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InnoDB Plugin 1.0 for MySQL 5.

1 Users
InnoDB Plugin 1.0 for MySQL 5.1 Users Guide
This is the Users Guide for InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8 for MySQL 5.1, generated on 2011-02-17 (revision: 25113) .

Starting with version 5.1, MySQL AB has promoted the idea of a pluggable storage engine architecture , which per-
mits multiple storage engines to be added to MySQL. Beginning with MySQL version 5.1, it is possible for users to
swap out one version of InnoDB and use another. The pluggable storage engine architecture also permits Innobase Oy
to release new versions of InnoDB containing bug fixes and new features independently of the release cycle for

This Users Guide documents the installation and removal procedures and the additional features of the InnoDB Plu-
gin 1.0.8 for MySQL 5.1.

WARNING: Because the InnoDB Plugin introduces a new file format, restrictions apply to the use of a data-
base created with the InnoDB Plugin with earlier versions of InnoDB, when using mysqldump or MySQL rep-
lication and if you use the InnoDB Hot Backup utility. See Section 1.5, Operational Restrictions.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the InnoDB Plugin ......................................................................................................1
1.1. Overview ..........................................................................................................................1
1.2. Features of the InnoDB Plugin .................................................................................................1
1.3. Obtaining and Installing the InnoDB Plugin .................................................................................2
1.4. Viewing the InnoDB Plugin Version Number ...............................................................................2
1.5. Operational Restrictions ........................................................................................................3
2. Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine ...................................................................................4
2.1. Overview of Fast Index Creation ..............................................................................................4
2.2. Examples ..........................................................................................................................4
2.3. Implementation ...................................................................................................................5
2.4. Concurrency Considerations ...................................................................................................5
2.5. Crash Recovery ..................................................................................................................5
2.6. Limitations ........................................................................................................................6
3. InnoDB Data Compression ...............................................................................................................7
3.1. Overview of Table Compression ..............................................................................................7
3.2. Enabling Compression for a Table ............................................................................................7
3.2.1. Configuration Parameters for Compression ........................................................................7
3.2.2. SQL Compression Syntax Warnings and Errors ..................................................................8
3.3. Tuning InnoDB Compression ..................................................................................................9
3.3.1. When to Use Compression ...........................................................................................9
3.3.2. Monitoring Compression at Runtime ............................................................................. 11
3.4. How Compression Works in InnoDB ....................................................................................... 11
3.4.1. Compression Algorithms ........................................................................................... 11
3.4.2. InnoDB Data Storage and Compression .......................................................................... 12
3.4.3. Compression and the InnoDB Buffer Pool ....................................................................... 13
3.4.4. Compression and the InnoDB Log Files ......................................................................... 13
4. InnoDB File Format Management ..................................................................................................... 14
4.1. Overview of InnoDB File Formats .......................................................................................... 14
4.2. Named File Formats ........................................................................................................... 14
4.3. Enabling File Formats ......................................................................................................... 14
4.4. File Format Compatibility .................................................................................................... 14
4.4.1. Startup File Format Compatibility Checking .................................................................... 15
4.4.2. Table-Access File Format Compatibility Checking ............................................................ 16
4.5. Identifying the File Format in Use .......................................................................................... 17
4.6. Downgrading the File Format ................................................................................................ 17
4.7. Future InnoDB File Formats ................................................................................................. 17
5. Storage of Variable-Length Columns ................................................................................................. 18
5.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.2. COMPACT and REDUNDANT Row Format ................................................................................. 18
5.3. DYNAMIC Row Format ....................................................................................................... 18
5.4. Specifying a Tables Row Format ........................................................................................... 18
6. InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables .......................................................................................... 19
6.1. Overview of InnoDB Support in INFORMATION_SCHEMA ............................................................ 19
6.2. Information Schema Tables about Compression .......................................................................... 19
6.2.1. INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET ..................................................................... 19
6.2.2. INNODB_CMPMEM and INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET .......................................................... 19
6.2.3. Using the Compression Information Schema Tables ........................................................... 20
6.3. Information Schema Tables about Transactions ........................................................................... 21
6.3.1. INNODB_TRX ....................................................................................................... 21
6.3.2. INNODB_LOCKS .................................................................................................... 21
6.3.3. INNODB_LOCK_WAITS ........................................................................................... 22
6.3.4. Using the Transaction Information Schema Tables ............................................................. 22
6.4. Notes on Locking in InnoDB ................................................................................................. 25
6.4.1. Understanding InnoDB Locking .................................................................................. 25
6.4.2. Rapidly Changing Internal Data ................................................................................... 26
6.4.3. Possible Inconsistency with PROCESSLIST ................................................................... 26
7. Performance and Scalability Enhancements .......................................................................................... 27
7.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 27
7.2. Faster Locking for Improved Scalability ................................................................................... 27
7.3. Using Operating System Memory Allocators .............................................................................. 28
7.4. Controlling InnoDB Insert Buffering ....................................................................................... 28
7.5. Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing ........................................................................................ 28
7.6. Changes Regarding Thread Concurrency .................................................................................. 29
7.7. Changes in the Read Ahead Algorithm ..................................................................................... 30

InnoDB Plugin 1.0 for MySQL 5.1 Users Guide

7.8. Multiple Background I/O Threads ........................................................................................... 30

7.9. Group Commit ................................................................................................................. 30
7.10. Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate .................................................................................. 31
7.11. Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages ............................................................................ 31
7.12. Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB spin loops .................................................................... 31
7.13. Control of Spin Lock Polling ............................................................................................... 32
7.14. Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant ...................................................................................... 32
7.14.1. Guidelines for innodb_old_blocks_pct and innodb_old_blocks_time ................... 33
7.15. Improvements to Crash Recovery Performance .......................................................................... 33
8. Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability ................................................................................ 34
8.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 34
8.2. Enabling New File Formats .................................................................................................. 34
8.3. Dynamic Control of System Configuration Parameters .................................................................. 34
8.3.1. Dynamically Changing innodb_file_per_table ....................................................... 34
8.3.2. Dynamically Changing innodb_stats_on_metadata ................................................. 35
8.3.3. Dynamically Changing innodb_lock_wait_timeout ................................................. 35
8.3.4. Dynamically Changing innodb_adaptive_hash_index .............................................. 35
8.4. TRUNCATE TABLE Reclaims Space ...................................................................................... 35
8.5. InnoDB Strict Mode ........................................................................................................... 36
8.6. Controlling Optimizer Statistics Estimation ............................................................................... 36
8.7. Better Error Handling when Dropping Indexes ............................................................................ 37
8.8. More Compact Output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX ......................................................... 37
8.9. More Read Ahead Statistics .................................................................................................. 38
9. Installing the InnoDB Plugin ........................................................................................................... 39
9.1. Overview of Installing the InnoDB Plugin ................................................................................. 39
9.2. Checking for Compatible Version Levels .................................................................................. 39
9.3. Installing the Precompiled InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library ......................................................... 40
9.3.1. Installing the InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library on Unix or Linux ......................................... 40
9.3.2. Installing the Binary InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library on Microsoft Windows ......................... 42
9.3.3. Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows .......................................... 44
9.4. Building the InnoDB Plugin from Source Code ........................................................................... 45
9.4.1. Building the InnoDB Plugin on Linux or Unix .................................................................. 45
9.4.2. Building the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows ........................................................... 46
9.5. Configuring the InnoDB Plugin ............................................................................................. 47
9.6. Frequently Asked Questions about Plugin Installation ................................................................... 48
9.6.1. Should I use the InnoDB-supplied plugin or the one that is included with MySQL 5.1.38 or higher? .. 48
9.6.2. Why doesn't the MySQL service on Windows start after the replacement? ................................. 48
9.6.3. The Plugin is installed... now what? .............................................................................. 48
9.6.4. Once the Plugin is installed, is it permanent? .................................................................... 48
10. Upgrading the InnoDB Plugin ........................................................................................................ 49
10.1. Upgrading the Dynamic InnoDB Plugin .................................................................................. 49
10.2. Upgrading a Statically Built InnoDB Plugin ............................................................................. 49
10.3. Converting Compressed Tables Created Before Version 1.0.2 ........................................................ 49
11. Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin .............................................................................................. 50
11.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 50
11.2. The Built-in InnoDB, the Plugin and File Formats ...................................................................... 50
11.3. How to Downgrade .......................................................................................................... 50
11.3.1. Converting Tables .................................................................................................. 50
11.3.2. Adjusting the Configuration ...................................................................................... 50
11.3.3. Uninstalling a Dynamic Library ................................................................................. 51
11.3.4. Uninstalling a Statically Built InnoDB Plugin ................................................................. 51
11.4. Possible Problems ............................................................................................................ 51
11.4.1. Accessing COMPRESSED or DYNAMIC Tables ............................................................... 51
11.4.2. Issues with UNDO and REDO ................................................................................... 52
11.4.3. Issues with the Doublewrite Buffer .............................................................................. 52
11.4.4. Issues with the Insert Buffer ...................................................................................... 52
12. InnoDB Plugin Change History ...................................................................................................... 54
12.1. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.9 and Higher ............................................................................. 54
12.2. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8 (May, 2010) ........................................................................... 54
12.3. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 (April, 2010) .......................................................................... 54
12.4. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.6 (November 27, 2009) ................................................................ 54
12.5. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 (November 18, 2009) ................................................................ 54
12.6. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 (August 11, 2009) .................................................................... 55
12.7. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3 (March 11, 2009) ..................................................................... 56
12.8. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2 (December 1, 2008) .................................................................. 56
12.9. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.1 (May 8, 2008) ......................................................................... 57
12.10. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.0 (April 15, 2008) ..................................................................... 57
A. Third-Party Software .................................................................................................................... 58
A.1. Performance Patches from Google ......................................................................................... 58
A.2. Multiple Background I/O Threads Patch from Percona .................................................................. 58

InnoDB Plugin 1.0 for MySQL 5.1 Users Guide

A.3. Performance Patches from Sun Microsystems ............................................................................ 59

B. Using the InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.30 or Earlier .......................................................................... 60
C. List of Parameters Changed in the InnoDB Plugin 1.0 ............................................................................. 61
C.1. New Parameters ............................................................................................................... 61
C.2. Deprecated Parameters ....................................................................................................... 62
C.3. Parameters with New Defaults .............................................................................................. 62
Index .......................................................................................................................................... 63

List of Tables
3.1. Meaning of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE Options .....................................................................8
3.2. CREATE/ALTER TABLE Warnings and Errors when InnoDB Strict Mode is OFF ..........................................9
4.1. InnoDB Data File Compatibility and Related InnoDB Parameters ............................................................. 16
6.1. Columns of INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET ........................................................................ 19
6.2. Columns of INNODB_CMPMEM and INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET ............................................................. 20
6.3. INNODB_TRX Columns .............................................................................................................. 21
6.4. INNODB_LOCKS Columns .......................................................................................................... 21
6.5. INNODB_LOCK_WAITS Columns ................................................................................................. 22
7.1. Changes to innodb_thread_concurrency ................................................................................ 29
9.1. InnoDB Plugin Compatibility ........................................................................................................ 39
C.1. InnoDB Plugin New Parameter Summary ......................................................................................... 61
C.2. InnoDB Plugin Parameters with New Defaults ................................................................................... 62

List of Examples
6.1. Using the Compression Information Schema Tables ............................................................................. 20
6.2. Identifying Blocking Transactions .................................................................................................. 22
6.3. More Complex Example of Transaction Data in Information Schema Tables ................................................ 23

Chapter 1. Introduction to the InnoDB Plugin
1.1. Overview
The unique architecture of MySQL permits multiple storage engines with different capabilities to be accessed through the same
SQL language and APIs. Starting with version 5.1, MySQL AB has promoted the idea of a pluggable storage engine architecture,
which permits multiple storage engines to be added to MySQL. Currently, however, most users have accessed only those storage
engines that are distributed by MySQL AB, and are linked into the binary (executable) releases.

Since 2001, MySQL AB has distributed the InnoDB transactional storage engine with its releases (both source and binary). Begin-
ning with MySQL version 5.1, it is possible for users to swap out one version of InnoDB and use another. The pluggable storage
engine architecture also permits Innobase Oy to release new versions of InnoDB containing bug fixes and new features independ-
ently of the release cycle for MySQL. Users can thus take advantage of these new versions of InnoDB in the context of their de-
ployed MySQL installations.

1.2. Features of the InnoDB Plugin

The InnoDB Plugin for MySQL contains several important new features:

Viewing the InnoDB Plugin version number

Fast index creation: add or drop indexes without copying the data

Data compression: shrink tables, to significantly reduce storage and i/o

New row format: fully off-page storage of long BLOB, TEXT, and VARCHAR columns

File format management: protects upward and downward compatibility

INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables: information about compression and locking

Performance and scalability enhancements:

Faster locking for improved scalability

Using operating system memory allocators

Controlling InnoDB insert buffering

Controlling adaptive hash indexing

Changes regarding thread concurrency

Changes in read ahead algorithm

Multiple background I/O threads

Group Commit

Controlling master thread I/O rate

Controlling flushing rate of dirty pages

Using a portable PAUSE to InnoDB spin loop

Control Over Spin Lock Polling

Changing defaults of parameters

Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant

Improvements to Crash Recovery Performance

Other changes for flexibility, ease of use and reliability:

Dynamic control of system configuration parameters

TRUNCATE TABLE reclaims space

Introduction to the InnoDB Plugin

InnoDB strict mode

Control over statistics estimation

Better error handling when dropping indexes

More compact output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX

More Read Ahead Statistics

Note that the ability to use data compression and the new row format require the use of a new InnoDB file format called
Barracuda. The previous file format, used by the built-in InnoDB in MySQL versions 5.0 and 5.1 is now called Antelope and
does not support these features, but does support the other features introduced with the InnoDB Plugin.

The InnoDB Plugin is upward compatible from standard InnoDB as built in to, and distributed with, MySQL. Existing databases
can be used with the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL. As described in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin, the new paramet-
er innodb_file_format can help protect upward and downward compatibility between InnoDB versions and database files,
allowing users to enable or disable use of new features that can only be used with certain versions of InnoDB.

The built-in InnoDB in MySQL since version 5.0.21 has a safety feature that prevents it from opening tables that are in an un-
known format. However, as noted in Section 11.2, The Built-in InnoDB, the Plugin and File Formats, the system tablespace may
contain references to new-format tables that will confuse the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. These references will be cleared in a
slow shutdown of the InnoDB Plugin.

With previous versions of InnoDB, no error would be returned until you try to access a table that is in a format too new for the
software. Beginning with version 1.0.1 of the InnoDB Plugin, however, to provide early feedback, InnoDB will check the system
tablespace to ensure that the file format used in the database is enabled for use before it will start. See Section 4.4.1, Startup File
Format Compatibility Checking for the details.

1.3. Obtaining and Installing the InnoDB Plugin

From the MySQL download site, you can download the MySQL Server 5.1.38 and up, containing an additional, upgraded version
of InnoDB with additional features beyond the built-in InnoDB provided by MySQL. You can configure your server to use the In-
nnoDB Plugin rather than the built-in InnoDB, to take advantage of the extra features and performance enhancements in the Plugin.
The InnoDB Plugin for MySQL is licensed under the same license that MySQL uses (GPLv2). It is available at no charge for use
and can be freely redistributed, subject to the same requirements of the GPL as is MySQL itself (see the GNU General Public Li-
cense, version 2). Limited support is available for the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL at You may also report
bugs in the InnoDB Plugin using the MySQL bug database.

In many environments, the InnoDB plugin can dynamically be added to a MySQL instance without relinking the MySQL server.
The plugin version of InnoDB then takes over from the statically linked InnoDB that is part of the mysqld binary. In other en-
vironments, it is currently necessary to build the entire MySQL server, including the InnoDB plugin, from source code.

On Linux, Unix and Windows, it is a simple matter of installing the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL using the MySQL command IN-
STALL PLUGIN. When the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL is installed, it replaces the statically-linked version of InnoDB that is in-
corporated in the MySQL binary as distributed by MySQL AB.

On platforms where the dynamic plugin is not available, users must download the source code for the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL
and build MySQL from source. Building from source also facilitates the distribution of a MySQL server where the InnoDB Plugin
is already installed, so all users of an organization can use the new capabilities without the INSTALL step. The procedure for
building from source code is documented in Section 9.4, Building the InnoDB Plugin from Source Code.

Full instructions are provided in Chapter 9, Installing the InnoDB Plugin.

1.4. Viewing the InnoDB Plugin Version Number

InnoDB Plugin releases are numbered with version numbers independent of MySQL release numbers. The initial release of the In-
noDB Plugin is version 1.0, and it is designed to work with MySQL 5.1.

The first component of the InnoDB Plugin version number designates a major release level.

The second component corresponds to the MySQL release. The digit 0 corresponds to MySQL 5.1.

The third component indicates the specific release of the InnoDB Plugin (at a given major release level and for a specific
MySQL release); only bug fixes and minor functional changes are introduced at this level.

Introduction to the InnoDB Plugin

Once you have installed the InnoDB Plugin, you can check its version number in three ways:

In the error log, it is printed during startup

SELECT * FROM information_schema.plugins;

SELECT @@innodb_version;

The InnoDB Plugin writes its version number to the error log, which can be helpful in diagnosis of errors:
091105 12:28:06 InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 started; log sequence number 46509

Note that the PLUGIN_VERSION column in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS does not display the third component
of the version number, only the first and second components, as in 1.0.

1.5. Operational Restrictions

Because the InnoDB Plugin introduces a new file format, with new on-disk data structures within both the database and log
files, there are important restrictions on the use of the plugin in typical user environments. Specifically, you should pay spe-
cial attention to the information presented here about file format compatibility with respect to the following scenarios:

Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin to the built-in InnoDB, or otherwise using different versions of InnoDB with database
files created by the InnoDB Plugin

Using mysqldump

Using MySQL replication

Using InnoDB Hot Backup

WARNING: Once you use the InnoDB Plugin on a set of database files, care must be taken to avoid crashes and corruptions when
using those files with an earlier version of InnoDB, as might happen by opening the database with MySQL when the plugin is not
installed. It is strongly recommended that you use a slow shutdown (SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0) when
stopping the MySQL server when the InnoDB Plugin is enabled. This will ensure log files and other system information written by
the plugin will not cause problems when using a prior version of InnoDB. See Section 11.3, How to Downgrade.

Because of these considerations, and although it may be useful in certain circumstances to use the plugin in a temporary way as just
described, many users will find it preferable to test their application with the plugin and use it on an on-going basis, without revert-
ing back to the standard, built-in InnoDB.

WARNING: If you dump a database containing compressed tables with mysqldump, the dump file may contain CREATE TA-
BLE commands that attempt to create compressed tables, or those using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC in the new database. Therefore,
you should be sure the new database is running the InnoDB Plugin, with the proper settings for innodb_file_format and
innodb_file_per_table, if you want to have the tables re-created as they exist in the original database. Typically, however,
when the mysqldump file is loaded, MySQL and InnoDB will ignore CREATE TABLE options they do not recognize, and the ta-
ble(s) will be created in a format used by the running server.

WARNING: If you use MySQL replication, you should be careful to ensure all slaves are configured with the InnoDB Plugin,
with the same settings for innodb_file_format and innodb_file_per_table. If you do not do so, and you create
tables that require the new Barracuda file format, replication errors may occur. If a slave MySQL server is running the built-in
InnoDB, it will ignore the CREATE TABLE options to create a compressed table or one with ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC, and cre-
ate the table uncompressed, with ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT.

WARNING: The current version of InnoDB Hot Backup does not support the new Barracuda file format. Using InnoDB Hot
Backup Version 3 to backup databases in this format will cause unpredictable behavior. A future version of InnoDB Hot Backup
will support databases used with the InnoDB Plugin. As an alternative, you may back up such databases with mysqldump.

Chapter 2. Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine
2.1. Overview of Fast Index Creation
In MySQL versions up to 5.0, adding or dropping an index on a table with existing data can be very slow if the table has many
rows. The CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX commands work by creating a new, empty table defined with the requested set of
indexes. It then copies the existing rows to the new table one-by-one, updating the indexes as it goes. Inserting entries into the in-
dexes in this fashion, where the key values are not sorted, requires random access to the index nodes, and is far from optimal. After
all rows from the original table are copied, the old table is dropped and the copy is renamed with the name of the original table.

Beginning with version 5.1, MySQL allows a storage engine to create or drop indexes without copying the contents of the entire ta-
ble. The standard built-in InnoDB in MySQL version 5.1, however, does not take advantage of this capability. With the InnoDB
Plugin, however, users can in most cases add and drop indexes much more efficiently than with prior releases.

In InnoDB, the rows of a table are stored in a clustered (or primary key) index, forming what some database systems call an
index-organized table. Changing the clustered index requires copying the data, even with the InnoDB Plugin. However, adding or
dropping a secondary index with the InnoDB Plugin is much faster, since it does not involve copying the data.

This new mechanism also means that you can generally speed the overall process of creating and loading an indexed table by creat-
ing the table with only the clustered index, and adding the secondary indexes after the data is loaded.

Although no syntax changes are required in the CREATE INDEX or DROP INDEX commands, some factors affect the perform-
ance, space usage, and semantics of this operation (see Section 2.6, Limitations).

Because the ability to create and drop indexes does not require use of a new on-disk file format, it is possible to temporarily use the
InnoDB Plugin to create or drop an index, and then fall back to using the standard built-in InnoDB in MySQL for normal opera-
tions if you wish. See Chapter 11, Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin for more information.

2.2. Examples
It is possible to create multiple indexes on a table with one ALTER TABLE command. This is relatively efficient, because the
clustered index of the table needs to be scanned only once (although the data is sorted separately for each new index). For example:
(1,2,'a'), (2,3,'b'), (3,2,'c'), (4,3,'d'), (5,2,'e');

The above commands will create table T1 with the clustered index (primary key) on column A, insert several rows, and then build
two new indexes on columns B and C. If there were many rows inserted into T1 before the ALTER TABLE command, this ap-
proach would be much more efficient than creating the table with all its indexes before loading the data.

You may also create the indexes one at a time, but then the clustered index of the table is scanned (as well as sorted) once for each
CREATE INDEX command. Thus, the following commands are not as efficient as the ALTER TABLE command above, even
though neither requires recreating the clustered index for table T1.

Dropping indexes in the InnoDB Plugin does not require any copying of table data. Thus, you can equally quickly drop multiple in-
dexes with a single ALTER TABLE command or multiple DROP INDEX commands:


Restructuring the clustered index in InnoDB always requires copying the data in the table. For example, if you create a table
without a primary key, InnoDB chooses one for you, which may be the first UNIQUE key defined on NOT NULL columns, or a
system-generated key. Defining a PRIMARY KEY later causes the data to be copied, as in the following example:

Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine

Note that when you create a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY index, InnoDB must do some extra work. For UNIQUE indexes, InnoDB
checks that the table contains no duplicate values for the key. For a PRIMARY KEY index, InnoDB also checks that none of the
PRIMARY KEY columns contains a NULL. It is best to define the primary key when you create a table, so you need not rebuild the
table later.

2.3. Implementation
InnoDB has two types of indexes: the clustered index and secondary indexes. Since the clustered index contains the data values in
its B-tree nodes, adding or dropping a clustered index does involve copying the data, and creating a new copy of the table. A sec-
ondary index, however, contains only the index key and the value of the primary key. This type of index may be created or dropped
without copying the data in the clustered index. Furthermore, because the secondary index contains the values of the primary key
(used to access the clustered index when needed), when you change the definition of the primary key, thus recreating the clustered
index, all secondary indexes are recreated as well.

Dropping a secondary index is simple. Only the internal InnoDB system tables and the MySQL data dictionary tables need to be
updated to reflect the fact that the index no longer exists. InnoDB returns the storage used for the index to the tablespace that con-
tained it, so that new indexes or additional table rows may use the space.

To add a secondary index to an existing table, InnoDB scans the table, and sorts the rows using memory buffers and temporary files
in order by the value(s) of the secondary index key column(s). The B-tree is then built in key-value order, which is more efficient
than inserting rows into an index in random order with respect to the key values. Because the B-tree nodes are split when they fill,
building the index in this way results in a higher fill-factor for the index, making it more efficient for subsequent access.

2.4. Concurrency Considerations

While a secondary index is being created or dropped, the table is locked in shared mode. That is, any writes to the table are
blocked, but the data in the table may be read. When you alter the clustered index of a table, however, the table is locked in exclus-
ive mode, because the data must be copied. Thus, during the creation of a new clustered index, all operations on the table are

Before it can start executing, a CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE command must always wait for currently executing transac-
tions that are accessing the table to commit or rollback before it can proceed. In addition, ALTER TABLE commands that create a
new clustered index must wait for all SELECT statements that access the table to complete (or their containing transactions to com-
mit). Even though the original index exists throughout the creation of the new clustered index, no transactions whose execution
spans the creation of the index can be accessing the table, because the original table must be dropped when clustered index is re-

Once a CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE command that creates a secondary index begins executing, queries may access the ta-
ble for read access, but may not update the table. If an ALTER TABLE command is changing the clustered index, all queries must
wait until the operation completes.

