Casio ProTrek MO0406 Watch Manual - Module - 2825
Casio ProTrek MO0406 Watch Manual - Module - 2825
Casio ProTrek MO0406 Watch Manual - Module - 2825
General Guide Pressing B, C, or E while in the Timekeeping Mode directly enters the
applicable sensor mode. To enter a sensor mode from the Countdown
The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate Timer, Stopwatch, or Alarm Mode, first enter the Timekeeping Mode and
between modes. then press the applicable button.
In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.
Sensor Modes
Timer Mode Timekeeping Mode
Press B. Press C. Press E.
Press D.
Digital Barometer/
Press D.
Use the Timekeeping Mode to view the current The following steps explain how to configure timekeeping settings only.
Month Day time and date. You also need to enter the See the other sections of this manual for information about configuring
Timekeeping Mode to configure timekeeping the display illumination duration, Power Saving, Temperature Unit, Depth
Day of week
settings, as well as the following settings. Unit, and Barometric Pressure Unit settings.
Display illumination duration (To specify the 3. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is flashing, use E and/
illumination duration) or B to change it as described below.
Power saving on/off (To turn Power Saving on Screen To do this: Do this:
and off)
Reset the seconds to 00 Press E.
Temperature unit (To specify barometric
pressure and temperature units) Change the hour or minutes Use E (+) and B ().
Depth unit (To specify the depth unit)
Seconds Barometric pressure unit (To specify Toggle between 12-hour (12H) Press E.
Hour : Minutes barometric pressure and temperature units) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping
PM indicator Change the year, month, or day Press E (+) and B ().
To set the time and date 4. After the settings are the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the seconds start to flash,
which indicates the setting screen. Note
2. Press D to cycle through the setting items in the sequence shown below, Resetting the seconds to 00 while the current count is in the range of 30 to
and display the one you want to configure. 59 causes the minutes to be increased by 1. In the range of 00 to 29, the
seconds are reset to 00 without changing the minutes.
12/24-Hour With the 12-hour format, the P (PM) indicator appears on the display for
Seconds Hour Minutes Year Month
Format times in the range of noon to 11:59 p.m. and no indicator appears for times
in the range of midnight to 11:59 a.m.
Barometric Temperature Power
Depth Unit Day
Pressure Unit Unit Saving
Operation Guide 2825
With the 24-hour format, times are displayed in the range of 0:00 to 23:59, You can adjust the rotary direction bezel so
Direction bezel
without any indicator. that the is aligned with the magnetic north
The 12-hour/24-hour timekeeping format you select in the Timekeeping pointer. This aligns all of the direction angle
Mode is applied in all modes. markings on the bezel with their correct
The year can be set in the range of 2000 to 2039. The day of the week is directions.
calculated automatically in accordance with the date you set. See Digital Compass Precautions for other
The watchs built-in full automatic calendar automatically makes allowances important information about taking direction
for different month lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there readings.
should be no reason to change it except when battery power drops to Level
Magnetic north pointer 2. Place the watch on a flat surface or, if you are
lllll lllll
12 oclock position wearing the watch, make sure that your wrist
It can take up to four or five seconds for the barometric pressure reading to
Direction is horizontal (in relation to the horizon).
indicator appear after you enter the Barometer/Thermometer Mode.
3. Point the 12 oclock position of the watch in
Barometric pressure is displayed in units of 1hPa (or 0.05 inHg).
the direction you want to measure.
The displayed barometric pressure value changes to xxxx hPa (or inHg) if
4. Press B to start a Digital Compass
a measured barometric pressure falls outside the range of 600 hPa to 1100
measurement operation.
hPa (17.70 inHg to 32.45 inHg). The barometric pressure value will be
After about two seconds, the direction that the
displayed again as soon as the measured barometric pressure is within the
12 oclock position of the watch is pointing
lll lll
allowable range.
appears on the display.
Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1C (or 0.2F).
Angle value (in degrees) Also, four pointers appear to indicate magnetic
The displayed temperature value changes to ---. - C (or F) if a
W NW NNW north, south, east, and west.
