Ecocem Brochure

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GGBS cement

Technically superior concrete

Environmentally friendly cement

The most sustainable
building material

Ecocem GGBS cement is a

superior cement that
has a minimal
environmental impact
enhances concrete durability
delivers a superior quality
is cost competitive River Suir Cable Stay Bridge,
N25 Waterford Bypass
50% GGBS in supporting pylon
The Company

Ecocem Ireland operates a technologically advanced,

purpose built facility in Dublin Port. Direct from this
facility, the company supplies GGBS cement in bulk
road tankers to customers nationwide. Ecocem can
Ecocem Ireland is an independent supply ex-factory or by delivery.
specialist producer of GGBS (ground
Ecocems mission is to be a leader in the production
granulated blastfurnace slag) and use of environmentally friendly cement.
cement for use in the manufacture of Accordingly, we are transparent about our own
high-quality concrete. The company environmental impact. We assess our Carbon
Footprint annually and have this figure verified
is Irelands premier manufacturer of by NSAI.
GGBS cement.
Ecocem is also a Carbon Neutral company. Since
Ecocem Ireland is a wholly owned subsidiary 2009, Ecocem has worked with EmissionZero to
of Ecocem Materials (an Irish company) which measure and further reduce our carbon footprint.
operates further major facilities at Moerdijk in The The remaining carbon emissions have been
Netherlands and at Fos-sur-Mer in France. neutralised by investing in Verified Emission
Ecocem Materials is a European leader in the
production and use of GGBS cement, a superior Ecocem Ireland is a participant in the Carbon
cement that produces the best quality concrete Disclosure Project, through which we report
at a competitive price while minimising the publicly our climate change management activities,
environmental impacts of cement production. benchmark ourselves against our industry peers and
make performance improvements.

Ecocem GGBS is Ireland

a 100% recycled
Head office
Portview House
Thorncastle street
Dublin 4
t: +353 1 678 1800
Ecocem Ireland f: +353 1 678 1816
e: [email protected]
Supplying Holland and Belgium

GGBS is available Dispatch Office and Plant

in 32 counties. South Dock
See Ecocem France Pigeon House Road
for details Supplying France
Ringsend, Dublin 4, Ireland
t: +353 1 647 3740 (7.00am - 5.00pm)
m: +353 87 250 9829 (after hours)
f: +353 1 647 3741
e: [email protected]
For detailed map visit
The Unique Advantages
of Ecocem GGBS
VALUE FOR MONEY Low Environmental Impact
GGBS improves the durability, strength, Ecocem GGBS cement is produced in Ireland. It
environmental and architectural characteristics of is a 100% recycled industrial by-product. Used
concrete, at a competitive price. appropriately, Ecocem GGBS cement will reduce
the CO2, CO, NOx and SO2 emissions of concrete
Higher Quality Concrete by over 50%, it will reduce the embodied energy
Concrete strength and durability is enhanced by in concrete by over 40%, and it will significantly
using Ecocem GGBS cement. Porosity is reduced and increase the service life of concrete, enhancing
concrete is protected against chloride and sulphate sustainable development. GGBS helps architects,
attack. GGBS cement is also used to reduce the heat engineers and specifiers to reduce emissions of
of hydration in large concrete pours, preventing the global warming gases.
occurrence of microcracking. Because of its superior
performance it is regularly specified on projects for Sustainable Development
many state, semi-state and private developments. Ecocem GGBS cement makes a significant
contribution to sustainable development.
Superior Concrete APPEARANCE Concrete made with GGBS cement is more
Ecocem GGBS cement is white in colour. It imparts durable than concrete made with Portland
a lighter, brighter and more even colour to concrete, cement and has longer life and greater strength,
enhancing its visual appearance and reflectivity. extending the life of concrete structures. Coupled
Furthermore its use can eliminate the occurrence with its excellent environmental performance,
of efflorescence in concrete. Ecocem GGBS cement is the cement of choice for
sustainable development.
Improved Workability
Concrete made with GGBS cement is more workable
than concrete made with Portland cement, and is
more pumpable, easier to compact and vibrate.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, How to specify GGBS

Co. Leitrim 50% GGBS
To specify GGBS in concrete the following
phrase can be included in the concrete

