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John OM. Bockris

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Amulya K. N. Reddy
International Energy Initiative
Bangalore, India


eBook ISBN: 0-306-46909-X
Print ISBN: 0-306-45554-4

2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers

New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow

Print 1998 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

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To P. Debye and E. Hckel

This book had its nucleus in some lectures given by one of us (J.OM.B.) in a course
on electrochemistry to students of energy conversion at the University of Pennsylva-
nia. It was there that he met a number of people trained in chemistry, physics, biology,
metallurgy, and materials science, all of whom wanted to know something about
electrochemistry. The concept of writing a book about electrochemistry which could
be understood by people with very varied backgrounds was thereby engendered. The
lectures were recorded and written up by Dr. Klaus Muller as a 293-page manuscript.
At a later stage, A.K.N.R. joined the effort; it was decided to make a fresh start and to
write a much more comprehensive text.
Of methods for direct energy conversion, the electrochemical one is the most
advanced and seems the most likely to become of considerable practical importance.
Thus, conversion to electrochemically powered transportation systems appears to be
an important step by means of which the difficulties of air pollution and the effects of
an increasing concentration in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide may be met. Corro-
sion is recognized as having an electrochemical basis. The synthesis of nylon now
contains an important electrochemical stage. Some central biological mechanisms
have been shown to take place by means of electrochemical reactions. A number of
American organizations have recently recommended greatly increased activity in
training and research in electrochemistry at universities in the United States. Three
new international journals of fundamental electrochemical research were established
between 1955 and 1965.
In contrast to this, physical chemists in U.S. universities seemperhaps partly
because of the absence of a modern textbook in Englishout of touch with the
revolution in fundamental interfacial electrochemistry which has occurred since 1950.
The fragments of electrochemistry which are taught in many U.S. universities belong
not to the space age of electrochemically powered vehicles, but to the age of thermo-

dynamics and the horseless carriage; they often consist of Nernsts theory of galvanic
cells (1891) together with the theory of Debye and Hckel (1923).
Electrochemistry at present needs several kinds of books. For example, it needs
a textbook in which the whole field is discussed at a strong theoretical level. The most
pressing need, however, is for a book which outlines the field at a level which can be
understood by people entering it from different disciplines who have no previous
background in the field but who wish to use modern electrochemical concepts and
ideas as a basis for their own work. It is this need which the authors have tried to meet.
The books aims determine its priorities. In order, these are:
1. Lucidity. The authors have found students who understand advanced courses
in quantum mechanics but find difficulty in comprehending a field at whose center
lies the quantum mechanics of electron transitions across interfaces. The difficulty is
associated, perhaps, with the interdisciplinary character of the material: a background
knowledge of physical chemistry is not enough. Material has therefore sometimes been
presented in several ways and occasionally the same explanations are repeated in
different parts of the book. The language has been made informal and highly expla-
natory. It retains, sometimes, the lecture style. In this respect, the authors have been
influenced by The Feynman Lectures on Physics.
2. Honesty. The authors have suffered much themselves from books in which
proofs and presentations are not complete. An attempt has been made to include most
of the necessary material. Appendices have been often used for the presentation of
mathematical derivations which would obtrude too much in the text.
3. Modernity. There developed during the 1950s a great change in emphasis in
electrochemistry away from a subject which dealt largely with solutions to one in
which the treatment at a molecular level of charge transfer across interfaces dominates.
This is the new electrochemistry, the essentials of which, at an elementary level, the
authors have tried to present.
4. Sharp variation is standard. The objective of the authors has been to begin each
chapter at a very simple level and to increase the level to one which allows a connecting
up to the standard of the specialized monograph. The standard at which subjects are
presented has been intentionally variable, depending particularly on the degree to
which knowledge of the material appears to be widespread.
5. One theory per phenomenon. The authors intend a teaching book, which acts
as an introduction to graduate studies. They have tried to present, with due admission
of the existing imperfections, a simple version of that model which seemed to them at
the time of writing to reproduce the facts most consistently. They have for the most
part refrained from presenting the detailed pros and cons of competing models in areas
in which the theory is still quite mobile.
In respect to references and further reading: no detailed references to the literature
have been presented, in view of the elementary character of the books contents, and
the corresponding fact that it is an introductory book, largely for beginners. In the

further reading lists, the policy is to cite papers which are classics in the development
of the subject, together with papers of particular interest concerning recent develop-
ments, and in particular, reviews of the last few years.
It is hoped that this book will not only be useful to those who wish to work with
modern electrochemical ideas in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, etc.,
but also to those who wish to begin research on electron transfer at interfaces and
associated topics.
The book was written mainly at the Electrochemistry Laboratory in the University
of Pennsylvania, and partly at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. Students
in the Electrochemistry Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania were kind
enough to give guidance frequently on how they reacted to the clarity of sections
written in various experimental styles and approaches. For the last four years, the
evolving versions of sections of the book have been used as a partial basis for
undergraduate, and some graduate, lectures in electrochemistry in the Chemistry
Department of the University.
The authors acknowledgment and thanks must go first to Mr. Ernst Cohn of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Without his frequent stimulation,
including very frank expressions of criticism, the book might well never have emerged
from the Electrochemistry Laboratory.
Thereafter, thanks must go to Professor B. E. Conway, University of Ottawa, who
gave several weeks of his time to making a detailed review of the material. Plentiful
help in editing chapters and effecting revisions designed by the authors was given by
the following: Chapters IV and V, Dr. H. Wroblowa (Pennsylvania); Chapter VI, Dr.
C. Solomons (Pennsylvania) and Dr. T. Emi (Hokkaido); Chapter VII, Dr. E. Gileadi
(Tel-Aviv); Chapters VIII and IX, Prof. A. Despic (Belgrade), Dr. H. Wroblowa, and
Mr. J. Diggle (Pennsylvania); Chapter X, Mr. J. Diggle; Chapter XI, Dr. D. Cipris
(Pennsylvania). Dr. H. Wroblowa has to be particularly thanked for essential contributions
to the composition of the Appendix on the measurement of Volta potential differences.
Constructive reactions to the text were given by Messers. G. Razumney, B. Rubin,
and G. Stoner of the Electrochemistry Laboratory. Advice was often sought and
accepted from Dr. B. Chandrasekaran (Pennsylvania), Dr. S. Srinivasan (New York),
and Mr. R. Rangarajan (Bangalore).
Comments on late drafts of chapters were made by a number of the authors
colleagues, particularly Dr. W. McCoy (Office of Saline Water), Chapter II; Prof. R.
M. Fuoss (Yale), Chapter III; Prof. R. Stokes (Armidale), Chapter IV; Dr. R. Parsons
(Bristol), Chapter VII; Prof. A. N. Frumkin (Moscow), Chapter VIII; Dr. H. Wrob-
lowa, Chapter X; Prof. R. Staehle (Ohio State), Chapter XI. One of the authors
(A.K.N.R.) wishes to acknowledge his gratitude to the authorities of the Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research, India, and the Indian Institute of Science, Banga-
lore, India, for various facilities, not the least of which were extended leaves of
absence. He wishes also to thank his wife and children for sacrificing many precious
hours which rightfully belonged to them.

The textbook Modern Electrochemistry by Bockris and Reddy originated in the needs
of students at the Energy Conversion Institute of the University of Pennsylvania in the
late 1960s. People trained in various disciplines from mathematics to biology wanted
to understand the new high-energy-density storage batteries and the doubling of the
efficiency of energy conversion offered by fuel cells over heat engines. The task was
to take a group that seemed to be above average in initiative and present electrochem-
istry well enough to meet their needs.
The book turned out to be a great success. Its most marked characteristic
wasislucidity. The method used was to start off at low level and then move up in
a series of very small steps. Repetition is part of the technique and does not offend,
for the lesson given each time is the same but is taught differently.
The use of the book spread rapidly beyond the confines of energy conversion
groups. It led to the recognition of physical electrochemistrythe electrochemical
discipline seen from its roots in physics and physical chemistry, and not as a path to
superior chemical analysis. The book outlined electrochemical science for the first
time in a molecular way, paying due heed to thermodynamics as bedrock but keeping
it as background. The success of the effort has been measured not only by the total
sales but by the fact that another reprinting had to be made in 1995, 25 years after the
first one. The average sales rate of the first edition is even now a dozen copies a month!
Given this background, the challenge of writing a revised edition has been a
memorable one. The changes in the state of electrochemical science in the quarter
century of the books life have been broad and deep. Techniques such as scanning
tunneling microscopy enable us to see atoms on electrodes. Computers have allowed
a widespread development of molecular dynamics (MD) calculations and changed the
balance between informed guesses and the timely adjustment of parameters in force
laws to enable MD calculations to lead to experimental values. The long-postponed
introduction of commercial electric cars in the United States has been realized and is

the beginning of a great step toward a healthier environment. The use of the new
room-temperature molten salts has made it possible to exploit the advantage of
working with pure liquid electrolytesno solventwithout the rigors of working at
1000 C.
All the great challenges of electrochemistry at 2000 A.D. do not have to be
addressed in this second edition for this is an undergraduate text, stressing the teaching
of fundamentals with an occasional preview of the advancing frontier.
The basic attributes of the book are unchanged: lucidity comes first. Since the text
is not a graduate text, there is no confusing balancing of the merits of one model against
those of another; the most probable model at the time of writing is described.
Throughout it is recognized that theoretical concepts rise and fall; a theory that lasts
a generation is doing well.
These philosophies have been the source of some of the choices made when
balancing what should be retained and what rewritten. The result is quite heterogene-
ous. Chapters 1 and 2 are completely new. The contributions from neutron diffraction
measurements in solutions and those from other spectroscopic methods have torn away
many of the veils covering knowledge of the first 12 layers of solvent around an ion.
Chapter 3 also contains much new material. Debye and Huckels famous calculation
is two generations old and it is surely time to move toward new ideas. Chapter 4, on
the other hand, presents much material on transport that is phenomenologicalmate-
rial so basic that it must be presented but shows little variation with time.
The last chapter, which is on ionic liquids, describes the continuing evolution that
is the result of the development of low-temperature molten salts and the contributions
of computer modeling. The description of models of molten silicates contains much
of the original material in the first edition, for the models described there are those still
used today.
A new feature is the liberal supply of problems for student solutionabout 50
per chapter. This idea has been purloined from the excellent physical chemistry
textbook by Peter Atkins (W. H. Freeman). There are exercises, practice in the use of
the chapters equations; problems (the chapters material related to actual situations);
and finally, a few much more difficult tasks which are called microresearch prob-
lems, each one of which may take some hours to solve.
The authors have not hesitated to call on colleagues for help in understanding new
material and in deciding what is vital and what can be left for the literature. The authors
would particularly like to thank John Enderby (University of Bristol) for his review
of Chapter 2; Tony Haymet (University of Sydney) for advice on the weight to be
given to various developments that followed Debye and Hckels ground-breaking
work and for tutoring us on computational advances in respect to electrolytic ion pairs.
Michael Lyons (University of Dublin) is to be thanked for allowing the present authors
use of an advanced chapter on transport phenomena in electrolytes written by him.
Austin Angell (Arizona State University of Tempe) in particular and Douglas Inman

(Imperial College) have both contributed by means of criticisms (not always heeded)
in respect to the way to present the material on structure in pure electrolytes.
Many other electrochemists have helped by replying to written inquiries.
Dr. Maria Gamboa is to be thanked for extensive editorial work, Ms. Diane
Dowdell for her help with information retrieval, and Mrs. Janie Leighman for her
excellence in typing the many drafts.
Finally, the authors wish to thank Ms. Amelia McNamara and Mr. Ken Howell
of Plenum Publishing for their advice, encouragement, and patience.

In writing a book of this type, the authors have accessed the advice of many colleagues,
often by telephone discussions and sometimes in written exchanges.
A few individuals, however, deserve mention for having done much more than
normal collegial cooperation implies.
Thus, the chapter on solvation was greatly helped by consultation and correspon-
dence with Professor J. E. Enderby (University of Bristol).
In respect to Chapter 3, advice was sought from and given by Professor Harold
Friedman (University of New York at Stony Brook) and Professor J. C. Rasaiah
(University of Maine).
Professor Antony Haymet (University of Sydney, Australia) was particularly
helpful in the giving of his latest work, sometimes unpublished, and the giving of
advice, both in writing and in telephone discussions.
Chapter 4 is rewritten to a lesser degree than the other chapters but the new
material has been discussed with Professor B. E. Conway (University of Ottawa).
Chapter 5 was greatly improved by discussions and several letter exchanges with
Professor Austin Angel (Arizona State University at Tempe) and to some extent with
Professor Douglas Inman (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London


Nomenclature ............................ xxxiii



1.1. A State of Excitement ........................ 1

1.2. Two Kinds of Electrochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3. Some Characteristics of Electrodics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4. Properties of Materials and Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
1.4.1. Interfaces in Contact with Solutions Are Always Charged . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.2. The Continuous Flow of Electrons across an Interface: Electrochemical
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.3. Electrochemical and Chemical Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5. The Relation of Electrochemistry to Other Sciences . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5.1. Some Diagrammatic Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5.2. Some Examples of the Involvement of Electrochemistry in Other Sciences 13 Chemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Metallurgy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Biology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Geology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5.3. Electrochemistry as an Interdisciplinary Field, Distinct from Chemistry .. 15
1.6. The Frontier in Ionics: Nonaqueous Solutions ........... 16

1.7. A New World of Rich Variety: Room-Temperature Molten Salts . 19

1.8. Electrochemical Determination of Radical Intermediates by Means
of Infrared Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.9. Relay Stations Placed Inside Proteins Can Carry an Electric Current 22
1.10. Speculative Electrochemical Approach to Understanding
Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.11. The Electrochemistry of Cleaner Environments . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.12. Science, Technology, Electrochemistry, and Time . . . . . . . . . 27
1.12.1. Significance of Interfacial Charge-Transfer Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.12.2. The Relation between Three Major Advances in Science, and the Place of
Electrochemistry in the Developing World ................. 28
Further Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32



2.1. Introduction ............................. 35

2.2. Breadth of Solvation as a Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3. A Look at Some Approaches to Solvation Developed Mainly after
1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.1. Statistical Mechanical Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.2. What Are Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Calculations? . . . . . . 39
2.3.3. Spectroscopic Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4. Structure of the Most Common Solvent, Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4.1. How Does the Presence of an Ion Affect the Structure of Neighboring
Water? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4.2. Size and Dipole Moment of Water Molecules in Solution . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.4.3. The IonDipole Model for IonSolvent Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5. Tools for Investigating Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5.1. Introduction .................................. 50
2.5.2. Thermodynamic Approaches: Heats of Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.5.3. Obtaining Experimental Values of Free Energies and Entropies of the
Solvation of Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.6. Partial Molar Volumes of Ions in Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6.1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

2.6.2. How Does One Obtain Individual Ionic Volume from the Partial Molar
Volume of Electrolytes? .......................... 56
2.6.3. Conways Successful Extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.7. Compressibility and Vibration Potential Approach to Solvation
Numbers of Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.7.1. Relation of Compressibility to Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.7.2. Measuring Compressibility: How It Is Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.8. Total Solvation Numbers of Ions in Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.8.1. Ionic Vibration Potentials: Their Use in Obtaining the Difference of the
Solvation Numbers of Two Ions in a Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.9. Solvation Numbers at High Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.9.1. Hydration Numbers from Activity Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.10. Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.10.1. The Mobility Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.11. Spectroscopic Approaches to Obtaining Information on Structures
near an Ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.11.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.11.2. IR Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.11.3. The Neutron Diffraction Approach to Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.11.4. To What Extent Do Raman Spectra Contribute to Knowledge of the
Solvation Shell? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.11.5. Raman Spectra and Solution Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.11.6. Information on Solvation from Spectra Arising from Resonance in the
Nucleus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.12. Dielectric Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.12.1. Dielectric Constant of Solutions ...................... 87
2.12.2. How Does One Measure the Dielectric Constant of Ionic Solutions? . . . 92
2.12.3. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.13. Ionic Hydration in the Gas Phase .................. 94
2.14. Individual Ionic Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.14.1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.14.2. A General Approach to Individual Ionic Properties: Extrapolation to Make
the Effects of One Ion Negligible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
2.15. Individual Heat of Hydration of the Proton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
2.15.1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
2.15.2. Relative Heats of Solvation of Ions in the Hydrogen Scale . . . . . . . . 100

2.15.3. Do Oppositely Charged Ions of Equal Radii Have Equal Heats of

Solvation? .................................. 101
2.15.4. The Water Molecule as an Electrical Quadrupole . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.15.5. The IonQuadrupole Model of IonSolvent Interactions . . . . . . . . . 103
2.15.6. Ion-Induced Dipole Interactions in the Primary Solvation Sheath . . . . 106
2.15.7. How Good Is the IonQuadrupole Theory of Solvation? . . . . . . . . . 107
2.15.8. How Can Temperature Coefficients of Reversible Cells Be Used to
Obtain Ionic Entropies?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
2.15.9. Individual Ionic Properties: A Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
2.15.10. Model Calculations of Hydration Heats .................. 114
2.15.11. Heat Changes Accompanying Hydration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 ............................... 119 ............................... 120 .............. .................... 121 ................................... 121 (Model A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 (Model B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 (Model C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 ......................................... 124 Numerical Evaluation of .................. 124
2.15.12. Entropy of Hydration: Some Possible Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
2.15.13. Entropy Changes Accompanying Hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 ...................................... 127 ..................................... 127 ...................................... 127 ....................................... 130 .................................... 132 (Model A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 (Model C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
2.15.14. Is There a Connection between the Entropy of Solvation and the Heats of
Hydration? ................................. 138
2.15.15. Krestovs Separation of Ion and Solvent Effects in Ion Hydration . . . . 139
2.16. More on Solvation Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.16.1. Introduction ................................. 139
2.16.2. Dynamic Properties of Water and Their Effect on Hydration Numbers . . 141
2.16.3. A Reconsideration of the Methods for Determining the Primary
Hydration Numbers Presented in Section 2.15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
2.16.4. Why Do Hydration Heats of Transition-Metal Ions Vary Irregularly with
Atomic Number? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
2.17. Computer-Simulation Approaches to Ionic Solvation . . . . . . 153
2.17.1. General ................................... 153
2.17.2. An Early Molecular Dynamics Attempt at Calculating Solvation Number 154
2.17.3. Computational Approaches to Ionic Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
2.17.4. Basic Equations Used in Molecular Dynamics Calculations . . . . . . . . 155

2.18. Computation of IonWater Clusters in the Gas Phase . . . . . . . 157

2.19. Solvent Dynamic Simulations for Aqueous Solutions . . . . . . . 163
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
2.20. Interactions of Ions with Nonelectrolytes in Solution . . . . . . . . 166
2.20.1. The Problem ................................. 166
2.20.2. Change in Solubility of a Nonelectrolyte Due to Primary Solvation . . . . . . 167
2.20.3. Change in Solubility Due to Secondary Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
2.20.4. Net Effect on Solubility of Influences from Primary and Secondary
Solvation ................................... 171
2.20.5. Cause of Anomalous Salting In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
2.20.6. Hydrophobic Effect in Solvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
2.21. Dielectric Breakdown of Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
2.21.1. Phenomenology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
2.21.2. Mechanistic Thoughts ............................ 181
2.22. Electrostriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
2.22.1. Electrostrictive Pressure near an Ion in Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
2.22.2. Maximum Electrostrictive Decrease in the Volume of Water in the First
Hydration Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.22.3. Dependence of Compressibility on Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.22.4. Volume Change and Where It Occurs in Electrostriction . . . . . . . . . . 189
2.22.5. Electrostriction in Other Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
2.23. Hydration of Polyions ......................... 190
2.23.1. Introduction .................................. 190
2.23.2. Volume of Individual Polyions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
2.23.3. Hydration of Cross-Linked Polymers (e.g., Polystyrene Sulfonate) . . . 191
2.23.4. Effect of Macroions on the Solvent ..................... 192
2.24. Hydration in Biophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
2.24.1. A Model for Hydration and Diffusion of Polyions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
2.24.2. Molecular Dynamics Approach to Protein Hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
2.24.3. Protein Dynamics as a Function of Hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
2.24.4. Dielectric Behavior of DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
2.24.5. Solvation Effects and the Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
2.25. Water in Biological Systems ..................... 197
2.25.1. Does Water in Biological Systems Have a Different Structure from Water
In Vitro? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
2.25.2. Spectroscopic Studies of Hydration of Biological Systems . . . . . . . . . 198
2.25.3. Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Biowater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

2.26. Some Directions of Future Research in IonSolvent

Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
2.27. Overview of Ionic Solvation and Its Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 201
2.27.1. Hydration of Simple Cations and Anions .................. 201
2.27.2. Transition-Metal Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
2.27.3. Molecular Dynamic Simulations ....................... 203
2.27.4. Functions of Hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Appendix 2.1. The Born Equation ........................ 204
Appendix 2.2. Interaction between an Ion and a Dipole . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Appendix 2.3. Interaction between an Ion and a Water Quadrupole . . . . . 209



3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

3.2. True and Potential Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3.2.1. Ionic Crystals Form True Electrolytes ................... 225
3.2.2. Potential Electrolytes: Nonionic Substances That React with the Solvent to
Yield Ions .................................. 226
3.2.3. An Obsolete Classification: Strong and Weak Electrolytes . . . . . . . . 228
3.2.4. The Nature of the Electrolyte and the Relevance of IonIon Interactions . 229
3.3. The DebyeHckel (or Ion-Cloud) Theory of IonIon Interactions 230
3.3.1. A Strategy for a Quantitative Understanding of IonIon Interactions . . . 230
3.3.2. A Prelude to the Ionic-Cloud Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
3.3.3. Charge Density near the Central Ion Is Determined by Electrostatics:
Poissons Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 235
3.3.4. Excess Charge Density near the Central Ion Is Given by a Classical Law
for the Distribution of Point Charges in a Coulombic Field . . . . . . . . 236
3.3.5. A Vital Step in the DebyeHckel Theory of the Charge Distribution
around Ions: Linearization of the Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . 237
3.3.6. The Linearized PoissonBoltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
3.3.7. Solution of the Linearized PB Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
3.3.8. The Ionic Cloud around a Central Ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3.3.9. Contribution of the Ionic Cloud to the Electrostatic Potential at a Distance
r from the Central Ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
3.3.10. The Ionic Cloud and the Chemical-Potential Change Arising from Ion-Ion
Interactions .................................. 250
3.4. Activity Coefficients and IonIon Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . 251
3.4.1. Evolution of the Concept of an Activity Coefficient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

3.4.2. The Physical Significance of Activity Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

3.4.3. The Activity Coefficient of a Single Ionic Species Cannot Be Measured . 255
3.4.4. The Mean Ionic Activity Coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.4.5. Conversion of Theoretical Activity-Coefficient Expressions into a Testable
Form .................................... 257
3.4.6. Experimental Determination of Activity Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . 260
3.4.7. How to Obtain Solute Activities from Data on Solvent Activities . . . . . 261
3.4.8. A Second Method to Obtain Solute Activities: From Data on Concentration
Cells and Transport Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
3.5. The Triumphs and Limitations of the DebyeHckel Theory of
Activity Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
3.5.1. How Well Does the DebyeHckel Theoretical Expression for Activity
Coefficients Predict Experimental Values? ................ 268
3.5.2. Ions Are of Finite Size, They Are Not Point Charges . . . . . . . . . . . 273
3.5.3. The Theoretical Mean Ionic-Activity Coefficient in the Case of Ionic
Clouds with Finite-Sized Ions ....................... 277
3.5.4. The Ion Size Parameter a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
3.5.5. Comparison of the Finite-Ion-Size Model with Experiment . . . . . . . . 280
3.5.6. The DebyeHckel Theory of Ionic Solutions: An Assessment . . . . . . . . . . 286
3.5.7. Parentage of the Theory of IonIon Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
3.6. IonSolvent Interactions and the Activity Coefficient . . . . . . . 293
3.6.1. Effect of Water Bound to Ions on the Theory of Deviations from Ideality 293
3.6.2. Quantitative Theory of the Activity of an Electrolyte as a Function of the
Hydration Number ............................. 295
3.6.3. The Water Removal Theory of Activity Coefficients and Its Apparent
Consistency with Experiment at High Electrolytic Concentrations . . . . 297
3.7. The So-called Rigorous Solutions of the PoissonBoltzmann
Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
3.8. Temporary Ion Association in an Electrolytic Solution: Formation
of Pairs, Triplets ........................... 304
3.8.1. Positive and Negative Ions Can Stick Together: Ion-Pair Formation . . . 304
3.8.2. Probability of Finding Oppositely Charged Ions near Each Other . . . . . 304
3.8.3. The Fraction of Ion Pairs, According to Bjerrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
3.8.4. The Ion-Association Constant of Bjerrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
3.8.5. Activity Coefficients, Bjerrums Ion Pairs, and Debyes Free Ions . . . . 314
3.8.6. From Ion Pairs to Triple Ions to Clusters of Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3.9. The Virial Coefficient Approach to Dealing with Solutions . . . . 315
Further Reading ................................. 318
3.10. Computer Simulation in the Theory of Ionic Solutions . . . . . . . 319

3.10.1. The Monte Carlo Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

3.10.2. Molecular Dynamic Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
3.10.3. The Pair-Potential Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
3.10.4. Experiments and Monte Carlo and MD Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
3.11. The Correlation Function Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
3.11.1. Introduction ................................. 324
3.11.2. Obtaining Solution Properties from Correlation Functions . . . . . . . . 324
3.12. How Far Has the MSA Gone in the Development of Estimation of
Properties for Electrolyte Solutions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
3.13. Computations of Dimer and Trimer Formation in Ionic Solution . 329
3.14. More Detailed Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
3.15. Spectroscopic Approaches to the Constitution of Electrolytic
Solutions ............................... 337
3.15.1 Visible and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
3.15.2 Raman Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
3.15.3 Infrared Spectroscopy ........................... 340
3.15.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
3.16. Ionic Solution Theory in the Twenty-First Century . . . . . . . . . 341
Appendix 3.1. Poissons Equation for a Spherically
Symmetrical Charge Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Appendix 3.2. Evaluation of the Integral ........ 345
Appendix 3.3. Derivation of the Result, ........... 345
Appendix 3.4. To Show That the Minimum in the versus r Curve Occurs
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Appendix 3.5. Transformation from the Variable r to the Variable . 347
Appendix 3.6. Relation between Calculated and Observed Activity
Coefficients .......................... 347



4.1. Introduction ............................. 361

4.2. Ionic Drift under a Chemical-Potential Gradient: Diffusion . . . . 363

4.2.1. The Driving Force for Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

4.2.2. The Deduction of an Empirical Law: Ficks First Law of Steady-State
Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
4.2.3. The Diffusion Coefficient D ........................ 370
4.2.4. Ionic Movements: A Case of the Random Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
4.2.5. The Mean Square Distance Traveled in a Time t by a Random-Walking
Particle ................................... 374
4.2.6. Random-Walking Ions and Diffusion: The EinsteinSmoluchowski
Equation ................................... 378
4.2.7. The Gross View of Nonsteady-State Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
4.2.8. An Often-Used Device for Solving Electrochemical Diffusion Problems:
The Laplace Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
4.2.9. Laplace Transformation Converts the Partial Differential Equation into a
Total Differential Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
4.2.10. Initial and Boundary Conditions for the Diffusion Process Stimulated by a
Constant Current (or Flux) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
4.2.11. Concentration Response to a Constant Flux Switched On at t = 0 . . . . . 390
4.2.12. How the Solution of the Constant-Flux Diffusion Problem Leads to the
Solution of Other Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
4.2.13. Diffusion Resulting from an Instantaneous Current Pulse . . . . . . . . . 401
4.2.14. Fraction of Ions Traveling the Mean Square Distance in the Einstein-
Smoluchowski Equation .......................... 405
4.2.15. How Can the Diffusion Coefficient Be Related to Molecular Quantities? 411
4.2.16. The Mean Jump Distance l, a Structural Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
4.2.17. The Jump Frequency, a Rate-Process Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
4.2.18. The Rate-Process Expression for the Diffusion Coefficient . . . . . . . . 414
4.2.19. Ions and Autocorrelation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
4.2.20. Diffusion: An Overall View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
4.3. Ionic Drift under an Electric Field: Conduction . . . . . . . . . . . 421
4.3.1. Creation of an Electric Field in an Electrolyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
4.3.2. How Do Ions Respond to the Electric Field? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
4.3.3. The Tendency for a Conflict between Electroneutrality and Conduction . 426
4.3.4. Resolution of the Electroneutrality-versus-Conduction Dilemma: Electron-
Transfer Reactions ............................. 427
4.3.5. Quantitative Link between Electron Flow in the Electrodes and Ion Flow in
the Electrolyte: Faradays Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
4.3.6. The Proportionality Constant Relating Electric Field and Current Density:
Specific Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
4.3.7. Molar Conductivity and Equivalent Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
4.3.8. Equivalent Conductivity Varies with Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
4.3.9. How Equivalent Conductivity Changes with Concentration: Kohlrauschs
Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
4.3.10. Vectorial Character of Current: Kohlrauschs Law of the Independent
Migration of Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

4.4. A Simple Atomistic Picture of Ionic Migration . . . . . . . . . . . 442

4.4.1. Ionic Movements under the Influence of an Applied Electric Field . . . . 442
4.4.2. Average Value of the Drift Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
4.4.3. Mobility of Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
4.4.4. Current Density Associated with the Directed Movement of Ions in Solution,
in Terms of Ionic Drift Velocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
4.4.5. Specific and Equivalent Conductivities in Terms of Ionic Mobilities . . . 447
4.4.6. The Einstein Relation between the Absolute Mobility and the Diffusion
Coefficient ................................. 448
4.4.7. Drag (or Viscous) Force Acting on an Ion in Solution . . . . . . . . . . . 452
4.4.8. The StokesEinstein Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
4.4.9. The NernstEinstein Equation ....................... 456
4.4.10. Some Limitations of the NernstEinstein Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
4.4.11. The Apparent Ionic Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
4.4.12. A Very Approximate Relation between Equivalent Conductivity and
Viscosity: Waldens Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
4.4.13. The Rate-Process Approach to Ionic Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
4.4.14. The Rate-Process Expression for Equivalent Conductivity . . . . . . . . 467
4.4.15. The Total Driving Force for Ionic Transport: The Gradient of the Electro-
chemical Potential ............................. 471
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
4.5. The Interdependence of Ionic Drifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
4.5.1. The Drift of One Ionic Species May Influence the Drift of Another . . . 476
4.5.2. A Consequence of the Unequal Mobilities of Cations and Anions, the
Transport Numbers ............................. 477
4.5.3. The Significance of a Transport Number of Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
4.5.4. The Diffusion Potential, Another Consequence of the Unequal Mobilities
of Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
4.5.5. Electroneutrality Coupling between the Drifts of Different Ionic Species 487
4.5.6. How to Determine Transport Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Approximate Method for Sufficiently Dilute Solutions . . . . . . 488 Hittorfs Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Oliver Lodges Experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
4.5.7. The Onsager Phenomenological Equations ................ 494
4.5.8. An Expression for the Diffusion Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
4.5.9. The Integration of the Differential Equation for Diffusion Potentials: The
PlanckHenderson Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
4.5.10. A Birds Eye View of Ionic Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
4.6. Influence of Ionic Atmospheres on Ionic Migration . . . . . . . . 505
4.6.1. Concentration Dependence of the Mobility of Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
4.6.2. Ionic Clouds Attempt to Catch Up with Moving Ions . . . . . . . . . . . 507
4.6.3. An Egg-Shaped Ionic Cloud and the Portable Field on the Central Ion . 508

4.6.4. A Second Braking Effect of the Ionic Cloud on the Central Ion: The Electro-
phoretic Effect ............................... 509
4.6.5. The Net Drift Velocity of an Ion Interacting with Its Atmosphere . . . . 510
4.6.6. Electrophoretic Component of the Drift Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
4.6.7. Procedure for Calculating the Relaxation Component of the Drift Velocity 512
4.6.8. Decay Time of an Ion Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
4.6.9. The Quantitative Measure of the Asymmetry of the Ionic Cloud around a
Moving Ion ................................. 514
4.6.10. Magnitude of the Relaxation Force and the Relaxation Component of the
Drift Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
4.6.11. Net Drift Velocity and Mobility of an Ion Subject to IonIon Interactions 517
4.6.12. The DebyeHckelOnsager Equation .................. 518
4.6.13. Theoretical Predictions of the DebyeHckelOnsager Equation versus the
Observed Conductance Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
4.6.14. Changes to the DebyeHckelOnsager Theory of Conductance . . . . . 522
4.7. Relaxation Processes in Electrolytic Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . 526
4.7.1. Definition of Relaxation Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
4.7.2. Dissymmetry of the Ionic Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
4.7.3. Dielectric Relaxation in Liquid Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
4.7.4. Effects of Ions on the Relaxation Times of the Solvents in Their Solutions 532
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
4.8. Nonaqueous Solutions: A Possible New Frontier in Ionics . . . . . 534
4.8.1. Water Is the Most Plentiful Solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
4.8.2. Water Is Often Not an Ideal Solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
4.8.3. More Advantages and Disadvantages of Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions 536
4.8.4. The DebyeHckelOnsager Theory for Nonaqueous Solutions . . . . . 537
4.8.5. What Type of Empirical Data Are Available for Nonaqueous
Electrolytes? ................................ 538 Effect of Electrolyte Concentration on Solution Conductivity . . 538 Ionic Equilibria and Their Effect on the Permittivity of Electrolyte
Solutions .............................. 540 IonIon Interactions in Nonaqueous Solutions Studied by
Vibrational Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Liquid Ammonia as a Preferred Nonaqueous Solvent . . . . . . 543 Other Protonic Solvents and Ion Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
4.8.6. The Solvent Effect on Mobility at Infinite Dilution . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
4.8.7. Slope of the Curve as a Function of the Solvent . . . . . . 545
4.8.8. Effect of the Solvent on the Concentration of Free Ions: Ion Association . 547
4.8.9. Effect of Ion Association on Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
4.8.10. Ion-Pair Formation and Non-Coulombic Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
4.8.11. Triple Ions and Higher Aggregates Formed in Nonaqueous Solutions . . 552
4.8.12. Some Conclusions about the Conductance of Nonaqueous Solutions of
True Electrolytes .............................. 553
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

4.9. Conducting Organic Compounds in Electrochemistry . . . . . . . 554

4.9.1. Why Some Polymers Become Electronically Conducting Polymers . . . 554
4.9.2. Applications of Electronically Conducting Polymers in Electrochemical Sci-
ence ..................................... 559 Electrocatalysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Bioelectrochemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Batteries and Fuel Cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Other Applications of Electronically Conducting Polymers. . . . 560
4.9.3. Summary .................................. 561
4.10. A Brief Rerun through the Conduction Sections . . . . . . . . . . 563
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
4.11. The Nonconforming Ion: The Proton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
4.11.1. The Proton as a Different Sort of Ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
4.11.2. Protons Transport Differently ....................... 567
4.11.3. The Grotthuss Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
4.11.4. The Machinery of Nonconformity: A Closer Look at How the Proton
Moves .................................... 571
4.11.5. Penetrating Energy Barriers by Means of Proton Tunneling . . . . . . . . 575
4.11.6. One More Step in Understanding Proton Mobility: The Conway, Bockris,
and Linton (CBL) Theory ......................... 576
4.11.7. How Well Does the Field-Induced Water Reorientation Theory
Conform with the Experimental Facts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
4.11.8. Proton Mobility in Ice ........................... 581
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Appendix 4.1. The Mean Square Distance Traveled by a
Random-Walking Particle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Appendix 4.2. The Laplace Transform of a Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Appendix 4.3. The Derivation of Equations (4.279) and (4.280) . . . . . . . 584
Appendix 4.4. The Derivation of Equation (4.354) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586



5.1. Introduction ............................. 601

5.1.1. The Limiting Case of Zero Solvent: Pure Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . 601
5.1.2. Thermal Loosening of an Ionic Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
5.1.3. Some Differentiating Features of Ionic Liquids (Pure Liquid Electrolytes) 603
5.1.4. Liquid Electrolytes Are Ionic Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
5.1.5. Fundamental Problems in Pure Liquid Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . 605

Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610

5.2. Models of Simple Ionic Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
5.2.1. Experimental Basis for Model Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
5.2.2. The Need to Pour Empty Space into a Fused Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
5.2.3. How to Derive Short-Range Structure in Molten Salts from Measurements
Using X-ray and Neutron Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 Preliminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 Radial Distribution Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
5.2.4. Applying Diffraction Theory to Obtain the Pair Correlation Functions in
Molten Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
5.2.5. Use of Neutrons in Place of X-rays in Diffraction Experiments . . . . . . 618
5.2.6. Simple Binary Molten Salts in the Light of the Results of X-ray and
Neutron Diffraction Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
5.2.7. Molecular Dynamic Calculations of Molten Salt Structures . . . . . . . . 621
5.2.8. Modeling Molten Salts ........................... 621
Further Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
5.3 Monte Carlo Simulation of Molten Potassium Chloride . . . . . . 623
5.3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
5.3.2. Woodcock and Singers Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
5.3.3. Results First Computed by Woodcock and Singer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
5.3.4. A Molecular Dynamic Study of Complexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
Further Reading ............................... 632
5.4. Various Modeling Approaches to Deriving Conceptual Structures
for Molten Salts ........................... 632
5.4.1. The Hole Model: A Fused Salt Is Represented as Full of Holes as a Swiss
Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
5.5. Quantification of the Hole Model for Liquid Electrolytes . . . . . 634
5.5.1. An Expression for the Probability That a Hole Has a Radius between r and
r + dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
5.5.2. An Ingenious Approach to Determine the Work of Forming a Void of
Any Size in a Liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
5.5.3. The Distribution Function for the Sizes of the Holes in a Liquid
Electrolyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
5.5.4. What Is the Average Size of a Hole in the Frth Model? . . . . . . . . . 640
5.5.5. Glass-Forming Molten Salts ........................ 642
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
5.6. More Modeling Aspects of Transport Phenomena in Liquid
Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
5.6.1. Simplifying Features of Transport in Fused Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
5.6.2. Diffusion in Fused Salts .......................... 647 Self-Diffusion in Pure Liquid Electrolytes May Be Revealed by
Introducing Isotopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
xxx CONTENTS Results of Self-Diffusion Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648

5.6.3. Viscosity of Molten Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
5.6.4. Validity of the StokesEinstein Relation in Ionic Liquids . . . . . . . . . 654
5.6.5. Conductivity of Pure Liquid Electrolytes ................. 656
5.6.6. The NernstEinstein Relation in Ionic Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Degree of Applicability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Possible Molecular Mechanisms for NernstEinstein Deviations. . . 662
5.6.7. Transport Numbers in Pure Liquid Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665 Transport Numbers in Fused Salts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665 Measurement of Transport Numbers in Liquid Electrolytes. . . . 668 Radiotracer Method of Calculating Transport Numbers in
Molten Salts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
Further Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
5.7. Using a Hole Model to Understand Transport Processes in Simple
Ionic Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
5.7.1. A Simple Approach: Holes in Molten Salts and Transport Processes . . . 674
5.7.2. What Is the Mean Lifetime of Holes in the Molten Salt Model? . . . . . 676
5.7.3. Viscosity in Terms of the Flow of Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
5.7.4. The Diffusion Coefficient from the Hole Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
5.7.5. Which Theoretical Representation of the Transport Process in Molten Salts
Can Rationalize the Relation .............. 680
5.7.6. An Attempt toRationalize ................ 681
5.7.7. How Consistent with Experimental Values Is the Hole Model for Simple
Molten Salts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
5.7.8. Ions May Jump into Holes to Transport Themselves: Can They Also
Shuffle About? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
5.7.9. Swallins Model of Small Jumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Further Reading ............................... 693
5.8. Mixtures of Simple Ionic Liquids: Complex Formation . . . . . . 694
5.8.1. Nonideal Behavior of Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
5.8.2. Interactions Lead to Nonideal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
5.8.3. Complex Ions in Fused Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
5.8.4. An Electrochemical Approach to Evaluating the Identity of Complex Ions
in Molten Salt Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
5.8.5. Can One Determine the Lifetime of Complex Ions in Molten Salts? . . . 699
5.9. Spectroscopic Methods Applied to Molten Salts . . . . . . . . . . 702
5.9.1. Raman Studies of Al Complexes in Low-Temperature Molten Systems 705
5.9.2. Other Raman Studies of Molten Salts ................... 706
5.9.3. Raman Spectra in Molten ................... 709
5.9.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Other Spectroscopic Methods Applied
to Molten Salts ............................... 709
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713

5.10. Electronic Conductance of Alkali Metals Dissolved in Alkali

Halides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
5.10.1. Facts and a Mild Amount of Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
5.10.2. A Model for Electronic Conductance in Molten Salts . . . . . . . . . . . 715
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
5.11. Molten Salts as Reaction Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
5.12. The New Room-Temperature Liquid Electrolytes . . . . . . . . 720
5.12.1. Reaction Equilibria in Low-Melting-Point Liquid Electrolytes . . . . . . 721
5.12.2. Electrochemical Windows in Low-Temperature Liquid Electrolytes . . . 722
5.12.3. Organic Solutes in Liquid Electrolytes at Low Temperatures . . . . . . . 722
5.12.4. Aryl and Alkyl Quaternary Onium Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
5.12.5. The Proton in Low-Temperature Molten Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
5.13. Mixtures of Liquid Oxide Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
5.13.1. The Liquid Oxides ............................. 726
5.13.2. Pure Fused Nonmetallic Oxides Form Network Structures Like Liquid
Water .................................... 726
5.13.3. Why Does Fused Silica Have a Much Higher Viscosity Than Do Liquid
Water and the Fused Salts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
5.13.4. Solvent Properties of Fused Nonmetallic Oxides ............. 733
5.13.5. Ionic Additions to the Liquid-Silica Network: Glasses . . . . . . . . . . 734
5.13.6. The Extent of Structure Breaking of Three-Dimensional Network Lattices
and Its Dependence on the Concentration of Metal Ions Added to the
Oxide .................................... 736
5.13.7. Molecular and Network Models of Liquid Silicates . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
5.13.8. Liquid Silicates Contain Large Discrete Polyanions . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
5.13.9. The Iceberg Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
5.13.10. Icebergs As Well as Polyanions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
5.13.11. Spectroscopic Evidence for the Existence of Various Groups, Including
Anionic Polymers, in Liquid Silicates and Aluminates . . . . . . . . . . 746
5.13.12. Fused Oxide Systems and the Structure of Planet Earth . . . . . . . . . . 749
5.13.13. Fused Oxide Systems in Metallurgy: Slags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
Further Reading ................................ 753
Appendix 5.1. The Effective Mass of a Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
Appendix 5.2. Some Properties of the Gamma Function . . . . . . . . . . . 755
Appendix 5.3. The Kinetic Theory Expression for the Viscosity of a Fluid . 756
Supplemental References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXXIX

Other units
Symbol Name SI unit frequently used

A area of an electrodesolution interface
activity of species i
concentration of species i M, N
bulk concentration M, N
E total energy J
F force N
frictional coefficient J
partition function of species i
radial pair distribution function
k wave vector
m mass kg
n number of moles
N number of molecules
p momentum
radial momentum
P pressure Pa atm

For each symbol the appropriate SI unit is given. Multiples and submultiples of these units are equally
acceptable and are often more convenient. For example, although the SI unit of concentration is
concentrations are frequently expressed in (or M), or


Other units
Symbol Name SI unit frequently used
vapor pressure of species i Pa atm
r, d, l distance m
T thermodynamic temperature K
t time s
U potential energy J
V volume
w work J
weight fraction of species i
molar fraction of species i
reduced mass
relaxation time s
wavelength m


a distance of closest approach m

p quadrupole moment of water debye
q Bjerrum parameter m
charge number of an ion i
symmetry factor
polarizability of species i
distortion polarizability of species i
dipole moment debye esu cm
DebyeHckel reciprocal length m


potential of zero charge V

energy of activation
molar Gibbs free-energy change
heat or enthalpy change
K equilibrium constant of the reaction

Other units
Symbol Name SI unit frequently used
association constant and dissociation
entropy change eu
X electric field
chemical potential of species i
electrochemical potential of species i
charge density C
dielectric constant
complex permittivity
electrostatic potential between two V



mean activity
activity coefficient of species i
stoichiometric mean
molar activity coefficient
activity coefficient for the ion pairs
ionic strength


diffusion coefficient of species i

flux density of species B
Reynolds number
drift velocity
viscosity poise


charge of species i C
R resistance of the solution
1/R conductance
specific conductivity
molar conductivity of an electrolyte
equivalent conductivity
transport number of ionic species i number
in an electrolytic solution

Symbol Name SI unit

absolute mobility
conventional (electrochemical)
mobility of species i

I electric current A
j current density
rate constants
stoichiometric number of species i


C(t) autocorrelation function

pair correlation function
probability distribution coefficient
I moment of inertia
average value of variable x
mean square value of variable x
root-mean-square value of variable x
Laplace transform of y
fraction number, e.g. fraction of ions associated
error function
mean value of variable x


Symbol Name Value

velocity of light
electron charge
h Plancks constant
k Boltzmanns constant
mass of electron
mass of proton
Avogadros number
permittivity of free space
absolute zero of temperature 273.15 C
pi 3.14159...



Electrochemistry was born from a union between biochemistry and electricity and
is the essential discipline among the chemical sciences needed to prepare society for
near-future times. The birth of electrochemistry happened over 200 years ago (1791)
in Bologna, Italy, where Luigi Galvani was dissecting a frog: One of those who was
assisting me touched lightly and by chance the point of his scalpel to the internal crural
nerves of the frog (an electric machine was nearby), then suddenly all the muscles of
its limbs were seen to be contracted ...
Galvanis discovery was followed nine years later by that of his compatriot, Volta,
who communicated to the Royal Society in London an amazing thing: If one used a
pasteboard membrane to separate silver plates from zinc plates, and wetted the
ensemble with salt water, an electric current flowed. Volta called his device the
artificial electric organ.
These past events in Italy resonate in a modern decision of the California state
legislature. In 2002, California will begin limiting the number of emitting vehicles
that may be sold in the state, with sales of these being completely eliminated by 2017.
Voltas discovery is the basis for the development by U.S. automakers of an emission-
free vehicleone that is electrochemically powered.
In 1923, Debye and Hckel wrote a paper describing for the first time a credible
theory of the properties of ionically conducting solutions. In 1994, Mamantov and
Popov edited a book in which the first chapter is called Solution Chemistry: A Cutting
Edge in Modern Technology. The book describes some frontiers of the electrochem-
istry of today: chloraluminate-organic systems that make room-temperature molten
salts the basis of high-energy electricity storers; the use of vibrational spectroscopy to
study ion-ion interactions; and the application of the molecular dynamic technique to
the ionic solutions unfolded by Debye and Hckel just one lifetime before.

Take another gigantic leap along the timeline of electrochemical discovery and
application. Consider Michael Faraday,1 that London superstar who in 1834 discov-
ered the relation between the amount of electricity consumed and the amount of metal
produced in solid form from some invisible particles in solution. In 1995, more than
a century later, Despic and Popov wrote an article that described electroforming of
(almost) anything from its ion in solution: powders or dendrites, whiskers or pyramids,
in laminar shapes of any chosen composition (including that of semiconductors) or
indeed in nanometer sizes. This is what has become of Faradays electrodeposition at
the cutting edge, as well as in practical applications such as electrodissolution to shape
metal parts in the making of Rolls Royce cars.
Of all these jumps in electrochemistry, each separated by around a century, there
is one that best of all shows how electrochemistry is both deep-rooted and at the frontier
of the twenty-first century. It was the pedant Julius Tafel who found, in 1905, that
electric currents passing across metalsolution interfaces could be made to increase
exponentially by changing the electric potential of the electrode across the surface of
which they passed. In this way, he complemented the finding in ordinary kinetics made
by Arrhenius 16 years earlier. Arrheniuss equation tells us that an increase of
temperature increases the rate of chemical reaction exponentially:

where A and are constants, with representing the activation energy.

Corresponding to this, Tafel found a similar equation:

where B, and F are constants. The term (a constant times a potential V times
a quantity of electricity F) represents energy; one can see that the two equations are
To what did Tafels discovery lead in our lifetime? To the first moon landing in
1969! In the 64 years from Tafels discovery of how electrochemical reaction rates
vary with potential, it had become possible to take his equation and use it in the
development of an electrochemical fuel cell that produced electricity from chemicals
directly without moving parts. This was firstly done by Groves in 1939. Those 64 years
following Tafels discovery had been well used, particularly at Cambridge University
in England, by Tom Bacon (a descendant of the seventeenth-century Bacon, Baron
Verulam, whom some see as the founder of Science as we know it). Tom Bacon
established in practice what theorists had for long reasoned: that the electrochemical
fuel cell produced electrical energy from chemical fuels at twice the efficiency of a
Despite his achievements, Faraday was subject to the whip of religious discipline. When he accepted an
invitation to visit Buckingham Palace to receive an award from Queen Victoria, and missed a religious
service, his church told him that he had preferred Mammon to God and ought to leave the church!

heat engine driving a generator. Thus, when the NASA pioneers turned to the design
of the first space vehicleslow weight being at a premiumthey chose the electro-
chemical fuel cell (which provides the same amount of energy as conventional cells
at half the weight) as the source of auxiliary power in space. These cells are used in
all U.S. space vehicles and will be likely to power the first mass produced electric
These few examples grew out of the chest of treasures opened up by Galvani and
by Volta. Diabetics will soon be able to check their glucose levels by glancing at a
wrist meter that measures sugar content electrochemically. Tritium, an essential
component of nuclear weaponry, may be made electrochemically at a fraction of the
cost of its production in a nuclear reactor.
Holding off dielectric breakdown in water by means of electrochemically formed
coatings can allow condenser plates to store gargantuan energies for powering the
lasers of the Star Wars weaponry. Electrochemistry can be used to consume domestic
wastes with no noxious effluents reaching the air. The North Sea oil platforms are
protected by corrosion inhibitors that slow down the electrochemical reactions that
deteriorate the metal in the rigs.
In this book, an attempt will be made to present the basis of all this new
technology, but in a way in which the first consideration is a lucid explanation. Before
we look closely at the individual parts of the territory, it is good to have a look at the
whole country from above.


According to the philosophers, all science is one, but that is not how it seems in
the case of electrochemistry. The two main types do not at first seem to be strongly
connected (see Fig. 1.1). These are the physical chemistry of ionically conducting
solutions (ionics) and the physical chemistry of electrically charged interfaces (elec-
This text discusses four aspects of ionic electrochemistry: ionsolvent interac-
tions, ionion interactions, ion transport in solution, and ionic liquids.
The physical chemistry of ionic solutions deals with ions and solvents and how
ions interact dynamically with water as they move about in solutions. The study of
ionion interactions tells us how ions associate, sometimes even forming polymers in
solution. These interactions are important for the new spectroscopic techniques,
neutron diffraction and infrared spectroscopy; and for molecular dynamics (MD).
The study of transport covers diffusion and conductance of ions in solution, where
much of the basis is phenomenological.
Batteries carry the active material, the reaction of which produces electricity. Fuel cells store the fuel used
to produce electricity in a fuel tank. Batteries limit the range of electric cars to ~150 miles. However,
electric cars powered by fuel cells are limited only by the size of the fuel tank.

Fig. 1.1. A way to divide the two quite different aspects of the field of electro-
chemistry. In this book, the point of view is presented that the electrodic area
should be the realm associated with electrochemistry. Ionics is a necessary
adjunct field (just as is the theory of electrons in metals and semiconductors,
which is adequately dealt with in books on the solid state).

The last part of ionic electrochemistry, ionics, is about pure electrolytes. A few
decades back this electrochemistry would have been all about high-temperature liquids
(liquid common salt at 850 C was the role model). However, this has changed, and
the temperatures for eliminating the solvent have decreased considerably. Some
molten salts are now room temperature liquids. At the other end of the temperature
scale are the molten silicates, where large polyanions predominate. These are impor-
tant not only in the steel industry, where molten silicate mixtures form blast furnace
slags, but also in the corresponding frozen liquids, the glasses.
The other half of electrochemistry, electrodics, in vol. 2 has surpassed ionics in
its rate of growth and is coming into use in enterprises such as the auto industry, to
obtain electrochemical power sources for transportation. Such a change in the way we
power our cars is seen by many as the only way to avoid the planetary warming caused
by the emitted by internal combustion engines.
Our discussion of electrodics starts with a description of the interfacial region
between the metal and solution phases. This is the stage on which the play is to be
performed. It involves the kinetics of electrons moving to and fro across areas with
immensely strong electric field strengths (gigavolts per meter) that are unavailable in
the laboratory. This is the heart of electrochemistrythe mechanism of electrically
controlled surface reactions.
Electrons are quantal particles and much basic electrochemistry in the past few
decades has been quantal in approach, so a simplified description of the current state
of this field is given.
After this, the text moves to the main applications of electrochemistry. There is
the conversion of light to electricity and the photosplitting of water to yield pure
hydrogen as a storage medium for electricity produced from solar light. Some organic
reactions are better carried out under electrochemical conditions, because one can vary
the energy of the available electrons so easily (i.e., by changing V in Tafels law). The
stability of materials (corrosion protection) is indeed a vast area, but the basic
mechanisms are all electrochemical and deserve a whole chapter. There are two other

important and growing areas of electrochemistry: bioelectrochemistry and the most

active and expanding of all, the electrochemistry of cleaner environments.
What is the connection between the two main areas in electrochemistrythe
science of solutions (ionics) and that of charge transfer across solidsolution interfaces
(electrodics)? There is indeed a close connection. The interfacial region at electrodes
(and all wet surfaces, including the surface of plants undergoing photosynthesis) is
surrounded by ions in solution (or in the moisture films on surfaces). Thus it is
important that we know all about them. The electrode is the stage; the solution is the
theater and the audience. It is also the place that supplies the playersions and
solventwhile electrons are clearly supplied from resources in the wings.


Electron transfer between two phases is the fundamental act of electrochemistry

(see Fig. 1.2) and governs much in nature. Until well past the middle of this century,
there was no knowledge of the breadth of interfacial charge transfer. It used to be
thought of as something to do with metals. All that is changed. Now we know it
involves semiconductors and insulators, also, insofar as these bodies are in contact
with ion-containing liquids. For example, proteins undergo electron charge transfer
when they are in contact with glucose in solution.
The fundamental act in electrochemistry (the simple act of Fig. 1.2) is prevalent
in nature, and that is why electrodics is such an important part of science. It is a vast

Fig. 1.2. The fundamental act in electro-

chemistry. Often, the electron-containing
phase is a metal and the ion-containing
phase is an aqueous solution. However,
germanium in contact with a molten salt
would also involve electron- and ion-con-
taining systems.

field underlying all those phenomena in chemistry, biology, and engineering that
involve real (and therefore moist or wet) surfaces.


It is now well recognized that the properties of most materials are controlled by
the properties of their surfaces. Furthermore, most surfaces are wet. The quotation
marks are used because wet does not here mean placed in a solution. It can also
mean covered by a film of moisture. How pervasive arein this sensewet
surfaces! Indeed, most outdoor and some indoor surfaces are in contact with invisible
films of moisture, and the presence of these films is a required element in the corrosion
and decay of metals. Thoroughly dry surfaces, removed from contact with air, do not
Wet surfaces have interfacial regions. One is in the solid, the other is in the
solution. Across these regions are super-intense electric fields that accelerate or
decelerate the passage of electrons from solid to solution and vice versa.
Corrosionthe gradual decay of materialsoccurs in many ways, all involving
electrochemical surface reactions. The essence of it is the electrochemical dissolution
of atoms in the surface into the ion-containing film that is in contact with the corroding
metal. However, such dissolution has to be accompanied by a counter-reaction and
this is often the electrochemical decomposition of water to form hydrogen on the metal
surface. If that occurs, the H in the form of minute protons, may enter the metal,
diffuse about, and cause a weakening of metalmetal bonds and hence stress-corrosion
Local mechanical stress also plays an important part in determining the behavior
of materials: combined with electrochemical corrosion, it may lead to bridges collaps-
ing and ships splitting in half.3
Is friction electrochemical also? At least on moist surfaces, the distance between
surface promontoriesthe protrusions of the metalmetal contactsis controlled by
the repulsion of like charges from ions adsorbed from electrolyte-containing moisture
films onto surfaces. Indeed, if a pendulum swings on a fulcrum containing a metal-
metal contact, its rate of decay (which is increased by the friction of the contact)
maximizes when the interfacial excess electrical charge is a minimum; the friction
therefore is a maximum (because the metal contacts, unrepelled by charges, are in
closer contact).

1.4.1. Interfaces in Contact with Solutions Are Always Charged

Even when a solidsolution interface is at equilibrium (i.e., nothing net happen-
ing), electron transfer occurs at the same speed in each direction, for there are excess
This can happen when the front and back of a ship are momentarily suspended on the peaks of waves in
rough weather.

electric charges on both sides of the interface. Consider the interior of a metal. It
consists of a lattice of metallic ions populated by electrons in the plasma state that are
mobile and moving randomly at about
Now, in a thought experiment, an extremely thin, sharp knife cuts the metal in
half at great speed. Moreover, this imaginary act occurs under a solution of ions.
Consider only one of the two surfaces formed by the knife. The electrons near the new
surface are suddenly confronted with a boundary, which they overshoot or undershoot.
Within s, ions in the solution nearest to the metal arrange themselves to present
a whole load of possible receiver or donor states for electrons. Depending on how the
balance of tendencies goes, the electrons will either depart from the metal and head
for the receiver states in solution leaving the surface of the metal positively charged,
or take on board a load of electrons from the ions that have turned up from the solution,
making the metal surface negatively charged. Whichever way it happens, the surface
of the metal now has an excess positive or negative electric charge. The interior
remains electroneutral (see Fig. 1.3).
Now, this argument can be generalized. It indicates that an uncharged metal or
electron conductor in an ionic solution always manifests an excess surface electric
charge, and the gigavolt per meter field, which results from having this sheet of excess
electric charge on the metal facing a layer of opposite charge on the solution layer in
contact with it, has extremely far-reaching consequences for the properties of the
interface and eventually of the material beneath it.

Fig. 1.3. Surfaces in solution carry a net excess charge.


1.4.2. The Continuous Flow of Electrons across an Interface:

Electrochemical Reactions
It has been argued in the preceding section that all surfaces carry an excess electric
charge, i.e., that surfaces in contact with ionic solutions are electrified. However, the
argument was made by considering an isolated piece of material unconnected to a
source or sink of electrons.
Suppose now that the metal, an electronic conductor, is connected to a power
supply,4 i.e., to a source of electrons so large in capacity that, say, to
electrons5 drawn from the source leave it unaffected in any significant way. To make
the discussion specific, assume that the electronic conductor is a platinum plate and
the ionically conducting phase is an aqueous solution of HI.
Then, by connecting the electrical power source to the platinum plate, it becomes
possible for electrons to flow from the source to the surface of the plate. Before this
was done, the electrified platinumsolution interface was in equilibrium. Under these
equilibrium conditions, the platinum plate had a net surface electric charge, and the
ionically conducting solution had an equal excess electric charge, though opposite in
sign. Furthermore, the passage of electrons across the interface, which is associated
with electron-transfer reactions, is occurring at an equal rate in the two directions.
What happens when a disequilibrating shower of extra charges from the power source
arrives at the surface of the platinum? The details of what happens, the mechanism, is
a long story, told partly in the following chapters. However, the essence of it is that
the new electrons overflow, as it were, the metal plate and cross the metalsolution
interface to strike and neutralize ions in the layer of solution in contact with the metal,
e.g., hydrogen ions produced in solution from the ionization of HI in the solution phase.
This process can proceed continuously because the power source supplying the
electrons can be thought of as infinite in capacity and the ionic conductor also has an
abundance of ions in it; these tend to migrate up to the metal surface to capture there
some of the overflowing electrons.
What is being described here is an electrochemical reaction; i.e., it is a chemical
transformation involving the transfer of electrons across an interface, and it can be
written in familiar style as

The hydrogen ions are discharged (neutralized) on the electrode and there is an
evolution of hydrogen outside the solution, as a gas.
Actually, a power supply has two terminals and one must also consider how the metalelectrolyte interface
is connected to the other terminal; however, this consideration is postponed until the next section.
An Avogadro number of electrons deposited from ions in solution produces 1 gram-equivalent
(g-eq) of metal passed across an interface between metal and solution; hence to electrons produce
to g-eq of material.

Fig. 1.4. The electrochemical reactor.

The simplicity of such a formulation should not obscure the fact that what has
been described is a remarkable and distinctive part of chemistry. An electric current,
a controllable electron stream, has been made to react in a controlled way with a
chemical substance and produce another new chemical substance. That is what a good
deal of electrochemistry is aboutit is about the electrical path for producing
chemical transformations. Much of electrochemistry is also connected with the other
side of this coin, namely, the production of electric currents and therefore electric
power directly from changes in chemical substances. This is the method of producing
electrical energy without moving parts (see fuel cells, Chapter 13 in vol II).

1.4.3. Electrochemical and Chemical Reactions

There is another aspect of the electrochemical reaction that has just been de-
scribed. It concerns the effect on the iodide ions of hydrogen iodide, which must also
have been present in the HI solution in water. Where do they go while the hydrogen
ions are being turned into hydrogen molecules?
The ions have not yet appeared because only half of the picture has been shown.
In a real situation, one immerses another electronic conductor in the same solution
(Fig. 1.4). Electrical sources have two terminals. The assumption of a power source
pumping electrons into a platinum plate in contact with an ionic solution is essentially
a thought experiment. In the real situation, one immerses another electronic conductor
in the same solution and connects this second electronic conductor to the other terminal
of the power source. Then, whereas electrons from the power source pour into the
platinum plate, they would flow away from the second electronic conductor (made,
e.g., of rhodium) and back to the power source. It is clear that, if we want a system
that can operate for some time with hydrogen ions receiving electrons from the
There is not much limit on the kind of chemical substance; for example, it does not have to be an ion.
is as much an electrochemical reaction as is

platinum plate, then iodide ions have to give up electrons to the rhodium plate at the
same rate as the platinum gives up electrons. Thus, the whole system can function
smoothly without the loss of electroneutrality that would occur were the hydrogen ions
to receive electrons from the platinum without a balancing event at the other plate.
Such a process would be required to remove the negatively charged ions, which would
become excess ones once the positively charged hydrogen ions had been removed
from the solution.
An assembly, or system, consisting of one electronic conductor (usually a metal)
that acts as an electron source for particles in an ionic conductor (the solution) and
another electronic conductor acting as an electron sink receiving electrons from the
ionic conductor is known as an electrochemical cell, or electrochemical system, or
sometimes an electrochemical reactor.
We have seen that electron-transfer reactions can occur at one charged plate. What
happens if one takes into account the second plate? There, the electron transfer is from
the solution to the plate or electronic conductor. Thus, if we consider the two electronic
conductorionic conductor interfaces (namely, the whole cell), there is no net electron
transfer. The electron outflow from one electronic conductor equals the inflow to the
other; that is, a purely chemical reaction (one not involving net electron transfer) can
be carried out in an electrochemical cell. Such net reactions in an electrochemical cell
turn out to be formally identical to the familiar thermally induced reactions of ordinary
chemistry in which molecules collide with each other and form new species with new
bonds. There are, however, fundamental differences between the ordinary chemical
way of effecting a reaction and the less familiar electrical or electrochemical way, in
which the reactants collide not with each other but with separated charge-transfer
catalysts, as the two plates which serve as electron-exchange areas might well be
called. One of the differences, of course, pertains to the facility with which the rate of
a reaction in an electrochemical cell can be controlled; all one has to do is electronically
to control the power source. This ease of control arises because the electrochemical
reaction rate is the rate at which the power source pushes out and receives back
electrons after their journey around the circuit that includes (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5) the
electrochemical cell.
Thus, one could write the electrochemical events as

Fig. 1.5. The chemical and electrochemical

methods of carrying out reactions. In the electro-
chemical method, the particles do not collide with
each other but with separated sources and sinks
of electrons.

Thus, from an overall point of view (not thinking of the molecular-level mecha-
nism), this net cell reaction is identical to that which would occur if one heated
hydrogen iodide and produced hydrogen and iodine by a purely chemical, or thermal,
There is another way in which the electrical method of carrying out chemical
reactions is distinct from the other methods for achieving chemical changes (Fig. 1.5).
The ordinary reactions of chemistry, such as the homogeneous combination of and
or the heterogeneous combinations of and occur because thermally energized
molecules occasionally collide and, during the small time they stay together, change
some bonds to form a new arrangement. Correspondingly, photochemical reactions
occur when photons strike molecules and give them extra energy so that they break
up and form new compounds. In a similar way, the high-energy particles emanating
from radioactive substances can energize molecules, which then react. The electrical
method of causing chemical transformations is different from the other three methods
of provoking chemical reactivity in that the overall electrochemical cell reaction is
composed of two separate electron-transfer reactions that occur at spatially separated

Fig. 1.6. Grove was the first to obtain

electric power directly from a chemi-
cal reaction.

electrodeelectrolyte interfaces and are each susceptible to electrical control as far as

rate (electron flow) is possible.
If electrical energy provokes and controls chemical reactions, chemical reactions
working in the other direction can presumably give rise to a flow of electricity. Thus,
two reactant substances may be allowed to undergo spontaneous electron transfer at
the separated (electrode) sites, which is characteristic of the electrochemical way of
bringing about chemical reactions, and then the electrons transferred in the two
reactions at the two interfaces will surge spontaneously through an electrical load, for
example, the circuit of an electric motor (Fig. 1.6). In this reverse process, also, there
is a unique aspect when one compares it with the production of available energy from
thermally induced chemical reactions. It can be shown (see Chapter 13 in vol 2) that
the fraction of the total energy of the chemical reaction that can be converted to
mechanical energy is intrinsically much greater in the electrical than in the chemical
way of producing energy. This is a useful property when one considers the economics
of running a transportation system by means of a fuel cellelectric motor combination
rather than by means of the energy produced in the combustion of gasoline.


1.5.1. Some Diagrammatic Presentations

Let us look at Fig. 1.7 to see something of the parentage of conventional
electrochemistry, in both the ionic and electrodic aspects. We could also look at these
relations in a different way and make the central thought a charge transfer at interfaces,
while stressing the interdisciplinary character of the fields involved in studying it. Such

Fig. 1.7. Physical chemistry and electrochemistry.

a view is implied in Fig. 1.8, where space limits the number of disciplines mentioned
that are associated with the study of electrified interfaces.
Apart from the large number of areas of knowledge associated with modern
electrochemistry, there are many areas to which it contributes or in which it plays an
essential role. Thus, much surface chemistry under real conditions involves moisture;
hence the electrified interfaces for which electrochemical concepts are relevant are as
wide in application as practical surface chemistry itself. This, together with the fact
that the subject embraces interactions between electric currents and materials (i.e.,
between two large areas of physics and chemistry), implies a widespread character for
the phenomena subject to electrochemical considerations (Fig. 1.8).

1.5.2. Some Examples of the Involvement of Electrochemistry in

Other Sciences Chemistry. There are many parts of mainline chemistry that

originated in electrochemistry. The third law of thermodynamics grew out of
observations on the temperature variations of the potential of electrochemical reactions
occurring in cells. The concepts of pH and dissociation constant were formerly studied
as part of the electrochemistry of solutions. Ionic reaction kinetics in solution is
expressed in terms of the electrochemical theory developed to explain the activity
of ions in solution. Electrolysis, metal deposition, syntheses at electrodes, plus half of
the modern methods of analysis in solution depend on electrochemical phenomena.
Many biomolecules in living systems exist in the colloidal state, and the stability of
colloids is dependent on the electrochemistry at their contact with the surrounding
solution. Metallurgy. The extraction of metals from their compounds
dissolved in molten salts, the separation of metals from mixtures in solution, and the

protection of metals from corrosive decay are among the many applications of
electrochemistry in metallurgy. Engineering. Electrochemical engineering is the basis of a large
portion of the nonferrous metals industries, in particular, the production of aluminum
by deposition from a molten salt containing aluminum oxide. As noted earlier,
electrochemical energy converters, fuel cells, provide the on-board power for space
vehicles, and there are prospects of evolving from the thermal to the electrochemical
method of utilizing the energy of chemical reactions. One of the most important
applications is the prospect of clean, pollution-free electrical on-board power for
automobiles. Environmental issues, in general, as well as the real threat of global
warming from buildup, favor clean electrochemical processes. Biology. Food is converted to energy by biochemical mechanisms
that have an efficiency much greater than that of some corresponding forms of energy
conversion involving the heat-engine principle. Such high efficiency in energy
conversion involves electrochemical reactions in the mitochondrion, a part of the
biological cell. Correspondingly, the transmission of impulses through nerves, as well
as the stability of blood and the functioning of many of the macromolecules involved
in biological processes, depends on aspects of electrochemistry that concern
electrochemical charge transport and the repulsion between bodies bearing the same
electrical charge. The formation of blood clots and the resulting heart attack are
influenced by the electrical charge on the arterial wall and that on the colloidal particles
in blood. Geology. An example of electrochemistry in geology concerns
certain types of soil movements. The movement of earth under stress depends on its
viscosity as a slurry; that is, a viscous mixture of suspended solids in water with a
consistency of very thick cream. Such mixtures of material exhibit thixotropy,7 which
depends on the interactions of the double layers between colloidal particles. These in
turn depend on the concentration of ions, which affects the field across the double layer
and causes the colloidal structures upon which the soils consistency depends to repel
each other and remain stable. Thus, in certain conditions the addition of ionic solutions
to soils may cause a radical increase in their tendency to flow.

1.5.3. Electrochemistry as an Interdisciplinary Field, Distinct from

All fields in chemistry (e.g., that of the liquid state or of reaction kinetics) are
connected to each other and, indeed, fields treated under chemistry tend, as time goes
on, to move toward the more sophisticated level attained in physics. Chemists
undertake approximate treatments of relatively complicated problems that are not yet
Thus, certain soils, when appropriately agitated, suddenly become much less viscous and start to flow
easily, a dangerous thing if there is a house on top.

simplified enough for physicists to approach them in a more exact way. However, the
connections between chemistry and physics (e.g., the study of liquids and gaseous
reaction kinetics) largely occur through the parent areas of chemistry (see Fig. 1.7),
for example, statistical and quantum mechanics. A direct connection to areas just
outside chemistry does not immediately follow, e.g., liquids and reaction kinetics.
In electrochemistry, however, there is an immediate connection to the physics of
current flow and electric fields. Furthermore, it is difficult to pursue interfacial
electrochemistry without knowing some principles of theoretical structural metallurgy
and electronics, as well as hydrodynamic theory. Conversely (see Section 1.5.2), the
range of fields in which the important steps are controlled by the electrical properties
of interfaces and the flow of charge across them is great and exceeds that of other areas
in which physical chemistry is relevant.8 In fact, so great is the range of topics in which
electrochemical considerations are relevant that a worker who is concerned with the
creation of passive films on metals and their resistance to environmental attack is
scarcely in intellectual contact with a person who is interested in finding a model for
why blood clots or someone seeking to solve the quantum mechanical equations for
the transfer of electrons across interfaces.
This widespread involvement with other areas of science suggests that in the
future electrochemistry will be treated increasingly as an interdisciplinary area as, for
example, materials science is, rather than as a branch of physical chemistry.
At the same time, there is a general tendency at present to break down the older
formal disciplines of physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry and to make new
groupings. That of materials sciencethe solid-state aspects of metallurgy, physics,
and chemistryis one. Energy conversionthe energy-producing aspects of nuclear
fission, electrochemical fuel cells, photovoltaics, thermionic emission, magnetohydro-
dynamics, and so onis another. Electrochemistry would be concerned with the part
played by electrically charged interfaces and interfacial charge transfers in chemistry,
metallurgy, biology, engineering, etc.


Studies of ionic solutions have been overwhelmingly aqueous in the hundred

years or so in which they have been pursued. This has been a blessing, for water has
a dielectric constant, of ~80, about ten times larger than the range for most
nonaqueous solvents. Hence, because the force between ions is proportional to
the tendency of ions in aqueous solutions to attract each other and form groups is
relatively small, and structure in aqueous solutions is therefore on the simple side. This
enabled a start to be made on the theory of ionion attraction in solutions.
As apart from areas of basic science (e.g., quantum mechanics) that primarily originate in physics and
underlie all chemistry, including, of course, electrochemistry.

If one goes to a nonaqueous solvent system (an organic one such as acetonitrile,
or a pure electrolyte such as the eutectic), the dielectric
constant is more in the range of 220, and there is a greater tendency than that in
aqueous solutions for ions of opposite sign to get together and stay together. Further,
the bonding that develops is not purely Coulombic but may involve solvent and H-
bond links, some of them unexpected. Figure 1.9 shows dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
with the molecular distances in picometers.
Electrochemical measurements (mainly conductances) have been made in both
the organic and the pure electrolyte kind of nonaqueous solution for at least two
generations. Why, then, is there talk of nonaqueous electrochemistry as one of the
frontiers of the field?
One reason is that much better methods of detecting impurities (parts per billion)
now exist and hence of purifying solvents (and keeping them purethey all tend to
pick up water). However, there is a greater reason and that is the emergence of several
new methods for determining structure. These are

1. X-ray diffraction measurements in solution (a development of the earliest

method of structural determination)
2. X-ray absorption measurements of fine structure in solution (EXAFS)
3. Neutron diffraction
4. Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy

Fig. 1.9. Molecular arrangement in DMSO. Numbers

indicate intermolecular distances in picometers. (Re-
printed from G. Mamantov and A. I. Popov, Chemistry
of Nonaqueous Solutions: Current Progress, p. 188.
VCH Publishers, New York, 1992.)

Later in this book we will discuss these new tools, how they work, and what they bring
to electrochemistry. They have provided the ionics electrochemist with a new kind of
Although this is still introductory material, three rather general points may be
1. Until the 1980s, the major methods of investigation in ionics were nonspec-
troscopic. For example, conductance results were used to infer the existence of
complex ions. Alternatively and typically, the change of the dielectric constant of a
solution as a function of the concentration of ions (measurements at various
frequencies) was interpreted in terms of structural hypotheses about ionsolvent
The new optical and spectroscopic methods are more discerning, more definite in
what they reveal. For example, in solutions of in water and in dimethylfor-
mamide, one used to speak of ion-pair formation, By now it is known that
there are several kinds of ion pairs. For example, the ions may be in direct contact or
they may be separated by a solvent molecule. The concentration of the free ions (if
they give vibration spectra) can be followed. In general, an enormous increase in detail
(corresponding to an increase in knowledge of the variety of particles present in the
nonaqueous systems) has become available.
2. Amazing bonds have been revealed by the new methods. For example,
Perelygin found that thiocyanates of the alkali metals form groups in acetonitrile.
Valence theory is sometimes hard put to interpret the unusual forms found:

3. Few measurements of the so-called driving force,9 the Gibbs free energy,
have become available as yet; however, for a number of reactions in organic
nonaqueous solutions it is entropy driven, that is, is driven to a negative
value over the positive (endothermic) by a positive and its influence as
in the basic thermodynamic equation:
Necessity does seem to be the mother of invention. This nonaqueous electrochem-
istry has great practical value, for example, in new high-energy-density batteries and
fuel cellsjust the things needed for electricity storage and production (respectively)
on board nonpolluting electric cars.

Clearly, a standard free energy difference cannot be a drivingforce. However, the larger the negative value
of the more will be the tendency of a reaction, with reactants and products in their standard states, to


The image in most chemists minds of a molten salt is probably liquid NaCl at
900 C. There are many such pure electrolytes that have the great advantage of a
large electrochemical window; that is, one can carry out electrode processes in them
over a much greater range of cell potentials than is possible in aqueous solutions, where
the range is limited by the evolution of if the potential becomes too negative and
of O2 if it becomes too positive.
This situation has been radically altered during the past 20 years or so by work
that has been led (in separate and individual ways) by three U.S. electrochemists,
namely, Osteryoung, Hussey, and Wilkes, respectively. Thus, the first truly room-
temperature pure electrolyte (i.e., a system consisting of ions without a solvent) was
due to Osteryoung et al. in 1975. This is 1-(1-butylpyridinium chloride) (BupyCl):

Wilkes, in particular, has developed the use of l-methyl-3-ethylimidazolonium chlo-

ride (MeEtInCl):

Compounds of these two electrolytes are leading members in the extensive

development of this new chemistry. For example, it has been possible to investigate
tetrachlorobenzoquinone in -BupyCl at an electrode consisting of glassy carbon;
changing the potential of this electrode changes the oxidation state of the quinone. The
resulting absorption spectrum is shown in Fig. 1.10. Reactions involving Cu, Ag,
Au, Co, Rh, Ir, Mo, W, etc. have all been investigated in room-temperature molten
A fertile field exists here for batteries and fuel cells: a rechargeable couple
involving the considerable electrical energy that can be stored in Al and can be
developed. In the first aqueous Al cell, developed by Solomon Zaromb in 1960, the
product of the anodic dissolution of Al was the insoluble and no electrical
recharge was possible.

Fig. 1.10. Absorption spectra of a 4.59-mM solution of perylene

in 44.455.6 mol% MeEtimCI melt taken at 5-minute inter-
vals during 60-min electrolysis at a platinum screen optically
transparent electrode (OTE). The applied potential was 1.85 V,
and the OTE path length was 0.10 cm. (Reprinted from J. E.
Coffield, G. Mamantov, S. P. Zingg, G. P. Smith, and A. C.
Buchanan, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139: 355, 1992.)



Electrochemical reactions on electrodes involve consecutive reactions with

several steps. Knowledge of the reactants and products in each step may provide a
valuable piece of evidence by means of which the pathwayand sometimes even
the rate-determining stepcan be identified.
Two difficulties exist before this can be done. First, the concentrations of surface
species are, at most, mol about atoms depending on the size of
the radical or intermediate molecule to be observed. However, light for any spectro-
scopic method has to go through a layer of solution before it strikes the electrode. Now
a square centimeter of a 0.1 M solution 1 mm thick contains about ions. The signal
from the radicals on the electrode has to compete with much stronger signals from this
To overcome these hurdles, one has to have a supersensitive measurement and
then some way of separating the surface signal from competing signals of the same
frequency produced by molecules or ions in the adhering solution.
How this could be done was first shown by Neugebauer and co-workers in 1981
(but it was developed particularly by Alan Bewick and Stan Pons in the 1980s). In
spectroscopy, in general, it is possible to enhance and elicit a given line by repeating

its spectra many hundreds of times. The signal is enhanced when the spectrum is
repeated if it always occurs at the same frequency. Any false blips in the intensity
wavelength relation are determined by random fluctuationsthey wont be enhanced
by repetition because they dont always occur at the same wavelength. To separate the
surface signal from the solution spectrum Greenlers theorem was used. According to
this theorem, if the incident angle of the beam from the vertical is very high (e.g.,
8889), there is a radical difference between the information carried by the parallel
and vertical components of the polarized light beam reflected through the solution
from the electrode. The parallel component carries both the surface and the solution
information; the vertical carries only the solution information. Hence, if the polarities
of beams reflected from the surface of an electrode in solution are alternated from
parallel to vertical and then vertical to parallel several hundred thousand times per
second, and the strength of the signals of the vertical components is subtracted from
that of the parallel ones at various wavelengths in the IR region, there should remain
(according to Greenlers theorem) the lines characteristic of the surface species only.
Of course, this is a rough outline of a sophisticated and complex technique. The
solution layer in contact with the electrode should be very thin to reduce competition

Fig. 1.11. Relative areas of two peaks (A and E) as a function of electrode potential.
(Reprinted from K. Chandrasekaran, J. C. Wass, and J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem.
Soc. 137: 519, 1990.)

from the ions and molecules in solution (separating parallel and vertical beam
information by subtracting the vertical from that of the parallel signal is only an
approximation for metalsolution systems). This technique is called Fourier transform
IR absorption spectroscopy (FTIRAS). The Fourier transform is used in the mathe-
matics of calculating the results. While the process is complex, the results are relatively
simple and helpful. One of these is shown in Fig. 1.11.
This methodology reveals the tell-tale signal of bonds present in intermediate
radicals on the electrode surface if the electrochemical reaction is operating in a steady
state, i.e., the reaction is in its final pathway with the final rate-determining step. The
exciting possibility of advanced versions of the FTTRAS technique is that really rapid
(millisecond) changes in the spectra of the surface radicals can be recorded. Then,
changes in the nature and concentration of radicals that may occur during the switch-
ing-on phase of the electrical current could be measured. This can provide much
information on the buildup and structure of the pathway of the reaction occurring on
the surface. When this happens, fast-reacting surface spectroscopic measurements will
become a principal aid to studies of mechanisms in electrochemistry.


The body contains several thousand different enzymes that are catalysts for
specific bioreactions. Without them, biochemical pathways in the body would not
Diabetics have a need for a glucose meter that would show the glucose concen-
tration in the blood at any moment without having to take a sample. If the glucose
builds up too much, the meter would send out a signal telling the wearer of the need
for insulin.
Glucose gets oxidized with the cooperation of an enzyme called glucose oxidase,
which has a molecular diameter of 86 . Suppose we could immobilize glucose
oxidase on an organic semiconductor such as polypyrrole, and the electrons produced
when glucose in the blood is oxidized could be brought out through the glucose oxidase
to work a meter on the wrist: our aim would be achieved, and diabetics could monitor
their condition at any time by a glance at the wrist.10
One could carry this idea further. Since enzymes are so specific in reacting to only
certain molecules, one could imagine a future general diagnoser, a plaque with a
series of enzymes adsorbed on microelectrodes that are exposed to the blood, with
each able to pick out the molecules that indicate the presence of specific diseases.
Oxidation reactions would provide electrons and an electrical signal would indicate
the disease through the circuitry, which would identify the enzyme from which the
current originated. For such an idea to work, one must have electronic conductivity of
A wrist glucose meter? Not yet, but several are in development.

the enzyme because eventually the electrons from the reaction on its surface (in contact
with the blood) must get through the 10 nm of enzyme to the metallic circuitry of the
wrist meter.
Now, most enzymes are centered on a specific redox atom (e.g., Fe) and in order
to be oxidized or reduced, the electron, the effector of the act, must travel through the
enzyme to the so-called heme group, the vital Fe-containing group, as in hemoglobin,
for example.
Enzymes are complex organic substances and are not expected to be good electron
conductors at all. If an electron is going to get to and from the heme group to an outside
contact, the best hope is quantum mechanical tunneling. However, there is a limit to
the jump length in tunneling; it is about 2 nm. Supposing the heme group is in the
middle of the enzyme glucose oxidase; then, as it is ~9 nm across, the electron would
have to jump ~4 nm, which is not possible.
Adam Heller in 1986 devised and achieved the solution to this, which is illustrated
in Fig. 1.12. With his associate, Y. Degani, Heller introduced extra redox centers into

Fig. 1.12. Schematic drawing of the glucose oxidase molecule, showing the electron-
transfer distances involved in the various steps of moving an electron from its two flavin
adenine dinucleotide/reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide centers to a
metal electrode. Left: The enzyme before modification. Right: The modified enzyme,
after chemical attachment of an array of electron transfer relays (R). (Reprinted from
Y. Degani and A. Heller, J. Phys. Chem. 91: 1286, 1987.)

glucose oxidase. The result was duly electrifyingthe enzyme became radically more
conducting than before.


We eat and various biochemical processes produce glucose from some of the food
molecules. We breathe and the oxygen changes the glucose to gluconic acid, and
finally by way of the ubiquitous enzymes, to On the way, we get mechanical
energy to operate our muscles, including the heart pump, which drives the fuel-carry-
ing blood around the body circuit. This is metabolism, and one thing about it that is
not well understood is why the energy conversion (chemical energy of the oxidation
of food to mechanical energy of the body) is so efficient (50%), compared with the
efficiency of a normal heat engine (~25%).
The reaction that gives chemical energy to heat engines in cars (hydrocarbon
oxidation) has to obey the Carnot cycle efficiency limitation With
around body temperature (37 C), the metabolic would have to be 337 C to
explain this metabolic efficiency in terms of a heat engine. Thus, the body energy
conversion mechanism cannot use this means to get the energy by which it works.
However, there are electrochemical energy converters (fuel cells), such as the one
shown in Fig. 1.6. An electrochemical energy converter is not restrained by the Carnot
efficiency of 25% and can have efficiencies up to for the heat content and free
energy changes in the oxidation reactions involved in digesting food. This ratio is often
as much as 90% (cf. Chapter 13).
Hence, to explain the high metabolism of > 50%, we are forced into proposing an
electrochemical path for metabolism. How might it work? Such a path was proposed
by Felix Gutmann in 1985 and the idea is shown in a crude way in Fig. 1.13.
Mitochondria are tiny systems found in every biological cell, and they are known
to be the seat of the bodys energy conversion. Suppose one could identify certain
organic groups on the mitochondria as electron acceptors and other groups as electron
donorsmicroelectrodes, in fact. Glucose diffuses into the cell and becomes oxidized
at the electron acceptors. At the electron donor groups, is reduced using the
electrons provided by the glucose. The mitochondrion has made millions of micro fuel
cells out of its two kinds of electrodic groups and now has electrical energy from these
cells to giveand at an efficiency typical of fuel cells of ~50%.
There is much more to the storyhow energy in living systems is stored, for
example, and finally how it is transported to all the body parts which use itthis is
discussed in Chapter 14. This electrochemical (and vectorial) approach to metabolism,
which was proposed in 1986, is not yet widely accepted by tradition-bound biologists,
but it has one tremendous thing going for itit solves the problem of why the
efficiency of the conversion of the chemicals in food to mechanical energy is so much
higher than it can be in alternative energy conversion pathways.

Fig. 1.13. Schematic representation of the principle of the biological fuel cell concept.
R and RH represent the oxidized and reduced form of a bio-molecule. ADP is adenosine
diphosphate; ATP is adenosine triphospate. (Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris and S. U.
M. Khan, Surface Electrochemistry, p. 699. Plenum Press, New York, 1993.)


Many of the problems of the environment are caused by the fact that the main
method by which we obtain the energy to run our civilization is still by means of the
combustion of fossil fuels. This has two unacceptable effects. The firstand little
realizedis that inhaling gasoline vapors has proved to be carcinogenic to laboratory
animals, and there is an indication that it is one of the causes of the increased spread
of cancer among humans. The second is that the injected into the atmosphere by
combustion is causing global warming.
Electrochemical Technology is involved in a major way in the only alternative to
oil and gasoline as an energy source which also avoids the hazards of nuclear power.
Thus, the collection of solar light and its conversion by means of photovoltaics to
electricity and then the electrochemical splitting of water to yield clean hydrogen,
would provide an inexhaustible replacement for fossil fuels (see Chapter 15). A pilot
plant to do this now exists at Neunburg vorm Wald, in southern Germany.
However, electrochemistry will have to play a broader role than this if sustainable
and clean energy is to become a reality. It provides a general approach that is superior
to conventional chemical approaches for two reasons.

1. Concentration and temperature determine the rate at which chemical proc-

esses take place. Electrochemical processes are equally affected by these variables,
but also are controlled in selectivity of reaction by the electrical potential of the
electrode (see Section XXX). Hence, there is an extra variable that controls chemical
processes that occur electrochemically rather than chemically. Moreover, this variable
is applied easily by turning the knob on an electrical power source.
2. When electrochemical processes are used to clean up carbonaceous material,
the only gas produced is there are no noxious products of partial combustion,
such as NO and CO, to be injected into the atmosphere. When hydrogen is used in a
fuel cell to produce electric power, it is made by splitting water and it produces water
right back again as a by-product of the power generation.

This book contains several examples of electrochemical clean-up processes (see

Chapter 15), but one is briefly described here. It is in the cleanup of wastewater, defined
as water having impurities in the range of 5500 ppm. There is a problem in using
an electrochemical approach because of the low electrical conductance of the
water. However, in one of the several electrochemical companies developed
around Texas A&M University, Duncan Hitchens has solved the problem as shown
in Fig. 1.14.
A proton exchange membrane on the right draws off protons cathodically; the
platinized iridium in the middle presents a large area for anodic oxidation. The
arrangement makes the current pathway so small that the low conductivity of the

Fig. 1.14. Schematic representation of wastewater treatment process.

(Reprinted from O. J. Murphy, G. D. Hitchens, L. Kaba, and C. E.
Verostko, Water Res. 26: 443, 1992.)

polluted water does not matter. By flowing wastewater through an electrochemical

reactor of this type, impurities are reduced about a thousand times.


1.12.1. Significance of Interfacial Charge-Transfer Reactions

It is informative in this chapter to make some attempt to place electrochemistry
among the sciences and obtain the relative measure of its significance. It is difficult to
do this for a field, the modern phase of which dates back only 50 years. Let us try, but
let us realize that what we are doing here is speculating, although we will give some
of the reasoning that supports our conclusions.
First, we can ask a relative question: Is interfacial electrochemistry simply a
special aspect of reaction kinetics, somewhat analogous to photochemistry? In photo-
chemistry, one might say, one studies the effect of energy packets (photons) striking
molecules; in electrochemistry, one studies the effect of striking molecules dissolved
in solution with electrons emitted from electrically charged conductors.
Or does interfacial electrochemistry have a greater significance? The evidence for
tending to this latter view is as follows:

1. Interfacial electrochemistry has a high degree of prevalence in the practical

world compared with other branches of knowledge outside physics. A way to appre-
ciate this is to realize how often one is concerned with electrochemical phenomena
outside the laboratory. For example, one starts a car and listens to its radio on battery
power; television pictures are transmitted from space vehicles to the earth by fuel-cell
power; a sports car may be made of electrochemically extracted aluminum; the water
that is in ones coffee may be obtained by electrochemical deionization from impure
or brackish water; some persons ride in electrically powered cars; one wears clothes
of nylon produced from adiponitrile, which is electrochemically synthesized; one adds
an inhibitor to the radiator fluid of a car to reduce electrochemical corrosion. Finally,
one thinks by using electrochemical mechanisms in the brain, and ones blood remains
liquid as long as the electrochemical potential at the interface between the corpuscles
and their solution remains sufficiently high and of the same sign.
2. This ubiquitous role for electrified interfaces throughout many aspects of
science suggests that electrochemistry should not be regarded as only a branch of
chemistry. Rather, while most chemists have concentrated upon thermally activated
reactions and their mechanisms, with electrochemical reactions as some special
academic subcase, there is a parallel type of chemistry based not on the collisions of
molecules and the energy transfers that underlie these collisions but on interfacial
electron transfers. It is this latter chemistry that seems to underlie much of what goes
on in the world around us, for example, in photosynthesis, in metabolism, and in the

decay of metallic structures. The examples of alternative thermal and electrical

approaches to common chemical events given in Table 1.1 may illustrate this.

1.12.2. The Relation between Three Major Advances in Science, and

the Place of Electrochemistry in the Developing World
If one stands sufficiently removed from ones specialization in the sciences and
looks as far back as the nineteenth century, then three great scientific contributions
stand out as measured by their impact on science and technology. They are
1. The electromagnetic theory of light due to Maxwell (nineteenth century)
2. The theory of relativistic mechanics due to Einstein (nineteenth century)
3. The theory of quantum mechanics originating with the work of Planck,
Einstein, and Bohr and developed by Schrdinger, Heisenberg, Born, and
Dirac (twentieth century)
It is important to recall why these contributions to physics and chemistry are
regarded as so outstanding. Maxwells theory provides the basis for the transfer of
energy and communication across distances and the delivery of mechanical power on
command as a consequence of the controlled application of electric currents causing
magnetic fields. The significance of relativistic mechanics is that it helps us understand
the universe around usgreat bodies, far away, traveling very fast. Quantum mechan-
ics is the basis of solid-state devices and transistor technology. It led to a revolution
in thinking; for example, we now know that macroscopic and microscopic systems
behave in fundamentally different ways. It allows us to understand how small particles
can penetrate barriers otherwise insurmountable (a realization that helps us understand
the functioning of fuel cells). A fourth contribution, the discovery of over unity
processesmachines that seem to produce more energy than was put inhold
promise for great advances. However, this work is still in a very early stage and we
cannot yet gauge its technological significance.11
How is the eventual magnitude of a contribution in science weighed? Is it not the
degree to which the applications that arise from it eventually change everyday life? Is
not the essence of our present civilization the attempt to control our surroundings?
It is in this light that one may judge the significance of the theory of electrified
interfaces and thus electrochemistry. It is of interest to note how interfacial charge-
transfer theories are based on a combination of the electric currents of Maxwells
theory and the quantum-mechanical tunneling of electrons through energy barriers.
Over-unity machines are claimed by their inventors to be emerging, as seen in the late 1990s. Their
mechanisms are far from clear as yet. They seem to involve nuclear reactions under very low temperature
situations, or alternatively, they are machines that are claimed to convert the zero point energy of their
surroundings to electricity. If (as seems likely) they become commercialized in the early decades of the
new century, the cost of electricity will fall and a great augmentation of the electrical side of chemistry
will occur.

A number of illustrations have been given to support the statement that electro-
chemical mechanisms are relevant to many fields of science. The nineteenth century
contributed to physics the theory of electromagnetism. The twentieth century contrib-
uted to physics the relativistic theory and the quantum theory. In the twenty-first
century, it seems reasonable to assume that the major preoccupations will be in the
direction of working out how we can make a sustainable world that continues to have
an abundant supply of energy, and that does not suffocate in its own refuse or become
too hot to live on because of the continued use of oil and coal as fuels.
Two very general types of probable advances can be expected. One is in the
direction noted; for example the development of practical devices for the production
of cheap electricity, or the development of prosthetic devices operated by the electric
circuits of the body.
The other type will be those developments necessary as a result of the interference
with nature over the past 50 years; for example, electrically powered vehicles to avoid
increasing the content of the atmosphere and processes to reduce pollution in our
water supply.
Electrochemistry is the core science upon which many of these electrically
oriented advances of the next few decades will depend for their practical execution
(see Fig. 1.15). It underlies electrically powered synthesis, extractions (including fresh
from brackish water), machining, stabilization of materials, storage of energy in the
form of electricity, efficient conversion to electricity of the remaining fossil fuels, and

Fig. 1.15. Electrochemistry as a core science for the development of a sustainable


the basis for understanding much in molecular biology. The fixing of and its
photoconversion to methanol (a fuel) is also a prospect.
It is worthwhile thinking also that urban areas are likely to develop as a function
of the availability of electricity from solar or nuclear sources. There will also be an
increasing need to invest resources in preventing the exhaustion of many vital metals.12
The forms in which energy will be transmitted will be electricity with hydrogen
as a storage medium. Towns in the 21st century will tend to be self-contained. Little
material mass will leave or enter them. The processes on which towns will run will be
all electrical, and those involving matter therefore electrochemical. Transportation will
use energy stored in hydrogen and in condensers. Manufacturing and machining
processes and recovery of materials used or discarded will all be electrochemical.
Polluted liquids will be cleaned in packed bed electrolysers (Fig. 1.16). Wastes will
be processed electrochemically in molten salts. Medical electronicsthe electronic-
electrodic combination in medical researchwill be highly developed toward various
combinations of humans and machines.
Thus, it seems reasonable to expect the achievement of several electrochemically
based innovations by 2050: the provision of cheap heat electrically from storage units
charged during off-peak times; electrochemically powered vehicles, including ships;
an economical and massive solar conversion system; hydrogen storage and transmis-
sion to avoid systems that add further to the atmosphere; extensive use of
electrochemical machining and electrochemically based tools; an internal fuel-cell-
powered heart; and electrometallurgical extractions of materials on a large scale from
the moon (their transfer to earth will be easy because of the moons low gravity). An
immediately developable area lies in the electrochemical aspects of molecular biology
(the replacement of electrically functioning body parts) and in the development of
circuitry that will join the brain and its electrochemical mechanisms to artificial limbs
with their electrochemical functions and perhaps even to circuits not connected to the
body. Cyborgs, the person-machine combination, will become a part of life.
Let us therefore read this book with some sense of where we are on the scale of
time, in the development of that great revolution begun in the eighteenth century. For
it was then that we discovered how to make heat give mechanical power. However,
this great discovery, and all that it has produced, has brought with it an unacceptable
penaltythe pollution and planetary warming caused by the use of heat to produce
mechanical power. We are just at the point on the time scale where we must wean
ourselves away from oil (that mothers milk) and other producing fuels that ran
the first century of technology and find how to support the population of our
overburdened planet by the use of fusion energy (from the sun, itself, or perhaps from
the benign energy of low-temperature nuclear reactors). However, as we move away
from pollution, and planetary warming, it is certain that a greatly enhanced
Only iron and aluminum are present in amounts to last hundreds of years. Unless they are recycled, many
metals will be exhausted in the twenty-first century.

Fig. 1.16. Electrochemical treatment of a contaminated aquifer.

dependence on electricity as a clean source of energy will have to occur. This book
stands as a guide on how to achieve this great transition to a sustainable world.

Further Reading

1. D. B. Hibbert, Dictionary of Electrochemistry, Wiley, New York (1984).
2. A. J. Fry and W. E. Britton, eds., Topics in Organic Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New
York (1986).
3. J. Goodisman, Electrochemistry: Theoretical Foundations, Quantum and Statistical Me-
chanics, Thermodynamics, Solid State, Wiley, New York (1987).
4. O. Murphy, S. Srinivasen, and B. E. Conway, Electrochemistry in Transition: 2021st
Century, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C. (1988).

5. K. Scott, Electrochemical Reaction Engineering, Academic Press, New York (1993).

6. V. S. Bagotsky, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York (1993).
7. N. Masuko, O. Tetsuya, and Y. Fukunaka, New Trends and Approaches in Electrochemical
Technology, Kodansha, Tokyo (1993).
8. J. Lipkowski and P. N. Ross, Structure of Electrified Interfaces, VCH Publishers, New
York (1993).
9. J. OM. Bockris and S. U. M. Khan, Surface Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York
10. J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, VCH Publishers, New York (1994).
11. Electrochemical Engineering in the Environment, Institution of Chemical Engineers,
Rugby, UK (1994).
12. C. A. C. Sequeira, Environmentally Oriented Electrochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1994).
13. R. C. Alkire and D. M. Kolb, Eds., Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering,
V.C.H. Weinheim, New York (1995).
14. F. Goodridge and K. Scott, Electrochemical Process Engineering: A Guide to the Design
of Electrolytic Plant, Plenum Press, New York (1995).
15. J. A. G. Drake, Electrochemistry and Clean Energy, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cam-
bridge (1995).
16. I. Rubenstein, Physical Electrochemistry: Principles, Methods, and Applications, M.
Dekker, New York (1995).
17. R. J. D. Miller, G. L. McLendon, A. J. Nozik, W. Schmickler, and F. Willig, Surface
Electron Transfer Processes, VCH Publishers, New York (1995).
18. W. Schmickler, Interfacial Electrochemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1996).

Monograph Series
1. J. OM. Bockris, B. E. Conway, and E. Yeager, eds., Comprehensive Treatise of Electro-
chemistry, Vol. 10, Plenum Press, New York (1986).
2. J. OM. Bockris, B. E. Conway, and R. White, eds., Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry,
Vol. 29, Plenum Press, New York (1995).
3. A. J. Bard, ed., Journal of Analytical Chemistry: The Series of Advances, Vol. 17, M.
Dekker, New York (1991).
4. H. Gerischer and C. W. Tobias, eds., Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical
Engineering, Vol. 13, Wiley, New York (1984).
5. H. Gerischer and C. W. Tobias, eds., Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineer-
ing, Vol. 3, VCH Publishers, New York (1994).
6. D. Pletcher, ed., Electrochemistry, Vol. 10, The Royal Society of Chemistry, London
7. A. J. Bard, ed., Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vol. 15, M. Dekker,
New York (1984).
8. The Electrochemical Society Series, Wiley, New York.
9. J. Lipkowski and N. P. Ross, eds., Frontiers of Electrochemistry, VCH Publishers, New
York (1996).

10. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Monographs in Electroana-
lytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, M. Dekker, New York (1995).
11. J. Braunstein, G. Mamantov, and G. P. Smith, eds., Advances in Molten Salt Chemistry,
Vol. 6, Plenum Press, New York (1987).

1. Electrochemical themes are often treated in other journals of physical chemistry (e.g.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry) and occasionally in journals of chemical physics.
2. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, P. A. Kohl, ed., The Electrochemical Society, Inc.,
Pennington, NJ.
3. Interface, L. P. Hunt, ed., The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ.
4. Electrochimica Acta, R. D. Armstrong, ed., Elsevier Science Ltd. for the International
Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Oxford.
5. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, A. A. Wragg, ed., Chapman and Hall, London.
6. Langmuir, W. A. Steel, ed., The American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
7. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Darsh T. Wasan, ed., Academic Press, Orlando,
8. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (Elektrokhimiya), Yakov M. Kolotyrkin, ed., Inter-
periodica Publishing, Moscow.
9. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, R. Parsons, ed., Elsevier Science, S. A., Lausanne,
10. Corrosion Science, J. C. Scully, ed., Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford.
11. Corrosion, J. B. Lumsden, ed., National Association of Corrosion Engineers International,
Houston, TX.
12. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, H. Berg, ed., Elsevier Science, S.A., Lausanne,


Aristotle noted that one could separate water from a solution by means of
evaporation. Some two millennia later, Fourcroy in 1800 focused attention on the
interaction of a solute with its solvent.
These early observations serve to introduce a subjectthe formation of mobile
ions in solutionthat is as basic to electrochemistry as is the process often considered
its fundamental act: the transfer of an electron across the double layer to or from an
ion in solution. Thus, in an electrochemical system (Fig. 2.1), the electrons that leave
an electronically conducting phase and cross the region of a solvent in contact with it
(the interphase) must have an ion as the bearer of empty electronic states in which the
exiting electron can be received (electrochemical reduction). Conversely, the filled
electronic states of these ions are the origin of the electrons that enter the metal in the

Fig. 2.1. The essential parts of an electrochemical system.


Fig. 2.2. The chemical method of producing ionic solutions.

Fig. 2.3. Dissolution of an ionic crystal by the action of a solvent.

reverse electron-transfer reactions involved in electrochemical oxidation reactions.

These basic electrochemical processes are shown in Fig. 2.1.
There are two distinct ways that mobile ions form in solution to create the ionically
conducting phases that make up the solution side of an electrodesolution system (one
half of the electrochemical system shown in Fig. 2.1).
The first one is illustrated in Fig. 2.2. It applies to ion formation in a solvent where
the solute is a neutral molecule; in Fig. 2.2 it is acetic acid, The figure
shows the reaction between solute and solvent that forms the ions in the solvent, and
therefore the solution. A characteristic of solutions formed in this way is that usually1
the ionic concentration is a rather small fraction (e.g., about 0.1%) of the solute
molecules are ionized to give ions (Table 2.1).
The second (perhaps more frequently applicable) method of forming mobile ions
in solution is quite different: it involves the dissolution of a solid lattice of ions such
as the lattice of the often-cited sodium chloride. Some attempt to show what happens
in this type of ion formation is reproduced in Fig. 2.3. It is as though the solvent,
colliding with the walls of the crystal, gives the ions in the crystal lattice a better deal

However, HCl is a molecule and when this molecule ionizes by reacting with a water molecule, (it does
so rather fully), nearly 100% of the molecule can become ionized.

energetically than they have within the lattice. It entices them out of the lattice and
into the solution.2
Of course, this implies that there is a considerable energy of interaction between
the lattice ions and the solvent molecules. It is this ionsolvent interaction, the
immediate cause of the formation of conducting ionic solutions from salts, that is the
subject of this chapter.


The wide range of areas affected by solvation can be seen when one considers the
basic role hydration plays in; for example, geochemistry, and indeed in the whole
hydrosphere. The pH of natural waters, with all the associated biological effects, is
affected by the dissolution of from river beds; and the degree of this dissolution,
like any other, is determined by the solvation of the ions concerned. Alternatively,
consider the modern environmental problem of acid rain. The basic cause is the
formation of atmospheric as a result of burning fossil fuels. The pH reached in
naturally occurring water is a result of the dissolution of in rain and the subsequent
creation of the sulfuric acid; because the stability of the and ions that
arise is determined by their hydration. The acidity of natural waters then depends upon
the original concentration of in the air as well as the action of various associated
ionic reactions which tend to counter the pH change the causes, but which, because
they involve ions, themselves depend for their energetics on the ions solvation
It has already been implied that ionsolvent interactions have widespread signifi-
cance in electrochemistry, and some of the ramifications of this were discussed in

In this process (and up to a certain concentration) all the ions in the lattice salt become mobile solution
ions, although when the ionic concentration gets high enough, the negative and positive ions (anions and
cations, respectively) start to associate into nonconducting ion pairs. The specific conductance of salt
solutions therefore passes through a maximum, if plotted against concentration.
In this chapter, solvation and hydration will both be used to describe the interaction of an ion with its
surroundings. Clearly, solvation is the general term but most cases of it are in fact hydration.

Fig. 2.4. Schematic view of carboxypeptidase A. The coordi-

nation sphere around Zn at the bottom of the groove is shown
(W = water). The curly lining of the pocket symbolizes hydro-
phobic residues and the hatched area indicates organized
water molecules. The small pointed figures at the outer sur-
face refer to polar side groups solvated by the external solvent.
(Reprinted from R. R. Dogonadze, A. A. Komyshev, and J.
Ulstrup Theoretical Approach in Solvation, in The Chemical
Physics of Solvation, Part A, R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman, A.
A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds., Elsevier, New York, 1985.)

Chapter 1. However, ionic hydration3 also plays a leading role in biology. Figure 2.4
shows how the structure of an enzyme depends upon hydration. The diagram indicates
how there are effects from organized water (i.e., water molecules associated with
the Zn nucleus of the carboxypeptidase A) as well as some hydrophobic effects.
This mention of hydrophobicity serves to introduce a lesser mentioned field, that
in which solutesolute interactions combine to force out solvent molecules, in direct
contrast to the more normal ionic hydration effects in which the ions draw solvent
molecules into themselves. Such hydrophobic effects occur, for example, when there
are large solute groups present (e.g., neutral hydrocarbons in water) and sometimes
with large charged groups such as ions, the size of which can cause attractive
dispersive interactions between the ions and organic molecules to compete with
ionsolvent attraction.


There are three main approaches to the study of solvation that have been developed
largely since the first edition of this book was published in 1970 (Table 2.2).

2.3.1. Statistical Mechanical Approaches

Statistical mechanical approaches apply mainly to deductions about structure and
are the basis of interpretations of the entropy of ions in solution and the solutions heat
capacity. The entropy of a system can be calculated if the partition functions of the
ions and the water molecules surrounding them are known.4 The partition functions
(translatory, rotational, and vibrational) can be obtained from textbook material by
assuming a structure of the ionsolvent complex. By comparing calculations based on
various assumptions about structure with the values obtained from experiments,
certain structures can be shown to be more likely (those giving rise to the calculations
that match the experiment), others less probable, and some so far from the experimental
values that they may be regarded as impossible.

2.3.2. What Are Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Calculations?

The easy availability of computers of increasing power has greatly encouraged
the two approaches described in this section. In the Monte Carlo (MC) approach,

Although these statistical mechanical approaches have been used increasingly in recent times, a paper by
Eley and Evans written as early as 1938 is the origin of partition functional treatments of solutions.

random movements of ions in the solution (and the waters near them) are tested by
calculating the energy changes they would bring about were they to occur. The ones
that happen with the lowest energy (with a negative free-energy change) are those
taken to be occurring in reality.
The molecular dynamics (MD) calculations are different from the Monte Carlo
ones. Instead of using assumptions about random movements of the ions and solvent
molecules and calculating which of the movements is good (lowers energy) or bad
(raises it), the molecular dynamics approach works out the potential energy of the
molecular entities as they interact with each other. Then, by differentiating these
energies with respect to distance, one can derive the force exerted on a given particle
at each of the small time intervals (mostly on a femtosecond scale). As a result of such
computations, the dynamics of each particle, and hence the distribution function and
eventually the properties of the system, can be calculated. The critical quantities to
know in this approach are the parameters in the equation for the intermolecular energy
of interaction. To compensate for the fact that only interactions between nearest
neighbors are taken into account (no exact calculations can be made of multibody
problems), these parameters are not calculated from independent data, but an assump-
tion is made that the two-body-problem type of interaction is acceptable and the
parameters are computed by using a case for which the answer is known. The
parameters thus obtained are used to calculate cases in which the answer is unknown.
The ability of these computational approaches to predict reality is good. A
limitation is the cost of the software, which may amount to many thousands of dollars.
However, some properties of solutions can be calculated more cheaply than they can
be determined experimentally (Section 2.5). Increasing computer power and a lower-
ing of the cost of the hardware indicates a clear trend toward the ability to calculate
chemical events.

2.3.3. Spectroscopic Approaches

In the latter half of this century physicochemical approaches have increasingly
become spectroscopic ones. Infrared (IR), Raman, and nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) spectroscopic approaches can be used to register spectra characteristic of the
ionsolvent complex. The interpretation of what molecular structures give these
spectra then suggests structural features in the complex. On the other hand, the
spectroscopic technique does not work well in dilute solutions where the strength of
the signal emitted by the ionsolvent interaction is too small for significant determi-
nation. This limits the spectroscopic approach to the study of solvation because it is
only in dilute solutions that the cations and anions are sufficiently far apart to exert
their properties independently. Thus, spectroscopic methods are still only a partial help
when applied to solvation. Spectroscopic and solution property approaches are sum-
marized in Table 2.2.
Two other points must be made here:

1. Water is a very special solvent in respect to its structure (Section 2.4) and the
fact that nearly all of our knowledge of ions in solutions involves water arises from its
universal availability and the fact that most solutions met in practice are aqueous.
However, studying the hydration of ions rather than their solvation limits knowledge,
and a welcome modern trend is to study nonaqueous solutions as well.
2. Modern theoretical work on solution properties often involves the use of mean
spherical approximation, or MSA. This refers to models of events in solution in which
relatively simple properties are assumed for the real entities present so that the
mathematics can be solved analytically and the answer obtained in terms of an
analytical solution rather than from a computer program. Thus, it is assumed that the
ions concerned are spherical and incompressible. Reality is more complex than that
implied by the SE approximations, but they nevertheless provide a rapid way to obtain
experimentally consistent answers.


One can start by examining the structure of water in its gaseous form. Water vapor
consists of separate water molecules. Each of these is a bent molecule, the HOH
angle being about 105 (Fig. 2.5). In the gaseous oxygen atom, there are six electrons
in the second shell (two 2s electrons and four 2p electrons). When the oxygen atoms
enter into bond formation with the hydrogen atoms of adjacent molecules (the liquid
phase), there is a blurring of the distinction between the s and p electrons. The six
electrons from oxygen and the two from hydrogen interact. It has been found that four
pairs of electrons tend to distribute themselves so that they are most likely to be found
in four approximately equivalent directions in space. Since the motion of electrons is
described by quantum mechanics, according to which one cannot specify precise orbits
for the electrons, one talks of the regions where the electrons are likely to be found as
orbitals, or blurred orbits. The electron orbitals in which the electron pairs are likely
to be found are arranged approximately along the directions joining the oxygen atom
to the corners of a tetrahedron (Fig. 2.6). The eight electrons around the oxygen are
neither s nor p electrons; they are hybrids. Of the four electron orbitals, two are
used for the OH bond, and the remaining two are as free as a lone pair of electrons.

Fig. 2.5. A water molecule is nonlinear.


Fig. 2.6. The hybrid orbitals

of an oxygen atom.

Because of the repulsion of the electron pairs, the HOH angle is not exactly equal
to the tetrahedral angle but is a few degrees less than that.
Water molecules vibrate and rotate in the gas phase. In the liquid phase, the
rotation is hindered (libration) because of the structure (intermolecular H bonds) and
the vibrations are modified (Section 2.11.2).
The free orbitals in which are found the electron lone pairs confer an interesting
property on the water molecule. The center of gravity (Fig. 2.7) of the negative charge
in the water molecule does not coincide with the center of gravity of the positive
charge. In other words, there is a separation within the electrically neutral water
molecule: it is thus called an electric dipole. The moment of a dipole is the product of
the electrical charge at either end times the distance between the centers of the electrical
charge, The dipole moment of water is 1.87 D in the gas phase (but becomes
larger when the water molecule is associated with other water molecules) (Section
In fact, although water can be treated effectively as a dipole (two equal and
opposite charges at either end of a straight line), a more accurate representation of the
electrical aspects of water is to regard the oxygen atom as having two charges and each
hydrogen atom as having one. This model will be studied in the theory of hydration
heats (Section 2.15).

Fig. 2.7. A water molecule can be considered

electrically equivalent to a dipole.

Fig. 2.8. The oxygen at-

oms in ice, which are lo-
cated at the intersections of
the lines in the diagram, lie
in a network of open puck-
ered hexagonal rings.

The availability of the free orbitals (with lone electron pairs) on the oxygen atom
contributes not only to the dipolar character of the water molecule but also to another
interesting consequence. The two lone pairs can be used for electrostatic bonding to
two other hydrogen atoms from a neighboring water molecule. This is what happens
in a crystal of ice. The oxygen atoms lie in layers, with each layer consisting of a
network of open, puckered hexagonal rings (Fig. 2.8). Each oxygen atom is tetrahe-
drally surrounded by four other oxygen atoms. In between any two oxygen atoms is a
hydrogen atom (Fig. 2.9), which provides a hydrogen bond. At any instant the
hydrogen atoms are not situated exactly halfway between two oxygens. Each oxygen
has two hydrogen atoms near it (the two hydrogen atoms of the water molecule) at an
estimated distance of about 175 pm. Such a network of water molecules contains
interstitial regions (between the tetrahedra) that are larger than the dimensions of a
water molecule (Fig. 2.10). Hence, a free, nonassociated water molecule can enter the
interstitial regions with little disruption of the network structure.
This important property of water, its tendency to form the so-called H bonds with
certain other atoms, is the origin of its special characteristic, the netting up of many
water molecules to form large groups (Fig. 2.10). H bonds may involve other types of

Fig. 2.9. The hydrogen

bond between two oxygen
atoms (the oxygen and hy-
drogen atoms are indicated
by and respectively).

Fig. 2.10. Schematic diagram to

show that in liquid water there are
networks of associated water mole-
cules and also a certain fraction of
free, unassociated water molecules.

atoms, such as Cl, F, O, and S when they are in solution. There is nothing mysterious
about the energy behind H bonding; it derives from the positive charge on the proton
and the negative one on for example.
However, H bonding (the value of the bond strength is small, only 1040 kJ mol1)
does affect the properties of water and is responsible for waters anomalously high
boiling point. If one extrapolates the boiling points of the hydrides of the elements in
group VI of the Periodic Table to the expected value for the hydride of O, it turns out
to be ~ 215 K. The fact that it is actually 158 K higher than that is undoubtedly because
individual water molecules are not free to evaporate as the temperature is increased.
Many of them bond to each other through the H bonds. The thermal stability of water
has had an important effect on the structure of the earth, for if there were no H bonds,
the seas would never have formed (they would have remained in the vapor phase) and
it is doubtful if life would have begun.
Structural research on water, which originated in a classic paper by Bernal and
Fowler, has shown that under most conditions liquid water is best described as a rather
broken-down, slightly expanded (Table 2.3) form of the ice lattice (Fig. 2.8). Thus,
X-ray and other techniques indicate that in water there is a considerable degree of
short-range order that is characteristic of the tetrahedral bonding in ice. Thus, liquid
water partly retains the tetrahedral bonding and resulting network structure charac-
teristic of crystalline ice. In addition to the water molecules that are part of the network,
some structurally free, nonassociated water molecules can be present in interstitial
regions of the network (Fig. 2.10). When a network water molecule breaks its hydrogen
bonds with the network, it can move as an interstitial water molecule that can rotate
freely. The classification of the water molecules into network water and free (or
interstitial) water is not a static one. It is dynamic. As argued in a classic paper by
Frank and Wen, clusters of water molecules cooperate to form networks and at the
same time the networks can break down. A water molecule may be free in an interstitial

position at one instant and in the next instant it may become held as a unit of the
In the 1970s and 1980s, calculational approaches (in addition to the X-ray studies)
were added to the tools for the attack on the structure of water. In the molecular
dynamics approach, classical mechanics is used to calculate the successive movements
of molecules in the structure. Such an approach is dependent on the correctness of the
equation that represents the energies of interaction between the particles. The basic
equation for these interactions is the Lennard-Jones 612 potential.

The first term represents the attraction between two molecules and the second the
repulsion that also occurs between them.
One of the results of these calculations is that the number of water molecules in
an ordered structure near a given water molecule drops away rapidly from the original
molecule considered. The similarity of the liquid to solid ice does not remain too far
from a given water molecule, i.e., the long-range order present in the solid is soon lost
in the liquid.

Radial distribution functions are met along the path between the results of X-ray and neutron diffraction
examinations of water and the deriving of structural information, which is more difficult to do with a liquid
than with a solid. Radial distribution functions are, e.g.,

and can be seen as proportional to the intensity of the reflected X-ray beam as a function of the incident
angle, . Thus, in Eq. (2.1) sin The significance of g(r)dr allows one to calculate the
number of oxygen atoms between r and r + dr. In this way one can derive the number of nearest neighbors
in the liquid from any central O. The value is 4 for ice and, rather curiously, increases as the temperature
is increased (it is 4.4 at 286 K). This may be due to the disturbing effect of pure molecules, which
increase in number with temperature. Their presence would add to the intensity due to the regular pattern
and account for values greater than 4.2.

Knowing the distribution functions, g(r), as a function of r from experiment or

calculation from a central particle, it is possible to calculate how the water molecules
spread out from a central particle. With knowledge of this function, it is possible to
calculate various properties of liquid water (e.g., its compressibility), and these can
then be compared with experimental values as a test of the calculation.

2.4.1. How Does the Presence of an Ion Affect the Structure of

Neighboring Water?
The aim here is to take a microscopic view of an ion inside a solvent. The central
consideration is that ions orient dipoles. The spherically symmetrical electric field of
the ion may tear water dipoles out of the water lattice and make them point (like
compass needles oriented toward a magnetic pole) with the appropriate charged end
toward the central ion. Hence, viewing the ion as a point charge and the solvent
molecules as electric dipoles, one obtains a picture of iondipole forces as the principal
source of ionsolvent interactions.
Owing to the operation of these iondipole forces, a number of water molecules
in the immediate vicinity of the ion (the number will be discussed later) may be trapped
and oriented in the ionic field. Such water molecules cease to associate with the water
molecules that remain part of the network characteristic of water (Section 2.4.3). They
are immobilized except insofar as the ion moves, in which case the sheath of
immobilized water molecules moves with the ion. The ion and its water sheath then
become a single kinetic entity (there is more discussion of this in Section 2.4.3). Thus,
the picture (Fig. 2.11) of a hydrated ion is one of an ion enveloped by a solvent sheath
of oriented, immobilized water molecules.
How about the situation far away from the ion? At a sufficient distance from the
ion, its influence must become negligible because the ionic fields have become

Fig. 2.11. An ion envel-

oped by a sheath of ori-
ented solvent molecules.

attenuated to virtually zero. The normal structure of water has been re-attained: it is
that of bulk water.
In the region between the solvent sheath (where the ionic influence determines
the water orientation) and the bulk water (where the ionic influence has ceased to
dominate the orientation of water molecules), the ion still has some orienting influence
on the water network: it tries to align the water dipoles parallel to the spherically
symmetrical ionic field, and the water network tries to convert the water in the
in-between region into a tetrahedral arrangement (Fig. 2.12). Caught between the two
types of influences, the in-between water adopts some kind of compromise structure
that is neither completely oriented nor yet fixed back into the undisturbed water
structure shown in Fig. 2.10. The compromising water molecules are not close enough
to the ion to become oriented perfectly around it, but neither are they sufficiently far
away from it to form part of the structure of bulk water; hence, depending on their
distance from the ion, they orient out of the water network to varying degrees. In this
intermediate region, the water structure is said to be partly broken down.
One can summarize this description of the structure of water near an ion by
referring to three regions (Fig. 2.12). In the primary, or structure-enhanced, region
next to the ion, the water molecules are oriented out of the water structure and
immobilized by the ionic field; they move as and where the ion moves. Then, there is
a secondary, or structure-broken (SB), region, in which the normal bulk structure of

Fig. 2.12. The neighborhood of an ion may be consid-

ered to consist of three regions with differing solvent
structures: (1) the primary or structure-forming region, (2)
the secondary or structure-breaking region, and (3) the
bulk region.

water is disturbed to varying degrees. The in-between water molecules, however, do

not partake of the translational motion of the ion. Finally, at a sufficient distance from
the ion, the water structure is unaffected by the ion and again displays the tetrahedrally
bonded networks characteristic of bulk water.
The three regions just described differ in their degree of sharpness. The primary
region (discussed in greater detail later), in which there are (at least for the smaller
cations) water molecules that share the translational motion of the ion, is a sharply
defined region.
In contrast, the secondary region, which stretches from the termination of the
primary region to the resumption of the normal bulk structure, cannot be sharply
defined; the bulk properties and structure are asymptotically approached.
These structural changes in the primary and secondary regions are generally
referred to as solvation (or as hydration when, as is usual, water is the solvent). Since
they result from interactions between the ion and the surrounding solvent, one often
uses the term solvation and ionsolvent interactions synonymously; the former is
the structural result of the latter.

2.4.2. Size and Dipole Moment of Water Molecules in Solution

In discussions of the radius of a molecule, the only well-defined, exact part of the
answer lies in the internuclear distances (e.g., between H and O for water), but this
distance comprises only part of the radius, albeit the main part. All other measures of
the radius of a molecule are affected by some aspect of the occupancy of space that is
connected with the packing of the molecule, which varies with circumstances.
In ice (where X-ray measurements of internuclear distances, d, are more exact
than those in the liquid), the OO internuclear distance is accurately known: 280 pm.
The distance between the nucleus of oxygen and that of hydrogen (see a space-fitting
picture of water, Fig. 2.9) is 138 pm.
The so-called van der Waals radius6 of H can be taken to be 52.8 pm (this is the
Bohr radius for the ground state of H). The van der Waals radius of O is ~115 pm and
from these values 168 pm is obtained for the radius of water.
Now, several other radii between ca. 140 and 193 pm can be obtained by equating
to certain volumes (e.g., the close-packed volume of water, or a volume based
on the molecular dimensions). Each of these radii is applicable as the circumstances
Thus, the radius of water varies, according to the method used to estimate it,
between 168 (the model shown in Fig. 2.9) and 193 pm, which arises from measure-
ments on the density of water (and the resulting molar volume of 18 cm3). The larger

The phrase van der Waals radius arises as a distinction from internuclear distance radii. Thus, from
the van der Waals equation for the P-V relation in gases (an improvement on the simple gas law PV=nRT),
a quantity b can be found which refers to the space taken up out of the whole gas volume V by the molecules

value is too high because it includes the free space in liquid water. The lower value is
too low, because it neglects the volume needed to cover some water movements in the
liquid. The mean, 181 13 pm, is a regrettably imprecise figure for such an important
quantity, but, as can be understood, it all depends upon what one takes into account.
The dipole moment of water in the gas phase is well known as 1.87 D but is 2.42
D in water at 298 K. The reason for the difference is that in liquid water there is
electrostatic pull on a given water molecule from the surrounding ones, and this
lengthens the distance in the dipoles (Fig. 2.7).

2.4.3. The lonDipole Model for IonSolvent Interactions

The preceding description of the solvent surrounding an ion was used as the basis
of a structural treatment of ionsolvent interactions initiated by Bernal and Fowler
(1933). Their paper is a seminal one for much else in the structural picture of hydration
(Section 2.4).
Bernal and Fowler thought of the changes of free energy during solvation as being
largely electrostatic in nature. In their picture, the passage of an ion began in the gas
phase, and here they took (for most of their calculations) the ions to have a zero
potential energy of interaction. Transferring an ion mentally to the interior of the
solvent, they thought this to be associated with three energy changes:

1. The iondipole interaction caused by the ions attracting water dipoles in the
first layer around the ion (iondipole interaction). (cf. Appendix 2.2)
2. Then there would be the energy needed to break up the water structure, which
occurs when ions enter it.
3. There would be a further allowance for the ionwater interactions further out
from the first layer to the rest of the solvent surrounding the ion. Such an
interaction might be thought to be relatively small, not only because of the
increasing distance but because of the increasing dielectric constant; small
(near to 6) near the ion but rapidly attaining the value of about 80 (at 25 C),
as near as 1000 pm from the ion. Both these factors would diminish the
individual iondipole interaction energy.

Bernal and Fowlers calculation remains famous because it grappled for the first
time with the structure of water and with ionsolvent interactions on a molecular basis.
Better theories have been developed, but most have their roots in the Bernal and Fowler
work of 1933.
The modern developments of solvation theory will not be discussed at this point
because nearly all the tools for investigating the ionsolvent interaction have become
available since 1933. One has to see some of the information they have provided before
ionsolvent interactions can be worked out in a more quantitative way.

Further Reading

1. M. Born, Free Energy of Solvation, Z. Phys. 1: 45 (1920).
2. J. D. Bernal and R. H. Fowler, The Structure of Water, J. Chem. Phys. 1:515 (1933).
3. R. W. Gurney, Ionic Processes in Solution, McGraw-Hill, New York (1953).
4. H. S. Frank and W. Y. Wen, Water Structure Near to Ions, Faraday Discuss., Chem.
Soc. 24: 133 (1957).

1. B. E. Conway, Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biology, Elsevier, New York (1981).

1. C. Sanchez-Castro and L. Blum, J. Phys. Chem. 93: 7478 (1989).
2. E. Guardia and J. A. Padro, J. Phys. Chem. 94: 6049 (1990).
3. B. Guillot, P. Martean, and J. Ubriot, J. Chem. Phys. 93: 6148 (1990).
4. S. Golden and T. R. Tuttle, J. Phys. Chem. 93: 4109 (1990).
5. D. W. Mundell, J. Chem. Ed. 67: 426 (1990).
6. F. A. Bergstrom and J. Lindren, Inorg. Chem. 31: 1525 (1992).
7. Y. Liu and T. Ichiye, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 2723 (1996).
8. A. K. Soper and A. Luzar, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1357 (1996).
9. B. Madan and K. Sharp, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 7713 (1996).
10. G. Hummer, L. R. Pratt, and A. E. Garcia, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1206 (1996).


2.5.1. Introduction
The more recently used methods for investigating the structure of the region
around the ion are listed (though not explained) in Table 2.2. It is convenient to group
the methods shown there as follows.
Several methods involve a study of the properties of solutions in equilibrium and
are hence reasonably described as thermodynamic. These methods usually involve
thermal measurements, as with the heat and entropy of solvation. Partial molar volume,
compressibility, ionic activity, and dielectric measurements can make contributions
to solvation studies and are in this group.
Transport methods constitute the next division. These are methods that involve
measurements of diffusion and the velocity of ionic movement under electric field
gradients. These approaches provide information on solvation because the dynamics
of an ion in solution depend on the number of ions clinging to it in its movements, so
that knowledge of the facts of transport of ions in solution can be used in tests of what
entity is actually moving.

A third group involves the spectroscopic approaches. These are discussed in

Section 2.11.
Finally, computational approaches (including the Monte Carlo and molecular
dynamic approaches) are of increasing importance because of the ease with which
computers perform calculations that earlier would have taken impractically long times.

2.5.2. Thermodynamic Approaches: Heats of Solvation

The definition of the heat of solvation of a salt is the change in heat content per
mole for the imaginary7 transition of the ions of the salt (sufficiently far apart so that
they have negligible energies of interaction between them) from the gas phase into the
dissolved state in solution. Again, a simplification is made: the values are usually stated
for dilute solutions, those in which the interaction energies between the ions are
negligible. Thus, the ionsolvent interaction is isolated.
The actual calorimetric measurement that is made in determining the heat of
hydration of the ions of a salt is not the heat of hydration itself, but the heat of its
dissolution of the salt in water or another solvent (Fajans and Johnson, 1942). Let this
be Then one can use the first law of thermodynamics to obtain the property
which it is desired to find, the heat of hydration. What kind of thought process could
lead to this quantity? It is imagined that the solid lattice of the ions concerned is broken
up and the ions vaporized to the gaseous state (heat of sublimation). Then one thinks
of the ions as being transferred from their positions far apart in the gas phase to the
dissolved state in dilute solution (heat of hydration). Finally, the cycle is mentally
completed by imagining the dissolved ion reconstituting the salt-lattice
It is clear that by this roundabout or cyclical route8 the sum of all the
changes in the cycle should be equal to zero, for the initial state (the crystalline
salt) has been re-formed.
This process is sketched in Fig. 2.13.

It is an imaginary transition because we dont know any actual way of taking two individual ions from the
gas phase and introducing them into a solution without passing through the potential difference, which
occurs across the surface of the solution. There is always a potential difference across an interphase, and
were ions actually to be transferred from the gas phase to the interior of a solution, the energy,
would add to the work one calculates by the indirect method outlined here. Its possible to add this energy
of crossing the interphase to the heats of solution of Table 2.4 and the resultant values are consequently
called real heats of solvation, because they represent the actual value that would be obtained if one found
an experimental way to go from the vacuum through the interface into the solution.
When, as here, an imaginary cycle is used to embrace as one of its steps a quantity not directly determinable,
the process used is called a BornHaber cycle. The sum of all the heats in a cycle must be zero.

Fig. 2.13. An imaginary cycleroute process.


Now, only (the heat of solution) is experimentally measured, and hence

the evaluation of the heat of solvation of the salt, by means of Eq. (2.3) involves
trusting the reliability of information on the heat of sublimation of the salt, In
some cases, is known reliably (1%) from calculations. Alternatively, it can be
determined experimentally. From then, and the measured heat of dissolution,
the heat of hydration of the salt concerned in the solvent can be deduced.
Fajans (1962) was the first scientist to put these thoughts into practice. One finds
that the determined heats of solvation are relatively small and endothermic (+) for
some salts but exothermic () for others. However, lattice energies are known to be in
the region of several hundreds of kilojoules so that, in rough terms [Eq. (2.3)],
heats of solvation should not be more than a dozen kilojoules (numerically)
different from lattice energies. In Table 2.4 a compilation is given of the quantities
mentioned earlier in the case of the alkali halides.9 Now, the method described here
gives the sum of the heat of hydration of the ions of a salt. The question of how to
divide this sum up into individual contributions from each of the ions of a salt requires
more than the thermodynamic approach that has been used so far. The way this is done
is described in later sections (e.g., in Section 2.6.2 or 2.15.9).

2.5.3. Obtaining Experimental Values of Free Energies and Entropies

of the Solvation of Salts
In the preceding section it was shown how to obtain, a little indirectly, the heat of
solvation of a salt. However, it is the free energies of the participants in a chemical reaction
that determine the state of equilibrium so that one cannot leave the situation with only the
determined. Free energy and entropy changes have to be dealt with also.
How can the free energy of a solution be obtained? Consider a saturated solution
of a 1:1 salt of the type MA. Because the solid salt lattice is in equilibrium with its
ions in solution, the chemical potential of the salt, can be expressed in terms of
its individual chemical potentials and activities and in solution,

In thermodynamic reasoning, there has to be a standard state. The standard state

for the solid crystal is the substance in its pure state at 298 K. It follows that the standard
chemical potential of solution is:

The alkali halides are chosen as good examples because the lattice energy is particularly well known and

where a is activity of the ion in solution and is the mean ionic activity of the
solution defined as
Thus, if one knows the mean activity (see Section 2.9.1) of the electrolyte for the
condition at which the solution is saturated and in equilibrium with the salt, one has
the standard free energy change of solution. To obtain the standard free energy of
solvation (hydration) from this, one has also to know the free energy of the salt lattice
at 298 K. This is easily obtainable (see any physicochemical text) if there are data on
the specific heat of the given salt as a function of temperature, so that the entropy of
the salt in its standard state can be determined in the usual way of integrating the
relation (where is specific heat) to obtain entropies. Knowing then the
standard free energy of solution and that of the salt lattice, one applies reasoning similar
to that used earlier for the heats [Eq. (2.3)]. One can thus obtain free energies of
hydration of salts. Knowing the and for the hydration process, one may
calculate the standard entropy of solvation of the salt from the well-known thermody-
namic equation Values of will be discussed further in Section
2.15.12, which covers the process of splitting up into its component parts for the
individual ions concerned.
Why should one bother with these thermodynamic quantities when the overall
aim of this chapter is to determine the structure of liquids near ions? The answer is the
same as it would be to the generalized question: What is the utility of thermodynamic
quantities? They are the quantities at the base of most physicochemical investigations.
They are fully real, no speculations or estimates are made on the way (at least as far
as the quantities for salts are concerned). Their numerical modeling is the challenge
that the theoretical approaches must face. However, such theoretical approaches must
assume some kind of structure in the solution and only a correct assumption is going
to lead to a theoretical result that agrees with experimental results. Thus, such
agreement indirectly indicates the structure of the molecules.
Finally, this section ends with a reminder that heats, entropies, and free energies
of hydration depend on concentration (Fig. 2.14) and that there are significant changes
in values at very low concentrations. It is the latter values that are the desired quantities
because at high concentrations the heats and free energies are influenced not only by
ionsolvent interactions (which is the objective of the venture) but also by interionic
forces, which are much in evidence (Chapter 3) at finite concentrations.


2.6.1. Definition
The molar volume of a pure substance can be obtained from density measure-
ments, i.e., (molecular weight)/(molar volume). The volume contributed to a
solution by the addition of 1 mole of an ion is, however, more difficult to determine.
In fact, it has to be measured indirectly. This is because, upon entry into a solvent, the

ion changes the volume of the solution not only by its own volume, but by the change
due, respectively, to a breakup of the solvent structure near the ion and the compression
of the solvent under the influence of the ions electric field (called electrostriction; see
Section 2.22).
The effective ionic volume of an ion in solution, the partial molar volume, can be
determined via a quantity that is directly obtainable. This is the apparent molar volume
of a salt, defined by

where V is the volume of a solution containing moles of the solvent and moles
of the solute and is the molar volume of the solvent. It is easily obtained by
measuring the density of the solution.
Now, if the volume of the solvent were not affected by the presence of the ion,
would indeed be the volume occupied by moles of ions. However, the
complicating fact is that the solvent volume is no longer per mole of solvent; the
molar volume of the solvent is affected by the presence of the ion, and so is called
the apparent molar volume of the ion of the salt. Obviously, as when the
apparent molar volume of the solvent in the solution must become the real one, because
the disturbing effect of the ion on the solvents volume will diminish to zero. Hence,
at finite concentration, it seems reasonable to write the following equation:

This equation tells one that the density of the solution that gives for a series
of concentrations gives the partial molar volume at any value of Knowing
from and Eq. (2.7) can be used to obtain as a function of Extrapolation
of to gives the partial molar volume of the electrolyte at infinite dilution,
(i.e., free of interionic effects).
Once partial molar volumes are broken down into the individual partial ionic
volumes (see Section 2.6.2), the information given by partial molar volume measure-
ments includes the net change in volume of the solvent that the ion causes upon entry
and hence it provides information relevant to the general question of the structure near
the ion, that is, its solvation.

2.6.2. How Does One Obtain Individual Ionic Volume from the Partial
Molar Volume of Electrolytes?
From an interpretive and structural point of view, it is not much use to know the
partial molar volumes of electrolytes unless one can separate them into values for each
ion. One way of doing this might be to find electrolytes having ions with the same

Fig. 2.15. Plot of infinite-dilution partial molar volumes of

homologous chlorides in water against the cation mo-
lecular weight, allowing extrapolation to obtain (Re-
printed from B. E. Conway, Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and
Biophysics, Elsevier, New York, 1981.)

crystallographic radii (the standard example is KF) and allot to each ion one half of
the partial molar volume of the electrolyte. However, this method does not give results
in agreement with those of other methods, which agree among themselves. Why is
this? It is because electrostriction and the breakdown of the solvent structure in the
neighborhood of the ion are not purely Coulombic (depending on simple distance
laws), but are also specific (depending to some degree on chemical bonding, like
hydrogen bond formation between ion and solvent).
Correspondingly, objections can be made to making a plot of the values of for
the electrolyte against and extrapolating to At first sight, one
thinks this should give the value of the partial molar volume for an anion which is the
partner of each of the various cations of increasing size in the data that would make
up the plot.10 However, questions of the specificity of some interactions, the absence
of allowance for dead space, etc., make this approach too flawed to be acceptable.

2.6.3. Conways Successful Extrapolation

Conway has suggested a method that seems to give results in agreement with those
of a second entirely different method, the ionic vibration method (see later discussion).
Conway found that plotting the partial molar volume of a series of electrolytes
involving large cations (e.g., a tetraalkylammonium series) and a constant smaller

Of course, if one obtains reliably the value of for one ion, then knowing the partial molar volumes for
a series of electrolytes containing that one known ion enables the for the counterions of a series of
electrolytes to be known.

anion, against the molecular weight of the cation (instead of the reciprocals of the
cations volumes) is useful. Extrapolation of this plot to zero cation molecular weight
should give the partial gram-ionic volume for the partner anion. Conways plot is given
in Fig. 2.15. The method works because the tetraalkylammonium ions are large and
hence cause little electrostriction (i.e., compression of the surrounding solvent), which
is the reason for the apparent lack of agreement of the other extrapolations. The reason
for the apparent absence of other specific effects, such as the structure breaking which
the big tetraalkylammonium cations would be expected to produce, is less obvious.
The basis for the success claimed by Conways method is the agreement (particularly
for of the values it gives with those of an entirely different method, the ionic
vibration approach (Section 2.7). The values for and from the present method
are found to be 23.6 and 5.7 cm3 mol1 , respectively. Why is one of these values
negative? It can only mean that addition of H+ to the solution causes more contraction
among the surrounding solvent molecules than the volume added by the cation (which
in this case is small).



2.7.1. Relation of Compressibility to Solvation

In 1938, Passynski made the following argument, which relates the compressibil-
ity of a solution to the sum of the primary solvation numbers of each ion of an
electrolyte. Primary here means ions that are so compressed by the ions field that they
themselves have zero compressibility.
Passynski measured the compressibility of solvent and solution respec-
tively, by means of sound velocity measurements. The compressible volume of the
solution is V and the incompressible part, The compressibility is defined
in terms of the derivative of the volume with respect to the pressure, P, at constant
temperature, T. Then,



Let the g-moles of salt be these are dissolved in g-moles of solvent. Then,
there are g-moles of incompressible solvent per g-mole of solute. This was
called by Passynski (not unreasonably) the primary solvation number of the salt,
although it involves the assumption that water held so tightly as to be incompressible
will qualify for primary status by traveling with the ion.
To obtain individual ionic values, one has to make an assumption. One takes a
large ion (e.g., larger than and assumes its primary solvation number to be zero,11
so that if the total solvation number for a series of salts involving this big anion is
known, the individual hydration numbers of the cations can be obtained. Of course,
once the hydration number for the various cations is determined by this artifice, each
cation can be paired with an anion (this time including smaller anions, which may have
significant hydration numbers). The total solvation numbers are determined and then,
since the cations solvation number is known, that for the anion can be obtained.
In Passynskis theory, the basic assumption is that the compressibility of water
sufficiently bound to an ion to travel with it is zero. Onori thought this assumption
questionable and decided to test it. He used more concentrated solutions (14 mol
dm3) than had been used by earlier workers because he wanted to find the concentra-
tion at which there was the beginning of an overlap of the primary solvation spheres
(alternatively called Gurney co-spheres) of the ion and its attached primary sheath of
solvent molecules.
Figure 2.16 shows the plot of the mean molar volume of the solution multiplied
by the compressibility of the solution as a function of the molar fraction of the NaCl
solute (~4 mol dm3), the values for the three temperatures become
identical. Onori arbitrarily decided to take this to mean that has no further
temperature dependence, thus indicating that all the water in the solution is now in the
hydrated sphere of the ions and these, Onori thought, would have a with no
temperature dependence (for they would be held tight by the ion and be little dependent
on the solvent temperature).
These assumptions allow the compressibility of the hydration sheath itself to be
calculated (Passynski had assumed it to be negligible). To the great consternation of
some workers, Onori found it to be significantmore than one-tenth that of the solvent

Thus, whether molecules move off with an ion is determined by the struggle between the thermal energy
of the solution, which tends to take the water molecule away from the ion into the solvent bulk, and the
attractive iondipole force. The larger the ion, the less likely it is that the water molecule will remain with
the ion during its darting hither and thither in solution. A sufficiently large ion doesnt have an adherent
(i.e., primary) solvation shell, i.e.,

Fig. 2.16. Adiabatic compressibility of aqueous so-

dium chloride solutions as a function of salt mole
fraction, at various temperatures. The solid line is
the calculated compressibility. The expected error is
on the order of the dot size. (Reprinted from G. Onori,
J. Chem. Phys. 89: 510, 1988.)

Taking into account a finite compressibility of the hydration waters led Onori to
suggest solvation numbers that differed from those of Passynski with his assumption
of zero compressibility of the inner region of the solvation shell. For example, for a
1.5 M solution, Onori has the value 19 for the sum of the solvation numbers of Na+
and whereas the Passynski at 0.05 M solution is 6! However, later on (Section
2.22), when electrostriction is discussed in detail, Onoris estimate will be shown to
be unlikely.

2.7.2. Measuring Compressibility: How It Is Done

The most convenient way to measure the compressibility of a liquid or solution

is from the velocity of sound in it. A well-known equation derived in physics texts
states that

where is the velocity of an ultrasonic wave in the medium and is the density.
Note that determined by this equation is an adiabatic not an isothermal one,
because the local compression that occurs when the ultrasound passes through the
solution is too rapid to allow an escape of the heat produced.12
A word about a particularly clever sound velocity measurement technique is
justified. It is due in its initial form to Richards et al. One creates an ultrasonic vibration
by bringing a piezoelectric crystal with oscillations in the megahertz range into contact
with a fixed transducer. The latter has one face in contact with the liquid and sends out
a beam of sound through it. Another transducer (the receiver) is not fixed and its
position is varied with respect to that of the first transducer over distances that are
small multiples of the wavelengths of the sound waves A stepping
motor is used to bring about exact movements, and hence positions, of the receiver
transducer. As the movable transducer passes through nodes of the sound waves, the
piezoelectric crystal on the receiver transducer reacts and its signal is expressed
through an electronic circuit to project Lissajous figures (somewhat like figures of
eight) on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope. When these figures attain a certain
configuration, they indicate the presence of a node (the point in a vibration where the
amplitude is negligible) and by counting the number of nodes observed for a given
distance of travel of the receiver transducer, the distance between two successive
nodesthe wavelength of sound in the liquid is obtained. The frequency of
piezoelectric crystal used (e.g., barium titanate), v (e.g., 5 MHz), is known. Because

where c0 is the velocity of sound needed in Eq. (2.12) for the compressibility, the latter
can be found from Eq. (2.13).


Total solvation numbers arise directly from the discussion following Passynskis
Eq. (2.11), which requires measurements only of the compressibility of the solution
(that of the solvent usually being known). Bockris and Saluja used this method in 1972
to obtain the total solvation numbers of both ions in a number of salts (Table 2.5).
In the next section it will be shown how these total solvation numbers for salts
can be turned into individual solvation numbers for the ions in the salt by the use of
information on what are called ionic vibration potentials, an electrical potential

A study of the temperature dependence of shows that it is positive for tetraalkylammonium salts.

difference that can be detected between two electrodes sending sound waves to each

2.8.1. Ionic Vibration Potentials: Their Use in Obtaining the Difference

of the Solvation Numbers of Two Ions in a Salt
Sound waves pass through matter by exerting a force on the particles in the path
of the beam. Transmission of the sound occurs by each particle giving a push to the
next particle, and so on.

Fig. 2.17. Debye vibronic potential. Schematic on origin. In

one phase of the sound waves, both ions are accelerated
toward the left. However, small cations tend to be heavier than
small anions because the cations carry a larger load of primary
hydration water.

When a beam of sound is emitted from a transducer onto a solution that contains
cations and anions, each having a different mass, these masses undergo a different
degree of displacement per cycle, for while each receives the same pulse from the
sound, each has a different inertia. Figure 2.17 shows that the displacement of each
ion in one phase of the cycle is canceled in the next. However, there is a net difference
in position of the cation and anion which remains and this gives rise to a degree of
nonelectroneutrality that can be measured in the form of an ionic vibration potential,
usually found to be in the range of
In 1933 Peter Debye formulated a sophisticated theory about all this.13 He
assumed, as is also intuitively obvious, that the supersonic emf, that is, the ionic
vibration potential produced by the ultrasonic beam, would be proportional to the
difference of the masses of the moving ions. Debyes expression can be reduced to

where a0 is the velocity amplitude of the ultrasonic wave; and are the respective
transport numbers of cation and anion; and and are the corresponding charges on
cation and anion. The apparent molar mass, of the moving ion is defined as the
mass of the solvated ion minus the mass of the solvent displaced, where is the
density of the solvent and its volume.

It is of interest to note that the lengthy and complex calculation Debye made was published in the same
(first) edition of the Journal of Chemical Physics as an article by Bernal and Fowler, who first suggested
several seminal concepts about the structure of water that are now commonly accepted in solution theory.
The velocity amplitude is measured in cm It is the ratio of the pressure of the ultrasonic wave to the
characteristic acoustic impedance of the media.

Now the mass of the solvated ion is the sum of the mass of the bare ion,
and that of the primary solvation water, where is the solvation number of
the ion and is the molar weight of the solvent.

If one takes this definition of and uses it in the above expression for one
obtains the rather lengthy expression:

Now, for the aqueous case, Eq. (2.16) reduces to


where A depends on the electrolyte.

Bockris and Saluja applied these equations derived by Debye to a number of
electrolytes and, using data that included information provided by Conway and by
Zana and Yeager, calculated the difference of the solvation numbers of the ions of
salts. The relevant parameters are given in Table 2.6.
Now, since the ultrasound method gives the difference of the hydration numbers,
while the compressibility method gave the sum, individual values can be calculated
(Table 2.7).


2.9.1. Hydration Numbers from Activity Coefficients

A nonspectroscopic method that has been used to obtain hydration numbers at
high concentrations will be described here only in qualitative outline. Understanding
it quantitatively requires a knowledge of ionion interactions, which will be developed
in Chapter 3. Here, therefore, are just a few words of introduction.
The basic point is that the mass action laws of chemistry ([A][B]/[AB] = constant)
do not work for ions in solution. The reason they do not work puzzled chemists for 40
years before an acceptable theory was found. The answer is based on the effects of
electrostatic interaction forces between the ions. The mass action laws (in terms of
concentrations) work when there are no charges on the particles and hence no
long-range attraction between them. When the particles are charged, Coulombs law
applies and attractive and repulsive forces (dependent on where r is the distance
between the ions) come in. Now the particles are no longer independent but pull on
each other and this impairs the mass action law, the silent assumption of which is that
ions are free to act alone.
There are several ways of taking the interionic attraction into account. One can
work definitionally and deal in a quantity called activity, substituting it for concen-
tration, whereupon (by definition) the mass action law works. Clearly, this approach
does not help us understand why charges on the particles make the concentration form
of the mass action law break down.
From a very dilute solution to about mol the ratio of
the activity to the concentration ( or the activity coefficient, ) keeps on getting
smaller (the deviations from the independent state increase with increasing concen-
tration). Then, somewhere between and M solutions of electrolytes such as
NaCl, the activity coefficient (the arbiter of the deviations) starts to hesitate as to which
direction to change with increasing concentration; above 1 mol it turns around and
increases with increasing concentration. This can be seen schematically in Fig. 2.18.

Fig. 2.18. Schematic of the observed trend of versus curve for salts showing
a minimum.

Why does it do this? There may be more than one reason. A reason that was
suggested long ago by Bjerrum and developed intensively by Stokes and Robinson in
the 1950s is concerned with solvation and has more than historical interest. This is
how they argued.
In 1 liter of pure water, there are 55.5 mol of water [(1000 g)/(18 g/mol)],
all of it available to solvate ions. As ions are added, the water can be divided into two
types, the so-called free water (unattached to any ions) and the water associated with
(i.e., hydrating) ions.
The idea is that the water adhering to ions is out of commission as far as functions
of the free water go. Only a fraction of the free water is available to solvate the added
ions. That is, the effective concentration is increased compared with that which one
would calculate if one assumed all the water was active. Thus, in the concentration
calculation (so and so many moles of ions per liter of water), it is implicitly assumed that
all the water molecules are active. Suppose half the water molecules are temporarily
associated with ions; then the effective concentration (i.e., the activity) is doubled.
Of course, in this simplified presentation, one assumes that by the time the
concentration is so high that the activity coefficientconcentration relation turns
upward (Fig. 2.18), the interionic interaction effects, although still there, have been
overwhelmed by the effect of ions in reducing free waters. In reality, both this effect
and the interionic effects that dominated at lower concentrations (below the minimum)
should be taken into account.
By now, the reader will begin to see the point, and how all this is related to
determining hydration number. In Chapter 3, a quantitative expression between this

activity coefficient and the concentration will be developed. In it, the unknown is
the hydration number of the electrolyte. The sum of the hydration number of the cation
and anion will be found and so a measurement of the activity coefficient at a particular
concentration (from, e.g., 0.1 mol up to 10 mol ) will yield the hydration
number at that concentration.
A second difficulty is more subtle. The activity coefficient is determined not only
by water that is adhering to ions, but also by increasing interionic effects, and our
ability to allow for these at very high concentrations such as 5 mol is not good.
Spectroscopy tells us also that ionic association is occurring in these high ranges, but
there is not much information on this association for ions that do not have IR spectra
(e.g., and Cl). These matters will be discussed again quantitatively in Chapter 3.


2.10.1. The Mobility Method

The mobility method is a rough-and-ready method for obtaining information on
the number of solvent molecules that accompany an ion in motion. Its basic theory is
really quite simple. One equates the electrostatic force pulling the ion forward,
= charge of the ion; X = electric field gradient), to the viscous resistance to
the ions flow. This view neglects all interionic interactions (Chapter 4) but would
apply at sufficiently high dilution. This viscous resistance is given by Stokes law,
where r is the radius of the entity moving through a liquid of viscosity and
at a velocity v. The bulk viscosity is used. However, in reality an ion breaks up the
solvent near it as it darts from here to there in the solution, so that a viscosity less than
that of the undisturbed bulk water should be used with Stokes law. Again, to determine
the radius of the ion plus the adherent solvent and to determine how many water
molecules fit in, one has to know the volume of water attached to the ion. This is not
the ordinary bulk volume but a compressed value arising from the effect of the ions
field on normal water.
Finally, the validity of using Stokes law to find the force of viscous resistance
against movement in a liquid has to be questioned. In the original derivation of this
formula, the model used was that of a solid sphere passing in a stately way in a straight
line through a viscous fluid like molasses. The extrapolation to atomic-sized particles
that move randomly in a solvent which itself has innumerable complex, dynamic
movements might be thought to stretch the equation so far from its original model that
it would become inapplicable. Nevertheless, tests (Chapter 5) show that Stokes law
does apply, although, depending on the shape of the particle, the 6 (which is valid for
spheres) might have to be modified for other shapes (e.g., 4 for cylinders).
Now, from the equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte (Chapter 4, Section
4.3.7) at concentrations low enough so that the ions are virtually free from the influence

of interionic forces, or ion-pair formation, individual ions (none associated into pairs)
can be related to the mobility of the ions, and by the equation (Section 4.4.5).

The transport number (Section 4.5.2) of the cation, is given by


In electrostatics, a charge q under the influence of a field X experiences a force

Xq. Here,

where is (the radius of the ion and its primary solvation shell) and this allows
one to use independent knowledge of the mobility, to obtain the radius of the moving
solvated ion (Chapter 3). One also knows the crystallographic radius of the bare ion
inside the solvation sheath, Hence:

is a rough expression for the volume occupied by water molecules that move with one
ion. The expression is very approximate (Tables 2.8 and 2.9), because of the uncer-
tainties explained earlier.
On the other hand, the transport or mobility approach to determining the primary
hydration number does give a value for what is wanted, the number of water molecules
that have lost their own degrees of translational freedom and stay with the ion in its
motion through the solution. This approach has the advantage of immediately provid-
ing the individual values of the solvation number of a given ion, and not the sum of
the values of those of the electrolyte.
Why bother about these hydration numbers? What is the overall purpose of
chemical investigation? It is to obtain knowledge of invisible structures, to see how
things work. Hydration numbers help to build up knowledge of the environment near
ions and aid our interpretation of how ions move.



2.11.1. General
There is nothing new about spectroscopic approaches to solvation, the first of
which was made more than half a century ago. However, improvements in instrumen-
tation during the 1980s and 1990s, and above all the ready availability of software
programs for deconvolving spectra from overlapping, mixed peaks into those of
individual entities, have helped spectra give information on structures near an ion. This
is not to imply that they supersede alternative techniques, for they do carry with them
an Achilles heel in that they are limited in sensitivity. Thus, by and large, only the
more concentrated solutions (>0.1 mol ) are open to fruitful examination. This is
not good, for in such concentrations, interionic attraction, including substantial ion
pairing and more, complicates the spectral response and makes it difficult to compare

information obtained spectroscopically with that obtained using the partial molar
volumes and vibration potential methods (Section 2.7).
One point should be noted here: the importance of using a 10% mixture with
in IR spectroscopic measurements because of the properties of HOD, which
contributes a much more clearly resolved spectrum with respect to O-D. Thus, greater
clarity (hence information) results from a spectrum in the presence of HOD. However
the chemical properties (e.g., dipole moment) of HOD are very similar to those of
Raman spectra have a special advantage in analyzing species in solution. This is
because the integrated intensity of the spectral peaks for this type of spectroscopy is
proportional to the concentration of the species that gives rise to them.15 From
observations of the intensity of the Raman peaks, equilibrium constants K can be
calculated and hence from the thermodynamic equation can be
derived. Furthermore, if one carries out the Raman experiment at various temperatures,
one can determine both the heat and the entropy of solution. Since
a plot of ln K against 1/T gives the enthalpy of solvation from the slope and the entropy
from the intercept. This provides much information on the various relations of ions to
water molecules in the first one or two layers near the ion. In particular, the use of a
polarized light beam in the Raman experiments provides information on the shape of
complexes present in a solution.

2.11.2. IR Spectra
In obtaining information on solvation that can be deduced from IR spectra, the
first thing that must be understood is that the raw data, the peaks and their frequencies,
seldom speak directly but need to be decoded. Spectra in the IR region are mainly
messages fed back from the solvent, and it is from the interpretation of evidence for
changes in the solvents libration and rotation when ions are introduced (rather than
any new peaks) that information on solvation may sometimes be drawn. One has to
take the spectrum of the solvent, then that of the solution, and subtract them to obtain
the effect of the solute (Fig. 2.19). Vibration spectra have frequencies in the region of
but it is usual to refer to the inverse of the wavelength, that is, the wavenumber,
Since then It turns out then that the wavenumbers of
most covalent bonds are numerically in the thousands.16
Intramolecular effects can be detected in the near infrared or high-frequency
region Intermolecular effects are seen in the far infrared or low-
frequency region down to 100 Early measurements showed that ions can
cause new peaks to arise that are at distinctly higher wavenumbers than those in pure
water. The explanation proposed is that some of the hydrogen bonds present in pure

This tends to be the case for all spectra. For other spectra it involves sensitivity factors or nonlinearity at
higher concentrations; that is, it is approximate.
A typical value for v is and Hence, the wave number, , is

Fig 2.19. The absorption coefficients of pure methanol (Top line)

and a solution of 0.4 M Rbl in CH3OH (Lower line). The bottom
curve represents the difference between the solution absorption
band and the solvent absorption band. (Reprinted from B. Guillot,
P. Marteau, and J. Obriot, J. Chem. Phys. 93: 6148, 1990.)

water have been broken due to the presence of ions, thus producing some quasi-free
water molecules, which are the source of the new peaks.
There is plenty of spectroscopic evidence for a structure-breaking effect of ions
in aqueous solution (although there is also evidence for formation of new structures).
Because an increase in temperature also causes structure breaking, there has arisen the
concept of structural temperature to describe ionic effects that produce the same
degree of damage that would be produced by increasing the temperature. This structure
breaking occurs in the secondary water (i.e., that outside the primary hydration
sphere) because the first sheath of water around the ion is structure forming. Anions,
which are usually bigger than cations, have consequently a less tightly held primary
co-sphere and their large size makes them more responsible for structure breaking in
solution than the corresponding cations.
The far IR (lower energy) spectra (100 ) show intermolecular effects in which
the spectra reflect the effect of ions on the movements of the whole water molecule
and (in contradistinction to vibrational movements within individual molecules)17 are
dynamically dominated by the mass of oxygen and not that of hydrogen.

For a water molecule, the reduced mass is and from Eq. (2.24) the vibrational
spectrum is dominated by

From an interpretation of peaks in the far IR spectral region, one can obtain
knowledge of hindered translations among water molecules in ionic solutions. Some-
what surprisingly, the force constants associated with such movements are lowered by
the presence of ions because ions free some water molecules from the surrounding
solvent structures. Thus, force constants are given by where U is the potential
energy of particleparticle interaction. The librative frequencies (Section 2.4) of water
also show up in this region and decrease in the order KF > KC1 > KBr > KI. Thus, ions
of smaller radii (higher field and force) give higher librative frequencies, as expected
because of the equation

where k is the force constant (a function of the energy of ionwater interaction) and
is the reduced mass of the vibrating entities.
James and Armitage have analyzed the far IR spectra of some ionic solutions and
attempted to distinguish waters in the primary hydration shell (those waters that stay
with the ion as it moves) from waters (secondary hydration) which, although affected
by the ion, are not attracted by it enough to move with it.
Studies that provide more illumination arise from IR measurements in the work
of Bergstrom and Lindgren (Table 2.10). They have made IR studies of solutions
containing and which are transition-metal ions, and also certain
lanthanides, and at a concentration of 0.20.3 mol They
find that the OD stretching vibrations in HOD (2427 in the absence of ions) are
affected by the presence of these substances (Fig. 2.20). Both the transition-metal ions
and the lanthanide elements perturb the HOD molecule in a similar way. However,
even the trivalent lanthanide ions (for which stronger effects are expected because of
the higher ionic charge) only perturb the nearest-neighbor water molecules (the first

Fig. 2.20. OD stretching spectra of aqueous so-

lutions of (a) 0.236 M and (b) 0.342 M
(c) 0.366 M and (d) 0.375
M The crosses are the observed
points, and the solid line is the function fitted to the
spectra. See Table 1 for band parameters. T =
20.0 C, path length = 0.0444 mm, and c(HDO) =
6.00 mol%. (Reprinted from P. A. Bergstrom, J.
Phys. Chem. 95: 7650, 1991).

shell around the ion) and there is no effect detectable in the IR spectra on the second
and other layers. The hydration numbers thus obtained are given in Table 2.10.
The hydration numbers in the table, deduced from IR spectroscopy, are much
lower than values given by nonspectroscopic methods. The latter give hydration
numbers for two- and three-valent ions 1.3 times greater than the spectroscopic values.
It seems particularly surprising that in the spectroscopic results (Table 2.10) the
three-valent ions give hydration numbers little different from those of charge two.

Fig. 2.21. Generic radial distribution functions for (a)

a well-coordinated liquid with a long-lived coordination
shell and (b) a weakly coordinated liquid. (Reprinted
from J. E. Enderby, Chem. Soc. Rev. 24: 159, 1995.)

Evidently the first layer is about the same when filled for both the two- and the
three-valent ions, and perhaps the IR spectrum does not register effects given by a
second layer of water. One might indeed well expect the first layer of water around an
ion to be full, and therefore expect the same for the two- and three-valent cations of
similar radii.
The presence of electrolytes in solution is often ill characterized spectroscopically
by vague shoulders or bumps that make the interpretation hazardous and lacking in
quantitative information on the ionsolvent structure. However, far IR does allow one
to understand the spectra and obtain knowledge of the ionsolvent structure. For
example, it is important to distinguish contact ion pairs (CIP) in the spectrum. These
must be clearly identified and their effects allowed for before the spectrum can be used
to obtain knowledge of ionsolvent interactions (Fig. 2.21).

2.11.3. The Neutron Diffraction Approach to Solvation

The seminal event in the foundation of solid-state science was the realization by
von Laue that the ordered structure of atoms in a crystalline solid might act as a
diffraction grating for X-rays. The corresponding formula by Bragg,

This represents the path-length difference with as the glancing angle (see Section
5.2.3) allowed d, the distance between atoms, to be determined for the first time. The
path to structure determination was open.
X-ray analysis works when there are indeed ordered rows of atoms in a crystal. It
also works in an examination of the structure of molten salts (Chapter 5), when there

is short-range order; the molten salts are somewhat like a disordered solution contain-
ing much open space, which some call holes. However, X-ray analysis does not work
well for ionic solutions because the ordered elements (solvated ions) turn up only
occasionally and are interrupted by relatively large distances of disordered solvent
Although, as will be seen in this section, the developments of neutron diffraction
during the 1980s (Enderby and Neilson) have led to substantial advances in determin-
ing the coordination numbers of water molecules around ions, there are still some
hurdles to clear before one can use this powerful method:
1. It is necessary to have a neutron source and that, in turn, means that only
laboratories that have access to a nuclear reactor can do such work.18
2. It is desirable to work with rather than because of the sharper
diffraction patterns obtained are the former. This can become a cost burden.
3. (1) and (2) can be overcome but the last hurdle is too high and must be accepted:
the method is limited (as with most of the spectroscopic methods) to solutions
of 1 mol or more,19 whereas most of the data in the literature concern
dilute solutions (e.g., mol ) where the univalent salts are about 12
nanometers apart (one can, then, picture an isolated ion in its solvation shell).
Having given the obstacles to attainment, let it be said that there are two ways in which
neutron diffraction can be used to obtain information on the structure around an ion. In the
first (Soper et al., 1977), the objective is the distribution function in the equation:

This equation refers to a reference ion and gives the average number of
particles that exist in a spherical shell of radius r and thickness dr (of course, on a time
average). The symbol is the so-called distribution function. For multicompo-
nent systems, one can generalize to include all the possible combinations of
atoms [e.g., NaCl would have a total of 10 values].

In U.S. universities, this means that the professor concerned must write a proposal to ask for time on a
reactor at, for example, Brookhaven or Oak Ridge or Argonne. Such proposals wait in line until they are
evaluated and then, if accepted, the professors team must move to the reactor for some days of intense
activityprobably shift work to make 24-hr per day use of the time allotted.
It is easy to show that the average distance between ions in a solution of 1:1 salt is where
c is the concentration in mol For a 1 M solution, this comes to 1.2 nm. However, for an ion of 0.1-
nm radius and layer of two waters, the radius is about 0.1 + 4 0.16 nm and therefore the internuclear
distance between two ions in contact is about 1.4 nm. For the mol case, the distance apart is
12.2 nm; i.e., the ions are isolated. Thus, it is very desirable to try to get spectroscopic measurements at
these dilute solutions. Only then can the results of spectroscopic work be compared directly with
deductions made about solvation (a concentration-dependent property) from measurements of solution

Fig. 2.22. The radial distribution functions

and for a 4.35 M solution of
in (neutron results). (Reprinted from J.
E. Enderby, Techniques for the Charac-
terization of Electrodes and Electrochemical
Processes, in R. Varma and J. R. Selman,
eds., The Electrochemical Society Series,
Wiley, New York, 1991, p. 110).

It follows that

is the coordination number, where is the radius of the first shell of water molecules
around the ion.
Two extreme types of results are obtained from this approach (which is limited
to solutions of C > 0.1 m), and they are shown in Fig. 2.21. The left-hand diagram
shows the kind of result in which the molecules are strongly coordinated in a first shell
with a lifetime that could vary from, say, s to hundreds of hours (in exceptional
cases). The second diagram is typical of a more weakly coordinated ion in which the

The actual experimental determination (analogous to the Bragg determination of d, the distance apart of
atoms in crystals) is of This is what is done with neutron diffraction. It can also be calculated using
molecular dynamics in which the basic assumption is that there is a certain force field between the particles.
As explained elsewhere (Section 2.17.4), this is given in terms of the corresponding energy of interaction
of pairs of particles. Although the attraction energy is always given by there are various versions
of the repulsion potential.

lifetime of water molecules is short, perhaps only s. For multicomponent systems

it is possible to have several internuclear distances and, correspondingly, a number of
distribution functions. By applying Eq. (2.26) to the data for such as that shown
in the diagram, one can find out how many water molecules are in the first shell, as in
the case of concentrated solutions (Fig. 2.22).
There are always water molecules located around a stationary ion and the structure
of these waters will be dominated by the field of the ion (rather than the pull back into
the structure of the water). This dominance is stronger the smaller the ion because the
ionsolvent interaction is inversely proportional to As the schematics of a typical
distribution function suggest, there may be a second layer in addition to the first shell
of solvent associated with the ion. In this layer the structure is not yet that of bulk
water, though such second solvation layers are usually more prominent with divalent
ions (they are even more so with 3+ and 4+ ions) and are not seen for univalent ions,
in the company of which hydration waters stay for very short times.
Now, the question is how to get information on the more subtle quantity, the
hydration numbers. Some confusion arises here, for in some research papers the
coordination number (the average number of ions in the first layer around the ion) is
also called the hydration number! However, in the physicochemical literature, this
latter term is restricted to those water molecules that spend at least one jump time with
the ion, so that when its dynamic properties are treated, the effective ionic radius seems
to be that of the ion plus one or more waters. A startling difference between co-ordi-
nation number and solvation number occurs when the ionic radius exceeds about 0.2
nm (Fig. 2.23a).
It is important, then, to find out the time that waters stay with the ion. Thus, one
can make an order-of-magnitude calculation for the jump time, by a method shown in
Section 4.2.17. It comes to approximately
One could conclude that if a water molecule stays with its ion for more than about
it has accompanied the ion in a jump. That is, during the time the water is
associated with the ion, it is likely to have made one move with the ion in its sporadic
random movements (and therefore counts as a hydration number rather than a static
or equilibrium coordination number).21 Figure shows the ratio of the solvation number
to the coordination number. The ratio is an important quantity

In the case of ions for which the ionwater binding is very strong (the transition-metal ions particularly),
the hydration number may be greater than the coordination number, because more than one shell of waters
moves with the ion and the hydration number will encompass all the water molecules that move with it,
while the coordination number refers to the ions in just the first shell.
However, with larger ions, which have weaker peripheral fields, there is less likelihood that a water
molecule will stay for the time necessary to accomplish an ion movement (e.g., > 1010 s). Thus, for larger
ions like CI and large cations such as N(C2H5)4+, the coordination number will be 6 or more, but the
hydration number may tend to be 0. The hydration number is a dynamic concept; the coordination number
is one of equilibrium: it does not depend on the lifetime of the water molecules in the shell but measures
their time-averaged value.

Fig. 2.23. (a) SN and CN of alkali metal cations plot-

ted as reciprocal function of cation radius. (b) SN/CN
plotted against for monovalent ions.
(Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, J.
Electrochem. Soc. 119:1060, 1972.)

because it emphasizes the dynamic character of the solvation number. Thus,

represents the time taken for an ion to remain at a given site in its movement into the
solution. Correspondingly, represents the time for a water molecule (at first
fixed within the water structure) to break out of this and orient towards the ion to a
position of maximum interactions upon the ions arrival at a given site. In the case (Fig.
2.23b) where this ratio is big enough, the ratio of the solution number to the co-ordi-
nation number will be above 0.5.
There is a second way to use neutrons to investigate the structure of ions,
particularly with respect to the time of movement of the water molecules. A remarkable
advance was accomplished by Hewich, Neilson, and Enderby in 1982. They used
inelastic neutron scattering. Upon analysis of their results, they found that they could
obtain the diffusion coefficient for displacement of water. The special point they

Fig. 2.24. Geometric arrangement of a

molecule close to a chloride ion. (Reprinted from
D. H. Powell, A. C. Barnes, J. E. Enderby, G. W.
Neilson, and P. H. Salmon, Faraday Disc. Chem.
Soc. 85:137, 1988.)

discovered was that certain functions that should have varied in a Lorentzian way with
the frequency of the neutrons used were a poor fit to the expected variation and were
better deconvoluted into two Ds, one for water in the inner sphere and one for water
in the outer sphere. Thus, this was direct evidence that during the movement of some
ions (Ni is the one cited) there is an inner layer of about 6 but an outer layer of about
15 that also moves with the ion. Here, then, the coordination number would be 6
(number of molecules in the inner sphere) and the hydration number would be 6 + 15
= 21.
Finally, in this very general account of neutron interference and scattering applied
to ions in solution, it is interesting to note that the tilt angle of the water molecule to
the ion can be obtained (Fig. 2.24). Again, Enderby and Neilson are the progenitors
of this kind of information and an example (together with one for the wag angle and
its variation with concentration) is given here.
Ferrous and ferric ions have been examined in respect to their solvation shells,
particularly by NMR methods. For the value obtained for the number of water

John Enderby is Professor of Physics in the H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory of the University of Bristol.
Together with his colleague, G. W. Neilson, he has made, arguably more contributions to specific,
quantitative, knowledge of the region close to an ion in solution than that of any other worker since 1950.
Thus, the developments of the neutron diffraction methods at Bristol have gone far to making it possible
(for concentrated solutions at least) to distinguish between waters remaining with an ion during its
movements and those which are simply affected by an ion as it passes by.

molecules in a first shell was 5.85 and the lifetime of these waters was relatively long,
about Thus, because this time is much greater than that needed for a diffusive
movement the waters in the first shell are certainly a part of the hydration
number. By analogy with it seems likely that the total hydration number is greater
than this coordination number because of a second shell containing water with a
lifetime greater than s, which would then also qualify (because its lifetime greatly
exceeds a jump time) as contributing to a hydration number. Similar remarks apply to
but the lifetime of the inner shell is greater (about 6 s) than that for ferrous
ions because of the stronger binding to water with ferric rather than ferrous ions.
The ion has a special place in the history of solvation because it was the first
ion for which the lifetime of the water in its hydration shell was measured. This work
was done by Hunt and Taube in 1957. The exchange of water between the hydration
shell and the surroundings was slow, so the change in the concentration of the isotope
could be measured. The lifetime found is 1.6 s (about 6 months). There is
evidence of outer-sphere water, so the value for the total hydration water that travels
with the ion is much higher than the value of about 6 found for the first shell in
transition-metal ions.
The hydration number of the ion has been measured by a number of nonspec-
troscopic methods and a value of 5 1 represents the range of results. The difference
method of neutron diffraction gives 6 with reasonable consistency. The lifetime is 3
s, so the value is clearly a hydration number (i.e., it is much greater than
s, so water travels with the ion).
An interesting result is obtained for Neutron diffraction work shows the value
to be 6, which is in strong disagreement with nonspectroscopic methods, which give
the much lower value of 1 or 2. However, light is at once thrown on what seems a
breach difficult to mend when the lifetime of the 6 waters around the is found to
be only 10 s; this is on the borderline as viable for a dynamic hydration number.
It seems likely, then, that the moves on average without its hydration water,
because its lifetime is barely enough for the time needed for wares to travel
one jump distance. Thus, the 1 or 2 hydration numbers of other measurements is
understandable. It is possible to regard the 6 value as coordination water, but few of
the waters manage to stay with the ion when it moves from site to site.

2.11.4. To What Extent Do Raman Spectra Contribute to Knowledge of

the Solvation Shell?
Raman spectra have a more involved origin than do IR absorption spectra. They
concern the scattering of light. This is a subject that was studied in the nineteenth
century when Rayleigh showed that the elastic scattering of light (no absorption) was
proportional in intensity to where is the wavelength of the scattered light. In
conditions that pertain to the application of this formula, the photon is assumed to
bounce off the molecules it strikes with the same energy latterly as it had initially.

Smekal predicted a radically different type of scattering in 1923. He suggested

that if a beam of light were incident on a solution, the scattered light would contain
(apart from the elastically scattered light of unchanged frequency) two more frequen-
cies, one greater and one lesser than the frequency of the incident beam. These would
result from a collision of a photon with a molecule in which the photon would indeed
(in contrast to Rayleighs idea) exchange energy with the molecule it struck and bring
about a transition in the molecules vibrational band. Smekal thought that two kinds
of energy exchange would occur. The photon might excite the molecule to higher states
and the resulting frequency of the scattered light would be lower than the incident
frequency (because some energy had been removed from the light). Alternatively, the
molecule might give energy to the photon and the emerging photon would have a
higher frequency than that of the initial beam. These nonelastic scattering effects
predicted by Smekal in 19231924 were first experimentally observed by the Indian
scientists Raman and Krishnan in 1928.
Thus, in the Raman spectra, it is a frequency shift, a that is observed. The
value of such shifts in the frequency of nonelastically scattered light is not dependent
on the exciting frequency,22 but on the structure of the molecule with which the photon
interacts. Thus, the Raman shifts reflect vibrational transitions, as do the IR spectra.
One other aspect of Raman spectra must be explained before one can understand
how information on structures around ions in solution can be extracted from positive
and negative Raman shifts. In Rayleigh scattering, the oscillating dipoles may radiate
in all directions with the frequency of the exciting beam. However, in Raman spectra,
the radiation depends on the polarizability of the bond. In some molecules, polarizabil-
ity does not have the same value in all directions and is called nonisotropic. Let it emit
light in the x-y plane only. Then the intensity ratio (light in the xy plane)/(light in the
incident beam) is called the depolarization factor. For Raman scattering, this depo-
larization factor gives information on structure, for example, on the degree of symme-
try of the entity in the solution, the Raman spectra of which are being observed (Tanaka
et al., 1965).

2.11.5. Raman Spectra and Solution Structure

One type of Raman study of solutions concentrates on waterwater bonding as it
is affected by the presence of ions. Hydrogen bonds give Raman intensities, and the
variation of these with ionic concentration can be interpreted in terms of the degree
and type of structure of water molecules around ions. The ion has often been
used in Raman studies to illustrate structure-breaking effects because it is a relatively
large ion.
In studies of the spectra of intramolecular water and how they are affected by ions,
new Raman peaks can be interpreted in terms of the model of solvation suggested by

This must, however, have a frequency greater than that of any of the transitions envisaged, but less than
that which would cause an electronic transition.

Bockris in 1949 and by Frank and Evans in 1957. According to these workers, there
are two regions. One is in the first (and for polyvalent cations, the second) layer near
the ions, where water molecules are tightly bound and give rise to new frequencies.
Such waters accompany the ion in its movements in the solution.
There is also a broken-structure region outside the first one to two layers of water
molecules around the ion. Here the solvating waters are no longer coordinated, as in
the bulk, by other waters, because of the ions effect, but they are outside the primary
hydration shell, which moves with the ion. Such intermediate waters, though partly broken
out of the bulk water structure, do not accompany an ion in its diffusional motion.
Studies consistent with these ideas were first performed by Walfren in 1971 in
H2OD2O mixtures. Concentrations of 1 to 4 mol were employed to get
measurable effects. Thus, at 4 mol some 4050% of the water present is at any
moment in the primary hydration sheath!
Intermolecular effects in ionic solutions can also be studied in the Raman region
between 200 and 1000 Librational modes of water show up here. The intensity
of such peaks changes linearly with the ionic concentration. The bending mode in
the Raman spectra of alkali halides in water was studied by Weston. They may also
be interpreted in terms of models of primary hydration (water staying with the ion in
motion) and a secondary disturbed region.
Raman spectra can also be used to determine the degree of dissociation of some
molecules, namely, those that react with the solvent to give ions (e.g., HC1). If the
Raman frequency shifts for the dissociated molecules are known, then they can be used
to calculate equilibrium constants at different temperatures. Then, once the tempera-
ture coefficient of the equilibrium constant K is known, one can determine and
of the dissociation reaction (Section 2.13).
The study of the ion falls into the category of Raman studies that concentrate
on interpreting spectra caused by the solute. It illustrates the use of Raman spectra to
give structural conclusions via the study of symmetry. The free ion should have
what is termed symmetry and give rise to three Raman bands corresponding to two
degenerate asymmetric stretching modes and and one symmetric stretching mode.
Irish and Davis studied the effect of solvation on the spectra of this ion and
the splitting of the band. They found that H bonding removes the degeneracy of this
mode. The symmetry change would be from to and this is interpreted to mean
that hydration effects have brought about a nonequivalence of the O atoms in a
most unexpected effect.

2.11.6. Information on Solvation from Spectra Arising from

Resonance in the Nucleus

It has been often suggested that nuclear resonance might be used to gain informa-
tion in solvation studies. Thus, in hydroxylic solvents, electron shielding around the
proton should be affected by ions and thus, in terms of changes in nuclear resonance
frequencies, solvation-bound water and free water should be distinguishable. It turns

out that this is a nonevent for water because the rapid exchange between the two types,
bound and unbound, gives rise to only a broad peak.
In order to obtain information from nuclear resonance, the proceedings must be
a bit complicated. One adds a paramagnetic ion to a solution in which the solvation of
a diamagnetic entity is to be measured. Then, two types of water around, for example,
an ion, bound and unbound waters, can be distinguished by observing the resulting
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of The nuclear spin in the interacts with
the electron spin vector of the paramagnetic ion added as a helpful auxiliary ion, and
this changes the field on the nucleus. This shift in the NMR spectra of between
water attached to the ion and bulk water has to be sufficiently large, and this in turn
may allow a separation to be made between water bound to the diamagnetic ion and
free water. In this rather complex and devious way, it is possible to obtain estimates
of the number of waters in the first layer next to an ion.
However, disappointingly, again the values obtained from this NMR spectro-
scopic approach (e.g., 6 for and are less than the values obtained for
these ions (e.g., 14 for ) from the relatively self-consistent values of mobility,
entropy, and compressibility. Is this simply because the nonspectroscopic measure-
ments are usually done at high dilutions (e.g., mol ) to diminish interionic
effects, and the spectroscopic ones have to be done at 0.5 mol or greater
concentrations, because the spectroscopic shifts are relatively insensitive, and hence
need the high concentration to score a detectable effect?
Swift and Sayne used concepts similar to those of Bockris and Saluja: if a
molecule stays associated with an ion for more than the time needed for a diffusional
jump, it counts as a primary hydration number. This approach yields approximately
4 solvation molecules for and and 5 for and whereas nonspec-
troscopic methods for these systems yield values that are two to three times larger.
Does NMR measure only water arranged in a first, octahedral layer in the first shell
near the ion and is it insensitive to the rest of the water structure near an ion?

Further Reading

1. P. Debye, The Vibrational Potential in Solution, J. Chem. Phys. 1: 13 (1933).
2. D. D. Eley and M. G. Evans, Statistical Mechanics of Ions in Solution, Trans. Faraday
Soc. 34: 1093 (1938).
3. M. Passynski, Compressibility and Solvation, Acta Phys. Chim. USSR 8: 385 (1938).
4. K. Fajans and O. Johnson, Heats of Hydration, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 64: 668 (1942).
5. R. H. Stokes and R. A. Robinson, Hydration Numbers from Activity Measurements, J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 70: 1870 (1948).
6. J. B. Hasted, D. M. Ritson, and C. H. Collie, Dielectric Constants of Solutions, J. Chem.
Phys. 16: 1 (1948).
7. J. OM. Bockris, Primary and Secondary Solvation, Quart. Rev. Chem. Soc. Lond. 3:
173 (1949).

8. A. M. Azzam, Theoretical Calculation of Hydration Numbers, Z. Phys. Chem. (N.F.)

33: 320 (1962).
9. R. Zana and E. Yeager, Solvation Numbers from Partial Molar Volumes, J. Phys. Chem.
71: 521 (1967).
10. G. E. Walfren, Spectroscopic Evidence on Hydration, J. Chem. Phys. 55: 768 (1971).
11. J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, Hydration Numbers for Partial Molar Volumes and
Vibrational Potentials from Solutions, J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2140 (1972).
12. A. K. Soper, G. W. Neilson, J. E. Enderby, and R. A. Howe, Neutron Diffraction and
Coordination Numbers in Solution, J. Phys. Soc. 10: 1793 (1977).
13. N. A. Hewich, G. W. Neilson, and J. E. Enderby, Deconvolution within Neutron
Diffraction Data and the Structure of the Hydration Sheath, Nature 297: 138 (1982).
14. H. Friedman, Time of residence of water molecules near ions, Chem. Scripta 25: 42

1. G. A. Krestov, Thermodynamics and Structure in Solvation, Ellis Harwood, New York

1 . S. Koda, J. Goto, T. Chikusa, and H. Nomura, J. Phys. Chem. 93: 4959 (1989).
2. G. Omori and A. Santucci, J. Chem. Phys. 93: 2939 (1990).
3. M. Jukiewicz and M. Figlerowicz, Ultrasonics 28: 391 (1990).
4. B. Wilson, R. Georgiadis, and J. A . Bartmess, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113: 1762 (1991).
5. I. Howell, G. W. Neilson, and P. Chieuk, J. Mol. Struct. 250: 281 (1991).
6. P. A. Bergstrom and J. Lindgren, Inorg. Chem. 31: 1529 (1992).
7. P. A. Bergstrom, J. Lindgren, M. Sandrum, and Y. Zhou, Inorg. Chem. 31: 150 (1992).
8. B. Guillot, P. Martineau, and J. O. Grist, J. Chem. Phys. 93: 6148 (1993).
9. M. Maroncelli, V. P. Kumer, and A. Papazyan, J. Phys. Chem. 97: 13 (1993).
10. J. M. Alia, H. G. M. Edwards, and J. Moore, Spectrochim. Acta 16: 2039 (1995).
11. J. Barthell, J. Mol. Liquids 65: 177 (1995).
12. Y. Tominaga, Y. Wang, A. Fujiwara, and K. Mizoguchi, J. Molec. Liquids 65: 187 (1995).
13. M. J. Shaw and W. E. Geiger, Organometallics 15: 13 (1996).
14. A. E. Johnson and A. B. Myers, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 7778 (1996).
15. A. S. L. Lee and Y. S. Li, Spectrochim. Acta 52: 173 (1996).
16. G. W. Neilson and J. E. Enderby, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1317 (1996).


2.12.1. Dielectric Constant of Solutions

The electric field created between two plates of a parallel-plate condenser in a
vacuum is greater than the field that exists between the same plates with the same

Fig. 2.25. The charge on the capacitor plates induces dipoles in

the molecules of a dielectric.

charge on them but separated by a material medium, a so-called dielectric. The model
by which dielectrics affect fields is easy to understand at a qualitative level. The
molecules of the medium either contain a permanent dipole moment in their structure
or have one induced by the field between the plates. Of course, when the field on the
condenser plates is switched on, the dipoles orient against it (Fig. 2.25) and cause a
counter electric field. The result is that the net electric field between the plates is less
than it is when there is no medium between them (Fig. 2.26).
The counter field and the resulting net field can be calculated in mathematical
form, but historically a more empirical way has been used; the field in the presence of
a dielectric is simply expressed by dividing the field in its absence by an empirical
dielectric constant. The greater the counter field set up by the medium between the
plates (Fig. 2.26), the greater the dielectric constant and the less the net electric field.
With this simple background model, then, it is easy to see that there will be a
decrease of the dielectric constant of solutions (compared with that of the original

Fig. 2.26. The orientation of dipoles in the dielec-

tric sets up an internal field that is directed counter
to the external field produced by the charges on
the plates.

liquid) if ions are added to them. Thus, the ions undergo solvation and, to some critical
distance from the ions center, hold the solvent molecules tightly against the tendency
of the field to orient them to oppose the applied field.
Those water molecules that are prevented from orienting (irrotationally bound)
to oppose the field will be withdrawn from those contributing to the counter field and
hence the dielectric constant of the ionic solution will be reduced from what the solvent
would have without the ions.
There are a number of publications in the field of the structure of ionic solutions
that are particularly seminal and although published half a century ago have great
influence on present concepts. One of them is the paper by Bernal and Fowler in which
the associated structure of water was first established (in 1933) from the interpretation
of the original X-ray data on liquids. However, another paper of great importance is
that by Hasted, Ritson, and Collie in 1948, for it was here that the dielectric properties
of solutions were first recorded on a large scale. In subsequent publications the relation
of the dielectric constant of the solution and solvation was first investigated.
Some of the facts that Hasted et al. established are shown in Table 2.11. They
found that the lowering of the dielectric constant of 1 M solutions is in the range of
1020%. This can be nicely explained by taking the water in contact with the ion as
dielectrically saturated (unable to orient on the demand of the external field), but still
having a dielectric constant of only 6,23 compared with the value of 80 for bulk water
unaffected by ions. The table shows the number of water molecules per ion pair that
one has to assume are saturated (i.e., irrotationally bound in the vicinity of each ion)
to make the above model come out right (i.e., reproduce the measured dielectric
constants of solutions). This model leads to a very simple equation for the dielectric
constant of a solution:

This value (6) is the dielectric constant of water under conditions of dielectric saturation. The ions field
not only stops the water orienting under the influence of the ac field exerted on the solution, it also breaks
up the associated water structure (which made the dielectric constant of water so huge compared with that
of other liquids). The 6 represents the counter field offered by the distortion of the positions of the nuclei
in H and O and of the electron shells of these atoms.

Fig 2.27. Differential dielectric constant as a func-

tion of field that is near an ion. (Reprinted from B. E.
Conway, Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biophysics,
Elsevier, New York, 1981.)

where is the total number of water molecules held by the ion, and is the ionic
concentration in mol Here, the first term represents the contribution from the
bulk water molecules and the second term that from the bounded waters. Thus,
measurements of the dielectric constants of ionic solutions provide a way to determine
primary hydration numbers, the number of water molecules that stay with an ion while
it diffuses in a solution.
Of course the assumption that in ionic solutions there are just two dielectric constants,
one at 6 and the other at 80, is a simplification. There must be an intermediate region in
the first two or three layers out near the ion in which the dielectric constant varies quite
rapidly as one passes from the 6 of the first layer to the 80 a few layers further out.
This broken-down region near the ion was the subject of mathematical discussion by
Webb as early as 1926, by Conway et al., and by Booth, whose paper also can be considered
seminal. Grahame made an attempt to simplify Booths equation for the dielectric constant
as a function of field strength, and a diagram due to him is shown in Fig. 2.27.
Although the dielectric constant shown here is in terms of the field near the ion,
not the distance from it, it is fairly24 simple to find the distance that corresponds to
those fields in the diagram and thus know what the dielectric constant is as a function
of distance.

Only fairly simple because the field itself depends on the quantity one is trying to find. There is thus
a catch to obtaining the distance corresponding to a certain field. An early solution to the problem was
given by Conway, Bockris, and Ammar in 1951.

The main purpose of this section is to give the basis of how measurements of the
dielectric constants of ionic solutions can give information on solvation, particularly
primary hydration numbers. However, dielectric measurements as a function of
frequency also give information on the dynamic behavior of water by allowing us to
determine the relaxation time of water in ionic solutions and expressing the changes
in terms of the number of water molecules bound to the ion.
Dielectric measurements of ionic solutions are also important for another topic
that will be dealt with in Section 2.22, namely, electrostriction, the study of the
compressive effect of the very strong electric fields produced by ions on the surround-
ing medium. When one looks into the effect of ions on the frequency at which water
undergoes relaxation (i.e., when water no longer reacts to an applied field), it is found
that the cation has a greater effect than the anion. The reason is shown in Fig. 2.28.
For the cation, the two protons of a solvated water stick out from the ion and are bound
to other waters, which restricts their libration and hence their contribution to the
dielectric constant. Anions orient the protons of the hydration waters to themselves
and away from binding by waters outside the first shell, thus having less binding effect
on their movement than do the cations.

Fig. 2.28. Orientation and rotation possibilities for di-

poles at anions and cations. (Reprinted from B. E. Conway,
Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biophysics, Elsevier, New
York, 1981.)

2.12.2. How Does One Measure the Dielectric Constant of Ionic

There is much to think about here. If one wishes to measure the dielectric constant
of a liquid, not a conducting ionic solution, one simply uses an alternating current (ac)
bridge containing a capacitor in one of the arms. Then the capacitance is measured in
the presence of the liquid, the dielectric constant of which is to be measured, and then
without it, i.e., in the presence of air. Since the dielectric constant is near to unity in
the latter case, this gives rise to knowledge of the dielectric constant of the liquid
because the capacitance of the cell in the bridge arm increases as the dielectric constant
However, when the liquid is a conducting solution, this approach breaks down.
The conductance of the solution contributes to the impedance of the cell, which
(depending on frequency) may no longer be overwhelmingly capacitative. Hence, the
dielectric constant of a conducting liquid cannot be simply measured, because of the
conductive components of the impedance.
Two approaches can be used to avoid this difficulty. In the one, which is best used
for frequencies well below the relaxation frequency of water, one measures the force
between two plates that have the conducting liquid between them. This force is
independent of the conductance of the liquid or the direction of the field. If d is the
distance between the plates, it is easy to show that the force is

where E is the potential difference between the plates, A is their area, and is the
dielectric constant (Fig. 2.26). To obtain measurements that avoid significantly
changing the temperature of the solution, d should be minimal. The field between the
two plates is small Vibrations must also be minimized (e.g., by placing
the apparatus on a stone slab supported on an inflated inner tube). An optical lever
magnifies the very small movement of the plates.25 Because everything is known in
Eq. (2.28) except , the latter can be measured.
If it is desired to measure the dielectric constant at high frequencies
Hz), a different technique is necessary, partly because one may be working in the range
of the relaxation time of water. The measurement of this, and the degree to which it is
affected by the presence of ions, provides yet another way of finding how many
molecules of water are bound to cation and to anion. The technique involves the use
of a wave guide consisting of a coaxial liquid-filled cell, containing a probe that is
moved about until the interference signal between it and an alternator is found to be

A movement of 0.1 mm in the plate can be magnified mote than 100 times by projecting a beam of light
reflected from a mirror attached to the plate over a distance of 25 m.

zero. From this (for details of how to do this, see Conway, 1982), it is possible to find
the of the solution as a function of frequency (and hence the relaxation time of water
as a function of the presence of ions). This quantity clearly depends on how many
water molecules have been withdrawn from the free solvent, where they can relax, and
how many are attached to ions, where they cannot. It therefore leads to primary
hydration numbers
Studies of the dielectric constant of solutions and the relaxation times of water in
the presence of ions have been refined since the 1980s and indeed difficulties do turn
up if one looks at data from measurements over large frequency ranges. The variation
of the dielectric constant with frequency has been studied particularly by Winsor and
Cole, who used the Fourier transform of time domain reflectometry to obtain dielectric
constants of aqueous solutions and the relaxation times in them. Their frequency
ranges from over 50 MHz to 9 GHz.
The problem of making significant dielectric constant measurements in these
ranges is to separate the relaxation effects of the ionic atmosphere around the ions
(Chapter 3) from effects connected with ion-solvent interactions. At low concentra-
tions the former effects are less important, but at such concentra-
tions the decrements in the dielectric constant are too small for accurate measurement.
Theoretical work makes it clear that a series of measurements over a large range of
frequencies (e.g., 1 Hz to 1 GHz) are needed to separate dielectric effects from those
due to relaxation of the ionic atmosphere.
Nevertheless, in spite of these warnings, values of dielectric decrements have a
sufficiently clear basis to allow their use in discussing the elusive solvation numbers.

2.12.3. Conclusion
Measurements of dielectric constants of solutions allow the deduction of not only
how many waters are taken up and held irrotationally by ions, but also how the ions
affect the frequency of the movements of molecules near them. This will help a person
interested in electrostatic effects calculate the local pressure near an ion (Section

Further Reading

1. J. J. Webb, Electric Field near an Ion in Solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48: 2589 (1926).
2. J. B. Hasted, D. M. Ritson, and C. H. Collie, The Dielectric Constants of Ionic Solutions,
J. Chem. Phys. 16: 1 (1948).
3. F. Booth, Dielectric Constant As a Function of the Applied Field, J. Chem. Phys. 19:
1451 (1951).
4. D. C. Grahame, Electric Field and Dielectric Constant near an Ion, J. Phys. Chem. 11:

5. J. OM. Bockris and J. Bowler-Reed, A Technique for Measuring Dielectric Constants

in Conducting Solution, J. Appl. Phys. 2: 74 (1951).

1. D. Bertolini, M. Cassetari, E. Tombari, and S. Verenesi, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61: 450 (1990).
2. R. S. Drago, D. C. Feris, and N. Wong, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112: 8953 (1990).
3. S. Safe, R. K. Mohr, C. J. Montrose, and T. A. Litovitz, Biopolymers 31: 1171 (1991).
4. M. Bruehl and J. T. Hynes, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 4068 (1992).
5. J. Z. Bao, M. L. Swicord, and C. C. Davis, J. Chem. Phys. 104: 4441 (1996).
6. J. L. Buck, IEEE Transactions 45: 84 (1996).


Now that some methods for investigating the structure of the ionsolvent complex
in solution have been described, it is time to learn systematically what is known about
it. One can start by considering systems that avoid the complexity of liquid water. By
varying the partial pressure of water vapor while keeping it low (0.110kPa), it is possible
to find the equilibrium constant between water vapor and the entities represented by a
number of ionsolvent aggregates, in the gas phase (Kebarle and Godbole,
Thus, if the equilibrium constant K for one of these equilibria is known, can
be derived from the well-known thermodynamic relation If K
(and hence ) is known as a function of T, can be obtained from the slope of
an In and from the intercept.
The seminal work in this field was carried out by Kebarle and it is surprising to
note the gap of 30 years between the foundation paper by Bernal and Fowler on solvation
in solution and the first examination of the simpler process of hydration in the gas phase.
A series of plots showing the concentrations of various hydrate complexes for
as a function of the total pressure of water vapor is given in Fig. 2.29.26
Now, an interesting thing can be done with the values obtained as indicated
earlier. One takes the best estimate available for the primary hydration number in
solution (see, e.g., Tables 2.7 and 2.11). One then calculates the corresponding heat
of hydration in the gas phase for this number and compares it with the corresponding
individual heat of hydration of the ion in solution. The difference should give the
residual amount of interaction heat outside the first layer (because in the gas phase
there is no outside the first layer).
The hydration energy for the outer shell turns out to be 15% of the whole for
cations and about 30% for anions. Thus, in hydration of the alkali and halide ions,

In Fig. 2.29 a non-SI unit, the torr, is used. The unit is named for Torricelli, who first discussed the partial
vacuum above mercury contained in a tube and found it to be of an atmosphere.

Fig. 2.29. Relative concentrations of ion hydrates, in the gas

phase at (a) 300 K and (b) 400 K. (Reprinted from B. E. Conway, Ionic Hydration
in Chemistry and Biophysics, Elsevier, New York, 1981.)
Fig. 2.30. The n dependence of dif-
ferential integrated thermochemical
values, for
three different solvation reactions.
The values with correspond to
the relative thermochemical values for
the bulk hydration of the ions (1 cal =
4.184 J). (Reprinted from K. Hiraoka,
S. Mizuse, and S. Yamabe, J. Phys.
Chem. 92: 3943,1988.)

between 70 and 85% of the heat of hydration of ions comes from the first shell. One
reason for the interest in this result lies in the electrode process field where the
traditional theory of the energetics of electron transfer has in the past stressed the outer
and not the inner shell solvation as having a major influence on electron transfer,
although the present material makes the waters in the first layer those which exert the
major control on the ionsolvent interaction energy.
Kebarle used a pulsed electron beam to produce ions for injection into a mass
spectrograph that contained the water molecules at a determined, but variable partial
pressure. Hiraoka et al. found that decreases more rapidly with a change in the
numbers of water molecules attached to than for and crosses over at
Evidence for some degree of covalent bonding occurs for F(CH3CN). The completion
of the first solvation shell does not occur until in this case, a surprisingly high
number. The trends found are diagrammed in Fig. 2.30.
Hiraoka et al. have also discussed how the results of their measurements on
solvation in the gas phase are related to the more usually discussed liquid phase
solvation. The first water molecules go onto the ion and are structure-forming.

However, as the shell builds up and breaks more and more H bonds in the surrounding
solvent, the effect of ions on liquid water begins to become more structure-breaking
(Fig. 2.31).
So far, only singly charged ions have been mentioned and there is a good reason
for this. A flow of univalent ions can be generated by electron pulses in an atmosphere
of water vapor. If the electron energy is sufficiently high to bring about the second
ionization of the metal atoms to form ionization of water also occurs and hence
experiments are rendered useless. The results of measurements of equilibria become
too complex to interpret. However, in 1984, Yamashita and Fenn introduced a
technique that sprays ions already in solution into a mass spectroscope. It is possible
to spray into the instrument any ions that exist in solution. Such electrospray techniques
have opened up an exciting new area of possibilities in gas phase solvation studies, but the
database in the 1990s is as yet too sparse to support broader conclusions.


2.14.1. Introduction
It is usually relatively easy to find the solvation-related property of an electrolyte
(as, e.g., the heat of hydration, Section 2.5.2) or the partial molar volume (Section
2.6.2) of a salt in solution. However, experiments that reflect the properties of individual
ions are difficult to devise, the only simple, direct one being the transport number of an
ion (Section 2.10) and the associated individual ionic mobility (Section 2.10.1).
It is important to separate the two contributions to ionic solvation in a salt such
as NaCl. Thus, the degree of hydration depends first upon the ionsolvent distance.
The crystallographic radii of cations are less than those of the parent atom, but those
of anions are larger than those of the parent. Cations, therefore, tend to be more
hydrated than anions because the attraction rendered by the ion is inversely propor-
tional to its radius. However, when, as with and the crystallographic radii are
essentially identical, there is even then a nonequal heat of hydration for each ion. This
is because the dipole moment of the water molecule is not symmetrically distributed
with respect to its geography; its center, which determines the degree of interaction
with the ion, is nearer the positive than the negative ion, so that the former is again
favored in respect to solvation compared with the latter.
Obtaining the individual properties of ions with solvation numbers from meas-
urements of ionic vibration potentials and partial molar volumes is not necessary in
the study of gas phase solvation (Section 2.13), where the individual heats of certain
hydrated entities can be obtained from mass spectroscopy measurements. One injects
a spray of the solution under study into a mass spectrometer and investigates the time
of flight, thus leading to a determination of the total mass of individual ions and
adherent water molecules.

2.14.2. A General Approach to Individual Ionic Properties:

Extrapolation to Make the Effects of One Ion Negligible

Let it be assumed that the value of the interaction energy of an ion with a solvent
is an inverse function of the ionfirst water shell distance, r. Then, if one has a series
of salts where R is, say, a tetraalkylammonium ion, and the anion is
constant, the electrolyte property (e.g., the heat of hydration) can be plotted for the
series of RAs, against (where r represents the cation radius), and the extrapolated
value for is then the individual heat of hydration for the common anion,
If an accepted value of the property for this one anion can be derived, then, of
course, it can be coupled with data for various electrolytes containing this anion. If the
data pertain to dilute solutions, avoiding the interfering effects of ion-ion interactions,
it is possible to derive the individual value for the heat of hydration of the cations.
This method sounds simple at first. However, there are certain difficulties. One
has to decide on a value of n in the plot of and this may not always be unity or
simple. Various terms that affect the calculation of the heat of hydration of ions depend
on and Against which one should one plot?
Because the appropriate n is uncertain, it may be a better tactic to make a different
extrapolation and plot the property of the electrolyte against the molecular weight of
the cation and then extrapolate to zero, as with partial molar volumes, which was
illustrated in Fig. 2.15.
Conway and his associates have been foremost in studying individual ionic
properties and have published a weighted analysis of many suggested methods for
obtaining individual ionic properties (see the reading lists). Among the methods
chosen by Conway et al. as excellent, two have been discussed in this chapter so far,
namely, extrapolation against cation molecular weight and combining partial molar
volume with data on ionic vibration potential to determine individual solvation
numbers. Another method with good reliability involves measurements of the heat
produced in reversible electrolytic cells, which can be used to deduce individual, ionic
entropies, as will be explained in Section 2.15.8. First, though, it is desirable to describe
one particular method used for the individual heat of hydration of the proton, clearly
a most fundamental quantity.


