life offices. The hedges cost much more than they
would have had they been purchased in 1997, but nonetheless have proven
valuable investments in the seemingly interminable environment of falling
long-term interest rates of the 2000s.
With the benefit of hindsight, how does the GAO story reflect upon the
British actuarial profession? In 2003, David Wilkie co-authored a paper with
Heriot-Watt Professor Howard Waters and the doctoral candidate S. Yang
that developed some retrospective analysis.80 They considered how actuar-
ies ought to have thought about charging and reserving for GAOs in 1985,
given the state of actuarial thinking at that time. Specifically, they argued
that the Maturity Guarantees Working Party paper of 1980, and the Wilkie
Corley etal. (2001).
Wilkie etal. (2003).
230 A History of British Actuarial Thought
This entire episode should provide salutary lessons for the actuarial profession.
It is now clear that the profession could have benefited from greater exposure to
the paradigms of modern financial economics, to the difference between diver-
sifiable and non-diversifiable risk, and to the application of stochastic simula-
tion in asset-liability management [this] would have enabled insurers to
predict, monitor and manage the exposure under the guarantee.82
It is evident that, particularly during the 1980s and 1990s, there was a
strong reticence on the part of the British actuarial profession to adopt or
make use of financial economics in their thinking and best practices. With
hindsight, these were partly wasted decades for the profession in this respect.
On a positive note, after taking their direction from regulators, financial
reporting standard-setters and judges, real progress was made in the 2000s in
actuarial education, research and practices that started to rectify this damage.
Boyle and Hardy (2003), p.150.
British Actuarial Thought inDefined
Benefit Pensions (19051997)
g overnment bonds, and in the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, long-term
interest rates were remarkably stable by later standards: between 1875 and
1910 the long-term government bond yield moved within the range of
2.03.2 %. Valuing assets at the lower of book value and market value seemed
simple, prudent and adequate.
This actuarial work was fundamentally similar in spirit to the reserving
calculations made in life offices, but the calculations were even more convo-
luted and computationally intensive. Ralph Hardy developed the first defined
benefit pension fund valuations around 1875. In doing so, he originated
the commutation factor as a vital computational aid for this task.2 Hardys
work, however, was never formally published. The earliest British actuarial
professional papers on funded pension schemes were published during the
Edwardian era by disciples of Hardy such as George King (in 1905) and
Henry Manly (in 1911).3 Actuarial papers on funded pension schemes were
nonetheless sparseprior to the conclusion of Second World War, only a
handful of notable papers on pension schemes were published in the British
professional actuarial journals.
Kings paper presented the actuarial calculations that were required for pen-
sion fund valuations and the assessment of the contribution rate that would
fund the ultimate benefitsthat is, to find a contribution rate expressed as
a constant proportion of salary that had a present value equal to the present
value of the liabilities. It was the first paper to set out the detailed calculations
that were necessary to allow for treatment of the various decrements (death,
pre-retirement withdrawals and retirement) and assumptions (mortality rates,
interest rate, withdrawal rates, salary growth) in the valuation of the liabilities
(pensions, death benefits, withdrawal benefits) and the setting of the contri-
bution rate required to fund the projected liabilities.
King suggested that the withdrawal, mortality and retirement rates should be
estimated by each scheme based on their own recorded experience. These could
be suitably graduated using methods such as those developed by Woolhouse for
life office mortality experience tables. He emphasised how these assumptions
should vary across pension funds and railed against the use of assumptions
based on pooled pension fund data. He recognised, however, that scheme-
specific data would seldom be available for pensioner mortality at the older
ages and he advocated the use of one of the published population mortality
tables such as English Life Table, No. 3 for this purpose. He suggested a salary
scale should be specified (i.e. how salaries vary by age) again based on the actual
Without a fund, or a guarantee from the employer, there was no security that
when a man who had been paying all his period of service for the pensions of
others came to retire his own pension would be provided by a younger genera-
tion. This was especially the case if the employer was a private firm.5
He also argued that the interest earned on advance funding of the pension
benefits would reduce its cost:
The effect of accumulating a fund was to reduce the cost of the pensions, because
the interest earned would help to pay the outgoings.6
Meanwhile, W.O.Nash argued that the main aim of the pension scheme
was to recognise a smooth accrual of the cost of the pension provision:
What they were aiming at in starting a Pension Funds was an equalization of the
annual expense for the pension.7
As we shall see below, these three reasons for advanced funding would be
revisited and debated numerous times by actuaries, accountants and econo-
mists over the remainder of the twentieth century. The relative importance
attached to each of these reasons would influence the choice and development
of actuarial methods used in pension fund valuation.
The economic consequences of the First World War represented the first
great economic shock to test British defined benefit pension schemes. It
created considerable stress for the financial health and solvency of the pen-
sion funds. It also created new challenges for pension actuaries, particularly
with respect to the treatment and management of inflation. Over the Pax
Britannica periodthe 100 years between the end of the Napoleonic War
and the start of the First World Warinflation rates had at times fluctuated
markedly both up and down but there was no discernible consistent upward
trend in UK consumer prices. Indeed, the UK Consumer Price Index stood
Tinner, in Discussion, Manly (1911), p.219.
Tinner, in Discussion, Manly (1911), p.219.
Nash, in Discussion, Manly (1911), p.222.
238 A History of British Actuarial Thought
some 20 % lower at the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 than it had
been at the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. Thus, the risks associated
with future price inflation did not feature prominently in actuarial thought
on final salary pension schemes prior to 1914. No explicit assumptions for
price inflation or real salary growth featured in the work of King or Manly.
Their age-dependent salary scales were intended to capture the typical path of
career progressions, not economic inflation.
In the years 19151920 inclusive, the UK CPI index more than doubled.
Salaries and wages increased at a similar rate. This substantially increased the
value of pension liabilities without generating an offsetting increase in the
value of pension fund assets (which, as noted above, were predominantly
invested in long-term government bonds at this time). This scenario was radi-
cally different to anything within living memory of actuaries. The possibil-
ity of such a scenario and its consequences for pension funds had, naturally
enough, not been seriously considered by pension actuaries prior to the war.
In 1921, G.S.W. Epps wrote an important, and at the time controver-
sial, paper8 on the implications of this experience for pension fund valua-
tion, noting in his introduction that [due to] enhanced scales of salaries or
wages which have resulted from the change in the value of money it is to
be feared that in many funds a very serious position has to be faced.9 Epps
used case studies to highlight that, for older, established pension schemes, the
impact on the valuation of accrued service benefits and the resulting solvency
levels was very substantial. Furthermore, at this time pension funds were not
required to inflation-link pensions in payment, and Eppss valuations made
no allowance for such increases. But significant pressure bore on the schemes
to provide some increases to pensions in payment in order to mitigate the
significant reduction in real value of pensions which had been inflicted on
pensioners over the previous decade.
This exceptional economic environment also naturally had an impact on
the asset side of the pension fund balance sheet. Between 1900 and 1920,
long-term government bond yields more than doubled from 2.5 % to 5.3 %.
The implications of this interest rate rise for the valuation of the assets and
liabilities of pension funds was a topic of considerable controversy within the
actuarial profession at the time. Epps recognised that the net impact of such
interest rate rises may not necessarily be adverse for a pension fund:
Epps (1921).
It is, of course, true that materially higher rates than those assumed in past valu-
ations can be looked for in the case of the accruing funds to be invested for
many years to come; but the question as to how far it is prudent to meet past
depreciation by raising the valuation rate of interest is one of extreme difficulty,
the solution of which throws a great responsibility on the actuary concerned.10
The topics of asset valuation and depreciation and the related treatment of
the liability discount rate received much attention at the Staple Inn discussion
of Eppss paper. Some actuaries were reluctant to recognise the market value
impact on bond prices, even if not to do so was evidently imprudent. For
example, R.G.Maudling commented:
He would certainly not write down investments to their present market price,
but would simply set aside an investment reserve and write off any deficiency
there might be by means of an annuity, believing as he did that in five or ten
years time, when they got to a state of equilibrium, the annuity set apart would
probably not be required, and by that means he would have succeeded in giving
a degree of safety to the fund without unduly crippling the employer.12
So, the above actuaries advocated valuing assets above market value,
though with perhaps a partial write-down from their book value. A reserve
would be included on the liability for future realisation of investment losses,
but this would be smaller than the difference between the assets actuarial
valuation and their market value, reflecting the actuarys confidence that the
assets would subsequently increase in value as rates reverted back to histori-
cal norms. No change in the liability discount rate would be made using this
Epps (1921), p.410.
Maudling, in Discussion, Epps (1921), p.444.
Bacon, in Discussion, Epps (1921), p.448.
240 A History of British Actuarial Thought
approach. The current market yield was treated as an aberration that could be
largely assumed away. However, S.G.Warner, an influential actuary who was
Institute President during the years 19161918, suggested a quite different
approach where assets were fully marked down to their current market values
whilst the liability discount rate was increased consistently to reflect those
market yields:
Depreciation should be severely dealt with, but that there should be little hesita-
tion about using something nearly approaching the rate of interest which that
depreciation revealed as having been secured.13
Puckridge (1948).
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 241
In the late 1940s, as 40 years earlier, standard actuarial practice was to value
assets at book value or, if lower, market value (or perhaps somewhere in
between), with liabilities valued using a broadly static valuation interest rate
assumption. The liability valuation rate could be set with reference to the
investment yield implied by the book value of assets, with some allowance
made for how that yield was expected to evolve in the future. Puckridge, how-
ever, argued for an alternative approach that entailed a more systematic, con-
sistent approach to the valuation of pension fund assets alongside liabilities:
Value assets (including existing investments) and liabilities at the rate of interest
which it is anticipated can be earned on future investments.15
Puckridge did not provide much specific guidance on how to estimate this
interest rate, but he did note that the rate will be
It would in practice be difficult to adopt any value in excess of the total market
value, and the balance would therefore be retained as a margin which would fall
into surplus in the future as the excess interest is received.17
Puckridge (1948), p.2.
Puckridge (1948), p.12.
Puckridge (1948), p.12.
242 A History of British Actuarial Thought
creating a discount rate that was an ill-defined blend of the current book yield
and the assumed average yield on future investments.
Gilley and Funnell moved beyond Puckridges work when they considered
the valuation of equity assets within their discounted cashflow approach. As
we will discuss further below, equities became an increasingly important asset
class for pension schemes during the 1950s. Any asset valuation method for
British pension funds therefore needed to be directly applicable to equities.
The simultaneous valuation of equities and bonds immediately gave rise to
the question of whether and how the asset mix of the pension fund should
impact on the actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities. Should a portfolio of
equities and a portfolio of bonds, each with the same market value, command
the same actuarial asset value? Should a change in the asset mix result in a
different valuation of liabilities through a different choice of liability discount
rate? In a nutshell, should the higher expected return of equities be capitalised
in the current assessment of the pension fund surplus/deficit?
Gilley and Funnell were unambiguous in their view: it would not be pru-
dent for the actuary to reduce the contribution rate or weaken the basis of
valuation by assuming a higher valuation rate of interest than the expected,
long-term, gilt-edged rate.19
So Gilley and Funnell were clear that the asset allocation choices of the
pension scheme should not impact on the valuation discount rate applied to
its projected asset and liability cashflows. However, that did not mean that
they advocated the use of the market value of the equity holdings. They sug-
gested that the market value of the equity portfolio be scaled by the ratio of
the actuarial valuation of irredeemable consols (as implied by the valuation
interest rate) to the market value of those consols. Or, equivalently, the equity
market value should be scaled by the ratio of the market consol yield to the
valuation interest rate, i. In this approach, the actuarial value of total assets
would be the same for any split of assets between equities and consols. Thus,
the asset allocation choice would not impact on the overall actuarial valuation
of assets or liabilities. However, they added a caveat: the equity valuation may
be reduced by a margin of arbitrary amount if the actuary held a strong view
that they were over-valued in the market.20
These asset valuation ideas were quite controversial at the time. Traditionally,
actuaries viewed the writing-up of asset values above their book values as a
dubious and imprudent practice. Gilley and Funnells approach could see
assets valued significantly in excess of not just book values but market values.