A cement combination comprising 50% GGBS

and 50% CEM I or CEM II/A is to be used in
all concrete throughout the Project, unless
otherwise specified on the drawings or by the

A 50% replacement rate is most commonly

used. To establish the most suitable
replacement rate for your application
please contact our technical support team:
tel: 00353 1 6670900,
email: [email protected].
The Product Aviva Stadium, Dublin 40%-70% GGBS

Made in Ireland, Ecocem GGBS produces better, more

durable concrete at a competitive price.
Ecocem GGBS cement provides:

The most cost-effective way to produce the

best quality concrete

The guarantee of better looking concrete

with superior technical performance and

The most environmentally friendly cement

Ecocem GGBS cement is a high quality cement that is
used in combination with Portland cement. The Irish
Concrete Standard permits a replacement rate of up to
70% of Portland cement on a kilo per kilo basis.

This allows engineers, architects and specifiers to

optimise the technical characteristics of concrete,
producing better quality, more durable concrete.

Chemical Composition
Ecocem GGBS has the same main constituents as
Portland cement, only in different proportions.

Chemical Composition

Chemical Constituents PORTLAND GGBS

CaO 65% 40%

SiO2 20% 35%

Al2O3 5% 10%

MgO 2% 8%

The interactions of GGBS, Portland cement and water

result in some different hydration products than where
only Portland cement is used. The different chemistry
and structure of the cement paste in GGBS concrete
give greater strength and durability, reduced heat of
hydration and improved workability.

Physical Characteristics
GGBS is a fine, white powder.

Bulk density: 1.2 tonnes/m3. Relative Density: 2.9

Ecocem GGBS substantially
increases the service life
of concrete, enhancing
sustainable development

Convention Centre Dublin 70% GGBS

Samuel Beckett Bridge, Dublin 50% GGBS
How GGBS is used
GGBS is used throughout the world as a replacement
for Portland cement on a kilo for kilo basis. It is
added at the concrete mixer at a substitution rate of
between 30% - 70%, depending on the application
and technical requirements.

Ecocem GGBS cement use is approved for use in

Ireland under the Irish Annex to EN 206-1:2002, the
EU concrete standard.

Typical Substitution Rates

Readymix Concrete:
50% GGBS is used for most mixes.

Pre-cast Concrete:
30% to 50% GGBS primarily depending on concrete
curing conditions.

Special Concrete:
Mass concrete typically has at least 70% GGBS
for temperature control. Concrete in aggressive
environments usually contains from 50% to 70%
GGBS for enhanced durability performance.

Storage, Handling, Health & Safety

Storage & Handling: Bulk GGBS is stored in water-
tight silos, handled in fully closed systems and
transported in bulk cement tankers, similar to the Sean OCasey Community Centre, Dublin 50% GGBS
way Portland cement is handled.

Health & Safety: GGBS is a fine dust of nuisance

value classification. It requires the same health
and safety precautions as Portland cement.
(Material Safety Data Sheet can be downloaded
GGBS in Ireland
from In Ireland, GGBS has been used to significant
effect in many projects including the Cork
Quality and Conformity with and Limerick Tunnels, NRA bridges including
Relevant Standard the Boyne Valley and Waterford Cable Stay
Bridge, and many health, education, water
Ecocem is dedicated to the achievement of high
and wastewater and energy projects. It has
and consistent quality in the GGBS it produces. All
been used on projects such as the Convention
operating and quality control systems are rigorously
Centre Dublin, the Aviva Stadium, the Elysian
managed. Ecocem GGBS is produced in full
Tower and many of the recent OPW building
compliance with I.S. EN 15167-1 and independently
projects. It is also used for piling, grouting
audited and certified by NSAI.
and in the mining industry.
Ecocems GGBS carries the CE mark. CE marking
GGBS is the modern substitute for Portland
certifies that a product has met EU consumer safety,
cement giving better, more durable concrete
health and environmental requirements. Ecocems
at a competitive price. GGBS is most
use of the CE mark has been independently certified
commonly specified at a 50% replacement
by NSAI.
rate but has often been specified at a 70+%
replacement rate.