2.15.1. Introduction
A particular method of obtaining this fundamental quantity was given by Halli-
well and Nyburg in 1963 and although there have been several reexaminations of the
process,27 changes of only about 1 % in a value first calculated in 1963 have been made.

These include information on the dynamics of proton hydration.

It seems reasonable therefore to examine the process that gave such a hardy number
so reliably.

2.15.2. Relative Heats of Solvation of Ions on the Hydrogen Scale

Consider the unambiguous experimental va he heat of hydration
of HX. It is made up of the heats of hydration of ions.28

The heat of solvation of ions relative to that of ions [i.e., ] can be

defined by considering as an arbitrary zero in Eq. (2.29), that is,

Thus, the notation (rel) and (abs) has been inserted to distinguish between the relative
value of ions on an arbitrary scale of and the absolute or true
values. From Eq. (2.30),

and since (the heat of hydration of an electrolyte) can be experimentally obtained

to a precision determined only by measuring techniques (i.e., it includes no structural
assumptions), one can see that the relative heat of solvation, is a clear-cut
experimental quantity.
Relative heats of solvation can also be defined for positive ions. One writes

and substitutes for from Eq. (2.30). Thus, one has

which, when inserted into Eq. (2.32), gives


One should, strictly speaking, write

but the will be dropped in the subsequent text to make the notation less cumbersome.

Taking as an arbitrary zero in this equation permits the definition of the

relative heat for the heat of solvation of positive ions

Since and are unambiguous experimental quantities, so are the relative

heats of solvation, of positive ions.
On this basis, a table of relative heats of solvation of individual ions can be drawn
up (Table 2.12). These relative heats can be used, as will be promptly shown, to
examine the degree of truth in the assumption that ions of equal radii and opposite
charge have equal heats of solvation.

2.15.3. Do Oppositely Charged Ions of Equal Radii Have Equal Heats

of Solvation?
Consider two ions and of equal radius but opposite charge. If their
absolute heats of solvation are equal, one expects that

But, from the definition of the relative heats of solvation of positive ions [Eq. (2.36)]
and of negative ions [Eq. (2.33)], one has by subtraction

Fig. 2.32. Plot of the difference between the relative heats of

hydration of oppositely charged ions with equal radii vs. ionic
radius. Values are in kilocalories (1 cal = 4.184 J).

If, therefore, the left-hand side is zero, then one should find, since is a
constant, that

This prediction can easily be checked. One makes a plot of the experimentally
known relative heats of solvation of positive and negative ions as a function of ionic
radius. By erecting a perpendicular at a radius one can get the difference
between the relative heats of solvation of positive and
negative ions of radius By repeating this procedure at various radii, one can make
a plot of the differences as a function of radius. If oppositely
charged ions of the same radius have the same absolute heats of hydration, then
should have a constant value independent of radius. It does
not (Fig. 2.32).

2.15.4. The Water Molecule as an Electrical Quadrupole

The structural approach to ionsolvent interactions has been developed so far by

considering that the electrical equivalent of a water molecule is an idealized dipole,
i.e., two charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign separated by a certain distance.
Is this an adequate representation of the charge distribution in a water molecule?
Consider an ion in contact with the water molecule; this is the situation in the
primary hydration sheath. The ion is close enough to see one positively charged
region near each hydrogen nucleus and two negatively charged regions corresponding

Fig. 2.33. The electrical equivalence between a water molecule and a


to the lone pairs near the oxygen atom. In fact, from this intimate viewpoint, the charge
distribution in the water molecule can be represented (Fig. 2.33) by a model with four
charges of equal magnitude q: a charge of near each hydrogen atom, and two
charges each of value near the oxygen atom. Thus, rather than consider that the
water molecule can be represented by a dipole (an assembly of two charges), a better
approximation, suggested by Buckingham (1957), is to view it as a quadrupole, i.e.,
an assembly of four charges. What may this increase in realism of the model do to the
remaining discrepancies in the theory of ion-solvent interactions?

2.15.5. The lonQuadrupole Model of IonSolvent Interactions

The structural calculation of the heat of ion-solvent interactions involves the
following cycle of hypothetical steps: (1) A cluster of water molecules is removed
from the solvent to form a cavity; (2) the cluster is dissociated into independent
water molecules; (3) n out of water molecules are associated with an ion in the
gas phase through the agency of iondipole forces; (4) the primary solvated ion thus
formed in the gas phase is plunged into the cavity; (5) the introduction of the primary
solvated ion into the cavity leads to some structure breaking in the solvent outside the
cavity; and (6) finally, the water molecule left behind in the gas phase is condensed
into the solvent. The heat changes involved in these six steps are
and respectively, where, for

and the total heat of ionwater interactions is

If one scrutinizes the various steps of the cycle, it will be realized that for only
one step, namely, step 3, does the heat content change [Eq. (2.41)] depending upon
whether one views the water molecule as an electrical dipole or quadrupole. Hence,
the expressions for the heat changes for all steps except step 3 can be carried over as
such into the theoretical heat of ionwater interactions, derived earlier. In step
3, onehas to replace the heat of iondipole interactions with the heat
of ionquadrupole interactions (Fig. 2.34).
What is the expression for the energy of interaction between an ion of charge
and a quadrupole? The derivation of a general expression requires sophisticated
mathematical techniques, but when the water molecule assumes a symmetrical orien-
tation (Fig. 2.35) to the ion, the ionquadrupole interaction energy can easily be shown
to be (Appendix 2.3)

Fig. 2.34. Improvement in the calcu-

lation of the ionwater molecule inter-
actions by altering the model of the
water molecule from a dipole to a

Fig. 2.35. The symmetrical orientation of a quadrupole to an ion.

where the + in the is for positive ions, and the is for negative ions, and is the
quadrupole moment ( esu) of the water molecule. It is at once clear that a
difference will arise for the energy of interaction of positive and negative ions with a
water molecule, a result hardly foreseeable from the rudimentary dipole viewpoint and
hence probably accountable for the result shown in Fig. 2.32.
The first term in this expression [Eq. (2.44)] is the dipole term, and the second
term is the quadrupole term. It is obvious that with increasing distance r between ion
and water molecule, the quadrupole term becomes less significant. Or, in other words,
the greater the value of r, the more reasonable it is to represent the water molecule as
a dipole. However, as the ion comes closer to the water molecule, the quadrupole term
becomes significant, i.e., the error involved in retaining the approximate dipole model
becomes more significant.
When the ion is in contact with the water molecule, as is the case in the primary
solvation sheath, expression (2.44) for the ionquadrupole interaction energy becomes

The quantity represents the energy of interaction between one water molecule
and one ion. If, however, four water molecules surround one ion and one considers a
mole of ions, the heat change involved in the formation of a primary solvated
ion through the agency of ionquadrupole forces is given by

where, as before, the + in the refers to positive ions and the to negative ions.
Substituting this expression for in place of in expression (2.43) for the
heat of ion-water interactions, one has

for positive ions and

for negative ions (values in kilocals (gram ion)1.

2.15.6. IonInduced Dipole Interactions in the Primary Solvation

At this level of sophistication, one wonders whether there are other subtle
interactions that one ought to consider.
For instance, when the water molecule is in contact with the ion, the field of the
latter tends to distort the charge distribution in the water molecule. Thus, if the ion is
positive, the negative charge in the water molecule tends to come closer to the ion, and
the positive charge to move away. This implies that the ion tends to induce an extra
dipole moment in the water molecule over and above its permanent dipole moment.
For small fields, one can assume that the induced dipole moment is proportional
to the inducing field X

where the proportionality constant, is known as the deformation polarizability and

is a measure of the distortability of the water molecule along its permanent dipole
Thus, one must consider the contribution to the heat of formation of the primary
solvated ion (i.e., step 3 of the cycle used in the theoretical calculation presented
earlier), which arises from interactions between the ion and the dipoles induced in the
water molecules of the primary solvent sheath. The interaction energy between a dipole
and an infinitesimal charge dq is or, since is the field dX due to this
charge, the interaction energy can be expressed as Thus, the interaction energy
between the dipole and an ion of charge exerting a field can be found by,

performing the integration dX. In the case of permanent dipoles, does not
depend on the field X and one gets the result (Appendix 2.2):

For induced dipoles, however, and, hence,

Considering a mole of ions and four water molecules in contact with an ion, the heat
of ioninduced dipole interactions is

Introducing this induced dipole effect into the expression for the heat of ion-
solvent interactions [Eqs. (2.47) and (2.48)], one has

for positive ions, and

for negative ions.

2.15.7. How Good Is the lonQuadrupole Theory of Solvation?

A simple test for the validity of these theoretical expressions (2.52) and (2.53) can
be constructed. Consider two ions and of equal radius but opposite charge. The

difference in their absolute heats of hydration is obtained by

subtracting Eq. (2.53) from Eq. (2.52). Since the signs of the dipole term,

the Born charging term,

and the induced dipole term,

are invariant with the sign of the charge of the ion, they cancel out in the subtraction
(as long as the orientation of a dipole near a cation is simply the mirror image of that
near an anion). The quadrupole term, however, does not cancel out because it is
positive for positive ions and negative for negative ions. Hence, one obtains29

It is seen from this equation that the quadrupolar character of the water molecule would
make oppositely charged ions of equal radii have radius-dependent differences in their
heats of hydration (Fig. 2.32). Further, Eq. (2.38) has given

By combining Eqs. (2.38) and (2.54), the result is

Thus, the ionquadrupole model of ionsolvent interactions predicts that if the

experimentally available differences in the relative heats of
solvation of oppositely charged ions of equal radii ri are plotted against one
should get a straight line with a slope From Fig. 2.36, it can be seen that

Expression (2.54) is based on the assumption of the radius independence of
(gram ion)1 and the constancy of n with radius over the interval concerned.

the experimental points do give a straight line unless the ionic radius falls below about
13 nm. Further, the theoretical slope is in fair agreement with the
experimental slope
It can therefore be concluded that by considering a quadrupole model for the water
molecule, one can not only explain why oppositely charged ions of equal radius have
differing heats of hydration (Fig. 2.32), but can also quantitatively predict the way
these differences in the heats of hydration will vary with the radius of the ions
What are we seeking in this section? The objective is a method to unscramble the
individual heats of hydration from values known for the salt, i.e., for at least two
individual ions.
An elegant method of obtaining such experimental values is now at hand. Starting
from the experimentally proved linearity of
(Fig. 2.36), one can take Eq. (2.55) and, following Halliwell and Nyburg, extrapo-

Fig. 2.36. The plot of half the difference in the

relative heats of hydration of positive and negative
ions of the same radii versus The solid
line is through experimental points and the dotted
line is the extrapolation of the straight line going
through the experimental points (1 cal = 4.184 J; 1
= 100 pm).


late the plot to infinite radius, i.e., to

is then equal to
Once one has thus obtained the experimental absolute heat of hydration of the
proton, one can use it in combination with experimental values of -containing
electrolytes (e.g., HC1) to obtain absolute values of the heat of hydration of other ions,
(Table 2.13). Such an approach has a better basis than an older method in which the
salt considered had equal radii and the absolute heat of solvation of each was equal to
half that of the whole. However, this assumption of the equality of the heats of
hydration of ions with the same radius is just not true (Fig. 2.32).
Conway and Soloman corrected Halliwell and Nyburgs (1963) value for the
numerical value of the dipole moment of water and got Then, Lister,
Nyburg, and Doyntz reattacked the calculation using a different series of ions of the
same size. They got
The best value in the late 1990s is (cf. the original value of 1113).
As stated earlier, knowledge of the absolute heat of hydration of allows individual
heats of hydration of anions to be obtained from the corresponding heats for an
electrolyte, HX. Knowing the individual heats for some typical ions allows one to
couple these values with the heats of hydration of MXs and obtain individual values
for ions. A few values are given in Table 2.13.

2.15.8. How Can Temperature Coefficients of Reversible Cells Be

Used to Obtain Ionic Entropies?
In Section 2.13, it was shown how it is possible to obtain the entropy of solvation
for an electrolyte, but that left open the separation into the individual entropies of
solvation for each ion.

A well-known thermodynamic expression for the change in entropy of a

process is

with as the free-energy change.

Furthermore, when an electrochemical cell works in a thermodynamically revers-
ible way (see Vol. 2, Chapter 7),

where n is the number of electrons for one step of the overall reaction.
It follows from Eq. (2.56) that

Now, this of a cell reaction must be composed of the entropies of at least two
different ions in solution (because two electrode reactions are involved, one at each
electrode), so that Eq. (2.58) cannot lead directly to an individual ionic entropy.
However, in 1941, Lee and Tai considered the potential and temperature coeffi-
cients of the following cells:

The suffix (ecm) for cells 1 and 3 represents the term electrocapillary maximum
and can be regarded (Vol. 2, Chapter 6) as a potential at which the electrode has zero
Lee and Tai assumed that the potential at which the excess charge on the electrode
is zero also indicates an interfacial potential difference of zero. This would not be
consistent with the viewpoint of workers in the late 1990s (Vol. 2, Chapter 6), but let
it be assumed to be so for now and follow Lee and Tais reasoning.
Contemplating then cell (3),30 if the Hg electrode does not contribute to the
temperature coefficient of the potentials measured, then E3 of the cell (being equivalent
to ) must yield here the entropy difference of the ion undergoing a
reversible equilibrium reaction at Pt (right-hand electrode, cell 3) with in the gas
phase and in solution at unit activity.

In fact, Lee and Tai made measurements on cells (1) and (2) and obtained data on cell (3) by observing

However, the entropy of in the gas phase is well known and hence can be
obtained. Lee and Tai, in fact, obtained the absolute standard
entropy of in solution.
What of Lee and Tais assumption that a charge-free surface involves no potential
contribution to the cell? In fact, work done much later suggests that the missing
temperature coefficient is only 0.01, so that the error Lee and Tai introduced by their
outmoded assumption is indeed negligible.
Other work on the temperature coefficient of cells gave rise to a more complex
analysis, but produced essentially the same result as that of Lee and Tai. Thus, Table
2.14 can be taken to indicate a result of for this important quantity,

Having obtained the individual value of the gram-ionic entropy of the hydrogen
ion in solution, the individual entropy of hydration can be obtained by a straightfor-
ward calculation of the value of from statistical mechanical reasoning.
To use this value of to obtain the individual ionic entropies of other ions in
solution, it is necessary to know values for the entropy of hydration of a number of
electrolytes containing Thereafter, the value of the entropy of the counterion can
be obtained. It can then be used in conjunction with entropies of hydration of
electrolytes containing the counterion to determine the absolute entropies of partner
ions in the electrolyte containing the constant anion. Of course, in all cases, the value
of the entropy of the ion in the gaseous state must be subtracted from that of the ion
in solution to give the entropy of hydration
These considerations of individual entropies take it for granted that values of
for a group of electrolytes are known (Table 2.15). This is acceptable pedagogi-
cally because in Section 2.5.3 one learned how to obtain and So, the equation

can be used to obtain the entropy of hydration of an

However, there is a direct method to obtain via the thermodynamics of
reversibly behaving cells without any special assumptions. Thus, consider a cell that
is assumed to be run in a thermodynamically reversible way:

The overall reaction is


However, the entropies of H2 and Cl2 in the gas phase can easily be calculated so
that the sum of the entropies of H+ and Cl in solution can be obtained. The value
in solution is known (2.15.8). It is fairly easy to devise these kinds of cells, which have
been used in obtaining much data.

2.15.9. Individual Ionic Properties: A Summary

In Section 2.15, methods for obtaining the properties of individual ions (their
hydration numbers, heats, and entropies) have been considered. Starting with a general
methodextrapolation to eliminate the effect of a partner on the value of the (easily
obtainable) corresponding electrolyte propertytwo special cases were dealt with:
how one obtains the individual values of the heat of hydration of the proton and then
its entropy.
Values of the thermal properties of individual ions do not have the same status as
thermodynamic properties (for these are assumption-free). For thermodynamic prop-
erties, only the accuracy of the experimental determination can be questioned. For
example, in electrochemical cells, are they being operated in equilibrium as required?
Thus, determining the values of the properties of individual ions always involves some
assumptionthat it is appropriate to extrapolate according to a certain law, for
exampleand therefore the values will always be open to improvement. Some of the
newer values increasingly refer to nonaqueous solutions.

2.15.10. Model Calculations of Hydration Heats

In the 1970s Bockris and Saluja developed models incorporating and extending
ideas proposed by Eley and Evans, Frank and Wen, and Bockris and Reddy. Three
basic models of ionic hydration that differ from each other in the structure in the first
coordination shell were examined. The features of these models are given in Table
2.16. The notations chosen for the models were 1A, 1B, 1C; 2A, 2B, 2C; and 3A, 3B,
3C, where 1, 2, and 3 refer to three basic hydration models, and A, B, and C refer to
the subdivision of the model for the structure-broken (SB) region. These models are
all defined in Table 2.16. A model due to Bockris and Reddy (model 3 in Table 2.16
and Fig. 2.37) recognizes the distinction between coordination number (CN) and
solvation number (SN).

In the concept of nonsolvated coordinated water, it is assumed that an ion exists

in two states in the solution. It is either stationary or engaged in diffusional movement.
As an ion arrives at a new site after a movement, its situation in respect to coordination
by water is of two types. Clearly, the water molecules must always have some degree
of orientation in the direction of their dipoles in the first layer around the ion. It is
practical to divide these molecules into two types. There will be those oriented so that
these dipoles interact maximally with the ion, and another type that is oriented so that
the dipoles are oriented at 90 to the ion and do not interact with it at all. The
coordination number refers to the total number of water molecules in the first layer
around the ion, independently of how they are oriented.

Fig. 2.37. Models for the region near an ion. (Reprinted from J. O.M. Bockris and P.
P. S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2298,1972.)

The dynamic solvation number (as distinguished from the static coordination
number) is the number of these water molecules that remain with the ion for at least
one diffusive movement. When an ion arrives at a new site, it may remain there long
enough to influence a number of the surrounding water molecules to come out of the
water structure and become part of the primary solvation shell that moves with the ion.
Conversely, it may remain at a given site for a time so brief that it does not have an
effect on the waters that are relatively stable and fixed tightly in the water structure
that surrounds it. In the solvent structure these latter may still be thought of as part of
the coordinating waters of the ion, but their dipoles have not had sufficient time to
rotate into the attractive position such as that of the solvationally
coordinated waters represented by the letters SCW.

2.15.11. Heat Changes Accompanying Hydration

The following steps in a cycle (Fig. 2.38 and Tables 2.17 and 2.18) are carried out
in calculating the heat of hydration (1) the evaporation of n water molecules
from liquid water to the gas phase where n is the number of molecules
in the first shell in a given model and is the heat of evaporation
(2) the gain on interaction of an ion with n water molecules in the gas phase
where is the ionwater interaction and is negative in sign;
(3) a lateral interaction term: (4) the phenomenon known as Born
charging in which the ion with its coordination shell is returned to the solvent
(see Appendix 2.1); and (5) the interaction among the molecules in the
first shell with molecules in the outer layer and, consequently, structural alterations in
the structure-broken region making a net contribution
The heat of ionic hydration can now be calculated as

When all the molecules in the coordination shell are treated as identical, will
be given by the cycle in Fig. 2.38.

Fig. 2.38. A cycle to separate out various contributions of ionsolvent interactions.

(Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2298,1972.)

When, as suggested by Bockris and Reddy, the number of water molecules that
stay with the ion (SN) is distinguished from the number that simply surround the first
shell (CN), will differ for molecules referred to as solvational coordinated
water and for those referred to as nonsolvational coordinated water (NSCW). Then
will be given by

Lets now evaluate the different energy terms involved in calculating the heat of
hydration of the ions [Eqs. (2.61) and (2.62)] and compare the various models
described in Table 2.16. The energy of an ion interacting with a water molecule

oriented along the ionic field is


where and are the dipole moment, quadrupole moment, and polarizability
of the water molecule. The ion-water distance is symbolized by where
is crystallographic ionic radius and is the radius of the water molecule. The sign
in the ionquadrupole term refers to cation and anion, respectively.
Using values of esu cm, and
molecule1 for and respectively, the term can be rewritten as When there will be two interaction

energies: (1) the interaction energy of a solvationally coordinated water with the ion,
and (2) the interaction energy of nonsolvationally coordinated water
(NSCW) with the ion, . The energy is given by Eq. (2.65). An
NSCW does not give any average preferred orientation.31 Before it has time to orient
toward the ion, the latter has left the site. Thus, NSCW is still a part of the water
structure, but on the average has an H-bonding position blocked by the ion. Thus, its
net iondipole interaction energy is zero. The interaction energy of an NSCW with
the ion arises from the ioninduced dipole, the ion quadrupole, and the dispersion


Of course, in reality, there will not only be these two positions but also all possible intermediate positions,
in which the ion-solvent interaction is given for one solvent molecule by The value of
is zero for a dipole oriented directly to the ion (cos 0 = 1); and 90 for a distant water molecule (cos
90 = 0). However, there will be all different values of in between, and the model presented here does
not deal with them. As a simplification; it takes the two extreme situations (all oriented and not at all
oriented) and pretends any water molecule belongs to one group or the other.

where is the polarizability of the ion. Values of calculated from Eq.

(2.67) are listed in Table 2.17. The lateral interactions in the coordination shell for a CN of

4 and 6 can be calculated. A vs. CN plot obtained for CNs of 4 and 6 can be
extrapolated. Thus, when CN 1, i.e., there is no other molecule to
interact with; and for CN = 6, the extrapolation is made to follow the shape of the curve
of vs. CN, obtained from the equation

where is a geometrical factor depending on the CN. The arises only from
the SCW. Thus, for large ions, which have a low SN, obtained from the
vs. CN plot is negligible. Therefore, for large ions has
been neglected. This term can be determined from

Substituting in Eq. (2.69) the appropriate values for and the following
equation is obtained:

where and are in picometer (pm) units. (Model A). This model (Table 2.16) considers H bonding

between the molecules in the first layer and those in the region of structure breaking
(SB) (Fig. 2.37). The solvated coordinated water (SCW), which is oriented toward the
ion, has two H-bonding positions blocked by the ion and offers the remaining two sites
for H bonding to the solvent molecules in the SB region (Fig. 2.37). The NSCW is still
attached predominantly to the solvent structure but on the average has an H-bonding
position blocked by the ion and thus can offer three H-bonding sites to molecules in
the SB region. Thus, the net gain in energy from H bonding between molecules in the
B region and those in the first layer will be for the SCW and
for NSCW, i.e.,

for the case where the solvation number and the coordination number is the same (SN
= CN), and

when the solvation number differs from the coordination number (SN CN). The
is the energy of one H bond, equal to 21 kJ The numerical values are
listed in Table 2.17. (Model B). This model (Table 2.16) considers the

structure-breaking region as consisting of dimers, which are formed from monomers
from liquid water. If the lowering in the potential energy due to formation of a dimer
from two monomers is then

where is the number of molecules in the SB region per ion, and is taken as
the energy of one H bond, i.e., 21 kJ Values of (model B) are listed in
Table 2.17. (Model C). In this model (Table 2.16) the SB region is

considered to consist basically of monomers. Some of these monomers are H bonded
to the molecules in the first shell. The SCW and NSCW participate in two and three
H bonds with molecules in the SB region. The formation of an SB region of monomers
can be treated according to the cycle shown in Fig. 2.39. Therefore, one can write



clearly cannot be taken as the heat of evaporation for liquid water. It

may be possible to get some rough value for it. In some theories of liquids, a property
of interest is that of the free volume, that is, the volume occupied by the liquid minus
the volume of the actual molecules considered to occupy cells. One such theory

Fig. 2.39. The formation of an SB region of monomers can be treated

according to the cycle shown. (Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris and P. P.
S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2298, 1972.)


Here the terms refer to the vapor pressure of bulk water, while is that of
the structure-breaking region.
From Eqs. (2.77) and (2.78),

on the first-approximation assumption that the vapor pressures of the two forms of
water are not significantly different. Using a value of of 0.20 for
water in the SB region and 0.40 for


Substitution of values from Eq. (2.81) into Eq. (2.76) gives

Thus, for where (the number of molecules in the structure-breaking region per
ion; see later discussion) is 24, the net contribution of will be 41 kJ. Similar
calculations can be carried out for other ions. The net contribution from (model
C) comes to

for SN = CN, and

for SN CN, where in the first term is obtained from Eq. (2.82). The values
of (model C) are listed in Table 2.17. The total number of molecules in the SB region can be
calculated by consideration of the close packing of water molecules in the area of a
sphere consisting of the ion plus the first layer. Thus, the number of molecules of
cross-sectional area will be given as

Values of are listed in Table 2.17. Numerical Evaluation of The heats of hydration of
monovalent ions have been calculated for the various models by using Eqs. (2.61) and
(2.62) and the parameters listed in Table 2.17. The results are shown in Figs. 2.40 and
2.41. From Figs. 2.40 and 2.41 it can be seen that the experimental data for cations fit
model 3C of Table 2.16 best, while for the anions, the best fit is with model 3A.
Both models of best fit assume that there is a distinction between the coordination
shell and the solvation shell. The difference between cations and anions is that the
anion calculations are more consistent with H bonding from the first coordination shell
around the ions and the water in the structure-broken region; with the cations, the better
model fit is to stress the librating properties of water in the structure-broken region.
This difference may arise from the smaller peripheral field strengths of the anions
(larger radius) so that there is more time for orientation and H bonding with the (larger
amount of) structure-broken waters after an ion arrives in a given region.
All these conclusions must be tempered by continuous reminders that solvation
is a dynamic matter and that water molecules are constantly being attracted by the

Fig. 2.40. Heat of hydration against radius of

cations for various competing models (1 = 100
pm; 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ). (Reprinted from J. OM.
Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76:
2298, 1972.)

Fig. 2.41. Heat of hydration against radius of

anions, for various models (1 = 100 pm; 1
kcal=4.184 kJ). (Reprinted from J. OM. Bock-
ris and P. P. S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76:

Fig. 2.42. Orientational change of a water molecule in

the first hydration shell of a tetramethylammonium ion
(a) A water molecule in the first hydration shell
is attached to the ion by chargeelectric dipole
interaction, (b) Orientational change of a water molecule
in the first hydration shell is complemented by formation
of another hydrogen bond to an outer water molecule.
(Reprinted from Y. Nagano, H. Mizuno, M. Sakiyama,
T. Fujiwara, and Y. Kondo, J. Phys. Chem. 95: 2536,

iondipole forces; but they are also shaken about by the thermal forces, by lateral
repulsion between waters, and by the breaking and formation of hydrogen bonds.
Orientational changes of waters in the first shell of a tetramethylammonium cation are
shown in Fig. 2.42.

2.15.12. Entropy of Hydration: Some Possible Models

The entropy of solvation values reflect solvational structure near an ion. The
following discussion of models that are more in agreement with the experimental
values of solvational entropies follows the seminal treatment due to Bockris and Saluja
in 1982. Models for the region near an ion are shown in Fig. 2.37. The entropy of
hydration from the model with no SB region was 170 to 250 lower (more
negative) than the experimental values, and was therefore not pursued further.

2.15.13. Entropy Changes Accompanying Hydration

The is the entropy change that accompanies the transition of an ion in the gas
phase to an ion in solution (with the arbitrary neglect of any change in crossing the
gasliquid interface).32 Thus,

This does not introduce an error, due to the way in which solvation entropies are calculated. Thus, one
calculates the processes of ordering in solution when an ion becomes hydrated and then subtracts the ions
entropy in the gas phase. This is precisely what the experimental value reflects.

The second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (2.86) is the entropy of the ion in the gas
phase and the first term represents the total entropy change caused upon the entry of
the ion into the solution. will be given as

where is the translational entropy of the ion, is the entropy of coordinated

water in the first shell around the ion, is the entropy of water in liquid water,
is Born-charging entropy, and are the entropy of solvationally
coordinated water and nonsolvationally coordinated water, respectively, near the ion,
and is the net entropy contribution of the structure-broken region around the
The substitution into Eq. (2.86) of the values of from Eqs. (2.87) and (2.88)
gives the entropy of hydration. Relevant terms will be evaluated next. One uses the SackurTetrode equation for the translational
entropy of a monatomic ion in the gas phase and it gives

where is the mass of the ion (Table 2.19). The Born-charging entropy is given by

which at 298 K becomes

where and are in nanometers (Table 2.19). The partition function corresponding to translation of a
particle in a liquid can be written as

where is the free volume available to the ion in solution described in Section
2.15.11. Therefore, the entropy of translation is


where and are the free volumes of solution, salt, and water,
respectively, and is the mole fraction of the salt. Equation (2.94) can be rearranged

and a plot of vs. can then be used to calculate

The can be calculated from the velocity of sound by the expression

where is the velocity in the gas phase given by kinetic theory,

is the velocity of sound in solution, is the molar volume of the solution,
and M is the molecular weight. Equation (2.96) at 298.16 K becomes upon
substitution of appropriate values:

The molar volume of a binary solution is given by

where and are the weight fraction and molar weight of the ith component,
respectively, and is the density of the solution. For example, for NaCl, Eq. (2.98)
reduces to

where is the weight fraction of NaCl in solution. needed to calculate is

given by

where and are the mole fractions of salt and solvent in the solution. Using
measurements of the velocity of sound, from Eq. (2.99), and from Eq.
(2.100), can be calculated from Eq (2.97) for different mole fractions, of
the salt.
The obtained from the slope of [cf. Eq. (2.95)] is near zero and
it is inferred that this value indicates a value of zero for the translational entropy of
the ion. A similar result was obtained for the solvated complex. Zero translational
entropy for a solvated ion is a reasonable conclusion. Thus, for most of its time, the
ion is still in a cell in the solution and only occasionally does it jump into a vacancy,
or if it shuffles about, its movement is so constrained compared with that of a gas that
it may approach zero. Si-SCW. The entropy of solvationally coordinated water is made
up of librational (Si,lib ) and vibrational contributions. can be calculated as
The partition function of a particle, under an electric field is

where and are the moments of inertia of the water molecules about three
mutually perpendicular axes and is the ionwater interaction energy. The symbol
is the symmetry factor and is equal to 2 for water. Therefore (see physicochemical

In the case of water molecules oriented near the ion, and Eq. (2.102) becomes

Inserting numerical values for at 298.16 K becomes

Substituting from Table 2.17 for for the SCW molecules near ions
can be calculated. The quantity represents the sum of the iondipole, ionquadru-
pole, and ioninduced dipole interactions.
In the computation of the rotational entropies of SCW and NSCW near an ion,
the rotation is restricted to libration about the axis perpendicular to the dipole. The
third rotation, i.e., about the dipole axis, does not change the orientation of the dipole
and may be better calculated as if it were a free rotation. The partition function for this

where is the moment of inertia of water molecules about the dipole axis and is
1.9187 Using this partition function in the general equation for entropy
in terms of partition function, one calculates


The term can be calculated from

and therefore


and k is the force constant and is the reduced mass.



Now, at equilibrium, for the ionwater separation

It follows that

From Eqs. (2.112) and (2.114) and expressing the displacements from the equilibrium
separation, one gets for k:

The numerical form turns out to be

Thus, can be evaluated by inserting k from Eq. (2.116) into Eq. (2.110). The values
of when substituted in Eq. (2.109), give (Table 2.19). The term is made up of two contributions,
The librational entropy of the NSCW is obtained from Eqs.
(2.104) and (2.107) by inserting the value of from row 3 of Table
2.17 (see Table 2.19).
can be calculated from Eq. (2.109) if is known. Waters that are
not coordinated solvationally with the ion (NSCW) have as attractive force only an
ioninduced dipole component Thus, the force constant can be worked
out by using Eqs. (2.111)(2.114):

or in numerical form:

Substitution of in Eq. (2.110) gives which, when used in Eq. (2.109),

gives the vibrational contribution to the entropy of an NSCW near ions (Table 2.19). (Model A). In this model, the hydrogen-bonded molecule of
the SB region is seen as executing one free rotation about the H-bond axis. The two
rotations about the axes perpendicular to the H-bond axis will be librational.
can be obtained from Eq. (2.109) using a frequency represented by a
wave-number of 60 assigned for the rotational band of a
one-hydrogen-bonded species. Thus,

The entropy corresponding to two librations can be obtained by inserting the

librational frequencies, and in Eq. (2.109). The assignments of these
based on the interpretation of the infrared spectrum for two libration frequencies, are
Substituting these values in Eq. (2.109) gives

The three vibrations, corresponding to the three translational degrees of freedom,

for a molecule involved in a single H bond are assigned frequencies of
The entropy for these vibrations follows from Eq. (2.109) as

From Eqs. (2.119) to (2.122)


(Table 2.19). (Model C). In this model, the molecules in the SB region,

which are not H bonded to the first shell, are taken as unbonded, i.e., freely rotating
monomers. These molecules are assigned three translational and three rotational
degrees of freedom. The intramolecular bond stretching and bending modes are of
high frequencies and do not contribute to the entropy of an unbonded molecule.
One has to know the free volume available to the unbonded molecule, and
its temperature dependence, so that the translational entropy may be calculated. The
term may be found from sound velocity measurements [Eq. (2.96)]. If one takes
a number of unassociated liquids and plots their free volumes obtained from the
velocity of sound against their molar weights, an extrapolation through a molar weight
of 18 will give for a freely rotating monomer of water.33 A value of 0.2
for is obtained. The temperature dependence of is obtained from the
integration of the heat capacity

which gives

where is the heat capacity of the freely rotating monomers in the SB region,
is the number of degrees of freedom, and the term 1.2 is the integration constant.
has a value of (6/2)R arising from three translational and three rotational degrees
of freedom. Thus, from Eq. (2.126)

Using of 0.20 of 1.2 in the general equation

relating entropy to partition function,

This is to be distinguished from the entropy of water in water for which, of course, free-volume values
are available directly from measurements of sound velocity.

one finds

Furthermore, for three degrees of free rotations is calculated with the same
general approach to be 43.85 Adding these components together, one
obtains a calculated entropy for the structure-broken part of model C, that is,

Thus, the total entropy for model C is

The values of of models A and C as well as their comparisons with experi-

mental values are shown in Table 2.20 and in Figs. 2.43 and 2.44. It is necessary to
reject model 1C because X-ray determinations of the CN indicate not 4, but numbers
that vary from 6 to 8 as a function of the ion. The experimental results on solvation
numbers have similar inference; a sharp distinction between the solvation numbers of

Fig. 2.43. Entropy of hydration against recip-

rocal of ionic radius for monovalent cations (1
= 100 pm; 1 cal = 4.184 J). (Reprinted from
J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, J. Phys.
Chem. 76: 2298, 1972.)

Fig. 2.44. Entropy of hydration against recipro-

cal of ionic radius for halide ions (1 = 100 pm;
1 e.u. = 4.184 (Reprinted from J.
OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, J. Phys. Chem.
76: 2298, 1972.)

larger and smaller ions is indicated (the SN of is 4, and that of is 1.5). Models
2A and 2C turn out, after the calculations have been made, to be the least consistent
with the experiments (Figs. 2.43 and 2.44).
Thus, model 3C is the most experimentally consistent model. It is consistent with
a model in which there is a difference between coordinated water and solvational water.
Some of the waters in the structure-broken region are librating monomers. The entropy
choice of 3C is the same as the choice in the heat calculation for cations. However,
there is much deviation for the cations (Fig. 2.43) and only the anion model is more
consistent with experiments (Figs. 2.43 and 2.44). The model in which two different
kinds of coordinating waters in the first shell have been assumed (i.e., a solvational
and a nonsolvational coordination number) gives numerically better consistency with
experiments than models lacking this feature.
Conclusions for the monovalent ions can be drawn from this fairly detailed
analysis. (1) A division of a region around the ion into two parts (Bockris, 1949; Frank
and Wen, 1957) is supported. (2) In the first layer around the ion, one can distinguish
two kinds of water molecules, referred to as solvated and nonsolvated. (3) The
second layer is also one water molecule thick and consists basically of monomers,
some of which librate.

2.15.14. Is There a Connection between the Entropy of Solvation and

the Heats of Hydration?
It is common in many properties of chemical systems to find that as the of the
property varies in a series of elements, there is a corresponding change that
counteracts the change. The appropriate relations are shown for ionic hydration in
Fig. 2.45. Because of the general relation this compensation effect
quiets down the variation of among the ions.
An interpretation of this well-known compensation effect has been given by
Conway. In this interpretation, iondipole attraction is the larger contributor to the
values. As it increases (becomes more negative), the vibrational and rotational
frequencies will increase and hence the entropy contribution will become more
negative. Because the increased negativity of (i.e., a positive
contribution to ) will compensate for the increasingly negative

Fig. 2.45. Compensation plot of enthalpies vs. standard entropies of hydration

for a number of ions. (Reprinted from D. D. Eley and H. G. Evans, Trans. Faraday
Soc.34: 1093, 1938.)

2.15.15. Krestovs Separation of Ion and Solvent Effects in Ion

Krestov in 1993 broke down the solvent contribution into an ordering onethat
is, a negative entropy due to the enhanced order brought about by the ordering of the
solvent around the ionand a disordering entropy (i.e., positive) caused by the
solvent breakdown. Temperature affects the ordering part little, but the disordering
contribution diminishes with an increase in temperature because the water is already
broken up before entry of the ion.


2.16.1. Introduction
One of the challenges of solvation studies consists in separating effects among
the ions of a salt (e.g., those due to the anion and those due to the cation) and this
difficulty, that of determining the individual solvation heats (see Section 2.15), invades
most methods devoted to the determination of individual ionic properties (Fig. 2.46).
When it comes to the solvation number of an ion, an unambiguous determination is
even more difficult because not all workers in the field understand the importance of
distinguishing the coordination number (the nearest-neighbor first-layer number) from

Fig. 2.46. Hydration number vs. sodium chloride molar

fractions. Experimental data; () fitting. (Reprinted
from G. Onori and A. Santucci, J. Chem. Phys. 93: 2939,
1990.) The large values arise as a consequence of drop-
ping the assumption of an incompressible hydration

Fig. 2.47. Hydration number n in relation to coordination number CN in the motion of

an ion in water and in relation to exchange of water molecules. CW, coordinated
HW, primary hydrating molecules. (Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S.
Saluja, J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2298, 1972.)

the dynamic solvation number (the number of water molecules that remain with an ion
for at least one movement (Fig. 2.47).
Thus, a major misunderstanding is committed by those who confuse solvation
numbers with the number of solvent molecules in contact with an ion, the coordination
number. It has already been implied and indeed spelled out that the term solvation
number implies a dynamic concept. Solvation numbers reflect the dynamic situation
of the ion as it moves around in the solution. Thus, two hydration numbers may be
described, but only one of these is open to numerical determination. This is the
so-called primary hydration number, that is, the number of water molecules that have
lost their own freedom of translational motion and move along with the ion in its
random movements in the solution. A secondary hydration number refers to the water
molecules in the area around the ion that are affected by the ions presence. Clearly,
this second quantity depends entirely on the degree of the effect on the solvent
molecules outside the first and second layers and hence on the sensitivity of the method
being used. It includes waters in the structurally broken-down region out from the first
layer of waters attached to the anion.

However, the term primary salvation number, although it has apparently a clear
definition (see above), is open to further discussion. Thus it may be that a water
molecule loses its degree of translational freedom and travels with a given ion as it
moves from site to site. The question is, how long does it have to remain the ions
consort to count in the definition? There is no difficulty in accepting travels with the
ion in its movements when the lifetime of the complex is clearly greater than that
needed for registration in some experimental method. Thus, a relatively long lifetime,
more than 106 s, say, would find a strong positive vote on the question of whether
such an ion counts primarily as a hydrated molecule. However, it seems better to accept
the limit of one jump as the necessary qualification. Thus, if the lifetime of water
molecules in contact with an ion is only enough for one jump, it still means that the
ion always has water molecules with it on jumping, and the number of these is
reasonably taken as the primary hydration (solvation) number.
Another matter concerns the time of reaction between a set of water molecules
after an ion has just pushed its way into the middle of them. Thus, if the lifetime of
molecules in the primary solvation shell is sufficiently short, there must be some jumps
in which the ion is bare or at least only minimally clothed. How is the hydration number
affected by the time needed for the solvent molecules buried in the solvent layer to
break out of that attachment and rotate so that their dipoles are oriented toward the ion
to maximize the energy of interaction

2.16.2. Dynamic Properties of Water and Their Effect on Hydration

A critical question one might ask in obtaining a closer concept of the primary
hydration number pertains to the average time during which a water molecule stays
with an ion during its movements (cf. Fig. 2.23). One can begin by repeating yet again
the distinction between coordination number and primary hydration water. The
coordination number is the number of particles in contact with the ion (independently
of whether any of the molecules concerned move with the ion and independently of
how they orient in respect to it). It is a matter of geometry, space filling, etc. Now,
when an ion moves from one site to the next, not all of the water molecules coordinating
it at the beginning of the movement cling to it.
One can see at once that the free volume for coordinating waters is

If water molecules fill this space without regard to directed valences and without
accounting for repulsion between head-to-head dipoles, the coordination number
could be obtained by dividing the above number by the volume of one water molecule.
For = 70, 100, 150, and 200 pm, the calculated coordination numbers obtained
on such a basis are shown in Tables 2.21 and 2.22. Real values should be less, because
of lateral repulsion of molecules.

The solvation numbers would be expected to be zero for sufficiently large ions.
For these ions, the ions field is too weak to hold the dipoles and rises toward (but
never equals) the coordination number as the ions size falls; therefore its Coulombic
attraction upon the water molecule increases (Fig. 2.23).

2.16.3. A Reconsideration of the Methods for Determining the Primary

Hydration Numbers Presented in Section 2.15
Most34 of the methods employed to yield primary hydration numbers have already
been presented (Section 2.15). Thus, one of the simplest methods, which has been
applied to organic molecules as well as ions in solution, is that originated by Passynski.
As with most methods, it purports to give the total solvation number for the salt, but
this should not be counted as a difficulty. More to the point is Onoris criticism that
the primary hydration shell is not incompressible. Onori has measured this while
dropping Passynskis assumption, but the solvation numbers he gets seem unreason-
ably large and may be invalidated by his counter assumption, i.e., that solvation is
temperature independent.
The mobility method (Section 2.10.1) has the advantage of yielding individual
solvation numbers directly (as long as the transport numbers are known). However,
this positive point is offset by the fact that the viscosity term used should be the local
viscosity near the ion, which will be less than the viscosity of the solvent, which is

Thus the entropy of solvation (Section 2.15.12) can be used to obtain hydration numbers. Knowing the
value of (Section 2.5.3), it is necessary only to know the entropy change of one water molecule as it
transfers from a position in a somewhat broken-up water lattice, where it has librative (and some limited
translatory) entropy but ends up, after having been trapped by the ion, with only vibrational entropy. The
value assigned to this change is generally 25 of water, so that
As a rough-and-ready estimate, this will do. However, the method is open to further development,
particularly as to the broken-down character of water in the neighborhood of the ion and how this affects
the value of 25 per water molecule.

usually used in the calculation. It is interesting to note that the use of raw solvent
viscosities does, however, give values that agree (30%) with the mean of the other
five or so nonspectroscopic approaches.
The use of hydration numbers calculated from the effect of ions on the dielectric
constant of ionic solutions was seen (Section 2.12.1) at first to be relatively free of
difficulties. However, the theory has become more sophisticated since the original
conception, and it has been realized that in all but quite dilute solutions, interionic
forces affect a straightforward interpretation of the relaxation time, making it impor-
tant to have sets of data over a wide range of frequencies1 mHz to 1 GHz. The
methods of Yeager and Zana and Bockris and Saluja (Section 2.8.1), which use
compressibility measurements to obtain the sum, and the ionic vibration potentials to
get the difference, represent an approach to determining hydration number that has the
least number of reservations (although there are questions about the degree of residual
compressibility of the inner sheath).
Finally, there is the troubling matter that the spectroscopic methods of measure-
ment generally gave results as much as 50% lower (Table 2.10) than the values
obtained by the relatively concordant nonspectroscopic methods (compressibility,

activity, entropy, mobility, partial ionic volume, vibration potentials, and dielectric
constant). There seem to be two interpretations for this marked discrepancy. The first
is that the spectroscopic methods are relatively insensitive and for this reason are only
applicable to concentrated solutions. However, here the number of water molecules
available per ion markedly decreases water molecules in a M solution
and 10 water molecules in a 5 M solution) so that there would be a mass tendency
toward lower hydration numbers (see Fig. 2.46). Apart from this, in solutions as
concentrated as those used, e.g., in neutron diffraction for 2:1 salts
such as the situation becomes complicated for two reasons: (1) the formation
of various kinds of ion pairs and triplets and (2) the fact that so much of the water
available is part of the hydration sheaths that are the object of investigation. Thus, ionic
concentration, which refers conceptually to the number of free waters in which the
hydrated ion can move, has a different meaning from that when the number of water
molecules that are tied up is negligible.
Conversely, spectroscopic methods (particularly NMR and neutron diffraction)
can be used to sense the residence time of the water molecules within the solvent
sheaths around the ion. Thus, they could offer the most important data still requireda
clean quantitative determination of the number of molecules that move with the ion.
Unfortunately they only work in concentration regions far higher than those of the
other methods. A summary of results from these methods is given in Tables 2.23 and

2.16.4. Why Do Hydration Heats of Transition-Metal Ions Vary

Irregularly with Atomic Number?
The theoretical discussion of the heats of ionsolvent interactions has been
restricted so far to stressing the alkali metal and alkaline earth cations and halide
anions. For these ions, a purely electrostatic theory (Section 2.15.10) provides fair
coincidence with experiments. However, with the two- and three-valent transition-
metal ions, where directed orbital interactions with water may have more influence,

Fig. 2.48. Plot of the heats of hydration

of transition-metal ions (and their imme-
diate neighbors) vs. atomic number. (a)
Divalent ions; (b) trivalent ions (1 cal =
4.184 J).

interesting and unexpected changes of the hydration heats occur with change of atomic
One way of seeing these changes is to plot the experimental heats of hydration of
the transition-metal ions against their atomic number. It is seen that in the case of both
divalent and trivalent ions, the heats of hydration lie on double-humped curves (Fig.
Now, if the transition-metal ions had spherical charge distributions, then one
would expect that with increasing atomic number there would be a decreasing ionic
radius35 and thus a smooth and monotonic increase of the heat of hydration as the
atomic number increases. The double-humped curve implies therefore the operation

The radius of an ion is determined mainly by the principal quantum number and the effective nuclear
charge. As the atomic number increases in the transition-metal series, the principal quantum number
remains the same, but the effective charge of the valence electrons increases; hence, the ionic radius should
decrease smoothly with an increase in atomic number.

Fig. 2.49. The five 3d orbitals.

of factors that make transition-metal ions deviate from the behavior of charged spheres.
What are these factors?
In the case of transition-metal ions, the 3d orbitals are not spherically symmetrical;
in fact, they are as shown in Fig. 2.49. In a gaseous ion (i.e., a free unhydrated ion),
all the 3d orbitals are equally likely to be occupied because they all correspond to the
same energy. Now, consider what happens when the ion becomes hydrated by six36
water molecules situating themselves at the corners of an octahedron enveloping the
ion. The lone electron pairs of the oxygen atoms (of the water molecules) exert a
repulsive force on the valence electrons of the ion (Fig. 2.50).
This repulsive force acts to the same extent on all the p orbitals, as may be seen
from Fig. 2.51. The d orbitals, however, can be classified into two types: (1) those that
are directed along the x, y, and z axes, which are known as the orbitals, and (2) those
that are directed between the axes, which are known as the orbitals. It is clear (Fig.
2.52) that the repulsive field of the lone electron pairs of the oxygen atoms acts more
strongly on the orbitals than on the orbitals. Thus, under the electrical influence
of the water molecules of the primary solvation sheath, all the 3d orbitals do not
correspond to the same energy. They are differentiated into two groups, the orbitals
corresponding to a higher energy and the orbitals corresponding to a lower energy.
This splitting of the 3d orbitals into two groups (with differing energy levels) affects
the heat of hydration and makes it deviate from the values expected on the basis of the
theory developed earlier in this chapter, which neglected interactions of the water
molecules with the electron orbitals in the ion.
Thus, consider a free vanadium ion and a hydrated vanadium ion. In the case
of the free ion, all the five 3d orbitals (the two and the three orbitals) are equally
likely to be occupied by the three 3d electrons of vanadium. This is because in the free
ion, all five 3d orbitals correspond to the same energy. In the hydrated ion,

The figure of six, rather than four, is used because of the experimental evidence that transition-metal ions
undergo six coordination in the first shell. Correspondingly, the hydration numbers are 1015.

Fig. 2.50. Schematic dia-

gram to show that the va-
lence electrons of the
positive ion are subject to
the repulsion of the nega-
tive ends of the octahedrally
coordinating water mole-
cules. The negative charge
arises from the presence of
lone electron pairs on the
oxygen atoms of the water

however, the orbitals, corresponding to a lower energy, are more likely to be

occupied than the orbitals. This implies that the mean energy of the ion is less when
the ion is subject to the electrical field of the solvent sheath than when it is free. Thus,
the change in the mean occupancy of the various 3d orbitals, arising from the electrical

Fig. 2.51. Schematic diagram that shows that the three p

orbitals (directed along the axes) are equally affected by the
repulsive field of octahedrally coordinating water molecules.

Fig. 2.52. Because the orbitals (a) are directed along the axes and toward the
negative ends of the water molecules, they correspond to a higher energy than the
orbitals (b), which are directed between the axes.

field of the water molecules coordinating the ion, has conferred an extra field
stabilization (lowering of energy) on the ionwater system and because of this, the
heat of hydration is made more negative.
In the case of the hydrated divalent manganese ion, however, its five 3d electrons
are distributed37 among the five 3d orbitals, and the decrease in energy of three
electrons in the orbitals is compensated for by the increase in energy of the two
electrons in the orbitals. Thus, the mean energy of the ion in the hydrated state is

The five electrons tend to occupy five different orbitals for the following reason: In the absence of the
energy required for electrons with opposite spins to pair up, electrons with parallel spins tend to occupy
different oribtals because, according to the Pauli principle, two electrons with parallel spins cannot occupy
the same orbital.

Fig. 2.53. A plot of the heat of hydration of

Ca2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ vs. atomic number.

the same as that calculated from a model that neglects interactions affecting the filling
of orbitals. Similarly, for with no 3d electrons and with a completely filled
3d shell, the heat of hydration does not become more negative than would be expected
from the electrostatic theory of ionsolvent interactions developed in Section 2.4.3. It
can be concluded, therefore, that the experimental heats of hydration of these three
ions should vary in a monotonic manner with atomic number as indeed they do (Fig.
All the other transition-metal ions, however, should have contributions to their
heats of hydration from the field stabilization energy produced by the effect of the
field of the water molecules on the electrons in the 3d orbitals. It is these contributions
that produce the double-humped curve of Fig. 2.54. If, however, for each ion, the
energy38 corresponding to the water-field stabilization is subtracted from the experi-
mental heat of hydration, then the resulting value should lie on the same smooth curve
yielded by plotting the heats of hydration of and versus atomic
number. This reasoning is found to be true (Fig. 2.54).
The argument presented here has been for divalent ions, but it is equally valid
(Fig. 2.55) for trivalent ions. Here, it is and which are similar to
manganese in that they do not acquire any extra stabilization energy from the field of
the water molecules acting on the distribution of electrons in their d levels.
Thus, it is the contribution of the water-field stabilization energy to the heat of
hydration that is the special feature distinguishing transition-metal ions from the
alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, and halide ions in their interactions with the solvent.
This seems quite satisfying, but interesting (and apparently anomalous) results
have been observed by Marinelli and Squire and others concerning the energy of
interaction of successive molecules as the hydration shell is built up in the gas phase.
Thus, it would be expected that the first hydrating water would have the greatest heat
of binding, because there are no other molecules present in the hydration shell with

This energy can be obtained spectroscopically.

Fig. 2.54. A plot of the heat of hydration

of divalent transition-metal ions vs.
atomic number experimental values;
values after subtracting water-field
stabilization energy) (1 cal = 4.184 J).

which to experience lateral repulsion. On the other hand, it is found that with some
transition-metal ions (e.g., V, Cr, Fe, and Co), the second water bonds with greater
strength than the first!
Rosi and Bauschlicher have made detailed molecular-orbital calculations of the
interaction of successive water molecules with transition-metal ions to interpret this
anomaly. Their quantum-chemical calculations are able to reproduce the anomalous
heats. Depending upon the ion, it is found (in agreement with experiments) that the
binding strength of the second hydration water is greater than that of the first.
The anomalous results (the binding energy of the second water being greater than
that of the first) can be explained even though the binding energy of hydration water
in transition-metal ions is still largely electrostatic. The essential cause is changes in
the occupancy of the metal-ion orbitals as a result of differences in repulsion between
neighboring waters.

Fig 2.55. A plot of the heat of hydration

for trivalent ions.

The key to understanding this surprising result is the interplay between the 4p and
the 4s orbitals. The latter can mix in 4p character with its shoelace shape. Such an
orbital (effectively an electron cloud) reduces the repulsion between water molecules
1 and 2. Such a reduction allows the bonding energy of the second water to be greater
than that of the first. The degree of this mixing of 4p character into 4s (and the resulting
effect on bonding) depends on the ion. If the effect is small, repulsion between water
molecules 1 and 2 remains great enough for the second water to have a lesser bonding
energy than the first, as would ordinarily be expected.

Further Reading

1. D. D. Eley and M. G. Evans, Statistical Mechanics in Ionic Solutions, Trans. Faraday
Soc. 34: 1093 (1938).
2. S. Lee and M. Tai, Individual Ionic Entropy of the Proton, J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 9: 60
3. F. H. Halliwell and N. C. Nyburg, Hydration Heat of the Proton, Trans. Faraday Soc.
59: 1126 (1963).
4. J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, Model-Based Calculations of Hydration Energies,
J. Phys. Chem. 76: 2295 (1972).
5. B. E. Conway, Individual Ionic Properties, J. Solution Chem. 7: 721 (1978).
6. P. Kebarle and E. W. Godbole, Hydration in the Gas Phase, J. Chem. Phys. 39: 1131

1. R. R. Dogonadze, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, Theoretical Approaches to Solvation,
in The Chemical Physics of Solvation, R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman, A. A. Kornyshev,
and J. Ulstrup, eds., Part A, Elsevier, New York (1985).
2. G. A. Krestov, Individual Ionic Properties, in Thermodynamic Structure of Solvation,
Ellis Harwood, New York (1990).

1. R. C. Keese and A. W. Casheman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 14: 9015 (1989).
2. J. Marinelli and R. R. Squires, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111: 4101 (1989).
3. M. Rosi and C. W. Bauschlicher, J. Chem. Phys. 90: 7264 (1989).
4. R. S. Drago, D. C. Feris, and N. Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112: 8953 (1990).
5. A. D. Paynton and S. E. Feller, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 183 (1990).
6. A. G. Sharpe, J. Chem. Ed. 67: 309 (1990).
7. S. Golden and T. R. Tuttle, J. Phys. Chem. 95: 4109 (1991).
8. H. Mizuno and M. Sakiyami, J. Phys. Chem. 95: 2536 (1991).
9. T. F. Magnera, D. E. David, and J. Mich, Chem. Phys. Lett. 182: 363 (1991).
10. P. M. Quereschi, S. Kamoonpuri, and M. Igbal, J. Chem. Ed. 68: 109 (1991).

11. H. Ohtaki and T. Rednai, Chem. Rev. 93: 1157 (1993).

12. Y. Marcus, Faraday Trans. 89: 713 (1993).
13. B. E. Conway and D. P. Wilkinson, Evolution of Single Ion Entropies, Electrochim. Acta
38: 997 (1993).
14. T. Barthel, J. Mol. Liquids 65: 177 (1995).
15. J. M. Alia, H. G. M. Edwards, and J. Moore, Spectrochim. Acta 16: 2039 (1995).
16. P. Dangelo, A. Dinola, M. Mangani, and N. V. Pavel, J. Chem. Phys. 104:1779 (1996).


2.17.1. General
For about 95% of the history of modern science, since Bacons work in the
seventeenth century, the general idea of how to explain natural phenomena consisted
of a clear course: collection of the facts, systemization of them into empirical laws,
the invention of a number of alternative and competing intuitive models by which the
facts could be qualitatively understood, and, finally, mathematical expression of the
more qualitatively successful models to obtain sometimes more and sometimes less
numerical agreement with the experimental values. The models that matched best were
judged to describe a particular phenomenon better than the other models.
Until the 1960s, one of the difficulties in this approach was the lengthy nature of
the calculations involved. Using only mechanical calculators, adequate numerical
expression of a models prediction would often have taken an impractical time.
Electronic calculating machines (the hardware) that can read instructions on how
to carry out the calculations (the software) have made it much easier to select models
that give the best prediction. However, not only has this technology transformed the
possibilities of calculating the consequences of intuitive assumptions (reducing the
time needed for calculation from weeks and months to minutes and hours),39 but it has
made possible another approach toward putting experimental results into a theoretical
framework. Instead of making up intuitive suppositions as to what might be happening
in the system concerned, and seeing how near to reality calculations with competing
models can come, the alternative mode is to calculate the forces between the particles
concerned and then to use classical mechanics to calculate the properties of the
particles without prior assumptions as to what is happening. In physical chemistry,
phenomena often result from a series of collisions among particles, and that is what
can be calculated.
Computational chemistry can be applied to all parts of chemistry, for example, to
the design of corrosion inhibitors that are not toxic to marine life. In this section, a

This assumes that a program for the calculation concerned has already been written. If not, it may take an
experienced specialist 6 months to write, and cost $50,000 to buy.

brief account will be given of how far this approach has gone in improving our
understanding of ionic solvation.

2.17.2. An Early Molecular Dynamics Attempt at Calculating Solvation

Palinkas et al. were the first (1972) to calculate the expression:

where is the mean density of water molecules, and is the radial pair distribution
function for the pair ionoxygen. A plot of against r leads to a series of maxima,
the first much greater than the second, and the number of waters under this peak is
the number in the first shell nearest to the ion.
These sophisticated calculations are impressive but they err in representing their
results as solvation numbers. They are, rather, coordination numbers and grow larger
with an increase in the size of the ion (in contrast to the behavior of the hydration
numbers, which decrease as the ion size increases).

2.17.3. Computational Approaches to Ionic Solvation

In considering various computational approaches to solvation, it must first be
understood that the ionwater association alone offers a great range of behavior as far
as the residence time of water in a hydration shell is concerned. Certain ions form
hydrates with lifetimes of months. However, for the ions that are nearly always the
goal of computation (ions of groups IA and IIA in the Periodic Table and halide ions),
the lifetime may be fractions of a nanosecond.
As indicated earlier in this chapter (see Section 2.3), there are three approaches
to calculating solvation-related phenomena in solution: Quantum mechanical, Monte
Carlo, and molecular dynamics.
The quantum mechanical approach, which at first seems the most fundamental,
has major difficulties. It is basically a K approach, neglecting aspects of ordering
and entropy. It is suited to dealing with the formation of molecular bonds and reactivity
by the formation in terms of electron density maps.40 However, ionic solutions are
systems in which order and entropy, its converse, are paramount considerations.
The most fruitful of the three approaches, and the one likely to grow most in the
future, is the molecular dynamics approach (Section 2.3.2). Here, a limited system of
ions and molecules is considered and the Newtonian mechanics of the movement of

There is a more fundamental difficulty: the great time such calculations take. If they have to deal with
more than ten electrons, ab initio calculations in quantum mechanics may not be practical.

all the particles in the system is worked out, an impractical task without computers.
The foundation of such an approach is knowledge of the intermolecular energy of
interaction between a pair of particles. The validity, and particularly the integrity, of
the calculations is dependent upon the extent to which the parameters in the equations
representing attraction and repulsion can be obtained independently of the facts that
the computation is to calculate. Thus, if the energy for the interaction of a particle
with its surroundings is known, then is the force on the particle and hence the
acceleration and final velocity can be calculated [e.g., every femtosecond
With the appropriate use of the equations of statistical mechanics, the properties of a
system (particularly the dynamic ones such as diffusion coefficients and the residence
times of water molecules) can then be calculated.
In spite of these confident statements, the computation of the properties of ionic
solutions is truly difficult. This is partly because of the general limitations of molecular
dynamics. Because it is based on classical mechanics, MD cannot deal with situations
in which 1, i.e., quantal situations (e.g., molecular vibrations). Again, MD
depends on potential and kinetic energy (as does quantum mechanics), but it does not
account for entropy, which is an important characteristic of equilibrium conditions in
Another problem is that long-range Coulombic forces, which are the principal
actors in solvation, have to be subjected in practice to a cutoff procedure (thus, they
tend to continue to be significant outside the volume of the few hundred particles in
the system considered), and the effect of the cutoff on the accuracy of the final
calculation is sometimes unclear. For these reasons, much of the computational work
on solvation has been carried out with gas-phase clusters, where the essence of the
solvational situation is retained but the complexities of liquids are avoided.

2.17.4. Basic Equations Used in Molecular Dynamics Calculations

The basis of MD calculations in solvation is pairwise interaction equations
between the ion and the water molecule. The form of these equations depends greatly
upon the water molecule model chosen; there are several possibilities.
For example, suppose one can choose a rigid three-point-charge model of water
with an internal geometry of and 100 pm for the HOH angle and OH distance,
respectively. The interaction energy involves a Lennard-Jones 612 potential for
electrostatic interactions between waterwater and ionwater pairs, Upair; a nonaddi-
tive polarization energy, and a term that includes exchange repulsion for
ionwater and waterwater pairs,

The pair additive potential is


the polarization energy is

and a three-body repulsion term is

where is the induced dipole moment and is the electrostatic field from the
charges. The term is the vector from atom j to atom i, and is the charge on atom
j. The distances and are ionoxygen distances for the trimer, and is the
oxygenoxygen distance for the two water molecules in the trimer. Finally, A, C, and
are empirical constants.
An iterative approach is often taken to solve the equations. Iteration may be
continued until the difference in the induced dipole for successive calculations is 0 to
0.1 D. Typically one uses a system of, say, 215 waters for one ion in a cubic cell with
an 1860-pm side. The time step is 1 fs. Coulombic interactions may be cut off at as
little as 800 pm. Each set of calculations involves computer software (the cost of which
may be very high) and various mathematical procedures to solve the equations of

Fig. 2.56. Li-O radial distribution functions

(RDFs). The curve represents results from the
full-scale MD method. (Reprinted from S. B. Zhu,
J. Lee, and G. W. Robinson, J. Phys. Chem. 94:
2114, 1990.)

An example of an Li-O radial distribution function (calculated by MD) is shown

in Fig. 2.56. From such calculations one can obtain relaxation features of the rotational
and translational motion of the neighboring waters and find the effect of or , for
What is practical in the later 1990s depends upon whether software able to carry
out the computation needed has already been written and is available for about
$ 10,000. It is usually economically impractical for university groups to have a program
written for each calculation, so that one finds oneself sometimes carrying out a
calculation for which there is the software rather than obtaining the software to carry
out the needed calculation.


Ionwater clusters have been examined by Dang et al., who calculated the
interaction between and Their orientations and
structures at various times in the stimulation are shown in Fig. 2.57.

Fig. 2.57. Snapshots of water around

the ions of the complex dur-
ing a simulation of dynamics. (a) 1 ps;
(b) 10 ps; (c) 20 ps; (d) 30 ps. (Re-
printed from L. X. Dang, J. F. Rice, J.
Caldwell, and P. A. Kollman, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 113: 2481,1991.)

Fig. 2.58. Dependence of interaction

energies on the K-O distance for different orien-
tations of the molecule 14
refer to the orientations. (Reprinted from G. G.
Malenkov, Models for the Structure of Hydrated
Shells of Simple Ions Based on Crystal Structure
Data and Computer Simulation, in The Chemical
Physics of Solvation, Part A, R. R. Dogonadze, E.
Kalman, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds.,
Elsevier, New York, 1985.)

HO bonding is important for the complex because the Hs are drawn toward
the and leave the O for H bonding with other waters. The converse is true for
interactions. During simulations, it is found that water molecules transfer
from the sheath in contact with the ion to a second sheath in the cluster.
The turns out to be best fitted with a 4 + 2 structure rather than an
octahedral one. It seems likely that the coordination geometries for cluster water in
the gas phase and water around the ions in solution differ significantly, but the
gas-phase calculations provide an introductory step to the solution ones.
The dependence of the interaction on distance is shown in Fig. 2.58. The
ion-O radial distribution functions for and clusters are shown in
Fig. 2.59. A histogram that illustrates the distribution of ONaO angles in an
cluster (simulated at 298 K) is shown in Fig. 2.60. Finally, Fig. 2.61 shows
the number of water molecules in a sphere of radius r within the cluster.
These diagrams indicate the limit of the hydration shell in the gas-phase ion as
the first minimum in the radial distribution function. It is well pronounced for
which has 8 molecules as the calculated coordination number on the cluster; curiously,
the sharpness of the definition for is less at N = 6 (and sometimes 7). The influence

Fig. 2.59. lon-O radial distribution functions in the ion

cluster. (a): (ordinate to the
left). 2: Number of H2O molecules in the sphere of radius R
(ordinate to the right). (Reprinted from G. G. Malenkov,
Models for the structure of Hydrated Shells of Simple Ions
Based on Crystal Structure Data and Computer Simulation,
in The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Part A, R. R. Dogo-
nadze, E. Kalman, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds.,
Elsevier, New York, 1985.)

Fig. 2.60. Histogram showing the distribu-

tion of ONaO angles in a clus-
ter simulated at 298 K. (Reprinted from G.
G. Malenkov, Models for the Structure of
Hydrated Shells of Simple Ions Based on
Crystal Structure Data and Computer Simu-
lation, in The Chemical Physics of Solva-
tion, Part A, R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman,
A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds., El-
sevier, New York, 1985.)

Fig. 2.61. Stereoscopic picture of a frozen cluster. CN = 6.

NaO close contacts (242245 pm) are shown by dotted lines, hydrogen
bonds by dashed lines. (Reprinted from G. G. Malenkov, Models for the
Structure of Hydrated Shells of Simple Ions Based on Crystal Structure
Data and Computer Simulation, in The Chemical Physics of Solvation,
Part A, R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup,
eds., Elsevier, New York, 1985.)

of the ion on the clusters structure in these computations becomes negligible at around
700 pm (Fig. 2.62).
If the minimum of the potential corresponds to an separation of 238 pm
and a separation of 278 pm, then the most probable distances in simulated
clusters containing 6 water molecules are about 244 and 284 pm, respectively, at 300
K and about 2 pm less at 5 to 10 K. In Table 2.25, potential parameters that provide
such results are given, and the dependence of the ionwater interaction energy on the
ionO distance is shown in Fig. 2.63.
Experimental mass spectrometric data on the hydration of ions in the gas phase
that can be compared with calculations of small clusters are available. Full accordance
of the computed results with these data is not expected, partly because the aim was to
simulate the condensed phase, and the interaction potentials used may not adequately
reproduce the properties of small systems in the gas phase at low pressures. However,
mass spectrometric data provide reliable experimental information on the hydration
of separate ions in the gas phase, and comparison of the results of simulation with these
data is an important test of the reliability of the method.
In cluster calculations, an element essential in solution calculations is missing.
Thus, intrinsically, gas-phase cluster calculations cannot allow for ionic movement.
Such calculations can give rise to average coordination numbers and radial distribution
functions, but cannot account for the effect of ions jumping from place to place. Since
one important aspect of solvation phenomena is the solvation number (which is
intrinsically dependent on ions moving), this is a serious weakness.

Fig. 2.62. lon-O radial distribution functions for simulated ion

clusters (300 K). Ordinate, in arbitrary units. (Re-
printed from G. G. Malenkov, Models for the Structure of Hydrated
Shells of Simple Ions Based on Crystal Structure Data and Com-
puter Simulation, in The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Part A,
R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup,
eds., Elsevier, New York, 1985.)

Fig. 2.63. Dependence of ionH2O interaction

on ion-O distance. 1: Symmetric H2O molecule
orientation (ion-O vector coincides with the
water dipole moment direction): 2: lone pair-to-
ion orientation. (a) (1 = 100 pm).
(Reprinted from G. G. Malenkov, Models for the
Structure of Hydrated Shells of Simple Ions
Based on Crystal Structure Data and Computer
Simulation, in The Chemical Physics of Solva-
tion, Part A, R. R. Dogonadze, E. Kalman, A. A.
Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds., Elsevier, New
York, 1985.)


Of the models of water chosen as practical for MD simulation work, the central
force model is the best because the effect of ions on intramolecular frequencies can be
studied. Heinzinger and Palinkas first used such a model in 1982 to calculate the
ionwater pair potentials as a function of the ionwater distance and orientations as
shown in Fig. 2.64. Such computations were carried out using 200 water molecules,
8 cations, and 8 anions in a 2.2 M solution. The side of the cube in the computation
was 2000 pm.
The time-average positions for and can be seen in Fig. 2.64. For
the arrangement is octahedral but for there is only a small preference for
octahedral coordination. On the other hand, and are firmly octahedral. As one
goes outward past 400 pm, the preferential orientation is gone except for and this
seems to form a second shell. It must be again stressed that the numbers are all
time-averaged (coordination) numbers and have only a tenuous relation to the time-
dependent hydration numbers.
It is possible to calculate diffusion coefficients by computing the mean square
displacement distance and dividing by 6t. [The basic relation here is the Einstein
Smoluchowski equation (Section 4.2.6)]. The values are surprisingly good and are
shown in Table 2.26.
Both transition times, reorientation of water near the ion and translation, can be
calculated. The value for the reorientation time of is ps; this is a low value
because of the weak field in the water arising from the large size of . The hindered

Fig. 2.64. Three-dimensional drawings of the projections of the oxygen atom positions
of the six and eight nearest-neighbor water molecules around Mg2+ and and
and respectively, onto the xy plane of a coordinate system. The drawings are
calculated from MD simulations of 1.1 molal as well as 2.2 molal cs18 and
solutions. (Reprinted from K. Heinzinger and G. Palinkas, Computer Simulation
of Ion Solvent Systems, in The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Part A, R. R. Dogo-
nadze, E. Kalmar, A. A. Kornyshev, and J. Ulstrup, eds., Elsevier, New York, 1985.)
translation can also be calculated and the frequencies of movement are found to be in
the range of the librational modes for water. moves faster than because it moves
almost bare of water. drags with it its hydration number waters.
The work of Guardia and Padro in applying MD to solvation is of particular
interest because of the attention given to simulations oriented to the actual calculations

Fig. 2.65. Probability distribution of

cos for water molecules in the first
hydration shell of Flexible
water,..., rigid water. (Reprinted from
E. Guardia and J. A. Padro, J. Phys.
Chem. 94: 6049,1990.)

of hydration numbers (and not coordination numbers!) Figure 2.65 shows the flexible
water model used.
Among the variations for the water molecule are a rigid and a flexible model, and
Guardia and Padro found that significant changes arose with the introduction of
flexibility in respect to orientation times. The most important aspect of this work is
the computation of the residence times (cf. Section 2.11.3).

The basic idea of calculating a hydration number is to study the number of water
molecules in the shell as a function of time. At t = 0, the number is the coordination
number, and at all the waters have been replaced. Then the mean number
during this time is taken as the solvation number:

where is the residence time for water around water. Although this approach
does not take into account the distribution of residence times for the various waters
caught in different positions when the ions arrive, it does give reasonable values
(Table 2.27).

Further Reading
1. J. OM. Bockris and P. P. S. Saluja, The Time Dependence of Solvation Numbers, J.
Electrochem. Soc. 119: 1060(1972).
2. G. Palinkas, W. O. Riede, and K. Heinzinger, Calculation of Distribution Functions, Z.
Naturforsch. 32: 1137 (1972).
3. F. H. Stillinger and A. Rahman, A Statistical Mechanical Approach to Ionic Solution,
J. Chem. Phys. 60: 1545 (1974).

1. A. Chandra and B. Bagchi, J. Phys. Chem. 93: 6996 (1989).
2. E. Guardia and J. A. Padro, J. Phys. Chem. 94: 2113 (1990).
3. P. Cieplak and P. Kollman, J. Chem. Phys. 92: 6761 (1990).
4. P. A. Kollman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113: 2681 (1991).
5. T. Yabe, S. Sankareman, and J. K. Kochi, J. Phys. Chem. 95: 4147 (1991).
6. H. Yu, B. M. Pettitt, and M. Karplus, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113: 2425 (1991).
7. R. W. Rick and B. J. Berne, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116: 3949 (1994).
8. P. J. Rossky, K. P. Johnson, and P. B. Babuena, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 2706 (1996).
9. C. C. Pye, W. Rudolph, and R. A. Pourier, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 601 (1996).
10. T. Z. M. Denti, T. C. Beutler, W. F. Vangunsteeren, and F. Diedrich, J. Phys. Chem. 100:
4256 (1996).



2.20.1. The Problem

The picture that has emerged in this book so far is of ions interacting with a solvent
and producing the interesting effects that go under the name solvation. The solvent

structure is not the same after an ion has entered it near the ion. Some of the water
molecules are wrenched out of the quasi-lattice and appropriated by the ion as part of
its primary solvation sheath. Further off, in the secondary solvation sheaths, the ions
produce the telltale effects of structure breaking.
What happens if, in addition to ions and water molecules, molecules of nonelec-
trolytes are also present in the system? Or what will occur if ions are added to a solution
already saturated with nonelectrolyte molecules?
One thing is certain: the fact that the ion takes the water out of circulation for a
time means that there will be on average less free water to dissolve the nonelectrolyte.
The nonelectrolyte molecules will find themselves suddenly having less water to
associate with, and some of them will shun the loneliness imposed by the waters
preference for the newly added ions and find it energetically favorable to go back to
their parent lattice, i.e., precipitate out. This is the origin of a term from organic
chemistrysalting out. It means causing a nonelectrolyte to precipitate out of a
solution by adding an electrolyte to it to draw off available solvent molecules.
Occasionally, however, the ions are deviants and associate preferentially with the
nonelectrolyte solute, shunning the water (hydrophobic effects). In the rare instances
where these deviants appear, there is a rapid departure of the nonelectrolyte from the
parent lattice and the solubility of the former is enhanced rather than decreased. The
phenomenon is called salting in.
Two aspects of the theory of salting out are considered below. First, the effects
of the primary solvation sheath have to be taken into account: how the requisition of
water by the ions causes the nonelectrolytes solubility to decrease. Second, the effects
of secondary solvation (interactions outside the solvation sheath) are calculated. The
two effects are additive.

2.20.2. Change in Solubility of a Nonelectrolyte Due to Primary

It is easy to calculate this change of solubility so long as there are data available
for the solvation numbers of the electrolyte concerned. Let it be assumed that the
normal case holds true and that ions are solvated entirely by water molecules (i.e., the
organic present is pushed out). Then recalling that 1 liter of water contains 55.55 moles,
the number of water molecules left free to dissolve nonelectrolytes after the addition
of ions is 55.55 - where is the solvation number of the electrolyte concerned.
Assuming that the solubility of the nonelectrolyte is simply proportional to the
number of water molecules outside the hydration sheath, then

where is the solubility of the nonelectrolyte before the addition of electrolyte and
S that after it.

Assume = 1 M; then from Eq. (2.137), (S/S0 ) = 0.89. For comparison,

with as electrolyte, and 2,4-dinitrophenol as nonelectrolyte, the corresponding
experimental value is about 0.7. Some further effects must be taken into account.

2.20.3. Change in Solubility Due to Secondary Solvation

It has been stressed that solvation is a far-reaching phenomenon, although only
the coordination number and the primary solvation number can be determined.
However, there are effects of ions on the properties of solutions that lie outside the
radius of the primary hydration sheath. These effects must now be accounted for,
insofar as they relate to the solubility of a nonelectrolyte. Let the problem be tackled
as though no primary solvation had withdrawn water from the solution. One can write

where is the number per unit volume of nonelectrolyte molecules at a distance r

from the ion, is the same number in the bulk, and the free-energy change is
the work Wr done to remove a mole of water molecules and insert a mole of
nonelectrolyte molecules at a distance r from the ion outside the primary solvation
A first-approximation calculation would be like this. The field of the ion at a
distance r falls off with distance according to Coulombs

If, now, a dipole (aligned parallel to the ionic field) is moved from infinity, where the
field through a distance dr to a point where the corresponding field is dX, the
elementary work done is Thus, the work to bring a mole of nonelectrolyte
molecules from infinity to a distance r is

and the work done to remove a water molecule to infinity is The net work
of replacing a water molecule by a nonelectrolyte molecule would therefore be given

Notwithstanding the considerations of Section 2.12.1, the use of the bulk dielectric constant of water for
dilute solutions of nonelectrolyte is not very inaccurate in the region outside the primary solvation sheath.
The point is that in this region (i.e., at distances > 500 to 1000 pm from the ions center), there is negligible
structure breaking and therefore a negligible decrease in dielectric constant from the bulk value.

Now, the reader will probably be able to see there is a flaw here. Where? The error
is easily recognized if one recalls the Debye argument for the average moment of a
gas dipole. What is the guarantee that a water dipole far from the ion is aligned parallel
to the ionic field? What about the thermal motions that tend to knock dipoles out of
alignment? So what matters is the average dipole moment of the molecules in the
direction of the ionic field. Thus, one has to follow the same line of reasoning as in
the treatment of the dielectric constant of a polar liquid and think in terms of the average
moment of the individual molecule, which will depend in Debyes treatment on
the interplay of electrical and thermal forces, and in Kirkwoods treatment also on
possible short-range interactions and associations of dipoles. One has therefore

Further, with now the orientation polarizability,

so that

This expression for the work of replacing a water molecule by a nonelectrolyte

molecule at a distance r from an ion can now be introduced into Eq. (2.138) to give
(in number of nonelectrolyte molecules per unit volume)

The exponent of Eq. (2.144) is easily shown to be less than unity at 298 K for
most ions. Thus, for distances outside the primary hydration shell of nearly all ions,
the field X will be sufficiently small (because of the large dielectric constant of bulk
water), so one can expand the exponential and retain only the first two terms, i.e.,

Thus, the excess number per unit volume of nonelectrolyte molecules at a distance
r from the ion is (in number of molecules per unit volume)

However, this is only the excess number of nonelectrolyte molecules per unit
volume at a distance r from the ion. What is required is the total excess number per
unit volume throughout the region outside the primary solvation sheath, i.e., in region
2. One proceeds as follows: the excess number, not per unit volume, but in a spherical
shell of volume dr around the ion, is

and therefore the total excess number of nonelectrolyte molecules per ion in region 2
is (with equal to the radius of the primary hydration sheath)

If one sets then the excess number of nonelectrolyte molecules caused

to be in solution per ion is

The excess number of nonelectrolyte molecules in a real solution containing

moles of binary electrolyte is given by Eq. (2.148), multiplied by the number of
moles per cubic centimeter in the solution, namely, The expression

where is the number of nonelectrolyte molecules per cubic centimeter in the

solution after addition of the electrolyte.

A factor of 2 has been removed from the denominator of this equation, compared with Eq. (2.148), because
there are two ions in the binary electrolyte, each of which is assumed to give the same effect on the

The terms nNE and nNE,b are numbers of nonelectrolyte molecules per cubic
centimeter; NAnNE = S and NAnNE,b = S 0; these terms were defined in Section 2.20.2. It
follows that

This equation clearly shows the effect of the secondary solvation. It turns out that
the orientation polarizabilities and depend on the square of the permanent
dipole moments of the molecules. Water has a higher dipole moment than most
nonelectrolytes. When is less than and there is salting out. HCN is an
example of a substance the dipole moment of which is greater than that of water. (It
masquerades as a nonelectrolyte because it is little dissociated in aqueous solution.)
Appropriately, HCN is often salted in.

2.20.4. Net Effect on Solubility of Influences from Primary and

Secondary Solvation
Equation (2.137) can be written as

Equation (2.151) can be written as

The treatment of the effect of secondary solvation has assumed that the primary
solvational effects do not exist. In fact, the secondary solvational effects work on the
diminished concentration of nonelectrolyte which arises because of the primary
solvation. Hence,

S as written in Eq. (2.154) has taken into account the primary and secondary
solvation and can be identified with the solubility of the nonelectrolyte after addition
of ions to the solution. Hence,


the is called Setchenows constant (Fig. 2.66).

There is fair agreement between Eq. (2.158) and experiment. If the nonelectrolyte
has a dipole moment less than that of water, it salts out. In the rare cases in which there
is a dipole moment in the nonelectrolyte greater than that of water, the nonelectrolyte
salts in.
Salting out has practical implications. It is part of the electrochemistry of everyday
industrial life. One reclaims solvents such as ether from aqueous solutions by salting
them out with NaCl. Salting out enters into the production of soaps and the manufac-
ture of dyes. Detergents, emulsion polymerization (rubber), and the concentration of
antibiotics and vitamins from aqueous solutions all depend in some part of their

Fig. 2.66. Setchenow plots for oxygen at

310.2 K and 1 atm (101.325 kPa) oxygen
partial pressure in aqueous solutions of
some representative electrolytes. (Re-
printed from W. Lang and R. Zander, Ind.
Eng. Chem. Fundam. 25: 775, 1986.)

manufacture upon salting in. However, the salting in with which they are associated
is not the rare deviant phenomenon arising when the dipole moment of the nonelec-
trolyte is greater than that of water. It possesses the characteristic of always being
associated with organic electrolytes in which the ions are large. Here, even when water
has a dipole moment greater than that of the nonelectrolyte, which would be expected
to give salting out, salting in occurs.

2.20.5. Cause of Anomalous Salting In

The picture given above seems satisfactory as a first approximation and for dilute
solutions, but it has this one disturbing feature; namely, there are situations where
theory predicts salting out but experiment shows salting in. In such cases, the theory
seems to favor ions being surrounded by water whereas in fact they move away from
water (hydrophobic effects). Now, it will be recalled that only iondipole forces have
been reckoned with in treating the interactions among the particles populating the
primary solvation shell. Thus, the ionwater and ionnonelectrolyte forces have been
considered to be of the iondipole type of directional forces which orient polar
particles along the ionic field. Perhaps this restriction is too severe, for there are also
nondirectional forces, namely, dispersion forces.
These dispersion forces can be seen classically as follows: The time-average
picture of an atom may show spherical symmetry because the charge due to the
electrons orbiting around the nucleus is smoothed out in time. However, an instanta-
neous picture of, say, a hydrogen atom would show a proton here and an electron
theretwo charges separated by a distance. Thus, every atom has an instantaneous
dipole moment; of course, the time average of all these oscillating dipole moments is
Now, an instantaneous dipole in one atom will induce an instantaneous dipole in
a contiguous atom, and an instantaneous dipoledipole force will arise. When these
forces are averaged over all instantaneous electron configurations of the atoms and
thus over time, it is found that the time-averaged result of the interaction is finite,
attractive, and nondirectional. Forces between particles that arise in this way are called
dispersion forces.
Dispersion forces give rise to an interaction energy in which the potential energy
of interaction varies as where r is the distance between the centers of the two
substances interacting. Thus, the equation for the dispersive energy of interaction may
be written as where is a constant independent of r. The rapid decrease of such
forces with increase of distance from the origin makes it unnecessary to consider
dispersion interactions outside the primary solvation shell; by then, they have already
decreased to an extent that they no longer warrant consideration. Inside the primary
hydration sheath, the dispersion interaction can be treated in the same way as the
iondipole interaction. That is, in the replacement of a water molecule by a nonelec-
trolyte molecule, one must take into account not only the difference in iondipole

interactions but also the difference between the dispersion interactions. Thus, one must
reconsider the situation in which the ion interacts with water molecules.
The picture given in the last three sections was that the water would usually be
the entity to be predominantly attracted to the ion, so that the amount of water available
for the dissolution of the nonelectrolyte would be reduced and its solubility conse-
quently would fall. The only exceptions that were recognized for this were those
unusual cases in which the nonelectrolyte had a dipole moment greater than that of
water. As for the ion, only its radius and charge played a part in the matter; it did not
influence the situation in any more structural way, e.g., in terms of its polarizability.
On what molecular features do dispersion forces depend? What relative attrac-
tiveness has a given ion on the one hand for a water molecule, and on the other for a
nonelectrolyte? Equations for the dispersive force interactions have been worked out
for interactions in the gas phase. A simple version of such equations would be

where the is the frequency of vibration of the electron in its lowest energy state, the
s are the distortion polarizabilities of the entities indicated, and R is their distance
apart. It must be noted at once that the polarizability indicated here, the distortion
polarizability, differs from that which enters into the equations for the dipole effects,
which has simply been termed This latter which influences the theory of effects
of secondary solvation upon salting out and salting in, is due to the orientation of
dipoles against the applied field. The distortion polarizability is due to the stretching
of the molecule under the influence of a field. The former polarizability is connected
to the dipole moment of the molecule according to a formula such as Eq. (2.142). The
is more complexly connected to the size of the molecule. There is a parallelism with
the radius and in spherical symmetry cases it is found that approximately follows
where r is the radius of the molecule.
Now, if the size of the nonelectrolyte (hence is greater than that of the
water molecule (and for organic nonelectrolytes this is often so), it is clear from the
above equation that the dispersive interaction of a given ion is going to be greater with
the nonelectrolyte than with the water. This is a reversal of the behavior regarded as
usual when only the permanent dipoles of the water and the nonelectrolyte are taken
into account (for the dipole moment of water is higher than that of most nonelectro-
lytes). In view of the above situation it may be asked, why is not salting in (which
happens when the nonelectrolyte outcompetes the water molecule in its attraction to
the ion) the normal case? In this section, it is the dispersive interactions which have
been the center of attention: they have been suddenly considered in isolation. One has
to ask, however, whether the dispersive ionwater (and dispersive ionnonelectrolyte)
interactions will dominate over the iondipole interactions. If the iondipole interac-
tions dominate the dispersive interactions, the considerations of those earlier sections

are applicable and salting out is the norm, with salting in a rare exception. When the
dispersive interactions predominate, it is the other way around; salting in (and
hydrophobic effects) becomes the norm.
What factors of structure tend to make the dispersive forces dominate the situ-
ation? Clearly, they will be more likely to have a main influence upon the situation if
the nonelectrolyte is large (because then the distortion polarizability is large), but there
are many situations where quite large nonelectrolytes are still salted out. The dispersive
interaction contains the product of the polarizability of both the ion and the nonelec-
trolyte (or the ion and water, depending upon which interaction one is considering),
so that it is when both the ion and the nonelectrolyte are large (hence, both the are
large) that the dispersive situation is likely to dominate the issue, rather than the
iondipole interaction.
In accordance with this it is found that if one maintains the nonelectrolyte
and varies the ion in size, though keeping it of the same type, salting in
begins to dominate when the ion size exceeds a certain value. A good example is the
case of the ammonium ion and a series of tetraalkylammonium ions with increasing
size, i.e., where R is etc. Here, the salting in begins with the
methylammonium ion (its is evidently large enough), the ammonium ion alone
giving salting out. The degree of salting in increases with an increase in the size of the
tetraalkylammonium cation. Thus, the observations made concerning the salting in of
detergents, emulsions, and antibiotics by organic ions are, in principle, verified. An
attempt has been made to make these considerations quantitative.
This discussion of the effect of ions upon the solubility of nonelectrolytes is
sufficiently complicated to merit a little summary. The field is divided into two parts.
The first part concerns systems in which the dispersive interactions are negligible
compared with the dipole interactions. Such systems tend to contain relatively small
ions acting upon dissolved molecules. Here salting out is the expected phenomenon
the solubility of the nonelectrolytes is decreasedand the reverse phenomenon of
salting in occurs only in the rare case in which the nonelectrolyte dipole moment is
greater than the dipole moment of the solvent. In the other group of solubility effects
caused by ions, the ions concerned tend to be large and because distortion polarizability
increases with size, this makes the dispersive activity between these large ions and the
nonelectrolyte become attractive and dominate this situation so that the organic
molecule is pulled to the ions and the water is pushed out. Then salting in (solubility
of the nonelectrolyte increases) becomes the more expected situation.

2.20.6. Hydrophobic Effect in Sotvation

Solvation entropies (Section 2.15.13) are negative quantities. Since
this means that the disorder in solution (the entropy) is less than that of the ion
For example, it may be benzoic acid, which is considered a nonelectrolyte because it dissociates to a very
small degree.

in the gas phase. The interpretation of this is in terms of the structured presence of
water molecules around the ion (low entropy). However, there must be another
component in the events that make up the measured entropy, for the ion breaks the
water structure; i.e., it increases entropy. This is called the hydrophobic aspect of
solvation. There is a large literature on this phenomenon and it can be seen by its
effects on several properties of solutions, not only on and but also on the
partial molar volume, specific heat effect, etc.
Among the early discussions of hydrophobic effects were those of Frank et al.
They studied the highly negative entropies of hydration of the rare-gas atoms.
These might have been expected to give much less negative values because of the
absence of tightly ordered hydration shells. To interpret the order indicated by the
highly negative entropies, they suggested that when the normal structure of water was
broken down by the dissolution of the rare-gas atoms, a new type of water structure
iceberglike groupswas formed. Such groups arise from the breakup of normal water
and thus result from hydrophobicity.

Fig. 2.67. Dependence of for KCI in aqueous

solutions of (a) methanol, (b) ethanol, (c) 1-propanol,
and (d) 2-propanol on composition at different tempera-
tures. (Reprinted from G. A. Krestov, Thermodynamics
of Solvation, Ellis Harwood, London, 1991.)

Frank and Evans, in studying the numbers for the hydrational entropies of ordinary
monatomic ions, found them insufficiently negative, indicating that, due to structure
breaking, the entropy of the ion itself should be larger than that expected if only the
ordering effect of the ion is considered.
An interesting variation of the heat of solution (e.g., for KC1) can be observed in
wateralcohol mixtures. The position of the maxima of the curves shifts with increas-
ing temperature along the ordinate in conjunction with the decrease of the endother-
micity of the KC1 dissolution. This is related to an increasing disruption of the water
structurea hydrophobic effect (Fig. 2.67).
The solubility of noble gases in various solutions (often aqueousnonaqueous
mixtures) gives indications of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic effects (Fig. 2.68).
When substances exhibiting both effects are present, there is a maximum in the
solubility of argon. Thus (Fig. 2.68, curve 1) in the system wateracetone, no
hydrophilic effects are caused by the added solvent component, and the solubility
increases. On the other hand, for systems in which urea is added, there are no
hydrophobic effects and the solubility or the gas therefore decreases. In curve 2 of Fig.
2.68, hydrophilic and hydrophobic effects compete (due to the properties of acetamide
in water) and there is a maximum on the curve.
Another source of hydrophobic effects arises from solutesolute attraction. The
usual effects of interactions between ions of like sign are, of course, repulsive.
However, if the ions are sufficiently large, attractive interactions will arise due to

Fig. 2.68. Dependence of solu-

bility of argon in aqueous solu-
tions of (1) acetone, (2)
acetamide, and (3) urea
on composition at
(Reprinted from G. A.
Krestov, Thermodynamics of
Solvation, Ellis Harwood, Lon-
don, 1991.)

Fig. 2.69. Stereographic view of part of a possible solvation shell.

Only a portion of the hydrogen bonds in the solvation shell is
shown. Large sphere: nonpolar solute, = 320 pm. Cross-hatched
spheres: nearest-neighbor water molecules. Plain spheres: a
group of next-nearest-neighbor water molecules located in the
solvation shell and surrounding one of the nearest-neighbor mole-
cules, distances range from 290 pm for hydrogen bonds to
320350 pm otherwise. (Reprinted from E. Grunwald, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 108: 5926, 1986.)

significant dispersion force interaction between the solute particles, and this tends to
push water away from the ions; i.e., make it act hydrophobically.
These thermodynamic approaches to hydrophobic effects are complemented by
spectroscopic studies. Tanabe (1993) has studied the Raman spectra manifested during
the rotational diffusion of cyclohexane in water. The values of the diffusion coeffi-
cients are approximately half those expected from data for other solvents of the same
viscosity, and the interpretations made are in terms of hindered rotation arising from
the icebergs presumably formed (cf. Frank and Evans) around the cyclohexane.
Correspondingly, NMR studies of the rate at which tumbles in mixtures
of nonaqueous solvents with water show that it is moving approximately ten times
faster than the solvent rotation; i.e., it moves independently of the solvent and thus
acts hydrophobically.
Simulations of solutions have been used to study hydrophobic effects. Thus,
Rossky and Zicki (1994) found that hydration shells of methane and neon remain intact
in mixed solvents; this is understandable in terms of clathrate formationan example
of an unusual degree of disordering from the normal structure of water.
Hydrocarbons in water give rise to hydrophobic solvation shells in which the water
structure is thoroughly disturbed though still forming a solvation shell around a spherical
solute. An example of a calculated situation of this type is shown in Fig. 2.69.

Further Reading

1. P. Setchenow, Salting Out Coefficients, Z. Phys. Chem. 4: 117 (1889).

2. P. Debye and W. McAuley, Theory of Salting Out, Z. Phys. Chem. 26: 22 (1925).
3. J. OM. Bockris, J. Bowler-Reed, and J. A. Kitchener, The Salting In Effect, Trans.
Faraday Soc. 47: 184 (1951).
4. R. McDevilt and F. Long, Salting Out, Chem. Rev. 51: 119 (1952).

1. B. E. Conway, Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biology, pp. 444465, Elsevier, New
York (1981).
2. G. A. Krestov, Thermodynamics of Solvation, Ellis Harwood, New York (1991).

1. W. Lang and R. Zander, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 25: 775 (1986).
2. J. Butz, P. H. Karpinski, J. Mydiarz, and J. Nyvil, Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 25:
657 (1986).
3. D. C. Leggett, T. F. Jenkins, and P. H. Miyeres, J. Anal. Chem. 62: 1355 (1990).
4. G. Mina-Makarius and K. L. Pinder, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 69: 308 (1991).


2.21.1. Phenomenology
Experiment shows that the magnitude of the electric field between two plates
depends on the medium contained between them. The quantity dielectric constant is
used as a measure of the effect of the medium in reducing the field that exists if nothing
is there. Water has a particularly large dielectric constant (ca. 78 at 25 C). This
means that if the field between two plates separated by a vacuum amounts to
the field would be reduced to if water were used to fill the space between
the plates.
Dielectric constants depend little upon the strength of the applied field until
extremely high fields are reachedfields greater than . However, at some
critical field strength, a complex phenomenon occurs (Figs. 2.70 and 2.71). It is called
dielectric breakdown. It can be described in a general way by saying that a dielectric
liquid subjected to a sufficiently high electric field suddenly ceases to behave in the
customary field-reducing manner. At the same time, a number of characteristic
phenomena (e.g., light emission) occur.
What are the phenomena characteristic of dielectric breakdown?44 The first six in
importance are:

The phenomenon occurs for solids, liquids, and gases. Because this chapter is concerned with ionic
solutions, the material here is limited to liquids and dilute solutions.

Fig. 2.70. (a) The field between the plates is normal

and the water dielectric is chemically stable. Its prop-
erty as an insulator depends on the concentration of
ions but it is highly resistive. (b) When the field
applied is sufficiently high, dielectric breakdown oc-
curs; the liquid no longer supports the field and the
charges flow away, forming streamers.

Fig. 2.71. Negative streamer

growth in a white naphthenic
mineral oil (Marcol 70). Gap:
1.27 cm; voltage step: 185 kV;
time in microseconds. (Re-
printed from R. E. Tobeozon,
The Liquid State and Its Elec-
trical Properties, Plenum
Press, New York, 1988.)

1. The time between application of an electric field sufficiently high to cause the
breakdown phenomena and their occurrence is about
2. Bright, white light is emitted.
3. The most singular and characteristic phenomenon is that called streamers. The
electrodes concerned emit a piercing series of filaments (Fig. 2.71) that spread
out across the solution from the electrode. The filaments turn out to be
low-density tubules through the liquid and fade away rapidly after breakdown.
These low-density regions in the dielectric remind one of the branchlike growth
of trees (Fig. 2.71). The heads of the streamers travel at high velocity, reaching
in some systems 1 % of the velocity of light.
4. Although older books give tables of the breakdown voltage for a series of
different liquids, it is not helpful to describe dielectric breakdown phenomena
in terms of the voltage applied between two metal plates. The phenomenon
depends on the strength of the electric field (volts per unit distance), not upon
volts. It is also not enough to state a field strength as the volts between two
electrodes immersed in the dielectric divided by the distance between the
plates. This is because the phenomenon is known to be critically associated
with the interfacial regions of the cathode and anode concerned. In such
regions, however, there are huge discontinuities in field strength. A total of
30,000 V applied over 10 cm may cause dielectric breakdown, but this may
not be directly related to the apparent field across the whole liquid
between the plates. It may depend upon the field very near the
surface or even the over a few nanometers, which can be calculated
to occur at the tips of the spikelike micropromontories that exist on many real
5. An increase in pressure applied to the liquid suppresses the formation of
streamers, which are the most telling sign of breakdown.
6. The critical applied volts (and the associated electric field at the interfaces
concerned) that cause breakdown depend upon the conductance of the solution
(Fig. 2.72).

