Asynchronous Generator

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International Journal of Reviews in Computing

31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC

2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336


Asstt Prof., Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT , Sultanpur
M.Tech. scholar ., Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT, Sultanpur
B.Tech. scholar ., Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT, Sultanpur
E-mail: [email protected]


This paper presents a literature survey on the stand alone power generation using three phase asynchronous
generator. Induction generators are increasingly being used in non-conventional energy systems such as
wind, micro/mini hydro, etc. The advantages of using an induction generator instead of a synchronous
generator are well known. Some of them are reduced unit cost and size, ruggedness, brushless (in squirrel
cage construction), absence of separate dc source, ease of maintenance, self-protection against severe
overloads and short circuits, etc. In isolated systems, squirrel cage induction generators with capacitor
excitation, known as Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIGs), also presented the importance of
renewable source of energy (solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy) in energy
crisis.Auther strongly believe that the survey article will be very much useful to the research for finding out
the relevant references in regarding with self excited induction generator network and it is also helpful for
power generation in remote area.
Keywords: Stand Alone Power Generation, Wind Energy, Induction Generator, Isolated System, Self-
Excited Induction Generator, AC/DC/AC Converter, Power Factor, PWM-Techniques

1. INTRODUCTION developing countries. The induction generator is

always associated with alternative sources of
HERE are still a considerable number of people energy. Particularly for small power plants, it has
Tliving in remote area, without power supply from great economic appeal. The induction machine
the large grid currently. Its expensive and offers advantages for hydro and wind power plants
difficult to extend the large grid in order to solve because of its easy operation as a motor or a
the power supply problem for remote areas. In the generator, its robust construction, its natural
recent year, owing to the increased emphasis on protection against short circuits, and its low cost
renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind compared to other generators. If an appropriate 3-
energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy etc.). As phase capacitor bank is connected across the
the development of renewable energy technology, terminals of an externally driven induction
the construction of isolated renewable power machine, an e.m.f tends to be generated. This
systems for power supply in remote and island phenomenon is known as "capacitor self-
residents is a feasible proposal which according to excitation". Induced e.m.f and current in the
the trends of energy development. So it significant windings will increase up to a level governed by
to study on isolated renewable power systems in magnetic saturation in the machine. The capacitors
order to solve power supply problems in remote provide the magnetizing VAR's and, in the event of
areas. The suitability of the self excited induction an external lagging power factor load, also the
generator (SEIG) has made it to be widely reactive load requirement. In order to reach a steady
employed for different applications such as wind, state generating mode, some re magnetism must be
tidal, and small hydroelectric renewable energy present in the machine core initially. A capacitor
conversion. Such generator is usually utilized as self-excited induction generator offers certain
isolated power sources at the remote-site or advantages over a conventional synchronous

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

generator as a source of isolated power supply. summery of paper. : Section-VII has been discussed
Reduced unit cost, brushless rotor (squirrel cage the conclusion of paper.
construction), absence of a separate d.c. source, and
ease of maintenance are among the advantages. Due 2. A LITERATURE SURVEY ON
to changed emphasis on energy problems, ASYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR
development of suitable isolated power generators The renewable source of energy is used to extract
driven by unconventional energy sources such as the power from wind, solar, Mini/Micro hydro
wind, biogas etc., has recently assumed greater energy sources as a prime mover of induction
importance. The development of static power generator. Figure 1 show that the energy conversion
convertors facilitates control of self-excited process in stand alone power generation.
generators in terms of output voltage and
frequency. The current drawn by the rectifier circuit
due to changes in the inverter frequency and their
effects on the terminal voltage of the generator. A
device that converts d.c power to a.c. power at
desired output voltage and frequency is called as
inverters. The a. c. output voltage could be fixed at
a fixed or variable frequency. This conversion can
be obtained either by controlled turn on and turn off
devices (e.g., BJTs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, MCTs,
SITs, GTOs, SITHs) or by force commutated
thyristors, depending upon applications. For low Fig. 1. Energy conversion process in stand alone
and medium power outputs, the above mentioned power generation
power devices are suitable but for high power
outputs, thyristors are used. The output voltage Through gear box the rotation the speed of prime
waveforms of an ideal inverter should be mover change according requirement of induction
sinusoidal. The output stage waveform of practical generator. Prime mover) is started and allowed to
inverters are, however, non sinusoidal and contain run till the rotor of an induction motor reaches to a
certain harmonics. For the control of electrical speed above the synchronous speed (
power or power conditioning, the conversion of N s = 120 f P ) of the rotating m.m.f. Where, Ns
electric power from one form to another is is the synchronous speed of the rotating m.m.f, f is
necessary and switching characteristics of the the frequency
power devices permits these conversions. A new in cycle per second and P is the number of poles.
technique for high-frequency conversion has been Since, adequate 3- capacitor bank (calculated
proposed to reduce the component stress of voltage
and current and the switching losses in the from the synchronous
traditional PWM converter. The PWM inverter Speed test) is connected across the stator terminals
driving the machine is then required to excite the of the induction machine; an e.m.f is generated in
machine with these current commands. Various the rotor circuit. As rotor rotates consequently,
techniques have been devised by many researchers voltage is induced across the stator terminals by
for controlling the output current of a PWM induction principle. This process is known as self-
voltage-fed inverter. A current control technique excitation process and hence called as self excited
has also been devised for three-phase PWM ac/dc asynchronous generator.
converters. Switching frequency should be
increased by decreasing switching losses to achieve A. Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy,
higher power density and faster transient response Tidal Energy as a Prime Mover for Self Excited
in well known PWM dc-dc converters. Induction Generator
This paper has been organized as follows: Section-II
has been discussed the details of a literature survey on H. Ibrahim, J. Lefebvre, J. F. Methot and J. S.
asynchronous generator. : Section-III introduced the Deschenes et al. [1], has been presented the various
classification of induction generators: Section-IV has aspects must be taken into account when working
been addressed the details of self excited with wind-diesel hybrid systems for the generation
asynchronous generators (SEIGs). : Section-V has of electricity especially in remote areas. Massimo
been suggested the fundamentals of AC/DC/AC Canale, Lorenzo Fagiano and Mario Milanese et al.
converter. : Section-VI has been presented the [2], has been introduced the simulation and
experimental results regarding a new class of wind