Visit Ecocem website gallery or case study

page for examples of where GGBS is used.
Environmental Benefits
In addition to its superior technical characteristics, GGBS has a significant role to play in environmental
protection and in Irelands required reduction of greenhouse and other gas emissions.

Cement & Greenhouse Gases Reducing the Environmental Impact

To produce one tonne of ordinary Portland cement of Concrete
(CEM I and CEM II), approximately 1.6 tonnes of It is well established that about 80-90% of the
quarry materials are used and about 800-900 kgs of environmental impact of concrete provided at the
CO2 (carbon dioxide) is emitted to the atmosphere. In construction site derives from cement. Using GGBS
Ireland, cement manufacture is currently the second as a partial replacement for Portland cement yields
largest industrial source of CO2, after electricity significant improvements in the environmental
generation. performance of concrete.

The reductions achieved in various pollutants by using

Typical CO2 Emissions for Portland
50% GGBS per m3 of concrete are illustrated in the
Cement and GGBS Production
table below:
Other Energy Pollutant Indicator Reduction achieved

Used using 50% GGBS

Fossil Fuel Global Warming Gas Emissions 40%
600 Acidification 34%
Emissions Winter Smog 34%
Eutrophication 32%

Primary Energy Requirements 29%

Higgins D, Parrott L and Sear L, Effects of ground granulated
blastfurnace slag and pulverised fuel ash upon the environmental
0 impacts of concrete. Output from CIA/DETR Partners in
CEM I* CEM II/A* Ecocem GGBS**
Technology Project, Concrete Industry Alliance, Jan 2000
* Ordinary Portland cement
** 29 kg of CO2 /tonne - audited to EU ETS (2003/89/EC and
2007/589/EC), including electricity, for GGBS from Ecocem Taking an example of a medium-sized project using
Ireland Ltd., for 2009. 5,000m3 of readymix concrete; when 50% of the
Portland cement in the mix is replaced by GGBS
Ecocem GGBS CO2 emissions are zero since May cement (a replacement level that is commonly used
2009 through the use of offsets. in practice), the following dramatic environmental
savings are achieved:
Natural Resources
Type of Quantity Equivalent
Using Ecocem GGBS cement assists in protecting Saving Saved*
the natural landscape. GGBS manufacture does not
CO2 648 Taking 208 cars off the road
involve quarrying, blasting or digging for limestone for 1 year
or shale. Its enhanced durability increases the
lifetime of concrete structures, reducing the rate Energy 2.77 x 106 MJ Saving 143 years electricity
in the average home
of replacement, decreasing energy needs and
conserving natural resources. Quarrying 1,300 tonnes 50 fully-laden trucks

* Figures from environmental calculator on

A perspective on recycling and CO2

Most organisations now have a policy of recycling paper to preserve forests which absorb
CO2. An office with 10 staff recycling an average amount of paper over a 10 year period will
save the equivalent of just 1.2 tonnes of CO2. However, one project with 50% GGBS specified in
the concrete will save 648 tonnes of CO2 (see table above). Recycling paper makes a positive
contribution to CO2 emissions reductions, however specifying GGBS plays a significantly greater
role in CO2 emissions reductions.
Green Procurement in the Department of the
Environment Offices in Wexford used Ecocems
green cement to lower the carbon footprint
of the concrete by some 50%
The European Commission has set a target for
member states to achieve 50% Green Public
Procurement (GPP). The Irish GPP National Action
Plan commits to ensuring that green criteria are at
the centre of all state procurement, and that this 50%
target is met in 2011 and beyond.

The Plan requires that public procurement is guided

by the following key environmental indicators:

Consumption of natural resources

Consumption of energy

Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases

GGBS meets all these key environmental indicators:

GGBS is 100% recycled - there is no quarrying of

raw material.
Other Emissions
GGBS uses minimal energy in its production
SO2 and NOX lead to acidification of soils and
surface waters and can cause nitrogen saturation GGBS has a fraction of the CO2 emissions of
in terrestrial ecosystems, increasing algae and ordinary cement, and virtually zero emission of
reducing dissolved oxygen (eutrophication) in harmful pollutants.
ponds and lakes, leading to death of animal Since some 50% of the carbon footprint attributable
life. Increased ground-level ozone formation to construction is associated with cement, GGBS will
is caused by NOX and CO. These pollutants are make a substantial contribution to meeting Irelands
harmful to human health. PM10 an airborne GPP target.
particulate which is generated from quarrying, is
harmful to the respiratory tract when inhaled.