WN 0 measured temperature falls outside the range of 10.0C to 60.0C (14.0F
After the first reading is obtained, the watch
You can select either hectopascals (hPa) or inchesHg (inHg) as the display
unit for the measured barometric pressure, and Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit
During measurement, the watch displays an angle value, a direction (F) as the display unit for the measured temperature value. See To specify
indicator, and four direction pointers, which change dynamically when the barometric pressure and temperature units.
watch is moved. After measurement is complete, the angle value, See Barometer and Thermometer Precautions for important precautions.
direction indicator, and four direction pointers are frozen in accordance
with the last measurement. Barometric Pressure History Graph
The indicator flashes on the display while a measurement is in Barometric pressure indicates changes in the atmosphere. By monitoring
progress. these changes you can predict the weather with reasonable accuracy.
The barometric pressure history graph contains points that show you the
Note changes in barometric pressure readings taken by the watch for up to the last
Note that taking a measurement 18 hours. The rightmost point on the graph is the latest reading. The relative
while the watch is not horizontal positions of the points on the graph indicate whether barometric pressure is
(in relation to the horizon) can rising, falling, or holding relatively steady.
result in large measurement error. Large rise (5hPa or more)
Small rise (3hPa to 4hPa)
The margin of error for the angle value is 11 degrees. If the indicated Relatively steady (within 2hPa)
direction is northwest (NW) and 315 degrees, for example, the actual Small drop (3hPa to 4hPa)
direction can be anywhere from 304 to 326 degrees. Large drop (5hPa or more)
Any ongoing direction measurement operation is temporarily paused while
the watch is performing an alert operation (daily alarm, Hourly Time Signal, Though you can configure the watch to display barometric pressure in units
countdown timer alarm) or while the watchs backlight is turned on (by of hPa or inHg, the history graph displays changes in hPa units only.
pressing L). The measurement operation resumes for its remaining If a measurement operation cannot be performed by the watch due to
duration after the operation that caused it to pause is finished. sensor malfunction, low battery power, or some other reason, the value
The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction produced by next successful barometric pressure measurement is
abbreviations that appear on the display. compared with the value of the last successful measurement and plotted on
the history graph accordingly.
Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Note that barometric pressure measurement is not performed while the
N North NNE North- NE Northeast ENE East- watch is in the Depth Gauge Mode. The value produced by the next
northeast northeast successful barometric pressure measurement is compared with the value of
E East ESE East- SE Southeast SSE South- the last successful measurement and plotted on the history graph
southeast southeast accordingly.
S South SSW South- SW Southwest WSW West-
southwest southwest
The following shows how to interpret the data that appears on the barometric
W West WNW West- NW Northwest NNW North-
northwest northwest pressure history graph.
A rising graph generally means improving weather.
Operation Guide 2825
To specify barometric pressure and temperature units Remember that the term dive as used in this manual refers to skin diving
1. Enter the Timekeeping Mode. or snorkeling only.
ll l 2. Hold down A until the seconds start to flash, The watch will start depth measurement automatically when the sensor
detects that your depth exceeds one meter (about four feet).
Operation Guide 2825
The progress beeper and auto-repeat timer alarm do not sound while the To view log data
watch is in the Depth Gauge Mode. 1. Enter the Depth Gauge Mode.
The watch can take about five minutes to display the correct water 2. While (or 0) is shown on the display, press C to cycle through the data
temperature when there is a great difference between air temperature and screens in the sequence shown below.
water temperature, when there is a sudden change in water temperature,
Water temperature at
Total time submerged
maximum depth
To specify the depth unit
1. Enter the Timekeeping Mode. depth
2. Hold down A until the seconds start to flash, Press
which indicates the setting screen. C. C
3. Press D nine times to select the depth unit
ll l setting.
See step 2 under To set the time and date Log data screen indicator
Depth Gauge
for information about how to scroll through
Mode Screen C
setting screens.
4. Press E to toggle between meters (m) and Log Data Screens
feet (ft). About five or six seconds after displaying a Log Data screen, the watch
5. After the setting is the way you want, press A will return to the Depth Gauge Mode screen automatically.
to exit the setting screen. You cannot view log memory data while a depth measurement operation
is in progress.
To view water temperature and maximum depth screen 3. To exit the Depth Gauge Mode, press D.
Pressing E in the Depth Gauge Mode displays the Water Temperature/
Maximum Depth screen. After about five or six seconds, the watch will return To delete log memory data
to the Elapsed Measurement Time/Current Depth screen automatically. 1. Enter the Depth Gauge Mode.
