Melaleuca Catalogue

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Melaleuca has never been aboul just selling

products. From the beginning, we've been

dedicated to offering a better alternative to $afer for Vaur Hame
We believe that cieaning your home
the ordinary-solutions that are safer, greener, shouldn't have to compromise the
safety of your home and family.
healthier, and offer a real vaiue. Those are the That's why Melaleuca products
are powered by naturally derived
enzymes and natural oils, such as
pillars we've built our reputation on, and they're the oil of thyme, instead of caustic
chemicals like ammonia, chlorine
still what sets lvlelaleuca apart today. bleach, and phosphates.

**XT{yEg*F ffi',tI-*16' fj{ilf,tff )J T h rsEaEts

fj{iltEl=, ?DIRHIEX'EE+4-E
giEffi+2tE{*E{ritss'!i&t+ - Ea€. EIT{R.
effi rual,-5E a*!ae,B " i*tt€
hI+ L*.fr^grF ffi r9*H x*&*fo
xfrtE{z)s, rrtrg6)H, m6ffi€.8
t!(N,#U)Fo' 106;j<' ffitHEfl. &
ixtfrE*fiag68!gt't "

, -.r&t!,
.,s :r:a1r:'
xffi(lzlx rffir


Better for Ysur Health Gentler on the' A Beffer Value

Whether you want to protect your When Melaleuca began caliing itseif
heart health, stop hunger cravings,
Envirsnment Melaleuca: The Wellness Company,
We believe improving the wellness
or soften severely dry skin, we we set the bar pretty high. We
of your home and family shouldn't
believe there's a more natural, develop products that exemplify
make the world a dirtier place. Our
and healthier way to achieve it. Melaleuca's high standards of purity,
concentrated formulas and multi-
Meialeuca products combine time- effectiveness, ideal source and
use containers save plastic and take
tested natural ingredients with minimal impact."
less energy to transport. That means
the latest scientific technologies
less waste for you and less impact
to create effective, "better for you"
on the world around you. EttH.{/}*
g t,fi a E ffi tc,?2affi , fi {nffr ia
rs9{48@ffi i$IfHEqi{R E3 {ffi HB!{m,t. fi {n6fr f; 6!F efiilil

Ei2,gf8 E'fRlF tt)'Ejiffi R . lFtCbI .

fi 1ir E.t= E rq= E* -5 *. 2^ f .ftar$Fffi 6!stF. fiHg. JF*+.
ctr€BI#+trflnffi tt)t, m ^ER Ee6
T)5*iutfi " filil xffi ftEtRcfi &fi6Firtt8'!€?n.
FXf^. F€F6!ffi)^bfi" *FA &.5)trffi iA6EEd)trr'S#+8!E ffi , #
ffi F FoH6 3 4a 4 F 8! XtA FI{r} -5 ffiE 15€ie6ijgfEFfiH*tH!6E,F. i*
H 0*€rnr& H'!)Jil4, d p6{trFjr{ jH 6!
ft sfir++'i^ , bfrfttJ u€FI&€#6.!
ffi)*D*. )5*"

.i:'*f* "', 9..

aL:;:iar , . :
Leading Free Radical Scientists
Discover Mineral Fon'n Able to Reduce Free Radical Generation in Multivitamin-Mineral Supplements

-',.; -r._'-_ l



The minerals in many multivitamins can lower the

amount of antioxidants that are available for absorption.
-' Melaleuca's Director of Research and
DevelopmentJeremy Me and Senior Scientist
Alexander Rabovsky, PhD. developed the
technolory. Andrei Komarov, MD, PhD, of
The GeorgeWashington University and Garry
Buettner, PhD, professor of free radical science
at The University of Iowa tested and verified
the technology.
That's because minerals like iron and copper act as free
, radical triggers in the digestive system setting off a
- *ft lviet0Hl&tl#*
Atfr &gF*1f Jeremy
, cascade of free radical activity. The antioxidants within Alexander tq^ .
,. the same supplement are then forced to neutralize these
ffi6#ffint#6ff fi FAndrei Komarovfi Ff0EiE
' free radicals.
#,1'l'l tH E d ESGany Buettner#IH
' Melaleuca is the first supplement manufacturer to )n!lm#itEqltbtq^.
' introduce a formula designed to reduce free radical
, generation of minerals during digestion.
,f$ffi q )H4Ffi &
-ffi ffi 6tE,lu6 + 8!fr ryzF 0e U 8! },[5{t
Building on the Fructose Compounding technology
introduced nearly 20 years ago, Melaleuca scientists
iSEB)!*. SJ+ilMFadj/HlN,Affi+3l riE dE
have now unveiled a unique mineral complex. Galled
HIFS - igFl-i5+6! E SE)EA. {E'lfixg}nfi{til4
Oligqftuctose ComplexrM, it delivers mineral in a form {s6*+f0E6E"
that mirrors the way they are naturally found in fruits,
vegetables, and other foods to help provide enersr,
vitality, and balanced nutrition. Before being mixed with glitt FstlE6"
other nutrients, including antioxidants, the minerals are
complexedwith amino acids and oligofructose flber, thus G2o+EiJ0TEfrlAffi Ftelqt8lErut, .,s*ilt+*
:',.disarming the minerals' ability to generate free radicals. lEH 3-ru&ffi H!ilMffi t6fn^ . ffi )!AE*R*IE€
s;vila*iin supplernents.have been foimulated 6*i^, E,ttiiEdMffi 0lDrfiFft 3 trETXrAffi *eryz
qqfo*idatlt-vitaidus'and rniner6ls together., As +g!fl'fi, b^stEfrHgr. rsr. eEfirH#. fryJffi
telr:it4(ejlrg*,int6 the $rq1let}egrn fi,ghting. H5 Et*f0fnti{.Lfitlt62Ht' BE€6EAE#f 0R
r!6ki:,ahtt*W,rvin, aatiqr:eidents lose a'hil:ale
*F+, EIftffihilPJFFHE 6EB!HE'.
1o- llg4frtictose with
rminerals and keep them Gany BuettnerfiHitE, "t+U*, f€6eE{U6+l'trff
i{C, e$n .; vi€minsandthusdestroying E rfEe3 fr 5.fLlBE*rodry/E " E'gE?|.tr E6A[t
7:;:.$ft ,'Cafu arl*iren, , fcir
fcir€xample, min
dxample, and other minerals
L:;r€€,ilily,rcaet with'.rt16mia-e,lesultirig in its oxidation, its 8rf , E{ilHtff Bt+. fryrE,H.EffifljB!. frF'f.Lfi!|il
::,-::-:dialruetion; o4eof.ffre, gqiils,of oligofuctose Complex is to ,SE*ME$HX. AEHRTEEBf ilryzffi , i84,tr
slow that process." ryuffis$E*Em, &rrE,fir" sJ. *x.&H{0ft*H!f
ryrFG6E5CSlHFCFE&.tr,e*S'{.t, ftDu^ilffi
il . aE*R*Fg6H^0! E t62-ffi Eil5,ft EEE

;6$Sfnt#ffi n E iaH € 3 mffi *ffi ,

H €#ffi rl ryU EzIb] E d E FF,IEH!,J

iili*-gnamae#RsF€6{a H +&trE

,Cofrrplex .
Only from Melaleuca!
"Starving for Nutrition"
With our modem diet, there is little shortage of food, yet
a majority of us are starving for nutrition. In fact, less
than 20/. of adults eat the recommended daily amount
of fmits and vegetables they need on a daily basis. This
is detrimental, because fruits and vegetables are the
primary natural sources of vitamins and minerals. They
provide nutrients that our bodies cannot make on their
own and need to be replaced every day. Without adequate
nourishment, the systems of the body are unable to
function correctiy, which may result in feeling tired, void of
vitality, or being more susceptible to illness.

Reinventing the Multivitamin-

To compensate for the nutritional gaps in our modern
diet, doctors recommend that every adult regardless of
age or heaith status needs to take a daily multivitamin.f
But traditional multivitamins and minerais may not be
as effective as you think. The minerals in traditional
multivitamins are generally isolated, which can make
them difficult for your body to absorb. In addition, isolated
minerals can iiterally rob the vitamins of their critical
antioxidant ability before they have a chance to be
absorbed by the body.

Introducing Oligofructose
The Vitality Pack@ is the f,rst and only multivitamin-

Ti"q"l supplement in the world to utiiize patent-pending

Oligofructose Complex. This groundbreaking process
addresses the fundamental problems found in traditional
multivitamin and mineral supplements, makingit the
ideal supplement to close the nutritionai gaps found in
everyone's diet.

Maximum Mineral Solubilitv

Minerals are soluble (dissolve easily) in an aci'dic state.
Because of this, they dissolve perfectly in the stomach.
r But as they move into the pH-neutral intestines-where
i nutdent absorption actually takes place-they fall out of
solr4ion (retuming to their crystalline form), making them
for the body to absorb.
|*S9.,9ffi.".91t r.r.:.'
Vrtality minerals are different. The minerals found in the Vitalify
Pack Independently Researched
Pack are bound to organic compounds (oligofructose and amino and Tested
acids), mirroring the way minerals are naturally found in food. When ,iilfrntrfi5Hh
oligofructose is broken down in the intestines, it creates a tiny,
temporary "acid bubble."This "bubble" works synergistically with the
amino acids to create the ideal environment for the attached mineral
to be more soluble.
Solubili ty
Antioxidant Potency Protection EffiE'
As the isolated minerals found in typical multivitaminp are digested,
they drastically accelerate the amount of free radicals present. Ther Oligofouctose Complex Bound Minerals
antioxidants in your multivitamin (like vitamins A, C, and E) are then F$Attr'R*ilg6fr*#*sttrilE
ovtr 85% soluble in fie intestines
forced to neutralize the free radicals. As a result, they may be "used 0ver I times more soluble &il fle unbound minerals used in Brand X

up" in the digestive tract and have much less antioxidant power by fi E*SSA$85rSip#rl5BFX'*Ef E'f 4ftrSfr EE,
the time they are ready to be absorbed. OligoJructose Complex helps ln**Hss.
change that. Oligofructose Complex guards the minerals, Iimiting their r00%

ability to generate free radicals. As a result, antioxidants are protected R 80%

from premature oxidation and are preserved in the intestines so they !r
can be absorbed into the bloodstream for their true value inside the :JF 60%
body. d,r{
:a 40%

arx,,ft+1*6!f crtF, a+nxFFJr , {Ei+5/.€flf;148#. +* .
Vltality Pack
Brand X

t''{ffi T A+RE€X
20% FCffi
BIFI . iltf ,^.'fAE€'
6! Ff /Cffi H!ffi *zJ<R

BB'!' Ebzj<Rf0ffiREcEE*.e.ilUffiHlxf^*tH" ffiRI+i'{il}E{*


S0lubility ol copper, iron, manganese and zinc at intestinal

{6fr)*EFI#ffigEH?l't66!E#*. EftlZhESlE#T, fi{ng!'
pH (7.0 -7 .2\. Solubility tor Melaleuca's form was
9ffiFtziHE.t*t+Rftl'iffi, iq€ffir, 68ffiffi6til*. : determined as percent 0f ingredient remaining in solution at
pH 7.0 after being at pH L0 (slomach conditions).
^8Affii#, r fi. *. ff. *Gffih&frE Q.ozi.2) rfi)t6!8ffi
t f 3fi ?1.i4'fttn€EtE8!ft*P6, EEeiI€aFtr Ziio+S+*€Hfi )E E. * *frynffit d$BffitrEli*T€*ffiGii.o (E
€x H * ffi 4i 6!t'fd6t " lEElft mEnA tbl l6 -5t. W ffiEi+E €' tg Lq i

Etlan " ltthsneftMa+0lf{2ffiElfiffiBs!, #U?n9{60&ry" i

tx,^, a4L+#ifig{ 0e|+IzHf , i3ir--8ffiffiB8lir|{nffie'6+ft3 tr*. j
Free Radical Generation
Er***Ft6tg^6!/).4t i HHEE{EF'
rE, eHEeff HOlj & 0e-iaffi fi E&RH*F€etg^ s'!66C8{06tr l Oligofructose Complex Bound Minerals
Mffialqh?,.iXFff iJ{Efi rf ft ffi naLEtEfr ilfnffi ?f E'ffi glE6id gUAtH**ilIefiffrSffrffifi
EE, Ul.H?l.rr.ftt €r,ffi8lHtif;lFg "
GeneEte 5 limes lss fee
mdicals $m the unbo!0d ninerals used
FFeN9H 6*f195*
ir BBnd X

ftEfMEBMtr r0096
il|zffi cm,$lt )nT aBffi , tfr L\f +nffi-fta
A?|a&trffi " {e e{n {E*
= s*
H,^.m06I{ErSFtB'!ffi A Eil - ,\tritfi €#0& r+I2$ - E.{itfi*&r}ffi x bi

(@fr4,F"|LYt#), 4RiEXl&96oeW. ^E.P ts 00%
)Ehtrxgw%ffiH'FfTE . ii'!-viltnffi 5 HilLlLAyL (68&f0RF
E'! {I!

fr&JJffitro, {FtrtpL3'ffi.t|tils. g8${$6! "WE" " in'ffiE" j+EA 1

&t 0%
oligofructose Unbound Minerals
ComplexBoundMinerals Sulfate,oxide
Fom us€d in Vihllty
pttltflt**lleilt Pacle t*afufl.
frfi{.LD8g8!frF EeitffiF
tE cksn6 t&1fr6.+ H&Fa6'!tr v)ffiw)Hk E, aroifi E
F. E+g!fr€tLftiJ @tJrlLE+*A. c. f0E) ifiiqififr 2 lnorganic lorms 0f copper are defingd as 100% rate 0f Jr€e
,gR, E)H,tLiHfr f!fr€.{.rfi!fiiqHg?ffH*8, frg radical generation (determined as a result ot tree radical
oxidation 0t 2', 7'-dichlorotluore$ceifl catalyred by dilferent
AE&RBHF6'9AHEB[gi*-I' " FEMRFffi forms ot copper).
ffi , lr[ft E.titFE E H E8!HE' " i*t+-*, fr €,f.tfilt HEiffi 4 jg+lfisi
ll z ft,#tfrit76tsffiG.t;ritl 00%& ss sFE Gu*teF T
4N,, X zEt+EM6 E tl& r& r{I3tJ frWF.thtl, {f € UB!{,}{ER gE fA fi . lE#trS!ffift,ft,m8$2', z'--ltft)t*&!fi{N) .

i Source: Journal ol the

Cost-Saving Packs for Nutrition
That Fits Your Lifestvle
vitarity - oneBottle, iJl*,'Effirig'fiH#'€#
One Incredible Nutrient Value
Besides offering high levels ofkey nutrients, you'll also


with an odorless, easy-to-swallow coating, it's easier
than ever to get the nutrition you need to feel full of li
- everyday.

Ern'6-pnrrm' roro
l{FI t l$l
HgEgEg;H;ffffifi. *il:HxfifiHFnfr#ffi
r&r+IEti' axtr3llt6rntfi. #uf$" t,""
*f#r nm"
50+ cacumc.mpe,e
Vjtg!'ty Multivitamin & MineralrMt oo raolets@ !!) |
tFr#€rs{tit 90tr vitality Gatcium completer'r lzo rauers @ $! |
3$46.00 (S$29.90pc 12pts) ml*Frm rzoH
400 women **Eti- 401 Men gtEti- 402 50+ fFamf, 405 s$35.00 (s$22.90pc 8pts)

Vilalily Women Vitalily Men Vilalily 50+ Vilality Calcium Gomplele

Supplement Facts Supplemenl Facts Supplemenl Facts Supplemenl Facts
Serving Size 3 Tablets Serving Size 3 Tablels Seruing Size 3 Tablets Serving Size 3 Tablets
Seruings PBr Container 30

Seryings Per Container 30 Servings Per Container 30 Sewinqs PerCdntainer40

Amount Per Serying Amount Per Seruing

% Daily
Vrlm' ffi
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 3000 lU 60% Vitamin A (as beta-car0tene) 3000 lU 60% Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 3500 lU 70%
Amourt Per seruirg t"?":l[
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 150 mq 250% Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 150 m0 Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 150 m0 250%
250% lU
Vitamin D (as cholecalcif€rol) 300 75%
Vitamin 0 (as cholecalciferol) 200 lU
50% Vitamin D (as choiecalciferoD 200 lU 50% Vrtamin D (as cholecalciferol) 200 50% lU Calcium {as calcium carb0nate, 75%
Vitamin E (as d-aloha toco0hervl 100% Vitamin E (as d-alDha tocooheryl 100% Vitamin E (as d-aloha tocoohervl 150% dicalcium 0h0s0hate. calcium citrate.
succinate) 30 ltl succinate) 30 lU succioate) 45 lU calcium aririn0 acid 0li0lruct0se
Thiamin (;s thiamin HCI) 15 mg 1000y" Thiamin ias thiamin HCI) 15 mg 1000% Thiamin (as thiamin HCI) 7.5 mg
500% complex) 750 mg
Riboflavin 17mg 1000% Ribollavin 17 mg 1000% Riboffavin 8.5 mg 500% PhosDhorus (as dicalcium 0hosDhate) 1 0%
Niacin (as niacinamide) 75 mg 375% Niacin (as niacinamide) 75 mg 375% Niacin (as niacinamide) 75 mg375%
1 00 i1q

Vitamin BO {as ovridoxine HClt 500% Vitamin 86 (as pyrid0xine HCI) 10 mg Maonesium (as maqnesium 0xide, 40%
500% Vitamin 86 (as pyridoxine HCI) 10 mg 500% maonesium amino acid oli0fructose
10 mg
Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200%
Folate (as folic acid) 600 mcg 150% Folate {as tolic acid) 600 mcg150% comDlex) 150 mq
Vitamin 812 {as cvanocobalamin) 200% Vitamin B12 las cvanocobalaminl 200%
Vitamin 812 las cvanocobalamin) 200% '12 mcg
12 mcg
12 mcq
mcg '100%
Biotin (as d-biotin) 60 mcg 20% Biotin (as d-biotin) 60 mcg 20%
Biolin (as d-biotin) 300
Pantothenic Acid {as calcium 200%
Pantotienic Acid {as
pantothenate) 20 ing
calcium 200% Pantothenic Acid (as calcium 150%
pantotienate) 15 ing
pantottrenate) 20 ing
Calcium {as calcium carbonate. 25% Caicium {as calcium carbonate. 25% lU
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 400 100%
Calcium (as calcium carb0nate. 25% dicalcium Dh0sohate. calcium ciftate dicalciuni Dh0s0hate, calcium citrate, Calcium (as calcium carb0nate. 100%
dicalcium Dhos0hate. calcium cilnte. calcium olLconate. calcium amioo calcium 0luconate. calcium amin0 acid dicalciufti ohosDhate. calcium iitrate.
calcium 0llconate. calcium amino adid acid 0ligotructose c0mplex) 250 mg oligotruclose complex) 250 mg calcium arhino acid oliofructose
oligofruclose comblex) 250 mg Phosphorus (as dicalcium phosphate) 6% Plosphorus (as dicalcium phosphate) 6%
complex) 1000 mq
kofl (as kon amino acid 50% Nmg bJ mg PhosDh0rus las dicalcium Dhosohate) 1 5%
olioofructose complex) gmq '130
Phosohorus (as dicalcium
lodine (as iodine amino acid 100% lodine (as iodine amino acid 100%
6% oligofnjctose complex) 150 mco oligofrdctose complex) 150 mcg lragnesium(as.magn€sium_oxide, 50%
phosphate) 65 mq
Magnesium (as maqnesium oxide, 50% Magnesium (as maqnesium 0xide,
maqnestum amrno acro oilolructose
lodine (as iodine amino acid 100% magnesium laclate, ma0nesium maonesium lactate. ma0nesium citrate. complex) 200 mo
oligolrdctose complex) 150 mcg citrate. maonesium amino acid magnesium amin0 acidili00f ructose
Magnesium (as magnesium 50% oligohuctose complex) 200 mg complex) 200 mg
0[de, maqflesium laclale. ma0nesium
citrate. maonesium amlno acid
Zinc (as zinc amino acid 100% Zinc (as anc amin0 acid oli0ofructose 100%
oligoftuctose complex) 15 mg comdlex) l5 mg
oligolructoae complH) 200 mg
Zinc (as zinc amino acid 100%
Selenium {as selenium amino acid 150% Selenium (as selenium amino acid
oligofructdse complex) 105 mcg oligofructdse complex) 105 mcg lU
Vrtamin D (as cholecalcihrol) 500 125%
oliqofructose complex) 15 mq
Selenium las selenium amino acid 150%
Copplr (as copper amino acid 150% CoDDer (as coDDer amino acid
150% Calcium {as calcium carbonate. 125%
oligotruchse complex) 3 mg oliodfruclose idmplex) 3 mg dicalciutri 0h0sDhaE. calcium ditrate.
oligofructdse complex) 105 mcg Manoanese (as manomese amino 200% Manoanese las manoanese amino
150% calcium aririno acid oliofructose
Cooper (as coDoer amino acid 150% acidblig0fruitose co--mplex) 4 mg acidbligohubtose cohplex) 3 mg complfl) 1250 mg -
oligdfructose c{implex) 3 mq Chomium {as chmmium amino acid 100% Chromium {as chromium amino acid 150% Pfqsphorus (as dicalcium phosphate) 15%
Manoanese {as manoanese amino 125% oligolructose complex) 120 mco oligohuctose complfl) 180 mcg
bu mq
scidbligofructose comDlex) 2.5 m0 irolvbdenum (as molvbdenum amino
.100% 100% Molvbdenum {as molvbdenum amino 120% --
0hromium (as chrcmium
chromium amino acid oiisfructos
s'e comDlex) 120 mcq
molybdenum amino

acidoligolructose complex) 75 mcq

Boron (as boron amino acid i

acidoligofructbse complex) 90 mcg

Bomn tas boron amino acid +

madnesium imino dcid
coriplex) 250 mq

I complex) 75 mcq
oligolrdclose complfr) 150 mq oligofrdctose compl*) 'l50 mq

boron amino acid f f oaily Value not established lDaily Value not eslablisied.
6e complex) 1 50 mg

other ingredients: Micrccrystalline cellulose, other ingredients: Micrccrystalline cellulose,

cr0scarmellose s0dium. sodium stilch 0lvcolale. croscamellose sodium. sodium starch otucolale.
silicon dioxkle, hydrcryprcpyt mettvtceliuiose, srlico0 dioxide, hydroryprcpyl mehylcetiulose,
nydrcxyprcpyl cellulose, steilic acid, polyethytene hydrcrypropyl cellulose, steilic acid, polyelhylene
qrycol, maqnesium steilate. vilillin. glycol, ma0nesiun stemte, vilillin.
r: Micmryslalline celluloss,
sodium, sodium starch olycolate,
lydrcryprcpyl methylcellulose,
elolos, stearic acid, potelhylene
m ftedc vrnillin

E*gfts*6&!UE" -
Energy And Strength For Full Vitality
only the Vitalify Pack@ combines Vitdlity Multiuitamin & Mineral" and Vitality Calcium
Complex'" - both made with Oligofuctose Complex'" - to give you four sources of calcium for
maximum support of healthy teeth and bones.

R€'tft a)Er€#€63)5r66C$.{&fte)ErRt5ft - iAffi aEmRHffi Fe}i^
- He4{+f5ffi , jE{*€RU6&EB8B!9'S "
Vitality Pacl€ for Women, Men or 50+t @ ,,1" I
Viiality Multivitamin & MineralrM for Women, Men or 50+ and Viiality Calcium CompleterM
rFr€*( *rEci-, ErEi',4tEpEcf, )
Vitality Pack
Fr€* 5$68.00 (S$44.90pc 1 6pts)
410 410 Women t+EBtr 411 Men Ef mf 412 50+ fnaEil',

Superior Nutrition With Heart fiffiafrfsf,o!frfr

Heart health is higlr priority formillions of men and
a tt m€€F*€*ISf *€t69*ii. E6)EroH#etg
women around the globe. Vitslify 6 adds the nutrients you fi e . H#et$E,, €#lg*!z+
#Et!&lsd,&€e!€ffi +F
need to help maintain heart health. Vitality 6 includes +tRa, mm;=rBtEfr. ffiffig. +H46)8. &StBiEc\/
ihe twq Vitalify Pack supplements plus CellWise, Flori6/, - E-€.fi qt+qE h tft &rrl,fi €*!fi!F
Phytotnega and ProuexCV - heips support healthy immune "
system ind support cardiovaiculai health.

, t. vitality Multivitamin & Mineral - Essential .E 4. Florifyo - TUo strains ofprobiotics to help
f nutrients to enhame wellbeing, orgaaically bound improue the absolption ofnutrients and maintain

'' "d ."r urith patent-pending Oligqftuctose Complex"for ',ef

good digestiue health.
maximum mineral solubility and antioxidant *#* - tears$6. *sa*eu*r, sstH
protection. ftnffict.
*rffie*&* - $rfrAstr**ri*, Enil*s*
**!t€Fir, *sft ursFsgstrF, *mRfr i 5. Phytomega@ - Proprietary blend of heahh-
{tfti!ffir. healthy phytosterols and omega-3fatty acids to
help reduce cholesterol leuels and maintain healthy
'0, 2. Vitality Calcium Complete - 4-source triglyceride leuels.
, :,'l:, $ calcium blend plus mcanesiur4 phosphorus and Ft{la$ - &*EF'EAEStsE&,ornesa-3t 4E
Vitamin D to help str€ngth bones, organically bound ilFEb&, FftFFffiEEH, SS=UH*F.
with Oligofuctose Complex* to rnaximize mfueral
solubiliry. 6. ProvexCV6 - Patented blend ofgmpa skirl
ffift€s - {*4i4sFE6lh, ffiilE.*.&s+ grape seed and other antioxidants to help preuent
*0*qbs#83f, *t, EH*S*R*G[A.**, *& LDL oxidation and maintain healthy bloodplatelet
€Inr#6f!E*fi" actiuity.
€+u*r5tg5E&.fi€F. &FE
**tiEcv -
3. CellWiseo - Broad spectrum dantioxidants to SS{t#' F&RJFFEEI*S{I' GS&rJrfrl5E
prouide protectionJromfee radical damage, bolster HEED.
the immune systern, andfght cellulcr aging.
x*,&*&s - ses€$n*'ftsut*, E€f,$fie
s*89&r, ft i-rFF6S, F0$$9St{1.

n Vitality 6rM for Women, Men or 50+t

Vitality Multivitamin & MineralrM for Women, Men or 50+,
Vitality Calcium CompleterM, FlorifiP, CellWise@, Phytomega@ and ProvexCV@
+fi8r6€*( atEct. EtEct{fiamf,)
iFt*a9E.lttE( f rsit, E tEr,f, *ffi aE-cf ) . if; ,tl5fE. Mffi t, rf, t*F.rEit.
S$2 1 4.00 (S$1 42.90pc 44pts)
430 Women *tE.i,i- 431 Men E+gCf' 432 50+ ffiAgCf,-

Phytost€rols And €+a El gfr ot{EeA-sFffi &giltiF6t
Omega-3s Were Meant ffie 1 sfrtetAWJB trf 0o o € H 6! o 1,

omesa-3BEFFm, €4et$6.glTK{ffi
For Each Other
fl EE tr+E#gDrElF1ftgffi 8! = ffi E'i*
The perfect marriage of 1.5grams of
plant-based phytosterols and 1,000mg nEt.
of omega-3 fatty acids, Phytomega
helps lower your choiesterol{ and +&ffi 6fi fi ft m fH +n@tr;A1fre]di# EJr

maintain healthy triglyceride levelsf . FETEE tr EE MWt&tYx, E€ *IeF

d \

{ft flCEEg" tE4e )$G€omesa-3EEm

Studies show that phytosterols
help naturally reduce cholesterol
$E;+FI#} - 18oEHB!-+ffifffi
because they safely inhibit cholesterol m (EPA) fl 20€H6! - t - 6fi n'ffi ffi

absorption in the intestine. (DHA) . ff nt Emomega-3flEflfi&Fj

Phytomega's marine-based omega- r#ff ,fi t+Effi &H;ts [E, tE{^rifr E
0! =
3 fatty acids have 180mg of EPA ,L'm€€F (omesa-3flEtF&E-f+m
(eicosapentaenoic acid) and 120mg
of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EE) " tEg06t6Blomega-3flEf,bffid€
Research shows these omega-3 E T{8trtEMtrEgf!trffitr - ffiRtg,
fatty acids help maintain healthy I&H€XFfiffi{R}FI
triglycerides levels, which are
:'1.:,, , '.
t\!)a'i!:.i!.1 't
.' essential for optimal heart health Phytomega@t 120 softsets|
)E'taifr 120€t&*

(triglycerides are a type ofblood
,,i;l:,:t', ,'
fa\. Phytomega's omega-3 fatty acids 4625 5$62.00 (S$41.90pc 14pF) ,

also enhanee the solubility ofits

'l ,t" phytosterols - so you get a powerful $upplement Facls
',ili4.:, ,,i,
r$rl,F#r punch of protection daily! Serving Size 2 SoftgBis
Servings Per Container 60

iit.tli. , "

Recommended Dosage
Take 2 Phytomega softgels twice daily with
+ foods and supplemenls containing at teast 400mg per food.
serving 0l plant $terol esters, eatsn twice a day with meals iEgHI Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 10 mg 17%
fff a daily lotal intake 0f at teast 800mg, as part 0f a diet E E zR, E Rt'.EBEH2*n€rdes. E (as d-alpha tocooherol) 6 lU 20%
low in saturated fat and cholesterot. may reduce the tisk
of heart dis€ase. A daily d0se 0f Prytolrega (4 softgels)
DoYou Know? Phytosterol Esters 750 mg t
supplies at leasl 1,500mq 0f ptani sterol esters.
f Supportive but n0t c0nclusive research shows that
The Omega-3 found in Phytomega is Fish oil Concentrate
Pro!iding 90mg EPA (Eicosapentaen0ic Acid)
500 mg t
an essential fatty-acid which is not and 60 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
consumption 0f EPA and DI-IA omega-3 fatty acids may
manufactured by your body and can mS i
reduce the risk 0f coronary heart disease. A daily d0se 0f
Phytomega (4 sofigels) supplies 1,000m9 ot Em and 0HA. only be obtained from food such as tuna,
Proprietary Blend
- - 9!
Lecithin, Bromelain, Sorbtan oleate,Triethy Cttrate

+ €x€ffi 2)tre5l)400eH€428tffi ftevr40it, salmon, mackerel, sardine and flax seeds.

4fr 64HetrFrre1Krt flEffi 6,lAffi S " €E!&ffi {E Percent Daity Values are based on a 2,000 calorie

46;d (4{il €e84,\r,500eH6!tE{2]E&. tr$tf0c? diet.

t *i[*fffiEnfFH-fffiEffi&
(EpA) fi Erte idBSBlomesa-3fEffi &, E,\6Ff T t oaily Value not established.
120i:H8!:+ (DHA) omeso-3tgf,bffi€ HCf;lJjEB!, REE,TICM+{'!!BqH'6. s+.6, s6
Other ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, water, lem0n oil,
carmine. C0ntains fish 0il c0ncenlrate from anchovy,
;JHEF1Kd,ft Hr*ffifltiffiS " € EtRstgr46* E. )4T€. IEffi{S3#ET. mackerel, and sardine.
(44t) €At, ooo*FflEpAfnDHA "
t C0ming s00n to Malaysia-
E!;16€FitB)kdI[!E&, I


Keep Feeling Young At Heart
Antioxdant Protection To Keep You
With patented Prouexcv; we've taken the humble grape
and turned it into a super^charged heart protector! Our
Proprietary Blend 373 mg patented flavonoid supplement unleashes the power
ffi Extract *
of grape antioxidants to help reduce LDL oxidation and
Grape Seed
* maintain healthy blood plateiet activity.
Proteases (brom€lain,

Using the most potent grapes, ProuexCV is a patented

formula of grape seed, grape skin, quercetin, bilberry
and ginkgo biloba. It also includes an exclusive
* Daily Value not established. enzyme blend to help your body better absorb
0ther ingredients: Gelatin (capsul€), ric€ fl0ur P rov exCV's antioxidants.

Recommended Dosage ffirrlbffifl.Lffiffi)r+E

For best results, 1 ProuexCV capsule should
be taken for every 16kg ofbody weight.
H6tE+' 41f; 8'!iL,fit
Af;|JiE€flJecftiEcv' fi {il*ffi
iEsEI €lE{*fre6!€Ft:r r #{rurqa€fljEaEnaflT
ffi ffi f .4.6E, €16afr.Fffi H l{tgrtiEct,. H€ffi +' it'ft€lLfilBlFliltst4Ft' €'il!+{ffi t4flE
DoYou Knorv? E€5'{t,' {8i4fr dtffi 6!EH)5;r.
High levels ofLDL cholesterol may lead to
atherosclerosis - a process with cholesterol *ffi AtrEEH€, R'&JECV€fIJEEFHEH€#3. H
plaque causes thickening of the artery
walls and narrowing of the arteries. €P. ifr&H*. dr*='e.+R6. E€eeJq++@*
Eff Bt 96Fr0 0& rtltilF.fLfl "
trE6!€ - BCErB ProvexcV@t 1 2o capsutes
frIllBlEitft 3llilslEr0E, asl€ff qE "
=EEtBdFge$d$, E'EiECV 120&E
3000 S$77.00 (S$51.90pc lBpts)

Supplemenl Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Super Antioxdant Protection For
Per Container 60

% Daily
Healthy Organs And Tissues
Ualm' Biood vessels are vitaliy important because they carry
CitrusBioflavonoids 50 mg oxygen and nutrients to every celi in your body. That's
Dried Grape Skin Extract 30 mg why you need ProVex-Plus.
Dried Grape Seed Extract 25 mg
Dried Ginkgo Bil0ba Extract {leaves) 10 mg
Proanthocyanidins, the active ingredient in Prouex-
Dried Bilbery Exfact (berries) 10 mg
Plus, are from grape seed. These unique compounds
t Daily Value not established.
help strengthen blood vessels. They also act as
other lnqredients: Gelatin (capsule), magnesium antioxidants to fight free radicals and contribute to
stearate. This product was produced on equipment your overali health. ProVex-Plus aiso contains ginkgo
that als0 processes wheat, dairy, egg. peanuts, tree
nuts, soy, fish, and shelltish. biloba that helps maintain proper blood circulation,
and bilberry that heips enhance night vision.

Recommended Dosage
Take 1 Provex-Plus capsule 2 times daily. s*{t*F, i.rGsFElr, 96F€s
EgFI tt\fi €8!@Hrf +tfi g!q{ EHE€9.ffi{q' Efr Efl
€EAk' 6)kffiHlfi$ltE-Plus. 5tf 0 #flhlixalJ,\{68!€a4fE . i*ftEtl+ a 19ffi
;t;";; ERTEE-Plus.
Proanthocfanidins are a class of nutrients
belonging to the flavonoid family. They can EttiE-PlusEeFI#)E,tt'{riffi H€*1ffi lptEHIH!,FTg
be found in many plants, notably pine bark,
grape seed and grape skin. They are known efi . F€',aIIffiAnZfij7, E r'JinE U{&EiSf! € ts
to provide nukitional support to reduce Epnlf ,E#El:lElf rL'fi €€H.tttiE-prusitr)r*El0
capillary permeability and fragility.

fi$tg? &tnalh, E€EElfffi.

Ff€e*Esu**ffi 6!-#, Ei.-6\+&
+$$!1, ,[nRfliidE. H€*3. &ffi€&" ProVex-Plus@t 60 capsules
€#€fi tror*1E.s€siaEft &5Et+. SIEIE_PLUS 6OffiF
1411 5$42.00 (S$27.90pc 13pts)
ThesestatemenlshavenotbeenevaluatedbytheUSF00d&DrugAdministration. Theseproductsarenotintendedtodiagnose,treat,cure,orpreventany
disease. itSHEH, lrtFff 7rq.fts6ffi &.&a)8F*mbm .

Recommended Dosage
Take 1 capful ofDNA Plus daily.
DoYou K!ro\n?
Oxidative stress creates more volatile free
radicals, which go on to damage cell and
vessel walls, proteins, fats, even the DNA
nucleus of our cells.

fi &sqe*et)Effi E6tcE65 Ed sf
Fl, il4etfi€4[E&. m€8. €HF. BE
m. E=ffiEd6!;H,SltEir& (DNA) .
Supporting Basic
Fundamentals Of Healthy ,F* E itr,fr +affi fi fr - ga
Cellular Components gHEFA. 82.'E,r*)E,
E. f0PET#
83. 86. 812. C.
9ft@FZ*-{,RH'HIE€H acid) .