Typical Emissions of Pollutants per Tonne

of Cement Production

Type of Portland GGBS

Emissions Cement

NOx 1.8kg/t < 0.071 kg

SO2 0.9kg/t < 0.00013 kg

CO 1.5kg/t < 0.00690 kg

PM10 0.0165kg/t < 0.0105 kg

Wind turbine concrete bases

typically use 70% GGBS
Technical Performance
STRENGTH CEM1 mixes with

The design % GGBS
working strength of concrete made with In laboratory tests, GGBS concrete was shown to
GGBS cement is equal to, or greater, than that made double its 28-day strength after 10 to 12 years.
with Portland cement. Typically early age strength The concrete runway of Wonderboom Airport in
is slightly lower, 28-day strength is similar or a little Pretoria was built using GGBS cement to a design
strength of 20N; after 30 years, sample cores were
Cube Strength (N/mm2)

higher and ultimate strength is significantly higher.

In normal applications, the use of GGBS cement will tested and found to have a mean strength of 89N.
not affect the striking times of in-situ concrete.
Long term strength tests are underway at present
300kg CEM1 mixes with 20% GGBS
with concrete cores taken from a block of concrete
various % GGBS
CEM i Concretes
35% GGBS
with various % GGBS cast at Greystones marina in 2009. The results
50% GGBS
10 show that after 18 months there has been a 20%
increase in strength over that achieved at 28 days.
40 3 7 14 28 56
Cube Strength (N/mm2)

Age (days)
Greystones marina strength Vs time

20% GGBS
35% GGBS
50% GGBS

3 7 14 28 56

Concrete Cube Strengths

Age (days) with
320 kg/m3 of binder
CEM ii/A concretes with 0% and 50% GGBS
Cube Strength (N/mm2)

The early age strength development of concrete

made with GGBS cement is more sensitive to
Concrete Cube Strengths with temperature than that made with Portland cement.
320 kg/m3 of binder An increase from 20C to 40C, commonly reached or
BS exceeded in insitu concrete, is sufficient to accelerate
early strength development of GGBS concrete by a
320kg/m3 factor of two to four times.
0 7 14 28 56 90
Cube Strength (N/mm2)

Age (days)

20 Cathleen Falls Bridge, N15 Bundoran to Ballyshannon Bypass 50% GGBS

0 7 14 28 56 90
Age (days)
Longer life is demanded for concrete in all
applications to achieve the best value for money and
sustainability in construction. It is good engineering
judgement and makes good economic sense to use
GGBS in any concrete where enhanced durability is

Sufficiently cured and hardened GGBS concrete

is virtually impermeable to water and reduces ion
diffusion by a factor of 30 in comparison to Portland
cement. GGBS concrete is far more resistant to
attack from sulphates and weak acids than Portland
cement concrete. Recent studies in Trinity College
Dublin and University College Dublin of concretes
GGBS counters sulphate attack in three ways:
made with combinations of GGBS and Irish
CEM I and CEM II cements have demonstrated the 1. It contains no C3A
enhanced durability see Ecocem website library.
2. The reduced permeability of GGBS concrete
limits the penetration of sulphates
resistance to Chloride attack
Chloride ions cause severe damage through corrosion 3. GGBS reacts with Ca(OH)2 to substantially
and expansion of steel reinforcing in concrete. At reduce its presence in the concrete
GGBS replacement rate of 50% and higher, chloride GGBS is regularly specified at a replacement level
ion diffusivity becomes practically insignificant. of 70% to protect concrete from sulphate attack. At
Thus GGBS is regularly specified in bridges on NRA this replacement rate it is a superior and more cost-
projects, multi-storey car parks, footpaths and effective solution than traditional sulphate resisting
in marine environments to protect concrete from Portland cement. GGBS has been used for sulphate
chloride attack. resistance at Spencer Dock Development, the
Convention Centre Dublin, wastewater treatment
Chloride Penetration plants, Indaver incinerator and many other
Coefficient 10 -12 m 2/s