A newly-created secondary index contains only data that is current in the table as of the time the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TA-
BLE command begins to execute. Specifically, a newly-created index contains only the versions of data as of the most-recently
committed transactions prior to the creation of the index. The index thus does not contain any rows that were deleted (and therefore
marked for deletion) by transactions that completed before the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE began. Similarly, the index
contains only current versions of every row, and none of the old versions of rows that were updated by transactions that ran before
the index was created.

Because a newly-created index contains only information about data current at the time the index was created, queries that need to
see data that was deleted or changed before the index was created cannot use the index. The only queries that could be affected by
this limitation are those executing in transactions that began before the creation of the index was begun. For such queries, unpre-
dictable results could occur. Newer queries can use the index.

2.5. Crash Recovery

No data is lost if the server crashes while an ALTER TABLE command is executing. Recovery, however, is different for clustered
indexes and secondary indexes.

If the server crashes while creating a secondary index, upon recovery, InnoDB drops any partially created indexes. All you need to
do to create the index is to re-run the ALTER TABLE or CREATE INDEX command.

However, when a crash occurs during the creation of a clustered index, recovery is somewhat more complicated, because the data
in the table must be copied to an entirely new clustered index. Remember that all InnoDB tables are stored as clustered indexes. In
the following discussion, we use the word table and clustered index interchangeably.

The InnoDB Plugin creates the new clustered index by copying the existing data from the original table to a temporary table that
has the desired index structure. Once the data is completely copied to this temporary table, the original table is renamed with a dif-
ferent temporary table name. The temporary table comprising the new clustered index is then renamed with the name of the original

Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine

table, and the original table is then dropped from the database.

If a system crash occurs while creating a new clustered index, no data is lost, but users must complete the recovery process using
the temporary tables that exist during the process.

Users rarely re-create a clustered index or re-define primary keys on large tables. Because system crashes are uncommon and the
situation described here is rare, this manual does not provide information on recovering from this scenario. Instead, please see the
InnoDB web site:

2.6. Limitations
Take following considerations into account when creating or dropping indexes using the InnoDB Plugin:

During index creation, files are written to the temporary directory ($TMPDIR on Unix, %TEMP% on Windows, or the value of -
-tmpdir configuration variable). Each temporary file is large enough to hold one column that makes up the new index, and
each one is removed as soon as it is merged into the final index.

If any of the indexed columns use the UTF-8 character encoding, MySQL copies the table. This has been reported as MySQL

Due to a limitation of MySQL, the table is copied, rather than using Fast Index Creation when you create an index on a TEM-
PORARY TABLE. This has been reported as MySQL Bug#39833.

To avoid consistency issues between the InnoDB data dictionary and the MySQL data dictionary, the table is copied, rather
than using Fast Index Creation when you use the ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN syntax.

The command ALTER IGNORE TABLE t ADD UNIQUE INDEX does not delete duplicate rows. This has been reported as
MySQL Bug#40344. The IGNORE keyword is ignored. If any duplicate rows exist, the operation fails with the following error
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '347' for key 'pl'

As noted above, a newly-created index contains only information about data current at the time the index was created. There-
fore, you should not run queries in a transaction that might use a secondary index that did not exist at the beginning of the trans-
action. There is no way for InnoDB to access old data that is consistent with the rest of the data read by the transaction. See
the discussion of locking in Section 2.4, Concurrency Considerations.

Prior to InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, unexpected results could occur if a query attempts to use an index created after the start of the
transaction containing the query. If an old transaction attempts to access a too new index, InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 and later re-
ports an error:
ERROR HY000: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction

As the error message suggests, committing (or rolling back) the transaction, and restarting it, cures the problem.

InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2 introduces some improvements in error handling when users attempt to drop indexes. See section Sec-
tion 8.7, Better Error Handling when Dropping Indexes for details.

MySQL 5.1 does not support efficient creation or dropping of FOREIGN KEY constraints. Therefore, if you use ALTER TA-
BLE to add or remove a REFERENCES constraint, the child table will be copied, rather than using Fast Index Creation.

Chapter 3. InnoDB Data Compression
3.1. Overview of Table Compression
Over the years, processors and cache memories have become much faster, but mass storage based on rotating magnetic disks has
not kept pace. While the storage capacity of disks has grown by about a factor of 1,000 in the past decade, random seek times and
data transfer rates are still severely limited by mechanical constraints. Therefore, many workloads are I/O-bound. The idea of data
compression is to pay a small cost in increased CPU utilization for the benefit of smaller databases and reduced I/O to improve
throughput, potentially significantly.

The ability to compress user data is an important new capability of the InnoDB Plugin. Compressed tables reduce the size of the
database on disk, resulting in fewer reads and writes needed to access the user data. For many InnoDB workloads and many typical
user tables (especially with read-intensive applications where sufficient memory is available to keep frequently-used data in
memory), compression not only significantly reduces the storage required for the database, but also improves throughput by redu-
cing the I/O workload, at a modest cost in processing overhead. The storage cost savings can be important, but the reduction in I/O
costs can be even more valuable.

3.2. Enabling Compression for a Table

The usual (uncompressed) size of InnoDB data pages is 16KB. Beginning with the InnoDB Plugin, you can use the attributes
table compression. Depending on the combination of option values, InnoDB attempts to compress each page to 1KB, 2KB, 4KB,
8KB, or 16KB.

The term KEY_BLOCK_SIZE does not refer to a key, but simply specifies the size of compressed pages to use for
the table. Likewise, in the InnoDB Plugin, compression is applicable to tables, not to individual rows, despite the op-
tion name ROW_FORMAT. Because the InnoDB storage engine cannot add syntax to SQL statements, the InnoDB Plu-
gin re-uses the clauses originally defined for MyISAM.

To create a compressed table, you might use a statement like this:


If you specify ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED but not KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, the default compressed page size of 8KB is used. If
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is specified, you can omit the attribute ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED.

Setting KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=16 most often does not result in much compression, since the normal InnoDB page size is 16KB.
However, this setting may be useful for tables with many long BLOB, VARCHAR or TEXT columns, because such values often do
compress well, and might therefore require fewer overflow pages as described in Section, Compressing BLOB,
VARCHAR and TEXT Columns.

Note that compression is specified on a table-by-table basis. All indexes of a table (including the clustered index) are compressed
using the same page size, as specified on the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. Table attributes such as
ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE are not part of the CREATE INDEX syntax, and are ignored if they are specified
(although you see them in the output of the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement).

3.2.1. Configuration Parameters for Compression

Compressed tables are stored in a format that previous versions of InnoDB cannot process. To preserve downward compatibility of
database files, compression can be specified only when the Barracuda data file format is enabled using the configuration para-
meter innodb_file_format.

Table compression is also not available for the InnoDB system tablespace. The system tablespace (space 0, the ibdata* files)
may contain user data, but it also contains internal InnoDB system information, and therefore is never compressed. Thus, compres-
sion applies only to tables (and indexes) stored in their own tablespaces.

To use compression, enable the file per table mode using the configuration parameter innodb_file_per_table and enable
the Barracuda disk file format using the parameter innodb_file_format. You can set these parameters in the MySQL op-
tion file my.cnf or my.ini, but both are dynamic parameters that you can change with the SET statement without shutting down
the MySQL server, as noted in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin.


InnoDB Data Compression

Barracuda file format has not been enabled produces these warnings that you can view with the SHOW WARNINGS statement:

Level Code Message

Warning 1478 InnoDB: KEY_BLOCK_SIZE requires innodb_file_per_table.
Warning 1478 InnoDB: KEY_BLOCK_SIZE requires innodb_file_format=1.
Warning 1478 InnoDB: ignoring KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4.
Warning 1478 InnoDB: ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED requires innodb_file_per_table.
Warning 1478 InnoDB: assuming ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT.

These messages are only warnings, not errors, and the table is created as if the options were not specified. Enabling
InnoDB strict mode (see Section 8.5, InnoDB Strict Mode) causes InnoDB to generate an error, not a warning, for
these cases. In strict mode, the table is not created if the current configuration does not permit using compressed

The non-strict behavior is intended to permit you to import a mysqldump file into a database that does not support compressed
tables, even if the source database contained compressed tables. In that case, the InnoDB Plugin creates the table in
ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT instead of preventing the operation.

When you import the dump file into a new database, if you want to have the tables re-created as they exist in the original database,
ensure the server is running the InnoDB Plugin with the proper settings for the configuration parameters innodb_file_format
and innodb_file_per_table,

3.2.2. SQL Compression Syntax Warnings and Errors

The attribute KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is permitted only when ROW_FORMAT is specified as COMPRESSED or is omitted. Specifying a
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE with any other ROW_FORMAT generates a warning that you can view with SHOW WARNINGS. However, the
table is non-compressed; the specified KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is ignored).

Level Code Message

Warning 1478 InnoDB: ignoring KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=n unless ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED.

If you are running in InnoDB strict mode, the combination of a KEY_BLOCK_SIZE with any ROW_FORMAT other than COM-
PRESSED generates an error, not a warning, and the table is not created.

Table 3.1, Meaning of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE Options summarizes how the various options on CREATE TABLE
and ALTER TABLE are handled.

Table 3.1. Meaning of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE Options

Option Usage Description
ROW_FORMAT= Storage format used prior to MySQL Less efficient than ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; for backward compat-
REDUNDANT 5.0.3 ibility
ROW_FORMAT= Default storage format since MySQL Stores a prefix of 768 bytes of long column values in the clustered in-
COMPACT 5.0.3 dex page, with the remaining bytes stored in an overflow page
ROW_FORMAT= Available only with innodb_file Store values within the clustered index page if they fit; if not, stores
DYNAMIC _format=Barracuda only a 20-byte pointer to an overflow page (no prefix)
ROW_FORMAT= Available only with innodb_file Compresses the table and indexes using zlib to default compressed
COMPRESSED _format=Barracuda page size of 8K bytes; implies ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC
KEY_BLOCK_ Available only with innodb_file Specifies compressed page size of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16K bytes; implies

Table 3.2, CREATE/ALTER TABLE Warnings and Errors when InnoDB Strict Mode is OFF summarizes error conditions that
occur with certain combinations of configuration parameters and options on the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements,
and how the options appear in the output of SHOW TABLE STATUS.

When InnoDB strict mode is OFF, InnoDB creates or alters the table, but may ignore certain settings, as shown below. You can see
the warning messages in the MySQL error log. When InnoDB strict mode is ON, these specified combinations of options generate
errors, and the table is not created or altered. You can see the full description of the error condition with SHOW ERRORS. For ex-

InnoDB Data Compression


ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'test.x' (errno: 1478)
| Level | Code | Message |
| Error | 1478 | InnoDB: invalid KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=33333. |
| Error | 1005 | Can't create table 'test.x' (errno: 1478) |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Table 3.2. CREATE/ALTER TABLE Warnings and Errors when InnoDB Strict Mode is OFF
Syntax Warning or Error Condition Resulting ROW_FORMAT, as shown
ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or Ignored unless you override the default settings for COMPACT
ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or innodb_file_format and in-
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is specified nodb_file_per_table
Invalid KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is ignored the requested one, or COMPACT by
specified (not 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16) default
and valid KEY_BLOCK_SIZE 8K default
are specified
DYNAMIC row format
ROW_FORMAT is not one of RE- Ignored if recognized by the MySQL parser. Other- COMPACT or N/A
DUNDANT, COMPACT, DYNAMIC wise, an error is issued.

When InnoDB strict mode is ON (innodb_strict_mode=1), the InnoDB Plugin rejects invalid ROW_FORMAT or
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE parameters. For compatibility with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL, InnoDB strict mode is not enabled by de-
fault, and in this default non-strict mode, the InnoDB Plugin issues warnings (not errors) for ignored invalid parameters.

Note that it is not possible to see the chosen KEY_BLOCK_SIZE using SHOW TABLE STATUS. The statement SHOW CREATE
TABLE displays the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE (even if it was ignored by InnoDB). The real compressed page size inside InnoDB cannot
be displayed by MySQL.

3.3. Tuning InnoDB Compression

Most often, the internal optimizations in InnoDB described in section Section 3.4.2, InnoDB Data Storage and Compression en-
sure that the system runs well with compressed data. However, because the efficiency of compression depends on the nature of
your data, there are some factors you should consider to get best performance. You need to choose which tables to compress, and
what compressed page size to use. You may also want to adjust the size of the buffer pool based on run-time performance charac-
teristics such as the amount of time the system spends compressing and uncompressing data.

3.3.1. When to Use Compression

In general, compression works best on tables that include a reasonable number of character string columns and where the data is
read far more often than it is written. Because there are no guaranteed ways to predict whether or not compression benefits a partic-
ular situation, always test with a specific workload and data set running on a representative configuration. Consider the following
factors when deciding which tables to compress. Data Characteristics and Compression

A key determinant of the efficiency of compression in reducing the size of data files is the nature of the data itself. Recall that com-
pression works by identifying repeated strings of bytes in a block of data. Completely randomized data is the worst case. Typical
data often has repeated values, and so compresses effectively. Character strings often compress well, whether defined in CHAR,
VARCHAR, TEXT or BLOB columns. On the other hand, tables containing mostly binary data (integers or floating point numbers) or

InnoDB Data Compression

data that is previously compressed (for example JPEG or PNG images) may not generally compress well, significantly or at all.

Compression is chosen on a table by table basis with the InnoDB Plugin, and a table and all of its indexes use the same
(compressed) page size. It might be that the primary key (clustered) index, which contains the data for all columns of a table, com-
presses more effectively than the secondary indexes. For those cases where there are long rows, the use of compression may result
in long column values being stored off-page, as discussed in Section 5.3, DYNAMIC Row Format. Those overflow pages may
compress well. Given these considerations, for many applications, some tables compress more effectively than others, and you may
find that your workload performs best only with a subset of tables compressed.

Experimenting is the only way to determine whether or not to compress a particular table. InnoDB compresses data in 16K chunks
corresponding to the uncompressed page size, and in addition to user data, the page format includes some internal system data that
is not compressed. Compression utilities compress an entire stream of data, and so may find more repeated strings across the entire
input stream than InnoDB would find in a table compressed in 16K chunks. But you can get a sense of how compression efficiency
by using a utility that implements LZ77 compression (such as gzip or WinZip) on your data file.

Another way to test compression on a specific table is to copy some data from your uncompressed table to a similar, compressed ta-
ble (having all the same indexes) and look at the size of the resulting file. When you do so (if nothing else using compression is
running), you can examine the ratio of successful compression operations to overall compression operations. (In the INNODB_CMP
table, compare COMPRESS_OPS to COMPRESS_OPS_OK. See INNODB_CMP for more information.) If a high percentage of com-
pression operations complete successfully, the table might be a good candidate for compression. Compression and Application and Schema Design

Decide whether to compress data in your application or in the InnoDB table. It is usually not sensible to store data that is com-
pressed by an application in an InnoDB compressed table. Further compression is extremely unlikely, and the attempt to compress
just wastes CPU cycles. Compressing in the Database

The InnoDB table compression is automatic and applies to all columns and index values. The columns can still be tested with oper-
ators such as LIKE, and sort operations can still use indexes even when the index values are compressed. Because indexes are often
a significant fraction of the total size of a database, compression could result in significant savings in storage, I/O or processor
time. The compression and decompression operations happen on the database server, which likely is a powerful system that is sized
to handle the expected load. Compressing in the Application

If you compress data such as text in your application, before it is inserted into the database, You might save overhead for data that
does not compress well by compressing some columns and not others. This approach uses CPU cycles for compression and uncom-
pression on the client machine rather than the database server, which might be appropriate for a distributed application with many
clients, or where the client machine has spare CPU cycles. Hybrid Approach

Of course, it is possible to combine these approaches. For some applications, it may be appropriate to use some compressed tables
and some uncompressed tables. It may be best to externally compress some data (and store it in uncompressed InnoDB tables) and
allow InnoDB to compress (some of) the other tables in the application. As always, up-front design and real-life testing are valu-
able in reaching the right decision. Workload Characteristics and Compression

In addition to choosing which tables to compress (and the page size), the workload is another key determinant of performance. If
the application is dominated by reads, rather than updates, fewer pages need to be reorganized and recompressed after the index
page runs out of room for the per-page modification log that InnoDB maintains for compressed data. If the updates predomin-
antly change non-indexed columns or those containing BLOBs or large strings that happen to be stored off-page, the overhead of
compression may be acceptable. If the only changes to a table are INSERTs that use a monotonically increasing primary key, and
there are few secondary indexes, there is little need to reorganize and recompress index pages. Since InnoDB can delete-mark
and delete rows on compressed pages in place by modifying uncompressed data, DELETE operations on a table are relatively ef-

For some environments, the time it takes to load data can be as important as run-time retrieval. Especially in data warehouse envir-
onments, many tables may be read-only or read-mostly. In those cases, it might or might not be acceptable to pay the price of com-
pression in terms of increased load time, unless the resulting savings in fewer disk reads or in storage cost is significant.

Fundamentally, compression works best when the CPU time is available for compressing and uncompressing data. Thus, if your
workload is I/O bound, rather than CPU-bound, you may find that compression can improve overall performance. Therefore when
you test your application performance with different compression configurations, it is important to test on a platform similar to the
planned configuration of the production system. Configuration Characteristics and Compression

InnoDB Data Compression

Reading and writing database pages from and to disk is the slowest aspect of system performance. Therefore, compression attempts
to reduce I/O by using CPU time to compress and uncompress data, and thus is most effective when I/O is a relatively scarce re-
source compared to processor cycles.

This is often especially the case when running in a multi-user environment with fast, multi-core CPUs. When a page of a com-
pressed table is in memory, InnoDB often uses an additional 16K in the buffer pool for an uncompressed copy of the page. The ad-
aptive LRU algorithm in the InnoDB Plugin attempts to balance the use of memory between compressed and uncompressed pages
to take into account whether the workload is running in an I/O-bound or CPU-bound manner. Nevertheless, a configuration with
more memory dedicated to the InnoDB buffer pool tends to run better when using compressed tables than a configuration where
memory is highly constrained. Choosing the Compressed Page Size

The optimal setting of the compressed page size depends on the type and distribution of data that the table and its indexes contain.
The compressed page size should always be bigger than the maximum record size, or operations may fail as noted in Sec-
tion, Compression of B-Tree Pages.

Setting the compressed page size too large wastes some space, but the pages do not have to be compressed as often. If the com-
pressed page size is set too small, inserts or updates may require time-consuming recompression, and the B-tree nodes may have to
be split more frequently, leading to bigger data files and less efficient indexing.

Typically, one would set the compressed page size to 8K or 4K bytes. Given that the maximum InnoDB record size is around 8K,
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8 is usually a safe choice.

3.3.2. Monitoring Compression at Runtime

The current version of the InnoDB Plugin provides only a limited means to monitor the performance of compression at runtime.
Overall application performance, CPU and I/O utilization and the size of disk files are the best indicators of how effective compres-
sion is for your application.

The InnoDB Plugin does include some Information Schema tables (see Example 6.1, Using the Compression Information Schema
Tables) that reflect the internal use of memory and the rates of compression used overall. The INNODB_CMP tables report inform-
ation about compression activity for each compressed page size (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE) in use. The information in these tables is
system-wide, and includes summary data across all compressed tables in your database. You can use this data to help decide wheth-
er or not to compress a table by examining these tables when no other compressed tables are being accessed.

The key statistics to consider are the number of, and amount of time spent performing, compression and uncompression operations.
Since InnoDB must split B-tree nodes when they are too full to contain the compressed data following a modification, you should
also compare the number of successful compression operations with the number of such operations overall. Based on the inform-
ation in the INNODB_CMP tables and overall application performance and hardware resource utilization, you may decide to make
changes in your hardware configuration, adjust the size of the InnoDB buffer pool, choose a different page size, or select a different
set of tables to compress.

If the amount of CPU time required for compressing and uncompressing is high, changing to faster CPUs, or those with more
cores, can help improve performance with the same data, application workload and set of compressed tables. You may also benefit
by increasing the size of the InnoDB buffer pool, so that more uncompressed pages can stay in memory, reducing the need to un-
compress pages which exist in memory only in compressed form.

A large number of compression operations overall (compared to the number of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations in your
application and the size of the database) could indicate that some of your compressed tables are being updated too heavily for ef-
fective compression. You may want to choose a larger page size, or be more selective about which tables you compress.

If the number of successful compression operations (COMPRESS_OPS_OK) is a high percentage of the total number of compres-
sion operations (COMPRESS_OPS), then the system is likely performing well. However, if the ratio is low, then InnoDB is being
caused to reorganize, recompress and split B-tree nodes more often than is desirable. In this case, you may want to avoid compress-
ing some tables or choose a larger KEY_BLOCK_SIZE for some of the tables for which you are using compression. You may not
want to compress tables which cause the number of compression failures in your application to be more than 1% or 2% of the
total (although this may be acceptable during a data load, for example, if your application does not encounter such a ratio during
normal operations).

3.4. How Compression Works in InnoDB

This section describes some internal implementation details about compression in InnoDB. The information presented here may be
helpful in tuning for performance, but is not necessary to know for basic use of compression.

3.4.1. Compression Algorithms

Some operating systems implement compression at the file system level. Files are typically divided into fixed-size blocks that are

InnoDB Data Compression

compressed into variable-size blocks, which easily leads into fragmentation. Every time something inside a block is modified, the
whole block is recompressed before it is written to disk. These properties make this compression technique unsuitable for use in an
update-intensive database system.

The InnoDB Plugin implements a novel type of compression with the help of the well-known zlib library, which implements the
LZ77 compression algorithm. This compression algorithm is mature, robust, and efficient in both CPU utilization and in reduction
of data size. The algorithm is lossless, so that the original uncompressed data can always be reconstructed from the compressed
form. LZ77 compression works by finding sequences of data that are repeated within the data to be compressed. The patterns of
values in your data determine how well it compresses, but typical user data often compresses by 50% or more.

Unlike compression performed by an application, or compression features of some other database management systems, InnoDB
compression applies both to user data and to indexes. In many cases, indexes can constitute 40-50% or more of the total database
size, so this difference is significant. When compression is working well for a data set, the size of the InnoDB data files (the .idb
files) is 25% to 50% of the uncompressed size or possibly smaller. Depending on the workload, this smaller database can in turn
lead to a reduction in I/O, and an increase in throughput, at a modest cost in terms of increased CPU utilization.

3.4.2. InnoDB Data Storage and Compression

All user data in InnoDB is stored in pages comprising a B-tree index (the so-called clustered index). In some other database sys-
tems, this type of index is called an index-organized table. Each row in the index node contains the values of the (user-specified
or system-generated) primary key and all the other columns of the table.

Secondary indexes in InnoDB are also B-trees, containing pairs of values: the index key and a pointer to a row in the clustered in-
dex. The pointer is in fact the value of the primary key of the table, which is used to access the clustered index if columns other
than the index key and primary key are required. Secondary index records must always fit on a single B-tree page.

The compression of B-tree nodes (of both clustered and secondary indexes) is handled differently from compression of overflow
pages used to store long VARCHAR, BLOB, or TEXT columns, as explained in the following sections. Compression of B-Tree Pages

Because they are frequently updated, B-tree pages require special treatment. It is important to minimize the number of times B-tree
nodes are split, as well as to minimize the need to uncompress and recompress their content.

One technique InnoDB uses is to maintain some system information in the B-tree node in uncompressed form, thus facilitating cer-
tain in-place updates. For example, this allows rows to be delete-marked and deleted without any compression operation.

In addition, InnoDB attempts to avoid unnecessary uncompression and recompression of index pages when they are changed. With-
in each B-tree page, the system keeps an uncompressed modification log to record changes made to the page. Updates and inserts
of small records may be written to this modification log without requiring the entire page to be completely reconstructed.

When the space for the modification log runs out, InnoDB uncompresses the page, applies the changes and recompresses the page.
If recompression fails, the B-tree nodes are split and the process is repeated until the update or insert succeeds.

Generally, InnoDB requires that each B-tree page can accommodate at least two records. For compressed tables, this requirement
has been relaxed. Leaf pages of B-tree nodes (whether of the primary key or secondary indexes) only need to accommodate one re-
cord, but that record must fit in uncompressed form, in the per-page modification log. Starting with InnoDB Plugin version 1.0.2,
and if InnoDB strict mode is ON, the InnoDB Plugin checks the maximum row size during CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX.
If the row does not fit, the following error message is issued: ERROR HY000: Too big row.

If you create a table when InnoDB strict mode is OFF, and a subsequent INSERT or UPDATE statement attempts to create an index
entry that does not fit in the size of the compressed page, the operation fails with ERROR 42000: Row size too large.
Unfortunately, this error message does not name the index for which the record is too large, or mention the length of the index re-
cord or the maximum record size on that particular index page. The only remedy is to rebuild the table with ALTER TABLE, to se-
lect a larger compressed page size (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE), to shorten any column prefix indexes, or to disable compression entirely

In a clustered index, BLOB, VARCHAR and TEXT columns that are not part of the primary key may be stored on separately alloc-
ated (overflow) pages. We call these off-page columns whose values are stored on singly-linked lists of overflow pages.

