Experimentno.1:The Psychrometric Processes: Relative Humidity RH %

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Psychrometric is the study of air and water vapor mixtures. Air is
amixture of five main gases. Nitrogen 78.03%, Oxygen 20.99%, Argon
0.94%, Carbon Dioxide 0.03%, and Hydrogen 0.01% by volume.

The Ideal Gas Laws are used to determine psychrometric data for air
so that the engineer can carry out calculations. easier a chart has been
compiled with all the relevant psychrometric data indicated. This is called
the Psychrometric Chart.

A typical chart is shown below.

Relative Humidity RH %

Air at any state point can be plotted on the psychrometric chart. The
information that can be obtained from a Psychrometric Chart as follows:

. Dry bulb temperature ( DBT) oC

. Wet bulb temperature ( WBT) oC
. Moisture content (humidity ratio or specific humidity)()
. Relative humidity (RH) ( =100 %)
. Specific enthalpy (h) kJ/kg
. Specific volume () m3/kg

If any two properties of air are known then the other four can be
found from the psychrometric chart.

This chart is designed for a barometric pressure of 1.01325 Bar which is a

figure for a standard atmosphere at sea level.

However, under extreme weather conditions or at very high or very low

(below sea level) altitudes the effect of barometric pressure will become

Note: 1 mbar = 0.001 bar = 100 N/m2 = 102 Pa = 0.749mm Mercury

Bar= 105 Pa= 102 kPa

practice: Find the specific volume, wet-bulb temperature, moisture

content(W) and specific enthalpy of air at 35oC dry-bulb temperature and
30% Relative Humidity.
Sol: A vertical line is drawn upwards from 35oC dry-bulb temperature
until it intersects with the 30% RH
This intersection is the state point. Where:

specific volume = 0.88775 m3/kg

wet-bulb temperature =21.55oC

dew-point temperature=14.87 oC ( horizontal line to the lift)

moisture content =0.0105 kg w.v /kg dry air ( horizontal line to the right)

specific enthalpy =62.25 kJ/kg

vapor pressure =1.68835 bar ( horizontal line to the right)

Basic Air Conditioning Processes

1. Sensible Cooling and Heating

When air is heated or cooled sensibly, that is, when no moisture is added
or removed, this process is represented by a horizontal line on a
psychrometric chart.

For sensible heating: (OC)

2. humidification and dehumidification: (latent heat)

Is the process in which the moisture or water vapor or humidity is
added to the air without changing its dry bulb (DB) temperature. This
process is represented by a straight vertical line on the psychrometric
chart starting from the initial value of relative humidity, extending
upwards and ending at the final value of the relative humidity.

Humidification (OA)

Dehumidification (OE)

In actual practice the pure humidification process is not possible, since
the humidification is always accompanied by cooling or heating of the

Heating and Humidification (OB)

Add some moisture to the supply air by injecting steam into the air

Cooling and Humidification (OH)

The moisture is added to the air by passing it over the stream or spray
of water which is at temperature lower than the dry bulb temperature of
the air (evaporative cooler ), ( adiabatic cooling).

Heating and Dehumidification (OD)

Same chemical industry needs heating with dehumidification process.

Cooling and Dehumidification (OF)

The most commonly used method of removing water vapour from air
(dehumidification) is to cool the air below its dew point.

where: Q = Heat or cooling energy (kW)

mair = mass flow rate of air (kg/s)

Cp = Specific heat capacity of air, may be taken as 1.005 kJ/kg


T = Dry bulb temperature of air (oC)

h = specific enthalpy of air (kJ/kg) found from psychrometric


= moisture content (kg water vapour /kg dry air)

Exp No.2: Thermo-Electric Heat pump (TEHP) Performance

Thermo electric cooling uses the Peltier effect to creat a heat flux between the
junctions of two different type of material. Apeltier cooler, heater or thermo
electric heat pump is a solid -state active heat pump which transfer heat from
one side of the device to the other with consumption of electric energy,
depending on the direction of the current. They can be used either for heating
or cooling (Refrigeration), although in practice the main application is cooling.

A peltier cooler can also be used as a thermo electric generator .when operate
as a cooler, a voltage is applied across the device, and as a result in difference
in temperature will build up between the two side .when operating as
generator, one side of the device is heated to a temperature greater than the
other side, and as a result a difference in voltage will build up between the two
side (the see beck effect).