Gilley and Funnell (1958), p.50.
Gilley and Funnell (1958), p.53.
244 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The minutes of the discussion of their paper highlights the suspicion and hesi-
tancy with which conventional actuarial thought welcomed these ideas. Gilley
and Funnells essential point, however, was that subjective assumptions about
future investment conditions must arise in pension fund valuations, and their
method provided a more coherent and transparent approach to setting those
Heywood and Landers 1961 paper, Pension Fund Valuations in Modern
Conditions,21 was the next significant contribution to British actuarial
thought on the consistent valuation of pension fund assets and liabilities. Like
Puckridge and Gilley and Funnell before them, Heywood and Lander again
argued that the valuation discount rate should be set as the long-term interest
rate that is expected to be earned on new money; and that assets should be
valued consistently with that rate. However, Heywood and Lander differed
from Gilley and Funnell in two fundamental respects. Firstly, whereas Gilley
and Funnell had argued that the discount rate should reflect the expected
future long-term gilt yield irrespective of the actual asset allocation of the pen-
sion scheme, Heywood and Lander believed that the expected return on the
actual asset allocation of the pension scheme should be used. This meant that
the liability valuation would be reduced by increasing the funds allocation to
equities. They suggested that a 100 % gilts allocation would merit a 3.5 %
discount rate, whilst a 50/50 equity/gilts allocation would justify a discount
rate of 4 % or possibly even higher.22
The second, and related, point on which Heywood and Lander diverged
from Gilley and Funnell was on the valuation of equity assets. Equity invest-
ment was becoming ever more material for UK pension schemes. Heywood
and Lander noted that a typical approach at the time of writing was to invest
50 % of assets in equities and 50 % in fixed income. Equities had proved
attractive to pension funds both as an inflation hedge and as a high-yielding
asset class (though the reverse yield gap was just starting to emerge at this
time). Like Gilley and Funnell, they noted that the practice of valuing assets
at the lower of book value and market value was still prevalent. And they
expressed strong unease with the use of market values in general on the
grounds of their volatility:
It seems very difficult to justify a method of valuing assets which places a value
upon the fund which may alter substantially if the valuation date were varied by
only some two or three months.23
Heywood and Lander (1961).
Heywood and Lander (1961), p.323.
Heywood and Lander (1961), p.327.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 245
They also noted that there was no reason to expect book values to pro-
vide an asset valuation that was consistent with the liability valuation basis.
Like Gilley and Funnell, they concluded that a discounted income approach
to asset valuation, using a discount rate consistent with that applied to the
liability outgo, was the only way to obtain a consistent asset and liability
valuation. For bond valuation, Heywood and Lander concurred with Gilley
and Funnell: the projected cashflows of the bond could simply be discounted
at the liability discount rate. For equities, they argued that equity dividends
should be explicitly projected using a dividend growth assumption before dis-
counting at the valuation rate. Thus, equities could be valued as a perpetuity
discounted at the rate (i) where i was the liability discount rate, and was
the assumed dividend growth. The dash was used because was defined as the
assumed rate of salary inflation that should be applied in the liability valua-
tion. Salary inflation was typically not explicitly allowed for in liability valua-
tion at this time, but Heywood and Lander argued that credit for inflationary
dividend growth on the asset side of the balance sheet should only be taken if
consistent treatment of inflation was applied on the liability side of the bal-
ance sheet. Moreover, they specified that should be less than (though they
did not provide any specific rationale for this).
So, under Heywood and Landers approach, the relationship between the
actuarial valuations of equity and bond holdings were not directly constrained
by their relation to their respective market values. This meant that a change
in the equity/bond mix could change the actuarial valuation of assets as well
as the actuarial valuation of liabilities. Shifting from bonds to equities would
typically improve their assessment of the pension fund solvency position.
However, their stipulation that, for reasons of consistency, this improvement
should only be permitted if the liability valuation recognised a level of salary
growth consistent (and not less than) the assumed equity dividend growth,
meant that their approach would also be accompanied by a general strength-
ening of the liability valuation basis.
Finally, perhaps to hedge their bets, Heywood and Lander permitted a scalar
parameter to be applied to the equity valuation as an arbitrary multiplier.
This was intended to allow the actuary to make any special adjustments that
he deemed appropriate in the context of the valuation exercise. Whilst this
might appear as something of a fudge, it prevented their methods from being
cast as mechanical rules to be mindlessly applied by the actuary. It emphasised
the application of actuarial judgement that was valued by the profession. In
the Staple Inn discussion of the paper, Gilley suggested:
246 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Truly, the actuary valuing the fund was in a better position to assess the relative
values to the fund of ordinary shares and irredeemable gilt-edged securities than
was the market.24
Not all participants in the discussion held to the view however that actuar-
ies were better equipped to value equities than the market. J.G.Day, whose
writings we shall discuss below, commented:
Gilley, in Discussion, Heywood and Lander (1961), p.342.
Day, in Discussion, Heywood and Lander (1961), p.364.
Day and McKelvey (1963).
Day and McKelvey (1963), p.108.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 247
had been replaced by the pension funds valuation interest rate (which, in
turn, was to be set to reflect the long-term expectation for the pension funds
asset return). Under these approaches, changes in equity market values that
arose from changes in the dividend yield rather than changes in dividend pay-
outs would have no impact on pension fund valuations of equity assets.
There was a broad consistency in the thinking of this collection of papers.
They all eschewed market asset values on the grounds of consistency with a
liability valuation that was to be made using stable assumptions. But some,
like S.G.Warner many decades earlier, felt like this was tackling the consistent
valuation problem from the wrong end. In the Staple Inn discussion of Day
and McKelveys paper, Plymen commented:
They were assuming a certain figure for the rate of interest for valuing the liabili-
ties, and twisting the valuation of the assets round to be consistent with that
basis. Why not start off with the market value of the assets and try to deduce
from that basis a consistent system for valuing the liabilities?28
Speaking at a Staple Inn meeting over 30 years after the publication of the
paper, McKelveys son, K.J. KcKelvey, also an actuary, commented on the
explanation his father had given him for tackling the consistency problem
this way round:
The sole objective of that 1964 paper was to find a consistent basis for valuing
assets, given an existing methodology for valuing liabilities. The liability valua-
tion basis was off-market, by convention at that time. Therefore the asset valua-
tion inevitably became off-market. The main aim of the authors was to move
away from the valuation of assets by book value, which was still common. They
simply did not think about market values since there were no formal discon-
tinuance tests.29
Plymen, in Discussion, Day and McKelvey (1963), p.134.
K.J.McKelvey, in Discussion, Exley, Mehta and Smith (1997), p.950.
248 A History of British Actuarial Thought
McKelvey (1957).
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 249
The question now is not, as it used to be, dare we put more than 10% in equi-
ties? It is, dare we leave more than 50% in fixed interest investments?32
The classic papers on pension fund valuation of the early 1960s that were
discussed above also contained further advocacy of equity investment for final
salary pension schemes, primarily on the basis of inflation hedging. For exam-
ple, in the discussion of Heywood and Lander, Hemsted commented:
McKelvey (1957), p.121.
Day (1959).
Day (1959), p.130.
250 A History of British Actuarial Thought
reason to think that ordinary shares have a built-in correction not only for fall-
ing money values [price inflation] but also for increasing standards of living [real
salary growth].35
It has been widely and authoritatively suggested that, to meet the dangers of
inflation, pension funds should invest in equities. It has been argued that with
inflation a businesss real assets increase in money terms so that, although
inflation may initially cause difficulties and distortions, an equity investment
will eventually have increased in earning power in rough proportion to the effect
of inflation (or very often rather more, as prior charges lose in value).36
All of the above development in pension fund thinking had taken place
under the premise that the raison dtre of the pension fund was to generate
asset income that, together with a stable pattern of contributions from the
employer and possibly also the members, would reliably fund liability outgo
as it fell due. (There was also an implicit assumption that the uncertainty in
long-term real dividends was much less than could be inferred from short-
term equity market price volatility.) The idea of the pension fund as a vehicle
whose primary purpose was to ensure the security of members accrued ben-
efits was recognised by some actuaries, but sat largely in the background of
the development of actuarial thinking on pension funds before the 1970s.
However, this perspective would occasionally be considered and could lead to
substantially different conclusions. Plymen noted in the discussion of Days
1959 paper:
With any but the strongest employers the contingency existed in a slump that
the employer might be bankrupt or there might perhaps be severe staff redun-
dancy. Under those conditions, the employer would be unable to subsidize a
pension fund prejudiced by depreciation of its ordinary shares. He imagined
that that would be regarded as by far the greater threat, so that fixed interest
securities would tend to be preferred. He maintained that the strength and secu-
rity of the employer should be the major factor in determining the equity
Hemsted, in Discussion, Heywood and Lander (1961), p.365.
Day and McKelvey (1963), p.107.
Plymen, in Discussion, Day (1959), p.152.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 251
Plymen was arguing that the nature of the asset risk that mattered to pen-
sion funds was complex: asset price falls did not matter so much if the sponsor
was healthy; what really mattered was how the pension fund assets behaved
in the conditions that were associated with sponsor bankruptcythats when
the assets were really needed. Such thinking would play an increasingly influ-
ential role in actuarial thinking on pension funds, their valuation and their
asset strategy over the following decades. With the benefit of hindsight, it is
perhaps striking that it was never more than a footnote in the thinking of the
1950s and 1960s, especially when sophisticated thinking by leading actuaries
such as Plymen was in circulation.
Equity allocations continued to grow in the UK defined benefit pension
fund sector, both as a result of the strong growth of pension funds equity
holdings over the 1960s, and with the investment of new contributions. By
1975, two thirds of UK final salary pension funds were invested in equities
and property.38 The extraordinary volatility of UK equities in 19731975,
however, provided actuaries with a reminder that equity returns could be
driven by factors other than inflation. In his faculty presidential address of
1977,39 R.E.Macdonald noted:
The market collapse of 1974 finally provided convincing evidence that any con-
nection between the values of shares and the rate of inflation was mainly
The 19731975 period certainly opened eyes to the degree of volatility that
was possible in real equity price levels (despite the exceptionally high infla-
tion rate, UK equities fell by over 70 % in 19731974; they then more than
doubled in 1975). But McKelveys and Days papers had been careful not to
suggest that real equity returns were not volatile: rather, they argued it did not
matter if they were. Their argument was that real dividend growth could be
expected to be stable, and that was what mattered for pension funds (open
ones, at least). But the experience of the early 1970s also proved that this faith
in the stability of the real value of dividends was misplaced: UK dividend
pay-outs fell by around 45 % in real terms between 1970 and 1974 and did
not fully recover their real 1970 value until the late 1980s.41
Holbrook (1977), p.58.
Macdonald (1977).
Macdonald (1977), p.9.
Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002), p.152.
252 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The catastrophic fall in UK equity markets in 1973 and 1974 reflected a serious
crisis of confidence, which has not been wholly restored by the subsequent rise.
With the benefit of hindsight it may now be said that the main importance, for
a long-term investor, of the exceptionally low market level in 1974 was the
opportunity it presented to buy shares cheaply.43
Thus, equities and property became the dominant asset class choices of
defined benefit pension funds. This was doubtless in part influenced by the
wider cult of the equity that developed from the second quarter of the twen-
tieth century onwards, and, from a specific actuarial perspective, because they
were the only viable real asset class choice of the era with which to back
undoubtedly real liabilities. The question of how much protection from
short-term inflation shocks or long-term inflationary eras can be provided
by equities (relative to bonds) is a question that has been much contested by
actuaries and economists for decades. Whilst it is intuitive that the real char-
acteristics of an equity claim implies some form of inflation protection, the
question remains of how material a driver of returns (and dividends) inflation
is relative to the many other factors that drive the behaviour of equities (over
the short and long term).