For tables created in ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED, the values of BLOB, TEXT or VARCHAR
columns may be stored fully off-page, depending on their length and the length of the entire row. For columns that are stored off-
page, the clustered index record only contains 20-byte pointers to the overflow pages, one per column. Whether any columns are
stored off-page depends on the page size and the total size of the row. When the row is too long to fit entirely within the page of the
clustered index, InnoDB chooses the longest columns for off-page storage until the row fits on the clustered index page. As noted
above, if a row does not fit by itself on a compressed page, an error occurs.

InnoDB Data Compression

Tables created in previous versions of InnoDB use the Antelope file format, which supports only ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT
and ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT. In these formats, InnoDB stores the first 768 bytes of BLOB, VARCHAR and TEXT columns in the
clustered index record along with the primary key. The 768-byte prefix is followed by a 20-byte pointer to the overflow pages that
contain the rest of the column value.

When a table is in COMPRESSED format, all data written to overflow pages is compressed as is; that is, InnoDB applies the zlib
compression algorithm to the entire data item. Other than the data, compressed overflow pages contain an uncompressed header
and trailer comprising a page checksum and a link to the next overflow page, among other things. Therefore, very significant stor-
age savings can be obtained for longer BLOB, TEXT or VARCHAR columns if the data is highly compressible, as is often the case
with text data (but not previously compressed images).

The overflow pages are of the same size as other pages. A row containing ten columns stored off-page occupies ten overflow pages,
even if the total length of the columns is only 8K bytes. In an uncompressed table, ten uncompressed overflow pages occupy 160K
bytes. In a compressed table with an 8K page size, they occupy only 80K bytes. Thus, it is often more efficient to use compressed
table format for tables with long column values.

Using a 16K compressed page size can reduce storage and I/O costs for BLOB, VARCHAR or TEXT columns, because such data of-
ten compress well, and might therefore require fewer overflow pages, even though the B-tree nodes themselves take as many
pages as in the uncompressed form.

3.4.3. Compression and the InnoDB Buffer Pool

In a compressed InnoDB table, every compressed page (whether 1K, 2K, 4K or 8K) corresponds to an uncompressed page of 16K
bytes. To access the data in a page, InnoDB must read the compressed page from disk (unless it is already in memory), and then un-
compress the page to its original 16K byte form. This section describes how InnoDB manages the buffer pool with respect to pages
of compressed tables.

To minimize I/O and to reduce the need to uncompress a page, at times the buffer pool contains both the compressed and uncom-
pressed form of a database page. However, to make room for other required database pages, InnoDB may evict from the buffer
pool an uncompressed page, while leaving the compressed page in memory. Or, if a page has not been accessed in a while, the
compressed form of the page may be written to disk, to free space for other data. Thus, at any given time, the buffer pool may (a)
not contain any copy of a given database page, (b) contain only the compressed form of the page, or (c) contain both the com-
pressed and uncompressed forms of the page.

InnoDB keeps track of which pages to retain in memory and which to evict using a least-recently-used (LRU) list, so that hot or
frequently accessed data tends to stay in memory. When compressed tables are accessed, InnoDB uses an adaptive LRU algorithm
to achieve an appropriate balance of compressed and uncompressed pages in memory. This adaptive algorithm is sensitive to
whether the system is running in an I/O-bound or CPU-bound manner.

The essential idea is to avoid spending too much processing time uncompressing pages when the CPU is busy, and to avoid doing
excess I/O when the CPU has spare cycles that can be used for uncompressing compressed pages (that may already be in memory).
When the system is I/O-bound, the algorithm prefers to evict the uncompressed copy of a page rather than both copies, to make
more room for other disk pages to become memory resident. When the system is CPU-bound, InnoDB prefers to evict both the
compressed and uncompressed page, so that more memory can be used for hot pages and reducing the need to uncompress data
in memory only in compressed form.

3.4.4. Compression and the InnoDB Log Files

Before (but not necessarily at the same time as) a compressed page is written to a database file, InnoDB writes a copy of the page
to the redo log (if it has been recompressed since the last time it was written to the database). This is done to ensure that redo logs
will always be usable, even if a future version of InnoDB uses a slightly different compression algorithm. Therefore, some increase
in the size of log files, or a need for more frequent checkpoints, can be expected when using compression. The amount of increase
in the log file size or checkpoint frequency depends on the number of times compressed pages are modified in a way that requires
reorganization and recompression.

Note that the redo log file format (and the database file format) are different from previous releases when using compression. The
current release of InnoDB Hot Backup (version 3) therefore does not support databases that use compression. Only databases using
the file format Antelope can be backed up online by InnoDB Hot Backup.

Chapter 4. InnoDB File Format Management
4.1. Overview of InnoDB File Formats
As InnoDB evolves, new on-disk data structures are sometimes required to support new features. This release of InnoDB intro-
duces two such new data structures: compressed tables (see Chapter 3, InnoDB Data Compression), and long variable-length
columns stored off-page (see Chapter 5, Storage of Variable-Length Columns). These new data structures are not compatible with
prior versions of InnoDB. Note, however, that the other new features of the InnoDB Plugin do not require the use of the new file

In general, a newer version of InnoDB may create a table or index that cannot safely be read or written with a prior version of In-
noDB without risk of crashes, hangs, wrong results or corruptions. The InnoDB Plugin introduces a new mechanism to guard
against these conditions, and to help preserve compatibility among database files and versions of InnoDB. This mechanism lets you
take advantage of some new features of an InnoDB release (e.g., performance improvements and bug fixes), and still preserve the
option of using your database with a prior version of InnoDB, by precluding the use of new features that create downward incom-
patible on-disk data structures.

4.2. Named File Formats

The InnoDB Plugin introduces the idea of a named file format and a configuration parameter to enable the use of features that re-
quire use of that format. The new file format is the Barracuda format, and the file format supported by prior releases of InnoDB
is called file format Antelope. Compressed tables and the new row format that stores long columns off-page require the use of
the Barracuda file format or newer. Future versions of InnoDB may introduce a series of file formats, identified with the names
of animals, in ascending alphabetic order.

Beginning with this release, every InnoDB per-table tablespace file is labeled with a file format identifier. This does not apply to
the system tablespace (the ibdata files) but only the files of separate tablespaces (the *.ibd files where tables and indexes are
stored in their own tablespace). As noted below, however, the system tablespace is tagged with the highest file format in use in a
group of InnoDB database files, and this tag is checked when the files are opened.

In this release, when you create a compressed table, or a table with ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC, the file header for the correspond-
ing .ibd file and the table type in the InnoDB data dictionary are updated with the identifier for the Barracuda file format. From
that point forward, the table cannot be used with a version of InnoDB that does not support this new file format. To protect against
anomalous behavior, InnoDB version 5.0.21 and later performs a compatibility check when the table is opened, as described below.
(Note that the ALTER TABLE command in many cases, causes a table to be recreated and thereby change its properties. The spe-
cial case of adding or dropping indexes without rebuilding the table is described in Chapter 2, Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB
Storage Engine.)

If a version of InnoDB supports a particular file format (whether or not it is enabled), you can access and even update any table that
requires that format or an earlier format. Only the creation of new tables using new features is limited based on the particular file
format enabled. Conversely, if a tablespace contains a table or index that uses a file format that is not supported by the currently
running software, it cannot be accessed at all, even for read access.

The only way to downgrade an InnoDB tablespace to an earlier file format is to copy the data to a new table, in a tablespace that
uses the earlier format. This can be done with the ALTER TABLE command, as described in Section 4.6, Downgrading the File

The easiest way to determine the file format of an existing InnoDB tablespace is to examine the properties of the table it contains,
using the SHOW TABLE STATUS command or querying the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. If the Row_format of
the table is reported as 'Compressed' or 'Dynamic', the tablespace containing the table uses the Barracuda format. Other-
wise, it uses the prior InnoDB file format, Antelope.

4.3. Enabling File Formats

The new configuration parameter innodb_file_format controls whether such commands as CREATE TABLE and ALTER
TABLE can be used to create tables that depend on support for the Barracuda file format.

The file format is a dynamic, global parameter that can be specified in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini) or changed
with the SET GLOBAL command, as described in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin.

4.4. File Format Compatibility

To avoid confusion, for the purposes of this discussion we define the term ib-file set to mean the set of operating system files that
InnoDB manages as a unit. The ib-file set includes the following files:

InnoDB File Format Management

The system tablespace (one or more ibdata files) that contain internal system information (including internal catalogs and
undo information) and may include user data and indexes.

Zero or more single-table tablespaces (also called file per table files, named *.ibd files).

(Usually two) InnoDB log files (ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1), used for crash recovery and in backups.

This collection of files is transactionally consistent, and recoverable as a unit. An ib-file set specifically does not include the re-
lated MySQL .frm files that contain metadata about InnoDB tables. The .frm files are created and managed exclusively by
MySQL, and can sometimes get out of sync with the internal metadata in InnoDB.

Instead of ib-file set, we might call such a collection a database. However, MySQL uses the word database to mean a logical
collection of tables, what other systems term a schema or catalog. Given MySQL terminology, multiple tables (even from more
than one database) can be stored in a single ib-file set.

The InnoDB Plugin incorporates several checks to guard against the possible crashes and data corruptions that might occur if you
use an ib-file set in a file format that is not supported by the software release in use. These checks take place when the server is
started, and when you first access a table. This section describes these checks, how you can control them, and error and warning
conditions that may arise.

4.4.1. Startup File Format Compatibility Checking

To prevent possible crashes or data corruptions when InnoDB Plugin opens an ib-file set, it checks that it can fully support the file
formats in use within the ib-file set. If the system is restarted following a crash, or a fast shutdown (i.e., in-
nodb_fast_shutdown is greater than zero), there may be on-disk data structures (such as redo or undo entries, or doublewrite
pages) that are in a too-new format for the current software. During the recovery process, serious damage can be done to your
data files if these data structures are accessed. The startup check of the file format occurs before any recovery process begins,
thereby preventing the problems described in Section 11.4, Possible Problems.

Beginning with version 1.0.1 of the InnoDB Plugin, the system tablespace records an identifier or tag for the highest file format
used by any table in any of the tablespaces that is part of the ib-file set. Checks against this file format tag are controlled by the new
configuration parameter innodb_file_format_check, which is ON by default.

If the file format tag in the system tablespace is newer or higher than the highest version supported by the particular currently ex-
ecuting software and if innodb_file_format_check is ON, the following error is issued when the server is started:
InnoDB: Error: the system tablespace is in a
file format that this version doesn't support

You can also set innodb_file_format to a file format name. Doing so prevents the InnoDB Plugin from starting if the current
software does not support the file format specified. It also sets the high water mark to the value you specify. The ability to set
innodb_file_format_check will be useful (with future releases of InnoDB) if you manually downgrade all of the tables
in an ib-file set (as described in Chapter 11, Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin). You can then rely on the file format check at
startup if you subsequently use an older version of InnoDB to access the ib-file set.

In some limited circumstances, you might want to start the server and use an ib-file set that is in a too new format (one that is not
supported by the software you are using). If you set the configuration parameter innodb_file_format_check to OFF, the
InnoDB Plugin opens the database, but issues this warning message in the error log:
InnoDB: Warning: the system tablespace is in a
file format that this version doesn't support

This is a very dangerous setting, as it permits the recovery process to run, possibly corrupting your database if the pre-
vious shutdown was a crash or fast shutdown. You should only set innodb_file_format_check to OFF if
you are sure that the previous shutdown was done with innodb_fast_shutdown=0, so that essentially no recov-
ery process occurs. In a future release, this parameter setting may be renamed from OFF to UNSAFE. (However, until
there are newer releases of InnoDB that support additional file formats, even disabling the startup checking is in fact

Note that the parameter innodb_file_format_check affects only what happens when a database is opened, not sub-
sequently. Conversely, the parameter innodb_file_format (which enables a specific format) only determines whether or not
a new table can be created in the enabled format and has no effect on whether or not a database can be opened.

The file format tag is a high water mark, and as such it is increased after the server is started, if a table in a higher format is
created or an existing table is accessed for read or write (assuming its format is supported). If you access an existing table in a
format higher than the format the running software supports, the system tablespace tag is not updated, but table-level compatibility
checking applies (and an error is issued), as described in Section 4.4.2, Table-Access File Format Compatibility Checking. Any

InnoDB File Format Management

time the high water mark is updated, the value of innodb_file_format_check is updated as well, so the command SELECT
@@innodb_file_format_check; displays the name of the newest file format known to be used by tables in the currently
open ib-file set and supported by the currently executing software.

To best illustrate this behavior, consider the scenario described in Table 4.1, InnoDB Data File Compatibility and Related InnoDB
Parameters. Imagine that some future version of InnoDB supports the Cheetah format and that an ib-file set has been used with
that version.

Table 4.1. InnoDB Data File Compatibility and Related InnoDB Parameters
innodb innodb file Highest file Highest file Result
file format format used format sup-
format in ib-file set ported by In-
check noDB
OFF Antelope or Barracuda Barracuda Database can be opened; tables can be created which require
Barracuda Antelope or Barracuda file format
OFF Antelope or Cheetah Barracuda Database can be opened with a warning, since the database con-
Barracuda tains files in a too new format; tables can be created which re-
quire Antelope or Barracuda file format; tables in Cheetah
format cannot be accessed
OFF Cheetah Barracuda Barracuda Database cannot be opened; innodb_file_format cannot be
set to Cheetah
ON Antelope or Barracuda Barracuda Database can be opened; tables can be created which require
Barracuda Antelope or Barracuda file format
ON Antelope or Cheetah Barracuda Database cannot be opened, since the database contains files in a
Barracuda too new format (Cheetah)
ON Cheetah Barracuda Barracuda Database cannot be opened; innodb_file_format cannot be
set to Cheetah

4.4.2. Table-Access File Format Compatibility Checking

When a table is first accessed, InnoDB (including some releases prior to InnoDB Plugin 1.0) check that the file format of the ta-
blespace in which the table is stored is fully supported. This check prevents crashes or corruptions that would otherwise occur when
tables using a too new data structure are encountered.

Note that all tables using any file format supported by a release can be read or written (assuming the user has sufficient privileges).
The setting of the system configuration parameter innodb_file_format can prevent creating a new table that uses specific
file formats, even if they are supported by a given release. Such a setting might be used to preserve backward compatibility, but it
does not prevent accessing any table that uses any supported format.

As noted in Section 4.2, Named File Formats, versions of InnoDB older than 5.0.21 cannot reliably use database files created by
newer versions if a new file format was used when a table was created. To prevent various error conditions or corruptions, InnoDB
checks file format compatibility when it opens a file (e.g., upon first access to a table). If the currently running version of InnoDB
does not support the file format identified by the table type in the InnoDB data dictionary, MySQL reports the following error:
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist

Furthermore, InnoDB writes a message to the error log:

InnoDB: table test/t1: unknown table type 33

The table type should be equal to the tablespace flags, which contains the file format version as discussed in Section 4.5,
Identifying the File Format in Use.

Versions of InnoDB prior to 4.1 did not include table format identifiers in the database files, and versions prior to 5.0.21 did not in-
clude a table format compatibility check. Therefore, there is no way to ensure proper operations if a table in a too new format is
used with versions of InnoDB prior to 5.0.21.

The new file format management capability introduced with the InnoDB Plugin (comprising tablespace tagging and run-time
checks) allows InnoDB to verify as soon as possible that the running version of software can properly process the tables existing in
the database.

If you permit InnoDB to open a database containing files in a format it does not support (by setting the parameter in-
nodb_file_format_check to OFF), the table-level checking described in this section still applies.

InnoDB File Format Management

Users are strongly urged not to use database files that contain Barracuda file format tables with releases of InnoDB older than the
InnoDB Plugin. It is possible to downgrade such tables to the Antelope format (that the built-in InnoDB in MySQL up to ver-
sion 5.1 supports) with the procedure described in Section 4.6, Downgrading the File Format.

4.5. Identifying the File Format in Use

Although you may have enabled a given innodb_file_format at a particular time, unless you create a new table, the database
file format is unchanged. If you do create a new table, the tablespace containing the table is tagged with the earliest or simplest
file format that is required for the tables features. For example, if you enable file format Barracuda, and create a new table that is
not compressed and does not use ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC, the new tablespace that contains the table is tagged as using file
format Antelope.

It is easy to identify the file format used by a given tablespace or table. The table uses the Barracuda format if the Row_format
reported by SHOW CREATE TABLE or INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES is one of 'Compressed' or 'Dynamic'. (Please
note that the Row_format is a separate column, and ignore the contents of the Create_options column, which may contain
the string ROW_FORMAT.) If the table in a tablespace uses neither of those features, the file uses the format supported by prior re-
leases of InnoDB, now called file format Antelope. Then, the Row_format is one of 'Redundant' or 'Compact'.

The file format identifier is written as part of the tablespace flags (a 32-bit number) in the *.ibd file in the 4 bytes starting at posi-
tion 54 of the file, most significant byte first. (The first byte of the file is byte zero.) On some systems, you can display these bytes
in hexadecimal with the command od -t x1 -j 54 -N 4 tablename.ibd. If all bytes are zero, the tablespace uses the
Antelope file format (which is the format used by the standard built-in InnoDB in MySQL up to version 5.1). Otherwise, the least
significant bit should be set in the tablespace flags, and the file format identifier is written in the bits 5 through 11. (Divide the ta-
blespace flags by 32 and take the remainder after dividing the integer part of the result by 128.)

4.6. Downgrading the File Format

Each InnoDB tablespace file (with a name matching *.ibd) is tagged with the file format used to create its table and indexes. The
way to downgrade the tablespace is to re-create the table and its indexes. The easiest way to recreate a table and its indexes is to use
the command:

on each table that you want to downgrade. The COMPACT row format uses the file format Antelope. It was introduced in MySQL

4.7. Future InnoDB File Formats

The file format used by the standard built-in InnoDB in MySQL 5.1 is the Antelope format, and the new file format introduced
with the InnoDB Plugin 1.0 is the Barracuda format. No definitive plans have been made to introduce new features that would re-
quire additional new file formats. However, the file format mechanism introduced with the InnoDB Plugin allows for further en-

For the sake of completeness, these are the file format names that might be used for future file formats: Antelope, Barracuda, Chee-
tah, Dragon, Elk, Fox, Gazelle, Hornet, Impala, Jaguar, Kangaroo, Leopard, Moose, Nautilus, Ocelot, Porpoise, Quail, Rabbit,
Shark, Tiger, Urchin, Viper, Whale, Xenops, Yak and Zebra. These file formats correspond to the internal identifiers 0..25.

Chapter 5. Storage of Variable-Length Columns
5.1. Overview
All data in InnoDB is stored in database pages comprising a B-tree index (the so-called clustered index or primary key index). The
essential idea is that the nodes of the B-tree contain, for each primary key value (whether user-specified or generated or chosen by
the system), the values of the remaining columns of the row as well as the key. In some other database systems, a clustered index is
called an index-organized table. Secondary indexes in InnoDB are also B-trees, containing pairs of values of the index key and
the value of the primary key, which acts as a pointer to the row in the clustered index.

There is an exception to this rule. Variable-length columns (such as BLOB and VARCHAR) that are too long to fit on a B-tree page
are stored on separately allocated disk (overflow) pages. We call these off-page columns. The values of such columns are
stored on singly-linked lists of overflow pages, and each such column has its own list of one or more overflow pages. In some
cases, all or a prefix of the long column values is stored in the B-tree, to avoid wasting storage and eliminating the need to read a
separate page.

The new Barracuda file format provides a new option (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE) to control how much column data is stored in the
clustered index, and how much is placed on overflow pages.

5.2. COMPACT and REDUNDANT Row Format

Previous versions of InnoDB used an unnamed file format (now called Antelope) for database files. With that format, tables were
defined with ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT (or ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT) and InnoDB stored up to the first 768 bytes of variable-
length columns (such as BLOB and VARCHAR) in the index record within the B-tree node, with the remainder stored on the over-
flow page(s).

To preserve compatibility with those prior versions, tables created with the InnoDB Plugin use the prefix format, unless one of
ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED is specified (or implied) on the CREATE TABLE command.

With the Antelope file format, if the value of a column is not longer than 768 bytes, no overflow page is needed, and some sav-
ings in i/o may result, since the value is in the B-tree node. This works well for relatively short BLOBs, but may cause B-tree nodes
to fill with data rather than key values, thereby reducing their efficiency. Tables with many BLOB columns could cause B-tree
nodes to become too full of data, and contain too few rows, making the entire index less efficient than if the rows were shorter or if
the column values were stored off-page.

5.3. DYNAMIC Row Format

When innodb_file_format is set to Barracuda and a table is created with ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or
ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED, long column values are stored fully off-page, and the clustered index record contains only a
20-byte pointer to the overflow page.

Whether any columns are stored off-page depends on the page size and the total size of the row. When the row is too long, InnoDB
chooses the longest columns for off-page storage until the clustered index record fits on the B-tree page.

The DYNAMIC row format maintains the efficiency of storing the entire row in the index node if it fits (as do the COMPACT and
REDUNDANT formats), but this new format avoids the problem of filling B-tree nodes with a large number of data bytes of long
columns. The DYNAMIC format is predicated on the idea that if a portion of a long data value is stored off-page, it is usually most
efficient to store all of the value off-page. With DYNAMIC format, shorter columns are likely to remain in the B-tree node, minim-
izing the number of overflow pages needed for any given row.

5.4. Specifying a Tables Row Format

The row format used for a table is specified with the ROW_FORMAT clause of the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE com-
mands. Note that COMPRESSED format implies DYNAMIC format. See Section 3.2, Enabling Compression for a Table for more
details on the relationship between this clause and other clauses of these commands.

6.1. Overview of InnoDB Support in INFORMATION_SCHEMA
NODB_CMPMEM_RESET, INNODB_TRX, INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS contain live information about com-
pressed InnoDB tables, the compressed InnoDB buffer pool, all transactions currently executing inside InnoDB, the locks that
transactions hold and those that are blocking transactions waiting for access to a resource (a table or row).

Note that the Information Schema tables are themselves plugins to the MySQL server. As such they need to be INSTALLed as de-
scribed in Chapter 9, Installing the InnoDB Plugin. If they are installed, but the InnoDB storage engine plugin is not installed, these
tables appear to be empty.

Following is a description of the new Information Schema tables introduced in the InnoDB Plugin, and some examples of their use.

6.2. Information Schema Tables about Compression

Two new pairs of Information Schema tables provided by the InnoDB Plugin can give you some insight into how well compression
is working overall. One pair of tables contains information about the number of compression operations and the amount of time
spent performing compression. Another pair of tables contains information on the way memory is allocated for compression.


The tables INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET contain status information on the operations related to compressed tables,
which are covered in Chapter 3, InnoDB Data Compression. The compressed page size is in the column PAGE_SIZE.

These two tables have identical contents, but reading from INNODB_CMP_RESET resets the statistics on compression and uncom-
pression operations. For example, if you archived the output of INNODB_CMP_RESET every 60 minutes, it would show the hourly
statistics. If you never read INNODB_CMP_RESET and monitored the output of INNODB_CMP instead, it would show the cumu-
lated statistics since InnoDB was started.

Table 6.1. Columns of INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET

Column name Description
PAGE_SIZE Compressed page size in bytes.
COMPRESS_OPS Number of times a B-tree page of the size PAGE_SIZE has been compressed. Pages are com-
pressed whenever an empty page is created or the space for the uncompressed modification log
runs out.
COMPRESS_OPS_OK Number of times a B-tree page of the size PAGE_SIZE has been successfully compressed.
This count should never exceed COMPRESS_OPS.
COMPRESS_TIME Total time in seconds spent in attempts to compress B-tree pages of the size PAGE_SIZE.
UNCOMPRESS_OPS Number of times a B-tree page of the size PAGE_SIZE has been uncompressed. B-tree pages
are uncompressed whenever compression fails or at first access when the uncompressed page
does not exist in the buffer pool.
UNCOMPRESS_TIME Total time in seconds spent in uncompressing B-tree pages of the size PAGE_SIZE.


You may consider the tables INNODB_CMPMEM and INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET as the status information on the compressed
pages that reside in the buffer pool. Please consult Chapter 3, InnoDB Data Compression for further information on compressed
tables and the use of the buffer pool. The tables INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET should provide more useful statistics
on compression.

The InnoDB Plugin uses a so-called buddy allocator system to manage memory allocated to pages of various sizes, from 1KB to
16KB. Each row of the two tables described here corresponds to a single page size, except for rows with PAGE_SIZE<1024,
which are implementation artifacts. The smallest blocks (PAGE_SIZE=64 or PAGE_SIZE=128, depending on the server plat-
form) are used for keeping track of compressed pages for which no uncompressed page has been allocated in the buffer pool. Other
blocks of PAGE_SIZE<1024 should never be allocated (PAGES_USED=0). They exist because the memory allocator allocates
smaller blocks by splitting bigger ones into halves.