4 Sulphate Resistance

0.6 SRPC CEM II + 70% GGBS
0 20 40 60 80 CEM I + 70% GGBS CEM II + 50% GGBS
% GGBS 0.5
% Expansion

resistance to Sulphate Attack 0.4

Secondary Ettringite is an expansive compound

formed when sulphates react with certain 0.3
products of hydration: C3A (tri-calcium aluminate)
and Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide). Ettringite 0.2
expansion causes cracking and accelerated
deterioration of the concrete. The impact
of sulphate attack can be measured by the
expansion it produces in concrete.
0 28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 392 420 448 476 504
Days Exposure
Heat of Hydration Resistance to FIRE damage
The control of thermal stressing of concrete in large Concrete made with GGBS is much better than
mass pours is critical to the quality and long-term concrete made with 100% OPC at retaining its
durability of the concrete. The hydration of GGBS compressive strength when exposed to high
concrete is less exothermic than concrete made temperatures. It is generally agreed that above 400C
with 100% OPC. At replacement levels of 70%, GGBS Ca(OH)2 decomposes into CaO and H2O. On cooling it
will significantly reduce thermal stressing of mass rehydrates into Ca(OH)2 which takes up more space
concrete, preventing micro-cracking and subsequent
than CaO causing the concrete to crack and degrade.
OPC specimens heated to 400C or above have
Heat of Hydration been shown to exhibit severe cracking to the point
of disintegration after a few days. It was found that
concrete made with blends of 35%, 50% and 65% GGBS
performed much better. In the GGBS specimens there
was no visible cracking after exposure to the higher
temperatures. This is attributed to the reduction in
Ca(OH)2 associated with the addition of GGBS cement.
While the concrete with 100% OPC degraded to
powder over the following year the concrete with GGBS
maintained its strength over the same period (See:
Mendes et al in Ecocem website library).

Further studies have shown that after exposure to

900C concrete with 0% GGBS maintained 6% of its
original strength, concrete with 30% GGBS maintained
54% of its original strength and concrete with 70%
Some recent Irish examples where high percentages GGBS maintained 70% of its original strength.
of GGBS have been used to reduce heat of hydration
include; 850 mm podium slabs at Charlestown
Centre in Finglas; a 3.6 m basement slab at the
Convention Centre Dublin; 2.5 m base at the
Point Development in Dublin; the Elysian Tower in
Cork; walls, floor and ceiling for radiology units
in Waterford, Galway and Dublin; wind farm bases
throughout Ireland; water tower base in North
Dublin; Bord Gais powerplant in East Cork; Aviva
Stadium and the Cork and Limerick tunnels.

Father Collins Park, Dublin 70% GGBS

Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Setting Times
ASR results in the formation of expansive gels and Setting times increase with increased GGBS use.
this leads to cracking of the concrete. The cycle This allows concrete to be worked for longer
continues until the concrete is no longer serviceable. periods: time delays, including delays in transport,
between mixing and using concrete therefore
ALKALI SILICA REACTION become less critical.

Setting Time

A replacement rate of 50% GGBS is effective against

ASR. This is because GGBS reduces the alkalinity of
the concrete, and thus the alkali-silica ratio. It also
reduces alkali mobility and reduces free lime in the
concrete (regarded as essential for the alkali silica

Workability Proven Track Record

GGBS offers improved uniformity, workability, GGBS is not a new material. It has already
pumpability and compaction properties in concrete. proven itself reliably in its use all over the
It is about 10% less dense than Portland cement. For world since the 1800s. Thirty-eight years
equal weight of total cement content in the concrete, after the patent for Portland cement was
GGBS will produce a larger volume of cement paste, first lodged by John Aspdin in 1824, Emil
making concrete easier to work, pump, place and Langin discovered GGBS cement. By 1865,
compact. The smooth surface texture of GGBS commercial production of lime activated
particles also helps workability. GGBS is generally GGBS had commenced in Germany and by
ground more finely than Portland cement. 1880 GGBS was being used with Portland
cement as the activator. In 1889 GGBS was
used for construction of the Paris Metro
and in 1896, the United States commenced
production of slag cements.