A quantitative framework for analysing liability-orientated investment
strategy was proposed by A.J.Wise in his 1985 paper The Matching of Assets
to Liabilities.44 Wise defined a matching portfolio in a very particular way,
which encompassed a much wider potential set of portfolios than the abso-
lute matching of cashflows that was first defined by Haynes and Kirton back
in 1952: Wises matching portfolio was defined as the asset portfolio that
minimised the volatility of the ultimate surplus of the book of business, i.e.
the residual (positive or negative) asset value after the final liability cashflow
had been paid. Importantly, he added the stipulation that the matching port-
folio could not be re-balanced over the projection horizon.
Holbrook (1977).
Holbrook (1977), p.17.
Wise (1985).
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 253
When assessing the solvency of a life office is it safe to assume that the office will
always be able to take advantage of investment conditions in the future so as to
keep itself in an immunised position? Would it not be safer to identify a mini-
mum risk matching portfolio for solvency purposes on the assumption of no
future investment activity except as required by new money?45
Wise went on to propose that the market value of the matching portfolio as
defined above for pensions liabilities could be considered as a form of liability
valuation. On the surface this seemed quite natural, and not dissimilar to the
Wise (1985), p.65.
Lumsden, in Discussion, Wise (1985), p.71.
254 A History of British Actuarial Thought
to provide a stable funding plan for the pension liabilities on a going con-
cern basis. The pension funds function as a source of security for employees
accrued benefits had, of course, been recognised by actuaries since the nine-
teenth century. But it did not figure prominently in the first 100 years of
actuarial thought on how to manage defined benefit pension funds.
Funding with the objective of providing security for current accrued bene-
fits started to command greater prominence in British actuarial thought in the
1970s. This was partly driven by an increased incidence of corporate mergers
and takeovers, and the tendency these had to lead to wind-ups of some of the
involved companies final salary pension funds (in which circumstance, the
sponsor was not obliged to make any further contributions to the fund). In
occasional high-profile cases the pension fund wind-up exposed the inade-
quacy of the asset fund to secure the pension benefits that members expected.
D.F.Gilley, whose work we already encountered above in his 1958 paper
with Funnell, published an important paper on this subject in 1972.48 He
discussed what occurred on the wind-up or dissolution of a defined benefit
pension fund. There were several aspects of the dissolution process that could
place considerable responsibility with the scheme actuary. The trust deed of
the pension scheme would, in theory, set out what the members benefits
would be in dissolution. But these rules would generally be quite vague.
Members might only be entitled to the benefits they would have obtained if
they had withdrawn from the fund on the date of the dissolution of the fund.
If any surplus or, more pertinently, deficit existed relative to the cost of secur-
ing those benefits from an insurance company with the pension funds assets,
the actuarys advice on how it should be equitably distributed amongst the
members would usually be decisive.
The cost of securing the accrued dissolution benefits could diverge signifi-
cantly from the long-term actuarial valuations undertaken to set contribution
rates. The cost of the dissolution benefits was driven by the then-prevailing
market gilt yield (which determined life companies pricing terms for the
deferred and immediate annuities that would need to be bought to secure the
benefits). As we have seen above, this market-based rate could vary substan-
tially from the valuation interest rate used in the pension valuation (which was
based on the actuarys estimate of the expected long-term return on the pen-
sion fund assets and hence could include the actuarys estimates of the equity
risk premium and the long-term expected interest rate). Although market gilt
yields would typically be lower than a pension funds valuation interest rate,
the cost of the dissolution benefits would not necessarily be greater than the
Gilley (1972).
256 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Macdonald (1977).
would likely be a time when employers could least afford to contribute the
additional cash; and secondly, he found it unconscionable to invest in assets
that offered a negative real interest rate. In his own words, the acquisition of
new assets during such periods [of negative real interest rates] is really impos-
sible to justify.51 Macdonald suggested that, in such circumstances, pension
contributions should be limited to those required to fund immediate benefit
outgo, and no contributions for the funding of the accrual of longer-term
liabilities should be sought.
Macdonalds ideas were quite controversial, especially coming from a leader
of the profession. After all, he was proposing that contribution rates ought
to be reduced at the very time when an economic view of the pension fund
would suggest contributions were required more than everboth because
the funding level would be at its weakest and the credit risk of the sponsor
would be at its greatest. An economist working from the premise that the
primary rationale for advance funding was to ensure a high level of pension
fund member security might be forgiven for thinking the actuarial dark arts
were becoming too clever by half.
But President Macdonald was not the only actuary expressing reservations
about advance funding of pension liabilities during this period. The same year
saw the publication of a paper by J.R.Trowbridge in the Journal of the Institute
of Actuaries which covered similar ground.52 Trowbridge looked overseas for
examples of how unfunded private sector defined benefit pension provision
could function. He found that the French had been running unfunded occu-
pational pension schemes with some success for several decades. Under this
system, which was translated as assessmentism, the employee security concern
of a non-funded approach was mitigated by having industry-level pension
schemes, potentially with hundreds of different employers as sponsors collec-
tively contributing (together with members) whatever contribution amount
was required to meet each years pension outgo as it arose. Thus the single-
name credit exposure that was usually borne by British pension schemes was
diversified (though an industry-level credit exposure would remain). These
ideas naturally met with some suspicion amongst the UK actuarial profession.
There was a concern that much of the French system was based on a voluntary
cross-generational transfer that relied on notions of socialist solidarity that did
not naturally fit with the British culture of self-sufficiency. Above all, there
was a hope and faith that the economic norm of positive real returns in excess
Macdonald (1977), p.14.
Trowbridge (1977).
258 A History of British Actuarial Thought
I see no reason to assume a long-term real rate of return at present [1982] mar-
ket levels of less than 4% in excess of prices. At that rate of interest, how many
pension funds are in surplus, and how many cannot afford index-linked
Boden and Kingston (1979).
Boden and Kingston (1979), p.412.
Wilkie, in Discussion, Colbran (1982)), p.410.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 259
1982 paper reviewed this situation and called for more professional guidance
to be provided by the Institute of Actuaries on pension funding methods.56
He suggested a list of acceptable methods should be created with appropriate
terminology and definitions. This suggestion was acted upon and a Report
on Terminology of Pension Funding Methods was jointly published by the
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in 1984.57
Colbran also argued in favour of a market value approach to asset valuation
rather than the discounted income approaches that dominated actuarial pen-
sions practice at this time. The Staple Inn discussion of the paper reopened
the pension asset valuation debate that had lain largely dormant since Day
and McKelveys 1963 paper. In the discussion, the established actuarial prefer-
ence for discounted income values over market values was clear. But this view
was not unanimous, and there was a wide recognition that the first priority of
the valuation method should be to ensure consistency between asset and lia-
bility values. This reopened the door to the idea of market valuation of assets
and market-consistent liability valuation, as espoused as long ago as 1921 by
S.G.Warner. In opening the discussion of the Colbran paper, Paul Thornton
(who would go on to become Institute President in 1998) stated:
However, some senior pension actuaries in the discussion did indeed find
reasons why this approach to consistent asset-liability valuation should not be
adopted. D.E.Fellows noted:
To rely wholly or largely on market values could lead to much volatility in the
rates of interest used from valuation to valuation.59
Colbran (1982)).
Turner etal. (1984).
Thornton, in Discussion, Colbran (1982), p.387.
Fellows, in Discussion, Colbran (1982), p.390.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 261
1970s stagflation faded into distant memory as final salary pension funds
returned to financial health in some style in the first half of the 1980s. UK
price inflation appeared to have been tamed: in the mid-1980s, the UK annual
inflation rate moved within the range of 35 %. Equities performed excep-
tionally stronglythe FTSE 100 increased by more than 125 % between the
start of 1984 and the October 1987 crash. Real dividend growth was around
5 % perannum. Meanwhile, large-scale industrial redundancies further con-
tributed to pension fund surpluses (redundancies shifted active members
benefits into deferred benefits that were no longer linked to real salary growth
and hence reduced their value).
This turn of events may have afforded actuaries some latitude to think
more broadly about funding objectives and targets. In any event, the funda-
mental objective of funding became a hot topic again. D.J.D.McLeish and
C.M.Stewart were particularly instrumental in reopening the arguments pre-
sented by Gilley back in 1972 for focusing funding on ensuring that the cost
of discontinuance benefits could be adequately covered by the pension fund
at the time of the valuation. McLeish restarted this debate with a Faculty
paper in 1983 which emphasised member security as the paramount rationale
for advance funding of pension liabilities.61 He expressly rejected the Faculty
Presidents suggestion that funding should be deliberately suspended in times
of negative real interest rates:
Low, in Discussion, Colbran (1982), p.406.
McLeish (1983).
McLeish (1983), p.275.
McLeish and Stewart (1987).
262 A History of British Actuarial Thought
being unable or unwilling to continue to pay at some time in the future. To that
end, the contributions would have to be sufficient both to pay the benefits as
they fell due for as long as the scheme continued, and also to establish and
maintain a fund which would be sufficient to secure the accrued benefits in the
event of contributions ceasing and the scheme being discontinued, whenever
that might occur.64
I too believe that it is necessary for the funding policy to be such that the assets
are normally sufficient to cover in full the winding-up priority levels. From the
point of view of security for the members benefits, this defines a minimum
funding level.65
Thornton and Wilson (1992).
Thornton and Wilson (1992), p.263.
Thornton and Wilson (1992), p.264.
264 A History of British Actuarial Thought
A number of speakers in the Staple Inn discussion of the paper noted that
the cost of transferring discontinuance benefits to insurance companies had
increased considerably in recent years (partly due to improvements in early
leaver rights and partly due to lower interest rates). For the first time, the
cost of the non-profit immediate and deferred annuities that would meet the
discontinuance benefits might typically exceed the liability values assessed by
the traditional ongoing funding assessments, and indeed the market value of
assets in the pension fund. Between the publication of the paper and its dis-
cussion at Staple Inn, the Robert Maxwell affair occurred, placing discontinu-
ance security more squarely in the public eye than ever before. Thus, actuaries
embarrassing surpluses had to be simultaneously reconciled with increasingly
transparent discontinuance shortfalls. This was a significant challenge to the
actuarial professions credibility and communication skills. It was a challenge
they struggled to meet. Ultimately, it was taken partly out of the professions
hands when the government legislated the introduction of the Minimum
Funding Requirement (MFR) for final salary pension schemes in 1995.
The MFR was a controversial and contentious requirement from its incep-
tion. It was a result of a committee, the Goode Committee, which was
established by the government in the wake of the Robert Maxwell scandal.
However, the recession of the early 1990s was another driving factor for the
interest in legislation to protect pension fund members accrued benefits. A
number of pension scheme wind-ups occurred during this recession where
members did not receive their expected benefits, and this experience further
contributed to the sense that the security of accrued benefits was not being
adequately protected by the prevalent actuarial funding methods. So the MFR
was first intended as a robust measure of the adequacy of the value of assets in
the pension fund to meet the market cost of accrued benefits. However, once
the financial implications of using the insurance annuity basis in the pen-
sion valuation were realised, a political compromise was made and the MFR
valuation basis was fudged: the expected return on equities would be used
as the discount rate for accrued benefits (except pensions in payment), even
though this would undoubtedly understate the cost of securing the accrued
benefits in the event of dissolution of the scheme.69 Consequently, being 100
% funded on the MFR basis did not mean the pension fund necessarily had
close to sufficient assets to meet the cost of the accrued benefits in the event
of dissolution of the pension fund. The result was unsatisfactory for all con-
cerned: actuaries lost more of their professional independence and ability to
See Greenwood and Keogh (1997) for a detailed description and discussion of the actuarial bases of the
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 265
Arthur and Randall (1990).
Arthur and Randall (1990), p.5.
Arthur and Randall (1990), p.6.
266 A History of British Actuarial Thought
as a going concern, it would never have to sell its assets, and asset income was
more stable than was implied by market value movements. More widely, actu-
arial asset models such as Wilkies implied that future risky asset returns were
significantly influenced by past returns (mean-reversion in equity returns,
for example). This gave a technical manifestation to the actuarial convention
that market values varied more than could be justified by changes in assets
expected future cashflows, and a justification for removing this variation from
actuarial valuations. Arthur and Randall argued that all of this had no place
in actuarial methods for pension fund valuation.