2. While (or 0) is shown on the display, press C to display the log
Elapsed Water temperature memory data.
measurement time
(hours, minutes, 3. Hold down A for about two seconds until the log data is deleted and the
seconds) watch returns to the Depth Gauge Mode screen.
Press E. 4. To exit the Depth Gauge Mode, press D.
Countdown Timer
Maximum You can set a countdown timer start time in the
Elapsed Measurement Time/ depth Water Temperature/ 1/10 second range of 1 minute to 24 hours. An alarm sounds
Current Depth Screen Maximum Depth Screen when the countdown reaches zero. An auto-
repeat feature causes the countdown to restart
You can also return to the Elapsed Measurement Time/Current Depth automatically when the end of a countdown is
screen by pressing E again. reached, and a progress beeper signals the
Never operate the buttons of the watch while underwater. progress of the countdown. All of this makes the
countdown timer a valuable tool for timing the
To take a direction reading in the Depth Gauge Mode start of a yacht race.
1. In the Depth Gauge Mode, place the watch on All of the operations in this section are
Magnetic north pointer a flat surface or, if you are wearing the watch, Hours Minutes performed in the Countdown Timer Mode,
make sure that your wrist is horizontal (in Seconds which you enter by pressing D.
12 oclock position
relation to the horizon).
Direction 2. Point the 12 oclock position of the watch in Configuring the Countdown Timer
indicator The following are the settings you should configure before actually using the
the direction you want to read.
3. While the Elapsed Measurement Time/Current countdown timer.
Depth screen is displayed, press B to start Countdown start time
direction reading operation. Auto-repeat on/off
After about two seconds, the direction that the Progress beeper on/off
12 oclock position of the watch is pointing Countdown start time
appears on the display. You can set a countdown start time from 1 minute to 24 hours.
Angle value
(in degrees) Also, four pointers appear to indicate magnetic
north, south, east, and west. Auto-repeat
Whenever zero is reached, the watch beeps (Auto-repeat timer alarm) and
About five or six seconds after displaying the Digital Compass screen, the
auto-repeat automatically restarts the countdown from the countdown start
watch will return to the Elapsed Measurement Time/Current Depth screen
automatically. time you set. Turning off auto-repeat causes the countdown to stop and the
You can also return to the Elapsed Measurement Time/Current Depth countdown start time to appear on the display when the end of the countdown
screen by pressing B again. is reached.
Progress Beeper
Log Data When the progress beeper is turned on, the watch beeps at minute 10, 5, 4,
Exiting the Depth Gauge Mode after a dive causes the measured data to be 3, 2, and 1, of the countdown, and at the second 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2,
stored automatically into log memory. Stored data remains in log memory and 1 of the final minute of the countdown.
until you start a new dive, which causes the existing data to be replaced with
the data of the new dive. To set the countdown start time and auto-repeat on/off
There is memory for a single log memory record, which includes the following 1. While the countdown start time is on the
data. display in the Countdown Timer Mode, hold
Total Time Submerged: This value shows the cumulative amount of time ll ll down A until the hour setting of the
(hours, minutes, seconds) that you spend submerged at a depth of
lll ll
one meter (four feet) or greater. lll indicates the setting screen.
Maximum depth: This value shows the maximum depth you attained during If the countdown start time is not displayed,
the dive. use the procedure under To use the
Water temperature at maximum depth: This value shows the water countdown timer to display it.
temperature at the maximum depth attained during the dive. 2. Press D to move the flashing in the
Perform the following steps to view the log data that is currently stored in sequence shown below to select other
memory. settings.
ll lllll
Hours Minutes
lll on/off
Operation Guide 2825
While the hour or minute setting is flashing, use E (+) or B () to
change it. You can set five independent daily alarms. When
Alarm on indicator an alarm is turned on, the alarm tone sounds
For a 24-hour countdown, set a start time of 0:00.
While the auto-repeat on/off setting (ON or OFF) is flashing on the Hourly Time Signal when the alarm time is reached.
display, press E to toggle auto-repeat on (ON) and off (OFF). on indicator You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal,
4. Press A to exit the setting screen. Alarm number which will cause the watch to beep twice every
The auto-repeat indicator ( ) appears on the display while auto-repeat is hour on the hour.
turned on. The alarm number (ALM -1 through
ALM -5) indicates an alarm screen. SIG is
To turn the progress beeper on and off shown for the alarm number when the Hourly
Time Signal screen is on the display.