These two tables have identical contents, but reading from INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET resets the statistics on relocation opera-
tions. For example, if every 60 minutes you archived the output of INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET, it would show the hourly statistics.


If you never read INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET and monitored the output of INNODB_CMPMEM instead, it would show the cumu-
lated statistics since InnoDB was started.


Column name Description
PAGE_SIZE Block size in bytes. Each record of this table describes blocks of this size.
PAGES_USED Number of blocks of the size PAGE_SIZE that are currently in use.
PAGES_FREE Number of blocks of the size PAGE_SIZE that are currently available for allocation. This
column shows the external fragmentation in the memory pool. Ideally, these numbers should
be at most 1.
RELOCATION_OPS Number of times a block of the size PAGE_SIZE has been relocated. The buddy system can
relocate the allocated buddy neighbor of a freed block when it tries to form a bigger freed
block. Reading from the table INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET resets this count.
RELOCATION_TIME Total time in microseconds spent in relocating blocks of the size PAGE_SIZE. Reading from
the table INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET resets this count.

6.2.3. Using the Compression Information Schema Tables

Example 6.1. Using the Compression Information Schema Tables

The following is sample output from a database that contains compressed tables (see Chapter 3, InnoDB Data Compression, IN-

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMP under light load. The only compressed page
size that the buffer pool contains is 8K. Compressing or uncompressing pages has consumed less than a second since the time the
statistics were reset, because the columns COMPRESS_TIME and UNCOMPRESS_TIME are zero.

page size compress ops compress ops ok compress time uncompress ops uncompress time
1024 0 0 0 0 0
2048 0 0 0 0 0
4096 0 0 0 0 0
8192 1048 921 0 61 0
16384 0 0 0 0 0

According to INNODB_CMPMEM, there are 6169 compressed 8KB pages in the buffer pool. The only other allocated block size is
64 bytes. The smallest PAGE_SIZE in INNODB_CMPMEM is used for block descriptors of those compressed pages for which no
uncompressed page exists in the buffer pool. We see that there are 5910 such pages. Indirectly, we see that 259 (6169-5910) com-
pressed pages also exist in the buffer pool in uncompressed form.

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMPMEM under light load. We can see that some
memory is unusable due to fragmentation of the InnoDB memory allocator for compressed pages:
SUM(PAGE_SIZE*PAGES_FREE)=6784. This is because small memory allocation requests are fulfilled by splitting bigger
blocks, starting from the 16K blocks that are allocated from the main buffer pool, using the buddy allocation system. The fragment-
ation is this low, because some allocated blocks have been relocated (copied) to form bigger adjacent free blocks. This copying of
SUM(PAGE_SIZE*RELOCATION_OPS) bytes has consumed less than a second (SUM(RELOCATION_TIME)=0).

page size pages used pages free relocation ops relocation time
64 5910 0 2436 0
128 0 1 0 0
256 0 0 0 0
512 0 1 0 0
1024 0 0 0 0
2048 0 1 0 0
4096 0 1 0 0
8192 6169 0 5 0
16384 0 0 0 0


6.3. Information Schema Tables about Transactions

Three new Information Schema tables introduced in the InnoDB Plugin make it much easier to monitor transactions and diagnose
possible locking problems. The three tables are INNODB_TRX, INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS.

Contains information about every transaction currently executing inside InnoDB, including whether the transaction is waiting for a
lock, when the transaction started, and the particular SQL statement the transaction is executing.

Table 6.3. INNODB_TRX Columns

Column name Description
TRX_ID Unique transaction ID number, internal to InnoDB.
TRX_WEIGHT The weight of a transaction, reflecting (but not necessarily the exact count of) the
number of rows altered and the number of rows locked by the transaction. To resolve
a deadlock, InnoDB selects the transaction with the smallest weight as the victim to
rollback. Transactions that have changed non-transactional tables are considered heav-
ier than others, regardless of the number of altered and locked rows.
TRX_STATE Transaction execution state. One of 'RUNNING', 'LOCK WAIT', 'ROLLING
TRX_STARTED Transaction start time; the transaction is created by executing a transactional query.
TRX_REQUESTED_LOCK_ID ID of the lock the transaction is currently waiting for (if TRX_STATE is 'LOCK
WAIT', otherwise NULL). Details about the lock can be found by joining with IN-
TRX_WAIT_STARTED Time when the transaction started waiting on the lock (if TRX_STATE is 'LOCK
WAIT', otherwise NULL).
TRX_MYSQL_THREAD_ID MySQL thread ID. Can be used for joining with PROCESSLIST on ID. See Sec-
tion 6.4.3, Possible Inconsistency with PROCESSLIST.
TRX_QUERY The SQL query that is being executed by the transaction.

Each transaction in InnoDB that is waiting for another transaction to release a lock (INNODB_TRX.TRX_STATE='LOCK
WAIT') is blocked by exactly one blocking lock request. That blocking lock request is for a row or table lock held by another
transaction in an incompatible mode. The waiting or blocked transaction cannot proceed until the other transaction commits or rolls
back, thereby releasing the requested lock. For every blocked transaction, INNODB_LOCKS contains one row that describes each
lock the transaction has requested, and for which it is waiting. INNODB_LOCKS also contains one row for each lock that is block-
ing another transaction, whatever the state of the transaction that holds the lock ('RUNNING', 'LOCK WAIT', 'ROLLING
BACK' or 'COMMITTING'). The lock that is blocking a transaction is always held in a mode (read vs. write, shared vs. exclusive)
incompatible with the mode of requested lock.

Table 6.4. INNODB_LOCKS Columns

Column name Description
LOCK_ID Unique lock ID number, internal to InnoDB. Should be treated as an opaque string. Although LOCK_ID
currently contains TRX_ID, the format of the data in LOCK_ID is not guaranteed to remain the same in
future releases. You should not write programs that parse the LOCK_ID value.
LOCK_TRX_ID ID of the transaction holding this lock. Details about the transaction can be found by joining with IN-
LOCK_MODE Mode of the lock. One of 'S', 'X', 'IS', 'IX', 'S,GAP', 'X,GAP', 'IS,GAP', 'IX,GAP', or
'AUTO_INC' for shared, exclusive, intention shared, intention exclusive row locks, shared and exclus-
ive gap locks, intention shared and intension exclusive gap locks, and auto-increment table level lock,
respectively. Refer to the sections InnoDB Lock Modes and InnoDB and TRANSACTION ISOLA-
TION LEVEL of the MySQL Manual for information on InnoDB locking.
LOCK_TYPE Type of the lock. One of 'RECORD' or 'TABLE' for record (row) level or table level locks, respect-
LOCK_TABLE Name of the table that has been locked or contains locked records.
LOCK_INDEX Name of the index if LOCK_TYPE='RECORD', otherwise NULL.
LOCK_SPACE Tablespace ID of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE='RECORD', otherwise NULL.


Column name Description

LOCK_PAGE Page number of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE='RECORD', otherwise NULL.
LOCK_REC Heap number of the locked record within the page if LOCK_TYPE='RECORD', otherwise NULL.
LOCK_DATA Primary key of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE='RECORD', otherwise NULL. This column contains
the value(s) of the primary key column(s) in the locked row, formatted as a valid SQL string (ready to
be copied to SQL commands). If there is no primary key then the InnoDB internal unique row ID num-
ber is used. When the page containing the locked record is not in the buffer pool (in the case that it was
paged out to disk while the lock was held), InnoDB does not fetch the page from disk, to avoid unneces-
sary disk operations. Instead, LOCK_DATA is set to NULL.

Using this table, you can tell which transactions are waiting for a given lock, or for which lock a given transaction is waiting. This
table contains one or more rows for each blocked transaction, indicating the lock it has requested and the lock(s) that is (are) block-
ing that request. The REQUESTED_LOCK_ID refers to the lock that a transaction is requesting, and the BLOCKING_LOCK_ID
refers to the lock (held by another transaction) that is preventing the first transaction from proceeding. For any given blocked trans-
action, all rows in INNODB_LOCK_WAITS have the same value for REQUESTED_LOCK_ID and different values for BLOCK-

Table 6.5. INNODB_LOCK_WAITS Columns

Column name Description
REQUESTING_TRX_ID ID of the requesting transaction.
REQUESTED_LOCK_ID ID of the lock for which a transaction is waiting. Details about the lock can be found by join-
BLOCKING_TRX_ID ID of the blocking transaction.
BLOCKING_LOCK_ID ID of a lock held by a transaction blocking another transaction from proceeding. Details about
the lock can be found by joining with INNODB_LOCKS on LOCK_ID.

6.3.4. Using the Transaction Information Schema Tables

Example 6.2. Identifying Blocking Transactions

It is sometimes helpful to be able to identify which transaction is blocking another. You can use the Information Schema tables to
find out which transaction is waiting for another, and which resource is being requested.

Suppose you have the following scenario, with three users running concurrently. Each user (or session) corresponds to a MySQL
thread, and executes one transaction after another. Consider the state of the system when these users have issued the following
commands, but none has yet committed its transaction:

User A:

User B:

User C:

In this scenario, you may use this query to see who is waiting for whom:
SELECT r.trx_id waiting_trx_id, r.trx_mysql_thread_id waiting_thread,
r.trx_query waiting_query,
b.trx_id blocking_trx_id, b.trx_mysql_thread_id blocking_thread,
b.trx_query blocking_query
FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w
INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id
INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id;


waiting waiting waiting query blocking blocking blocking query

trx id thread trx id thread

In the above result, you can identify users by the waiting query or blocking query. As you can see:

User B (trx id 'A4', thread 6) and User C (trx id 'A5', thread 7) are both waiting for User A (trx id 'A3', thread 5).

User C is waiting for User B as well as User A.

You can see the underlying data in the tables INNODB_TRX, INNODB_LOCKS, and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS.

The following table shows some sample Contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX.

trx trx trx started trx requested trx wait started trx trx mysql trx query
id state lock id weight thread id
A3 RUN- 2008-01-15 NULL NULL 2 5 SELECT SLEEP(100)
NING 16:44:54
A4 LOCK 2008-01-15 A4:1:3:2 2008-01-15 2 6 SELECT b FROM t
WAIT 16:45:09 16:45:09 FOR UPDATE
A5 LOCK 2008-01-15 A5:1:3:2 2008-01-15 2 7 SELECT c FROM t
WAIT 16:45:14 16:45:14 FOR UPDATE

The following table shows some sample contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS.

lock id lock lock lock type lock table lock index lock lock lock lock data
trx id mode space page rec
A3:1:3:2 A3 X RECORD `test`.`t` `PRIMARY` 1 3 2 0x0200
A4:1:3:2 A4 X RECORD `test`.`t` `PRIMARY` 1 3 2 0x0200
A5:1:3:2 A5 X RECORD `test`.`t` `PRIMARY` 1 3 2 0x0200

The following table shows some sample contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS.

requesting trx id requested lock id blocking trx id blocking lock id

A4 A4:1:3:2 A3 A3:1:3:2
A5 A5:1:3:2 A3 A3:1:3:2
A5 A5:1:3:2 A4 A4:1:3:2

Example 6.3. More Complex Example of Transaction Data in Information Schema Tables

Sometimes you would like to correlate the internal InnoDB locking information with session-level information maintained by
MySQL. For example, you might like to know, for a given InnoDB transaction ID, the corresponding MySQL session ID and name
of the user that may be holding a lock, and thus blocking another transaction.

The following output from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables is taken from a somewhat loaded system.

As can be seen in the following tables, there are several transactions running.

The following INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS tables shows that:

Transaction 77F (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transactions 77E, 77D and 77B to commit.

Transaction 77E (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transactions 77D and 77B to commit.


Transaction 77D (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transaction 77B to commit.

Transaction 77B (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transaction 77A to commit.

Transaction 77A is running, currently executing SELECT.

Transaction E56 (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transaction E55 to commit.

Transaction E55 (executing an INSERT) is waiting for transaction 19C to commit.

Transaction 19C is running, currently executing an INSERT.

Note that there may be an inconsistency between queries shown in the two tables INNODB_TRX.TRX_QUERY and PROCESS-
LIST.INFO. The current transaction ID for a thread, and the query being executed in that transaction, may be different in these
two tables for any given thread. See Section 6.4.3, Possible Inconsistency with PROCESSLIST for an explanation.

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST in a loaded system.


384 root localhost test Query 10 update insert into t2
257 root localhost test Query 3 update insert into t2
130 root localhost test Query 0 update insert into t2
61 root localhost test Query 1 update insert into t2
8 root localhost test Query 1 update insert into t2
4 root localhost test Query 0 preparing SELECT * FROM
2 root localhost test Sleep 566 NULL

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX in a loaded system.

trx id trx state trx started trx requested trx wait started trx trx mysql trx query
lock id weight thread id
77F LOCK 2008-01-15 77F:806 2008-01-15 1 876 insert into t09 (D,
WAIT 13:10:16 13:10:16 B, C) values
77E LOCK 2008-01-15 77E:806 2008-01-15 1 875 insert into t09 (D,
WAIT 13:10:16 13:10:16 B, C) values
77D LOCK 2008-01-15 77D:806 2008-01-15 1 874 insert into t09 (D,
WAIT 13:10:16 13:10:16 B, C) values
77B LOCK 2008-01-15 77B:733:12:1 2008-01-15 4 873 insert into t09 (D,
WAIT 13:10:16 13:10:16 B, C) values
77A RUN-NI 2008-01-15 NULL NULL 4 872 select b, c from
NG 13:10:16 t09 where
E56 LOCK 2008-01-15 E56:743:6:2 2008-01-15 5 384 insert into t2 val-
WAIT 13:10:06 13:10:06 ues
E55 LOCK 2008-01-15 E55:743:38:2 2008-01-15 965 257 insert into t2 val-
WAIT 13:10:06 13:10:13 ues
19C RUN-NI 2008-01-15 NULL NULL 2900 130 insert into t2 val-
NG 13:09:10 ues
E15 RUN-NI 2008-01-15 NULL NULL 5395 61 insert into t2 val-
NG 13:08:59 ues
51D RUN-NI 2008-01-15 NULL NULL 9807 8 insert into t2 val-
NG 13:08:47 ues

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS in a loaded system


requesting trx id requested lock id blocking trx id blocking lock id

77F 77F:806 77E 77E:806
77F 77F:806 77D 77D:806
77F 77F:806 77B 77B:806
77E 77E:806 77D 77D:806
77E 77E:806 77B 77B:806
77D 77D:806 77B 77B:806
77B 77B:733:12:1 77A 77A:733:12:1
E56 E56:743:6:2 E55 E55:743:6:2
E55 E55:743:38:2 19C 19C:743:38:2

The following table shows the contents of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS in a loaded system.

lock id lock lock lock type lock table lock index lock lock lock lock data
trx id mode space page rec
_INC .`t09`
_INC .`t09`
_INC .`t09`
_INC .`t09`
77B:733:12:1 77B X RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 733 12 1 supremum
.`t09` pseudo-re-
77A:733:12:1 77A X RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 733 12 1 supremum
.`t09` pseudo-re-
E56:743:6:2 E56 S RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 743 6 2 0, 0
E55:743:6:2 E55 X RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 743 6 2 0, 0
E55:743:38:2 E55 S RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 743 38 2 1922, 1922
19C:743:38:2 19C X RECORD `test` `PRIMARY` 743 38 2 1922, 1922

6.4. Notes on Locking in InnoDB

6.4.1. Understanding InnoDB Locking
When a transaction updates a row in a table, or locks it with SELECT FOR UPDATE, InnoDB establishes a list or queue of locks
on that row. Similarly, InnoDB maintains a list of locks on a table for table-level locks transactions hold. If a second transaction
wants to update a row or lock a table already locked by a prior transaction in an incompatible mode, InnoDB adds a lock request for
the row to the corresponding queue. For a lock to be acquired by a transaction, all incompatible lock requests previously entered in-
to the lock queue for that row or table must be removed (the transactions holding or requesting those locks either commit or roll-

A transaction may have any number of lock requests for different rows or tables. At any given time, a transaction may be request-
ing a lock that is held by another transaction, in which case it is blocked by that other transaction. The requesting transaction must
wait for the transaction that holds the blocking lock to commit or rollback. If a transaction is not waiting for a a lock, it is in the
'RUNNING' state. If a transaction is waiting for a lock, it is in the 'LOCK WAIT' state.

The table INNODB_LOCKS holds one or more row for each 'LOCK WAIT' transaction, indicating the lock request(s) that is (are)
preventing its progress. This table also contains one row describing each lock in a queue of locks pending for a given row or table.


The table INNODB_LOCK_WAITS shows which locks already held by a transaction are blocking locks requested by other transac-

6.4.2. Rapidly Changing Internal Data

The data exposed by the transaction and locking tables represent a glimpse into fast-changing data. This is not like other (user)
tables, where the data only changes when application-initiated updates occur. The underlying data is internal system-managed data,
and can change very quickly.

For performance reasons, and to minimize the chance of misleading JOINs between the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, InnoDB
collects the required transaction and locking information into an intermediate buffer whenever a SELECT on any of the tables is is-
sued. This buffer is refreshed only if more than 0.1 seconds has elapsed since the last time the buffer was read. The data needed to
fill the three tables is fetched atomically and consistently and is saved in this global internal buffer, forming a point-in-time
snapshot. If multiple table accesses occur within 0.1 seconds (as they almost certainly do when MySQL processes a join among
these tables), then the same snapshot is used to satisfy the query.

A correct result is returned when you JOIN any of these tables together in a single query, because the data for the three tables
comes from the same snapshot. Because the buffer is not refreshed with every query of any of these tables, if you issue separate
queries against these tables within a tenth of a second, the results are the same from query to query. On the other hand, two separate
queries of the same or different tables issued more than a tenth of a second apart may see different results, since the data come from
different snapshots.

Because InnoDB must temporarily stall while the transaction and locking data is collected, too frequent queries of these tables can
negatively impact performance as seen by other users.

As these tables contain sensitive information (at least INNODB_LOCKS.LOCK_DATA and INNODB_TRX.TRX_QUERY), for se-
curity reasons, only the users with the PROCESS privilege are allowed to SELECT from them.

6.4.3. Possible Inconsistency with PROCESSLIST

As just described, while the transaction and locking data is correct and consistent when these INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are
populated, the underlying data changes so fast that similar glimpses at other, similarly fast-changing data, may not be in sync. Thus,
you should be careful in comparing the data in the InnoDB transaction and locking tables with that in the MySQL table PROCESS-
LIST . The data from the PROCESSLIST table does not come from the same snapshot as the data about locking and transactions.
Even if you issue a single SELECT (JOINing INNODB_TRX and PROCESSLIST, for example), the content of those tables is gen-
erally not consistent. INNODB_TRX may reference rows that are not present in PROCESSLIST or the currently executing SQL
query of a transaction, shown in INNODB_TRX.TRX_QUERY may be different from the one in PROCESSLIST.INFO. The query
in INNODB_TRX is always consistent with the rest of INNODB_TRX, INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS when the
data comes from the same snapshot.

Chapter 7. Performance and Scalability Enhancements
7.1. Overview
InnoDB has always been highly efficient, and includes several unique architectural elements to assure high performance and
scalability. InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8 includes several new features that take better advantage of recent advances in operating systems
and hardware platforms, such as multi-core processors and improved memory allocation systems. In addition, this release permits
you to better control the use of some InnoDB internal subsystems to achieve the best performance with your workload.

InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8 includes new capabilities in these areas:

Section 7.2, Faster Locking for Improved Scalability

Section 7.3, Using Operating System Memory Allocators

Section 7.4, Controlling InnoDB Insert Buffering

Section 7.5, Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing

Section 7.6, Changes Regarding Thread Concurrency

Section 7.7, Changes in the Read Ahead Algorithm

Section 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads

Section 7.9, Group Commit

Section 7.10, Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate

Section 7.11, Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages

Section 7.12, Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB spin loops

Section 7.13, Control of Spin Lock Polling

Section 7.14, Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant

Section 7.15, Improvements to Crash Recovery Performance

7.2. Faster Locking for Improved Scalability

In MySQL and InnoDB, multiple threads of execution access shared data structures. InnoDB synchronizes these accesses with its
own implementation of mutexes and read/write locks. InnoDB has historically protected the internal state of a read/write lock with
an InnoDB mutex. On Unix and Linux platforms, the internal state of an InnoDB mutex is protected by a Pthreads mutex, as in
IEEE Std 1003.1c (POSIX.1c).

On many platforms, there is a more efficient way to implement mutexes and read/write locks. Atomic operations can often be used
synchronize the actions of multiple threads more efficiently than Pthreads. Each operation to acquire or release a lock can be done
in fewer CPU instructions, and thus result in less wasted time when threads are contending for access to shared data structures. This
in turn means greater scalability on multi-core platforms.

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, InnoDB implements mutexes and read/write locks with the built-in functions provided by the
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for atomic memory access instead of using the Pthreads approach previously used. More spe-
cifically, an InnoDB Plugin that is compiled with GCC version 4.1.2 or later will use the atomic builtins instead of a
pthread_mutex_t to implement InnoDB mutexes and read/write locks.

On 32-bit Microsoft Windows, InnoDB has implemented mutexes (but not read/write locks) with hand-written assembler instruc-
tions. Beginning with Microsoft Windows 2000, it is possible to use functions for Interlocked Variable Access that are similar to
the built-in functions provided by GCC. Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, InnoDB makes use of the Interlocked functions on
Windows. Unlike the old hand-written assembler code, the new implementation supports read/write locks and 64-bit platforms.

Solaris 10 introduced library functions for atomic operations. Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, when InnoDB is compiled on
Solaris 10 with a compiler that does not support the built-in functions provided by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for atomic
memory access, the library functions will be used.

This change improves the scalability of InnoDB on multi-core systems. Note that the user does not have to set any particular para-
meter or option to take advantage of this new feature. This feature is enabled out-of-the-box on the platforms where it is supported.

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

On platforms where the GCC, Windows, or Solaris functions for atomic memory access are not available, InnoDB will use the tra-
ditional Pthreads method of implementing mutexes and read/write locks.

When MySQL starts, InnoDB will write a message to the log file indicating whether atomic memory access will be used for mu-
texes, for mutexes and read/write locks, or neither. If suitable tools are used to build the InnoDB Plugin and the target CPU sup-
ports the atomic operations required, InnoDB will use the built-in functions for mutexing. If, in addition, the compare-and-swap op-
eration can be used on thread identifiers (pthread_t), then InnoDB will use the instructions for read-write locks as well.

Note: If you are building from source, see Section 9.4.1, Building the InnoDB Plugin on Linux or Unix [46]to ensure that your
build process properly takes advantage of your platform capabilities.

7.3. Using Operating System Memory Allocators

When InnoDB was developed, the memory allocators supplied with operating systems and run-time libraries were often lacking in
performance and scalability. At that time, there were no memory allocator libraries tuned for multi-core CPUs. Therefore, InnoDB
implemented its own memory allocator in the mem subsystem. This allocator is guarded by a single mutex, which may become a
bottleneck. InnoDB also implements a wrapper interface around the system allocator (malloc and free) that is likewise guarded
by a single mutex.

Today, as multi-core systems have become more widely available, and as operating systems have matured, significant improve-
ments have been made in the memory allocators provided with operating systems. New memory allocators perform better and are
more scalable than they were in the past. The leading high-performance memory allocators include Hoard, libumem, mtmal-
loc, ptmalloc, tbbmalloc, and TCMalloc. Most workloads, especially those where memory is frequently allocated and re-
leased (such as multi-table joins) will benefit from using a more highly tuned memory allocator as opposed to the internal, InnoDB-
specific memory allocator.

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, you control whether InnoDB uses its own memory allocator or an allocator of the operating
system, by setting the value of the new system configuration parameter innodb_use_sys_malloc in the MySQL option file
(my.cnf or my.ini). If set to ON or 1 (the default), InnoDB will use the malloc and free functions of the underlying system
rather than manage memory pools itself. This parameter is not dynamic, and takes effect only when the system is started. To con-
tinue to use the InnoDB memory allocator in InnoDB Plugin, you will have to set innodb_use_sys_malloc to 0.

Note that when the InnoDB memory allocator is disabled, InnoDB will ignore the value of the parameter in-
nodb_additional_mem_pool_size. The InnoDB memory allocator uses an additional memory pool for satisfying alloca-
tion requests without having to fall back to the system memory allocator. When the InnoDB memory allocator is disabled, all such
allocation requests will be fulfilled by the system memory allocator.

Furthermore, since InnoDB cannot track all memory use when the system memory allocator is used (in-
nodb_use_sys_malloc is ON), the section BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY in the output of the SHOW ENGINE INNODB
STATUS command will only include the buffer pool statistics in the Total memory allocated. Any memory allocated using the
mem subsystem or using ut_malloc will be excluded.

On Unix-like systems that use dynamic linking, replacing the memory allocator may be as easy as making the environment variable
LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH point to the dynamic library that implements the allocator. On other systems, some relink-
ing may be necessary. Please refer to the documentation of the memory allocator library of your choice.