€EfiH-#E#flr0$E't &fiffiE
*{e68Ff mB!+r&. c+Ef!ffi 6 6
Good roDrir
d Good
lE lilr
ffiffi+(DNA) . E€TF+(RNA),&Hfi
TEF! fr €.fLf!,Bl6ffi )+, EHuslcff+^fi
\ \ .t_ +- hssitrherpmure 4[EEH'16F. ]EE6E,. e{Xt+ffi

.#^IH$H. Ek*Ti \Y -*ffiH..
-:ax*m;* -

.&8$SeEfiS{Nfr* knF* *s$Fm

. trffi+, Ee6Xltilg.{.tfiil, €}Iffi
A NaU,rfal Why TO Four key nutrients that help supPort . $E€ffff+(DNA)EHEil+
i.lppott ceuuiar Health l"#y";:'*':i,?f;il1T$31u"", (RNA) flffEB'ffiMlP,14,ffiA&
As human ceils are under the- prop"iti"s, *triih are known to
. Ftf*,' fllft|lffi1e.€iafi, €fi9
constant threat.ofaging and free proiect cells from free-radical l+€Fsc?.Fia*e!E{f
radicals attack, it is important to h"-"n"_ . E&E ' €I{l€H€4g&fdfreg,
:i:,:':-t* -"*::"1i.'_Y..PlY^?l:"d"tu . sarmir Mlt Extnct (DNA) & yeast €H
::11:l:.":',?:1v;^T:::':.i:lf Exract (RNA): Herps in tislue repair
DNA Plust soomr-
replcauon and expresslon of
he'reditary infor*itlo" i" living ' 9ara $ffpa-aminobutyric
4672 S$110.00 (S$72.90pc 16pts)
cells; thef are essential "u"ry buildi fiGABAlelps_in
3i influitovsupportinghealthy
blocks ofiife. The most commo'n neurological functions.
DNA Plus Twin Packt
nucleic acids are DNA and RM. A" rFr+a&ftfiaffi#
adequate supply of DNA and RNA ' Hes?eridine: Being a citrus 4673 S$210.00 (S$139.90pc 30pts)
maybe ttre irbit slgnificant factor bioflavonoid, hesperidine is
lngredients: Prune Juice, Fructose, Salmon Milt Extract
to determine the capacity of tissue beneficial in improving capillary (including DNA), Yeast Extract (includino RNA), Vitamin A,
regeneration and seif-repair. This is health and connective tissues. Vilamin 82, Vitamin 83, Vitamin 86, Vitemin 812, Vitamin
C, Hesperidin, Calcium Pantothenate, GABA (gamma-
why Melaleuca brings to you DNA PIus aminobutyric acid), Citric Acid, Pectin
-fortifiedwithvitaminsA,82,83,86, te#g[E€fgl*#l]5fi
812, C, hesperidin and GABA (gamma- References:

aminobutvric acid)' ddldfEB haft&,Afr€!f!€Em Dahm, Ralf (2008), "Discovering DNA: Friedrich Miescher
and the early years 0f nucleic acid research", Human
Esrrdp[, Ffiu,f6^ffi€E.ffi6!+rm Genetics 122 {6): 565-81. 2008 Jan
Bauman, R. (2005) 'Microbioloov"
A capful of DNA Plus daily provides a EIFH'!EE6'!. +9ffi8€at60!4m Park Talaro, K, (2008). "Foundati0ns in Microbiology"
rich source of nucleic acids deri-ved-
frE€{g€. eft||f0{€iti6{€{HBB!.lF Rattan Sl (2006). "Theories 0f bi0logical aging: oenes,
fromsalmonmiltextnctt?l-4\:11 m, eeBme'lr*ryzffiEts. proleins, and free radicals". Free Radic. Res. 40 (12):
frH.n 1230-8

nn'i:ll;filHl];il:;tT:ff:,?: in+a#Efrataffi&m (DNA) r'r?F "The role of GABA in the pathophysioloqy and treatment
0f anxi-ety_dis-orders '. Phsychopharmacol Bull 37 (4):
support the'basic fundamentals oi +A& (RNA) . CEIESIE &f0 A+IEF 133-46. 2003

heaithy cenurar components, the

healthycellularcomponents,the B!HErm*Tffi€Etrfft6lftdt ffi
$lfiErm*Tffi€/etrfflflftfit ffi lfiff;*?il#flT;llif[,;lT$,,ITll?igiTllll,[iif3,i.1,'
system and mental acuity.
immune svstem
frNfrlgtfr& (RNA) " t
J Nutr soi
&m (DNA) frNfrt$tfr& l}1{lrJfili'df-ri.tirt8dsrvFn)/pertensive{ats".
t Coming soon to Mataysia.
DNA Muscle Stin Digestion Vtsion Bnin Heatl
ffiA FEt :Hk r^Ln tt.h ,(ffi ,;ffi

While antioxidairts are a powerful ffia4hrtE,ffiW+ f0E 6 E6!-Bq 3f; ff
natural force for neutralizing free 6l*fr , E, * i*LBfn€'ft F&tl#€'
radicals, their strength is multiplied
when they are present in tlre right ,Fru€6ila*6!Bd{R, ElitH'lrrxlEe
combination. In order to fuI$ protect g+rr1g. h3 etr'R1Flhti+tr, 18,
your body, you require a wide varief *EtFffi &f+ttak a " t8r,Bfi ft l3
of antioxidants. CellWise brings the
right combination of powerful, proven
antioxidants together for a synergistic
FI-f e68!9q k mfr , +tf; e96$
formula that can make a difference in ,58{*}F.
multiple areas of your health.
Head-tp-Toe Protection )E h,E ?f-ftff h -t+rh*r.f )ailtffiffifL,
As broad-spectrum antioxidant,
CellWise offers natural defense on
x, b,fr€9+ry+8. .&t0e#8il]i14'
Ti€{*Xff *!'lRtF, E}6/f; 8!rr),

[E.EIr6. pffi. )H(LAth, tr,r. t

a cellular level for all your major
systems and organs, including your
heart, muscles, skin, digestive system, B&. U,&DNA.
vision, brain, and DNA.
. DNA _ EES=C. H€f3+ilM. ffi
o DNA - Vitamin C, grape seed extract,
olive extract
o Muscle - Tocopherols, carotenoids,
.m6 - x#ffiEaE. *6f9t.
olive extract *.8tffi*#E!{21
. Skin - Olive extract, tocopherols, .pffi - tilffi*+ntz. xff!€gfr Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) mg
E. *6EF l.*
300 500%
. Digestive System -Vitamin
Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 75 mg 8%

C, .jq{f,an - rB€=c. xttct+F[ Lycopene
. Vision - Mixed carotenoids .&h - )86*fiEFl.F 0live Fruit Extract
3 mg
150 mg
.xffi ctH*c. aawa[rw Grape Seed Extract

.Am -
r Brain - Vitamin C, grape seed extract 25 mg
Mixed Tocopherols 60 lU
. Heart - Grape
seed extract and
- H€*3iFn{z. *ffitra Mixed Carotenoid Blend 60 lU

t Daily Value not established.

0ther ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, silicon!iqq*
i,T,E'Effi 6OH
60 taolers @@ | di0xide, croscarmell0se sodium, hydroxypr0pyl
methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, titanium
dioxide. sodium starch glycolate. magnesium
7780 S$42.00 (S$27.90pc 10pts) stearate (vegetable), polyethylene glycol, spirulina.

These statemerts have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
EtrEm, ft FB4E.tt66fr &&6tefi*fi SH .
Boknicaf Chondroitin
Blend *tE*:
9&€#&* Cushions
Comforts Et€)+s
&&s€&: dr Elasticitv&
Rebuilds l-lexrbrlrty

Replenex - Patented Blend. of Glucosamine Replenex Extra Strength - Patented Blend

HCl, Enzymes, Ginger, and Green Tea of Glucosamine HCl,Enzymes, Ginger, and
. Glucosomine HCI - the most soluble form of GreenTea
Glucosamine, this natural ingredient has been Plus:
shown to help support healthy cartilagel . Chondroitin - structural component of
. Bromelain - derived from pineapples, cartilage that provides resistance to
bromelain is an effective joint ingredient compressions
shown to increase the body's speed of recovery . MSM - an important building block of
after physicai activiry,
connective tissue that heips keep joints
. Ginger - an herb that has beneficial properties strongs
that help improve hip and knee health3 . Manganese & Vitamin C - essential nutrients
r GreenTea - an effective antioxidant that helps that help accejerate the formation of new
promote healthy joints3 cartilageT
. Patent-Pending Botanical Blend - natural
ingredients that soothe and comfort joints

#Jtrfg - AfiEHHM. M. I. 5FFHT dltr€gif,{tEdt - gfiHffi€m. EE, t.

€f[Ff, 5r*aH!€f|JEr,f,
. frtffiHH - F4Er*f+Ht€EH€ffi, Fxf,*
fit+f€E#FIr) '
. *tfftF - +XB#Jttril*Fr), tHtfttgfl'*E:t
. FT*HIF - ryHX#R4, HffH!*T#+FFI . MSM€ilm - tH€J€firh-rr., E#frn*#l
,i, raifi *€/'ffi trAFFxf*ffi €F rEiS#J
. t - €f'J+ffi*t-5trxt€HHtH6FIr) €gfrFI*Fr|
. ffi-598$;Fc - tsi8+iBtrtfiE6H##
. sil# - €'tr+{Eit*t€FHt$8fi9ft#J
. t+'J * €+ il.r4"F,biEfr - €}€*tHixt*FIr)

General Guidelines lor Product Use

Which ls Right lor Youi Age or Activity Level or Cuilent Weight
iEgFft +fS{*
,. €dt*. ftE
Replener < 50 years , Lightto Moderate Recommended to Slightly Overweight
SftFE ' <508 I 6H5++ *rffiEii#
Replenex Exha Slren0th + Moderate to Strenuous
50 years Overweight to 0bese
etrEfEtfiftEe}. 508&t\L ++EHTAE EEg€IEF+fr#
Ery,oy Sirnple Things
For A Sunnier Outlook
1n Life Feeling overwhelmed, wom out, and just
unable to handle everything that comes

+E^sffiS, your way? Chemical messengers called

neurotransmitters in the brain affect
your mood and your abiiity to cope.
Naturens Answer To A Sometimes your body could use a little
extra help from nature to handle the
Natural Relief pressure.
While no man should ignore this
important iittie gland, prostate heaith Luminexis a patented formula of St.
should be especially important for men ]ohn's wort, griffonia seed, foiic acid
over age 4O. ProstAuan helps promote and vitamin 812 that help maintain
prostate and urinary tract health the normal ievels of neurotransmitters and help sustain
i natwa[y, with an exclusive combination a positive outlook. Combined with a balanced diet and
I of lycopene, saw palmetto berry, pumpkin regular exercise, tuminex can provide your body with
;ih s6ed dnd zinc. ProstAuan helps men of all the toois it needs to maintain your ability to handle the
ages take a natural, targeted approach to stresses of life.
prostate health.

Lookno further- take ProstAuan to help you manage your

prostate health better. trH&'Eflr, Fg4lE, EitagFf6ff6!6#trr? j*{+
{.1+€€+}lilf,}E )! -s 6iaffi , E 6 awuatr#fo Jfi {d 6E
e*mm c;, ,]" i*rftF, XEf^q#{et'tE, ffiE slEtf;slE,"
a= " #ff h'fr€'trrEFHf,'tu
'U[N€H,b?€Ffo EH)d,tr. Atftffi'ffi, ,t6t8!&*€filEefie* FftEru. rsfi*3. 0t#f0!&
&$€e3*tFax. €Hfiq. H,r\F. ffit+. 4#h11h
f d,e*!€#*, lEFziH +bt8!E{*frFg€H "
Ef,lE4. €XR$+trfiifie#R
eiglrsliaa, LIIES.''J uwytftffi ffi:Tililf;:l
Td'FImffi 3 - 4S, trcEFHt'tlffi GF. ffiEfrtEtrfil, ffARt++++/dl6{* three times daily.""""r",Xi:
ProstAvan@t 30 sofrge/s
flFffi i?Hgffi
t&rL'ta" f?Y:If.'?;J?:i:''
$trnft 30*&t Luminex@t 9o capsu/es
2056 S$42.00 (S$27.90pc 10pts) ,1** e0&* €83X, €)IfEffil{t
2380 5$40.00 (S$26.90pc 1Opts) frET. ERHEZ5.4E
S{pBl€ment Facts Recommended Dosage
Size; 1
Take 1 ProstAuan softgel DoYou Kroo$r?
Supplemenl Facts
daily. Serving Size: 1 Capsule Diminished mental
15 mg '100% iEgHI Amouf,t % Dallr acuity, uncontrolled
€EflEE1tr4$rfi" Per Saruind veluer
aggressiveness, feeling
Folate(Folicacid) lA3mco 33% edgy, and constant
DoYou Know? Vilamin 812 (Cyan0cobalamin) 2 mcg 33% fatigue are signs of
About 50% of men aged impaired emotional
60 years and above Dried SL John s Wort Extract health.
suffers from benign {.3 Hypericin) {ilowe0 300 mg i
50mg i prostatic hyperplasia. Drled Griffonia Seed Extract
(>99% L-5-HI?) (seed) 15 mg I smilB?
gaily Vali€ not established.
.ll ##6IfiFiB. ieUlSftU
0ther lngredients: Gelatin, Vegetable oil, Glycerin, sstts? t Daily Value nol established. 'lfrfd.,€,8*'L''lE. **SF
Yellow Beeswax, Watet Lecithin, Titanium Dioxide. ir!50%+6$605 utflB Other inqredients: G6latin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, 6, 4E.IE6RRT&E
TondlOEXtendel.qfqtse, : .. .. TRH,RI+Ti'IffiCE. [,ilagnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. 6!trfi.
Fortify Ybur Digestive F{ealth
As a result of our modem
diet, nearly everyone suffers
from occasional indigestion,
constipation, and related
abdominal discomfort due to an
imbalance of"good" and "bad"
flora in the gastrointestinal (cl)

With Florifu, each capsule which

contains 5 billion colonies of flora
per daily dose helps balance your
intestinal tract with'good' flora. Another
unique feature lies in its two acid-resistant
probiotic strains - Lactobacillus acidophiius
(which targets your small intestines) and
Clearly Superior Vision Support Bifidobacterium lactis (which works in your
.Lxcessrve exposure to the computer, exposure to IIV rays, air poliution colon). The probiotics in Flon-fii are further
and aging are some of the contributing factors that may affeci enhanced with a proprietary blend of fructo-
your vision. Your quaiity of iife is greatiy affected by the quality of oligosaccharides (FOS), calcium phosphate
your vtslon. Now you can give your eyes an antioxidant boost with and green tea extract to maximize the growth
NutraView in vegetarian formula! of these probiotics and helps in maintaining
healthy digestive system.
NutraView's unique ingredient blend includes:
o tutein - Helps proteci the eyes from light-
induced oxidative damage
. Blueberry - Helps improve night vision and relieve eye s +rI.{tB'lttrc r,ltt, /Is€f /.*fl iEE)H
strain {LZiR. lfr$A. t0ffi*atrffi8!6fi, iir-B#
. Bilberry - Helps support and strengthen the capillaries E "r3" f0 "iT,' Hfs**+ffim9FtB!.
ofthe eyes
. Vitamin C and Zinc - Provides maximum protection €*nMffi5€5oizf+{iig!ffit6, R#€x
from free-radicals damage "!3" 6&HE#Er1f;.tEitffii€6{++
Nothing is more precious than your sight, and nothing else offers
fii " E -arq++{ri,5^EE6!2ft #f 6 - Em
everything NufraVieu.r does. SLtTH (€EtTdrBZr fB9LlIrtitTH (6E TH
W " M"roE)446f{K*Rffi. f5ffi&H. fD
qBffi0i*dtmriF c**FE!+z, F8E ffiSHglEK, CfitF)H.{LA
Recommended Dosage
Ktrt*nq€[fr . *"'+?tg!FE. s Teke 2 NutraMeu softsels dailv. 1fi€F"
58!)5*. .&.A.{LjgE, i*,Lrf+{s EEET
E *eFrltalf; 6!t[, ",fr glf ;6fr €EffiH2ftNEC: Florify@t 30 capsu/es
Mft+ 3O&F
boYouKrisw? : ' 7774 S$31.00 (S$20.90pc Spts)
t6, Er*cefi€.fLa6g. 69* $le-s,are,cornposedgf more thaa
2 million working parts and can

Fflrltrffi, process36;000bi1sofin rmation' Recotqsended Dosage- :' : E$ffl

ev€ryhour. .1. t:, ., Tb.elrfloriteapsule SB&EffitrlliuF$€"
daily with preferably
rfiiEErgt$ueF€t6 , food.
. BtHt - €ErTitr*,rrrRjgE)t .^.*8!ffi Fet6 32EF+iEiFEd,f+, #
&al.i"ffie dE d r rf h aJ $E3F 6f *6!l=,4. DoYou Nnosr? s*tljtg?: .' :
A diethigh in refned eHtES|}{&t({tg&d!,
.E€ - fisEn€lq&il,refiffifr carbohydr:ites coupled tRcEtFu.&*F}ffE
. dr*3 - FFE gt+&eBE€4€ Supplement FaGls with stress can Iead *16!F:):i: tF$ff1556
2 softoels contain -% RDA to a reduction of 6! '115" 6tfta: .' I .::l
Serving 'friendly" bacteda in
.ltttcps - €'fftftttH6E Amounl Per 0,6
Daity Value.

Beta-Carotene 1.5 mg
8!{ec equivalent t0: Vitamin A 250irg RE 31"/"
Vitamin C 150m9 ZSO%
Zinc 2.5m9 1le"
,g*ltfl ,e='a83, R€'tEEfitE Bluebetry 100m9
Blueberry Extract 20mg
ucefrrnBR466!ffi1F. Lutein 10mg

Proprietary Blend 5 bitlion cfu t
l!1t1gVigw@t 60softse/s @ f\"ff
RDA Recommended Daily Allowance Lactobacrllus
i4iEE 60$fffiF other ingredients: Soft Gel capsule (hydroxypropyl
slarch, carraoeenen, 0lvcerin, colour: catamel '10
2855 S$46.00 (S$29.90pc 1opts) E150a7. Rice Bran 0itlVitamin C {as ascorbic acid),
Blueberry concentrate, Lutein oreparation (olive oil.
lutein), emulsifier: Beeswil, Bllberry Extract, Zinc f Daily Value not established.
gluc0nate. emulsilier: Soya Lecithin, Beta-carotene 0ther ingredients: lMtcrocrystalline cellul0se,
dicalcium phosphate. silic0n dioxide, maqnesium
This product contains Soya stearato (vegelable),
Natural Relief From Everyday Stress
x'jfrE Jl#Jxf*fEHfi
The Natural Path To A Optimal Support For Your
Peaceful Night's Sleep Immunity
If you're one of the millions tossing and Actiuate Immune Complex is an all-natural
turning the night away, forget about one- blqn&of the ingredients you need most to
time-use sleeping drug that knocks you help boost your immunity. This powerfui
out and ieave you feeling groggy the next suppiement includes:
moming. Reach for RestEZ.
. Echinacea purpurea - has been clinically
proprietary blend of natural,
RestEZ is a shown to enhance the health of white
relaxing extracts that helps melt stresses biood cells
away while promoting deeper rest. . Astragalus - one of the most important
o Valerian - works as a soothing agent and a sleep- ancient Chinese herbs, which helps to strenghen the
promoting aid immune system and promote white blood cell function
. Passion flower - helps relieve edginess and nervous . Arabinogalactan - a natural compound found in Larch
tension trees that have been found to enhance the immune
. Hops - known to have caiming effect, helps promote system by supporting white blood cell function
sleep . Vitamins C, E and folic acid - have been found to
positivety boost immunity by enhancing white blood cell
Let RestEZ help you get the sleep you need at night so that health
you can give your best to tackle the daily life challenges . Selenium and zinc - two minerals crucial to white blood
you might face during the day. RestEZ tonight - for a better cell development
day tomorrow.
6f*AF, t*^g €rE€€€'3 UTstXt^EeD, € EtrB3q/.fr ftEAth
!0*tfr EA92+E+-f **rR65 , EilftflFH$B4sit1fr aEh"
ffiEffi - x'flit?\66fr8f!6ffi I rEflEffi Affi= !
'*tEs - tRffir6ftmififigffiE tEH84flE6lEF
AEt663ff Xf,^EEgl%' ffiEll$Dffzl9rr)'. E #Affi . . ftR - +ESU€*+E'F.ZE2-, AfrbB:.F.frF.A&
4e*,sh/Ra!ffi!R. E^Er60t€HE4BETTHE
. ffiF& - Eg{fm3t#l€t$, €'ErT{EitffiER . mtU{B+g[*F - nTtrrifdsii€t^EFn+2, €'fIt€H
. EgE - +8EDe'4,€.Hffii6. Ef*53KZit frW^ffiAVr&roBAE4ffirrfig
. qEffiF - R€.ffiR{fM, ffiE',\E ' ,tlFto, E., i0Ft* - €*Ir03A RecommendedDosase
ftEAt &LEtrE4rEs!€H l:$.3i*lY?l:^"^1P:."'""
ilaffitf€$/g€ f,l\ E, tEHEcRffi E, fi€ft . Gfo* - x€tixfgregto fiii'I;,":""il[1i;":"J#:
)E,) H)ffi Jt6rf E Htr6 +B!€-tUbBt " *ER -
ffi sle* EEHi,"o"'"
EIsOIBEX" 'Alf; 6E[EH3fnt$C. Tg
Activate lmmune Gomplex@t iE&ffiH3fEHUt, U
60 capsules RhE.
RestEZrMt 60 capsu/es €#€ 60ffi*
tEg 60ft* Recommended. Dosage 2562 5$27.00 (S$17"90pc 6pts) DoYou Know?
3055 S$31.00(S$20.90pc8pts) rf,ke2RestEZcapsules The immune system
before resting. is our body's defense
system. It is composed
Supplemenl Facls 'EgHI
EEEHI,IEH2HEE*. of many interdependent
Serving Size: 2 Capsules cell types that protect
DoYou Know? the body from bacterial,
Inadequate sleep Vitamin C 100 mg 167%
parasitic, fungal, viral
impairs our ability to Vitamin E 15 lU 50% infections and from the
think, to handle sftess, growth of tumor cells.
to maintain healthy
immune system and to ]7 mcg 24& figtiil0B?
moderate our emotions,
Echinacea purpurea {whole plant) 900 mg f Affi,, E.6i+&+88ffitr
fistrs? Arabinogalactan 150mg t 8!4tE+5[m€F]8!" 4,
ThEslEffiE)d5B,HF Astragalus membranaceus (root) 50 mg t FFfrE{*tP^.68s!14
t Daily Value not established. HZh. F.htLwffih. fr 6. 646. 96. &166
other ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose, magnesium EFg'. UEiJATG€ t Daily Value not established. 6!m*, d$btBFyC4[E
stearate (vegetable). silicon dioxide. 0ther ingredients: Gelatin, rice flout 8!4'K"
,,-i.,.." ..,"


Th* N*triral Fath Tm 3-in-1 Nutrition For A
Frmrffi clting Urinary Tra*t Lifetime 0f Batranced
Health 'female Healtn
Cranberries are a tart treat courtesy of As a woman ages, bone health and
nature. Luckily, they're also an effective menopausal symptom relief become
al$ in maintaining a healthy urinary tract. increasingiy important. EstrAual is our
Scientific studies have shown that the 3-in-1 herbal supplement that helps
phytonutrients in cranberries can help naturally promote women's health. Each
form a protective barrier between your Estr Au aI capsule contains:
bladder lining and bacteria. This action . 75 mg ofsoy to support bone heaith; soy
can help flush bacteria from your system. also mimics estrogen to help reduce the
occurrence ofhot flashes in menopausal women
Unlike cranberry juice that is watered down and packed . 50 mg of dong quai which is high in phytoestrogens and
with sugar, two tasty CranBarrier chewables give you has been used to promote uterine health and to help
1,000 mg of cranberrlr extract and only 10 calories. plus, regulate the menstrual cycle
CranBarner has a proprietary blend ofblueberry and uva . 25 mg ofblack cohosh which is recognized as a non-
ursi (bearberry) - for a supplement unlike an)rthing else on steroidal compound that imitates a woman's own
the market. Protect your urinary tract health the gintle estrogen
way nature intended - with CranBarrier.
Specially formulated with a synergistic blend of herbs,
*ffitr!#,ffiffiffiffiffiffief,45*# EstrAual helps deliver the extra support you need for your
€f4€et E tl\ttt.,}fi " +!3, Cru€q X€'ili$rttF)ru,R bone health and energy levels as you go through life's
natural changes.
iH g!€R . tr++6ff fi i[ B! eftg€Ff €8!tg+28# aE Lt+4
FTEdeF{dEmj€Et, en-trpt}FrB, €'ilH!€C86fi F
H{6i.. atrpfi €+fi+6!€K, 9{6*F EIR&TE, tE+J}68@F
€ilr'ffi TeEESleru€Rt+, iFHdBEffi :J<f0ffif))86- €*€FfTre. gffi88361xrtH^?t ftfit, €tct'+A
E " 62{nffi t4ffi+H#Tl,000€H8!4r(nct4€ &s++r), tsRF€giait" €*nfffififl€€€,
m-Fffig,fl€l 0-F " Erl., €tl,)ft€TtjEeFfrdiE€foHE
. 75€H 8!xH{Eit€886!&affi ; *EEtttEWffi ,}I= Eff
R€+EIM - 6Zi+ETfi6tB!-E_€frfiS. U€#6!E E'I]AEEE,J6!4JE
ttffi ,6,f; irU'Rh shffiffi. - ttpjft " . 50€Hf! g Ec+B6ltE+rmE,BIA, €'*{{Eid3B8!1ftp
F, )tr{trEEFf;Ziia
CranBarrier@t 6o chewables ffi | . 258tr6.!#l+.ffi +frrAt+EEfLeE. ffi%;R1rr+, *CC'+
til,ti 60rErHH
6025 S$40.00 (5$26.90pc 10pts)
Recomme4dedDosage .

Thke 2 CranSarrier s af+ xtrF^ffi +tE+2}+rym Ft, qffiaH*ttEt+rf; 8!E

Supplement Facts chewables dail3r, B8EF.&trFf Eti6g, ittt36!E)EEsuu{+piE1f; .
Serving Size: 2 Tablels Chewable can be taken
Servings Per Container: 30 either with meals or on
EstrAval@t 60 capsutes
Per Seruino
% oailv
an empty stomaeh.
EgHI t&fi 60ffiF
EEffiH2&ST}€" Etr 2390 S$42.00 (S$27.90pc 1Opts) edpsule
El..q 1l Estr.Atal
ti*ffiEffiH" :,fwice,4aily.

DoYou Know? jEFe&, €ikffiHl*i '
Cranberry Concenlrate 1 000 mg 1
AboutTl% - 9O% of
urinary tract infection
Supplemenl Facls Ef*ft;
(Vaccinium macrccarpon) Serving Size: 1 Capsule

Proprietary Slend 1 740 mg t

is caused by Escherichia Amount % Dailv .,DoYolrKndi? ..'
(E.) coli bacteria, which Per Servin[ Valuer A diethigh in so.y
Fructose, Blueberry (Vaccinium corvmbosum
and/or Vaccinium 6ngustrlolium). 86arbetry originates as a harmless Dried Soy Extracl proteinhasbeen ;:,:..
(Arclostaphylos uva-ursi). Citric Acid. Gtycirrhiza microorganism in the (40% t5
:proi€n tohelp e_a!e.:i ::
intestines. . postrneno?Autal:hot,,
flashes.' ;
* ',..'; ::.
Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
t Daily Value not established.
other ingredients-: Xylitol Molasses. Creamer Honey,
TME.ftM. ftsffi*-{+ffi t Daily Valus nol established.
Natural Flavors, Silicon Dioxide, lvlaanesium Stearatd other jngredients: lMicr0crystalline Cellulose, Gelatin,
(vegetable-derived). Stearic Acid (vegetabte-derived). ,JAMfr6g'ffi+.M" Maqneslum Sterate and Siiic0n Dtoxide

Thesestalementshavenotbeenevaluatedbytlji!]SF-ood&DrugAdministralion. Theseproductsarenotintendedtodiagnose,treat,cure,orprevenlanydisease
iEigE0F, DtFff 4EJ.tt66S&&Ater4mDH .

Anytime you'go for a run, sweat it

out in the gym, or play a few sets of
g'Affif8il. EffigEEErcTili;H I ffi
Bi. !.ET€il3,rLEE8lMff8, Jf;fi!
tennis, you naturally lose hydration,
critical electrolytes and energy. 9{6e Erfr tUhXSX€zJ<f). €ffiffi
During intense exercise, perspiration ue6EE. L4g:tghi'il4fs$, €
loss can exceed two liters per hourl fs*Fr)hB$rEFeft€Emfiz€r ffiilT"Ti::-:li?3i,,,oi,rpo,,i.,,o
Dehydration could cause negative [Hl.l(jS3H-EFg+*FEg'!fi68* , soo'mi of water. t,tix we]l or sliake.
consequences such r.educed oxygen
supply to muscle cells, impaired heat
fr#$3g#:#5;fr:flflHIfii EjflHnmracffi$fia:oo**,*
{f;++, r*-t iffiAefftf;s!€€r-5ft : :.:a.::::
exchange, headaches, tiredness and
poor concentration, which could
negatively impact your health and
xEtrF€frd#m' ffJt*Hi"tecrrolytes are rost
during high intensity 6xercises and
Water is great at keeping you
?trffi2i<6Eit1tr{*f*;l</}, frmgtf;EElJ these?lec:trolytes mustbe,replaced to
hydrated, but when you are involving PJiaAlsil ' *ffQ6!ttrffizj<#469@)! help regulate vour bodv's fluids'
in intense exercise, it does not ,f;H!9{4}E{^n+l'4€ilB'!€ffiff"II frfiEoc?
provide and replenish the valuable E' .F*6'lsustainSport€iEj64)tfi l6Frd'ts!€ffiEaEtlP,,{jEa+*h
electrolytes you need. Now, with
Melaleuca's thirst quenching Sustain
*+ - +l.4jaaFfiffiiEi0*. fi. #. fi*$1$looon^iiLE€ffiffiuffiF^tr
Sport hydrating sports drink - fortified A#SEg€ffiF, tJf;i&iHit fuJ<
with criticai electrolytes such as ,tr",1{F6./: ! ixli_! €ffiffi rf iEFAtr
calcium, sodium, magnesium and *! € ffi L) e 4 tEtr l€ zj<l)*!'f€ffi ia€ i& Supplemenl Facls
potassium - you can expect optimal
hydration and recovery! These
HEgS!{Fffi , 4FJE9664BEEH S€rYing Sizs: 500m1 11 Packel 2Bg)
Seryinqs Pef Container: 15

electrolytes are responsible for ia{F6!x€F[e. Amounl % Daily

regulating the electrical charge and

flow of water across cell membranes, Suslain Sport€)6tr4fi Hg!€E €ffi
and are absolutely essential for the €6Eet5. +8.#. f0S, 6Etr€
proper functioning of each cell. EDT:
Sustain Sport contains a proprietary
. ia;r8$. iaarE+|.ft 964BEzl<f)
electroiyte complex of calcium, . +Fft€ffiffie!)h*
sodium, magnesium and potassium, . ith,E d!zj<f)-5 €ffi E lfi Ftr,
which helps to:
. Rehydrate your ceils during and
after your workout
Eftf!&n€#. )H*6!ffi1*trr*,
. Replenish your electrolyLe loss Sustain er?f,Hsi$tf;*-
. Recover with adequate water and fit{*" t)}<i
Sustain Sport Lemon glastt i
Available in convenient, individually- 1 5 packets
packed sachets, Sustaih Sport comes in €i*trdrf f+Fffitrh158#
a delicious Lemon Blast flavor. 8436 S$42.00 (S$27.90pc Tpts)
$ottd- tI o9"lc g frs- a r\
26 coR /ouR HEALTH t\4ELALEUcA.cot\,t ((t) .
s. *ng A
#r + usd,'--
.- .,;
'i: ;1.w

A Tfuly Wise Ghoice

Accordingthe American Heart Association the
recommended fiber intake should range from
25-35 grams a day. But if you're like most folks
who struggle to get enough fiber from fruits,
vegetables and grains, why not try Fiberwise as
a part ofyour typical diet.

A fu1l serving of FibeiWise combines 12 grams

of fiber with an extra-fne blend of psyliium
husk. FiberWise also contains insoluble fiber
from oats and rice to help sweep away toxins
and waste as it makes its way through your
digestive tract. A blend of burdock root, gape
seed, green tea aad vitamins A, C and E further
enhances digestive comfort.
Supplement Facts
Serving Slze: 2 Scoops (about 279) With tbe wholesome fibers and its unique
Servings Per Container: 30 blends ofherbal nutrients, you can now enjoy aii the benefits ofhaving a
Amount % oailv healthier digestion in a cup. The tantalizing citrus orange flavored taste makes
Per SeNi[O Valuet
it more delicious to drinkl

*Ert flEtDAHlteE. EXd'rnffiEl2s435tr*!t+z$€'gtffi F " {EE!rRtf;
-f+, HiF,ti.:J<R . ffi *f ofi A*#R + tFgItTtE E'l+tRteB! g'lE, b l-d
LF, H'{0

Zi*rfi,0,^iE,3!+t 6'fil)!t^e8'!-gl3rj'E?
;5, € cTt B €#j €A 1 2H B! X tEA63 fi 4$ B$++Et 3fr " )E h EL+
?n ffi €Ea,tl.;fr af0 r( + t€HreliF)8ffi
{+cTrE, HgrFE ret+trHslftF)tF fr f ofi F
145 mcg 36%
hffi66*. Erf€EA+Fffi.€€*3. 1*#. rtE=A. c. i0E, U^f,ltg!
Proprietary Blend 15,85 st EfiStSE)H,f.tiETi€"
Percent Daily Values based 0n a 2,000 calorie diet.
;EA f €R 8! c+ tE60&t+ Xrx+H+n*+ElYtts' € E t ffi - t4, E ER)6, € -
Daily Value not established.
ingredient: x. €6f qffi tr!*, .{f tr,*4ffirqft , i|f;Ez\f++! =
Fructose, Psyllium Husk, lnulin, Rice Bran Powder,
Frucro0ligosacharides, Maltodextrin Fiber, Citrus FiberWise@ Drinkt 30 servlnss G* Vitality for LiferM Mixing Shaker
0range Flavorinq, Citric Acid, Soy Lecithrn, oat
Fibsr, Annatto C0l0r, Apple Fiber, Silicon Di0xide, iEr$rTffp? 30'{J} t'frtftffit+€E
Acesulfame K, dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate. Ascorbic
Acid, Retinvl Palmitate, Green Tea Extract, GraDe d
85Bg S$59.00 (5$36.90oc 10ots) 1631 5$2.00 (S$2.00pc Opts)
Seed Extra6l, Aloe V€ra Leaf Extract, Licorice R00t
Powder. Burdock Root Powdet Pepp€rmint Leaf
{ )y 'r Rilldloo. topB 1631 RM5.00 (RM5.00pc 0pts)
Powder Ginger Extract, Lactobacillus sporogenes, Vitality for LiferM Blender Bottle
Folic Acid. t6rErtEAffi
This Fiberwise contains the artificial sweetening
agent Acesulfame K.
9199 S$11.90 (S$11.90pc 0pts)
9199 RM29.00 (RM29.00pc Opts)

ThesestatementshavenotbeenevaluatedbytheuSFood&DrugAdministrati0n. Theseproductsaren0lintendedt0diagnose,treat,cure,0rpreventanydisease.
iEigEE, ttFfr Tq.ft€Ffr &tsa)6,34mDffi "
Has Never Been
This Satisfying!
Weight Management Can Be That Easy
Research has shown that being overweight and obese increasE one,s risk
for deveioping many chronic ilinesses such as diabetes and cardiac disease.
Adopting a le-althy lifestyle to achieve meaningful weight loss can significantly
reduce the risk of developing such diseases.

In a world filled with calories and temptations, it's all too easy to give in to
cravings. That's exactly why Melaleuca created the all-new Aftain Shakes.
Powered by the patent-pending power of all-natural CraueBlocker, AtlainShakes
addresses the root cause of failure - two sources of hunger cravings - and helps
fight them naturally.

Fiber Oat,.&.Barley-'
lnulin Stomach -An empty stomach can lead to overeating. CraveBlocker,s combination
Root) Soureed
(from Chicory of natural oat-. and barley-derived beta-glucan and inulin fiber swells in your
#*891gg Beta:.Glucan stomach, helping create a physical feeling of fuliness that fights hunger iravings.
(ryH+#'E+n) frEili=EE)XryEt
HEffiRffi Brain - Many cravings are the result of the tempting sights and smells. Using the
power of natural whey protein isolates and potato protein extract, CraveBloc{er
helps fight_the crave by promoting the release of clioiecystokinin (CCK), a
hormone that tel1s your brain to tum off hunger cravings by inducing feehngs of
fuliness and satisfaction.

Combined with an exercise program such as a daily 30-minute brisk walk and

EST you would be on your way to a successful weight loss!

Potato Protein
E9+effitr5*f!9fJ, i0&H*
iJA6ft z\fl ei+Af€ttffi t6{$}Fffi i0 ffi m)fi . l),fr €R)mBltIt4
Eit UjIFIJE9$IRHE@E=p+{ffi ,Attr)F85fl B .
. {X}+ffi FE-!E)6

Whey Protein
AErf iig€f € #t €6!.erE* BS, lill*Gie X$il+E . i*f;f et,fi AAI ig+
CraveBlocker, #8 fftt/g.g!3iffi,*"
Recommended Dosage Ei - trtrE+XfiFf FeH'lt,|ft " CraveBtocker*ETXfdffi=f0xA+Ff)XEIB!
Add 1 scoop ofAttain Shake powder sc&H#ffi r0 H ffiL+LE, )86-freEA/A6! F + aBfr(, B l}bF SmflKS!,*H .
to 1 cup of water. Stir or shake until
smooth. Drink immediatelv.
tf& - - E E_[ En r44|JtCtS6E 3 I tACtr . He 3 tEffi 6.!X?,^51)BE E flJtr0 ts.
E1E!a{6E#tIBro^.1t4rI " E #E!+2, C raveB locke r{Ei4BE€ tlI4* 6!f+m, tEffi tf; 6'ltf&tFrt€Af . #
ffi }+* =tr
" e04)t^H "
DoYou Know? A4E€#t fr-5tr4]ffi#6il*EEft , Et+€Xffiiaar, !0{*iE tj3or}t+, FnUs
Protein is an essential nutrient )tr8,f68fr+f!laE!
primarily used in the body to build,
maintain and repair body tissues.