A natural corollary of their logic was that liabilities should be valued at the
market value of those assets that matched them. In the terminology of finan-
cial economics, this was the fundamental concept of the replicating portfolio.
Irrespective of what pension actuaries chose to call it, it was essentially what
S.G.Warner had called for in 1921. Whilst the Thornton and Wilson 1992
paper discussed above still advocated the use of the traditional discounted
income approach to asset valuation using parameters that need not be market-
based, the actuarial proponents of the market value approach were undoubt-
edly growing in number and influence.
The final implication of the Arthur and Randall perspective was that pen-
sion fund investment strategy should be set at a scheme-specific level that
reflected the specific liability cashflow profile of the pension fund. This was a
fairly novel idea in 1990 that only became well established in the 2000s under
the jargon of liability-driven investing. Their vision of the actuarial role in
pension funds removed subjective investment views from actuarial valuations
and made the valuation independent of the actual asset strategy of the pension
fund. But it suggested a greater role for actuaries in pension funds strategic
asset allocationit made actuarial estimates of liabilities central to pension
fund investment strategy.
In the Staple Inn discussion there were inevitably voices who were uncom-
fortable with Arthur and Randalls modern perspective and its implied dimi-
nution of the role of actuarial judgement in pension fund valuation. There
remained amongst some senior actuaries a strong view that the pension fund
valuation should be an estimate of the amount of assets they expected to be
required to meet the liability cashflows given the actual asset strategy of the
fund, rather than be based on the market cost of a theoretical risk-free match-
ing strategy. In Dr Sissons speech to open the discussion, he argued:
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 267
The valuation ought increasingly to reflect the realities of life. Included in this
would be a recognition of the investments expected to be held by the trustees in
the future and the assumed returns thereon.73
Sisson, in Discussion, Arthur and Randall (1990), p.28.
Dyson and Exley (1995).
268 A History of British Actuarial Thought
It has been indicated by several people that the real return on index-linked gilts
is not necessarily a very good indicator [of the market expectation of the real rate
of return] the low liquidity and the way in which they are influenced by a
Dyson and Exley (1995), p.489.
Clark, in Discussion, Dyson and Exley, p.543.
Urwin, in Discussion, Dyson and Exley, p.544.
6 British Actuarial Thought inDefined Benefit Pensions (19051997) 269
particular sector of the investment market means they are of less value than they
might be in determining the market value of liabilities.78
But the biggest protest against the extensive use of market prices was a phil-
osophical one. Many actuaries retained the view that market prices were irra-
tionally volatile, and that actuarial judgement should be able to look through
this. S.J.Green rhetorically asked:
What new piece of information became known on 19th October 1987 which
was not known three days before? It must have been very significant to lead to
falls of more than 25% in a few days, and that is the answer to the authors point
where they say that the market provides rational prospective expectations.79
Using this methodology [discounted income approach], the actuary is, indeed,
saying that the market has temporarily got it wrong, but that, in due course, it
will get it right, especially by the time the liabilities fall due.80
Wilkies view of the role and breadth of actuarial judgement in asset valua-
tion was the polar opposite of that advocated by Arthur and Randall five years
earlier. But, as noted above, these differences were perhaps not as irreconcil-
able as they appeared: different assumptions were required to answer different
questions. A rigorous discontinuance solvency assessment would be market-
based; an assessment of the amount of contributions required to, on average,
meet liability cashflows as they fell due would inevitably require someone
somewhere to make an assumption about the prospective long-term risk pre-
mia offered by the pension funds asset strategy. The two were not theoretically
inconsistent or mutually exclusive, they were merely distinct.
Throughout their paper, Dyson and Exley were careful to position their
arguments in as inoffensive a manner as possible to actuaries schooled in tra-
ditional methods. They were quite prepared to concede that the discounted
income methods were appropriate or even impressive at the time they were
conceived. Their position was that recent circumstances dictated it was time
for the actuarial profession to continue to improve and modernise its meth-
ods. An important paper by Exley, Mehta and Smith that followed in 1997
Daykin, in Discussion, Dyson and Exley, p.552.
Green, in Discussion, Dyson and Exley (1995), p.546.
Wilkie, in Discussion, Dyson and Exley (1995), p.549.
270 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Wise, in Discussion, Exley, Mehta and Smith (1997), p.942.
Thornton, in Discussion, Exley, Mehta and Smith (1997), p.952.
272 A History of British Actuarial Thought
I was astounded by the uniform acceptance of the use of market values. Speaker
after speaker endorsed the principle of using market values for assets, and then
valuing the liabilities consistently. My actuarial background was in the 1970s
when no actuary would endorse market values, so we have moved a very long
way since that period.84
ies have been, at least sporadically, considering how to apply their technical
and professional skills to general insurance pricing and reserving since the
mid-nineteenth century, if not before. This engagement grew in conviction
from the early 1970s, and by the 1990s actuaries in general insurance, hav-
ing finally established an uncontested industry role, were faced with similar
challenges and questions as their life assurance and pensions peers: did their
relative lack of technical training in cutting-edge stochastic modelling and the
new ideas in financial economics represent an existential threat to their estab-
lished role? Could they absorb some of these concepts into the mainstream of
actuarial thought and practice? First, however, we go back to the 1850s and
how that generation of innovative actuarial thinkers tackled the unique chal-
lenges of general insurance.
Brown (1851).
278 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The locality, the construction of the buildings, the distance from a fire engine
station, and, still more, the manner in which an adjoining building may be
injured by a fire breaking out in a neighbours house, would have to be
Brown (1851), p.51.
Miller (1857).
Miller (1880).
280 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Walford (1878).
Whittall (1882).
282 A History of British Actuarial Thought
experience of working with liability claims data from the coalmines and rail-
ways industries, highlighted that the records of the General Records Office
may not provide a reliable record of the occupation of the deceased, and did
not provide any satisfactory basis for the determination of the rates of fatal
accidents.9 As in fire insurance, the application of actuarial techniques con-
tinued to be frustrated by the lack of availability of relevant, reliable historical
claims experience data.
The Workmens Compensation Act of 1897 extended the rights of employ-
ees to compensation for workplace injuries. This act entitled the employees
dependents, if he had any, to three years wages in the event of a fatal acci-
dent, and in the event of a non-fatal accident that rendered the employee
unable to work, 50 % of his weekly earnings were payable during the period
of incapacity after the second week. Whereas the 1880 act only entitled the
employee to compensation in the event of a form of negligence on the part
of his employer, the 1897 act entitled the employee to compensation for any
workplace injury, providing it was not wilfully committed by the employee.
The 1897 act was also notable for establishing injured employees right to
weekly incapacity compensation rather than only a lump sum benefit. Further
Workmens Compensation Acts of 1900 and 1906 extended the industries
in which the act was applicable. The 1906 act made its application almost
universal. Similar forms of legislation were introduced around continental
Europe and Scandinavia during the same period (though not in the USA,
Canada or Australia).
A behemoth, prize-winning paper by John Nicoll, published in 1902,
represented the next notable British actuarial contribution on the subject of
employers liability insurance.10 Some 20 years of liability insurance business
experience had been accumulated in Britain by this time, but no actuarial
basis for premium-setting had been established, even in theory, beyond the
early efforts of Neison and Whittall on accident rates. Standard industry prac-
tice was to charge a premium amount set as a percentage of the total wages of
the employees of the business.
Nicoll derived formulae for the value of fatal and non-fatal accident com-
pensation, including the new feature of weekly compensation during the
period of incapacity, from actuarial first principles. For the valuation of fatal
accident compensation, Nicolls formula was a function of the rate of fatal
accident of a given occupation (which was specified as a function of age);
and the probability of the employee having dependants (also specified as a
Nicoll (1902).
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 283
Actuaries could not tell, any more than they [general insurance underwriters]
could, what the rate should be, because they had no data the time, he
thought, was not ripe for actuarial knowledge to be called in.11
Thus, by the start of the twentieth century, some recurring themes were
already well-established in the British actuarial relationship with general
insurance: a lack of data rendered statistical and analytical methods of limited
use, and the actuarial role in general insurance was therefore at best unclear.
William Penmans Journal paper of 1911 was the first to focus specifically on
actuarial approaches to reserving for outstanding claims rather than premium
setting.12 Penman was another example, like Samuel Brown, of a life actuary
who dabbled in general insurance thinking, as well as investment thinking,
and who would go on to reach a leading position in the profession (Penman
was President of the Institute of Actuaries during the years 19401942).
The reserves required in a general insurance business can be considered to
have a few high-level components whose relative size will vary with the type
of business that is written. At the highest level, reserves can be required for
two basic categories of claims: claims that arise due to future events that may
occur during the outstanding period of insurance covered beyond the valua-
tion date by the premiums already received; and claims for events that have
already occurred but have yet to be settled.
The reserve for the first of these categories of claims is generally referred
to as an unexpired premium reserve. It reflects the portion of the insurance
premium received that is charged to cover the period of insurance beyond
the valuation date. Alternatively, an unexpired risk reserve may be set up that
Green, in Discussion, Nicoll (1902), p.559.
Penman (1911).
284 A History of British Actuarial Thought
The only way in which these items of information can be obtained is by a very
complete analysis of a large number of claims and such an analysis has not been
possible for me to make.14
Penman did acquire some claims experience data from two companies and
he used this to develop illustrative bases and valuations. He showed that the
rate of recovery from incapacity tended to be lower at older ages and argued
this should be explicitly allowed for in the reserving basis.
The Staple Inn discussion was broadly negative. The themes were famil-
iar. Several speakers voiced strong doubts about the availability of sufficient
relevant data to implement the actuarial approach set out by Penman. There
were so many factors affecting the duration of incapacity that the separation
of claims into homogenous groups would produce such small groups that
the result would not differ significantly from the case estimation approach
that the author had strongly criticised. The business was in a state of flux,
with factors such as judicial interpretation rendering historical experience less
relevant to the future. One speaker pointed out that valuing life business by
case estimation may not be so absurd if the information was readily available
to support it.
It was almost two decades before another paper appeared in either of the
British actuarial journals on the topic of employee liability insurance (or any
other form of general insurance). Then, in 1929 and 1931, two papers were
published, partly motivated by the 1925 and 1926 Workmens Compensation
Acts. Hugh Browns paper,15 published in the Transactions of the Faculty of
Actuaries in 1931, reviewed the implications of the 1925 and 1926 Acts of
Parliament. A notable feature of these acts was that they allowed the weekly
incapacity compensation payments to be commuted to an immediately payable
lump sum at the behest of the employer, providing the payment was not less
than 75 % of the prevailing market value of an immediate life annuity. This
provided a natural benchmark for reserving for outstanding claims, though the
actuary had discretion to attach a different value to the liability in the regulatory
board of trade returns providing a justification was provided along with details
of the basis used. However, an actuary was only required for the valuation of
weekly incapacity payments that had been in duration for five years or more.
For other outstanding claims, the practice remained to value those liabilities on
an individual case basis using available medical opinion. Hence, 20 years after
Penmans paper and almost 30 years after Nicolls, liability insurance practices
remained largely unaltered by actuarial input: outstanding claims were either
valued on an individual case basis, or were essentially assumed to be life annui-
ties. No actuarial method for the estimation of the duration of the claims based
on statistical analysis of rates of recovery from incapacity was implemented in
Brown (1931).
286 A History of British Actuarial Thought
See Lundberg (1909) for example.
See, for example, Pentikainen (1952).
See, for example, Seal (1969).
288 A History of British Actuarial Thought
theory, each policy in the portfolio had its own specified probability distribu-
tion for claim frequency and claim size. In collective risk theory, the models
and calibrations were specified at the portfolio level without distinguishing
which policies gave rise to the claims (but individual claim events were still
This analytical framework could provide many theoretical insights. At the
most basic level, it was one way of calculating the expected level of claims,
and hence the pure premium for insurance. It could also be used to model
claims with and without reinsurance and to set the pure premium for a par-
ticular form of reinsurance. For a given level of premium and starting capital,
the evolution of the risk reserve could be modelledthat is the stochastic
projection over time of assets and premiums less claims and expenses. The
modelling of this reserve could be used to estimate probabilities of ruin over
various time horizons for a given starting reserve. Equivalently, it could be
used to establish the starting level of reserve required to support a given prob-
ability of ruin.