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

energy generators, as KiteGen, which employ the direct rotor current-mode control (CMC) for the
power kites to capture high altitude wind power. rotor-side converter of these induction generators,
Nonlinear model predictive control techniques, which is aimed to improve the transient response in
together with an efficient implementation based on relation to the dynamic performance achieved with
set membership function approximation theory, are the conventional (indirect) CMC. The theoretical
employed to maximize the energy obtained by study considers two grid fault scenarios, with
KiteGen, while satisfying input and state balanced and unbalanced voltages, and presents a
constraints. Yvonne Coughlan, Paul Smith, and direct rotor CMC scheme for each situation.Poul
Alan Mullane et al. [3], has been presented the Srensen ,Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis, Antonio
computer models of wind turbines for power Vigueras-Rodrguez,Leo E. Jensen, Jesper Hjerrild,
system stability studies have been developed and Martin Heyman Donovan, and Henrik Madsen et
supplied to power system operators worldwide. The al. [9], has been introduced the power fluctuations
use of multiple wind turbine models for large-scale from wind farms. Substantial power fluctuations
stability studies is also proving difficult. This paper have been observed during unstable weather
will examine model development and use from the conditions. A wind power fluctuation model is
perspective of the Irish grid operator works, is also described, and measured times series from the first
introduced. Ronan Doherty and Mark OMalley et large offshore wind farm, Horns Rev in Denmark,
al. [4], has been suggested a new methodology are compared to simulated time series. Jing Shi,
which quantifies the reserve needed on a system Yuejin Tang, Yajun Xia, Li Ren, and Jingdong Li
taking into account the uncertain nature of the wind et al. [10], this paper proposed a Superconducting
power. Roberto Crdenas, Ruben Pena, Jon Clare, Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) based excitation
Patrick Wheeler and Greg Asher et al. [5],has been system for doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)
addressed the performance of a grid-connected used in wind power generation. The excitation
wind energy conversion system (WECS), based on system is composed of the rotor-side converter, the
a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) fed by a grid-side converter, the dc chopper and the
matrix converter (MC), The MC replaces the back- superconducting magnet.Hany M. Jabr, Dongyun
to-back converters conventionally used to control Lu, and Narayan C et al. [11], has been developed
DFIG. The MC is operated with close to- unity to control the rotor side voltage source converter
power factor at the grid side. The performance of that allows independent control of the generated
the system for variable speed generation is verified active and reactive power as well as the rotor speed
using the emulation of a variable speed wind to track the maximum wind power point. Andrew
turbine implemented with a digitally controlled dc M. Knight and and Glenn E. PetersSimpleel et al.
machine. Ping-Kwan Keung, Pei Li, Hadi Banakar [12], has been presented introduced the Small-scale
and Boon Teck Ooi et al. [6], has been discussed stand-alone wind energy systems are an important
the wind power penetration increases and fossil alternative source of electrical energy, finding
plants are retired, it is feared that there will be applications in locations where conventional
insufficient kinetic energy (KE) from the plants to generation is not practical. Ramteen Sioshansi and
support the system frequency. This paper shows the Walter Short et al. [13], has been suggested one of
fear is groundless because the high inertias of wind the impediments to large-scale use of wind
turbine-generators (WTGs) can be integrated to generation within power systems is its
provide frequency support during generation nondispatchability and variable and uncertain real-
outage. Kyoung-Jin Ko, Seok-Myeong Jang, Ji- time availability. Lie Xu and Phillip Cartwright et
Hoon Park, Han-Wook Cho, and Dae-Joon You I. al. [14], has been used in this literature a new
S. Naser, Olimpo and Anaya-Lara et al. [7], has direct power control (DPC) strategy for a doubly
been addressed the wind generation penetration fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy
level in both transmission and distribution networks generation system. The strategy is based on the
has been increasing. In this paper the P-V curve is direct control of stator active and reactive power by
studied at different penetration level of wind for selecting appropriate voltage vectors on the rotor
investigating the impact of wind generation on side.Toshiro Hirose and Hirofumi Matsuo et al.
voltage stability in transmission network. The study [15],has been proposed a unique standalone hybrid
is concentrated at the voltage collapse point and the power generation system, applying advanced power
margin between it and the current operating point is control techniques, fed by four power sources: wind
used as a proximity indication. Miguel Castilla, power, solar power, storage battery, and diesel
Jaume Miret, Jose Matas, Angel Borrell, and Luis engine generator, and which is not connected to a
Garca de Vicuna et al. [8], has been suggested commercial power system. Kling , Arno J. Brand et