7.4. Controlling InnoDB Insert Buffering

When INSERTs are done to a table, often the values of indexed columns (particularly the values of secondary keys) are not in sor-
ted order. This means that the inserts of such values into secondary B-tree indexes is random, and this can cause excessive i/o if
the entire index does not fit in memory. InnoDB has an insert buffer that caches changes to secondary index entries when the relev-
ant page is not in the buffer pool, thus avoiding I/O operations by not reading in the page from the disk. The buffered changes are
written into a special insert buffer tree and are subsequently merged when the page is loaded to the buffer pool. The InnoDB main
thread merges buffered changes when the server is nearly idle.

Usually, this process will result in fewer disk reads and writes, especially during bulk inserts. However, the insert buffer tree will
occupy a part of the buffer pool. If the working set almost fits in the buffer pool, it may be useful to disable insert buffering. If the
working set entirely fits in the buffer pool, insert buffering will not be used anyway, because the index would exist in memory.

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, you can control whether InnoDB performs insert buffering with the system configuration
parameter innodb_change_buffering. The allowed values of innodb_change_buffering are none (do not buffer
any operations) and inserts (buffer insert operations, the default). You can set the value of this parameter in the MySQL option
file (my.cnf or my.ini) or change it dynamically with the SET GLOBAL command, which requires the SUPER privilege. Chan-
ging the setting affects the buffering of new operations; the merging of already buffered entries is not affected.

7.5. Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing

If a table fits almost entirely in main memory, the fastest way to perform queries on it is to use hash indexes rather than B-tree

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

lookups. InnoDB monitors searches on each index defined for a table. If it notices that certain index values are being accessed fre-
quently, it automatically builds an in-memory hash table for that index. Based on the pattern of searches that InnoDB observes, it
will build a hash index using a prefix of the index key. The prefix of the key can be any length, and it may be that only a subset of
the values in the B-tree will appear in the hash index. InnoDB builds hash indexes on demand for those pages of the index that are
often accessed.

The adaptive hash index mechanism allows InnoDB to take advantage of large amounts of memory, something typically done only
by database systems specifically designed for databases that reside entirely in memory. Normally, the automatic building and use of
adaptive hash indexes will improve performance. However, sometimes, the read/write lock that guards access to the adaptive hash
index may become a source of contention under heavy workloads, such as multiple concurrent joins.

You can monitor the use of the adaptive hash index and the contention for its use in the SEMAPHORES section of the output of
the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command. If you see many threads waiting on an RW-latch created in btr0sea.c, then
it might be useful to disable adaptive hash indexing.

The configuration parameter innodb_adaptive_hash_index can be set to disable or enable the adaptive hash index. See
Section 8.3.4, Dynamically Changing innodb_adaptive_hash_index for details.

7.6. Changes Regarding Thread Concurrency

InnoDB uses operating system threads to process requests from user transactions. (Transactions may issue many requests to In-
noDB before they commit or roll back.) On todays modern operating systems and servers with multi-core processors, where con-
text switching is efficient, most workloads will run well without any limit on the number of concurrent threads. Thanks to several
scalability improvements in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, and further changes in release 1.0.4, there should be less need to artificially limit
the number of concurrently executing threads inside InnoDB.

However, for some situations, it may be helpful to minimize context switching between threads. InnoDB can use a number of tech-
niques to limit the number of concurrently executing operating system threads (and thus the number of requests that are processed
at any one time). When InnoDB receives a new request from a user session, if the number of threads concurrently executing is at a
pre-defined limit, the new request will sleep for a short time before it tries again. A request that cannot be rescheduled after the
sleep is put in a first-in/first-out queue and eventually will be processed. Threads waiting for locks are not counted in the number of
concurrently executing threads.

The limit on the number of concurrent threads is given by the settable global variable innodb_thread_concurrency. Once
the number of executing threads reaches this limit, additional threads will sleep for a number of microseconds, set by the system
configuration parameter innodb_thread_sleep_delay, before being placed into the queue.

The default value for innodb_thread_concurrency and the implied default limit on the number of concurrent threads has
been changed in various releases of MySQL and the InnoDB Plugin. Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, the default value of in-
nodb_thread_concurrency is 0, so that by default there is no limit on the number of concurrently executing threads, as
shown in Table 7.1, Changes to innodb_thread_concurrency.

Table 7.1. Changes to innodb_thread_concurrency

InnoDB Version MySQL Version Default Default limit of con- Value to allow unlim-
value current threads ited threads
Built-in Earlier than 5.1.11 20 No limit 20 or higher
Built-in 5.1.11 and newer 8 8 0
InnoDB Plugin before 1.0.3 (corresponding to Plugin) 8 8 0
InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3 and newer (corresponding to Plugin) 0 No limit 0

Note that InnoDB will cause threads to sleep only when the number of concurrent threads is limited. When there is no limit on the
number of threads, all will contend equally to be scheduled. That is, if innodb_thread_concurrency is 0, the value of in-
nodb_thread_sleep_delay is ignored.

When there is a limit on the number of threads, InnoDB reduces context switching overhead by permitting multiple requests made
during the execution of a single SQL statement to enter InnoDB without observing the limit set by in-
nodb_thread_concurrency. Since a SQL statement (such as a join) may comprise multiple row operations within InnoDB,
InnoDB assigns tickets that allow a thread to be scheduled repeatedly with minimal overhead.

When starting to execute a new SQL statement, a thread will have no tickets, and it must observe in-
nodb_thread_concurrency. Once the thread is entitled to enter InnoDB, it will be assigned a number of tickets that it can
use for subsequently entering InnoDB. If the tickets run out, innodb_thread_concurrency will be observed again and fur-
ther tickets will be assigned. The number of tickets to assign is specified by the global option in-
nodb_concurrency_tickets, which is 500 by default. A thread that is waiting for a lock will be given one ticket once the
lock becomes available.

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

The correct values of these variables are dependent on your environment and workload. You will need to try a range of different
values to determine what value works for your applications. Before limiting the number of concurrently executing threads, you
should review configuration options that may improve the performance of InnoDB on multi-core and multi-processor computers,
such as innodb_use_sys_malloc and innodb_adaptive_hash_index.

7.7. Changes in the Read Ahead Algorithm

A read ahead request is an I/O request to prefetch multiple pages in the buffer cache asynchronously in anticipation that these pages
will be needed in the near future. InnoDB has historically used two read ahead algorithms to improve I/O performance.

Random read ahead is done if a certain number of pages from the same extent (64 consecutive pages) are found in the buffer
cache. In such cases, InnoDB asynchronously issues a request to prefetch the remaining pages of the extent. Random read ahead
added unnecessary complexity to the InnoDB code and often resulted in performance degradation rather than improvement. Start-
ing with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, this feature has been removed from InnoDB, and users should generally see equivalent or improved

Linear read ahead is based on the access pattern of the pages in the buffer cache, not just their number. In releases before 1.0.4, if
most pages belonging to some extent are accessed sequentially, InnoDB will issue an asynchronous prefetch request for the entire
next extent when it reads in the last page of the current extent. Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, users can control when In-
noDB performs a read ahead, by adjusting the number of sequential page accesses required to trigger an asynchronous read request
using the new configuration parameter innodb_read_ahead_threshold.

If the number of pages read from an extent of 64 pages is greater or equal to innodb_read_ahead_threshold, InnoDB will
initiate an asynchronous read ahead of the entire following extent. Thus, this parameter controls how sensitive InnoDB is to the pat-
tern of page accesses within an extent in deciding whether to read the following extent asynchronously. The higher the value, the
more strict will be the access pattern check. For example, if you set the value to 48, InnoDB will trigger a linear read ahead request
only when 48 pages in the current extent have been accessed sequentially. If the value is 8, InnoDB would trigger an asynchronous
read ahead even if as few as 8 pages in the extent were accessed sequentially.

The new configuration parameter innodb_read_ahead_threshold may be set to any value from 0-64. The default value is
56, meaning that an asynchronous read ahead is performed only when 56 of the 64 pages in the extent are accessed sequentially.
You can set the value of this parameter in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini), or change it dynamically with the SET
GLOBAL command, which requires the SUPER privilege.

Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 more statistics are provided through SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command to measure
the effectiveness of the read ahead algorithm. See Section 8.9, More Read Ahead Statistics for more information.

7.8. Multiple Background I/O Threads

InnoDB uses background threads to service various types of I/O requests. Starting from InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, the number of back-
ground threads tasked with servicing read and write I/O on data pages is configurable. In previous versions of InnoDB, there was
only one thread each for read and write on non-Windows platforms. On Windows, the number of background threads was con-
trolled by innodb_file_io_threads. The configuration parameter innodb_file_io_threads has been removed in In-
noDB Plugin 1.0.4. If you try to set a value for this parameter, a warning will be written to the log file and the value will be ig-

In place of innodb_file_io_threads, two new configuration parameters are introduced in the InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, which
are effective on all supported platforms. The two parameters innodb_read_io_threads and in-
nodb_write_io_threads signify the number of background threads used for read and write requests respectively. You can
set the value of these parameters in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini). These parameters cannot be changed dynamic-
ally. The default value for these parameters is 4 and the permissible values range from 1-64.

The purpose of this change is to make InnoDB more scalable on high end systems. Each background thread can handle up to 256
pending I/O requests. A major source of background I/O is the read ahead requests. InnoDB tries to balance the load of incoming
requests in such way that most of the background threads share work equally. InnoDB also attempts to allocate read requests from
the same extent to the same thread to increase the chances of coalescing the requests together. If you have a high end I/O subsystem
and you see more than 64 times innodb_read_io_threads pending read requests in SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS,
then you may gain by increasing the value of innodb_read_io_threads.

7.9. Group Commit

InnoDB, like any other ACID compliant database engine, is required to flush the redo log of a transaction before it is committed.
Historically InnoDB used group commit functionality to group multiple such flush requests together to avoid one flush for each
commit. With group commit, InnoDB can issue a single write to the log file to effectuate the commit action for multiple user trans-
actions that commit at about the same time, significantly improving throughput.

Group commit in InnoDB worked until MySQL 4.x. With the introduction of support for the distributed transactions and Two
Phase Commit (2PC) in MySQL 5.0, group commit functionality inside InnoDB was broken.

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, the group commit functionality inside InnoDB works with the Two Phase Commit protocol
in MySQL. Re-enabling of the group commit functionality fully ensures that the ordering of commit in the MySQL binlog and the
InnoDB logfile is the same as it was before. It means it is totally safe to use InnoDB Hot Backup with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4.

Group commit is transparent to the user and nothing needs to be done by the user to take advantage of this significant performance

7.10. Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate

The master thread in InnoDB is a thread that performs various tasks in the background. Most of these tasks are I/O related like
flushing of the dirty pages from the buffer cache or writing the buffered inserts to the appropriate secondary indexes. The master
thread attempts to perform these tasks in a way that does not adversely affect the normal working of the server. It tries to estimate
the free I/O bandwidth available and tune its activities to take advantage of this free capacity. Historically, InnoDB has used a hard
coded value of 100 IOPs (input/output operations per second) as the total I/O capacity of the server.

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, a new configuration parameter is introduced to indicate the overall I/O capacity available to
InnoDB. The new parameter innodb_io_capacity should be set to approximately the number of I/O operations that the sys-
tem can perform per second. The value will of course depend on your system configuration. When innodb_io_capacity is
set, the master threads estimates the I/O bandwidth available for background tasks based on the set value. Setting the value to 100
reverts to the old behavior.

You can set the value of innodb_io_capacity to any number 100 or greater, and the default value is 200. You can set the
value of this parameter in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini) or change it dynamically with the SET GLOBAL com-
mand, which requires the SUPER privilege.

7.11. Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages

InnoDB performs certain tasks in the background, including flushing of dirty pages (those pages that have been changed but are not
yet written to the database files) from the buffer cache, a task performed by the master thread. Currently, the master thread ag-
gressively flushes buffer pool pages if the percentage of dirty pages in the buffer pool exceeds in-

This behavior can cause temporary reductions in throughput when excessive buffer pool flushing takes place, limiting the I/O capa-
city available for ordinary read and write activity. Beginning with release 1.0.4, InnoDB Plugin uses a new algorithm to estimate
the required rate of flushing based on the speed of redo log generation and the current rate of flushing. The intent of this change is
to smooth overall performance, eliminating steep dips in throughput, by ensuring that buffer flush activity keeps up with the need
to keep the buffer pool clean.

Remember that InnoDB uses its log files in a circular fashion. To make a log file (or a portion of it) reusable, InnoDB must flush to
disk all dirty buffer pool pages whose redo entries are contained in that portion of the log file. When required, InnoDB performs a
so-called sharp checkpoint by flushing the appropriate dirty pages to make space available in the log file. If a workload is write
intensive, it will generate a lot of redo information (writes to the log file). In this case, it is possible that available space in the log
files will be used up, even though innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct is not reached. This will cause a sharp checkpoint, caus-
ing a temporary reduction in throughput.

Beginning with release 1.0.4, InnoDB Plugin uses a new heuristic-based algorithm to avoid such a scenario. The heuristic is a func-
tion of the number of dirty pages in the buffer cache and the rate at which redo is being generated. Based on this heuristic, the mas-
ter thread will decide how many dirty pages to flush from the buffer cache each second. This self adapting heuristic is able to deal
with sudden changes in the workload.

The primary aim of this feature is to smooth out I/O activity, avoiding sudden dips in throughput when flushing activity becomes
high. Internal benchmarking has also shown that this algorithm not only maintains throughput over time, but can also improve
overall throughput significantly.

Because adaptive flushing is a new feature that can significantly affect the I/O pattern of a workload, the InnoDB Plugin introduces
a new configuration parameter that can be used to disable this feature. The default value of the new boolean parameter in-
nodb_adaptive_flushing is TRUE, enabling the new algorithm. You can set the value of this parameter in the MySQL op-
tion file (my.cnf or my.ini) or change it dynamically with the SET GLOBAL command, which requires the SUPER privilege.

7.12. Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB spin loops

Synchronization inside InnoDB frequently involves the use of spin loops (where, while waiting, InnoDB executes a tight loop of in-
structions repeatedly to avoid having the InnoDB process and threads be rescheduled by the operating system). If the spin loops are
executed too quickly, system resources are wasted, imposing a relatively severe penalty on transaction throughput. Most modern
processors implement the PAUSE instruction for use in spin loops, so the processor can be more efficient.

Beginning with 1.0.4, the InnoDB Plugin uses a PAUSE instruction in its spin loops on all platforms where such an instruction is
available. This technique increases overall performance with CPU-bound workloads, and has the added benefit of minimizing

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

power consumption during the execution of the spin loops.

Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB spin loops is transparent to the user. User does not have to do anything to take advantage
of this performance improvement.

7.13. Control of Spin Lock Polling

Many InnoDB mutexes and rw-locks are reserved for a short amount of time. On a multi-core system, it is often more efficient for a
thread to actively poll a mutex or rw-lock for a while before sleeping. If the mutex or rw-lock becomes available during this polling
period, the thread may continue immediately, in the same time slice. Alas, if a shared object is being polled too frequently by mul-
tiple threads, it may result in cache ping-pong, the shipping of cache lines between processors. InnoDB tries to avoid this by
making threads busy, waiting a random time between subsequent polls. The delay is implemented as a busy loop.

Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, it is possible to control the maximum delay between sampling a mutex or rw-lock using the new
parameter innodb_spin_wait_delay. In the 100 MHz Pentium era, the unit of delay used to be one microsecond. The dura-
tion of the delay loop depends on the C compiler and the target processor. On a system where all processor cores share a fast cache
memory, it might be useful to reduce the maximum delay or disable the busy loop altogether by setting in-
nodb_spin_wait_delay=0. On a system that consists of multiple processor chips, the shipping of cache lines can be slower
and it may be useful to increase the maximum delay.

The default value of innodb_spin_wait_delay is 6. The spin wait delay is a dynamic, global parameter that can be specified
in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini) or changed at runtime with the command SET GLOBAL in-
nodb_spin_wait_delay=delay, where delay is the desired maximum delay. Changing the setting requires the SUPER

7.14. Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant

Historically, InnoDB has inserted newly read blocks into the middle of the list representing the buffer cache, to avoid pollution of
the cache due to excessive read-ahead. The idea is that the read-ahead algorithm should not pollute the buffer cache by forcing the
frequently accessed (hot) pages out of the LRU list. To achieve this, InnoDB internally maintains a pointer at 3/8 from the tail
of the LRU list, and all newly read pages are inserted at this location in the LRU list. The pages are moved to the front of the list
(the most-recently used end) when they are accessed from the buffer cache for the first time. Thus pages that are never accessed
never make it to the front 5/8 of the LRU list.

The above arrangement logically divides the LRU list into two segments where the 3/8 pages downstream of the insertion point are
considered old and are desirable victims for LRU eviction. Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5, this mechanism has been extended
in two ways.

You can control the insertion point in the LRU list. A new configuration parameter innodb_old_blocks_pct now controls
the percentage of old blocks in the LRU list. The default value of innodb_old_blocks_pct is 37, corresponding to the ori-
ginal fixed ratio of 3/8. The permissible value range is 5 to 95.

The optimization that keeps the buffer cache from being churned too much by read-ahead, is extended to avoid similar problems
resulting from table or index scans. During an index scan, a data page is typically accessed a few times in quick succession and is
then never touched again. InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 introduces a new configuration parameter innodb_old_blocks_time which
specifies the time window (in milliseconds) after the first access to a page during which it can be accessed without being moved to
the front (most-recently used end) of the LRU list. The default value of innodb_old_blocks_time is 0, corresponding to the
original behavior of moving a page to the MRU end of the LRU list on first access in the buffer pool.

Both the new parameters innodb_old_blocks_pct and innodb_old_blocks_time are dynamic, global and can be spe-
cified in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini) or changed at runtime with the SET GLOBAL command. Changing the set-
ting requires the SUPER privilege.

To help you gauge the effect of setting these parameters, some additional statistics are reported by SHOW ENGINE INNODB
STATUS command. The BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY section now looks like:
Total memory allocated 1107296256; in additional pool allocated 0
Dictionary memory allocated 80360
Buffer pool size 65535
Free buffers 0
Database pages 63920
Old database pages 23600
Modified db pages 34969
Pending reads 32
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 414946, not young 2930673
1274.75 youngs/s, 16521.90 non-youngs/s
Pages read 486005, created 3178, written 160585
2132.37 reads/s, 3.40 creates/s, 323.74 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 950 / 1000, young-making rate 30 / 1000 not 392 / 1000
Pages read ahead 1510.10/s, evicted without access 0.00/s
LRU len: 63920, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[43690]:cur[221], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

Old database pages is the number of pages in the old segment of the LRU list.

Pages made young and not young is the total number of old pages that have been made young or not respectively.

youngs/s and non-young/s is the rate at which page accesses to the old pages have resulted in making such pages
young or otherwise respectively since the last invocation of the command.

young-making rate and not provides the same rate but in terms of overall buffer cache accesses instead of accesses just
to the old pages.

7.14.1. Guidelines for innodb_old_blocks_pct and in-

The default values of both parameters leave the original behavior as of InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 intact. To take advantage of this fea-
ture, you must set different values.

Because the effects of these parameters can vary widely based on your hardware configuration, your data, and the details of your
workload, always benchmark to verify the effectiveness before changing these settings in any performance-critical or production

In mixed workloads where most of the activity is OLTP type with periodic batch reporting queries which result in large scans, set-
ting the value of innodb_old_blocks_time during the batch runs can help keep the working set of the normal workload in
the buffer cache.

When scanning large tables that cannot fit entirely in the buffer pool, setting innodb_old_blocks_pct to a small value keeps
the data that is only read once from consuming a significant portion of the buffer pool. For example, setting in-
nodb_old_blocks_pct=5 restricts this data that is only read once to 5% of the buffer pool.

When scanning small tables that do fit into memory, there is less overhead for moving pages around within the buffer pool, so you
can leave innodb_old_blocks_pct at its default value, or even higher, such as innodb_old_blocks_pct=50.

The effect of the innodb_old_blocks_time parameter is harder to predict than the innodb_old_blocks_pct paramet-
er, is relatively small, and varies more with the workload. To arrive at an optimal value, conduct your own benchmarks if the per-
formance improvement from adjusting innodb_old_blocks_pct is not sufficient.

7.15. Improvements to Crash Recovery Performance

Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7, a number of optimizations speed up certain steps of the recovery that happens on the next star-
tup after a crash. In particular, scanning the redo log and applying the redo log are faster. You do not need to take any actions to
take advantage of this performance enhancement. If you kept the size of your logfiles artificially low because recovery took a long
time, you can consider increasing the logfile size.

Chapter 8. Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability
8.1. Overview
This chapter describes several changes in the InnoDB Plugin that offer new flexibility and improve ease of use, reliability and per-

Section 8.2, Enabling New File Formats

Section 8.3, Dynamic Control of System Configuration Parameters

Section 8.4, TRUNCATE TABLE Reclaims Space

Section 8.5, InnoDB Strict Mode

Section 8.6, Controlling Optimizer Statistics Estimation

Section 8.7, Better Error Handling when Dropping Indexes

Section 8.8, More Compact Output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX

Section 8.9, More Read Ahead Statistics

8.2. Enabling New File Formats

The InnoDB Plugin introduces named file formats to improve compatibility between database file formats and various InnoDB ver-

To create new tables that require a new file format, you must enable the new Barracuda file format, using the configuration para-
meter innodb_file_format. The value of this parameter will determine whether it will be possible to create a table or index
using compression or the new DYNAMIC row format. If you omit innodb_file_format or set it to Antelope, you preclude
the use of new features that would make your database inaccessible to the built-in InnoDB in MySQL 5.1 and prior releases.

You can set the value of innodb_file_format on the command line when you start mysqld, or in the option file my.cnf
(Unix operating systems) or my.ini (Windows). You can also change it dynamically with the SET GLOBAL command.

Further information about managing file formats is presented in Chapter 4, InnoDB File Format Management.

8.3. Dynamic Control of System Configuration Parameters

With the InnoDB Plugin it now is possible to chance certain system configuration parameters dynamically, without shutting down
and restarting the server as was previously necessary. This increases up-time and facilitates testing of various options. You can now
set these parameters dynamically:





8.3.1. Dynamically Changing innodb_file_per_table

Since MySQL version 4.1, InnoDB has provided two options for how tables are stored on disk. You can choose to create a new ta-
ble and its indexes in the shared system tablespace (corresponding to the set of files named ibdata files), along with other intern-
al InnoDB system information. Or, you can chose to use a separate file (an .ibd file) to store a new table and its indexes.

The tablespace style used for new tables is determined by the setting of the configuration parameter innodb_file_per_table
at the time a table is created. Previously, the only way to set this parameter was in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini),
and changing it required shutting down and restarting the server. Beginning with the InnoDB Plugin, the configuration parameter
innodb_file_per_table is dynamic, and can be set ON or OFF using the SET GLOBAL command. The default setting is
OFF, so new tables and indexes are created in the system tablespace. Dynamically changing the value of this parameter requires the

Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability

SUPER privilege and immediately affects the operation of all connections.

Tables created when innodb_file_per_table is disabled cannot use the new compression capability, or use the new row
format DYNAMIC. Tables created when innodb_file_per_table is enabled can use those new features, and each table and
its indexes will be stored in a new .ibd file.

The ability to change the setting of innodb_file_per_table dynamically is useful for testing. As noted above, the parameter
innodb_file_format is also dynamic, and must be set to Barracuda to create new compressed tables, or tables that use the
new row format DYNAMIC. Since both parameters are dynamic, it is easy to experiment with these table formats and the down-
grade procedure described in Chapter 11, Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin without a system shutdown and restart.

Note that the InnoDB Plugin can add and drop a tables secondary indexes without re-creating the table, but must recreate the table
when you change the clustered (primary key) index (see Chapter 2, Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine). When a ta-
ble is recreated as a result of creating or dropping an index, the table and its indexes will be stored in the shared system tablespace
or in its own .ibd file just as if it were created using a CREATE TABLE command (and depending on the setting of in-
nodb_file_per_table). When an index is created without rebuilding the table, the index is stored in the same file as the
clustered index, regardless of the setting of innodb_file_per_table.

8.3.2. Dynamically Changing innodb_stats_on_metadata

As noted in Section 8.6, Controlling Optimizer Statistics Estimation, the InnoDB Plugin allows you to control the way in which
InnoDB gathers information about the number of distinct values in an index key. A related parameter, in-
nodb_stats_on_metadata, has existed since MySQL release 5.1.17 to control whether or not InnoDB performs statistics
gathering when metadata statements are executed. See the MySQL manual on InnoDB Startup Options and System Variables for

Beginning with release 1.0.2 of the InnoDB Plugin, it is possible to change the setting of innodb_stats_on_metadata dy-
namically at runtime with the command SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_on_metadata=mode, where mode is either ON or
OFF (or 1 or 0). Changing this setting requires the SUPER privilege and immediately affects the operation of all connections.