Pressing B while the countdown start time is on
When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you
the display or while a countdown timer operation
were viewing when you last exited the mode
is in progress in the Countdown Timer Mode
appears first.
toggles progress beeper operation on ( Alarm Time All of the operations in this section are
displayed) and off ( not displayed). (Hour : Minutes)
performed in the Alarm Mode, which you enter
by pressing D.
Timer Mode.
To completely stop a countdown operation, first pause it (by pressing E), 2. Hold down A until the hour digits of the alarm time start to flash, which
and then press B. This returns the countdown time to its starting value. indicates the setting screen.
The following describes what happens if you enter the Depth Gauge Mode This automatically turns on the alarm.
for diving while a countdown operation is in progress. 3. Press D to move the flashing between the hour and minute settings.
Auto-repeat off: The alarm sounds when the end of the countdown is 4. While a setting is flashing, use E (+) and B () to change it.
reached. The progress beeper does not sound. When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set
Auto-repeat on: Auto-repeat timer alarm does not sound when the end of the time correctly as a.m. (no indicator) or p.m. (P indicator).
a countdown is reached. The progress beeper does not sound. 5. Press A to exit the setting screen.
Frequent use of auto-repeat and the alarm can run down battery power.
Alarm Operation
Stopwatch The alarm sounds at the preset time for about 10 seconds (in all modes), or
until you stop it by pressing any button.
The stopwatch lets you measure elapsed time,
1/100 second split times, and two finishes. To test the alarm
The display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours, In the Alarm Mode, hold down E to sound the alarm.
59 minutes, 59.99 seconds.
The stopwatch continues to run, restarting from To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off
zero after it reaches its limit, until you stop it. 1. In the Alarm Mode, use E to select an alarm or the Hourly Time Signal.
The stopwatch measurement operation 2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want to is selected, press
continues even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode. B to turn it on and off.
Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is Indicates alarm is ON.
frozen on the display clears the split time and Indicates Hourly Time Signal is ON.
Hours Minutes returns to elapsed time measurement. The alarm on indicator ( ) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator ( )
All of the operations in this section are are shown on the display in all modes while these functions are turned on.
Seconds performed in the Stopwatch Mode, which you If any alarm is on, the alarm on indicator is shown on the display in all
enter by pressing D. modes.
To measure times with the stopwatch
Elapsed Time
Auto light switch on The backlight uses an EL (electro-luminescent)
Start Stop Re-start Stop Clear indicator panel that causes the entire display to glow for
easy reading in the dark. The watchs auto light
Split Time switch automatically turns on the backlight when
you angle the watch towards your face.
The auto light switch must be turned on
Start Split Split release Stop Clear (indicated by the auto light switch on indicator)
(SPL displayed) for it to operate.
Two Finishes You can specify 1.5 seconds or 2.5 seconds as
the display illumination duration.
See Backlight Precautions for other important
Start Split Stop Split release Clear
information about using the backlight.
First runner Second runner Display time of
finishes. finishes. second runner. To turn on the backlight manually
Display time Press L in any mode to illuminate the display.
of first runner. The above operation turns on the backlight regardless of the current auto
light switch setting.
About the Auto Light Switch
Turning on the auto light switch causes the backlight to turn on, whenever you
position your wrist as described below in any mode.
Note that this watch features a Full Auto EL Light, so the auto light switch
operates only when available light is below a certain level. It does not turn on
the backlight under bright light.
Operation Guide 2825
Moving the watch to a position that is parallel to the ground and then tilting Question: How does the barometer work?
Answer: Barometric pressure indicates changes in the atmosphere, and by
it towards you more than 40 degrees causes the backlight to turn on.
Wear the watch on the outside of your wrist. monitoring these changes you can predict the weather with
reasonable accuracy. Rising atmospheric pressure indicates good
weather, while falling pressure indicates deteriorating weather
Parallel to conditions.
More than The barometric pressures that you see in the newspaper and on
ground 40
the TV weather report are measurements corrected to values
measured at 0 m sea level.