This analysis of ruin probabilities was fundamentally very similar to the
approach pioneered by Sidney Benjamin and adopted by the Maturity
Guarantees Working Party for unit-linked investment guarantee reserv-
ing during the 1970s. In maturity guarantee reserving, the ruin probability
modelling focused on the impact of stochastic variation in non-diversifiable
(financial market) risk. Risk theory focused on the stochastic impact of what
might be called under-diversification of risks that were theoretically diversi-
fiablethat is, the impact of random fluctuations in claims processes that
were usually assumed to be independent (claims may also be highly correlated
due to exposure to a common event or risk factor). As we shall see below,
Benjamin also played a significant role in developing British actuarial thought
in general insurance.
Whilst the theoretical framework of risk theory was intuitive and powerful
in the context of general insurance business, it did not necessarily provide a
solution that was any less challenged than traditional actuarial techniques by
the age-old practical general insurance modelling issues of data, heterogeneity
and stability. Could the models of risk theory be reliably calibrated such that
it could produce dependable quantitative output?
Risk theory never reached the mainstream of the British actuarial profes-
sion. Its primary British actuarial exponent during the post-war decades was
Robert Beard. He liaised extensively with international actuarial colleagues
from the late 1940s onwards, especially the leading Finnish thinkers in the
discipline, to apply the subject to British general insurance business. Beards
interest in risk theory was mainly stimulated by his experience in q uantitative
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 289
operational research during the Second World War rather than by his actu-
arial training.20 He appealed to the Institute of Actuaries as early as 1948 to
engage more actively in general insurance, but he received little encourage-
ment. Faced with a less-than-enthusiastic institute, Beard helped to estab-
lish ASTINActuarial Studies in Non-Life Insuranceas a section of the
International Actuarial Association.21 Its journalthe Astin Bulletincarried
much of Beards substantial research output of the 1950s and 1960s.
Beard did manage to get a couple of papers on risk theory and its applica-
tion to general insurance published in the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries
in 1967. He also had a greater number published in the perhaps more liber-
ally minded Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Student Society. Beard also
co-wrote a book,22 first published in 1969, on risk theory with two of the
leading Finnish actuarial thinkers on risk theory, Professor Pentikainen and
Dr Pesonen. The book was widely used in European actuarial university
courses and subsequent editions were published in the 1970s and 1980s.
A notable Beard paper was published in the Journal of the Institute of
Actuaries Students Society in 1954.23 Beard gave British actuarial students an
overview of risk theory and demonstrated its application in general insur-
ance with an example based on a large US fire insurance claims dataset. The
paper showed that the distribution of claim size could be well-fitted with a
log-normal distribution, except for a handful of exceptionally large claims out
of a dataset of more than a quarter of a million. It also showed how an excess-
of-loss reinsurance treaty impacted on the insurance portfolios net claims
probability distribution. He went on to analyse how the probability of ruin
behaved over various time horizons for differing levels of starting reserves, and
how the excess-of-loss treaty impacted on these results. It was an accessible
and comprehensive practical case study on the application of risk theory to
general insurance reserving, solvency assessment and risk management.
Beard was not a mere theorist. He was a working actuary who recognised
the practical limitations of the mathematical framework and the data that
was used to fuel it. For example, he noted that other US statistics showed
that higher claim frequencies tended to be experienced in years of economic
depression, and less in boom years, and that this could be an important source
of heterogeneity and non-stationarity. He also noted that claims would tend
not to be independent due to geographical exposures. Nonetheless, he held a
Beard in Discussion, Plackett (1971), p.355.
Beard in Discussion, Abbott etal. (1974), p.277.
Beard etal. (1969).
Beard (1954).
290 A History of British Actuarial Thought
deep conviction that there were significant practical insights for general insur-
ance premium-setting and reserving that could be obtained from a sensible
utilisation of available data within the sophisticated mathematical modelling
of risk theory.
The editors of the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries permitted Beard a full
seven pages in its September 1967 edition.24 He argued that the risk theory
approach of modelling claim frequency and claim size as separate statistical
processes could make it easier to detect changes in patterns of claims experi-
ence and thus allow for faster premium rate adjustments to be made by the
insurance office. This was a topical issue for the general insurance industry at
the time, especially in motor insurance, where a deterioration in experience
had occurred over a number of years without premium bases adequately react-
ing to avoid a sequence of multiple years of loss.
Although it was not accepted into the mainstream of the professions think-
ing at the time, Beards work of the 1950s and 1960s laid the foundations and
provided the inspiration for broader quantitative research in general insurance
by the British actuarial profession. Meanwhile, progress started to be made
in the collation of relevant claims data in some general insurance lines, most
notably motor insurance. In 1967, the British Insurance Association estab-
lished the Motor Risk Statistics Bureau to pool claims experience data for
several member insurers. This data, whilst challenged by differences in rating
structures and policy types across member firms, provided a new source for
the application of statistical techniques to pricing and reserving.
The 1970s saw more actuaries become engaged in general insurance prac-
tice. As noted above, the Institute eventually added general insurance to its
examination syllabus in 1978. Some new British actuarial thought-leaders
emerged in the 1970s who were seeped in practical experience in general
insurance business. G.B.Hey was one such example and he helped to break
new ground in 1971 when he and P.D.Johnson wrote the first ever paper on
motor insurance to be published in the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries.25
Their paper was not as mathematical as typical risk theory works, but it was
strongly influenced by Beard and his work in ASTIN.
Johnson and Hey analysed the efficacy of experience rating in motor insur-
ancethat is a system by which the premium of the individual risk depends
upon the claims experience of this same individual risk.26 In British motor
insurance, this was known as the No Claims Discount (NCD) system, and
Beard (1967).
Johnson and Hey (1971).
Johnson and Hey (1971), p.202.
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 291
1960s and even 1970s as too theoretical and quantitative to be of much prac-
tical value to the British actuary. This perspective is well-represented, though
perhaps a little overstated, by the following passage in a Journal paper by
Ryder published in 1976:
Risk theory is a rather esoteric branch of actuarial theory which has been exten-
sively developed by the more theoretical continental actuarial tradition. The
practical actuary, however, finds that he hardly ever uses this theory.27
Historically, the first job of the actuary is to safeguard the interests of policy-
holders. The life actuary determines the amount of risk capital which should be
set aside to give an acceptable level of safety to the policyholders. In non-life
insurance, that does not happen. The amount of backing solvency capital for
any volume of business is set vaguely, according to an informed perceived wis-
dom, with: no scientific justification; no explicit public justification; no pub-
lished standards of consistency within any one company from year to year; and
no apparent standards of consistency between companies in any one year.31
have the freedom to use his judgement to set appropriate assumptions and
methods for the business he is reserving for, providing he disclosed his assump-
tions sufficiently such that another actuary could reproduce his results and
opine on the reasonableness of the approach taken. To Benjamin, this was the
fundamental reserving discipline that actuaries could bring which was lacking
in British general insurance. Whilst the Staple Inn discussion of the paper was
broadly supportive of Benjamins thinking, there were some general insurance
practitioners who felt the need to highlight that the intrinsic differences in
general insurance and life assurance could limit the direct applicability of some
of his arguments and that actuarial advice [in general insurance] would
continue to be sought if, and only if, actuaries showed a proper understand-
ing and humility of approach to an industry which had operated successfully
without actuaries for many years.34
In the years following Benjamins 1976 paper, a flurry of papers appeared
in the Journal which did indeed attempt to develop a proper understand-
ing of an approach to claim reserving. These papers were some of the
most technical and quantitative papers ever to appear in the Journal, and were
mostly written by actuaries, and in some cases non-actuaries, with PhDs in
advanced quantitative fields. They were mainly concerned with developing
improvements in methods for the projection of claims from a run-off triangle
(which tabulated claims paid in rows of the year of insurance, which was usu-
ally referred to as the underwriting year and sometimes as the origin year; and
columns of development year, i.e. the number of years after the origin year
when the claim was paid). The concept of a run-off table of general insurance
claims had been around for a long time. For example, at the Staple Inn discus-
sion of Penmans 1911 paper, W.R.Strong noted:
If the claim payments in respect of the business accepted in any given year were
traced separately until the claims of the year were finally disposed of, the total
volume of payments year by year fell into a somewhat regular sequence of
diminishing amounts It might perhaps be practicable when a sufficient
period had elapsed to construct a table by means of which, given the claim pay-
ments up to the end of the year, an estimate might be formed of the ultimate
cost of disposing of the liability in respect of the policies of the first year.35
The standard method of estimation of the ultimate cost from the run-off
data was the ubiquitous chain ladder method. The method assumes that future
Scurfield, in Discussion, Benjamin (1976b), p.300.
Strong, in Discussion, Penman (1911), pp.13738.
296 A History of British Actuarial Thought
claims for each underwriting year will accumulate over their outstanding
development years in proportion to how claims paid up to that point in the
origin years development differ from the average observed across all the origin
years in the run-off table for which the outstanding development period has
been observed. Its greatest limitation is embedded in its basic assumption: it
implies that an unexpected claim size in an early year of development impacts
proportionally on all future development years for that underwriting year.
This sensitivity could result in noisy, unstable estimates for business in its early
years of development.
The first of this series of technical papers was written by D.H.Reid and
published in the Journal in 1978.36 Reid began by noting that case-by-case esti-
mation was still the prevalent industry practice for setting outstanding claims
reserves in general insurance. He voiced the usual actuarial concerns with
this approach, but particularly highlighted that whilst the approach might
sometimes have some merit in reserving for claims that had been reported but
not yet settled, it was entirely inapplicable to IBNR claims and their required
reserves. The reserving approach for these claims must involve some form
of statistical method as there was no case-by-case information that could be
used in the reserving assessmentby definition, the claim was completely
unknown to the insurer at this point in its development.
Reid developed a mathematical framework for the emergence of claims
payments over time by specifying a cumulative joint probability function for
claims paid and development year. He then fitted this function to the available
data for the claims experience from the earliest available underwriting year of
the run-off data only. His model was essentially smoothing the observed expe-
rience of a single complete sample path for the claims development. Once this
function had been fitted, it was then transformed into a function for use in
projected future claims via parameters for inflationary changes in claim size
and changes in the rate of settlement that were assumed to be experienced
between the time of the first underwriting years claims and the projected
times of future claims. These parameters could be fitted to the claims run-off
data for the sequence of subsequent underwriting years for which data was
available. Reid applied his framework to example claims data for a variety of
lines of business such as employers liability, fire and motor insurance. The
approach was somewhat aligned to risk theory in that it provided a full proba-
bilistic description of (aggregate) claims. But its formulation was complex,
and the model contained a very large number of parameters that needed to be
fitted to typically very limited data. His presentation was rather impenetrable
Reid (1978).
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 297
for the typical British actuary of the time. Crucially, it was extremely difficult
to ascertain from his analysis whether his complex modelling would result in a
more accurate or reliable estimate of outstanding claims than a much simpler
modelling approach.
D.H. Craighead produced a more accessible paper for the Journal in
1979.37 Craighead was an experienced actuarial practitioner in the Lloyds
of London market. His paper gave a broad overview of its business practices
and institutional arrangements. It also contained an important section with
his views on how to model the run-off of claims and hence establish claim
reserves at any point of time. He proposed fitting a formula for the incurred
loss ratio of a given underwriting year as a function of the development year.
He applied this approach to the proprietary claims data of an anonymous
reinsurance company using a three-parameter exponential form of function.
This produced fits of varying degrees of quality for different lines of underly-
ing business and forms of reinsurance.
The fitted curves provided a smoothed description of how claims had histori-
cally run-off over their development period. It did not provide an explicit statis-
tical predictive model. The fitted parameters could then be used to extrapolate
the claims run-off of the underwriting years that were not yet fully developed.
This was essentially a parametric form of the chain ladder method and, in simi-
larity with that method, Craighead noted the sensitivity of the reserve estimate
to unexpectedly large claims that arose early in the claim development period.