4!11!lL.S-hgkes@ r+ servrnes
,j I
EEEE+4€#2-, Ei€rDffi {R,^..{6$ =16H#ftH
5$56.00 (5$36.90pc9pts)
ig. n++. F:ftatfrffi1.€1'F," RM120.00 (RM90.00pc 9pts)
8991 Milk Chocolate +Wrifr.h
8992 Vanilla EH
8993 Strawberry H€
*": :F*i4:,

Attain Vanilla

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 scoop (309)
Servings Psr Coniaine|l 4

Amounl Per Srrving

% Daily Value"

Total Fat 3.59' , 3.5qt

Saturated Fat 0.59, 0.59

0% 10%
Vitamin C 0"k 2"k
4"k 4Y"
in mi\ fAm0unt as prepared wrth 8 fl oz ol
fat-lree milk
**Percent Daily Values are based 0n a 2,000 cal0rie
diet. Y0ur daily values may be higher 0r lower
depending on your calorie needs:
Calories: 2.000 2,500
Total Fai Less than 65S 809
Saturated Fat Less than 20q 259
Cholesterol Less than 300m9 300m9
Sodium Lessthan 2,400m9 2,400m9
Polassium 3,500mq 3,500m9
Total Carbohydrate 3009 3759
Dietary Flber 25s 30s
Protein 50q 65q

Calories perorami
Fatg . Carbohydrate4 . Protein4

INGRE0IENTS: Crystalline f ructose, CraveBlocker INGREDIENTS: Crystalline f ructose, CraveBl0cker INGBEDIENTS: Crystalline f ructose, CraveBl0cker

{inulin/f ructo-0ligosaccharides, whey protein isolate (inulinfiructo-oligosaccharides, whey pr0tein js0late (inulinfruct0-oligosaccharides. whey protein isolate
[milk], barley fiber, polato protein enract, oat bran lmilkj. barley fiber, potato protein extract. oai bran fmilk], barley iiber, potato protern exlract. oat bran
and microcrystalline cellul0se), soy pr0tein isolale, and microcrystalline cellul0se), s0y protein isolate, and microcrvsiallioe celluiose), sov protein isolate,
cocoa powder (processed with alkalil, calcium calcium caseinate, natural and artificial flavors, calcium caseinats, natural and artificial flavors,
caseinate, natural and artificral flav0rs. whey proiern whey protein concentrats, maltodextrin, high 0lejc whey protein concentrate, maltodextrin, high 0leic
concentrate, mallodextrin, high oleic sunflower oil, sunflower oil, c0rn syrup solids, sodium caseinats, sunflower oil, corn syrup solids, sodium caseinate,
corn syrup solids, sodiLrm caseinate. m0n0- and m0n0- and diglycerides. xanthan gum, guar gum. m0no- and diqlycerides, beet juice powder, xanihan
diglycerides, xanthan qum,0uar qum, salt, cellulose salt. cellul0se gum. dipotassium phosphate, calcium gum. guar qum. salt. cellulose gum, dipotassium
gum, dipotassium phosphate, calcium phosphate, phosphate, sov lecithin, sucralose, t0c00herois. phosphate, calcium phosphate. soy lecithin.
soy lecithin, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, Conlains: soy and milk. sucralose, tocopherols.
tocopherols. Contains: soy and milk.
Produced 0n machinery that also processes egg,
Contains: soy and milk. fish, psanut, shelltish, tree nuts, and wheat. Produced 0n machinery that also processes egg,
Produced 0n machinery that als0 processes egg, fsh, peanut, shelltish, tree nuts, and wheat.
fish, peanut, shellfish, tree nuts, and wheal.
Keeping You

Nutrition Facls
(Chocolale Caramel (runcher)
Servin0s Size: 1 Bar (309)
Ifyou are like Servinas Per Container 10
most peopie, Amount per servifig Starting your day with a cup of
your body does Calories 1 10Calories from Fat 30 coffee in the mornlng may be a daiiy
a goodjob at beverage routine for most people.
storing energy Why not kick-start your day with
in the form of saiurated Fat 39 15% Mel-UpLOO0? A single bottle of Mel-
fat. Butyour Up1000 contains a nutritious blend
body may not of RoyalJelly (1000mg),Vitamin C
be as good at (1000m9), ginkgo biloba extract,3
converting that fat back into energy. Even if you're essential amino acids, and fortified
active, your body sees fat as an asset that it won,t give with vitamin B compiex to give you
up easily. that extra boost you need a day. Get
revitalized now and start your Mel-
Vitamin A
When you start to work out, your body creates Up1000 today!
a chemical called adenosine that inhibits the
conversion of fat into energy. Adenosine may be
keeping your body from using the fat you want to lose.
lngredient: €^)EEfi H -t6or[ HF eF])! x 6tr
Access Performance Bars stop adenosine from taking
Maltitol syrup, rice ilour, brown
rice syrup, cocoa (processed with ,^.6'! E Hr,tft . A,ET*ifrfftffi Mer-

effect. When you eat a great-tasting Access Bar 15

alkali), suqar, fractionated 0alm
kernel and palm oil, nontat milk,
Up1 000*)ttf; ffi oE? €#EMet-Up1 000R
minutes before you exercise, your energy leveis will lactose, milk protein c0ncentrate,
cream, dexirose, glycerine, natural
)+fifrEaFElp (1000€H) . gtE
soar and you'il bum fat - both vital for reaching your
fitness goals.
flav0r salt butter (cream, salt), s0
lecithin, mono' and diglyceridbs,
fic (10008H) . tR6+n{2.;86
sodium phosphate. carrageenan. 3f+ Ffr ffi H!68ffi . f0r0sq)Eezfi E*
B, it/f;Axffihh;fr, ?S*-UU " rl
,lxtT& &ffi nFH, 9/1 .F.A.l'4AU€.Et*f€&)btE Nulrition Facls
(Mini Ciocolale lce) E j&l*fl Fffi M el- u p 1 000R)ttfi fr fi 161C.
nD{EFtts* " {EE, Jf; 9SE6Efi i*€'ill$fl iBf,Df€& Servings Size: 1 Bar {309)
FtrHg€ " EAIE 1'6Htr:TJJ, fr"'EF€ffii&;Hffi "
Servings Per Container 10
Amount per s€rving

gtdiaaBf 120 Mel-Upl000t

, 9{6*€.[REiIrfi HIFE " i*f+i{,ui4sr
Calories Calories from Fat 35

Mel-Up l O00Fitftff
pack of 10
ru-afi , psfBg{a)HffinEffi
" )ErffiEXf;eBt?[Ai*- re9Ll4ls_________ry_
% Daily Value
7326 5$62.00 (S$41.90pc 14pts)
tJ, EE t){tflrf;|lfl,RHfi Ji. AiaaHflsr)+$effi )6, Saturated Fat 39 1 5%

t4, lTe'i:WFHffih, FaA)H*€fEf,b - itlf;itFtJ Recommended

fi*F*lE+m, l*.HMEt:r." Nulrilion Facts Dosage
Servings Size: 1'10m1 (per bottle) Drink 1 bottle of
Access@ Performance Bars pact or to :Li.i,
iFtffi 10@#
I Servings Per Container 10 Mel-Up 1000per
5$46.90 (S$30.90pc 1 0pts) iEEHT
RM95.00 (RM70.00pc 1 0pts)
Protein 2g €EfEffi1ilEMel-
VitaminA 0% .VitaminC 0% un1000*)tttrFo
8120 Chocolate Caramel Kruncher nfr.rtHffi .lron Carbohydrate 159
8315 Mint Chocolate lce HTSr5Hz!
Sodium 37mg

Vitamin C 1000m9 DoYou Know?

Vitamin 81
3mg Vitamin B's are
Vitamin 82
Rice flour, brown nce syrup,
Recommended Dosage maltitol syrup, sugat cocoa 3mq essential for
(processed with alkali), Vitamin 86 5mg supporting energr
most elfective when consumed on an empty
Access Bars is
kactionated palm kernel and palm Vitamin 812 6mcg metabolism and
stomach 15 minutes prior to activity. oil, soy prolein isolate, maltitol.
iEgHI maltodextrin, htgh maltose corn
E3-i5?SHf FiF€ HErfr- syrup, glycerine, whey orotein Pantothenic acid 10mq proper nerve
fi R&ft . Lvsine
: isolate, soybean oil, casein,
lactose, invert evaporated cane
16mg function.
Pl'renylalanine 2mq
DoY0ul(novd juice, fructose, oat fiber, natural
Brisk walking for 30 minutes can help bum up to 180 calories. ilavor, dextrose, titanium dioxide Royal 1000m0 mslI08?
added tor color, soy lecithin, salt. Ginkgo Biloba Extraci 100m9 r&t*B8+e!tgD
Contains milk, soybean. Produced BSE'EqFHgq
fisilBe on equipment that also processes .ltrff, ,E'+cHts
E{i30r}S&*3&St?{#$]irH*1 s0f. Bs peanuts, tree nuts, egg, wheat, !7EIE
" sesame.

soon to Malaysia. Elil6gffiB*6!EftB "

These statements I
These products l

-.,; ! I
The fusion of exotic botanicals, MBLALE{JCA-
powerful vitamins, and advanced
technology create a unique synergy
that nurtures more than just your , ffi€*;Eg6##6FJ
body. Melaleuca Bath & Body has
found the delicate harmony that {t tH E )E 9 {4 R#^t{HlerR reH 4
unlocks the power of nature in a €*affi+. €ffislsgs*. u.&ftt#
collection of products designed f!f+ti, t+€-8!H6€fl9rl'fi3ffi .
to nurture, beautify, and care for t&Ht ffistffi 8!HEE,,ffi tEE)89
your body, while transforming your {6ffi # F tlj S! F ff ittfr e 9)E,F)E
morning ritual into an indulgent R,, ?S /S€E{fifltfiid, itgl)'F.
j, expenence. 6,JJ3gf,.*f68" :
Envia Nature's
Free Your Hair
& Nourish Your
Define My DryDull Very Dry Brittle or Coarse Color/Chemically Tleated Fine or Limp/Oily
Hair . ftequent split ends or . Hair breaks easily . Hair relaxers leave hair . Fine hair tends to lay flat,
ts.ffitltft flyaways . Frequent split ends or dry & brittle weighed down by heavy
. Dry scalp flyaways . Color-treatedhairis product
T{T. Effi&E o Needs added moisture susceptible to damage . oily hair usually happens
.rlx6!&84€R8!*& ilETH. PIEH & fading with an oily scalp; hairhas
.*p+F frffi 'tr. *&Fffi oily sheen after washing
.rttsaw*-. .EtsE,fF*E+FfOE +Efiiraffi
. ilxB!|itr=*€8*B!*& s ufi* .*49x6, ssAEtr
. FE)tA:J<fi '! .*&*a6EgttifoiEe . )s,HtiEiEHe€ftffi*
& ; )ftEflfd;E€l$it
Shampoo Hydrating Ulua-Hydrating color-Protecting clarifuing
t'fi/ztX . Softens hair and . Minimizes breakage and . Retains color and . Removesbuildup of
improves manageabiiity replaces natural oils increases strength and unnecessary oils and
elasticity, preventing dirt,.creating a healthy
ffiEfrYJ €{*;af;tll split ends .moisture balance
.iIEA{ftE*m, XAIL ')H4l'*Filf#e8fr{t€
E fAe45t *F.friLA'IJ
'IIiHflE .LE+P*Er;e, mB&*A . ffi*t*ih[EeE6, 1F
ilW, &.WLEEfiP. *Effi€+€ti.f,frEr)til'
Conditioner Hydrating Ultra-Hydrating Color-Protecting Clariffing
iBtsSL . Replenishesmoisture, . Deep conditions, creating . Nourishes hair, leaving . tightly conditions,
protecting against split lasting shine, reducing fizz it soft with a healthy- softens, and prevents
ends and flyaways and split ends looking shine flyaways without
weighing hair down
{*86rll E#8f;'!l fie,ArT
.#afr?+, f&E/<Fibi*, . W?+frE' ILkLL*?l*, *-frKa$J
. itrDK{d, €flDtr.x iE, €FFF . )Frujsfr#, it6a*
f0€R0!FE )H4€F&r.98.!FE
tF, DllFS€ffi, 1&4
Daily Therapy Leave-In Leave-In Leave-In Leave-In
EHJATF . Moisturizes and . Moisturizes and detangles . Moisturizes and . APPIy to the ends of
detangles hair, reducing hair, reducing flyaways detangles hair, reducing hair to moisturize and
flyaways Scalp Therapy flyaways detangle, reducing
. Moisturizes the scalp and flyaways
ftfrfraffiu&tsfr$, ftfrY6ffi91F.tsfr9,
. {*8, Affi4€B!*ts, stimulates the hair root .R;fr, bffi48il!*8, frfrYlffitC&tsH9"
eid4)€ffi frfrfrffitqfrfrfr$, &ffi,,!48 .EHTEE, URE,
.Rifr, uffi486!*ts, E. tjffiq&gD-d., p.
H4€R H,4)zw
. FtE*EEfirtXtts&€E

Weekly Repair Ttrermal Repair Ttrermal Repair Thermal Repair Thermal Repair
trH@f . Restores the natural . Restores the natural . Restores the natural . Restores the natural
moisture balance, moisture balance, moisture balance, moisture balance,
strengthening hair strengthening hair strengthening hair strengthening hair
Conditioning Hair Conditioning Hair Conditioning Hair
Masque Masque Masque t&Es
. Intense hydration . Use 2-3 times a week to . Intense hydmtion 1B3E

strengthens and repairs strengthen and repair strengthens and repairs FILffit\
weekly damage weekly hair damage weekly damage

.{ft€XLd:J<#)+€i, €BE .lt€xf*/<f)*€i,
=&EH E3E .,ltEXfd:J<flFBi' €38
ELLfltr EILilI+. E'1fl18
fi'fr.E B'FE g frE
@F*E . €E.fFH2E3)I, e3q+0
€EFfg65{fie MFfttsEEiFfig.1!1fi8 EEFfs6'!15=
Styling Aid Finishing Spray Finishing Spray Finishing Spray Finishing Spray
iE4&+ Hair Gels Hair Gels Hair Gels Hair Gels
Curl Defining Foam Gurl Defining Foam Gurl Defining Foam Curl Defining Foam
Frizz Conuol & StylingWax Frizz control & StylingWax lYizz ConEol & Stylingwax Frizz Contol & StylingWax
rE46g Hair Gloss iEgGg Gls6*
84frtr t46E E4pm E4&fr
dtrafrx Esam dtrtfrn iltr€a*
,E4&E iltr6frX t4as
rE4&S 'E4AE


A color-retention ingredient to keep your Rich in minerals, proteins and amino
hair color vibrant and healthy, while adding acid, helps remove impurities and lightly
a glossy shine that doesn't sacrifice strength conditions hair, leaving it with maximum
and softness. softness and shine.
Fs& gffirt*H
E'E€X{CEt+*38*&0!ei+tr&eF, ffi iE tef+Egt{vnffi. EEF&AE&, HC;aT0EhE
FFF63, ),L*igLF'iEil,'iEFCEEN. '0tffi t6. ,*E)tt&, itf;i+;R*tm, ir/E++t/ +lE.

Envia Color-Protectino Shampoo lngredients: Aqua, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate*, Envia Clarifying Shampo0 lngredienls: Aqua, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate*, Ammonium
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate*, Glycol Stearate, Sodium Chloride, Vitls vinifera {Graoe} Lauryl Sulfate*, Sodium Chloride*, Glycol Stearate, Sodium Cocoyl Apple Amino Acids*,
Leaf Extract*. Panlhenol, Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract'. Glvcerin*. Citrus aurantium Coco Glucoside*, Cocamidopropyl Betaine*, Castor ls0stearate Succinale*, Vitis vinifera
dulcis (0range) Extract". Creatine. Acer saccharinum (Sugai Maple) Extract*, Triticum (Grape) Leaf Extract*, Panthenol, Urlica didca (Neltle) Leat Extract*, Glycerin*, Citrus
vulgare (Wheat) Gluten*, Saccharum oflicinarum (Sugar Cane) Extracf, Phytantriol, medica limonum (Lemon) Extract*, Creatine, Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) Extract*,
Coco Glucoside*, Vaccinium myriiltus (Bilbetry) Extract, Sodium Cocoyl Apble Amin0 Triticum vulgare (Wheat) Gluten*. Saccharum otficinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract*,
Acids*, Citrus medrca limonum (Lem0n) Extract*. Castor lsostearate Succinate*, Phytantriol, Aloe barbadensis Leat Extract*. Hexadecan0lactone. Vaccinium myrtillus
P0lyquaternium 7, C0camidopr0pyl Betaine, Hexadecan0lactone, Divinyldimethicone/ (Bilbetry) Extract*, Caprylyl Glyc0l, Divinyldimethicone/Dimethicone C0p0lyme( Acer
Dimethicone Copolymer, C12-15 Parelh-23, Benzophen0ne 4, Dipropyiene Glvcol, Pareth- saccharinum (Sugar l\ aple) Eftact*. C12-15 Pareth-23. Benzophenone 4. Dipropylene
3, lsobutylmethacrylate/ Bis-Hydr0xypropyl Dimethicoae Acrylate Copolymer, Cl0-40 Glycol, Pareth-3, 1,2 Hexamediol, C1 0-40 lsoalkylamidopropylethyldlmonium Ethosulfate,
lsoalkylamid0propylethyldimonium Ethosulfate, Stearyl Alc0hol, Ceteareih-20, ls0dodecane, Citric Acid, Guar Hydr0xypropyltrimonium Chloride, Tetrasodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol,
1.2 Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid. Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Parfum.
Tetrasodium EDTA, Phenoxyethan0l, Parf um. *vegelable-derived
Envia Claritying Conditioner lngredienls: Aqua, Stearyl Alc0hol*, Behentrimonium
Envia Col0r-Protecting C0nditioner lngredients: Aqua, Stearyl Alc0h0l*, Cyclopentasiloxane, Methosulfate, Panthenol. Vitis vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract*. Citrus medica lim0num
St€aramidopropyl Dimethylamine, Cetyl Alcoh0l*, Chitosan Lactate, Creaiine, Aloe (Lemon) Extract*. Triticum vulqare Wheat) Gluten*. Saccharum officinarum (Sugar
barbadensis Leaf Extracf, Panthenol, Vitis vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract^, Phvtantriol Cane) Exfact*. Phytanlriol, Urt'ca dioica (Nettle) Leaf Extract*, Castor lsostearate
Triticum vulqare {Wheat) Gluten", Acer saccharinum (Suqlr Maolet Extract-, Succinate*, Glycerin*, Citrus aurantium dulcis (0range) Extract*, Cycl0pentasiloxane, Acer
Saccharum otlicinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract", Castoi,sostearaie Succinate*, saccharinum (Sugar lMaple) Extract*, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine. Vaccinium myrtillus
Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) Extract*. Citrus medica limonum (Lem0n) Extract*, (Bilberry) Extract*. Hexadecanolacton€. Aloe barbadensis Leal Extract, Cetyl Alcohol-,
Limnanthes alba (lMead0wJoam) Seed oil*, Vaccinium myrtiltus {Bilberry) Extract', Cetearyl Alcohol*. Cetearefi-20. Citric Acld. Creatine, 0uaternium-80, Benzophenone-
Palmitamidopropyltrimonium Chloride, Bis {C13-15 Alkoxy) Pc-Amodimdthicone, 4. Tetras0dium EDTA. C'1 0-40 ls0alkylamid0propylethyldim0nium Ethosulfate,
Behenoxy Dimethicone, Hexadecanolactone, Behentrimonium Methosultate. Cetearvl- Hydroxypr0pylmethylcellul0se, Phenoxyethan0l, Potassium Sorbate, Glutamic Acid, Parfum.
Alcoh0l*. Ceteareth-2o,0uaternium-80. Benzophenone 4, Glycerin,, Tetradodium *vegetable-derived
EDTA. C10-40 lsoalkylamidopropylethyldim0nium Ethosultate, Polyquaterinum 7,
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Cikic Acid. Phenoxyethanol. Potassium Sorbate, clutamic
Acid, Partum.

34 FoR YouR BODY r\rELALEUcA.coM

7626 (S$1S 50pczpts) j::
5$27.90 \aqr..r;y:,ry.ljy:t:,lftlt:l
. qa. 9:. €v4!,e!j
i,7626' RM53.00 {RM39,50pc Tpts},r..:


Has similar composition to the natural oil
High in vitamin A and E, and moisturizing
produced by the sebaceous glands in the
properties to nourish your scalp and hair,
scalp, helps penetrate each strand and offers
thus reduce breakage and split ends, improve
nourishing moisture. Deep conditioning adds
manageability, and build strength into each
luster and sheen, thus preventing brittle hair
from breakage.
6S[trS iEGiEXN
e+gcEE*Af0E, RR;Err6g, ;*EEtf*E&ti I2 il+{U T* E t}t4'B!x tE, tEfr f,{##}&:J<
,r, iq4*rirlI, e604lf&-taar2, ftEE)B E

€F€3+it. f), EE*F, fri4aa. Y*}A*.p&se

*'i, tEfieHE. F;**m.
Enviafiydrating Shampoo lngredients: Aqua, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate*, Ammonium
Lauryl Sulfate*. Sodium Chloride, Glycol Stearate, Panthen0l, Vitis vinifera {Graoe) Leaf
Extract*, Glycerin*, Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract*, Prunus armeniaca {Aoiicoi) (ernel
Oil*, Creatine, Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) Extract*, Triticum vutgaie fwheet) Gluten-,
Citrus medica limonum (Lemon) ExFadt", Phviantriot. Vaccinium mvilillus Bibelru)
Extract", Coco Glucoside*. Sodlum Cocoyl A'pple Amino Acids*, Aier sacclarinufr'
(Sugar iilaple) Extract.. Saccharum otficinarum (Susar Cane) Extmct*. Castor jsostearate
Succinate', Hexade{anolactone, Cocamidopropyj Betaine, Caprylyl Gtycol, 1,2 Hexanediot,
Divinyldimethic0ne/Dimethicone Co0olvmer: Ci2-tS parefi-23.'g6nzo'nfrenone a
Diprop-ylene.Glyc0l. Pareth-3, C1 0-40 ls0atkytamidopr0pytethytdjmonidm Erhosuliate, Citric
Acid. Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chtoridd, Tetrasbdiirm EDTA, phenoxyethanot, pdrfum.

Envia Hydrating Conditioner lngredients: Aqua, Stearyt Alcohol*, panthen0l. Vitis vinilera
(Grape) Leaf Extract, Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract, Triticum vuloare (Whedt) Gtlnen-. ENia UltreHydrating Conditioner lngredients: Aqua, Stearyl Alcohol", Slearamidopropyt
Phytantriol, Saccharum otficinarum {Suoar Cane) Extract. Acer iacch'arinum {Suoar Dimelhylamine, Cetyl Alcoh0l*. P0lyquaternium 47, Crealine, Panthenot, Vfis vinilbra
Maple) Extract, Prunus armeniaca {Apricot) Kernel 0i1., Castor lsostearate Sulciiate- (Grape) Leaf Extract*, Triticum vulgare (Wheat) Gluten*, AIoe Barbadensis Leaf Extracf,
Vaicinium myitittus (Bitbery) Extrdci, ctyierini, irtrus miolia trmonuri'iL;;;f* Phytantrioi. Acer saccharinum (Suoar MaDle) Extract*, Saccharum olficinarum (Su0ar
Extract. Citrus aurantium dulcis (0range) Extract, Cyclopentasiloxane, Stearamiddpropyl Cane) Extracf . Sclerocarya birrea (Marula) oil*, Vaccinium myrtillus (BilberrylExf-act*,
Dimethylamine, Palmitamidopropyltrimohium Chioride. Creatine. Hexadecan0lactohe. Caslor lsostearate Succrnate*, Citrds auraritium dulcis (0ranodt Extnit. Gtvceiin-.
Behentrimonium Meth0sulfate, Am0dimethic0ne, Cetearyl Alc0hol*, Ceteareth-20, Citrus medica limonum {Lemon) Extract*. Simmondsia chine-niis {Joioba) iieed
Ouaternium-80, Benzophen0ne 4, Cetyl Alcohol*, Cetrinionium Chloride. Tetrasodium 0il*. Cycl0pentasiloxane. Palmiiamidopropyltrimonium Chloride, Hbxddechnohctone,
EDTA, C10-40 lsoalkylamid0propylethyldim0nium Eth0sutfate, p0lv0uaterinum 7. Behentrim0nium l\4eth0sulfate, Am0dimethic0ne, Cetearyl Alcoh0l*, Ceteareth-20,
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Trideceth-1 2, Citric Acid, phenoxyritian0l, potassium 0uaternium-80, Methoxv PEG/PPG-7/3 Amin0oroovl Dimethicone. Benzo0henone-4.
Sorbate, Glutamic Acid, Parlum. Cetrim0nium Chloride, Tetrasodium EDTA, C1d-4d isoatkvlamidooioovlethvldimonium
Ethosulfaie, Hydroxypropylmethylcellul0se*, Citric Acid*, Tridecbth:12, S6dium Hydr0xide,
Phenoxyehanol, Potassium Sorbate, Glutamic Acid, Parfum.

Welcome to Strengthen Things Out
Win your battle against humidity andfizz,

Hair Heaven while addingbrilliant shine with Enuia

Nature's Salon Hair Gloss. Our selected silicone
technology puts you in control ofyour style
Manage any
hairstyle with this
indispensable hair
while our patented tipid Replenishing System
wax to create texture,
helps strengthen each strand.
hold and shine. Enuia
Ndture's SalonFrizz
*frda*[fttr Control & Styling Wax
Define Your SWle Effir[F&;$, eEffitft5e.6s, tt^€
,ffffi keeps your hair sleek
Whether classy or funliT, get the look you
want with Enuia Nature's Salonru Hair Gel.
F*;+. iaffi brFlsJBEnt{E#Ef +t4E€8! and controllable
with our Prouitamin
Natural fruit extracts moisturize while ,i4, €f ljflEFffi tE,l€+fsllil0Bqtiffi il{* " Complex, patented LIV

Prouitamin B Cornplex helps guard against protectors and natural

styling damage, reducing split ends and Envia Hair Glosst @ith sprayei 296m1
HArd( Ff{rfi*) moisturizers,
strengthening hair.
7568 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc4pts)
sril![Gac Envia Hair Gloss lngredients: Zea mays (Corn) oil*, lsododecane,
ffi++ljgff.l6J&4, e
mig&rim)! ffi tli€Fll*mfJT! . C fA rf €
lsopropyl Palmitate, Phenyltrimethicone, Hexadecanolactone,
,8 ffi Dipropylene Glycol, C1 0-40 lsoalkylamidopropylethyldimonium
r4ft*HEFE&" Ege
H!ri4 . ffi SXfdzJ<*EEHryu &.ft €*FBFtr Ethosullate, Panax Oinseng Root Extract*, Chamomilla recutita
(Matricaria) Extact*. Nasturtium otficinalis Extract". Equisetum hyemale cEt*FB. €flJfrfl.
f), EFDIPEg6!'fi€, )d4aErlx, Extract*, Cymbopogon schoenanthus Extract*, Anthemis nobilis Flower
Extract*, Tilia cordata Flower Extract*, Carthamus tinctorius (Salflower) &RtFffi€. &xffiffi
tiffi+rts. '03f, Seed oil*. Calendula oflicinalis Flower Extract", Cenlaurea cyanus
Flower Extract*. Salvia otficinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract*, Caprylyl Glycol. ffia3, F.ffi!EE4&
Butylene Glycol, 1,2 Hexanediol, Parfum.
Envia Natural Hold Hair Gel losmL *veoetable-derived sug*ema#ru$E
HfliE4&e fra"
7576 S$19.90 (S$13.50pc 4pts)
7576 RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts)
Spiral Into Gontrol Envia Frizz Gontrol
Unleash a waterfall of curls with Enuia Nature's
Salon Curl DefiningFoom. Enriched with
& Styling Waxr sog
Envia lntense Hold Hair GeF logrnL Prouitomin B Complex, berries and grapes, each
iErE4&& strand is infused with moisture and volume
7579 S$24.30
7575 S$19.90 (S$13.50pc 4pts) (S$16.50pc 4pts)
as luscious waves take shape.
Envia Frizz Control & Styling
Envia Natural Hold Hair Gel lngredEnts: Aqua, VP/l\4ethacrvlamide/Vinvt
lmidazole Copolymer, VP,^/A Copolymer, Glvcerin-, Phytantriol. Vitis
vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract, Panthenol, Rubus ideaeui (Rasoberrv)
sEe*ta Wax lngr€dients: Aqua, PEG-40
Hydrogentated Castor 0il*,
Extact, Creatine, Morus alba (Mulbery) Extract, Castor lsosiearate
Succinale*. Triticum vulgare (Wheat, Gluten*. Fragaria chilOensis
i.tgffi maH6rixffi *tttrx^6!6a. E PPG-5-Ceteth-20, Steareth-20,
Butylene Glycol, Glycerin*,
(Strawbery) Extract, PEG-40 Hvdroqenated Castor 0il*. Butvlene oleth-1 0 Phosphate*, c1 2.1 5

Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vita'min-E), Polysorbate 20, C10:40

ls0alkylamid0propylethyldim0nium Ethosutfate, Carb0met pEG.12
Dimethic0ne. Caprylyl Glycol. Dipropylene Glycol, B€nz00henone-4,
tt HIIRtft tr3, it6&i€&FffiY.
Alkyl Benzoate. Ethylhexyldodecyl
Neooentanoate*, PVP Vitis vinilera
(Graoe) Leaf Extract, Panthenol,

Tetrasodium EDTA, Hexylene Glycol, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol,

lilia cordata Flower Extract,
Envia Gurl Defining Foamt fuith pump) 207m1 Phytantriol, Carthamus tinct0rius
* vegetable-derived trtr#&*( Ff{Etk) (Safllower) Seed oil, Chamomilla
recutita (l\ilatricaria) Extracl,
Envla lntense Hold Hair Gel lngredrents: AQua, VP/Methacrvlamide,ryinvl
7565 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc 4pts) Triticum vulgare (Wheat) Gluten*,
Centaurea cyanus Flower Extract,
lmidazole Copolymer, VP/VA eop0lymer, Vitis vinifera (Grabe) Leaf
Envia Curl Defining Foam lngredients: Aqua, Polyurethane-14. Castor lsostearate Succinate*,
Extract. Panthenol. Fragaria chiloensis {Strawberry) Exiraci, Creatine.
Phyhntnol, Rubus idoaeus {Raspberry} Extract, Tilijcum vulqare (Wheat) AMP-Acrylates Copolymer, Decyl Glucoside*, Polysoftate 20, Calendula ofi icinalis Flower Extract,
Creatine, Fraoaria chiloensis (Skawberry) Extract*, Castor lsostearate Creatine, Anthemis nobilis Flower
Gluten*. Tocopheryl Acetate, Glycerin", Morus alba (Mulberiv) ExFact.
Succinate', Vitis vinifera (Grape) Leal Extract*, Phytantriol. Rubus Extract, PEG-1 2 Dimethicone,
Castor lsostearate Succinate*. PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castoaoil*,
idaeus (Baspberry) Extract*. Panfienol, irorus alba (Mulberry) Extracl*, Potassium Hydroxide, Cl0-40
C10-40 ls0alkylamid0propylethyldim0nium Ethosullate, Carbomer,
PEG-1 2 Dimethicone, Cocamidopropyl Belaine*, EuMene Glycol. ls0alkylamidopropylethyldimonium
Polysorbate 20. PEG-I2 Dimethicone, Caprytyt Gtycol, Butylene Glycol,
Benzophenone 4, Phenoryethanol. Parfum. Ethosulfate, Dipropylene Glycol,
Benzophenone-4. Dipr0pylene GIycol, Tetrasodium EDTA, Hexvlend
*vegetable-derived Benzophenone 4, Potassium
Glyc0l. Triethan0lamine, Phenoxyethan0l, Parlum.
* veoetable-derived Sorbate, Tetrasodium EDTA,
Phenoxyelhanol, Parf um,
Hair Glo$ * vegetable-derived
lniense Hold Naiural Hold 7568
Hair cel Hair Gel
7575 7576

Styling Wax

i Coming soon t0 Malaysia. Fll,l{t€ffiB*6![!!E "


"ru '-
Flexible Hold For All The Right
Moves #,

Whatever the style you want, Enuia Nature's

SalonFinishing Spray helps maintain your
look without adding weight or a sticky
finish. Wheat, vitamin E and rosemary
nourish your hair while our ProvitaminB
Complex helps protect hair against styling and
environmental damage.

sAHru, ffiSSS&if
ftidfRF1+ Lt+6'!ts9,,B,ffi ![840fr g6Eii
t8yrH,ffiH" He6,!x=4Er+n. &HaF' e.

Envia Natural Hold Finishing Spray
(with sprayer) 296mL
Et#iE4!fig( F{{rfirt)
7567 S$19.90 (S$13.50pc 4pts)
7567 RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts)
Envia lntense Hold Finishing Sprayt
(with sprayer) 296mL
tEtE4rfiE( Fl{rfir!)
7566 S$19.90 (S$13.50pc 4pts)
Envia Natural Hold Finishing Spray lnqredients: SD Atc0hol 40-8. Aoua.
0ctylacrylamidei Acrylates/Butvlaminoethvl l\4ethacrvlate Co0olvmei
VA/Crotorates,^/inyl Neodecanbate Copolymer, panthenol, Vitis'
vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract', Glycerin", Urtica Di0ica (Netflel Leaf
Extract^. Phytantriol, Triticum vulgare (Wheatt Gluten-, hosmarinus
ofiicinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract^. PEG-1 2 Dimethicone, Creatine,
Triethyl Citrate", Hexadecanolactone, Dioroovtene Glvcol. C10-40
ls0alkylamid0propylethytdimonium Eth0sulfate, p0lvsorbate 20.
Cocamidopropyt B€taine", Aminomethyl propan0l, Butytene Glycot,
Benzophenone-4, Parf um.

Envia lntense Hold Finishing Spray lnqredients: SD Alc0h0l 40-B-, Aoua.

0ctylacrylamide/Acrylates/Butylamin0ethyl l\4ethacrylate C0polymet
Vfu Crotoratewinyl Neodecanbate copotimer panthenol, Rbsmannus
otficinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract.. PEG:12 Dimethic0ne, Vitis vinifera
(Grape) Leaf Extracti, Glvcerin', Triticum vuloare (Wheat) Gtuten*
Urtica di0ica (Nettle) Leai Extract-, Creatine, phvtdntriol. b1 0-40
lsoalkylamidopropylethyldim0nium Ethosulfate, [lexadecanolactone,
Dipropylene Glyc0l, Triethyl Cikate*, Polvsorbate 20, Cocamid0010ovt
Betane* Butylene Glycot, Amin0methyl'Propanol. Benzophenone-4,'

Natural Hold
Finishing Spray
,::: lntense Hold
Finishlng Spray
Hot Looks Require A Little . GoBackToYourRoots
Heat i Recommended use: 2-3 times a week
Recommended use: Weekly Start with a healthy scaip. Enuia Ndture s
Activated by heat ofyour shower, Enuia Salon Scalp Therapy moisturizes your scalp
Nature's SaIon'M Thermal Repair deeply with omega-3, ginseng, maruia and grape
moisturizes and nourishes damaged hair seed oils, giving you strong and gloEsy
with its wheat protein and Prouitamin
B Complex, leaving it stronger, healthier
and incredibly soft.
& *m.effiETft
r }EEETAEH2E3)T e.nvra
ftsil/.&E 1,, €EFFd*H'HE Tffi €'€ffi B!*E " F,ffi

'CE€EtrH_N i' ft*ffte#51fr8€omega-3. g. )Sfif

HAdrE€ E ffi +0t&E*F8,,B,ffi lEEtiE;SflJm,*fd8il Rt$foffi€*=;f; ' \LE LFWitt. E*;8"
Bll*tr, tAV *.ts.'A:, W){e)E#E}fi &8, iI-tiEBe Envia Scalp Therapyt @ith applicatortip) 118m1
+/. E€F. E*iln. ,lE,w#*1,& ( FtfiftftH)
Envia Thermal Repairt llamt 7570 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc 4pts)
7577 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc 4pts)
lngredients: Aqua, Glycerin*, Cetrimonium Chloride, Cocotrimonium Chloride*, 0leth-20* lngredients: Zea l\4ays tC0rn) 0rl-. Can0la-.0lea Europaea {olive) 0il'. Tocopheryl
Phytantriol. Vitis vinifera (Grape) Leal Extract*. Panthenol. Panax qinseng R00t Extract', Acetate (Vitamin E), Sclerocarya Birrea (Marula) 0il*, Vitis Vinilera (Grape) Seed oil*,
Saacharum ofiicinarum (Suoar Cane) Extract*, Creatine, Salvia ofricinatii rSaoe) Leaf Panax Ginseng B0ol Extract*, Salvia 0tficinalis (Sage Leaf) Extracl*, Nasturtium officinalis
Extract*, Acer sacchannum (Sugar Maple) Extract*. Triticum vulgare (Wheat)Gluten*, Extract*, Equisetum Hyemale Extract*, Cymbopogon Schoenanthus Extract*, Butylene
Aloe barbadensis Leaf Extract*. Citrus auranlium dulcis (orange) Extract-, Citrus medica Glycol, Parf um.ve0etable-d€rived
limonum (Lemon) Extract*. Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilbetry) Extract*, Polyquaternium-7,
Nasturtium otlicinalis Extract*, Equisetum hyemale Extrad*. Cymbopogon schoenanthus
Extract. Hexadecanolactone. C10-40 ls0alkylamidopr0pylethyldim0nium Ethosulfate,
Polys0rbate-20, Hydroxyethylcellulose*, Diiropyleie dlicol,-Polyqualernium-1 0, 1,2
Hexanediol. Caprylyl Glycol, Benzophenone-4, Tetrasodium EDTA, Phenoxyethan0l,
Potassium Sorbate. Parflrm.
/ ddriv6 vdgelal

EqffitrAgffi" j, :+i=: iif;;tg Yrtlrk


Basic Nutrition For Beautiful

Recommended use: Daily
fuch in patented W protectors and
Provitamin B Complex, Enuia Nature's Salon
Leave-in Detangling Conditioner is a must-have
I LetYour Hair GrowTo Great
Lengths - Beautifully
Recommended use: Weekly
Whether your hair is short or long, it needs
regular nourishment to stay heaithy. Using
wheat, silicone, natural botanicals and
- it provides the foundation for styling as it Provitamin B Complex, Envia N ature's Salon
moisturizes, tames frizz, soften brittie ends,
dissolves tangles, and adds shine.
Conditioning Hair Masque helps guard against
styling damage. *t

FfR8sfdlrf,, *frfiEiE^ a lsHrtf, *mffrj W


e€Eu\/FDtffi f04&8fi FB, E ffi trq,)+tft

ffi Emlf; ffi €X l(tiiIEE ffi E r;' n*r;efi
Ffi4&i\lF.gLEEtRE+FIsEti, lE{*zl<#}, E ...---. rf + R#fiEd'zi q4)85 " F-ffifrMF'i:F.E
gloF)+, iIEEEIX,it S!-E .
*IRB, f+ilr@Eglfi.;i.
Envia Leave-ln Detanqling Gonditioner
(with spraye0 2gOmL Envia Gonditioning Hair Masquet llSml
f,)+rtffi9qEEIHA+L ( Ffirfrrf ) MFEffi
7569 S$24"30 (S$16.50pc 4pts) 7578 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc 4pts)
7569 RM49.00 (RM36.00pc 4pts)
lngredients: Aqua. Glycerin', Slearyl Alcohol*, Ceteraryl Alcohol, Ceteareth-20,
P0lyquaternium 37. Paraftinum Liquidum, PG-1 Trideceth-6. Cyciopentasiloxane. Cetyt
Ingredients: Aqua, Cetrimonium Chloride, Creatine, Al0€ barbadensis Leaf Extract*, Citrus
Alcohol*, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine. Bis (C13-1 5 Alkoxy) PG-Amodimethicode,
aurantium-dulcis (Orange) Extract*. Ph!,tantrioi. Saccharum otficinarum (Suqar Cane) Behentrim0nium l\4elh0sulJate, C1 0-40 ls0alkylamidopr0pylethy{dimonium Ethosulfate,
Extract*, Cilrus nedica limonum {Lemon) Extract., Vitis vinitera tGraDel Lei Extract* Triticum vulgare (Wheat) Gluten^. Vitis vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract, Tilia cordata Flower
vaccinium myrtittus (Bilberry) Exriact., Acer iaicnarinum rSuqii tuibiii eiiaiii. els Extract, Panthenol, Anthemis nobilis Flower Extract, Benzophen0ne-4, Chamomilla recutita
(C13-15 Alkoxy) PG-Amodimethicone, P0lvs0rbate-80-, Pdnth-enol, pEG-40 Hvdr00enated (Matricaria) Extract, Phytantriol, Centaurea cyanus Flower Extract, Creatine, Calendula
Castor0il^. P0lyquaternium-11 Hexadecanolactone. Glycne, Alanine, Serine.irideieth-12 olficinalis Flower Extract, Amodimethic0ne, Carthamus tinctorius (Satfloweri Seed oil.
Dipropylene Glycol, Butoxydiglycol, Citric Acid, 1,2 Hexanediol, Caprvtvl Gtvc0l. Cj0-40 Trideceth-12, Cetrim0nium Chloride, 1,2 Hexanediol, Capry,yl Gtyiol, Disodilm EDTA, Citric
lsoalkylamidopropylethyldimonium Ethosulfate, Disodium EDTA. Aminbmeihyt propanor. Acid. Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol, Parf um.
Chl0rphenesin. Pnenoxvethanol, Parf um. * ve0etable-derived


'.'] t ;'i",1, ,
"" ;="
*,f .* .i.'l i t ,- ],; .,' j
rComing s00n to Malaysia. F0146t!if
38 FoR YouR BODY t\4ELALEUcA.coM
Capture Spring's Softness
With Body Satin
i,f S E t I z\zklHfr HiiF Ht EILFT
Although your rnorning beauty routine may be most ffeasured of all skin-nourishing botanicals
second nature, Body Satinru ensures it's never - these effective, naturally-derived botanicals
second-rate - no matter how hectic your days keep you looking and feeling your ultimate best.
are. Body Satin forrnulas work in harmony to
cleanse, moisturize, and nurture your skin, ifffiEr46FF,,r,t FE*!6 " ;6tr=.ffiA'twtflttffi*
leaving a youthful radiance from head to toe. ffivE*, " ;68*ffiF.9t)Wft#"t]lF -sft\$tlE{*)€tft .
It's complete, yet simple. It's fresh and fun. ffiirAruR#rrHE' Effi tgl)bflltni.l,.*Etjffi , E +)fi g3
Beauty made simple, that's what Body Satin is ,st$##tr3. e6rfiH+, ffiq+ifr€ffi" $ffi*.MA
all about- tlJ ittg t Efr - Fi E i[ /a l'1 * .

