Modeling of Hydraulic Hose Paths
Modeling of Hydraulic Hose Paths
Modeling of Hydraulic Hose Paths
Mechanical Engineering
Papers, and Proceedings
Judy M. Vance
Iowa State University, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Chipperfield, Kurt A. and Vance, Judy M., "Modeling of Hydraulic Hose Paths" (2002). Mechanical Engineering Conference
Presentations, Papers, and Proceedings. 29.
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Modeling of Hydraulic Hose Paths
Hydraulic hoses are key components used to transfer power in heavy industrial machinery. The routing of
these hoses is currently performed late in the product design process because no accurate physical models of
the hoses exist that allow designers to predict the path the hoses will follow when installed in the machine.
Designers must either guess the path the hose will take based on prior experience or wait until the first
product prototype is built in order to experiment with the hose routes. This paper describes the use of
ADAMS, a commercially available dynamic modeling package, to predict hose paths. The hose path model
was verified by comparing the predicted paths to the paths of real hoses.
VRAC, Hydraulic hose, Modeling
Computer-Aided Engineering and Design
This conference proceeding is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository:
Proceedings of DETC02
Proceedings of DETC02
ASME 2002 Design Engineering Technical Conferences
ASME 2002 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and
and Computer and Information in Engineering Conference
Information in Engineering Conference
Montreal, Canada, September 29-October 2, 2002
Montreal, Canada, September 29-October 2, 2002
Kurt A. Chipperfield
Judy M. Vance
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
[email protected]
[email protected]
program ADAMS
Hose input file
input file y
system call
Hose output file
output file
The pre-processor part of C_Hose reads the hose input file 6 7
4 8 9
and builds a model of the hose in ADAMS command language. 10
The pre-processor creates point masses along the hose at each 3
input point and connects the masses with beam elements. The 2
beam elements contain the stiffness properties of the hose and 1
the mass of the hose. The mass for each beam element is
calculated by dividing the total hose mass by the number of Figure 4. Placing of markers on example hose sections.
beam elements. If there is a change in length specified, the
starting length of the beam elements are defined to be longer or After the markers are defined for each hose section,
shorter than the actual distance between the point masses. This C_Hose specifies a rotation for one of the markers at each
will cause the hose to expand or shrink the desired amount interior hose point. Interior hose points include all hose points
when the ADAMS Solver simulation is executed. If there is a except for the two end points. This rotation aligns the markers
clamp defined at any of the input points, the position of the at the ends of the hose sections so that tangent continuity (C1 )
point mass at that point is constrained. This ADAMS model of exists between sections. An example of a rotation can be seen
the hose is written to a file that is read into ADAMS Solver in Fig. 4. In this example, marker number 6 is rotated to align
during the simulation step. with marker 5. This rotation is specified in the ADAMS input
file but does not actually take place until the ADAMS Solver
In order to approximate the initial path of the hose, the pre- simulation is run. After this initial rotation aligns the markers,
processor assumes that adjacent hose points in the input file are no more relative rotation is allowed between those two markers
connected by straight sections of hose called hose sections. for the rest of the simulation, creating a C1 continuous hose.
Figure 3 gives an illustration of the straight hose sections These marker rotations are necessary so that the hose model
between each hose point. The hose points at the start and end will behave like a physical hose. Creating the hose in this
of the entire initial hose path are called end points. Interior manner causes it to return to straight if all clamping conditions,
hose points include the set of all hose points except for the two hose end forces, and gravitational forces are removed.
end points.
The next step is to define beam elements between adjacent
markers on the same hose section. For example, in Fig. 4,
beam elements connect markers 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, 4 and
5, 6 and 7, 7 and 8, 8 and 9, and 9 and 10. The beam element
transmits forces between markers according to beam theory. It
is within the beam element definition that the bending, axial,
and torsional stiffness is entered. An arbitrary damping ratio of
0.1 is also included in each beam element in order to prevent
the hose from oscillating during ADAMS simulation.
Figure 3. An initial hose path divided into two hose sections.
An additional feature of C_Hose is the ability to change the
The next step after reading in the input information is to length of a hose by a percentage of its original length. This
define ADAMS markers along each of the straight hose feature uses the beam element definition step to change the
sections. A marker is a local coordinate system that is defined length of a hose in the following way. When a beam element is
by its origin position and orientation with respect to the global defined, its length must be specified along with the two end
markers and the stiffness. If the specified length is equal to the
The authors would like to thank Deere & Company and the
Virtual Reality Applications Center for supporting this work.
[1] Mechanical Dynamics Incorporated, 2001, ADAMS
Users Manual V10.