In the Staple Inn discussion, this theme was expanded upon by J.P. Ryan, a
general insurance actuary who made notable contributions to actuarial research
in the 1980s and 1990s. Ryan highlighted that the work done in the USA by
Bornhuetter and Ferguson might provide the solution to this problem.38 The
Bornhuetter-Ferguson approach reduced the sensitivity of projected ultimate
claims to the claims experience data by mixing the estimate implied by the raw
claims data with some specified prior expectations for the claims development
pattern. It was essentially Bayesian in spirit, and its inherent limitation was in
the potentially arbitrary specification of the prior estimates.
Three further technical papers on statistical methods for general insur-
ance claim reserving appeared in the Journal in 1982 and 1983. The first of
these was written by J.H.Pollard.39 Pollard focused on the run-off behaviour
of the aggregate claims of a large book of business. He invoked the Central
Limit Theorem to justify assuming the aggregate claims would be normally
Craighead (1979).
Bornhuetter and Ferguson (1972).
Pollard (1982).
298 A History of British Actuarial Thought
Pollard moved away from the direct manipulation of the run-off triangle and
instead set up a matrix algebra to describe how claims paid behaved through
their development years: he specified vectors for the mean and variance of the
claims paid in each development year, together with a covariance matrix to
capture the correlations between claims paid in different development years
(for example, the correlation between claims paid in development year 1 and
development year 3). This, almost tautologically, allowed the expected claims,
and indeed the whole probability distribution of future claims to be deter-
mined for a given claims development period to date.
The second useful feature of Pollards set-up was that it provided a statistical
basis for assessing whether statistically significant changes in claim settlement
patterns had arisenthe multivariate normal framework allowed Chi-Square
significant tests to be used to assess if the claims development was statistically
different to the previously fitted distributions. Pollards framework was mathe-
matically elegant and intuitive, but, as ever, it relied entirely on how the model
was parameterised and the reliability of the available data for that purpose.
The two claim reserving papers published in the Journal in 1983 were
the most statistically complex. The first of these was written by de Jong and
Zehnwirth.40 Their paper applied recent technical developments in the sta-
tistical modelling literature to the claim reserving problem, particularly the
times series modelling of Box and Jenkins.41 This involved state-space models
and the Kalman filter, which was essentially a recursive application of Bayes
Theorem. This mathematical statistical technology allowed claim reserve esti-
mates to be dynamically updated in a Bayesian way as new data arose. The
second paper,42 by G.C.Taylor, drew parallels with the claim projection prob-
lem and invariance problems in physics and used this observation to apply
variational calculus to the stochastic modelling of run-off triangles. The invari-
ance assumption was that the expected amount of outstanding claims, deflated
to current values, is invariant under all variations of future speed of finaliza-
tions.43 Taylor recognised that such an assumption would not hold if a change
in rate of settlement arose, for example, due to a change in negotiating stance
of the insurer. But of course, no quantitative method could readily incorporate
such factors into claims projections. Neither of these papers were presented at
Staple Inn and it is hard to believe they resonated strongly with either general
insurance practitioners or the British actuarial profession at large.
de Jong and Zehnwirth (1983).
Box and Jenkins (1970).
Taylor (1983).
Taylor (1983), p.211.
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 299
Daykin etal. (1984), p.279.
Pentikainen and Rantala (1982).
Daykin etal. (1984).
Daykin etal. (1984), p.288.
300 A History of British Actuarial Thought
over the three-year horizon (which was clearly substantially different to the
one-in-two risk-of-ruin loosely implied by a best estimate approach).
The working party also advocated an approach similar in spirit to life assur-
ance reservings freedom with publicity concept: insurers and their actuaries
would be free to choose their own methods to determine the technical provi-
sions and solvency margin, but disclosure of those methods and professional
certification by a loss-reserving specialist would be required. However, in the
Staple Inn discussion of the paper, some concerns were raised that this free-
dom was fraught with danger unless the Department [of Trade and Industry,
the insurance solvency regulator of the time] is able to bring to bear a strin-
gent monitoring of the results.48
The working party recommended that the above ruin probabilities should
take account of asset-side risks as well as liability risksin essence, a mis-
match reserve should be included in both the technical provisions and sol-
vency margin. It may be recalled that Sidney Benjamin first proposed that
general insurers solvency margin should include a mismatch reserve in 1976,
but it remained a significant departure from prevailing general insurance
practice in 1984. Such a change in reserving method could imply a significant
increase in reserving levels. However, the working party attempted to water
down the ramifications of this proposed change with a caveat:
If asset values fall only temporarily, the problem may be largely presentational,
and the supervisor would not need to withdraw the authorization of companies
unable to meet the solvency requirements at a particular date if the position had
subsequently been rectified. Only with a prolonged shift in market values would
the effects be serious.49
Hart, in Discussion, Daykin etal. (1984), p.320.
Daykin etal. (1984), p.302.
Daykin etal. (1987).
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 301
Benjamin and Ian Eagles, published in 1986.51 Benjamin and Eagles analysed
historical claims run-off patterns in Lloyds syndicates and found that the ulti-
mate loss ratio tended to have a strong linear dependence on the year one paid
claims ratio. This linear dependency relationship had already been alluded to
by Pollards development year correlation matrix but Benjamin and Eagles
presentation implied a very simple mathematical rendering that appeared to
produce good empirical fits: ultimate cumulative claims, and hence required
current reserves, could be estimated by simple linear regression of the cumula-
tive claims of a given development year with the ultimate cumulative claims
paid. The empirically observed variation around the line of best fit could also
provide some heuristic indication of the extent to which ultimate cumulative
claims could deviate from the extrapolated estimate. These regression rela-
tionships could be fitted to different business lines and years of development.
Naturally, the later the year of development, the more confidence could be
had in the ultimate loss estimate. It was classic Sydney Benjaminavoid-
ing unnecessary statistical niceties, it cut to the chase and delivered powerful
practical actuarial insight. In a world increasingly characterised by rocket sci-
ence and advanced computing technology, Benjamin had a knack of making
original and informative use of the back of an envelope.
The working partys normal distributions and Benjamins linear regressions
may have led the British actuarial profession to exhale a collective sigh of relief
at the potential accessibility of new general insurance reserving methods. The
investigation, however, of the use of advanced statistical techniques in claim
reserving was far from over. Three further papers of a high statistical ambi-
tion were published in the Journal in 1989 and 1990. The first two of these
papers were the fruits of a seminar Applications of Mathematics in Insurance,
Finance and Actuarial Work, jointly sponsored by the Institute of Actuaries
and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. These two papers, by
R.J.Verrall52 and A.E.Renshaw53 respectively, covered broadly similar statis-
tical ground. They both observed that the ubiquitous chain ladder method
could be considered as a form of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
From this observation, a similar recursive Bayesian estimation approach as
that developed by de Jong and Zehnwirth could be developed. It could also
be shown that, under the statistical assumptions of the ANOVA model and
an assumed lognormal distribution for claims, the chain ladder method did
not produce the maximum likelihood estimates for the expected claims. This
Benjamin and Eagles (1986).
Verrall (1989).
Renshaw (1989).
7 British Actuarial Thought inGeneral Insurance (18511994) 303
more statistically sophisticated analytical approach could also shed some light
on the parameter stability (or lack thereof ) of the chain ladder method, espe-
cially for the most recent underwriting years.
T.S. Wrights paper, the third of this series of highly technical investiga-
tions of advanced statistical techniques for claim reserving, appeared in the
Journal in 1990.54 Like the work of de Jong and Zehnwirth, this again used the
Bayesian Kalman filter statistical technology to produce stochastic projections
of claims run-off. However, unlike the papers by Verrall and Renshaw, Wrights
approach did not rely on the assumption that claims were log-normally distrib-
uted. This was an assumption which Wright regarded as an untenable descrip-
tion of general insurance claims distributions. Several technical assumptions
about the distributional characteristics of the claims process were still required
by Wrights approach, but it allowed the statistical insights to be placed in a
more general family of distributions than the previous research.
Whilst these advanced statistical methods may have had some application
in insurers internal assessments of claims experience and profitability, they
were too exploratory and complex for use in 1990s statutory solvency assess-
ment. As has so often been the case in the history of British actuarial engage-
ment in general insurance, further inspiration was sought from overseas. A
group of British actuaries authored a paper reviewing the recent US regulatory
developments which appeared in the British Actuarial Journal in 1996.55 The
US regulatory authorities introduced a Risk-Based Capital (RBC) system in
the early 1990s. The essential idea was that the capital requirement (similar
to the solvency margin in the UK) would be calculated using a series of pre-
scribed factors that were applied to a defined metric of volume of business
(such as premiums earned or reserves net of reinsurance). Hence the capital
requirement would be determined as some percentage of net reserves, and
the percentage would be determined formulaically as a function of the mix
of insurance business and asset risks on the balance sheet. The underwriting
and claim reserve risk factors were set on a rolling basis to reflect the worst
industry experience of the previous ten-year period. This mechanical calibra-
tion approach was open to the criticism of being too retrospective for the
fast-changing world of general insurance.
The authors highlighted some of the limitations of this simplified one-size-
fits-all formula application, most notably its inability to capture the aggre-
gation of exposure to a single underlying risk event. They suggested that a
Dynamic Solvency Testing (DST) approach, implemented within a statutory
Wright (1990).
Hooker etal. (1996).
304 A History of British Actuarial Thought
misleading profit emergence pattern over the life of the business. It high-
lighted how material this effect could be in the high inflation environment
that prevailed at the time the paper was written and how changes in inflation
and interest rates over the run-off of the business could further distort the
emergence of profits when using the undiscounted reserving approach. The
paper also discussed how to assess the return on shareholder capital that had
been earned by a general insurance business. It did not, however, venture to
answer what return ought to be required by general insurance shareholders
other than to suggest that an arbitrary amount in excess of the real risk-free
interest rate should be a form of profit objective.
A short paper by G.C.Taylor published in the Journal in 1984 considered
the capital that should be required to write new business and from where this
capital should come.58 In particular, in general insurance in the 1970s, the
notion had developed that insurance business should be self-financing: that
is, solvency margin requirements should be funded entirely from premium
loadings. Taylor argued that solvency margin requirements should be consid-
ered as part of the working capital needs of a general insurance business and
should therefore be funded by the shareholder rather than the policyholder. He
further argued that whilst these funds could be invested and would generate
investment return for shareholders, this return would be inadequate compen-
sation for shareholders due to effects such as double-taxation. Hence premi-
ums should be loaded to generate an acceptable expected return on that capital
(which would be less than the loading for full self-financing). He then devel-
oped some algebra to show how to calculate this premium loading, though the
required return on shareholder capital was taken as an arbitrary parameter that
was dictated by the equity market.59 This work can be seen as a step towards
a more economically coherent perspective on insurance premium setting. The
concept of loading premiums to include a cost of capital has endured.
A 1990 paper by Daykin and Hey,60 two leading general insurance
actuaries that we already met earlier in our general insurance discussion,
discussed how the stochastic asset-liability cashflow modelling that had been
developed by the Solvency Working Group in 1987 for the purposes of sol-
vency assessment could be extended for use in the wider financial manage-
ment of a general insurance firm. The 1987 approach to solvency assessment
had explicitly assumed that the insurer ceased to write new business. The 1990
paper considered how the simulation model could be extended to include the
Taylor (1984).
Taylor (1984), p.178.
Daykin and Hey (1990).
306 A History of British Actuarial Thought
long-term projection of new business and its financial impacts. This naturally
required a modelling framework to describe the behaviour of new business in
terms of business volumes, profitability, competitiveness of pricing relative to
the wider market, and how these variables behave jointly with each other and
with the other stochastic variables and outputs in the model. For example, the
business may price more aggressively when its balance sheet is strong relative
to the required solvency margin. Daykin and Hey produced results for the
ten-year stochastic projection of asset and liability cashflows, profits and bal-
ance sheets under a variety of different assumptions for new business writing
and pricing strategies. Their objective was to show that technical actuarial
skills could be employed as an intrinsic part of business strategy development
and planning in a general insurance firm.