Every Body Safin product is designed to pamper *e-

4+;6 E*ffiA t$ F ff #lEqI A &ffi L&*rt+D4,t*ffi
and nurture, infusing your skin with vitamins +' dJ L)h lg,tsflftfl*Yt fiL$fitf H " E iB 3 I F iili ffi i&s|j fir
and botanicals. FrsmAfrican wild lands to , xF.?-k&3 *t€Et3Fge€.r, erzfttt7.
tropical rainforests, Melaleuca has traveled ff g!4€#gIM - Hg'f€,fi S€|JA fEW&. ffi # tr''g .
the globe to discover the most powerfui, the

:i::':r]::::i:::]:,{oi:ll FoFtvcluRso.Dv,
rr:i iMEtitEUcA,coM
Silky Softnegs for ry
Customize your morning with your
favorite fragrance of Bodl Satin Body
Wash and Body Lotion.
Every Inch ofYour Skin
. Original Scent: Capture the serenity
ta ff;zk,Fftffii'Ffflfift
of a dewy forest with this warm
blend of fresh blossoms, woodsy
soft skin Is Healthy Skin
Your skin is your body's primary defense against infection. Part of keeping
undertones, and a touoh of honey
this importaht barrier healthy is keeping it hydrated. That's why ButtersilkrM
. Pear Raspberry: Enjoy the tangy
is so important. We've traveled around the world to bring you a unique blend
base of pear mixes with sweet
of three exotic seed butters recognized as superior moisturizers and skin
benies and a hint of freshness for a
light lndian summer that lingers on conditioners. By combining the butters into an exclusive ingredient, Butter Silk
your skin compounds the individual benefits into a rich moisturizer that hydrates and
soothes dry or irritated skin, fights environmental damage, and prevents
future dehydration.
. tilc*E, )E6J 6f++fi8+f[+0!
ffizj<, #ff0!5,€,, fotrg6!6fi
.)+*EA=, €EtB6fi+4{f0 g!&BtEA{4rf tt,il*ffi 0!*g{xr.glRiE&[n6-!,{EffiitD,,,frnfr 1REAEM
EH€R8!€fi , ffir0)HE+6.! EtlE a'!zj<#}. i3ffr Esuttersilp'"8lEPtt. tt{iltniE3 eufi , b{ffi u*193&
ffiE)q fil&iJA ?fil S!**)6fl E " BunersilkHd3 6R*;d BEBII, Hg . ff E'fR )n&

lrilalialt Sliigt: ,.1 ,'ri::.iril, riit

,:i'.-...'.,,j ]l;.,.,.
t.,r 1.-,,, r vri::: rti.; ri i. i).) i::: i

: . :1.. :..) lt;...:la:t. i4ri:,:ir.r)ilr. ,:l;riti r:,:':::.-t:,::,1

:"ri;r; :lr,ii)lai la):t:t :,tr;r-l ;laiirl:iJ :rril
.1,-)ltllal.-:ii l:.ii:: l',j .l;,::l.l ,rii i ri .tlt'rti.:.rt i':ti,:: ii.r
:,..r :1,'r :r-t:llll,',':rlr

itr- iii ..1- if

i-:L.',,11 _rll
(r ,
t, I

ShowerYour Skin il[ffinEG)qF**7 *

In Moisture )Etftastrt^n5LeB'!e6 I
Drench your skin in )X#jffi# . EiE)ft )stj.-f B)S
the creamy moisture of iE6lla8il, +c,8!tH{z#m
Body Satin Moistur izing LAlAt9#*Wiit" EC
Body V/ash. As it gently
foams away dirt and
ButterSilk9*6 3 AffiVfrifE
oils, enriching botanicals m$TE I tgfl ll t*)RE il. z.K'
Sr$m nurhlre every inch of zl<r&6€Htrzj<fj, FiLlzX
your skin. fuch Butte4Silk" f))fi*. r*.&EETEtDr&E
hydrates skin with its
unique blend of exotic seed
*c. E .Efrtrffitftffif+{+yil
butters, and Pentauitin@ Hts*$ffi€' 'fR*+H[ffi€
moisturizes as it safeguards R. *tE. bTmI.
against future dehydration.
Egptian blue lotus and
vitamins C and E condition
and protect against
environment damage,
keeping skin heaithier and

Body SatinrM Moisturizing 0riginal Scenl Body Wash lnqredients: Pear Raspbetry Body Wash lnqredients:
Aqua (Water/Eau), Sodium Coco-Sulfate, Aqua fwateriEau), Sodium Coco-Sulfate,
Body Wash zozmt- Cocamidopropyl Betaine, S0dium C1 4-1 6 Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium C14-16
tsE;^isH. 0letin Sullonate, PEG-7 Glvcervl Cocoate,
Glycol Stearate, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium
olefin Sult0nate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate,
Glycol Slearate, Phenoxyethan0l, Sodium
5$20.00 (S$1 2.90pc 5pts) Chloride, Butyr0spermum Parkii {Shea Chl0ride, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea
Butter), Theobroma Caca0 (Coc0a) Seed Butter), Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed
RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts) Butter, Mangilera Indica (lVanqo) Seed ButteI Mangifera lndica (Manoo) Seed
9746 Original Scent iRiERE Butter, Potassium Sorbate, Citnc Acid. Buttel Potassium S0rbate, Citric Acid,
Trisodium Ethvlenediamine Disuccinate. Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate,
9748 Pear Raspberry Saccharide ls6merate. Glycerin, Nvmphaea Saccharids lsomerate, Glycerin, Nymphaea
F+EAf Cearulea Flower Extract, Carmine,
Niacinamide, Amyl0dextrin, Calcium
Caerulea Flower Extract, Melia Azadirachta
Leaf Extract, Niacinamide, Am\/l0dextrin.
Pantothenate, lMattodextrin, Sodium Calcium Pant0thefl ate, Maltodextrin.
Ascorbyl Phosphate, T0copheryl Acetate, S0dium Ascorbyl Phosphate, T0copheryl
Pyrldoxine HCl, Silica, Padum. Butvlohenvl Acetate, Pyridoxine HCl, Silica, Parfum.
Methylpr0pi0nal, Hydroxyis0hexyl 3-
Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Linalool.

Slip Into $oft, Silky Skin rrl8t*]*t8ffi0!ffiffiH

Light and luscious, Body Satin Body Lotion 4ffim68, Striitfl*$He+c.
is made from rich, natural butters, oils, E #tf; {rJ f 0Xfli+A{U rbB iB*)tA7j('lr}, .ff
and botanicals to hydrate and soften your
skin as it nourishes. With the advantages
flfl,ii*fiI*iB" AAtt5.ltfilj. f+2*H
of antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and EI6IF. f0#ir-l85' €lEButterSilk. tlUJ<ffi
moisturizers like ButterSilkru, Pentauitir.t@, E. E^. {oct,{U*C. EB!ffi4e, )tqifi
white tea, and vitamins C and E, your skin ziEFt, .fFffrBil0ru.ff(4un*. €FE€'
is more than silky smooth - it's radiantly 3S,[t "

Body SatinrM Body Lotion original Scent Body Lotion lnoredients: Aoua (Water/Eau), Pear Raspbery Body Loti0n lnqredients: Aqua {Water/Eau},
Glycerin, c1 2-'1 5 Alkyl Benzoate. cetyt Atiohdt, tsopropyt Glycerin. C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate. Cetyl Alc0h0l. lsopropyl
(with pump) zstmt Palmitate, Dimethrcone. Stearic Acid.'clyceryl Steaiate. PEG-100 Palmitate. Dimethicone. Stearic Acid. Glyceryl Stearate. PEG-100
$ErEffi+t (FffE*) Stearate. Phenoxyethanol, Cyathea Cumlngii'Leaf Extract. Xanthan
Gum, Butyrosperinum Parkiitshea Butteri Theobroma Cacao
Stearate, Pqenoxyethanol. Cyathea Cumingii Leaf Extract, Xanthan
Gum. Butyrospermum Parkii tShea Butter), Theobrotra Caca0
5$24.00 (S$1 5.90pc 6pts) (Cocoat Seed Butler l\4anqilera lndica ([4ang0) Seed Butter (Cocoa) Seed Butter lMangilera lndica (lvlanqo) Seed Buttet
Potassium SorDate. Trisodium Ethylenediamind Disuccinate,
RM44.00 (RM33.00pc 6pts) Saccharide lsomerate. Carmine. l\iacinamide. Amylodextrin.
P0tassium S0rbate. Tris0dium Ethylenedtamine Drssucinate,
Saccharide lsomerate. Melia Azadirachta Leai Extract, Niacinamide,
9742 Original Scent iRERE Calcium Pantothenate. Maltodextrin. S0dium Ascoibvl PhosDhate. Amylodextrin. Calcium Pantotnenate. Maliodexlnn, Sodium Asc0rbyi
T0c0pheryl Acetate, Pyridoxine HCl. Silica. Nymphaea Coerutea
9743 Pear Raspberry Flower Extract. Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extraci, iitric Acid,
Phosphate. Iocopheryl Acetate. Pyrid0xine HCl. Slltca, Nymphaea
Caerulea Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Citric
r+4t€a+ Parfum, Aloha-ls0methvl lonone. Benzvl Salicvlate. Butvlohenvl
Methylprodi0nal. C0umlrin. Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyctohtixbne'
Acid. Pa!fum. Butylphenyl. Citronellot. Gerani0l. Hydroxycitronellal,
Hydroxyis0hexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Lim0nene,
Carboxaldehyde, Linalool. Linalool.

t*ng-3asti::.g e*:x*denee
Face every situation of the day with
confi dence. Body Satin Deodorunt
offers you long-lasting odor
protection while caring for delicate
underarm skin with bbtanical
extracts and natural ingredients.

xxaffi €.t= " str{66€#c6tf; 4E6
3 S{+t6}a sn{z f o E r{\Fr6.6'!}+e.6
fi, itr$F9#trti€i6r55"
Body SatinrM Deodorant sos 91 16
9116 S$15.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts)
9116 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts)
lngredients: Propylene Glycol, Aqua (water/eau), Sodium Stearate, Parfum, Allantoin, Aloe
Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Niacinamide, Amylodextrin, Calcium Pantothenate, Maltodextrin,
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate. TocOpheryl Acetate. n/ridoxine Hcl. Silica, Plantago Lanceolata
Leat Extract, GIycerin, Bixa orellana Seed Extract, Bertholettia Excelsa Nut oil, Caprylic/
Capric Triglyceride, Benzyl Benzoate Benzyl Salicylate, Limonene, Eugenol, Geraniol, Hexyl

Don't LetYour
Hands BetrayYou
Dehydrated, scaly, dry
hands can make you
look older than you
reaily are. Body SatinHand
Crdme keeps your hands
youthfully soft and radiant
5or1 with decadent ButterSilkru
and firming Egirptian

n blue lotus. Powerful
antioxidants found in
white tea andVitamin
7kiFft! EH! M E safeguard against free
radical damage, all with a Hand Creme 177mL Hand Creme 59mL

sweet, feminine scent. 9758 9760

Your Favorite Shower F|litn:FH*'fi0!+ffi

Accessory [HzJ<' 86fi . TH6!]n+Hgittf;€t* tt*B,n+6et.,5
Indulge in the uitimate Body Satin Efi #;tq+fB*ffi ButterSilkf0tF&trEl€, HEfir)fi)il+gB
experience by using the Body fr,ifr*, cE'+Etay,. E#4fltr8=Ee+86!fit€.f.tfflt,
Satin Expliating Mesh Sponge in the
shower. This gentie sponge tums HER+F+gBBnffiF.F E SE6!{e=, rfAj*ffi*iB, E6
Body Satin Moistunzing Body Wash H "
into a foamy iather as it smoothes
away dry skin. No shower is Body SatinrM Hand Grdme
complete without it. *#tFt+F
9758 S$16.00 (S$10.90pc 4ptsl 177m1
t^H0!$se 9760 S$8.00 (S$4.90pc 2pts) seml
xia8{, .Effi )^Bt€ixittf; t0 )^6tr( . )iesExB gLFtftE* 9760 RM'16.00 (RM12.00pc 2pts) somt-
f0+88$E)X, EXfi#+,ltFt*, ifEit)E:j<ffiI" fiE lnqredienls: Aqua (Water/Eaul, lsoprolyl Palmitate, Dimethic0ne, Glvcerin, Glvcervl
(tLY,. Stearate, Stearic Acid, PEG-1 00 Stearaie, Pheno{vethanol, Butvroso:ermum Plrkii-{Shea
qfitef). The0broma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butte( lvlangifera lndica (Mango) Seed Butter,
Saccharide Isomerate, Potassium S0rbate, Triethanolamine, Acrvlates/C10-30 Alkvl
Body SatinrM Exfoliating Mesh Sponge Acrylate Crosspolymer, Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate,'Nymphaea Caeruiea Flower
Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Niacinamide, Amylodextrin, Calcium Pantothenate,
sE;traftsr lMaltodextrin, Sodium Asc0rbyl Phosphate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Pyridoxine HCl, Silica,
1180 5$2.00 (S$2.00pc 0pts) Parfum, Alpha{somethyl I0n0ne, Benzyl Salicylate, Bulylphenyl llethylpropional, Coumarin,
Hydroxyis0hexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Linal00l.
1180 RM5.00 (RM5.00pc 0pts)
The Simple Allure Of
Velvet Skin
emaxpl*xi*m F*rf*etio:e
One simple product is all you need for a creamy
complexion. Body Sann Facial Cleanser + Toner is an
alcohol-free formuia that washes away makeup,''
dirt, and oils while toning and conditioning skin
.* in one simple step. Salicylic acid - a dermatologist
recommended exfoliating agent -\ helps break up
ws€ blackheads and tightens pores while soothing
botanicais like cucumber, and vitamins C and E
h .r;
pamper vibrant and glowing skin.

,:t ffi*&its, x*xe

Ld" f;,EtE€E&?+*6!BnBt, Rffi -f+t6+6!Fffi " Str
)ftffiffi* tllffizj<44)E{8, A?NE,Y*\A. FA. e
'::tj ;SBE' RHg-af'JH6!f9*" tKth&W - lfiP[if+
Cleanser + Toner E,frl$E8,l*m?.4LfrffiftiJ - € ry1}ffi R+ &Wffi+,
9751 3L' t!ffi ,0 3 Xl,{iEtZl0 dr FJtr\#{X\n . tt+*c40
E, ilElrffit4Ht+*, rBffffiI)B"
Body SatinrM Facial Cleanser + Toner fuith pump)
i4&F+t&ffiz]< ( FflE*)
9751 S$22.00 (S$14.90pc 6pts)
9751 RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts)
A Delightful Foot
lngredients: Aqua (Wate?Eau). S0dium Coc0-Sutfate, Cocamidoproovl Betaine. Sodium C14-j6 0lefin
Sulfonate. Sodium [,4ethyl Cocoyl Taurate, PEc-7 Glvcervl Cocoate, Salicvlic Acid. Cucumis Sativus {Cucumben
Fruit Extract. Pienoxyethanol. Sodium Chloride. Potassiim Sorbate. Citrii Acid. Trisodium Ethylenedhmine When your tootsies are tired
Disuccinate. l\4enthyl Lactate. l\,4enthor. Niacinamide. Amylodextrin. calcium pantothenate, l\4altodextrin, sod,um or dry reach for Body Satin
Ascorbyl Phosphate. Tocopheryl Acetate. Pyridoxine HCl. Silica, Copper Gluc0nate, parium, Linal00l.
Foot Scrub. The exotic blend
of crushed Asian bamboo and
jojoba beads buffs away calluses
Blushing Beauty while moisturizers soften feet.
Uncover your natural youthfui radiance with Body Peppermint's cooiing sensation
Satin Facial Scrub. By gently removing dull, dry skin, invigorates your feet and uplifts
salicylic acid and jojoba esters help reveal fresh your spirit.
glowing skin. Soothing ingredients like ButterSilkrM,
glycerin, and vitamin E nourish delicate facial skin
for a smooth, luminous complexion.
{fi,lfrt}fr9lHrf;ftfi Foorscrub

sEtF/gE0iE)!/f;F6+7e8! e755

mm.}t*r0!*ffi t!/elE{*r-{}P " EeF EFt,tE B.!U',tl tj3f0 i6

itrtr)$€.fi *ffi twfr ffi , iiirE,lfi F4F!*
ffi,zwz(t ft ffi, itBitr+trBfi A*t*E)i|F_, zXth
iB. )E)HHlFiEtrilt!/Elg,iltE#,fr . €rL't€tfi
E&f0rd?EE)6 6Eff E BnffiEA **t . etu&ffi#jrl tH. {E?+t+tr.
BufterSitk. HtS&ctE*Ef€E BiU*CE[il. tEilffiBE " Body SatinrM Foot Scrubi losmr
Facial Scrub TF,EEF}E
9752 Body SatinrM Facial Scrub l+eml 9755 S$15.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts)
9752 S$22.00 (S$14.90pc 6pts) lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), Sodium Coco-Sulfate, Sodium lvlethvl
Cocoyl Taurate, S0dium C14-16 0letin Sultonate, Cocamidooroovl
97s2 RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts) Betaine, P0lyetl'ylene. Glycol Stearate, Srearic Acid, PEG-7 Glvidrvl
C0c0ate, Hydroxypropyltrimonium H0nev, Pnen0xvethan0l. Sdlicvlic
Acid. Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Ciosspotynier, Sodium Hvijroxide,
lngredientsi Aqua.(water/Ea!). sodium coco-sulfate. sodium lvlethyl cocoyl raurate, sodium c14-16 0letin
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Theobroma Caca0 (Cocoa) Seed
Suffonate. Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Polyethylene, Glycol Stearate, Stearic Acid. pEG-7 Glvcervl Cocoate.
Buttet l\4angitera lndica (lManq0) Seed Bufler, Potassium Sorbate,
lyqJoxyp.ropyltrimolium Honey. Phenoxyethanot. Saiicytic Acid, Acrytates/C1 0-30 Atkyt Acrytlte Crosspotvmer Trisodium Ethylenediamine DiSuccinate. Jojoba Ester Saccharid€
Sodium Hydroxide. Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Theobroma Cacdo tCocoar Si;ed Bltter tr/anoiferi lsomerate. Glycerin, Nymphaea Caerulea Flower Extract. Niacinamide.
hdica ([4an90) Seed Butte( Potassium Sorbate, Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Jojoba Estel" Amylodextrin, Calcium Panrothenate, lvlaltodextrin, Sodium Ascorbvl
Saccharide.lsomente, Glycerin, Nymphaea Caerutea Flower Eitract. Niacinamide, A,nytodeitrin. Calcium Phosphate. Tocopheryl Acetate, Pyrid0xine HCl, Silica, Parlum,
Pantothenate. Maltodextrin, sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate. Toc0pheryl Acetate. pyridoxine Hcl. silica, partum,
Butylphenyl Methylpropional. Hydioxyisohexyl 3-Cyct0hexene
Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydroxyisoheiyl 3-Clictohexene carbirxaldenyOe, Linalooi. Carboxaldehyde, Linalool.


: '::t i
An Invigorating T?eat For Your Feet
it:E,€ffiZlJtfi6 H f*, #tA{EH
An Invigorating Tfeat For Light OnYour Feet
Your Feet Awakened tired, hot and dry feet with Body
Take time to nurture your feet with Body Satin Foot Spray. Botanicals and natural
Satin Foot lotion. This decadent iotion oiis combine with glycerin to freshen and
invigorates your feet with the cooling revive feet instantly.
sensation of peppermint and spearmint
while Pentauitino and vitamins C and E I}'TEEA. AE
smooth and soften rough patches for SE/EgI3'Etr0fr EiT'EB!'I/RiEHFE . F
flirly feet that always feel pretty.
ilE)it g!i!/e fr tH
E slm € f,lt8! 0qtF.q " Foot Lotion
flfl,fli8lE silHr6raH6fiilF)FB!,ilH, € 97s0
*f!$iuj<ffi 6f o ft gfic . ErtIEl€{*t+
Foot Spray
&Blifi ;r'l' i,ttl/eeX*iBbTtrI .

Body SatinrM Foot Lotiont losmt Body SatinrM Foot Sprayt @ith spraye) 187mL
tFl,e+tfi ef;FEffirfiE( pt{rfi*)
9750 S$15.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts) 9754 S$17.00 (S$10.90pc 4pts)
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). lsopropyl Palmitate. Glycerin. Stearic Acid, Dimethicone, lngredients: SD Alcohol 40-8. Aqua (Water/Eau). Glycerin, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate,
Glyceryl Stearate, Helianthus Annuus (Suntlowe0 Seeij 0il, Prunus Armeniaca {ADricot} tulelaleuca Afternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf 0il, l\4entha Piperita {Peppermint) Oil, lvlentha Viridis
Kernel 0il, Phen0xyethanol, Triethanolamine, Potassium Sorbate. Butvrosoermuh parkii (Spearmint) Leat 0il, Mentha Arvensis Leaf 0il, Barosma Betulina Leaf Oil, Trisodium
(Shea Bfiter), Theobroma Cacao {Coc0a) Seed Butter, Manqilera lndica iManoo) Seed Ethylenediamine Disuccinate. lvlenth0l, Citric Acid, Saccharide lsomerate, Silica,
Butt€r. Carbomer Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, lientha Piperita (peiFiermint) zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Bark Extract, Poncirus Tritoliata Fruit Extract, Melia Azadirachta
Leaf Extract, l\4enth0l, Lactose, Cellulose, Hvdroxvoroovl N4ethvlcelluiose. Cl 77289. Leal Extract, Limonene.
Saccharide lsomerate. Niacinamide. Amylodextriri. Caliium paittothenate, lvlaltodextrin,
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate. Tocopheryl Acetate. Pyridoxine HCl, Silica, parfum, Al0ha-
lsomethyl lonone. Benzyl Benzoate. Butylphenyl Methylpropi0nal, Citronell0l, Coumdrin,
Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool.

t Coming soon to l\4alaysia. E0l6€$it€rR6trtr8.

Discover Bath Time Bliss
The Gold Standard LIs"r**rr*r Lustrcus
Escape to a lush oasis of moisturizing botanicals and nurturing
natural extracts with MelaleucaBathBars. Naturally derived aloe vera $kin Natre:a13y
and glycerin combine with gentle cleansers to offer you unparalleled
This Made-in-Japan wonder
luxury. These moisturizing ingredients transform your skin as rich, is a must in everybathroom.
fragrant lather teases your senses. Each Melaleuca Bath Bar is French- Combining the moisturizing
milled - a process that thoroughly mixes the ingredients and presses and soothing power of8
out excess air so every Bath Bar is smoother and denser, making them natural botanical extracts,
last longer than some other brands that quickly melt down the drain. such as Melaieuca Oil,
Green Tea extract, Aloe Vera
In four unique and tantalizing fragrances, Mel aleuca Bath Bars whisk
you away to a reiaxing retreat every time you use them. extract and Chamomile
Fiower extract. GreenTea Body
Shampoo contains the power
it.,sa)^)a6effi 1d€is-,H€E/fr H!F+1R)'fl " )firoxfr F=&E
)S' AEF 8! E Ei)lrfr tE{**+ B!)fi )Fl E . t BItffi tr,^. h/e6!z}<f},
of antioxidants in protecting
your skin from damaging free
radicals and environmental
stresses. Indulge in the pleasant and soothing
rE!ilm+88.!)Exft STFFF+iX^B,!F65,A " tr-j*.,sa)^b6e aroma of Green Tea, leaving you with soft, silky
trEiaffi )*fi JEffi )*jiE - fil,ft )E6Fif} . *W,&*E--,ir*, .{F4lJffi skin.
Jtffi ,tH*. T.Ag,ffigLtt, ft*a-H-€6!ffi fi+, .tFffi EilEtFK " Aw
fS l$t+ . lE ,i.6fi '{*tgitt+, *,SAX)AE EHte,8+eM . *+ S!)tn HiB)gF}fiEffif!EII,T*
{aga, it/f;ETH+, )n)EE+" E 4f;ll'lF6$ft + igld'€ " 66 3 8ft E t^tH{Z+
The Gold
Erffi+, 8t63.,fiAf;fiiffi)6. 4RH, F=f0
Bar@ The Melaleuca Platinum BarrM
fffiHffiEE ts H+Er{'. 4*f;ttbEEeS fifi,{.tfillq u{x
117 5$7.70 (S$5.20pc 2pts) 3308 S$7.70 (S$b.20pc 2pts) lFtaglBnffi F-9 fB E 688'!$fi B . itffinEg
117 RM15.00 (RM11.50pc 2pts) 3308 RM15.00 (RM11.50pc 2pts) as*f H 6!FE+, itBjrffitBffi *+R.
Trial Size iilElt
638 S$1.60 (S$1.60pc 0pts) Exfoliating Body Bar Green Tea Body Shampoot
638 RM5.00 (RM3.50pc 0pts) 6HE+'*frEFE (with pump) 500mL
5540 S$7.70 (S$5.20pc 2pts) $#it;AE ( FftE+)
5540 RM15.00 (RM11.50pc 2pts) 4602 S$34.60 (S$23.50pc 6pts)

lngredients: Watel Coconul Acid, Cocamide Dea, Potassium

Alloy@ Bath Bar C0camidopropyl Betaine. Glycol Dtstearate, P0tassium C0c0'
0leic Acid, Glycerin.
4EETHffiEE Glycerin, C0pper
Copper Gluconate.
Gluconate, Hydrolyzed
Hvdrolvzed Sov Proi
Soy Prl
Extract, Seaweed Extract, Chamomilla Feiutita'(Matricaria)
6455 S$8.00 (S$5.20pc 2pts) Herb Extract, Prunus Persica {Peach) Leal Extrabt, Aloe Bdr
Extract. Butylene Glycol. S0dium Chloride, Disodium Edta, I
6455 RM15.00 (RM11.50pc 2pts) Propylparaben, lvlelaleuqaAlternifolia (Tea Tree) oit$.Ailrar
Germs Better Run And Hide

The Same fr6Ee6, {Ht8{gfi Liquid Soap Pump
*,ft a'fi 6)ft +mf€E jf, 8ilAl l€nA *+&Erk
Formula 9351 S$1.00 (S$1.00pc Opts)
0!€F. €63+ftAfffifE)$f0fr6 9351
You've fil, t4i[*)€)ft rn+ EsEE't{rt #x
RM4.00 (RM4.00pc 0pts)
Tfusted!46. FB)h6!eft44*, tE{*
lvlint Antibacterial Liquid Soap
Active ingredienl: Triclosan Purpose: Antibacterial
Protect your lnactlve ingredients butylene qlycol, citric acid,
family with the
2fsE68*i€, .F*ffiBtft +mE,q cocamidopropyl betaine (lr0m c0conut), disodium oleamido
lvllPA sullosuccinate (veqetable-derived), kagrance 0il,
help of Melaleuca ziqsjgHlF&Fnfdf+. glycerin {vegetable-derived), glycol distearate (vegetable-
derived). Helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, Melaleuca
AnnbacteialLiquid alternifolia (tea tree) leal oil (T36-C5' brand), Mentha
Original Antibacterial Liquid Soap
Soap. It's crafted piperita (peppermint) 0il. phenoxyethanol, p0lyquaternium
237mL 10 (from starch). potassium sorbate. Prunus armeniaca
q,with Melaleuca fiHit+# (apricot) kernel oil. sea salt, Simmondsia chinensis (ioioba)

$3,iOiI and a proven 2748 S$19.00 (S$12.90pc spts)

seed oil, sodium coco-sultate (from c0c0nut), t0copheryl
acetate (vitamin E acetate), waten
F antibacterial 2748 RM37.00 (RM27.00pc spts)
ingredient that 0riginal Antjbacterial Liquid Soap
Active ingredient Triclosan 0.3%. Purpose: Antibacterial
kiiis 99.99% Mint Antibacterial Liquid Soap lnactive ingredients butylene glycol, butylparaben, citric
of germs when you wash your 237mL acid, c0camidopropyl betaine (from coconut), disodium
oleamid0 MIPA sullosuccinate (vegetable-derived),
hands. In stylish packaging and two ffi6fiH;ft+i& ethylparaben. glycerin {vegetable-derived), glyc0l distearate
invigorating scents, this concentrated 7107 S$19.00 (S$12.90pc Spts) (vegetable-derived), Helianthus annuus (sunfl0wer) seed

formula is unbeatabie protection that 7107 RM37.00 (RM27.00pc Spts) oil. isobutylparaben, l\4elaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) leaf
oil (t36-C5' brand). methylparaben. phenoxyethanol.
you can't afford to be without. polyquaternium 10 (lrom starch), potassium sorbate,
propylparaben, Prunus armeniaca (apricot) kemel oil,
sea salt. Simmondsia chinensis {ioioba) seed oil, sodium
coco-sutfate (trom c0c0nut). tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E
acetate), wate[

Melaleuca *ft*H#*+*, SSfi+-eS The GlearWay

Moisturizing ss For Gleanliness
.,fi aHtirft +rF, +Hrrx*+H{zffi On The Go
tiquid Soap +, Ee63Hfr&frtB!ff9.i4iqit, it Clear Defense
Invite a bit of
nature to your a +tffi eriEs!ffi HH . g JgH HEFI Moisturizer Hand
home with the ffi)ft +tFrf , rg urbffi ffi 8lE)ft)Ffit. Sanitizer contains
botanicai-enriched ,tEEfi {n etr 6!6eFX ffi 6:!l ffi RF E g naturally-derived
formula and alcohol for killing
elegant design
- E63EEE;$EE. ti-"' J
of Melaleuca 9,;S^*HBE. ER;Si"'. ffiffi s)S. with conditioning 736-C5@ Melaleuca
Moisturizing Liquid Sodps. Other E'E eXfr B E' +€E)Xl[Jft i$,Ftl
fl Oil, so you can protect your family
moisturizing soaps can make you feel +8!H rf &E*ffi * against germs even on the go. Aloe
like you're washing your hands with and glycerin keep hands from drying
lotion, but our innovative formuia
)F. ^fi€'={+6fi, ffi€i$R€. Etr
'E{*Bnr[0!triq, out while an added bittering agent
suspends moisturizing ButterSilkrM
5E*. &.drm;E*fi " i*rLbl,E,^.0!6fi deters children from accidental
beads - made with cocoa, shea, and ittfrfiEa/.6lE€tr{Eitt+, #8a1f; ingestion.
mango butters, jojoba, and natural 8! l)'le-4€E*iAit, ilEiiEA + 8!€
oils - in a cieansing solution, so you a)ft mA, fi)E;,EgEEg6!trH. 6+HIItrSpn+
get a thick, luscious lather to wash -,s*F+ffixfl\rqt+EeD, 463
away dirt while your hands are ***fr#fr+mE)&ffi8e6, Rffie .,s*r36-c5*fd'ffits, H$HxHit
softened and moisturized. Discover
the tart and tangr fragrance of
ffi-H,fi , B[Ei C|j=86!)EE*I*, ee.ee7"B'!46. grf;e*,l.s0s, E6E
Grapefruit Splash, the soothing aroma Lf#Ifffi, d'ZiE4). € i{rtHf, Jfi Bla,^. " geFs=&.H
of WhiteTea & Ginger, and the pure
Moisturizing Liquid Soap z:zmr t$f€E H)aflfuffi. D)6+#, r.)firo
cool scent of Mountain Rain. With
these tantalizing new fragrances,
*#*+# 380*fill, Dl.t9€i3amH,l.6r6.
tif S$1 5.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts)
Melaleuca Moist ur izing Liquid So ap Glear Defense@ Moisturizing
makes it easy to match your mood RM31.00 (RM23.00pc 3pts)
146 Grapefruit Splash HHffi+?i Hand Sanitizer zornt-
and d6cor with an elegant touch of
nature at every sink in your home. 148 White Tea & Ginger E#s+t F+E
150 Mountain Rain LhffiEff 4013 5$6.20 (S$4.20pc lpts)
Melaleuca Moist ur izing Liquid So ap is
4013 RM13.00 (RM9.50pc lpts)
Active ingredientr Ethyl alcohol Purpose: Antimicrobial
super concentrated, so one bottle lnactive ingredients: aloe barbadensis leaf extract,
Active ingredient Ethyl alcoh0l Purpose: Antimicrobial
lnactive ingredients: aloe barbadensis leal extract,
offers triple the cleaning power, aminomethyl propan0l, carb0meI fragrance, glycerin
aminomethyl propanol, carbomer, tragrance, glycerin
(vegetable-derived). melaleuca alternifolia oil 036-
making it easy on your wallet and on C5" brand), tocopheryl acetate (vnamin E), water,
(vegetable-derived), melaleuca alternifolia oil (T36-
C5@ brand), tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), water,
the environment. xylitylglucoside (and) anhydroxylitol (and) xylitol.
xylrtylolucoside (and) anhydroxylitol (and) xylitol.
Make Dental He'al
a Family Affair
t+ .L+E t "&

,;w=trFE0R &

Healthv Teeth To Last A Lifetime

Good dentil health starts young and lasts a lifetime.That's why Melateuca
offers a varietli of tooth polishes and gels to address every stage of your
mouth's health. Deveiop good habits with Koala PalsTrainingTooth Gel, a
delicious apple-flavored gel that has no sugar or fluoride and is specifically
designed for toddlers under age two. For older children, guard against tooth
decaywith the help of fluoride inKoalaPalsFluorideToath Gel.And get the adults
in your family smilingbright with our papain-powered WhiteningToothPolishes.
Our whitening formulas brighten teeth, control bad breath, and deeply clean
your mouth and gums.

Rl3 tr ffi #€Jfi V l\+tJrst ffiffifr'ctBl+, X#&- E. \ZFt h+tttT E+ft
B MFq$ tr E€F Mf; EU g 65F tr " #FT RI3' ffi Af ,I,I.HFFE
|l E+*78 fr
b, Efrffieftfrib|f,gtnfr Ee 4jXr^E# *DW, E )t2b L\T0l',Eigit .
+fi$ffi ;t6!P€ EH HHETE€ AAu A, Hffi TFn tfdzBlF
. *+ tr! F:f. f
ffi Hg^tK&*8!)+8E6ZE")&Ktt|gilr-3fr B7AffiffiZf'Ff-H,^
Hglgft! n R . xfrE.,Y4LWe'&58&. "

Koala Pals@ Training SI llqeling Tooth Polish roes:,$ |

Tooth Gel loes 4H*E
FFEHF+*UF S$1 0.60 (S$7.20pc 2pts)
49'10 S$10.00 (S$6.50pc 2pts) RM21.00 (RM16.00pc 2pts)
4910 RM19.00 (RM14.00pc 5780 Cool Mint with Fluoride E;HtrHefl
2pts) 5395 Fresh Mint 4fi6
3080 Classic Cinnamon FdE

Koala Pals@ Fluoride $ | Cool i/int with Fluoride lnoredients: Active lnoredienti
Sodium fluoride (0.243% i4w). Purpose: Anfcavity :'.
Tooth Gel loes lnactive ingredients: aloe barbadensis, asc0rbyl
FFEHtrSgfr+ts palmitate, sinensis leaf extract, comriiphora
myrrha oil, flavor, glycerin, hydrated silica, melaleuca ?
1297 S$10.00 (5$6.50pc 2pts) alternilolia (tea tree) leaf oil, papain, poloxamer 407, ,
potassium acesulfame, propolis extract, sodium alkyl
1297 RM19.00 (RM14.00pc sulfate. sodium benzoate, sorbitol. tetrapotassium
2pts) pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, tltanium t
dioxide, tocopheryl acetate, water, xanthan gum, xylitol.
Koala Pals@ Training T00th Gel lngredienh: Aqua. Sorbitol
(vegetable-derived),Glycerin {ve0etable-derived). Hvdrated Fresh Mint lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). Hydrated
Silica, /.anthan Gum {vegetable-derived), Xvlito[ {ve'qetable- Silica. Glycerin, Sorbjtol. Dicalcium Phosphate, Xanthan
derived), Pyrus malus (Natural ADple Aroma) Frtiit [rtract. Gum. lMelaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf 0il. Aroma,
Citric Acid (natural-derived), Sodium Bicarbdnate ibakin0 Poloxamer 407, Xylitol, Papain, DiOlycerin, Propolis
soda), P_otassium Atesultaine. Sodium Benzoate food
Extract, C0mmiphora Mytrha oil. Sodium Alkyi Sulfate,
grade), Potassium Softate (lood grade), Aroma. Chlorophyllin-Cbpper C6mplex, Potassium Aiesulfame,
Sodium Benzoate. Warning: This product contains
Koala Pals@ Fluoride T00th Gel Active inoredient; Sodium propolis which can cause severe allergic reactions. Cl6sic
tluoide 0.24% Vw (flu0ride ion 0.1 570 wiv). purpose:
Ailrcavfiy. rnacwe
lnactive tngreotents s0rdit6l (veoetable-
irigredients water, sorbitot Classic Cinnamon lnoredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), 3080
derived), glycerin (vegetable-derived), hydrated silica, Glycerin, Dicalcium Phosphate, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol,
xanthan gum
0um (veqetable-derived),
(vegelable-derived), xvlitol tveoetabte-
xylit0l-(vegetable- y€nthan Gum. Melaleuca Alternilolia fTea Tree) Leaf
derived), citric acid (naturaltv deiivrid), ndturit temon 0il. Poloxamer 407, Xylitol, Papain, Piopolis Eitract,
orange flavor enrads,
and oranoe
an0 exiracts, ltavor,
fiavor. acesullame
acdsultame Dotass
ootassium, Commiphora Mytrha oil, Potassium Acesulfame,
benzoate (t00d
sodium Denzoate
s00rum grade), potassium sorbate (food
(tood orade), Cool Mint
Cinnamomum Cassia Leaf 0il. Sodium Alkyl Sulfate.
grade), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium lauroyl with Fluoride
Sodium Benzoate. Warnino: This product cbntains
sarc0sinate. propolis which can cause severe allergic reactions. 5780
A Breath Of Fresh Air )Fffi85, {+tgt#x
Get a cleaner, healthier mouth and fresher {Fffi E6f; €'FI8!F6,fR€F ffi Etffi €E
breath with dental products designed to keep ".A,
)9. . *ft*i*6ffi
ffiffi& 8!DBf !zJ<E
mouths happy. Supercharged with T4O-C3@
Melaleuca Oil, propolis and myrrh, alcohol-
eT40-c3#&tffitf;. Ffri. e*nFnu, E#
free Breath Away Mouth Rinse helps clean $:lrJREEfr ffi.&.76R . t€{*2ru n H
in between teeth and along the gum line. D0* - 69t4tif0E+86. =F8!
And it's available in two energizing flavors
- cinnamon and fresh minr.

Brgath-Away Mouth Rinse nsmt(i;!.,,1|

S$14.00 (S$B.9Opc 3pts)
RM25.00 (RM1 9.00pc 3pts)
5781 Classic Cinnamon Hfi&
5782 Fresh Mint !*Bffi

Pt:gE-f*rfy.Mouth Rinse Concentratet 237m1 (makes 473mU g;) *

S$14.60 (S$9.90pc 3pts) Breath-Away lvlouth Rinse Classic Cinnamon lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). Sorbitol. Glycerin. Aroma,
3081 Classic Cinnamon E*6ts lvlelaleucaAlternifolia (TeaTree) Leaf 0il. Zinc Lactate. Prop0lis Extract, commiphora lvltrrha 0il. cetylpyridinium
Chloride, Xylitol, Carmine, Polysorbate 20. PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor 0il. PdtassiumAcesulfame,-Poloxamer
3082 Fresh Mint lfffi6 407. Sodrum Citrate. Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodtum Benzoate.