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

al. [16],has been introduced a new simulation (WTs) equipped with induction generators is
method that can fully assess the impacts of large- developed which takes into account the
scale wind power on system operations from cost, probabilistic nature of short-term wind velocity
reliability, and environmental perspectives. The forecasts obtained..K. Trinadha, and A. Kumar et
method uses a time series of observed and predicted al. [25],has been suggested the performance of a
15-min average wind speeds at foreseen onshore- stand-alone self-excited induction generator (SEIG)
and offshore-wind farm locations result in wasted under balanced/unbalanced loads and excitation
wind in amounts increasing with the wind power when SEIG is driven with wind energy system..
installed. Shailendra Sharma and Bhim Singh et al. Caisheng Wang, Christopher M. Colson et al. [26],
[17],has been introduced a new control algorithm has been addresed security issues continue to be
for a voltage and frequency controller (VFC) of an complicated by growing electricity demand
isolated wind energy conversion system (IWECS) presents a hybrid wind-microturbine generation
using an isolated asynchronous generator to feed (MTG) system for standalone applications. A
three-phase four-wire consumer loads. Stavros A. Pradeep Anjana, Dr. H. P. Tiwari et al. [27], has
Papathanassiou and Michael P. Papadopoulos et al. been used a analysis of power supply using Solar
[18], has been presented a case study for a 10-MW and Wind hybrid energy in south-west of
wind farm, intended to be connected to a network Rajasthan. M. Zamani,G.H Riathy and
with extended high-voltage submarine cable lines. N.Abdoghani et al. [28], has been suggested that
R. A. Schlueter, G. L. Park, M. Lotfalian, H. combining of hybrid systems and Thermal Energy
Shayanfar and J. Dorsey et al. [19],has been Storage (TES) has been proposed for lowering the
discussed the modification of unit commitment, costs of hybrid systems in hot climate. F. Michael
economic dispatch, regulation and frequency Hughes, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, Nicholas Jenkins and
regulation controls when the level of wind Goran Strbac et al. [29], has been discussed a
generation capacity is significant. A. Mota, L. Mota power system stabilizer (PSS) for a wind turbine
and F. Galiana et al. [20], has been presented an employing a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)
approach for economical assessment related to the is presented the performance capabilities superior
penetration of wind power generators in electric to those provided by synchronous generation with
power networks. The proposed method is based on automatic voltage regulator and PSS control are
analytical formulation that considers the demonstrated. Tomas Petru and Torbjrn
uncertainties involved with wind speed and load Thiringerel et al. [30], has been presented the
demand. The results show that the methodology. modeling of wind turbines for power system studies
Tao Zhou and Bruno Franois Tao Zhou and Bruno are investigated. Complexities of various parts of a
Franoi et al. [21], has been addressed a Classical wind turbine model, such as aerodynamic
wind energy conversion systems are usually passive conversion, drive train, and generator
generators. The generated power does not depend representation, are analyzed.
on the grid requirement but entirely on the fluctuant
wind condition. Maryam Ramezani, , Chanan 3. CLASSIFICATION OF INDUCTION
Singh, and Mahmood-Reza Haghifam et al. [22], GENERATOR
has been suggested to schedule future transactions On the basis of rotor construction, induction
between areas and arrange commercial activities in generators are two types (i.e., the wound rotor
multi-area power systems. Probabilistic evaluation induction generator and squirrel cage induction
can provide more information about transfer generator). Depending upon the prime movers used
capability than deterministic approaches, (constant speed or variable speed) and their
potentially leading to more efficient operation of locations (near to the power network or at isolated
the transmission network. Rajib Datta and V. T. places), generating schemes can be broadly
Ranganathan et al. [23], has been presented the a classified as under [31][34]:
wind energy conversion system (WECS) using 1. Constant-Speed Constant-Frequency
grid-connected wound rotor induction (CSCF)
machine.Controlled from the rotor side is compared 2. Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency
with both fixed speed and variable speed systems (VSCF)
using cage rotor induction machine. N.D 3. Variable-speed variable-frequency
Hatziargyrious,T.S Karakatsanis and (VSVF)
M.Papadopoulos et al. [24],has been introduced a
probabilistic model for the active power produced 1. Constant-Speed Constant Frequency
and the reactive power absorbed by Wind Turbines