2-Object of experiment

To study the performance of the thermo electric, heat pump by calculation:

1- peltier effect

2-Thomson effect

3-seebeck effect


3-Semi Conductors

The material that used in the thermo electric heat pump are 36
semiconductors which have the following properties .

1-High convesion factor with respect to flowing current

2-High electric conductivity = I2R

3-Low thermal conductivity.

there semiconductors are an alloy made of Biz mouth chloride (Sb2te3 -b12te3)
represent the P type as it is poor in electrons and the other alloy is (bi2se3 -
b12te3) which represent the N type and it is rich with electrons .the two unique
semiconductors one N type and one P type are used because they need to
have different electron densities .the semiconductors are placed thermally in
parallel to each other and electrically in series and then joined with thermally
conducting plate on each side.

when a voltage is applied to the free end of the two semiconductors there is a
flow of DC current across the junction of the semi-conductors causing
temperature different .the side with the cooling plate a bsorbit heat which is
then moved to the other side end of the device where the heat sink is TEHP are
typically connected side by side and sandwiched between two ceramic plate.

the device is equiped with a variable resistance(loud) ,voltmeter ,a meter

,wattmeter ,fan , thermometer ,for cold and hot side and two away switch and
electrical heater (loud).

Experiment No 3: Refrigeration System

To demonstration the refrigeration cycle components and to determint the

coefficient of performance of the cycle.


The electric refrigeration training unit work with R 134a and consists of
compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator.

There are also measurement device for temperature, pressure, voltage,

current and mass flow rate of the system show in figure.

Figure (1) Air conditioning laboratory Unit A660

Figure (2) The P-H diagram for the refrigeration cycle

Experiment No 4: Refrigeration Unit Performance
4.1 Object:

To demonstration the refrigeration cycle components and to determine

the coefficient of performance of the cycle experimental.

4.2 Apparatus:

The electric refrigeration training unit work with R134a and consists of
compressor,condenser, expansion valve and evaporatoras show in figure

There are also measurement devices for temperature, pressure and mass
flow rate of the refrigeration.


Ideal refrigeration cycle plotted on P-h Ideal refrigeration cycle schematic

diagram arrangement of mechanical equipment

Figure 4-1

Figure (4-2)

Mixing of several streams is the process which very frequently used in air
conditioning. The mixing normally takes place without edition or rejection of heat
or moisture i.e adiabatically at constant total moisture constant. The mixing process
are used in determines a confortable climate inside occupation zones and supply the
required amount of fresh air to the space in order to maintain human comfort and
energy conservation purposes.

To obtain the properties of air after mixing of specified quantities of return air
fresh [outside] air. The mixing is obtained by adjusting the return air control
damper from 0 to 100% . the required mixing properties include [DBT, WBT, RH,
h, etc]

Figure [1] shows the apparatus used in the mixing. The locations of points A
to F are as follows:
Point A is before the fan.

Point B is after Pre- heater.

Point C is after the cooling coil .

Point D is after Re-heater.

Point E is at the return duct, near and before the exhaust outlet .

Point F is the fresh air inlet section.

At Point E there is internal orifice plate to allow for measuring air flow rate . after
the orifice plate there is a T- section with an exhaust and gravity operated flap
valve on discharge. There is a main volume flow damper and mixing box at the end
of return bend duct.

Fresh air is brought into the system through an orifice plate at measuring Station F.
This orifice plate is retained from the discharge of the basic Air Conditioning
Laboratory unit A660.

By comparing the total flow through the internal orifice plate at Station E and the

fresh air at Station F, the volume of recirculated air may be adjusted as required.

After mixing, the air continues to the fan inlet measuring Station A.

Adjustment of the volume control damper allows the recirculation to be varied from
0 to approximately 100%. However, the maximum sustainable degree of
recirculation will depend upon the local ambient conditions and the amount of
steam or heating that is applied, assuming that the refrigeration plant is also

Fig. 1

Experiment No.6:Cooling coil capacity calculation
For an air conditioning system to operate continsety, the refrigerant must be
used repeatedly. For this reason, all air conditioners use the same cycle of
compression, condensation, expansion, and evaporation in a closed circuit. The
same refrigerant is used to move the heat from one area, to cool this area, and to
expel this heat to another area evaporator represent and cooling coil in A/C

2- Object:

Calculating the cooling coil capacity.