Daykin and Hey also considered the potential use of financial economics
in general insurance business management. Once again, this topic of gen-
eral insurance research had first been explored overseasin this case in the
USA.The particular stimulus for the use of financial economics in US gen-
eral insurance had been in determining the return required by investors for
funding general insurance business. This had relevance beyond the commer-
cial management considerations of a given companyin the USA, premium
rates were controlled by government regulation, and this required an objective
and rigorous framework for establishing a fair premium rate. This, in turn
demanded an assumption about the level of return reasonably required by the
providers of insurance capital.
The application of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to determine required
returns on general insurance equity capital was initially explored in the USA
in the late 1970s and early 1980s.61 This work highlighted that where gen-
eral insurance claims are uncorrelated with market returns, no risk premium
should be required by shareholders for bearing this (diversifiable) risk. Daykin
and Hey expressed discomfort with this implication for general insurance
required returns, arguing that it suggests that the CAPM is missing some
important aspects.62 A natural candidate for these missing aspects was the
frictional cost of capital argument that had been presented by Taylor in 1984,
but this line of thought was not pursued by Daykin and Hey.
Daykin and Hey also briefly considered the potential use of Merton-style
option modelling of an insurers capital structure, where shareholder equity is
modelled as a call option on the net assets of the general insurance company.
This had also recently been explored in the USA.63 By explicitly capturing the
leverage implied by insurance business (where policyholders are essentially
debtholders), higher required shareholder returns (and hence premium rates)
could be implied, which Daykin and Hey welcomed. They suggested that
their simulation modelling approach could be used to analyse more realistic
forms of optionality in shareholder returns than the simplistic analytical mod-
els presented in the literature.
Daykin and Hey widened the actuarial perspective on general insurance
from solvency to include profitability, return of capital and new business pric-
ing strategy. Later in 1990, a paper by Ryan and Larner was published in the
Journal that widened the actuarial horizons of general insurance further to
include company valuation.64 This paper discussed the application to general
insurance of the appraisal value method that actuaries had recently started
to apply in merger and acquisition work in both life and general insurance
business. The essence of the appraisal value was that it involved an explicit
projection of the cashflow earnings of the business, using assumptions set fol-
lowing actuarial investigation. These cashflows would then be discounted at
appropriate risk discount rates to obtain the companys appraisal value.
Ryan and Larner considered the appraisal value in three components: the
adjusted net asset value (the current balance sheet net asset value, adjusted
for the cost of those assets being locked-in to the insurance balance sheet);
other value arising from past written business (expected release of surplus
from insurance reserves); and the value arising from future written business.
The adjusted net asset value would be based on the market value of assets, and
the deduction from the net asset value for capital lock-in would be based on
the shareholders cost of capital. They explained the rationale for the cost of
capital as follows:
They [shareholders] will require a larger return on their funds [if invested in an
insurance operation] than if they invested them separately. This arises, partly
because the capital is being exposed to the risk of loss in the insurance business
and partly because it could be used elsewhere. We use the term cost of capi-
tal to mean the value of the shortfall in net earnings between the risk return
required by shareholders and the actual [expected] investment return.65
directly in financial markets. Taylor had taken a similar position in his 1984
paper on loading premiums for the cost of capital, though he had argued
that this additional cost arose from frictional sources such as double-taxation
rather than because of exposure to insurance risk.
The risk discount rate would reflect the riskiness of the shareholder cashflow
streams. The authors suggested different risk discount rates should be applied
to different elements of the projected earnings stream to reflect their risk char-
acteristics (for example, a higher discount rate would be applied to earnings
from future business than that used for future profits emerging from existing
business). Whilst the authors were aware of financial economists approaches
to valuation, some of their suggestions were not necessarily consistent with
those ideas. In particular, their suggestion that the risk discount rate should
be a function of the extent to which the business was exposed to diversifiable
insurance risk ran contrary to a fundamental principle of financial economics.
This idea ran throughout the paperfor example, later the paper suggested
that a well-diversified insurance business could command a lower risk dis-
count rate and, hence, higher appraisal value than a less-diversified business.
A 1994 Journal paper by Bride and Lomax66 provided a perspective on the
financial management of general insurance business that was more closely
aligned to financial economics. Their starting point was that the appraisal
value implementation that had been developed by actuaries to support share-
holder valuations in merger and acquisition activity fails to capture the
operational dynamics of non-life insurance business and obscures the issues
surrounding the nature of shareholders, policyholders and other creditors
claims on the assets of the firm.67 However, they did not propose to reject the
entire framework of discounted cashflow projections of the appraisal value
rather, they attempted to show how the risk-adjusted discount rate and cost
of capital adjustments could be rigorously set.
They emphasised that the idea that shareholders did not require a reward
for bearing diversifiable risk was the most fundamental and least controversial
result produced by financial economics. This had implications both for the
setting of the risk discount rate and the cost of capital adjustmentRyan
and Larner had argued that one of the reasons for the cost of capital adjust-
ment was that shareholders required compensation for their exposure to the
(diversifiable) risk of future insurance losses. This was categorically rejected by
Bride and Lomax.
Bride and Lomax (1994), p.388.
Bride and Lomax (1994), p.438.
Duffy, in Discussion, Bride and Lomax (1994), p.421.
Ryan, in Discussion, Bride and Lomax (1994), p.429.
Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward
of an increase in investment risk appetite. The 1930s also represents the start
of the period of the cult of equities, and actuaries and their institutions were
not immune to its siren call. Leading actuaries of the era such as H.E.Raynes
were heavily influenced by contemporary economists such as Edgar Lawrence
Smith and John Maynard Keynes, and indeed by the indisputably excellent
performance of equity markets over the preceding decades (especially relative
to long-term bonds). Thus, from the 1920s onwards, the financial market
risks embedded in British life office balance sheets started to materially grow.
The economic volatility of the post-First World War era also further disin-
clined pension actuaries to use market values in assessments of pension fund
surplus and required long-term contribution rates. By the early 1920s a general
actuarial consensus was reached that the historically high levels of prevailing
long-term market bond yields should not be fully reflected in pension fund
valuations. Assets were valued at above market value, though with perhaps a
partial write-down from their book value. Liability discount rates were left
unchanged from their pre-war assumptions. The prevailing market yield was
treated as an aberration that could be assumed away. The consensus was not
unanimous, however. Most notably, S.G.Warner, the senior actuary who was
President of the Institute in the years 19161918, argued in 1921 that assets
should be valued at market value and liabilities should be valued using a dis-
count rate based on the market yield. This is perhaps the earliest actuarial call
for a market-based approach to pension fund valuation, but it went unheeded.
The quarter-century following the Second World War was a period of
strong economic growth and rapid technological change. For actuaries, devel-
opments in computer science and financial economics pointed to an increas-
ingly quantitative environment for their work. More advanced quantitative
concepts were introduced to British actuaries, or indeed developed by British
actuaries, during this period and found varying degrees of interest amongst
the profession. The application of risk theory to general insurance business
found few supporters within the British profession, despite the unrelent-
ing efforts of R.E. Beard during the 1950s. On the other hand, the work
of Redington (1952), Haynes and Kirton (1952) and Anderson and Binns
(1957) introduced a new technical sophistication to thinking on asset-liability
management in life assurance. Duration and immunisation were concepts
introduced and mathematically codified by Redington that would eventually
permanently resonate with the wider financial world. The work of Haynes
and Kirton, and Anderson and Binns tentatively pointed towards ideas such
as dynamic hedging and portfolio insurance that would again become part
of mainstream financial risk management in the decades to follow. Whilst
British life actuaries had historically displayed an ambivalence towards market
314 Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward
values, all of these risk management ideas were based on the objective of man-
aging exposure to changes in market prices. Defined benefit pensions think-
ing, however, remained resolutely detached from market values and indeed
from any explicit framework of risk management thinking.
These post-war decades also saw the development in US academia of
the fundamental theories of financial economicsportfolio theory (1952),
ModiglianiMiller (1958), the Capital Asset Pricing Moody (1964), the
Efficient Markets Hypothesis (1970) and BlackScholesMerton (1973).
ModiglianiMiller pioneered the use of arbitrage in the derivation of finance
theories; the other theories were built to various degrees on contemporary
developments in computer science and quantitative analysis: the expanding
computational capabilities of computers, the mathematisation of finance and
economics, and the rigorous statistical analysis of empirical market data were
the underlying building blocks of this stream of research. The British actuarial
profession was largely oblivious to these ideas in the years following their
emergence and when it did start to read about them, its predominant reaction
was to dismiss them as irrelevant theory.
Nonetheless, it is at least a notable historical curiosity that a number of the
technical ideas that dominated financial economic theory (such as portfolio
diversification, dynamic hedging, portfolio insurance) and financial economic
empirical research (excess volatility and predictability of returns) were at least
heuristically explored by twentieth-century British life actuaries ahead of their
rigorous academic development by professors of financial economics. It is also
notable that this actuarial research output tended to emerge from life actuar-
ies rather than pensions actuaries. Actuarial work in pensions was ultimately
an exercise in long-term financial planning and budgeting; pension actuaries
generally did not focus on the proactive risk management of the financial
security of members accrued pension benefits with the same sense of disci-
pline and purpose that life actuaries, as custodians of policyholder promises,
attempted when measuring and managing financial risks of life offices.
Whilst the British profession of the 1970s displayed a general disdain for
the actuarial application of the ideas of financial economics, it did, however,
attempt its own application of computer science and statistical modelling to
financial risk management. These efforts had natural applications given the
market risk-laden balance sheets that actuaries presided over by this time
full of equities on the asset side and long-term guaranteed returns to life poli-
cyholders or pension fund members on the liability side. In the life sector, the
provision of guarantees in the form of unit-linked business rather than in the
opaque with-profits format made them more transparent to those outside the
actuarial professionthey could not be cloaked in the mystique of actuarial
Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward 315
The stagflation of late 1970s Britain generated even more existential ques-
tions for actuaries in defined benefit pensions: should pensions be advance
funded in an economic environment of negative real interest rates? The
improving economic conditions of the 1980s made this question moot,
but there remained a philosophical debate about the purpose of funding.
Specifically, was it to produce a stable set of asset cashflows with a similar
profile and character to the liability cashflows; or was the central purpose of
advance funding to provide a current pot of assets with a market value that
was sufficient to secure the accrued pension benefits in the event of sponsor
insolvency? The profession slowly moved from the former towards the latter
over a period of several decades, but never fully reached a consensus. When,
in the early 1990s, the government tried to enforce a funding standard that
would secure accrued benefits in the event of insolvencythe Minimum
Funding Requirement (MFR)the result was a fudge that failed to meet its
stated objective and otherwise created cost and confusion.
Whilst the 1970s and early 1980s was a period of profound challenge for
British life and pensions actuaries (challenges that arose from legacy balance
sheets, difficult economic conditions and the circulation of new ideas that ran
counter to actuarial convention), in contrast this was a period when actuaries
profile and role in British general insurance notably increased. This increased
role capitalised on the accumulating volume and improving accessibility of
relevant historical claims data in sectors such as motor insurance, and on actu-
aries traditional skills in the analysis of claims data for the purposes of pric-
ing and reserving. However, the claim for a greater actuarial role in general
insurance was also strongly based on the argument that statutory reserving in
general insurance needed the same professional judgement that was present
in life assurance reserving.