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

In this scheme, the prime mover speed is held 3. Variable-Speed Variable Frequency
constant by continuously adjusting the blade pitch
and/or generator characteristics [31]. An induction With variable prime mover speed, the
generator can operate on an infinite bus bar at a slip performance of synchronous generators can be
of 1% to 5% above the synchronous speed. affected. For variable speed corresponding to the
Induction generators are simpler than synchronous changing derived speed, SEIG can be conveniently
generators. They are easier to operate, control, and used for resistive heating loads, which are
maintain, do not have any synchronization essentially frequency insensitive. The basic theme
problems, and are economical. of this paper is to present an overview of SEIG in
isolated applications. This scheme is gaining
2. Variable-Speed Constant Frequency importance for stand-alone wind power
The variable-speed operation of wind electric
system yields higher output for both low and high 4. SELF EXCITED INDUCTION
wind speeds [31], [35][28]. This results in higher GENERATORS
annual energy yields per rated installed capacity.
Both horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines Udaya K. Madawala, Tobias Geyer,Jonathan B.
exhibit this gain under variable-speed operation. Bradshaw and D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa et al.
Popular schemes to obtain constant frequency [38], has been introduced a novel cage induction
output from variable speed are as shown. generator and presents a mathematical model,
a) ACDCAC Link through which its behavior can be accurately
With the advent of high-powered thyristors, predicted. Mohamed S. El Moursi, Birgitte Bak-
the ac output of the three-phase alternator is Jensen and Mansour H. Abdel-Rahman et al. [39],
rectified by using a bridge rectifier and then has been ddressed implementation issues associated
converted back to ac using line-commutated with primary voltage control and optimal tracking
inverters. Since the frequency is automatically fixed secondary voltage control for wind parks based on
by the power line, they are also known as self-excited induction generators which comprise
synchronous inverters [34], [37]. STATCOM and under-load tap changer (ULTC)
b) Double Output Induction Generator (DOIG) substation transformers. The voltage controllers for
The DFIG consists of a three-phase wound the STATCOM and ULTC transformer are
rotor induction machine that is mechanically coordinated and ensure the voltage support. In
coupled to either a wind or hydro turbine, whose steady-state operation, the voltage is controlled by
stator terminals are connected to a constant voltage only stepping the tap changer when the voltage is
constant frequency utility grid. The variable outside the dead band region of the ULTC to
frequency output is fed into the ac supply by an ac minimize the number of taps changes. T. F. Chan,
dcac link converter consisting of either a full-wave Weimin Wang, and Loi Lei LaiFie et al. [40], has
diode bridge rectifier and thyristor inverter been presented a detailed study on the self-
combination or Current Source Inverter (CSI) excitation phenomenon and load performances. The
thyristor converter link [34]. One of the outstanding proposed analysis is vigorously tested on a three-
advantages of DOIG in wind energy conversion phase, 1.8-kW slip-ring induction machine for
systems is that it is the only scheme in which the various operating conditions. Yogesh K. Chauhan,
generated power is more than the rating of the Sanjay K. Jain, and Bhim Singh et al. [41], has
machine. However, due to operational been introduced Self-excited induction generators
disadvantages, the DOIG scheme could not be used (SEIGs) are increasingly being used in small-
extensively. The maintenance requirements are capacity isolated applications for harnessing both
high, the power factor is low, and reliability is poor conventional and renewable energy resources.These
under dusty and abnormal conditions because of the SEIGs suffer frompoor voltage regulation even
sliding mechanical contacts in the rotor. This when driven by constant speed prime movers or
scheme is not suitable for isolated power fixed head hydro turbines. The suitability of these
generations because it needs grid supply to SEIGs to regulate the terminal voltage is a key
maintain excitation. factor in deciding its use in various applications.
Kassa Idjdarene, Djamila Rekioua (ZIANI), Toufik
Rekioua, and Abdelmounam Tounzi et al. [42],
has been presented the performance of an isolated
selfexcited induction generator driven by a wind