Operation Guide 2825
At Level 4, all functions are disabled and settings return to their initial Recovery Times
factory defaults. Once the battery reaches Level 2 (M) after falling to Level The table below shows the amount exposure that is required to take the
4, reconfigure the current time, date, and other settings. battery from one level to the next.
Display indicators reappear as soon as the battery is charged from Level 4 Approximate Exposure Time
Exposure Level
to Level 3. (Brightness) Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Leaving the watch in direct sunlight or some other very strong light source
can cause the battery power indicator to temporarily show a reading that is
higher than the actual battery level. The correct battery power indicator Outdoor Sunlight 1 hour 15 hours 3 hours
should appear after a few minutes. (50,000 lux)
If you use the backlight or the alarm a number Sunlight Through a 4 hours 73 hours 15 hours
of times during a short period, RECOV. Window (10,000 lux)
appears on the display and the backlight, Daylight Through a 6 hours 149 hours 30 hours
alarm, hourly time signal, and sensor Window on a Cloudy
operations become disabled until battery power Day (5,000 lux)
After some time, battery power will recover and Indoor Fluorescent 71 hours -------- --------
Lighting (500 lux)
RECOV. will disappear, indicating that the
Recover indicator above functions are enabled again. The above exposure time values are all for reference only. Actual required
exposure times depend on lighting conditions.
Even if battery power is at Level 1 or Level 2, the Digital Compass Mode,
Barometer/Thermometer Mode, or Depth Gauge Mode sensor may be
disabled if there is not enough voltage available to power it sufficiently. This
is indicated by RECOV. on the display. This section contains more detailed and technical information about watch
If battery power goes low while a measurement operation is in progress, operation. It also contains important precautions and notes about the various
the value produced by the last successful measurement operation remains
features and functions of this watch.
on the display. Attempting a measurement operation while battery power is
too low will cause the display to go blank.
Sensor operation should resume when battery voltage returns to normal Auto Return Features
levels. The watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode if you do not
If RECOV. starts to flash while a Depth Gauge Mode depth measurement perform any button operation for two or three minutes in the Digital
operation is in progress, the measurement operation will continue. Though Compass and Barometer/Thermometer Mode.
the elapsed measurement time will be recorded in log memory, maximum The watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode if a depth
depth and water temperature values are not. In this case, xx.x is displayed measurement operation (indicated by ongoing elapsed time measurement
in place of the maximum depth and water temperature. After you surface in the upper part of the display) in the Depth Gauge Mode continues for
from your dive, hold down D for about three seconds to exit the Depth more than three hours. If there is no depth measurement operation being
Gauge Mode to clear RECOV. performed (indicated by (or 0) in the center part of the display and no
If RECOV. appears frequently, it probably means that remaining battery ongoing elapsed time measurement in the upper part of the display), the
power is low. Leave the watch in bright light to allow it to charge. watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode if you do not perform
any button operation for about one hour in the Depth Gauge Mode.
Charging Precautions If you leave a screen with flashing digits on the display for two or three
Certain charging conditions can cause the watch to become very hot. Avoid minutes without performing any operation, the watch automatically exits the
leaving the watch in the areas described below whenever charging its setting screen.
rechargeable battery.
Also note that allowing the watch to become very hot can cause its liquid Scrolling
crystal display to black out. The appearance of the LCD should become The B and E buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through data
normal again when the watch returns to a lower temperature. on the display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll
Warning! operation scrolls through the data at high speed.
Leaving the watch in bright light to charge its rechargeable battery can
cause it to become quite hot. Take care when handling the watch to Sensor Malfunction Indicator
avoid burn injury. The watch can become particularly hot when exposed Subjecting the watch to strong impact can cause its sensor to malfunction or
to the following conditions for long periods. improper contact of internal circuitry. When this happens, the message Err
On the dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight will appear on the display and sensor operations will be disabled.
Too close to an incandescent lamp DIgital Barometric Depth Depth Gauge
Under direct sunlight Compass Pressure Measurement Digital Compass
Measurement Measurement Measurement
Charging Guide
After a full charge, timekeeping remains enabled for up to about five months.
The following table shows the amount of time the watch needs to be
exposed to light each day in order to generate enough power for normal
daily operations.