Breath-Away Mouth Rinse Fresh Lii;nt lnqredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). Sorbitol, Gjvcerin. PEG-40 Hvdrooenated
Castor 0il, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Eenzoate, Aroma, Polvsorbate 20. Melakiuca Alternifolia tTea Tieet Leaf
0il. Zrnc Lactate. Propolis Extract, Commiphora Myrrha 0il, Cetytpyridinium Chloride, Xvlitol, Chlciroohvllin'-
Co00er Comolex, S0dium Citrate, Potassium Acesulfame. Poloiamer 407. Citnc Acid.

:iar.:.'t:1:::ri1ri.::{ra:!aa:31iiij11:11fLagtf1flsifl14:{4litr+i18.+i#!rrr=:::r ffi

... 0rissle
: :a: *-;-*.1,' g{:' Lean, Mean, Teeth-cleaning
1r('n$,'!. l ?:j,
'4.:,?,. Melaleuca toothbrushes are designed to give your teeth
.::::= a superior cleaning. The Koala Pals Character Toothbrushes
,:,:i,.#ili:: are the perfect size for little hands and mouths, allowing
your kinds to reach all the tough angles and tlouble spots.
Floss for All Aduits will love the dual brjstle design and square hole
technology of th e Melaleuca Toothbruih, whictr, enables the
Flossing, though often overlooked, is one of the most
important steps for delivering lasting freshness and a brush to reach deeply between teeth and along the gum
real deep-down clean. That's why Melaleuca offers Classic line for a deep clean without any discomfort.
Dental Floss and Koala Pals Flossers. Both feature waxed'floss
that glides easily between teeth, removing particles and Effi69rR, €6g3*f
piaque. Chiidren love the bright colors and fun characters X/fi ffi d'ft {F8! XfrXX ffiilH k g,*EfB,ft 0!HF . HF*B

of the Koala Pals Flossers, whiie adults enjoy the fresh, clean % ftiJE )lWEUrd, *!rnf fll HEmipii, it* 6 jAGXE
cinnamon and mint flavors of Classic Dental Floss.
!!ts)9 " tFI iAitS!*ft a€6zfith6ffi rrEftl€i*it
siEn*6!r6Fs, #il e#umEr*ffi ffifiY',fl1f*fi , E U+4+/ {SAtffi +tBrr, tti$f, f[t&;+
li.H*uhH&'ttfi&re,W, .{Et0 E;REts6EEeB!-tt w%4.
9* " ixf;f; t ft a6fr :Efrnek&HERHU ui*liH E . *,fi a€'
Melaleuca 4-Pack Toothbrusht
WV L&HEFE A tfrF.fA7 ffi , )B [*F{* 6! € rya&F.na7,A te] f"*&*fr*,8&Tfi{-4i#
frI " ]2H =EFFCHXZTd!4 +8ffi8, MFT EiE'+= EH 7440 S$21.00 (S$14.20pc 3pts)-
+!0t- EgA+E+oE+Hffi"
Koata Pals@ Character A
Glassic Dental Floss so. * Toothbrusht |

S$11 .70 (S$7.90pc 2pts)
4950 5$6.20 (S$4.20oc rotsr
RM20.00 (RMl 5.00pc 2pts)
3085 Classic Cinnamon H6&
3086 Fresh Mint t*#ffi ftb
Koala Palso Flosserst
pack of 10
4909 5$6.20 (S$4.20pc lpts)
Healthy Kids Have More Fun
Better Nutrition For Endless Energy Koala Pals* Children's Multivitamin Supplementt
20 chewables
Koala Pals Multiuitamin Supplement with a delicious new
cherryr flavor give growing bodies more of what they need

FFRE€a'E.fUft 12OFEI#h
t*'@ |
for better nutrition and energy. 499 S$44.00 (S$28.90pc Tpts)

. The minerals in other top-selling suppiements crystallize

during digestion, which inhibits absorption Supplement Facls
Servino Size 2 Tablets
. The human body was made to absorb vitamins and Servings Per Container 60
minerals from natural foods like fruits and vegetables % lor
. The minerals in plants are bound to proteins and fibers- Per 2 Tablels
or Morc Yea6 ol

making them easier for our bodies to absorb Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 2500 lu 100% 50%
. Oligofructose ComplexrM prebinds minerals to proteins Vitamin C {as sodium ascorbate) 80mg 209"k 135%
and oligofructose fibers to mirror how they exist in plants Vitamin D (as ch0lecalciferol) 200 lU 50% 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl
and foods succinate) 1 5lU 150% 50%
Thiamin (as thiamin HCI) 0.7 mg 100% 450k
No other mineral form is more available for absorption Riboliavin 0.8m9 100% 50%
than Melaleuca's Oligqftuctose Complex! Niacin (as niacinamide) 9mg 100% 45%
Vjiamin 86 (as pyrid0xine HCI) 1.05m9 150% 55%
Folate (as folic acid) 200 mcg 100% 50%
fiffi€t+resrEpRrEt Vitamin B1 2 (as cyanocobalamin) 3 mcg 100% 50%

66fr H€ ! 0t s.! HF H e €6 C&.tdoilFnK + 6! r, E lFnE.{tr

Biotin (as d-biotin) 30 mcg 20"k 10"k
Pantothenic Acid {as calcium pantothenate) 5 mg 100% s0%
ffig!H#.&)Er. Calcium {as calcium AAoC+, calcium carbonate,
dicalcium phospnate. calciun citrate. calcium
. H E fr fi4+t R fr + Slf ryzFEtH.{.tiJfE + e?fi cgE.lN, iE giuconate) B0 mg 1 07" 8k
lron (as iron AAoC+) 5 mS 50% 30%
u&9{60&t+I lodine (as iodine AA0C+) 70 mcg 00% 45%
. ,\{6H'ltaEEi5iJxfl\e t&tt

ffi !0 :J<R&ffi *XEIFf ffi lvlagnesium (as magnesium AA0Cf. nagnes'um

oxide, maqnesium lactate, maonesium
E.ffMffi citrate) 40 mg 20% 10%
. EW +iltfl VlrE Zinc (as zinc AAoC+) 4 mg
-58 E ffi & tT LETAA
. it .l4E6E!&r+! Copper {as copper AAoC*) 0.5 mq
l\4anganese (as manganese AAoC+) 0.5m9
t t
; gg&TFffi E6'NAgil+2ffi E6EE E E+ORHffi
Chromium (as chromium AA0C+) 10 mcg t t
CT ivlolybdenum (as m0lybdenum AA0C+) 10 mcg f t
cs+ ; {HtE€ 1]&tal/)&e1tt)iltrt#
tDaily Value not established.
+AAOC tamino acid 0l'golructose c0mple\)
E€ H Efr VZffi il7fi tL-,fi AEEEERH*E}iA *:RF6. A
0lher ingred'ents: Fr uctose, naqnesium stearate, naturat chetrv flavor. 0uar 0um.
&n&ry1 chric acid. cheny juice powder malic acid. beettuice powder silic0n dioxide:

t Coming s00n t0 Malaysia. E0;14€!ifiB*tr jtrl&tr "

50 FoF yQun Bany MELALEUCA.ooM

No More Bath Time Battles
Bath time cries will tum into squeals of delight with foala il
PaIs Tear-Free Body Wash and Conditionin g Tear-Free Hair
Wash. These gentle formulas wash away dirt and germs
while naturally pampering your little ones' skin and as
scalp with botanicals like oats, coconut, fruit extracts,
and vitamin E. And \rrith no harsh chemicals to sting
their eyes, children let their imaginations ioose-
splashing, swimming, and laughing with glee.


fs. ;Eff EeFff ilfift)?)5ft&1ts6, xf^Ftr#)t0ffi

€. zj<Rffi # . &LEs,AEnnJtfEHrrfiIElpB*f0*
8.. fiEIE4L+F'6}, TAfrIJffiE=B,IERIE. )A)6
B'lffi/rfi +83* teffleh - ffi SzXft, {E'lUil?tt(,
Koala Pals@ Tear-Free Body Wash szsmt-
4914 S$15.00 (S$10.20pc 4pts)
4914 RM25.00 (RM19.00pc 4pts)
Koala Pals@ Tear-Free Conditioning Hair Wash 325mL
4913 S$15.00 (S$10.20pc 4pts)
4913 RM25.00 (RM19.00pc 4pts)
K0ala Palsi TearFree Body Wash lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, C0camidopropyl
Betaine, PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, PEG-150 Distearate, Benzyl Alc0h0l,
Parfum, P0lyquaternium-10, Tetrasodium EDTA, Citric Acid, Ai0e Barbadensis Leaf Juice, d-T0c0pheryl
Acetate (Natural Vitamrn E), Avena Sativa (oat) Extract. Burylene Glycol, Cham0milia Recutta (Cham0mile)
Leal Extract. Camellia 0leifera (Green Teat Leaf Extract. Amylcinnamyl Alcohol. Benzyt Salicylate, Butytphenyi
lvlethylpropional. Hexyl Cinnamal. Linal00l.

KoalaPals leatsFreeC0nditi0ningHairWashlngredrents:Aqua(WaterEau),SodiumTndecethSuliate.
Cocamidopropyl Betaine. PEG-80 S0rbitdn Laurate, Dis0dium C0c0amphooiacetate, PEG-1 50 Drstearate,
Benzyl Alcoh0l. Parlum. P0lyquaternium-10, Cilric Acid, Tetras0dium tDTA, Panlhenol Avena Satva t0at)
Extract. d-Iocopheryl Acetate (Natural Vilamrn E). Butylene Glycol. Chamomrtla Becutita iClamomilet Leal
Extract, Camellia 0lelfera (Green Tea) Leal Exlraci, Amilcinnariyl Alc0h0l, Benzyl Salicylaie, Butylphehyi
l\4ethylpr0pi0nal. Hexyl Cinnamai, Lrnaroor.

Make Hand Washing Fun With

Koala Pals
Tlansform hand washing from a boring chore to a
fun activity with Koala Pals HandWash. The bright,
fruity scent and bubbly foam entertain kids
while washing away dirt, grime and germs.
Vitamin E, aloe and green tea extract nourish
small hands with every wash.

il* FARStft f iE;eEEXZ0*6!)t+, A
€if=m€.ffi " iE axasix6{+Ffrt*)9
fr6' frffi+Ft$tE?@r$fE,YFA. ;HX
ffi6 " EztbLE+AE. ?5ry-finR#4[twrE. !;
Koala Pals@ Hand Wash
4911 S$15.50 (S$10.50pc 3pls) zszmt-with pumpWtrL*
4911 RM25.00 (RM19.00pc 3plsl 237mL-with pumpiltrt,*
4912 S$25.00 (S$16.90pc 6pts) 444mL- retiu +!fr.4e
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), S0dium Trideceth Sulfate. Disodium C0c0amphodiacetate, pEG-80 Sorbiian
Laurate. Benzyl Alcohol. Parfum. Citric Acid, P0lyquaterntum-10, Tetrasodiu'ir EDTA, Butvlene Glycol, Fraqaria
Chiloensrs (Slrawbetrv) Fruit Extract, Bubus ldaeus rRasDberrv) Fruit Extract. l\4orus Alba rMulbdtrv) FruiI
Extract, Vilis Vinilera [GraDe) Fruit Extract. Aloe Barb;densis Ll]al Juice. oatmido0r0DVlbetaine. d-lfocoohervl
Acetate (Natural Vitamin t), Cham0milla Recutita (Chamomilel Leal Extract Camellia titeifera lGreen Teal Leil
Extract. Limonene
Anliperspirant & ; The PerfectTools ForA An Invigorating Wake-up Call
5400 , Smooth Finish Kick-start your day with the bold scent of
Alloy Shaue Gel delivers the ultimate shdVe Alloy Body Wash and Alloy Bath Bar. Natural
with an ultra-*rink lather that prevents cleansers eliminate dirt and oils while
nicks while deliveringvitamins to forti$ botanicals moisturize skin, so you're refreshed
skin. Invigorating AIIoy A,fter Shaue cools and and ready for whatever comes.
moisturizes skin with a trio of conditioners
for the most comfortable shave ever.
@E FtfilBjE}ffr
: itrq+HXSfri4€r{€ g t;Effi 6e ru Jft t6i*
&tr**ntrfl{* ,96!fltrffi , tE{*+gBltEMHsGts,F8! B rf
A E$HEllffim6gPX.ftSA.
Eiq. SrcE&ffi, :=
qs*,Ellffi Ef!+iE;FiE +BH!
F{^tiflftffifi#, s€f0RF,
flrtBr' " 612 "
EX, sffi6tlffi0!+iHtr, Hrs#)!fltrffi, it Alloy@ Body Wash 2tomL
'l'11 EllffiTFTT-ru=gE" gt€*,tffi
#' Allof Shave Gel leas 5457 S$13.60 (S$9.20pc 3pts)
f gt€fr{ff& 5457 RM39.00 (RM29.00pc 4pts)

5456 S$13.10 (S$8.90pc 3pts) Alloy@ Bath Bar
s{58 5456 RM29.00 (RM21.00pc 3pts) 4€E*;EffiFe
AlloyoAfterShave 6sml il55 5$8.00 (S$5.20pc 2pts)
at€fiEF 6455 RM15.00 (RM11.50pc 2pts)
5459 5$14.60 (S$9.90pc 3pts) Alloy@ Body Wash lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), Sodium Cl4-16
Olefin Suffonate, CocamidoproDvl Betaine, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate.
5459 RM30.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts) Sodium Mehyl-z Suffolaurate. Disodium 2-Sulfolaurate, PEG-7
Glyceryl Coc0ate. Glycerin, Parfum, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot)
Alloy@ Shave Gel lngr€dients: Aqua (Water/Eaul, Palmitic Acid,
Kernel oil, Canola oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Saccharide lsomerate,
Triefi anolamine, Sorbitol. Pmpgene Glycol lsosiearale, lsopenlane,
Citrus Grandis (GBpetruit) Seed Extract, PECy'PPG-18/18 Dimethicone,
lsobutane, Myristamine oxide, Pm0ane, Aloe barbadensis Leaf Juice.
Polyquaternium 1 0 (Starch-Derived), Copper Gluconate, Potassium
Tocopheryl Acebte. Pan$enol, Camellia sinensis Extract, Simmondsia
Sorbate. Tetrdsodium EDTA, Sodium Chloride, PEcl50 Distearate, Citric
chinensis (Joioba) Seed oil, Prunus armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel oil,
Acid, Phenoxyefianol, Mehylparaben, Pmpylpamben, Butylparaben,
Helianhus annuus (Sunflower) Seed oil. Hydrolyzed Soi Pmtein,
Ethylparaben, lsobWlparaben.
Menhol, Cinnamomum cassid Bark Exfacl Zin6iber oflicinale (Ginoerl
Root E)dact. Lauryl Alcohol, PEG-14M, Hydmxiethytceilutose, br.rtfteie
Glycol, Partum.

Atloy@ After Shave lngredienb: Aqua (Water/Eau), Cyctooentasiloxane.

Dime$icone. Glycerin; Glyceryl Stiarate, PEG-100 Siearjte, Cetyl
Coot fU"".uline Confidence
Alcihol, Stearic Acid, Partum, Phenoryehanol, Xylitol, Anhydmtlitot,
y,yluglucoside, Sodium Cocoyl Amino Acids, Saicosine, Pohssium
Keep cool witlr Alloy Antiperspirant & Deodorant.
Aspartate, Magnesium AspartatB, BwrosDermum Parkii (Shea Bute0.
This advanced formula provides long-Iasting
Theobroma Cacao (C0c0a) Seed Buter M-anoitera lndica iManoo) Sebd protection against embarrassing odor and
qutbr, mssium Sbrbab, Xanfian Guh, Trisr-odium Etrflehedii'mine
Disuccinate, Tri€fianolamine, Niacinamide, Amylodexfin, Calcium
wetness. You get maximum performance
?antotE!4. M4oqr4ililr, Sodium Ascorbyl Ph0sphate, Tocopheryl
Acetab. Pyddoxin€ HCl, Silha.
- when you need it most.
Passion In A Bottle ltlHrt;TSEF F'EKN ERt+ffi T)EX, eEcE
The fusion of sandalwood, oakmoss, rich RSSIEHSED, $&A]+t*Dfi]+-E e[
musk and spicy citrus is a classic scent of
masculinity and charisma that every man EFO*.
(and his woman) appreciates. Alloy's subde Alloy@ Antiperspirant & Deodorant ozs
Afre. ShaE
yet distinct scent is the ultimate accessory at 4€rfftEF
work and at play. s400 S$14.60 (S$9.90pc 3pts) i
ETiiIFS6F il00 RM30.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts)
6^, Etr, ffi6il+H'ffi6!il6rb i
RFE Stnffitt$X/\6!€t*, E
Alloyo Cologne 6sml
5458 5$72.00 (S$48.90pc 12pts)
5458 RM160.00 (RM119.00pc 12pts)
hgredients: SD Alcoh0l 40-8, Parfum, Aqua {Web?tau). Glycerin.

52 FeRYounBoDy MELALEUcA.coM
1\{EDIC ifi ";XNEr
Safe. Effective. Affordable. That's the Melaleuca Medicine
Cabinet guarantee. Tlust Melaleuca to'stock your cabinet with
pain relief ointments, dry skin therapies and acne defense
system. These unique formulas blend the best of science and
nature - and most include the natural power of Melaleuca Oil.
With Melaleuca Medicine Cabinet, you get wellness at a price
that's a comfort too!

A+. €'FI. gefiqffi. i*E.,Sa*ffillt6iffitt:&i#. tE{=.

fr^' itlg,*.+ ftuE.,ft A8!t,HhE . T4+flftffi )e]t3 . +*Effi
tPAFtJUtFfr " r$*SEaE'fr'164f{}ifn e f,{+nffi +ffi €6 - g
'+eeX#fi HgBl#,trffi )fi " € 3*,fi R*ffir|tfrffi, # tgM
Heals Betrer. Feels Better."
And There When You Need It.
Vfi+FfrlffiEff 'lE, E^.il'&4rffi .F. "

Heals Better. Feels Better.rM EEBIEA. FES0IIDE

736-C5 Melaleucc Oil - wonderfuliy suited for T3 6-c 5Hfi f +Fl$ {hB Etrlfi , ltf\lfrgrw&ffi
treating minor cuts and scrapes. MelaGeI
- perfect for soothing and moisturizing skin.
l+" HffiE'fiV,Effi - H"r{ffi t&Bjlffi ,& tg, #
Used together, these two beioved Meialeuca w*)v-+r " E itE f *,54 s; &F F,wa ttm
originals do more tc provide soothing, healing W . E *7\4ftrt ft 5 ftLYgr1Jxtrt$tFt[,
reliefthan either could alone.

SIE$T, Melaleuca Oil Penetrates and g&, .fiiR#fifffi sqnEpi[efr#

Deeply Soothes pffi
When you apply T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil to a E'f; fl T36-c5;€,fi AHfif ffi tS )* G[fr DEt, E,
wound, it does more than just calm and
T{E6**tu&frflEffi *6 . t,SAHfif ffi tf; €
soothe on the skin's surface. Melaleuca OiI
peneuates to the source ofthe hurt, bringing EI&iE'tE{t tr, Htrffi ;S$!)6)3rrfi -)HE
ali of its heaiing capabilities - antiseptic, +6.31&1fiJ. iX)E0eW. E*tlFI,t$. &x
soothing, penetrating, non-caustic, and fl\Bflj-€ilf#ff{5le6"
solvent * to help the wound heal.

TSISN Melagel Seals, Nourishes, and if .?lizJ<f)

Moisturizes #B!refr WEffiE 6 T3 6-c 5 *,5 *#fi f ffi ;S .
Made with T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil, cocoa butter, qEtE. X#€ffi. f0drEffitri6Er0t3f+E
natural beeswax, and wheat germ oil, plus
three powerful vitamins to nourish tJre skin,
MelaGel gently coats the skin without running
F.E-ffi], Mrfi,Ffrt"F.. E€.fITUE*ffi ffi
or evaporating. It seals the Melaleuca Oil to ftE{fi tr
ifi fiftzj<f}. +l'f.tBltffi .'{FH
the wound, locks in moisture, and begins to ^#8 ZiF'Ffg E H*)E * 8!dr,€
soften the skin. Use MeIaGeI to care for your Et)rlBffi. Bffi, #ffiB'fifr. #ffirft$.
everyday injuries like scrapes and abrasions, ^,,
minor cuts, minor bums, insect bites and

T36-C5@ Brand Melaleuca Oil I

199 5$27.00 (S$17.90pc 6pts) 3onl
3650 S$15.00 (S$10.20pc 4pls) lsmL
3650 RM33.00 (RM24.00pc 4pts) Tsrnl

T40-C3@ Brand Melaleuca Oil s.smL I

2164 5$40.00 (S$26.90pc 12pts)
2164 RM85.00 (RM64.00pc 12pts)

MelaGel@ Topical Gel ttg

3847 S$14.60 (S$9.90pc4pts)
3847 RM30.00 (RM22.00pc 4pts)

T36-C5 oil lngredients: 100% pure, natural oit 0t Melaleuca alternilolia.

Found to contain at least 36",4 terpinen-4-ot and n0 greater than b%
T40-C3 oil lngredients: 100% pure, natural oil 0f Melateuca alternilolia.
FoundJ0 cofiain at least 40% terpinen 4-ol and no greater than 3%

MelaGel lngredients: T36-C5 Melaleuca oil, wheat germ oil, c0coa butter,
petrolafum & synthetic wax, beeswax, oz0kerite, t0copheryl acetate
E), relinyl palmitate (vitamin A) & chotecatciferd (vitamin D3)

Exclusive Quality
Terpinen"4-ol and cineole are
keys to the quality of Melaleuca
Oil. Terpinen-4-oi is linked to the
antiseptic properties of Melaleuca oil.
Cineole helps the oil penetrate, but
high levels can reduce the amount
of other germ-killing compounds,
and may irritate sensitive skin. The
Intemational Standards Organization
(lSO) has determined that oil of
Meialeuca altemifolia. mtpt contain
more than 30% terpinen-4-oi and
iess than 15% cineole. Melaieuca's
standards are even higher - at
least 36% terpinen-4-o1 (hence the
"T36") and no more than 5% cineole
(represented as "C5"). These levels
deliver infection-fi ghting power
while minimizing the likelihood of

fr,Zl# a - t
0ftl&lsil 6j E ft AFfi f {E ;6
6!ieFA " * Zffi a-ol'ftft FflJ{E;6

iEr, {EeEiJHFfr *tE rf )tr{ffi +X

HEfrffiTlVJEE, E Eiltl,if A*IFIEI
,ilfltfl*. Ep,ntal)cE (s0) ftllES#t$f
ffi ;fi 8! ffi ffi tE in h *Zt# a - IW,,AH
T30%, m&ffigfntjffiT15%. ft.,5
a, ft,fir8lxlfifH;sffiffifila - *z
ffia-ol€EE4t36% (l'i{fiT36), m&
fifEfeE4iEiJ5%(l6f,I0s) . - *
#ffi +E;6fr 6XIRQ=, Ertffi
f0zifttlBl. 'trB

Terpinen-4-ol = Antiseptic Power
#Zffia-d = fr6fi6€
The higher the percentage of
the more antiseptic power.

Cineole = Penetrating Power

&6& &Eh
The iower the percentage of cineole,
the stronger the penetrating power.
&ffiEfeE4ru1ffi, ;AiErru3q.
Before Use trHzti
After Use ftH2E
During a ciinical study on Renew's "Wilh two yoL.rng chiltJre n, I'm constantly
abiliry a pool of study candidates w:shtrtg rrry hancls. As a re..cirli. my
who showed significant signs
of eczema was seiected. Prior l<nur,kle s crack and blccd. l..lot ;lrvnroTe
to the use ofReneur, clinicians thinks to Rrnew. i v,,ish I woirid lrave
photographed untreated skin. After
kncwn ll,rcrut Reneu' soonerl Thank you
14 days of using Reneu;, skin was
again photogaphed to measure so i-rrrrcir lorthis amlzing prndL.icti"
improvement after use. TINA WALTERSHIED
Texas LJS
E-a r6 ft ifr C0&6EL*B,l[ir'{E 8!
rrfi +, -8+E€'FE;ft Dile "S#*H:t4't'*, Ff Uft?Sg'ffi **
uti&bifrm#. G.ffHEt, il6ft,^.F
^W. s. #R, *Hitss-ta{&s{e+##.8
+6 lHf )br3Ht6!EEt " Gt+&.{f H ss#fr. {FHffitsH[ffi&8,8, i**E
14X8, ll6ft,^.fi !.}H}Ff )S)?EB'! IRF*'H * T HSgFgF,€i/.iRj*f
" F
&ffi, r)t.{tl}ftm. ffi ri*{iqfj*i$ffiHlFffi r "
Experience the
of a Life with--Renew
it ff H EILF* SI E E rBft R{ iE* Ht f*ftH
Enjoy rh8 nelief That Only Reneur Can provide
Dry skin can irrit:te you, embarrass you, ind control you. Discover
calmrng peace of Renew Intensiue Skin TheruW. In Renew, your skin has
everything it needs to become softer, smoother and beiter hydrated- and
stay that way. Reneru is clinically proven to leave even sever6ly dry
softer, smoother and heaithier injust 24 hours.

+FHffi d!ffrffi eft ,f; ffi 3llmffi . EJI^. EEtsfflJtgB!1la EIEIMiS,

:Xffi €F . 6trfi .tril,

trtriltffifrEHEtli/S0lr1,tr" Fltrflftffitref€E mffiS€*+ . ]tiF,
ElilF,tffi &E HEG24d r sil fr I0 ffi flttffi B!RzJ<E&*
cuilrc&tY mowN umrum orbt{
tl@&kMd€v*eks ffitr"
Bdiidsb-i€Me &&ig$*! W
ne ur
:i frsrv[ 5{N 1r! MPV
L6yesffitu&ktu Renewn Intensive Skin Therapy Renewil Foaming Hand Wash
&B[nftfrE 237mL
ggqq 5$22.00 (S$14.90pc Tpts) 2s7mL EftJI+I&
99gq 8y50,00 (RM36.00pc Tpts) 2s7mL 3700 RM40.00 (RM30.00pc 4pts)
8887 S$17.00 (S$11.50pi spts) somr_
(onty available in Malaysia. &Fc-n&€
- tial size pack of 6 *E#H:F s*Eiilsa#€"
lpts) 30mt )
of 2ffiiffi#*
t FL 0z (237 Et)

Pump for 237mL

6317 S$1.00 (S$1.00pc 0pts)
6317 RM2.50 (RM2.50pc 0pts)

Lngredientsi Deionized Water, Glycerin USepetolatum.Use Distearyldimonium Chloride, lsopmpyl pa|mitate, Cetvl
Alcohol, Dimethicone, Allantoin,-T36-cs@'r\4eiaieuCa oir, rienzvintiollilji, '"',

Glycerin Allantoin T36-C5

Reneu;'s natural glycerin Renew Intensiue Skin
is from the exotic palm Melaleuca Oil
Therapy also contains
kemel and palm oils. It with its
allantoin - which is naturally
helps to increase your derived from the herb
skin's natural protection j soothing and
comfrey. For centuries, I
penetrating properties,
against moisture loss and attncts just
the right amount of water to vour skin
I the comfrey root and leaves I T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil helps
, were used as a wound-healing
celis so they stayproperlyhydrated. : medicine. The allantoin in Ren-er.u '
soothe away dry itchy
Plus, rather than just sittine on top of ' promotes skin cell regeneration I

your skin (which can lead t6 clogged I

by helping pull moisture deep into I *.{F.*T36-Cs*fi|ilS
pores), Renew's glycerin softens
f6ur I your skin and forming a protective xtA€r4E{0xEE DII, it
it breathe.
skin while letting I shield against moisture loss. I*ffi
R*t r &ffi+F. N*FtrffiilffiST
tr,uflnffi&E^trCEtTCctFAIRF I iEfi*t"
&ffitF}$. €ql€HfliffiErdffiFHEr, )H r
*" ECt$&tortsffi I

Dzj<flIfi*, #ij!ftEi:l<f), Eatfltffifi | 'l,au4u*,

T)6'?{5tr. tr,$frrrffir{E^6lm** I

i{.gfl.,€idEBjtffi*E (BS€ |
EU{Eit4flEEE, !flttffi)REffiiX:l< I

3LEE) , fltrBflffi&e6lH)$itflrlffitrtE I
fiJ, fttdtRPtrWLbj<f);h*" I

ry0&, ffir61f;JtH*m6!*ffift90. I
ila@ d.diia*i':
The t_.rl

' ttiEi&


Complete Daily Acne Defense '"Prevent Future Breakouts

To enjoy clear skin all year round- give it daily cleansing, Zap-it!Acne Treatment Cream creates a transparent
toning and protection from oil buildup. The Zap-itl oil-absorbing layer on your skin, using timed-release
Cornplete 4-step acne defense system, with its unique technology to prevent future breakouts with the
combination of acne-fighting saiiryIic acid and skin- most naturally derived salicylic acid allowed.
scothing Melaieuca Oil, keeps your skin clear and calm,
day after day. FfrILEfr.
zap -it*bffil/,A*ig ffi i.Zffi f +ilFtfi# It ffi S rFn F t
E6rffiEAE ED fl

*4.& ,;$1ffiitFglgttffi - €XSE,F, tllffi€3t, +Fl -ffi H f,*f!{RfFFFH' #{tH uj<ffi&Fib}fi JLWW&,
zap-itr€€E)AB fr*, r*HilE lffiXxR'+iBffi 4fi .
i*, ')ig'.Fla3ffiffirlr#*!:l<68&*!€n€ilHg8!*11tffi Zap-itlo Acne Treatmeni Cream 3omL '1,

2850 $15.00 (S$10.20pc 4pts)
Vv Iust Follow These 4 Daily Steps 2850 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 4pts)
R*1Eil*+SSF Active inoredient: Salicvlic acid 2.0%. Pumose: Antiacne

' lnactive i;gredients: ceiearyl alcohol and pblysorbate 60, cetyl alcohol. glyceryl
j{gIL Cleanse and Purify Skin stearate and PEG 1 00 stearate, hydroxypropvl beta cyclodextrin, T36-C5o
[/elaleuca Oil, ocUI pahitate, polyglyceryl-3 methyl glucose distearate, $eareth-
2, stearetn"21. stearic acid, triethanolamine, waler
| | Zap-it! FacialWash gentiy cleanses your skin of oil, dirt, step
| | blackheads and dead skin cells, leaving it pure and
rejuvenated. Treat Blemish On The Spot
- ffi'€F.{t&S* Glide on Zap-it! Quickstick for fast on-the-go spot
zap-itl)€F)fiE$L6tr*m$'fr . ;=t6. ffi*fE€.{Nffi
ffi, ErflE.,?tfigb5flrut. nFstgtr
)f; tZap'it!)bE&Eiffi ffi HERiEiUiglSE=E "
Zap-itl@ Facial Wash tzzmr-
Zap-itlo Quick Stick a.smt-
2851 S$15.00 (S$10,20pc 4pts)
2851 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 4pts) 2853 S$17.00
'6F&FJEE (S$'11 .50pc 4pis)
Active ingredient: Salicyllc acid 0.59". Purpose: Antiacne 2853 RM33.00 (RM24.00pc 4pts)
lnactive ingredients: butylene glycol, disodium c0camphodiacetale, tragrance, T36-
C5 brand Melaleuca 0il, phosphoric acid. s0dium C14-16 otefin sulfonate, sodium Active ingredientr Salicylic acid 2.0%. Purpose; Antiacne
chloride, water lnactive ingredients: butylene glycol. hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin, tragrance,
T36-C5 N4elaleuca oil, menth0l. SD alc0hol 408. water. witch hazel

tr Deep Clean and Tighten Pores

Zap-it! Deep-Cleansing Astringent goes deep down into
your pores and cleans away irritating oil, bacteria and
Salicylic Acid
Derived from natural wintergreen
leaves, Zap-itl's salicylic acid
encourages the peeling of the top
other debris.
layer of skin (exfoliation) and the
opening ofplugged follicles - helping reestablish
your normal skin-cell replacement cycle. For
zap-it!)€lHi*E)€)Srfi fi zj<HEHAfl,lifr , tfl,ffi )Hhffr 6 milder acne, salirylic acid helps unclog pores to
)s)fi. @6f0ft9+r" resolve and prevent lesions. To be most effective,
salicylic acid must be used continuously.
Zap-itt@ Deep-Cleaning Astringentt zszmr-
ifiEmE,fiEr&trrk /(lUE&
2852 S$1 7.00 (S$11 .50pc 4pts) &mX#6!<EtN'0tSEI, zap-itlEEE;6}3AtUe€e
Active inoredient: Salicylic acid 0,5%. Pur0ose: Antiacne B!:i<l%€Efi 4 X€II*F,f;&ffi ZIE JCffi 6!ft ffi E, &=€
lnactivs ingredientsi butylene glycol, lragrance, T36-C5 brand l\4elaleuca 0il,
menthol, 00loxamer 407, SD alcohol 408, water witch hazel sLFE&6\lEYt -'fEi.tfr &4flE4*if Eftf " ff T+31tr6!E
6F, :i<ffit6Q4€ll)8ffi6[8, FD]I€3LFHA. Etr]+
lfrffitKtfr&W' l{*ZAEg.
.* -'\{i i.


!!l :f,*.li,l
i:.: ;
Enjoy The Sun And
*,,''*MWPtotect Your Skin
' ffiW amitfiHn, .EItfiEFi
Most sunscreen lotions protect only against the I-MB rays. 8! Ft sE g'f Rl€'f*ffi ff il uvB X rl'Lkgr Ee . tB EiEiEZ\
;t F tr
This is not enough - the reai cuiprit is the UVA rays. Even @8! - EEfi EffiigFI{E=6lEUVAX' E .EFE)t9,R
at low-level exposures, UVA light breaks down collagen
which causes wrinkles and melanin formation. Melaleuca EtAUlRlfr * E UvAfl#rl'1rl&AfrfnffiF,E E )h*. 4
Sun Shades SunscreenLotion comes with UV protector SPF uP E, &*ea)nif . .,sa*+I{ffi fl65Leptr6Fr#}spF
50+ PA++, which helps to protect your skin from both 50+ PA+ +, HgEEi'fr@*E UVA. UVB*rl.CigliA€ " gttH
harmful LIVA rays & buming UVB rays, whiie the natural {RtftEeD, ffi1Effi)i41eh' AMPfrrLF.ffiZIl,. r}ttf' \+N.
blend ofbotanical extracts nourishes and moisturizes your
ffi s6 sL{F15fE9iqitFlF'gpiEg}f; ffi "
skin against premature aging. What's more, the specially
designed bottle fits conveniently into your bag!
KeSr fngre*ien?s & &*nefits
. tE+D.tRffiEeF - ffi#+Et. lrtgs
o Contains botanical extracts like green tea, rice bran,
EI. EHFH, R€88!1RE6ED,
E^, &frF+frq.
American persimmon, safflower and seaweed, which
helps moisturize and soothe skin, and smoothen fine
. Ee&ffiLqL#.ffifrA1.l"ftiJ, q€'fipE[Eg! A,t&, *tft,
. Various vitamins and combination of antioxidants to . tBilfi*ig4t++a3, a*rgc,ffixil'tk
help absorb IIV rays and neutralize free radicals , ffiwffiffi*ia, ;Eszi5aBt, 4pcE€31
. Ivlicro-fine zinc oxide that acts like thousands of tiny . Fi)T' FizJ<
mirrors to reflect UV rays
. Silky-smooth, non-greasy formula protects face and skin
evenly without thick, chalky finish that blocks pores Sun Shades Sunscieen Lotion SPF 50+, PA++t6sg
#ilFt[E[PLS pF so+, pA++
. Water and sweat proof 7425 S$34.00 (S$21.90pc Tpts)
Relief wh.rt you Need It Most
Get Back Into Action aqnfril
As much as you're enjoying today's
activities, you know that tomorrow
tr€,f;9xtrffi=E-x6lh,5, {E
those aches and pains are going to
1Af0iE9EXfl[EF'H8il3*{5. t3)H
hit you hard. Good thingyou've got *H.Erf; tf; €t,F*E . EC€'ffi FR
Extr a -Str ength P ain - A-Tr ate on hand. ,F}TR8lEffi . )F)FEiEE. fO€}I
With its pain-numbing camphor, XEtitE6lzl<fZm F EE,Frot)efo
cooling menthoi and deep-soothing 8lT36-c5tFA*fiilHil1 rH*€
methyl salicylate, plus the soothing
touch of 736-CS Melalueca Oil, Extra- Hgit/st&€ffi-b"
Str ength P ain - A -Tr ate wtll have you
back in action in no time. rB*€ffi€uT
Here's how Extra-Strength Pain- A-T?ate . iXiEEE,E4L
helps you stay on the move: . gtgEBt[6. )E+e
. It penetrates fast into sore, tight ,FS
muscles . s&;s)3DHg
. It loosens those muscles and numbs . qHaEffi. fi
. It keeps working for hours
a. EH. ffi#.
ffig8. f;n^r€H.
. It works for shoulder pain, neck
pain, simpie backaches, knee and
leg pain, muscies sprains and even t/ie... fFfxEH
cetfrffiEe^. )Z-5
Remember... for lasting relief and {effiH!ffi{Ah"
comfort day and night, nothing works
better than Extra-Strength Pain- A-Trate.

Extra-Strength Pain-A-Trate@ Creamr agml

184 S$22.00 (S$14.90pc 6pts)

Topical analaesic
Tobical analdesic
Methylsalrcylate Tobicalanaldesic

Inaclive ingJedients acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer. benzyl alc0hol. cetyl alcohol, deionized water, FD&C blue
n0..r- ru&u yellow n0.5. glyceryl m0n0slearate SE. Melaleuca oil (T36-C5@ brand): mehylisothiuolinone, polysorbate 20
sorbilan stearate, stearic acid. triethanolamine

Natural,' Soothing Goush El,{ttt40F0n6iE, ffiF;Fffi

And Sore Throatl,eliei BI0F)fitrFl
Counter Act Cough Drops are made with r[,Fe€ ceilqxfd6lFitrEffi , E
proven, natural menthol to ease sore ffi ,04$Acf0xfi\*80*a, qm)saE
throat pain and ciear nasal passages,
ffi mffi f0Fffi zii6. trrffi €e€'ti4E
plus traditionally beneficial Vitamin
C and natural sweeteners. And only DII6!+,5AT40-C3*1Xf {#S " €-m
CounterAct CoughDrops contain the t rrffi iei$lE{* rF Uttn E ffi ttq & {6}F "
soothing touch of T4O-C3 Melaleuca Oil
Each drop ql:lickly calms a cough and CounterAct@ Gough Dropst 30dropsil,l
soothe! a d!4y, sore throat.
5$6.20 (S$4.20pc lpts)
6608 Honey Lemon 4BFH
6609 Orchard Cherry =gPgg

Cough suppressanl, oral anesthetic

sodium ascorbate, sucrose, T40-C3 brand

suppressant, oral amslheic

vegetable extracts, sodium ascorbate.