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

turbine under unbalanced loads is studied and the Almeida et al. [49], has been discussed the
same model is used to study the performance of the regulation of the voltage and frequency of a stand-
isolated induction generator under unbalanced load alone fixed-pitch wind energy conversion system
cases. Bhim Singh, S. S. Murthy, Sushma Gupta et (WECS) based on a self-excited squirrel-cage
al. [43], has been demonstrated a simple electricity induction machine. A shunt connected voltage
generating system that can supply electricity in source inverter (VSI) and a controllable dump load
remote areas such as seashores, hilly regions, etc. are used for regulation purposes , self-excited
Many coastal areas have layers of rock under the generator, and the ratings of the VSI are considered
sea with considerable petroleum reserves. To in order to determine the load range for which
extract the petroleum products, electricity is voltage and frequency can be regulated for a given
required. In such situations, stand-alone power wind speed range. T. F. Chan and L. L. Lai et al.
generating system is preferred. M. H. Haque et al. [50], has been presented the operating principle and
[44], has been proposes a novel method of steady-state analysis of a novel excitation scheme
evaluating the steady-state performance for a stand-alone three-phase induction generator
characteristics of a SEIG under various operating that supplies single-phase loads. The phase
conditions.The criteria for the constant terminal windings and excitation capacitances are arranged
voltage and the constant-stator-current operations in the form of the Smith connection and the
are also derived and embedded into the system of excitation scheme is referred to as the SMSEIGT.
equations. J. Lodewyk Steyn, Sam H. Kendig, Ravi F. Chan and Loi Lei Lai et al. [51], has been
Khanna, and Stephen D. Umans, Fellow et al. [45], presented a steady-state analysis of a novel single-
has been introduced a self-excited operation in phase self-regulated self-excited induction
which the generator resonates with an inductor and generator which employs a three-phase machine.
generates power without the use of external Performance equations are derived using the
activedrive electronics. The generator comprises method of symmetrical components, while the
five silicon layers, fusion-bonded together at 700 pattern search method of Hooke and Jeeves is used
C. The stator is a platinumelectrode structure for the determination of the machine variables. The
formed on a thick (approximately 20 m) recessed advantages of the generator include simple circuit
oxide island. The rotor is a thin film of lightly configuration, small voltage regulation, good phase
doped polysilicon also residing on a 10-m-thick balance, and large power output. Li Wangand and
oxide island. . F. Chan, Weimin Wang, and Loi Lei Ching-Huei Lee et al. [52], has been introduced a
Lai et al. [46], has been dealed with a decoupled comparative study of long-shunt and short-shunt
voltage and frequency controller (DVFC) for an configurations on dynamic performance of an
isolated asynchronous generator (IAG), also known isolated self-excited induction generator (SEIG)
as the self-excited induction generator (SEIG), used feeding an induction motor (IM) load, the studied
in constant power applications such as pico hydro IM is suddenly connected to the output terminals of
uncontrolled turbine driven IAG for feeding three- the studied configurations of the SEIG. Both
phase four-wire loads. Juan M. Ramirez and simulated results and experimental results based on
Emmanuel Torres et al. [47], has been aimed at laboratory 1. 1 kW induction machines are clearly
designing an electronic load controller (ELC) for a compared to examine the effects of both
self-excited induction generator (SEIG) on a connections on voltage variation of the studied
standalone application. With constant input power SEIG Abdulrahman L. Alolah and Majeed A.
and fixed value of capacitance, the induced voltage Alkanhal et al. [53], has been introduced a steady
varies with the applied load. This paper proposes an state analysis of three phase self-excited induction
ELC scheme whose control strategy is simple and generator. The problem is formulated as a
reliable. Antiparallel insulated-gate bipolar multidimensional optimization problem. A
transistor (IGBT) switches are used to control the constrained optimizer is used to minimize a cost
dump load connection and disconnection. Dheeraj function of the total impedance or admittance of the
Joshi, Kanwarjit Singh Sandhu, and Mahender circuit of the generator to obtain the frequency and
Kumar Soni et al. [48], has been suggested a other performance of the machine. Enes Goncalves
algorithm-based technique estimate and analyze the Marra and Jose Antenor Pomilio et al. [54], has
steady-state performance of a self-excited induction been concerned an application of a three-phase cage
generator (SEIG). The study reveals that the induction machine (IM) as a self-excited generator
performance of the SEIG is greatly influenced by connected to the ac side of a voltage-source pulse
the operating speed, load, and excitation width modulation bidirectional inverter. The
capacitance. Luiz A. C. Lopes and Rogerio G. generator is supposed to be driven by a low head