2.21.2. Mechanistic Thoughts

Dielectric breakdown is a phenomenon of practical importance; it is by no means
only an academic puzzle. One can appreciate this through the analogy between
mechanical strength and dielectric strength. Any mechanical structure collapses if too
great a stress is placed upon it. Correspondingly, any substance can withstand an
electric field only to a certain degree of field strength, after which it ceases to remain
an insulator and opens the flood gates for electrons to come across; as a result, the
resistance to the applied potential undergoes a catastrophic decline. For example, a
condenser may be used with a water dielectric to store great amounts of electrical
energy to activate electromagnetic weapons. It then becomes important to know, and

Fig 2.72. The dependence of the breakdown

potential on the log of conductivity (log S)
of NaCI () and of solutions. (Re-
printed from M. Szklarczyk, R. Kainthla, and J.
OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem. Soc. 136: 2512,

be able to control, the critical field strength, the exceeding of which would break down
the dielectric and waste away the electrical energy stored within it.45
There is not yet a consensus as to the mechanism of dielectric breakdown in
liquids. Research during the last decades of the twentieth century on the breakdown
of liquid dielectrics was funded mainly to investigate dielectric breakdown in oils
because transformers use oils as dielectrics and sometimes suffer catastrophic dielec-
tric breakdown accompanied by sparking. Insulating oil then catches on fire and
equipment costing millions of dollars is damaged beyond repair. Thus, not much
laboratory work aimed at determining the mechanism of dielectric breakdown in water
at a molecular level exists. For example, work in which all is maintained constant
except for a systematic change in the nature of the electrode surfaces seems to be
conspicuous by its absence.
The most obvious theoryone still held even today by engineersis that a
sufficiently high electric field existing in the liquid will eventually place an electrical
force on the solvent dipoles, which will cause the force applied to break the chemical

In the Star Wars program of the early 1990s, giant space-borne lasers were to zap enemy missiles as they
left their silos. Their ground-based power was to he held in condensers with water or very dilute solutions
as the dielectric. Transfer of electrical energy to the orbiting satellite was to be made by beaming it in the
megacycle frequency range.

bond and hence destroy its dielectric properties. Thus, is the force on a dipole,
where X is the electric field and is the dipole moment. If for the liquid
is the standard free energy of a dissociation reaction), it should break down.
The results of calculations along these lines for water show that more than
would be needed and this kind of electric field strength could only be attained at an
interface. However, even then, breakdown by electrical tearing apart does not merit
too much attention any more because it has been known since the 1950s that fields at
interfaces between electrodes and solutions are on the order of (Chapter
6), yet water there retains its chemical stability.
On the other hand, most chemists and physicists who have discussed this phe-
nomenon in the 1980s and 1990s observed that the streamers come from the electrode
and that light is emitted from the electrode. The interfacial region undoubtedly plays
the determinative role in the dielectric breakdown of liquids.
One view has concentrated upon seeing water and dilute solutions thereof as if
they were intrinsic semiconductors, i.e., semiconductors in which no impurities have
been added to provide foreign atoms that could ionize and provide electrons to increase
conductance. Such bodies are known to have three vital regions. In one, the electron

Fig. 2.73. A schematic representation of the

Fermi level of the electrons in the electrode
and different levels in and
correspond to the position of the Fermi level,
and represent the valence and conduc-
tion bands of water. The barrier for the elec-
trons at the metalsolution interface is also
shown. (Reprinted from M. Szklarczyk, R.
Kainthla, and J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem.
Soc. 136:2512, 1989.)

Fig. 2.74. Schematic representation of the trans-

fer of electrons from metal to the conduction band
of water before and after the breakdown. The
current-potential relation leading to breakdown
involves a plateau in which current hardly in-
creases as potential approaches breakdown.
(Reprinted from M. Szklarczyk, R. Kainthla, and
J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem. Soc., 136: 2512,

energy levels are full and transport by electrons is therefore nonexistent. This valence
band region is separated from the conductance band by what is called an energy gap;
i.e., between the energy of the band of electron levels that conducts and the band that
does not, there is a region in which no electrons exist. However, energetically above
the top of the gap in the conduction band, electrons can conduct freely and with a
mobility millions of times above that of ions in solution.
A theory put forward by Szklarczyk et al. suggests that the high applied potential
(and high resulting field strength in solution) are secondary reflections of the effect
they cause on the fundamental Fermi energy level of electrons in this metal. Here are
most of the available electrons in a metal. Should it be possible to lift this electron-
emitting level in the electrode to sufficiently high levels, the level of the conduction
band in water (seen as a semiconductor) would be reached (Fig. 2.73). This would be
the critical event for breakdown, for if electrons in the metal attained such an energy,
they would enter the conduction band of water and behave as electrons in the
conduction band of a semiconductor, traveling too rapidly to react chemically with

Distance = (speed)(time). Suppose one allows twice the diameter of water (~ 600 pm) for the distance
between the center of a water molecule and that in which an electron could affect a water chemically, and
0.1 of the speed of light for the velocity of passage of a streamer. Then where is
the time the water has to recognize an electron; s leaves water unaffected as far as the vibrational
and rotational levels are concerned. Even the electrons in water move only about 1/100 of a diameter in
such a short time.

water,46 but forming the head of the streamers and traveling across to the counter
electrode. The great outburst of electrons arising from reaching the conduction band
in water and flowing through the dielectric (opening of said flood gates, etc.) would
precipitate dielectric breakdown (Fig. 2.74).
This section briefly describes an intriguing and practical phenomenon found in
water and ionic solutions. A detailed comparison of this new model with experiment
would take a disproportionate amount of space. One matter only is mentioned. Does
the model stated explain the apparent avalanchelike effect shown in Fig. 2.71? Perhaps.
For there are always particles in practical solution, solid particles and some metallic.
The phenomena of breakdown are probably determined by many factors. A stream of
electrons from the cathodes could cause collisional phenomena in the solution and thus
secondary emissions from the particles struck by the electrons, which would then cause
many more electronparticle collisions and eventually an avalanche of electrons.

Ions exert electrical forces on solvent molecules in their vicinity. Because pressure
is defined as force per unit area, this means that ions exert a pressure on the solvent
and/or other nearby ions. As shown below, this pressure is very high (it may exceed
Pa) compared with pressures normally encountered in the laboratory.47
Phenomena connected with this large pressure are referred to under the title of
electrostriction. Molecules and ions are squeezed and decrease in size. Electrostriction
is the reason that the partial molar volume of ions may become negative, for the
volume-decreasing effect of adding them to a system can be greater than the volume
increase caused by the addition of the ions themselves.
Effects of this kind are shown in Fig. 2.75. However, electrostriction has its limits.
As seen in Fig. 2.75, the value of the compressibility itself is reduced as the electric
field (and hence the local pressure) increases. Some details of this are worked out in
the next section.

2.22.1. Electrostrictive Pressure near an Ion in Solution

The molar volume of water in the natural state is but if water
molecules are close-packed in the liquid state, this volume would become only
a reduction of 33%. Thus, the volume available for the effects of electrical
constriction by ions on water molecules is as much as
It is easy to calculate a typical pressure exerted by an ion on a water molecule in
the first hydration shell. Thus, the energy of interaction of an ion of radius ri on a water
molecule of radius is

When a gas is compressed, the particles come into contact at pressures of a few thousand atmospheres. It
is impractical to deal with gases at substantially higher pressures.

Fig. 2.75. (a) Local compressibility of

water as a function of log(field) near an ion.
(b) Electrostriction, in water as a func-
tion of log(field) near an ion. (Reprinted
from B. E. Conway, Ionic Hydration in
Chemistry and Biophysics, Elsevier, New
York, 1981.)


where is the force of the ion on the water molecule at a distance r from the ion.

The force calculated here is upon a water molecule in the hydration shell. If
one takes the cross section of the water as the pressure (pressure = force/unit

2.22.2. Maximum Electrostrictive Decrease in the Volume of Water in

the First Hydration Shell
The definition of compressibility is


and after integration,

Although is known to decrease with increase of pressure, it is of interest to

make a first approximation by taking up to
pressures on the order of 1010 Pa. Then, for omes

However, water cannot be compressed below the volume of the close-packed

structure, Hence, when the compressibility is taken as pressure inde-
pendent, the calculated effect of pressure becomes overestimated. What, then, is the
relation of to P?

2.22.3. Dependence of Compressibility on Pressure

It is known empirically that for water

Hence, at It can be seen that

a 22% decrease in compared with that at the standard condition of
105 Pa.

A pressure of atm is the standard pressure for reporting data, and it is denoted by a
superscript null after the variable, e.g.,

This decrease in compressibility with increase in pressure explains the overlarge

decrease in volume (44%) due to electrostriction calculated earlier, assuming to be
independent of pressure. It also supports Passynskis approximation
In Fig. 2.75 the decrease of is shown as a function of log X, where X is the
electric field in the hydration shell. For an ion of radius 100 pm, this is49

If one compares this with the Conway relation of local pressure to field, one sees that
this field is equivalent in electrostrictional pressure to about at which (see
above) the compressibility is about 22% of the value at the standard pressure.
Thus in Fig. 2.75(a), the decrease of the molecular volume of water in the
hydration sheath of an ion, the radius of which is 100 pm, is about or
about 11% (the first approximation was 44%).
For instance,

at and from Eq. (2.165),

The Systme International of electrical units includes most of the common electrical units, such as volt
(V), ampere (A), ohm watt (W), and coulomb (C). In this system, Coulombs law reads

where Useful conversions to remember are 1 J = 1 N m and 1 J/C = 1

V, In the cgs system (in which the basic units are the centimeter, gram, and second), the constant k is
defined to be unity, without unit. In this system the unit of electric charge is the statctmlomb or esu
(electrostatic unit), which is still used in many scientific publications. The conversion factor is, to four
significant figures.

Hence, the compression in the first layer of water molecules around an ion
would be about (1.71/18) or 10% of the average volume of water in the bulk.

2.22.4. Volume Change and Where It Occurs In Electrostriction

Calculation shows that most of the electrostrictional volume change due to the
electrical pressure exerted by an ion in the surrounding solvent arises in the first shell of
solvent around it. The calculated volume changes for typical fields are shown in Table

Fig. 2.76. (a) Deformation of the adsorbed ions

due to the electric field at the metalsolution inter-
phase. (b) Schematic representation of the bisul-
fate ion and its equivalent spherical structure
before and after its deformation at the interphase.
(Reprinted from J. OM. Bockris, Maria Gamboa-AI-
deco, and M. Szklarczyk, J. Electroanalyt. Chem.
339: 335, 1992.)

2.22.5. Electrostriction in Other Systems

This section concentrates on the electrostrictional volume contraction of water
molecules in the hydration shell. However, electrostriction is a general phenomenon
and whenever there are electric fields on the order of the compression
of ions and molecules is likely to be significant (although less so than occurs by using
the compressibility figures usually given in books because these usually neglect the
decrease of with increase of pressure). Bockris and Gamboa have calculated the
degree of compression of and ions near interfaces. The spherical shape is
lost and the ions become lenslike in shape (Fig. 2.76).
Electrostriction in solids is important as the origin of piezoelectric effects. Von
Sterkenberg has measured the electrostrictive coefficients in alkaline (earth) fluorides
and found electrostriction there to be anisotropic.

Further Reading

1. T. J. Webb, Field and Pressure Near an Ion, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48: 2589 (1926).
2. H. S. Frank, Theory of Electrostriction, J. Chem. Phys. 23: 2033 (1955).
3. J. Padova, Pressure Effects in Ionic Solutions, J. Chem. Phys. 39: 1552 (1963).
4. J. E. Desnoyers, R. E. Verrall, and B. E. Conway, Electrostriction in Electrolytes, J.
Chem. Phys. 43: 243 (1965).

1. S. W. P. von Sterkenberg, J. Phys. Appl. Chem. 17: 69 (1982).
2. J. L. Ord, J. Electrochem. Soc. 138: 2934 (1991).
3. J. OM. Bockris, M. Gamboa-Aldeco, and M. Szklarczyk, J. Electroanal. Chem. 339: 355
4. S. W. P. von Sterkenberg and Th. Kwaitaal, J. Appl. Phys. 25: 843 (1992).
5. M. Szklarzcyck, in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Vol. 25, Ed. J. OM. Bockris, B.
E. Conway, and R. H. White, Plenum, New York (1993).
6. G. Kloos, J. Appl. Phys. 28: 1680 (1995).
7. W. L. Marshall, J. Solution Chem. 22: 539 (1993).
8. T. M. Letcher, J. J. Paul, and R. L. Kay, J. Solution Chem. 20: 1001 (1991).


2.23.1. Introduction
Most of the ion-exchange resins consist of polyions. A typical one is also the most
well known: Nafion, the structure of which is shown in Fig. 2.77; the figure also shows
the structure of some proteins (these are often polyelectrolytes).

Fig. 2.77. Ion-exchange resins. a = nafion; b = the Asahi structure similar to nations;
c = polyimines; d = polyphosphates; e = polyacrylic acid; f = polymethacrylic acid; g =
polyvinylpyridine; h = polysterene sulphonic acid.
In all these structures the interaction of the solvent with the polyelectrolyte is
critical for its stability (cf. Fig. 2.4). The ion concerned is usually nonspherical and a
more typical configuration is cylindrical, as with the linear polyphosphates.
Thus, the ionizing group in many of these materials is in the side chain, as with
polyacrylic acid [Fig. 2.77(e)]. Correspondingly, in the linear polyions there are
structures of the kind shown in Fig. 2.77(c) and (d).

2.23.2. Volume of Individual Polyions

To obtain the partial molar volume of a series of poly vinyl acid salts containing
a cation of tetraalkylammonium, one plots the volume V of the total electrolyte against
and obtains the partial molar volume by extrapolating the volume of the anion.
Such volumes are given in Table 2.29.

2.23.3. Hydration of Cross-Linked Polymers (e.g., Polystyrene

It is possible to study step-by-step hydration of biomolecules as was first done by
Gluckauf. The hydration is localized and connected to ionic binding. Thus, Gregor et
al. found that the order of adsorption onto polystyrene was

2.23.4. Effect of Macroions on the Solvent

Macroions, such as proteins, have an effect on the self-diffusion of a solvent. Thus,
the presence of the macroion obstructs the solvents movement. On the other hand, it
binds the solvent and substantial fractions of it may be trapped within the molecule.
The fluidity of the solvent is changed because of the structure-breaking effects
caused by the presence of macroions. Self-diffusion data on water in the presence of
proteins allows one to measure their hydration. This is usually measured in water per
gram of anhydrous protein.


Hydration of biopolymers is a mechanism for stabilizing these materials (Fig.
2.78). When proteins are completely dry, they tend to decompose. One way of
evaluating hydration in polyions is to measure the dielectric constant of a solution
containing a dissolved protein as a function of concentration at radio frequency. The
dielectric constant falls with increase in concentration and the water per polyion can
be calculated by assuming that water bound to the protein no longer makes any
contribution to the dielectric constant. Thus, Buchanan calculated the irrotationally
bound water from such experiments. Some of this water is hidden in cavities within
the structure of the protein molecule.

Fig. 2.78. A schematic drawing of protein

and water. The regions of the protein and
the excluded volume of it are represented
as A and A + B, respectively. The regions
of solute (low dielectric media) and solvent
(high dielectric media) are represented as
A and B + C, respectively. (Reprinted from
M. Irisa, T. Takahashi, F. Hirata, and T.
Yanagida, J. Mol. Liquids 65: 381, 1995.)

As with normal electrolytes (Section 2.12.1), the dielectric constant depends

linearly on concentration:


Here c is the concentration in gram percent, is the partial specific volume of the
protein, is the high-frequency value of the dielectric constant of the protein (= 2)
or of water (=6) and is that. The unknown here is the number of irrotationally
bound waters and this can then be calculated. It is usual to assume that the water is
adjacent to charged groups.

2.24.1. A Model for Hydration and Diffusion of Polyions

For polyelectrolytes containing discrete charged groups, the usual configuration

is cylindrical. Thus, the field midway along the chain is described by Conway (1982)

As expected, decreases near the ions concerned. However, the structure of water
is disturbed by the field from such charged bodies only 500600 pm out into the

2.24.2. Molecular Dynamics Approach to Protein Hydration

Internal water plays a role in the structure of proteins. It is difficult to detect and
measure these waters by means of X-rays and therefore statistical thermodynamic
calculations may be helpful.
An example of this kind of calculation, due to Wade et al., is the computation of
the hydration of two internal cavities in a sulfate-binding protein. The results are given
in Table 2.30. The main difference between having a dry cavity and having a wet
one is the hydration bond energy.

2.24.3. Protein Dynamics as a Function of Hydration

Proteins in the dry state are frozen. They only open up and start moving if some
water is added, as in nature. It turns out that protein movements in, e.g., lysozyme are
activated only when there is 0.15 g of water per gram of protein, a good example of
the effect of hydration on living processes. However, it is difficult to examine protein
dynamics in solution because to make a satisfactory interpretation of the observations,
one would have first to do the corresponding spectroscopy in the dry state; this is
difficult because of the frozen state referred to and a tendency to decompose.
To avoid this difficulty, one technique is to use reverse micelles. These materials
can host a protein in a small water pool. Reverse micelles are spherical aggregates
formed by dissolving amphiphiles in organic solvents. The polar head of the am-
phiphilic molecule is in the interior of the aggregate and the hydrophobic tail is in the
organic phase. The micellar suspension is transparent, and controlled amounts of water
can be added.

One can then use the time course of the fluorescence decay. The change in
frequency of the emitted light compared with that of the incident light contains
information from which the rotational and internal dynamics can be studied.
The rotational frequency in lysozomes decreases with increase of water. This type
of study throws some light on proteinmicellar interactions and how they are affected
by hydration.
X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements on polyion hydration give the
number of water molecules involved per repeat group in the structures. About one
water molecule per repeat group is the result for polymethyl methacrylate. The results
of hydration for a variety of proteins are given in Table 2.31.

2.24.4. Dielectric Behavior of DNA

The rotation of large molecules in solution together with their hydration is the
basis of many of the properties of solutions containing polyions. One has to ask
questions, however, about the decrement of the dielectric constant in the case of linear
polyelectrolytes, which include DNA. Substances such as this exhibit dielectric
decrements as expected but it is difficult to account for their magnitude in terms of
hydration. Thus, there might be a rotation but this cannot be about the long axis because
in such a case (Section 2.24) should increase when the molecules are oriented
perpendicularly to the electric field and this is not found to be the case.
Could this be behavior in terms of the MaxwellWagner dispersion,50 which
would arise through conductivity in the double layer near the polyanion. In support of
this, the dielectric constant falls as the frequency increases (Fig. 2.79).
This is the variation of the resistance or capacitance with frequency.

Now, ice has a dielectric dispersion over the range and water over
the range Thus, the high rate of fall of dielectric constant with increased
concentration for linear polyelectrolytes may come from the icelike structure of water
in their vicinity.

Fig. 2.79. Dielectric spectra of solutions of the protein

bovine serum albumin (BSA) at dw, buffer,
and the numbers after BSA indicate distilled water, buffer
A, and BSA concentrations in mg/ml in buffer A, respec-
tively. (Reprinted from M. Suzuki, J. Shigematsu, and T.
Kodama, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 7279, 1996.)

Fig. 2.80. A secondary structure of

avian pancreatic polypeptide. (Re-
printed from M. Irisa, T. Takahashi,
F. Hirata, and T. Yanagida, J. Mol.
Liquids 65: 381, 1995.)

2.24.5. Solvation Effects and the Transition

In many biological materials in solution, there is an equilibrium between a
coil-like film and a helix51 (Fig. 2.80). The position of the equilibrium between coil
and helix-like forms in biomolecules in solution is determined by hydration. For
example, in the solvent light scattering studies show that poly-
benzyl glutamate is found to consist of random coils, but in other solvents it forms a
The form and structure of proteins demands hydration. Doty, Imahor, and Klem-
perer found that a typical structure was 15% in 0.14 M NaCl, but at pH 4 it
changed to 50% The change is a function of hydrogen bonding. The main
difference between having a dry cavity and a wet one is the hydrogen bond energy.


2.25.1. Does Water in Biological Systems Have a Different Structure

from Water in Vitro?
It has been suggested that water in biological systems has a different structure
from that of free water. Thus, Szent-Gyrgyi (the discoverer of vitamin C) was the
first to suggest that an icelike structure surrounded proteins and other biomolecules.
Cope examined cell hydration and asked whether water is affected by conformational
A helix is an elongated form of a coil.
Conformational refers to spatial arrangements of molecules that can be obtained by rotating groups around

changes52 in the protein structure. Much of the water present in a biological cell would
be associated with the cell surface and hence have an oriented or rigid structure. Thus,
the interior of biological cells contains an interconnecting network of cellular organ-
elles: there is little space inside for free water.
Water in biological systems does indeed have a structure different from that of
the bulk, as it does at all interfaces, and the appropriate way to look at the alleged
difference in its structure is to realize that there is a large surface-to-volume ratio in
cell-like structures so that the fraction of water associated with surfaces is large, and;
by definition, under electric fields that are characteristic of the surface of double layers
at surfacesolution interfaces. Hence, the icelike structure that Szent-Gyrgyi saw as
characteristic of biological systems would be a description of any near-surface water
and becomes the norm for biological cell water because most water is near a surface
and hence has abnormal structure (Ling and Drost-Hansen, 1975).

2.25.2. Spectroscopic Studies of Hydration of Biological Systems

Zundel reports on the hydration of thin polyelectrolyte ion-exchange membranes

subject to progressive increases in water sorption. Spectroscopic observations of these
systems reflect the hydration of polyion charge centers in the membranes but in the
presence of associated counterions, which in turn are progressively hydrated.
Zundel worked with polysulfonates and found the spectra of unhydrated polymer salts:
the cation is attached unsymmetrically to the groups. This mode of attachment
leads to a loss of degeneracy53 in the antisymmetric vibrations.
The fact that this is so allows one to follow the hydration of cationpolyanion
association. This also affects the assignment of changes of band frequency in the water
molecule as it dissociates with the counterion groups.
In the region of 20004000 it is possible to obtain Spectroscopic results that
reflect the bound water at polyions. These occur at 30003700 in and
22002750 for As the radius of the bound counteranion and polystyrene
sulfonate decreases, the OH stretching vibration of the hydration water molecule
increases (e.g., from to and from to
These Spectroscopic results are consistent with corresponding thermodynamic
results obtained by Gluckauf and Kitt. They found that the greatest values of and
for sorption occurred during the first water molecule aggregation per ion pair and
decreased for subsequent ones.

2.25.3. Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Biowater

So far there have been few in-depth MD simulations of water at the interfaces of
cells. As indicated earlier, the results of general studies and Spectroscopic data suggest
that much of the water in biological cells is affected by the interface. The fact that the
Degeneracy = more than one state having the same energy.

surface-to-volume ratio is so large in biological cells means that most of the water
there is affected by the surface forces. However, this is not supported by the MD
calculations of Ahlstrom et al., who made an MD simulation of the binding
protein, parvalbumin. These workers found, contrary to the expectation arising from
knowledge of the high surface-to-volume ratio, that relatively few ions were immobi-
lized (Fig. 2.81) on the surface of the protein. However, they did conclude that the
dipole of the waters in contact with the protein was indeed oriented perpendicularly
to the protein surface. These findings contradict NMR data that indicate surface waters
as having a longer relaxation time than in the bulk. The potential functions of the MD
simulation may have been ill chosen. Electron density distributions of water in cells
show order out to 1500 pm.


Traditionally, the interaction between particles in chemistry has been based upon
empirical laws, principally on Coulombs law. This law is also the basis of the
attractive part of the potential energy used in the Schrdinger equation, but the resultant

Fig. 2.81. Snapshots from a

stochastic dynamics simulation
of DNA supercoiling. (Reprinted
from P. Ahlstrom, O. Teleman,
and B. Jocsom, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 110: 4198, 1988.)

energies of interaction obtained by solving it are then quantized. Such an approach

was begun for ionwater interactions by Clementi in the 1970s.
A quantum mechanical approach to ionwater interactions has the up side that it
is the kind of development one might think of as inevitable. On the other hand, there
is a fundamental difficulty that attends all quantum mechanical approaches to reactions
in chemistry. It is that they concern potential energy and do not account for the entropic
aspects of the situation. The importance of the latter (cf. the basic thermodynamic
equation depends on temperature, so that at T = 0, the change in
entropy in a reaction, has no effect. However, in calculations of solvation at
ordinary temperatures, the increase in order brought about by the effect of the ion on
the water molecules is an essential feature of the situation. Thus, a quantum mechanical
approach to solvation can provide information on the energy of individual ionwater
interactions (clusters in the gas phase have also been calculated), but one has to ask
whether it is relevant to solution chemistry.
Another problem in the quantal approach is that ions in solution are not stationary
as pictured in the quantum mechanical calculations. Depending on the time scale
considered, they can be seen as darting about or shuffling around. At any rate, they
move and therefore the reorientation time of the water when an ion approaches is of vital
concern and affects what is a solvation number (waters moving with the ion) and what is
a coordination number (Fig. 2.23). However, the Clementi calculations concerned station-
ary models and cannot have much to do with dynamic solvation numbers.
Finally, Con way points out that the values of the energies obtained by solving the
Schrodinger equation and by electrostatics are about the same. But this should be! The
quantum mechanical calculations do not infer that the electrostatic ones (Section
2.15.11) are wrong. Indeed, the Schrdinger equations solved by Clementi involved
the same energy that was used in the electrostatic method. It is a matter of whether the
sophistication of quantization gives increasing insight into the behavior of a real
system in solution. The answer in the 1990s is: not yet.
However, science evolves! More will be seen of the quantum mechanical ap-
proach to solvation and in particular in nonaqueous solutions when there is more
chance of interactions involving overlap of the orbitals of transition-metal ions and
those of organic solvent molecules. Covalent bond formation enters little into the
aqueous calculations because the bonding orbitals in water are taken up in the bonds
to hydrogen. With organic solvents, the quantum mechanical approach to bonding may
be essential.
The trend pointing to the future is the molecular dynamics technique, and
treatments of this kind were discussed in Section 2.17. The leaders here are Heinzinger
and Palinkas (in the 1990s), and the major thing to note is that the technique provides
needed information on the number of waters in the first shell. The MD method does
this by calculating the distribution function (Section 2.17.2) and may also provide
information on a second layer, lifetimes of the solvent molecules in the hydration
sheath, and so on.


2.27.1. Hydration of Simple Cations and Anions

The first thing that was dealt with in this chapter was the fundamental question
of how things dissolve. Materials have stability in the solid lattice and therefore in the
solution there must be energies of interaction that compensate for the lattice energies
and thus make it comfortable for the ion to move into the solution. This energy of
interaction of solvent and ion is called the solvation energy. Solvation and the
corresponding water-related hydration are fields having a great breadth of application
and indeed one can even see a relevance to environmental problems such as acid rain
because the pH of natural waters depends on the stabilization of certain ions in solution,
and this depends primarily upon their solvation energies.
It is useful to divide the methods of investigating hydration into four groups. First
of all, there are the many methods in which one looks at the ionic solution in the
equilibrium state; for example, one can study its compressibility or one can study heats
and entropies of hydration and fit the values to various model systems.
Another approach involves measuring the transport of the ion concerned under
an applied electric field, its mobility. This approach has a unique aspect: it provides
the individual properties of ions directly so long as they are in dilute solution.
Spectra of all kinds (infrared, Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron
diffraction) have been applied to electrolytic solutions for a long time, and the contrast
between the indications from such measurements (which involve the grave disadvan-
tage of having to be carried out at high concentrations) and those of other (concordant)
methods of investigation (usually carried out in dilute solutions to diminish the effects
of ionion interactions) in measuring solvation numbers is troubling. It seems likely
that the spectroscopic results report the much smaller values obtained in solvation
studies at higher ionic concentrations (i.e., lower water concentration). The thermo-
dynamic methods (e.g., partial molar volumes and the Debye vibrational potential)
give much higher results than the spectroscopic methods because they measure the
situation at high concentrations of water (i.e., low ionic concentrations) or dilute
solutions. However, increasingly neutron diffraction and MD methods are being able
to provide information on the time spent by water molecules in the first and second
layer near an ion. By comparing these times with those known for the time an ion
spends between its movements in solution, it is becoming increasingly possible to use
spectroscopic methods (particularly the recent neutron diffraction methods) to make
a distinction between coordination numbers and numbers of waters which travel with
the ion, the hydration number.
Finally, there is the theoretical method of approaching ionic solvation including
the molecular dynamics simulations. These have become increasingly used because
they are cheap and quick. However, MD methods use two-body interaction equations
and the parameters used here need experimental data to act as a guide for the
determination of parameters that fit.

Most of the data that one gets from the experimental point of view of hydration
concerns the net effect of all the ions in the electrolytes, and it is necessary to pull out
the quantities corresponding to each ion separately. This is tricky but possible. For
example, one can couple a certain anion with a series of cations of increasing size and
extrapolate a plot in such a manner that the effect of the cation becomes negligible and
that of the anion is isolated. Then, the individual value for that anion can be used to
obtain individual values for any cations that can form salts with this anion.
Apart from neutron diffraction, what other method distinguishes between the
static or equilibrium coordination number and the dynamic solvation number, the
number of solvent molecules that travel with an ion when it moves? One method is to
obtain the sum of the solvation numbers for both cation and anion by using a
compressibility approach, assuming that the compressibility of the primary solvation
shell is small or negligible, then using the vibration potential approach of Debye to
obtain the difference in mass of the two solvated ions. From these two measurements
it is possible to get the individual ionic solvation numbers with some degree of
Another approach that can help in getting hydration numbers is the study of
dielectric constantsboth the static dielectric constants and the dielectric constant as
it depends on frequency. Such measurements give a large amount of information about
the surrounds of the ion but a good deal more has to be done before the theoretical
interpretation can bear the weight of clear structural conclusions. Density, mobility,
and entropy measurements may also be informative.
The material so far has all come from discussions of methods of examining
hydration and solvation in solutions. It is now good to turn to a simpler field, the study
of which began much laterhydration of the gas phase. It was not until high-pressure
mass spectroscopy became available that such studies could be easily made. If we had
had these studies 50 years ago, it would have been much easier to interpret the values
obtained in solution. Thus, the numbers we get from the unambiguous gas-phase
results are close to results for the first shell of water around ions in solution, and
knowledge of this, and the energies that go with it, helps us greatly in building models
in solution.
The models assume that the energies are entirely electrostatic and go about
calculation in terms of ion-dipole forces for the first layer, together with correction
for the quadrupole properties of water, and for the extra dipole that the ion induces in
the water. There are two more steps. One is to take into account the interaction of the ion
with distant water molecules, which we do by means of the Born equation, and then finally
we take into account the structure-breaking effects of the ions on the surrounding solvent.
The agreement between theory and experiment is good and this applies (though somewhat
less well) to the corresponding calculation of the entropies of hydration.
A special case, but one of seminal importance, is the heat of hydration of the
proton because so much depends upon it. A rather clever method was set out many
years ago by Halliwell and Nyburg and although their approach has been reexamined

many times, the numerical values have not changed by more than one percent. The
method involves an application of the known differences of quadrupole interactions
of ions which have the same size but different signs.

2.27.2. Transition-Metal Ions

Our overview of hydration so far is based upon ions which are simple, mostly
those from groups IA and IIA. We havent yet said anything about the ions with more
complex electronic structures, for example, the transition-metal ions, two-valent and
three-valent entities. There are many who would expect such ions to have valence-
force interactions (orbital bond formation) with water molecules, but in fact they dont.
It is possible to interpret their hydration heats in terms of electrostatic interactions with
water, but one has to be more sophisticated and no longer regard the ions as simple
spheres but take into account the shape and direction of their molecular orbitals and
how these affect the electrostatics of the interactions with water molecules.
It turns out that the splitting of electron levels in the ions caused by the water
molecules changes the electrostatic interaction of the ions with the waters. This in turn
makes the course of a plot of individual hydration of transition-metal ions against the
radii of the ions no longer a continuous one, which one would expect from
first-approximation electrostatic studies, but takes into account some irregularities that
can be quite reasonably accounted for. Now, there is also lurking among the literature
on ion hydration in the gas phase the surprising (but clearly explainable) fact that the
second water molecule sometimes has a larger heat of hydration than the first.

2.27.3. Molecular Dynamics Simulations

The last part of our treatment of the central aspects of the chapter concerned
molecular dynamics. We showed the power of molecular dynamics simulations in
ionic solutions and what excellent agreement can be obtained between, say, the
distribution function of water molecules around an ion calculated from molecular
dynamics simulation and that measured by neutron diffraction.
However, there has been in the past some semantic confusion in these calculations.
Most of them are about distribution functions. Some of the workers concerned assumed
that they were calculating hydration numbers when in fact they were calculating
time-averaged coordination numbers. Nevertheless, a few groups have indeed been able
to calculate the rate at which water molecules react when an ion is brought near them and
the lifetime of the water molecules near the ion as it moves. From this, they have calculated
hydration numbers that are in fair agreement with those determined experimentally.

2.27.4. Functions of Hydration

The rest of this chapter has been concerned with phenomena and effects that are
connected with hydration. The first one (salting out) concerns the solubility of
nonelectrolytes as affected by the addition of ions to the solution. Here two effects are

to be dealt with. The first is salting outthe decrease of solubility that the ions cause.
This is easily understood because of course the ions remove quite a lot of the waters
from availability to the incoming solute by taking them off into temporary inactivity
in the hydration shell so that the organic molecule has less water (per liter of solution)
to dissolve in and its solubility is thus decreased. Salting in is a little bit more difficult
to understand, especially anomalous salting in, which occurs when the equations for
salting out indicate that there should be a decrease in the solubility of a nonelectrolyte
upon the addition of ions but in fact there is an increase. It turns out that this is caused
by dispersion force interactions by which the ions (large ions such as those of the
series are involved here) attract the organic molecules to themselves and push the
water out, thus giving more water for the organic molecules to dissolve in and an
increased solubility. Such phenomena provide some basis for an interpretation of
hydrophobic effects in hydration.
Electrostriction is the study of the effects of squeezing of ions and molecules by
the electrical forces that are exerted upon them by the ions we have been dealing with
(Section 2.22). It is only recently that modelers have begun to take into account the
shapes formed by these compressed bodies. In fact, they do become lenslike in shape
(not spheres) and when this is taken into account, agreement between theory and
experiment is improved.
Hydrophobic effects are on a list of special phenomena. They are closely tied to
salting in because one of the reasons for hydrophobic effects (water pushing-out
effects, one could say) is that the ions of the solute tend to attract each other or other
nonelectrolytes present and push the water between them out. Structure breaking in a
solution, some part of which rejects water in the rearrangements formed, also gives
hydrophobic effects.
Polyelectrolytes occur in ion-exchange membranes and thus their study has great
material value. They have a central importance in biology and the study of their
electrochemistry, as ions, their natural interactions in solution, etc., are important although
we are only able to give a short description of them in a chapter of restricted length.
Finally, the question of the structure of biological water is one of far-reaching
importance. Some workers in the last few decades have suggested that water in
biological systems is special but our answer is that this special structure is so readily
explicable that no mystery exists. Biological cells are sized on the micron scale and
contain much solid material. The surface-to-volume ratio inside such cells is very
large. Most of the waters in cells are in fact surface waters. In this sense, biological
water is special but only because it has lost the netted-up properties of bulk water and
adopted the individual two-dimensional structure of water at all surfaces.


In the preceding text, particularly in Section 2.15.11, use is made of Borns

equation, a famous classical equation first deduced in 1920. This equation is generally

used to express that part of the free energy of the solvation of ions which arises from
interactions outside the first, oriented, layers of dipoles near the ion. Thus, sufficiently
near the ion, the structure of the water is fairly definite and can be used to write
equations that express simple models close enough to reality to be credible (see
Appendices 2.2 and 2.3). A molecular picture is more difficult to sustain outside these
first one or two layers. It is argued that there it is better to work in terms of continuum
electrostatics and to suppress questions concerned with structure in the solution, etc.
The basic model upon which Borns equation rests involves a mental image of a
metallic sphere. It is argued that when such a sphere (at first grounded and charge free)
is given an electric charge q, this charging process must be equivalent to some amount
of energy.
The reasoning is that when a series of small amounts of charge are brought upon
the ion, some work has to be done to put them there because after the first charge
arrives, the rest of the charge bits (all positive, say) have to push against the repelling
interaction between the positive charges themselves and the positive charge already
building up on the metallic sphere.
Now, from electrostatics, the work done, W, when there is a change of charge
of a body of potential, is given by

In the case of the conducting sphere upon which charge is building, the potential
depends upon the charge and so to avoid conceptual trouble [what to use in Eq.
(A2.1.1) as q changes], we take an infinitesimally small change of charge dq and argue
that for such very very small changes of charge, will be very very nearly constant.
To find the work W done in a real finite buildup of charge, one has to overcome
a problemthat itself depends on the degree of chargeand hence express in
terms of q.
It is easy to show that for a conducting sphere, the value of is given by

With this (and the assumptions) as background, one may write for the work to
build up a charge q on the sphere:

Now, solvation energyand Borns equation is usually proposed as giving at

least some part of thatis the difference of free energy of an ion in vacuo and that of
an ion in solution. If this work of charging which has been calculated above is then

taken as the basis for a change of energy upon the transfer from vacuum to solution,
one has
Energy of charging in vacuum:

Energy of charging in solution:

where is the dielectric constant of the solution.
Hence, the work of charging in solution, minus the work of charging
the solution, is argued to be a contribution to the solution energy. Therefore,
the corresponding energy change or the so-called Born term is

This equation is used in most theories of solvation (Section 2.15.10) as though it

represented, not the difference in the energy of charging up a conducting sphere in
vacuo and then in solution, but the energy of interaction of an ion with a solvent.
There are a number of fundamental difficulties with the Born equation, which is
still presented in this text because of the prominent part it plays in most theories (it
accounts for around one-third of the hydration energy calculated for simple ions).
1. Behind the idea of the work of charging is an assumption that the charging
occurs slowly, so that all parts of the system concerned are arranged in their equilib-
rium configuration. This is arguable. Any real change of charge on an ion in solution
occurs in a time of about s, so fast, indeed, that atomic motions in molecules
(e.g., vibrations) are taken to be stationary in comparison (FranckCondon principle).
2. The thinking behind the deduction of Borns equation is pre-quantal. In reality,
atoms do not charge up by the aggregation of a series of infinitesimally small amounts
of charge. They become charged by means of the sudden transfer of one electron. The
energy of charging an atom to a positive ion is called the ionization energy and is a
known quantity. The energy of charging an atom to be a negative ion is called the
electron affinity and is also known. Both these energies differ significantly from the
Born energy of charging.
3. Although the Born charging energy differs from either the ionization energy
or the electron affinity, its values for simple ions are not unreasonable. However, when
one comes to apply Borns concepts to protons and electrons, irrational energies result.
For example, the Born energy of a proton in the gas phase is 1000 times the normal
range of chemical energies. The corresponding self-energy for an electron alone is
greater than
So, Borns equation remains a controversial part of the theory of solvation
although there have been many recent attempts striving to justify it. The difficulty
resides in the avoidance of molecular-level arguments and in applying continuum
electrostatics, which clearly involves fundamental limitations when it comes to atomic

and subatomic charged bodies. However, there is a greater doubt. What is required in
calculations of solvation energy is the ionsolvent interaction energy. Does the Born
equation measure the difference of two self-energies, which is not a quantity to be used
in solvation calculations at all?


The problem is to calculate the interaction energy between a dipole and an ion
placed at a distance r from the dipole center, the dipole being oriented at an angle 0 to
the line joining the centers of the ion and dipole (Fig. A2.2.1). (By convention, the
direction of the dipole is taken to be the direction from the negative end to the positive
end of the dipole.)
The iondipole interaction energy is equal to the charge of the ion times
the potential due to the dipole at the site P of the ion

Thus, the problem reduces to the calculation of the potential due to the dipole.
According to the law of superposition of potentials, the potential due to an assembly
of charges is the sum of the potentials due to each charge. Thus, the potential due to a
dipole is the sum of the potentials and due to the charges +q and -q, which
constitute the dipole and are located at distances and from the point P. Thus,

From Fig. A2.2.2, it is obvious that

Fig. A2.2.1

Fig. A2.2.2

and therefore,

At this stage, an important approximation is made, namely, that the distance 2d

between the charges in the dipole is negligible compared with r. In other words, the
approximation is made that

It is clear that the validity of the approximation decreases, the closer the ion comes
toward the dipole, i.e., as r decreases.
Making the above approximation, one has [see Eq. (A2.2.4)]

which, by the binomial expansion taken to two terms, gives


By similar reasoning,

By using Eqs. (A2.2.7) and (A2.2.8), Eq. (A2.2.2) becomes

Since zlr = cos and 2dq is the dipole moment

or the iondipole interaction energy is given by


Instead of presenting a sophisticated general treatment for ionquadrupole inter-
actions, a particular case of these interactions will be worked out. The special case to
be worked out is that corresponding to the water molecule being oriented with respect
to a positive ion so that the interaction energy is a minimum.
In this orientation (see Fig. A2.3.1), the oxygen atom and a positive ion are on the
y axis, which bisects the HOH angle. Further, the positive ion, the oxygen atom,
and the two hydrogen atoms are all considered in the xy plane. The origin of the xy
coordinate system is located at the point Q, which is the center of the water molecule.
The ion is at a distance r from the origin.
The ionquadrupole interaction energy is simply given by the charge on the
ion times the potential at the site of the ion due to the charges of the quadrupole,

The potential is the sum of the potentials due to the four charges and
in the quadrupole (1 and 2 are the positive charges at the hydrogen, and 3 and 4 are
the negative charges at the oxygen). That is,

Fig. A2.3.1

Each of these potentials is given by the usual Coulombic expression for the potential

where the minus sign appears before the third and fourth terms because and are
negative charges. Further, the magnitudes of all the charges are equal

and, because of symmetrical disposition of the water molecule,

Hence, from Eqs. (A2.3.3), (A2.3.4), and (A2.3.5),

It is obvious (see Fig. A2.3.1) that




One can now use the binomial expansion, i.e.,

and drop off all terms higher than the third.53 Thus,

and, omitting all terms with powers r greater than 3, one has


Subtracting Eq. (A2.3.16) from Eq. (A2.3.15), one has

It is at this stage that the treatment of ionquadrupole interactions diverges from that of iondipole
interactions (cf. Appendix 2.2). In the latter, the binomial expansion was terminated after the second term.

and therefore by substitution of Eq. (A2.3.17) in Eq. (A2.3.6),

The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (A2.3.18) can be rearranged as follows:

Thus, as a first approximation, the water molecule can be represented as a dipolar

charge distribution in which there is a positive charge of 2q (due to the H atoms) at
a distance from the origin on the bisector of the HOH angle and a charge of 2q
(due to the lone electron pair) at a distance from the origin; it follows that

magnitude of each charge of dipole

distance of the charge from origin (A2.3.20)

The right-hand side of this expression is the general expression for the dipole moment
as is seen by considering the situation when i.e., where 2d
is the distance between the charges of the dipole, in which case one obtains the familiar
expression for the dipole moment

Thus, the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (A2.3.18) is

The second term can be interpreted as follows: Consider It can be

written thus

But the general definition of a quadrupole moment is the magnitude of each charge of
quadrupole times the square of the distance of the charge from the origin. Thus,
is the y component of the quadrupole moment for the particular coordinate
system that has been chosen. Similarly, is the x component of the quadrupole
moment. Thus,

One can combine into a single symbol and talk of the quadrupole
moment of the water molecule in the particular orientation of Fig. A2.3.1.

and therefore by substituting Eqs. (A2.3.22) and (A2.3.25) in Eq. (A2.3.18),

The ionquadrupole interaction energy [cf. Eq. (A2.3.1)] thus becomes

When a negative ion is considered, the water molecule turns around through
and one obtains by an argument similar to that for positive ions

1. The heat of evaporation of water is Calculate the total H- bond energy
for 1 mole of water, and compare the two values.
2. The ion has a radius of 180 pm. Find how much bigger the iondipole term
is compared with the Born term. The dielectric constant in the Born equation is
to be taken as 80.
3. The energy of the ion-water dipole interaction is at 298 K.
Calculate the radius of a water molecule. Consider pm and

4. The heat of the chloride ion interaction with water is measured to be

, in which the contribution of the Born charging process is
If the dielectric constant of water at 298 K is 78.3, estimate its rate of change
with temperature at this temperature. Also calculate the percent error introduced
in the Born charging term if the dielectric constant is assumed to be independent
of temperature. Consider and (Contractor)
5. When an F comes in contact with water molecules, its ionquadrupole interac-
tion energy is Calculate the quadrupole moment of water
6. If the total primary hydration number of NaCl in a 1 M solution is 6, make a
rough calculation of the dielectric constant of the solution by assuming that the
dielectric constant of pure water is 80 and that of the water molecule in the
primary hydration sheath is 6.
7. For an NaCl solution, calculate the concentration at which the so-called Gurney
co-sphere is reached. (Hint: For 1:1 electrolyte, the average separation l (in )
where c is the concentration in mol Assume the Gurney
co-sphere is two water molecules beyond the ions periphery.) (Xu)
8. Suppose the results from Exercise 7 are true and calculate the solvation number
for NaCl. Comment on the reliability of the result. (Xu)
9. (a) A Roman spectrum shows that in a 4.0 M NaCl solution, about 40% of the
waters are in the primary sheath. Estimate the solvation number (b) If the SB
region consists of only one layer of water molecules, is there any bulk water left
in this solution? (Xu)
10. Solvation numbers for and CF have been measured at about 5 and 1,
respectively. With this information, and recalling that the number of moles per
liter of pure water is 55, calculate the dielectric constant of a 5 M solution of
NaCl. (The dielectric constant of pure water is to be taken as 80 near room
temperature; when the water molecules are held immobile in respect to the
variations of an applied field, M drops to 6.)
11. Calculate the sum of the heats of hydration of and The lattice energy is
The heat of the solution is
12. Using the Born equation as representing a part of the free energy of hydration
of ions, derive an expression for the entropy of Born hydration. According to
this, what would be the entropy of Born solvation of the ion with a radius of
200 pm?
13. Calculate the ionsolvent interaction free energy for and in
water. The ionic radii are 133, 99, 136, and 181 pm, respectively, and the
dielectric constant for water is 78.3 at 25C. (Kim)

14. Calculate the entropy change due to ionsolvent interaction for the ions in
Exercise 13 using the relation for water. (Kim)
15. Evaluate the heat of solvation for the ions in Exercise 13 in terms of the
iondipole approach (Kim)
16. Calculate the difference of the heat of hydration for the tons in Exercise 13
between the ionquadrupole model and the iondipole model
D cm). (Kim)
17. Calculate the absolute heats of hydration of and using the absolute heat
of hydration of of The heat of interaction between HC1
and water is the heat of solution of NaOH is
and the heat of sublimation of NaCl is (Kim)
18. The adiabatic compressibilities of water and 0.1 M NaI solution at 298 K are
and respectively. Calculate the hydration
number of the NaI solution when the density of the solution is
19. The adiabatic compressibility of water at 25 C is Calculate
the adiabatic compressibility of a 0.101 M solution of (density at 25 C
if the hydration number of the electrolyte is 12. (Contractor)
20. Sound velocity in water is measured to be at 25 C. Calculate the
adiabatic compressibility of water in (Xu)
21. In the text are data on compressibilities as a function of concentration. Use the
Passynski equation to calculate the total solvation number of NaBr at infinite

22. The definition of compressibility is On the (often made but

erroneous) assumption that is constant with pressure, find V as a function of
P. Why must your equation be applicable only over a limited range of pressures?
23. Calculate the hydration number of when the mobility of the ion in water is
and the viscosity of the solution is 0.01 poise,
pm and (Kim)
24. Use the infinite-dilution equality between the accelerative force for ions under
an applied electric field and the viscous drag to calculate the hydration number
of in HC1 aqueous solution, using the result that the transport number of the
cation is 0.83, while the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution is
(25 C). Take the radius of water as 170 pm and the corresponding
viscosity of water as 0.01 poise.

25. Calculate the change of solubility of 2,4-dinitrophenol in water due to primary

solvation when 0.1 M NaCl is added to the solution and the solvation number
of NaCl is assumed to be 5. (Kim)
26. Calculate the change of the solubility of ethyl ether (dielectric constant, 4,3;
density, in water due to the secondary solvation shell when 1 M
of NaCl is added to the solution
27. Show that the electrostatic interaction potential energy between two charges
and can be represented by the nonconventional although widely used

where are expressed in electronic charge units, is the distance between

the charges expressed in , is the relative dielectric constant of the medium,
and E is given in units of kcal/mol. What is the Coulombic interaction between
a proton and electron by 1 in vacuum? (Contractor)
28. (a) has an ionic radius of 60 pm. Calculate the work of charging the lithium
ion in vacuum, (b) Repeat the calculation for whose ionic radius is 181 pm.
(c) Calculate the work of charging surrounded by bulk water with a relative
dielectric constant of 80 at 293 K. (Contractor)
29. A positive charge of and a negative charge of are separated by 53 pm.
Calculate their dipole moment. (Contractor)
30. Calculate the effective moment that a gas dipole of water exhibits in the direction
of an external field of when subject to electrical orienting and thermal
randomizing forces at 25 C. The dipole moment of water
31. Estimate the average moment of a dipole cluster of water subject to an external
electric field of Assume the average of the cosine of the angles
between the dipole moment of the central water molecule and those of its bonded
neighbors is 1/3 at 298 K. (Contractor)
32. For liquid water, the relative dielectric constant at 25 C is 78. Calculate its
deformation polarizability at this temperature if there are moles of defor-
mable molecules per unit volume.* Use the average of the cosines of the angles

The deformable molecules are taken, in this problem to be less than the total number.

between the dipole moment of the central molecule and that of its bonded
neighbors as 1/3. (Contractor)
33. Water often comes under extremely strong electric fields as, e.g., in the solvation
of ions. By considering the total H-bond energy of water, calculate the electric
field strength that will break up H-bonded water. At what field strength would
liquid water dissociate, and to what?
34. An IR spectrum has a band at a wavenumber of What are the
wavelength and frequency of the corresponding bond? If the spectrum originates
from water, calculate the force constant between O and H.
35. From the data in the text, the self-diffusion coefficients of certain ions (e.g.,
and are known. The diffusion coefficient is related to the rate constant for
diffusion by the equation What kind of value for l (jump distance) would
you think reasonable? With the known values for D (see text), calculate the time
the anion resides in one place.
36. The effect of electrolytes on the solubility of nonelectrolytes is generally to
decrease the solubility of the nonelectrolyte (salting-out). Taking as the
nonelectrolyte and the relevant solubility data from the text, obtain Setchenows
constant for HC1 and Comment on the great difference.


1. Use the data of Table 2.8 to calculate the mean activity coefficient of a 5 M NaCI
solution, assuming the total hydration number at this high concentration is <3.
Values for A and B of the DebyeHckel equation can be recovered from the
2. Define wavenumber and explain why ions of a small radius tend to give higher
librative frequencies in their IR spectra in solution. Why do hydration numbers
obtained from spectroscopic data tend to be lower than those from nonspectro-
scopic methods? Write down the expression for the coordination number of an
ion in terms of the distribution function for the O in the first shell with respect
to an ion. Draw typical plots of as a function of distance from an ion for
(a) a strongly hydrated and (b) a weakly hydrated ion, respectively.
3. Explain what is meant by the statement: The relative heat of hydration of is
Halliwell and Nyburgs value for the heat of hydration of
protons was Use this value to establish the absolute heat of
hydration of
4. Calculate the librative and vibrational contributions for the entropy of an
ion in dilute solutions assuming 6 water molecules in the first shell. Why is it

usual to neglect the translational entropy? (Give a numerical answer involving

the free volume of in water to this part of the question.)
5. Calculate the heats of interaction between individual ions and water: (a)
using the experimental values of the
heats of interaction between a salt and water, at 25 C (the Born model
is considered valid). (Constantinescu)

6. Calculate the ionwater interaction for using the ion-dipole model at 298 K.
Use four coordination. (Contractor)
7. Calculate and for AgCl, AgBr, and AgI and rationalize their low
solubility (using the data in Table P.1). (Xu)
8. Calculate at 298 K. The ionic radius of is 1.81 . The dielectric
constant of water at three temperatures is (20C) = 80.1, (25C) = 78.3,
(30C) = 76.54. Use the Born model. (Contractor)
9. Estimate the error introduced by ignoring the size of the solvent molecules in
calculating the heat of the Borncharging process of a ion interaction with
waterwater (Contractor)
10. Estimate the error introduced in calculating the heat of an NaBr interaction with

11. (a) Using data for solution enthalpy and lattice enthalpy (see
Table P.2), calculate the hydration heat for various alkali halide om-
ment on the possible major error source, (b) Using the cation radii data, explain

the trend and the sign of What is the driving force of the solution process
in case (Xu)
12. Chloride is surrounded by 4 water molecules. Calculate the iondipole interac-
tion work (Contractor)
13. Anomalous salting in is said to occur when the dipole moment of water is greater
than that of the organic molecule concerned, but the solubility of the latter
increases when ions are added to the solution. What kind of model could explain
the observation that anomalous salting in occurs when the electrolyte consists
of large ions?
From the model you derive, calculate the minimum radius of ions required to
salt-in benzoic acid in a 1 M solution of electrolyte. (Take the polarizability as
where is the radius of any entity involved.)
14. An ion of charge and radius r is transferred from a solvent of dielectric
constant to a solvent of dielectric constant Derive an expression for the
free-energy change associated with this transfer using the Born model. (Con-
15. What is the free-energy change involved in transferring from water to a
nonpolar medium like carbon tetrachloride with a dielectric constant of 2.23 at
298 K? Is this an energetically favorable process? (Make use of Problem 3.)
Water has a dielectric constant of 78.54 at 298 K. (Contractor)
16. Living cells are surrounded by membranes and on either side of the membrane
an aqueous environment is present. The interior of the membrane is highly
nonpolar. Based on the result of Problem 15, can you explain why it is difficult
to transport or move charges across a membrane in a living cell? (Contractor)
17. For a given water molecule, what is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds
that can be formed with other neighboring water molecules? Are these hydrogen
bonds identical in bonding nature for this particular water molecule? Why? If
there is a difference in bonding nature for these hydrogen bonds, how would you

Fig. P2.1

differentiate these experimentally? (Maximum is emphasized because in a liquid

state the actual number of hydrogen bonds per molecule is less than the
maximum possible. Even in crystal ice II there are dangling hydrogen atoms,
which do not participate in hydrogen bonding.) (Xu)
18. In an ionsolvent interaction model (Fig. P2.1), solvated coordinated water
has two sites capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water molecules in the
SB region. Are these two sites identical in bonding? For nonsolvated coordi-
nated water, there are three sites for hydrogen bonds. Are these three identical?
Why? (Xu)
19. (a) Calculate the volume of bare and solvated ions sheathed by water, using the
following ionic and water radii: and
(b) Suppose the structure-breaking region consists of two layers
of water molecules. Calculate the volume of water that has been affected by a
single ion. (Xu)
20. Using the above results, calculate the percentage of bulk water in a 0.05 M NaCl
solution. What if the concentration is 0.5 M? Comment on the significance of
the result (assume the anion has the same SB structure as for cations
pm). (Xu)

21. (a) Justify that in a dilute solution solvation number

electrolytes. (Xu)
22. Table P.4 lists measured dielectric constants at 25 C for 1.0 M LiCl, NaCl, and
KC1 solutions, respectively. Calculate the percentage of water in the primary
sheath and the total solvation number. Compare the results with those of the
compressibility method (see problem 21) and comment on their reliability.
23. The densities of aqueous NaCl solutions at 25C are given as a function of NaCl
molality in Table P.5. (a) Obtain a graph for the partial molar volumes of both
water V1, and NaCl V2, as a function of NaCl molality. Compare the limiting
cases with those of pure water and pure NaCl molar
volumes, and respectively, (b) Calculate for m = 0.5 and m = 2.

Fig. P2.2

24. (a) Calculate the dipole moment associated with water in the hypothesis of fully
ionic OH bondings (i.e., considering a 2e charge on the O atom and a + 1e
charge on each H atom; e = elementary charge taken without sign). Draw the
associated vector (refer to Fig. P2.2). (b) Knowing the dipole moment of water,
write down an equation expressing it in terms of f the fractional charge on either
end of the dipole and x the distance between the center of charge and the atomic
nucleus. (c) Determine f and x in the hypothesis of a tetrahedrical angle HOH
and draw the corresponding vector T. (Mussini)

25. (a) Write an expression for the potential in a point P of the electric field created
by a dipole. (b) Then write an expression for the potential energy of the
iondipole interaction. (c) Calculate the potential energy, of an ion-dipole
interaction (in between water and a z-valent cation, as
a function of the distance r, the ion charge the angle I and the relative
permittivity (d) Perform a complete calculation for the limiting cases
r = 2 , and r = 6 , Assume that the relative positions
are as in Fig. P.2.3 and the negative end of the water dipole faces the positive
ion. (e) Assuming the intermediate values to increase exponentially, draw a
complete versus r characteristic in the interval 2 < r < 6, and mark the region

Fig. P2.3

in which the thermal energy, RT, is competitive with the electric interaction.
26. The heat of hydration of an electrolyte is obtained by measuring the heat of
dissolution at various concentrations and extrapolating its values to
0. This value is then used in conjunction with the lattice energy to yield the
desired heat. Explain, then, how the free energy (hence the entropy) of the
hydration of an electrolyte is obtained. Apart from the heat of solution, what
other essential measurements would be necessary?
27. Table P.6 gives the density of a number of solutions of AgCl. Find the apparent
molar volume of the electrolyte at each concentration. Then, by using the method
described in the text, find the partial molar volume of the electrolyte at infinite
28. The (idealized) radius of a polystyrene styrene sulfonate may be several hundred
angstroms. Were you to measure the self-diffusion coefficient, what equation
would you use to obtain a measure of the ions size? Explain the principles
(showing appropriate equations) of obtaining an individual ionic entropy and an
individual ionic entropy of hydration.


1. Define electrostriction.
In the functioning of drugs, the physiological effects are dependent on the
precise structure of the molecule. Among other reasons, this is because of the
need to fit onto the structure of a relevant enzyme. In work on theoretical drug
designs, some computations are made on models of the organic molecules
constituting the drug in a force-free field, i.e., in a hypothetical vacuum.
Consider an group associated with a designer drug. What happens to
the group when it is introduced into a saline solution 0.4 M in NaCl? Examine
the likely hydration in respect to energy and structure. Calculate the change in
volume of the group due to electrostriction. Examine carboxypeptides
(Fig. 2.4) and make computations that would lead to an estimate of the stabili-
zation energy due to hydration.
2. (a) The origin of the hydrogen bond is the intermolecular dipole interaction
caused by the polarized covalent bond. The existence of this additional intermo-
lecular force accounts for the abnormally high boiling point for water. Using the
electronegativity data provided, try to rationalize semiquantitatively the
elevation of boiling point in terms of bond polarization for a series of hydrides
(Fig. 1). H 2.2; N 3.0; O 3.4; F 4.0; Zn 1.6. Hint: The total intermolecular
force caused by the H bond is proportional to the total number of H bonds and
dipole moment of an individual H bond, which in turn vary approximately with
X. (b) The elevation of boiling point is by no means unique to hydrogen. Explain
the abnormal boiling point of in the light of the zinc bond. Compare the
zinc bond with the hydrogen bond in (a) and account for the especially strong
effect of the zinc bond on boiling point. (Assume that each molecule can
form 6 Zn bonds.)


A model has been given for the breaking up of an ionic crystal into free ions which
stabilize themselves in solution with solvent sheaths. One central theme guided the
account, the interaction of an ion with its neighboring water molecules.
However, ionsolvent interactions are only part of the story relating an ion to its
environment. When an ion looks out upon its surroundings, it sees not only solvent
dipoles but also other ions. The mutual interaction between these ions constitutes an
essential part of the picture of an electrolytic solution.
Why are ionion interactions important? Because, as will be shown, they affect
the equilibrium properties of ionic solutions, and also because they interfere with the
drift of ions, for instance, under an externally applied electric field (Chapter 4).
Now, the degree to which these interactions affect the properties of solutions will
depend on the mean distance apart of the ions, i.e., on how densely the solution is
populated with ions, because the interionic fields are distance dependent. This ionic
population density will in turn depend on the nature of the electrolyte, i.e., on the extent
to which the electrolyte gives rise to ions in solution.


3.2.1. Ionic Crystals Form True Electrolytes

An important point to recall regarding the dissolution of an ionic crystal (Chapter
2) is that ionic lattices consist of ions even before they come in contact with a solvent.
In fact, all that a polar solvent does is to use iondipole (or ionquadrupole) forces to
disengage the ions from the lattice sites, solvate them, and disperse them in solution.

Such ionic crystals are known as true electrolytes or ionophores (the Greek suffix
phore means bearer of; thus, an ionophore is a substance that bears ions). When
a true electrolyte is melted, its ionic lattice is dismantled and the pure liquid true
electrolyte shows considerable ionic conduction (Chapter 2). Thus, the characteristic
of a true electrolyte is that in the pure liquid form it is an ionic conductor. All salts
belong to this class. Sodium chloride therefore is a typical true electrolyte.

3.2.2. Potential Electrolytes: Nonionic Substances that React with the

Solvent to Yield Ions
A large number of substances (e.g., organic acids) show little conductivity in the
pure liquid state. Evidently there must be some fundamental difference in structure
between organic acids and inorganic salts, and this difference is responsible for the
fact that one pure liquid (the true electrolyte) is an ionic conductor and the other is not.
What is this difference between, say, sodium chloride and acetic acid? Electron
diffraction studies furnish an answer. They show that gaseous acetic acid consists of
separate, neutral molecules and the bonding of the atoms inside these molecules is
essentially nonionic. These neutral molecules retain their identity and separate exist-
ence when the gas condenses to give liquid acetic acid. Hence, there are hardly any
ions in liquid acetic acid and therefore little conductivity.
Now, the first requirement of an electrolyte is that it should give rise to a
conducting solution. From this point of view, it appears that acetic acid will never
answer the requirements of an electrolyte; it is nonionic. When, however, acetic acid
is dissolved in water, an interesting phenomenon occurs: ions are produced, and
therefore the solutions conduct electricity. Thus, acetic acid, too, is a type of electro-
lyte; it is not a true electrolyte, but a potential one (one which can, but has not yet,
become). Potential electrolytes are also called ionogens, i.e., ion producers.
How does acetic acid, which does not consist of ions in the pure liquid state,
generate ions when dissolved in water? In short, how do potential electrolytes work?
Obviously, there must be some reaction between neutral acetic acid molecules and
water, and this reaction must lead to the splitting of the acetic acid molecules into
charged fragments, or ions.
A simple picture is as follows. Suppose that an acetic acid molecule collides with
a water molecule and in the process the H of the acetic acid OH group is transferred
from the oxygen atom of the OH to the oxygen atom of the A proton has been
transferred from to

Fig. 3.1. Schematic diagram to illustrate the difference in the way

potential electrolytes and true electrolytes dissolve to give ionic solu-
tions: (a) Oxalic acid (a potential electrolyte) undergoes a proton-
transfer chemical reaction with water to give rise to hydrogen ions and
oxalate ions. (b) Sodium chloride (a true electrolyte) dissolves by the
solvation of the and ions in the crystal.

The result of the proton transfer is that two ions have been produced: (1) an acetate
ion and (2) a hydrated proton. Thus, potential electrolytes (organic acids and most
bases) dissociate into ions by ionogenic, or ion-forming, chemical reactions with
solvent molecules, in contrast to true electrolytes, which often give rise to ionic
solutions by physical interactions between ions present in the ionic crystal and solvent
molecules (Fig. 3.1).

3.2.3. An Obsolete Classification: Strong and Weak Electrolytes

The classification into true and potential electrolytes is a modern one. It is based
on a knowledge of the structure of the electrolyte: whether in the pure form it consists
of an ionic lattice (true electrolytes) or neutral molecules (potential electrolytes) (Fig.
3.2). It is not based on the behavior of the solute in any particular solvent.

Fig. 3.2. Electrolytes can be classified as (a) potential electro-

lytes (e.g., oxalic acid), which in the pure state consist of un-
charged molecules, and (b) true electrolytes (e.g., sodium
chloride), which in the pure state consist of ions.

Historically, however, the classification of electrolytes was made on the basis of

their behavior in one particular solvent, i.e., water. Weak electrolytes were those that
yielded relatively poorly conducting solutions when dissolved in water, and strong
electrolytes were those that gave highly conducting solutions when dissolved in water.
The disadvantage of this classification into strong and weak electrolytes lies in
the following fact: As soon as a different solvent (i.e., a nonaqueous solvent) is chosen,
what was a strong electrolyte in water may behave as a weak electrolyte in the
nonaqueous solvent. For example, sodium chloride behaves like a strong electrolyte
(i.e., yields highly conducting solutions) in water and acetic acid behaves like a weak
electrolyte. In liquid ammonia, however, the conductance behavior of acetic acid is
similar to that of sodium chloride in water, i.e., the solutions are highly conducting
(Table 3.1). This is an embarrassing situation. Can one say: Acetic acid is weak in
water and strong in liquid ammonia? What is wanted is a classification of electrolytes
that is independent of the solvent concerned. The classification into true and potential
electrolytes is such a classification. It does not depend on the solvent, but rather upon
the degree of ionicity of the substance constituting the solid lattice.

3.2.4. The Nature of the Electrolyte and the Relevance of IonIon

Solutions of most potential electrolytes in water generally contain only small
concentrations of ions, and therefore ionion interactions in these solutions are
negligible; the ions are on the average too far apart. The behavior of such solutions is
governed predominantly by the position of the equilibrium in the proton-transfer
reaction between the potential electrolyte and water.
In contrast, true electrolytes are completely dissociated into ions when the parent
salts are dissolved in water. The resulting solutions generally consist only of solvated
ions and solvent molecules. The dependence of many of their properties on concen-
tration (and therefore mean distance apart of the ions in the solution) is determined by
the interactions between ions. To understand these properties, one must understand
ionion interactions.



3.3.1. A Strategy for a Quantitative Understanding of IonIon

The first task in thinking in detail about ionion interactions is to evolve a
quantitative measure of these interactions.1 One approach is to follow a procedure
similar to that used in the discussion of ionsolvent interactions (Section 2.4). Thus,
one can consider an initial state in which ionion interactions do not exist (are
switched off) and a final state in which the interactions are in play (are switched
on). Then, the free-energy change in going from the initial state to the final state can
be considered the free energy of ionion interactions (Fig. 3.3).
The final state is obvious; it is ions in solution. The initial state is not so
straightforward; one cannot take ions in vacuum, because then there will be
ionsolvent interactions when these ions enter the solvent. The following approach is
therefore adopted. One conceives of a hypothetical situation in which the ions are there
in solution but are nevertheless not interacting. Now, if ionion interactions are
assumed to be electrostatic in origin, then the imaginary initial state of noninteracting
ions implies an assembly of discharged ions.
Thus, the process of going from an initial state of noninteracting ions to a final
state of ionion interactions is equivalent to taking an assembly of discharged ions,
charging them up, and setting the electrostatic charging work equal to the free energy
of ionion interactions (Fig. 3.4).
One point about the above procedure should be borne in mind. Since, in the
charging process, both the positively charged and negatively charged ionic species are
charged up, one obtains a free-energy change that involves all the ionic species

The question of how one obtains an experimental measure of ionion interactions is discussed in Section

Fig. 3.3. The free energy of ionion

interactions is the free-energy change in
going from a hypothetical electrolytic solu-
tion, in which ion-ion interactions do not
operate, to a real solution, in which these
interactions do operate.

Fig. 3.4. The free energy of ionion interactions is

the electrostatic work of taking an imaginary assembly of
discharged ions and charging them up to obtain a solution
of charged ions.

constituting the electrolyte. Generally, however, the desire is to isolate the contribution
to the free energy of ionion interactions arising from one ionic species i only. This
partial free-energy change is by definition the chemical-potential change arising
from the interactions of one ionic species with the ionic assembly.
To compute this chemical-potential change rather than the free-energy
change one must adopt an approach similar to that used in the Born theory of
solvation. One thinks of an ion of species i and imagines that this reference ion alone
of all the ions in solution is in a state of zero charge (Fig. 3.5). If one computes the
work of charging up the reference ion (of radius ) from a state of zero charge to its
final charge of then the charging work W times the Avogadro number is equal
to the partial molar free energy of ionion interactions, i.e., to the chemical potential
of ionion interactions:

Fig. 3.5. The chemical potential arising from the

interactions of an ionic species i with the electrolytic
solution is equal to the Avogadro number times the elec-
trostatic work of taking an imaginary solution in which one
reference ion alone is discharged and charging this refer-
ence ion up to its normal charge.

Then as the work of charging an electrical conductor is proved to be

W = 1/2 [(charge on the conductor) (conductors electrostatic potential)] (3.2)

one obtains

where is the electrostatic potential of the ion due to the influence on it by the
electrostatic interactions of the surrounding field.
The essence of the task therefore in computing the chemical-potential change due
to the interactions of the ionic species i with the ionic solution is the calculation of the
electrostatic potential produced at a reference ion by the rest of the ions in solution.
Theory must aim at this quantity.
If one knew the time-averaged spatial distribution of the ions, then one could find
out how all the other charges are distributed as a function of distance from the reference
ion. At that stage, one of the fundamental laws of electrostatics could be used, namely,
the law of the superposition of potentials, according to which the potential at a point
due to an assembly of charges is the sum of the potentials due to each of the charges
in the assembly.
Thus, the problem of calculating the chemical-potential change due to the
interactions between one ionic species and the assembly of all the other ions has been
reduced to the following problem: On a time average, how are the ions distributed
around any specified ion? If that distribution became known, it would then be easy to
calculate the electrostatic potential of the specified ion due to the other ions and then,
by Eq. (3.3), the energy of that interaction. Thus, the task is to develop a model that
describes the equilibrium spatial distribution of ions inside an electrolytic solution and
then to describe that model mathematically.

3.3.2. A Prelude to the Ionic-Cloud Theory

A spectacular advance in the understanding of the distribution of charges around
an ion in solution was achieved in 1923 by Debye and Hckel. It is as significant in
the understanding of ionic solutions as the Maxwell theory of the distribution of
velocities is in the understanding of gases.
Before going into the details of their theory, a moments reflection on the
magnitude of the problem will promote appreciation of their achievement. Consider,
for example, a aqueous solution of sodium chloride. There will be
sodium ions per cubic centimeter of solution and the same number
of chloride ions, together, of course, with the corresponding number of water mole-
cules. Nature takes these ions and arranges them so that there

is a particular time-averaged2 spatial distribution of the ions. The number of particles

involved is enormous, and the situation appears far too complex for mathematical
However, there exist conceptual techniques for tackling complex situations. One
of them is model building. This involves conceiving a model that contains only the
essential features of the real situation. All the thinking and mathematical analysis is
done on the (relatively simple) model and then the theoretical predictions are compared
with the experimental behavior of the real system. A good model simulates nature. If
the model yields wrong answers, then one tries again by changing the imagined model
until one arrives at a model, the theoretical predictions of which agree well with
experimental observations.
The genius of Debye and Hckel lay in their formulation of a very simple but
powerful model for the time-averaged distribution of ions in very dilute solutions of
electrolytes. From this distribution they were able to obtain the electrostatic potential
contributed by the surrounding ions to the total electrostatic potential at the reference
ion and hence the chemical-potential change arising from ionion interactions
[Eq.(3.3)]. Attention will now be focused on their approach.
The electrolytic solution consists of solvated ions and water molecules. The first
step in the DebyeHckel approach is to select arbitrarily any one ion out of the
assembly and call it a reference ion or central ion. Only the reference ion is given the
individuality of a discrete charge. What is done with the water molecules and the
remaining ions? The water molecules are looked upon as a continuous dielectric
medium. The remaining ions of the solution (i.e., all ions except the central ion) lapse
into anonymity, their charges being smeared out into a continuous spatial distribu-
tion of charge (Fig. 3.6). Whenever the concentration of ions of one sign exceeds that
of the opposite sign, there will arise a net or excess charge in the particular region
under consideration. Obviously, the total charge in the atmosphere must be of opposite
sign and exactly equal to the charge on the reference ion.
Thus, the electrolytic solution is considered to consist of a central ion standing
alone in a continuum. Thanks to the water molecules, this continuum acquires a
dielectric constant (taken to be the value for bulk water). The charges of the discrete
ions that populate the environment of the central ion are thought of as smoothed out
and contribute to the continuum dielectric a net charge density (excess charge per unit
volume). In this way, water enters the analysis in the guise of a dielectric constant
and the ions, except the specific one chosen as the central ion, in the form of an excess
charge density (Fig. 3.7).

Using an imaginary camera (with exposure time of ), suppose that it were possible to take snapshots
of the ions in an electrolytic solution. Different snapshots would show the ions distributed differently in
the space containing the solution, but the scrutiny of a large enough number of snapshots (say, ) would
permit one to recognize a certain average distribution characterized by average positions of the ions; this
is the time-averaged spatial distribution of the ions.

Fig. 3.6. A schematic comparison of (a) the assembly of

ions and solvent molecules that constitute a real electro-
lytic solution and (b) the DebyeHckel picture in which
a reference ion is surrounded by net charge density due
to the surrounding ions and a dielectric continuum of the
same dielectric constant as the bulk solvent.

Fig. 3.7. The DebyeHckel model is based upon selecting

one ion as a reference ion, replacing the solvent molecules by
a continuous medium of dielectric constant and the remaining
ions by an excess charge density (the shading usually used
in this book to represent the charge density is not indicated in
this figure).

Hence, the complicated problem of the time-averaged distribution of ions inside

an electrolytic solution reduces, in the DebyeHckel model, to the mathematically
simpler problem of finding out how the excess charge density varies with distance
r from the central ion.
An objection may be raised at this point. The electrolytic solution as a whole is
electroneutral, i.e., the net charge density is zero. Then why is not everywhere?
So as not to anticipate the detailed discussion, an intuitive answer will first be
given. If the central ion is, for example, positive, it will exert an attraction for negative
ions; hence, there should be a greater aggregation of negative ions than of positive ions
in the neighborhood of the central positive ion, i.e., An analogous situation, but
with a change in sign, obtains near a central negative ion. At the same time, the thermal
forces are knocking the ions about in all directions and trying to establish electroneu-
trality, i.e., the thermal motions try to smooth everything to Thus, the time
average of the electrostatic forces of ordering and the thermal forces of disordering is
a local excess of negative charge near a positive ion and an excess of positive charge
near a negative ion. Of course, the excess positive charge near a negative ion
compensates for the excess negative charge near a positive ion, and the overall effect
is electroneutrality, i.e., a of zero for the whole solution.

3.3.3. Charge Density near the Central Ion Is Determined by

Electrostatics: Poissons Equation
Consider an infinitesimally small volume element dV situated at a distance r from
the arbitrarily selected central ion, upon which attention is to be fixed during the
discussion (Fig. 3.8), and let the net charge density inside the volume element be
Further, let the average3 electrostatic potential in the volume element be The
question is: What is the relation between the excess density in the volume element
and the time-averaged electrostatic potential
One relation between and is given by Poissons equation (Appendix 3.1).
There is no reason to doubt that there is spherically symmetrical distribution of positive
and negative charge and therefore excess charge density around a given central ion.
Hence, Poissons equation can be written as

where is the dielectric constant of the medium and is taken to be that of bulk water,
an acceptable approximation for dilute solutions.

Actually, there are discrete charges in the neighborhood of the central ion and therefore discontinuous
variations in the potential. But because in the DebyeHckel model the charges are smoothed out, the
potential is averaged out.

Fig. 3.8. At a distance r from the

reference ion, the excess charge
density and electrostatic potential in
an infinitesimal volume element dV
are and respectively.

3.3.4. Excess Charge Density near the Central Ion Is Given by a

Classical Law for the Distribution of Point Charges in a
Coulombic Field
The excess charge density in the volume element dV is equal to the total ion density
(total number of ions per unit volume) times the charge on these ions. Let there be, per
unit volume, ions of type 1, each bearing charge of type 2 with charge
and of type i with charge where is the valence of the ion and is the
electronic charge. Then, the excess charge density in the volume element dV is given

In order to proceed further, one must link up the unknown quantities

to known quantities. The link is made on the basis of the Boltzmann
distribution law of classical statistical mechanics. Thus, one writes

where U can be described either as the change in potential energy of the i particles
when their concentration in the volume element dV is changed from the bulk value
to or as the work that must be done by a hypothetical external agency against the
time average of the electrical and other forces between ions in producing the above

concentration change. Since the potential energy U relates to the time average of the
forces between ions rather than to the actual forces for a given distribution, it is also
known as the potential of average force.
If there are no ionion interactional forces, U = 0; then, which means that
the local concentration would be equal to the bulk concentration. If the forces are
attractive, then the potential-energy change U is negative (i.e., negative work is done
by the hypothetical external agency) and there is a local accumulation of ions
in excess of their bulk concentrations. If the forces are repulsive, the potential-energy
change is positive (i.e., the work done by the external agency is positive) and
there is local depletion of ions.
In the first instance, and as a first approximation valid for very dilute solutions,
one may ignore all types of ionion interactions except those deriving from simple
Coulombic4 forces. Thus, short-range interactions (e.g., dispersion interactions) are
excluded. This is a fundamental assumption of the DebyeHckel theory. Then the
potential of average force U simply becomes the Coulombic potential energy of an ion
of charge in the volume element dV, i.e., the charge on the ion times the
electrostatic potential in the volume element dV. That is,

The Boltzmann distribution law (3.7) thus assumes the form

Now that the concentration of the ionic species i in the volume element dV, has
been related to its bulk concentration the expression (3.6) for the excess charge
density in the volume element dV becomes

3.3.5. A Vital Step in the DebyeHckel Theory of the Charge

Distribution around Ions: Linearization of the Boltzmann
At this point of the theory, Debye and Hckel made a move that was not only
mathematically expedient but also turned out to be wise. They decided to carry out the

In this book, the term Coulombic is restricted to forces (with dependence on distance) which are based
directly on Coulombs law. More complex forces, e.g., those which vary as or may occur as a net
force from the combination of several different Coulombic interactions. Nevertheless, such more complex
results of the interplay of several Coulombic forces will be called non-Coulombic.

analysis only for systems in which the average electrostatic potential would be much
smaller than the thermal energy kT. Then:

Based on this assumption, one can expand the exponential of Eq. (3.10) in a Taylor
series, i.e.,

and neglect all except the first two terms. Thus, in Eq. (3.10),

The first term gives the charge on the electrolytic solution as a whole. This
is zero because the solution as a whole must be electrically neutral. The local excess
charge densities near ions cancel out because the excess positive charge density near
a negative ion is compensated for by an excess negative charge density near a positive
ion. Hence,

and one is left with

3.3.6. The Linearized PoissonBoltzmann Equation

The stage is now set for the calculation of the potential and the charge density
in terms of known parameters of the solution.

Notice that one has obtained two expressions for the charge density in the
volume element dV at a distance r from the central ion. One has the Poisson equation
[Eq. (3.4)]

and one also has the linearized Boltzmann distribution

where refers to the summation over all species of ions typified by i.

If one equates these two expressions, one can obtain the linearized Poisson
Boltzmann (PB) expression

The constants in the right-hand parentheses can all be lumped together and called
a new constant i.e.,

At this point, the symbol is used only to reduce the tedium of writing. It turns
out later, however, that is not only a shorthand symbol; it contains information
concerning several fundamental aspects of the distribution of ions around an ion in
solution. In Chapter 6 it will be shown that it also contains information concerning the
distribution of charges near a metal surface in contact with an ionic solution. In terms
of the linearized PB expression (3.19) is

3.3.7. Solution of the Linearized PB Equation

The rather messy-looking linearized PB equation (3.21) can be tidied up by a

mathematical trick. Introducing a new variable defined by

one has

and therefore

Hence, the differential equation (3.21) becomes


To solve this differential equation, it is recalled that the differentiation of an

exponential function results in the multiplication of that function by the constant in
the exponent. For example,


Hence, if is an exponential function of r, one will obtain a differential equation of

the form of Eq. (3.25). In other words, the primitive or origin of the differential
equation must have had an exponential in
Two possible exponential functions, however, would lead to the same final
differential equation; one of them would have a positive exponent and the other a
negative one [Eq. (3.26)]. The general solution of the linearized PB equation can
therefore be written as

where A and B are constants to be evaluated. Or, from Eq. (3.22),

The constant B is evaluated by using the boundary condition that far enough from
a central ion situated at r = 0, the thermal forces completely dominate the Coulombic
forces, which decrease as and there is electroneutrality (i.e., the electrostatic
potential vanishes at distances sufficiently far from such an ion, as
This condition would be satisfied only if B = 0. Thus, if B had a finite value,
Eq. (3.28) shows that the electrostatic potential would shoot up to infinity (i.e.,
a physically unreasonable proposition. Hence,

To evaluate the integration constant A, a hypothetical condition will be considered

in which the solution is so dilute and on the average the ions are so far apart that there
is a negligible interionic field. Further, the central ion is assumed to be a point charge,
i.e., to have a radius negligible compared with the distances otherwise to be considered.
Hence, the potential near the central ion is, in this special case, simply that due to an
isolated point charge of value
This is given directly from Coulombs law as

At the same time, for this hypothetical solution in which the concentration tends
to zero, i.e., it is seen from Eq. (3.20) that Thus, in Eq. (3.29),
and one has

Fig. 3.9. The variation of the electro-

static potential as a function of dis-
tance from the central ion expressed
in units of

Hence, by combining Eqs. (3.30) and (3.31),

By introducing this expression for A into Eq. (3.29), the result is

Here then is the appropriate solution of the linearized PB equation (3.21). It shows
how the electrostatic potential varies with distance r from an arbitrarily chosen
reference ion (Fig. 3.9).

3.3.8. The Ionic Cloud around a Central Ion

In the imaginative DebyeHckel model of a dilute electrolytic solution, a
reference ion sitting at the origin of the spherical coordinate system is surrounded by
the smoothed-out charge of the other ions. Further, because of the local inequalities in
the concentrations of the positive and negative ions, the smoothed-out charge of one
sign does not (locally) cancel out the smoothed-out charge of the opposite sign; there
is a local excess charge density of one sign opposite to that of the central ion.
Now, as explained in Section 3.3.2, the principal objective of the DebyeHckel
theory is to calculate the time-averaged spatial distribution of the excess charge density
around a reference ion. How is this objective attained?
The Poisson equation (3.4) relates the potential at r from the sample ion to the
charge density at r, i.e.,

Further, one has the linearized PB equation

From these two equations, one has the linear relation between excess charge density
and potential, i.e.,

and by inserting the solution (3.33) for the linearized PB equation, the result is

Here then is the desired expression for the spatial distribution of the charge density
with distance r from the central ion (Fig. 3.10). Since the excess charge density results
from an unequal distribution of positive and negative ions, Eq. (3.35) also describes
the distribution of ions around a reference or sample ion.
To understand this distribution of ions, however, one must be sufficiently attuned
to mathematical language to read the physical significance of Eq. (3.35). The physical
ideas implicit in the distribution will therefore be stated in pictorial terms. One can say
that the central reference ion is surrounded by a cloud, or atmosphere, of excess charge
(Fig. 3.11). This ionic cloud extends into the solution (i.e., r increases), and the excess

Fig. 3.10. The variation of

the excess charge density
as a function of distance from
the central ion.

Fig. 3.11. The distribution of excess

charge density around a central ion
can be pictured as a cloud, or atmos-
phere, of net charge around the cen-
tral ion.

charge density decays with distance r in an exponential way. The excess charge
residing on the ion cloud is opposite in sign to that of the central ion. Thus, a positively
charged reference ion has a negatively charged ion atmosphere, and vice versa (Fig.
Up to now, the charge density at a given distance has been discussed. The total
excess charge contained in the ionic atmosphere that surrounds the central ion can,
however, easily be computed. Consider a spherical shell of thickness dr at a distance
r from the origin, i.e., from the center of the reference ion (Fig. 3.13). The charge dq
in this thin shell is equal to the charge density times the volume of the shell,

The total charge contained in the ion atmosphere is obtained by summing

the charges dq contained in all the infinitesimally thick spherical shells. In other words,
the total excess charge surrounding the reference ion is computed by integrating dq
(which is a function of the distance r from the central ion) from a lower limit
corresponding to the distance from the central ion at which the cloud is taken to
commence to the point where the cloud ends. Now, the ion atmosphere begins at the
surface of the ion, so the lower limit depends upon the model of the ion. The first model

Fig. 3.12. A positively charged ion has a nega-

tively charged ionic cloud, and vice versa.

Fig. 3.13. A spherical shell of thickness dr at a

distance r from the center of the reference ion.

chosen by Debye and Hckel was that of point-charge ions, in which case the lower
limit is r = 0. The upper limit for the integration is because the charge of the
ionic cloud decays exponentially into the solution and becomes zero only in the limit


and by substituting for from Eq. (3.35), the result is

The integration can be done by parts (Appendix 3.2), leading to the result

which means that a central ion of charge is enveloped by a cloud containing a

total charge of (Fig. 3.14). Thus, the total charge on the surrounding volume is
just equal and opposite to that on the reference ion. This is of course precisely how
things should be so that there can be electroneutrality for the ionic solution taken as a
whole; a given ion, together with its cloud, has a zero net charge.

Fig. 3.14. The total charge on the ionic cloud

is just equal and opposite to the charge on the
central ion.

How is this equal and opposite charge of the ion atmosphere distributed in the
space around the central ion? It is seen from Eqs. (3.35) and (3.36) that the net charge
in a spherical shell of thickness dr and at a distance r from the origin is

Thus, the excess charge on a spherical shell varies with r and has a maximum value
for a value of r given by

Since is finite, Eq. (3.41) can be true only when


Fig. 3.15. The distance variation (in units) of the

charge dq enclosed in a dr-thick spherical shell,
showing that dq is a maximum at

Hence, the maximum value of the charge contained in a spherical shell (of
infinitesimal thickness dr) is attained when the spherical shell is at a distance
from the reference ion (Fig. 3.15). For this reason (but see also Section 3.3.9), is
known as the thickness, or radius, of the ionic cloud that surrounds a reference ion.
An elementary dimensional analysis [e.g., of Eq. (3.43)] will indeed reveal that
has the dimensions of length. Consequently, is sometimes referred to as the
DebyeHckel length.
It may be recalled that is given [from Eq. (3.20)] by

As the concentration tends toward zero, the cloud tends to spread out increasingly (Fig.
3.16). Values of the thickness of the ion atmosphere for various concentrations of the
electrolyte are presented in Table 3.2.

3.3.9. Contribution of the Ionic Cloud to the Electrostatic Potential

at a Distance r from the Central Ion
An improved feel for the effects of ionic clouds emerges from considering the
following interesting problem. Imagine, in a thought experiment, that the charge on
the ionic cloud does not exist. There is only one charge now, that on the central ion.
What is the potential at distance r from the central ion? It is simply given by the familiar
formula for the potential at a distance r from a single charge, namely,

Fig. 3.16. The variation in the thickness of the ionic

cloud as a function of electrolyte concentration (1 = 0.1

Then let the charge on the cloud be switched on. The potential at the distance
r from the central ion is no longer given by the central ion only. It is given by the law
of superposition of potentials (Fig. 3.17); i.e., is the sum of the potential due to the
central ion and that due to the ionic cloud

Fig. 3.17. The superposition of the potential due to the ion

and the potential due to the cloud yields the total potential
at a distance r from the central ion.

The contribution can thus be easily found. One rearranges Eq. (3.45) to read

and substitutes for with Eq. (3.44) and for with the DebyeHckel expression
[Eq. (3.33)]. Then,

The value of [cf. Eq. (3.20)] is proportional to In sufficiently dilute solutions,

can be taken as sufficiently small to make

and based on this approximation,

By introducing the expressions (3.44) and (3.49) into the expression (3.45) for the total
potential at a distance r from the central ion, it follows that

The second term, which arises from the cloud, reduces the value of the potential
to a value less than that if there were no cloud. This is consistent with the model; the
cloud has a charge opposite to that on the central ion and must therefore alter the
potential in a sense opposite to that due to the central ion.
The expression

leads to another, and helpful, way of looking at the quantity It is seen that
is independent of r, and therefore the contribution of the cloud to the potential at the
site of the point-charge central ion can be considered to be given by Eq. (3.49). But,
if the entire charge of the ionic atmosphere [which is as required by electroneu-
tralityEq. (3.39)] were placed at a distance from the central ion, then the potential
produced at the reference ion would be It is seen therefore from Eq. (3.49)
that the effect of the ion cloud, namely, is equivalent to that of a single charge,
equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of the central ion, placed at a distance
from the reference ion (Fig. 3.18). This is an added and more important reason that
the quantity is termed the effective thickness or radius of the ion atmosphere
surrounding a central ion (see Section 3.3.8).

3.3.10. The ionic Cloud and the Chemical-Potential Change Arising

from IonIon Interactions
It will be recalled (see Section 3.3.1) that it was the potential at the surface of the
reference ion which needed to be known in order to calculate the chemical-potential
change arising from the interactions between a particular ionic species i and the
rest of the ions of the solution, i.e., one needed to know in Eq. (3.3),

Fig. 3.18. The contribution of the ionic

cloud to the potential at the central ion is
equivalent to the potential due to a single
charge, equal in magnitude and opposite sign
to that of the central ion, placed at a distance
from the central ion.

It was to obtain this potential that Debye and Hckel conceived their model of
an ionic solution. The analysis presented the picture of an ion being enveloped in an
ionic cloud. What is the origin of the ionic cloud? It is born of the interactions between
the central ion and the ions of the environment. If there were no interactions (e.g.,
Coulombic forces between ions), thermal forces would prevail, distribute the ions
randomly and wash out the ionic atmosphere. It appears therefore that the
simple ionic cloud picture has not only led to success in describing the distribution of
ions but also given the electrostatic potential at the surface of a reference ion
due to the interactions between this reference ion and the rest of the ions in the solution
(the quantity required for reasons explained in Section 3.3.1).
Thus, the expression (3.49) for can be substituted for in Eq. (3.3) with
the result that

The DebyeHckel ionic-cloud model for the distribution of ions in an electro-

lytic solution has permitted the theoretical calculation of the chemical-potential change
arising from ionion interactions. How is this theoretical expression to be checked,
i.e., connected with a measured quantity? It is to this testing of the DebyeHckel
theory that attention will now be turned.


3.4.1. Evolution of the Concept of an Activity Coefficient

The existence of ions in solution, of interactions between these ions, and of a
chemical-potential change arising from ionion interactions have all been taken
to be self-evident in the treatment hitherto presented here. This, however, is a modern
point of view. The thinking about electrolytic solutions actually developed along a
different path.
Ionic solutions were at first treated in the same way as nonelectrolytic solutions,
though the latter do not contain (interacting) charged species. The starting point was
the classical thermodynamic formula for the chemical potential of a nonelectrolyte

In this expression, is the concentration5 of the solute in mole fraction units, and
is its chemical potential in the standard state, i.e., when assumes a standard or
normalized value of unity


Since the solute particles in a solution of a nonelectrolyte are uncharged, they do

not engage in long-range Coulombic interactions. The short-range interactions arising
from dipoledipole or dispersion forces become significant only when the mean
distance between the solute particles is small, i.e., when the concentration of the solute
is high. Thus, one can to a good approximation say that there are no interactions
between solute particles in dilute nonelectrolyte solutions. Hence, if Eq. (3.52) for the
chemical potential of a solute in a nonelectrolyte solution (with noninteracting parti-
cles) is used for the chemical potential of an ionic species i in an electrolytic solution,
then it is tantamount to ignoring the long-range Coulombic interactions between ions.
In an actual electrolytic solution, however, ionion interactions operate whether one
ignores them or not. It is obvious therefore that measurements of the chemical potential
of an ionic speciesor, rather, measurements of any property that depends on the
chemical potentialwould reveal the error in Eq. (3.52), which is blind to ionion
interactions. In other words, experiments show that even in dilute solutions,

In this context, a frankly empirical approach was adopted by earlier workers not
yet blessed by Debye and Hckels light. Solutions that obeyed Eq. (3.52) were
characterized as ideal solutions since this equation applies to systems of noninteracting
solute particles, i.e., ideal particles. Electrolytic solutions that do not obey the equation
were said to be nonideal. In order to use an equation of the form of Eq. (3.52) to treat
nonideal electrolytic solutions, an empirical correction factor was introduced by
Lewis as a modifier of the concentration term6

The value of in the case of an electrolyte derives from the number of moles of ions of species i actually
present in solution. This number need not be equal to the number of moles of i expected of dissolved
electrolyte; if, for instance, the electrolyte is a potential one, then only a fraction of the electrolyte may
react with the solvent to form ions, i.e., the electrolyte may be incompletely dissociated.
The standard chemical potential has the same significance here as in Eq. (3.52) for ideal solutions. Thus,
can be defined either as the chemical potential of an ideal solution in its standard state of or as
the chemical potential of a solution in its state of and No real solution can have
when so the standard state pertains to the same hypothetical solution as the standard state of
an ideal solution.

It was argued that, in nonideal solutions, it was not just the analytical concentration
of species i, but its effective concentration which determined the chemical-po-
tential change This effective concentration was also known as the activity
of the species i, i.e.,

and the correction factor as the activity coefficient. For ideal solutions, the activity
coefficient is unity, and the activity becomes identical to the concentration i.e.,


Thus, the chemical-potential change in going from the standard state to the final
state can be written as

Equation (3.57) summarizes the empirical or formal treatment of the behavior of

electrolytic solutions. Such a treatment cannot furnish a theoretical expression for the
activity coefficient It merely recognizes that expressions such as (3.52) must be
modified if significant interaction forces exist between solute particles.

3.4.2. The Physical Significance of Activity Coefficients

For a hypothetical system of ideal (noninteracting) particles, the chemical poten-
tial has been stated to be given by

For a real system of interacting particles, the chemical potential has been expressed in
the form

Hence, to analyze the physical significance of the activity coefficient term in Eq.
(3.57), it is necessary to compare this equation with Eq. (3.52). It is obvious that when
Eq. (3 52) is subtracted from Eq. (3.57), the difference [i.e., (real) (ideal)] is
the chemical-potential change arising from interactions between the solute
particles (ions in the case of electrolyte solutions). That is,

and therefore,

Thus, the activity coefficient is a measure of the chemical-potential change arising

from ionion interactions. There are several well-established methods of experimen-
tally determining activity coefficients, and these methods are treated in adequate detail
in standard treatises (see Further Reading at the end of this section).
Now, according to the DebyeHckel theory, the chemical-potential change
arising from ionion interactions has been shown to be given by

Hence, by combining Eqs. (3.51) and (3.58), the result is

Thus, the DebyeHckel ionic-cloud model for ionion interactions has permitted a
theoretical calculation of activity coefficients resulting in Eq. (3.60).
The activity coefficient in Eq. (3.59) arises from the formula (3.57) for the
chemical potential, in which the concentration of the species i is expressed in mole
fraction units One can also express the concentration in moles per liter (1 liter = 1
of solution (molarity) or in moles per kilogram of solvent (molality). Thus,
alternative formulas for the chemical potential of a species i in an ideal solution read


where and are the molarity and molality of the species i, respectively, and
and are the corresponding standard chemical potentials.
When the concentration of the ionic species in a real solution is expressed as a
molarity or a molality there are corresponding activity coefficients and and
corresponding expressions for


3.4.3. The Activity Coefficient of a Single Ionic Species Cannot Be

Before the activity coefficients calculated on the basis of the DebyeHckel
model can be compared with experiment, there arises a problem similar to one faced
in the discussion of ionsolvent interactions (Chapter 2). There, it was realized the
heat of hydration of an individual ionic species could not be measured because such
a measurement would involve the transfer of ions of only one species into a solvent
instead of ions of two species with equal and opposite charges. Even if such a transfer
were physically possible, it would result in a charged solution7 and therefore an extra,
undesired interaction between the ions and the electrified solution. The only way out
was to transfer a neutral electrolyte (an equal number of positive and negative ions)
into the solvent, but this meant that one could only measure the heat of interactions of
a salt with the solvent and this experimental quantity could not be separated into the
individual ionic heats of hydration.
Here, in the case of ionion interactions, the desired quantity is the activity
coefficient which depends through Eq. (3.57) on This means that one seeks
the free-energy change of an ionic solution per mole of ions of a single species i. To
measure this quantity, one would have a problem similar to that experienced with
ionsolvent interactions, namely, the measurement of the change in free energy of a
solution resulting from a change in the concentration of one ionic species only.
This change in free energy associated with the addition of one ionic species only
would include an undesired work term representing the electrical work of interaction
between the ionic species being added and the charged solution. To avoid free-energy
changes associated with interacting with a solution, it is necessary that after a change
in the concentration of the ionic species, the electrolytic solution should end up
uncharged and electroneutral. This aim is easily accomplished by adding an elec-
troneutral electrolyte containing the ionic species i. Thus, the concentration of sodium
ions can be altered by adding sodium chloride. The solvent, water, maintains its
electroneutrality when the uncharged ionic lattice (containing two ionic species of
opposite charge) is dissolved in it.
When ionic lattices, i.e., salts, are dissolved instead of individual ionic species,
one eliminates the problem of ending up with charged solutions but another problem
emerges. If one increases the concentration of sodium ions by adding the salt sodium
chloride, one has perforce to produce a simultaneous increase in the concentration of
chloride ions. This means, however, that there are two contributions to the change in

The solution may not be initially charged but will become so once an ionic species is added to it.
The use of the symbol for the activity coefficients when the concentration is expressed in molarities and
molalities should be noted. When the concentration is expressed as a mole fraction, has been used here.
For dilute solutions, the numerical values of activity coefficients for these different systems of units are
almost the same.

free energy associated with a change in salt concentration: (1) the contribution of the
positive ions and (2) the contribution of the negative ions.
Since neither the positive nor the negative ions can be added separately, the
individual contributions of the ionic species to the free energy of the system are
difficult to determine. Normally, one can only measure the activity coefficient of the
net electrolyte, i.e., of at least two ionic species together. It is necessary therefore to
establish a conceptual link between the activity coefficient of an electrolyte in solution
(that quantity directly accessible to experiment) and that of only one of its ionic species
[not accessible to experiment, but calculable theoretically from Eq. (3.60)].

3.4.4. The Mean Ionic Activity Coefficient

Consider a uni-univalent electrolyte MA (e.g., NaCl). The chemical potential of
the ions is [Eq. (3.57)]

and the chemical potential of the ions is

Adding the two expressions, one obtains

What has been obtained here is the change in the free energy of the system due to the
addition of 2 moles of ions1 mole of ions and 1 mole of ionswhich are
contained in 1 mole of electroneutral salt MA.
Now, suppose that one is only interested in the average contribution to the free
energy of the system from 1 mole of both and ions. One has to divide Eq. (3.67)
by 2

At this stage, one can define several new quantities



What is the significance of these quantities and It is obvious they are all
average quantitiesthe mean chemical potential the mean standard chemical
potential the mean ionic mole fraction and the mean ionic-activity coefficient
In the case of and the arithmetic mean (half the sum) is taken because free
energies are additive, but in the case of and the geometric mean (the square root
of the product) is taken because the effects of mole fraction and activity coefficient on
free energy are multiplicative.
In this notation, Eq. (3.68) for the average contribution of a mole of ions to the
free energy of the system becomes

since a mole of ions is produced by the dissolution of half a mole of salt. In other words,
is half the chemical potential of the salt.9

Thus, a clear connection has been set up between observed free-energy changes
consequent upon the change from a state in which the two ionic species of a salt
are infinitely far apart to a state corresponding to the given concentration and its mean
ionic-activity coefficient Hence the value of is experimentally measurable. What
can be obtained from is the product of the individual ionic-activity coefficients [Eq.
(3.72)]. The theoretical approach must be to calculate the activity coefficients and
for the positive and negative ions [Eq. (3.60)] and combine them through Eq. (3.72)
into a mean ionic-activity coefficient which can be compared with the easily
experimentally derived mean ionic-activity coefficient.

3.4.5. Conversion of Theoretical Activity-Coefficient Expressions into

a Testable Form
Individual ionic-activity coefficients are experimentally inaccessible (Section
3.4.3); hence, it is necessary to relate the theoretical individual activity coefficient

The symbol should not be taken to mean that molecules of MA exist in the solution; is the observed
free-energy change of the system resulting from the dissolution of a mole of electrolyte.

[Eq. (3.60)] to the experimentally accessible mean ionic-activity coefficient so that

the DebyeHckel model can be tested.
The procedure is to make use of the relation (3.72)

of which the general form for an electrolyte that dissolves to give -valent positive
ions and -valent negative ions can be shown to be (Appendix 3.3)

where and are the activity coefficients of the positive and negative ions, and

By taking logarithms of both sides of Eq. (3.75), the result is

At this stage, the DebyeHckel expressions (3.60) for and can be introduced
into Eq. (3.77) to give

Since the solution as a whole is electroneutral, must be equal to and


Using this relation in Eq. (3.78), one obtains

Now, one can substitute for from Eq. (3.43)


but before this substitution is made, can be expressed in a different form. Since

where c is the concentration in moles per liter, it follows that

Prior to the DebyeHckel theory, had been empirically introduced by Lewis

as a quantity of importance in the treatment of ionic solutions. Since it quantifies the
charge in an electrolytic solution, it was known as the ionic strength and given the
symbol I

In terms of the ionic strength I, an be written as [Eqs. (3.43), (3.82), and (3.83)]

or as


Values of B for water at various temperatures are given in Table 3.3.