Safer for Your Home..,.:,, .r,,,, ".,.

h ffi e. fr fr, 2. €0! *"l-.:.."

Noenvironment is more i*port"# you than

the environment in your own home. You should
feel good about everything your family comes
in contact with. That's why Melaleuca created
EcoSense: a line of home and laundry cleaners
that's designed with non-caustic, super-
concentrated formulas and naturally-derived,
biodegradable in gredients.
EcoSense products make SENSE.
Strong And Effective
Ecologically sensible
Safer for your home
Economical$ sensible
Simply put, they are the better cleaners to have
in your home.

{r f{rUD ffi t LT LE5iLTH&EE . tgfi ffige5-

+ FfrffifF3ljf!,Ui2,ilEtlDfu L' . i*ttE*,fi
*ffi Xffi )E=)E h tU 8! JF B " ffiE n*
H)Erghtlje'6 J arSF ft f0aisFfr , He;E
f04*tlFl. tE)fif€frlmF, u&.exfr . r6E@
#fi nAffi )EE h tlj F ffi d'rn€HY
)fl .
3frffiHil '. ,.
1'6+ B!iH,, +fi ,FnAH )EtSh nl F ffi E*+EEE
Spring-cleaning is a fantastic way to freshen and bring

Spring-Cleaning new life into your home, and it can be remarkabiy

rewarding. Use this handy checklist to make your spring-
cleaning faster, easier, safer and more effective with

for a Healthy Home EcoSense products. But first, get started by doing the

i'rEa@FXfrriE 1..

Make a plan and set priorities
Get the right toois and products
3. Dust and sweep before you wash
4. Set aside items for sale, charity or rerycling
5. Remember to celebrate a job well done

Kitchen lf, Clean and inspect fvihg areas General Cleaning

E Clean inside and outside rnedicine cabineq toss out I Dust and clean bookcases, E Dust everywhere; stafi at
of fridge; vacuum coils expired items cabinets, and their' top ofroorn, move down
(Tough & Tender (Tough & Tender Sol-U- contents (Rustic Touch)
MelaMagic, Sol-U-Guard Guard Botanical 2x*) (Rustic Touch. Tough &
Botanical h*)
f Clean light fixtures
Lf Ctrean toilst inside and out Tender) (Clear Power)
E Clean inside and oertside (Sol- U-G uard Botanical iJ Polish appropriate
2x*, Tub & Tile*) D Clean mirrors, windows,
ofkitchen cabinets and furniture (R u sti c Tou ch) blinds
drawers i3 Clean sink, couni€rs, E Vacuum and spot clean (Clear Power, Tough &
(Tough & Tender,
MelaMagic, Sol-U-Guard
(Tub & Tile*, Tough &
upholstered couches and . Tender)
chairs; launder slipcovers
'Botanical 2x*) Tendet Sol-U-Guard (SoLU-Melt, MelaPower)
I Spct-clean p]aces like
walls,light switches,
fl Clean oven, st&v€, exhaust Botanical 2x*, Clear Power)
I Clean items like pianc, doorknobs
fan,hood (MelaMagic, I Scrub floor compute! stereo, s/all (Sol-U-Melt, Tough &
Sol - U - G uard Botan i cal 2x") (MelaMagic, or Tub & Tile*) hangings Tender)
I Clear: cor-uiters and sink arca E Poiish fixtures (Rustic Touch, Tough &
I Remove stains all over the
(l"ough & Tender Sol-U- (Clear Power) Tender)
Guard Botanical 2x*) il taunder machine- (Sol-U-MeF)
I Scruirlrnap kitctren f]oor Outdoors rrashable items (curtains,
[f Polish chrome ixfi:res
(MelaMagic) E lAlash windos/s outside; tawels. rugs, slipcovers,
(Clear Power)
replace windour screens blankets, tablecloths, other
Bathroom (Clear Power) linens) ! Clean ceiiings and painted
(EcoSense Laundry) walls
E Cleen or install new E ciean out, v,rash, (Tough & Tender)
shower curtain or iiner and organ.ize garage Ll Clean uader beds; donate
(Tub & Tile* or launder with (MelaMagic, Sol-U-Melt) thing$ you never use and I Vacuum everyrwhere
MelaPower) f Cet out. clean, and
organize the rest I Mop and./orbuff wood
[ 6lipe darirn tub andlor repair outdoor fumiture I Vacuum and flip floors
sh*wer (MelaMagic) mattresses I Shampoo carpets and
(Tub & Tile*) wash rugs if needed
f,l Clean and repair
lJ 15-second cleaning after house siding and trim I Clean out and organize
each sholffer (MelaMagic) closels
(No Work)
xFhHEitlf;EAE)B#fi, EttiE, #trElFHH'ffi0!.,lEHtfi
, Er0tUTB!)E+, HEir'f,8lxF&S
)?naffi )EEh4J0lFfr
ftFtr€E'l*. FdE. F*e. F€'U" E'ft, EfrlbzEfie-ffi
UXTTL,fi '
r. iTitilj, E$.l,tftltln,F
z. ,86!3858!IRf0Ffr
s. &.FF-)rE2ffitt+l+latF
flqft*B!. qtEsaffi=8!. etrEEllIttJHE!, ffi-E-E

BE rtgt*&*&gg6#, tf,=H EF rH*€?. Htr. €'S

il Eif,r(ffiH!Fttl'*FfE* ffFessk:&',ryr E ffi*ffnEt*+ffi, ffiFe (IE#tF;*fil. rrBEH
*g (tgJAEEi+"ft1, E+IJE ffids$lrl+ ;fr*il)
(grr€EiF;**il, lElfr' Exn.{gr&ffitH6#Jt (FAAF*#J. *ilBV.E r#i*ffig, #t€!t, arB
6E)EtH#i. E+rH6u'lE f, ffi;E;t+rEI*'!fitl'*ll t*ftl) (=A-*iE7flJt, &rhe?
i&ffitHffifiJ*) (E+2iEFu,l**ffirHff U-ffiHFnHa'& rH*f|l)
tr Ht*ffi tEfnt*ffi fitJ fr ,l"gl] ftt", iaE[€*H;*f|l*) (FAAFJIfiI) tr*R86ffi€'iii$
(grr6ttEt*#1. iRtru' tri*)fi*ffia" tm. +s n &AfcFt*ijtlE, ;,!fr. (=A-*is*tlt)
€EiE;frfitj, E+t)EEu'lE
ffi7 €. 67&.ffiT€ ilffi**Fr*a{+
(;6JF[€*HHfiJ*. (=A-*iEfitjt. iA&F (&*'HHfiJ)
ti,€i*HiF, )tfF. Sf€ '
I,FEE'f;fll. €{'HE Erf*fiJ) t],€ifx{Effifflffis
E. rB,Et* u,fgr&ffi;HEil|*. rEH trrEHfi+. €fi&, *ffiifr (tuf,EiFFfil)
(BEtr]''6EH'*#J. E+' )Et*fiJ) 6. es tr ffi.+&6
)'EExr{FififfirH6fiJ.) n;*Ftl&ffi (FAAH'E*'J. *NJEEE
rHrt. HH!U&
r#t*tr8*ffi+n;ft&k" (3ESIU'BEH;HfiJ. ;6EI rfrfi|J)
n r*i&q!$s
(*],Fg'EEfiI. E{''F €aiFt*#l*) r i*i*+r{+, g'J!ff6ff. € gtc&si
tr *T+1.
6xn.t*r,Rffi;HEEftr trffiH#t$' rlr, {!&. F+, Fafi,
r;Et*ffiElU&. (#ffiE;Hf|J) Hfi. fiEre#
(!Ettr'BEH;5#J) .ff|Hfr.E;ft&MRND
Ffl' trt*ifRJfr. ffis;sHHlM Do not we SoI-U-Gudrd Botanical
#= tr;E;tErl' I+, #TSSq-WJI+
2x Concentrate Disinfectcnt and Ttb €,
u igi€d*#ffii€tsl (#ffiE;HfiJ) Tib on natural marble or stone.

(t6F[€AHtFfil*, 3E]!
r ufr.*tfffiEF4 EME6'TENT$HEfflI,&;6M€
tr;FttSBBE+tr a)EEfi!4qffiTXIAAEE*A
)EEftfifil) (tEff)7'E'tEt**!l. =A EEfrft M*6.
1 Test SoI'U'Mel on an inconspicuous
tr€#tdff4gftii$lsl -*irfiJt) tr msfTtl. ,I.l&l.lrffiH atea jrst. &&R= 6-*)5fi!2€i'
(t6Jm€atFHill*) [,€,$&&Ffl'ffiXR s|l&T iFftEZTEORd!frtrEH "

-r €;f,,f,*tr, R#t5AtiE (3F&E'BEH;HfiJ) (FAAHJEfiI)

r*6trsttffirs* lliEtftFrtfiffig nHih&€rh44fi{*
(EHt6EiE;f;*!l) ('Efr]i.EE'EHfiJ) (&ffiErf;fi|l)
Introducing Sol-U-Guard Botanical@ 2x Sol-U-Guard Botanical@ 2x Concentrate
After it was launched in 2005, Sol-U-Guard Botantcal At A Glance
Disinfectant quickly became one of our top-seIling EcoSense . Proven to kill 99.9% ofbacteria and viruses on any
products. Customers were anxious for a disinfecting
hard, nonporous surface where bacteria, viruses, or
altemative that would effectively kiti germs withoui
unpleasant odors are a concern
harmful residue and no harsh fumes. It literally changed . New mild herbal scent infuses your home with the
the way people disinfect their homes.
pleasant scent of the herb thyme
Now this top-seller is better than ever! And its
.) . No harsh fumes and leaves no harmful residue
reVoiutionary EPA-approved formula is proven to kill 99.9%
o 2x concentrated to last longer, savingyou money and
decreasing plastic waste
ofbacteria and viruses on hard, non-porous surfaces .
j Combines thyme oil and citric acid for enhanced
- some in as little as l minute - while being gentle enough disinfecting power
to use around kids and pets*. . Formula is patent-pending and available exclusiveiy
from Melaleuca
E IN,EM ;F ETI# ;ft ffi }H FfilI . No bleach or phosphates
tgM)E€)H€fit82005++EUE, fR4*rtffi FI)! ffi)+ n*n . Diluting is easy - just pour concentrate into spray
r#g6rlj+flln#Fffi . lFn€,fit-EtrHfi l+-fsTe€efi .
bottle to marked line, then fill with water
*+2. )q€)&P,,{otiE. #HxIx6B!)H€Fffi " BFffi fe Gentie enough to use around kids and pets

t{gJ,^.{it'Ea)HEelDfi. trtbt\iR€4bEEn{E;&ffi iH #frt,

r4,ftil*Z#Fffi ttt)tiI*tBE,ftEl i*+R&{*, *HL4
. 14i[qE€ i/\t$Hr.&fi31&6tes.e%6.! tfra&ffi
tBrf tHl*lp€ilqslEeD, q€'trrt)H xa)= 3t*6_L €, #€'it*hF0*
ee.e%f!46&ffi€ - €EcEHEElrlsfi)HX. E;Hf0B!
. )EfDHAEffi, iltaa+rT4p+p+tre660*
EeE t iE6ffi TUA&fryntJEJH .
. E€';&r,.{0*iE, TgT6e&ftl2
. rn,B)fiffiEeFit.t*ffi0dtqEEK,.. it/f;i5€e?}. #s
Sol-U-Guard Botanicalo 2x Concentrate Ejffi,,J'eltt{tFw
g03mL *. , #^e3trg6)S&lfl*Ef;, r03q)HErr6E
4020 S$30.00 (S$19.90pc 6pts) . #fr^EF"EeF, €fU*)*E+iE+
4020 RM57.00 (RM44.00pc 6pts) . 4c)HEfilJ&ffigEH
Mixing Spray Bottle so:mr . I'JF8!t6F*jJ{E - R#lg)&ffimB|j^0fr EfE8ltmf;
,8901 S$2.50 (S$2.50pc 0pts) ,,::,. Lli' F.JJlffi:,X
8901 RM6.00 (RM6.00pc 0pts) 'i?nioserEmxt Epfr+nstata :

Active Ingredtents: Citric acid and thymol (present as a comp0nent of thyme oil)
* Always read and follow *
label directi0ns. iiStEi*+frfrl&HtCar.

64 FoR youR HON,IE tilELALEUcA.cot\I


. Microwaves
. Refrigerators
'. Appliances

. Light switches r,ffie6 '+.iwl{{i*S+.n'
. Telephones €tl+J(
. Computerkeyboards Sol-U-Gu ard Botanical 2x
and mice
Toilet seats €Ed€fi&)Ftsr*

Powered by Nature
. Pethabitats -gtffi
. Pet bowls fry))Effi
Children's toys
. High chairs rir&f;E :

Disinfectants don't have to be harsh, smelly, and

. Faucets
o Other non-porous
&afr,H slmthetic to kill germs. ]ust take a look at the

. JLEffi€T6
surfaces where bacteria, . disinfectants in Sol-U-Gua rd, Botanical 2x.
viruses, or unpleasant
zj<t* :

odors are a concem F€E3tHltm HF#J -t=Cf, #{S*ifiH fitr*fi tfiE*H .

(c86. ffi€. EIF0Xtr it*ft€€#traxE*GH*ffi FF*Hsq*HtF "

E0!ttF) :

Note: Do not use 0n natural marble 0r stone. EH , 4SHTxl,{tIPAdEtftE. ' Citric Acid
Did you know that inside
.* . r>- DISINFECTS IN 1O MINUTES wery fresh yeliow lemon
15 &rorltofiiHc, is a formidable germ-kiiier?
$ o Staph . H€0tr6 Ttrat's citric acid-the
same substance found
. E. coli . tfztT6.
fi o Strep , in citrus fruits and almost
o Salmone]la
. ITDJ(E every lMng thing. Citric acid
:fr . Pseudomonas aeruginosa . t,ilKH is a powerfuI, EPA-recognized
. Poliovirus type 1 . 1*ffitT6 disinfectant. It's the perfect addition to our botanical
:* .
InfluenzaA . HfrEFEit14ffiE disinfectant formula. In fact, the citric acid in Sol-U-Guard
Botanical 2x is even food-grade.
'$ .
Rhinovirus 37
Effectiveiykills 99.9% of
. )hfit+,*EA
$ bacteria and viruses on
. Ffr_J7 FfrA
hard, non porous surfaces . E€.*I)HXEfAT6T
:$ ee.e%B'!4H
,gq6f0EffiFec5f;€r65+EF? flBfirEffiHm - "JE
tHffi *zJ<R&t W9.,trfratJ " c+.ErfiHRtFEi[q, ffi ffi m
:fi Does A Botanical Disinfectant Really Work? EfEsFg!+6* - EEIHMEE)HEfi!B!i5FF+" Sg
..$ €urH*fillHf!€il8? ' t, fi{nFfiffi d!ffiffif,mETCffitmE.
In standard iab tests, all the E+m,E*hBnUlB+, UT
..$$ petri dishes shown here B!rg#m#c€'t+86!4

were exposed to specific
H" *.itffi)HEfflt6lLr#m Thyme Oil
germs. While the untreated
G EEz\46.6!#8, mffi3l Thyme oil is an essential oi1 distilled from the herb thyme.
petri dishes allowed the
E This oil contains a naturally antiseptic compound called
germs to grow, the dishes Eq4 )E 6n.tE;1t cG)H €ff I 8!
'd treated with Sol-U-Guard
Botanical@ 2x Concentrate
thymol, an EPA-recognized disinfectant. In
Sol-Il-GuardBotanical2x,thymeoil -.
,$ Disinfectant did not.
lends both its germ-killing powers
and its light, fresh herbal scent.

' $ tr':gE*
,:$ 6!€ffi ;$ . ce+Et{Hl*f, si4T
:fi *, treE)Bexf^)H€+6
',,$ trt62. nHEWJ)HE;H€firl
$ Untreated
g, EEE;f;€,fi;H€, IB
tr$ EH €ryJiE6tn{gnffi tH EFI 2E ,kcttlE FJiltilE6F660t.
;'q lAfter 24hows in alaboratory petri dish under controiled conditions.
f G46l-n#me.EClSSIlEIIEE T, tne J24d\Bi "

It4aking Permanent Marker
Not So Permanent

Sol-U-Mel is legendarywhen it
comes to removing stains. But
this amazing 3-in-1 cleaner is
so much more. From removing
paint stains, to everyday cleaning
jobs, to deodorizing pet odors
-discover why there is absolutely
Permanent Marke r *\9'f,'4
nothing else like Sol-U-Mell

E. €ii?+6*!=e-*)5ff!ti4€ "My grandkids got hold of a felt marker and decided ro
HE }JAE" EE*h)Str'EF. ffi SHOppERS SAy decorate my husband's wood desk. Sol-U-Mel saved us alll lt
trEHrE)fi. *WfrVrnW - it'A also works well as a dry erase board cleaner."

fiiH = e-*)Efilll0{ef #68 tb I MIIANOU CHESNUT

Chino, California, US

"*H!tl''Jt+7t< h4fr4, €frf,9F!^S'JAiF+i*8" =

a-*FfiJ&7*{n ! egEIUt g {f HIE#*&E.

3-in-1 Cleaning ai
. Use fu]l-strength Sol-
U-Mel on ink and marker,
crayon, pet messes, nail
polish, tar, grease, paint,
mo1d, glues & residues,
gum, tree sap, candie
wax, and more
o Use diluted Sol-U-
Mel for everyday jobs
such as cleaning
cabinets and
. Spray diluted Sol-U-
Mel to eiiminate, not
just cover up, odors
from pets, smoke,
mildew, diapers, and more

Eco-friendly, Safer For Your Home

. Naturally derived, biodegradable formula is powered
by penetrating, non-caustic, naturally solvent, and
aromatic Melaleuca Oil
. No chiorine bleach, ammonia, petroleum distillates, or
other caustic chemicals
. Gentle on your home - no need for gloves or special

. ififfi=6-*)sf!4*ffi&zJ<. gH€id. ME. fr+t)g!
[E)-. tEF;f;. )HEE. tSiG. €fiI. BI:J<. ,&^W. DE
ffi. fifm. M, &F&
. ffir+iJ6!=6-*)=ff!JEUmT EH)E)*, lilil)E;ftffi
. rfit6{f;HiJB!=6-*)5fftEtrN*g frW*.nt.'M
ot. €ot. E<o^. &H&
Xf TdITffi EI5, rfEiAE frEfrg^
. E€'{X'I\JF'N, Rtrs|'')'JffiI*,EEfi , *ET HEE
)5r. 4ieffififil. €'xfli)aft4r, H68!*Ei*E;H
. ;EfO8lEA)EEffi - ZiffiE.ffiFT+€ETJEJNiA6
:: :
:, : ::,:::
.:::,:,.::::::-:.r:t:j.i..:i!i :
:r::.::i:::: :ii:t ::i:::-:::i:ii::ii

,, .' i.::,:l ::::,i.

Sol-U-Mel@ 3-in-1 Cleaner
=a-*iEfil ,:ti:l : ::,:,. 1i ..r':- ::ir ri.:
..i ri:i:l:+::i::'jr l:ili:l'::i:
110 S$24.30 (S$16.50pc Spts) 118m1
i.:!ni.:i:.{:.r:1.::-r i::i::i:.:.:::
...r+. irrs: _. :i;ir.
110 RM50.00 (RM3B.00pc Spts) 11BmL .::a:.:l::.::: :-l :iJr;, l:l

130 S$59.00 (S$39.90pc 18pts) 47smL, makes 2.BL ::i:ti:::i.ii:::i\:::.:jfi:ii:i:l :in'i:i:r,ir.*.al;:,;r1.
130 RM130.00 (RM98.00pc 18pts) 4T3mL, makes 2 81 :i:ii ::,
:.'J'i lii:l:i::::,i,:r::::t:. :i"a!+::

l=[ aaa
:: :l
:' t
::::::n:,: :Sli:f, !: i1ia.:t
Sol-U-Mel@ Mixing Spray Bottle zloml- : :,:'..L' ;;.: a.f "j .lr',
Sii rl'i: :i:i.+:.r ji::+!:::::a
=€'-*itfiJiEAEEffi -. -: t . ,
4555 S$2.50 (S$2.50pc Opts) i:ri::+:::-:;:::"::li:iiai::Fl:: : ::
.:. : ::: ; t::.::.:' l::.:t:.r:
4555 RM6.00 (RM6.00pc, 0pts) :::.i:r-:::Ftii!::r',:+::ri:r:.a:
l:r j:.::.:t.:.::. i i:::i!:t:,
... :l:l:.:!ri.:.,: ::.raJn:l:!:...
lngredients: SD alc0hoi 40, Melaleuca Oil, tinctilre 0f green soap U.S.P : ::t:fl:;.r::,1.: :a:l::::i:r:1:14:
Test Sol'U-Mel on an rncontpicuous area first.
&'{f H =6-*)EX!l2Ht, 1Eft6ZiEER6!ftEiitffi .
I :. I I I .




Your Cleanittg
$ometimes a littlc help from the kids can make cleanup even more
work. But you wouldn't have ii any other way. Fortunately, Ioug/r
& Tender provides eonvenience, versatiiity, and cleaning power to
make your eleaning jobs a little easier * while being gentle on your
home and the environment,

€8f&x{n#tt}TFEffi *!r€qE ",{Etf; p€ g€0!4,i* " *i3, g

e:figlt*#J&,Hft€, fftrrE, ugs!ilEr{fffi*{N - Hrf;nffis

68 FOF Ycufi HoME

Tough On $tains,
Tender on Surfaces
Effective cleaning power at a great value - you
can have both withTough &Tender. One bottle of
concentrate makes up to four spray bottles of cleaner
- plus, its naturally derived, biodegradable formula is +.:,&
free of chlorine, ammonia, phosphates, and abrasives.
So whether you're deep cleaning the house orjust
wiping the counter, get the job done quickly and
effectively with Tough &Tender.

ffi&l$tff5ffi' Sl}X$#88
€il#fra{H6ltE)rE\Eh - tr3 &vhHUE}sffU,'Aqm
E#E " -ilnnffi)E)*frlqf#T+FnaR0frgfin* - ft
*, eaLqxtrJF#{, R€E{z'ift4'EgaF, €Zr€tF
Eff|J. fr. 6#8ail. {B6nE*+" Eiz/AEi${ltilFfi
R Effi tE 6, \L&rh ffifr)E*tJ,l*iE# €'i{ Jtfic EUg,nFl,

Tough & Tender@ Multi-Purpose Cleaner

473mL, makes 2.8L
4338 S$15.50 (S$10.50pc 3pts)
4338 RM33.00 (RM25.00pc 3pts)

fl=laaa Clean Up In A Hurry * ]ust Srabn

Tough & Tender@ Mixing Spray Bottle zroml
Wipe, & Toss!
trrH'ttEiHfitltEArffgf[ Convenient. Versatjle. Effective. But Tough 6' I ?r,dci
4559 Wipes afe more than just a quick *ay to il"ut-r Lrp ei 1less.
S$2.50 (S$2.50pc 0pts)
They're also biodegradabie, free ofbleach and orhe;
4559 RM6.00 (RM6.00pc 0pts)
harrlfui chemicals, and safe to use on ahnost aly surrai*.
even natuni stone like granite and marble. And jr-rst
propnetary Formula
Contains: CreaninO aqents (n0ni0nic and cationic surlactanlsl, because otherwipes are disposable doesn't mean they're
solvent. s0lubilizer, water softenilg agent. buftering agen1, tragrance. preservative,
and l\4elaleuca Oil. biodegradable too. Tough & Tender Wipes help you keep
your home and the environment just a little cleaner.

&Wrt{frlE - R***4. Kfif' ###g€t

F.r5+tlElt)EEmEL. €€EFtH**nh''ffit$ Zi*).+ * il
f0 EE€'=g!,f.N #W) F,,,feffi ? e, /L + iE ffi T.E.{s fr 6,
E4X#Afit0t€HE. xEE " HEffi ffi ffi tmrft flr&trS,
E-)rffi ,Effi f!, {E4i,ft* E {i ) R& Ewh\ffi'l+ . g ;, fi E js
F,E fr rh H FIff E {*t+If; 8! E A -5 iTffi )E E.
Tough & Tender@t 30 Wipes
4074 S$11.00 (S$6.90pc2pts)
Tough & Terrderer 60 Wipes

4075 S$17.00 (S$11.90pc3ptsl

Time -s aving. Money- s aving.
Worry-free Clean.
f ri;i)tl!aLirdii:lil:,:;ri;:.t ;;:l!

Affordable, Eco-friendly Alternative For

Your Bathroom
Ttaditional bathroom cleaners can contain some of the most toxic ingredients
found in the home. in contrast, Tub & Tile uses an eco-friendly formula and is
also super-concentrated. But can eco-friendly Tub & Tile reaily handle tough
bathroom cieaningjobs? Absolutely! Featuring citric acid and other naturally
derived, biodegradable ingredients, TLb & Tile can quickly dissolve your toughest
bathroom grime, Ieaving surfaces sparkling clean without overly harsh fumes
or abrasives.

cE#}ffi , rfgdfftHEtsglE3EFfr#+
{€ri8lidE;EEffi s €A-EE€€tS8!1L+Ftr#} " ffi trE!, nAI€a)EEfi!{F
ffi 6!EIT{REaE, #.E tBnfd I €Er{REa- BlldF[€aEiSfiJ FEFEltffi XiR
rE6!nB)€Er{f 09? 4fi E X ! 46 f F€mru E €x*.&E E EWbffiI*.
6! Fi#), bln-l € X'EE ff E U'Rit jU Effi EE fr E tr B!)5 ro-, itb H * E jttrF

,+' Zi'Eltil&7,.{g!0*iE, ;A€ 6frEX+6liEFl "

Tub & TilerM Bathroom Cleaner I Tub & TilerM Foaming/Mixing
473mL, makes 2.8L Spray Bottle zroml
trET€AiEEfiI ,EF[€AEEfiJE;8'EEfiE
4339 S$15.50 (S$10.50pc 3pts) 4557 S$2.50 (S$2.50pc 0pts)
4339 RM33.00 (RM25.00pc 3pts) 4557 RM6.00 (RM6.00pc 0pts)

0=[aaI Pioprietary t0rmula Contains: Citric acid, solvents,

surlactants. solubilizer, fragrance. Melaleuca 0il, and

'., ,
The Easiest Way To Sparkling Glass - No
Clean Your Shower! Streaks, No Ammonia!
Powered by Aqua Charg& and other Clear Power uses natural distilled
naturally derived ingredients, No white vinegar and naturally derived
Work transforms the water droplets solvents instead of ammonia for
in your shower into potent micro a home-friendly formula that
cleaners, pulling soap scum and effectively removes fingerprints, dirt,
water minerals off shower surfaces and grime. Clear Power also has a
and down the drain. Simply spray fresh, floral fragrance. When it comes
No Work on the wet surfaces of your to effectiveness and cost, Clear Power
shower or tub after every use to keep is the clear winner!
surfaces sparkling.
frH*fi!fr$=rfl,&)8Fg! T€EzJ<
HE! )Ei5ft xtl\ fiF.nE, Ee#fif ffi
E€Aqua Charge.&EEXfrFlfj, E )$fDEH+FI#), lE{*€3AEFr. Zi
H6 A EtBfi I E/6id E E 8! ffi uj<ft 'fL
€ FslEtrE WS'fL # FnU' 6E&I{H,l*iE
)!9ErIB,!ffi)EEft, Afl?nfr EnB affi, 0qlFifrffit6. i&ffi)E*fitE#
t m f! ffi e,*& )ftid#,wwJ:tq) r#EW. E'gt5,?B'!EB$H*5F0!6fi , 3I
F " RH6€)I{fr ffi lAEeIHftIzEl+ X#YEgtt, €BiFffie"
B H rd E )EEf tJ 0fr t6 Et 6€ q{FE
No Worl€ Daily Shower Cleaneri I Glear PoweP Glass Gleaner *
473mL, makes 2.1L 473mL, makes 2.8L
EH't6=rF;Efii I&ffii€HfiJ
4335 S$15.50 (S$10.50pc 3pts) 8205 S$15.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts)
8205 RM30.00 (RM23.00pc 3pts)
No Worl€ Mixing Spray Bottlet
Glear Powef Mixing Spray Boftle
HfiJiEAfiff9ffi 71omL
S$2.50 (S$2.50pc 0pts) IfiffiF)EfiJ;EAIFgffi
4556 S$2.50 (S$2.50pc Opts)
Fo*liula Contains: Solvents, nonionic surfactant,
yat€fttittening agent, buflering agents, 4556 RM6.00 (RM6.00pc Opts)

Proprietary Formula Contains: Alc0h0l, cleaning agent

(anionic surlactant), solvents, vinegar, l\4elaleuca 0il,
{ragrance, and preservative.
w :

..,, .l


Get A Hand With The Dishes

Washing dishes by hand can be tough work.
Lemon Brite makes it easier. Its concentrated

ffi$ ISffi formula, powerful triple-detergent system, and thick suds cut grease
and break down food residues - before your hands even hit the water.
And though it's tough on grease, Lemon Brite contains naturally derived
.ilr:,,',,i l' l,','i detergents and biodegradable ingredients that are gentle on your skin.

,iifher* de ph+*phate* go after dish-

urarhing? firey go, olvnthe drain
)ft )*ffi s E Hg E Fl' rn + 8! r.{f f . tS 6 r* ffi ff |l itB- a ft t -q € .
and into our waferways.
+ B 8$E X . €nE=
* tS i8 -5 = E)ftfrfrlKth. ti {* S E! +2 SX rR seD,
Fh*aplrateo *r::rtribute t0 algss
grawih in water, si?dch cau lorarer the Lemon Brite@ Hand Dishwashing Liquid s2sml
water's oxygen conrent and disrupt i$A;tffiA
delicate aq*atic syst€m$. 2854 S$16 10 (S$10.90pc 2pts)
2854 RM20.00 (RM15.00pc 2pts)
#;#w."'* "a-ffi , is$a#.& ?41 fj{l?
ffiw# ) i, *:,1:q P|j.*fii t,L: #. .
All Reliable Fruit And
V*getable Wash
W.E"j #,ti i Fi,'A t7a *::';:qaf$.tJ lt-{t 4 EF
Aie ycu slili :-insing ycur frr-rits and vegetables rvith water
;j:.#t'#:,\fiq* V*'f;'.,4)* "{t$ti' € & :rilne : ilinling t iili rn'ater alor-ie is ineffective because
?$i " ;:e;ficrde s, l1lngicides, wax and other agricuitural
ci:e*ricals are designed Lo be water-resistant.

Now with 100% natural HarDestPure,you and your family

can enjoy the natural goodness and delicious flavor of
cleaner, safer fruits and vegetables. Using the power
of Melaleuca oil essence and natural lime oil essence,
HaruestPure helps safely and naturally remove wax,
debris and pesticides from the surface ofproduct, giving
you cleaner, fresher fruits and vegetables for your family.

ffi*)ft EXf g1 00%Rff ffifiril;HE9ffi&Afi E+n, Xff ffi+E*E
i* {0Atti*A)S " e?MF-3j;ft)?nfr.Rt6'!fr8)5 . *$g&;S,l${4ffi , E BS;Eh f
Fji g ft & 6 H'! & g{, irilfr R 0zftB * F+ )? . F)€ . &tg *BE;5*B Et& E4A
ft€tls4, f;BTITH. ;EX;f,60. t3)+)*. Zi66+. TFlg. itJg)ftlB$+
ld, it*,^.021+F?rt.
Harvest Pure Fruit and Vegetable Wash arcmL
6970 s$15.00 (S$9.90pc 3pts)
6970 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts)
lngredienis: Watet alcohoi, natural lime oil essence and Melaleuca 0il.
fight Stains Even Before You Load The Wash
As hard as you may try to avoid them, laundry stains happen. You could write
offthat stained ciothing as ruined or you could use Prespot. Even before you

throw the clothes into the washing machine, PreSpot's powerful enzymes
and special detergents help penethte, break up, and liit those tough stains
away from the fibers. What's more, PreSpot is made from natural$ derived,
biodegradable ingredients, not harsh chemicals that eat away at both stains
"t*f -
and clothes. Plus, PreSpot is pH-baianced to not fade coiors.
&!ft&sf ffif$ffiffi'5,#,tHF"n
E[.{*'fr EEI**,, &M 6'!)5.*fDflt* S r4 " E A€' E HEfl nB$&fl Fr6}/}tS . *
i+, qn s &EFm)fr ftlJ . &rf; &+nHf , &+ah)Fffljsq€, 0!E
'f; 'ts&BFfi.lit)ft
tr . Es+2rr'fi48'!gAF . li*iEm, 4*1fi=&ItnLTtE . &+rh)fr fillEpH€T
fit, zie.FFil&r,)nte..

PreSpotrM Laundry Stain Remover 710mL

4572 S$15.50 (S$10.50pc 3pts)
4572 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts)

PreSpotrM Reusable Spray Nozzle

1233 S$2.00 (S$2.00pc Opts)
1233 RM4.00 (RM4.00pc 0pts)
PreSpotrM Laundry Stain Remover Refill Bagt r000mL
7431 S$19.00 (S$12.90pc 4pts)
Proprietary t0rmula Contains: Surfactants, enzymes, l\.rlelaleuca oil, iragrance, and colorant.

lcoriing s00n t0 Malaysia. Fl],lft$Fif; €*6lE!&8.

Smiles In Every Load
Your Sensible Choice
Your top priority for your laundry detergent is, of course,
to effectively clean your clothes. Discover a iaundry
detergent that keeps your ciothes bright, fresh and
spotlessly ciean, at the same time, being safer for your ffi8fffi8!EF
home and the environment.
E'Aftt+;ft &filjrf , FE^BlgXE€ilJt)ftEe+n " hffi
SAFER FOR YOUR HOME -Bteach-free, EBi€ifi{REXsrTrHflAe.
non-alkaline, biodegradable and as gentle on clothes as
tap water

HIGHTY EFf f, CTM - Stains are broken down, E*2.|<nBla),Rfo

and our proprietary Rinse Guardr[ agent actuaiiy keeps dirt
from settling back onto your clothes in the rinse cycle 6fiHE - E)ft&jse+)dfi*&r)ffi, .,sa€86!
POWERED BY NATURE e u ard' " RFfi! FEt|)$fr E @t\W t-
R in s G
tQHx gf,*8!Hgl - 6ffi r$re{*rft &x!s!60*, R*
provide the fresh scent, naturally derived surfactants
out the dirl
)E'EfitH'E TEht5t6
E CO - FRI f, NDtY -The formula is biodegradabie,
made from biodegradable ingredients, and ultra- $sd$if;€'ff - EaaEEwrhffi, *nqgrynalffiFt
concentrated to require less water $, ffi)*nwfi'ffffi4:J<

t0oming soon to Malaysia. EII;I€€ftt€*6tridtr "


Safer for vour home*
MelcPower has fiever been higfr-alkaline, and never will
be. It's pH-balanced, with a pH level of about 7, making
it almost as gentle to clothes as tap water (pH of 7)'

9EfitE6;ft&f!,l'l.*ell8ffi{4' UEUTa. €e
pH€TE!' Xfi[pH€7' €IL*€ E *zXABf+7!&ryn!{R*
ftl (pHtr7) .

Water (pH 7)
MelaPov.rer (pH 7)
Battery Acid Bleach
i&II)H6)ft4fiJ (pH 13)
(pH 0)
€;&ffi H6frll

MelaPowero Laundry Detergent Fresh Scent I

4333 S$18.40 (S$12.50Pc 4Pts)
4333 RM33.00 (RM25.00Pc 4Pts)

EcoSense@ Reusable PumP

4524 5$4.00 (S$4.00pc opts)
4524 RM10.00 (RM10,00Pc 0Pts)
EcoSense@ Drain-Back CaP somt
4848 S$2.00 (S$2.00pc opts)
4848 RM4.00 (RM4.00Pc 0Pts)
MelaPoweP Laundry Detergent Refill Bag I
(Fresh Scentlt zooomt
7434 S$38.00 (S$23.00Pc TPts)
Proorietarv Formula Contains: Cleaning agents (nonionic and anionic surfactants)'
bridhteninO agent, builder. lvlelaleuca Oil, fragrance, and colorant

No UnnecessaryWater
Extra water and flllers mean bigger
packages and higher shipping costs.
Unlike most national brands, we've been
concentrating products for years. With
Ecosense, you won't be paying extra for
unnecessary bottled water.

T d,E8'!z!flf 0 E hryl Hltt Et8'!E*f 0 EE Sliaffi fi .
+ititzi H es!ffi ffi , fi lilfi uE;nffi F ffi e#14&+3 .
T -s-

€ 3 ffi )?FAffi frfrArl' tgTmFrTd'E$'lzj<frfi{f fi "

* Although produ.tB are uhe( used os irt%ded,they are
@ll Ecosense fdfrulatedtobe 64Je

Aot meant to be inhaled, i(gested, u rubbed irto eyes w skin. Please read ond hllow dll label

diredions and, of .ourse,keep all .leaning Wodffi frffiaway childt^.

- €fltFt€0!ffi FBRffi FE6'U0!FEG&'CU9EdlEHtreAe$' €EE4,tiril&
. Fql, 4€n^caF*&ffieg!. ilH*#CuGtrffi)5tf ' flffiArilEntE,At
Safef ForYour Clothes

ffi Brighter, Whiter

Clothes Without

'W' Bleach
MelaBrite not only keeps your brights
brighter and your whites whiter, but
it also helps your ciothes look new
longer - all without bleach. MelaBrite
uses a unique blend of detergents and natural enzyrnes
that target stubborn stains. MelaBrite keeps clothes looking
newer with special CarezymerM enzymes that heip remove
the fuzz and pills that make fabrics look wom and old.
What's more, MelaBrite is biodegradable, concentrated to
save you money, and pH-balanced to be gentle on clothing.

freuffi, sEHffi
FFE. IFH€zj<. jeffi 3Xffs+*5qt+6eF, ltf]ftl€Ifi{0tfi
€ 8!F s, Ifr&WEs++&EAH "'P eg +e)H frfri)lRt+ L+ LE*,
g, 6fidfitr+i4i, fe{*tF&*+.
MelaBrite@ Color-Safe Brightener 9a6mL I
4570 S$17.00 (S$11 .50pc 3pts)
4570 RM29.00 (RM22.00pc 3pts)

MelaBrite@ Color-Safe Brightener Refill Bagt 1000m1|

7432 S$17.00 (S$11.00pc 3pts)
Proprietary Formula C0ntains: Surlactants, enzymes, Melaleuca 0il. fraqrance, and colorant.

Huggab$r $oft" Ilel.tciously Freeh -

Experieace Melasoft LaundrSr! :, ,, :

{hqther it's tuzfy:bunny;'a:fluffu towe},,or your favorite

C$flffii T-shirt, therers nothing like the qppeat pf
reriiar.kable softness. And it's easy to experience that
remarkable softness and freshness in all yourlaund-ry with
MelaSof. Just'add MelaSofi to the'fina1 rinse rycle of your
wash to enjoy clean laundry that's, snuggle soft,,
and fresh asabreeze. , .. : :

Melosoftls,unique'fori.itrrla works iato eaeh fiber of your

clothes. l|our clothes come out:feeling thickel, fluffier after
,every wash. From'washing to wearing, you'l] get your
laundry cleaner, brighter and better - without harmfui
phosphates or bleach.