Operation Guide 2825
Elapsed Time in Display Operation Digital Compass Precautions
Dark This watch features a built-in magnetic bearing sensor that detects terrestrial
60 to 70 minutes Blank, with Display is off, but all functions are magnetism. This means that north indicated by this watch is magnetic north,
P. SAVE flashing enabled. which is somewhat different from true polar north. The magnetic north pole is
located in northern Canada, while the magnetic south pole is in southern
Blank, with All functions are disabled, but Australia. Note that the difference between magnetic north and true north as
6 or 7 days P. SAVE not timekeeping is maintained.
measured with all magnetic compasses tends to be greater as one gets closer
to either of the magnetic poles. You should also remember that some maps
Wearing the watch inside the sleeve of clothing can cause it to enter the indicate true north (instead of magnetic north), and so you should make
sleep state. allowances when using such maps with this watch.
The watch will not enter the sleep state while the digital time is between
6:00 AM and 9:59 PM. If the watch is already in the sleep state when the Location
digital time reaches 6:00 AM, however, it will remain in the sleep state. Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism
The watch will not enter the sleep state while it is in the Digital Compass, can cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking
Barometer/Thermometer, Depth Gauge, Countdown Timer, or Stopwatch
direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects:
Mode. When the watch is left in any mode besides the Countdown Timer
and Stopwatch Mode, the watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal
automatically after a specific amount of time. Then if left in the dark for the (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household
elapsed time indicated in the table above, the watch will enter the sleep appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.)
state. Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane,
To recover from the sleep state Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferro-
Perform any one of the following operations. concrete structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures
Move the watch to a well-lit area. It can take up to two seconds for the picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.
display to turn on.
Press any button. Storage
Angle the watch towards your face for reading. The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes
magnetized. Because of this, you should be sure to store the watch away
To turn Power Saving on and off from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including:
permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until
(TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.)
the seconds start to flash, which indicates the
l l ll Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized,
ll setting screen.
perform one of the calibration procedures under Calibrating the Bearing
2. Press D seven times until the Power Saving
l l ll on/off screen appears.
3. Press E to toggle Power Saving on (ON) and Calibrating the Bearing Sensor
off (OFF). Whenever you suspect that direction readings produced by the watch are
4. Press A to exit the setting screen. wrong, you should calibrate it. You can use either one of two calibration
The Power Saving on indicator (P. SAVE) is on procedures: bidirectional calibration or northerly calibration.
the display in all modes while the Power Saving Use bidirectional calibration when you want to take readings within an area
is turned on. exposed to magnetic force. This type of calibration should be used if the
watch becomes magnetized for any reason.
Backlight Precautions With northerly calibration, you teach the watch which way is north (which
The electro-luminescent panel that provides illumination loses power after
you have to determine with another compass or some other means). You
very long use.
could use this calibration procedure, for example, to set the watch to indicate
The illumination provided by the backlight may be hard to see when viewed
true north instead of magnetic north.
under direct sunlight.
The backlight automatically turns off whenever an alarm sounds.
The watch may emit an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated.
If you want to perform both bidirectional and northerly calibration, be sure
This is due to vibration of the EL panel used for illumination, and does not
to perform bidirectional calibration first, and then perform northerly
indicate malfunction.
calibration. This is necessary because bidirectional calibration cancels any
Frequent use of the backlight runs down the battery.
previously set northerly calibration setting.
The backlight is disabled while the watch is taking a depth reading (every
three seconds). The more correctly you perform bidirectional calibration, the better the
accuracy of the bearing sensor readouts. You should perform bidirectional
calibration whenever you change environments where you use the bearing
Auto light switch precautions
sensor, and whenever you feel that the bearing sensor is producing
Wearing the watch on the inside of your wrist, movement of your arm, or
incorrect readings.
vibration of your arm can cause frequent activation of the auto light switch
and illumination of the display. To avoid running down the battery, turn off
Precautions about bidirectional calibration
the auto light switch whenever engaging in activities that might cause
You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You
frequent illumination of the display.
must, however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other.
The backlight may not light if the face of the Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong
More than 15 degrees watch is more than 15 degrees above or below bearing sensor readings.
too high parallel. Make sure that the back of your hand Make sure that you do not move the watch while calibration of either
is parallel to the ground. direction is in progress.