On the basis of the expression (3.85) for , Eq. (3.80) becomes


For greater compactness, one can define a constant A given by

and write Eq. (3.88) in the form

For 1:1-valent electrolytes, and I = c, and therefore

Values of the constant A for water at various temperatures are given in Table 3.4.
In Eqs. (3.90) and (3.91), the theoretical mean ionic-activity coefficients are in a
form directly comparable with experiment. How are such experiments carried out?

3.4.6. Experimental Determination of Activity Coefficients

A reasonably informative account has now been given as to howalbeit in very
low concentrationstheoretical developments concerning interionic interaction give
rise to theoretical values of the quantity (activity coefficient) by which the real

(observed) behavior of electrolytes in solution can be linked to the behavior expected

if there were zero electrostatic interactions between ions in solution.
During this presentation, the experimental mean activity coefficients showing up
in the deductions have been taken for grantednothing has been said about how they
have been obtained. Obviously, one must be sure when dealing with theory that the
experimental values with which the theory is compared are soundly based.
It is time then that some account be given about the means by which experimental
values of activity coefficients are known. Only two methods will be presented because
the material contains no new ideas and is only presented so the reader is assured that
the ground is firm.

3.4.7. How to Obtain Solute Activities from Data on Solvent Activities

A characteristic of an ionic solution is that any vapor pressure due to the dissolved
electrolyte itself is effectively zero. The vapor pressure of the solvent in the solution
therefore falls with increasing concentration of the electrolyte in the solution. Thus,
the solvent vapor pressure in the solution will be less than the vapor pressure of the
pure solvent because the nonvolatile ions block out part of the surface from which, in
the pure solvent, solvent molecules would evaporate.
Now, there is nothing mysterious about a solvent activity. It is determined by

where is the vapor pressure of pure solvent and is the vapor pressure of the solvent
when it is a component of a solution. The relation of to in the ideal condition
will be governed by Raoults law, that is,

where is the mole fraction of the solvent. One allows for the nonideal behavior of
the solvent in respect to its vapor pressure by writing

As Thus, the standard state is the pure solvent.

At this point, one calls into play the GibbsDuhem equation of thermodynamics,
according to which10

Or, for a two-component system (solvent and electrolyte)

where the subscript 1 represents the solvent and the subscript 2 represents the
electrolyte solute.
It follows from ln , that


Thus, if one measures a number of values of the vapor pressure of the solvent
at a corresponding number of solute concentrations, (to which there are matching
solvent concentrations one can plot the ln values against the ratios. Then
the area of that plot will give ln the being the solute activity corresponding to
the limit of the integral at (this being the measured solvent activity for a solution
containing a solute, the activity of which is
The left-hand side of Eq. (3.98) came from

Any initial impression that there is something unreasonable about the GibbsDuhem equation should be
instantly quelled. It merely tells one that (for a two-component system) when an increase in occurs,
it causes a decrease in of equal magnitude, a typically powerful and general result of thermody-
namic reasoning.

and is simply because when the solute concentration (hence also activity)
tends to zero, its activity becomes equal to its concentration.
This solvent vapor pressure method for measuring the activity of electrolytes has
the advantage that the actual experiments one has to do are simple.11 The method can
be applied to any concentration (e.g., a 15 M solution!). The difficulty comes at low
concentrations when the difference of the vapor pressure between the solution and that
of the solvent becomes limitingly small. A huge amount of data (see Table 3.5) have
been determined by this method, particularly in the 1950s by a long-term Australian
New Zealand collaboration between professors Stokes and Robinson.

3.4.8. A Second Method by Which One May Obtain Solute Activities:

From Data on Concentration Cells and Transport Numbers
Thermodynamics treats electrochemical cells in equilibrium and indeed such
hoary material, going back to the work of the great German physical chemist Nernst,12
is a part of classical electrochemistry that is still being taught in universities to students
as if it were representative of modern electrochemistry! Consider then the chemical
potential of a metal as in the solid electrode.
The chemical potential of the ion is that of a solute in a solution and hence is given

There is often no need for an absolute determination of vapor pressure. The solvent vapor pressure can
be determined simply by setting up a closed system that contains a solution of large volume having an
already known solvent activity. The unknown solution will change its concentrations (and hence its
weight) until its solvent activity is the same as that of the reference system, which is known. Great accuracy
in the weighing is essential and one should use platinum vessels to minimize possible dissolution.
Walter Nernst was professor of chemistry in Berlin in the early years of the twentieth century. He
epitomized the professor as a Great Man. Among his many achievements was the work that led (via the
Nernst heat theorem) to the third law of thermodynamics. He was active not only in chemistry but also
made significant contributions to the theory of the expanding universe. Nernst was famous not only for
his real (many and great) contributions to physical electrochemistry but also for the cold and rigid
discipline he demanded from those who aspired to be his collaborators. Were one of these to arrive at his
workplace after the scheduled hour of 7:00 a.m., he might find a note from the professor reminding him
of the number of applicants who were waiting to occupy it.
One such collaborator (later himself a famous physical chemist) is known to have remarked that, in
making the mixture for Nernst, the Herr Creator had put in an extra dose of the intellectual but left out
the humanity.

where is the metal ions activity in solution. Now the reaction that goes on at an
electrode when an ion in solution exchanges electrons with the electrode can be written

Clearly, one has to make an allowance for the electron in the Nernst-type theories
which are thermodynamically valid (model free) and therefore can be used today. This
was done by a term (potential the electronic charge = energy in electrostatics).
The E was thought of by Nernst as the potential between the metal and the solution.
Now, the thermodynamic equilibrium for Eq. (3.100)13

Substituting from Eq. (3.99),


The negative sign arises because the magnitude of the charge on the electron, bears a negative sign.

Fig. 3.19. Determina-

tion of individual ionic
activity from the cell

where is the standard potential of the electrode reaction, at 25 C and a unit activity
of the ion i in solution; the Faraday, or charge on 1 gram ion.
It follows that if one has two electrodes, each in contact with the same ions but at
different activities, and the reactions are in thermodynamic equilibrium, then neglect-
ing for a moment any potential that might exist at the contact between the two solutions,
i.e., any liquid-junction potential, from Eq. (3.103),

and a schematic representation of this idea is shown in Fig. 3.19.

Thus, one could argue as follows: if one of the solutions in the cell has a
sufficiently low concentration, e.g., for 1:1 electrolyte, then the
DebyeHckel limiting law applies excellently. Hence, if one of the solutions has a
concentration of we know the activity of the ion i in that cell,
so that Eq. (3.104) would give at once the activity of species i in the more
concentrated cell.
Moreoverand still keeping the question of the liquid junction rigidly suppressed
in ones mindthe answer would have one big advantage, it would give an individual
ionic activity coefficient,
A method of such virtue must indeed have a compensating complication, and the
truth is that the neglected liquid junction potential (LJP) may not be negligible at all.14

It turns out that where and are, respectively, the cationic and anionic transport
numbers. There are cases (e.g., for junctions of solutions of KC1) where and are almost the same and
hence the and the correction due to the liquid junction is negligible. In some cases the difference
may be quite considerable.

Fig. 3.20. Plot of log vs. at different temperatures for

(Reprinted from R. C. Bhardwaj, M. A. Enayetullah, and
J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 2070, 1990.)

Finding an equation for is surprisingly difficult, but it is finally shown that [cf.
the deduction of the PlanckHenderson equation, Eq. (4.291)]

Using Eqs. (3.104) and (4.291), the cell potential with the liquid-junction potential

If one knows at the concentration at which it is desired to know one can

find the latter value by using the limiting law for Compared with the first
method (Section 3.4.7), the advantage of being able to aim for an individual ions
activity coefficient is significant.
However, there are penalties to pay if one uses the electrochemical cell method.
First, there is the question of the value of should be known as a function of
concentration, and such values are often not available and imply the need for a separate
determination. Further, there is a nasty experimental point. One talks of the liquid-
junction potential as though it were a clear and definite entity. The thermodynamic
equation [Eq. (4.291)] assumes that there is a sharp boundary with linear change of
concentration across a small distance (see Section 4.5.9). These conditions assumed
in the deduction only last for a short time after the two solutions have been brought

into contact, even when the boundary is made very carefully.15 Hence, the conditions
under which Eq. (3.104) is valid are subtle and difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, the
method has been usedwith guarded admissions about the dangers of using itwhen
information on single ionic activities is desirable, e.g., in the study of reduction
Some results of the latter study at very high concentra-
tionsare given in Fig. 3.20. Note the extremely high values of the proton measured
in the concentrated acid.

Further Reading

1. P. Debye and E. Hckel, The Interionic Attraction Theory of Deviations from Ideal
Behavior in Solution, Z. Phys. 24: 120 (1923).
2. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions, 3rd ed.,
Reinhold Publishing, New York (1958).
3. H. L. Friedman, Electrolytic Solutions, in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 8,
J. OM. Bockris and B. E. Conway, eds., Plenum, New York (1971).

1. H. L. Friedman, Theory of Ionic Solutions in Equilibrium, in Physical Chemistry of
Aqueous Ionic Solutions, M.-C. Bellisent-Fund and G. W. Nielson, eds., NATO ASI Series
C 205: 61 (1986).
There are several techniques for making an undisturbed boundary near in reality to that implicitly assumed
in the theory (Section In the one most usually used, two solutions of different concentrations are
held apart by a glass slide that is slowly removed, allowing contact between the solutions with minimal
coerciveness. In another, the two solutions are held apart in a tube, the one on top being restrained against
gravity by means of reduced pressure. Very slow release of this pressure allows the gradual descent of
the top solution to make a gentle junction with the lower one. The aim of each method is to avoid
disturbance of the assumed ideal exact boundary.

2. J. C. Rasaiah, Theories of Electrolyte Solutions, in The Liquid State and Its Electrical
Properties, E. E. Kunhardt, L. G. Christophorou, and L. H. Luessen, eds., NATO ASI Series
B 193: 135 (1987).

1. C. F. Baes, Jr., E. J. Reardon, and B. A. Bloyer, J. Phys. Chem. 97:12343 (1993).
2. H. P. Diogo, M. E. Minas da Piedade, and J. J. Moura Ramos, J. Chem. Ed. 70: A227
3. H. Schnert, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 643 (1994).
4. H. Schnert, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 654 (1994).
5. B. Honig and A. Micholls, Science 268: 1144 (1995).
6. B. B. Laird and A. D. J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3775 (1996).



3.5.1. How Well Does the DebyeHckel Theoretical Expression for

Activity Coefficients Predict Experimental Values?
The approximate theoretical equation

indicates that the logarithm of the activity coefficient must decrease linearly with the
square root of the ionic strength or, in the case of 1:1-valent electrolytes,16 with
Further, the slope of the log versus straight line can be unambiguously
evaluated from fundamental physical constants and from Finally, the slope does
not depend on the particular electrolyte (i.e., whether it is NaCl or KBr, etc.) but only
on its valence type, i.e., on the charges borne by the ions of the electrolyte, whether it
is a 1:1-valent or 2:2-valent electrolyte, etc. These are clear-cut predictions.
Even before any detailed comparison with experiment, one can use an elementary
spot check: At infinite dilution, where the interionic forces are negligible, does the
theory yield the activity coefficient that one would expect from experiment, i.e., unity?
At infinite dilution, c or which means that log or The properties
of an extremely dilute solution of ions should be the same as those of a solution
containing nonelectrolyte particles. Thus, the DebyeHckel theory emerges success
fully from the infinite dilution test.
Furthermore, if one takes the experimental values of the activity coefficient (Table
3.6) at extremely low electrolyte concentration and plots log versus curves, it

That is, For a 1:1 electrolyte, As

Fig. 3.21. The logarithm of the experimental mean

activity coefficient of HCI varies linearly with the square
root of the ionic strength.

is seen that: (1) They are linear (Fig. 3.21), and (2) they are grouped according to the
valence type of the electrolyte (Fig. 3.22). Finally, when one compares the calculated
and observed slopes, it becomes clear that there is excellent agreement to an error of
0.5% (Table 3.7 and Fig. 3.23) between the results of experiment and the conclusions

Fig. 3.22. The experimental log versus straight-

line plots for different electrolytes can be grouped
according to valence type.

emerging from an analysis of the ionic-cloud model of the distribution of ions in an

electrolyte. Since Eq. (3.90) has been found to be valid at limiting low electrolyte
concentrations, it is generally referred to as the DebyeHckel limiting law.
The success of the DebyeHckel limiting law is no mean achievement. One has
only to think of the complex nature of the real system, of the presence of the solvent,
which has been recognized only through a dielectric constant, of the simplicity of the
Coulomb force law used, and, finally, of the fact that the ions are not point charges,
to realize (Table 3.7) that the simple ionic cloud model has been brilliantly success-
fulalmost unexpectedly so. It has grasped the essential truth about electrolytic

Fig. 3.23. The comparison of the experimentally

observed mean activity coefficients of HCI and those
that are calculated from the DebyeHckel limiting

solutions, albeit about solutions of extreme dilution. The success of the model is so
remarkable and the implications are so wide (see Section 3.5.6) that the DebyeHckel
approach is to be regarded as one of the most significant pieces of theory in the ionics
part of electrochemistry. It even rates among the leading pieces of physical chemistry
of the first half of the twentieth century.
The DebyeHckel approach is an excellent example of electrochemical theory.
Electrostatics is introduced into the problem in the form of Poissons equation, and
the chemistry is contained in the Boltzmann distribution law and the concept of true
electrolytes (Section 3.2). The union of the electrostatic and chemical modes of

Fig. 3.24. An electrode immersed in an ionic solution is

often enveloped by an ionic cloud [see Fig. 3.11] in which
the excess charge density varies with distance as shown
in (b).

Fig. 3.25. (a) A space charge produced by excess electrons

or holes often exists inside the semiconductor, (b) The space
charge density varies with distance from the semiconductor
electrolyte interface.

description to give the linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation illustrates therefore a

characteristic development of electrochemical thinking.
It is not surprising that the PoissonBoltzmann approach has been used frequently
in computing interactions between charged entities. Mention may be made of the Gouy
theory (Fig. 3.24) of the interaction between a charged electrode and the ions in a
solution (see Chapter 6). Other examples are the distribution (Fig. 3.25) of electrons
or holes inside a semiconductor in the vicinity of the semiconductorelectrolyte
interface (see Chapter 6) and the distribution (Fig. 3.26) of charges near a polyelec-
trolyte molecule or a colloidal particle (see Chapter 6).
However, one must not overstress the triumphs of the DebyeHckel limiting law
[Eq. (3.90)]. Models are always simplifications of reality. They never treat all its
complexities and thus there can never be a perfect fit between experiment and the
predictions based on a model.

Fig. 3.26. (a) A colloidal particle is surrounded by an ionic

cloud of excess charge density, which (b) varies with dis-
tance from the surface of the colloidal particle.

Fig. 3.27. The experimental log versus curve is

a straight line only at extremely low concentrations.
What then are the inadequacies of the DebyeHckel limiting law? One does not
have to look far. If one examines the experimental log versus curve, not just in
the extreme dilution regions, but at higher concentrations, it turns out that the simple
DebyeHckel limiting law falters. The plot of log versus is a curve (Fig. 3.27
and Table 3.8) and not a straight line as promised by Eq. (3.90). Further, the curves
depend not only on valence type (e.g., 1:1 or 2:2) but also (Fig. 3.28) on the particular
electrolyte (e.g., NaCl or KC1).
It appears that the DebyeHckel law is the law for the tangent to the log versus
curve at very low concentrations, say, up to 0.01 N for 1:1 electrolytes in aqueous
solutions. At higher concentrations, the model must be improved. What refinements
can be made?

3.5.2. Ions Are of Finite Size, They Are Not Point Charges
One of the general procedures for refining a model that has been successful in an
extreme situation is to liberate the theory from its approximations. So one has to recall

Fig. 3.28. Even though NaCl and

KCl are 1:1 electrolytes, their activ-
ity coefficients vary indifferent ways
with concentration as soon as one
examines higher concentrations.
what approximations have been used to derive the DebyeHckel limiting law. The
first one that comes to mind is the point-charge approximation.17 One now asks: Is it
reasonable to consider ions as point charges?
It has been shown (Section 3.3.8) that the mean thickness of the ionic cloud
depends on the concentration. As the concentration of a 1:1 electrolyte increases from
0.001 N to 0.01 N to decreases from about 10 to 3 to about 1 nm. This means
that the relative dimensions of the ion cloud and of the ion change with concentration.
Whereas the radius of the cloud is 100 times the radius of an ion at 0.001 N, it is only
about 10 times the dimensions of an ion at 0.1 N. Obviously, under these latter
circumstances, an ion cannot be considered a geometrical point charge in comparison
with a dimension only 10 times its size (Fig. 3.29). The more concentrated the solution
(i.e., the smaller the size of the ion cloud; Section 3.3.8), the less valid is the
point-charge approximation. If therefore one wants the theory to be applicable to 0.1
N solutions or to solutions of even higher concentration, the finite size of the ions must
be introduced into the mathematical formulation.
To remove the assumption that ions can be treated as point charges, it is necessary
at first to recall at what stage in the derivation of the theory the assumption was

Another approximation in the DebyeHckel model involves the use of Poissons equation, which is
based on the smearing out of the charges into a continuously varying charge density. At high concentra-
tions, the mean distance between charges is low and the ions see each other as discrete point charges, not
as smoothed-out charges. Thus, the use of Poissons equation becomes less and less justified as the solution
becomes more and more concentrated.

Fig. 3.29. At 0.1 N, the thickness of the ion cloud is only

10 times the radius of the central ion.

invoked. The linearized PB equation involved neither the point-charge approxima-

tion nor any considerations of the dimensions of the ions. Hence, the basic differential

and its general solution, i.e.,

can be taken as the basis for the generalization of the theory for finite-sized ions.
As before (Section 3.3.7), the integration constant B must be zero because
otherwise one cannot satisfy the requirement of physical sense that, as
Hence, Eq. (3.28) reduces to

In evaluating the constant A , a procedure different from that used after (3.29) is
adopted. The charge dq in any particular spherical shell (of thickness dr) situated at a
distance r from the origin is, as argued earlier,

The charge density is obtained thus


and inserting the expression for from Eq. (3.29), one obtains

Thus, by combining Eqs. (3.36) and (3.106)

The total charge in the ion cloud is, on the one hand, equal to [Eq. (3.39)]
as required by the electroneutrality condition and, on the other hand, the result of
integrating dq. Thus,

What lower limit should be used for the integration? In the point-charge model,
one used a lower limit of zero, meaning that the ion cloud commences from zero (i.e.,
from the surface of a zero-radius ion) and extends to infinity. However, now the ions
are taken to be of finite size, and a lower limit of zero is obviously wrong. The lower
limit should be a distance corresponding to the distance from the ion center at which
the ionic atmosphere starts (Fig. 3.30).

Fig. 3.30. For a finite-sized ion, the ion atmos-

phere starts at a distance a from the center of the
reference ion.

As a first step, one can use for the lower limit of the integration a distance
parameter that is greater than zero. Then one can go through the mathematics and later
worry about the physical implications of the ion size parameter. Let this procedure be
adopted and symbol a be used for the ion size parameter.
One has then

As before (Appendix 3.2), one can integrate by parts; thus,

Inserting Eq. (3.110) in Eq. (3.109), one obtains

from which

Using this value of A in Eq. (3.29), one obtains a new and less approximate expression
for the potential at a distance r from a finite-sized central ion,

3.5.3. The Theoretical Mean Ionic-Activity Coefficient in the Case of

Ionic Clouds with Finite-Sized Ions
Once again (see Section 3.3.9), one can use the law of superposition of potentials
to obtain the ionic-atmosphere contribution to the potential at a distance r
from the central ion. From Eq. (3.46), i.e.,

it follows by substitution of the expression (3.113) for and Eq. (3.44) for that

It will be recalled, however, that, in order to calculate the activity coefficient from
the expressions


i.e., from

it is necessary to know which is the potential at the surface of the ion due to the
surrounding ions, i.e., due to the cloud. Since, in the finite-ion-size model, the ion is
taken to have a size a, it means that is the value of at r = a,

The value of at r = a is obtained by setting r = a in Eq. (3.114). Hence,

By substitution of the expression (3.117) for in Eq. (3.115), one


This individual ionic-activity coefficient can be transformed into a mean ionic-

activity coefficient by the same procedure as for the DebyeHckel limiting law (see
Section 3.4.4). On going through the algebra, one finds that the expression for log
in the finite-ion-size model is

It will be recalled, however, that the thickness of the ionic cloud can be written
as [Eq. (3.85)]

Using this notation, one ends up with the final expression

If one compares Eq. (3.119) of the finite-ion-size model with Eq. (3.90) of the
point-charge approximation, it is clear that the only difference between the two
expressions is that the former contains a term in the denominator. Now,
one of the tests of a more general version of a theory is the correspondence principle;
i.e., the general version of a theory must reduce to the approximate version under the
conditions of applicability of the latter. Does Eq. (3.119) from the finite-ion-size model
reduce to Eq. (3.90) from the point-charge model?
Rewrite Eq. (3.119) in the form

and consider the term As the solution becomes increasingly dilute, the radius
of the ionic cloud becomes increasingly large compared with the ion size, and
simultaneously becomes increasingly small compared with unity, or

Thus, when the solution is sufficiently dilute to make i.e., to make the ion
size insignificant in comparison with the radius of the ion atmosphere,the finite-ion-
size model Eq (3.119) reduces to the corresponding Eq. (3.90) of the point-charge
model because the extra term tends to unity

The physical significance of is that at very low concentrations the ion

atmosphere has such a large radius compared with that of the ion that one need not
consider the ion as having a finite size a. Considering is tantamount to
reverting to the point-charge model.
One can now proceed rapidly to compare this theoretical expression for with
experiment; but what value of the ion size parameter should be used? The time has
come to worry about the precise physical meaning of the parameter a that was
introduced to allow for the finite size of ions.

3.5.4. The Ion Size Parameter a

One can at first try to speculate on what value of the ion size parameter is
appropriate. A lower limit is the sum of the crystallographic radii of the positive and
negative ions present in solution; ions cannot come closer than this distance [Fig.
3.31 (a)]. But in a solution the ions are generally solvated (Chapter 2). So perhaps the
sum of the solvated radii should be used [Fig. 3.3 l(b)]. However when two solvated
ions collide, is it not likely [Fig. 3.31 (c)] that their hydration shells are crushed to some
extent? This means that the ion size parameter a should be greater than the sum of the
crystallographic radii and perhaps less than the sum of the solvated radii. It should best
be called the mean distance of closest approach, but beneath the apparent wisdom of
this term there lies a measure of ignorance. For example, an attempted calculation of
just how crushed together two solvated ions are would involve many difficulties.
To circumvent the uncertainty in the quantitative definition ofa, it is best to regard
it as a parameter in Eq. (3.120), i.e., a quantity the numerical value of which is left to
be calibrated or adjusted on the basis of experiment. The procedure (Fig. 3.32) is to
assume that the expression for log [Eq. (3.120)] is correct at one concentration, then
to equate this theoretical expression to the experimental value of log corresponding
to that concentration and to solve the resulting equation for a. Once the ion size
parameter, or mean distance of closest approach, is thus obtained at one concentration,
the value can be used to calculate values of the activity coefficient over a range of
other and higher concentrations. Then the situation is regarded as satisfactory if the
value of a obtained from experiments at one concentration can be used in Eq. (3.120)
to reproduce the results of experiments over a range of concentrations.

3.5.5. Comparison of the Finite-Ion-Size Model with Experiment

After taking into account the fact that ions have finite dimensions and cannot
therefore be treated as point charges, the following expression has been derived for
the logarithm of the activity coefficient:

Fig. 3.31. The ion size parameter can-

not be (a) less than the sum of the
crystallographic radii of the ions or (b)
more than the sum of the radii of the
solvated ions and is most probably (c)
less than the sum of the radii of the
solvated ions because the solvation
shells may be crushed.

How does the general form of this expression compare with the DebyeHckel
limiting law as far as agreement with experiment is concerned? To see what the extra
term does to the shape of the log versus curve, one can expand
it in the form of a binomial series

Fig. 3.32. Procedure for recovering the ion size pa-

rameter from experiment and then using it to produce a
theoretical log versus curve that can be compared
with an experimental curve.

and use only the first two terms. Thus,

and therefore

Fig. 3.33. Comparison of the experimental mean activity

coefficients with theory for Eq. (3.126).

This result is encouraging. It shows that the log versus curve gives values
of log higher than those given by the limiting law, the deviation increasing with
concentration. In fact, the general shape of the predicted curve (Fig. 3.33) is very much
on the right lines.
The values of the ion size parameter, or distance of closest approach, which are
recovered from experiment are physically reasonable for many electrolytes. They lie
around 0.3 to 0.5 nm, which is greater than the sum of the crystallographic radii of the
positive and negative ions and pertains more to the solvated ion (Table 3.9).
By choosing a reasonable value of the ion size parameter a, independent of
concentration, it is found that in many cases Eq. (3.126) gives a very good fit with
experiment, often for ionic strengths up to 0.1. For example, on the basis of a = 0.4
nm, Eq. (3.126) gives an almost exact agreement up to 0.02 M in the case of sodium
chloride (Fig. 3.34 and Table 3.10).
The ion size parameter a has done part of the job of extending the range of
concentration in which the DebyeHckel theory of ionic clouds agrees with experi-
ment. Has it done the whole job? One must start looking for discrepancies between
theory and fact and for the less satisfactory features of the model.

Fig. 3.34. Comparison of the experimental mean activity

coefficients for sodium chloride with the theoretical log
versus curve based on Eq. (3.126) with a = 0.4 nm.

The most obvious drawback of the finite-ion-size version of the DebyeHckel

theory lies in the fact that a is an adjustable parameter. When parameters that have to
be taken from experiment enter a theory, they imply that the physical situation has
been incompletely comprehended or is too complex to be mathematically analyzed.
In contrast, the constants of the limiting law were calculated without recourse to

Fig. 3.35. The variation of the ion size parameter with concentration
of NaCl.

The best illustration of the fact that a has to be adjusted is its concentration
dependence. As the concentration changes, the ion size parameter has to be modified
(Fig. 3.35). Further, for some electrolytes at higher concentrations, a has to assume
quite impossible (i.e., large negative, irregular) values to fit the theory to experiment
(Table 3.11).
Evidently there are factors at work in an electrolytic solution that have not yet
been reckoned with, and the ion size parameter is being asked to include the effects of
all these factors simultaneously, even though these other factors probably have little
to do with the size of the ions and may vary with concentration. If this were so, the ion
size parameter a, calculated back from experiment, would indeed have to vary with
concentration. The problem therefore is: What factors, forces, and interactions were
neglected in the DebyeHckel theory of ionic clouds?

3.5.6. The DebyeHckel Theory of Ionic Solutions: An Assessment

It is appropriate at this stage to recount the achievements in the theory of ionic

solutions described thus far. Starting with the point of view that ionion interactions
are bound to operate in an electrolytic solution, in going from a hypothetical state of
noninteracting ions to a state in which the ions of species i interact with the ionic
solution, the chemical-potential change was considered a quantitative measure
of these interactions. As a first approximation, the ionion interactions were assumed
to be purely Coulombic in origin. Hence, the chemical-potential change arising from
the interactions of species i with the electrolytic solution is given by the Avogadro
number times the electrostatic work W resulting from taking a discharged reference
ion and charging it up in the solution to its final charge In other words, the charging
work is given by the same formula as that used in the Born theory of solvation, i.e.,

where is the electrostatic potential at the surface of the reference ion that is
contributed by the other ions in the ionic solution. The problem therefore was to obtain
a theoretical expression for the potential This involved an understanding of the
distribution of ions around a given reference ion.
It was in tackling this apparently complicated task that appeal was made to the
DebyeHckel simplifying model for the distribution of ions in an ionic solution. This
model treats only one ionthe central ionas a discrete charge, the charge of the
other ions being smoothed out to give a continuous charge density. Because of the
tendency of negative charge to accumulate near a positive ion, and vice versa, the
smoothed-out positive and negative charge densities do not cancel out; rather, their
imbalance gives rise to an excess local charge density which of course dies away
toward zero as the distance from the central ion is increased. Thus, the calculation of
the distribution of ions in an electrolytic solution reduces to the calculation of the
variation of excess charge density with distance r from the central ion.
The excess charge density was taken to be given, on the one hand, by Poissons
equation of electrostatics

and on the other, by the linearized Boltzmann distribution law


Fig. 3.36. Steps in the derivation of the linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation.


Fig. 3.37. Steps in the solution of the linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation for
point-charge ions.

The result of equating these two expressions for the excess charge density is the
fundamental partial differential equation of the DebyeHckel model, the linearized
PB equation (Fig. 3.36),


By assuming that ions can be regarded as point charges, the solution of the
linearized PB equation turns out to be (Fig. 3.37)

Such a variation of potential with distance from a typical (central or reference) ion
corresponds to a charge distribution that can be expressed as a function of distance r
from the central ion by

This variation of the excess charge density with distance around the central or
typical ion yielded a simple physical picture. A reference positive ion can be thought
of as being surrounded by a cloud of negative charge of radius . The charge density
in this ionic atmosphere, or ionic cloud, decays in the manner indicated by Eq. (3.35).
Thus, the interactions between a reference ion and the surrounding ions of the solution
are equivalent to the interactions between the reference ion and the ionic cloud, which
in the point-charge model set up at the central ion a potential given by

The magnitude of central ionionic-cloud interactions is given by introducing the

expression for into the expression (3.3) for the work of creating the ionic cloud,
i.e., setting up the ionic interaction situation. Thus, one obtains for the energy of such

In order to test these predictions, attention was drawn to an empirical treatment

of ionic solutions. For solutions of noninteracting particles, the chemical-potential
change in going from a solution of unit concentration to one of concentration is
described by the equation

However, in the case of an electrolytic solution in which there are ionion

interactions, it is experimentally observed that

If one is unaware of the nature of these interactions, one can write an empirical equation
to compensate for ones ignorance

and say that solutions behave ideally if the so-called activity coefficient is unity, i.e.,
and, in real solutions, It is clear that corresponds to a coefficient
to account for the behavior of ionic solutions, which differs from that of solutions in
which there are no charges. Thus, accounts for the interactions of the charges, so that

Thus arose the DebyeHckel expression for the experimentally inaccessible

individual ionic-activity coefficient. This expression could be transformed into the
DebyeHckel limiting law for the experimentally measurable mean ionic-activity

which would indicate that the logarithm of the mean activity coefficient falls linearly
with the square root of the ionic strength which is a measure of the total
number of electric charges in the solution.
The agreement of the DebyeHckel limiting law with experiment improved with
decreasing electrolyte concentration and became excellent for the limiting tangent to
the versus curve. With increasing concentration, however, experiment
deviated more and more from theory and, at concentrations above 1 N, even showed
an increase in with an increase in concentration, whereas theory indicated a
continued decrease.

An obvious improvement of the theory consisted in removing the assumption of

point-charge ions and taking into account their finite size. With the use of an ion size
parameter a, the expression for the mean ionic-activity coefficient became

However, the value of the ion size parameter a could not be theoretically
evaluated. Hence, an experimentally calibrated value was used. With this calibrated
value for a, the values of at other concentrations [calculated from Eq. (3.119)] were
compared with experiment.
The finite-ion-size model yielded agreement with experiment at concentrations
up to 0.1 N. It also introduced through the value of a, the ion size parameter, a
specificity to the electrolyte (making NaCl different from KC1), whereas the point-
charge model yielded activity coefficients that depended only upon the valence type
of electrolyte. Thus, while the limiting law sees only the charges on the ions, it is blind
to the specific characteristics that an ionic species may have, and this defect is
overcome by the finite-ion-size model.
Unfortunately, the value of a obtained from experiment by Eq. (3.119) varies with
concentration (as it would not if it represented simply the collisional diameters), and
as the concentration increases beyond about 0.1 mol dm3, a sometimes has to assume
physically impossible (e.g., negative) values. Evidently these changes demanded by
experiment not only reflect real changes in the sizes of ions but represent other effects
neglected in the simplifying DebyeHckel model. Hence, the basic postulates of the
DebyeHckel model must be scrutinized.
The basic postulates can be put down as follows: (1) The central ion sees the
surrounding ions in the form of a smoothed-out charge density and not as discrete
charges. (2) All the ions in the electrolytic solution are free to contribute to the charge
density and there is, for instance, no pairing up of positive and negative ions to form
any electrically neutral couples. (3) Only long-range Coulombic forces are relevant to
ionion interactions; short-range non-Coulombic forces, such as dispersion forces,
play a negligible role. (4) The solution is sufficiently dilute to make [which depends
on concentration through cf. Eq. (3.20)] small enough to warrant the linearization
of the Boltzmann equation (3.10). (5) The only role of the solvent is to provide a
dielectric medium for the operation of interionic forces; i.e., the removal of a number
of ions from the solvent to cling more or less permanently to ions other than the central
ion is neglected.
It is because it is implicitly attempting to represent all these various aspects of the
real situation inside an ionic solution that the experimentally calibrated ion size
parameter varies with concentration. Of course, a certain amount of concentration
variation of the ion size parameter is understandable because the parameter depends
upon the radius of solvated ions and this time-averaged radius might be expected to

decrease with an increase of concentration. One must try to isolate that part of the
changes in the ion size parameter that does not reflect real changes in the sizes of ions
but represents the impact of, for instance, ionic solvation upon activity coefficients.
This question of the influence of ionsolvent interactions (Chapter 2) upon the ionion
interactions will be considered in Section 3.6.

3.5.7. Parentage of the Theory of IonIon Interactions

Stress has been laid on the contribution of Debye and Hckel (1923) to the
development of the theory of ionion interactions. It was Debye and Hckel who
ushered in the electrostatic theory of ionic solutions and worked out predictions that
precisely fitted experiments for sufficiently low concentrations of ions. It is not often
realized, however, that the credit due to Debye and Hckel as the parents of the theory
of ionic solutions is the credit that is quite justifiably accorded to foster parents. The
true parents were Milner and Gouy. These authors made important contributions very
early in the growth of the theory of ionion interactions.
Milners contribution (1912) was direct. He attempted to find out the virial18
equation for a mixture of ions. However. Milners statistical mechanical approach
lacked the mathematical simplicity of the ionic-cloud model of Debye and Hckel and
proved too unwieldy to yield a general solution testable by experiment. Nevertheless,
his contribution was a seminal one in that for the first time the behavior of an ionic
solution had been linked mathematically to the interionic forces.
The contribution of Gouy (1910) was indirect.19 Milners treatment was not
sufficiently fruitful because he did not formulate a mathematically treatable model.
Gouy developed such a model in his treatment of the distribution of the excess charge
density in the solution near an electrode. Whereas Milner sought to describe the
interactions between series of discrete ions, it was Gouy who suggested the smoothing
out of the ionic charges into a continuous distribution of charge and took the vital step
of using Poissons equation to relate the electrostatic potential and the charge density
in the continuum. Thus, Gouy was the first to evolve the ionic-atmosphere model.
It was with an awareness of the work of Milner and Gouy that Debye and Hckel
attacked the problem. Their contributions, however, were vital ones. By choosing one
ion out of the ionic solution and making an analogy between this charged reference
ion and the charged electrode of Gouy, by using the Gouy type of approach to obtain
the variation of charge density and potential with distance from the central ion and

Virial is derived from the Latin word for force, and the virial equation of state is a relationship between
pressure, volume, and temperature of the form

where .... the virial coefficients, represent interactions between constituent particles.
Chapman made an independent contribution in 1913 on the same lines as that of Gouy.

thus to get the contribution to the potential arising from interionic forces, and, finally,
by evolving a charging process to get the chemical-potential change due to ionion
interactions, they were able to link the chemical-potential change caused by interionic
forces to the experimentally measurable activity coefficient. Without these essential
contributions of Debye and Hckel, a viable theory of ionic solutions would not have

Further Reading

1. G. Gouy, About the Electric Charge on the Surface of an Electrolyte, J. Phys. 9: 457
2. S. R. Milner, The Virial of a Mixture of Ions, Phil. Mag. 6: 551 (1912).
3. P. Debye and E. Hckel, The Interionic Attraction Theory of Deviations from Ideal
Behavior in Solution, Z. Phys. 24: 185 (1923).

1. K. S. Pitzer, Activity Coefficients in Electrolyte Solutions, in Activity Coefficients in
Electrolyte Systems, K. S. Pitzer, ed., 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1991).

1. C. F. Baes, Jr., E. J. Reardon, and B. A. Bloyer, J. Phys. Chem. 97: 12343 (1993).
2. D. Dolar and M. Bester, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 4763 (1995).
3. G. M. Kontogeorgis, A. Saraiva, A. Fredenslund, and D. P. Tassios, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
34:1823 (1995).
4. A. H. Meniai and D. M. T. Newsham, Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 73: 842 (1995).
5. M. K. Khoshkbarchi and J. H. Vera, AlChE J. 42: 249 (1996).


3.6.1. Effect of Water Bound to Ions on the Theory of Deviations from

The theory of behavior in ionic solutions arising from ionion interactions has
been seen (Section 3.5) to give rise to expressions in which as the ionic concentration
increases, the activity coefficient decreases. In spite of the excellent numerical agree-
ment between the predictions of the interionic attraction theory and experimental
values of activity coefficients at sufficiently low concentrations (e.g.,
there is a most sharp disagreement at concentrations above about 1 N, when the activity
coefficient begins to increase back toward the values it had in limitingly dilute
solutions. In fact, at sufficiently high concentrations (one might have argued, when
the ionic interactions are greatest), the activity coefficient, instead of continuing to

decrease, begins to exceed the value of unity characteristic of the reference state of
noninteraction, i.e., of infinite dilution.
A qualitative picture of the events leading to these apparently anomalous happen-
ings has already been given in Chapter 2. There it has been argued that ions exist in
solution in various states of interaction with solvent particles. There is a consequence
that must therefore follow for the effectiveness of some of these water molecules in
counting as part of the solvent. Those that are tightly bound to certain ions cannot be
effective in dissolving further ions added (Fig. 3.38). As the concentration of electro-
lyte increases, therefore the amount of effective or free solvent decreases. In this way
the apparently anomalous increase in the activity coefficient occurs. The activity
coefficient is in effect that factor which multiplies the simple, apparent ionic concen-
tration and makes it the effective concentration, i.e., the activity. If the hydration of the
ions reduces the amount of free solvent from that present for a given stoichiometric
concentration, then the effective concentration increases and the activity coefficient
must increase so that its multiplying effect on the simple stoichiometric concentration
is such as to increase it to take into account the reduction of the effective solvent.
Experiment shows that sometimes these increases more than compensate for the
decrease due to interionic forces, and it is thus not unreasonable that the activity
coefficient should rise above unity.
Some glimmering of the quantitative side of this can be seen by taking the number
of waters in the primary hydration sheath of the ions as those that are no longer effective
solvent particles. For NaCl, for example, Table 2.18 indicates that this number is about
7. If the salt concentration is, e.g., the moles of water per liter withdrawn from
effect as free solvent would be 0.07. Since the number of moles of water per liter is
1000/18 = 55.5, the number of moles of free water is 55.43 and the effects arising from
such a small change are not observable. Now consider a 1 N solution of NaCl. The
water withdrawn is and the change in the number of moles of free water
is from 55.5 in the infinitely dilute situation to 48.5, a significant change. At 5 N NaCl,

Fig. 3.38. The distinction be-

tween free water and hydration
water that is locked up in the
solvent sheaths of ions.

more than half of the water in the solution is associated with the ions, and a sharp
increase of activity coefficient, somewhat of a doubling in fact, would be expected to
express the increase in effective concentration of the ions. To what extent can this
rough sketch be turned into a quantitative model?

3.6.2. Quantitative Theory of the Activity of an Electrolyte as a

Function of the Hydration Number
The basic thought here has to be similar to that which lay beneath the theory of
electrostatic interactions: to calculate the work done in going from a state in which the
ions are too far apart to feel any interionic attraction to the state at a finite concentration
c at which part of the ions behavior is due to this. This work was then [Eq. (3.59)]
placed equal to RT ln f, where f is the activity coefficient, which was thereby calculated.
When one realizes that a reversal of the direction in which the activity coefficient
varies with concentration has to be explained by taking into account the removal of
some of the solvent from effectively partaking in the ionic solutions activity, the
philosophy behind the calculation of this effect on the activity coefficient becomes
clear. One must calculate the work done in the changes caused by solvent removal and
add this to the work done in building up the ionic atmosphere. What, then, is the
contribution due to these water-removing processes? [Note that ions are hydrated at
all times in which they are in the solution. One is not going to calculate the heat of
hydration; that was done in Chapter 2. Here, the task is to calculate the work done as
a consequence of the fact that when water molecules enter the solvation sheath, they
are, so to speak, no longer operating as far as the solvent is concerned. It is to be an
type of calculation.]
As a device for the calculation, let it be assumed that the interionic attraction is
switched off. (Reasons for employing this artifice will be given.) Thus, there are two
kinds of work that must be taken into account.
1. The kind of work done when there is a change in concentration
of the free solvent water caused by introducing ions of a certain concentration
into the solution.
2. The kind of work done when there is a corresponding change in
concentration of the ions due to the removal of the water to their sheaths.
The work done for process 1 is easy to calculate. Before the ions have been added,
the concentration of the water is unaffected by anything; it is the concentration of pure
water and its activity, the activity of a pure substance, can be regarded as unity. After
the ions are there, the activity of the water is, say, Then, the work when the activity
of the water goes from 1 to is RT ln
However, one wishes to know the change of activity caused in the electrolyte by
this change of activity of the water. Furthermore, the calculation must be reduced to
that for 1 mole of electrolyte. Let the sum of the moles of water in the primary sheath
per liter of solution for both ions of the imagined 1:1 electrolyte be (for 1-molar

solutions, this is the hydration number). Then, if there are n moles of electrolyte in the
water, the change in free energy due to the removal of the water to the ions sheaths
is per mole of electrolyte.
One now comes to the second kind of work and realizes why the calculation is
best done as a thought process in which the interionic attraction is shut off while the
work is calculated. One wants to be able to use the ideal-solution (no interaction)
equation for the work done, and not Thus, using the latter
expression would be awkward; it needs a knowledge of the activities themselves and
that is what one is trying to calculate.
Now, the change in free energy change due to the change in the concentration of
the ions after the removal of the effective solvent molecule is

where x is the mole fraction of the electrolyte in the solution.

Before the water is removed,

where n is the number of moles of electrolyte present in moles of water. Then after
the water is removed to the sheaths,

The change in free energy is

Hence, the total free-energy change in the solution, calculated per mole of the
electrolyte present, is

Now, one has to switch back to the Coulombic interactions. If the expression for
the work done in building up an ionic atmosphere [e.g., Eq. (3.120)] were still valid
in the region of relatively high concentrations in which the effect of change of
concentration is occurring, then,20

Here has been written instead of the of Eq. (3.119). For 1:1 electrolytes, c and I are identical.

One sees at once that there is a possibility of a change in direction for the change
in log f with an increase in concentration in the solution. If the last term predominates,
RT log f may increase with concentration.
The situation here does have a fairly large shadow on it because of the use of the
expression (3.120) in It will be seen (Section 3.14) that, at concentrations as high
as 1 N, there are some fundamental difficulties for the ionic-cloud model on which this
expression of Eq. (3.120) was based (the ionic atmosphere can no longer be
considered a continuum of smoothed-out charge). It is clear that when the necessary
mathematics can be done, there will be an improvement on the expression, and one
will hope to get it more correct than it now is. Because of this shadow, a comparison
of Eq. (3.130) with experiment to test the validity of the model for removing solvent
molecules to the ions sheathes should be done a little with tongue in cheek.

3.6.3. The Water Removal Theory of Activity Coefficients and Its

Apparent Consistency with Experiment at High Electrolytic
If one examines the ionsolvent terms in Eq. (3.130), one sees that since
and in general (more than one hydration water per ion), both the terms are
positive. Hence, one can conclude that the DebyeHckel treatment, which ignores
the withdrawal of solvent from solution, gives values of activity coefficients that are
smaller than those which take these effects into account. Furthermore, the difference
arises from the ionsolvent terms, i.e.,

As the electrolyte concentration increases, decreases and increases; hence both

ionsolvent terms increase the value of log f. Furthermore, the numerical evaluation
shows that the above ion-solvent term can equal and become larger than the Debye
Hckel Coulombic term. This means that the versus curve can pass
through a minimum and then start rising, which is precisely what is observed (Fig.
3.39, where an activity coefficient is plotted against the corresponding molality).
On the other hand, with increasing dilution,
and and hence the terms vanish, which indicates that ionsolvent
interactions (which are of short range) are significant for the theory of activity

Fig. 3.39. Comparison of experimental activity coefficients with those pre-

dicted by the one-parameter equation as shown. (Reprinted from R. H. Stokes
and R. A. Robinson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70: 1870, 1948.)

coefficients only in concentrated solutions. At extreme dilutions, only the ionion

long-range Coulombic interactions are important.
In order to test Eq. (3.130), which is a quantitative statement of the influence of
ionic hydration on activity coefficients, it is necessary to know the quantity and the
activity of water, it being assumed that an experimentally calibrated value of the
ion size parameter is available. The activity of water can be obtained from independent
experiments (Table 3.12). The quantity can be used as a parameter. If Eq. (3.130)
is tested as a two-parameter equation and a being the two parameters; Table 3.13),
it is found that theory is in excellent accord with experiment. For instance, in the case
of NaCl, the calculated activity coefficient agrees with the experimental value for
solutions as concentrated as (Fig. 3.39).
Since the quantity is the number of moles of water used up in solvating
moles of ions, it can be split up into two terms: moles required to
hydrate moles of cations, and moles required to hydrate moles of anions.
It follows that and are the hydration numbers (see Chapter 2) of

the positive and negative ions and is the hydration number of the
It has been found that, in the case of several electrolytes, the values of the
hydration numbers obtained by fitting the theory [Eq. (3.130)] to experiment are in
reasonable agreement with hydration numbers determined by independent methods
(Table 3.14). Alternatively, one can say that, when independently obtained hydration
numbers are substituted in Eq. (3.130), the resulting values of show fair
agreement with experiment.
In conclusion, therefore, it may be said that the treatment of the influence of
ionsolvent interactions on ionion interactions has extended the range of concentra-
tion of an ionic solution which is accessible to theory. Whereas the finite-ion-size
version of the DebyeHckel theory did not permit theory to deal with solutions in a
range of concentrations corresponding to those of real life, Eq. (3.130) advances theory
into the range of practical concentrations. Apart from this numerical agreement with
experiment, Eq. (3.130) unites two basic aspects of the situation inside an electrolytic
solution, namely, ionsolvent interactions and ionion interactions.



One approach to understanding the discrepancies between the experimental

values of the activity coefficient and the predictions of the DebyeHckel model has
just been described (Section 3.6); it involved a consideration of the influence of
An alternative approach is based on the view that the failure of the DebyeHckel
theory at high concentrations stems from the fact that the development of the theory
involved the linearization of the Boltzmann equation (see Section 3.3.5). If such a view
is taken, there is an obvious solution to the problem: instead of linearizing the

Boltzmann equation, one can take the higher terms. Thus, one obtains the unlinearized
PB equation

In the special case of a symmetrical electrolyte with equal concentrations

of positive and negative ions, i e., one gets


and therefore


By utilizing a suitable software, one could obtain from Eq. (3.134) so-called rigorous
Before proceeding further, however, it is appropriate to stress a logical inconsis-
tency in working with the unlinearized PB equation (3.131). The unlinearized
Boltzmann equation (3.10) implies a nonlinear relationship between charge density
and potential. In contrast, the linearized Boltzmann equation (3.16) implies a linear
relationship of to
Now, a linear charge densitypotential relation is consistent with the law of
superposition of potentials, which states that the electrostatic potential at a point due
to an assembly of charges is the sum of the potentials due to the individual charges.
Thus, when one uses an unlinearized PB equation, one is assuming the validity of
the law of superposition of potentials in the Poisson equation and its invalidity in the
Boltzmann equation. This is a basic logical inconsistency which must reveal itself in
the predictions that emerge from the so-called rigorous solutions. This is indeed the
case, as will be shown below.

Recall that, after the contribution of the ionic atmosphere to the potential at the
central ion was obtained, the Coulombic interaction between the central ions and the
cloud was calculated by an imaginary charging process, generally known as the
Guntelberg charging process in recognition of its originator.
In the Guntelberg charging process, the central ion i is assumed to be in a
hypothetical condition of zero charge. The rest of the ions, fully charged, are in the
positions that they would hypothetically have were the central ion charged to its normal
value i.e.,theotherionsconstituteanionicatmosphereenvelopingthecentralion
(Fig. 3.40). The ionic cloud sets up a potential at the site of the
central ion. Now, the charge of the central ion is built up (Fig. 3.40) from zero to its
final value and the work done in this process is calculated by the usual formula
for the electrostatic work of charging a sphere (see Section 3.3.1), i.e.,

Since during the charging only ions of the ith type are considered, the Guntelberg
charging process gives that part of the chemical potential due to electrostatic interac-
Now, the Guntelberg charging process was suggested several years after Debye
and Hckel made their theoretical calculation of the activity coefficient. These authors

Fig. 3.40. The Guntelberg charg-

ing process.

Fig. 3.41. The Debye charging process.

carried out another charging process, the Debye obtaining charging process. All the
ions are assumed to be in their equilibrium, or time-average positions in the ionic
atmosphere (Fig. 3.41), but the central ion and the cloud ions are all considered in a
hypothetical condition of zero charge. All the ions of the assembly are then simulta-
neously brought to their final values of charge by an imaginary charging process in
which there are small additions of charges to each. Since ions of all types (not only of
the ith type) are considered, the work done in this charging process yields the
free-energy change arising from the electrostatic interactions in solution. Differentia-
tion of the free energy with respect to the number of moles of the ith species gives the
chemical potential

Peter Debye is known not only for the seminal theory of the ionic atmosphere: he is the originator of the
theory of dielectric constants in polar gases; and of ionic vibration potentials in electrolytes. During the
40s and 50s, his name was perhaps the most well known in the world of physical chemistry. He had a
most fertile mind and it was humiliating to bring to him weighty problems which had puzzled you and your
colleagues for months, for he generally had the solution in a few minutes and asked Now what else shall
we talk about? He retained affection for his famous theory of the ionic atmosphere but when asked about
it in later years would say: You know, it applies much better than it should.
Debye was also a much appreciated lecturer at Cornell University in the 50sparticularly when he
illustrated the random nature of diffusion movements by doing his drunkards walk in front of the class.
However, his eagerness to be an effective administrator was not so clearly manifest and after a year as
Head of the Chemistry Department, he returned back to full-time research and teaching.

Using the rigorous solutions of the unlinearized PB equation, one gets the cloud
contribution to the electrostatic potential at the central ion and when this value of the
electrostatic potential is used in the two charging processes to get the chemical-poten-
tial change arising from ionion interactions, it is found that the Guntelberg and
Debye charging processes give discordant results. As shown by Onsager, this discrep-
ancy is not due to the invalidity of either of the two charging processes; it is a symptom
of the logical inconsistency intrinsic in the unlinearized PB equation.
This discussion of rigorous solutions has thus brought out an important point: The
disagreement between the chemical-potential change calculated by the Debye
and Guntelberg charging processes cuts off one approach to an improved theory of
higher concentrations for it prevents our using the unlinearized PB equation, which
is needed when the concentration is too high for the use of



3.8.1. Positive and Negative ions Can Stick Together: Ion-Pair

The DebyeHckel model assumed the ions to be in almost random thermal
motion and therefore in almost random positions. The slight deviation from random-
ness was pictured as giving rise to an ionic cloud around a given ion, a positive ion
(of charge being surrounded by a cloud of excess negative charge
However, the possibility was not considered that some negative ions in the cloud would
get sufficiently close to the central positive ion in the course of their quasi-random
solution movements so that their thermal translational energy would not be sufficient
for them to continue their independent movements in the solution. Bjerrum suggested
that a pair of oppositely charged ions may get trapped in each others Coulombic field.
An ion pair may be formed.
The ions of the pair together form an ionic dipole on which the net charge is zero.
Within the ionic cloud, the locations of such uncharged ion pairs are completely
random, since, being uncharged, they are not acted upon by the Coulombic field of
the central ion. Furthermore, on the average, a certain fraction of the ions in the
electrolytic solution will be stuck together in the form of ion pairs. This fraction will
now be evaluated.

3.8.2. Probability of Finding Oppositely Charged Ions near Each Other

Consider a spherical shell of thickness dr and of radius r from a reference positive
ion (Fig. 3.42). The probability that a negative ion is in the spherical shell is

Fig. 3.42. The probability of finding

an ion of charge in a dr-thick
spherical shell of radius r around a
reference ion of charge

proportional, first, to the ratio of the volume of the shell to the total volume V
of the solution; second, to the total number of negative ions present; and third, to
the Boltzmann factor exp(U/kT), where U is the potential energy of a negative ion
at a distance r from a cation, i.e.,

Since is the concentration of negative ions in the solution and

it is clear that

or, writing

one has

A similar equation is valid for the probability of finding a positive ion in a dr-thick
shell at a radius r from a reference negative ion. Hence, in general, one may write for

Fig. 3.43. The probability of

finding an ion of one type of
charge as a function of dis-

the probability of finding an i type of ion in a dr-thick spherical shell at a radius r from
a reference ion k of opposite charge


This probability of finding an ion of one type of charge near an ion of the opposite
charge varies in an interesting way with distance (Fig. 3.43). For small values of r, the
function is dominated by rather than by and under these conditions
increases with decreasing r; for large values of and increases with

increasing r because the volume of the spherical shell increases as It follows

from these considerations that goes through a minimum for a particular, critical
value of r. This conclusion may also be reached by computing the number of ions in
a series of shells, each of an arbitrarily selected thickness of 0.01 nm (Table 3.15).

3.8.3. The Fraction of Ion Pairs, According to Bjerrum

If one integrates between a lower and an upper limit, one gets the probability
of finding a negative ion within a distance from the reference positive ion, defined
by the limits. Now, for two oppositely charged ions to stick together to form an ion
pair, it is necessary that they should be close enough for the Coulombic attractive
energy to overcome the thermal energy that scatters them apart. Let this close-
enough distance be q. Then one can say that an ion pair will form when the distance
r between a positive and a negative ion becomes less than q. Thus, the probability of
ion-pair formation is given by the integral of between a lower limit of a, the distance
of closest approach of ions, and an upper limit of q.
Now, the probability of any particular event is the number of times that the
particular event is expected to be observed divided by the total number of observations.
Hence, the probability of ion-pair formation is the number of ions of species i that are
associated into ion pairs divided by the total number of i ions; i.e., the probability of
ion-pair formation is the fraction of ions that are associated into ion pairs. Thus,

It is seen from Fig. 3.44 that the integral in Eq. (3.143) is the area under the curve
between the limits r = a and r = q. It is obvious that as r increases past the minimum,
the integral becomes greater than unity. Since, however, is a fraction, this means that
the integral diverges.

Fig. 3.44. Graphical repre-

sentation of the integral in Eq.
(3.143), between the limits a
and q.

In this context, Bjerrum took an arbitrary step and cut off the integral at the value
of r = q corresponding to the minimum of the vs. r curve. This minimum probability
can easily be shown (Appendix 3.4) to occur at

Bjerrum argued that it is only short-range Coulombic interactions that lead to

ion-pair formation and, further, when a pair of oppositely charged ions are situated at
a distance apart of r > q, it is more appropriate to consider them free ions.
Bjerrum concluded therefore that ion-pair formation occurs when an ion of one
type of charge (e.g., a negative ion) enters a sphere of radius q drawn around a reference
ion of the opposite charge (e.g., a positive ion). However, it is the ion size parameter
that defines the distance of closest approach of a pair of ions. The Bjerrum hypothesis
can therefore be stated as follows: If a < q, then ion-pair formation can occur; if
a > q, the ions remain free (Fig. 3.45).
Now that the upper limit of the integral in Eq. (3.143) has been taken to be
the fraction of ion pairs is given by carrying out the integration. It is

Fig. 3.45. (a) Ion-pair formation occurs if a <

q. (b) Ion-pair formation does not occur if
a > q.

For mathematical convenience, a new variable y is defined as

Hence, in terms of the new variable y, Eq. (3.145) becomes (Appendix 3.5)


Bjerrum has tabulated the integral for various values of b (Table 3.16). This
means that, by reading off the value of the corresponding integral and substituting for
the various other terms in Eq. (3.147), the degree of association of an electrolyte may
be computed if the ion sizes, the dielectric constant, and the concentrations are known
(Table 3.17).

3.8.4. The Ion-Association Constant of Bjerrum

The quantity yields a definite idea of the fraction of ions that are associated in
ion pairs in a particular electrolytic solution at a given concentration. The ions that get
associated are those that get sufficiently close to an ion of opposite sign so that the
energy of Coulombic attraction is greater than the thermal energy of the pair.

It would, however, be advantageous if each electrolyte [e.g., and

were assigned a particular number that would reveal, without going through
the calculation of the extent to which the ions of that electrolyte associate in ion
pairs. The quantitative measure chosen to represent the tendency for ion-pair formation
was guided by historical considerations.
Arrhenius in 1887 had suggested that many properties of electrolytes could be
explained by a dissociation hypothesis: The neutral molecules AB of the electrolyte
dissociate to form ions and and this dissociation is governed by an equilibrium

Applying the law of mass action to this equilibrium, one can define a dissociation

By analogy,21 one can define an association constant for ion-pair formation.

Thus, one can consider an equilibrium between free ions (the positive and the
negative and the associated ion pairs (symbolized IP)
The analogy must not be carried too far because it is only a formal analogy. Arrheniuss hypothesis can
now be seen to be valid for ionogens (i.e., potential electrolytes), in which case the neutral ionogenic
molecules (e.g., acetic acid) consist of aggregates of atoms held together by covalent bonds. What is under
discussion here is ion association, or ion-pair formation, of ionophores (i.e., true electrolytes). In these
ion pairs, the positive and negative ions retain their identity as ions and are held together by electrostatic

The equilibrium sanctions the use of the law of mass action

where the as are the activities of the relevant species. From (3.152) it is seen that
is the reciprocal of the ion pairs dissociation constant.
Since is the fraction of ions in the form of ion pairs, is the concentration of
ion pairs, and is the concentration of free ions. If the activity coefficients of
the positive and negative free ions are and respectively, and that of the ion pairs
is f IP, one can write

or, using the definition of the mean ionic-activity coefficient [Eq. (3.72)],

Some simplifications can now be introduced. The ion-pair activity coefficient

is assumed to be unity because deviations of activity coefficients from unity are
ascribed in the DebyeHckel theory to electrostatic interactions. But ion pairs are not
involved in such interactions owing to their zero charge and hence they behave ideally
like uncharged particles, i.e.,
Furthermore, in very dilute solutions: (1) The ions rarely come close enough
together (i.e., to within a distance q) to form ion pairs, and one can consider or
(2) activity coefficients tend to unity, i.e., or
Hence, under these conditions of very dilute solutions, Eq. (3.154) becomes

and substituting for from Eq. (3.147), one has



and therefore,

The value of the association constant provides an indication of whether ion-pair

formation is significant. The higher the value of the more extensive is the ion-pair
formation (Table 3.18).
What are the factors that increase KA and therefore increase the degree of ion-pair
formation? From Eq. (3.158), it can be seen that the factors that increase are (1)
low dielectric constant (2) small ionic radii, which lead to a small value of a and
hence [Eq. (3.148)] to a large value of the upper limit b of the integral in Eq. (3.158);
and (3) large and
These ideas based on Bjerrums picture of ion-pair formation have received
considerable experimental support. Thus, in Fig. 3.46, the association constant is seen
to increase markedly with decrease of dielectric constant.22 The dependence of ion-pair
formation on the distance of closest approach is seen in Fig. 3.47.
When numerical calculations are carried out with these equations, the essential
conclusion that emerges is that in aqueous media, ion association in pairs scarcely
occurs for l:l-valent electrolytes but can be important for 2:2-valent electrolytes.
(However, see the results of post-Bjerrum calculations in 3.13.) The reason is that
depends on through Eq. (3.156). In nonaqueous solutions, most of which have
dielectric constants much less than that of water ion association is extremely

The critical dielectric constant above which there is no more ion-pair formation (as indicated by Fig. 3.46)
is really a result of the arbitrary cutting off of ion-pair formation at the distance q.

Fig. 3.46. Variation of the as-

sociation constant with the
dielectric constant for 1:1 salts.

Fig. 3.47. Variation of the fraction of associated ions,

with a, the distance of closest approach (i.e., the ion size

3.8.5. Activity Coefficients, Bjerrums Ion Pairs, and Debyes Free Ions

What direct role do the ion pairs have in the DebyeHckel electrostatic theory
of activity coefficients? The answer is simply: None. Since ion pairs carry no net
charge,23 they are ineligible for membership in the ion cloud, where the essential
qualification is charge. Hence, ion pairs are dismissed from a direct consideration in
the DebyeHckel theory.
This does not mean that the DebyeHckel theory gives the right answer when
there is ion-pair formation. The extent of ion-pair formation decides the value of the
concentration to be used in the ionic-cloud model. By removing a fraction of the
total number of ions, only a fraction of the ions remain for the DebyeHckel
treatment, which interests itself only in the free charges. Thus, the DebyeHckel
expression for the activity coefficient [Eq. (3.120)] is valid for the free ions, with two
important modifications: (1) Instead of there being a concentration c of ions, there is
only the remainder is not reckoned with owing to association. (2) The
distance of closest approach of free ions is q and not a. These modifications yield

This calculated mean activity coefficient is related to the measured mean activity
coefficient of the electrolyte by the relation (for the derivation, see Appendix


This equation indicates how the activity coefficient depends on the extent of ion
association. In fact, this equation constitutes the bridge between the treatment of
solutions of true electrolytes and that of solutions of potential electrolytes.

3.8.6. From Ion Pairs to Triple Ions to Clusters of Ions

The Coulombic attractive forces given by are large when the dielectric
constant is small. When nonaqueous solvents of low dielectric constant are used, the
Remember that the equations for the Bjerrum theory as presented here are correct only for electrolytes
yielding ions of the same valence z., i.e., only for symmetrical 1:1- or 2:2-valent electrolytes.

values of dielectric constant are small. In such solutions of electrolytes therefore it has
already been stated that ion-pair formation is favored.
Suppose that the electrostatic forces are sufficiently strong then it may well
happen that the ion-pair dipoles may attract ions and triple ions be formed; thus


Charged triple ions have been formed from uncharged ion pairs. These charged triple
ions play a role in determining activity coefficients. Triple-ion formation has been
suggested in solvents for which < 15. The question of triple-ion formation can be
treated on the same lines as those for ion-pair formation.
A further decrease of dielectric constant below a value of about 10 may make
possible the formation of still larger clusters of four, five, or more ions. In fact, there
is some evidence for the clustering of ions into groups containing four ions in solvents
of low dielectric constant.



The material so far presented has shown that a model taking into account the size
of the ions, ion-pair formation, and the idea that some of the water in the solution was
not to be counted in estimating the effective concentrationthe activityhas
allowed a fair accounting for the main arbiter of the interionic attraction energy, the
activity coefficient, even at concentrations up to nearly 5 mol (see, e.g., Fig.
This position of ionic solution theory has, however, a challenger,24 and, during
the 1970s and 1980s, it was this radically different approach to ionic solution theory

There might be some who would actually say that there was something wrong with the theory of Debye
and Hckel, but this claim depends on which version of the theory one means. The limiting-law equation
certainly is inconsistent with experiments above for a 1:1 electrolyte and even smaller
concentrations for electrolytes possessing ions with a valence above unity. The later developments of the
theory, which take into account the space occupied by the ions, do much better and taking the effect of
solvation into account gives agreement with experiment to concentrations up to (Fig. 3.39).
One question relates to whether cations and anions should have the same activity coefficient (the simple,
original Debye and Hckel theory predicts this), but if one extends the model to account for dead water
around ions, it turns out that there is more of this with small cations (they cling to water tighter) than with
big anions, where the ionwater electric field is less and hence adherent dead waters are less in number.
This solvational difference would imply a higher activity coefficient at high concentrations for cations
than for anions, for which there is some evidence.

that absorbed most of the creative energy of physical electrochemists interested in this
field. Suppose, says this 70s and 80s view, that one manages to remove from ones
mind the evidence that some ions stick together in pairs, that (at least with smaller
ions) they stick to water, and that the word solvent applies only to the free water.
Then one tries to replicate experimental data with bare ions (always present in the
stoichiometric amount and always free; there are no associated pairs) and free water
Suppose also one regarded the basic idea of an atmosphere of ions (see Fig.
3.11) as a bit too theoretical for comfort and wanted to try an approach that looked
more directly at the ionic interaction of individual ions. Then one might easily think
of an approach made earlier in the century to deal with intermolecular force interac-
tions and size effects in real gases: van der Waalss theory of imperfect gases.
McMillan and Mayer devised a theory for liquids of this kind (although it was based
on the theory of imperfect gases) in 1945 but tried to do much more than van der Waals
had done. They used some highly generalized statistical mechanical arguments to
deduce equations for pressure in terms of a number of virial (= force) coefficients

where P, V, and RT are as usually understood in physical chemistry; A, B, C, etc., are

the so-called virial coefficients theorized to take into account the intermolecular forces.
Applied to ionic solutions by Mayer in 1950, this theory aimed to express the
activity coefficient and the osmotic pressure of ionic solutions while neglecting the
effects of solvation that had been introduced by Bjerrum and developed by Stokes and
Robinson to give experimental consistency of such impressive power at high concen-
However, Mayer found it to be more difficult to obtain a total of the interionic
forces than that of forces between uncharged molecules. The reason is that the latter
decline very rapidly, their dependence on distance being proportional to Hence,
accounting for nearest-neighbor interactions only becomes an acceptable proposition.
Consider now the interaction between an ion and those in a surrounding spherical
section of ions chosen herein this simple example of the kind of difficulty Mayer
encounteredto be all of opposite sign to that of the central ion.
The energy of attraction of the central positive ion and one negative ion is
where r is the distance apart of two ions of opposite sign and is the dielectric
constant. If the ionic concentration is ions the number of ions in the spherical
shell of thickness is dr; therefore the energy of interaction of the central ion
with all the negative ones becomes

This is a difficulty that occurs with many problems involving Coulombic interaction.
Mayer then conceived a most helpful stratagem. Instead of taking the potential of
an ion at a distance r as he took it as [where is the same
of DebyeHckel; Eq. (3.20)]. With this approach he found that the integrals in his
theory, which diverged earlier [Eq. (3.165)] now converged. Hence, the calculation of
the interionic interaction energythe interaction of a representative ion with both
negative and positive ions surrounding itcould yield manageable results.
There are many writers who would continue here with an account of the degree
to which experiments agree with Mayers theory and pay scant attention to the
justification of the move that underlies it.25 However, it is possible to give some basis
to Mayers equation (Friedman, 1989) because in a mixture of ions, interaction at a
distance occurs through many other ions. Such intervening ions might be perceived as
screening the interaction of one ion from its distant sister, and one feels intuitively that
this screening might well be modeled by multiplying the simple by for the
new term decreases the interaction at a given distance and avoids the catastrophe of
Eq. (3.165).
Does Mayers theory of calculating the virial coefficients in equations such as Eq.
(3.165) (which gives rise directly to the expression for the osmotic pressure of an ionic
solution and less directly to those for activity coefficients) really improve on the second
and third generations of the DebyeHckel theorythose involving, respectively, an
accounting for ion size and for the water removed into long-lived hydration shells?
Figure 3.48 shows two ways of expressing the results of Mayers virial coefficient
approach using the osmotic pressure26 of an ionic solution as the test quantity. Two
versions of the Mayer theory are indicated. In the one marked the authors
have taken the DebyeHckel limiting-law theory, redone for osmotic pressure instead
of activity coefficient, and then added to it the results of Mayers calculation of the
second virial coefficient, B. In the upper curve of Fig. 3.48, the approximation within
the Mayer theory used in summing integrals (the one called hypernetted chain or HNC)
is indicated. The former replicates experiment better than the latter. The two approxi-

One of the reasons for passing over the physical basis of the modified equation for the potential due to an
ion in Mayers view is that several mathematical techniques are still needed to obtain final answers in
Mayers evaluation of an activity coefficient. (To replace the ionic cloud, he calculates the distribution
of ions around each other and from this the sum of their interactions.) Among these occur equations that
are approximation procedures for solving sums of integrals. To a degree, the mathematical struggle seems
to have taken attention away from the validity of the modified equation for the potential due to an ion at
distance r. These useful approximations consist of complex mathematical series (which is too much detail
for us here) but it may be worthwhile noting their names (which are frequently mentioned in the relevant
literature) for the reader sufficiently motivated to delve deeply into calculations using them. They are, in
the order in which they were first published, the OrnsteinZernicke equation, the PercusYevich equation,
and the hypernetted chain approach.
Since Mayers theory originated in a theory for imperfect gases, it naturally tends to calculate the nearest
analogue of gas pressure that an ionic solution exhibitsosmotic pressure.

Fig. 3.48. Osmotic coefficients for the primitive model

electrolyte compared with the experimental results for
NaCl in aqueous solutions at 298 The parame-
ters in the HNC and approximations have
been chosen to fit the data below I is
the ionic strength. (Reprinted from J. C. Rasaiah, J.
Chem. Phys. 52: 704, 1970.)

mations differ by ~12%. To get results which agree really well ( 1%) with experiment
up to, say, 1 mol the original theory tested here is not enough. One has to develop
the interaction energy more realistically than by the use of Mayers perceptive
using the addition of a number of extra potentials, representing, for
example, short-range repulsion energies on contact (Section 3.10.1). It is these closer
approaches to physical reality rather than the solutions to difficult mathematical
equations representing an overly simple model that now mark the way for electrolyte

Further Reading

1. N. Bjerrum, Ionic Association, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. 7: 9 (1926).
2. W. G. McMillan and J. E. Mayer, A Virial Coefficient Approach to the Theory of Fluids,
J. Chem. Phys. 13: 276 (1945).
3. J. E. Mayer, A Virial Theory of Ionic Solutions, J. Chem. Phys. 18: 1426 (1950).
4. R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager, Ionic Association in Electrolyte Theory, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A. 41: 274, 1010 (1955).
5. T. L. Hill, A Simplified Version of the McMillan-Meyer Theory, J. Chem. Phys. 30: 93

1. H. L. Friedman, E. O. Raineri, and O. M. D. Wodd, Ion-Ion Interactions, Chemica Scripta
29A: 49 (1989).
2. J. C. Rasaiah, A Model for Weak Electrolytes, Int. J. Thermodyn. 11: 1 (1990).
3. L. M. Schwartz, Ion Pair Complexation in Moderately Strong Aqueous Acids, J. Chem.
Ed. 72: 823 (1995).

1. J.-L. Dandurand and J. Schott, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 7770 (1992).
2. E. H. Oelkers and H. C. Helgeson, Science 261: 888 (1993).
3. J. Gao, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 6049 (1994).
4. J. Wang and A. J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3767 (1994).
5. M. Madhusoodana and B. L. Tembe, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 44 (1995).
6. G. Sese, E. Guardia, and J. A. Padro, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 12647 (1995).
7. M. Ue and S. Mori, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142: 2577 (1995).



All parts of the physical sciences are now served by calculation techniques that
would not have been possible without the speed of electronic computers. Such
approaches are creative in the sense that, given the law of the energy of interaction
between the particles, the software allows one to predict experimental quantities. If
agreement with experiment is obtained, it tells us that the energy of interaction law
assumed is correct. Sometimes this approach can be used to calculate properties that
are difficult to determine experimentally. Such calculations may allow increased
insight into what is really happening in the system concerned or they may be used
simply as rapid methods of obtaining the numerical value of a quantity.27 There are
two main computational approaches and these will be discussed next.

3.10.1. The Monte Carlo Approach

The Monte Carlo approach was invented by Metropolis (Metropolis, 1953). The
system concerned is considered in terms of a small number of particlesa few
hundred. The basic decision that has to be made is: What law are the particles i and j
going to follow in expressing the interaction energy between them as a function of
their distance apart? For example, a useful law might be the well-known Lennard-
Jones equation:

The major attraction of such computer simulation approaches is that they often result in lower costs.
However, a prerequisite to their use is an experimental value on some related system, so that the As and
Bs of equations such as Eq. (3.166) can be calibrated.

where r is the interparticle distance and A and B are constants, the values of which are
not usually found from independent determinations but by assuming the law of
interaction calculation procedure to be correct and finding the As and Bs that have
then to be used to fit the experimental quantities.
What is the procedure? The N particles are started off in any configuration, e.g.,
in that of a regular lattice. Then each particle is moved randomly (hence the title of
the procedure). A single but vital question is asked about each move: does it increase
the energy of the particle (make its potential energy move positive) or decrease it
(potential energy more negative)? If the former, the move is not counted as contribut-
ing to the final equilibrium stage of the system. If the latter, it is counted.
Such a calculation is then carried out successively on each particle many times.
Since each can move to any point within the allotted space, a large enough number of
moves allows one to reach the equilibrium state of the system while calculating a
targeted quantity, e.g., the pressure of an imperfect gas. The result is compared with
that known experimentally, thus confirming or denying the force law assumed (and
other assumptions implicit in the calculation).
Card and Valleau (1970) were the first to apply the Metropolis Monte Carlo
method to an electrolytic solution. Their basic assumption was that if

In spite of the long-range nature of the interionic forces, they assumed that the yes/no
answers obtained on the basis of the nearest-neighbor interactions could be relied upon.
Using this nearest-neighbor-only approximation, and neglecting ion association and
the effects of hydration in removing some of the water from circulation, their
calculation replicated the experimentally observed minimum in the log vs. plot
up to 1.4 mol a point supporting the approach.

3.10.2. Molecular Dynamic Simulations

Another and now more widely used computational approach to predicting the
properties of ions in solution follows from the Monte Carlo method. Thus, in the latter,
the particle is made mentally to move randomly in each experiment but only one
question is posed: Does the random move cause an increase or decrease of energy? In
molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, much more is asked and calculated. In fact, a
random micromovement is subjected to all the questions that classical dynamics can
ask and answer. By repeating calculations of momentum and energy exchanges

Fig. 3.49. Comparison of the

weighted -water radial distribution
function from an MD simulation of a 1.1
solution (solid line) with re-
sults from neutron diffraction studies of
a 5.32 M NaCI(o), (x), and
a 9.95 M LiCI solution (1 = 0.1
nm). (Reprinted from P. Bopp, NATO
ASI Series 206: 237,1987.)

between particles as they approach each other at intervals of time of the order of a few
femtoseconds, and then working out the dynamic consequences for each encounter for
the few hundred particles considered, it is possible to calculate the distribution
functions of the particles in respect to a central particle, g(r). Knowing this calculated
distribution function, many properties of an ionic system can be computed. Of course,
as with the Monte Carlo approach, the MD calculations pertain to reality insofar as the
two-body energydistance law between the particles has been made to fit the system
by using some experimental results to calculate the parameters in such equations as
(3.166). The procedure is thus designed to give an experiment-consistent answer.
P. Bopp has carried out many MD simulations for aqueous ionic solutions,
following the introduction of the method by Adler and Wainwright (1959). The type
of agreement he can obtain between theory and experiment is illustrated in Fig. 3.49.

3.10.3. The Pair-Potential Interaction

Computer simulation studies are based on the need for an experimental value to
start with! The A and B of Eq. (3.166) are not obtained from independent methods.
Rather, they are adjusted so that even with a simple pair potential, the calculation is

correct. Thus in mechanics it is fundamentally not possible to calculate the final

result of the interaction of more than two particles! Hence, the implicit assumption
is made that the properties of a body depend on pair-potential (i.e., two-body)
interactions only. Of course, this is not the case, and indeed the influence of
particles apart from nearest neighbors is particularly strong for Coulombic interac-
tions because of their long range. Thus A and B are not the real values for the interaction
of a pair of particles in Eq. (3.166). They are values that make the simplified equations
(two-body-interaction-only assumption) correct. The computation then becomes pos-
sible. The ability of the computation to get the right answer is bred into the calculation
at an early stage.
This is a burden that MD (and Monte Carlo) procedures carry with them. Since
the parameters are built in to give the right results on approximate model assumptions
(no ion association, for example), the procedure is better suited for calculating
quantities correctly than for finding out what is going on. Thus in electrolytic solution
theory, the mean spherical approximation (MSA) and other procedures produce
experimentally consistent values and properties, such as osmotic and activity coeffi-
cients up to a high concentration of 2 mol (Section 3.16). However, in getting
the right answer, they neglect the effects of hydration on the availability of water to
act as part of the solution, although a substantial fraction of the ions are known to be
associated and all the free ions are hydrated. The right answer is produced on the wrong
model. Thus, computer-simulated solutions are good answer-getters, but one had
better look to spectroscopy to find out what is really going on.

3.10.4. Experiments and Monte Carlo and MD Techniques

In the brief description of computational approaches to the properties of solutions
presented in this chapter, only the barest bones have been indicated (see also Chapters
2 and 5). The techniques actually used to move from the application of mechanics to
the movement of particles to the computation of observable properties are beyond the
scope of this book.
However, it is right to face an interesting question. The computational techniques
described are widely used in research. They led to the rapid calculation of many
properties of systems formerly laboriously determined by large numbers of white-
coated experimentalists. They even allow calculation of some properties for which
experimental determinations are nearly impossible.28 Are the days of the white coats
There seems to be much going for this proposition. Before acceding to it
completely, it is necessary to recall what has been written earlier about the use of pair
potentials in place of multiparticle interactions. The quantities A and B in the Lennard-

Excellent examples are the properties of the first one to two layers of water near an ion in a dilute solution
or the properties of silicates at great pressures deep in the interior of the planet.

Jones equation are calculated from experimentally obtained values. Furthermore, it

should be an experiment that duplicates as closely as possible the phenomena for which
answers are being sought by means of calculation.
There is another reservation that should be mentioned for those who see Monte
Carlo and MD techniques as all-conquering: they use classical mechanics. This is all
very well for some movements, e.g., translation in imperfect gases. But what of the
quantized vibration? Or what of quantal aspects in rate calculations or the tunneling
of protons in the conduction of aqueous acid solutions (see Section 4.11.5), for
So, manufacturers of white coats may still have a market for a generation or more.
But it will be a diminishing market! There is no doubt that computer-simulation
techniques are making inroads into experimental data collection and that they will be
increasingly used because they save time and cost.

Further Reading

1. N. Metropolis, J. Chem. Phys. 21: 1087 (1953).
2. B. J. Adler and T. E. Wainwright, J. Chem. Phys. 27: 1208 (1959).
3. B. J. Adler and T. E. Wainwright, Computer Simulation in Electrolytes, J. Chem. Phys.
33: 1439 (1960).
4. H. L. Friedman, Ionic Solution, Interscience, New York (1962).
5. S. G. Brush, H. L. Saklin, and E. Teller, A Monte Carlo Calculation of a One Component
Plasma, J. Chem. Phys. 45: 2102 (1965).
6. J. C. Rasaiah and H. L. Friedman, Integral Equation Methods for Computations about
Ionic Solutions, J. Chem. Phys. 48: 2742 (1965).
7. G. Snell and J. L. Lebowitz, Computational Techniques in Electrolytic Calculations, J.
Chem. Phys. 48: 3706 (1968).
8. P. S. Ramanathen and H. L. Friedman, Study of a Refined Model for Electrolytes, J.
Chem. Phys. 54: 1080 (1971).
9. J. C. Rasaiah, Ionic Solutions in Equilibrium, J. Chem. Phys. 56: 3071 (1972).
10. L. Blum, Mean Spherical Model for a Mixture of Hard Spheres and Hard Dipoles, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 26: 200 (1976).

1. P. Turq, Computer Simulation of Electrolytic Solutions, in The Physics and Chemistry
of Aqueous Solutions, M. C. Bellisent-Funel and G. W. Neilson, eds., NATO ASI Series,
205: 409 (1987).

1. D. N. Card and J. P. Valleau, J. Chem. Phys. 52: 6232 (1970).
2. D. Smith, Y. Kalyuzhnyi, and A. D. J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 95: 9165 (1991).

3. T. Cartailler, P. Turq, and L. Blum, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 6766 (1992).

4. J.-L. Dandurand and J. Schott, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 7770 (1992).
5. B. Jamnik and V. Vlachy, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115: 660 (1993).
6. J. Gao, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 6049 (1994).
7. D. E. Smith and L. X. Dang, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3757 (1994).
8. J. Wang and A. D. J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3767 (1994).
9. C. E. Dykstra, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 11680 (1995).
10. C.-Y. Shew and P. Mills, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 12988 (1995).


3.11.1. Introduction
Debye and Hckels theory of ionic atmospheres was the first to present an
account of the activity of ions in solution. Mayer showed that a virial coefficient
approach relating back to the treatment of the properties of real gases could be used
to extend the range of the successful treatment of the excess properties of solutions
from to 1 mol Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics are two computational
techniques for calculating many properties of liquids or solutions. There is one more
approach, which is likely to be the last. Thus, as shown later, if one knows the
correlation functions for the species in a solution, one can calculate its properties. Now,
correlation functions can be obtained in two ways that complement each other. On the
one hand, neutron diffraction measurements allow their experimental determination.
On the other, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics approaches can be used to compute
them. This gives a pathway purely to calculate the properties of ionic solutions.

3.11.2. Obtaining Solution Properties from Correlation Functions

To understand this section, it is best to review briefly the idea of a correlation
function (see Section 2.11.3). Consider a hypothetical photograph of a number of ions
in a solution. One looks for one ionic species i in a small volume dV at a series of
distances r from a molecule of species j. The chance of finding the ion i in dV is

where is the number of i ions per unit volume. In Eq. (3.168), is called
the correlation function. This is a measure of the effect of species j in increasing or
decreasing the number of i ions in dV. One way of writing is

where is the reversible work to bring i and j from infinitely far apart to the distance r.

There are two kinds of ways to obtain g values, i.e., and One is a
computational approach using the Monte Carlo method or MD. In Fig. 3.49 one has
seen the example of P. Bopps results of such a determination using MD.
On the other hand, one can experimentally determine the various gs. Such
determinations are made by a combination of X-ray and neutron diffraction measure-
ments (see Section 2.11.3 and 5.2.3).
One now has to use the correlation functions to calculate a known quantity. One
way of doing this (Friedman, 1962) is to use the following equation:

The excess free energy can be shown to be

The process of relating back to g(r), obtained theoretically or experimentally, is

done by first calculating the pressure by computing g(r) at various values of the
distance r to get at a series of cs down to P ~ ckT, the ideal value, after which
one integrates the equation to get

Having thus obtained P on the basis of a knowledge of the gs, one can use the
expression given to obtain as a function of P. The procedure is neither brief nor
simple but broad and general. It indicates that if one knows the distribution functions,
one can compute the energy excess over that for zero interaction (and by implication
any excess property).29
Why should one go to all this trouble and do all these integrations if there are
other, less complex methods available to theorize about ionic solutions? The reason is
that the correlation function method is open-ended. The equations by which one goes
from the gs to properties are not under suspicion. There are no model assumptions in
the experimental determination of the gs. This contrasts with the DebyeHckel
theory (limited by the absence of repulsive forces), with Mayers theory (no misty
closure procedures), and even with MD (with its pair potential used as approximations
to reality). The correlation function approach can be also used to test any theory in the
future because all theories can be made to give g(r) and thereafter, as shown, the
properties of ionic solutions.
An excess property is one that indicates the difference between the real values of the property and the
ideal value of the property that would exist in the absence of interionic attraction.



The latest models propose to represent electrolyte solutions as a collections of

hard spheres of equal size, ions, immersed in a dielectric continuum, the solvent. For
such a system, what is called the Mean Spherical Approximation, MSA, has been
successful in estimating osmotic and mean activity coefficients for aqueous 1:1 electrolyte
solutions, and has provided a reasonable fit to experimental data for dilute solutions of
concentrations up to The advantage in this approach is that only one
adjustable parameter, namely the single effective ionic radius, has to be considered.30
The abbreviation MSA refers here to the model implied by the simple correlation
function stated and with the development which follows. More generally, the term
refers to one or several integral equations used in the theory of liquids. It is appropriate
to what is discussed here (charged hard spheres) because MSA equations have an
analytical solution for that case.
What about the difficult problem of modeling electrolyte solutions at higher
concentrations? In the MSA approach, attempts were made to extend the treatment by
allowing the ion size parameter to be a function of ionic strength. Unfortunately, such
an approach became unrealistic because of the sharp reduction of effective cation size
with increasing electrolyte concentration.
In another attempt (Fawcett and Tikenen, 1996), the introduction of a changing
dielectric constant of the solvent (although taken from experimental data) as a function
of concentration has been used to estimate activity coefficients of simple 1:1 electro-
lyte solutions for concentrations up to
In the mean spherical approximation, the interaction energy between any two
particles is given by their pairwise interaction energy, independent of direction from
one of the particles. This interaction is then used to define the direct correlation
function. Under this approach,

where is the diameter of the reference ion. In this hard sphere version, there is no
steep tuning of the repulsive potential, but suddenly, at However,
when the equation becomes complex to solve.
Lets not forget that a model is only an attempt to represent the much more complex reality. Using one
of different approachesMSA, Monte Carlo, MD, etc.,the scientist proposes a model starting with
simple but reasonable assumptions that compares it with experimentally determined parameters. If the
agreement is reasonable, then a complexity is added to the model, and the understanding of the systemof
the realityadvances. Of course, all this is subjected to the limitations of the approach chosen, e.g., long
computer times and complex integrals to solve.
This is in contrast to the soft-sphere approximation where some distance-dependent function such as
the second term in the Lennard-Jones equation (3.166) is used.

The simplest pairwise interaction equation for the electrostatic attraction of a

positive and a negative ion to each other is

Mayer achieved closure in integrals involved in his application of the McMillan

Mayer virial approach to ionic solutions by multiplying this equation by the factor
where is the Debye length. Something similar is done in equations for the
electrostatic attraction part of the MSA theory, but in this case the OrnsteinZernicke
integral equation is introduced.32 Instead of the term used is where

If one takes the pairwise interaction equation (3.173) and modifies it by multiply-
ing by then one finds the correlation function becomes

In the primitive DebyeHckel theoryone that did not allow for the size of
ionsthe value for the activity coefficient is given by Eq. (3.60). The corresponding
equation in the MSA is

However, this is only the electrostatic attraction part of the theory. There is also the
effect of the hard-sphere part of the theory, that upon contact ions immediately repel
with infinite energy. This part of the activity coefficient is found to be given by

Here the term represents a packing factor and is given by

where is the ionic concentration.

This equation was first used to deal with problems in the theory of liquids. See, e.g., D.A. McQuarie,
Statistical Mechanics, p. 269, Harper Collins, New York (1976).


It is easy then to develop equations for actual observables such as the mean activity
coefficients (Section 3.4.4).
These equations all contain the value of the dielectric constant of the solution.
Many workers have approximated it by using the value for water. However,
Blum (1977) was the first to point out that better agreement with experiment is
achieved by using instead the actual dielectric constant of the solution. Fawcett and
Tikanen (1996) took this into account, and by using a fit to results obtained much
earlier by Hasted, found

The values that were found by Fawcett and Tikanen to fit best are shown in Table
3.19 and the results for NaBr are shown in Fig. 3.50.
It is interesting to note that the plot bends upward at higher concentrations.
It is easy to see why. As the concentration increases, the solution, as it were, gets filled
up with ions and there tends to be no more room. This is equivalent to too many ions
per solvent and the effective ionic concentration becomes higher than would be

Fig. 3.50. Plot of the mean ionic activity coefficient for aqueous
NaBr solutions against the square root of molarity. The solid line
through the experimental points shows the MSA estimates with an
optimized value of 407 pm for and a varying solvent The dotted
durve was calculated with an equal to that of the pure solvent and
an optimized value of 366 pm for (Reprinted from W. R. Fawcett
and A. C. Tikanen, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 4251, 1996.)

calculated on stoichiometric grounds, overcoming the tendency of to fall with

increasing concentration due to increasing interionic attraction.33
The degree of fit in Fig. 3.50 looks excellent. Detailed considerations of results
for all the alkali halides, however, show that there are discrepancies and these are most
likely to be due to the neglected ion pairing.



In forming post-2000 theories of solutions, it is important to know what fraction

of the ions in a solution are associated to form dimers and trimers and perhaps higher
aggregates. Dimers are not charged and will interact with the surrounding ions as

A similar result is obtained in the Stokes and Robinson application of the idea, i.e., that there is a removal
of effective free solvent into hydration shells around ions (Section 2.4.1). Both ideas are similar to the
effect of the V b term in van der Waalss equation of state for gases. If the attraction term is
neglected, P = kT/(V b). As V is reduced to be comparable in value to b, P (which is analogous to the
ionic activity) increases above that for the simple PV = kT equation.

dipoles. Bjerrum was the first, in 1926, to give an estimate of dimer concentration
(Section 3.8). In this theory, it was simply assumed that if the ions approach each other
so that their mutual Coulombic attraction exceeds their total thermal energy (2kT),
they will form a charge-free pair.
Experimental methods for determining dimer formation were published in an
early book (Davies, 1962). The author interpreted conductance data in terms of degrees
of association. His book had less impact than might have been thought reasonable
because of ambiguities arising from allowance of the parallel effects of interionic
attraction, as well as ion association to dipoles, in lowering equivalent conductance as
the concentration increased.
One might suspect that Raman spectra would give an indication of ion pairs, but
this is only true for pairs (such as those involving where the ion pairing affects
a molecular orbital (such as that in NO). In a pair such as there are no
chemical bondsand it is these that produce spectraso that ion pairs may exist
without a spectral signature.
It follows that experimental determination of ion pairing has been difficult to carry
out. Some theoretical works by Wertheim (1984) have contributed a correlation
function approach to ion pairing that improves on the original work by Bjerrum (1926).
The major difference is the form of the interaction energy between the ions, In

Fig. 3.51. Mole fraction of monomers, dimers, and + -

+ trimers as a function of the square root of the concen-
tration monomer fraction (circles), dimer fraction
(squares), and the fraction of + - + trimers (diamonds).
(The lines are to guide the eye only.) (Reprinted from J.
Wang and D. J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3767,

Bjerrums work it was simply Coulombic attraction, but in Wertheim the governing
equation involves not only the attraction but also the repulsive forces, somewhat as in
the Lennard-Jones equation. The actual equation used originated in work by Rossky
and Friedman (1980).

Fig. 3.52. Dependence of the fraction of n-mers

on the concentration at T= 298.16 K. The
results of the energy A and distance B versions of
the theory at and respec-
tively, are represented by the lines. The squares and
circles are the MD results based on the distance
and energy
criteria, respectively. The open symbols and solid lines
represent the results for monomers, half-filled symbols
and dashed lines represent the results for dimers, and
filled symbols and dotted lines are the results for trimers
and higher n-mers. (Reprinted from Y. V. Kalyuzhnyi et
al. J. Chem. Phys. 95: 9151, 1991.)

Fig. 3.53. The mole fraction of monomers, di-

mers, and total trimers for four model electro-
lytes at Debye length as a
function of monomer fraction (circles),
dimer fraction (squares), and total trimer fraction
(diamonds). (Reprinted from J. Wang and A. D.
J. Haymet, J. Chem. Phys. 100: 3767,1994.)

This formalism for calculating dimer formation begun by Wertheim has been
applied extensively by Haymet (1991 and onward) to electrolytes. For example, 1:3
electrolytes (e.g., have been examined following Wertheims interaction
equation. Some of the results are shown in Fig. 3.51. The calculations show not only
that there is significant dimer formation at 0.1 M but that trimers of the type + + are
present at higher concentrations than those that are + .
Haymet also studied 2:2 electrolytes. Here, even at the association
with dimers is 1020% (Fig. 3.52). The dependence of dimer and trimer formation on
in Fig. 3.53 is for a constant value of the DebyeHckel length,
What is the significance of these results on dimer and trimer formation for ionic
solution theory? In the post-Debye and Hckel world, particularly between about 1950
and 1980 (applications of the Mayer theory), some theorists made calculations in
which it was assumed that all electrolytes were completely dissociated at least up to 3
The present work shows that the degree of association, even for 1:1 salts,
is ~10% at only One sees that these results are higher than those of the
primitive Bjerrum theory.
There is much work to do to recover from the misestimate that entered into
calculations made after Debye and Hckel by neglecting ion pairing and dead water
(Section 3.8).

Fig. 3.54. Deviations from the DebyeHckel

limiting law (DHLL) for and of a 2:2
electrolyte for several theories. The ion-pairing
cutoff distance d for the Bjerrum curve is 1.43
nm. I is the ionic strength. (Reprinted from J.
C. Rasaiah, J. Chem. Phys. 56: 3071, 1972.)


By now this chapter has presented several modeling pathways that give rise to
extensions of the DebyeHckel limiting law of 1923. The results obtained from a
few models developed in the half century that followed are illustrated in Fig. 3.54. The
lines denoted HNC refer to versions of the Mayer theory utilizing the hypernetted
chain approximation for evaluation of the integrals and the designation MS corre-
sponds to theories using the mean spherical approximation.
No great superiority of one approximation over the other is apparent. However,
there is something a little inconsistent, even dubious, about the comparisons. The
approximation marked Bjerrum allows for ion association, and this is a fact known
to be present at higher concentrations, as independently shown by Raman spectra of
electrolytes containing, e.g., The other models assume, however, that all the
ions are free and unassociated, even in concentrations in which experiment shows
strong ion-pair formation. Also, where is the allowance for Bjerrums dead water,

i.e., water fixed in hydration shells that cannot be counted in calculating the ionic
In the post-Debye and Hckel developments surveyed above (virial coefficient
theory, computer simulation, and distribution coefficients), it is frequently stated that
the quantity that has the greatest influence on the result of an ionic solution is
the interaction potential. In discussing the validity of Monte Carlo and molecular
dynamics calculations, the difficulty of expressing the potential of an ion in terms only
of the nearest-neighbor interaction (when long-range Coulomb forces indicate that
other interactions should be accounted for) was pointed out. Because computations
that go further are too lengthy, the simple pair potential is the one generally used, but
the previous generations papers have progressively improved the potential.
Thus, theories using an that is simply

are said (Friedman, 1987) to be using the primitive model.

The simplest improvement is the mean spherical approximation model (Section
3.12), but a somewhat better version of this is what can be pictorially called the mound
model, because instead of having an abrupt change from simple Coulomb attraction
to total repulsion between ions of opposite sign when they meet, this model (Rasaiah
and Friedman, 1968) allows for a softer collision before the plus infinity of the hard
wall is met (Fig. 3.55).
The fullest development along these lines (Ramanathan et al., 1987) is given by
the following series:

Fig. 3.55. The mound model.


Fig. 3.56. Excluded solvent formed upon contact between two ions.

Here represents a short-range repulsion, the second term in the Lennard-Jones

equation, or it is sometimes substituted for by a term becoming exponentially more
positive as the interionic distance diminishes. is a term that accounts for the fact
that the ions themselves are dielectric cavities in the solution that have a dielectric
constant (<5) differing dramatically from that of the solution (~80). Thus, owing to
this, one acts on the other in a way not allowed for in the first term in Eq. (3.182). (On
the whole, this term is less important than the others.) Finally, the term gets its
name from Gurney (Gurney, 1953), who stressed the existence of a primary solvation
layer (Bockris, 1949). In effect, as far as interactions are concerned, this is like a hard
rubber tire around the ion. Upon collision (cf. the mound model), two ions squelch
into each other, knocking out a water molecule or two and making the distance of
closest approach less than the sum of the hydrated radii. This hydrated layer around
the ion, called by Bockris the primary hydration layer, is called by Friedman the
Gurney co-sphere (Fig. 3.56).
Figure 3.57 (originally drawn by Friedman) shows clearly how these various contri-
butions to vary with distance as two ions approach each other. The diagram indicates

Fig. 3.57. Terms of the model potential

for a (+ ) pair in units of kT for an aqueous
1:1 electrolyte with
and (Re-
printed from H. L. Friedman, Pure Appl.
Chem. 59: 1003,1987.)

the complexity of ionic solution theory when the concentration is so high that most of
the energies involved are effective the whole time and not only on closest approach.

Further Reading

1. R. Gurney, Ions in Solution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1940).
2. H. L. Friedman, Ionic Solution, Interscience, New York (1962).
3. C. W. Davies, Ionic Association, Butterworth, London (1962).
4. D. A. McQuarie, Statistical Mechanics, pp. 274277, 355356, Harper Collins, New York
5. H. L. Friedman, Computations of ionic properties, Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry,
Vol. 6, J. OM Bockris and B. E. Conway, eds., Plenum, New York (1971).
6. J. C. Rasaiah, Comparison of Models for Ions in Solution, J. Chem. Phys. 56: 5061
7. L. Blum, Mol. Phys. 30: 1529 (1975).

1. K. S. Pitzer, Activity Coefficients in Electrolyte Solutions, in Activity Coefficients in
Electrolyte Systems, K. Pitzer, ed., 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1991).
2. J. E. Enderby, Chem. Soc. Review 24: 159 (1995).
3. G. W. Neilson and J. E. Enderby, Aqueous Solutions, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1317 (1996).

1. J. OM. Bockris, Quant. Rev. Chem. Soc., London 111: 173 (1949).
2. R. Gurney, J. Chem. Phys. 19: 1499 (1953).
3. J. C. Rasaiah and H. L. Friedman, J. Chem. Phys. 48: 2742 (1968).
4. E. L. Blum, Inorg. Chem. 24: 139 (1977).
5. P. J. Rossky and H. L. Friedman, J. Chem. Phys. 72: 5694 (1980).
6. G. K. Wertheim, Phys. Rev. 30: 4343 (1984).
7. H. L. Friedman, NATO ASI Series C 205: 61 (1987).
8. K. V. Ramanathan and R. Pinto, J. Electrochem. Soc: 134: 165 (1987).
9. J. Barthel and R. Buckner, Pure Appl. Chem. 63: 1473 (1991).
10. Y. Wei, P. Chiang, and S. Sridhar, J. Chem. Phys. 96: 4569 (1992).
11. J. F. Lu, Y. Yu, and Y. G. Li, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 85: 81 (1993).
12. D. H. Powell, G. W. Nielson, and J. E. Enderby, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 5: 5723 (1993).
13. R. H. Tromp, G. W. Nielson, and M. L. Bellisent-Fund, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 13195 (1994).
14. S. Angell, R. H. Tromp and G. W. Nielson, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 7: 1513 (1995).
15. J. Barthel, H. J. Gores, and L. Kraml, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1283 (1996).
16. W. R. Fawcett and A. C. Tikanen, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 4251 (1996).