Ftuff Up Your Laundry With Melasoft

Sometimes it's the little things in life - like a soft, super-
fluff1t towel - that really make your day. MelaSo-fi is your
lsecretto thq softest, cuddliest, static-free laundry.

neffis*fr. il#iE^-
fi ieE*,H=€ tiLfr,R, €EHB!€ . i681fr €6![69
r M+t. nBT"t(,*+Ik!w El., =
E fr ,*firAtj " *.new*rgt,
fttJtrFfiEFFDfElrnt4,* FEll lF E -ffi 6!*+ft f0tfr s+ " R ffi E
)ft&6!EE-tHr0,^,&EE*+rfflJ. EEDl.t6?€. ir&M
E**+ . 50*)8ffi.
&t *+fixl6!Jg++EaFf,E;a,1.a flfrL+LE, +&IaTA1$ #
,6 /f; E+ 3iiE s! & EF " iltf; 8! & {28{FH )Ef 0 ZiFrl F!6!F S
B!'I'E)ET. E)*)+. ES++e"

\,.4e#4:t:..a t.rr, *.:. t

With detergent alone

h-L til,,- new york
tnd )kffitFF.W.ttRtl

Beauty is not something you create - it is

something you discover within yourself. It is as
unique as you are. Healthy skin and makeup
highlight beauty. They emphasize it. So that
women everlrwhere can take on the world
- nothing is more beautiful than confidence.
.5iZiEO!JE U *0! - €EE E T fi rL,)Rt[,
€ff lFt'Lrq++ . &3ffi fltlffi f0 E g[*r1{9EIA.At,
E.&E,0^U, ffE A,l$,fnErf€xslt tdt
_ EtrEfrftIfr!" "'*:4t""-'
-- "::::,1:it;*-.

78 NrcolE r,,lLLER MELALEUoA.coM
]t*3:, r*ig
Tlte Found,atian For Had'iant Slsin
this new skin will soften' soothe' care
See the guide below
to learn how
leaving ic glowing and healthv'
il;il;;;;e vour skin'

Unu*"* t ffitP ffiAtlttg)tP Effii+fiAv'

SODIU1n COCOYL-A?PTE {NINO ffiEftStr*gtfi*fl

ACIDS IEHES*)+, #E')ftEf;ttffi, Eh)EE
Derived from apple juice. Helps cleanse skin and
remove impurities &7F
A powerful antioxidant
€trTEffi##, +firffi*8;dflE

Helps cleanse skin and balance oil levels
F#ffifi*, K1,E)F,Ihffi
Helps moisturize skin and provides a cooling effect
":rs#. sssrt8$t'+l :* 'se 'e- E**
AIJANTOIN lEryEsEFffiqp&.8F, €fi$g*mffi
Derived from comfrey and seaweed. Helps soothe
.=:+rs +B€
E9f;tilFDHE; HElfH*flItffi
\r is Efi
High antioxidant content; helps keep skin supple

LJS €.
CucumUer jJrtrl
E, ilmffi FEtfi

Helps make up the collagen in skin; responsible

for skin's strength, flexibility and resilience

LIFTESSENCETM #HJfr?,F,RlAtr-, ffiflItffifr5. EE

Forms an elastic, resistant and continuous film that
tightens skin
Helps tone, soften and soothe skin
AN\*Wfrffi&NP., *E;L.EaA
Helps exfoliate skin and deep-clean oil-clogged
pores tffi
ffi ff Rl*E Ezl<t), tr4e5t5*6!{5=
lmproves skin's moisture reserves and helps
coji l6Jld
combat e)dernal aggressors
r,rrl*ise&s6*i}}qsw**:i{!@aani*a:i .i:{
_ '
.,::.,;r:::'. -,ll*llg_*t*1" g
, 'r,i :, i a
1 CLCANUPYOUTACT 7!fl[ffi)t F€Htn
lEEI*ff #
IDCNTIFYYOUT Nicole MiIIer Cleansers and Torers include the
age-defying power ofpeptides to whisk away FEHIEFtfrffi
Ei+Ltn &ffi zJ<

+, #BI{'J'RiFIhE}E. &
ffi ln E il fifr ,Zth
dirt, makeup and excess oil wirhout disturbing Xt. IHIF, #Fl*ElIffi
SKTNTYPC the delicate balance ofyour skin,

Normal Skin - Clear skin, occasional

W signs o{ being dry or oily
surface' STeP Ofl€: CLeanSe STEP TWO: TONC
, .:- Dry Skin - Flaky skin, dull
'' l' obvious line lines H-Sg*: )EE H=trW, ffi[E j

Oily Skin - GreasY and shinY skin' !

hydrating facial cleanser hydrating lacial toner
obvious Pores l
,trs Combination Skin - Cheeks' outer
W torenead and iaw area are dry; centre
RiEEEPL(etiEs) Sli:S# RE'effi7J((e,i!4) 0ti{i}O,J;lt
Wash away dirt - not mojsture. This Moisturize and restore your skin's j
iorehead, nose and chin are oilY gentle formula uses plant-derived natural pH balance. This alcohol-free
surfactants to lift away impurities formula uses witch hazel extract to
ffiil,sH5ffiffi without stripping the skin. Aloe, green
tea, ginseng, and goii help soften and
gently stabilize and condition, improving
skin's texture whether normal, dry or
* 6 +l$ - F#Hffi, 1Efi+Fflt;fi condition. sensitive.
rFnHE' 2na'nf
t:'+,e - t*fiHffi, flit&t)ft E:JoB T+ta " #f tief0 EaF*ffi ,|fi
Efllt&{*ffi :J<#}, l*t++l*t0!
{ .*1#tS - ;fr)t#6, €tLHBfr. ilH € HAB,!'E,fLfiI, HE€.}Tffl ,e)€FE)5 pH€
" +fiEaDTg;6fF, #63 e4.
i: tlffi' t6. EEd, Eex#FA. e*#. ,,t.g {E*E+, €'i{c{=Eltffi lt)E,, #ffi lel
:* #'-h EE - ffiffi' fifi1')t&Ttr{fiT; &rufe[E+, #ilrlafrErLffig.]fi , #it
' Ef;IJU&TE{fi;fi
tt#fl ,lfiEr4,fitH,ftifii . iEffi TTH
!":,il)Ex" *ETHEILE*.

Hydrating Facial Cleanser 2oomL Hydrating F acial Toner zoomt

0RrEtEEi+L(;*tlEl4) {XtEr&ffiik(;&tl'44')
2701 S$52.00 (S$33.90pc 11pts) 2703 S$48.00 (S$30.90pc gpts)
2701 RM110.00 (RM79.00 11pts) 2703 RM99.00 (RM69.00 gpts)
lgredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). Sodium Methyt Cocoyl lngredients: Aqua (Wale/Eau). Sorbitol. Hamamelis
Taurate. Sodium Cocoyl lsethionate. Cocamidopropyi
Virginiana (Witch H4zell Extract, Sodium Cocoyl Apple
Betaine. S0dium Lauril Glucose Carboxylate. Lauii
Amino Acids, PEG-7 Glvceryl Cocoate, Steardimonium
Glucoside. Sodium C6coyl Apple Amin0 Acids Distdium
Hydr0xypropyl PEG-7 Dimethicone Phosphate Chl0ride,
0leamido PEG-2 Sulf osuccinate, PPG-2 Hydroxyethyl
Xylitylgluc0side, Anhydroxylitol, Xylitol, PPG-5-Ceteth-
Coco/lsostearamide. Glycerin, Glycol Distearate. AcAtyl
20, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice,
Tetrapeptide-g, Allantoin. Camellia 0leitera Leaf Extract,
Aloe Barbadensls Leaf Juice, Panil Ginseng Root
Panil Ginseno Root Exlract, Lvcium Barbarum Fruit
Extract, Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract, Cucumis Sativus
Extract. Lycium Barbarum Frujt Extract. Builene Glycol.
(Cucumbe0 Fruit Extract, Butvlene Glvcol, Phenoxvethanol.
Polyquaternium-1 0, Phenoxyethanol. Potasiium Soibate,
Caprylyl Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Tetrasodium EDTA,
Sodium Chloride. Citric Acid, Trisodium Ethylenediamine
Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid. Allanloin. Parfum, Linalool,
Disuccinate, Parfum, Linalool. Hexyl Ctnnamal, Benzyl
Hexyl Cinnamal. Benzyl Salicylate. Alpha lsomethyl lonone
Salicylate, Alpha lsomethyl lonone

refining facial cleanser clarifying facial toner

FiErEEf.l.(F{t4) O€}€t*: RE&mzxrF{t4t @S6*
Help protect against clogged pores and Remove all traces of dirt and excess
restore skin clarity without stripping the oil while improving your skin's texture
skin. Glycerin maintains your skin's with natural botanical and fruit e)dracts.
natural moisture balance. Age-defying An advanced xylitol compound helps
Allantoin refines skin's texture and balance moisture and protect skin from
reduces the appearance of fine lines and external aggressors.
f [,ft-;E m€ ]L B! * g ;5r6e jgtr)H
FDt€tLrEE, {n€flttffi 8iF*,\F " g ,E' Xffi s€XfAHAf0zJ<RSE!
^ Xlo
AH)S €'{Rt+EIl&tTEiuJ<f}6!{Fffi " X 3Effiffi . SEHiTAFE9;86}B+,
fr mF fr r€8l] #f},*E rfi o& , E-x\lEtB ff EtrFllB*Tfiizl<#j, *RlP flflfl*fr,E
tqfrnl1frty.. ,fnfr!{€e"

Refining Facial Cleanset 2oomL Glarifyi n g F acial Toner zoom t

{*tEHri+L(F.tt4) ffiEr&ffi*(F.tt4)
2702 S$52.00 (S$33.90pc 11pts) 4845 S$48.00 (S$30.90pc gpts)
2702 RM110.00 (RM79.00 11pts) 4845 RM99.00 (RM69.00 gpts)
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), S0dium lngredients: Aqua (Wate/Eau), Sorbitot, Hamamelis
Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Extract, Sodium C0c0vl A00le
f ydroxypr0pylsulf 0nale Lauryl-Gluc0side Cr0sspotyme(
S0dium lvlethyl C0c0yl Tauraie, Cocamidopropyi Bdtaine. Amino Acids. PPG-5-Ceteth-20, xytitytgtucoside,
Sodium Cocoyl Apple Amino Acids. Coc0 Glucbside, Anhydroxylitol, Xylitol, PEG-7 Gtyctrit eocoate,
Glyceryl 0leate. Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9. Glycerin, Atlantoin, Steardim0nium HydroxypropVl PEG-7 Dimethic0ne
Camellia 0leifera Leal Extracr, Aloe Barbddensis Leaf Phosphate Chloride, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9, Arnica l\4ontana
Juice, Pand Ginseng Root Extract, Lycium Barbarum Fruit Flower Extract, Panax Gjnseng Boot Extract, Vitis Vinifera
Extract, Salicylic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Arnica l\4ontana (Grape) Leaf Extract, Lycium Ilarbarum Fruit Extract.
Camella oleifera Leaf Extract, Phenoxyethanot, Caprylyl
Fl0wer Extract. P0lyquaternium-10. Phen0xyethan0l,
Potassium Sorbate, S0dium Chloride, Citric Acid, Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butvlene Glvcol, Tetrasodiini '
Trisodium Ethylenediamine Succinate. Parf um, Limonene, EDTA. Potassium Sorbate. Citric Acid. Allantoin, parfum,
Buthylphenvl MethvlDroDional Lim0nene, Buthylphenyl lMethylpropi0nal
You wmt baudfirl skin. But you're not sure where to
t gives
start. The Nicole Miller Skin Care Necessiries Se

fo. "i,"rythitg you nCed fii'ihdalthy-lookinp
stePs' You just clemse' tone' and
skin in three simple
moisturize - to 3chieve the pafect foundation for

fresh, radiant skin!

F.effi €t.Effi ' HlEIl"ffi 4fo,lf{e[!!E:-
ExmFnu'€€*ittso!flltffi EIn5fi
Rffif6+3t# . E6'
iniA:-R;rA - .EFE+E'€, lotttr6+'
Skin Gare Necessities Set
(Saves over 20%o)

STeP THfe€: TI€OT ST€P FOU[: I CIl-ir"tet, ron'er and Moisturizer

H=frW, Mtf #ffi8fi€*( t€8tr20%)
- )tsEEL.
skin serum HtrS#, RE 2fr5--ssi si.oo (s$8s.eopc
fr*ilqF& F*,leS& #F {pffi Heavenly Hydration
Upstage Wrinkles Nicole Miller moisturizers give 25"/" more hydration, the age-defying power
Stop fine lines and wrinkles from stealing the of peptides, plus UVA,/UVB protection. Now you get more glycerin to help
show. Nico/e Miller tacial treatment gives you attract and retain moisture, more shea butter to prevent moisture loss, and
gorgeous radiance and silky-smooth skin with more aloe to deliver moisture. Besides, Nicole Miller datllime moisturizers
powerhouse ingredients and cutting-edge use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect against both UVB and UVA rays.
Fez*, ffiqXff Fffi F tiAzs%F&fr)fr zj<f). liZrE*8ffi ffi ffi + . &F 6 F
! ffi E*ffflfrffi)?)te€lnffi
€Bll4gtilgfiql ,lKrlLh1Rfr " EeE€ 6!E EtrE CIq qIroR g/(fij, Et *! g,;S
FTfiruHfi+'iRD, 6N'SEH/(H.'i)BE
EDbrtzj<{d}h*, U&Ft elF=ffi +€'EDTffi i*z}</d . ffi EXff E
€€ef )28!F rl'g tt si (uvB)&B n Hrl.ct (uvA)RF .
Skin Revitalizing Serumt 3omr Pe$9"-..o-gliyery crdme sPF15 50-r Oql"}6#l
fisffi+e ft;EEF(&F4)
2715 5$78.00 (S$51.90pc 18pts) 2704 5$73.00 (S$47.90pc 15pts)
2704 RM160.00 (RM115.00 1spts)
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau). Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride,
Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol. Propyiheptyl Caprylate. Prunus Active ingredients: Avobenz0ne 1.8%, Homosalate 6%, octisalate 3%, octocrylene 1.86%, oxybenzon€ 1.8%
Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond, oil, Pdntvlend Glvc0l. Glvceryl lnactivg ingredientsrAqu-a_(WaleriEau), Polyacrylate-15, Polyacrylate-17, Gly;erin, Cetyl palmitate, C20-22
Stemt€, Squalane, Acetyl Tebapeitide-9. Cbtearyl Glucosi<ie, Alkyl Phosphate, C20-22 Alcohols, Eutyrospermum Parkii {shea butter), C1 2-1 5 Alkyl Benzoale, Trisiloxane,
Bulyrospemum Parkii (Shea Butter), Cetearvl Aliohol. Glvcine Soia Dimehicone.-Cyclopentasiloxane. Dimeqicone Cr0sspolymer, C14-22 Alc0hols, C12-20 AIkyt Gtucosjde.
(Soybean) oil, Relinol, Phenoxyehdnol. Glvaerin. Hvdr006nated Lecithin. Propylheptyl Caprylate. Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides, Acetyl Tefapeotide-g, phenoxvethanol. Cetvl Alcohol.
Ammonium Acryloyldimehyltailrahi VP Copolymer, Lycium Barbarum X"nhan Gum, Triethanolamine, Sodium Polyacrylate, Potassium Sorbate, Trisodium Ethylenediariine
kuit ExFacL Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice. PolitclvcoiAdioatEv Disuccinate, Parlum, Bisabolol, Panax Ginseng R00t Extract, Camellia oleifera Leaf EXtrecL Lycium Barbarum
Bis-Hydroxyeft -oxypmpyl Oimehicone Copoh;riei Cametita Oieiten kuit Extract, AloeBarbadensis Leaf Juice, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract. Butylene Glycol, Aildnt6in, Tocopheryl
Leaf (Green Tea) Extsact, Xrnttian cum, Centeilia Asiatica Exbact. Acetate, Linalool, Hexyl Cinnamal. Benzyl Salicylate, Alpha lsomethyl lonohe
Echinacea Angustitolia Extract, Rosmarinus otficinalis mosemaru) Leaf
Exbacl Pantienol, Aesculus Hippocastanum (H06e Cliesfut) Ei'Lact.
Pobssium Sodate. Bisabolol, Disodium EDTA, Allantoin, Cell{ilose Gum,
Acrylatev0l0-30 Alkyl Acrylab Cmsspotymer, Chit0san, pohssium
Hydroxide, Dipmpylene Glyc0l, S0 Alcohol 40-B
Peylge-9gliyery Lotion sPF15 soml
tr;EEF(F{T4) SPF15
2705 5$73.00 (S$47.90pc 1Spts)
270s RM160.00 (RM115.00 1spts)
-a Active ingredients: Avobenzone 1.8%, Homosalate 6%, octisalate 3%. Octocrylene 1.86%, oxybenzone 1.g%
lnactive ingredients: Aqua (WaterlEau), Polyacrylatej5, Potyacrylate-17. C20-22 Alkvl phosohate. C20-22
Alcoh0ls, Trisiloxane, Dimethicone, Cycl0pentasiloxane, Dimathicbne Crossoolvmer. C-etvl palinitatd. Glvcerin.
Butymspermum Parkii (shea butte0, C12-15 Alkyl benzoate, Dicaprylyl Carbon-ate, C14-22 Atcohoti, Ci2-20
WHAT ARE PEPTIDES? Alkyl.Glucoside.lropylheptyl Caprylate, Acetyl Tatrapeptide-g. Phbnbiyehanot, C6tyt Atcohot, Capryiyt Gtycot,
. Peptide rcamino acidsdratbmthecollagen 1,2 Hexanediol,-Triethanolamine, Xanthan Gum, Trisodium E$ylenediamine Disucciiate. partum, bisabotol,
Panax Ginseng Ro0t Extract, Lycium Barbarum Fruit Exbact, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juiie. Cameilia Oleiftr; Leaf
in your skin. Extract. Butylene Glycol. Allantbin. Tocopheryl Acetate, Limonene, Butytphenyl Methylpropionrl

. dUng"o form 7596 of your skin which

Jme skios 6rmnes' ruilience md
lish-tfirmins Treatment so.r $$ $*CI€,$ *#
lluibiliry. 5trmF
. Collagm level dmess over age 2706 5$76.00 (S$49.90pc 17pts)
2706 RM170.00 (RM120.00 17pts)
:' G*frr*+EtbfiE&€tr0!' FdEft
lngredients: Aqua (Waterieau). Glycerin, Butrymspermum Parkii (Shea Butter). CaorvlicicaDric Triolvcerides.
Cetyl P"Jmihte, Cetearyl Glucosider Cetearyt Atcohot, Dimethicone, C14-22 Atcohbt, C12-20 AlkyiGlucoside,
Propylheptyl Caprylate. Di-ppo-3 Myristyl Ether Adioate, DiDalmilovl Hvdroxvoroline. Acetvl Tetra-oeotide-g.
Eh0!mFE6" Trisiloxane, Cyclopentasiloxane. Dimehicone Crosipolymer, phenirryrithandt, Cetyt nlcon'ot, XytitvtritucosiOe

. 75%05EffierbmFlF88d0!'-.-E-ffi 0 Dimehicone, Anhydrorylitol, Xylitol. Mynstyl Myristete; Sodium P0tvacrvtate, Caoivtvt Gtvcot. i.2-frexanediot.
Xanthan Gum, Tris0dium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Triehanolamine,'Cyathea Cilmingii Leaf Extract, partum,

cxflnnesggu' Birc$' e*$" Camellia.Oleifera Leat Extract,.Ginkgo Biloba Leal Exfact, Panax Ginseng R00t Extract, l_-ycium Barbarum Fruit

. mF.E6ffif+mEtrHlE'
Extract, Alo€ Barbadensis Leat tuice, Butylene Glycol, Bisab0l0l, Allantoin, TocopherytA6etate, Linaloot, Hexyl
Cinnamal. Benzyl Salicylate. Alpha ls0methyl lonone

The All,-Natural
S_olution f_grYour
Del,icate Skin
Imponed fromJapm, created for the Asian women,
Nicole Miller PerJect Care skin cxeline uses *clusive
botanical complex that work together to address the
complete picture ofsLin health from the inside out. "3e"

H*rdEH*ffi+FCt-, 4'78!EftFl 6stfl"

t'JEFEf ffiF!*F.flr.

ST€P I: CLeanSe STCP 2: TOne

H-DW:frB H-fH:rlflE
perfect care cleansing oil pertect care toner fresh
+ttsFgt&rfi H.Bffr#'&ftr( o&effi
Contains 4 naturally-sourced plant-derived oil - olive oil, Using nature's plant ingredients which include beetroot
sunflower seed oil, sweet almond oil and corn oil, coupled with extract and citric acid. Ensure any remaining dirt or residue
vitamins C and E. Gently removes makeup and excess oil, is removed after cleansing. Maintains skin's moisture and
helps soften and condition skin. protects from skin loss.
geE#xt^€Wrqfr - fiffi;S. 686{:}Sffr iaffix#EryldlHEE, ;&Hf;$*ffi+. AEm. roF^ffi
=lg*3ifi. +. ffitlflltffi&FrEH'{tffi, iFflttfiflB' ft/}?l.zJ<.
fr*e/EfA$ntr. *kaw#wf " Perfect Care Toner Fresht tsoml
ft-g.#E*&n k
Perfect Care Cleansing Oilt rsomr- 7542 5$40.00 (S$26.90pc Spts)
F-9Ffifffi Perfect Care Toner Fresh lngredients: Water . Butylene Glycol . Sorbitol . Betaine . PEG-20
7540 S$40.00 (5$26.90pc spts) Sorbitan Cocoate . Glycerin . Glyceryl Caprylale .Alcohol .Phenoryethanol 'Sodium Citrate
.Dipotassium Glycyriizate.Polyglyceryl-lo oil.Bletilla Striata Root
lngredients: octyldodecanol . Olea Europaea (olive) Fruit oil . Helianthus Annuus (Hvbrid Exfad Artemisia Capillaris Flower Extact . Cibic Acid . Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove)
Sunllower) oil . PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate .Sorbeh40 Telraoleate . Butylene Glvcol :PEG-20 Flower Extnct. Melaleuca Allernilolia fiea Tree) Leal oil .Coix Lacryma-Jobi (Job's Tears)
Glyceryl Triisostearate . S0rbeth-60 Tetraoleate . orange oil . Rosa Cariina Frui[ Extract Seed Exbact . Ginkgo Biloba Leal Extacl ' Panax Ginseno Root Extract . Ryofu-Cha Ekisu :
oryza Sativa (Rice) Germ oil .Tocopherol . Ginkgo Biloba Extract . Stearyl Glycynhetinate 0riganum Maiorana Leal Extact.Thymus Serpillum Extract
Yokuinin Ekisu Orioanum Mai0nna Leal Extract . Thymus Serpillum ExFac[. Panu
Ginseng R0ot Extnct. Ryoku-Cha Ekisu .Ascorbyl Teliaisopalniime . Melaleuca Aftemifolia
(t€a Tree) Leaf oil . Zea Mays (Corn) oil . Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) oil . perfect care toner rich
Water ' Alcohol
#.EFfitE'effit( @)€!€l€l
perlect care facial wash Contains hyaluronic acid and botanical extracts. Helps
E-#Fft8fl, improve moisture reserves and protect skin from water loss,
resulting in radiant, glowing skin.
Contains the nutrients from amino acid extracted trom the all
natural soy, together with the clarifying properties of papain. HCI&R&&AEF4ffi+, qI#EDEIIEJ€/effIflt€ulcE,
Purifying and removing dirt and dead cells from the skin, helps
Effi#ffibj# IRE, E:llElHEBlzXiBff .
keep your complexion clear and bright.
Perfect Gare Toner Richt tsomr
E .'E* fr,+ElFE*.W#rk
gef,Eft)=ffi&frffi , itnttffiEEE, ffieFgBH.
7543 S$40.00 (5$26.90pc Spts)
Perfect Care Toner Rich lngredients: Waler PEG-20
Perfect Care Facial Washt t2o9 Soditan lsostearate .Glyceryl Ca0rylate . ,
fr-M#;kfr*L Glycynhizate .Polyglyceryl-1o
Dipotassium GlycyRhizate
Dapotassium . Polyglyceryl- 1 Laurate . Orange Oil .Sodium Hyaluronate
. Bletilla Sfiaa Root Extsact.Artemisia CaDillaris Flower Efiract.Cific Acid' Eu0enia
7541 5$46.00 (S$30.90pc 10pts) Ca
Caryophyllus (Clove) Flower Extract ' Melaleuca Alternifolia fiea Tree) Leat oil ' Ciix
LacrymaJobi (Job's Tears) eed Exfact ' Ginkgo Eiloba Leat Extract Panax Ginseng Root
Extract.Ryoku-Cha Ehsu . 0riganum Majorana Leal Extract.Thymus Serpillum Exfaci

t0oming s00n to Malaysia.

E0EESi9rF6tr!68 "


ST€P 3: TfeaT ST€P 4I MOISTUTIZC perfect care night cream
ffi;iSffi ' {6F S8SW, ffi)& #-&f4*
perfect care serum perfect care day cream Consists of 11 plant-derived extracts,
squalene, natural rice oil, royal jelly,
+.tBfffi!Pf; #-lEf EE hyaluronic acid and antioxidants
Formulated with Microcapsules Delivery Formulated with Microcapsules Delivery vitamins C and E. Provides quality skin
System for 100% absorption of nutrients, System to aid in the absorption of repair throughout the night, rebuilds
boosting 11 plant extracts that promotes nutrients. Contains royal jelly, hyaluronic your skin and penetrates deep to infuse
your skin's natural exfoliation process all acid, squalene and 10 different botanical your skin while you sleep.
around the clock. Sloughs off dead skin extracts. Helps reduce environmental
cell and provides the right amount of damages, restore skin's natural moisture Ee11trX#ffi+. 94ffi. st*;s,
hydration and nourishment- levels and balance the products of trEln. &Effi . ttFtE!t*c+0E,
E jg 1 00% w r+I 8!ffi mFft it{5+++
excess oil, leaving skin u{.tfqr firmea E^tlttJffi&ffiF-ftMP'ffi . R;frti,
more youthful appearance.
li, iEffi 24drrft+€ffiil1 1 trXt^F
#., ffiE@frg,nffi-g&"
Affi+E{REE+" fr=EfrIE, Fffi E jgffi mFft iE{€Bf+titEnFnffi ffi f Perfect Care Night Greamr sog
frffi, #tLffiF{*m+'tHg, t(Rmffi n" mgwrx.. rfiffim. REB'ef# frxM#wE
wgtffiw," .&.lo#eaffi+, E€'iIffiE flftffiffiH 7546 5$59.00 (S$38.90pc 12pts)
effiIFffilfr=' ffiLEffih " lE#RzJ<
Perfect Care Serumt somt h, +ffi;aftE j)u" {FflttffiEE. €;E
fr-M#ffi+fr. €3S,1+, pEtF-gx"
7544 5$64.00 (S$42.90pc 14pts)
lngredients: Water. Butylene Glycol' Diglycerin . Oryza Perfect Gare Day Creamt 3og
Sativa (Rice) Bran oil . Steareth-1 0 . Squalane . Glycerin
. Carbomer. Phenoxyethanol .Glyceryl Caprylate .
Alcohol . Behenyl Alcohol . Silica . orange Oil . Xanihan 7545 S$55.00 (5$36.90pc 12pts)
Gum' Dipotassium Glycytrhizate' Sodium Hydroxide.
Polyglyceryl-10 Laurate .Tocopherol . Phytic Acid . Bletjlla lngredients: Water . Butylene Glycol C1 21 5 Alkyl
Striata Root Extract . Artemisia Capillaris Flower Extract Benzoate . Phenyl Trimelhicone -Titanium Dioxide ' Vinyl
. Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Flower Extract. Ascorbyl Dimethicone/Melhic0ne Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer
Tetraisopalmitate . Melaleuca Alternifolia Oea Tree) Leaf 0il ' Behenyl Alcohol . Sorbitan Stearate'Simmondsja
.Coix Lacryma-Jobi (Job s Tears) Seed Extract.Ginkgo Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil . Squalane' Polysorbate
Biloba Leaf Extract Panax Ginseng Root Extract.Ryoku- 60 - Dimethicone . Aluminum Distearate' Glycerin'
Cha Ekisu' origanum Majorana Leaf Extract. Thymus Polyhydroxystearic Acid . Phenoxyethanol ' Phytlc Acid
Serpillum Extract. Boyal Jelly Extract. S0dium Hyaluronate ' Glyceryl Caprylate . AIumina . Alcohol Xanthan Gum
'SucroseCocoate orangeOil Silica' Polyglyceryl-1o
Laurate'Allantoin' Lauric Acid Bletilla Striata Boot Extract
' Artemisia Capillaris Fl0wer Extract Eugenia Cary0phyllus
(Clove) Flower Extract' Melaleuca Alternifolia [tea Tree)
Leaf oil Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate' Tocopherol' Coix Choose eitha the PetJrct Care
Lacryma-Jobi (Job's Tears) Seed Extract Ginkgo Biloba
Leaf Extract Panax Ginseng B00t Extract origanum Nsssifies Set or thePerfect Care
Majorana Leaf Extract . Sodium Hyaluronate ' Thymus
Serpillum Extract. Ryoku-Cha Ekisu' Royal Jelly Extract Conplete Set to stxt your bauty
regimen - eqioyinggrat skin ce mdgrat

EXTNACTS X, fr'6!8,ffitl6.frElfi , EIEFE)E
11 POTTERFUL ALL - NAIUBAL.PI'ANT ffi 6!*F*fl'r$58 Sf €+E#!€fi H I
1ls Perfect Care Necessities Setr
(save more than 2U/o)
nfTlff:5rF , , " :. " - cleansing oil, Facial wash, Toner
', Gintgo Biloba Leaf ' A, tree and Serum
'I scavenger
radicEl scavenger
radical fr*#flilgl?E#
, ae - €fiTBft'EdEBlF= :fret*. #8H^ WmrfAm+W
,_ .
' t p;";;; *tgo"ru" oui"iJis*"4 seeb- s$ra7.00 issSg.lsdpi i'8r;ts
iin rcner riesn
, Almond) oil , _-_-^ 9884 S9142.00_(S$99.90pc 28pts)
: i*TH'i'fiHtrfi?1"*"#'
coix kcryma Jobi (Job's Pertect Care Complete Sett
, 5i5i:5t.i"sns ot! !!a;l;!i1 cert Gave more than 20'/j
: t[Utr - #gJEffifrffigxfL - Cleansing oil, Facial Wash, Toner,

.: i{i?fir^n*i;;; kJ ' iil;;;* H#B#g*trm

ano ruisnt credm

moisture reserve

^ , ;#H*=*t*. '&ffi/..
i, p"no ains"ng,lp9! ,_;
:j1"1??"*du* iiffi"ffSf3s.oo (S$14e.e0pc zt4pts)
:'igr"ffifi'&'ffftSdtLn,;; K,f,l.#'Jiit;;;;";;
I with Tonet Rich
' '-,..,]
!1auty Beborn.ffsfl1ffi ,
Put rhe aging process
on hold wir
help from Nr ole
gentle ingredienrs Miller Timeless line. packed
ana ur,nro","nl-",lirtle with
l,'::ili ,*
rechnologv A Hcare',
.,J";, ;i'"";ied i." ;;il:il'- Timeles, r.,".,

Hf;fl,f .s]T#',%"T;{ff Hffi

&',rH#ft_Efi f,Hgq,:arErf, n€ms€.

timeless age=defying serum, , ,.

E'trt*ffiffi+fr .,€F * .rrl:g€

t$*6b*line::r , Flauet.Y{Nff Natilral Seauty

. extract, Gentle Essence: Green tea extract,

tgchnology of ,r**ti:*
il€$-s-e n ce d.d_eri,lit''" "'li:il,
tighten the enlarged pores. The
specialized formula also stimulates the
growth.of collagen, at the same time,
guards your complexion against free
radical _and environmental damage

*,\f#*ilL*msaffi - leavirig you with fresher, smoother,

firmdr and youthful skin.
*E)Ef0HrF: &#SEI{Z' *gEl[,fi
;hffi..'. qF,ffi BE . [l[EFtr,'. .ffiH&*3'$-e*.. --. geffi&H$*t
**SE;E*0FF:9R#*HPJ*€*4€# -
iEffi €f|lEeF5ffi&€6{6AHCare, €
EIIZ. Fs*ffi+. zJ<**F#. fr6'fL
I' Etr,l*ifiaiEB rBirnE, ;Hf0*ha,B filj.
fr ffi , AI]'IJIHAfl'IE*. FIHfriIH€ E B! iaffi €fUEaEAfiffiEd{AAHCare, €
HK, Eo{}ffifr BHEH'!,fE€, {*'F& 8f T'l*iElaEB,lfl*,*8, )Ef 0* hz.lL
[ift,965)5*, {tBlfl*+ts. +)8. frffi , EBAJtrAE'Iffi " BI'iMFEE B!
'g.9'-, AW+#i€Xt. EK, EE$'6}fi E 688!{EE, R'FE
ffi ft,9B-r)s*''{FEItfl*+H' +)E.
t,. .
Timeless Body Smoothed*t*mt E*, F.n+#xv"
+8970 5$62.00 (S$41 90pc 14pts) Timeless Age-Defying. Serumt soml
lngredients: Aqua (water.eau), Hydroxyelhyl Urea,
Polyglyceryl-2 Stearate. 0ctyldodecyl Ne0pentan0ate. 3e70 5$61.00 (S$40.90pc12prs)
Diisostearyl Fumarate, Phenyl Trimethicone. Dicaprylyl
Ether. Steareth-2, Hydrogenated Lecitnin, Ascorbyl lngredients: Aqua, Lactic Acid,
; Palmrtate, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Dimethic0ne, lsopropyl Palmitate,
Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Extract, Amm0nium lsopropyl lsostearate,
Acryl0yldiTethyltaurate,AiP C0p0lymer T0copheryl Butylene Glycol,
Acetate, Citrus aurantium dulcis (0range) 0il, Ethylene Laureth:4, Trilaureth- . .;
Brassylate. Retinyl Acetate. Citrus grandis (Grapefruit) 4 Phosphate,
Seed Extract. lsomerized Lin0leic Acid, Capsicum annuum, Polyqlvcervl-2
Bupleurum falcaturn'Root Extraci, Lactic Acid, eaffelne, Stearate,Sttear.eth-20, 4t!,
Arginine, Leichithin. Stearoxytrimethylsilane, Steareth- Steareth-2;'Dimethicone, ""
20. Polysorbate 80. C0enzyme A. Laureth-4, Sodium
Hydrolide. Trilaureth-4 Phosphate, Phenoxyethanol, Sorbic 3i,1tsi],?l$if;i'ii,i *?8il|llo,, \ \
Acid, Caprylyl Glvcol
macrocarpon (uranoerTy) rrurr
Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Leai
+ While stock lasts CHrt Tocopher0l. Tocopheryl Acelate. Retinyl Acetate,
Retinyl Paloiitate, C :>
Palmitate, Arqinine,
Allantoin. Citrus aur
fr*ep C&s,*,n
friJf:tlff 7n!& gffi'{eg
Go deep below the surface to draw out impurities and reveaL
uou, b.ishtest, most radiant complexion with Nicole Miller
ivlr.qr"l M"k" rhis your perfect weekly skin care regimen'
ittEEIj{(SSteJ?EiH9f,TS&m,\$*Fns, #Srflltfttk€ H
*t{tisilrtll, EftEpl.IEItffilFEES*.{t€E+
.,.a'::t : :l:1. . :, iaa:::a: :ta:
,:',.1::: ::::1..:i:1:::l:
tt'.::,::: a.,ai.4&, .. *

replenish hydrating fruit masque radiance exfoliating treatment refine purifying mud masque
7&IFEEH *ffiEU16F ffiIIH+EE
##,: &&qj * *t*&{{*
Exfoliating Refining
Contains antioxidant-rich real fruit fibers, With Radrance Ertoilating Treatment, Refine Purifying Mud Masque uses
Replenish Hydnting Fruit Masque helps your skin is nourished with algae, seaweed harvested off the coast of
create a bright, dewy complexion. lts glycerin and aloe extract. Enriched lreland, specially selected for its pore-
creamy texture enhanced with finest seed with vitamins A and E, it also contains tightening properties. lt is also enriched
butters and vitamin E penetrates deeply a natural clay-like mud, Kaolin, which with Kaolin, the natural clay-like mud
with the right nourishment. Suitable for helps deeply cleanse pores, absorbs which helps to draw out impurities
normal-to-dry skin texture. Rep/enlsh toxins, and excess oil, revealing and absorb excess oil. lnclude Refine
Hydrating Fruit Masque delivers moisture smoother and lustrous skin. Putifying Mud Masgue as part of your
to the skin, helps soften, smooth and tone
beauty regimen and regain skin's
your complexion. ET9D'T
radiance and softness.
HEFffiEAJ'gtr, Eltffil&il'EF. H
*ES€E n. &F=ffi1F6!E;8. Ftfror$€= EESfi
EeR€'n€,{L{fH 0!€RffiS, zj<R At0E, Et€cFFr, -ruxfl\)E tr+ffi +6tr€e* E €fi = o!tFr&)E
R;fr 6Hlt h+EBlf ffiH+ " +iE8! x, €t xErsF+.y,, la8il+lFh-
g,FFtt, HEUffi mEryi*ros,ft6E, Hffi1F, RE E*++thil. E++f;||
*+0trEifiBE, fifFffie" mE€Plfroamt, -{SxffiE}n, ffi
RisB[=+F4*,,*F##Strffi . iE =r4*iB. ff {EEe,iffiE!ffi pfi{td{, *h)sffif0t
6+t*&ffi&H. /<*Fffi6H, Elt Radiance Exfoliating Treatmentt *6$$BEt tru,. iftrEffi+dtrFtb+
ftiXfii, iHhH4t, r-4Fffiffifl,lffi, i-t 6og 6#StE8!-Sr), ft tg,tfi EBJrffi g!*
l$l0lElf EGz(+, Etttt6 " KftESi6f
4632 S$42.00 (S$27.90pc 10pts) wtfl*ffi.
Replenish Hydrating Fruit Masquet
lngredients: Aqua (water/eau). Glycerin", Glyceryt Refine Purifying Mud Masquet z+s
Slearate*, Jugians regia fWainut Shett) pbwder, Sodium
d(+ffiflEH Coco-Suffate, Zea mays (Corn Kernel) l,leal, Prunus #+ffi+EiH
4590 5$42.00 (S$27.90pc 10pts) armeniaca (Apricot Seed) Powder. Emulsrfying Wax NF.. 7225 5$40.00 (S$26.90pc gpts)
Stearic Acid*; Stearyl Atiohol*, lvacadamia t6rnifolia
(Macadarnia Nut) Oil, PEG-100 Stearate.. Kaotin, lngredjents: Aqua {water/eau), Kaolin. Sodium lMa0nesium
lngredientsr Aqua (water/eaur. Gtycerin., Kaolin, Di-ppc- locopheryl Acetite. Ascorbyl Palmilate, Retinyl Acetate, Silicate. lllite, clycerin", Pentylene Gtvcol, Butvlen; Gtucol.
3-Myristyl EfterAdipate*. Glicerit Stearate., Stearic Aloe barbadensis Powder. Camellia sinensis (Green Algae Extract, Lithothamnium c0ralli0ides/Lith6thamniLm
Acid*. Cetyi Alcoh0i*, ButvrdsDeimum oarkii tshea Buitert. Tea) Exbact, Chamomilla recutita (Chamomit;) Extract.
Garcinia indica Seed (Kokum Butter), Frigaria chiloensis'' Ginkgo biloba Extract, Algae Extraat, [4aris Sal, Cilric
calcareum Powder, Hamamelis viroiniana Mitch Hazel).
(Strawbedes). Dicapryl Ethef. Pohto SArch Modified', Prunus amyodalus dulcis {Sweet Almondl Seed Extraci
Acid, Microcrystalline Wax, Menthol. CocamidoDroovl Chamomila recutita Extract. Al0e barbadehsis Leaf Juice,
Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranbenies,, Vaccinium Betaine. Steareth-2*, Xanthan Gum*. Tefasodidm EbTA, Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Extract. Sorbftot, yeast
angustifolium {Blueberries), d-Tocophervl Acetate. Retinvl Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Methylparaben, Extract, Hy_drolyzed Soy Protein. Retinyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl
Acetate. Ascorbyl Glucoside. Aloe barbddensis pov{der.' Propylpanben, Eft ylparaben. Butylparabed, Fartum, Palmitate, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cucumis sativus
Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile) Extract, Camellia sinensis Titanium Dioxide, Coumarin. (Cucumber) Extracl, lvlelia aadirachta {Neem) Extract.
(Green Tea) Extract. [4aris Sal, Bisabolol*. Algae Exfact", *vegetable-derived '
Cocamidopropvl Betaine, Xanthan Gum. Ietraiodium
Yeast Extract'. Sorbitol*, Sodium Hvalur0na6*. ouabmium-
79 Hydrolized Soy Protein*, Sodiuni pCA*. Microcrvstaljne n/roph0^sphate, M€hylisothiaz0lin0ne, Chtor0phyllin-
Copper Complex. Tehasodium EDTA, Citric Acid,-Benzyl
Wn. Tetrasodium EDTA. Phenoxyethanol, parlum, potassium
Alcoiol Potassium Sorbate, Parlum. Benzyl Benzoatei
Sorbate, Methylparaben. Pr0pylpamben. Butylparaben,
I inalonl
*vegeiable-derived "vegetable-derived

i0oming s00n to Mataysia.