Since then, Europe, with its many blast

furnaces and steel industries, has used
Fireplace, Co. Dublin 70% GGBS GGBS extensively in all manner of structures.
Usage in the UK has exceed two million
tonnes per annum. In Germany, usage has
been over five million tonnes per annum.
GGBS has been used in Ireland for nearly
20 years and since 2003 its use has grown
significantly such that it is now used across
all areas in structural, civil, and
infrastructural construction projects.
Architectural Benefits
Better appearance of concrete the lighter colour of GGBS cement means that less
using GGBS cement pigments are required and savings of up to 20% can
be achieved on pigment costs.
Ecocem GGBS cement is a white powder. It imparts
a lighter, brighter colour to concrete, in contrast to
concrete made with Portland cement. The colour of Reflectance Benefits
the finished concrete is lighter, the concrete has a As well as the many architectural benefits of using
smoother surface finish, and the addition of GGBS to GGBS, the light colour achieved is of benefit in
the mix can eliminate the formation of efflorescence. applications where improved visibility is important.
The white colour of GGBS cement permits architects Such applications include concrete road median
to achieve a lighter colour for exposed fair-faced barriers, bridge piers and street furniture where the
concrete finishes, at no extra cost. To achieve a lighter colour makes concrete elements more visible
lighter colour finish, GGBS is usually specified at to drivers. Multi-storey car parks will also benefit
between 50% to 70% replacement levels. from the lighter colour of GGBS concrete where the
greater reflectivity of GGBS concrete will increase
GGBS cement produces a smoother, more defect visibility, and can preclude the need for painting,
free surface, due to the fineness of the GGBS resulting in significant cost savings.
particles. Painting of GGBS concrete is not required
in order to maintain an attractive long term For artificial lighting of highways and pavements,
appearance, as GGBS produces a very durable it has been shown that some 30% more light is
concrete with low porosity and a light bright colour. required to achieve the same level of lighting for
asphalt as for concrete. Hence the use of concrete,
GGBS cement can prevent the occurrence of and in particular GGBS concrete, can result in
efflorescence, the staining of concrete surfaces significant lighting fixture and ongoing energy
by calcium carbonate deposits. Due to its much savings.
lower lime content and lower permeability, GGBS is
effective in preventing efflorescence when used at Where the same level of lighting is maintained the
replacement levels of 50% to 60%. use of GGBS concrete pavements result in much
brighter and safer environments.
Because of its white colour, GGBS cement can be
used successfully as a replacement for white cement
up to 70% with no loss in lightness of colour. GGBS
can also be used when making coloured concrete

Furniture in Father Collins Park, Dublin 70% GGBS

Sleeping Giant, Dublin 70% GGBS

Albedo benefits
Albedo is the percentage of incoming solar radiation
reflected off a surface. An albedo of 1 means that
100% of incoming radiation is reflected (no radiation
is absorbed); an albedo of 0 means that 0% of
incoming radiation is reflected (all radiation is

Generally, lighter coloured surfaces have a greater

albedo effect. Changing from dark asphalt to light
coloured concrete greatly increases the reflection
of incoming radiation and contributes to a reduction
in global warming. Using GGBS in concrete makes
it lighter again, further increasing the albedo of

By specifying GGBS concrete roads and car parks Cork Civic Offices, Cork 50% GGBS
instead of asphalt a significant contribution can
be made to reducing global warming. In northern
European climates 1 tonne of CO2 can be saved per
annum for every 13-25m2 of GGBS concrete paving.

Very significant long-term environmental benefits

are easy to achieve at no extra cost.

Spencer Dock Bridge, Dublin 70% GGBS

Head Office
Portview House,
Thorncastle Street,
Ringsend, Dublin 4,
t: +353 1 678 1800
f: +353 1 678 1816
e: [email protected]

Dispatch Office & Plant

South Dock,
Pigeon House Road,
Ringsend, Dublin 4, Ireland
t: +353 1 647 3740 (7.00am - 5.00pm)
m: +353 87 250 9829 (after hours)
f: +353 1 647 3741
e: [email protected]

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