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

unregulated shaft hydraulic turbine. The proposed isolated self-excited induction generator (SEIG)
system is intended to be applied in rural plants as a under different power-factor loading condition.
low-cost source of high quality ac sinusoidal Mohand A. Ouhrouche, Xuan D. Do, Quang M.
regulated voltage with constant frequency. Oleg LCand Robert ChainC et al. [61], has been
Chtchetinine et al. [55], has been discussed a presented the application of an induction generator
problem of terminal voltage stabilization for self (IC) in power systems.The Electromagnetic
excited induction generator (SEIG) in standalone Transients Program (EMTP) is used to investigate
mode is studied. Some means of SEIG terminal the self-excitation phenomenon and the dynamic
voltage stabilization implementing different designs behaviour of the induction generator, resulting from
of control schemes are observed. A method for the grid disconnection. Li Wang and Ching-Huei
tuning of digital control block by using Lee et al. [62], has been presented a novel approach
optimization technique is proposed. Eduardo Sukez based on eigen value and eigenvalue sensitivity
and Gustavo Bortolotto et al. [56], has been analyses to predict both minimum and maximum
introduced a new strategy for controlling voltage values of capacitance required for self excitation of
and frequency of a self excited induction generator a three-phase induction generator. Numerous -
(SEIG) .The SEIG operates in the linear region of numerical methods based on steady-state equivalent
the core magnetizing curve, so that efficiency and circuit models have been proposed to find the
performance are upgraded. An external excitation minimum capacitance of self-excited induction
circuit, comprising permanently connected generators by solving simultaneous non-linear
capacitors and electronically switched inductances equations. Li Wang and Jian-Yi Su et al. [63] , has
is used. The external circuit allows compensating been presented a comparative study of steady-state
for the generator reactive demand. Chandan perfonnames of both long-sliutit and short-shunt
Chakraborty and Apt K. Chattopadhyay et al. [57], configurations of isolated self-excited induction
has been presented the iterative solution for the generator under various loading conditions. Both
problems related to steady state performance of simulated and experimental results are clearly
self-excited induction generators operating in compared to examine the effects of both
parallel. The analysis is based on voltage and connections on load voltage variation of tlie studied
current balance equations derived from an inverse induction generator. Olorunfemi Ojo et al. [64],
model for steady state equivalent circuit of has been discussed the influence of three capacitor
induction machines. The non-linearity in the excitation topologies (shunt, short-shunt and long-
magnetization characteristics has been taken into shunt) on the steady-state and dynamic
account by piecewise linearization. Li Wang and performance of a single-phase, self excited
Ching-Huei Lee et al. [58] , has been presented a induction generator is explored in this paper.
novel approach based on eigenvalue circuit model Attention is focused on the influence of the
was obtained from a steady-state condition and it different capacitor connections on the generator
and eigenvalue sensitivity analyses to Predict overload and output power capabilities. The
dPanic Performances cannot be used for analyzing generator voltage with shunt excitation connection
SElG's transient characteristics. of parallel operated collapses when overloaded while with either the
self-excited induction generator (SEIGs) From the long or short-shunt excitation connection the
viewpoint of practical applications, it is necessary generator able to sustain the load at a lower
to based on steady-state equivalent-circuit models operating voltage and larger load current.
have been proposed motor load. In wind power Olorunfemi et al. [65], has been presented the
generating systems, the reasons for to find the modeling and transient performance of a single-
performances of a SEIG connected to static loads. phase induction generator with series or parallel
Tadashi Fukami,Yuichi Kaburaki, Satoru connected load is the theme of this paper. The
Kawahara, and Toshio Miyamoto et al. [59], has systems of equations are expressed in terms of flux
been discussed the performance analysis of a linkages and include the effect of magnetizing flux
modified self-regulated self excited single-phase linkage saturation. Generator self-excitation and
induction generator is presented. This generator voltage collapse phenomena are simulated L.
consists of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction Shridhar, Bhim Singh and C. S. Jha et al. [66], has
machine and three capacitors connected in series been presented the self regulated short shunt Self
and parallel with a single-phase load. By utilizing Excited Induction Generator (SEIG). A detailed
this three-phase system as a single-phase investigation is carried out on the transient
generator.Li Wang and Jian-Yi Su et al. [60], has behaviour of the short shunt SEIG system subjected
been presented dynamic performances of an to different dynamic conditions. Analytical model

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

incorporating cross-saturation effect, has been used Tandon et al. [74], has been discussed the effective
to predict performance of the SEIG. L. Shridhar, braking system suitable for three-phase induction
Bhim Singh and C. S. Jha et al. [67], has been motor drives is discussed. Braking is achieved in
presented the transient performance of tee self four stages using an electronic switching circuit.
regulated short shunt self excited induction Initially, a single capacitor is connected across two
generator. S. M. Alghuwainem et al. [68], has been of the motor terminals allowing single-phase self-
introduced Photovoltaic (PV) powered dc motors excitation. Following a certain speed drop, a second
driving dedicated loads (e.g. water pumps) are capacitor is added across the same terminals to
increasingly used in the remote rural areas of many sustain self-excitation and reduce the speed further.
developing countries. The key to their success is
simplicity (direct coupling, no dc-ac inversion, no 5. AC/DC/AC CONVERTER
storage batteries, etc.). In this paper a PV powered
dc motor is used to drive an isolated three-phase Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil and Dong-Choon Lee et
self-excited induction generator (SEIG). Bhim al. [75], has been presented a new online
Singh, Madhusudan Singh and A. K. Tandon et al. capacitance estimation method for dc-link
[69], has been presented the transient performance capacitors in a three-phase ac/dc/ac pulsewidth-
of a series-compensated three-phase self-excited modulation converter are proposed. A controlled ac
induction generator (SEIG) feeding a dynamic load voltage with a lower frequency than the line
such as a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor frequency is injected into the dc-link voltage, which
(IM) A sudden switching of the IM as a dynamic then causes ac power ripples at the dc output side.
load on the SEIG without the series compensation By extracting the ac power component on the dc
causes severe transients in electrical and output side using digital filters, the capacitance can
mechanical variables of the SEIG and due to large then be
starting current requirement of the IM, there is a calculated using a support vector regression
collapse of the terminal voltage of SEIG. S. P. method. Narain G. Hingorani and Philip Chadwick
Singh, Sanjay K. Jain, and J. Sharm, et al. [70] , has et al. [76], has been described the maximum
been presented the configuration of short-shunt utilization of an invertors capacity and minimum
self-excited induction generator feeding induction consumption of reactive power demands an
motor loads (SEIG-IM) suffers from excessive accurate constant extinction angle control. A new
transients during startup of motor load under no scheme for such a control is presented that is based
load and unstable operation. These problems may on the integration of each commutating voltage
be due to sub synchronous resonance as obtained waveform, thereby obtaining a simulation of the
with series compensated transmission line or due to steady state commutation equation. The resulting
the connected load system. The use of damping control is capable of fresh computation of the firing
resistors across series capacitors is proposed to angle every cycle. The control is extended to cover
damp out the starting transients and for the stable the convertor operation over its full range from a
operation. T.F. CHAN et al. [71], has been minimum permissible angle of delay to the
described the steady-state analysis of self-excited minimum permissible extinction angle. Mario
induction generators (SEIG) using an iterative Marchesoni and Pierluigi Tenca et al. [77] ,has
method. By considering the conductance connected been presented a converter topologies identified as
across the air gap nodes, an iteration procedure is diode-clamped multilevel (DCM) or, equivalently,
developed for the determination of the self-excited as multipoint clamped (MPC), are rarely used in
per unit frequency, which enables the equivalent industrial applications, owing to some serious
circuit to be completely solved. B. Singh and L. B. drawbacks involving mainly the stacked bank of
Shilpkar et al. [72], has been presented capacitors that constitutes their multilevel dc link.
methodology of selection of capacitors for optimum Sandro Bertini, Tommaso Ghiara, and Mario
excitation of single-phase SEIG is explained. Marchesoni et al. [78] ,has been suggested a new
Computed results are validated by experimental GTO devices allow the design of forced commuted
investigations under varying loads and various high power converters (up to several MVAs).
excitation capacitors. A.H. Al-Bahrani, and N.H. However, they cannot operate at high switching
Malik et al. [73], has been discussed the steady frequency, thus producing waveforms affected by
state analysis and performance characteristics of a remarkable harmonic distortion, especially if
three-phase isolated induction generator self excited conventional converter topologies are used. A novel
with a single capacitor. S. Sreenivasa Murthy, ac/dc/ac conversion structure has been developed
Gunnar J. Berg, Chandra S. Jha, And Ajay K. referring to single-phase ac (25 kV/50 Hz) traction