E!{?Fffi-9JFEjtr!!E "
TOW-ATDS BCAUTIFUL ffi Ftr E E-f+ Hr) SCTCt)fr 8!€ E
SKIN ffi , E.^.6Ec,q|} 2- .
Collagen is a long fibrous structural
6f+ 6t+0!mFE FETtjlitE! IE
protein which is mainly found in the
{6, FJ/.1A+IE. t ffi. f0ffi6!frrFtr+
largest organ of our body - the skin-
r)€e " -5gtfrffiEe-fra, mFEE
Various types of collagen are found in f 0 3+, E E 1T1&ECt++Rffi 3+t+B!Ee
our body and they are required as a E*' mFE€+fit6!€t(f0F tr 8'!)h
main component of cartilages, ligaments ff' mJHEE€Eiaff)h*"
and tendons. Together with soft keratin,
the collagen and elastin fibers are 'f+/4EFittr{FEEtil*T
responsible for the strength and elasticity
of the skin - and the degradation of
the collagen thus leads to aging and FfrE b tr Z4L1IH E * E YFH'I.ft tr
accompanying wrinkles. a, {fllrpB}689il. r{H)5*fD6fs€
A, ii,i--bilero{RiE{EtlJHE E At}'{n
+fr18!E KUE{€EffiJFEF E )hXH!F
DCSTTOYS COLLAGCN? a, ec{pffi+trf03fi'I6lFr. !3)H
With the onslaught of normal aging - rbtd{e€ €€m tft E = E.E,LIE
and along with several other factors
such as constant exposure to the sun, E0lo. EA9+r+HI{r. .€E{:fo./L
pollution and toxin from the environment, *=f€E /daEflffi^enDffi *tst[H
these factors hasten the degradation of
collagen in our skin.
SEf!'fi=" =Etfl,L:rF€Hef
ucgaB2. B6f0c, f€E ffiFEE8.!6
With age, the ability of our body to Ftr" €x,frF-'fE, il,gE€*c+.
create collagen also decreases, resulting
in dry and wrinkled skin" The good Triple Up Collagenot pack of 10
news is - you can rejuvenate your =E+EIL7E* 10ffi#
skin with Triple Up Collagenl Besides 5495 S$89.00 (5$59.90 16pts) Tpack
containing antioxidants, rich ingredients 7684 5$243.00 (S$159.90 42pts)
such as CoenzymeQl0, Japanese basil 3 packs
extract, coix seed and catechins help lngredients: High Fructose Corn Syrup, C0llagen Peptide
you step up your defense against free (Pig-derivedl, l\4arine-derived Collaqen (Fish-derived), Deep
Water in Shiretoko-Rausu, Honey, Lact0-Sucr0se, Ftav0t
radical damage on your skin. Triple Up Erythrit0l, Citric Acid, Japanese Bastl Extract, C0ix Seed
Collagen is also fortified with vitamins Extract. DL-lvlalic Acid, Vitamtn C. L-Carniine, Catechin,
Paffia Extract, Vitamin 86, CoenzymeQl0, Vitamin 82,
82, 86 and C to help in collagen
synthesis. A bottle ol Triple Up Collagen
a day keeps the wrinkle away!

* This product is not suitable for Muslim and vegetarian consumpilon. iiFffi,FiEeEAftfoFc6cffi "

Nicole fufi gyr cirJ'syr sPeelat?
-A 0p'ener! g;
. It has very few oil glmds, making it prone to drlmess,
. It is thinnq and more sensitive - about 10 times thinns
thm the skin on the facq
. It has minimal fat padding covers m intricate network
ofblood vessels, and contributes to puffiness and dark
ffiffiERrfi* . It
is constantly moving, Blinking alone produces 10
tirousand movements per day. Facial expressions,
squinting md sress all contribute to fine lines md
crow's feet.

. FRFlfiiEfiFffii|frRt, A+&+ffi"
. ERFIEIIffiE#. F.,ffH _ EIb&*FFEEIIftF
. EEE[Fffi4S4., +ntu€afrra, Ea+&E
. EFEEff dJF'fi *Fi*[.IE" EX&EFRffi IT,
1U)t" Ei*FtlE, flA,. fflEr*Te+*ffi&e.

A. dual-phase eye makeup remover

An ultra-gentle makeup remover that soothes
t and tones eye skin while taking off stubborn
eye makeup with ease * just shake to activate.
Dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested, safe
for contact lens wearers.
. Removes makeup without irritation
. Nourishes and tones eye skin with carnosine
peptides, cucumber, aloe vera, green tea and
. Uses innovative natural formulation - using
Japanese Honeysuckle as a natural
preservative that is safe and gentle
uiIEREf!&F, ffirt+&r;,860, EStrEBItffi
*+lffi A # W1D RffiWVW - R FEE $E
" iEEEffia+Etmf0ERt+E!,mlnllifi , Ee*tF,a
.'lnRffiWY,W., fi*lH,lt
. €$E1Lffiffi. drf;/lttrH. F=ffi+. &
HgretERI€ frtrffi R/86!ffi ti
. *H4xfrtEry)Wfr - *ffi F € E AB!fr
fi I[,'EilA'A,€ryN!9Ffi ffifr1J, F ffi ffi ruA
e. ;a+0
Dual-Phase Eye Makeup Removef ltrml
1429 5$46.00 (S$29.90pc Spts)
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), Cvcl00entasiloxane. Cvclohexasiloxane
Glycerin, Pr0panediol, PEG-40 Glvceivt Cocoate. Sodium C0ceth
Sulfate. Carnosine. Beta-Glucan, Aloe'Barbadensis Leat Juice p0wder
L0nicera Japonica (H0neysuckle) Flower Extract. L0nicera CaDrifolium.
Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract, Cucumis Sativus iCucumber) Fiuit
Extract. Butylene Glycol. Citric Acid, Sodium Chlbride, Disoitium EDTA
B. bright eyes soothing gel
Ongoing puffiness stretches eye skin and leads to sagging and
fine lines. For relief ol the appearance of puffiness, fatigue and
dark circles, apply this gel throughout the day when needed.
. Natural oat e)dract and argania fruit proteins help smooth
and tighten skin to give relief to tired eyes
. Active goji peptides creates a visible firming effect and helps
minimize the appearance of puffy or sagging skin
. Licorice, lychee and cucumber extracts provides soothing
and toning benefits
D. night recovery crime
t+4ERE;y8Q*+fi ERJAE[ffit/A3gTE. F Effity. " h3 W BffFSBBE
m, ca?EREflftffiFf B++rft 0qtF. 'For serlous treatment of eye skin, this peptide-packed crdme is
clinically shown to significantly improve skin tirmness around
. Hexfr IEA+Hf0E*E E ffi ,
"J€r,&*i&jgEfi F . the eye in just 4 weeks. Features airless pump technology.
Ift+ffitXf'E*ERt€Bjrfi .
. He)E{+EEftffi, E5*ERJAEIffi, €fi4Effit+Ee. lmproves skin firmness with peptides derived from pea
ry;: I extract
turt*- '. Decreases the appearance of skin sagging and fine lines
. HH . iBti&drfr Jl\EFEI€ilef0#ilAEFItfl* with Actifirm@ Ultra, alriple blend of herbal extracts
. Soothes, tones and moisturizes skin with cucumber
Bright Eyes Soothing Gelt tsmL
.infusion, aloe vera, green tea and arnica flower extract
2711 S$54.00 (S$35.90pc 12pts) f X{lXf EREflfiffi , EgtEt+l$Etgfr fBtajgtlbfr rrtg0EE
lngredients: Aqua (Water/Eau), Butylene Glyc0l. Avena Sativa (oat) Kernel Extract, Lycium 4E fi €'U}F*ERgBff[ffi . *tr FSzJ<FFlltr "
Barbarum Fruit Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumbe0 Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol,
Ammonium Acryloyldimethyttaurate/VP Cop0lyme( Glycyrrhiza Glabra {LicoriceJ Rool
. xH E€)E'lttffif,t0!ffiFsH, Eer0flftffi3+,ls
Extract. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice. Camellia 0leifera Leaf (Green Tea) Extract, Carbomel
Litchi Chinensis Pericarp Extract. Potassium Hydroxide, Aesculus Hippocastanum (horse
. iEH Actif irm@ Ultra, 3{$tEP)ffi +te€e, 4Dft lEfuH*
Chestnut) Seed Extract. Potassium Sorbate, Argania Spinosa Kernel Extract. Sodium Cocoyl
Glutamate, Allantoin, Disodium EDTA
fltrffi. )H441[
. etlE. rEE. efi#ilffi' €€drHIK. Fs=' EFe.dr
C. wrinkle release eye serum
frgEEF*Effi+ft Night Recovery Crdmet tSmL
The perfect day treatment for eye skin, this silky serum helps
9861 S$72.00 (5$46.90pc 12pts)
to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Features
airless pump technology. lngredients: Aqua (WateriEau), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea
Butteo, Dimethicone. Glycerin, Pisum Sativum (Pea) Extract, Stearic Acid. Butylene Glycol,
. Prevents signs of aging with specially purified rice and soy Squalane, Acetyl Tetrapeplide-g, Glyceryl Stearate, Cucumis Sativas (Cucumber) Fruit
Extract, Pentylene Glycol. Vitis Vinilera (Grape) Seed Oil, Polyglyceryl-2 Diisostearate,
peptides, together with yeast proteins Stearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Dipropylene Glycol. Centellia Asiatica Extract, Echinacea
. Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles using Angustifolia Extract, Bosmarinus officinalis (Bosemary) LeaI Extract, Cetearyl Alcohol,
Phenoxyethanol, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Camellia oleifera Leaf
silicone microspheres that gently fill in wrinkles by delivering (Green Tea) Extract, Xanthan Gum, SD Alcohol 40-8, Lycium Barbarum Fruit Extract, Panax
Ginseng R00t EKract, Potassium Hydroxide, Arnica lMontana Flower Extract, Potassium
a powerful dose of peptides Sorbate, Disodium EDTA, Allantoin, Panthenol
. Provides antioxidant power, skin toning and moisturizing
benefits using cucumber infusion, aloe vera, green tea
extract and horse chestnut extract
tEl*ex{*}p, t[3fi EREffi +tFE € il 8! fE
)! tf; B! ERjA Bftffi TCCHNOLOGY?
TtBdrifrfi , ffifr€4h&rytttFl " *ffi Ftr7i€f+'i " it's the
ingredrients ond r:isible resu'lts u:hether
- n23++r&fr{16!Xffi . tEffiffiffi+, !'66f EAE r
' for^l gerfesher
anygen is
E ffi , ffi C'18ft ERJ€ BItffi fr FZI'*T use orthe tradiiional'packqging'
lost' Jn
. iaffi E,isf BEm*n&^;l3)Et+f,fi Ft6j ftte ,6E, + able t o se ep in and' w e ahen th e ingredi ents'
hlf;+. trt4hffi&e14,ry ^nnffi a' Ai,rttght b ottte k e ep s b actena out
. tE{*388., B!ffiA'{Lrh'*r., ld EilH€drH/[\ . F5= . &fr out' sofougetr etetything
0uerylasl drop ofproduet eonr'es
E gtfifffi ++n' ERr)188.&##EREfl[ffi

Wrinkle Release Eye Serumt 75mL
fiSER*Fffi+i& it,l
e827 5$74.00 (S$48.e0pc 12pts) UUV {tra€HH:Iffit$fit
lngr€dients: Aqua (Water/Eau).!imethhone. Squalane. Butylene Glyc0l. Caprylic/Capric
Triglyceride, Glycerin, Vitis Vinilera tGrape) Seed 0il, PropviheDtvl CaDrvtatd. Pentvlene
l.' riitt8sH-hfrs*E-h{HH', FfrS$fli* sffr
Glycol. Cetearyl Glucoside, Cucumis Sativils (Cucumber) Fruit Extraci. Cetearyl Aic0hol, fi:"#iFa,i, r*menstcx, flq,EliF,rFffi'
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-g, Sorbeth-3o T€traisostearate, Sorbitan Sesquiisostearatd, ppG-8
Ceteth-20, Acrylates/Beheneth-25 lMethacrvlate CoDolvmer. Di0r00vlene Glvc0l. oxid0 ftfi{r}d,StH$*iB.
Reductases, Htdrolyzed Rice Bran Protein,Glvcine soia (sbvbearit'Protein. Behenvl
Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Hvdrogenated Lecithin, Lvcium Baibarurir Fruit Extract. Aloe 2, *sJt$€#FI Uft ffi ttssffi ffi .
Barbadensis Leaf Juice. Camellia 0leif€ra (Green Tea) Leal Extract. PolvtGlvcot Adioatet/Bis- *ffi fltFS' ttl'{t&€'
Hydroxyethoxypropyl Dimethicone Copolymer. Panthenol, Litchl Chinedsis Perjcarp Extlact, 3, t*?d(ffiil*tELtJ8&H*{frffi
Aesculus Hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Extract. Xanthan GUm. Potassium S0rbate,
Disodium EDTA. Allantoin. Potassium Hydroxide Ffifi.
A. fortifying vitamin lotion B. renewing exloliator
4ro-EE ffirt-68
t ln today's world, your skin is constantly assaulted by
pollution, UV rays, extreme weather, and variety of
Tired of your skin feeling rough and flaky? Need
something to really make your skin glow? New
other irritants. Packed with peptides, antioxidants, Renewing Ertofiator brings gorgeous radiance and
vitamins, and an amazing moisturizer, NEW Fortifying silky-smooth skin with three powerhouse ingredients.
Vitamin Lotion fortifies your skin against the ravages of This magic trio of ingredients works to increase skin's
the environment, while encouraging a more youthful, rate of exfoliation, improving the telture and bringing
even-looking tone. out your youthful glow.
. A super dose of SIX skin-boosting vitamins - E, . Alpha hydroxyl technology (AHCare@) and natural
A, 83, 85, 86, and C - helps defend skin from free fruit enzymes aid in exfoliation, sloughing off the
radicals and environmental damage, allowing skin rough stuff and revealing a fresh sudace.
tone to become more even and healthy-lookin$, . Kukui nut oil and an olive oil derivative condition
. The age-defying power of carnosine, a peptide that and soothe skin for a happy glow.
helps tone and fortify the skin's banier, offers high . SCULPIESSENCE", a linseed extract, helps
antioxidant benefits and promotes firmness. smooth and maintain skin firmness by providing
. Tremella mushroom extract, the new moisturizing ultra moisturization.
super power, can hold up to 500 times its weight . Japanese honeysuckle is used as the safe, natural,
in water lt helps skin stay supple and keeps the non-irritating preservative.
appearance of fine lines at bay.
. Japanese honeysuckle is used as the safe, natural, Directions lor use:
non-irritating preservative. Apply at night, use after toner and before moisturizer.

Directions for use: fi HIEE friP B! i4trPffi EZiEtr4II R+'Effi OE?

. For day use: Apply after toner and before sun et')f *f#c, JE6SBlLBtErI)t*r0c? #fi s ffi B!ffi t
ffi 'f;
block/moisturizer. Or use as a makeup primer
before applying foundation.
.mFgc.s{Sffi ffi FIA, rff ffi *A.^.0!}6;**il,
. For night use: Apply after serum and before i0 tt&fr iB8lHffi " iif l$6= EEaEE'g#t Pffi *
moisturizer. tEir#fi . t0)dzlsftEHsfrfE. c[=ffiffi , €Enffift
rr+6!un,,f; 8!fl,Iffi [iFrfiEg€rirrHi5*. x^t*. . g€&86'{4AH Care@ - 5Xf,{tl<RE**;Ef 0t&#
ffi#5{F. U&E.{&FUB!4UB!€=. Ee63ftffi . fiilF EI*h&ffiZlENP.' frffi3#'nfiE' €ffi;J<ffiflIt
,f.tffll. tE+*. U&€t'klRffiFIr), IEE*Fr#fiSffi
8'lCfit0*fiftffi ,? u*ffifiil.{fl'dBjETTHB!{E=, tE Bf+ffr
. EffiF'&)h 5ffiffi)fr:ij Elpnf,?Mtat&ffi lt)ff, . et
.tEr0).6f45qrilffi8#t-cttfi cgflftffi, +m6+mmE.
E. A. 83. . _{+!8ffi*3*E'W, Effi+aiL&
Bs. 86. f0c - ffisrBrtffi€'ilDrE sEf0miH6'!{e
€, ffi*i55B'!ffie, r6tfl,1ffi€F)Er. Pffi , hE lffi)t;EzJ<1)
. tE€'€/r,frzHErH'!flnffi, EffiffiH!-#, €trT
. *H fefrEtxf^. rEflj#IFtrr)BlDffiffrl.

?I#.'S3EBJIffiTffr ETfH*H &rgl{fffi ' -e.frfr1f1Bi.E' REzEtltH " i66{1

'I.NEffiB,IFH, . h)fi3+,1*.
ilH'!fr€'ktlHC' +E8l3&ffi++i*tfi 1-{f*ffi.{fH.
. ixEF}r)6'!#fir+ - s44m{2, Hgr}it+tBETa9
148 50 0'{* 8!zj<f:\
" E itfl ,lffi 3+4S+ E, 5 1f; Hb m,D -5 Renewing Exfoliatorr somL
Lhtxfrq" #+.ffiF
. Xffi B 2714 5$60.00 (S$39.90pc 12pts)
fi fiU,BIFirlBlDEflJ.
^effi+Ahxt^. lngredients: Water (Aqua/Eau). Lactic Acid. Glycerin. octyldodecyl
ftHb)t, Neopentanoate. Cetearyl Olivate, Stearic Acid. Sorbftan 0livate, Sodium
Hydroxide. Aleurites Moluccana Seed oil. Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed)
. Ex{fffi , ItffilAEzE, rBL)tD865L/EEzEt& Extract. Arachidyl Alcohol. Pentylene Glyc0l. Butylene Glyc0l, Hydroxyphenyl

ffi . !.EH{Fl{€il,ftffi , Gtlir},KzHtiFH.

Propamidobenzoic Acid. S0dium PCA. T0c0pheryl Acetate. Arginine. L0nicera
Jap0nica (H0neysuckle) Flower Extract. Lonicera Capifolium. Aloe Barbadensis
. Bftigl{frffi , {*ffi ffi+iFzE, rnXtftffizEt,ltH. Leaf Juice. Allantoin. Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fr,rit Extract. Citrus Fiber (C€llulose,
Pectin), Behenyl Alcohol. Arachidyl Glucoside. Polymethylsilsesquioxane,
S0dium P0lyacrylate, Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Trideceth-6,
PEG/PPGI8/18 Dimethicone, l\4agnesium Aluminum Silicate, Xanthan Gum,
Fortifying Vitamin Lotiont somL Dis0dium EDTA, Ethylhexylglycerin
2708 S$73.00 (S$47,90pc 16pts)
lngredients: Water (Aqua/Eau).Cyclopentasil0xane. 0ctyldodecyl Neopentanoate,
Cetearyl 0livate. S0rbitan 0livate, PPG-2 lsoceteth-20 Acetate, Glvcine Soia
(Soybean) 0il. Hydrogenated Cottonseed oil, Ethoxydiglycol. Phytosteryl/
qecyltetradecyl lvlyrist0yl Methyl Beta-Ataninate, Poryethylene. PEG/PPG-
20/15 Dimethicone. Phenyl l\4ethic0ne, Tremella Fuciformis Sporocarp
E\tract, Carnosine. Glycerrn. Beta-Glucan, Chitosan, Niacinamide, Sodium
Starch 0ctenylsuconate. Calcium Pantothenare, lvlaltodextrin, Sodium
Ascorbyl Phosphate, Toc0pheryl Acetate, Betin0l, Pyridoxine HCl, Trideceth-6,
Dimethicone, PEG/ PPG-1 8/1 I Dimethic0ne, Butyrospermum Parkii {Shea
Butter). Lonicera Japonica (Honeysucklet Frower Extract, Lonicera Capifolium,
Sodium Polyacrylate. Cellulose Gum. Acrylates/C1 0-30 Alkyl Acrylate
Crosspolymer. Poly (Glycol Adipate)/Bis-Hydroxyethoxypropyl Dimethicone
Copolymer, Silica, Disodium EDTA

Hydrating Facial
Hydrating Facial
Day Use Perfect Care ;$1 ffi)E)E69, RiEtlIffizj<
Cleansing Oil
ftTIEF (fi)44) (fiiq&)

Skin Type .,16{.1 i 7541 Perfect Care
+ttffi Perfect Care .l Toner Rich
+{*ffiE Facial Wash ft*@f

Night Use l,,ll" Dual-Phase Eye
';*sJ.1 Makeup Remover
dlEr&H 5867 , 5866
rrflrRg$ Pure Essence Purify ..- Pure Essence Purifu
fl&m Cleansing Foam O Softening Toner
trt#.El a It4#.€l
+€fr89, {t

Clarifying Facial
Perfect Care ._:;-
Day Use Fffi869, Rffitlffizj<
BEftH Cleansing Oil (F4L4') (F.{14)

Normal-To-Oily 7542
Skin Type
.hr :: 7541
Perfect Care
Perfect Care
+,ttfi Facial Wash
,i Toner Fresh
rst*ffiE ft=lg.f)ft@g" N-MF

L!!*. . Dual-Phase Eye
Night Use ': Makeup Remover 5867 5866
7IHtrH $&i : Pure Essence Purify ".- Pure Essence Purifu
fl&m Cleansing Foam O Softening Toner
i tsts.El
*.., *E'fL&zi<
tr-€ -r!rt ,:
Replenish *Iiis9a.:r.
*{Jn Hydrating Fruit ,*
Luxury Crdnid
2711 2704 7545
I ',dlfl
L -; *:.1
Skin Bright Eyes DaytimeDelivery Perfect Care
Revitalizing Soothing Gel Crdme SPF15 Day Cream
4632 Serum
fr3fiffi+tF 5865
s4xf,rRffiffi REEfE ft*Mf Effi
Pure Essence
--;UO Purifu Whitenino
nffiE_fj)6,3 II 7s44
Perfect Care i
j a

.tr. serum

,"1 fr*t6f

:LLh*- 7225 2708
., .^ Refine Purifying Fortifying
:E** Mud Masque
ff+ffi4F6F I|.i,i"l'ln
.r. Lotion.
Night Recovery Perfect Care,
Crdme Cream
Night Night Firming
tl Exfoliator :r* rcfd*lEffi Eye Treatment
=€ tfi't.ffiE .t
:._€ Ef,EF:EBWffi ft-ltaFtF'ffi 5fiB*tr

Hydrating Fruit



1982 vn*5
-===== Luxury Crdme t,"'te
:-- Concentrate
Et&63ffi)6FE 2711 2705 7545
Bright Eyes Daytime Delivery Perfect Care
**| Revitalizing Soothing Gel Lotion SPF15 Day Cream

J Serum
tn&E+ffi 5865
€''EfERHffi ffi)EEE
** Exfoliating : -. Pure Essence
Treatment g PurifV WhiteninO

9861 7546 2706
Recovery Perfect Care
Night Night Firming
Eye Crdme Night Cream Treatment
**:G v'

age-defying concealer
:,::. ,- *' Ditch dark circles and banish blemishes
with Age-Defying Concealer. Ihe
creamy consistency of this concealer
ensures that it goes on smoothly,
providing full but natural-looking
coverage. The formula is filled with
skin-conditioning ingredients and amino
acids to help moisturize and tone your
complexion. The brush tip applicator
allows you more-detailed, smoother
application and increased coverage
without pulling or dragging on the skin.
Comes in 5 perfecting shades.
.tglF ifi
iFi€itrFirfrF' RfficfiHx. ffitu
+4F*;8, Er,^i6#*m" ++ft|lEr,D€
Effi# Ft #jhlflEm Heffi #{R)E fn [i,
'rn 7 117 ' iJafBffie " ffi|J*)f;f*J|lnM+fe,€iI6!
r LawLess )lrrn J&#IHffi, TEFEffiAH!'ilH. €
t,ver]' J./
ueT ror f.aery w oman,
tiE lr iFfr E 8! flJ1 f;* Br 2!j {+ FiA
Age-Defying Concealerr
Like your hair, your skin can also have bad days, Breakouts, stress, irritations and a S$37.00 (S$24.90pcBpts)
variety of other factors can affect your complexion. The right products and shades let
you erase your beaury insecurities and enjoy an even, natural-looking complexion day
after day,
idiln,*ffi#a, Enffid€'TnlnFjH!-x" Fffi. E,]. *!lffi. +E*HHEtr*s
AF'IFIJS KIffi E. H iE g frlF ffi +F ffi €FI, JE#* 5 E JFiS, F.TNH AYEW, E
?*EilffifiYEW" R$Rfi
dt {K sl
liquid foundation
A beautiful look begins with great- '
looking skin. That's why our Skrn
E HE x
Pertecting Liquid Foundation gives you
both excellent coverage and skin-
nourishing ingredients. Powerhouse
porcelain Eflt€ natural H#i€ ingredients like seaweed and hyaluronic
s180 9184 acid, plus vitamins A, C and E. We've
even added malachite extract - a free
radical scavenger, which helps purify,
protect and strengthen skin against
environmental damage. ldeal for all
skin types, each shade is designed to

enhance the natural undertones of the
ivory tji*5 golden E*E skin.
91 81 91 85
l6BR&!t6r,ll.ft .HlFIffi *A5 " iXfitE
b1EIE-F'.ft#-f.'}JR'FB!'F6, EEEft
e€Hf0fi )it BJI ffizF+rixr. " €e 3 +
E65FIf)1tlllolFF. i&Rffi . toLE+A
A. " 85fi.{ili^er033L&84
sand *iifttr almond 6J:E HV/ - -t+ € H EF4LfiiJ, #ffi)?41,.
91 82 91 86
{*tFf 04r6 EIrffi TiE ,l.FrTH m{A
E. iE6.{1,1dffim, ziE8leH€tf
Skin Perfecting Liquid
5$60.00 (S$39.90pc 11pts)
tooming soon t0 Malaysia. E|]l3Effi-B*6![itE "

MW {:':'.: :'':' :t
€'r*E*g 884
:'::': :

9)::::: ''' '

f.:t:":' '




{ -'



il't €*Fi.8846
..: I-
i{ -i.: rr..i'
1l :.r:. .1-...- ,.1

5 ry
5 re
+ While stock lasts E+*t

eye shadow shading brush eve shadow contour brush

MWFqWfrl nHpmmnl

@ I;"ff#8:#fff Y'i"J,,i';"-"", @]:,[?ilJif',"."J""y::i:#:::::{:,w:;J,.?1";:,if-

brush head through the eye shadow and tap off upside down to highlight the brow bone.
excess. Blend over lower lid, from lash line to
m *t*f*$4ffi * ffiEF(*t " FiEEffi !l *)E BR

*t' I#,IAU*WFU* ",tJ.ERt&c|JcRtr=, )*tER Eye Shadow Contour Brusht

*r. ERt +tlEFEll
3533 5$36.00 (S$23.90pc 0pts)
Eye Shadow Shading Brusht
3531 5$36.00 (S$23.90pc 0pts)
z €
€ t e.

t. e,



mousse mascara lengthy lash primer

STNE!€F ffi+FR
*livering Unsulpassed llef nition Fine, lffeak kshes No llore!
And Volume Fight the urge to load on mascara
Handle any challenges beautifully, for extra oomph. Get the results you
thanks to our Waterproof Mousse want with a base coat of Lengthy Lash
Mascara. The rich, long-wear color Primer. Build your lashes up with the
coats lashes individually ior optimum power of provitamin 85, followed by a
definition and volume. Streak-free single coat of mascara. Your lashes will
and flake-free, the gentle formula is enjoy the benefits of conditioning and
ophthalmologisttested and safe for strengthening.
contact lens wearers.
xit+gF, bn€G
s*t€Ht" &$e*i= R#*Jft&, t'&EIftftrl-EF€,R
E +& PR.EE#6i, ffi r$ifi{il 8! DzJ<F€ B, fttti0$EEr55F{il=, ffi&r}Bf .
E" ffiK, 6ru, ft€€HF€, +4? g€1ft+=JHBs, {Af,E€E€tiF
t€' ffi)Tffi:j<, 4F&,it/g€tR+ 53++T, iTF€EEEE. F}&S.
. iEiJE€ithi[Bj,
/8 ffi*tffifr7cR€
€EX.ttH" Lengthy Lash Primerr
Waterproof Mousse Mascarat 7735 S$30.00 (S$19.90pc Tpts)
S$32.00 (S$20.90pc7pts)

100 NicoLEMlLiEn rvELALEUcA.cot\l

Fabulous Set- up Before
Adding Colors

triple action foundation

Made-in-Japan Triple Action Foundaflon uses a combination of
moisturizing ingredients such as royal jelly eltract and green
tea extract to promote a soft and smooth texture. Skin benefits
from the protection of an included UVA and UVB blocking

E =lEDfi #'JRHEffi #F!,}I[FT1F. &F4F

H, *fliBffi . dt{f ,R&cDS6tEfi)tspF20, FE+g
uvAf0uvB*, €'tlt4f;|l*&{eE.
.S!&* ;gXt
TripleAction Foundationt W
=EUJ{#},R w- XXX ':'Y
s$40.00 (S$26.e0pc epts) ' *fl73i.^ ..*79?."
*ft6 *RE
Triple Action Foundation Gompactr
4788 S$34.00 (S$19.90pc 6pts)

TripleACtion Foundation Sponget fackof

3) pressed powder ttfr
4789 5$6.50 (S$6.50pc 0pts) Reduce shine with a formula that absorbs oil while also
nourishing your skin with algae and hyaluronic acid_ The
travel-friendly compact makes it perfect tor purses and on-the-
go touch-ups.
0&qq3fisB"', Ee)EFqFn{E+0r&RmE E 8ilffi #fftffi .
t ffitgltHffi*, E6$89ftffi "

Pressed Powdert
S$50.00 (S$33.90pc 1Opts)
powder brush ff|El
f. r* *',n Nicote Mitter Lo9"9 PTd-"1^?I a

ti,rl=n-inio po*oer and lightly tap

to remove loose powder fi#l
excess. Use a dusting rnot].9n lo
ty:-"l t The ultra-silky, dual-function formula contains the age-defying
with downward
powder all ou"tilil' iinir' by orusning power of soybean and phytosterols, plus a soothing dose of
u, vitamin E. Oil-absorbing properties reduce shine, while algae
and hyaluronic acid smooth skin.

*$Es*essnh,3$fi)e*: fiH+ntrffi E*}BMEHE 3 ffi+JfiLilJAFffi IFfOIEM E€, 5trOF€

fi&I|AWILEE*E. #8 n&rfi tfi$BE', X#)F,EtrEIp/
fOEqEI&Rft EEft f,Itffi *;Fil)i] .
Powder Brusht
Loose Powdert
3#o .*uu.oo (s$3s.eopc oPts) j EE{6Fg#}
:, S$50.00 (S$33.s0pc 10pts)

A Healrhy Blush 0f CCIt*r
powder blush [Eft
Give Your Cheeks That Natural Highlight
Here's something that will put a little color in your cheeks.
Our blush is made from micronized powder that is blended
supffine and designed to lie naturally on the skin for a gentle
wash of believable color. Vitamins and botanical extracts
nourish your complexion and give you a look of sheer

brrMsinep, B?€a,^.
t 1f; H'! . +i{il 6! +48 }i tr ffitJF,ffif.r} ffiE
tnM€ tr - R&Yt
i;t' ittf;=II)EEBFM, E**f08!1I;tqX{6. EATEEF
t0lE+,)4Et+r)iL,fi 8!rn*n=r[,.88ffi tr, ffi#ril "
Powder Blush Compactr
S$42.00 (S$27.90pc8pts)

..}\l *b.
'lt i J,r
\-rl Jl\
.,^ ' .c\\



blush brush [EftEtl f

![!@| +

Nicole Mitler Powder Btush

Compact' Apply blush
To use wltn ;
color over cheekbone for a
;;;;l;'il;;enlv' Just sweep
healthy, glowing look'
ffi *t*#+affi titrBBtl' L)#Fl'fr.alJ' EEBTJ)*f*Effi
Blush Brushr
g53s sS+s.oo (S$32'90Pc oPts)

soon io Malaysia. Ell#l€frig*6$ft A.

5641 black R€

5644 deep bronze *6EH

+5645 forest ,RF€

+5647 plum €E*

+ while stock lasts Etrll
eyeliner ER*€ :'*
Deline Eyes For lnstant Allure
r Learn how to line, define and add definition to your eyes with these beautiful
: and beneficial eyeliners. Blended in a rich, long-wearing formula, Enhance
Eyeliners go on easy and smooth, staying in place for hours. This unique
formula helps keep delicate skin protected and nourished with vitamins A,
C and E.
itrR*8n6. Eit,^.
!3t6Ee#ffi'6tr8R*7, F€'4. iAffiKn. Eefr ,
EtrcRci€*;il AtrR,^EERI{Fn{6.
T A Efi " 2 fnF,tt LEE#A . cf 0 Et[ZEaF,

Enhance Eyelinert
S$33.00 (S$21.90pc Tpts)

pencil sharpener Hl€E*

Give Your Makeup The Perlect Edge
Precision and beauty go hand-in-hand. Our
sharpener gives you the perfect pencil edge you
need for control and accuracy to easily create the
look you want.
itffi ffi 8!trH * U/f; B!A6m . €m HI€€SHE
LLlE gelLW€.e.A#1Ft, lf t*fr F)effi .

Wgg9-lSllil thalqgng].q9 used for eyerineG brow pencit and tipriner
€Hit|J+tF ER&€, E€. E4€€E
6250 S$2.10 (S$2.1Opc opts)

brow pencilFIHE+ o
lntensily Your Eyes ln One Easy Step c
Beautiful brows can "shape up" any appearance! The long-wearing o
formula includes viiamin A, C and E to moisture and condition hairs. o
Unique defining brush beautifully shapes brow and helps provide a ;jj
"finished" look. rs
E(Affi4.TEU, 1HE4FEff . EffMHE€Ai<fiI,JHg, ffiTO


Perfecting Brow Pencilt

S$33.70 (S$22.90pc7pts)

1. ! currant 6246

red kiss 6236

champagne 6375

soft nude 6245

iced mocha 6243 coral reef 6241

plumberry 6234 pink sorbet 6233


lip color E# lip treatment !frEFtt

Add Glodous Colors Fo? Softan Upsl{tth Rlch
B€rsdftrl, Supple Ups Condltbners
Luxury Lip Co/or adds glorious The secret of gorgeous lip color is
color while hydrating lips for a beautiful, healthy lips. Pefiecting Lip
beautiful, supple appearance. This Ireatment smoothes and revitalizes
sweetly scented lip color is specially lips with vitamins A, C and E. lts
formulated with ginseng extract, silky formula acts as a base for
I retinol and vitamins to smooth and lipstick, ensuring smoother and
I soften lips. You'll feel the age- more even color application. The
tip brush EEtl d
defying difference immediately! added moisture helps keep lips
Complimentary shades let you from drying out, for a soft, supple
To use with Nicote Miller Luxury f'
t i^ annh, lin color change your look on the go to appearance.
IryIiEf ^^t^r
match your mood or your outfit.
*d eventy' 'tust sweep color over
fE*Gs, E#ESa
r$nII. ilsrt#

for a flawless Pout. HER#$EffiSEE=A. cfTE,

U,lRiEliln)€B!fi EX' NftE$Effi€+Fffi, iT'TE{TH REfr ZFT$}, €N#iTTH{f €Etr
" fi FR' zJ<)Ed,A.. ,5Xf,^ A&S
siE, &ntrbTffi{+tr. E5trY
npxv€eru;*#trL" n. il,F85. tr3f+t$Efr, tE.{L ,R&, ittrxr'+aTflH&, tilsF
Lip Brusht
opts) Luxury Lip Golort Perfecting Lip Treatmentt
Js5+ ssza.oo (s$18.eopc R€a=a*E# HFffi#
S$34.00 (S$22.90pc8pts) 2710 $30.00 (S$19.90pc Tpts)
6812 terracotta *HrI
'-_ ;J -
+6804 rose dust *ii&Ih

+ While stock lasts €*rrt

lip gloss ES lip liner JE4€
Gloss Up Your Look Llne And Accenluata Your Llpe Wlth Nourlehment
Let them see your shine! Get maximum shine with Brilliance Blended in a smooth and luscious consistency, these liners go
Lrp G/oss. Raspberry and cranberry smooth and condition the on easy to create more definition around your mouth and to
delicate skin of the lips" The antioxidant power of green tea keep lip color from disappearing. Peiecting Lrp Llners even
helps fight free radicals, while vitamin A, C and E nourish and help moisturize and protect with three important vitamins - A,
protect. C and E.
iEffs?E €m&finE
REESE€ #LeffiB9fre*t " Ea=to
i,ttntr+;rq NiE,
Efr4tftEUf;Bg*i+, itt!trh5+efr)E. ffir0fr9.1.11*H+ )itH!'l+trrrE" E*84€EC'&EF8+A. Cf0E, gtT{R
E +NffiLEE#. A. CfOEH*{R}FNE " ift . +fr+48. 1frpEz{.1&e*)n)ft "

Brilliance Lip Glosst Perfecting Lip Linert

REEftEg E&E4g
S$34.00(S$22.90pc spts) S$33.00 (S$21.90pc Tpts)


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