8.3.3. Dynamically Changing innodb_lock_wait_timeout

When a transaction is waiting for a resource, it will wait for the resource to become free, or stop waiting and return with the error
ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

The length of time a transaction will wait for a resource before giving up is determined by the value of the configuration para-
meter innodb_lock_wait_timeout. The default setting for this parameter is 50 seconds. The minimum setting is 1 second,
and values above 100,000,000 disable the timeout, so a transaction will wait forever. Following a timeout, the SQL statement
that was executing will be rolled back. (In MySQL 5.0.12 and earlier, the transaction rolled back.) The user application may try the
statement again (usually after waiting for a while), or rollback the entire transaction and restart.

Before InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2, the only way to set this parameter was in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini), and chan-
ging it required shutting down and restarting the server. Beginning with the InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2, the configuration parameter in-
nodb_lock_wait_timeout can be set at runtime with the SET GLOBAL or SET SESSION commands. Changing the
GLOBAL setting requires the SUPER privilege and affects the operation of all clients that subsequently connect. Any client can
change the SESSION setting for innodb_lock_wait_timeout, which affects only that client.

8.3.4. Dynamically Changing innodb_adaptive_hash_index

As described in Section 7.5, Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing, it may be desirable, depending on your workload, to dynamic-
ally enable or disable the adaptive hash indexing scheme InnoDB uses to improve query performance.

Version 5.1.24 of MySQL introduced the start-up option innodb_adaptive_hash_index that allows the adaptive hash index
to be disabled. It is enabled by default. Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3, the parameter can be modified by the SET GLOBAL
command, without restarting the server. Changing the setting requires the SUPER privilege.

Disabling the adaptive hash index will empty the hash table immediately. Normal operations can continue while the hash table is
emptied, and executing queries that have been using the hash table will access the index B-trees directly instead of attempting to
utilize the hash index. When the adaptive hash index is enabled, the hash table will be populated during normal operation.

8.4. TRUNCATE TABLE Reclaims Space

Starting with the InnoDB Plugin, when the user requests to TRUNCATE a table that is stored in an .ibd file of its own (because
innodb_file_per_table was enabled when the table was created), and if the table is not referenced in a FOREIGN KEY
constraint, the InnoDB Plugin will drop and re-create the table in a new .idb file. This operation is much faster than deleting the
rows one by one, and will return disk space to the operating system and reduce the size of page-level backups.

Previous versions of InnoDB would re-use the existing .idb file, thus releasing the space only to InnoDB for storage manage-

Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability

ment, but not to the operating system. Note that when the table is truncated, the count of rows affected by the TRUNCATE com-
mand is an arbitrary number.

Note: if there are referential constraints between the table being truncated and other tables, MySQL instead automatically converts
the TRUNCATE command to a DELETE command that operates row-by-row, so that ON DELETE operations can occur on child

8.5. InnoDB Strict Mode

To guard against ignored typos and syntax errors in SQL, or other unintended consequences of various combinations of operational
modes and SQL commands, the InnoDB Plugin provides a strict mode of operations. In this mode, InnoDB will raise error condi-
tions in certain cases, rather than issue a warning and process the specified command (perhaps with some unintended defaults).
This is analogous to MySQLs sql_mode, which controls what SQL syntax MySQL will accept, and determines whether it will
silently ignore errors, or validate input syntax and data values. Note that there is no strict mode with the built-in InnoDB, so some
commands that execute without errors with the built-in InnoDB will generate errors with the InnoDB Plugin, unless you disable
strict mode.

In the InnoDB Plugin, the setting of InnoDB strict mode affects the handling of syntax errors on the CREATE TABLE, ALTER
TABLE and CREATE INDEX commands. Starting with InnoDB Plugin version 1.0.2, the strict mode also enables a record size
check, so that an INSERT or UPDATE will never fail due to the record being too large for the selected page size.

Using the new clauses and settings for ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE on CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE com-
mands and the CREATE INDEX can be confusing when not running in strict mode. Unless you run in strict mode, InnoDB will ig-
nore certain syntax errors and will create the table or index, with only a warning in the message log. However if InnoDB strict
mode is on, such errors will generate an immediate error and the table or index will not be created, thus saving time by catching the
error at the time the command is issued.

The default for strict mode is off, but in the future, the default may be changed. It is best to start using strict mode with the InnoDB
Plugin, and make sure your SQL scripts use commands that do not generate warnings or unintended effects.

InnoDB strict mode is set with the configuration parameter innodb_strict_mode, which can be specified as on or off. You
can set the value on the command line when you start mysqld, or in the configuration file my.cnf (Unix operating systems) or
my.ini (Windows). You can also enable or disable InnoDB strict mode at runtime with the command SET
[GLOBAL|SESSION] innodb_strict_mode=mode, where mode is either ON or OFF. Changing the GLOBAL setting re-
quires the SUPER privilege and affects the operation of all clients that subsequently connect. Any client can change the SESSION
setting for innodb_strict_mode, which affects only that client.

8.6. Controlling Optimizer Statistics Estimation

The MySQL query optimizer uses estimated statistics about key distributions to select or avoid using an index in an execution plan,
based on the relative selectivity of the index. Previously, InnoDB sampled 8 random pages from an index to get an estimate of the
cardinality of (i.e., the number of distinct values in) the index. (This page sampling technique is frequently described as index
dives.) This small number of page samples frequently was insufficient, and could give inaccurate estimates of an indexs selectiv-
ity and thus lead to poor choices by the query optimizer.

To give users control over the quality of the statistics estimate (and thus better information for the query optimizer), the number of
sampled pages now can be changed using the parameter innodb_stats_sample_pages.

This feature addresses user requests such as that as expressed in MySQL Bug#25640: InnoDB Analyze Table Should Allow User
Selection of Index Dives.

You can change the number of sampled pages using the global parameter innodb_stats_sample_pages, which can be set at
runtime (i.e., it is a dynamic parameter). The default value for this parameter is 8, preserving the same behavior as in past releases.

Note that the value of innodb_stats_sample_pages affects the index sampling for all tables and indexes. You should also
be aware that there are the following potentially significant impacts when you change the index sample size:

small values like 1 or 2 can result in very inaccurate estimates of cardinality

values much larger than 8 (say, 100), can cause a big slowdown in the time it takes to open a table or execute SHOW TABLE

the optimizer may choose very different query plans based on different estimates of index selectivity

Note that the cardinality estimation can be disabled for metadata commands such as SHOW TABLE STATUS by executing the
command SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_on_metadata=OFF (or 0). Before InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2, this variable could only
be set in the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini), and changing it required shutting down and restarting the server.

Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability

The cardinality (the number of different key values) in every index of a table is calculated when a table is opened, at SHOW TABLE
STATUS and ANALYZE TABLE and on other circumstances (like when the table has changed too much). Note that all tables are
opened, and the statistics are re-estimated, when the mysql client starts if the auto-rehash setting is set on (the default). The auto-
rehash feature enables automatic name completion of database, table, and column names for interactive users. You may prefer set-
ting auto-rehash off to improve the start up time of the mysql client.

You should note that it does not make sense to increase the index sample size, then run ANALYZE TABLE and decrease sample
size to attempt to obtain better statistics. This is because the statistics are not persistent. They are automatically recalculated at vari-
ous times other than on execution of ANALYZE TABLE. Sooner or later the better statistics calculated by ANALYZE running
with a high value of innodb_stats_sample_pages will be wiped away.

The estimated cardinality for an index will be more accurate with a larger number of samples, but each sample might require a disk
read, so you do not want to make the sample size too large. You should choose a value for innodb_stats_sample_pages
that results in reasonably accurate estimates for all tables in your database without requiring excessive I/O.

Although it is not possible to specify the sample size on a per-table basis, smaller tables generally would require fewer index
samples than larger tables require. If your database has many large tables, you may want to consider using a higher value for in-
nodb_stats_sample_pages than if you have mostly smaller tables.

8.7. Better Error Handling when Dropping Indexes

For efficiency, InnoDB requires an index to exist on foreign key columns so that UPDATE and DELETE operations on a parent
table can easily check for the existence or non-existence of corresponding rows in the child table. To ensure that there is an ap-
propriate index for such checks, MySQL will sometimes implicitly create or drop such indexes as a side-effect of CREATE

When you explicitly DROP an index, InnoDB will check that an index suitable for referential integrity checking will still exist fol-
lowing the DROP of the index. InnoDB will prevent you from dropping the last usable index for enforcing any given referential
constraint. Users have been confused by this behavior, as reported in MySQL Bug#21395.

In releases prior to InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2, attempts to drop the only usable index would result in an error message such as
ERROR 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './db2/#sql-18eb_3'
to './db2/foo'(errno: 150)

Beginning with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2, this error condition is reported with a more friendly message:
ERROR 1553 (HY000): Cannot drop index 'fooIdx':
needed in a foreign key constraint

As a related matter, because all user data in InnoDB is maintained in the so-called clustered index (or primary key index), In-
noDB ensures that there is such an index for every table, even if the user does not declare an explicit PRIMARY KEY. In such
cases, InnoDB will create an implicit clustered index using the first columns of the table that have been declared UNIQUE and NOT

When the InnoDB Plugin is used with a MySQL version earlier than 5.1.29, an attempt to drop an implicit clustered index (the first
UNIQUE NOT NULL index) will fail if the table does not contain a PRIMARY KEY. This has been reported as MySQL
Bug#31233. Attempts to use the DROP INDEX or ALTER TABLE command to drop such an index will generate this error:
ERROR 42000: This table type requires a primary key

Beginning with MySQL 5.1.29 when using the InnoDB Plugin, attempts to drop such an index will copy the table, rebuilding the
index using a different UNIQUE NOT NULL group of columns or a system-generated key. Note that all indexes will be re-created
by copying the table, as described in Section 2.3, Implementation.

In those versions of MySQL that are affected by this bug, one way to change an index of this type is to create a new table and copy
the data into it using INSERT INTO newtable SELECT * FROM oldtable, and then DROP the old table and rename the
new table.

However, if there are existing tables with references to the table whose index you are dropping, you will first need to use the AL-
TER TABLE command to remove foreign key references from or to other tables. Unfortunately, MySQL does not support drop-
ping or creating FOREIGN KEY constraints, even though dropping a constraint would be trivial. Therefore, if you use ALTER
TABLE to add or remove a REFERENCES constraint, the child table will be copied, rather than using Fast Index Creation.

8.8. More Compact Output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX

The command SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX displays information about InnoDB mutexes and rw-locks. It can be a useful
tuning aid on multi-core systems. However, with a big buffer pool, the size of the output may be overwhelming. There is a mutex
and rw-lock in each 16K buffer pool block. It is highly improbable that an individual block mutex or rw-lock could become a per-

Changes for Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reliability

formance bottleneck, and there are 65,536 blocks per gigabyte.

Starting with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4, SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX will skip the mutexes and rw-locks of buffer pool blocks.
Furthermore, it will not list any mutexes or rw-locks that have never been waited on (os_waits=0). Therefore, SHOW ENGINE
INNODB MUTEX only displays information about such mutexes and rw-locks that does not belong to the buffer pool blocks and
for whom there have been at least one OS level wait.

8.9. More Read Ahead Statistics

As described in Section 7.7, Changes in the Read Ahead Algorithm a read ahead request is an asynchronous IO request issued in
anticipation that the page being read in will be used in near future. It can be very useful if a DBA has the information about how
many pages are read in as part of read ahead and how many of them are evicted from the buffer pool without ever being accessed.
Based on this information a DBA can then fine tune the degree of aggressiveness of the read ahead using the parameter in-

Starting from InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 two new status variables are added to the SHOW STATUS output. These global status variables
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead and Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted indicate the number of
pages read in as part of read ahead and the number of such pages evicted without ever being accessed respectively. These counters
provide global values since the start of the server. Please also note that the status variables In-
nodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd and Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq have been removed from the

In addition to the two counters mentioned above SHOW INNODB STATUS will also show the rate at which the read ahead pages
are being read in and the rate at which such pages are being evicted without being accessed. The per second averages are based on
the statistics collected since the last invocation of SHOW INNODB STATUS and are displayed in the BUFFER POOL AND
MEMORY section of the output.

Chapter 9. Installing the InnoDB Plugin
9.1. Overview of Installing the InnoDB Plugin
You can acquire the plugin in these formats:

As a platform-specific executable binary file that is dynamically linked or plugged in to the MySQL server.

In source code form, available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.

While it is possible to use the source code to build a special version of MySQL containing the InnoDB Plugin, we re-
commend you install the binary shared library for the InnoDB Plugin instead, without building from source. Repla-
cing the shared library is simpler and much less error prone than building from source.

The InnoDB Plugin is included in the MySQL distribution, starting from MySQL 5.1.38. From MySQL 5.1.46 and
up, this is the only download location for the InnoDB Plugin; it is not available from the InnoDB web site. If you used
any scripts or configuration files with the earlier InnoDB Plugin from the InnoDB web site, be aware that the filename
of the shared library as supplied by MySQL is or ha_innodb_plugin.dll, as op-
posed to or ha_innodb.dll in the older Plugin downloaded from the InnoDB web site. You
might need to change the applicable file names in your startup or configuration scripts.

This discussion pertains to using the InnoDB Plugin with the MySQL Community Edition, whether source or binary.
Except for download locations for MySQL software, the procedures documented here should work without change
when you use MySQL Enterprise.

Whether you dynamically install the binary InnoDB Plugin or build from source, configure MySQL by editing the
configuration file to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired) and set appropriate configuration parameters to en-
able use of new InnoDB Plugin features, as described in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin.

At this time, the InnoDB Plugin has not been compiled or tested with the Intel C Compiler (icc), so you should use a
version of MySQL compiled with the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc).

9.2. Checking for Compatible Version Levels

Use the following table to confirm that the version of the InnoDB Plugin (whether source or binary) is compatible with your plat-
form, hardware type (including 32-bit vs 64-bit) and with your version of MySQL. In general, a specific release of the InnoDB Plu-
gin is designed to be compatible with a range of MySQL versions, but this may vary, so check the information on the download

When building MySQL from source, you can generally use the source for the InnoDB Plugin in place of the source for the built-in
InnoDB. However, due to limitations of MySQL, a given binary version of the InnoDB Plugin is compatible only with a specific
version of MySQL, as follows.

Table 9.1. InnoDB Plugin Compatibility

InnoDB Plugin Release MySQL Release (Binary Compatibility) MySQL Release (Source Compatibility)
1.0.0 5.1.23 5.1.23 or newer
1.0.1 5.1.24 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.2 5.1.30 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.3 5.1.30 (not 5.1.31) 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.4 5.1.37 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.5 5.1.41 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.6 5.1.41 5.1.24 or newer
1.0.7 and higher Incorporated into the applicable 5.1.x MySQL N/A
release; not separately downloadable.

Note: MySQL Bug#42610 prevents using the binary InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.31 or 5.1.32. There is no binary In-
noDB Plugin for MySQL 5.1.33. The only way to use InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.31 through 5.1.35 is by building
from source. This issue was resolved in MySQL 5.1.37 and InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4.

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

9.3. Installing the Precompiled InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library

The simplest way to install the InnoDB Plugin is to use a precompiled (binary) shared library file, when one is available. The pro-
cedures are similar for installing the InnoDB Plugin using the binary on different hardware and operating systems platforms, but
the specific details differ between Unix or Linux and Microsoft Windows. See below for notes specific to your platform.

Note that due to MySQL Bug#42610, the procedure of installing the binary InnoDB Plugin changed in MySQL 5.1.33. If your ver-
sion of MySQL is older than 5.1.33, refer to Appendix B, Using the InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.30 or Earlier.

The steps for installing the InnoDB Plugin as a shared library are as follows:

Download, extract and install the suitable MySQL executable for your platform.

Make sure the MySQL server is not running. If you have to shut down the database server, you use a special slow shutdown
procedure, described later.

On database startup, make MySQL ignore the builtin InnoDB, and load the InnoDB Plugin and all new InnoDB Information
Schema tables implemented in the InnoDB Plugin, using one of these alternatives:

Edit the option file (my.cnf, or my.ini) to contain the necessary options.

Specify equivalent options on the MySQL command line.

Edit the option file to disable InnoDB, then use INSTALL statements on the MySQL command line after startup.

These procedures are described in detail in the following sections.

Set appropriate configuration parameters to enable new InnoDB Plugin features.

Start MySQL, and verify the installation of the plugins.

The following sections detail these steps for Unix or Linux systems, and for Microsoft Windows.

9.3.1. Installing the InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library on Unix or Linux

For Unix and Linux systems, use the following procedure to install the InnoDB Plugin as a shared library:

1. Download, extract and install the suitable MySQL executable for your server platform and operating system from the MySQL
download section for MySQL Database Server 5.1. Be sure to use a 32-bit or 64-bit version as appropriate for your hardware
and operating system.

2. Make sure the MySQL server is not running. If the server is running, do a slow shutdown by issuing the following command
before performing the shutdown:
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

Then finish the shutdown process, as described in The Shutdown Process in the MySQL documentation. This option setting
performs a full purge and an insert buffer merge before the shutdown, which can typically take minutes, or even hours for very
large and busy databases.

3. The InnoDB Plugin shared library is already installed in the directory lib/plugin as part of the MySQL installation.

4. Edit the option file (my.cnf) to ignore the builtin InnoDB, and load the InnoDB Plugin and all Information Schema tables im-
plemented in the InnoDB Plugin when the server starts:

Note that all plugins for plugin-load should be on the same line in the option file.

Alternatively, you can use the equivalent options on the MySQL command line:
mysqld --ignore-builtin-innodb;;;;;;;

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

You can also install the InnoDB Plugin and the new InnoDB Information Schema tables implemented in with INSTALL commands:

If you use INSTALL PLUGIN statement to install the InnoDB Plugin and the Information Schema tables, ensure the follow-
ing conditions are set up:

In the mysqld command line or my.cnf option file, prepend each InnoDB option with loose_, so that MySQL will
start even when InnoDB is unavailable. For example, write loose_innodb_file_per_table instead of in-

Start the MySQL server while it is configured to skip loading the built-in InnoDB and to make MyISAM the default stor-
age engine. This can be done by editing the option file my.cnf to contain these two lines:

Or, you can use the equivalent options on the MySQL command line:
mysqld --ignore-builtin-innodb --default-storage-engine=MyISAM

See the MySQL Manual section on INSTALL PLUGIN Syntax for information on how these commands work.

5. Edit the option file my.cnf to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired) and set appropriate configuration parameters to
enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features, as described in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin. In particular, we re-
commend that you set the following specific parameters as follows:

The MySQL server always must be started with the option ignore_builtin_innodb, as long as you want to use
the InnoDB Plugin as a shared library. Also, remember that the startup option skip_grant_tables prevents
MySQL from loading any plugins.

6. Verify the installation of the plugins with the MySQL command SHOW PLUGINS, which should produce the following out-

Name Status Type Library License

InnoDB ACTIVE STORAGE ENGINE ha_innodb_plugin.s GPL

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

Name Status Type Library License


If the plugins fail to load properly, see Section, Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Unix or Linux for pos-
sible causes and corrections.

After verifying that the Plugin is recognized by MySQL, create an InnoDB table as another confirmation of success. Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Unix or Linux

If MySQL or its associated daemon process cannot start, or a post-startup INSTALL PLUGIN statement fails, look at the MySQL
error log (usually named machine_name.err and located in the MySQL data directory) for the detailed error message. The
log is in chronological order, so look at the end of the file. Try to resolve the problem based on other information in the message.

Error Condition or Message Possible Solution

Can't open shared library Diagnose the cause from the following message details.
API version for STORAGE EN- The version of the Plugin is not compatible with the version of the MySQL server.
GINE plugin is too different Consult the compatibility chart .
No such file or directory Check that the file or .dll was copied to the correct
location. Confirm that you specified the right file name (
or .dll for the library from the InnoDB web site; or
.dll for the library supplied along with MySQL 5.1.38 and up.)
Permission denied Check that the directory and file access permissions are set properly, or change them
using chmod on Unix-like systems . The mysqld process must have permission to
read (r) the file and to access files (x) in the plugin dir-
wrong ELF class or any other mes- Ensure that is for the same system platform as mysqld.
sage In particular, note that a 32-bit mysqld is unable to load a 64-bit plugin, and vice
versa. Be sure to download an InnoDB Plugin that is compatible with your platform.

The Information Schema tables are themselves plugins to the MySQL server, but they depend on having the InnoDB
storage engine plugin installed as well. These tables will appear to be empty if the storage engine is not installed.

9.3.2. Installing the Binary InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library on Microsoft

The InnoDB Plugin is supported on any of the Windows operating system versions supported by MySQL. In particular, this in-
cludes Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server and Windows XP. Note that on Vista certain spe-
cial procedures must be followed that are not documented here.

Use the following procedure to dynamically install the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows.

1. Download, extract and install the suitable MySQL executable for your server platform and operating system from the MySQL
download section for MySQL Database Server 5.1. Be sure to use a 32-bit or 64-bit version as appropriate for your hardware
and Windows version.

2. Make sure the MySQL server is not running. You do a slow shutdown by issuing the following command before performing
the shutdown:
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

Then finish the shutdown process, as described in The Shutdown Process in the MySQL documentation. This option setting

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

performs a full purge and an insert buffer merge before the shutdown, which can typically take minutes, or even hours for very
large and busy databases.

3. The InnoDB Plugin shared library is already installed in the directory lib\plugin as part of the MySQL installation.

4. Edit the option file (my.ini) to ignore the builtin InnoDB, and load the InnoDB Plugin and all Information Schema tables im-
plemented in the InnoDB Plugin when the server starts:

All plugins for plugin-load should be on the same line in the option file. Be careful when copying and pasting
that the line does not split.

Alternatively, you can use the equivalent options on the MySQL command line:
mysqld --ignore-builtin-innodb --plugin-load=

You can also install the InnoDB Plugin and the new InnoDB Information Schema tables implemented in with INSTALL commands, as follows:
INSTALL PLUGIN INNODB SONAME 'ha_innodb_plugin.dll';
INSTALL PLUGIN INNODB_TRX SONAME 'ha_innodb_plugin.dll';
INSTALL PLUGIN INNODB_CMP SONAME 'ha_innodb_plugin.dll';

If you use INSTALL PLUGIN statements to install the InnoDB Plugin and the Information Schema tables, ensure the follow-
ing conditions are set up:

In the mysqld command line or my.ini option file, prepend each InnoDB option with loose_, so that MySQL will
start even when InnoDB is unavailable. For example, write loose_innodb_file_per_table instead of in-

Start the MySQL server while it is configured to skip loading the built-in InnoDB and to make MyISAM the default stor-
age engine. This can be done by editing the option file my.cnf to contain these two lines:

Or, you can use the equivalent options on the MySQL command line:
mysqld --ignore-builtin-innodb --default-storage-engine=MyISAM

See the MySQL Manual section on INSTALL PLUGIN Syntax for information on how these commands work.

5. Edit the option file my.ini to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired) and set appropriate configuration parameters to
enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features, as described in Section 9.5, Configuring the InnoDB Plugin. In particular, we re-
commend that you set the following specific parameters as follows:

IMPORTANT: The MySQL server always must be started with the option ignore_builtin_innodb, as long as you
want to use the dynamic InnoDB Plugin. Also, remember that the startup option skip_grant_tables prevents MySQL
from loading any plugins.

6. Verify the installation of the plugins with the MySQL command SHOW PLUGINS, which should produce the following out-

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

Name Status Type Library License

InnoDB ACTIVE STORAGE ENGINE ha_innodb_plugin.d GPL

If the plugins fail to load properly, see Section 9.3.3, Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows for
possible causes and corrections.

After verifying that the Plugin is recognized by MySQL, create an InnoDB table as another confirmation of success.

9.3.3. Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows

If MySQL or the associated Windows service can not start, or a post-startup INSTALL PLUGIN statement fails, look at the
MySQL error log (usually named machine_name.err and located in the MySQL data directory) for the detailed error mes-
sage. The log is in chronological order, so look at the end of the file. Try to resolve the problem based on other information in the

Error Condition or Message Possible Solution

Can't open shared library Diagnose the cause from the following message details.
API version for STORAGE EN- The version of the Plugin is not compatible with the version of the MySQL server.
GINE plugin is too different Consult the compatibility chart .
No such file or directory Check that the file or .dll was copied to the correct
location. Confirm that you specified the right file name (
or .dll for the library from the InnoDB web site; or
.dll for the library supplied along with MySQL 5.1.38 and up.)
Permission denied Check that the folder and file access permissions are set properly. The mysqld pro-
cess must have permission to read the file ha_innodb_plugin.dll and to read
files in the plugin folder. On Windows XP, file permissions can be seen or changed by
right-clicking a file and pressing Properties, and then the Security Tab. To see the Se-
curity Tab, you may need to adjust the Folder Options on the Control Panel to turn off
Use Simple File Sharing.
Can't open shared library
'ha_innodb_plugin.dll' Ensure that ha_innodb_plugin.dll is for the same system platform as
(errno: 0) mysqld. In particular, note that a 32-bit mysqld is unable to load a 64-bit plugin,
and vice versa.