The 1990s was a remarkably tumultuous and difficult decade for the British
actuarial profession. Again, the economic environment played its part in
exposing the limitations of the financial risk management approaches adopted
in actuarial balance sheets. In particular, long-term interest rates steadily fell
throughout the decade. By the middle of the decade, the fall in rates had
triggered the Guaranteed Annuity Option crisis in the life sector, which
claimed the scalp of Equitable Life, the storied institution of Richard Price
and William Morgan. There were many institutional factors that contributed
to the Equitables downfall, but from the perspective of actuarial thinking,
there was at least one fundamental lesson. The profession chose not to apply
to with-profit guarantees the risk-based reserving methods it developed in the
1970s for unit-linked maturity guarantees. This was largely because actuaries
were confident that the various powerful levers they had at their disposal to
Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward 317
was supposed to work. That is, with-profit bonuses were not supposed to
reflect market value changes; at the heart of the product was the concept
of intergenerational cross-subsidy and smoothing of returns between policy-
holders. There is good evidence to support this: there is much recognition in
the historical actuarial literature of the need for different types of valuation for
different purposes. Classically, a net premium valuation with off-market asset
valuation for the equitable distribution of surplus; and a gross premium valu-
ation with market asset values for the assessment of solvency. There is a second
kind of explanation: that actuaries held the belief that market values were
often wrong; that they were too volatile and the changes in market value
were often irrational and irrelevant to the assessment of the expected cost of
funding long-term liability cashflows. Pension fund valuation methods have
arguably been based on this perspective. And much of modern actuarial risk
methodology (such as the Wilkie model) has also been consistent with this
outlook. It also arguably was a factor in the increasing appetite for market risk
on the asset side of life and pensions balance sheets over the twentieth century.
Whilst such an outlook was less inconsistent with financial economics
research than actuaries were often led to believe, it nonetheless inhibited the
professions willingness to embrace new ideas and techniques that could man-
age market risk over shorter-term horizons. In hindsight this was unfortunate,
as governments and regulators became increasingly interested in solvency
measures that were based on the short-term resilience of the balance sheets of
long-term business on a market value basis (in both life and pensions). When
reviewing the twentieth-century actuarial literature, it is quite striking how
a rich stream of market value-based risk thinking emerged from 1950s life
actuaries which was not successfully built upon in the actuarial research of the
1960s and 1970s. One can only speculate whether it was that philosophical
actuarial disdain for managing short-term market value solvency risks that lay
behind this.
To quote the clich, history does not repeat, it rhymes. It also never ends.
This historical account closed around the start of the twenty-first century.
Does it point to some important trends for the future of British actuarial
thought? And how has the extraordinary decade of financial turmoil that fol-
lowed the end of this historical account impacted on the future direction of
actuarial thought?
The global financial crisis of 20072008 systemically challenged financial
institutions (and their regulators) in a way that had not occurred since the
1930s. This was, first and foremost, a global banking crisis. Widening credit
spreads and rising doubts about the quality of the opaque assets that played
an increasingly prominent role on bank balance sheets resulted in a banking
Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward 319
solvency and liquidity crisis that started in the USA and quickly reverberated
around the globe. With the notable exception of AIG (with its notorious
financial products division that was far removed from conventional insurance
business), the financial institutions that relied on actuarial advice were not in
the front line of the crisis and they generally weathered its immediate impact
successfully. Insurance companies and pension funds had equity, credit and
other risk asset investments which performed poorly over the period of the
crisis, but there was no widespread immediate set of failures in these institu-
tions that resulted from the unfolding of the crisis over 2007 and 2008. This
may have been a source of some satisfaction and vindication for actuaries
around the world: if they could weather a once-in-a-century financial storm
such as this, clearly they were doing something right.
But the full picture is more complex than this: the long-term nature of life
and pension liabilities means that they are exposed not only to the short-term
gyrations of financial market corrections but also to the longer-term economic
consequences that a financial crisis such as this may trigger. In the years fol-
lowing the financial crash of 1929, long-term UK government bond yields fell
from 4.6 % to below 3 %. The years following the financial crisis of 20072008
produced a similar pattern. We saw in the Guaranteed Annuity Options dis-
cussion that long-term government bond yields fell from 15 % to 5 % over the
three decades between 1975 and 2005. One of the economic consequences of
the global financial crisis of 20072008 has been to further extend this trend:
by 2015, British government long bond yields had fallen below 3 %, to levels
not seen since the Dalton era at the end of the Second World War.
For UK life assurers, whilst unwelcome, this fall in rates did not present an
existential solvency threat: the regulatory changes of the early 2000s, which
were directly motivated by the GAO crisis of the late 1990s and the industrys
exposure to further interest rate falls that it highlighted, had strongly encour-
aged UK life offices to reduce the financial risk exposures in their back books
and to stop writing new business with significant financial guarantees (at least
without pricing it on a market basis and managing its risk actively). The same
conclusion could not, however, be applied to UK defined benefit pension
funds, many of which were left with very substantial levels of funding deficit
on a market value basis by the post-crisis falls in long-term rates. At the time
of writing it remains to be seen how the cost of meeting these deficits would
be shared amongst corporate sponsors (via additional deficit-funding contri-
butions), the pension fund members (through reductions in future pension
payments) and the government (to the extent that the Pension Protection
Fund cannot be adequately financed via pension fund levies). And the pos-
sibility remains that a substantial rise in long-term nominal and real interest
rates could yet reverse these deficits.
320 Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward
These falls in long-term interest rates between 2008 and 2015 have not been
a UK-specific phenomenon, but have been the experience of most developed
economies around the world. Indeed, long-term interest rates in Europe have
fallen even more precipitously than in the UK: by 2015 German long-term
bond yields had fallen below 2 %. Unlike their UK counterparts, regulators
in northern European countries such as Germany did not put a market-based,
risk-based regulatory solvency system in place for insurers prior to the global
financial crisis and the insurers generally did not put financial risk manage-
ment strategies in place that would protect them from the asset-liability con-
sequences of falls in the long-term interest rate to the levels of 2015. Some of
these institutions may struggle to meet their long-term contractual liabilities
from their existing reserves if interest rates do not revert to something like
their pre-crisis levels in the coming years.
Since around the start of the twenty-first century, the European Union
has been working on the implementation of a harmonised regulatory sol-
vency system for insurers that is market-based, risk-based and principle-based
(and which has similar fundamental features to the system implemented
very quickly by the UK regulator in the early 2000s). This regulatory system,
known as Solvency II, was finally implemented at the start of 2016 after more
than a decade of political horse-trading. The result is arguably rather remi-
niscent of the British attempt at improved pension fund supervision in the
1990s. The Minimum Funding Requirement was a regulatory system driven
by an ambition to provide a high standard of protection to the beneficiary
based on short-term market-based solvency measures and the cost of transfer-
ring liabilities to a third party; but it was fudged in implementation so as to
avoid the economic reality of the scale of capital that that protection implied.
The MFR ultimately produced, at significant cost, numbers that were not
particularly useful or meaningful, and that certainly did not have the meaning
they were originally intended to have. This is arguably what Solvency II looks
like in parts of the life assurance sector of northern Europe.
One might argue that it is unfair to ask actuaries to have anticipated these
unprecedented economic conditions. Moreover, since the global financial cri-
sis, government and central bank policy across the developed world has been
to regard the impact of extraordinary low interest rates on long-term savings
institutions such as life assurers and pension funds as mere collateral damage
that is necessarily incurred in efforts to protect banks and the wider economy.
This policy places insurance and pension institutions in a strong headwind
that is not of their own making. But one might also look at the interminable
decline in long-term interest rates since the mid-1970s and ask at what point
it would be reasonable to view further significant falls as something that ought
Conclusions: Looking Back, Looking Forward 321
be developed by actuaries that create new products, new solutions, and even
new industries to tackle these challenges. For new ideas to have longevity,
they require a robust implementation. The best actuarial worksuch as that
of Richard Price and Frank Redingtonhas often embraced more theory and
technical complexity than the broader profession has been comfortable with at
the time, but has been presented in a way that demonstrates it can be applied
in accessible, practical, enlightening and highly consequential ways. This is
likely to remain true of the most important actuarial thought-leadership of
the next century. I look forward to seeing it.
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DAlembert, Jean le Rond, 33 Eagle Life, 97
Dalton, Hugh, 120, 188, 240, Eagles, Ian, 302
242, 319 The Economist, 111, 178, 183
Daston, L., 6n4 Edmonds, T.R., 82, 91, 123, 124
Davies, Griffith, 81, 82, 123 Edwards, John, 64, 65
Day, J.G., 246, 247, 249, 250, 260, Efficient frontier, 152, 154, 156
273 Efficient markets hypothesis, 181, 314
Daykin, C.D., 268, 300, 3057 Einstein, Albert, 159, 215
Debentures, 97, 99, 100, 119 Elderton, W.Palin, 94
De Jong, P., 298, 299, 3013 Emergence of surplus, 12830,
De Moivre, Abraham, 5, 227, 34, 38, 135, 294
49, 50, 54, 59, 90, 311, 622 Employers Liability Act, 1880, 281
De Morgan, Augustus, 33, 74, 88, 92, Employers liability insurance, 2806,
102, 123 311
Department of Trade and Industry, 226 Epps, G.S.W., 238
Derman, Emanuel, 176 Equitable life, 50, 55, 75, 81, 194,
De Witt, Johan, 915, 31, 311 228, 316
Diagonal Model (Sharpe), 156, 157 Equity & Law, 120
Discontinuance solvency assessment Equivalent martingale measure,
(pension funds), 267, 269 168, 177
Diversification (portfolio), 114, 153, Euler, Leonhard, 23, 45, 45n12
154, 288, 314 Excess-of-Loss reinsurance, 289
Diversification (time), 32, 114, 185 Exley, C.J., 216, 26770, 274, 309
Dividend discount model, 182 Expectations Hypothesis (term
Dodson, James, 4957, 60, 66, 67, 70, structure model), 169,
71, 74, 80, 121, 311, 321 170, 173
DST. See Dynamic solvency testing Experience rating/No Claims Discount,
(DST) 2901
Duffy, P.G., 309 Exposed to risk, 10, 73, 74,
Dullaway, D., 222 278, 284
Motor insurance, 276, 290, 291, 293, Pegler, J.B. H., 121, 134, 135, 195
296, 316 Penman, William, 101, 105,
Motor Risk Statistics Bureau, 290, 291 2836, 295
Murray, A.C., 104, 105 Pension Protection Fund, 319
Mutual indemnity fund, 286 Pentikainen, T., 289
Mutual Life Insurance Company of Perks, Wilfred, 109
NewYork, 86 Pesonen, E., 289
Petty, William, 11
Pliska, S.R., 168, 177
N Plymen, 247, 250, 251
Napoleonic wars, 71143, 238 Pocock, John, 64, 65
Nash, W.O., 237 Poisson probability distribution, 3, 20,
National Bureau of Economic 21, 23, 38, 402, 458, 152,
Research, 104 196, 197, 2879, 298
National Mutual, 113, 115, 116, 120, Policyholders Reasonable Expectations,
129, 192 211, 212
Needleman, Peter, 222 Pollard, J.H., 297, 298, 301, 302
Neison, F.G.P., 281, 282 Post Office Directory, 278
Net premium valuation, 67, 12333, Poyser, C.A., 233n1
135, 21113, 219, 220, 227, Preferred Habitat Hypothesis (term
228, 318 structure model), 170, 173
Newton, Isaac, 2, 5, 215 Price, Richard, viii, 15, 19, 37, 38, 49,
Nicoll, John, 282, 283, 286 5764, 67, 72, 80, 102, 136,
Normal probability distribution, 23 183, 276, 311, 316, 322
Nowell, P.J., 201 Principle of Insufficient Reason,
Principles and Practices of Financial
O Management, 219, 221
Occupational Pensions Board, 259 Probability of ruin, 195200, 202,
Ogborn, M.E., viii, 194 209, 212, 217, 218, 230,
Option pricing theory, 8, 15869, 288, 289, 301
177, 201, 202, 204, 208, Problem of Points, 5, 8, 167
210, 211, 215 Projected unit credit method (pension
Orstein-Uhlenbeck process, 173 funding), 259
Osborne, M.F.M., 160, 178 Provincial Insurance, 115,
Outstanding claims reserves, 284, 296 116, 185
Prudential Assurance, 105
Prussia, 9
P Puckridge, C.E., 2404, 273
Paish, Professor, 178, 179
Pascal, BlaisePearl Assurance, 59, 12,
13, 20, 31, 167, 311 Q
Pearson frequency curves, 94 Quetelet, Adolphe, 9
Walford, Cornelius, 17, 280 Zehnwirth, B., 298, 299, 3013
Warner, Samuel George, 71 Zillmer, August, 127, 128