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

systems; high voltage converters delivering modeling accuracy with respect to classical
multilevel voltage waveforms with lower harmonic modulation function approaches. Thomas G.
content have been employed on both the line-side Habetler et al. [84], has been described the
and the motor-side. High performance techniques voltage-sourced rectifier control scheme for use
have been studied to control the whole system. with ac/dc/ac variable speed drives. A control
Robert J. Thomas, Arun G. Phadke and Christopher scheme is derived that directly calculates the
Pottle et al. [79] ,has been presented the duration of time spent on the zero state and on each
assimilation of large numbers of large wind turbine switching state adjacent to the reference vector,
generators into utility grids poses significant over a constant switching interval, in order to drive
operational questions. And also discussed the the line current vector to the reference vector. In
explores design and operational issues associated addition, under transient conditions, when deadbeat
with the interconnection of wind farms using a control is not possible, a control scheme is
controllable AC/DC/AC series connected interface. presented that ensures that the line current vector is
The study is in terms of steady-state operation of driven in the direction of the reference current
and transient effects on both the power network and vector. The current reference for the rectifier
the wind system. BOR-REN LIN et al. [80] ,has controller is derived from the bus voltage error and
been described the three-level pulse width a feed forward term based on the estimated
modulation (PWM) technique for ac/dc/ac converter output power.
converter is proposed. Single-phase three-level
rectifier based on double boost configuration with 1) Power Factor
power factor correction is used in the input side. B. T. Ooi, et al. [85], has been presented in
Three-phase three-level voltage source inverter rectifier input currents maintain near 60-Hz
based on diode clamped scheme is employed in sinusoidal waveforms with unity factor. A two
order to reduce the harmonic content of the inverter identical 3-phase, PWM power modulators are
output voltages. Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil and Dong- integrated so that one functions as a rectifier and
Choon et al.[81] ,has been presented a new online the other as an inverter in an ac drive system. O.
capacitance estimation method for dc-link Stihi, et al. [86], has been suggested the analysis
capacitors in a three-phase ac/dc/ac pulse-width- and test results are given of an experimental single-
modulation converter. A controlled ac voltage with phase controlled-current PWM rectifier which
a lower frequency than the line frequency is operates at unity power factor with near sinusoidal
injected into the dc-link voltage, which then causes current waveform. G. Choe, et al. [87], addressed a
ac power ripples at the dc output side. By extracting new PWM control technique for ac choppers is
the ac power component on the dc output side using proposed that has the advantages of enabling linear
digital filters, the capacitance can then be calculated control of the fundamental component of the output
using a support vector regression method. Luigi voltage and complete elimination. M. A. Rahman,
Malesani , Paolo Tentiand and Paolo Tomasin et al. et al. [88], introduced an analysis and
[82] ,has been introduced the family of quasi- implementation of delta modulation (DM)
direct converters, i.e., forced-commutated technique in the control of ac-dc converters. J.
converters including small energy storage devices Yanchao, et al. [89], used in this literature three-
in the dc link. In particular, the case of three-phase phase ac/dc converter without a front-end filter.
to three-phase quasi-direct converter is considered. Because an adjustable triangular-wave PWM
Since energy storage minimization calls for technique is adopted in this literature. V. Vlatkovic,
instantaneous input/output power balance; a proper et al. [90], presented in a literature three-phase,
control strategy is needed, and also described a single stage, isolated PWM rectifier is proposed
simple and effective control technique which also and in the same time realizing zero voltage
provides high-power factor and small distortion of switching for all power semiconductor devices. J.
the supply currents. Rosario Carbone, Francesco De A. Pomilio, et al. [91], suggested a three-phase
Rosa, Roberto Langella and Alfredo Testa et al. ac/dc converter based on isolated Cuk topology
[83],has been suggested a new approach for feeding an inductive load is presented in this
modeling line-commutated ac/dc/ac conversion literature. R. Torrico-Bascope, et al. [92], has been
systems. It is based on the modulation function addressed in this an isolated dcdc converter based
theory taking advantage of a two-step procedure in on two ZVSPWM active-clamping forward
which two different models are used. The goal is to converters connected in series and coupled by a
achieve a reduction of the computational burden single high-frequency transformer. Y. W. Li, et al.
with respect to the time domain models and better [93], has been introduced a in this literature power-