Note: The Information Schema tables are themselves plugins to the MySQL server, but they depend on having the InnoDB storage
engine plugin installed as well. These tables will appear to be empty if the storage engine is not installed.

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

9.4. Building the InnoDB Plugin from Source Code

Sometimes, you may wish to build the plugin from the source code using special compilation options, or there might be no binary
plugin available for your server platform. With the resulting special version of MySQL containing the new InnoDB functionality, it
is not necessary to INSTALL any plugins or be concerned about startup parameters that preclude loading plugins.

To build the InnoDB Plugin from the source code, you also need the MySQL source code and some software tools. You should be-
come familiar with the MySQL manual section on MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution.

The general steps for building MySQL from source, containing the InnoDB Plugin in place of the standard built-in InnoDB, are as

Download the MySQL source code.

Download the InnoDB Plugin source code.

Replace the source code for the built-in InnoDB with the InnoDB Plugin source tree.

Compile MySQL as usual, generating a new mysqld executable file.

Configure the MySQL server by editing the configuration file to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired) and set appropri-
ate configuration parameters to enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features.

The following sections detail these steps for Linux or Unix systems, and for Microsoft Windows.

9.4.1. Building the InnoDB Plugin on Linux or Unix

1. Download the MySQL source code, version 5.1.24 or later from and
extract it.

2. Download the InnoDB Plugin source code from

3. Replace the contents of the storage/innobase directory in the MySQL source tree with the InnoDB Plugin source tree.

In MySQL 5.1.38 and up, the MySQL source tree also contains a storage/innodb_plugin directory, but that
does not affect this procedure. The source that you download from the InnoDB web site may contain additional
changes and fixes.

4. Compile and build MySQL. Instead of building a dynamic InnoDB Plugin, it is advisable to build a version of MySQL that
contains the InnoDB Plugin. This is because a dynamic InnoDB Plugin must be built with exactly the same tools and op-
tions as the mysqld executable, or spurious errors may occur. Example:

% wget
% tar -zxf mysql-5.1.37.tar.gz
% cd mysql-5.1.37/storage
% wget
% tar -zxf innodb-1.0.8.tar.gz
% rm -fr innobase
% mv innodb-1.0.8 innobase
% cd ..
% ./configure --with-plugins=innobase
% make

5. Reconfigure the MySQL server by editing the my.cnf option file to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired) and set ap-
propriate configuration parameters to enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features, as described in section Section 9.5,
Configuring the InnoDB Plugin. In particular, we recommend that you set the following specific parameters as follows:

6. If you build a version of MySQL that contains the InnoDB Plugin (--with-plugins=innobase), you do not have to tell
MySQL to specify ignore_builtin_innodb or specify plugin-load, or issue any INSTALL PLUGIN statements.
The mysqld executable that you compiled will contain the new InnoDB Plugin features.

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

Note: To fully exploit the performance improvements discussed in Section 7.2, Faster Locking for Improved Scalability, the In-
noDB Plugin source code and build process makes some compile-time tests of platform capabilities to automatically use instruc-
tions for atomic memory access where available. If this logic fails, you may need to perform some additional steps as described in a
Support Tip on the InnoDB website.

9.4.2. Building the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Windows

The MySQL website includes some information about building from source on Windows. The following discussion is specifically
focused on building a version of MySQL containing the InnoDB Plugin.

You need the following tools:

A compiler environment, one of the following:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2003

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (Note: for building MySQL 5.1.31 or later)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (free of charge)

Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.

Download and install the Windows Platform SDK .

Configure the Visual Studio Express Edition to use the Platform SDK according to the instruction.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (free of charge, for building MySQL 5.1.31 or later)

Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. The Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition has
already been integrated with the Windows SDK.

GNU Bison for Windows, a general-purpose parser generator that is largely compatible with Berkeley Yacc. This tool is used
automatically as part of compiling and building MySQL. For most users, it is sufficient to download and run the complete
package to install GNU Bison.

CMake 2.6.0 or later, a cross-platform make system that can generate MSVC project files.

In addition to installing these tools, you must also set CScript as the default Windows script host by executing the following com-
mand in the Command Prompt:
cscript //H:CScript

After you have installed and configured all the required tools, you may proceed with the compilation.

1. Download the MySQL source code, version 5.1.24 or later from the MySQL website and extract the source files.

2. Download the InnoDB plugin source code from the MySQL download site.

3. Extract the files from the source code archives.

4. Replace the contents of the storage\innobase folder in the MySQL source tree with the InnoDB plugin source tree.

In MySQL 5.1.38 and up, the MySQL source tree also contains a storage\innodb_plugin directory, but that does not
affect this procedure. The source that you download from the InnoDB web site may contain additional changes and fixes.

5. Compile and build MySQL under the Microsoft Visual Studio Command Prompt as follows:

Visual Studio 2003:

devenv mysql /build release /project ALL_BUILD

Visual Studio 2005:

devenv mysql /build release /project ALL_BUILD

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

Visual Studio 2008:

vcbuild mysql.sln "Release"

For the 64-bit version, use win\build-vsN_x64.bat instead of win\build-vsN.bat.

6. Install the compiled mysqld.exe from the sql\release folder of the source tree by doing one of the following:

a. Copy the mysqld.exe to the bin folder of an earlier MySQL 5.1 installation.

b. Make a distribution package and unpack it to the folder where MySQL will be installed. See the MySQL manual section
on make_win_bin_distPackage MySQL Distribution as ZIP Archive. Note that
scripts\make_win_bin_dist requires the Cygwin environment.

7. Reconfigure the MySQL server by editing the my.cnf or my.ini option file to use InnoDB as the default engine (if desired)
and set appropriate configuration parameters to enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features, as described in section Section 9.5,
Configuring the InnoDB Plugin. In particular, we recommend that you set the following specific parameters as follows:

8. Since you built a version of MySQL that contains the InnoDB Plugin, you do not have to specify ig-
nore_builtin_innodb or specify plugin-load, or issue any INSTALL PLUGIN statements. The mysqld.exe
that you compiled contains the new InnoDB Plugin features.

9.5. Configuring the InnoDB Plugin

Because the MySQL server as distributed by MySQL includes a built-in copy of InnoDB, if you are using the dynamic InnoDB
Plugin and have INSTALLed it into the MySQL server, you must always start the server with the option ig-
nore_builtin_innodb, either in the option file or on the mysqld command line. Also, remember that the startup option
skip_grant_tables prevents MySQL from loading any plugins. Neither of these options is needed when using a specialized
version of MySQL that you build from source.

By default, the InnoDB Plugin does not create tables in a format that is incompatible with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. Tables in
the new format may be compressed, and they may store portions of long columns off-page, outside the B-tree nodes. You may wish
to enable the creation of tables in the new format, using one of these techniques:

Include innodb_file_per_table=1 and innodb_file_format=barracuda in the [mysqld] section of the

MySQL option file.

Add --innodb_file_per_table=1 and --innodb_file_format=barracuda to the mysqld command line.

Issue the statements:

SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=barracuda;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=ON;

in the MySQL client when running with SUPER privileges.

You may also want to enable the new InnoDB strict mode, which guards SQL or certain operational errors that otherwise generate
warnings and possible unintended consequences of ignored or incorrect SQL commands or parameters. As described in Section 8.5,
InnoDB Strict Mode, the GLOBAL parameter innodb_strict_mode can be set ON or OFF in the same way as the parameters
just mentioned. You can also use the command SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=mode (where mode is ON or OFF) to
enable or disable InnoDB strict mode on a per-session basis.

Take care when using new InnoDB configuration parameters or values that apply only when using the InnoDB Plugin. When the
MySQL server encounters an unknown option, it fails to start and returns an error: unknown variable. This happens, for ex-
ample, if you include the new parameter innodb_file_format when you start the MySQL server with the built-in InnoDB
rather than the plugin. This can cause a problem if you accidentally use the built-in InnoDB after a system crash, because InnoDB
crash recovery runs before MySQL checks the startup parameters. See Section 11.4, Possible Problems why this can be a prob-
lem. One safeguard is to specify the prefix loose_ before the names of new options, so that if they are not recognized on startup,
the server gives a warning instead of a fatal error.

Installing the InnoDB Plugin

9.6. Frequently Asked Questions about Plugin Installation

9.6.1. Should I use the InnoDB-supplied plugin or the one that is included with
MySQL 5.1.38 or higher?
The Plugin that you download from the InnoDB web site should always be at the same level or newer than the shared library that is
included with the MySQL distribution starting with version 5.1.38. To pick up the very latest fixes, download from the InnoDB

9.6.2. Why doesn't the MySQL service on Windows start after the replace-
For the types of errors and how to diagnose them, see Section 9.3.3, Errors When Installing the InnoDB Plugin on Microsoft Win-
dows. Be especially careful that the plugin-load line in the option file does not get split across lines when you copy and paste
from the README or this manual, which can produce an unrecognized option error in the error log.

9.6.3. The Plugin is installed... now what?

You automatically benefit from the fast index creation feature for every index you create on a large InnoDB table. If you switch
to the Barracuda file format using the innodb_file_format option in combination with the innodb_file_per_table
option, you can take advantage of other features such as table compression. For the full list of features, refer to Section 1.2,
Features of the InnoDB Plugin.

9.6.4. Once the Plugin is installed, is it permanent?

The Plugin must loaded whenever the MySQL database server is started. As we saw earlier, there are several ways to configure
MySQL to use the Plugin rather than the built-in InnoDB: in the option file, with mysqld command-line options, or with IN-
STALL statements after the server starts.

To ensure that you do not accidentally revert to the older InnoDB, be careful to carry any configuration file, command-line options,
or post-startup commands forward in the future, such as when transitioning from a development system to a test system, setting up
a replication slave, or when writing new mysqld startup scripts.

Chapter 10. Upgrading the InnoDB Plugin
Thanks to the pluggable storage engine architecture of MySQL, upgrading the InnoDB Plugin should be a simple matter of shutting
down MySQL, replacing a platform-specific executable file, and restarting the server. If you wish to upgrade and use your existing
database, it is essential to perform a slow shutdown, or the new plugin may fail when merging buffered inserts or purging de-
leted records. If your database does not contain any compressed tables, you should be able to use your database with the newest In-
noDB Plugin without problems after a slow shutdown.

However, if your database contains compressed tables, it may not be compatible with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8. Because of an incom-
patible change introduced in InnoDB Plugin version 1.0.2, some compressed tables may need to be rebuilt, as noted in Sec-
tion 10.3, Converting Compressed Tables Created Before Version 1.0.2. Please follow these steps carefully.

You may, of course, rebuild your database using mysqldump or other methods. This may be a preferable approach if your data-
base is small or there are many referential constrains among tables.

Note that once you have accessed your database with InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8, you should not try to use it with the Plugin prior to

10.1. Upgrading the Dynamic InnoDB Plugin

Before shutting down the MySQL server containing the InnoDB Plugin, you must enable slow shutdown:
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

For the details of the shutdown procedure, see the MySQL manual on The Shutdown Process.

In the directory where the MySQL server looks for plugins, rename the executable file of the old InnoDB Plugin
( or ha_innodb_plugin.dll), so that you can restore it later if needed. You may remove the file
later. The plugin directory is specified by the system variable plugin_dir. The default location is usually the lib/plugin
subdirectory of the directory specified by basedir.

Download a suitable package for your server platform, operating system and MySQL version. Extract the contents of the archive
using tar or a similar tool for Linux and Unix, or Windows Explorer or WinZip or similar utility for Windows. Copy the file or ha_innodb_plugin.dll to the directory where the MySQL server looks for plugins.

Start the MySQL server. Follow the procedure in Section 10.3, Converting Compressed Tables Created Before Version 1.0.2 to
convert any compressed tables if needed.

10.2. Upgrading a Statically Built InnoDB Plugin

As with a dynamically installed InnoDB Plugin, you must perform a slow shutdown of the MySQL server. If you have built
MySQL from source code and replaced the built-in InnoDB in MySQL with the InnoDB Plugin in the source tree as discussed in
Section 9.4, Building the InnoDB Plugin from Source Code, you will have a special version of the mysqld executable that con-
tains the InnoDB Plugin.

If you intend to upgrade to a dynamically linked InnoDB Plugin, you can follow the advice of Section 11.3.4, Uninstalling a Stat-
ically Built InnoDB Plugin and Section 9.3, Installing the Precompiled InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library.

If you intend to upgrade a statically built InnoDB Plugin to another statically built plugin, you will have to rebuild the mysqld ex-
ecutable, shut down the server, and replace the mysqld executable before starting the server.

Either way, please be sure to follow the instructions of Section 10.3, Converting Compressed Tables Created Before Version
1.0.2 if any compressed tables were created.

10.3. Converting Compressed Tables Created Before Version 1.0.2

The InnoDB Plugin version 1.0.2 introduces an incompatible change to the format of compressed tables. This means that some
compressed tables that were created with an earlier version of the InnoDB Plugin may need to be rebuilt with a bigger
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE before they can be used.

If you must keep your existing database when you upgrade to InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2 or newer, you will need to perform a slow
shutdown of MySQL running the previous version of the InnoDB Plugin. Following such a shutdown, and using the newer release
of the InnoDB Plugin, you will need to determine which compressed tables need conversion and then follow a procedure to up-
grade these tables. Because most users will not have tables where this process is required, this manual does not detail the proced-
ures required. If you have created compressed tables with the InnoDB Plugin prior to release 1.0.2, you may want to review the rel-
evant information on the InnoDB website.

Chapter 11. Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin
11.1. Overview
There are times when you might want to use the InnoDB Plugin with a given database, and then downgrade to the built-in InnoDB
in MySQL. One reason to do this is because you want to take advantage of a new InnoDB Plugin feature (such as Fast Index Cre-
ation), but revert to the standard built-in InnoDB in MySQL for production operation.

If you have created new tables using the InnoDB Plugin, you may need to convert them to a format that the built-in InnoDB in
MySQL can read. Specifically, if you have created tables that use ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC
you must convert them to a different format, if you plan to access these tables with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. If you do not do
so, anomalous results may occur.

Although InnoDB checks the format of tables and database files (specifically *.ibd files) for compatibility, it is unable to start if
there are buffered changes for too new format tables in the redo log or in the system tablespace. Thus it is important to carefully
follow these procedures when downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin to the built-in InnoDB in MySQL, version 5.1.

This chapter describes the downgrade scenario, and the steps you should follow to ensure correct processing of your database.

11.2. The Built-in InnoDB, the Plugin and File Formats

Starting with version 5.0.21, the built-in InnoDB in MySQL checks the table type before opening a table. Until now, all InnoDB
tables have been tagged with the same type, although some changes to the format have been introduced in MySQL versions 4.0,
4.1, and 5.0.

One of the important new features introduced with the InnoDB Plugin is support for identified file formats. This allows the InnoDB
Plugin and versions of InnoDB since 5.0.21 to check for file compatibility. It also allows the user to preclude the use of features
that would generate downward incompatibilities. By paying attention to the file format used, you can protect your database from
corruptions, and ensure a smooth downgrade process.

In general, before using a database file created with the InnoDB Plugin with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL you should verify that
the tablespace files (the *.ibd files) are compatible with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. The InnoDB Plugin can read and write
tablespaces in both the formats Antelope and Barracuda. The built-in InnoDB can only read and write tablespaces in
Antelope format. To make all tablespaces legible to the built-in InnoDB in MySQL, you should follow the instructions in Sec-
tion 11.3, How to Downgrade to reformat all tablespaces to be in the Antelope format.

Generally, after a slow shutdown of the InnoDB Plugin (innodb_fast_shutdown=0), it should be safe to open the data files
with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. See Section 11.4, Possible Problems for a discussion of possible problems that can arise in
this scenario and workarounds for them.

11.3. How to Downgrade

11.3.1. Converting Tables
The built-in InnoDB in MySQL can access only tables in the Antelope file format, that is, in the REDUNDANT or COMPACT row
format. If you have created tables in COMPRESSED or DYNAMIC format, the corresponding tablespaces in the new Barracuda
file format, and it is necessary to downgrade these tables.

First, identify the tables that require conversion, by executing this command:
SELECT table_schema, table_name, row_format
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE engine='innodb'
AND row_format NOT IN ('Redundant', 'Compact');

Next, for each table that requires conversion, run the following command:

This command copies the table and its indexes to a new tablespace in the Antelope format. See Chapter 2, Fast Index Creation in
the InnoDB Storage Engine for a discussion of exactly how such index creation operations are performed.

11.3.2. Adjusting the Configuration

Before you shut down the InnoDB Plugin and start the basic built-in InnoDB in MySQL, review the configuration files. Changes to
the startup options do not take effect until the server is restarted, or the InnoDB Plugin is uninstalled and reinstalled.

The InnoDB Plugin introduces several configuration parameters that are not recognized by the built-in InnoDB in MySQL, includ-

Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin

ing: innodb_file_format, innodb_file_format_check, and innodb_strict_mode. See Section C.1, New Para-
meters for a complete list of new configuration parameters in the InnoDB Plugin. You can include these parameters in the config-
uration file, only if you use the loose_ form of the parameter names, so that the built-in InnoDB in MySQL can start.

If the InnoDB Plugin was installed as a dynamic plugin, the startup option ignore_builtin_innodb or skip_innodb must
have been set to disable the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. These options must be removed, so that the built-in InnoDB in MySQL is
enabled the next time the server is started.

If the InnoDB Plugin was loaded using plugin-load option. This option has to be removed too.

In MySQL, configuration options can be specified in the mysqld command line or the option file (my.cnf or my.ini). See the
MySQL manual on Using Option Files for more information.

11.3.3. Uninstalling a Dynamic Library

The following applies if the InnoDB Plugin was installed as a dynamic library with the INSTALL PLUGIN command, as de-
scribed in Section 9.3, Installing the Precompiled InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library.

Issue the command UNINSTALL PLUGIN for every plugin supplied by the library (or
ha_innodb_plugin.dll on Windows). Note that the following commands initiate a shutdown of the InnoDB Plugin:
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

Due to MySQL Bug#33731, please ensure that the plugin definitions are actually deleted from the database, so that they are not
loaded again:
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin;
DELETE FROM mysql.plugin WHERE name='';

Restart the server. For the details of the shutdown procedure, see the MySQL manual on The Shutdown Process.

11.3.4. Uninstalling a Statically Built InnoDB Plugin

If you have built MySQL from source code and replaced the built-in InnoDB in MySQL with the InnoDB Plugin in the source tree
as discussed in Section 9.4, Building the InnoDB Plugin from Source Code, you have a special version of the mysqld execut-
able that contains the InnoDB Plugin. To uninstall the InnoDB Plugin, you replace this executable with something that is built
from an unmodified MySQL source code distribution.

Before shutting down the version of the MySQL server with built-in InnoDB Plugin, you must enable slow shutdown:
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;

For the details of the shutdown procedure, see the MySQL manual on The Shutdown Process.

11.4. Possible Problems

Failure to follow the downgrading procedure described in Section 11.3, How to Downgrade may lead to compatibility issues
when files written by the InnoDB Plugin are accessed by the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. This section describes some internal re-
covery algorithms, to help explain why it is important to follow the downgrade procedure described above. It discusses the issues
that may arise, and covers possible ways to fix them.

A general fix is to install the plugin as described in Chapter 9, Installing the InnoDB Plugin and then follow the downgrading pro-
cedure described in Section 11.3, How to Downgrade.

In the future, the file format management features described in Chapter 4, InnoDB File Format Management will guard against the
types of problems described in this section.

11.4.1. Accessing COMPRESSED or DYNAMIC Tables

The built-in InnoDB in MySQL can only open tables that were created in REDUNDANT or COMPACT format. Starting with MySQL
version 5.0.21, an attempt to open a table in some other format results in ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.t'
doesn't exist. Furthermore, a message unknown table type appears in the error log.

Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin

In the InnoDB Plugin, you may rebuild an incompatible table by issuing a statement ALTER TABLE table_name

11.4.2. Issues with UNDO and REDO

As noted in Section 11.3, How to Downgrade, you should ensure a slow shutdown is done with the InnoDB Plugin, before run-
ning with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL, to clean up all buffers. To initiate a slow shutdown, execute the command SET GLOBAL
innodb_fast_shutdown=0 before initiating the shutdown of the InnoDB Plugin.

We recommend slow shutdown (innodb_fast_shutdown=0) because the InnoDB Plugin may write special records to the
transaction undo log that cause problems if the built-in InnoDB in MySQL attempts to read the log. Specifically, these special re-
cords are written when a record in a COMPRESSED or DYNAMIC table is updated or deleted and the record contains columns stored
off-page. The built-in InnoDB in MySQL cannot read these undo log records. Also, the built-in InnoDB in MySQL cannot roll
back incomplete transactions that affect tables that it is unable to read (tables in COMPRESSED or DYNAMIC format).

Note that a normal shutdown does not necessarily empty the undo log. A normal shutdown occurs when in-
nodb_fast_shutdown=1, the default. When InnoDB is shut down, some active transactions may have uncommitted modifica-
tions, or they may be holding a read view that prevents the purging of some version information from the undo log. The next time
InnoDB is started after a normal shutdown (innodb_fast_shutdown=1), it rolls back any incomplete transactions and purge
old version information. Therefore, it is important to perform a slow shutdown (innodb_fast_shutdown=0) as part of the
downgrade process.

In case it is not possible to have the InnoDB Plugin clear the undo log, you can prevent the built-in InnoDB in MySQL from ac-
cessing the undo log by setting innodb_force_recovery=3. However, this is not a recommended approach, since in addition
to preventing the purge of old versions, this recovery mode prevents the rollback of uncommitted transactions. For more informa-
tion, see the MySQL manual on Forcing InnoDB Recovery.

When it comes to downgrading, there are also considerations with respect to redo log information. For the purpose of crash recov-
ery, InnoDB writes to the log files information about every modification to the data files. When recording changes to tables that
were created in DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED format, the InnoDB Plugin writes redo log entries that cannot be recognized by the
built-in InnoDB in MySQL. The built-in InnoDB in MySQL refuses to start if it sees any unknown entries in the redo log.

When InnoDB is shut down cleanly, it flushes all unwritten changes from the buffer pool to the data files and makes a checkpoint
in the redo log. When InnoDB is subsequently restarted, it scans the redo log starting from the last checkpoint. After a clean shut-
down, InnoDB crash recovery only then sees the end-of-log marker in the redo log. In this case, the built-in InnoDB in MySQL
would not see any unrecognizable redo log entries. This is a second reason why you should ensure a clean, slow shutdown of
MySQL (innodb_fast_shutdown=0) before you attempt a downgrade.

In an emergency, you may prevent the redo log scan and the crash recovery from the redo log by setting the parameter in-
nodb_force_recovery=6. However, this is strongly discouraged, because may lead into severe corruption. See the MySQL
manual on Forcing InnoDB Recovery for more information.

11.4.3. Issues with the Doublewrite Buffer

InnoDB uses a novel file flush technique called doublewrite. Before writing pages to a data file, InnoDB first writes them to a con-
tiguous area called the doublewrite buffer. Only after the write and the flush to the doublewrite buffer have completed does InnoDB
write the pages to their proper positions in the data file. If the operating system crashes in the middle of a page write, InnoDB can
later find a good copy of the page from the doublewrite buffer during recovery.

The doublewrite buffer may also contain compressed pages. However, the built-in InnoDB in MySQL cannot recognize such
pages, and it assumes that compressed pages in the doublewrite buffer are corrupted. It also wrongly assumes that the tablespace
(the .ibd file) consists of 16K byte pages. Thus, you may find InnoDB warnings in the error log of the form a page in the
doublewrite buffer is not within space bounds.

The doublewrite buffer is not scanned after a clean shutdown. In an emergency, you may prevent crash recovery by setting in-
nodb_force_recovery=6. However, this is strongly discouraged, because it may lead into severe corruption. For more in-
formation, see the MySQL manual on Forcing InnoDB Recovery.

11.4.4. Issues with the Insert Buffer

Secondary indexes are usually non-unique, and insertions into secondary indexes happen in a relatively random order. This would
cause a lot of random disk I/O operations without a special mechanism used in InnoDB called the insert buffer.

When a record is inserted into a non-unique secondary index page that is not in the buffer pool, InnoDB inserts the record into a
special B-tree: the insert buffer. Periodically, the insert buffer is merged into the secondary index trees in the database. A merge
also occurs whenever a secondary index page is loaded to the buffer pool.

A normal shutdown does not clear the insert buffer. A normal shutdown occurs when innodb_fast_shutdown=1, the de-
fault. If the insert buffer is not empty when the InnoDB Plugin is shut down, it may contain changes for tables in DYNAMIC or

Downgrading from the InnoDB Plugin

COMPRESSED format. Thus, starting the built-in InnoDB in MySQL on the data files may lead into a crash if the insert buffer is
not empty.

A slow shutdown merges all changes from the insert buffer. To initiate a slow shutdown, execute the command SET GLOBAL
innodb_fast_shutdown=0 before initiating the shutdown of the InnoDB Plugin.