An understanding of the concentration dependence of activity coefficients re-

quired the postulation of the concepts of ion-pair formation and complex formation.
Certain structural questions, however, could not be answered unequivocally by these
considerations alone. For instance, it was not possible to decide whether pure Cou-
lombic or chemical forces were involved in the process of ion association, i.e., whether
the associated entities were ion pairs or complexes. The approach has been to postulate
one of these types of association, then to work out the effect of such an association on
the value of the activity coefficient, and finally to compare the observed and calculated
values. Proceeding on this basis, it is inevitable that the postulate will always stand in
need of confirmation because the path from postulate to fact is indirect.
It is fortunately possible to gain direct information on the constitution and
concentrations of the various species in an electrolytic solution by seeing the species.
These methods of seeing are based upon shining light34 into the electrolytic solution
The word light is used here to represent not only the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum but all
the other ranges for which analytical methods have been developed.

and studying the light that is transmitted, scattered, or refracted. The light emerging
from the electrolytic solution in the ways just mentioned is altered or modulated as a
result of the interaction between the free ionic or associated species and the incident
light (cf. the corresponding use of light as a tool in Section 2.3.3).
There are many types of interactions between electromagnetic radiation and
matter. A species as a whole can change its rotational state; the bonds (if any) within
a species can bend, stretch, or twist and thus alter its vibrational state; the electrons in
the species may undergo transitions between various energy states; and finally the
atomic nuclei of the species can absorb energy from the incident radiation by making
transitions between the different orientations to an externally imposed magnetic field.
All these responses of a species to the stimulus of the incident electromagnetic
radiation involve energy exchange. According to the quantum laws, this energy
exchange must occur only in finite jumps of energy. Hence, the light that has been
modulated by these interactions contains information about the energy that has been
exchanged between the incident light and the species present in the electrolytic
solution. If the free, unassociated ions and the associated aggregates (ion pairs, triplets,
complex ions, etc.) interact differently with the incident radiation, then information
concerning the structures will be observed in the radiation emerging from the electro-
lytic solution.
There are various kinds of spectroscopy: visible and ultraviolet (UV) absorption
spectroscopy, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectros-
copy, and electron-spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. A brief description of the
principles of these techniques and their application to the study of ions in solution
follows (see also Section 2.11).

3.15.1 Visible and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy

Atoms, neutral molecules, and ions (simple and associated) can exist in several
possible electronic states; this is the basis of visible and UV absorption spectroscopy.
Transitions between these energy states occur by the absorption of discrete energy
quanta which are related to the frequency of the light absorbed by the well-known

where h is Plancks constant. When light is passed through the electrolytic solution,
there is absorption at the characteristic frequencies corresponding to the electronic
transitions of the species present in the solution. Owing to the absorption, the intensity
of transmitted light of the absorption frequency is less than that of the incident light.
The falloff in intensity at a particular wavelength is given by an exponential relation
known as the BeerLambert law

where and I are the incident and transmitted intensities, is a characteristic of the
absorbing species and is known as molar absorptivity, l is the length of the material
(e.g., electrolytic solution) through which the light passes, and c is the concentration
of the absorbing molecules.
A historic use of the BeerLambert law was by Bjerrum, who studied the
absorption spectra of dilute copper sulfate solutions and found that the molar absorp-
tivity was independent of the concentration. Bjerrum concluded that the only species
present in dilute copper sulfate solutions are free, unassociated copper and sulfate ions
and not, as was thought at the time, undissociated copper sulfate molecules that
dissociate into ions to an extent that depends on the concentration. For if any
undissociated molecules were present, then the molar absorptivity of the copper sulfate
solution would have been dependent on the concentration.
In recent years, it has been found that the molar absorptivity of concentrated
copper sulfate solutions does show a slight concentration dependence. This concen-
tration dependence has been attributed to ion-pair formation occurring through the
operation of Coulombic forces between the copper and sulfate ions. This is perhaps
ironic because Bjerrums concept of ion pairs is being used to contradict his conclusion
that there are only free ions in copper sulfate solutions. Nevertheless, there is a
fundamental difference between the erroneous idea that a copper sulfate crystal
dissolves to give copper sulfate molecules, which then dissociate into free ions, and
the modern point of view that the ions of an ionic crystal pass into solution as free
solvated ions which, under certain conditions, associate into ion pairs.
The method of visible and UV absorption spectroscopy is at its best when the
absorption spectra of the free ions and the associated ions are quite different and
known. When the associated ions cannot be chemically isolated and their spectra
studied, the type of absorption by the associated ions has to be attributed to electronic
transitions known from other well-studied systems. For example, there can be an
electron transfer to the ion from its immediate environment (charge-transfer spectra),
i.e., from the entities associated with the ion; or transitions between new electronic
levels produced in the ion under the influence of the electrostatic field of the species
associated with the ion (crystal-field splitting). Thus, there is an influence of the
environment on the absorption characteristics of a species, and this influence reduces
the clarity with which spectra are characteristic of species rather than of their environ-
ment. Herein lies what may be considered a disadvantage of visible and UV absorption

3.15.2. Raman Spectroscopy

Visible and UV absorption spectroscopy are based on studying that part of the
incident light transmitted (after absorption) through an electrolytic solution in the same
direction as the original beam. However, a certain amount of light is scattered in other

A simple view of the origin of the Raman effect (see also Section 2.11.5) is as
follows: Rayleigh scattering is produced because the electric field of the incident light
induces a dipole moment in the scattering species and since the incident field is
oscillating, the induced dipole moment also varies periodically. Such an oscillating
dipole acts as an antenna and radiates light of the same frequency as the incident light.
It is the deformation polarizability that determines the magnitude of a
dipole moment induced by a particular field. If this polarizability changes from its
time-averaged value, then the induced-dipole antenna will be radiating at a new
frequency that is different from the incident frequency; in other words, there is a Raman
shift. The changes in polarizability of the scattering species can be correlated with their
rotations and vibrations and also their symmetry characteristics. Hence, the Raman
shifts are characteristic of the rotational and vibrational energy levels of the scattering
species and provide direct information about these levels. Though the presence of
electrostatic bonding produces second-order perturbations in the Raman lines, it is the
species with covalent bonds to which Raman spectroscopy is sensitive, and not purely
electrostatic ion pairs. Another feature that makes Raman spectra useful is the fact that
the integrated intensity of the Raman line is proportional to the concentration of the
scattering species, i.e., allows the amount present to be determined.
The problem with Raman spectroscopy is the low intensity of the Raman lines,
which permits easy detection of species only in concentrated solutions. Fortunately,
the availability of lasers, which are intense sources of monochromatic light, is
stimulating further applications of this powerful technique, which is noted for the lack
of ambiguity with which it can report on the species in an electrolytic solution. Devices
that distinguish a low-intensity signal from noise also help.

3.15.3. Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectroscopy resembles Raman spectroscopy in that it provides informa-

tion on the vibrational and rotational energy levels of a species, but it differs from the
latter technique in that it is based on studying the light transmitted through a medium
after absorption and not that scattered by it (see Section 2.11.2).
The techniques of Raman and IR spectroscopy are generally considered comple-
mentary in the gas and solid phases because some of the species under study may reveal
themselves in only one of the techniques. Nevertheless, it must be stressed that Raman
scattering is not affected by an aqueous medium, whereas the strong absorption in the
infrared shown by water proves to be a troublesome interfering factor in the study of
aqueous solutions by the IR method.

3.15.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

The nuclei of atoms can be likened in some respects to elementary magnets. In a
strong magnetic field, the different orientations that the elementary magnets assume
correspond to different energies. Thus, transitions of the nuclear magnets between

these different energy levels correspond to different frequencies of radiation in the

short-wave, radio-frequency range. Hence, if an electrolytic solution is placed in a
strong magnetic field and an oscillating electromagnetic field is applied, the nuclear
magnets exchange energy (exhibit resonant absorption) when the incident frequency
equals that for the transitions of nuclei between various levels (see Section 2.11.6).
Were this NMR to depend only on the nuclei of the species present in the solution,
the technique could not be used to identify ion pairs. However, the nuclei sense the
applied field as modified by the environment of the nuclei. The modification is almost
exclusively due to the nuclei and electrons in the neighborhood of the sensing nucleus,
i.e., the adjacent atoms and bonds. Thus, NMR studies can be used to provide
information on the type of association between an ion and its environmental particles,
e.g., in ion association.

Further Reading

Seminal Papers
1. M. Falk and P. A. Giguere, I.R. Spectra in Solution, Can. J. Chem. 35: 1195 (1957).
2. H. G. Hertz, N.M.R. Spectra of Solutions, Ber. Bunsen. Ges. 67: 311 (1963).
3. G. E. Walrafen, Raman Spectra in Solution, J. Chem. Phys. 40: 3249 (1964).

1. P. L. Goggin and C. Carr, Infrared Spectroscopy in Aqueous Solution, in Water and
Aqueous Solutions, G. W. Nielson and J. E. Enderby, eds., Adam Hilger, Bristol, U.K.

1. H. J. Reich, J. P. Borst, R. R. Dykstra, and D. P. Green, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115: 8728
2. E. Vauthey, A. W. Parker, B. Nohova, and D. Phillips, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116: 9182 (1994).
3. Y. Wang and Y. Tominaga, J. Chem. Phys. 101: 3453 (1994).
4. F. Mafune, Y. Hashimoto, M. Hashimoto, and T. Kondow, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 13814
5. D. C. Duffy, P. B. Davies, and A. M. Creeth, Langmuir 11: 2931 (1995).
6. P. W. Faguy, N. S. Marinkovic, and R. R. Adzic, J. Electroanal. Chem. 407: 209 (1996).
7. V. Razumas, K. Larsson, Y. Miezis, and T. Nylander, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 11766 (1996).
8. X. M. Ren and P. G. Pickup, Electrochim. Acta 41: 1877 (1996).


Looking first back to the publication date of the famous theory of Debye and
Hckel (1923), there is no doubt that their ionic-atmosphere calculation (Section 3.3)
of the activity coefficient at very low concentrations is still the dominating peak of

this century in the field of ionic solutions. Not only is the theory effective in giving
the theoretical means to calculate ionic activity coefficients at low concentrations, but
its success also had ripple effects on other parts of the physical chemistry of solutions.
Bjerrum published his work on the calculations of the association of ions formed
from salts (Section 3.8) in 1926 and then nothing much happened until the Mayer
theory of 1950. The development of this exceedingly complex piece of statistical
mechanics, largely by Friedman and Rasaiah, produced works of ever-increasing
mathematical difficulty, but today these look much more like exercises in very difficult
integrations rather than insights into what is really happening. The enormous improve-
ment over the Debye and Hckel equations with which the virial approach was credited
was based on a comparison with the most simple (limiting law) equation of Debye
and Hckel, rather than later versions of their theory. These later versions take into
account the volume occupied by ions, ion pairing, and the removal of solvent in the
solution from its natural role as a dissolver to spend significant time clamped tightly
to ions, unable to move and act as a solvent to newly introduced ions. On the basis of
this model, Stokes and Robinson were able to calculate good numerical values for
activity coefficients in solutions of concentrations up to
By the 1980s, it had to be admitted (Rasaiah, 1987) that several versions of the
post-1950 theories (mostly developments based on Mayors theory) could not be
distinguished as to virtue when ranked by their ability to replicate experiments, nor
were they markedly better than those obtainable from later developments of Debye
and Hckels ionic atmosphere theory.
However, there is no doubt that from the 1980s on, a very hopeful type of
development has been taking place in ionic solution theories. It is the correlation
function approach, not a theory or a model, but an open-ended way to obtain a realistic
idea of how an ionic solution works (Fig. 3.58). In this approach, pair correlation
functions that are experimentally determined from neutron diffraction measurements
represent the truth, without the obstructions sometimes introduced by a model. From
a knowledge of the pair correlation function, it is possible to calculate properties
(osmotic pressure, activities). The pair correlation function acts as an ever-ready test
for new models, for the models no longer have to be asked to re-replicate specific
properties of solutions, but can be asked to what degree they can replicate the known
pair correlation functions.
It is rather easy to make a list of milestones in ionic solution theory:
The peaklike beginning in 1923.
The MM stage,35 the theory of ionic solution based on concepts used to interpret
the behavior of imperfect gases (19501980). During this long stage (a

MM refers to the McMillan-Mayer theory of 1945. This was a general theory of interaction in gases which
was applied to interpret the behaviors of solutions. Mayers theory was produced in 1950 [J.E. Mayer, J.
Chem. Phys. 18: 1426 (1950)] and applied the MM theory particularly to ionic solutions where the
dominance of long range interactions causes special mathematical difficulties.

Fig. 3.58. Pair correlation functions

from Monte Carlo simulation for
charged soft sphere model for LiCl
liquid at 883 K and
(Reprinted from I. R. MacDonald and
K. Singer, Chemistry In Britain 9: 54,

generation!), there developed an increasingly complex series of additions to

the interaction energy which had first begun at the simplest level of
but grew to encompass several extra terms, some of which had only
a minimal effect on results.
Pair correlation functions were discussed from the 1960s on, but not until the
1980s with the neutron diffraction contribution of Enderby and Neilson was it
possible to make such determination with relative ease and certainty.
Computer simulations began nearly half a century ago, but they did not really
come into wide use for ionic solutions until the late 1980s (Heinziger, Bopp,
Haymet). The convenience of being able to calculate the consequences of
assuming a certain pair interaction law, to simulate an effect (the influence of
high temperature and pressure, for example), and then find via the pair
correlation functions the corresponding properties is a major advance because
it brings a great increase in speed of obtaining new knowledge and a decrease
in its expense.

There is yet a further stage for ionic solution theory that will not be presented here
because it is still fragmentary in achievement and densely complex in the physical
theory that underlies it. This final stage is the quantum mechanical one, in which an
attempt is made to describe a solution at the Schrdinger equation level. Such work
has been pioneered by Clementi and his colleagues since the mid-1980s.


A starting point for the derivation of Poissons equation is Gausss law, which
can be stated as follows: Consider a sphere of radius r. The electric field due to
charge in the sphere will be normal to the surface of the sphere and equal everywhere
on this surface. The total field over the surface of the sphere (i.e., the surface integral
of the normal component of the field) will be equal to times the area of the surface,
i.e., According to Gausss law, this surface integral of the normal component
of the field is equal to times the total charge contained in the sphere. If is the
charge density at a distance r from the center of the sphere, then is the charge
contained in a dr-thick shell at a distance r from the center and is the total
charge contained in the sphere. Thus, Gausss law states that


Now, according to the definition of electrostatic potential at a point r,


Substituting Eq. (A3.1.2) in Eq. (A3.1.1), one gets

Differentiating both sides with respect to r,



which is Poissons equation for a spherically symmetrical charge distribution.


According to the rule for integration by parts,



Suppose that on dissolution 1 mole of salt gives rise to moles of positive ions
and moles of negative ions. Then, instead of Eqs. (3.65) and (3.66), one has


Upon adding the two expressions (A3.3.1 ) and (A3.3.2) and dividing by
to get the average contribution to the free-energy change of the system per mole of
both positive and negative ions, the result is

which may be written as





one finds the minimum in the versus r curve by differentiating the expression for
with respect to r and setting the result equal to zero. That is,




From it is obvious that

Further, when it is clear that

and, when r = a, it follows that

By introducing the substitutions (A3.5.1), (A3.5.2), (A3.5.3), (A3.5.4), and (A3.5.5)

into Eq. (3.145), the result is



Consider a solution consisting of 1 kg of water in which is dissolved m moles of
1:1-valent salt. Ignoring the question of ion-pair formation, there are m moles of

positive ions and m moles of negative ions in the solution. Hence, the total free energy
G of the solution is given by

where is the molecular weight of the water and and are the chemical
potentials of water, positive ions, and negative ions, respectively.
Now, if a fraction of the positive and negative ions form ion pairs designated
(+ ), then the free energy of the solution assuming ion-pair formation is

where the primed chemical potentials are based on ion association.

Since, however, the free energy of the solution must be independent of whether
ion association is considered, Eqs. (A3.6.1) and (A3.6.2) can be equated. Hence

But ions are in equilibrium with ion pairs, and therefore

Combining Eqs. (A3.6.4) and (A3.6.3), one has


It is clear, however, that and since, whether ion association is

considered or not, the standard chemical potentials of the positive and negative ions
are the chemical potentials corresponding to ideal solutions of unit molality of these
ions. Hence


But is the observed or stoichiometric activity coefficient and therefore


1. Calculate the potentials due to the ionic cloud around cations in the following
solutions: (a) M NaCl, (b) 0.1 M NaCl, (c) and (d) M

2. For 0.001 M aqueous KCl solution, calculate the total potential in the ionic
atmosphere and then that part of the total potential due to the ionic cloud.
3. Calculate the mean activity coefficient of a 0.002 M solution, assuming
that at this low concentration there is a negligible association between cations
and anions.
4. What is the electrical work done in charging a body up to a charge q and a
potential Prove the expression.
5. Compare the molarities and ionic strengths of 1:1, 2:1, 2:2, and 3:1 valent
electrolytes in a solution of molarity c. (Constantinescu)
6. Calculate the ionic strength of the following solutions: (a) 0.04 M KBr, (b) 0.35
and (c) (Constan-
7. A 0.001 M solution is mixed with an 0.001 M solution. Calculate
the ionic strength.
8. Assuming that a 10% error can be tolerated, calculate from the DebyeHckel
limiting law the highest concentration at 25C at which activity can be replaced
by concentration in the cases of (a) NaCl and (b) solutions. (Constanti-
9. Calculate the activity coefficients in the following solution at 25C by the
DebyeHckel limiting law: (a) M NaCl, (b) 0.1 M NaCl, (c)
and (d)

10. Calculate the activity coefficient of a M NaCl solution by the extended

DebyeHckel limiting law with an ion-size parameter of 400 pm. (Kim)
11. Calculate the effect of water molecules on the activity coefficient in 1 M NaCl.
The water activity in the solution is 0.96686 and the hydration number of the
electrolyte is 3.5. The density of the solution is 1.02 g (Kim)
12. Calculate the mean activity coefficient of thallous chloride, the solubility of
which has been measured in water and in the presence of various concentrations
of potassium chloride solutions at 25 C, as given in Table P.1. The solubility
of this salt in pure water is (Constantinescu)
13. Calculate the solubility product of if its solubility in pure water at
25 C is (Constantinescu)
14. Calculate the mean activity coefficient at 25 C of 0.01 N solutions of (a) HC1,
(b) and (c) (Constantinescu)
15. Utilize the known values of the DebyeHckel constants A and B for water to
calculate the mean activity coefficients for 1:1, 1:2, and 2:2-valent electrolytes
in water at the ionic strengths 0.1 and 0.01 at 25 C. The mean distance of closest
approach of the ions a may be taken as 300 pm in each case. (Constantinescu)
16. Draw a diagram representing the Gurney co-sphere. When two ions collide, how
does this sphere influence the parameters that go into the calculation of the
activity coefficient?
17. In the text, an explanation is given which shows how the mean activity coeffi-
cient of an electrolyte can be given if the activity of water in the solution is
known. Suppose you know the vapor pressure of water over the solution of an
electrolyte. Could you still get the activity coefficient of the electrolyte in
solution? How? Illustrate your answer by using the data in Table 3.5.

18. Calculate the chemical-potential change of the cations in the following solutions
by the DebyeHckel theory: (a) M NaCl, (b) 0.1 M NaCl, (c)
and (d)
19. Use the values of the DebyeHckel constants A and B at 25 C to calculate
for a 1:1-valent electrolyte for ionic strengths 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0,

assuming in turn that the mean distance of closest approach of the ions, a, is
either zero or 100, 200, and 400 pm. (Constantinescu)
20. Electrolytes for which the concentration is less than M can usually be dealt
with by the DebyeHckel limiting law. Utilize the DebyeHckel theory
extended by allowance for ion size and also for removal of some of the active
solvent into the ions primary solvation shell to calculate the activity coefficient
of 5 M NaCl and 1 M solutions (neglecting ion association or complexing).
Take the total hydration number at the 5 M solution as 3 and at the 1 M solution
as 5. Take as 320 pm.
21. Use the DebyeHckel limiting law to derive an expression for the solvent
activity in dilute solutions. (Xu)
22. Use the above results to calculate the activity coefficients for water (Table 2.8).
23. Calculate the DebyeHckel reciprocal lengths for the following solutions: (a)
M NaCl, (b) 0.1 M NaCl, (c) and (d) (Kim)
24. Calculate the thickness of the ionic atmosphere in 0.1 N solutions of a uni-uni-
valent electrolyte in the following solvents: (a) nitrobenzene (b) ethyl
alcohol and (c) ethylene dichloride at 25 C. (Constanti-
25. Calculate the minimum distance at which the attractive electrostatic energy of
the ions having charges and in an electrolyte is greater than the thermal
energy of an interacting cation and anion.
26. Determine the mean distance between ions in a solution of concentration c for
a 1:1 electrolyte. Calculate for a solution of 0.01 mol
27. Explain why is called the Debye length. Draw a figure that shows what
this term means in terms of the concept of an ionic atmosphere.
28. Assume as a rough approximation that the distance of closest approach between
two ions a is the sum of the ionic radii of cation and anion plus the diameter of
water. Calculate for concentrations of CsCl of 5
and M at 25 C and find the maximum concentration
at which i.e., the limiting law is applicable.
29. Prove that the ionic strength is actually a parameter reflecting the electrostatic
field in the solution. (Hint: Show the effect of ionic valence charge on I.) (Xu)
30. Compute the ionic activity of 0.0001 M KC1. What change will be caused to the
activity of KCl if 0.01 mole of is added to 1000 ml of the above solution?
With the added salt, will the DebyeHckel reciprocal length increase or
decrease? Why? (Xu)

31. Calculate the ion association constant of CsCl in ethanol according

to Bjerrums concept. and . (Kim)
32. Write down the full TaylorMacClaurin expansion of and Find the
difference between and the expansion for x = 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9.
33. Derive the linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation.
34. Write down a typical equation for the sum of the attractive and repulsive energies
of an ion in an electrolyte. What is meant by the MSA approximation? Represent
it diagrammatically and with equations.
35. Describe the basic principles of the Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic
simulation methods applied to electrolytes. How are the adjustable parameters

36. Explain in about 250 words the essential approach of the Mayer theory of ionic
solutions and how it differs from the ionic-atmosphere view. The parent of
Mayers theory was the McMillanMayer theory of 1950. With what classical
equation for imperfect gases might it be likened?
37. Among the outstanding contributors to the theory of ionic solutions after 1950
were Mayer, Friedman, Davies, Rasaiah, Blum, and Haymet. Write a few lines
on the contributions due to each.
38. A number of acronyms are used in work on the theory of ionion interactions.
Some are DHLL, HNC, MSA, COUL, and GUR. Give the full meaning of each
and explain the significance of the concept it represents in the field of ionion
39. Spectroscopic methods are used to find out about the structure of an ionic
solution. Write a few lines on what particular aspects of the solution structure
are revealed by the use of the following kinds of spectra: (a) UV-visible, (b)
Raman, (c) infrared, and (d) nuclear magnetic resonance.

1. Find the maximum potential of the ionic atmosphere at which the Poisson
Boltzmann equation can be linearized in a 1:1 electrolyte at 25 C. After
linearization, the charge density in the atmosphere is proportional to the poten-
tial. Can you see any fundamental objection to having not proportional to
2. When the DebyeHckel model was developed, an important hypothesis was
made for mathematical convenience, i.e., Now, using an aqueous
1:1 electrolyte solution at 25 C as an example, reassess the validity of the
hypothesis. What is the physical nature of the hypothesis? (Xu)

3. Explain from the GibbsDuhem equation how the determination of the activity
of water can give rise to the activity of the electrolyte dissolved in it. Table P.2
shows data from the lowering of the vapor pressure of water by different salts
at 100 C at which Plot against the ionic strength for each
of the different salts. Discuss your results in the light of the data in Table P4.
4. Describe the difference between the Guntelberg and Debye charging processes.
Which process should be more effective in deriving an equation for the activity
5. Show that within the concentration range of the limiting law, the slope of the
line is 0.509 for aqueous solutions at 25 C.
6. (a) The whitecoats built the cell below and managed to measure its potential at
25 C as 0.35 V:

The solubility product of AgCl is known to be at room temperature.

Calculate the individual activity coefficient for in the solution.
(b) Is there a way to obtain the individual activity coefficient for in the same
solution? (Xu)
7. The excess charge on an ionic atmosphere varies with distance out from the
central ion. Show that the net change in the charge of a spherical shell of
thickness dr is

Hence at a certain distance from the central ion, there will be a ring with a
maximum charge. Find this distance.
8. Plot the values for the activity coefficient of the electrolyte as calculated in
Problem 3 against the ionic strength. Then see what degree of match you can
obtain from the DebyeHckel law (one-parameter equation). Do a similar
calculation with the equation in the text which brings in the distance of closest
approach (a) and allows for the removal of water from the solution (two-parame-
ter equation). Describe which values of and (the hydration number) fit best.
Discuss the degree to which the values you had to use were physically sensible.
9. The radius of the ionic atmosphere is where is defined in the text. Work
out the average distance between ions (d) in terms of the concentration in
mol If then one is confronting a situation in which the radius of
the atmosphere is less than the average distance between ions. Describe what
this means. Derive a general expression for at which this problem (coarse
grainedness) occurs for a 2:2 electrolyte. Do you think an ionic atmosphere
model applies when
10. Suppose the finite-sized center ion has a size parameter a; what will be the radial
distribution of the total excessive charge q(r) and dq(r)? Use the correspon-
dence principle to confirm the validity of this expression. In the above case will
the DebyeHckel reciprocal length depend on the ion size parameter a?
11. Bjerrums theory of ionic association gives rise to an expression for the fraction
of ions in an ionic solution which are associated. Use the theory to calculate the
degree of association of a 0.01 M solution in ethanol
12. Use the equations in the text that concern ion association. Find the concentration
in an ethanol solution at which KCl manifests a 10% association. Compare the
value you find with Haymets calculations.
13. (a) As alternative to Bjerrums model of ion association, you can use the results
of the DebyeHckel model to develop a qualitative but facile method for
predicting ion-pair formation. (Hint: Compare the DebyeHckel reciprocal
length and the effective distance for ion formation q.)
(b) In a lithium battery, usually a nonaqueous solution of lithium salts in organic
solvents is used as an electrolyte. While the dielectric constants of such solvents
range between 5 and 10, estimate the degree of ion-pair formation. (Xu)
14. The McMillanMayer theory is an alternative to the DebyeHckel theory. It
is called the virial coefficient approach and its equations bear some conceptual
resemblance to the virial equation of state for gases. The key contribution in

applying the theory to electrolytes was made by Mayer, when he finally solved
the equations by introducing a screening factor when is the Debye
length. Plot and against 1/r in the range 0.15<r< 2.5 nm for RbCl
at 0.1 M. Determine the numerical effect of Mayers screening factor.
15. Calculate from the DebyeHckel equation with allowance for both the
ion size and hydration terms for solutions from to and
compare the result with those of the MSA equation:

The term can be taken as the same as in the DebyeHckel expressions,

is defined in the text.
Compare each with the experimental values of Table P.3. Which is the more
experimentally consistent approach?
16. Haymet and co-workers have calculated the mole fraction of dimers (associated
ions) in electrolytic solutions, and some of their results are shown in Fig. 3.51.
Use the equations of the Bjerrum theory applied to and compare the
results with those of the correlation function approach used by Haymet et al. The
essential difference between the Haymet approach and that of Bjerrum is that

the former more realistically involves repulsive as well as attractive forces. What
is the percent difference in the two answers at 1 mol
17. What is the total charge on an ionic atmosphere around an anion of valence z?
From the data in the text, examine where m is the molality of the
solution, from 0 to 1 mol The plots always pass through a minimum. Use
the fully extended DebyeHckel theory, including the BjerrumStokes and
Robinson terms, to find the significance of the minimum at which the electrolyte
concentration increases with the increase of the cation radius.
18. In most of the modern versions of the DebyeHckel theory of 1923, it is still
assumed that the dielectric constant to be used is that of water. The dielectric
constant of solutions decreases linearly with an increase in the concentration of
the electrolyte. Using data in the chapter, calculate the mean activity coefficient
for NaCl from 0.1 M to 2 M solutions, using the full equation with correction
for the space taken up by the ions and the water removed by hydration. Compare
the new calculation with those of Stokes and Robinson. Discuss the change in
a you had to assume.
19. Consider KCl and take a to be the sum of the ionic radii. Use data from tables
to get these. Thus, one can calculate b of the Bjerrum theory over a reasonable
concentration range and, using appropriate tables, obtain the value of the fraction
of associated ions. Now recalculate the values of for KCl for 0.1 to 2 M
solutions from the full DebyeHckel theory involving allowance for ion size
and hydration but now also taking into account In this approach,
is the concentration of the ions that count in the expressions. (See Appendix 3.6.)
Does this accounting for improve the fit?
20. Using the point-charge version of the DebyeHckel model, derive the radial
distribution of total excessive charge q(r) from the central ion. Comment on the
difference between q(r) and the excessive charge in a dr-thickness shell dq(r).
21. (a) Using the above result, calculate the total excessive charge within the sphere
of the radius of the DebyeHckel reciprocal length How much of the
overall excessive charge has been accounted for within the sphere of radius
(b) Plot q(r) vs. r for an aqueous solution of M of a 1:1 electrolyte at
25 C. (Xu)
22. Evaluate the DebyeHckel constants A and B for ethyl alcohol and use the
values to calculate the mean activity coefficients for 1:1, 1:2, and 2:2-valent
electrolytes in ethyl alcohol at ionic strengths 0.1 and 0.01 at 25 C. The mean
distance of closest approach of the ions a may be taken as 300 pm in each case.
Dielectric constant (Constantinescu)

23. Describe the correlation function as applied to ionic solutions. Sketch out a
schematic of such a quantity for a hypothetical solution of FeCl2. There are two
entirely different types of methods of obtaining g(r); state them. Finally, describe
the point of knowing this quantity and comment on the meaning of the
statement: From a knowledge of the correlation function, it is possible to
calculate solution properties (which may, in turn, be compared with the results
of experiment). Hence the calculation of the correlation function is the aim of
all new theoretical work on solutions.
24. The text gives the results of molecular dynamic calculations of the fraction of
ion pairs as a function of concentration for univalent ions. Compare these values
with those calculated by the Bjerrum theory.
25. Early work on solvation was dominated by the work of Born, Bernal and Fowler,
Gurney and Frank. Which among these authors made the most lasting contribu-
tions? Why?


1. One could use the DebyeHckel ionic-atmosphere model to study how ions of
opposite charges attract each other. (a) Derive the radial distribution of cation
and anion concentration, respectively, around a central positive ion in
a dilute aqueous solution of 1:1 electrolyte. (b) Plot these distributions and
compare this model with Bjerrums model of ion association. Comment on the
applicability of this model in the study of ion association behavior. (c) Using
the data in Table 3.2, compute the cation/anion concentrations at DebyeHckel
reciprocal lengths for NaCl concentrations of and respec-
tively. Explain the applicability of the expressions derived. (Xu)
2. In the development of the theory of Debye and Hckel, it was assumed that two
main changes had to be made: in the ion size (represented by the distance of
closest approach a) and the diminution of the available waters due to hydra-
tion. Ion association was taken into account also.
In a parallel series of developments, starting with the Mayer theory and
continuing with the so-called mean spherical approximation, the effects of
hydration and ion association were arbitrarily removed from consideration, in
spite of their undeniable presence in nature.
Utilizing equations of the text and values in Table P.4, follow through the
calculations made to fit experiments in both approaches. Discover what adjust-
ments are made in the MSA approach so that fair agreement (as in the work of
Fawcett and Blum) with experiments can be obtained up to using
model assumptions that neglect association and hydration.

3. The MSA equation used by Fawcett, Blum, and their colleagues shows good
results in the calculation of activity coefficients up to a 2 M solution. Such
calculations are described in the text. In this approach to electrolyte behavior,
there are two properties of solutions that are neglected: (1) The degree of
association, How to calculate it from Bjerrums point of view and the results
of calculating it from MD, are described in the text, together with how to take
into account in activity coefficient calculations. (2) The effect on activity
calculations of hydration, also described in the text. What effect would it have
on the BlumFawcett MSA calculations if these two neglected phenomena were
also accounted for?
4. This text contains descriptions of numerous methods for obtaining the solvation
number of ions (corresponding tables of data are given). By and large, the
methods can be divided into two classes: solution properties (mobility, entropy,
compressibility, partial molar volume, dielectric constant, Debye potential) and
spectroscopic methods (neutron diffraction, Raman, and NMR). The values that
arise from the solution methods hang together fairly well, though it is clear that
the methods are not very precise. The results of the spectroscopic methods are
similar to each other. However, it has to be admitted that for a given ion, the
spectroscopic values are much lower (about one-third to one-half lower) than
the self-consistent values determined from the properties of solutions. By
examining the literature quoted in the text (and other literature), validate the
statements made above for the following ions: and Then examine
the evidence in favor of and against the following two hypotheses concerning
the discrepancy noted:
(a) There is no basic discrepancy. The two approaches are measuring the same
quantity. However, solvation numbers are dependent on concentration; they get
larger as the dilution increases. In concentrations above about 1 M (as shown by
the molar volumeDebye potential approach), the solvation number declines
considerably. However, it is only at the higher concentrations that most of the
spectroscopic measurements have been made. Conversely, the solution proper-
ties have tended to be measured in the range, where the solvation
number is indeed larger.
(b) There is a basic discrepancy. The spectroscopic methods are more precise
and with some of them one can obtain the time of residence of the water molecule
and be quite precise about waters that stay with the ion, for how long, etc. The
solution properties methods are a heterogeneous group. It is remarkable that they
lead to a fairly consistent sense of numbers. However, the molar volumeDebye
potential method should be precise.
Analyze all this and produce a clear and reasoned judgment, buttressed by
reasonings in a multipage analysis. Include in your discussion a ranking of
methods for primary solvation numbers.



The interaction of an ion in solution with its environment of solvent molecules

and other ions has been the subject of the previous two chapters. Now, attention will
be focused on the motion of ions through their environment. The treatment is restricted
to solutions of true electrolytes.
There are two aspects to these ionic motions. First, there is the individual aspect.
This concerns the dynamic behavior of ions as individualsthe trajectories they trace
out in the electrolyte, and the speeds with which they dart around. These ionic
movements are basically random in direction and speed. Second, ionic motions have
a group aspect that is of particular significance when more ions move in certain
directions than in others and produce a drift, or flux, 1 of ions. This drift has important
consequences because an ion has a mass and bears a charge. Consequently, the flux
of ions in a preferred direction results in the transport of matter and a flow of charge.
If the directional drift of ions did not occur, the interfaces between the electrodes
and electrolyte of an electrochemical system would run out of ions to fuel the
charge-transfer reactions that occur at such interfaces. Hence, the movements and drift
of ions is of vital significance to the continued functioning of an electrochemical
A flux of ions can come about in three ways. If there is a difference in the
concentration of ions in different regions of the electrolyte, the resulting concentration
gradient produces a flow of ions. This phenomenon is termed diffusion (Fig. 4.1). If
there are differences in electrostatic potential at various points in the electrolyte, then
The word flux occurs frequently in the treatment of transport phenomena. The flux ofany species i is the
number of moles of that species crossing a unit area of a reference plane in 1 s; hence, flux is the rate of


Fig. 4.1. The diffusion of positive ions resulting from a

concentration gradient of these ions in an electrolytic
solution. The directions of increasing ionic concentra-
tion and of ionic diffusion are shown below the diagram.

Fig. 4.2. The migration of ions resulting from a gra-

dient of electrostatic potential (i.e., an electric field)
in an electrolyte. The electric field is produced by the
application of a potential difference between two
electrodes immersed in the electrolyte. The direc-
tions of increasing electrostatic potentials and of
ionic migration are shown below the diagram.

the resulting electric field produces a flow of charge in the direction of the field. This
is termed migration or conduction (Fig. 4.2). Finally, if a difference in pressure or
density or temperature exists in various parts of the electrolyte, then the liquid begins
to move as a whole or parts of it move relative to other parts. This is hydrodynamic
It is intended to restrict the present discussion to the transport processes of
diffusion and conduction and their interconnection. (The laws of hydrodynamic flow
will not be described, mainly because they are not particular to the flow of electrolytes;
they are characteristic of the flow of all gases and liquids, i.e., of fluids.) The initial
treatment of diffusion and conduction will be in phenomenological terms; then the
molecular events underlying these transport processes will be explored.
In looking at ionsolvent and ionion interactions, it has been possible to present
the phenomenological or nonstructural treatment in the framework of equilibrium
thermodynamics, which excludes time and therefore fluxes, from its analyses. Such a
straightforward application of thermodynamics cannot be made, however, to transport
processes. The drift of ions occurs precisely because the system is not at equilibrium;
rather, the system is seeking to attain equilibrium. In other words, the system undergoes
change (there cannot be transport without temporal change!) because the free energy
is not uniform and tends to reach a minimum. It is the existence of such gradients of
free energy that sets up the process of ionic drift and makes the system strive to attain
equilibrium by the dissipation of free energy.



4.2.1. The Driving Force for Diffusion

It has been remarked in the previous section that diffusion occurs when a
concentration gradient exists. The theoretical basis of this observation will now be
Consider that in an electrolytic solution, the concentration of an ionic species i
varies in the x direction but is constant in the y and z directions. If desired, one can
map equiconcentration surfaces (they will be parallel to the yz plane) (Fig. 4.3).
The situation pictured in Fig. 4.3 can also be considered in terms of the partial
molar free energy, or chemical potential, of the particular species i. This is achieved
through the use of the defining equation for the chemical potential [Eq. (3.61)]

(The use of concentration rather than activity implies that the solution is assumed to
behave ideally.) Since is a function of x, the chemical potential also is a function of
x. Thus, the chemical potential varies along the x coordinate, and, if desired,
surfaces can be drawn. Once again, these surfaces will be parallel to the yz plane.

Fig. 4.3. A schematic representation of a slice

of electrolytic solution in which the concentra-
tion of a species i is constant on the shaded
equiconcentration surfaces parallel to the yz

Now, if one transfers a mole of the species i from an initial concentration at

to a final concentration at then the change in free energy, or chemical potential,
of the system is (Fig. 4.4):

Fig. 4.4. A schematic representation of the work W done

in transporting a mole of species i from an equiconcentra-
tion surface where its concentration and chemical potential
are and to a surface where its concentration and
chemical potential are and

Fig. 4.5. Schematic diagram to illustrate that the

mechanical work W done in lifting a mass from an
initial height to a final height is

However, the change in free energy is equal to the net work done on the system in an
isothermal, constant-pressure reversible process. Thus, the work done to transport a
mole of species i from to is

Think of the analogous situation in mechanics. The work done to lift a mass from
an initial height to a final height is equal to the difference in gravitational potential
(energies) at the two positions (Fig. 4.5):

One may go further and say that this work has to be done because a gravitational force
acts on the body and that2

The minus sign arises from the following argument: The displacement of the mass is upward and
the force acts downward; hence, the product of the displacement and force vectors is negative. If a minus
sign is not introduced, the work done W will turn out to be negative. It is desirable to have W as a positive
quantity because of the convention that work done on a system is taken to be positive; hence, a minus sign
must be inserted.

Fig. 4.6. Schematic diagram to illustrate the electro-

static work done in moving a unit
positive charge through a distance dx against an elec-
tric field X.

In other words, the gravitational force can be defined thus:

The potential energy, however, may not vary linearly with distance, and thus the ratio
may not be a constant. So it is better to consider infinitesimal changes in energy
and distance and write

Thus, the gravitational force is given by the gradient of the gravitational potential
energy, and the region of space in which it operates is said to be a gravitational field.
A similar situation exists in electrostatics. The electrostatic work done in moving
a unit charge from x to x + dx defines the difference in electrostatic potential
between the two points (Fig. 4.6)

Further, the electrostatic work is the product of the electric field, or force per unit
charge, X and the distance dx


The electric force per unit charge is therefore given by the negative of the gradient of
the electrostatic potentials, and the region of space in which the force operates is known
as the electric field.

Since the negative of the gradient of gravitational potential energy defines the
gravitational force, and the negative of the gradient of electrostatic potential defines
the electric force, one would expect that the negative of the gradient of the chemical
potential would act formally like a force. Furthermore, just as the gravitational force
results in the motion of a mass and the electric force results in the motion of a charge,
the chemical-potential gradient results in the net motion, or transfer, of the species i
from a region of high chemical potential to a region of low chemical potential. This
net flow of the species i down the chemical-potential gradient is diffusion, and
therefore the gradient of chemical potential may be looked upon3 as the diffusional
force Thus, one can write

by analogy with the gravitational and electric forces [Eqs. (4.6) and (4.9)] and consider
that the diffusional force produces a diffusional flux J, the number of moles of species
i crossing per second per unit area of a plane normal to the flow direction (Table 4.1).

4.2.2. The Deduction of an Empirical Law: Ficks First Law of

Steady-State Diffusion
Qualitatively speaking, the macroscopic description of the transport process of
diffusion is simple. The gradient of chemical potential resulting from a nonuniform
concentration is equivalent to a driving force for diffusion and produces a diffusion
It will be shown later on (Section 4.2.6) that for the phenomenon of diffusion to occur, all that is necessary
is an inequality of the net number of diffusing particles in different regions; there is, in fact, no directed
force on the individual particles. Thus, is only a pseudoforce like the centrifugal force; it is formally
equivalent to a force.

Fig. 4.7. Schematic diagram to show

(a) the distance variation of the chemi-
cal potential of a species i and (b) the
relative directions of the diffusion flux,
driving force for diffusion, etc.

flux (Fig. 4.7). What is the quantitative cause-and-effect relation between the driving
force and the flux J? This question must now be considered.
Suppose that when diffusion is occurring, the driving force and the flux J reach
values that do not change with time. The system can be said to have attained a steady
state. Then the as-yet-unknown relation between the diffusion flux J and the diffu-
sional force can be represented quite generally by a power series

where A, B, C, etc., are constants. If, however, is less than unity and sufficiently
small,4 the terms containing the powers (of greater than unity can be neglected.
Thus, one is left with

but the constant A must be equal to zero; otherwise, it will mean that one would have
the impossible situation of having diffusion even though there is no driving force for

Caution should be exercised in applying the criterion. The value of that will give rise to unity will
depend on the units chosen to express Thus, the extent to which is less than unity will depend on
the units, but one can always restrict to an appropriately small value.

Hence, the assumption of a sufficiently small driving force leads to the result

i.e., the flux is linearly related to the driving force. The value of (zero driving
force) corresponds to an equilibrium situation; therefore, the assumption of a small
value of required to ensure the linear relation (4.13) between flux and force is
tantamount to saying that the system is near equilibrium, but not at equilibrium.
The driving force on 1 mole of ions has been stated to be [Eq. (4.10)]. If,
therefore, the concentration of the diffusing species adjacent to the transit plane (Fig.
4.8), across which the flux is reckoned, is moles per unit volume, the driving force
at this plane is Thus, from relation (4.13), one obtains


which is tantamount to assuming ideal behavior, Eq. (4.14) becomes

Thus, the steady-state diffusion flux has been theoretically shown to be propor-
tional to the gradient of concentration. That such a proportionality existed has been

Fig. 4.8. Diagram for the derivation of the linear

relation between the diffusion flux and the con-
centration gradient

known empirically since 1855 through the statement of Ficks first law of steady-state
diffusion, which reads

where D is termed the diffusion coefficient (Table 4.2).

4.2.3. The Diffusion Coefficient D

It is important to stress that, in the empirical Ficks first law, the concentration c
is expressed in moles per cubic centimeter, and not in moles per liter. The flux is
expressed in moles of diffusing material crossing a unit area of a transit plane per unit
of time, i.e., in moles per square centimeter per second, and therefore the diffusion
coefficient D has the dimensions of centimeters squared per second. The negative sign
is usually inserted in the right-hand side of the empirical Ficks law for the following
reason: The flux and the concentration gradient are vectors, or quantities
which have both magnitude and direction. However, the vector J is in an opposite
sense to the vector representing a positive gradient Matter flows downhill (Fig.
4.9). Hence, if is taken as positive, must be negative, and, if there is no
negative sign in Ficks first law, the diffusion coefficient will appear as a negative
quantityperhaps an undesirable state of affairs. Hence, to make D come out a
positive quantity, a negative sign is added to the right-hand side of the equation that
states the empirical law of Fick.
Equating the coefficients of in the phenomenological equation (4.15) with
that in Ficks law [Eq. (4.16)], is seen that

Now, is the diffusion coefficient a concentration-independent constant? A naive

answer would run thus: B is a constant and therefore it appears that D also is a constant.

Fig. 4.9. Diagram to show that diffusion flow

is in a direction opposite to the direction of
positive concentration gradient Matter
flows downhill, i.e., down the concentration

However, expression (4.17) was obtained only because an ideal solution was consid-
ered, and activity coefficients were ignored in Eq. (3.61). Activity coefficients,
however, are concentration dependent. So, if the solution does not behave ideally, one
has, starting from Eq. (4.14), and using Eq. (3.63),

and therefore

Rigorously speaking, the diffusion coefficient is not a constant (Table 4.3). If,
however, the variation of the activity coefficient is not significant over the concentra-
tion difference that produces diffusion, then and for all practical
purposes D is a constant.5 This effective constancy of D with concentration will be
assumed in most of the discussions presented here.
The treatment so far has been phenomenological and therefore the dependence of
the diffusion coefficient on factors such as temperature and type of ion can be
theoretically understood only by an atomistic analysis. The quantity D can be under-
stood in a fundamental way only by probing into the ionic movements, the results of
which show up in the macroscopic world as the phenomenon of diffusion. What are
these ionic movements, and how do they produce diffusion? The answering of these
two questions will constitute the next topic.

4.2.4. Ionic Movements: A Case of the Random Walk

Long before the movements of ions in solution were analyzed, the kinetic theory
of gases was developed and it involved the movements of gas molecules. The overall

For example, in diffusion between solutions that have a large concentration difference, such as 0.1 to 0.01
a rough calculation suggests that the activity-coefficient correction is on the order of a few

pattern of ionic movements is quite similar to that of gas molecules and therefore the
latter will be recalled first.
Imagine a hypothetical situation in which all the gas molecules except one are at
rest. According to Newtons first law of motion, the moving molecule will travel with
a uniform velocity until it collides with a stationary molecule. During the collision,
there is a transfer of momentum (mass m times velocity v). So, the moving molecule
loses some speed in the collision, but the stationary molecule is set in motion. Now
both molecules are moving, and they will undergo further collisions. The number of
collisions will increase with time, and soon all the molecules of the gas will be
continually moving, colliding, and changing their directions of motion and their
velocitiesa scene of hectic activity.
It would be of interest to have an idea of the path of such a gas molecule in the
course of time. One might think that the detailed paths of all the particles could be
predicted by applying Newtons laws to the motions of molecules. The problem,
however, is obviously too complex for a practical solution. To use the laws of motion
requires a knowledge of the position and velocity of each particle and even in 1 mole
there are (the Avogadro number) particles.
One can, however, try another approach. Is the ceaseless jostling of molecules
manifested in any gross (macroscopic) phenomenon? Consider a frictionless piston in
mechanical equilibrium with a mass of gas enclosed in a cylinder. Owing to its weight,
the piston exerts a force on the gas. What force balances the pistons weight? One says
that the gas exerts a pressure (force per unit area) on the piston owing to the continual
buffeting that the piston receives from the gas molecules. Despite this fact, the
bombardment by the gas molecules does not produce any visible motion of the piston.
Evidently the mass of the piston is so large compared with that, of the gas molecules
that the movements of the piston are too small to be detected.
Now let the mass of the piston be reduced. Then the jiggling of the extremely light
piston as a result of being struck by gas molecules should make itself apparent to an
observer. This is what happens if one tries to make a mirror galvanometer more and
more sensitive. The essential part of this instrument is a thin quartz fiber that supports
a light coil of wire seated in a magnetic field (Fig. 4.10). The deflections of the coil
are made visible by fixing a mirror onto the quartz fiber and bouncing a beam of light
off the mirror onto a scale. To increase the sensitivity of the instrument, one tries lighter
coils, lighter mirrors, and thinner fibers. There comes a stage, however, when the
kicks which the fiber-mirror-coil assembly receives from the air molecules are
sufficient to make the assembly jiggle about. The reflected light beam then jumps about
on the scale (Fig. 4.11). The movements of the spot about a mean position on the scale
represent noise. (It is as if each collision produced a sound, in which case the irregular
bombardment of the mirror assembly would result in a nonstop noise.) Signals (coil
deflections) that are of this same order of magnitude obviously cannot be separated
from the noise.

Fig. 4.10. Schematic representation of

the essential parts of a mirror galva-
nometer, used for detecting Brownian
Instead of mirrors, one could equally consider pistons of a microscopic size, large
enough to be seen with the aid of a microscope but small enough to display motions
due to collisions with molecules. Such small pistons are present in nature. A colloidal
particle in a liquid medium behaves as such a piston if it is observed in a microscope.
It shows a haphazard, zigzag motion as shown in Fig. 4.12. The irregular path of the
particle must be a slow-motion version of the random-walk motion of the molecules
in the liquid.
One has therefore a picture of the solvated ions (in an electrolytic solution) in
ceaseless motion, perpetually colliding, changing direction, staggering hither and
thither from site to site. This is the qualitative picture of ionic movements.

4.2.5. The Mean Square Distance Traveled in a Time t by a

Random-Walking Particle
The movements executed by an ion in solution are a three-dimensional affair
because the ion has a three-dimensional space available for roaming around. So one

Fig. 4.11. The time variation of the reading

on the scale of a mirror galvanometer.

Fig. 4.12. The haphazard

zigzag motion of a colloidal
must really call the movements a random flight because the ion flies in three
dimensions and walks in two dimensions. This fine difference, however, will be
ignored and the term random walk will be retained.
The aim now is to seek a quantitative description of ionic random-walk move-
ments. There are many exotic ways of stating the random-walk problem. It is said, for
example, that a drunken sailor emerges from a bar. He intends to get back to his ship,
but he is in no state to control the direction in which he takes a step. In other words,
the direction of each step is completely random, all directions being equally likely.
The question is: On the average, how far does the drunken sailor progress in a time t?
For the sake of simplicity, the special case of a one-dimensional random walk will
be considered. The sailor starts off from x = 0 on the x axis. He tosses a coin: headshe
moves forward in the positive x direction, tailshe moves backward. Since, for an
honest coin, heads are as likely as tails, the sailor is equally as likely to take a forward
step as a backward step. Of course, each step is decided on a fresh toss and is
uninfluenced by the results of the previous tosses. After allowing him N steps, the
distance x from the origin is noted6 (Fig. 4.13). Then the sailor is brought back to the
bar (x = 0) and started off on another try of N steps.
The process of starting the sailor off from x = 0, allowing him N steps, and
measuring the distance x traversed is repeated many times, and it is found that the
distances traversed from the origin are x(1), x(2), x(3), . . . , x(i), where x(i) is the
distance from the origin traversed in the ith try. The average distance <x> from the
origin is

It will be zero only if an equal number N/2 of heads and tails turns up. For a small number of trials, this
will not happen every time. So, after each small number of tosses, the sailor is not certain to be back where
he started (i.e., in the bar).

Fig. 4.13. The distance x (from the origin)

traversed by the drunken sailor in two tries,
each of N = 18 steps.
Since the distance x traversed by the sailor in N steps is as likely for a large number
of trials to be in the plus-x direction as in the minus-x direction, it is obvious from the
canceling out of the positive and negative values of x that the mean progress from the
origin is given by

Hence, it is not very fruitful to compute the mean distance <x> traversed by the
sailor in N steps. To avoid such an unenlightening result, which arises because x(i) can
take either positive or negative values, it is best to consider the square of x(i), which
is always a positive quantity whether x(i) itself is negative or positive. Hence, if x(1),
x(2), x(3),..., x(i) are all squared and the mean of these quantities is taken, then one
can obtain the mean square distance i.e.,

Since the square of is always a positive quantity, the mean square

distance traversed by the sailor is always a positive nonzero quantity (Table 4.4).7

That is finite at first seems difficult to comprehend. One can get to it by recalling that
the drunken sailor may not make net progress but the range of his lurching to the right or to
the left is also interesting and this is obtained if one eliminates the sign of x (which causes the mean of the
sum of the xs to be zero) and deals in the square root of the mean of the sum of Then this root-
mean-square value of x indicates the range of the drunks wandering, no matter in what direction (Section

Furthermore, it can easily be shown (Appendix 4.1) that the magnitude of is

proportional to N, the number of steps and since N itself increases linearly with time,
it follows that the mean square distance traversed by the random-walking sailor is
proportional to time

It is to be noted that it is the mean square distanceand not the mean distance
that is proportional to time. If the mean distance were proportional to time, then the

drunken sailor (or the ion) would be proceeding at a uniform velocity. This is not the
case because the mean distance <x> traveled is zero. The only type of progress that
the ion is making from the origin is such that the mean square distance is proportional
to time. This is the characteristic of a random walk.

4.2.6. Random-Walking Ions and Diffusion:

The EinsteinSmoluchowski Equation
Consider a situation in an electrolytic solution where the concentration of the ionic
species of interest is constant in the yz plane but varies in the x direction. To analyze
the diffusion of ions, imagine a unit area of a reference plane normal to the x direction.
This reference plane will be termed the transit plane of unit area (Fig. 4.14). There is
a random walk of ions across this plane both from left to right and from right to left.
On either side of the transit plane, one can imagine two planes L and R that are parallel
to the transit plane and situated at a distance from it. In other words, the region
under consideration has been divided into left and right compartments in which the
concentrations of ions are different and designated by and respectively.
In a time of t s, a random-walking ion covers a mean square distance of or
a mean distance of Thus, by choosing the plane L to be at a distance
from the transit plane, one has ensured that all the ions in the left compartment will
cross the transit plane in a time t provided they are moving in a left-to-right direction.
The number of moles of ions in the left compartment is equal to the volume
of this compartment times the concentration of ions. It follows that the
number of moles of ions that make the crossing in t s is times the
fraction of ions making left-to-right movements. Since the ions are random-walking,

Fig. 4.14. Schematic diagram for the derivation of the

EinsteinSmoluchowski relation, showing the transit
plane T in between and at a distance from the
left L and right R planes. The concentrations in the left
and right compartments are and respectively.

right-to-left movements are as likely as left-to-right movements, i.e., only half the ions
in the left compartment are moving toward the right compartment. Thus, in t s the
number of moles of ions making the crossing is and therefore the
number of moles of ions making the crossing in 1 s is
Similarly, the number of moles of ions making the crossing in 1 s is

Hence, the diffusion flux of ions across the transit plane (i.e., the net number of
moles of ions crossing unit area of the transit plane per second from left to right) is
given by

This equation reveals that all that is required to have diffusion is a difference in
the numbers per unit volume of particles in two regions. The important point is that
no special diffusive force acts on the particles in the direction of the flux.
If no forces are pushing particles in the direction of the flow, then what about the
driving force for diffusion, i.e., the gradient of chemical potential (Section 4.2.1)? The
latter is only formally equivalent to a force in a macroscopic treatment; it is a sort of
pseudoforce like a centrifugal force. The chemical-potential gradient is not a true force
that acts on the individual diffusing particles and from this point of view is quite unlike,
for example, the Coulombic force, which acts on individual charges.
Now, the concentration gradient dc/dx in the left-to-right direction can be written


This result for can be substituted in Eq. (4.24) to give

and, by equating the coefficients of this equation with that of Ficks first law [Eq.
(4.16)], one has


This is the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation; it provides a bridge between the micro-

scopic view of random-walking ions and the coefficient D of the macroscopic Ficks
A coefficient of 2 is intimately connected with the approximate nature of the
derivation, i.e., a one-dimensional random walk with ions being permitted to jump
forward and backward only. More rigorous arguments may yield other values for the
numerical coefficient, e.g., 6.
The characteristic of a random walk in the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation is
the appearance of the mean square distance (i.e., square centimeters), and since this
mean square distance is proportional to time (seconds), the proportionality constant D
in Eq. (4.27) must have the dimensions of centimeters squared per second. It must not
be taken to mean that every ion that starts off on a random walk travels in time t a
mean square distance given by the Einstein-Smoluchowski relation (4.27). If a
certain number of ions are, in an imaginary or thought experiment, suddenly intro-
duced on the yz plane at then, in t s, some ions would progress a distance
others, still others, etc. The EinsteinSmoluchowski relation only says that [cf.
Eqs. (4.22) and (4.27)]

How many ions travel a distance how many, etc.? In other words, how are the
ions spatially distributed after a time t, and how does the spatial distribution vary with
time? This spatial distribution of ions will be analyzed, but only after a pheno-
menological treatment of nonsteady-state diffusion is presented.

4.2.7. The Gross View of Nonsteady-State Diffusion

What has been done so far is to consider steady-state diffusion in which neither
the flux nor the concentration of diffusing particles in various regions changes with
time. In other words, the whole transport process is time independent. What happens
if a concentration gradient is suddenly produced in an electrolyte initially in a
time-invariant equilibrium condition? Diffusion starts of course, but it will not
immediately reach a steady state that does not change with time. For example, the
distance variation of concentration, which is zero at equilibrium, will not instantane-
ously hit the final steady-state pattern. How does the concentration vary with time?
Consider a parallelepiped (Fig. 4.15) of unit area and length dx. Ions are diffusing
in through the left face of the parallelepiped and out through the right face. Let the
concentration of the diffusing ions be a continuous function of x. If c is the concentra-
tion of ions at the left face, the concentration at the right force is

Fig. 4.15. The parallelepiped of electrolyte used in the derivation of Ficks

second law.

Ficks law [Eq. (4.16)] is used to express the flux into and out of the parallelepiped.
Thus the flux into the left face is

and the flux out of the right face is

The net outflow of material from the parallelepiped of volume dx is

Hence, the net outflow of ions per unit volume per unit time is But this
net outflow of ions per unit volume per unit time from the parallepiped is in fact the
sought-for variation of concentration with time, i.e., dc/dt. One obtains partial differ-
entials because the concentration depends both on time and distance, but the subscripts
x and t are generally omitted because it is, for example, obvious that the time variation
is at a fixed region of space, i.e., constant x. Hence,

This partial differential equation is known as Ficks second law. It is the basis for the
treatment of most time-dependent diffusion problems in electrochemistry.
That Ficks second law is in the form of a differential equation implies that it
describes what is common to all diffusion problems and it has squeezed out what is
characteristic of any particular diffusion problem.8 Thus, one always has to calculate
the precise functional relationship

for a particular situation. The process of calculating the functional relationship consists
in solving the partial differential equation, which is Ficks second law, i.e., Eq. (4.32).

4.2.8. An Often-Used Device for Solving Electrochemical Diffusion

Problems: The Laplace Transformation
Partial differential equations, such as Ficks second law (in which the concentra-
tion is a function of both time and space), are generally more difficult to solve than
total differential equations, in which the dependent variable is a function of only one
independent variable. An example of a total differential equation (of second order9) is
the linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation

It has been shown (Section 3.3.7) that the solution of this equation (with dependent
on r only) was easily accomplished.
One may conclude therefore that the solution of Ficks second law (a partial
differential equation) would proceed smoothly if some mathematical device could be
utilized to convert it into the form of a total differential equation. The Laplace
transformation method is often used as such a device.
Since the method is based on the operation10 of the Laplace transformation, a
digression on the nature of this operation is given before using it to solve the partial
differential equation involved in nonsteady-state electrochemical diffusion problems,
namely, Ficks second law.
Consider a function y of the variable z, i.e., y = f(z), represented by the plot of y
against z. The familiar operation of differentiation performed on the function y consists
in finding the slope of the curve representing y = f(z) for various values of z, i.e., the

This point is dealt with at greater length in Section 4.2.9.
The order of a differential equation is the order of its highest derivatives, which in the example quoted is
a second-order derivative,
A mathematical operation is a rule for converting one function into another.

differentiation operation consists in evaluating dy/dz. The integration operation con-

sists in finding the area under the curve, i.e., it consists in evaluating
The operation of Laplace transformation performed on the function y = f(z)
consists of two steps:

1. Multiplying y = f(z) by where p is a positive quantity that is independent

of z
2. Integrating the resulting product with respect to z between
the limits z = 0 and

In short, the Laplace transform is

Just as one often symbolizes the result of the differentiation of y by the result of the
operation of Laplace transformation performed on y is often represented by a symbol

Fig. 4.16. Steps in the operation of the

Laplace transformation of (a) the function of
y = sin z, showing (b) and (c) the product
sin z integrated between the limits 0

What happens during Laplace transformation can be easily visualized by choosing

a function, say, y = sin z, and representing the operation in a figure (Fig. 4.16). It can
be seen11 that the operation consists in finding the area under the curve between

From Fig. 4.16, it can also be seen that apart from having to make the integral converge, the exact value
of p is not significant because p disappears after the operation of inverse transformation (see Section

the limits z = 0 and The Laplace transforms of some functions encountered in

diffusion problems are collected in Table 4.5.

4.2.9. Laplace Transformation Converts the Partial Differential

Equation into a Total Differential Equation
It will now be shown that by using the operation of Laplace transformation, Ficks
second lawa partial differential equationis converted into a total differential
equation that can be readily solved. Since whatever operation is carried out on the
left-hand side of an equation must be repeated on the right-hand side, both sides of
Ficks second law will be subject to the operation of Laplace transformation (cf. Eq.

which, by using the symbol for a Laplace-transformed function, can be written

To proceed further, one must evaluate the integrals of Eq. (4.34). Consider the
Laplace transform

The integral can be evaluated by the rule for integration by parts as follows:

Since dt is in fact the Laplace transform of c [cf. the defining equation (4.33)],
and for conciseness is represented by the symbol and since is zero when
and unity when t = 0, Eq. (4.36) reduces to

where c[t = 0] is the value of the concentration c at t = 0.

Next, one must evaluate the integral on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.34), i.e.,

Since the integration is with respect to the variable t and the differentiation is with
respect to x, their order can be interchanged. Furthermore, one can move the constant
D outside the integral sign. Hence, one can write

Once again, it is clear from Eq. (4.33) that dt is the Laplace transform of c, i.e.,
and therefore

From Eqs. (4.32), (4.38), and (4.41), it follows that after Laplace transformation,
Ficks second law takes the form

This, however, is a total differential equation because it contains only the variable
x. Thus, by using the operation of Laplace transformation, Ficks second law has been
converted into a more easily solvable total differential equation involving the
Laplace transform of the concentration.

4.2.10. Initial and Boundary Conditions for the Diffusion Process

Stimulated by a Constant Current (or Flux)
A differential equation can be arrived at by differentiating an original equation,
or primitive, as it is called. In the case of Ficks second law, the primitive is the equation
that gives the precise nature of the functional dependence of concentration on space
and time; i.e., the primitive is an elaboration on

Since, in the process of differentiation, constants are eliminated and since three
differentiations (two with respect to x and one with respect to time) are necessary to
arrive at Ficks second law, three constants have been eliminated in the process of
going from the precise concentration dependence that characterizes a particular
problem to the general relation between the time and space derivatives of concentration
that describes any nonstationary diffusion situation.
The three characteristics, or conditions, as they are called, of a particular diffusion
process cannot be rediscovered by mathematical argument applied to the differential
equation. To get at the three conditions, one has to resort to a physical understanding
of the diffusion process. Only then can one proceed with the solution of the (now) total
differential equation (4.42) and get the precise functional relationship between con-
centration, distance, and time.
Instead of attempting a general discussion of the three conditions characterizing
a particular diffusion problem, it is best to treat a typical electrochemical diffusion
problem. Consider that in an electrochemical system a constant current is switched on
at a time arbitrarily designated t = 0 (Fig. 4.17). The current is due to charge-transfer
reactions at the electrodesolution interfaces, and these reactions consume a species.
Since the concentration of this species at the interface falls below the bulk concentra-
tion, a concentration gradient for the species is set up and it diffuses toward the
interface. Thus, the externally controlled current sets up12 a diffusion flux within the
The diffusion is described by Ficks second law

or, after Laplace transformation, by

To analyze the diffusion problem, one must solve the differential equation, i.e.,
describe how the concentration of the diffusing species varies with distance x from the
electrode and with the time that has elapsed since the constant current was switched

When the externally imposed current sets up charge-transfer reactions that provoke the diffusion of ions,
there is a very simple relation between the current density and the diffusion flux. The diffusion flux is a
mole flux (number of moles crossing in 1 s), and the current density is a charge flux (Table 4.1).
Hence, the current density j, or charge flux, is equal to the charge zF per mole of ions (z is the valence of
the diffusing ion and F is the Faraday constant) times the diffusion flux J, i.e., j = zFJ.

Fig. 4.17. Schematic representation of an electrochemical

system connected to a constant current supply that is
switched on at t = 0. The current promotes a charge-trans-
fer reaction at the electrodeelectrolyte interfaces, which
results in the diffusion flux of the species i toward the

on. First one must think out the three characteristics, or conditions, of the diffusion
process described above.
The nature of one of the conditions becomes clear from the term c[t = 0] in the
Laplace-transformed version [see Eq. (4.42)] of Ficks second law. The term c[t = 0]
refers to the concentration before the start of diffusion; i.e., it describes the initial
condition of the electrolytic solution in which diffusion is made to occur by the passage
of a constant current. Since before the constant current is switched on and diffusion
starts, one has an unperturbed system, the concentration c of the species that sub-
sequently diffuses must be the same throughout the system and equal to the bulk
concentration Thus, the initial condition of the electrolytic solution is

The other two conditions pertain to the situation after the diffusion begins, e.g.,
after the diffusion-causing current is switched on. Since these two conditions often
pertain to what is happening to the boundaries of the system (in which diffusion is
occurring), they are usually known as boundary conditions.
The first boundary condition is the expression of an obvious point, namely, that
very far from the boundary at which the diffusion source or sink is set up, the
concentration of the diffusing species is unperturbed and remains the same as in the
initial condition

Thus, the concentration of the diffusing species has the same value at any x at
t = 0 or for any t > 0 at This is true for almost all electrochemical diffusion
problems in which one switches on (at t = 0) the appropriate current or potential
difference across the interface and thus sets up interfacial charge-transfer reactions
which, by consuming or producing a species, provoke a diffusion flux of that species.
What is characteristic of one particular electrochemical diffusion process and
distinguishes it from all others is the nature of the diffusion flux that is started off at
t = 0. Thus, the essential characteristic of the diffusion problem under discussion is
the switching on of the constant current, which means that the diffusing species is
consumed at a constant rate at the interface and the species diffuses across the interface
at a constant rate. In other words, the flux of the diffusing species at the x = 0 boundary
of the solution is a constant.
It is convenient from many points of view to assume that the constant value of the
flux is unity, i.e., 1 mole of the diffusing species crossing of the electrodeso-
lution interface per second. This unit flux corresponds to a constant current density of
This normalization of the flux scarcely affects the generality of the treatment
because it will later be seen that the concentration response to an arbitrary flux can
easily be obtained from the concentration response to a unit flux.
If one looks at the time variation of current or the flux across the solution
boundary, it is seen that for t < 0, J = 0 and for t > 0, there is a constant flux J = 1 (Fig.
4.18) corresponding to the constant current switched on at t = 0. In other words, the
time variation of the flux is like a step; that is why the flux produced in this setup is
often known as a step function (of time).
At any instant of time, the constant flux across the boundary is related to the
concentration gradient there through Ficks first law, i.e.,

The above initial and boundary conditions can be summarized thus:


Fig. 4.18. When a constant unit flux of 1 mol

is switched on at t = 0, the variation
of flux with time resembles a step. (It is only
an ideal switch that makes the current and
therefore the flux instantaneously rise from
zero to its constant value; this problem of
technique is ignored in the diagram.)

The three conditions just listed describe the special features of the constant (unit)-flux
diffusion problem. They will now be used to solve Ficks second law.

4.2.11. Concentration Response to a Constant Flux Switched On

at t = 0
It has been shown (Section 4.2.9) that after Laplace transformation, Ficks second
law takes the form

The solution of an equation of this type is facilitated if the second term is zero. This
objective can be attained by introducing a new variable defined as

The variable can be recognized as the departure of the concentration from its
initial value In other words, represents the perturbation from the initial concen-
tration (Fig. 4.19).
The partial differential equation [Eq. (4.32)] and the initial and boundary condi-
tions now have to be restated in terms of the new variable This is easily done by
using Eq. (4.46) in Eqs. (4.32), (4.43), (4.44), and (4.45). One obtains

Fig. 4.19. Schematic representation of (a)

the variation of concentration with distance x
from the electrode at t = 0 and t = t and (b)
the variation of the perturbation
in concentrations.

After Laplace transformation of Eq. (4.47), the differential equation becomes

Since, however, [cf. Eq. (4.48)], it is clear that

This equation is identical in form to the linearized PB equation [cf. Eq. (3.21)] and
therefore must have the same general solution, i.e.,

where A and B are the arbitrary integration constants to be evaluated by the use of the
boundary conditions. If the Laplace transformation method had not been used, the
solution of Eq. (4.47) would not have been so simple.
The constant B must be zero by virtue of the following argument. From the
boundary condition i.e., Eq. (4.49), it is clear that after Laplace

Hence, as but this will be true only if B = 0 because otherwise in

Eq. (4.53) will go to infinity instead of zero.
One is left with

Differentiating this equation with respect to x, one obtains

which at x = 0 leads to

Another expression for can be obtained by applying the operation of

Laplace transformation to the constant-flux boundary condition (4.50). Laplace trans-
formation on the left-hand side of the boundary condition leads to and the
same operation performed on the right-hand side, to 1/Dp (Appendix 4.2). Thus, from
the boundary condition (4.50) one gets

Hence, from Eqs. (4.57) and (4.58), it is found that

Upon inserting this expression for A into Eq. (4.55), it follows that

Fig. 4.20. Comparison of the use of (a) logarithms and (b)

Laplace transformation.

The ultimate aim, however, is not to get an expression for the Laplace transform
of but to get an expression for (or c) as a function of distance x and time t. The
expression has been obtained by a Laplace transformation of hence, to go from
to one must do an inverse transformation. The situation is analogous to using
logarithms to facilitate the working-out of a problem (Fig. 4.20). In order to get
from one asks the question: Under Laplace transformation, what function would
give the Laplace transform of Eq. (4.60)? In other words, one has to find in the

A mathematician would find the function (i.e., do the inverse transformation)

by making use of the theory of functions of variables which are complex. Since,
however, there are extensive tables of functions y and their transforms it is only

necessary to look up the column of Laplace transforms in the tables (Table 4.5). It is
seen that corresponding to the transform of the equation arising from Eq. (4.60)

is the function

where erfc is the error function complement defined thus:

erf(y) being the error function given by (Fig. 4.21)

Hence, the expression for the concentration perturbation in Eq. (4.61) must be

If one is interested in the true concentration c, rather than the deviation in the
concentration from the initial value one must use the defining equation for

Fig. 4.21. Variation of the error function erf(y)

with argument y.

The result is

This then is the fundamental equation showing how the concentration of the
diffusing species varies with distance x from the electrodesolution interface and with

Fig. 4.22. Graphical repre-

sentation of the variation of the con-
centration c with distance x from the
electrode or diffusion sink. (a) The
initial condition at t = 0; (b) and (c)
the conditions at and where
Note that, at
is a constant, as it
should be in the constant-flux diffu-
sion problem.

Fig. 4.23. Use of an electronic device to vary

the current passing through an electrochemi-
cal system in a controlled way.

the time t that has elapsed since a constant unit flux was switched on. In other words,
Eq. (4.65) describes the diffusional response of an electrolytic solution to the stimulus
of a flux which is in the form of a step function of time. The nature of the response is
best appreciated by seeing how the concentration profile of the species diffusing varies
as a function of time [Fig. 4.22(a), (b), and (c)]. Equation (4.65) is also of fundamental
importance in describing the response of an electrochemical system to a current density
that varies as a step function, i.e., to a constant current density switched on at t = 0.

4.2.12. How the Solution of the Constant-Flux Diffusion Problem

Leads to the Solution of Other Problems
The space and time variation of a concentration in response to the switching on
of a constant flux has been analyzed. Suppose, however, that, instead of a constant
flux, one switches on a sinusoidally varying flux.13 What is the resultant space and
time variation of the concentration of the diffusing species?
One approach to this question is to set up the new diffusion problem with the
initial and boundary conditions characteristic of the sinusoidally varying flux and to
obtain a solution. There is, however, a simpler approach. Using the property of Laplace
transforms, one can use the solution (4.65) of the constant-flux diffusion problem to
generate solutions for other problems.

If one feels that current is a more familiar word than flux, one can substitute the word current because
these diffusion fluxes are often, but not always, provoked by controlling the current across an electrode-
solution interface.

Fig. 4.24. Schematic representation of the

response of a system Y to a stimulus

An electronic device is connected to an electrochemical system so that it switches

on a current (Fig. 4.23) that is made to vary with time in a controllable way. The current
provokes charge-transfer reactions that lead to a diffusion flux of the species involved
in the reactions. This diffusion flux varies with time in the same way as the current.
The time variation of the flux will be represented thus

The imposition of this time-varying flux stimulates the electrolytic solution to

respond with a space and time variation in the concentration c or a perturbation in
concentration, The response depends on the stimulus, and the mathematical
relationship between the cause J(t) and the effect can be represented (Fig. 4.24) quite
generally thus14:

where and are the Laplace transforms of the perturbation in concentration and the
flux, and y is the to-be-determined function that links the cause and effect and is
characteristic of the system.
The relationship (4.67) has been defined for a flux that has an arbitrary variation
with time; hence, it must also be true for the constant unit flux described in Section
4.2.10. The Laplace transform of this constant unit flux J = 1 is 1 / p according to
Appendix 4.2; and the Laplace transform of the concentration response to the constant
unit flux is given by Eq. (4.60), i.e.,

Hence, by substituting 1 / p for and for in Eq. (4.67), one has

It will be seen further on that one uses a relationship between the Laplace transforms of the concentration
perturbation and the flux rather than the quantities and J themselves, because the treatment in Laplace
transforms is not only elegant but fruitful.

On introducing this expression for y into the general relationship (4.67), the result is

This is an important result: Through the evaluation of y, it contains the concen-

tration response to a constant unit flux switched on at t = 0. In addition, it shows how
to obtain the concentration response to a flux J(t) that is varying in a known way. All
one has to do is to take the Laplace transform of this flux J(t) switched on at time
t = 0, substitute this in Eq. (4.69), and get If one inverse-transforms the resulting
expression for one will obtain the perturbation in concentration as a function of
x and t.
Consider a few examples. Suppose that instead of switching on a constant unit
flux at t = 0 (see Section 4.2.10), one imposes a flux that is a constant but now has a
magnitude of i.e., Since the transform of a constant is 1/p times
the constant (Appendix 4.2), one obtains

which when introduced into Eq. (4.69) gives

The inverse transform of the right-hand side of Eq. (4.71) is identical to that for the
unit step function [cf. Eq. (4.60)] except that it is multiplied by That is,

In other words, the concentration response of the system to a flux is a

magnified- -times version of the response to a constant unit flux.
One can also understand what happens if instead of sucking ions out of the system,
the flux acts as a source and pumps in ions. This condition can be brought about by
changing the direction of the constant current going through the interface and thus
changing the direction of the charge-transfer reactions so that the diffusing species is
produced rather than consumed. Thus, diffusion from the interface into the solution
occurs. Because the direction of the flux vector is reversed, one has

Fig. 4.25. The difference in the concentration response to the

stimulus of (a) a sink and (b) a source at the electrodeelectrolyte

and thus

or, in view of Eq. (4.46),

Note the plus sign; it indicates that the concentration c rises above the initial value
(Fig. 4.25).
Consider now a more interesting type of stimulus involving a periodically varying
flux (Fig. 4.26). After representing the imposed flux by a cosine function

Fig. 4.26. A sinusoidally varying flux at an elec-

trodeelectrolyte interface, produced by passing
a sinusoidally varying flux through the electro-
chemical system.

its Laplace transform is (see Table 4.5)

When this is combined with Eq. (4.69), one gets

To simplify matters, the response of the system will only be considered at the
boundary, i.e., at x = 0. Hence, one can set x = 0 in Eq. (4.78), in which case,

The inverse transform reads

which shows that, corresponding to a periodically varying flux (or current), the
concentration perturbation also varies periodically, but there is a phase difference
between the flux and the concentration response (Fig. 4.27).
This is an extremely important result because an alternating flux can be produced
by an alternating current density at the electrodeelectrolyte interface, and in the case
of sufficiently fast charge-transfer reactions, the concentration at the boundary is
related to the potential difference across the interface. Thus, the current density and

Fig. 4.27. When a sinusoidally vary-

ing diffusion flux is produced in an
electrochemical system by passing a
sinusoidally varying current through
it, the perturbation in the concentra-
tion of the diffusing species also var-
ies sinusoidally with time, but with a
phase difference of

the potential difference both vary periodically with time, and it turns out that the phase
relationship between them provides information on the rate of the charge-transfer

4.2.13. Diffusion Resulting from an Instantaneous Current Pulse

There is another important diffusion problem, the solution of which can be
generated from the concentration response to a constant current (or a flux). Consider
that in an electrochemical system there is a plane electrode at the boundary of the
electrolyte. Now, suppose that with the aid of an electronic pulse generator, an
extremely short time current pulse is sent through the system (Fig. 4.28). The current
is directed so as to dissolve the metal of the electrode; hence, the effect of the pulse is
to produce a burst of metal dissolution in which a layer of metal ions is piled up at the
interface (Fig. 4.29).
Because the concentration of metal ions at the interface is far in excess of that in
the bulk of the solution, diffusion into the solution begins. Since the source of the
diffusing ions is an ion layer parallel to the plane electrode, it is known as a plane
source; and since the diffusing ions are produced in an instantaneous pulse, a fuller
description of the source is contained in the term instantaneous plane source.
As the ions from the instantaneous plane source diffuse into the solution, their
concentration at various distances will change with time. The problem is to calculate
the distance and time variation of this concentration.
The starting point for this calculation is the general relation between the Laplace
transforms of the concentration perturbation and the time-varying flux J(t)

Fig. 4.28. The use of an electronic pulse generator

to send an extremely short time current pulse
through an electrochemical system so that there is
dissolution at one electrode during the pulse.

Fig. 4.29. The burst of electrode dissolution dur-

ing the current pulse produces a layer of ions
adjacent to the dissolving electrode (negative ions
are not shown in the diagram).

One has to substitute for the Laplace transform of a flux that is an instantaneous
pulse. This is done with the help of the following interesting observation.
If one takes any quantity that varies with time as a step, then the differential of
that quantity with respect to time varies with time as an instantaneous pulse (Fig. 4.30).
In other words, the time derivative of a step function is an instantaneous pulse. Suppose
therefore one considers a constant flux (or current) switched on at t = 0 (i.e., the flux
is a step function of time and will be designated then the time derivative of that
constant flux is a pulse of flux (or current) at t = 0, referred to by the symbol i.e.,

If, now, one takes Laplace transforms of both sides and uses Eq. (4.38) to evaluate the
right-hand side, one has

But at t = 0, the magnitude of a flux that is a step function of time is zero. Hence,

Fig. 4.30. The time derivative of a

flux that is a step function of time
is an instantaneous pulse of flux.

If the pumping of diffusing particles into the system by the step-function flux
consists in switching on, at t = 0, a flux of then


Using this relation in Eq. (4.83), one has

and, by substitution in Eq. (4.69),

By inverse transformation (Table 4.5),

or by referring to the actual concentration c instead of the perturbation in concen-

tration, the result is

If, prior to the current pulse, there is a zero concentration of the species produced
by metal dissolution, i.e.,

then Eq. (4.89) reduces to

It can be seen from Eq. (4.86) that is the Laplace transform of the pulse of flux.
However, a Laplace transform is an integral with respect to time. Hence, which is
a flux (of moles per square centimeter per second) in the constant-flux problem (see
Section 4.2.12), is in fact the total concentration (moles per square centimeter) of the

Fig. 4.31. Plots of the fraction

of ions (produced in the
pulse of electrode dissolution)
against the distance x from the
electrode. At t = 0, all the ions are
on the x = 0 plane, and at t > 0,
they are distributed in the solution
as a result of dissolution and diffu-
sion. In the diagram,
and the distribution curve
becomes flatter and flatter.
diffusing ions produced on the x = 0 plane in the burst of metal dissolution. If, instead
of dealing with concentrations, one deals with numbers of ions, the result is

where n is the number of ions at a distance x and a time t, and is the number of
ions set up on the x = 0 plane at t = 0; i.e., is the total number of diffusing ions.
This is the solution to the instantaneous-plane-source problem. When is
plotted against x for various times, one obtains curves (Fig. 4.31) that show how the
ions injected into the x = 0 plane at t = 0 (e.g., ions produced at the electrode in an
impulse of metal dissolution) are distributed in space at various times. At any particular
time t, a semi-bell-shaped distribution curve is obtained that shows that the ions are
mainly clustered near the x = 0 plane, but there is a spread. With increasing time,
the spread of ions increases. This is the result of diffusion, and after an infinitely long
time, there are equal numbers of ions at any distance.

4.2.14. Fraction of Ions Traveling the Mean Square Distance in

the EinsteinSmoluchowski Equation
In the previous section, an experiment was described in which a pulse of current
dissolves out of the electrode a certain number of ions, which then start diffusing

Fig. 4.32. Schematic of experiment to note the time interval

between the pulse of electrode dissolution (at t = 0) and the
arrival of radioactive ions at the window where they are regis-
tered in the Geiger-counter system.

into the solution. Now suppose that the electrode material is made radioactive so that
the ions produced by dissolution are detectable by a counter (Fig. 4.32). The counter
head is then placed near a window in the cell at a distance of 1 cm from the dissolving
electrode, so that as soon as the tagged ions pass the window, they are registered by
the counter. How long after the current pulse at t = 0 does the counter note the arrival
of the ions?
It is experimentally observed that the counter begins to register within a few
seconds of the termination of the instantaneous current pulse. Suppose, however, that
one attempted a theoretical calculation based on the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation
(4.27), i.e.,

using, for the diffusion coefficient of ions, the experimental value of

Then, the estimated time for the radioactive ions to reach the counter is


This is several orders of magnitude larger than is indicated by experience.

The dilemma may be resolved as follows. If in the EinsteinSmoluchowski
relation pertains to the mean square distance traversed by a majority of the radioactive
particles and if Geiger counters canas is the casedetect a very small number of

Fig. 4.33. The EinsteinSmolu-

chowski equation, Dt, per-
tains to the fraction of
ions between x = 0 and
This fraction is
found by integrating the distribution
curve between x = 0 and

particles, then one can qualitatively see that there is no contradiction between the
observed time and that estimated from Eq. (4.27). The time of min estimated by
the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation is far too large because it pertains to a number
of radioactive ions far greater than the number needed to register in the counting
apparatus. The way in which the diffusing particles spread out with time, i.e., the
distribution curve for the diffusing species (Fig. 4.31), shows that even after very short
times, some particles have diffused to very large distances, and these are the particles
registered by the counter in a time far less than that predicted by the Einstein
Smoluchowski equation.
The qualitative argument just presented can now be quantified. The central
question is: To what fraction of the ions (released at the instantaneous-plane
source) does apply?15 This question can be answered easily by integrating
the n versus x distribution curve (Fig. 4.33) between the lower limit x = 0 (the location
of the plane source) and the value of x corresponding to the square root of This
upper limit of root-mean-square distanceis, for conciseness, repre-
sented by the symbol i.e.,

Thus, the EinsteinSmoluchowski fraction is given by [cf. Eq. (4.92)]

This fraction will be termed the EinsteinSmoluchowski fraction.

According to the EinsteinSmoluchowski relation,


By using this relation, Eq. (4.94) becomes

To facilitate the integration, substitute

in which case several relations follow


With the use of these relations, Eq. (4.96) becomes


The integral on the right-hand side is the error function of [cf. Eq. (4.63)].
Values of the error function have been tabulated in detail (Table 4.6). The value
of the error function of i.e.,

is 0.68. Hence,

and therefore about two-thirds (68%) of the diffusing species are within the region
from x = 0 to This means, however, that the remaining fraction, namely
one-third, have crossed beyond this distance. Of course, the radioactive ions that are
sensed by the counter almost immediately after the pulse of metal dissolution belong
to this one-third group (Fig. 4.34).

Fig. 4.34. When diffusion occurs

from an instantaneous plane
source (set up, e.g., by a pulse of
electrode dissolution), then 68%
of the ions produced in the pulse
lie between x = 0 and
after the time t.

In the above experiment, diffusion toward the direction is prevented

by the presence of a physical boundary (i.e., the electrode). If no such boundary
exists and diffusion in both the +x and x directions is possible, then 68% of
the particles will distribute themselves in the region from
to From symmetry considerations, one would expect 34% to be
within x = 0 and and an equal amount to be on the other side (Fig. 4.35).

Fig. 4.35. If it were possible for diffusion to occur

in the +x and x directions from an instantaneous
plane source at x= 0, then one-third of the diffus-
ing species would lie between x = 0 and
and a similar number would lie between
x = 0 and

From the above discussion, the advantages and limitations of using the Einstein
Smoluchowski relation become clear. If one is considering phenomena involving a
few particles, then one can be misled by making EinsteinSmoluchowski calculations.
If, however, one wants to know about the diffusion of a sizable fraction of the total
number of particles, then the relation provides easily obtained, although rough,
answers without having to go through the labor of obtaining the exact solution for the
diffusion problem (see, e.g., Section 4.6.8).

4.2.15. How Can the Diffusion Coefficient Be Related to Molecular

The diffusion coefficient D has appeared in both the macroscopic (Section 4.2.2)
and the atomistic (Section 4.2.6) views of diffusion. How does the diffusion coefficient
depend on the structure of the medium and the interatomic forces that operate? To
answer this question, one should have a deeper understanding of this coefficient than
that provided by the empirical first law of Fick, in which D appeared simply as the
proportionality constant relating the flux J and the concentration gradient dc/dx. Even
the random-walk interpretation of the diffusion coefficient as embodied in the Ein-
steinSmoluchowski equation (4.27) is not fundamental enough because it is based
on the mean square distance traversed by the ion after N steps taken in a time t and
does not probe into the laws governing each step taken by the random-walking ion.
This search for the atomistic basis of the diffusion coefficient will commence from
the picture of random-walking ions (see Sections 4.2.4 to 4.2.6). It will be recalled that
a net diffusive transport of ions occurs in spite of the completely random zigzag dance
of individual ions, because of unequal numbers of ions in different regions.
Consider one of these random-walking ions. It can be proved (see Appendix 4.1)
that the mean square distance traveled by an ion depends on the number N of
jumps the ion takes and the mean jump distance l in the following manner (Fig. 4.36):

It has further been shown (Section 4.2.6) that in the case of a one-dimensional random
walk, depends on time according to the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation

By combining Eqs. (4.104) and (4.27), one obtains the equation

which relates the number of jumps and the time. If now only one jump of the ion is
considered, i.e., N = 1, Eq. (4.105) reduces to

Fig. 4.36. Schematic repre-

sentation of N = 11 steps
(each of mean length l) in the
random walk of an ion. After
11 steps, the ion is at a dis-
tance x from the starting

where is the mean jump time to cover the mean jump distance l. This mean jump
time is the number of seconds per jump,16 and therefore is the jump frequency,
i.e., the number of jumps per second. Putting

one can write Eq. (4.106) thus:

Equation (4.108) shows that the diffusion depends on how far, on average, an ion
jumps and how frequently these jumps occur.

4.2.16. The Mean Jump Distance l, a Structural Question

To go further than Eq. (4.108), one has to examine the factors that govern the
mean jump distance l and the jump frequency k. For this, the picture of a liquid (in
which diffusion is occurring) as a structureless continuum is inadequate. In reality, the
liquid has a structureions and molecules in definite arrangements at any one instant

This mean jump time will include any waiting time between two successive jumps.

Fig. 4.37. Diagram to illustrate one step in the

random walk of an ion.

of time. This arrangement in a liquid (unlike that in a solid) is local in extent, transitory
in time, and mobile in space. The details of the structure are not necessary to continue
the present discussion. What counts is that ions zigzag in a random walk, and for any
particular step, the ion has to maneuver out of one site in the liquid structure into
another site (Fig. 4.37). This maneuvering process can be symbolically represented

where is a site occupied by an ion and is an empty acceptor site waiting to

receive a jumping ion. The mean jump distance l is seen to be the mean distance
between sites, and its numerical value depends upon the details of the structure of the
liquid, i.e., upon the instantaneous and local atomic arrangement.

4.2.17. The Jump Frequency, a Rate-Process Question

The process of diffusion always occurs at a finite rate; it is a rate process.

Chemical reactions, e.g., three-atom reactions of the type

are also rate processes. Further, a three-atom reaction can be formally described as the
jump of the particle B from a site in A to a site in C (Fig. 4.38). With this description,
it can be seen that the notation (4.109) used to represent the jump of an ion has in fact
established an analogy between the two rate processes, i.e., diffusion and chemical
reaction. Thus, the basic theory of rate processes should be applicable to the processes
of both diffusion and chemical reactions.
The basis of this theory is that the potential energy (and standard free energy) of
the system of particles involved in the rate processes varies as the particles move to
accomplish the process. Very often, the movements crucial to the process are those of
a single particle, as is the case with the diffusive jump of an ion from site to site. If the
free energy of the system is plotted as a function of the position of the crucial particle,

Fig. 4.38. A three-atom chemical rec-

tion viewed as the
jump of atom B from atom A to atom C.

e.g., the jumping ion, then the standard free energy of the system has to attain a critical
value (Fig. 4.39)the activation free energy for the process to be accom-
plished. One says that the system has to cross an energy barrier for the rate process to
occur. The number of times per second that the rate process occurs, k, i.e., the jump
frequency in the case of diffusion, can be shown to be given by17

4.2.18. The Rate-Process Expression for the Diffusion Coefficient

To obtain the diffusion coefficient in terms of atomistic quantities, one has to
insert the expression for the jump frequency (4.111) into that for the diffusion
coefficient [Eq. (4.108)]. The result is

The numerical coefficient has entered here only because the EinsteinSmoluchowski
equation for a one-dimensional random walk was considered. In general,
it is related to the probability of the ions jumping in various directions, not just forward
and backward. For convenience, therefore, the coefficient will be taken to be unity, in
which case

The on the left-hand side is the jump frequency; the k in the term kT/h is the Boltzmann constant.

Fig. 4.39. (a) The jump of an ion from a prejump site

to a postjump site through a jump distance l. (b)
Corresponding to each position of the jumping ion, the
system (sites + jumping ion) has a standard free
energy. Thus, the standard free-energy changes cor-
responding to the ionic jump can be represented by
the passage of a point (representing the standard free
energy of the system) over the barrier by the acquisi-
tion of the standard free energy of activation.

As to the value of l, this depends on the model process seen as the mechanism for
diffusion. This is discussed for liquid electrolytes rather fully in Section 5.7. In one
mechanism (shuffling along), the diffusing particles are seen to be analogues of
persons pushing through a crowd. Each microstep is less than the distance between
two sites. In another, the ion moves by jumps, taking the opportunity when a void or
vacancy turns up beside it to move in to fill the void. Then the value of l would be
equal to the intersite distance. Thus, in the shuffle-along model, the range of ls would
be as little as 0.01 nm, and in the jump-into-a-hole model, perhaps 0.20.3 nm.

4.2.19. Ions and Autocorrelation Functions

Autocorrelation functions involve concepts that one sometimes reads about in
analyses of transport in liquids and are therefore concepts with which the student
should be familiar. These are mathematical devices used in some discussions of the
theory of transport in liquids, e.g., in treatment of viscous flow and diffusion. It is

possible, for example, to represent the diffusion coefficient D in terms of the autocor-
relation function of a particles velocity. When a particle in solution collides with
another (say, an ion colliding with a solvent molecule), the collision is tantamount to
a force operating for a very short time on the particle. This time is much shorter than
the time needed for the normal so-called Stokes resistance (see Section 4.4.7),
which slows down the particle that has received a knock to the average velocity (e.g.,
in flow). Now consider dealing with diffusion coefficients in terms of molecular
dynamics (see a description of this technique in Section 2.3.2). This method is used
to determine how the dynamics of motion of a given particle will be affected by its
collision with other particles. Thus, it is important to know the relation between the
velocity of a particle at the beginning (t = 0), that is, just after collision, and that at
some later time t.
This is where one brings in the concept of the velocity autocorrelation function.
This indeed concerns the velocity at t=0, and the velocity at some subsequent time,
To what extent does the subsequent velocity depend upon the velocity at time t = 0?
That is the sort of information given by the autocorrelation function.
There are several technical details in a rigorous definition of the autocorrelation
function for velocity. First, one has to remember the vectorial character of velocity,
because clearly the direction in which the particle is knocked is important to its
subsequent dynamic history. Then, according to the way it is defined, one has to take
the product of the velocity at t = 0, and that at the later chosen time, However,
it is not as simple as just multiplying together the two vectors, and One has to
allow for the distribution of positions and momenta of the particle in the system at the
beginning, that is, at t = 0. To allow for this, one can introduce symbolically a
probability distribution coefficient, Therefore, the expression for the autocorrela-
tion function will involve the product
Thereafter, there is only one step left, but it is a vital one. One has to carry out an
averaging process for the entire liquid (or solution) concerned. Such averaging
processes can be carried out in more than one way. One of these involves an integration
with respect to time. One ends up by writing down the full-blown expression for the
autocorrelation function as a function of an expression dependent on time, A(t). Then,
in a general way, an autocorrelation function would run

where the brackets represent the average value of, as defined in Eq. (4.20).
How can this concept be used to calculate diffusion coefficients in ionic solutions?
First one has to remember that for diffusion in one direction,

However, the displacement of the particle x is in reality a function of time and therefore
can also be expressed in terms of an autocorrelation function similar to that presented

in Eq. (4.115). One advantage of this procedure is that the autocorrelation function
will depend only on a time interval, and not on the time itself. Through the use
of Eq. (4.116) and some mechanics produced earlier in the century by Langevin, one
finds that the diffusion coefficient D can be expressed by the time integral of the
velocity autocorrelation function and eventually obtains the useful equation

where is the frictional coefficient.

Does this concern ions in solution and electrochemistry? It does indeed concern
some approaches to diffusion and hence the related properties of conduction and
viscous flow. It has been found that the autocorrelation function for the velocity of an
ion diffusing in solution decays to zero very quickly, i.e., in about the same time as
that of the random force due to collisions between the ion and the solvent. This is
awkward because it is not consistent with one of the approximations used to derive
analytical expressions for the autocorrelation function.18 The result of this is that
instead of an analytical expression, one has to deal with molecular dynamics simula-
One of the simplest examples of this type of calculation involves the study of a
system of rare-gas atoms, as in, e.g., calculations carried out on liquid argon. The
relaxation time after a collision was found to be on the order of which is about
the same time as that for rather large ions (e.g., of 500 pm). Thus, much of what one
learns from the MD study of molecular motion in liquid argon should be applicable to
ionic diffusion.
Figure 4.40 shows the velocity autocorrelation function for liquid argon as
calculated by Levesque et al. Looking now at this figure, one can see at first the fast
exponential decay of the autocorrelation function. The function then becomes negative
(reversal of velocity), indicating a scattering collision with another molecule. At longer
times it trails off to zero, as expected, for eventually the argon atoms motion becomes
unconnected to the original collision. The time for this to happen is relatively long,
In summary, then, autocorrelation functions are useful mathematical devices
which, when applied to velocities, tell us to what degree the motion of a particle at a
given instant is related to the impelling force of the last collision. Their usefulness is
mainly in molecular dynamics, the principal computer-oriented method by which
systems are increasingly being analyzed (Section 2.17).

Here it is assumed that the influence of the collision lasts a lot longer than the force due to the collision

Fig. 4.40. Autocorrelation

function of the velocity (time
units s) obtained by
Levesque et al. (dash-dot
curve). The solid curve is the
molecular dynamics results
(D. Levesque, L. Verlet, and
J. Kurkijarvi, Phys. Rev. A 7:

4.2.20. Diffusion: An Overall View

An electrochemical system runs on the basis of charge-transfer reactions at the
electrodeelectrolyte interfaces. These reactions involve ions or molecules that are
constituents of the electrolyte. Thus, the transport of particles to or away from the
interface becomes an essential condition for the continued electrochemical transfor-
mation of reactants at the interface.
One of the basic mechanisms of ionic transport is diffusion. This type of transport
occurs when the concentration of the diffusing species is different in different parts of
the electrolyte. What makes diffusion occur? This question can be answered on a
macroscopic and on a microscopic level.
The macroscopic view is based on the fact that when the concentration varies with
distance, so does the chemical potential. However, a nonuniformity of chemical
potential implies that the free energy is not the same everywhere and therefore the
system is not at equilibrium. How can the system attain equilibrium? By equalizing
the chemical potential, i.e., by transferring the species from the high-concentration
regions to the low-concentration regions. Thus, the negative gradient of the chemical
potential, behaves like a driving force (see Section 4.2.1) that produces a net
flow, or flux, of the species.
When the driving force is small, it may be taken to be linearly related to the flux.
On this basis, an equation can be derived for the rate of steady-state diffusion, which
is identical in form to the empirical first law of Fick,

The microscopic view of diffusion starts with the movements of individual ions.
Ions dart about haphazardly, executing a random walk. By an analysis of one-dimen-
sional random walk, a simple law can be derived (see Section 4.2.6) for the mean
square distance traversed by an ion in a time t. This is the EinsteinSmoluchowski

It also turns out that the random walk of individual ions is able to give rise to a
flux, or flow, on the level of the group. Diffusion is simply the result of there being
more random-walking particles in one region than in another (see Section 4.2.6). The
gradient of chemical potential is therefore only a pseudoforce that can be regarded as
operating on a society of ions but not on individual ions.
The first law of Fick tells one how the concentration gradient is related to the flux
under steady-state conditions; it says nothing about how the system goes from
nonequilibrium to steady state when a diffusion source or sink is set up inside or at the
boundary of the system. Thus, it says nothing about how the concentration changes
with time at different distances from the source or sink. In other words, Ficks first
law is inapplicable to nonsteady-state diffusion. For this, one has to go to Ficks second

which relates the time and space variations of the concentration during diffusion.
Ficks second law is a partial differential equation. Thus, it describes the general
characteristics of all diffusion problems but not the details of any one particular
diffusion process. Hence, the second law must be solved with the aid of the initial and
boundary conditions that characterize the particular problem.
The solution of Ficks second law is facilitated by the use of Laplace transforms,
which convert the partial differential equation into an easily integrable total differential
equation. By utilizing Laplace transforms, the concentration of diffusing species as a
function of time and distance from the diffusion sink when a constant normalized
current, or flux, is switched on at t = 0 was shown to be

With the solution of this problem (in which the flux varies as a unit-step function with
time), one can easily generate the solution of other problems in which the current, or
flux, varies with time in other ways, e.g., as a periodic function or as a single pulse.
When the current, or flux, is a single impulse, an instantaneous-plane source for
diffusion is set up and the concentration variation is given by

in the presence of a boundary. From this expression, it turns out that in a time t, only
a certain fraction (two-thirds) of the particles travel the distance given by the Einstein
Smoluchowski equation. Actually, the spatial distribution of the particles at a given
time is given by a semi-bell-shaped distribution curve.
The final step involves the relation of the diffusion coefficient to the structure of
the medium and the forces operating there. It is all a matter of the mean distance l
through which ions jump during the course of their random walk and of the mean jump
frequency k. The latter can be expressed in terms of the theory of rate processes, so
that one ends up with an expression for the rate of diffusion that is in principle derivable
from the local structure of the medium.
There is more than one way of calculating diffusion coefficients, and a method
being used increasingly involves molecular dynamics. Some description of this
technique is given in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.17. One aspect of it is the velocity
autocorrelation function as explained in Section 4.2.19.
This then is an elementary picture of diffusion. The next task is to consider the
phenomenon of conduction, i.e., the migration of ions in an electric field.