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

factor (PF) control strategy for a high-power associated with soft commutation techniques is a
pulsewidth-modulated inverter-fed motor drive trend in switching converter. P. K. Jain, , et al.
system. K. Zhou, et al. [94], has been used in a [108], has been used in this literature APWM dc/dc
digital repetitive control (RC) strategy is proposed resonant converter topologies that exhibit near-zero
to achieve zero tracking error for constant- voltage switching losses while operating at constant and
constant-frequency (CVCF) PWM convert very high frequencies in this literature. K.
Improvement of Power Factor and Reduction of Satyanarayana et al .[109], has been has been
Harmonics in Three-phase Induction Motor by presented in this literature two RPWM algorithms
PWM Techniques: A Literature Survey by R. for voltage source inverter fed induction motor
Gurunathan, et al. [95], has been suggested in this drives with fixed switching frequency for reduced
a new three-phase rectifier that allows the operation harmonic distortion and acoustical noise.
as rectifier or as inverter. A Xu, et al. [96], has been
suggested multipulse converters are suitable for 6. SUMMARY OF THE PAPER
high-power application with the merits of low
switching frequency and perfect harmonic TABLE I SUMMARY OF THE PAPER
performance. C. A. Canesin, et al. [97], has been
introduced in a single-phase high-power factor % of
Total No. of
PWM boost rectifi er featuring soft commutation of Literatures
the active switches at zero current. X. Ruan, et al. Topics covered Reviews out of
Reviews out of
[98], has been used in this literature a family of 84
109 Literatures
modulation strategies for PWM three-level (TL) Literatures
converters. J.Wu , et al. [99], presented in this Renewable
literature a 100 kW three-phase PWM boost energy
rectifier that serves as the front-end power source 30 27.52
resources as a
for a dc distributed power system. prime mover
Self Excited
2) Switching Frequency Induction 34 31.19
H. W. Van Der Broeck, , et al. [100], ], has been Generator
suggested in this literature is harmonic content of AC/DC/AC
current, torque pulsations, and harmonic copper 9 8.25
losses of a three-phase induction machine fed by a Power Factor
two-phase PWM inverter. S. K. Mazumder, , et al. 14 12.84
[101], ], has been addressed in this demonstrate a Switching
new concept for wireless PWM control of a parallel 10 9.74
dcdc buck converter. K. M. Smith, Jr , et al. [102],
], has been introduced in this literature a new From above table 1, it is concluded that the 27.52%
nonlinear control technique that has one-cycle of total literatures are reviews based on Renewable
response and has nearly constant switching energy resources as a prime mover, 31.19 % of total
frequency. Y. Tzou, et al. [103], has been used in a literatures are reviews based on Self Excited
new circuit realization of the novel SVPWM Induction Generator, and the 8.25% of total
strategy. An SVPWM control integrated circuit (IC) literatures are reviews based on AC/DC/AC
has been developed. I. Boonyaroonate,et al. [104], Converter, 12.84 % of total literatures are reviews
], has been presented in a class E isolated dc/dc based on Power Factor and 9.74 of total literatures
converter for regulating the output voltage at a are reviews based on Switching frequency.
fixed switching frequency is presented verified in
this literature. D. De Souza Oliveira,et al. [105], ], 7. CONCLUSIONS
has been suggested in this literature the application
of the asymmetrical duty cycle to the three-phase This paper has been addressed a survey of several
dc/dc PWM isolated converter. J. K. Steinke, , et al. technical literature concerned with Stand alone
[106], ], has been addressed in this literature by Power Generation of Asynchronous Generator. A
putting an LC filter between a PWM VSI and literature survey also show that the achieve
induction motor, standard industrial motors can be significant improvements in performance
utilized also for adjustable speed drive (ADS) parameters of the asynchronous generator in power
applications. L. D. Reis Barbosa, et al. [107], ], has conversion process such as power factor, switching
been introduced a high-switching frequency frequency, and others parameters. Authors strongly

International Journal of Reviews in Computing
31st July 2012. Vol. 10 IJRIC
2009 - 2012 IJRIC & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 2076-3328 E-ISSN: 2076-3336

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