To disable insert buffer merges, you may set innodb_force_recovery=4 so that you can back up the uncompressed tables
with the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. Be sure not to use any WHERE conditions that would require access to secondary indexes. For
more information, see the MySQL manual on Forcing InnoDB Recovery.

In the InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3 and later, you can disable the buffering of new operations by setting the parameter in-
nodb_change_buffering. See Section 7.4, Controlling InnoDB Insert Buffering for details.

Chapter 12. InnoDB Plugin Change History
The complete change history of the InnoDB Plugin can be viewed in the file ChangeLog that is included in the source and binary

12.1. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.9 and Higher

With the closer integration of InnoDB into the MySQL server starting in MySQL 5.1, you can find recent InnoDB change log
entries in MySQL Change History in the MySQL Reference Manual.

12.2. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.8 (May, 2010)

12.3. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.7 (April, 2010)

Improved crash recovery performance.

Fixed MySQL Bug #52102: InnoDB Plugin shows performance drop comparing to builtin InnoDB on Windows only. Disabled
Windows atomics by default.

Fixed MySQL Bug #51378: Init 'ref_length' to correct value, in case of an out of bound MySQL primary_key.

Made SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX STATUS display SUM(os_waits) for the buffer pool block mutexes and locks.

Fixed ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE of compressed tables.

Fixed MySQL Bug #49535: Available memory check slows down crash recovery tens of times.

Let the master thread sleep if the amount of work to be done is calibrated as taking less than a second.

Fixed MySQL Bug #49001: SHOW INNODB STATUS deadlock info incorrect when deadlock detection aborts.

Fixed MySQL Bug #35077: Very slow DROP TABLE (ALTER TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE) on compressed tables.

Fixed MySQL Bug #49497: Error 1467 (ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED) on inserting a negative value.

Do not merge buffered inserts to compressed pages before the redo log has been applied in crash recovery.

Do not attempt to access a clustered index record that has been marked for deletion, On the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level.
In previous versions, the InnoDB would attempt to retrieve a previous version of the record in this case.

Fixed an uninitialized access to block->is_hashed, when disabling the adaptive hash index.

Fixed MySQL Bug #46193: Crash when accessing tables after enabling innodb_force_recovery option.

Fixed MySQL Bug #49238: Creating / Dropping a temporary table while at 1023 transactions will cause assert.

Display the zlib version number at startup.

12.4. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.6 (November 27, 2009)

Fixed MySQL Bug #48782: On lock wait timeout, CREATE INDEX attempts DROP TABLE.

Report duplicate table names to the client connection, not to the error log.

Allow CREATE INDEX to be interrupted.

Fixed MySQL Bug #47167: InnoDB Plugin "set global innodb_file_format_check" cannot set value by User-
Defined Variable.

Fixed MySQL Bug #45992: InnoDB memory not freed after shutdown; and MySQL Bug #46656: InnoDB Plugin memory leaks

12.5. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5 (November 18, 2009)

Clean up after a crash during DROP INDEX. When InnoDB crashes while dropping an index, ensure that the index will be com-
pletely dropped during crash recovery.

InnoDB Plugin Change History

When a secondary index exists in the MySQL .frm file but not in the InnoDB data dictionary, return an error instead of letting an
assertion fail in index_read.

Prevent the reuse of tablespace identifiers after InnoDB has crashed during table creation. Also, refuse to start if files with duplicate
tablespace identifiers are encountered.

Fixed MySQL Bug #47055: Unconditional exit on ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA 1453 (0x5AD) for InnoDB backend.

Fixed MySQL Bug #37232: InnoDB might get too many read locks for DML with repeatable-read.

Fixed MySQL Bug #31183: Tablespace full problems not reported in error log; error message unclear.

Modified innodb-zip.test so that the test will pass with zlib Apparently, the zlib function compressBound() has
been slightly changed, and the maximum record size of a table with 1K compressed page size has been reduced by one byte.

Fixed a regression introduced by the fix for MySQL Bug #26316.

Fixed MySQL Bug #44571: InnoDB Plugin crashes on ADD INDEX.

Fixed a bug in the merge sort that can corrupt indexes in fast index creation.

Introduced the settable global variables innodb_old_blocks_pct and innodb_old_blocks_time for controlling the
buffer pool eviction policy, making it possible to tune the buffer pool LRU eviction policy to be more resistant against index scans.
See Section 7.14, Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant.

Fixed MySQL Bug #42885: buf_read_ahead_random, buf_read_ahead_linear counters, thread wakeups. See Sec-
tion 8.9, More Read Ahead Statistics.

Fixed MySQL Bug #46650: InnoDB assertion autoinc_lock == lock in lock_table_remove_low on INSERT SE-

Fixed MySQL Bug #46657: InnoDB Plugin: invalid read in index_merge_innodb test (Valgrind).

Fixed MySQL Bug #42829: binlogging enabled for all schemas regardless of binlog-db-db / binlog-ignore-db.

12.6. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 (August 11, 2009)

Enabled inlining of functions and prefetch with Sun Studio.

Changed the defaults for innodb_sync_spin_loops from 20 to 30 and innodb_spin_wait_delay from 5 to 6.

Implemented adaptive flushing of dirty pages, which uses heuristics to avoid I/O bursts at checkpoint. A new parameter in-
nodb_adaptive_flushing is added to control whether the new flushing algorithm should be used. See Section 7.11,
Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages.

Implemented I/O capacity tuning. A new parameter innodb_io_capacity is added to control the master threads I/O rate.
(To preserve the former behavior, set this parameter to a value of 100.) The ibuf merge is also changed from synchronous to
asynchronous. See Section 7.10, Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate.

Introduced the PAUSE instruction inside spin-loop where available. See Section 7.12, Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB
spin loops.

Fixed a crash on SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=DEFAULT or SET GLOBAL in-


Changed the default values for innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct, innodb_additional_mem_pool_size, in-

nodb_buffer_pool_size, and innodb_log_buffer_size.

Enabled group commit functionality that was broken in 5.0 when distributed transactions were introduced. See Section 7.9, Group

Enabled the functionality of having multiple background threads, with two new configuration parameters, in-
nodb_read_io_threads and innodb_write_io_threads. The Windows only parameter in-
nodb_file_io_threads has been removed. See Section 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads.

Changed the linear read ahead algorithm and disabled random read ahead. Also introduced a new configuration parameter in-
nodb_read_ahead_threshold to control the sensitivity of the linear read ahead. See Section 7.7, Changes in the Read
Ahead Algorithm.

Standardized comments that allow the extraction of documentation from code base with the Doxygen tool.

InnoDB Plugin Change History

Fixed a bug that could cause failures in secondary index lookups in consistent reads right after crash recovery.

Corrected the estimation of space needed on a compressed page when performing an update by delete-and-insert.

Removed the statically linked copies of the zlib and strings libraries from the binary Windows plugin. Invoke the copies of
these libraries in the mysqld executable, like the binary InnoDB Plugin does on other platforms.

Trimmed the output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX. See Section 8.8, More Compact Output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB

On Microsoft Windows, make use of atomic memory access to implement mutexes and rw-locks more efficiently. On Sun Solaris
10, if GCC built-in functions for atomic memory access are unavailable, use library functions instead. See Section 7.2, Faster
Locking for Improved Scalability.

Fixed MySQL Bug #44032: in ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT, update UTF-8 CHAR to/from NULL is not in-place.

Fixed MySQL Bug #43660: SHOW INDEXES/ANALYZE does not update cardinality for indexes of InnoDB table.

Made the parameter innodb_change_buffering settable by mysqld start-up option. Due to a programming mistake, it was
only possible to set this parameter by the SET GLOBAL command in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3.

Added a parameter innodb_spin_wait_delay for controlling the polling of mutexes and rw-locks. See Section 7.13,
Control of Spin Lock Polling.

In consistent reads, issue an error message on attempts to use newly created indexes that may lack required history. See Section 2.6,

12.7. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3 (March 11, 2009)

Improved the scalability of InnoDB on multi-core CPUs. See Section 7.2, Faster Locking for Improved Scalability.

Added a parameter innodb_change_buffering for controlling the insert buffering. See Section 7.4, Controlling InnoDB In-
sert Buffering.

Added a parameter innodb_use_sys_malloc for using an operating system memory allocation rather than the InnoDB intern-
al memory allocator. See Section 7.3, Using Operating System Memory Allocators.

Made it possible to dynamically enable or disable adaptive hash indexing. See Section 7.5, Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing.

Changed the default value of innodb_thread_concurrency from 8 to 0, for unlimited concurrency by default. See Sec-
tion 7.6, Changes Regarding Thread Concurrency.

Fixed an issue that the InnoDB Plugin fails if innodb_buffer_pool_size is defined bigger than 4095M on 64-bit Windows.

Fixed MySQL bug #41676: Table names are case insensitive in locking.

Fixed MySQL bug #41904: Create unique index problem.

Fixed MySQL bug #43043: Crash on BLOB delete operation.

Fixed a bug in recovery when dropping incomplete indexes left behind by fast index creation.

Fixed a crash bug when all rows of a compressed table are deleted.

Fixed a corruption bug when a table is dropped on a busy system that contains compressed tables.

Fixed an assertion failure involving the variable ut_total_allocated_memory that was caused by unprotected access dur-
ing fast index creation.

12.8. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2 (December 1, 2008)

Implemented the dynamic plugin (ha_innodb.dll) on Windows.

Added a parameter innodb_stats_sample_pages for controlling the index cardinality estimates.

Made innodb_stats_on_metadata a settable global parameter. (MySQL bug #38189)

Made innodb_lock_wait_timeout a settable session parameter. (MySQL bug #36285)

Fixed bugs related to off-page columns (see Section 5.3, DYNAMIC Row Format).

InnoDB Plugin Change History

Fixed various bugs related to compressed tables. This includes MySQL bug #36172, a possible but rare corruption, and an incom-
patible file format change relating to very long rows in compressed tables, and to off-page storage of long column values.

Fixed a bug in crash recovery which was a side effect of incorrect implementation of the system tablespace tagging.

Fixed MySQL bugs related to auto_increment columns: #26316, #35498, #35602, #36411, #37531, #37788, #38839, #39830,

Fixed some race conditions, hangs or crashes related to INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, fast index creation, and to the recovery
of PREPARED transactions.

Fixed crashes on DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE when there are FOREIGN KEY constraints. (MySQL bug #38786)

Fixed a crash caused by a conflict between TRUNCATE TABLE and LOCK TABLES. (MySQL bug #38231)

Fixed MySQL bug #39939: DROP TABLE or DISCARD TABLESPACE takes a long time.

Fixed MySQL bug #40359: InnoDB plugin error/warning message during shutdown.

Fixed MySQL bug #40360: Binlog related errors with binlog off.

Applied all changes from MySQL through version 5.1.30.

12.9. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.1 (May 8, 2008)

Fixed bugs related to the packaging of the InnoDB Plugin: MySQL bugs #36222, #36434.

Fixed crash bugs related to the new features of the InnoDB Plugin: MySQL bugs #36169, #36310.

Implemented the system tablespace tagging discussed in Section 4.4.1, Startup File Format Compatibility Checking.

Applied all changes from MySQL through version 5.1.25.

12.10. Changes in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.0 (April 15, 2008)

The initial release of the InnoDB Plugin is based on the built-in InnoDB in MySQL version 5.1. See Section 1.2, Features of the
InnoDB Plugin for the main features.

Appendix A. Third-Party Software
Innobase Oy acknowledges that certain Third Party and Open Source software has been used to develop or is incorporated in In-
noDB (including the InnoDB Plugin). This appendix includes required third-party license information.

A.1. Performance Patches from Google

Innobase Oy gratefully acknowledges the following contributions from Google, Inc. to improve InnoDB performance:

Replacing InnoDBs use of Pthreads mutexes with calls to GCC atomic builtins, as discussed in Section 7.2, Faster Locking
for Improved Scalability. This change means that InnoDB mutex and and rw-lock operations take less CPU time, and im-
proves throughput on those platforms where the atomic operations are available.

Controlling master thread I/O rate, as discussed in Section 7.10, Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate. The master thread
in InnoDB is a thread that performs various tasks in the background. Historically, InnoDB has used a hard coded value as the
total I/O capacity of the server. With this change, user can control the number of I/O operations that can be performed per
second based on their own workload.

Changes from the Google contributions were incorporated in the following source code files: btr0cur.c, btr0sea.c,
buf0buf.c, buf0buf.ic,, log0log.c, log0log.h, os0sync.h, row0sel.c, srv0srv.c,
srv0srv.h, srv0start.c, sync0arr.c, sync0rw.c, sync0rw.h, sync0rw.ic, sync0sync.c, sync0sync.h,
sync0sync.ic, and univ.i.

These contributions are incorporated subject to the conditions contained in the file COPYING.Google, which are reproduced
Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Google Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written

A.2. Multiple Background I/O Threads Patch from Percona

Innobase Oy gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Percona, Inc. to improve InnoDB performance by implementing configur-
able background threads, as discussed in Section 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads. InnoDB uses background threads to ser-
vice various types of I/O requests. The change provides another way to make InnoDB more scalable on high end systems.

Changes from the Percona, Inc. contribution were incorporated in the following source code files:, os0file.c,
os0file.h, srv0srv.c, srv0srv.h, and srv0start.c.

This contribution is incorporated subject to the conditions contained in the file COPYING.Percona, which are reproduced here.
Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Percona Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above

Third-Party Software

copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following

disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the Percona Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written

A.3. Performance Patches from Sun Microsystems

Innobase Oy gratefully acknowledges the following contributions from Sun Microsystems, Inc. to improve InnoDB performance:

Introducing the PAUSE instruction inside spin loops, as discussed in Section 7.12, Using the PAUSE instruction in InnoDB
spin loops. This change increases performance in high concurrency, CPU-bound workloads.

Enabling inlining of functions and prefetch with Sun Studio.

Changes from the Sun Microsystems, Inc. contribution were incorporated in the following source code files: univ.i, ut0ut.c,
and ut0ut.h.

This contribution is incorporated subject to the conditions contained in the file COPYING.Sun_Microsystems, which are re-
produced here.
Copyright (c) 2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written

Appendix B. Using the InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.30 or
Up to MySQL 5.1.30, the InnoDB Plugin replaced the built-in InnoDB in MySQL when the server was started with the option
skip_innodb. Due to MySQL Bug#42610, it was impossible to replace the built-in InnoDB in MySQL with a plugin in MySQL
5.1.31 and 5.1.32. MySQL 5.1.33 introduced the option ignore_builtin_innodb to allow InnoDB Plugin installation in the
binary release.

Up to MySQL 5.1.30, installing the binary InnoDB Plugin requires that MySQL be shut down and restarted after issuing the IN-
STALL PLUGIN statements. This is because the INSTALL PLUGIN statement started the plugin with default options. The op-
tions would only be read from the option file (my.cnf or my.ini) after restarting the server. The InnoDB Plugin worked around
this limitation by copying parameters from the internal data structures of the built-in InnoDB in MySQL. Beginning with MySQL
5.1.33, the INSTALL PLUGIN statement re-reads the option file and passes all options to the plugin, even those that are not re-
cognized by the built-in InnoDB in MySQL.

To use the binary InnoDB Plugin with MySQL 5.1.30 or earlier, you may follow the instructions given in Section 9.3, Installing
the Precompiled InnoDB Plugin as a Shared Library, with one change: Replace the option ignore_builtin_innodb with
skip_innodb. The general steps for dynamically installing the binary InnoDB Plugin are thus as follows:

Make sure the MySQL server is not running, using a slow shutdown.

Prepend each InnoDB option with loose_, e.g., loose_innodb_file_per_table instead of in-
nodb_file_per_table, so that MySQL starts even when InnoDB is unavailable.

Add skip_innodb and default_storage_engine=MyISAM to the options, to prevent the built-in InnoDB from start-

Start the MySQL server.

INSTALL the InnoDB Plugin and the Information Schema tables, using the supplied script or equivalent commands.

Verify the installation of the plugins.

Shut down and reconfigure the MySQL server by editing the appropriate configuration file to use InnoDB as the default engine
(if desired), and set appropriate configuration parameters to enable use of new InnoDB Plugin features.

This change only affects the binary distributions of MySQL and InnoDB Plugin. The procedure for building from source code is

Appendix C. List of Parameters Changed in the InnoDB Plugin
C.1. New Parameters
Throughout the course of development, the InnoDB Plugin has introduced new configuration parameters. The following table sum-
marizes those parameters:

Table C.1. InnoDB Plugin New Parameter Summary

Name Cmd- Option System Scope Dynamic Default
Line File Var
innodb_adaptive_flushing YES YES YES GLOBAL YES TRUE
innodb_change_buffering YES YES YES GLOBAL YES inserts
innodb_file_format YES YES YES GLOBAL YES Antelope
innodb_file_format_check YES YES YES GLOBAL YES ON
innodb_io_capacity YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 200
innodb_old_blocks_pct YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 37
innodb_old_blocks_time YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 0
innodb_read_ahead_threshold YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 56
innodb_read_io_threads YES YES YES GLOBAL NO 4
innodb_spin_wait_delay YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 6
innodb_stats_sample_pages YES YES YES GLOBAL YES 8
innodb_strict_mode YES YES YES GLOB- YES FALSE
innodb_use_sys_malloc YES YES YES GLOBAL NO TRUE
innodb_write_io_threads YES YES YES GLOBAL NO 4

innodb_adaptive_flushing Whether InnoDB uses a new algorithm to estimate the required rate of flush-
ing. The default value is TRUE. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin
1.0.4. See Section 7.11, Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages for
more information.

innodb_change_buffering Whether InnoDB performs insert buffering. The default value is "inserts"
(buffer insert operations). This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3.
See Section 7.4, Controlling InnoDB Insert Buffering for more information.

innodb_file_format Whether to enable the new Barracuda file format. The default value is
Antelope. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.1. See Sec-
tion 4.3, Enabling File Formats for more information.

innodb_file_format_check Whether InnoDB performs file format compatibility checking when opening a
database. The default value is ON. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin
1.0.1. See Section 4.4.1, Startup File Format Compatibility Checking for
more information.

innodb_io_capacity The number of I/O operations that can be performed per second. The allow-
able value range is any number 100 or greater, and the default value is 200.
This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4. To reproduce the earlier be-
havior, use a value of 100. See Section 7.10, Controlling the Master Thread I/
O Rate for more information.

innodb_old_blocks_pct Controls the desired percentage of old blocks in the LRU list of the buffer
pool. The default value is 37 and the allowable value range is 5 to 95. This
parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5. See Section 7.14, Making Buf-
fer Cache Scan Resistant for more information.

List of Parameters Changed in the InnoDB Plugin 1.0

innodb_old_blocks_time The time in milliseconds since the first access to a block during which it can be
accessed again without being made young. The default value is 0 which
means that blocks are moved to the young end of the LRU list at the first ac-
cess. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.5. See Section 7.14,
Making Buffer Cache Scan Resistant for more information.

innodb_read_ahead_threshold Control the sensitivity of the linear read ahead. The allowable value range is 0
to 64 and the default value is 56. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin
1.0.4. See Section 7.7, Changes in the Read Ahead Algorithm for more in-

innodb_read_io_threads The number of background I/O threads used for reads. The allowable value
range is 1 to 64 and the default value is 4. This parameter was added in In-
noDB Plugin 1.0.4. See Section 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads for
more information.

innodb_spin_wait_delay Maximum delay between polling for a spin lock. The allowable value range is
0 (meaning unlimited) or positive integers and the default value is 6. This
parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4. See Section 7.13, Control of
Spin Lock Polling for more information.

innodb_stats_sample_pages The number of index pages to sample when calculating statistics. The allow-
able value range is 1-unlimited and the default value is 8. This parameter
was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.2. See Section 8.6, Controlling Optimizer
Statistics Estimation for more information.

innodb_strict_mode Whether InnoDB raises error conditions in certain cases, rather than issuing a
warning. The default value is OFF. This parameter was added in InnoDB Plu-
gin 1.0.2. See Section 8.5, InnoDB Strict Mode for more information.

innodb_use_sys_malloc Whether InnoDB uses its own memory allocator or an allocator of the operat-
ing system. The default value is ON (use an allocator of the underlying system).
This parameter was added in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.3. See Section 7.3, Using
Operating System Memory Allocators for more information.

innodb_write_io_threads The number of background I/O threads used for writes. The allowable value
range is 1 to 64 and the default value is 4. This parameter was added in In-
noDB Plugin 1.0.4. See Section 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads for
more information.

C.2. Deprecated Parameters

Beginning in InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 the following configuration parameter has been removed:

innodb_file_io_threads This parameter has been replaced by two new parameters in-
nodb_read_io_threads and innodb_write_io_threads. See Sec-
tion 7.8, Multiple Background I/O Threads for more information.

C.3. Parameters with New Defaults

For better out-of-the-box performance, InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4 changes the default values for the following configuration parameters:

Table C.2. InnoDB Plugin Parameters with New Defaults

Name Old Default New Default
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 1MB 8MB
innodb_buffer_pool_size 8MB 128MB
innodb_log_buffer_size 1MB 8MB
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct 90 75
innodb_sync_spin_loops 20 30
innodb_thread_concurrency 8 0

identifying, 17
ndex file format management
downgrading, 50
enabling new file formats, 34
A file per table, 34
FOREIGN KEY constraints
adaptive hash index, 28, 35
and fast index creation, 6
Antelope file format, 14
B group commit, 30
background threads
master, 31, 31 I
read, 30 ib-file set, 14
write, 30 ignore_builtin_innodb, 40
Barracuda file format, 14 and skip_innodb, 60
buffer cache, 32 Index dives (for statistics estimation), 36
C creating and dropping, 5
primary (clustered) and secondary, 5
change buffering, 52
information schema tables, 19
disabling, 28
compiling, 45
algorithms, 11
application and schema design, 10
buffer pool, 13
data and indexes, 12
data characteristics, 9
enabling for a table, 7
fast index creation, 6
implementation, 11
InnoDB Plugin
log files, 13
compatibility, 1
modification log, 12
downloading, 2
overview, 7
features, 1
tuning, 9
installing, 2
restrictions, 3
compressed page size, 11
innodb_adaptive_flushing, 31
configuration characteristics, 10
innodb_adaptive_hash_index, 28
information schema, 19, 19
and innodb_thread_concurrency, 29
innodb_strict_mode, 36
dynamically changing, 35
monitoring, 11
and innodb_use_sys_malloc, 28
overflow pages, 12
innodb_change_buffering, 28
workload characteristics, 10
innodb_concurrency_tickets, 29
configuring, 47
innodb_file_format, 14
Antelope, 12
Barracuda, 7
downgrading, 50
options for table compression, 7
enabling new file formats, 34
identifying, 17
innodb_file_format_check, 15
D innodb_file_io_threads, 30
downgrading, 50 innodb_file_per_table, 7
DROP INDEX, 4 dynamically changing, 34
innodb_io_capacity, 31
F innodb_lock_wait_timeout
dynamically changing, 35
Fast Index Creation innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct, 31
concurrency, 5 innodb_old_blocks_pct, 32
crash recovery, 5 innodb_old_blocks_time, 32
examples, 4 innodb_read_ahead_threshold, 30
implementation, 5 innodb_read_io_threads, 30
limitations, 6 innodb_spin_wait_delay, 32
overview, 4 innodb_stats_on_metadata
file format, 14 dynamically changing, 35
Antelope, 12 innodb_stats_sample_pages, 36
Barracuda, 7 innodb_strict_mode, 36
downgrading, 17 innodb_thread_concurrency, 29


innodb_thread_sleep_delay, 29 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS

innodb_use_sys_malloc, 28 and innodb_adaptive_hash_index, 28
and innodb_thread_concurrency, 29 and innodb_use_sys_malloc, 28
innodb_write_io_threads, 30 skip_innodb
insert buffering, 52 and ignore_builtin_innodb, 60
disabling, 28 source code, 45
installing strict mode, 36
binary InnoDB Plugin, 40, 60
internal memory allocator
disabling, 28
table scan, 32
L converting compressed tables, 49
lock wait timeout, 35 dynamic plugin, 49
Locking static plugin, 49
information schema, 19, 21, 25
LRU page replacement, 32

memory allocator
innodb_use_sys_malloc, 28
midpoint insertion, 32

Optimizer Statistics Estimation, 35, 36

parameters, deprecated, 62
innodb_file_io_threads, 30
parameters, new, 61
innodb_adaptive_flushing, 31
innodb_change_buffering, 28
innodb_file_format, 34
innodb_file_format_check, 15
innodb_io_capacity, 31
innodb_read_ahead_threshold, 30
innodb_read_io_threads, 30
innodb_spin_wait_delay, 32
innodb_stats_sample_pages, 36
innodb_strict_mode, 36
innodb_use_sys_malloc, 28
innodb_write_io_threads, 30
parameters, with new defaults, 62
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size, 62
innodb_buffer_pool_size, 62
innodb_log_buffer_size, 62
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct, 31, 62
innodb_sync_spin_loops, 62
innodb_thread_concurrency, 62
possible inconsistency with INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, 26

read ahead, 38
linear, 30
random, 30



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