3- Basic Refrigeration Cycle

The refrigerant enther the compressor at a low-pressure and temperature gas, it

is compressed and then discharge out of the compressor as a high-pressure and
temperature gas.
The gas then flows to the condenser. Here the gas condenses to a liquid, and
gives off its heat to the outside air.
The liquid then moves to the expansion valve under high pressure. This valve
restricts the flow of the fluid, and reduuse its pressure and then leaves the
expansion valve.
then The low-pressure liquid and gas moves to the evaporator, where is absorbed
from room air and the refrigeration changes from a liquid to a gas.
The low-pressure gas, of refrigerant moves to the compressor and the cycle is

Refrigeration in side the evaporator and condenser charge

Liquids absorb heat when changed from liquid to gas.(ie.Latent heat for
Gases give off heat when changed from gas to liquid. (ie.Latent heat for

The four-part of cycle can be divided a high pressure side and a low pressure
side refers to the pressures of the refrigerant in each side of the system

The pressures recorded from the system are in gauge relative to atmosphere. In
order to convert these to absolute pressure the local atmospheric pressure must be
The atmospheric pressure was 1010 mBar=101 kN/m2
Pabs = Pg + Patm

A measurable pressure drop exists in the condenser due to friction effects. The
condenser is a commercial unit and as such is designed by the manufacturers with
minimum cost as a prime consideration. The evaporator, designed for the A660
unit was oversize diameter tube to reduce the pressure drop to a negligible value.

Fig (1)Air conditioning Laboratory Unit A660.

4- Experiment Apparates:
The air condition unit is shown in figure (1) is the A660 air condition
laboratory unit. The details of its component is give.

5- P-h Diagram of the basic Refrigerant cycle:

Using the absolute pressures and temperatures recorded around the
refrigeration system, a full cycle diagram may be drawn on a refrigerant R134a
pressure-enthalpy diagram.

The state points may be determined as follows. Refer to Figure (2) where the
state points are shown diagrammatically.

Fig (2) P-h diagram for the experimental refrigeration cycle.

Fig(3)Refrigeration cycle processes on a P-h diagram of R 134 a .

Vapor compression Refrigeration Cycle Processes:

1. Evaporator Outlet/Compressor Inlet (State Point 1)

Locate pressureP1 on the chart a horizontal line and its intersection with a
superheated temperature of(t13). The vertical Enthalpy line h1and the specific
volume 1at this point can be found.

2. Condenser Inlet (State Point 2)

Locate the pressure P2at Condenser inlet as a horizontal pressure line and its
intersection with a superheated temperature of (t14). The vertical Enthalpy line h2at
this point can be found.

3. Condenser Outlet (State Point 3)
Locate the pressure P3atCondenser outletas a horizontal pressure line and its
intersection with the vertical sub-cooled liquid line from (t15) saturated liquid

If this point (3)found on the saturated liquid line. This indicates that the liquid
is not sub-cooled. The Enthalpy h3at this point can be found.

After leaving the condenser the liquid enters the receiver and passes to the
expansion valve where it is assumed to expand adiabatically from P3 to P4. Hence
a vertical line is drawn from State point 3 to State Point 4. Thehorizontal pressure
P4 line also corresponds to a line of constant enthalpy between the saturated liquid
and saturated vapour conditions at P4 . The temperaturet16 of saturation at P4 can
be found from tables.

The state points are shown on a real R134a Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for
reference in Figure (3). The conditions may also be determined from the R134a
tables provided.

The following conditions may be determined for the refrigeration system:

h1, h2 , h3 , h4 , 1( from P-h diagram)

and t16 ( temperature saturation from tables at P4)

Experiment.No5:Automobile Air Conditioner
5.1 General :

Refrigeration is defined as the transfer of heat from a lower temperature

region to a higher temperature one. Some examples of refrigeration
devices are refrigerators, automotive air-conditioners, and residential /
commercial air-conditioners. All of these devices have one thing in
common, to reduce the temperature of an enclosed environment .

5.2 Object :

a)Demonstration on refrigeration cycle configuration and apparatus.

b) study:

1- Effect of variable load on c.o.p

2-Effect of variable compressor speed on c.o.p

5.3 Apparatus :

The automobile air conditioner training unit is shown in figure 5.1 and
Figure 5.2. It is consist of three phase induction motor , compressor ,
condenser ,evaporator , dehydrating filter , pressure gauges ,digital
thermometers ,expansion valve and electrical resistances (is simulate the
human body heat rejection ) . The unit works with R134a and the charge
is 0.6 kg.

Control board


Cooled room



Wheeled steel frame

Figure 5.1 Automobile training Air Conditioner


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