Further Reading

1. M. Smoluchowski, Diffusive Movements in Liquids, Ann. Physik (Paris) 25:205 (1908).
2. A. Einstein, Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, Methuen & Co., London
3. Lin Yong and M. T. Simned, Measurement of Diffusivity in Liquid Systems, in
Physicochemical Measurements at High Temperatures, J. OM. Bockris, J. L. White, and
J. W. Tomlinson, eds., Butterworth, London (1959).

1. J. G. Wijmans and R. W. Baker, The Solution-Diffusion Model: A Review, J. Membr.
Sci. 107: 1 (1995).

1. T. Munakata and Y. Kaneko, Phys. Rev. E.: Stat. Phys. Plasmas, Fluids, Relat. Interdiscip.
Top. 47: 4076 (1993).
2. J. P. Simmon, P. Turq, and A. Calado, J. Phys. Chem. 97: 5019 (1993).
3. S. Rondot, J. Cazaux, and O. Aaboubi, Science 263: 1739 (1994).
4. E. Hawlichka, Chem. Soc. Rev. 24: 367 (1994).
5. Z. A. Metaxiotou and S. G. Nychas, AIChE J 41: 812 (1995).
6. R. Biswas, S. Roy, and B. Bagchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75: 1098 (1995).


4.3.1. Creation of an Electric Field in an Electrolyte

Assume that two plane-parallel electrodes are introduced into an electrolytic

solution so as to cover the end walls of the rectangular insulating container (Fig. 4.41).
With the aid of an external source, let a potential difference be applied across the
electrodes. How does this applied potential difference affect the ions in the solution?
The potential in the solution has to vary from the value at one electrode, to
that at the other electrode, The major portion of this potential drop occurs
across the two electrode-solution interfaces (see Chapter 6); i.e., if the potentials on
the solution side of the two interfaces are and then the interfacial potential
differences are and (Fig. 4.42). The remaining potential drop,
occurs in the electrolytic solution. The electrolytic solution is therefore a region
of space in which the potential at a point is a function of the distance of that point from
the electrodes.
Let the test ion in the solution be at the point where the potential is (Fig.
4.43). This potential is by definition the work done to bring a unit of positive charge
from infinity up to the particular point. [In the course of this journey of the test charge
from infinity to the particular point, it may have to cross phase boundaries, for example,
the electrolyte-air boundary, and thereby do extra work (see Chapter 6). Such surface
work terms cancel out, however, in discussions of the differences in potential between
two points in the same medium.] If another point is chosen on the normal from to
the electrodes, then the potential at is different from that at because of the variation

Fig. 4.41. An electrochemical system consisting

of two plane-parallel electrodes immersed in an
electrolytic solution is connected to a source of
potential difference.

Fig. 4.42. Diagram to illustrate how the total po-

tential difference is distributed in the re-
gion between the two electrodes.

of the potential along the distance coordinate between the electrodes. Let the potential
at be Then the difference in potential between the two points, is the
work done to take a unit of charge from to
When this work is divided by the distance over which the test charge is
transferred, i.e., one obtains the force per unit charge, or the electric field X

Fig. 4.43. The work done to trans-

port a unit of positive charge from
x1 to x2 in the solution is equal to the
difference in electrostatic po-
tential at the two points.

where the minus sign indicates that the force acts on a positive charge in a direction
opposite to the direction of the positive gradient of the potential. In the particular case
under discussion, i.e., parallel electrodes covering the end walls of a rectangular
container, the potential drop in the electrolyte is linear (as in the case of a parallel-plate
condenser), and one can write

In general, however, it is best to be in a position to treat nonlinear potential drops. This

is done by writing (Fig. 4.44)

Fig. 4.44. (a) In the case of a nonlinear

potential variation in the solution, the elec-
tric field at a point is the negative gradient
of the electrostatic potential at that point.
(b) The relative directions of increasing
potential, field, and motion of a positive

Fig. 4.45. A geometric representation of the electric

field in an electrochemical system in which plane-paral-
lel electrodes are immersed in an electrolyte so that they
extend up to the walls of the rectangular insulating
container. The equipotential surfaces are parallel to the

where now the electric field may be a function of x.

The imposition of a potential difference between two electrodes thus makes an
electrolytic solution the scene of operation of an electric field (i.e., an electric force)
acting upon the charges present. This field can be mapped by drawing equipotential
surfaces (all points associated with the same potential lie on the same surface). The
potential map yields a geometric representation of the field. In the case of plane-
parallel electrodes extending to the walls of a rectangular cell, the equipotential
surfaces are parallel to the electrodes (Fig. 4.45).

4.3.2. How Do Ions Respond to the Electric Field?

In the absence of an electric field, ions are in ceaseless random motion. This
random walk of ions has been shown to have an important characteristic: The mean
distance traversed by the ions as a whole is zero because while some are displaced in
one direction, an equal number are displaced in the opposite direction. From a
phenomenological view, therefore, the random walk of ions can be ignored because it
does not lead to any net transport of matter (as long as there is no difference in

Fig. 4.46. (a) Schematic representation of the random

walk of two ions showing that ion 1 is displaced a
distance x = +p and ion 2, a distance x = -p and hence
the mean distance traversed is zero. (b) Since the mean
distance traversed by the ions is zero, there is no net
flux of the ions and from a macroscopic point of view,
they can legitimately be considered at rest.

concentration in various parts of the solution so that net diffusion down the concen-
tration gradient occurs). The net result is as if the ions were at rest (Fig. 4.46).
Under the influence of an electric field, however, the net result of the zigzag
jumping of ions is not zero. Ions feel the electric field; i.e., they experience a force
directing them toward the electrode that is charged oppositely to the charge on the ion.

Fig. 4.47. (a) Schematic representation of the

movements of four ions which random walk in the
presence of a field. Their displacements are +p, -p,
+p, and +p, i.e., the mean displacement is finite. (b)
From a macroscopic point of view, one can ignore
the random walk and consider that each ion drifts in
the direction of the field.

This directed force is equal to the charge on the ion, times the field at the point
where the ion is situated. The driving force of the electric field produces in all ions of
a particular species a velocity component in the direction p of the potential gradient.
Thus, the establishment of a potential difference between the electrodes produces a
drift, or flux, of ions (Fig. 4.47). This drift is the migration (or conduction) of ions in
response to an electric field.
As in diffusion, the relationship between the steady-state flux J of ions and the
driving force of the electric field will be represented by the expression

For small fields, the terms higher than BX will tend to zero. Further, the constant A
must be zero because the flux of ions must vanish when the field is zero. Hence, for
small fields, the flux of ions is proportional to the field (see Section 4.2.2)

4.3.3. The Tendency for a Conflict between Electroneutrality and

When a potential gradient, i.e., electric field, exists in an electrolytic solution, the
positive ions drift toward the negative electrode and the negative ions drift in the
opposite direction. What is the effect of this ionic drift on the state of charge of an
electrolytic solution?
Prior to the application of an external field, there is a time-averaged electroneu-
trality in the electrolyte over a distance that is large compared with (see Section
3.3.8); i.e., the net charge in any macroscopic volume of solution is zero because the
total charge due to the positive ions is equal to the total charge due to the negative
ions. Owing to the electric field, however, ionic drift tends to produce a spatial
separation of charge. Positive ions will try to segregate near the negatively charged
electrode, and negative ions near the positively charged electrode.
This tendency for gross charge separation has an important implication: elec-
troneutrality tends to be upset. Furthermore, the separated charge causing the lack of
electroneutrality tends to set up its own field, which would run counter to the externally
applied field. If the two fields were to become equal in magnitude, the net field in the
solution would become zero. (Thus, the driving force on an ion would vanish and ion
migration would stop.)
It appears from this argument that an electrolytic solution would sustain only a
transient migration of ions and then the tendency to conform to the principle of
electroneutrality would result in a halt in the drift of ions after a short time. A persistent
flow of charge, an electric current, appears to be impossible. In practice, however, an
electrolytic solution can act as a conductor of electricity and is able to pass a current,
i.e., maintain a continuous flow of ions. Is there a paradox here?

4.3.4. Resolution of the Electroneutrality-versus-Conduction

Dilemma: Electron-Transfer Reactions
The solution to the dilemma just posed can be found by comparing an electrolytic
solution with a metallic conductor. In a metallic conductor, there is a lattice of positive
ions that hold their equilibrium positions during the conduction process. In addition,
there are the free conduction electrons which assume responsibility for the transport
of charge. Contact is made to and from the metallic conductor by means of other
metallic conductors [Fig. 4.48(a)]. Hence, electrons act as charge carriers throughout
the entire circuit.
In the case of an electrolytic conductor, however, it is necessary to make electrical
contact to and from the electrolyte by metallic conductors (wires). Thus, here one has
the interesting situation in which electrons transport charge in the external circuit and

Fig. 4.48. Comparison of electric circuits that consist of (a)

a metallic conductor only and (b) an electrolytic conductor
as well as a metallic one.

ions carry the charge in the electrolytic solution [Fig. 4.48(b)]. Obviously, one can
maintain a steady flow of charge (current) in the entire circuit only if there is a change
of charge carrier at the electrodeelectrolyte interface. In other words, for a current to
flow in the circuit, ions have to hand over or take electrons from the electrodes.
Such electron transfers between ions and electrodes result in chemical changes
(changes in the valence or oxidation state of the ions), i.e., in electrodic reactions.
When ions receive electrons from the electrode, they are said to be electronated, or
to undergo reduction; when ions donate electrons to the electrodes, they are said to be
deelectronated, or to undergo oxidation.
The occurrence of a reaction at each electrode is tantamount to removal of equal
amounts of positive and negative charge from the solution. Hence, when electron-
transfer reactions occur at the electrodes, ionic drift does not lead to segregation of
charges and the building up of an electroneutrality field (opposite to the applied field).
Thus, the flow of charge can continue; i.e., the solution conducts. It is an ionic

4.3.5. Quantitative Link between Electron Flow in the Electrodes and

Ion Flow in the Electrolyte: Faradays Law
Charge transfer is the essence of an electrodic reaction. It constitutes the bridge
between the current of electrons in the electrode part of the electrical circuit and the
current of ions in the electrolytic part of the circuit (Fig 4.49). When a steady-state

Fig. 4.49. Diagram for the derivation of Faradays

laws. The electron current in the metallic part of the
circuit must be equal to the ion current in the electro-
lytic part of the circuit.

current is passing through the circuit, there must be a continuity in the currents at the
electrodeelectrolyte interfaces, i.e.,

(This is in fact an example of Kirchhoffs law, which says that the algebraic sum of
the currents at any junction must be zero.) Further, if one multiplies both sides of Eq.
(4.123) by the time t, one obtains

which indicates19 that the quantity of electricity carried by the electrons is equal
to that carried by the ions

Let the quantity of electricity due to electron flow be the charge borne by an
Avogadro number of electrons, i.e., If the charge on each ion partici-
pating in the electrodic reaction is it is easily seen that the number of ions required
to preserve equality of currents [Eq. (4.123)] and equality of charge transported across
the interface in time t [Eq. (4.125)] is

Thus, the requirement of steady-state continuity of current at the interface leads

to the following law: The passage of 1 faraday (F) of charge results in the electrodic
reaction of one equivalent ( moles) of ions, each of charge This is Faradays
law.20 Conversely, if moles of ions undergo charge transfer, then 1 F of electricity
passes through the circuit, or faradays per mole of ions transformed.

4.3.6. The Proportionality Constant Relating Electric Field and Current

Density: Specific Conductivity
In the case of small fields, the steady-state flux of ions can be considered
proportional to the driving force of an electric field (see Section 4.3.2), i.e.,

The product of the current and time is the quantity of electricity.
Alternatively, Faradays law states that if a current of I amp passes for a time t s, then moles of
reactants in the electronic reaction are produced or consumed.

The quantity J is the number of moles of ions crossing a unit area per second. When
J is multiplied by the charge borne by 1 mole of ions one obtains the current density
i, or charge flux, i.e., the quantity of charge crossing a unit area per second. Because
i has direction, it will be written as a vector quantity,

The constant can be set equal to a new constant which is known as the specific
conductivity (Table 4.7). The relation between the current density i and the electric
field X is therefore

The electric field is very simply related (Fig. 4.50) to the potential difference across
the electrolyte, [see Eq. (4.119)],

where l is the distance across the electrolyte. Furthermore, the total current I is equal
to the area A of the electrodes times the current density i

Substituting these relations [Eqs. (4.129) and (4.130)] in the field-current-density

relation [Eq. (4.128)], one has

Fig. 4.50. Schematic repre-

sentation of the variation of the
potential in the electrolytic con-
ductor of length /.


The constants , l, and A determine the resistance R of the solution

and therefore one has the equation

which reexpresses in the conventional Ohms law form the assumption Eq. of (4.122)
concerning flux and driving force.
Thus, an electrolytic conductor obeys Ohms law for all except very high fields
and, under steady-state conditions, it can be represented in an electrical circuit (in
which there is only a dc source) by a resistor. (An analogue must obey the same
equation as the system it represents or simulates.)

Fig. 4.51. Diagram to illustrate the

meaning of the specific conductivity
of an electrolyte.

As in the case of a resistor, the dc resistance of an electrolytic cell increases with the
length of the conductor (distance between the electrodes) and decreases with the area
[cf. Eq. (4.132)]. It can also be seen by rearranging this equation into the form

that the specific conductivity is the conductance 1/R of a cube of electrolytic solution
1 cm long and in area (Fig. 4.51).

4.3.7. Molar Conductivity and Equivalent Conductivity

In the case of metallic conductors, once the specific conductivity is defined, the
macroscopic description of the conductor is complete. In the case of electrolytic

Fig. 4.52. A schematic explanation of the variation

of the specific conductivity with electrolyte concen-

conductors, further characterization is imperative because not only can the concentra-
tion of charge carriers vary but also the charge per charge carrier.
Thus, even though two electrolytic conductors have the same geometry, they need
not necessarily have the same specific conductivity (Fig. 4.52 and Table 4.8); the
number of charge carriers in that normalized geometry may be different, in which case
their fluxes under an applied electric field will be different. Since the specific
conductivity of an electrolytic solution varies as the concentration, one can write

where c is the concentration of the solution in gram-moles of solute dissolved in

of solution.21 The specific conductivities of two solutions can be compared only if they
contain the same concentration of ions. The conclusion is that in order to compare the
conductances of electrolytic conductors, one has to normalize (set the variable quan-
tities equal to unity) not only the geometry but also the concentration of ions.
The normalization of the geometry (taking electrodes of in area and 1 cm
apart) defines the specific conductivity; the additional normalization of the concentra-
tion (taking 1 mole of ions) defines a new quantity, the molar conductivity (Table 4.9),

where V is the volume of solution containing 1 g-mole of solute (Fig. 4.53). Defined
thus, it can be seen that the molar conductivity is the specific conductivity of a solution
times the volume of that solution in which is dissolved 1 g-mole of solute; the molar
conductivity is a kind of conductivity per particle.

As in the case of diffusion fluxes, the concentrations used in the definition of conduction currents (or
fluxes) and conductances are not in the usual moles per liter but in moles per cubic centimeter.

One can usefully compare the molar conductivities of two electrolytic solutions
only if the charges borne by the charge carriers in the two solutions are the same. If
there are singly charged ions in one electrolyte (e.g., NaCl) and doubly charged ions
in the other (e.g., CuSO4), then the two solutions will contain different amounts of
charge even though the same quantity of the two electrolytes is dissolved. In such a
case, the specific conductivities of the two solutions can be compared only if they
contain equivalent amounts of charge. This can be arranged by taking 1 mole of charge
in each case, i.e., 1 mole of ions divided by z, or 1 g-eq of the substance. Thus, the
equivalent conductivity of a solution is the specific conductivity of a solution times
the volume V of that solution containing 1 g-eq of solute dissolved in it (Fig. 4.54 and
Table 4.10). Hence, the equivalent conductivity is given by22

where cz is the number of gram-equivalents per cubic centimeter of solution (see Fig.
4.55 for units of these quantities).
There is a simple relation between the molar and equivalent conductivities. It is
[cf. Eqs. (4.136) and (4.137)]

The equivalent conductivity is in the region of 100 S for

most dilute electrolytes of 1:1 salts.

4.3.8. Equivalent Conductivity Varies with Concentration

At first sight, the title of this section may appear surprising. The equivalent
conductivity has been defined by normalizing the geometry of the system and the
Since 1/z mole of ions is 1 g-eq, c moles is cz g-eq.

Fig. 4.53. Diagram to illustrate the meaning of

the molar conductivity of an electrolyte.

charge of the ions; why then should it vary with concentration? Experiment, however,
gives an unexpected answer. The equivalent conductivity varies significantly with the
concentration of ions (Table 4.11). The direction of the variation may also surprise
some, for the equivalent conductivity increases as the ionic concentration decreases
(Fig. 4.56).
It would be awkward to have to refer to the concentration every time one wished
to state the value of the equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte. One should be able
to define some reference value for the equivalent conductivity. Here, the facts of the
experimental variation of equivalent conductivity with concentration come to ones
aid; as the electrolytic solution is made more dilute, the equivalent conductivity
approaches a limiting value (Fig. 4.57). This limiting value should form an excellent
basis for comparing the conducting powers of different electrolytes, for it is the only
value in which the effects of ionic concentration are removed. The limiting value will
be called the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution, designated by the symbol
(Table 4.12).

Fig. 4.54. Diagram to illustrate the meaning of the equiva-

lent conductivity of an electrolyte.

It may be argued that if at infinite dilution there are no ions of the solute, how can
the solution conduct? The procedure for determining the equivalent conductivity of
an electrolyte at infinite dilution will clarify this problem. One takes solutions of a
substance of various concentrations, determines the , and then normalizes each to the
equivalent conductivity of particular solutions. If these values of are then plotted
against the logarithms of the concentration and this versus log c curve is extrapo-

Fig. 4.55. Definitions and units of the conductivity of electrolyte solutions.


Fig. 4.56. The observed variation of the

equivalent conductivity of CaCI2 with con-

Fig. 4.57. The equivalent conductivity of

an electrolyte at infinite dilution is obtained
by extrapolating the versus log c curve to
zero concentration.

lated, it approaches a limiting value (Fig. 4.57). It is this extrapolated value at zero
concentration that is known as the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution.
Anticipating the atomistic treatment of conduction that follows, it may be men-
tioned that at very low ionic concentrations, the ions are too far apart to exert
appreciable interionic forces on each other. Only under these conditions does one
obtain the pristine version of equivalent conductivity, i.e., values unperturbed by
ionion interactions, which have been shown in Chapter 3 to be concentration
dependent. The state of infinite dilution therefore is not only the reference state for the
study of equilibrium properties (Section 3.3), it is also the reference state for the study
of the nonequilibrium (irreversible) process, which is called ionic conduction, or
migration (see Section 4.1).

4.3.9. How Equivalent Conductivity Changes with Concentration:

Kohlrauschs Law
The experimental relationship between equivalent conductivity and the concen-
tration of an electrolytic solution is found to be best brought out by plotting against
When this is done (Fig. 4.58), it can be seen that up to concentrations of about
0.01 N there is a linear relationship between and thus,

where the intercept is the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution and the slope
of the straight line is a positive constant A.
This empirical relationship between the equivalent conductivity and the square
root of concentration is a law named after Kohlrausch. His extremely careful meas-
urements of the conductance of electrolytic solutions can be considered to have played
a leading role in the initiation of ionics, the physical chemistry of ionic solutions.

Fig. 4.58. The experimental basis for

Kohlrauschs law: versus plots con-
sist of straight lines.

However, Kohlrauschs law [Eq. (4.139)] had to remain nearly 40 years without a
theoretical basis.
The justification of Kohlrauschs law on theoretical grounds cannot be obtained
within the framework of a macroscopic description of conduction. It requires an
intimate view of ions in motion. A clue to the type of theory required emerges from
the empirical findings by Kohlrausch: (1) the dependence and (2) the intercepts
and slopes A of the versus curves depend not so much on the particular
electrolyte (whether it is KCl or NaCl) as on the type of electrolyte (whether it is a 1:1
or 2:2 electrolyte) (Fig. 4.59). All this is reminiscent of the dependence of the activity
coefficient on (Chapter 3), to explain which the subtleties of ionion interactions
had to be explored. Such interactions between positive and negative ions would
determine to what extent they would influence each other when they move, and this
would in turn bring about a fall in conductivity.
Kohlrauschs law will therefore be left now with only the sanction of experiment.
Its incorporation into a theoretical scheme will be postponed until the section on the
atomistic view of conduction is reached (see Section 4.6.12).

4.3.10. Vectorial Character of Current: Kohlrauschs Law of the

Independent Migration of Ions
The driving force for ionic drift, i.e., the electric field X, not only has a particular
magnitude, it also acts in a particular direction. It is a vector. Since the ionic current
density j, i.e., the flow of electric charge, is proportional to the electric field operating
in a solution [Eq. (4.128)],

Fig. 4.59. The experimental versus

plots depend largely on the type of

the ionic current density must also be a vector. Vectorial quantities are often designated
by arrows placed over the quantities (unless their directed character is obvious) or are
indicated by bold type. Hence, Eq. (4.128) can be written

How is this current density constituted? What are its components? What is the
structure of this ionic current density?
The imposition of an electric field on the electrolyte (Fig. 4.60) makes the positive
ions drift toward the negative electrode and the negative ions drift in the opposite
direction. The flux of positive ions gives rise to a positive-ion current density
and the flux of negative ions in the opposite direction results in a negative-ion
current density By convention, the direction of current flow is taken to be either
the direction in which positive charge flows or the direction opposite to that in which
the negative charge flows. Hence, the positive-ion flux corresponds to a current
toward the negative electrode and the negative-ion flux also corresponds to a
current in the same direction as that due to the positive ions.
It can be concluded therefore that the total current density is made up of two
contributions, one due to a flux of positive ions and the other due to a flux of negative
ions. Furthermore, assuming for the moment that the drift of positive ions toward the

Fig. 4.60. Schematic representation of the direction of the

drifts (and fluxes) of positive and negative ions acted on by
an electric field.

negative electrode does not interfere with the drift of negative ions in the opposite
direction, it follows that the component current densities are additive, i.e.,

Do ions migrate independently? Is the drift of the positive ions in one direction
uninfluenced by the drift of the negative ions in the opposite direction? This is so if,
and only if, the force fields of the ions do not overlap significantly, i.e., if there is
negligible interaction or coupling between the ions. Coulombic ionion interactions
usually establish such coupling. The only conditions under which the absence of
ionion interactions can be assumed occur when the ions are infinitely far apart.
Strictly speaking, therefore, ions migrate independently only at infinite dilution. Under
these conditions, one can proceed from Eq. (4.141) to write

or [from Eq. (4.128)],


This is Kohlrauschs law of the independent migration of ions: The equivalent

conductivity (at infinite dilution) of an electrolytic solution is the sum of the equivalent
conductivities (at infinite dilution) of the ions constituting the electrolyte (Table 4.13).
At appreciable concentrations, the ions can be regarded as coupled or interacting
with each other (see the ion-atmosphere model of Chapter 3). This results in the drift
of positive ions toward the negative electrode, hindering the drift of negative ions
toward the positive electrode; i.e., the interionic interaction results in the positive ions
equivalent conductivity reducing the magnitude of the negative ions equivalent
conductivity to below the infinite dilution value, and vice versa. To make quantitative
estimates of these effects, however, one must calculate the influence of ionic-cloud
effects on the phenomenon of conduction, a task that will be taken up further on.


4.4.1. Ionic Movements under the Influence of an Applied Electric Field

In seeking an atomic view of the process of conduction, one approach is to begin
with the picture of ionic movements as described in the treatment of diffusion (Section
4.2.4) and then to consider how these movements are perturbed by an electric field. In
the treatment of ionic movements, it was stated that the ions in solution perform a
random walk in which all possible directions are equally likely for any particular step.
The analysis of such a random walk indicated that the mean displacement of ions is
zero (Section 4.2.4), diffusion being the result of the statistical bias in the movement
of ions, due to inequalities in their numbers in different regions.
When, however, the ions are situated in an electric field, their movements are
affected by the fact that they are charged. Hence, the imposition of an electric field
singles out one direction in space (the direction parallel to the field) for preferential
ionic movement. Positively charged particles will prefer to move toward the negative
electrode, and negatively charged particles, in the opposite direction. The walk is no
longer quite random. The ions drift.

Another way of looking at ionic drift is to consider the fate of any particular ion
under the field. The electric force field would impart to it an acceleration according to
Newtons second law. Were the ion completely isolated (e.g., in vacuum), it would
accelerate indefinitely until it collided with the electrode. In an electrolytic solution,
however, the ion very soon collides with some other ion or solvent molecule that
crosses its path. This collision introduces a discontinuity in its speed and direction.
The motion of the ion is not smooth; it is as if the medium offers resistance to the
motion of the ion. Thus, the ion stops and starts and zigzags. However, the applied
electric field imparts to the ion a direction (that of the oppositely charged electrode),
and the ion gradually works its way, though erratically, in the direction of this
electrode. The ion drifts in a preferred direction.

4.4.2. Average Value of the Drift Velocity

Any particular ion starts off after a collision with a velocity that may be in any
direction; this is the randomness in its walk. The initial velocity can be ignored precisely
because it can take place in any direction and therefore does not contribute to the drift
(preferred motion) of the ion. But the ion is all the time under the influence of the
applied-force field.23 This force imparts a component to the velocity of the ion, an
extra velocity component in the same direction as the force vector It is this additional
velocity component due to the force that is called the drift velocity What is its
average value?
From Newtons second law, it is known that the force divided by the mass of the
particle is equal to the acceleration. Thus,

Now the time between collisions is a random quantity. Sometimes the collisions
may occur in rapid succession; at others, there may be fairly long intervals. It is
possible, however, to talk of a mean time between collisions, In Section 4.2.5, it was
shown that the number of collisions (steps) is proportional to the time. If N collisions
occur in a time t, then the average time between collisions is t/N. Hence,

The average value of that component of the velocity of an ion picked up from the
externally applied force is the product of the acceleration due to this force and the
average time between collisions. Hence, the drift velocity is given by

The argument is developed in general for any force, not necessarily an electric force.

This is an important relation. It opens up many vistas. For example, through the
mean time one can relate the drift velocity to the details of ionic jumps between
sites, as was done in the case of diffusion (Section 4.2.15).
Furthermore, the relation (4.147) shows that the drift velocity is proportional to
the driving force of the electric field. The flux of ions will be shown (Section 4.4.4)
to be related to the drift velocity24 in the following way:

Thus, if the in Eq. (4.147) is the electric force that stimulates conduction, then this
equation is the molecular basis of the fundamental relation used in the macroscopic
view of conduction [see Eq. (4.122)], i.e.,

The derivation of the basic relation (4.147) reveals the conditions under which
the proportionality between drift velocity (or flux) and electric field breaks down. It
is essential to the derivation that in a collision, an ion does not preserve any part of its
extra velocity component arising from the force field. If it did, then the actual drift
velocity would be greater than that calculated by Eq. (4.147) because there would be
a cumulative carryover of the extra velocity from collision to collision. In other words,
every collision must wipe out all traces of the force-derived extra velocity, and the ion
must start afresh to acquire the additional velocity. This condition can be satisfied only
if the drift velocity, and therefore the field, is small (see the autocorrelation function,
Section 4.2.19).

4.4.3. Mobility of Ions

It has been shown that when random-walking ions are subjected to a directed force
they acquire a nonrandom, directed component of velocitythe drift velocity
This drift velocity is in the direction of the force and is proportional to it

The dimensions of flux are moles per square centimeter per second, and they are equal to the product of
the dimensions of concentration expressed in moles per cubic centimeter and velocity expressed in
centimeters per second.

Since the proportionality constant is of considerable importance in discus-

sions of ionic transport, it is useful to refer to it with a special name. It is called the
absolute mobility because it is an index of how mobile the ions are. The absolute
mobility, designated by the symbol is a measure of the drift velocity acquired
by an ionic species when it is subjected to a force i.e.,

which means that the absolute mobility is the drift velocity developed under unit
applied force and the units in which it is available in the literature are
centimeters per second per dyne.
For example, one might have an electric field X of in the electrolyte
solution and observe a drift velocity of The electric force operating
on the ion is equal to the electric force per unit charge, i.e., the electric field X, times
the charge on each ion

for univalent ions. Hence, the absolute mobility is

In electrochemical literature, however, mobilities of ions are not usually expressed

in the absolute form defined in Eq. (4.149). Instead, they are more normally recorded
as the drift velocities in unit electric field and will be referred to here as
conventional (electrochemical) mobilities with the symbol
The relation between the absolute and conventional mobilities follows from Eq.


Thus, the conventional and absolute mobilities are proportional to each other, the
proportionality constant being an integral multiple of the electronic charge. In the
example cited earlier,

Though the two types of mobilities are closely related, it must be stressed that the
concept of absolute mobility is more general because it can be used for any force that
determines the drift velocity of ions and not only the electric force used in the definition
of conventional mobilities.

4.4.4. Current Density Associated with the Directed Movement of Ions

in Solution, in Terms of Ionic Drift Velocities
It is the aim now to show how the concept of drift velocity can be used to obtain
an expression for the ionic current density flowing through an electrolyte in response
to an externally applied electric field. Consider a transit plane of unit area normal to
the direction of drift (Fig. 4.61). Both the positive and the negative ions will drift across
this plane. Consider the positive ions first, and let their drift velocity be
or simply Then, in 1 s, all positive ions within a distance cm of the transit
plane will cross it. The flux of positive ions (i.e., the number of moles of these ions
arriving in 1 second at the plane of unit area) is equal to the number of moles of positive
ions in a volume of in area and v cm in length (with t = 1 s). Hence, is equal
to the volume in cubic centimeters times the concentration expressed in moles
per cubic centimeter

The flow of charge across the plane due to this flux of positive ions (i.e., the current
density ) is obtained by multiplying the flux by the charge borne by 1 mole
of ions

This, however, is only the contribution of the positive ions. Other ionic species
will make their own contributions of current density. In general, therefore, the current
density due to the ith species will be

Fig. 4.61. Diagram for the derivation of a relation between the

current density and the drift velocity.

The total current density due to the contribution of all the ionic species will
therefore be

If a z:z-valent electrolyte is taken, then and and one has

By recalling that the ionic drift velocities are related through the force operating
on the ions to the ionic mobilities [Eq. (4.151)], it will be realized that Eq. (4.157) is
the basic expression from which may be derived the expressions for conductance,
equivalent conductivity, specific conductivity, etc.

4.4.5. Specific and Equivalent Conductivities in Terms of Ionic

Let the fundamental expression for the drift velocity of ions [Eq. (4.151)] be
substituted in Eq. (4.157) for current density. One obtains

or, from Eq. (4.128)


which reduces in the special case of a z:z-valent electrolyte to

Several conclusions follow from this atomistic expression for specific conductiv-
ity. First, it is obvious from this equation that the specific conductivity of an
electrolyte cannot be a concentration-independent constant (as it is in the case of
metals). It will vary because the number of moles of ions per unit volume c can be
varied in an electrolytic solution.
Second, the specific conductivity can easily be related to the molar and
equivalent conductivities. Take the case of a z:z-valent electrolyte. With Eqs.
(4.161), (4.136), and (4.138), it is found that


What does Eq. (4.163) reveal? It shows that the equivalent conductivity will be a
constant independent of concentration only if the electrical mobility does not vary with
concentration. It will be seen, however, that ionion interactions (which have been
shown in Section 3.3.8 to depend on concentration) prevent the electrical mobility
from being a constant. Hence, the equivalent conductivity must be a function of

4.4.6. The Einstein Relation between the Absolute Mobility and the
Diffusion Coefficient
The process of diffusion results from the random walk of ions; the process of
migration (i.e., conduction) results from the drift velocity acquired by ions when they
experience a force. The drift of ions does not obviate their random walk; in fact, it is
superimposed on their random walk. Hence, the drift and the random walk must be

intimately linked. Einstein realized this and deduced a vital relation between the
absolute mobility which is a quantitative characteristic of the drift, and the
diffusion coefficient D, which is a quantitative characteristic of the random walk.
Both diffusion and conduction are nonequilibrium (irreversible) processes and are
therefore not amenable to the methods of equilibrium thermodynamics or equilibrium
statistical mechanics. In these latter disciplines, the concepts of time and change are
absent. It is possible, however, to imagine a situation where the two processes oppose
and balance each other and a pseudoequilibrium obtains. This is done as follows
(Fig. 4.62).
Consider a solution of an electrolyte MX to which a certain amount of radioactive
ions are added in the form of the salt MX. Further, suppose that the tracer ions are
not dispersed uniformly throughout the solution; instead, let there be a concentration
gradient of the tagged species so that its diffusion flux is given by Ficks first law

Now let an electric field be applied. Each tagged ion feels the field, and the drift
velocity is

This drift velocity produces a current density given by [cf. Eq. (4.154)]25

i.e., a conduction flux that is arrived at by dividing the conduction current density
by the charge per mole of ions

Albert Einsteins name remains firmly as that of the most well know scientist in the world, and his name
gives rise to the image students have of what it is like to be a scientist. This is because he produced two
theories which few other scientists understand but seem to show that, in extreme situations of mass and/or
velocity, the world is not what it seems at all. But the fertility of Einsteins thought extended in several
other directions and most of them are presented in this chapter. Thus, he produced a theory of Brownian
motion (and related it to the net movement in one direction of a diffusing particle); he joined the ancient
law of Stokes to diffusion and showed how knowledge of viscosity and the radius of a particle allowed
one to know the corresponding diffusion coefficient; and he gave rise to a most unexpected connection of
the coefficient of diffusion to the rate of the vectorial drift of ions under an electric field (later taken up by
Nernst and connected to conductivity). If Relativity is Einsteins most famous work, that which has been
most immediately useful lies in electrochemistry.
Many books have described Einsteins life, particularly after he came to Princeton. He was a stickler for
time keeping and rode a bike to the office, 9:00 arrival, riding home again at 1:00 p.m. to work with his
assistant in mathematics. But he sometimes caused embarrassment in the social scenearriving, say, at a
formal banquet in dinner jacketed and black tie, but wearing casual grey pants and sandals (no socks). To
questions about this, his rejoinder was logical: The invitation said Dinner jacket and black tie.
In Eq. (4.154), one will find the reason is that, in Section 4.4.4, the drift velocity of a positive ion,
had been concisely written as

Fig. 4.62. An imaginary situation in which the

applied field is adjusted so that the conduction flux
of tagged ions (the only ones shown in the dia-
gram) is exactly equal and opposite to the diffu-
sion flux.

By introducing the expression (4.149) for the drift velocity into (4.165), the
conduction flux becomes

The applied field is adjusted so that the conduction flux exactly compensates for
the diffusion flux. In other words, if the tracer ions (which are positively charged) are
diffusing toward the positive electrode, then the magnitude of the applied field is such
that the positively charged electrode repels the positive tracer ions to an extent that
their net flux is zero. Thus



Under these balanced conditions, the situation may be regarded as tantamount

to equilibrium because there is no net flux or transport of ions. Hence, the Boltzmann
law can be used. The argument is that since the potential varies along the x direction,
the concentration of ions at any distance x is given by

where U is the potential energy of an ion in the applied field and is the concentration
in a region where the potential energy is zero. Differentiating this expression, one

But, by the definition of force,

Hence, from Eqs. (4.169) and (4.170), one obtains

If, now, Eqs. (4.167) and (4.171) are compared, it is obvious that


This is the Einstein relation. It is probably the most important relation in the theory
of the movements and drift of ions, atoms, molecules, and other submicroscopic
particles. It has been derived here in an atomistic way. It will be recalled that in the
phenomenological treatment of the diffusion coefficient (Section 4.2.3), it was shown that

where B was an undetermined phenomenological coefficient. If one combines Eqs.

(4.172) and (4.17), it is clear that


Thus, one has provided a fundamental basis for the phenomenological coefficient B;
it is the absolute mobility divided by the Avogadro number.
The Einstein relation also permits experiments on diffusion to be linked up with
other phenomena involving the mobility of ions, i.e., phenomena in which there are
forces that produce drift velocities. Two such forces are the force experienced by an
ion when it overcomes the viscous drag of a solution and the force arising from an
applied electric field. Thus, the diffusion coefficient may be linked up to the viscosity
(the StokesEinstein relation) and to the equivalent conductivity (the NernstEinstein

4.4.7. Drag (or Viscous) Force Acting on an Ion in Solution

Striking advances in science sometimes arise from seeing the common factors in
two apparently dissimilar situations. One such advance was made by Einstein when
he intuitively asserted the similarity between a macroscopic sphere moving in an
incompressible fluid and a particle (e.g., an ion) moving in a solution (Fig. 4.63).
The macroscopic sphere experiences a viscous, or drag, force that opposes its
motion. The value of the drag force depends on several factorsthe velocity v and
diameter d of the sphere and the viscosity and density of the medium. These factors
can all be combined and used to define a dimensionless quantity known as the Reynolds
number (Re) defined thus:

Fig. 4.63. An ion drifting in an electrolytic solution is like

a sphere (of the same radius as the ion) moving in an
incompressible medium (of the same viscosity as the

When the hydrodynamic conditions are such that this Reynolds number is much
smaller than unity, Stokes showed that the drag force F opposing the sphere is given
by the following relation

where v is the velocity of the macroscopic body. The relation is known as Stokes law.
Its derivation is lengthy and awkward because the most convenient coordinates to
describe the sphere and its environment are spherical coordinates and those to describe
the flow are rectangular coordinates.
The real question, of course, centers around the applicability of Stokes law to
microscopic ions moving in a structured medium in which the surrounding particles
are roughly the same size as the ions. Initially, one can easily check on whether the
Reynolds number is smaller than unity for ions drifting through an electrolyte. With
the use of the values poise, and
it turns out that the Reynolds number for an ion moving through an electrolyte is about
Thus, the hydrodynamic condition Re << 1 required for the validity of Stokes
law is easily satisfied by an ion in solution.
However, the hydrodynamic problem that Stokes solved to get v pertains
to a sphere moving in an incompressible continuum fluid. This is a far cry indeed from
the actuality of an ion drifting inside a discontinuous electrolyte containing particles
(solvent molecules, other ions, etc.) of about the same size as the ion. Furthermore,
the ions considered may not be spherical.
From this point of view, the use of Stokes law for the viscous force experienced
by ions is a bold step. Several attempts have been made over a long time to theorize
about the viscous drag on tenths of nanometer-sized particles in terms of a more
realistic model than that used by Stokes. It has been shown, for example, that if the
moving particle is cylindrical and not spherical, the factor should be replaced by
While refraining from the none-too-easy analysis of the degree of applicability of
Stokes law to ions in electrolytes, one point must be stressed. For sufficiently small
ions, Stokes law does not have a numerical significance26 greater than about
Attempts to tackle the problem of the flow of ions in solution without resorting to
Stokes law do not give much better results.

Stokes law is often used in electrochemical problems, but its approximate nature is not always brought
out. Apart from the validity of extrapolating from the macroscopicsphere-continuum-fluid model of
Stokes to atomic near-spheres in a molecular liquid, another reason for the limited validity of Stokes law
arises from questions concerning the radii which should be substituted in any application of the law. These
should not be the crystallographic radii, and an appraisal of the correct value implies a rather detailed
knowledge of the structure of the solvation sheath (see Section 2.4). Furthermore, the viscosity used in
Stokes law is the bulk average viscosity of the whole solution, whereas it is the local viscosity in the
neighborhood of the ion that should be taken. The two may not be the same, because the ion's field may
affect the solvent structure and hence its viscosity.

4.4.8. The StokesEinstein Relation

During the course of diffusion, the individual particles are executing the compli-
cated starts, accelerations, collisions, stops, and zigzags that have come to be known
as random walk. When a particle is engaged in its random walk, it is of course subject
to the viscous drag force exerted by its environment. The application of Stokes law
to these detailed random motions is no easy matter because of the haphazard variation
in the speed and direction of the particles. Instead, one can apply Stokes law to the
diffusional movements of ions by adopting the following artifice suggested by
When diffusion is occurring, it can be considered that there is a driving force
operating on the particles. This driving force produces a steady-state diffusion
flux J, corresponding to which [cf. Eq. (4.14)] one can imagine a drift velocity for
the diffusing particles.27 Since this velocity is a steady-state velocity, the diffusional
driving force must be opposed by an equal resistive force, which will be taken
to be the Stokes viscous force Hence,

The existence of a charge on a moving body has the following effect on a polar
solvent: It tends to produce an orientation of solvent dipoles in the vicinity of the ion.
Since, however, the charge is moving, once oriented, the dipoles take some finite
relaxation time to disorient. During this relaxation time, a relaxation force operates
on the ion; this relaxation force is equivalent to an additional frictional force on the
ion and results in an expression for the drag force of the form

where s is and is the dielectric constant of the medium. The

correction may be as much as 25% but will be neglected here in the interest of deriving
the classical StokesEinstein relation.
One can therefore define the absolute mobility for the diffusing particles by
dividing the drift velocity by either the diffusional driving force or the equal and
opposite Stokes viscous force

The hypothetical nature of the argument lies in the fact that in diffusion, there is no actual force exerted
on the particles. Consequently, there is not the actual force-derived component of the velocity; i.e., there
is no actual drift velocity (see Section 4.2.1). Thus, the drift velocity enters the argument only as a device.

The fundamental expression (4.172) relating the diffusion coefficient and the absolute
mobility can be written thus:

By equating Eqs. (4.177) and (4.178), the StokesEinstein relation is obtained.

It links the processes of diffusion and viscous flow.

The StokesEinstein relation proved extremely useful in the classical work of
Perrin. Using an ultramicroscope, he watched the random walk of a colloidal particle,
and from the mean square distance traveled in a time t, he obtained the diffusion
coefficient D from the relation (4.27)

The weight of the colloidal particles and their density being known, their radius r was
then obtained. Then the viscosity of the medium could be used to obtain the
Boltzmann constant



and thus the Avogadro number could be determined.

The use of Stokes law also permits the derivation of a very simple relation
between the viscosity of a medium and the conventional electrochemical mobility
Starting from the earlier derived equation (4.177)

one substitutes for the absolute mobility the expression from Eq. (4.152)

and gets the result

This relation shows that, owing to the Stokes viscous force, the conventional mobility
of an ion depends on the charge and radius28 of the solvated ion and the viscosity of
the medium. The mobility given by Eq. (4.183) is often called the Stokes mobility. It
will be seen later that the Stokes mobility is a highly simplified expression for mobility,
and ionion interaction effects introduce a concentration dependence that is not seen
in Eq. (4.183).

4.4.9. The NernstEinstein Equation

Now the Einstein relation (4.172) will be used to connect the transport processes
of diffusion and conduction. The starting point is the basic equation relating the
equivalent conductivity of a z:z-valent electrolyte to the conventional mobilities of the
ions, i.e., to the drift velocities under a potential gradient of 1 V

By using the relation between the conventional and absolute mobilities, Eq. (4.163)
can be written

With the aid of the Einstein relation (4.172),

one can transform Eq. (4.184) into the form

Earlier, the radius dependence of the conventional mobility was used to obtain information on the solvation
number (see Section 2.8).

This is one form of the NernstEinstein equation; from a knowledge of the diffusion
coefficients of the individual ions, it permits a calculation of the equivalent conduc-
tivity. A more usual form of the NernstEinstein equation is obtained by multiplying
numerator and denominator by the Avogadro number, in which case it is obvious that

4.4.10. Some Limitations of the NernstEinstein Relation

There were several aspects of the StokesEinstein relation that reduced it to being
only an approximate relation between the diffusion coefficient of an ionic species and
the viscosity of the medium. In addition, there were fundamental questions regarding
the extrapolation of a law derived for macroscopic spheres moving in an incompress-
ible medium to a situation involving the movement of ions in an environment of solvent
molecules and other ions. In the case of the NernstEinstein relation, the factors that
limit its validity are more subtle.
An implicit but principal requirement for the NernstEinstein equation to hold is
that the species involved in diffusion must also be the species responsible for conduc-
tion. Suppose now that the species M exists not only as ions but also as ion pairs
of the type described in Section 3.8.1.
The diffusive transport of M proceeds through both ions and ion pairs. In the
conduction process, however, the situation is different (Fig. 4.64). The applied electric
field exerts a driving force on only the charged particles. An ion pair as a whole is
electrically neutral; it does not feel the electric field. Thus, ion pairs are not participants
in the conduction process. This point is of considerable importance in conduction in
nonaqueous media (see Section 4.7.12).
In systems where ion-pair formation is possible, the mobility calculated from the
diffusion coefficient is not equal to the mobility calculated from the
equivalent conductivity and therefore the NernstEin-
stein equation, which is based on equating these two mobilities, may not be completely
valid. In practice, one finds a degree of nonapplicability of up to 25%.
Another important limitation on the NernstEinstein equation in electrolytic
solutions may be approached through the following considerations. The diffusion
coefficient is in general not a constant. This has been pointed out in Section 4.2.3,
where the following expression was derived,

It is clear that BRT is the value of the diffusion coefficient when the solution behaves
ideally, i.e., f = 1; this ideal value of the diffusion coefficient will be called Hence,

Fig. 4.64. The difference in the be-

havior of neutral ion pairs during dif-
fusion and conduction.

and making use of the DebyeHckel limiting law for the activity coefficient (see
Section 3.5),

one has

an expression which shows how the diffusion coefficient varies with concentration.
In addition, there is Kohlrauschs law

where is the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution, i.e., the ideal value.
From Eqs. (4.189) and (4.139), it is obvious that the diffusion coefficient D and
the equivalent conductivity have different dependencies on concentration (Fig.
4.65). This experimentally observed fact has an important implication as far as the

Fig. 4.65. The variation of the diffusion coef-

ficient and the equivalent conductivity with

applicability of the NernstEinstein equation in electrolytic solutions is concerned. If

the equation is true at one concentration, it cannot be true at another because the
diffusion coefficient and the equivalent conductivity have varied to different extents
in going from one concentration to the other.
The above argument brings out an important point about the limitations of the
NernstEinstein equation. It does not matter whether the diffusion coefficient and the
equivalent conductivity vary with concentration; to introduce deviations into the
NernstEinstein equation, D and must have different concentration dependencies.
The concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient has been shown to be due
to nonideality i.e., due to ionion interactions, and it will be shown later that
the concentration dependence of the equivalent conductivity is also due to ionion
interactions. It is not the existence of interactions per se that underlies deviations from
the NernstEinstein equation; otherwise, molten salts and ionic crystals, in which there
are strong interionic forces, would show far more than the observed few percent
deviation of experimental data from values calculated by the NernstEinstein equa-
tion. The essential point is that the interactions must affect the diffusion coefficient
and the equivalent conductivity by different mechanisms and thus to different extents.
How this comes about for diffusion and conduction in solution will be seen later.
In solutions of electrolytes, the terms in the expressions for D and tend to
zero as the concentration of the electrolytic solution decreases, and the differences in
the concentration variation of D and become more and more negligible; in other
words, the NernstEinstein equation becomes increasingly valid for electrolytic
solutions with increasing dilution.

4.4.11. The Apparent Ionic Charge

In Eqs. (4.172) and (4.186), two relations between the random movement of
particles and directed drift (mobility under an electric field gradient) have been

deduced. In Eq. (4.172), D is related to ionic mobility (Einstein equation) and in Eq.
(4.186), it is related to the equivalent conductivity (NernstEinstein equation).
The relations derived were based upon very acceptable concepts, such as the
random movement of particles in fluids, or their drift in the direction of an applied
electric field. These ideas are so general that they cannot be doubtedthey do not
involve models later found to be wrong and to be displaced by other models, etc. For
this reason, equations such as those named above are called phenomenological,
meaning that they involve phenomena (drift and random movement) that cannot be
doubted by the greatest skeptic. They happen.
One gets a mild shock therefore when one looks into the experimental tests of
these equations, for only under extremely simple conditions (in fact, very dilute
solutions) do they work out to be correct. Although the results never hint that the
equations are wrong, there is sufficient discrepancy (e.g., between the diffusion
coefficient calculated by using an experimental mobility substituted in the Einstein
equation and that determined by direct experiment) for one to take notice and form
some idea of a puzzle. How can simple mathematical reasoning based on the existence
of movements undeniably present give rise to error?
There are two kinds of response to this challenge. In the first, one can invent
special models to explain the observed discrepancy. One such model is displayed on
several pages of Chapter 5it deals with the deviations from the Einstein equations
in hightemperature ionic liquids. It is suggested that the discrepancies arise because
there are some kinds of molecular movements that contribute to diffusion but not to
conduction. One kind of diffusive mode involves pairs of oppositely charged ions
moving together. This would contribute to D, but because a pair of oppositely charged
ions carries no net charge, its movement would not contribute to the mobility or to
the equivalent conductivity which reflects only the movement of individual charged
particles moving under an applied field. This kind of movementindividual ionic
movementcontributes to also. Therefore, receives two kinds of contri-
butions (uncharged pairs and charged individuals), but the receives only one (that
of the individual charges). Clearly then, the determined from radiotracer experi-
ments would be greater than the D calculated from the Einstein or NernstEinstein
equations because in their deduction only individual ions countthose that drift in
one direction under the applied field, and not pairs of ions, which the field cannot
This explanation is all very well for the liquid sodium chloride type of case, but
deviations from the predictions of the NernstEinstein equation occur in dilute
aqueous solutions also, and here the + and ions are separated by stretches of water,
and ion pairs do not form significantly until about 0.1 M.
Because deviations from the NernstEinstein equation are so widespread, and
because the reasoning that gives rise to the equation is phenomenological, it is better
to work out a general kind of noncommittal responseone that is free of a specific
model such as that suggested in the molten salt case (see Section 5.2). The response

is to suggest that it is useful to imagine that ions carry (effectively), not the charge we
would normally associate with them (e.g., 2 for but a slightly different
chargeone which, when used in the NernstEinstein equation in the form (4.186)
will make the D to which it gives rise have the same value as the experimental one. It
is clear that this way of describing a discrepancy from what is expected from reasoning
that is evidently too simple bears some resemblance to the use of activity coefficients
to describe why the use of concentrations (and not activities) does not work well
when describing the equilibrium properties of true electrolytes (Section 3.4.2).
The original Einstein equation is

Now z is the formal charge on the ion (e.g., 3 for One finds experimentally,
however, that the obtained in this way is smaller than the one that is determined
experimentally by means of radiotracers. It might be reasonable then to write

The is chosen so the equation comes out to fit the experiment. In this second
response to the challenge of the deviant values from the Einstein equation, one draws
picture or suggest a model for why is not equal to z. The apparent charge is
just a coverup for the deviation.
Now from Eq. (4.187), and for a symmetrical electrolyte

At infinite dilution the ions are truly independent of each other (no interionic attraction)
and there would be no reason for any difference between and z.
In Section 5.6.6, one will see the details of the modeling treatment of the
deviations for the NernstEinstein equation outlined here. Of course, a modeling
explanation is more enlightening than a general-explanation type of approach. How-
ever, the difficulty is that the model of paired ions jumping together applies primarily
to a pure liquid electrolyte, or alloy, where the existence of paired vacancies is a fact.
Other models would have to be devised for other kinds of systems where deviations
do occur (Fig. 4.66).

4.4.12. A Very Approximate Relation between Equivalent Conductivity

and Viscosity: Waldens Rule
The StokesEinstein equation (4.179) connects the diffusion coefficient and the
viscosity of the medium; the NernstEinstein equation (4.187) relates the diffusion
coefficient to the equivalent conductivity. Hence, by eliminating the diffusion coeffi-

Fig. 4.66. Apparent charge of alkali halides as a func-

tion of concentration. Aqueous solutions of NaF (I), NaCI
(2), and KCI (3) at 25 C. Broken lines: limiting law of
Debye and Hckel. (Reprinted from P. Turq, J. Barthel,
and M. Chemla, in Transport Relaxation and Kinetic
Processes in Electrolyte Solutions, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1992.)

cient in these two equations, it is possible to obtain a relation between the equivalent
conductivity and the viscosity of the electrolyte. The algebra is as follows:

and therefore

Since and one obtains

Hence, if the radius of the moving (kinetic) entity in conduction, i.e., the solvated
ion, can be considered the same in solvents of various viscosities, the following relation
is obtained:

This means that the product of the equivalent conductivity and the viscosity of the
solvent for a particular electrolyte at a given temperature should be a constant (at one
temperature). This is indeed what the empirical Waldens rule states.
Some experimental data on the product are presented in Table 4.14 for
solutions of potassium iodide in various solvents. Waldens rule has some rough
applicability in organic solvents. When, however, the products for a solute
dissolved on the one hand in water and on the other in organic solvents are compared,
it is found that there is considerable discrepancy (Table 4.15). This should hardly come
as a surprise; one should expect differences in the solvation of ions in water and in
organic solvents (Section 2.20) and the resulting differences in radii of the moving

4.4.13. The Rate-Process Approach to Ionic Migration

The fundamental equation for the current density (flux of charge) as a function of
the drift velocity has been shown to be

Hitherto, the drift velocity has been related to macroscopic forces (e.g., the Stokes
viscous force or the electric force through the relation

Another approach to the drift velocity is by molecular models. The drift velocity
is considered the net velocity, i.e., the difference of the velocity of ions in the
direction of the force field and the velocity of ions in a direction opposite to the field
(Fig. 4.67). In symbols, one writes

Any velocity is given by the distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel
that distance. In the present case, the distance is the jump distance l, i.e., the mean
distance that an ion jumps in hopping from site to site in the course of its directed
random walk, and the time is the mean time between successive jumps. This mean
time includes the time the ion may wait in a cell of surrounding particles as well as
the actual time involved in jumping. Thus,

The reciprocal of the mean time between jumps is the net jump frequency k, which is
the number of jumps per unit of time. Hence,

Velocity = Jump distance net jump frequency



Fig. 4.67. The drift velocity can be considered to be

made up of a velocity in the direction of the force field
and a velocity* in a direction opposite to the force field.

For diffusion, the net jump frequency k was related to molecular quantities by
viewing the ionic jumps as a rate process (Equation 4.111). In this view, for an ion to
jump, it must possess a certain free energy of activation to surmount the free-energy
barrier. It was shown that the net jump frequency is given by

To emphasize that this is the jump frequency for a pure diffusion process, in which
case the ions are not subjected to an externally applied field, a subscript D will be
appended to the net jump frequency and to the standard free energy of activation, i.e.,

Now, suppose an electric field is applied so that it hinders the movement of a

positive ion from right to left. Then the work that is done on the ion in moving it from
the equilibrium position to the top of the barrier (Fig. 4.68) is the product of the charge
on the ion, and the potential difference between the equilibrium position and the
activated state, i.e., the position at the top of the barrier. Let this potential difference
be a fraction of the total potential difference (i.e., the applied electric field X times
the distance l) between two equilibrium sites. Then the electrical work done on one
positive ion in making it climb to the top of the barrier, i.e., in activating it, is equal to
the charge on the ion times the potential difference through which it is
transported. Thus the electrical work is per ion, or per mole of ions.
The electrical work of activation corresponds to a free-energy change. It appears
therefore that there is a contribution to the total free energy of activation due to the
electrical work done on the ion in making it climb the barrier. This electrical contri-
bution to the free energy of activation is

Fig. 4.68. (a) As the ion moves for the jump, it

has to climb (b) the potential gradient arising
from the electric field in the electrolyte, in addi-
tion to (c) the free-energy barrier for diffusion.
To be activated, the ion has to climb the fraction
of the total potential difference XI between
the initial and final positions for the jump.

Hence, the total free energy of activation (for positive ions moving from right to
left) is

Thus, in the presence of the field, the frequency of right left jumps is


By a similar argument, the left right jump frequency or the number of jumps per
second from left to right, may be obtained. There are, however, two differences: When
positive ions move from left to right, (1) they are moving with the field and therefore
are helped, not hindered, by the field, and (2) they have to climb through only a fraction
of the barrier. Hence, the electrical work of activation is the
minus sign indicating that the field assists the ion. Thus,

If the factor is assumed to be then and Eqs. (4.205) and (4.206)

can be written


where for conciseness p is written instead of It follows from these equations

that and or
In the presence of the field therefore, the jumping frequency is anisotropic, i.e., it
varies with direction. The jumping frequency of an ion in the direction of the field
is greater the jumping frequency that against the field. When, however, there is no
field, the jump frequency is the same in all directions, and therefore jumps in all
directions are equally likely. This is the characteristic of a random walk. The applica-
tion of the field destroys the equivalence of all directions. The walk is not quite random.
The field makes the ions more likely to move with it than against it. There is drift. In
Eqs. (4.207) and (4.208), the is a random-walk term, the exponential factors are the
perturbations due to the field, and the result is a drift. The equations are therefore a
quantitative expression of the qualitative statement made in Section 4.4.1.
Drift due to field = Random walk in absence of field perturbation due to field
4.4.14. The Rate-Process Expression for Equivalent Conductivity
Introducing the expressions (4.207) and (4.208) for and into the equations for
the component forward and backward velocities and [i.e., into Eqs. (4.199) and
(4.200)], one obtains

This implies (Fig. 4.68) that the energy barrier is symmetrical.


where, as stated earlier,

The drift velocity is obtained [cf. Eq. (4.197)] by subtracting Eq. (4.210) from Eq.
(4.211), thus,

The net charge transported per second across a unit area (i.e., the current density j) is
given by Eq. (4.164),

Upon inserting the expression (4.212) for the drift velocity into Eq. (4.164), it is clear

Fig. 4.69. The hyperbolic sine

relation between the ionic cur-
rent density and the electric
field according to Eq. (4.213).

Fig. 4.70. The similarity between the ionic current flowing (a)
through an oxide film between an electrode and an electrolyte and
(b) through an electrolyte between two electrodes.

A picture of the hyperbolic sine relation between the ionic current density and the
electric field that would result from Eq. (4.213) is shown in Fig. 4.69.
The fundamental thinking used in the derivation of Eq. (4.213) has wide applica-
bility. Take the case of an oxide film that grows on an electron-sink electrode (anode).
All one has to do is to consider an ionic crystal (the oxide) instead of an electrolytic
solution, and all the arguments used to derive the hyperbolic sine relation (4.213)
become immediately applicable to the ionic current flowing through the oxide in
response to the potential gradient in the solid (Fig. 4.70). In fact, Eq. (4.213) is the
basic equation describing the field-induced migration of ions in any ionic conductor.
Equation (4.213) is also formally similar to the expression for the current density due
to a charge-transfer electrodic reaction occurring under the electric field present at an
electrodeelectrolyte interface (Chapter 7).
In all these cases, two significant approximations can be made. One is the
high-field Tafel type (see Chapter 7) of approximation, in which the absolute magni-
tude of the exponents | pX| in Eq. (4.213) [i.e., the argument pX of the hyperbolic sine
in Eq. (4.213)] is much greater than unity. Under this condition of pX >> 1, one obtains
sinh because one can neglect in comparison with Thus (Fig. 4.71)

i.e., the current density bears an exponential relation to the field. Such an exponential
dependence of current on field is commonly observed in oxide growth, at electrode
electrolyte interfaces, but not in electrolyte solutions.
In electrolytic solutions, however, the conditions for the high-field approximation
are not often observed. The applied field X is generally relatively small, in which case
pX << 1 and the following approximation can be used:


Fig. 4.71. Under high-field condi-

tons, there is an exponential rela-
tion between ionic current density
and the field across an oxide.

and the current density in Eq. (4.213) is approximately given (Fig. 4.72) by

All the quantities within the parentheses are constants in a particular electrolyte and

Fig. 4.72. Under low-field con-

ditions, there is a linear relation
between the ionic current den-
sity and the field in the electro-

and according to Eq. (4.160), the value of the constant is equal to This is the low-field
approximation. It is in fact the rate-process version of Ohms law. An important point,
however, has emerged: Ohms law is valid only for sufficiently small fields. Of course,
this was accounted for in the phenomenological treatment of conduction where the
general fluxforce relation

reduced to the linear relation

only for small fields.

However, words such as small and large are relative. If one proceeds to
substitute numerical values in the conditions for a linear relation between current and
field, one starts with pX << 1. For example, zFlX/2RT < 0.1; then, with F/RT = 39.0
at 25 C, z = 1, and cm, one obtains as the condition
for the linearization of Eq. (4.213). This condition also implies a proportionality of the
current to the applied field in the electrolyte and hence [cf. Eq. (4.213)] independence
of the conductivity on the potential applied to the cell.
Since one often works in the laboratory with when one says
that X has to be small for the conductivity to be independent of field strength, this
becomes a very relative matter. It is better to say that the conductivity remains
independent of the value of the applied field so long as it is not very high. Indeed, it
has been found that the conductivity finally does increase with the applied field but
only at

4.4.15. The Total Driving Force for Ionic Transport: The Gradient of
the Electrochemical Potential
In the rate-process view of conduction that has just been presented, it has been
assumed that the concentration is the same throughout the electrolyte. Suppose,
however, that there is a concentration gradient of a particular ionic species, say,
positively charged radiotracer ions. Further, let the concentration vary continuously
in the x direction (see Fig. 4.73), so that if the concentration of positive ions at x on
the left of the barrier is the concentration on the right (i.e., at x + l) is given by


Fig. 4.73. Measurement of ions under both a concentra-

tion gradient and a potential gradient: (a) the free-energy
barrier for the diffusive jump of an ion, (b) the concentration
variation over the jump distance, and (c) the potential
variation over the jump distance.

In this case, there will be diffusion of the tracer ions and therefore the current
density is not given by a conduction law, i.e., by Eq. (4.159), which governs the
situation in the absence of a concentration gradient. Instead, the expression for the
current density has to be written [the subscript x in has been dropped for the sake
of convenience]

However, and have been evaluated as


Under low-field conditions pX << 1, the exponentials can be expanded and

linearized to give


Combining Eqs. (4.219), (4.220), and (4.221), one gets

This expression can be simplified further, first, by applying the low-field condition
pX << 1. Itbecomes

Second, by substituting for p, one has

and finally by replacing with [cf. Eq. (4.113)], the result is


To go from the current density to the flux of positive tracer ions is straightforward.

The second term on the right-hand side can be rewritten as

since, according to the definition of the chemical potential for ideal solutions [cf. Eq.

In addition, from Eq. (4.9), the electric field X is equal to minus the gradient of
the electrostatic potential, i.e.,


This is an interesting result. The negative gradient of the chemical potential

is known to be the driving force for pure diffusion and
the driving force for pure conduction. However, when there is both a chemical potential
(or concentration) gradient and an electric field then the total driving force
for ionic transport is the negative gradient of

This quantity could be called the electrostatic-chemical potential, or simply

the electrochemical potential, of the positive ions and is denoted by the symbol

and the total driving force for the drift of ions is the gradient of the electrochemical
potential. Thus, one can write the flux of Eq. (4.228) in the form

Or, by making use of the Einstein relation,

and the relation between absolute and conventional mobilities, i.e.,

one can rewrite Eq. (4.230) in the form

Expression (4.231) is known as the NernstPlanck flux equation. It is an important

equation for the description of the flux or flow of a species under the total driving force

of an electrochemical potential. The NernstPlanck flux expression is useful in

explaining, for example, the electrodeposition of silver from silver cyanide ions. In
this process, the negatively charged ions travel to the negatively charged
electron source or cathode, a fact that cannot be explained by considering that the only
driving force on the ions is the electric field because the electric field
drives these ions away from the negatively charged electrode. If, however, the
concentration gradient of these ions in a direction normal to the electron source is such
that in the expanded form of the NernstPlanck equation, i.e.,

the second term is larger than the first, then the flux of the ions is opposite
to the direction of the electric field, i.e., toward the negatively charged electrode.

Further Reading

1. A. Einstein, Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, Methuen & Co., London
2. R. W. Gurney, Ionic Processes in Solution, Dover, New York (1953).
3. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworth, London (1955).

1. P. Turq, J. Barthel, and M. Chemla, Transport, Relaxation and Kinetic Processes in
Electrolyte Solutions, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1992).

1. J. Horno, J. Castilla, and C. F. Gonzalez-Fernandez, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 854 (1992).
2. G. E. Spangler, Anal. Chem. 65: 3010 (1993).
3. C. A. Lucy and T. L. McDonald, Anal. Chem. 67: 1074 (1995).
4. R. Bausch, J. Chem. Ed. 72: 713 (1995).
5. A. A. Moya, J. Castilla, and J. Horno, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 1292 (1995).


4.5.1. The Drift of One Ionic Species May Influence the Drift of Another
The processes of diffusion and conduction have been treated so far with the
assumption that each ionic species drifts independently of every other one. In general,
however, the assumption is not realistic for electrolytic solutions because it presup-
poses the absence of ionic atmospheres resulting from ionion interactions. One has

been talking therefore of ideal laws of ionic transport and expressed them in the
NernstPlanck equation for the independent flux of a species i.

The time has come to free the treatment of ionic transport from the assumption of
the independence of the various ionic fluxes and to consider some phenomena which
depend on the fact that the drift of a species i is affected by the flows of other species
present in the solution. It is the whole society of ions that displays a transport process,
and each individual ionic species takes into account what all the other species are
doing. Ions interact with each other through their Coulombic fields and thus it will be
seen that the law of electroneutrality that seeks zero excess charge in any macroscopic
volume element plays a fundamental role in phenomena where ionic flows influence
each other.
A stimulating approach to the problem of the interdependence of ionic drifts can
be developed as follows. Since different ions have different radii, their Stokes
mobilities, given by

must be different. What are the consequences that result from the fact that different
ionic species have unequal mobilities?

4.5.2. A Consequence of the Unequal Mobilities of Cations and

Anions, the Transport Numbers
The current density due to an ionic species i is related to the mobility in
the following manner [cf. Eq. (4.159)]

If therefore one considers a unit field X = 1 in an electrolyte solution containing a

z:z-valent electrolyte (i.e., and then since it
follows that

This is a thought-provoking result. It shows that although all ions feel the
externally applied electric field to the extent of their charges, some respond by
migrating more than others. It also shows that though the burden of carrying the current
through the electrolytic solution falls on the whole community of ions, the burden is
not shared equally among the various species of ions. Even if there are equal numbers

of the various ions, those that have higher mobility contribute more to the communal
task of transporting the current through the electrolytic solution than the ions handi-
capped by lower mobilities.
It is logical under these circumstances to seek a quantitative measure of the extent
to which each ionic species is taxed with the job of carrying current. This quantitative
measure, known as the transport number (Table 4.16), should obviously be defined
by the fraction of the total current carried by the particular ionic species, i.e.,

This definition requires that the sum of the transport numbers of all the ionic species
be unity for

Thus, the conduction current carried by the species i (e.g., ions in a solution
containing NaCl and KCl) depends upon the current transported by all the other
species. Here then is a clear and simple indication that the drift of the ith species
depends on the drift of the other species.
For example, consider a 1:1-valent electrolyte (e.g., HCl) dissolved in water. The
transport numbers will be given by30

However, and and therefore

To avoid cumbersome notation, the symbol for the conventional mobilities has been contracted to
u. The absence of a bar above the u stresses that it is not the absolute mobility


The mobilities of the and ions in 0.1 N HC1 at 25 C are and

respectively, from which it turns out the transport numbers
of the and ions are 0.83 and 0.17, respectively. Thus, in this case, the positive
ions carry a major fraction (~83%) of the current.
Now suppose that an excess of KCl is added to the HCI solution so that the
concentration of is about M in comparison with a concentration of 1 M.
The transport numbers in the mixture of electrolytes will be

The ratio and the ratio of mobilities is


which means that although the is about 5 times more mobile than the ion, it
carries 200 times less current. Thus, the addition of the excess of KCl has reduced to
a negligible value the fraction of the current carried by the ions.
In fact, the transport number of the ions under such circumstances is virtually
zero, as shown from the following approximate calculation.

Thus the conduction current carried by an ion depends very much on the concentration
in which the other ions are present.

4.5.3. The Significance of a Transport Number of Zero

In the previous section, it was shown that the addition of an excess of KCl makes
the fraction of the migration (i.e., conduction) current carried by the ions tend to
zero. What happens if this mixture of HCl and KCl is placed between two electrodes
and a potential difference is applied across the cell (Fig. 4.74)?
In response to the electric field developed in the electrolyte, a migration of ions
occurs and there is a conduction current in the solution. Since this conduction current
is almost completely borne by and ions there is a tendency for the

Fig. 4.74. A schematic diagram of the transport

processes in an electrolyte (of HCI KCI, with an
excess of KCI) and of the reactions at the inter-

ions to accumulate near the positive electrode, and the ions near the negative
electrode. If the excess negative charge near the positive electrode and vice versa were
to build up, then the resulting field due to lack of electroneutrality (see Section 4.3.3)
would tend to bring the conduction current to a halt. It has been argued (Section 4.3.4),
however, that conduction (i.e., migration) currents are sustained in an electrolyte
because of charge-transfer reactions (at the electrodeelectrolyte interfaces), which
remove the excess charge that tends to build up near the electrodes.
In the case of the HCl + KCl electrolyte, the reaction at the positive electrode may
be considered the deelectronation of the ions. Furthermore, according to Faradays
law (see Section 4.3.5), 1 g-eq of ions must be deelectronated at the positive
electrode for the passage of 1 F of charge in the external circuit. This means, however,
that at the other electrode, 1 g-eq of positive ions must be involved in a reaction. Thus,
either the or the ions must react, but by keeping the potential difference within
certain limits one can ensure that only the ions react.
There is no difficulty in effecting the reaction of the layer of near the negative
electrode, but to keep the reaction going, there must be a flux of ions from the bulk
of the solution toward the negative electrode. By what process does this flux occur?
It cannot be by migration because the presence of the excess of ions makes the
transport number of tend to zero. It is here that diffusion comes into the picture;
the removal of ions by the charge-transfer reactions causes a depletion of these ions
near the electrode, and the resulting concentration gradient provokes a diffusion of
ions toward the electrode.
To provide a quantitative expression for the diffusion flux one cannot use the
NernstPlanck flux equation (4.231) because the latter describes the independent flow
of one ionic species and in the case under discussion it has been shown that the
migration current of the ions is profoundly affected by the concentration of the
ions. A simple modification of the NernstPlanck equation can be argued as follows.
Since conduction (i.e., migration) and diffusion are the two possible31 modes of
transport for an ionic species, the total flux must be the sum of the conduction flux
and the diffusion flux Thus,

The conduction flux is equal to times the conduction current borne by the
particular species

Another possible mode of transport, hydrodynamic flow, is not considered in this chapter.

and the conduction current carried by the species i is related to the total conduction
current through the transport number of the species i [cf. Eq. (4.234)]


Furthermore, the diffusion flux is given by32

or approximately by Ficks first law

so that the total flux of species i is

or approximately

From these modified forms of the NernstPlanck flux equation (4.231), one can see
that even if it is still possible to have a flux of a species provided there is a
concentration gradient, which is often brought into existence by interfacial charge-
transfer reactions at the electrodeelectrolyte interfaces consuming or generating the
From the modified NernstPlanck flux equation (4.245), one can give a more
precise definition of the transport number. If in which case

The constant B has been shown in Section 4.4.6 to be equal to

It should be emphasized therefore that the transport number only pertains to the
conduction flux (i.e., to that portion of the flux produced by an electric field) and any
flux of an ionic species arising from a chemical potential gradient (i.e., any diffusion
flux) is not counted in its transport number. From this definition, the transport number
of a particular species can tend to zero, and at the same time its diffusion flux
can be finite.
This is an important point in electroanalytical chemistry, where the general
procedure is to arrange for the ions that are being analyzed to move to the electrode-
electrolyte interface by diffusion only. Then if the experimental conditions correspond
to clearly defined boundary conditions (e.g., constant flux), the partial differential
equation (Ficks second law) can be solved exactly to give a theoretical expression for
the bulk concentration of the substance to be analyzed. In other words, the transport
number of the substance being analyzed must be made to tend to zero if the solution
of Ficks second law is to be applicable. This is ensured by adding some other
electrolyte in such excess that it takes on virtually the entire burden of the conduction
current. The added electrolyte is known as the indifferent electrolyte. It is indifferent
only to the electrodic reaction at the interface; it is far from indifferent to the conduction

4.5.4. The Diffusion Potential, Another Consequence of the Unequal

Mobilities of Ions
Consider that a solution of a z:z-valent electrolyte (of concentration c moles
is instantaneously brought into contact with water at the plane x = 0 (Fig. 4.75). A
concentration gradient exists both for the positive ions and for the negative ions. They
therefore start diffusing into the water.
Since, in general,33 let it be assumed that With the use of the
Einstein relation (4.172), it is clear that


or that

Though the subscript abs has been dropped, it is clear from the presence of a bar over the us that one is
referring to absolute mobilities.

Fig. 4.75. (a) An electrolytic solution is instantane-

ously brought into contact with water at a plane x =
0; (b) the variation of the electrolyte concentration
in the container at the instant of contact.

This means that the positive ions try to lead the negative ions in the diffusion into
the water. But when an ionic species of one charge moves faster than a species of the
opposite charge, any unit volume in the water phase will receive more ions of the
faster-moving variety.
Compare two unit volumes (Fig. 4.76), one situated at and the other at where
is farther from the plane of contact (x = 0) of the two solutions. The
positive ions are random-walking faster than the negative ions, and therefore the
greater the value of x, the greater is the ratio
All this is another way of saying that the center of the positive charge tends to
separate from the center of the negative charge (Fig. 4.76). Hence, there is a tendency
for the segregation of charge and the breakdown of the law of electroneutrality.
When charges of opposite sign are spatially separated, a potential difference
develops. This potential difference between two unit volumes at and opposes the
attempt at charge segregation. The faster-moving positive ions face strong opposition
from the electroneutrality field and they are slowed down. In contrast, the slower-

Fig. 4.76. (a) At a time t > 0 after the electrolyte and water
are brought into contact, pure water and the electrolyte are
separated by a region of mixing. In this mixing region, the
ratio increases from right to left because of the higher
mobility of the positive ions, (b) and (c) The distance vari-
ations of the concentrations of positive and negative ions.

moving negative ions are assisted by the potential difference (arising from the incipient
charge separation) and they are speeded up. When a steady state is reached, the
acceleration of the slow negative ions and the deceleration of the initially fast, positive
ions resulting from the electroneutrality field that develops exactly compensate for the
inherent differences in mobilities. The electroneutrality field is the leveler of ionic
mobilities, helping and retarding ions according to their need so as to keep the situation
as electroneutral as possible.

Fig. 4.77. A potential difference is registered

by a vacuum-tube voltmeter (VTVM) con-
nected to a concentration cell, i.e., to elec-
trodes dipped in an electrolyte, the
concentration of which varies from electrode
to electrode.

The conclusion that may be drawn from this analysis has quite profound ramifi-
cations. The basic phenomenon is that whenever solutions of differing concentration
are allowed to come into contact, diffusion occurs; there is a tendency for charge
separation due to differences between ionic mobilities; and a potential difference
develops across the interphase region in which there is a transition from the concen-
tration of one solution to the concentration of the other.
This potential is known by the generic term diffusion potential. The precise name
given to the potential varies with the situation, i.e., with the nature of the interphase
region. If one ignores the interphase region and simply sticks two electrodes, one into
each solution, in order to tap the potential difference, then the whole assembly is
known as a concentration cell (Fig. 4.77). On the other hand, if one constrains or
restricts the interphase region by interposing a sintered-glass disk or any uncharged
membrane between the two solutions so that the concentrations of the two solutions
are uniform up to the porous material, then one has a liquid-junction potential 34 (Fig.
4.78). A membrane potential is a more complicated affair for two main reasons: (1)
There may be a pressure difference across the membrane, producing hydrodynamic
flow of the solution, and (2) the membrane itself may consist of charged groups, some
fixed and others exchangeable with the electrolytic solution, a situation equivalent to
having sources of ions within the membrane.

Now that the origin of a liquid-junction potential is understood, the method of minimizing it becomes
clear. One chooses positive and negative ions with a negligible difference in mobilities; and ions
are the usual pair. This is the basis of the so-called KCI salt bridge.

Fig. 4.78. A potential difference, the liq-

uid-junction potential, is developed
across a porous membrane introduced
between two solutions of differing con-

4.5.5. Electroneutrallty Coupling between the Drifts of Different Ionic

The picture of the development of the electroneutrality field raises a general
question concerning the flow or drift of ions in an electrolytic solution. Is the flux of
one ionic species dependent on the fluxes of the other species? In the diffusion
experiment just discussed, is the diffusion of positive ions affected by the diffusion of
negative ions? The answer to both these questions is in the affirmative.
Without doubt, the ionic flows start off as if they were completely independent,
but it is this attempt to assert their freedom that leads to an incipient charge separation
and the generation of an electroneutrality field. This field, which is dependent on the
flows of all ionic species, curtails the independence of any one particular species. In
this way, the flow of one ionic species is coupled to the flows of the other species.
In the absence of any interaction or coupling between flows, i.e., when the drift
of any particular ionic species i is completely independent, the flow of that species i
(i.e., the number of moles of i crossing per square centimeter per second) is described
as follows.
The total driving force on an ionic species that is drifting independently of any
other ionic species is the gradient of the electrochemical potential, In terms of
this total driving force, the expression for the total independent flux is given by the
NernstPlanck flux equation

When, however, the flux of the species i is affected by the flux of the species j
through the electroneutrality field, then another modification (see Section 4.5.3) of the

NernstPlanck flux equations has to be made. The modification that will now be
described is a more detailed version which will lead us back to transport numbers.

4.5.6. How to Determine Transport Number

Before introducing the reader to the ways in which these transport numbers can
be experimentally measured, it may be helpful to think again about just what they
mean. The bare definition is given in Eq. (4.234) but this often only arouses puzzle-
ment. For how, asks the thoughtful reader, can unequal amounts of negative and
positive charges pass across a solution without doing injury to the electroneutrality
condition that (understood over a time average) must always apply to the bulk of a
solution?35 The trouble seems at first a deep one because in some systems (an extreme
case would be the liquid silicates) the alkali metal cation (a relatively small entity) has
near unity, whereas the anion (the giant silicate polyanion, in the case cited) hardly
moves at all.
Looked at in terms of an analogy, the difficulty is seen to be less than real.
Consider the ions as black (negative) and white (positive) balls. There are just two
lines of black balls and white balls, an equal number of each, and both lines are at first
stationary. Obviously, with an equal number of (oppositely charged) black and white
balls, electroneutrality is preserved.
Now let the white balls all roll steadily off to the left while the black balls retain
their stations. Let there be a machine that produces any required number of new white
balls and inserts them into the beginning of this line on the right. Correspondingly, on
the left, a consumer of white balls acts to bring about their disappearance. Consider
then the middle part. The white balls move along while the black balls remain
immovable. Then, framing a certain element of the bulk, the number of white and black
balls remains always equal in number. As one white ball comes into the frame, one
white ball also goes out of it. The blacks remain constant. Clearly, electroneutrality in
the volume element considered is preserved. The same would be found for any piece
of the bulk of the solution. The only reservation is the presence of the two machines,
one of which produces the white balls on the right while another annihilates them on
the left. In the real case, these functions would be supplied by the electrodes, the
positive anode dissolving ions into the solution while the negative cathode destroys
the ions by depositing them as atoms. So one can have and of any value, with the
proviso that for a 1:1 electrolyte, Now let three entirely different approaches
for determining ts be described. Approximate Method for Sufficiently Dilute Solutions. In order

to use the method, one has to use the Einstein equation

To the bulk only? Yes. For near the interfaces there is an electrode reaction (an exchange of charge of
ions with the electrode) and the positive ions (the cations) will tend to exceed the negative ones (the
anions) near the negative electrode (and obviously vice versa at the positive electrode).

From this equation and from the definition of transport number, i.e., Eq. (4.236),

and then can be determined experimentally so long as the diffusion coefficients of

the relevant ions can be measured (e.g., by means of radiotracers). However, there are
a few reservations necessary before this method can be utilized.

1. The Einstein equation is exact only at very low concentrations in aqueous

solution. As explained in a general way in Section 4.4.6, and in a detailed way for a
given system in Section, there is usually some deviationperhaps as much as
20%between the results of Einsteins equation and experimental fact. Thus, outside
very dilute solutions, using the Einstein equation to determine transport numbers is a
rough-and-ready method and the results carry a burden of 10%.
2. The method is clearly limited to ions that have suitable or
radiotracers. Those ions having radioactive isotopes that emit radiation are more
difficult to measure because the long range and penetrating power of the radiation
make it difficult precisely to determine the position of the radiotracer ions as they
spread through a solution.

Another approximate approach to determining transport number is to use the

zeroth approximation equation for ionic mobility, i.e., Eq. (4.183)

where is the Stokes radius of the ion concerned, is the viscosity of the solution,
and is the mobility or ionic velocity under a field gradient of 1
All one has to know here is the viscosity (for dilute solutions this is roughly equal
to that of water) and the radius of a hydrated ion. The principal approximation lies
in the nature of the Stokes equation (4.175) (see Section 4.4.7). This may introduce an
error of up to 25%. Hittorfs Method. This method of determining transport numbers

was devised as long ago as 1901 and has been described in innumerable papers and
many books. Nevertheless, it is not all that simple to understand and contains a number
of assumptions not always stated.
To start with, let an overall description of the method be given. The essentials of
the apparatus (Fig. 4.79) are two clearly separated compartments joined by a substan-
tial middle compartment. There is an aqueous electrolyte, say, silver nitrate, and if this

Fig. 4.79. Hittorfs cell. (After E. A. Muelwhyn Hughes, 1968)

is the case, the electrodes will each be made of silver. Before the experiment begins,
the concentration of is the same throughout the cell. The experiment involves
passage of a direct electric current (from some power source not shown in the figure)
through the cell.
At the left-hand electrode, Ag dissolves and increases the concentration
in this compartment. In the right-hand compartment, ions deposit so the
concentration decreases in the solution in the right-hand compartment. Measurement
of the changes in concentration in each compartment after a 23 hr passage of current
yields the transport number of the anion (since it also gives that of the
cation). Now, let the analysis of what happens be written out.
The current gets passed for the requisite time. Thereafter, the anolyte (see Fig.
4.80) has an increased concentration and the catholyte a decreased concentration
The middle compartment does not change its concentration of silver nitrate, which
will be designated
After t seconds (s) at current I, the number of g-ions of Ag introduced into the
anolyte is

Fig. 4.80. The principle of Hittorfs experiment. (After E. A. Moelwhyn-Hughes, 1968)

where F is the faraday or electrical charge on one g-ion of

In the central compartment, in which the concentration is shown by experiment
to remain constant, one can write for the current:

where A is the cross-sectional area of the central compartment and and are the
ionic mobilities, respectively, of and under a unit applied field. Therefore,
from Eqs. (4.249) and (4.250)

In the left-hand compartment, ions are not only produced, they also get moved
out. Hence,

The principle of electroneutrality demands that the concentration of both positive and
negative ions in the left-hand compartment be the same. Therefore,

which represents the rate at which anions introduced by dissolution from the silver
electrode move into the left-hand compartment to partner the cation. Integrating
(4.253) gives

where is the number of moles of in the compartment before the current I

was switched on.
Turning attention now to the catholyte, it follows that with the being removed
by deposition and being augmented by transport from the middle compartment,

However, diffusion of and its removal by deposition is not the only thing
happening in the right-hand compartment. clearly moves out to allow electroneu-
trality to be maintained. It must move out at the same rate as disappears. Thus

Integration of (4.256) gives

It has been assumed all along (but it needs an experiment to verify it) that the
central compartment keeps a constant concentration while the is increasing on
the anolyte and decreasing in the catholyte. Hence,

Now from Eqs. (4.251) and (4.254)

and from Eqs. (4.251) and (4.257),

Is this all there is to be said about Dr. Hittorf s classic method? The reader may
have noticed a weak point in the argument. Where does the middle compartment begin
and end? This is not a silly question if by the middle compartment one does not
mean that section of the apparatus shown in the figure to divide the two compartments,
but that section of the electrolyte between the two compartments which maintains its
concentration constant. Thus, the method does have an Achilles heel: one has to be

Fig. 4.81. Lodges moving-boundary apparatus.

careful that the concentration changes that occur in anolyte and catholyte do not spread
to the central compartment. This in turn means that the current must not flow for too
long at a time and the downside of that is that the concentration changes in the cathode
and anode compartments may not then be large enough to be accurately measurable.36 Oliver Lodges Experiment. An experiment first done by the
English physicist Oliver Lodge is the origin of a third method by which transport
numbers can be obtained. Here also there is a limitation: one must be able to observe
a boundary between two electrolytes, for knowledge of the boundarys movement is
the observation upon which the method is based. This implies that the ions concerned
must differ in color (not always an easy condition to fulfill) or at least in refractive
index (but then the observation of the boundary may not always be easy).
To understand how this method works, let us have a look at Fig. 4.81. It involves
a tube and in this tube there are two solutions and a boundary between them. Let the
electrolyte in the upper compartment be named MR and be at a concentration c. The
second (bottom) solution is containing the same anion R, but a different cation,

Now a current is passed. The boundary moves and the velocity of that movement
u is given by

with x being the distance the boundary moves in t s.

However, this objection is much lessened by the improvement in differential analysis made in the last

Now from Eq. (4.250)

where A is the cross section of the solution. Hence, from Eqs. (4.250) and (4.261)

One can see that the method would work best with a colored cation, e.g., a cation that
is chromophoric, such as ions.

4.5.7. The Onsager Phenomenological Equations

The development of an electroneutrality field introduces an interaction between
flows and makes the flux of one species dependent on the fluxes of all the other species.
To treat situations in which there is a coupling between the drift of one species and
that of another, a general formalism will be developed. It is only when there is zero
coupling or zero interaction that one can accurately write the NernstPlanck flux

Once the interaction (due to the electroneutrality field) develops, a correction term is
required, i.e.,

It is in the treatment of such interacting transport processes, or coupled flows, that

the methods of near-equilibrium thermodynamics yield a clear understanding of such
phenomena, but only from a macroscopic or phenomenological point of view. These
methods, as relevant to the present discussion, can be summarized with the following
series of statements:

1. As long as the system remains close to equilibrium and the fluxes are inde-
pendent, the fluxes are treated as proportional to the driving forces. Experience (Table
4.17) commends this view for diffusion [Ficks law, Eq. (4.16)], conduction [Ohms
law, Eq. (4.130)], and heat flow (Fouriers law). Thus, the independent flux of an ionic
species 1 given by the NernstPlanck equation (4.231) is written

where is the proportionality or phenomenological constant and is the driving


2. When there is coupling, the flux of one species (e.g., is not simply
proportional to its own (or as it is called, conjugate) driving force (i.e., but receives
contributions from the driving forces on all the other particles. In symbols,

3. The linearity or proportionality between fluxes and conjugate driving force is

also valid for the contributions to the flux of one species from the forces on the other
species. Hence, with this assumption, one can write Eq. (4.265) in the form

4. Similar expressions are used for the fluxes of all the species in the system. If
the system consists of an electrolyte dissolved in water, one has three species: positive
ions, negative ions, and water. By using the symbol + for the positive ions, for the
negative ions, and 0 for the water, the fluxes are

These equations are known as the Onsager phenomenological equations. They

represent a complete macroscopic description of the interacting flows when the system
is near equilibrium.37 It is clear that all the straight coefficients where the indices

If the system is not near equilibrium, the flows are no longer proportional to the driving forces [cf. Eq.

are equal, i = j, pertain to the independent, uncoupled fluxes. Thus and

are the fluxes of the positive and negative ions, respectively, when there are no
interactions. All other cross terms represent interactions between fluxes; e.g.,
represents the contribution to the flux of positive ions from the driving force on the
negative ions.
5. What are the various coefficients Onsager put forward the helpful reci-
procity relation. According to this, all symmetrical coefficients are equal, i.e.,

This principle has the same status in nonequilibrium thermodynamics as the law of
conservation of energy has in classical thermodynamics; it has not been disproved by

4.5.8. An Expression for the Diffusion Potential

The expression for the diffusion potential can be obtained in a straightforward
though hardly brief manner by using the Onsager phenomenological equations to
describe the interaction flows. Consider an electrolytic solution consisting of the ionic
species and and the solvent. When a transport process involves the ions in the
system, there are two ionic fluxes, and Since, however, the ions are solvated, the
solvent also participates in the motion of ions and hence there is also a solvent flux

If, however, the solvent is considered fixed, i.e., the solvent is taken as the
coordinate system or the frame of reference,38 then one can consider ionic fluxes
relative to the solvent. Under this condition, and one has only two ionic fluxes.
Thus, one can describe the interacting and independent ionic drifts by the following

The straight coefficients and represent the independent flows, and the cross
coefficients and the coupling between the flows.
The important step in the derivation of the diffusion potential is the statement that
under conditions of steady state, the electroneutrality field sees to it that the quantity
of positive charge flowing into a volume element is equal in magnitude but opposite
in sign to the quantity of negative charge flowing in (Fig. 4.82). That is,

Coordinate systems are chosen for convenience.

Fig. 4.82. According to the principle of electroneutral-

ity as applied to the fluxes, the flux of positive ions into
a volume element must be equal to the flux of negative
ions into the volume element, so that the total negative
charge is equal to the total positive charge.

For convenience, and are written as and respectively. Now the

expressions (4.269) and (4.270) for and are substituted in Eq. (4.271)


Using the symbols


one has

What are the driving forces and for the independent flows of the positive
and negative ions? They are the gradients of electrochemical potential (see Section


With these expressions, Eq. (4.275) becomes


It can be shown, however, that (Appendix 4.3)


where and are the transport numbers of the positive and negative ions. By making
use of these relations, Eq (4.278) becomes

The negative sign before the electric field shows that it is opposite in direction to the
chemical potential gradients of all the diffusing ions.
If one considers (Fig. 4.83) an infinitesimal length dx parallel to the direction of
the electric- and chemical-potential fields, one can obtain the electric-potential differ-
ence and the chemical-potential difference across the length dx


Fig. 4.83. Schematic representation of a dx-

thick lamina in the interphase region between
two electrolytes of activities and

This is the basic equation for the diffusion potential. It has been derived here on
the basis of a realistic point of view, namely, that the diffusion potential arises from
the nonequilibrium process of diffusion.
There is, however, another method39 of deriving the diffusion potential. One takes
note of the fact that when a steady-state electroneutrality field has developed, the
system relevant to a study of the diffusion potential hangs together in a delicate
balance. The diffusion flux is exactly balanced by the electric flux; the concentrations
and the electrostatic potential throughout the interphase region do not vary with time.
(Remember the derivation of the Einstein relation in Section 4.4.) In fact, one may
turn a blind eye to the drift and pretend that the whole system is in equilibrium.
On this basis, one can equate to zero the sum of the electrical and diffusional work
of transporting ions across a lamina dx of the interphase region (Fig. 4.84). If one
equivalent of charge (both positive and negative ions) is taken across this lamina, the
electrical work is F But this one equivalent of charge consists of moles of
positive ions and moles of negative ions. Hence, the diffusional work is per
mole, or per moles, of positive ions and per moles of
negative ions. Thus,

This method is based on Thomsons hypothesis, according to which it is legitimate to apply equilibrium
thermodynamics to the reversible parts of a steady-state, nonequilibrium process.

Fig. 4.84. The sum of (a) the electrical

work F and (b) the diffusional work
of transporting one
equivalent of ions across a dx-thick lamina
in the interphase region is equal to zero.


4.5.9. The Integration of the Differential Equation for Diffusion

Potentials: The PlanckHenderson Equation

An equation has been derived for the diffusion potential [cf. Eq. (4.283)], but it
is a differential equation relating the infinitesimal potential difference developed
across an infinitesimally thick lamina dx in the interphase region. What one measures
experimentally, however, is the total potential difference across a
transition region extending from x = 0 to x = l (Fig. 4.85). Hence, to theorize about the

Fig. 4.85. The measured quantity is the total potential differ-

ence across the whole interphase region between
electrolytes of differing concentration and

measured potential differences, one has to integrate the differential equation (4.283);

Here lies the problem. To carry out the integration, one must know:

1. How the concentrations of all the species vary in the transition region.
2. How the activity coefficients vary with
3. How the transport number varies with

The general case is too difficult to solve analytically, but several special cases can
be solved. For example (Fig. 4.86), the activity coefficients can be taken as unity,
ideal conditions; the transport numbers can be assumed to be constant; and
a linear variation of concentrations with distance can be assumed. The last assumption
implies that the concentration of the ith species at x is related to its concentration
at x = 0 in the following way

Fig. 4.86. In the derivation of the Planck

Henderson equation, a linear variation of
concentration is assumed in the interphase
region, which commences at x= 0 and ends
at x=l.


With the aid of these assumptions, the integration becomes simple. Thus, with
and Eqs. (4.287) and (4.288), one has in (4.286)

This is known as the PlanckHenderson equation for diffusion or liquid-junction

In the special case of a z:z-valent electrolyte, and Eq.
(4.289) reduces to

and since

In the highly simplified treatment of the diffusion potential that has just been
presented, several drastic assumptions have been made. The one regarding the con-
centration variation within the transition region can be avoided. One may choose a
more realistic concentration versus distance relationship either by thinking about it in
more detail or by using experimental knowledge on the matter. Similarly, instead of
assuming the activity coefficients to be unity, one can feed in the theoretical or
experimental concentration dependence of the activity coefficients. Of course, the
introduction of nonideality makes the mathematics awkward; in principle,
however, the problem is understandable.
What about the assumption of the constancy of the transport number? Is this
reasonable? In the case of a z:z-valent electrolyte, the transport number depends on the


Thus, the constancy of the transport numbers with concentration depends on the degree
to which the mobilities vary with concentration. That is something to be dealt with in
the model-oriented arguments of the next section.

4.5.10. A Birds Eye View of Ionic Transport

In the section on diffusion (Section 4.2), we were concerned with the random
walk, but we learned that because this type of movement is purposeless in direction,
it causes particles to spread out in all available directions. To bring about a diffusional
flux in a given direction, all one has to do is to introduce a concentration gradient into
the system and, although the movement of each particle is random, the fact that there
are fewer ions in one direction than in others means that the random walk gradually
raises the concentration in the dilute parts of the solution until all is uniform. In this
sense, there is a directed diffusion flux down the concentration gradient.
Then we discussed the idea that this randomness can have superimposed upon it
an electrical field that does indeed have a direction, so that there are still random
motions by cations and the anions, but a little less randomness for the positive ion in
the direction of the negative electrode and for the negative ion in the direction of the
positive electrode. There thus arises a net drift of ions in the direction of the field.
In the phenomenological treatment of the directed drift that the field brings, we take
the attitude that there is a stream of cations going toward the negative electrode and anions
going toward the positive one. We now neglect the random diffusive movements; they
do not contribute to the vectorial flow that produces an electrical current.

This discussion then follows on to give rise to the idea of a transport number.
This is a term that describes the fact that when we talk about the drift velocity, cations
and anions of equal but opposite charge do not have the same speed although the
applied field is the same. On the whole, cations tend to be smaller than anions and we
show that the drift velocity is inversely proportional to the radius of the solvated ion,
so that transport numbers tend to be larger for the cation and smaller for the anion in
an electrolyte.
This brings us to an apparent dilemma because, according to laws first laid down
by Faraday himself, when one passes a certain amount of electricity through a solution
for a certain time, the number of cations and anions carrying the same numerical charge
put on the cathode and anode, respectively, is the same.
Because there is a difference in the cationic and anionic transport number and
hence mobilities, this is at first difficult to understand. One would expect more of the
ions with the higher transport number to be preferentially deposited.
The dilemma is solved by taking into account the fact that the lack of an equal
supply rate for cations and anions carried toward the electrodes by the electric current
will create a concentration gradient near the interface for the slower ions, and this
concentration gradient will speed up the motion of the slower ions to compensate for
their poorer performance. It is this diffusional component that makes Faradays laws
come true. The diffusional gradient pitches in to help the slower ions to the electrode
at the same rate as the faster ones.
Several famous equations (Einstein, StokesEinstein, NernstEinstein, Nernst
Planck) are presented in this chapter. They derive from the heyday of phenomenologi-
cal physical chemistry, when physical chemists were moving from the predominantly
thermodynamic approach current at the end of the nineteenth century to the molecular
approach that has characterized electrochemistry in this century. The equations were
originated by Stokes and Nernst but the names of Einstein and Planck have been added,
presumably because these scientists had examined and discussed the equations first
suggested by the other men.
As stated earlier, these phenomenological relationships existed after physical
chemistry had passed through its predominantly thermodynamic stage. However,
Onsager produced a late bloom in the 1930s by applying nonequilibrium thermody-
namics to transport in ionic solutions. In this subdiscipline, transport coefficients are
described and their relation to ionic drift in terms of the interaction between the ions
(sodiumsodium, chloridechloride, and sodiumchloride) is represented mathemati-
cally. Accordingly, the potential difference between two liquid phases differing in
ionic concentrations or even in ionic species is treated in terms of Onsagers theory,
and the equation for the electrical potential across a liquidliquid junction is derived
and presented as the PlanckHenderson equation. All this then is a phenomenological
prelude to applying ionic-atmosphere concepts (see Chapter 3) to ionic migration in
order to provide the physical explanation of a famous empirical law due originally to

Kohlrauschthat equivalent conductivity decreases linearly with the increase of the

square root of the concentration.

Further Reading

1. M. Planck, Diffusion and Potential at LiquidLiquid Boundaries, Ann. Physik 40: 561
2. P. Henderson, An Equation for the Calculation of Potential Difference at any Liquid
Junction Boundary, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig) 59: 118 (1907).
3. C. A. Angell and J. OM. Bockris, The Measurement of Diffusion Coefficients, J. Sci.
Instrum. 29: 180(1958).

1. P. Turq, J. Barthel, and M. Chemla, Transport, Relaxation and Kinetic Processes in
Electrolyte Solutions, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1992).

1. O. J. Riveros, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 6001 (1992).
2. T. F. Fuller and J. Newman, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139: 1332 (1992).
3. P. Vanysek, Adv. Chem. Ser. 235: 55 (1994).
4. M. Olejnik, A. Blahut, and A. B. Szymanski, Appl. Opt. 24: 83 (1994).
5. M. Suzuki, J. Electroanal. Chem. 384: 77 (1995).
6. K. Aoki, J. Electroanal. Chem. 386: 17 (1995).