The backlight turns off after the preset display You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the
illumination duration (see To specify the same as that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to
illumination duration ), even if you keep the take direction readings in an open field, for example, calibrate in an open
watch pointed towards your face. field.
Static electricity or magnetic force can interfere with proper operation of the To perform bidirectional calibration
auto light switch. If the backlight does not light, try moving the watch back to 1. Enter the Digital Compass Mode.
the starting position (parallel with the ground) and then tilt it back toward llll
2. Hold down A for about one second until x1x
you again. If this does not work, drop your arm all the way down so it hangs l ll appears on the display, which indicates the
at your side, and then bring it back up again. setting screen.
Under certain conditions, the backlight may not light until about one second At this time, the magnetic north pointer
after you turn the face of the watch towards you. This does not necessarily flashes at the 12 oclock position to indicate
indicate malfunction of the backlight. that the watch is ready to calibrate the first
You may notice a very faint clicking sound coming from the watch when it is direction.
shaken back and forth. This sound is caused by mechanical operation of
the auto light switch, and does not indicate a problem with the watch. 3. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and
press B to calibrate the first direction.
xxx is shown on the display while calibration is being performed. OK
appears in the upper part of the display, x2x appears in the center part
of the display, and the magnetic north pointer flashes at the 6 oclock
position when calibration of the first direction is complete. This means
that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.
4. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.
5. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.
Operation Guide 2825
xxx is shown on the display while calibration is being performed. When 5. After waiting four or five seconds, press D to
calibration is complete, OK appears in the upper part of the display and lllllll move the flashing to the pressure sensor
then the Digital Compass Mode screen (showing the angle value) appears. calibration setting.
If --- appears and then changes to ERR (error) on the calibration l llllll
At this time, OFF or the barometric pressure
screen, it means that there is something wrong with the sensor. The ERR value should be flashing on the display.
message will disappear after about one second. Try performing the
6. Press E (+) or B () to change the displayed barometric pressure by 1
calibration operation again. If ERR keeps appearing, contact your original
hPa (0.05 inHg).
dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor to have the watch checked.
Pressing E and B at the same time returns to the factory calibration
To perform northerly calibration
7. Press A to exit the setting screen.
1. While in the Digital Compass Mode, hold
llll down A for about one second until x1x To manually reset the reference depth to 0 meters (feet)
appears on the display, which indicates the In the Depth Gauge Mode, press D and E at
setting screen. the same time.
2. Press D to start the northerly calibration
procedure. Important!
At this time, -N- (north) appears on the This resets the reference depth and causes the
display. displayed depth to change to 0 meters (feet).
Never perform the above operation while
3. Place the watch on a level surface, and position it so that its 12 oclock submerged.
position points north (as measured with another compass).
4. Press B to start the calibration operation.
--- is shown on the display while calibration is being performed. When
calibration is complete, OK appears in the upper part of the display and
then the Digital Compass Mode screen (with 0 indicated as the angle
value) appears.
If --- appears and then changes to ERR (error) on the calibration
screen, it means that there is something wrong with the sensor. About one
second after the ERR message appears, -N- will reappear. Try
performing the calibration operation again. If ERR keeps appearing,
contact your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor to have
the watch checked.
Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.
Carefully read the following before doing anything.
Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable
and accurate thermometer.
If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20
or 30 minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.
To calibrate the temperature sensor
1. Enter the Barometer/Thermometer Mode.
2. Hold down A for about one second, until the
ll llll
display goes blank.
3. Release A. After about three or four seconds,
either OFF or a temperature calibration
value (if one is set) will appear in the upper
part of the display. This is the setting screen.
4. Wait four or five seconds until either OFF or a barometric pressure
calibration value (if there is one set) appears in the center part of the display.
5. After waiting four or five seconds, press E (+) or B () to change the
displayed temperature by 0.1C (or 0.2F).
Pressing E and B at the same time returns to the factory calibration
6. Press A to exit the setting screen.
ll llll
3. Release A. After about three or four seconds,
either OFF or a temperature calibration
value (if one is set) will appear in the upper
part of the display. This is the setting screen.
4. Wait four or five seconds until either OFF or a
barometric pressure calibration value (if there
is one set) appears in the center part of the