4.6.1. Concentration Dependence of the Mobility of Ions

In the phenomenological treatment of conduction (Section 4.2.12), it was stated
that the equivalent conductivity A varies with the concentration c of the electrolyte
according to the empirical law of Kohlrausch [Eq. (4.139)]

where A is a constant and is the pristine or ungarbled value of equivalent

conductivity, i.e., the value at infinite dilution.
The equivalent conductivity, however, has been related to the conventional
electrochemical mobilities40 and of the current-carrying ions by the following
To avoid cumbersome notation, the conventional mobilities are written in this section without the subscript
conv; i.e., one writes instead of

from which it follows that

where the are the conventional mobilities (i.e., drift velocities under a field of 1 V
at infinite dilution. Thus, Eq. (4.163) can be written as

or it can be split up into two equations


What is the origin of this experimentally observed dependence of ionic mobilities

on concentration? Equations (4.294) and (4.295) indicate that the more ions there are
per unit volume, the more they diminish each others mobility. In other words, at
appreciable concentrations, the movement of any particular ion does not seem to be
independent of the existence and motions of the other ions, and there appear to be
forces of interaction between ions. This coupling between the individual drifts of ions
has already been recognized, but now the discussion is intended to be on an atomistic
rather than phenomenological level. The interactions between ions can be succinctly
expressed through the concept of the ionic cloud (Chapter 3). It is thus necessary to
analyze and incorporate ion-atmosphere effects into the zero-approximation atomistic
picture of conduction (Section 4.4) and in this way understand how the mobilities of
ions depend on the concentration of the electrolyte.
Attention should be drawn to the fact that there has been a degree of inconsistency
in the treatments of ionic clouds (Chapter 3) and the elementary theory of ionic drift
(Section 4.4.2). When the ion atmosphere was described, the central ion was consid-
eredfrom a time-averaged point of viewat rest. To the extent that one seeks to
interpret the equilibrium properties of electrolytic solutions, this picture of a static
central ion is quite reasonable. This is because in the absence of a spatially directed
field acting on the ions, the only ionic motion to be considered is random walk, the
characteristic of which is that the mean distance traveled by an ion (not the mean square
distance; see Section 4.2.5) is zero. The central ion can therefore be considered to
remain where it is, i.e., to be at rest.

When, however, the elementary picture of ionic drift (Section 4.4.2) was sketched,
the ionic cloud around the central ion was ignored. This approximation is justified only
when the ion atmosphere is so tenuous that its effects on the movement of ions can be
neglected. This condition of extreme tenuosity (in which there is a negligible coupling
between ions) obtains increasingly as the solution tends to infinite dilution. Hence, the
simple, unclouded picture of conduction (Section 4.4) is valid only at infinite dilution.
To summarize the duality of the treatment so far: When the ion atmosphere was
treated in Chapter 3, the motion of the central ion was ignored and only equilibrium
properties fell within the scope of analysis; when the motion of the central ion under
an applied electric field was considered, the ionic cloud (which is a convenient
description of the interactions between an ion and its environment) was neglected and
only the infinite-dilution conduction could be analyzed. Thus, a unified treatment of
ionic atmospheres around moving ions is required. The central problem is: How does
the interaction between an ion and its cloud affect the motion of the ion?

4.6.2. Ionic Clouds Attempt to Catch Up with Moving Ions

In the absence of a driving force (e.g., an externally applied electric field), no
direction in space from the central ion is privileged. The Coulombic field of the central
ion has spherical symmetry and therefore the probability of finding, say, a negative
ion at a distance r from the reference ion is the same irrespective of the direction in
which the point r lies. On this basis, it was shown that the ionic cloud was spherically
symmetrical (see Section 3.8.2).
When, however, the ions are subject to a driving force (be it an electric field, a
velocity field due to the flow of an electrolyte, or a chemical-potential field producing
diffusion), one direction in space becomes privileged. The distribution function (which
is a measure of the probability of finding an ion of a certain charge in a particular
volume element) has to be lopsided, or asymmetrical. The probability depends not
only on the distance of the volume element from the central ion but also on the direction
in which the volume element lies in relation to the direction of ionic motion. The
procedure of Chapter 3 no longer applies. One cannot simply assume a Boltzmann
distribution and, for the work done to bring an ion (of charge to the volume
element under consideration, use the electrostatic work because the electrostatic
potential was, in the context of Chapter 3, a function of r only and one would then
infer a symmetrical distribution function.
The rigorous but unfortunately mathematically difficult approach to the problem
of ionic clouds around moving ions is to seek the asymmetrical distribution functions
and then work out the implications of such functions for the electric fields developed
among moving ions. A simpler approach will be followed here. This is the relaxation
approach. The essence of relaxation analysis is to consider a system in one state, then
perturb it slightly with a stimulus and analyze the time dependence of the systems
response to the stimulus. (It will be seen later that relaxation techniques are much used
in modern studies of the mechanism of electrode reactions.)

Consider therefore the spherically symmetrical ionic cloud around a stationary

central ion. Now let the stimulus of a driving force displace the reference ion in the x
direction. The erstwhile spherical symmetry of the ion atmosphere can be restored only
if its contents (the ions and the solvent molecules) immediately readjust to the new
position of the central ion. This is possible only if the movements involved in restoring
spherical symmetry are instantaneous, i.e., if no frictional resistances are experienced
in the course of these movements. But the readjustment of the ionic cloud involves
ionic movements which are rate processes. Hence, a finite time is required to reestab-
lish spherical symmetry.
Even if this time were available, spherical symmetry would obtain only if the
central ion did not move still farther away while the ionic cloud was trying to readjust.
Under the influence of the externally applied field, the central ion just keeps moving
on, and its ionic atmosphere never quite catches up. It is as though the part of the cloud
behind the central ion is left standing. This is because its reason for existence (the field
of the central ion) has deserted it and thermal motions try to disperse this part of the
ionic cloud. In front of the central ion, the cloud is being continually built up. When
ions move therefore, one has a picture of the ions losing the part of the cloud behind
them and building up the cloud in front of them.

4.6.3. An Egg-Shaped Ionic Cloud and the Portable Field on the

Central Ion
The constant lead which the central ion has on its atmosphere means that the center
of charge of the central ion is displaced from the center of charge of its cloud. The first
implication of this argument is that the ionic cloud is no longer spherically symmetrical
around the moving central ion. It is egg-shaped (see Fig. 4.87).
A more serious implication is that since the center of charge on a drifting central
ion does not coincide with the center of charge of its oppositely charged (egg-shaped)
ionic cloud, an electrical force develops between the ion and its cloud. The develop-
ment of an electrical force between a moving ion and its lagging atmosphere means
that the ion is then subject to an electric field. Since this field arises from the continual
relaxation (or decay) of the cloud behind the ion and its buildup in front of the ion, it
is known as a relaxation field. Notice, however, that the centers of charge of the ion
and of the cloud lie on the path traced out by the moving ion (Fig. 4.88). Consequently,
the relaxation field generated by this charge separation acts in a direction precisely
opposite to that of the driving force on the ion (e.g., the externally applied field). Hence,
a moving ion, by having an egg-shaped ionic cloud, carries along its own portable
field of force, the relaxation field, which acts to retard the central ion and decrease its
mobility compared with that which it would have were it only pulled on by the
externally applied field and retarded by the Stokes force [the zeroth-order theory of
conductance; see Eq. (4.183)].

Fig. 4.87. The egg-shaped ionic cloud

around a moving central ion.

4.6.4. A Second Braking Effect of the Ionic Cloud on the Central Ion:
The Electrophoretic Effect
The externally applied electric field acts not only on the central ion but also on its
oppositely charged cloud. Consequently, the ion and its atmosphere tend to move in
opposite directions.
This poses an interesting problem. The ionic atmosphere can be considered a
charge sphere of radius (Fig. 4.89). The charged sphere moves under the action of
an electric field. The thickness of the ionic cloud in a millimolar solution of a 1:1 -valent
electrolyte is about 10 nm (see Table 3.2). One is concerned therefore with the
migration of a fairly large particle under the influence of the electric field. The term
electrophoresis is generally used to describe the migration of particles of colloidal
dimensions (1 to 1000 nm) in an electric field. It is appropriate therefore to describe
the migration of the ionic cloud as an electrophoretic effect.
The interesting point is that when the ionic cloud moves, it tries to carry along its
entire baggage: the ions and the solvent molecules constituting the cloud plus the
central ion. Thus, not only does the moving central ion attract and try to keep its cloud
(the relaxation effect), but the moving cloud also attracts and tries to keep its central
ion by means of a force which is then termed the electrophoretic force

Fig. 4.88. The centers of charge of the ion and of

the cloud lie on the path of the drifting ion.

Fig. 4.89. The ionic atmosphere can be considered a

charged sphere of radius

4.6.5. The Net Drift Velocity of an Ion Interacting with Its Atmosphere
In the elementary treatment of the migration of ions, it was assumed that the drift
velocity of an ion was determined solely by the electric force arising from the
externally applied field. When, however, the mutual interactions between an ion and
its cloud were considered, it turned out (Sections 4.6.3 and 4.6.4) that there were two
other forces operating on an ion. These extra forces consisted of (1) the relaxation
force resulting from the distortion of the cloud around a moving ion and (2) the
electrophoretic force arising from the fact that the ion shares in the electrophoretic
motion of its ionic cloud. Thus, in a rigorous treatment of the migrational drift velocity
of ions, one must consider a total force which is the resultant of force due to the
applied electric field together with the relaxation and electrophoretic forces (Fig. 4.90)

The minus sign is used because both the electrophoretic and relaxation forces act in a
direction opposite to that of the externally applied field.

Fig. 4.90. The ion drift due to a net force which

is a resultant of the electric driving force and two
retarding forces, the relaxation and electro-
phoretic forces.

Fig. 4.91. The components

of the overall drift velocity.

Since an ion is subject to a resultant or net force, its drift velocity also must be a
net drift velocity resolvable into components. Furthermore, since each component
force should produce a component of the overall drift velocity, there must be three
components of the net drift velocity. The first component, which will be designated
is the direct result of the externally applied field only and excludes the influence
of interactions between the ion and the ionic cloud; the second is the electrophoretic
component and arises from the participation of the ion in the electrophoretic motion
of its cloud; finally, the third component is the relaxation field component originat-
ing from the relaxation force that retards the drift of the ion. Since the electrophoretic
and relaxation forces act in a sense opposite to the externally applied electric field, it
follows that the electrophoretic and relaxation components must diminish the overall
drift velocity (Fig. 4.91), i.e.,

The next step is to evaluate the electrophoretic and relaxation components of the net
drift velocity of an ion.

4.6.6. Electrophoretic Component of the Drift Velocity

The electrophoretic component of the drift velocity of an ion is equal to the
electrophoretic velocity of its ionic cloud because the central ion shares in the motion
of its cloud. If one ignores the asymmetry of the ionic cloud, a simple calculation of
the electrophoretic velocity can be made.
The ionic atmosphere is accelerated by the externally applied electric force
but is retarded by a Stokes viscous force. When the cloud attains a steady-state
electrophoretic velocity then the viscous force is exactly equal and opposite to the
electric force driving the cloud

The general formula for Stokes viscous force is where r and v are the
radius and velocity of the moving sphere. In computing the viscous force on the cloud,
one can substitute for r and for v in Stokes formula. Thus,

from which it follows that

This is the expression for the electrophoretic contribution to the drift velocity of an

4.6.7. Procedure for Calculating the Relaxation Component of the

Drift Velocity
From the familiar relation [cf. Eq. (4.149)],

Velocity = Absolute mobility force

it is clear that the relaxation component of the drift velocity of an ion can be obtained
by substituting for the relaxation force in

The problem therefore is to evaluate the relaxation force.

Since the latter arises from the distortion of the ionic cloud, one must derive a
relation between the relaxation force and a quantity characterizing the distortion. It
will be seen that the straightforward measure of the asymmetry of the cloud is the
distance d through which the center of charge of the ion and the center of charge of
the cloud are displaced.
However, the distortion d of the cloud itself depends on a relaxation process
in which the part of the cloud in front of the moving ion is being built up and the
part at the back is decaying. Hence, the distortion d and the relaxation force must
depend on the time taken by a cloud to relax, or decay.
Thus, it is necessary first to calculate how long an atmosphere would take to decay,
then to compute the distortion parameter d, and finally to obtain an expression for the
relaxation force Once this force is evaluated, it can be introduced into Eq. (4.30)
for the relaxation component of the drift velocity.

4.6.8. Decay Time of an Ion Atmosphere

An idea of the time involved in the readjustment of the ionic cloud around the
moving central ion can be obtained by a thought experiment suggested by Debye (Fig.
4.92). Consider a static central ion with an equilibrium, spherical ionic cloud around
it. Let the central ion suddenly be discharged. This perturbation of the ionionic cloud
system sets up a relaxation process. The ionic cloud is now at the mercy of the thermal

Fig. 4.92. Debyes thought experiment to

calculate the time for the ion atmosphere to
relax: (a) the ionic cloud around a central ion;
(b) at t = 0, the central ion is discharged; and
(c) after time the ion atmosphere has
relaxed or dispersed.

forces, which try to destroy the ordering effect previously maintained by the central
ion and responsible for the creation of the cloud.
The actual mechanism by which the ions constituting the ionic atmosphere are
dispersed is none other than the random-walk process described in Section 4.2. Hence,
the time taken by the ionic cloud to relax or disperse may be estimated by the use of
the EinsteinSmoluchowski relation (Section 4.2.6)

What distance x is to be used? In other words, when can the ionic cloud be declared
to have dispersed or relaxed? These questions may be answered by recalling the
description of the ionic atmosphere where it was stated that the charge density in a
dr-thick spherical shell in the cloud declines rapidly at distances greater than the
DebyeHckel length Hence, if the ions diffuse to a distance the central ion

can be stated to have lost its cloud, and the time taken for this diffusion provides an
estimate of the relaxation time One has, by substituting in the Einstein
Smoluchowski relation [Eq. (4.27)]

which, with the aid of the Einstein relation [Eq. (4.172)], can be transformed
into the expression

4.6.9. The Quantitative Measure of the Asymmetry of the Ionic Cloud

around a Moving Ion
To know how asymmetric the ionic cloud has become owing to the relaxation
effect, one must calculate the distance d through which the central ion has moved in
the relaxation time This is easily done by multiplying the relaxation time by the
velocity which the central ion acquires from the externally applied electric force,

By substituting the expression (4.303) for the relaxation time Eq. (4.304) becomes

The center of charge of the relaxing ionic cloud coincides with the original
location of the central ion; in the meantime, however, the central ion and its center of
charge move through a distance d. The centers of charge of the central ion and its ionic
cloud are displaced through the distance d, which is a quantitative measure of the
egg-shapedness of the ion atmosphere around a moving ion.

4.6.10. Magnitude of the Relaxation Force and the Relaxation

Component of the Drift Velocity

Consider first a static central ion. The ion may exert an electric force on the cloud
and vice versa, but at first the net force is zero because of the spherical symmetry of
the cloud around the static central ion.

When the central ion moves, it can be considered to be at a distance d from the
center of its cloud. The net force due to the asymmetry of the cloud is nonzero. A rough
calculation of the force can be made as follows.
The relaxation force is zero when the centers of charge of the ion and its cloud
coincide, and it is nonzero when they are separated. So let it be assumed in this
approximate treatment that the relaxation force is proportional to d, i.e., proportional
to the distance through which the ion has moved from the original center of charge of
the cloud. On this basis, the relaxation force will be given by the maximum total
force of the atmosphere on the central ion, i.e., multiplied by the
fraction of the radius of the cloud through which the central ion is displaced during its
motion under the external field, i.e., Hence, the relaxation force is

and using Eq. (4.305) for d, one has

Since, however, the velocity arises solely from the externally applied field and
excludes the influence of ionion interactions, the ratio is equal to the applied
electric force

On inserting this into Eq. (4.307), it turns out that

In the above treatment of the relaxation field, it has been assumed that the only
motion of the central ion destroying the spherical symmetry of the ionic cloud is motion

This total force is obtained by considering the ionic cloud equivalent to an equal and opposite charge
placed at a distance from the central ion. Then, Coulombs law for the force between these two charges
gives the result

in the direction of the applied external field. This latter directed motion is in fact a drift
superimposed on a random walk. The random walk is itself a series of motions, and
these motions are random in direction. Thus, the central ion exercises an erratic, rather
than a consistent, leadership on its atmosphere.
Onsager considered the effect that this erratic character of the leadership would
have on the time-averaged shape of the ionic cloud and therefore on the relaxation
field. His final result differs from Eq. (4.309) in two respects: (1) Instead of the
numerical factor there is a factor and (2) a correction factor has to be
introduced, the quantity being given by

in which

where and are related to mobilities of cation and anion, respectively. For
symmetrical or z:z-valent electrolytes, the expression for q reduces to and that for
becomes (Table 4.18)

Thus, a more rigorous expression for the relaxation force is


Substituting the expression (4.313) for the relaxation force in Eq. (4.301) for the
relaxation component of the drift velocity, one gets

Furthermore, from the definition (4.152) of the conventional mobility,

Eq. (4.314) becomes

4.6.11. Net Drift Velocity and Mobility of an Ion Subject to IonIon

Now that the electrophoretic and relaxation components in the drift velocity of an
ion have been evaluated, they can be introduced into Eq. (4.297) to give

If one divides throughout by X, then according to the definition of the conventional

mobility one has

An intelligent inspection of expression (4.316) shows that the mobility u of ions

is not a constant independent of concentration. It depends on the DebyeHckel
reciprocal length But this parameter is a function of concentration (see Eq. 3.84).
Hence, Eq. (4.316) shows that the mobility of ions is a function of concentration, as
was suspected (Section 4.6.1) on the basis of the empirical law of Kohlrausch.

As the concentration decreases, increases and decreases, as can be seen from

Eq. (3.84). In the limit of infinite dilution Under these
conditions, the second and third terms in Eq. (4.316) drop out, which leaves

The quantity is therefore the mobility at infinite dilution and can be considered to
be given by the expression for the Stokes mobility (Section 4.4.8), i.e.,

To go back to the question that concluded the previous section, it is clear that since
transport numbers depend on ionic mobilities, which have been shown to vary with
concentration, the transport number must itself be a concentration-dependent quantity
(Table 4.19). However, it is seen that this variation is a small one.

4.6.12. The DebyeHckelOnsager Equation

The equivalent conductivity of an electrolytic solution is simply related to the
mobilities of the constituent ions [Eq. (4.163)]

Thus, to obtain the equivalent conductivity, one has only to write down the
expression for the mobilities of the positive and negative ions, multiply both the
expressions by the Faraday constant F, and then add up the two expressions. The result

For a symmetrical electrolyte, and Eq. (4.318) reduces to

However, according to Eq. (4.292)


Replacing by the familiar expression (3.84), i.e.,

one has

This is the well-known DebyeHckelOnsager equation for a symmetrical

electrolyte. By defining the following constants

it can also be written


Thus, the theory of ionic clouds has been able to give rise to an equation that has the
same form as the empirical law of Kohlrausch (Section 4.3.9).

4.6.13. Theoretical Predictions of the DebyeHckelOnsager

Equation versus the Observed Conductance Curves
The two constants


in the DebyeHckelOnsager equation are completely determined (Table 4.20) by

the valence type of the electrolyte z, the temperature T, the dielectric constant and
the viscosity of the solution, and universal constants.
The DebyeHckelOnsager equation has been tested against a large body of
accurate experimental data. A comparison of theory and experiment is shown in Fig.
4.93 and Table 4.21 for aqueous solutions of true electrolytes, i.e., substances that
consisted of ions in their crystal lattices before they were dissolved in water. At very
low concentrations (< 0.003 N), the agreement between theory and experiment is very
good. There is no doubt that the theoretical equation is a satisfactory expression for
the limiting tangent to the experimentally obtained versus curves.
One cannot, however, expect the DebyeHckelOnsager theory of the non-
equilibrium conduction properties of ionic solutions to fare better at high concentration
than the corresponding DebyeHckel theory of the equilibrium properties (e.g.,

Fig. 4.93. Comparison of the equivalent con-

ductivities of HCI and some salts predicted by
the DebyeHckelOnsager equation (4.321)
with those observed experimentally.

Fig. 4.94. Deviation of the predicted equivalent conductivities from

those observed for HCI.

activity coefficients of electrolytic solutions); both theories are based on the ionic-
cloud concept. In the case of the DebyeHckelOnsager equation, it is seen from
Fig. 4.94 that as the concentration increases (particularly above 0.003 N), the disparity
between the theoretical and experimental curves widens.

4.6.14. Changes to the DebyeHckelOnsager Theory of

The original DebyeHckelOnsager theory of conductance of ions in solution
takes into account the two ionic atmosphere effects in reducing the mobility and
therefore the lessening of the conductivity of the ions that occurs as their concentration
is increased (see Section 4.6.12). The original theory formed a peak in the physical
chemistry of the first half of the twentieth century, but it was first published some
three-quarters of a century ago. Moreover, as indicated in Fig. 4.94, the original theory
showed deviations from experiments even at really low aqueous concentrations. In
nonaqueous solutions, where the dielectric constants are usually lower than the 80 one
finds for water, the interionic attractions are higher (interionic forces are inversely
proportional to the dielectric constant of the solution), and hence the deviations from
the zeroeth approximation of no interionic interactions are greater. For this reason the
deviation between theory and experiment begins at even lower concentrations than it
does in aqueous solutions. Of course, if one removes some of the primitivities of the

early theory (e.g., neglecting the fact that ions have finite size), then the concentration
range for the applicability of the theory widens.
Apart from improvements made by taking into account the fact that ions do indeed
take up some of the space in electrolytic solutions, one has to consider also that ion
association occurs in true electrolytes,

and the associated ionic molecule is a dipole, not an ion, and therefore is no longer in
the running as far as contributing to the conductance is concerned. This was allowed
for in an empirical equation due to Justice,

where is the degree of association of the electrolyte, S is the Onsager limiting-law

coefficient, c is the electrolyte concentration, and E, and are constants. The
parameter is related to an association constant by

where is the activity coefficient of the dipole. The is given by the relevant
expression found in the activity coefficient of the DebyeHckel theory (see Section
What is the use of an empirical equation such as Eq. (4.326)? It acts as a hanger
for the facts. One fits experimental data of as a function of c to the equation and
determines by a least-squares fitting procedure the values of and
These empirical modifications of the DebyeHckelOnsager theory of electro-
lytes do not yet give much physical insight into what changes in the elderly (but still
famous) theory might improve the theory of ionic conductance. A more relevant
improvement can be attributed to Fuoss and to Lee and Wheaton. Instead of thinking
about bare ions traveling in a structureless dielectric medium, these authors have taken
the ion to have three regions, as shown in Fig. 4.95. In the first of these regions, that
nearest to the ion, the water molecules are regarded as being totally oriented to the
ion, so that their effective dielectric constant would be that of water dielectrically

In his derivation, Justice suggested that the distance of closest approach a involved in the determination
of [cf. Eq. (3.120)] be replaced by the Bjerrum parameter q. While q is the distance of closest approach
of the unpaired ions that contribute to the conductance of the solution, ions separated by distances between
q and a are ion-paired and do not contribute to the conductance. The advantage of this approximation is
that a is not known a priori, whereas q is defined by Eq. (3.144).

Fig. 4.95. Regions of dielectric saturation about i- and j-ions according

to Lee and Wheaton (W. H. Lee and R. J. Wheaton, J. Chem. Soc.
Faraday Trans. // 75:1128, 1979).

saturated, i.e., having all its orientation polarization used up by the electric field of the
ion itself. In the second region, there is only partial dielectric saturation. This region
is part of the secondary hydration. Outside these first two regions, the influence of the
ions field is taken to be only the long-range Coulomb forces generally used in
arguments about the properties of ionic solutions.43
On the basis of this model, Lee and Wheaton arrived at an equation for in
terms of q, the Bjerrum distance. The equation is several lines long and clearly only
fit for use in appropriate software. The application of experimental data of to the
equation allows one to find values of and the co-sphere radius R. These values
are then taken as if they had been experimentally determined, an assumption that is
true only in a secondary way because they depend on the validity of Lee and Wheaton s
Another approach to the conductance of electrolytes, which is less complex than
that of Lee and Wheaton, is due to Blum and his co-workers. This theory goes back
to the original DebyeHckelOnsager concepts, for it does not embrace the ideas of
Lee and Wheaton about the detailed structure around the ion. Instead, it uses the
concept of mean spherical approximation of statistical mechanics. This is the rather
portentous phrase used for a simple idea, which was fully described in Section 3.12.
It is easy to see that this is an approximation because in reality an ionic collision with
another ion will be softer than the brick-wall sort of idea used in an MSA approach.
However, using MSA, the resulting mathematical treatment turns out to be relatively
simple. The principal equation from the theory of Blum et al. is correspondingly simple
and can be quoted. It runs

These regions have been met before (Section 3.6.2) in discussions of recent models for finding activity
and osmotic coefficients. They correspond to the 1949 models for primary and secondary hydration of
Bockris [cf. the Gurney co-sphere (1971)].

with the drift velocity under a field E, defined as

where E is the electric field applied across the solution, is the diffusion coefficient
of the ion i, and is the individual conductance of the ion i at infinite dilution.
The application of Blums theory to experiment is unexpectedly impressive: it
can even represent conductance up to 1 mol . Figure 4.96 shows experimental
data and both theoriesBlums theory and the DebyeHckelOnsager first approxi-
mation. What is so remarkable is that the Blum equations are able to show excellent
agreement with experiment without taking into account the solvated state of the ion,
as in Lee and Wheatons model. However, it is noteworthy that Blum stops his
comparison with experimental data at 1.0 M.
Blums use of the MSA represents a significant advance, but it does not take into
account either ionic association or Bjerrums very reasonable idea (Section 3.8) about
the removal of free water in the solution by means of hydration. Furthermore, Blums
equations do not explain the relation between conductance and concentration noted
for many electrolytes, particularly at high concentrations, that is,

There are some who see this equation as indicative that a whole different approach
to conductance theory might be waiting in the wings, as it were. As the concentration
increases, the idea of an ionic atmosphere becomes less useful and one might start at
the other end, with ideas used to treat molten salts (Chapter 5), but in a diluted form.
This would repeat the history of the theory of liquids which, in the early part of this
century, was derived from the treatment of very compressed gases but later seemed to
be more developable from modifications of how solids are treated.



4.7.1. Definition of Relaxation Processes

The term relaxation, as applied in physical chemistry (cf. Section 4.6.8), refers to
molecular processes occurring after the imposition of a stress on a system. Thus, one
can have a system at equilibrium to which a new constraint is applied (e.g., an electric
field switched on suddenly onto a dipole-containing liquid). The system is then

constrained to a new position of equilibrium. The time it takes to change position is

called the relaxation time.
To understand better what is meant by relaxation time, consider a system under
the following equilibrium

The rate of change of A is given by

Upon the imposition of a constraint, the system reaches a new equilibrium. Moreover,
the constraint changes the rate constants that control the interconversion of states A
and B. During the first equilibrium, these were and and they become and
under the new conditions. While A is adjusting (relaxing) to its new equilibrium value,
its concentration changes from to until it reaches its new equilibrium state,
In the same way, under the constraint, the concentration of B changes to the new
value but during the relaxation it is The concentration of A then changes as

and after reaching the new equilibrium state,

Therefore, Eq. (4.333) becomes

Integrating from a time 0 when to a time t when

The change of the concentration of A as it goes from the preconstraint equilibrium

value to the after-constraint equilibrium value follows the exponential change
indicated by Eq. (4.336) and shown in Fig. (4.97).
What is called the relaxation time is a somewhat arbitrary quantity: it is taken
to be the time that makes the exponential in Eq. (4.336) unity, i.e.,

Fig. 4.97. Concentration change of species A from its

preconstraint equilibrium value to the after-constraint
equilibrium value

Hence, at the relaxation time,

A trivial calculation shows that Eq. (4.338) implies that x at time changed some
63% of the way from the initial value of to the final value of Thus, is some
measure of the time to complete the change caused by the constraint just as the half-life
of a radioactive element is a measure of the lifetime of a radioactive element.44 In the
next subsections, the relaxation times of certain systems will be presented.

4.7.2. Dissymmetry of the Ionic Atmosphere

One kind of relaxation time has already been discussed in Section 4.6.8, namely,
the time of adjustment to dissymmetry of the ionic atmosphere around an ion when an
applied electric field is switched on. Its understanding is basic to our picture of ionic

And for the same sort of reason. The change in both cases follows an exponential law and the rate of
change slows down toward completion of the change so that formally the change is never quite finished.

solutions. Thus, in the absence of an electric field, the ions randomly jump about (or
shuffle around) in all directions. When an electric field forces them to move preferen-
tially in one direction, the ionic atmosphere around the ions becomes dissymmetric
egg-shapedso that the longer part of the egg is behind the ion and, having more
counter charge behind it than in front, retards the ions forward motion.
An interesting effect in the conductivity of ions is related to the relaxation time
of their ionic atmosphere. Imagine that the electrical conductance of ionic solutions is
measured by using alternating currents of a certain frequency, lets say 1000 counts
per second.45 Imagine also the ions moving in the solution and following the dictates
of the oscillating electric field. Since this is constantly altering its direction, for a
millisecond it pulls the cations to the right and then for a millisecond pulls them to the
left, with analogous movements but in opposite directions being forced upon the
The frequency of has been mentioned because it is typical for measure-
ment of electrical conductivity. To perform the measurement, the researcher varies the
frequency and plots the corresponding measured resistance values against
extrapolating the measured resistance in the ordinate to infinite frequency.
Suppose, however, that instead of making conductance measurements at, say, 10,
100, 1000, and and performing the said extrapolation to infinite frequency,
one goes on increasing the frequency past Think again now of a given
ion and its atmosphere in the system. As the frequency increases, the ionic atmosphere
has a harder time keeping the changes in its dissymmetry in tune with the changes in
direction of drift of the ionsmoving now to the right and now to the left. Below
about the ionic atmosphere manages to adjust its shape every time the ion
changes direction and present the appropriate asymmetric stance, slowing down the
ionic movements.
Eventually there is a critical frequency above at which the ionic cloud
cannot adjust anymore to the ions movements in the right way because there is too
much inertia to execute the rapid changes required by the oscillating applied field. The
reciprocal of this critical frequency is called the relaxation time of the asymmetry of
the ionic cloud. As a consequence, an increase in conductivity occurs at this frequency
because there is no longer more charge behind the ion than in front. This increase in
conductance at the critical frequency is called the Debye effect. It is part of the evidence
that shows that the ionic atmosphere is indeed present and functioning according to
the way first calculated by Debye.

The reason for this is that with a direct current, an unwanted ionic layer forms at the interfaces with the
solution of the electrodes used to make contact with the outside power source. These nonequilibrium
structures at the surfacesolution boundaries create a new resistance that interferes with the solution
resistance one is trying to measure. This is wiped out if an alternating current, which keeps on reversing
the structure at the interface, is applied.

4.7.3. Dielectric Relaxation in Liquid Water

Water is not only the most abundant of all liquids on this planet but also one of
the most complex (see Section 2.4). The dielectric constant (permittivity) at frequen-
cies below about is about 78 at room temperature, and this is about one whole
order of magnitude higher than the dielectric constant of simple liquids such as carbon
tetrachloride. Kirkwood was the first to develop a model to explain why the dielectric
constant of water is so high. He pictured groups of coupled together by means
of H bonding. His idea was that the dielectric constant of water consists of three parts.
First, there would be the part based on the distortion of the electronic shells of the
atoms making up water molecules. Because their inertia is so small, electrons have no
difficulty in keeping up with an applied field as its frequency increases. Such a
contribution is part of the permittivity of any liquid.
The second part can be viewed as the distortion of the nuclei of the atoms making
up waterhow much the applied field disturbs the positions of the nuclei in the O and
H atoms of molecular water. This part is also present in all liquids.
The third contribution involves the dipole moment of the individual molecules.
In water and associated liquids, the dipoles should be taken in groups as a result of the
intermolecular H bonding (Fig. 4.98). It is this coupling of the molecules that provides
the huge permittivity of water.
Were water a simple unassociated dipolar liquid, the effect of an applied field
would be simply to orient it, to inhibit its random libration and bend the average

Fig. 4.98. The dielectric constants of

liquids as a function of their dipole mo-
ments unassociated liquids, and
= H-bonded liquids).

direction of the molecules to lie more along the lines of the field. With water, the
molecular dipoles also feel the force of the field. The special feature is that each of the
water molecules, being bound together with H bonds, pulls other waters with it as it
bonds to the field. When one water molecule goes to obey the field and align with it,
the ones to which it is bound get a pull from the waters to which they are bound and
this helps them turn also. Thus, in an associated liquid one gets a double whammy
from the oscillating applied field. It pulls each dipolar molecule around. This is an
effect on the individual dipoles that one would find with any dipolar liquid, but there
is also a correlated additive effect due to the orienting effect of one dipole on another.
Now, what of relaxation? According to the picture drawn here (Fig. 4.99), there
should be two relaxation times. The first will be that corresponding to the state in which
the dipoles can no longer react in consonance with the applied field. At some critical
high frequency, the permittivity falls (loss of the biggest contributorthe netted
dipolar groups), and the dielectric constant falls from 78 to at 298 K. The value of
the associated time, that is, the reciprocal of the critical frequency of the applied ac
field at which the permittivity falls, is which corresponds to a frequency
At frequencies above the next thing to be exceeded is the speed at which
the nuclei in the molecules can react to changes in the direction of the field. The protons
in the nuclei have an inertia approximately 2000 times greater than that of the electrons
in the outer shell and accordingly a relaxation time much less than that of the electron
shells. This value for water is and the critical frequency is
The remaining permittivity at frequencies higher than this is due to distortion of
the electron shell of the atoms. This last and most fundamental permittivity is often
called the optical permittivity because it pertains to movements in the liquid (distortion
of the electron shells), which occur near the speed of light).

Fig. 4.99. Variation of the dielectric constant

as a function of the frequency of an applied
ac electric field.

Much information can be obtained from the study of dielectric relaxation times
in liquids, for example, the extent to which the waters are netted together (Table 4.22).

4.7.4. Effects of Ions on the Relaxation Times of the Solvents in Their

There are three new effects related to the properties of relaxation time that arise
when ions are added to water.
First, the solutions relaxation time appears to change. If solvent molecules are
far away, say more than 1000 pm distant from an ion, the ions effect on the relaxation
time will be negligible. Conversely, water molecules bound to ions will be what is
called dielectrically saturated; they will be so tightly held in the ions local electric
field that they will not be affected by the applied electric field used to measure the
dielectric constant of the solution. The average relaxation time of all the waters will
be increased, because the water molecules attached to the ions now have, in effect, an
infinite relaxation time.
The second effect is related to the formation of ion pairs. If ion pairs or other ionic
aggregates are present, they will introduce a new relaxation time above that exhibited
by the pure solvent.
Figure 4.100 shows the Argand of water (curve 1) and the permittivity
for 0.8 M KC1 (curve 2) in water. The structural part of the spectrum is represented
by curve 3. The difference of curves 2 and 3 is the result of electrolytic conductance.

An Argand diagram (also called a Cole-Cole plot) is a diagram of the real and imaginary components
of the dielectric constant of the system.

Fig. 4.100. Argand diagrams of a completely dissociated

electrolyte and its pure solvent. Full circles: experimental
data from frequency domain measurements on aqueous
potassium chloride solutions at 25 C. Curve 1: Argand
diagram of pure water. Curve 2: Argand diagram, =
of an 0.8 M aqueous KCI solution, Curve 3: Argand
diagram, obtained from curve 2. (Reprinted from
P. Turq, J. Barthel, and M. Chemla, in Transport, Relaxa-
tion and Kinetic Processes in Electrolyte Solutions, Sprin-
ger-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, p. 78).

The permittivity of ionic solutions, is less than that of the pure solvent and
decreases linearly with an increase in concentration. The reason for this has already
been discussed (Section 2.12.1): water dipoles held by the very strong local field of
an ion cannot orient against the weak applied field used in measuring the dielectric
constant. The average is therefore decreased.
The linear relation found between dielectric constant and concentration can be
interpreted in a first approximation as the result of a number of irrotationally bound
waters. Such waters would constitute the primary hydration water referred to in
Section 2.4.

Further Reading

1. P. Debye and E. Hckel, The Interionic Attraction Theory of Deviations from Ideal
Behavior in Solution, Z. Phys. 24: 185 (1923).
2. L. Onsager, Interionic Attraction Theory of Conductance, Z. Phys. 28: 277 (1927).
3. R. M. Fuoss, Conductance in Aqueous Solutions, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75: 16

4. R. M Fuoss and C. A. Krauss, Dimer and Trimer Formation in Ionic Solution, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 55: 476 (1933).

1. M. Chabanel, Ionic Aggregates of 1-1 Salts in Non-aqueous Solutions: Structure, Ther-
modynamic and Solvations, Pure Appl. Chem. 62: 35 (1990).

1. J. Barthel, H. Hetzenauer, and R. Buchner, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96: 988 (1992).
2. D. D. K. Chingakule, P. Gans, J. B. Gill, and P. L. Longdon, Monatsh. Chem. 123: 521
3. H. Ohshma, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 168: 269 (1994).
4. M. Bachelin, P. Gans, and J. B. Gill, in Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solutions: Current
Progress, G. Mamantov and A. I. Popov, eds., pp. 1148, VCH Publishers, New York
5. M. R. Gittings and D. A. Saville, Langmuir 11: 798 (1995).
6. A. R. Volkel and J. Noolandi, J. Chem. Phys. 102: 5506 (1995).


4.8.1. Water Is the Most Plentiful Solvent

Not only is water the most plentiful solvent, it is also a most successful and useful
solvent. There are several facts that support this description. First, the dissolution of
true electrolytes occurs by solvation (Chapter 2) and therefore depends on the free
energy of solvation. A sizable fraction of this free energy depends on electrostatic
forces. It follows that the greater the dielectric constant of the solvent, the greater is
its ability to dissolve true electrolytes. Since water has a particularly high dielectric
constant (Table 4.23), it is a successful solvent for true electrolytes.
A second advantage of water is that in addition to being able to dissolve
electrolytes by the physical forces involved in solvation, it is also able to undergo
chemical proton-transfer reactions with potential electrolytes and produce ionic solu-
tions. Water is able to donate protons to, and to receive protons from, molecules of
potential electrolytes. Thus, water can function as both a source and a sink for protons
and consequently can enter into ion-forming reactions with a particularly large range
of substances. This is why potential electrolytes often react best with water as a partner
in the proton-transfer reactions. Finally, water is stable both chemically and physically
at ambient temperature, unlike many organic solvents which tend to evaporate (Table
4.24) or decompose slowly with time.
On the whole, therefore, ionics is best practiced in water. Nevertheless, there are
also good reasons why nonaqueous solutions of electrolytes are often of interest.

4.8.2. Water Is Often Not an Ideal Solvent

If water were the ideal solvent, there would be no need to consider other solvents.
However, in many situations, water is hardly the ideal solvent. Take the electrolytic
production of sodium metal, for example. If an aqueous solution of a sodium salt is
taken in an electrolytic cell and a current is passed between two electrodes, then all
that will happen at the cathode is the liberation of hydrogen gas; there will be no
electrodeposition of sodium (see Chapter 7). Hence, sodium cannot be electrowon
from aqueous solutions. This is why the electrolytic extraction of sodium has taken
place from molten sodium hydroxide, i.e., from a medium free of hydrogen. This
process requires the system to be kept molten (~ 600 C) and therefore requires the

use of high-temperature technology with its associated materials problems. It would

be a boon to industry if one could use a low-temperature conducting solution having
the capacity to maintain sodium ions in a nonaqueous solvent free of ionizing
hydrogen. This argument is valid for many other metals which are extracted today by
electrodic reactions in fused salts at high temperatures, with the attendant difficulties
of corrosion and heat losses.
Another field attracting the development of nonaqueous electrochemistry is that
of energy storage for automobiles. Many reasons (e.g., the growing danger of pollution
from automobile exhausts; the increasing concentration of with its consequences
of planetary warming; and the accelerating consumption of oil reserves) make the
search for an alternative to the internal combustion engine a necessity. Nuclear reactors
with their attendant shielding problems will always be too heavy for the relatively
small power needed in road vehicles. There would be attractive advantages to a
zero-emission, vibration-free electric power source. However, the currently available
cheap electrochemical storage devicethe leadacid batteryis too heavy for the
electric energy it needs to store to offer a convenient distance range between recharg-
ing. The electrochemical energy storers available today that do have a sufficiently high
energy capacity per unit weight are expensive. The highest energy density theoretically
conceivable is in a storage device that utilizes the dissolution of lithium or beryllium.
However, aqueous electrolytes are debarred because in them, these metals corrode
wastefully rather than dissolving with useful power production. So one answer to the
need for an electrochemically powered transport system is the development of a
nonaqueous electrochemical energy storage system that incorporates alkali metal (in
particular lithium) electrodes. Many other examples could be cited in which the use
of water as a solvent is a nuisance. In all these cases, there may be an important future
for applications using nonaqueous solutions.
A nonaqueous solution must be able to conduct electricity if it is going to be useful.
What determines the conductivity of a nonaqueous solution? Here, the theoretical
principles involved in the conductance behavior of true electrolytes in nonaqueous
solvents will be sketched. However, before that, let the pluses and minuses of
working with nonaqueous solutions (particularly those involving organic solvents)
be laid out.

4.8.3. More Advantages and Disadvantages of Nonaqueous

Electrolyte Solutions
First, compared with aqueous electrolytes, nonaqueous solutions generally are
liquid over a larger temperature range; this may include temperatures below 273 K,
which is useful for applications in cold climates. They allow the electroplating of
substances that would be unstable in aqueous solutions, such as aluminum, beryllium,
silicon, titanium, and tungsten. One can even plate high-temperature superconductors
and oxidize and reduce many organic and inorganic materials in electrosyntheses as
long as one uses organic solvents. (The reason for the preference for nonaqueous

solutions here is the absence of protons and ions. These tend to undergo
preferential electrode reactions, evolving, respectively, hydrogen and oxygen. Such
reactions compete with the intended organic reaction and often dominate it. In a
nonaqueous solutions, the window of opportunity, the potential range in which
something useful may be done, is as much as 6 V.) Nonaqueous solutions are useful
in the electromachining of metals and, as mentioned earlier, in high-energy-density
batteries, which eventually could allow the use of these batteries in automobiles.
On the other hand, the drawbacks of nonaqueous solutions include their lower
conductivities and their toxicity and flammability. They need extreme purification and
handling under a highly purified inert-gas atmosphere. They may not be exposed to
the atmosphere because they will pick up water, which may give rise to the undesired
co-deposition of hydrogen.
The most important concentration range of conductivity studies for these electro-
lytes is below mol Their most determined enemy is water, which acts as a
contaminant. If one considers that 20 ppm of water is equivalent to a mol
solution of water in a nonaqueous solvent, it is no surprise that electrochemical
quantities recorded in the literature are much less precise than those for aqueous
solutions. Conductivities that are said to be as precise as are often in the
nonaqueous literature. With materials that react with water (e.g., Li and Na) the water
level has to be cut to less than 0.05 ppm and kept there; otherwise a monolayer of oxide
forms on the metals surfaces.
Drying of nonaqueous solutions can be carried out by various methods which
include the addition of sodium, in the form of wires, or powdered solids such as barium
oxide; alternatively, a high potential difference between auxciliary electrodes can be
used to getter the and ions. The quality of the nonaqueous work in electro-
chemistry is increasing rapidly.

4.8.4. The DebyeHckelOnsager Theory for Nonaqueous Solutions

An examination of the DebyeHckelOnsager theory in Section 4.6.12 together
with the recent developments described in Section 4.6.14 shows that the developments
are in no way wedded to water as a solvent. Does experiment support the predicted
versus curve in nonaqueous solutions also?
Figure 4.101 shows the variation of the equivalent conductivity versus concen-
tration for a number of alkali sulfocyanates in a methanol solvent. The agreement
with the theoretical predictions demonstrates the applicability of the DebyeHckel
Onsager equation up to at least mol
When one switches from water to some nonaqueous solvent, the magnitudes of
several quantities in the DebyeHckelOnsager equation alter, sometimes drasti-
cally, even if one considers the same true electrolyte in all these solvents. These
quantities are the viscosity and the dielectric constant of the medium, and the distance
of closest approach of the solvated ions (i.e., the sum of the radii of the solvated ions).
As a result, the mobilities of the ions at infinite dilution, the slope of the versus

Fig. 4.101. Change in the equiva-

lent conductivity of some alkali sul-
focyanates with concentration in
methyl alcohol.

curve, and finally, the concentration of free ions cause the conductance behavior
of an electrolyte to vary when one goes from water to nonaqueous solvent. Before we
get into equations which will deal with such effects to some degree, it is useful to look
at the data available for nonaqueous solutions.
Among the goals of this brief survey is overcoming a common prejudicethat
nonaqueous solutions are always less conductive than aqueous ones. A clear
example is that of highly concentrated electrolyte solutions such as 5 M in
1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME), which has a conductivity comparable to that in aqueous
solutions at the same temperature.

4.8.5. What Type of Empirical Data Are Available for Nonaqueous

Electrolytes? Effect of Electrolyte Concentration on Solution Conductivity.

It has been seen that reliable conductivity values are known only at low electrolyte
concentrations. Under these conditions, even conductance equations for models such
as the McMillanMayer theory (Sections 3.12 and 3.16) are known. However, the
empirical extension of these equations to high concentration ranges has not been
successful. One of the reasons is that conductivity measurements in nonaqueous
solutions are still quite crude and literature values for a given system may vary by as
much as 50% (doubtless due to purification problems).

Fig. 4.102. Conductivity of LiBF4 in

butyrolactone at (1) 298 K and (3) 238 K,
and in tetrahydrofuran at (2) 298 K and (4)
238 K (M. Kindler, Dissertation, Re-
gensburg, 1985).

One characteristic of conductivity curves when studied in a wide concentration

range is the appearance of maxima, as shown in Fig. 4.102. These maxima are always
observed when the solubility of the electrolyte in the given solvent is sufficiently high.
They are the result of the competition between the increase of conductivity due to the

Fig. 4.103. Dependence of vs. for various salts in (a) propylene

carbonate and (b) methanol at 298 K (J. Barthel and H.-J. Gores, Pure Appl.
Chem. 57:1071,1985).

increase of free ions and the decrease of conductivity due to the decrease of ionic
mobility as the electrolyte concentration increases. A linear relation has been found
(Fig. 4.103) between the maxima plotted for specific conductivity and the concentra-
tion at which the maxima are observed.
Another type of behavior observed when plotting conductivities versus is the
presence of temperature-dependent minima and maxima, as shown in Fig. 4.104. This
unusual behavior has been attributed to triplet-ion formation (see Section 4.8.11). In
this case Waldens rule (Section 4.4.12) has been used to calculate the values of
equivalent conductivities at infinite dilution Ionic Equilibria and Their Effect on the Permittivity of Electrolyte
Solutions. Most of the commonly used solvents exhibit several relaxation
processes that show up in the change of dielectric constant with frequency (see Section
2.12). These relaxation processes include rotation and libration of the molecules of the
solvents, aggregates of ionic species, and H-bonding dynamics.
Relaxation times and dispersion amplitudes46 change when ions are added. If ion
pairs are formed, a new relaxation region appears on the solvent relaxation spectrum
on the low-frequency side. Figure 4.105 shows the dielectric absorption spectrum of
LiBr in acetonitrile, and how a maximum is developed in the low-frequency region as
the concentration of solute increases and ion pairs are formed. Association constants
can be determined from these data and contribute to the identification of the ion pair
present. IonIon Interactions in Nonaqueous Solutions Studiedby Vibrational
Spectroscopy. Conventional methods to determine ion association measure a
single property of the bulk solution, that is, an average of the interactions occurring
over the time of the measurement. Microwave absorption studies exemplify such
methods to determine solvation and ion association by studying, e.g., dielectric
relaxation phenomena (see Section 2.12).
On the other hand, techniques that give information on the particular ionion and
ionsolvent interactions would be of great help in the electrochemistry of nonaqueous
solutions. Such help can be obtained from the various vibrational spectroscopic
techniques, which are able to probe specific species in solution.
Raman spectra are related to the concentration of the species that give rise to them
and offer a tool by which one may perform quantitative evaluations of ion-pair
equilibria. For example, the ion association constant for ion pairing between and

The dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) is an important property in the study of electrolyte
conductivity of solutions and their solvents. However, the measurable quantity is the frequency-dependent
complex permittivity, The static permittivity (dielectric constant) is obtained by extrapolation to
zero frequency of the frequency-dependent complex permittivity and both relaxa-
tion times and dispersion amplitudes can be obtained from these variables. The real part yields the
dispersion curve, and the imaginary part the absorption curve of the dielectric spectrum.

Fig. 4.104. Molar conductivity of

solutions in 1,2-di-
methoxyethane at 45 and 25 C,
showing negative temperature co-
efficients at moderate concentra-
tions (J. Barthel and H.-J. Gores,
Solution Chemistry: A Cutting
Edge in Modern Electrochemical
Technology, in Chemistry of
Nonaqueous Solutions: Current
Progress, G. Mamantov and A. I.
Popov, eds., VCH Publishers, New
York, 1994).

in acetonitrile has been obtained by Janz and Mller. Associated structures of

ions have been studied in nonaqueous solvents over a wide range of dielectric
constants. LiCNS in solvents of low dielectric constant, such as ethers and thioethers,
gives rise to several different types of ion aggregates. Many different types of contact
ion pairs or agglomerates have been identified, and the role the solvent has in this
associationwhether the solvent separates the ions or nothas been determined. The
Bjerrum critical distance, that is, the distance at which the ion is able to interact with
other ions to form ion-pair structures (see Section 4.8.8), is of great use in these types
of studies. Table 4.25 shows some values for 1:1, 2:2, and 3:3 electrolytes in different
It might be expected that NMR would be the ultimate technique for the identifi-
cation of ion pairs in nonaqueous solutions because of its specificity for differentiating
resonances of nuclei in ions in different environments. Several studies that involve
and among others, have been examined satisfactorily. Nevertheless, NMR
also has drawbacks, such as a lack of well-defined spectra, which make interpretation
difficult. The main reason seems to be the short lifetimes of the complexes (the ion
pair lasts probably less than the data acquisition time, which is on the order of s),
which allow only small chemical shifts to be detected.

Fig. 4.105. Dielectric absorption spec-

trum (imaginary part of the complex per-
mittivity, of LiBr solutions in
acetonitrile at 25 C. 1, Pure solvent; 2,
0.107 M; 3,0.194 M; 4,0.303 M; 5,0.479
M; 6, 0.657 M. S and IP indicate the
frequency regions of the relaxation proc-
esses of solvent and solute. For the sake
of clarity, experimental data are
added only for curves 1, 4, and 6 (J.
Barthel, H. Hetzenauer, and R. Buchner,
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96: 988,

It seems likely that improvements in the technology of the various spectroscopic

techniques will make it possible to increase our knowledge of ion association in
nonaqueous solutions. Knowledge of parameters such as and
is becoming indispensable for understanding ionic association processes. For example,
it is possible that the driving force to form ion pairs is a reorganizational one; that is,
it is entropic and not enthalpic in nature, as might have been expected at first. Liquid Ammonia as a Preferred Nonaqueous Solvent. Liquid
ammonia has been widely used as a nonaqueous solvent in the study of ion-pair
association. One of its advantages is the large range of dielectric constantsfrom 12
to 26when the temperature is changed over 200 degrees. In contrast, the dielectric
constant of water does not change throughout its normal liquid temperature range
enough to move it out of the high dielectric constant range.
Furthermore, many salts are highly soluble in NH3 because of the high solvation
energies it makes possible. Finally, from the spectroscopic point of view, the small
ammonia molecule has few molecular vibrations, which eases the interpretation of
spectra observed in ita characteristic difficult to find in other (more complex)
The first evidence of ion pairing in liquid ammonia came from a study of nitrate
solutions by means of Raman spectroscopy. A number of bands larger than the ones
expected for free nitrate ions were observed. A full understanding of these bands

Fig. 4.106. The stretching region of the Raman spectra of sodium

nitrite solutions at about 1.0 M in liquid ammonia at 293 K. The second
spectrum is one of a solution in which = 4. Band A, either
ion triplet or contact ion pair containing bidentate
bands B and C, contact ion pairs and band E,
free solvated anion (P. Gans and J. B. Gill, J. Chem. Soc.
Faraday Discuss. 64:150, 1978).

has not been accomplished yet, but researchers agree that the observed changes in
symmetry are due to ion association. Figure 4.106 illustrates these Raman spectra. Other Protonic Solvents and Ion Pairs. Apart from information
for the solvent liquid ammonia, little spectroscopic data are available on this topic.
The reason seems to be the great complexity of spectra when solvents like methanol
or ethanol are used.

4.8.6. The Solvent Effect on Mobility at Infinite Dilution

At infinite dilution, neither relaxation nor electrophoretic effects are operative on
the drift of ions; both these effects depend for their existence on a finite-sized ionic
cloud. Under these special conditions, the infinite-dilution mobility can be considered
to be given by the Stokes mobility

Considering the same ionic species in several solvents, one has

If the radius r of the solvated ion is independent of the solvent, then one can
approximate Eq. (4.339) to47

Hence, an increase in the viscosity of the medium leads to a decrease in the infinite-
dilution mobility and vice versa.
Tables 4.14 and 4.15 contains data on the equivalent conductivity, the viscosity,
and the Walden constant for two electrolytes and several solvents. It is seen that
(1) Eq. (4.340) is a fair approximation for many solvents and (2) its validity is better
for solvents other than water.
In fact, the radius of the kinetic entity may change in going from one solvent to
another because of changes in the structure of the solvation sheath. Sometimes these
solvation effects on the radius may be as much as 100%. Hence, it is only to a rough
degree that one can use the approximate equation (4.340).
In some cases, the changes in the radii of the solvated ions are mainly due to the
changes in the sizes of the solvent molecules in the solvation sheath. Thus, in the case
of water, methanol, and ethanol, the size of the three solvent molecules increases in
the order

Actually, Eq. (4.340) containing the mobility is a form of Waldens rule [cf. Eq. (4.196)], which contains
the equivalent conductivity. Since cf. Eq. (4.292)it is easy to transform
Eq. (4.340) into the usual form of Waldens rule.

Water methanol ethanol

Since the radius of the solvated ions should also increase in the same order, it follows
from Eq. (4.339) that the mobility or equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution should
increase from ethanol to methanol to water. This is indeed what is observed (see Table
One should be careful in using a simple Waldens rule = constant, which
assumes that the radii of the moving ions are independent of the solvent. Rather, one
should use a generalized Waldens rule, namely,

= constant (4.339)
where r is the radius of the ionic entity concerned in a given solvent.

4.8.7. Slope of the versus Curve as a Function of the Solvent

If one takes the generalized Waldens rule (4.339) and calculates (from
the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution for a number of nonaqueous
solutions, it turns out that the values of in such solutions are relatively high. They
are near those of water and are in some cases greater than those of water.
One might naively conclude from this fact that in using nonaqueous solutions
instead of aqueous solutions in an electrochemical system, the conductivity presents
no problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The crucial quantity that often
determines the feasibility of using nonaqueous solutions in practical electrochemical
systems is the specific conductivity at a finite concentration, not the equivalent
conductivity at infinite dilution. The point is that it is the specific conductivity
which, in conjunction with the electrode geometry, determines the electrolyte resis-
tance R in an electrochemical system. This electrolyte resistance is an important factor
in the operation of an electrochemical system because the extent to which useful power
is diverted into the wasteful heating of the solution depends on where I is the
current passing through the electrolyte; hence, R must be reduced or the increased.
Now, is related to the equivalent conductivity at the same concentration

but varies with concentration; this is what the DebyeHckelOnsager equation

(4.321) was all about. To understand the specific conductivity at a concentration c,
it is not enough to know the equivalent conductivity under a hypothetical condition of
infinite dilution. One must be able to calculate,48 for the nonaqueous solution, the

Of course, the validity of the calculation depends upon whether the theoretical expression for the
equivalent conductivity (e.g., the DebyeHckelOnsager equation) is valid in the given concentration

equivalent conductivity at finite concentrations, utilizing the value and the theo-
retical slope of the versus curve. This will be possible if one knows the values
of the constants A and B in the DebyeHckelOnsager equation



When one looks at the above expressions for A and B, it becomes obvious that as
decreases, A and B increase; the result is that and therefore decrease. Physically,
this corresponds to the stronger interionic interactions arising as is reduced.
So the question of the specific conductivity of nonaqueous solutions vis vis
aqueous solutions hinges on whether the dielectric constant of nonaqueous solvents is
lower or higher than that of water. Table 4.23 shows that many nonaqueous solvents
have s considerably lower than that of water. There are some notable exceptions,
namely, the hydrogen-bonded liquids.
Thus, because of the lower dielectric constant values, the effect of an increase of
electrolyte concentration on lowering the equivalent conductance is much greater in
nonaqueous than in aqueous solutions. The result is that the specific conductivity of
nonaqueous solutions containing practical electrolyte concentrations is far less than
the specific conductivity of aqueous solutions at the same electrolyte concentration
(Table 4.26 and Fig. 4.107).
In summary, it is the lower dielectric constants of the typical nonaqueous solvent
that cause a far greater decrease in equivalent conductivity with an increase of
concentration than that which takes place in typical aqueous solutions over a similar
concentration range. Even if the infinite-dilution value makes a nonaqueous
electrochemical system look hopeful, the practically important values of the specific
conductivity (i.e., the ones at real concentrations) are nearly always much less than
those in the corresponding aqueous solution. That is another unfortunate aspect of
nonaqueous solutions, to be added to the difficulty of keeping them free of water in
ambient air.

4.8.8. Effect of the Solvent on the Concentration of Free Ions: Ion

The concentration c that appears in the DebyeHckelOnsager equation pertains
only to the free ions. This concentration becomes equal to the analytical concentration
(which is designated here as ) only if every ion from the ionic lattice from which the
electrolyte was produced is stabilized in solution as an independent mobile charge
carrier; i.e., if there is ion-pair formation. Whether ion-pair formation occurs
depends on the relative values of a, the distance of closest approach of oppositely
charged ions, and the Bjerrum parameter When the
condition for ion-pair formation is satisfied and when the ions remain free.

Fig. 4.107. Comparison of the

concentration dependence of the
equivalent conductivity of
tetraisoamylammonium nitrate
dissolved in water and in water
dioxane mixtures.

From the expression for q, it is clear that the lower the dielectric constant of the
solvent, the larger is the magnitude of q. Hence, when one replaces water with a
nonaqueous solvent, the likelihood of ion-pair formation increases because of the
increasing q (assuming that a does not increase in proportion to q).
It has already been emphasized that, taken as a whole, an ion pair is electrically
neutral and ceases to play its role in the ionic cloud (Section 3.8). For the same reason
(i.e., that the ion pair is uncharged), the ion pair does not respond to an externally
applied electric field. Hence, ion pairs do not participate in the conduction of current.
A quantitative analysis of the extent to which ion-pair formation affects the conduc-
tivity of an electrolyte must now be considered.

4.8.9. Effect of Ion Association on Conductivity

In treating the thermodynamic consequences of ion-pair formation (Section
3.8.4), it was shown that the association constant for the equilibrium between free
ions and ion pairs is given by

where is the fraction of ions that are associated, is the analytical concentration of
the electrolyte, is the mean activity coefficient, and is the activity coefficient for
the ion pairs. Since neutral ion pairs are not involved in the ionion interactions
responsible for activity coefficients deviating from unity, it is reasonable to assume
that , in which case,

A relation between and the conductivity of the electrolyte will now be devel-
oped. The specific conductivity has been shown [cf. Eq. (4.161)] to be related to the
concentration of mobile charge carriers (i.e., of free ions) in the following way:

One can rewrite this equation in the form

Since is the fraction of ions that are not associated (i.e., are free), it is equal
to unity minus the fraction of ions that are associated. Hence,

and using this result in Eq. (4.344)

or, from the definition of equivalent conductivity, i.e.,

one can write

If there is no ion association, i.e., then one can define a quantity which
is given by [cf. Eq. (4.163)]

By dividing Eq. (4.347) by Eq. (4.348), the result is


Introducing these expressions for and 1 into Eq. (4.342), one finds that


Though Eq. (4.351) relates the equivalent conductivity to the electrolyte concen-
tration, it contains the unevaluated quantity By combining Eqs. (4.346) and
(4.348), one gets

from which it is clear that is the equivalent conductivity of a solution in which

there is no ion association but in which the concentration is Thus, for
small concentrations (see Section 4.6.12), one can express by the Debye
HckelOnsager equation (4.321), taking care to use the concentration

which can be written in the form (see Appendix 4.4)

where Z is the continued fraction


Introducing expression (4.354) for into Eq. (4.351), one has


This is an interesting result. It can be seen from Eq. (4.357) that the association
of ions into ion pairs has entirely changed the form of the equivalent conductivity
versus concentration curve. In the absence of significant association, was linearly
dependent on as empirically shown by Kohlrausch. When, however, there is

Fig. 4.108. Plots of Eq. (4.357) for the

hydrogen halides in ethyl alcohol.

considerable ion-pair formation (as would be the case in nonaqueous solvents of low
dielectric constant), instead of the Kohlrausch law, one finds that when is plotted
against a straight line is obtained with slope and intercept
Figure 4.108 shows the experimental demonstration of this conductance behavior.

4.8.10. Ion-Pair Formation and Non-Coulombic Forces

The theory of ion-pair formation in nonaqueous solutions has been substantially

advanced by the work of Barthel, who demonstrated how important it is to take into
account the non-Coulombic forces at small ionic distances in addition to the Coulom-
bic ones used by Bjerrum. These non-Coulombic forces are represented by the mean
force potential in the region

where q' is related to Bjerrums parameter q (cf. Eq. 3.144).

Non-Coulombic forces are those that are responsible for different degrees of
association of electrolytes in isodielectric solvents. For example, one can see the
importance of non-Coulombic forces in respect to ion-pair formation when one
compares the temperature dependence of the association constants of alkali metal salts
and the tetraalkylammonium salts in protic solvents. The association constants of alkali
metal halides show a monotonically increasing when plotted against

In this region, the ion pair suppresses long-range interactions with other ions in solution.

whereas the tetraalkylammonium halide plot passes through a minimum at a tempera-

ture that is characteristic of the anion and solvent studied. Cation exchange has no
effect on the position of this minimum.
In Table 4.27, one can see the free energies, enthalpies, and entropies of
ion-pair formation. The enthalpies and entropies of the alkali metal salts are on the
order of and respectively. In contrast, the small enthalpies
and entropies of the tetraalkylammonium ions reflect lesser solvation of the cations in
the protic solvents.

4.8.11. Triple Ions and Higher Aggregates Formed in Nonaqueous

When the dielectric constant of the nonaqueous solvent goes below about 15, ions
can associate not only in ion pairs but also in ion triplets. This comes about by one of
the ions (e.g., of an ion pair Coulombically attracting a free ion strongly
enough to overcome the thermal forces of dissociation

From the conductance point of view, ion pairs and triple ions behave quite
differently. The former, being uncharged, do not respond to an external field; the latter
are charged and respond to the external field by drifting and contributing to the
The extent of ion-pair formation is governed by the equilibrium between free ions
and ion pairs. In like fashion, the extent of triple-ion formation depends on the
equilibrium between ion pairs and triple ions.

Fig. 4.109. Minimum in the curve for

equivalent conductivity vs. concentration
in the case of tetraisoamylammonium ni-
trate in a waterdioxane mixture of dielec-
tric constant

Thus, the greater the stoichiometric concentration, the greater is the ion-pair formation
and triple-ion formation.
With increasing concentration, therefore, ion-pair formation dominates the
equivalent conductivity, which decreases with increasing concentration faster than if
there had been no formation. At still higher concentrations, when triple-ion formation
starts becoming significant, the equivalent conductivity starts increasing after passing
through a minimum. This behavior has been experimentally demonstrated (Fig. 4.109).
Nevertheless, minima in plots of vs. do not unambiguously prove the
existence of triple ions. Grigo showed that it is also possible to reproduce the data
for sodium iodide in butanol in terms of dielectric constant variation without the
assumption of ion triplets. In summary, doubts still exist in relation to the formation
of triple ions. Such doubts are most likely to be relieved by information that may
become available through Raman and other kinds of spectroscopy.

4.8.12. Some Conclusions about the Conductance of Nonaqueous

Solutions of True Electrolytes

The change from aqueous to nonaqueous solutions of true electrolytes results

in characteristic effects on the conductance. The order of magnitude of the equiva-
lent conductivity at infinite dilution is approximately the same in both types of
solutions and is largely dependent on the viscosity of the solvent. However, the slope

of the equivalent-conductivity versus concentration curve is considerably more nega-

tive in nonaqueous solutions than in the corresponding aqueous solutions. This means
that the actual specific conductivity , which is the significant quantity as far as the
conducting power of an actual solution is concerned, is much lower for nonaqueous
solutions. Ion-pair formation worsens the conductance situation; triple-ion formation
may be a slight help.
Thus, nonaqueous solutions of true electrolytes are not to be regarded with
unrestrained optimism for applications in which there is a premium on high specific
conductivity and minimum power losses through resistance heating. One may have to
think of solutions of potential electrolytes where there is an ion-forming reaction
between the electrolyte and the solvent (Section 2.4).

Further Reading

1. R. M. Fuoss and F. Ascania, Electrolytic Conductance, Interscience, New York (1959).
2. H. J. Gores and J. M. C. Barthel, Nonaqueous Solutions: New Materials for Devices and
Processes Based on Recent Applied Research, Pure Appl. Chem. 67: 919 (1995).

1. J. Barthel and H. J. Gores, Nonaqueous Solutions: Ionic Conductors with Widely Varying
Properties, in Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solutions, G. Mamantov and A. Popov, eds., p. 36,
VCH Publishers, New York (1994).

1. A. N. Ogude and J. D. Bradley, J. Chem. Ed. 71: 29 (1994).
2. Z. H. Wang and D. Scherson, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142: 4225 (1995).
3. Y. Koga, V. J. Loo, and K. T. Puhacz, Can. J. Chem. 73: 1294 (1995).
4. Y. C. Wu and P. A. Berezansky, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Standards Technol. 100: 521 (1995).
5. A. A. Chialvo, P. T. Cummings, H. D. Cochran, J. M. Simonson, and R. E. Mesmer, J.
Chem. Phys. 103: 9379 (1995).
6. G. H. Zimmerman, M. S. Gruszkiewicz, and R. H. Wood, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 11612 (1995).
7. M. G. Lee and J. Jorne, J. Membr. Sci. 99: 39 (1995).
8. J. Barthel, H. J. Gores, and L. Kraml, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 3671 (1996).



4.9.1. Why Some Polymers Become Electronically Conducting

Although organic compounds by and large have very poor electronic conductivity
with values of specific conductivity that are as much as times lower than those

of a metal, certain organic polymers (conjugated compounds such as polyaniline and

polypyrrole) conduct relatively well (see Table 4.28). The actual range of at room
temperature observed among organic polymers is large, but some organic polymers
have values of around unity. A few have specific conductivities that are even
comparable with those of metals.
The degree of conductivity of organic polymers arises from their states of relative
oxidation or reduction. In such states the polymer itself loses (for oxidation) or gains
(for reduction) electrons in its structure. The number of monomer units that gain or
lose an electron is variable but may be, e.g., 1 unit in 4. Once the polymer is
electronically charged, counterions from solution enter the polymer fibrils to guard
electrostatic neutrality. These neutralizing ions are often referred to as dopants.
However, this is not doping in the sense of semiconductor doping (see Chapter 6),
where the dopant itself ionizes to provide the charge carriers. In conducting polymers,
the charge carriers are generated within the polymer chain. On the other hand, it is
convenient to refer to the counterions in the charged polymers as dopants, so this term
is widely used.
One model used to explain conductivity in polymeric structures is that of polaron
formation.50 Upon oxidation, double bonds along the chain are broken, leaving a
A polaron is the term given to the quantum of electrostatic energy.

Fig. 4.110. Conductivity in polymeric structures by polaron formation. (After Lyons,


radical and a positive charge unit on the polymer chainand this positive charge is
called a polaron (see Fig 4.110). After further oxidation, more polarons are formed
along the chain. When the polaron concentration gets high enough, the radical cations
spread out through adjacent structures across approximately eight bond lengths. At
this distance the polarons are able to feel each other, making contact between them.
The combination of two radicalsone from each polaronforms a new bond. This
bond is more stable than the two radical-cation bonds; that is, the of the bond
is greater than the of dissociation of the two polarons. The result is a bipolaron
that is more stable than two polarons the same distance apart. The bipolarons are then
free to move along the polymer chain, which gives rise to electronic conductivity. It
is at this point in the oxidation process that the conductivity undergoes a marked

Fig. 4.111. An example of a re-

dox polymer.

Fig. 4.112. Mechanism of conduction of loaded ionomers. (After Lyons, 1996.)

increase. Once the radical components of the polarons have combined to form bonds,
the remaining positive charges achieve high mobility along the chain.
Organic materials that conduct electricity are grouped into three classes. These
are called, respectively (see Figs. 4.1114.113),

1. redox polymers
2. loaded ionomer materials
3. electronically conducting polymers

The redox polymers contain, as the name indeed suggests, redox-active groups
that are in turn bound to the polymers spine, as shown in Fig. 4.111. Electrons travel
macroscopic distances by hopping along using the redox groups attached to the spine
at points between which the hops occur.
For electrodes at which redox processes occur (Chapter 7), the redox potential E
is given by the expression

At the standard redox potential it is found that the conductivity passes through a
maximum. This maximum of conduction occurs when Hence, highly
oxidized or highly reduced polymers do not conduct well at all.

Fig. 4.113. Examples of electroni-

cally conducting polymers.

A second type of conducting electroactive organic substance is called a loaded

ionomer (Fig. 4.112). Here the redox-active groups are mixed into the matrix of the
ion-containing substance or ionomer. It can be seen in Fig. 4.112 what happens when
an ionomer is placed in solution. As with the redox polymers, ionomers have charged
sites attached to the polymer spine. Each of these charged sites has a partner or
counterion of opposite sign. Once placed in a solution which itself contains ions that
can take part in redox processes, the ionomer takes part in an ion-exchange process.
The counterions originally belonging to the ionomer transport themselves into the
surrounding solution, and the redox-active ions which were in the solution to begin
with enter the ionomer and become electrostatically attached to the opposite charges
in the polymer that makes up the ionomer material (usually a film). The conduction
has the same mechanism as that for the redox polymer: electrons hop along between
charged sites.
It is when one reaches the electronically conducting polymers that the really high
conductances are found. There is a clear reason for this: for these substances (Fig.
4.113) the spine contains many conjugated structures and in these electrons are
delocalized. Along such conjugated structures, charge transport is very fast and the
rate-determining act is crossing from chain to chain.
Such materials also vary greatly in conductivity, depending on the state of
oxidation. However, the conductance does not maximize at the standard redox poten-

tialas with redox polymersbut when the polymer is in the highly oxidized state,
so that many electrons are set free (i.e., In the reduced state, electrons
are withdrawn and the electronically conducting polymers become insulating poly-
mers; the loss in conductivity is dramatically sudden and tends to disrupt the happiness
of the experimenter. Thus, to keep the electronically conducting polymers conducting,
they always have to be oxidized.51

4.9.2. Applications of Electronically Conducting Polymers in

Electrochemical Science Electrocatalysis. New materials that may act as electrocatalysts, that

is, that may improve the desired path in a given reaction, are always needed if they are
inexpensive and/or more easily handled than conventional materials. The development
of conducting polymers to act as electrocatalysts is an area of research that began in
the 1990s. It is relatively easy for organic compounds to be adjusted, that is, the
surface groups in the polymer can be varied to a great degree, which is just what is
needed to give catalysts a variety and power corresponding to those of enzymes.
Corresponding to this is the idea of biosensors that could be implanted in the body
for the electroanalysis of conceivably any chemical in the body. Thus, it may become
possible to adsorb enzymes on the surface of electrodes and then tune these enzymes
to react with appropriate biomolecules, as represented in Fig. 4.114. How would
conducting polymers figure in such devices? They might be useful as the biosensor
itself, since, being organic, they are more likely to interact positively with enzymes
and biochemicals than metal electrodes would. Bioelectrochemistry. A potential area of application of conducting

polymers is in prosthetic devices. One of the difficulties in this area of research is blood
clotting, which occurs when the electrical potential of the implanted device is negative
insufficiently in potential. Blood clotting is common when metals are used as
prosthetics, but given the great variety of materials that could become suitable through
the use of electronically conducting organic polymers, the range of possible materials
is much increased. The further possibility of organically conducting materials being
able to be made into artificial organs52replacing the difficult-to-find transplantsis
an enticing one, particularly in the future development of electrochemistry in concepts
such as the cyborg (Chapter 1).

There are other factors that also affect the degree of conduction of electronically conducting polymers
when they are in the oxidized state; one is alignment of the polymer chains. Thus, a rate-determining step
in conduction may be the transfer of electrons from one unit in the spine to another: here linearity in the
chain would help and junctions out of alignment would impede the continued passage of electrons along
the chain.
Although this goal is enticing, and perhaps not more than a decade away, a prerequisite to its achievement
is much more knowledge of the surface properties of electronically conducting polymers.

Fig. 4.114. Glucose sensor in which the

enzyme (containing a reduced cofactor)
is oxidized directly at an electrode. Batteries and Fuel Cells. The work that directed commercial
attention toward the use of electronically conducting polymers was initiated by Alien
MacDiarmid at the University of Pennsylvania, who reported in 1980 on a battery
using polyacetylene in propylene carbonate. The original battery is shown in Fig.
4.115. The conductivity of the polymer is adjusted by varying the content of lithium
perchlorate, which acted as doping material in the polyacetylene. The maximum
conductivity of the polyacetylene is on the order of The energy density
obtained by this battery, which discharges with an initial current of was
about 170 W-hr per kilogram, compared with about 30 for the lead acid-battery. Since
MacDiarmids pioneer work, many other batteries involving conducting polymers
have been studied. They are attractive, particularly for their potential as extremely
cheap electricity storers, perhaps for widespread use in electrically powered bicycles.
An attraction of conducting organic materials as batteries is their low densities of
about compared with for metals. Their use in aircraft might be cost
effective. Such prospects must be balanced against the relatively small potential range
in which the present electronically conducting polymers are stable. Other Applications of Electronically Conducting Polymers. Future

applications of electrochemistry in clean energy systems (based on solar light or
chemically stimulated nuclear changes) seem possible. A major difficulty so far has
been the expense of the materials. In this area, one of the initial studies involving

Fig. 4.115. Schematic representation of the dis-

charge process in a rechargeable
storage battery celt (A. J. Heeger and A. G. MacDiar-
mid, in The Physics and Chemistry of Low Dimen-
sional Solids, L. Alcacer, ed., D. Reidel, Boston, 1980,
p. 45).

conducting polymers was carried out by Shirakawa et al. in the early 1990s. Their cell
is shown in Fig. 4.116.
One of the fields in which conducting polymers may have a great potential for
development is the one broadly classified as molecular electronics. The fabrication of
reliable electronic devices based on organic molecules or biological macromolecules
offers formidable challenges. Is there a possibility of utilizing conducting organic
compounds in miniaturizing electronic devices so that eventually molecules take the
place of wires, transistors, and memory devices? Electronically conducting polymers
should be useful in such advanced developments.
Another area of potential applicability of conducting polymers is monitoring the
composition of gaseous ambients. Although solid-state gas sensors are available, they
present a disadvantage: the high temperatures needed for the sensor elements to
operate. Here is where research may find conducting organic polymers useful. For
example, it has been shown by Miasik et al. that the resistance of a polypyrrole
deposited on a filter paper is sensitive to the presence of ammonia at room temperature.
Thus, the resistance increases in the presence of a reducing gas, such as ammonia, and
decreases in the presence of an oxidizing gas, such as nitrogen dioxide. The response
of such an electrode is depicted in Fig. 4.117.

4.9.3. Summary
The major difficulty in the 1990s for the development of electronically conducting
polymers lies in the limited understanding we have about the relation between the
molecular structure of the organic material and the resulting electronic conductance.

Fig. 4.116. Experimental apparatus used by Shirakawa et al.

for photoelectrochemical measurements of a polyacetylene
electrode (H. Shirakawa, S. Ikeda, M. Aizawa, J. Yoshitake, and

Fig. 4.117. Qualitative dc resistance

response characteristic at room tem-
perature of a conductive polypyrrole
sensor to pulses of ammonia and nitro-
gen dioxide (J. J. Miasik, A. Hooper, P.
T. Mosely, and B. C. Tofield, Elec-
tronically Conducting Polymer Gas
Sensors, in Conducting Polymers,
Luis Alcacer, ed., Reidel, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 1987).

However, the field is ripe for development, particularly in electrocatalysis for obtain-
ing cheap, light, electrochemical storage and in molecular electronics coupled with


We learned early on that equivalent conductivity and specific conductivity dif-
fered in that the former was not directly proportional to concentration but only
secondarily so. However, it turned out that this secondary dependence was consider-
able and arose because the mobility of the ion itself decreased with an increase in
concentration. Thus, as ions get near enough to feel each other through the interaction
of their electric fields, they slow down.
At a molecular level, this slowdown is described in terms of two effects. One of
these effects is called electrophoretic and the other, relaxational. The electrophoretic
effect is easy to understand because it is a kind of electrical friction: as one ion passes
the other within electrical hailing distance, both ions slow down in recognition of the
electrical existence of the other.
The relaxation effect is a bit more difficult to explain. It has to do with the fact
that when an ion moves in a given direction, inertia causes the ionic cloud around it
to become egg shaped, and this dissymmetric ionic cloud has more counter charge
toward its rear than toward its front. The dissymmetry of charges acts to counteract
the effect of the directional electric field applied through the solution, and so this also
slows the ion down. Both these effects combine to explain why mobility falls with
increasing concentration, for the two effects increase in strength with the square root
of the concentration.
Then, having broached the subject of the relaxation of the ions atmosphereits
taking up a dissymmetric shape when the ion moveswe went on to tackle the subject
of relaxation quite generally. For example, if an electric field is suddenly applied to a
solution, it would orient the solvent dipoles therein. A new equilibrium would then be
set up. The relaxation time is a measure of the time it takes to set up this new
equilibrium. At first it seems peculiar that one should call it a measure of and not
the time itself. However, the situation is similar to that of radioactive decay because
in changing from state 1 to state 2, the concentration of a radioactive nucleus decreases
exponentially with time, taking an infinite time to disappear completely. Since this is
not a practical measure, we agree to use another measure of the rate of decaythe
time to decline by 63%.
These ideas about relaxation times are applied to several phenomena, including
the changes in asymmetry of the ionic atmosphere and the unusual behavior of the
dielectric constant of water, which has three values according to the frequency with
which it is measured. They are 78, 5, and 2.
Nonaqueous solutions are one of two final topics in this section. They form a
subfield in which there has been immense progress since 1970. Nonaqueous solutions

allow a much greater electrochemical window than do the aqueous solutions because
of course in the latter, one is subject to hydrogen evolution if one goes too negative
and evolution of oxygen if one goes too positive. In practice, in aqueous solutions,
there is only about 1.5 V of practical working potentiala relatively short range when
one recalls that the electrochemical series extends over about 4.5 V. This is one of the
reasons why the study of nonaqueous solutions has increased in intensity so much in
recent years. It opens up several new areas, and one of them concerns the strange new
ions that are formed there. This is because the dielectric constant is so much lower in
nonaqueous than in aqueous solutions and therefore the Coulombic attraction between
ions of opposite sign is higher in the former solutions, so that there is a greater tendency
to stick together. Dimers, trimers, and even larger aggregates occur.
Last of all, we discussed the conductivity of certain polymers. This is a fairly new
area and very promising for electrochemical devices, the breadth of application of
which may be greatly extended. We started off by pointing out why it is that only
certain types of organic materials produce relatively high concentrations of mobile
electrons that can leave the tiny prescribed molecular area in which they usually have
their being and become mobile along a whole polymer chain, by hopping along
charged sites in the polymer spine. In this way organic materials (that normally would
be considered insulators) may become significantly conducting (e.g.,
Electronically conducting polymers form so new a field that it exists more in hope
than in reality. As with the progress of much scientific research, it depends on the
amount of funding available. Nonaqueous solutions offer tremendous scope because
they allow one to introduce so much variety in properties. Among the applications
already mentioned is the possibility of making cheap electricity energy storers (or
batteries) utilizing, e.g., polyacetylene or polypyrrole. A really exciting suggestion for
the future is the possibility that we might be able to manufacture artificial organs for
the body by using conducting organics and hence avoid the wait for transplants.

Further Reading

1. H. Kallmann and M. Pope, Conductivity of Insulators in Contact with Ionic Solutions,
J. Chem.Phys. 32: 300(1960).
2. H. Mehl, J. M. Hale, and F. Lohmaan, Electrode Made out of Insulators, J. Electrochem.
Soc. 113: 1166 (1966).
3. R. Pethig and G. Szent-Gyrgyi, Redox Properties in Biomolecules, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 74: 226 (1978).
4. J. Heeger and A. G. MacDiarmid, Electronically Conducting Polyacetylene, in The Physics
and Chemistry of Low Dimensional Solids, L. Alcacer, ed., p. 73, D. Reidel, Boston (1980).

1. J. OM. Bockris and D. Miller, An Introduction to Conducting Polymers, in Conducting
Polymers, Luis Alcacer, ed., Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1987).

2. W. H. Smyrl and M. Lien, Conductivity in Electronically Conducting Polymers, in

Applications of Electroactive Polymers, B. Scrosati, ed., Chapman and Hall, London
3. M. E. G. Lyons, in Electroactive Polymer Chemistry, Part I. Fundamentals, M. E. G. Lyons,
ed., Chapter I, Plenum Press, New York (1994).

1. D. L. Miller and J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139: 967 (1992).
2. A. Szucs, G. D. Hitchens, and J. OM. Bockris, Electrochim. Acta 37: 277 (1992).
3. S. Li, C. W. Macosko, and H. S. White, Science 259: 957 (1993).
4. G. Shi, S. Jin, and G. Xue, Science 267: 994 (1995).
5. M. S. Walaszlowski, J. Orlikowski, and R. Juchniewicz, Corros. Sci. 37: 645 (1995).
6. M. S. Freund and N. S. Lewis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92: 2652 (1995).
7. X. B. Chen, J. Devaux, J. P. Issi, and D. Billaud, Polym. Eng. Sci. 35: 637 (1995).
8. B. Coffey, P. V. Madson, T. O. Poehler, and P. C. Searson, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142: 321


4.11.1. The Proton as a Different Sort of Ion

The reason for having a whole section in this book on proton conduction is that
this particle exhibits characteristics quite different from those of other ions; moreover,
the particle itself is tiny in dimension. Instead of carrying with it the electron shell
normal to all other ionshence having its radius expressed in nanometersthe proton
is a nucleus only, and its radius is only about 1 fermi (F) This makes it the
smallest ion and the lightest, giving it the property of being able to approach much
closer to a neighboring ion or atom than any other ion or atom can. The tiny proton is,
however, also a mighty proton: it attracts electrons much more powerfully than, say,
Li. This particular property is shown by the magnitude of the ionization energy: 1309
for hydrogen vs. for lithium. Apart from this display of power,
protons have a unique characteristicthey form H bonds. Partly for this reason, the
time a proton remains bare in water is small indeed; it spends less than 1% of its time
alone. The remaining 99% of its time, a proton in solution is closely attached to an
molecule, forming a hydronium ion.
Being such a famous performer, the shape and size of the hydronium ion have
been determined by NMR and other methods. The ion has a rather flat trigonal-
pyramidal structure with the hydrogen at the corners of the pyramid and the oxygen
in the middle, as shown in Fig. 4.118. Its structure resembles that of the ammonia
A great deal can be learned about the proton simply by reviewing some energy
quantities assigned to it. The energy change associated with the interaction between a

Fig. 4.118. The trigonal-pyramid structure of the hydronium ion

proton and a single water molecule, the proton affinity of water, is This
value corresponds to the interaction of and in the gas phase, not in solution.
The corresponding value of the enthalpy or heat of hydration of the proton is
How are these two values related? If the proton affinity is subtracted from
the total hydration heat of a proton, one gets then the heat of hydration of an
ion! This value is a reasonable value when one compares it with the
heat of hydration of a ion which has approximately the same
radius as the ion.
The value of for the hydration energy of the hydronium ion
indicates that it itself is hydrated. How many molecules of water hydrate it? A look at
Fig. 4.119 shows that approximately three water molecules are associated to the
hydronium ion, giving a structure of
How is the H+ a nonconforming ion? For one thing, because of its special
association with water; it is nearly always tightly bound to one water. This structure
seems to exist as an entity which itself is being solvated by other waters.
This is not the only nor the main differentiating property of the nonconforming
ion. Having seen that is usually to be found tightly attached to one would
expect that would be the transporting entity. It is not! movement contrib-
utes only about 10% of the transport of in aqueous solution, and the main mode of
transport is, indeed, entirely different from that of other ions.
Why is it that one regards the proton as different from all other ions? There are
three reasons, all connected with its tiny size and small mass: (1) The tiny size means
that such an ion can go anywhere (e.g., diffusing in Pd). (2) Its small mass turns out
to give rise to a mechanism of motion in solution quite different from that of any other
ion (except its isotope, the deuteron). (3) In quantum mechanical tunneling (see also
Chapter 9), low mass is a vital factor. The electron, the mass of which is nearly 2000
times less than that of a proton, can easily tunnel through barriers more than 2000 pm
in thickness. The ability of the proton to tunnel is much less than that of the electron,

In the coordination shell of an n water molecules are compressed owing to the electric field of
the ion, and thus the molar volume is decreased compared to what one would expect from the volume of
water. By measuring molar volumes or densities as a function of temperature and comparing them with
curves calculated for an assumed value of n, the number of coordinating water molecules can be predicted.

Fig. 4.119. Schematic configuration of group

shown with an extra molecule electrostatically

but its quantum properties are still significantand that is something that sets it apart
from heavier ions, even and certainly So this ion's properties deserve a special
section of which this is the introduction.

4.11.2. Protons Transport Differently

The starting point to elucidate the way the proton moves in solution is to consider
its movement through the solvent at a steady stateconstant velocityand at a
concentration so low that there is no interionic interaction (zeroth approximation). This
occurs when the electric driving force balances the Stokes viscous force,
Thus, the Stokes mobility is

What radius should one use? Suppose one takes a rough-and-ready measure to
consider the hydronium ion. Since it has approximately the same radius as that of a
ion, one would expect its mobility to be approximately the same, i.e., about
It is here that one encounters the great anomalythe nonconforming
ionfor the mobility of the proton is in reality a sevenfold

Fig. 4.120. The equivalent conductivity of HCI in

methanol-water mixtures decreases with increasing
alcohol content and reaches a minimum at about 80
mol % of alcohol. At this concentration, the abnormal
mobility, i.e., the mobility of the ion compared
with that of the ion (which is of similar size), is
reduced almost to zero.

One can pick up a clue as to the reason for this anomaly in mobility if one asks:
What is the protons mobility in other, related solvents? This rather vital question was
addressed and solved in a Ph.D. thesis by an Austrian student, Hanna Rosenberg, more
than 40 years ago. She found that if, for example, methanol was added to water, the
anomalous mobility of the proton was decreased (Fig. 4.120). When methanol was
replaced by other, larger alcohols (no water present), she was astounded to find that
the anomalous mobility was greatly reduced until by the time n-propanol was reached,
the difference between HCl and LiCl was greatly reduced (Table 4.29).

Another fact came up in further work stimulated by Ms. Rosenberg: the ratio of
the proton and deuterium mobilities in water had been found to be 1.4 at 25 C, an
unexpectedly large value. If the proton mobility was to be understood in terms of
movements of or in a viscous fluid (i.e., if it were determined by Stokes
law), the two values should be about the same, because the actual difference in size of
the two ions and would be negligible. Finally, when one looks into the
conductance of protons in water at various temperatures, one expects that as with the
other ions, there will be a constant energy of activation over an appreciable range of
temperatures. The truth is, the vs. 1 /T plot shows curvature, suggesting that as
the temperature increases, the entity contributing to the transport is changing.
The proton is indeed anomalous in its conductance and mobility. These properties
do not vary with temperature in the expected, regular way. There is not the expected
near-sameness for hydronium and deuterium ion mobilities. The conductance of
protons in aqueous-non-aqueous media is wholly dependent on the mole-fraction of
water present.

4.11.3. The Grotthuss Mechanism

The use of Stokes law to calculate the mobility of an ion implies a mechanism
for the way an ion goes through a solution. When Stokes derived his famous equation
(the one that gives the resistive force to flow as (Section 4.4.7)), ions had not
been thought of, and the movement that Stokes imagined was much more like a brass
ball being pulled through molasses. As the decades passed, Stokes law turned out to
perform remarkably well, not only for brass balls in molasses, but also right down to
particles of angstrom size, the size of normal, regular ions. So it is not unreasonable
to conclude that ions, too, have a slow, viscous kind of movement through a solvent.
The molecular-level picture is that of the ionin the absence of an applied field
lurching hither and staggering thither, the direction of each lurch being randomly
determined. When an electric field is applied, there is still this lurching all over the
place, as in diffusion (Section 4.2), but now there is a slightly preferred component to
the random movementthat of the ion's movement in the direction of the electric
field. It is to this drift movementmovement in the direction of the electric fieldthat
Stokes law applies.
It was demonstrated earlier in several ways that although it may well apply to
and Stokes law certainly does not apply to the proton, the nonconforming ion.
There may be a slow, viscous drifting of through the solvent. However, it does
not explain the protons movement.
A Swedish worker, Grotthus, had noticed that in a row of marbles in contact, the
collision of the marble at one end of the row with a new marble caused a marble at the
far end to detach itself and go off alone (Fig. 4.121). This sort of movement would
provide a rapid way for an ion to appear to travel through a solution. There would then
be no need for a whole to lumber along, taking the proton with it. Could a proton

Fig. 4.121. Effect of marbles colliding in a row: the

Grotthuss mechanism.

attach itself to one end of a chain of water molecules in solution and push one off at
the other end of the chain?
Stokes and Grotthuss both worked during the Victorian age. It appeared that
Stokes drift of whole ions though solutions had won out as far as most ions are
concerned, and Grotthusss concept found no resonance until in 1933 Bernal and
Fowler, in the first issue of the famous Journal of Chemical Physics, suggested a
mechanism that borrowed some things from it. In Fig. 4.122 one sees a suggestion for
the mechanism of a proton jumping from one water molecule to the next, which is
vaguely what Grotthuss had suggested. Thus, when a proton arrives at one water,
making it temporarily another different proton from the same detaches
itself from the for the next hop. It is at once clear that this relay-like mechanism
provides an exciting possibility for more rapid transport than Stokes law would allow.
There is no need for the relatively heavy to lumber along; the tiny proton itself
hops from to (making it and new are rapidly formed across
the solution.

Fig. 4.122. Two schematic views (a) and (b) of a water

molecule adjacent to an ion. The free electron pair
(orbital) of the O of the water molecule is oriented along the O
+ + +
(of H3O )H O (of H2O) line. The jump of the proton H from
the H3O ion to the water molecule converts the water mole-
cule into an ion and the ion into a water molecule.

Fig. 4.123. If there are a series of proton jumps down a

line of water molecules, the net result is equivalent to the
migration of an ion (indicated by a charge on the
oxygen) along the line.

This latter impression is better seen by looking at Fig. 4.123 because there one
sees that although in reality it is always a proton that does the jumping, the positions
a, b, c represent an ensemble of waters netted together by means of H bonding, with
a proton swinging away from one water to the next, making each stationary water54
become momentarily a hydronium ion, and causing the casual onlooker to get the
impression that itself is moving through the solution.

4.11.4. The Machinery of Nonconformity: A Closer Look at How the

Proton Moves
If one is going to consider protons actually jumping from one quasi-stationary
water molecule to the next, the classical view would be to ask what fraction of them
would be sufficiently activated to get over the top of the corresponding energy barrier.
Another possibility was discussed not long after the introduction of quantum mechan-
ics in 1928 by Bernal and Fowler. In a famous paper of 1933, they applied quantum
mechanics to the possibility of tunneling through a barrier.
It is not reasonable just to say the proton transfers to a water molecule, because
that is a fairly vague statement. One starts asking questions like: Can it transfer to a
water molecule when it arrives from any direction? Hardly, for it has to find an orbital
on O to form a bond withand orbitals have direction. Considering that water
molecules librate and sometimes break H bonds and rotate, the next question which
will have to be researched is: Does a water get into a proton-receiving posture all by

Not quite stationary! Every time a water molecule is blessed by the arrival of a proton, it momentarily
become an and lumbers off a bit down the electric field gradient. But, as the proton detaches itself
again, it jumps off to the next and so each undergoes a Stokeslike movement only to a small
degree that corresponds to the short time an is attached to it.

itself, spontaneously, or does it have to be pushed by the powerful electric field of the
approaching proton to turn around and offer an orbital to which the proton can jump?
To start finding out what happens to the energy of a proton when it leaps from
one water molecule to the next, let the system be simplified to be treated as
though it were a diatomic entity, where W is the water molecule. Then the
potential energy of any diatomic system can be represented accurately in the gas phase
and roughly in solution by a Morse-type equation,

where is the energy of the diatomic system as a function of the actual distance r at
any degree of stretching or compressing around the equilibrium distance of the two
atoms; is the dissociation energy of and a is a constant as a function of
the frequency of vibration. For the overall hydration energy of the proton is used,
i.e., and for the distance is 98 pm.
Knowing these parameters, one can plot the vs. r curve for the stretch of a
proton along one of the p orbitals of oxygen. This plot is known as a Morse curve and
is shown in Fig. 4.124 for our system. The energy trajectory under study here pertains
to the reaction shown in Fig. 4.125. Because of the symmetry of the system, one has
an identical curve for the approach of the proton to the second water molecule. Thus,

Fig. 4.124. Variation of the poten-

tial energy of the system
with the stretching of the
bond (Morse curve).

Fig. 4.125. Model for proton transfer between

an ion and a favorably oriented

the two Morse curves, one for and the other for are put together (Fig.
4.126) and form the potential-energy barrier for proton transfer.
This then is the energy barrier for the jump of a proton from one water molecule
to another over a potential-energy barrier. From this barrier, one can calculate the
energy of activation and thus the rate of proton transfer. How can one create and locate
the curves with respect to each other?
Eyring and Stearn made the first study of the probability that the proton would
have enough energy to climb over the potential-energy barrier. The basic application
of the theory of absolute reaction rates made by Eyring begins with the equation for
the frequency at which the proton crosses the barrier, i.e., the rate constant

Fig. 4.126. Potential-en-

ergy barrier for proton
transfer from to

where denotes the free energy of activation at zero local field X. Equation (4.361)
is derived from the basic equation for all rate constants in Eyrings famous theory.
However, the free energy of activation is modified (reduced from the protons forward
movement toward the negative pole) by the term Thus, X is the electric
field applied to the solution at an angle to the protons movement, F is the charge
per g-ion on the proton, and is the activation or half-jump distance, i.e., half the
distance the proton must travel in crossing a symmetrical barrier. This second electrical
term in the exponent represents the change in energy which acts to reduce for a
forward direction jump.
If we average over all angles of orientation of the jumping direction to the field,
from 0 to (180), then the rate constant becomes

If one substitutes for X, for and the usual values of F and

R at room temperature, the exponential in the integral can become less than a
rather small number, and the exponential can be linearized as approximately 1 + x.
We can use this model to fix the relative positions of the minima of the Morse
curves. When the two minima are fixed, we can see from Fig. 4.127 that the two Morse

Fig. 4.127. Schematic dia-

gram to show that the activa-
tion energy for proton transfer
depends upon the distance be-
tween the minima of the Morse

curves intersect and a potential-energy barrier is fabricated. To obtain the height of the
energy barrier, the resonance energy of the activated complex is required. In an
hydrogen bond, resonance energy would account for half the hydrogen bond
energy if the hydrogen were symmetrically distributed between the two oxygen atoms.
The hydrogen bond energy has been established as and so the
resonance energy of the activated state can be taken as This value
must be subtracted from the energy of activation calculated from the point of intersec-
tion of the Morse curves. A microscopic look at Figure 4.126 shows that the intersec-
tion point occurs at about above the zero-point energy for the proton,
and so the energy of activation is about An important feature to note is
that the barrier height is reasonably low and that the width (the transfer distance) is of
atomic dimensions, about 35 pm.
Is Eyrings theory on proton mobility in water successful in predicting the
experimental values of mobility? The unfortunate answer is that this classical calcu-
lation is not acceptable at all, partly because it gives mobilities that are much smaller
than those observed and it does not fit the demanding criterion of IIt is
necessary to turn to another view.

4.11.5. Penetrating Energy Barriers by Means of Proton Tunneling

A third approach to understanding the anomalous behavior of the nonconforming
ion was provided by Bernal and Fowler in the paper mentioned earlier. Their sugges-
tion was that when the proton jumped from an

converting the water on the right to an and leaving a water behind, the crossing
of the space between the two waters was accomplished, not by crossing above the
energy barrier, but by going through it. This is quantum mechanical tunneling. The
initial application of this type of novel ideathe earliest application of quantum
mechanics to chemistryhad been made by Gurney and Condon to the escape of
electrons (then called from nuclei in radioactivity. To think of protons
penetrating a barrier in this way was a big step, because a proton is 1840 times heavier
than an electron. However, in the Gamow probability function for the penetration of
barriers, the probability is proportional to the exponential of the energies of the
jumping particle, that is

where m is the mass of the particle penetrating, is the length of the jump, and E and
U are the total and potential energies of the jumping particle, respectively. There are

three factors that could compensate for the great decrease of the tunneling probability
obtained by increasing the mass of the particle in the expression. To begin with, the
probability of tunneling found for electrons penetrating barriers of 1 to 10 eV (the
magnitudes of barriers generally found in chemical problems) is approximately 1 up
to a distance of 2000 pm. Nevertheless, the very large increase in mass of the proton
compared with the electronwhich would seem to greatly decrease the tunneling
probabilityis reduced in effect by being taken as Furthermore, the
energy quantities in penetrating the barrier between

are smallaround 0.1 eV, compared with the 1 to 10 eV often observed in electron
penetration problems. Putting this all together gives This is the result
of a very rough calculation, but it suggests that even if the path lengths for jumping
were the same for an electron tunneling out of an electrode to a neighboring ion (see
Chapter 7) and for a proton passing from one water to another, the proton tunneling
probability would be at least 0.01. It is likely55 to be much more.
This is somewhat the way Bernal and Fowler conjectured the proton to behave
more than half a century ago in one of the earliest applications of quantum mechanics
to chemistry. However, their conjecture was by no means satisfactory in a numerical
sense. It was, as it were, too much of a good thing. The resulting values suggested a
velocity for the proton far greater than the high rate observed, and also a quite wrong
value for Something was still very much amiss.

4.11.6. One More Step in Understanding Proton Mobility: The Conway,

Bockris, and Linton (CBL) Theory
Rosenberg, whose work on proton conduction in the alcohols led to insights into
proton conduction, was also a coauthor of a paper that laid the foundation for the
development of the theory of proton conduction in solutions. The theory utilized the
idea of proton tunneling as outlined earlier, but added an essential limitation to its rate.
Thus, in the Eyring theory, the only prerequisite for a proton to pass from an

in water was a certain degree of activation from the ground state, which is governed
by Maxwells law. The answer was far too small. In the quantum mechanical theory
of Bernal and Fowler, the fraction of proton neighbors of a given water which had

The protons passage turns out from model building to be about 30 pm whereas electrons jumping from
an electrode to a neighboring ion tend to jump several thousand picometers.

Fig . 4.128. The hybrid orbi-

tals of an oxygen atom. (After
Lyons, 1996.)

attained a certain activation energy was multiplied by the Gamow probability equation
using the energy value corresponding to that of the activated proton [see Eq. (4.363)],
and this product was taken as the probability of protons penetrating the energy barrier
at a given height. The probabilities for all the heights were added to obtain the total
barrier penetration probability. Now the answer was far too large.
A new group of researchers, Conway, Bockris, and Linton, however, asked and
answered an important question: Does it not also matter whether the orbitals of the
oxygen of the water molecule to which the proton is tunneling are correctly oriented
to receive it? The oxygen atom has four orbitals (Fig. 4.128), two of them occupied
by H atoms. It would be reasonable to consider it a nonevent if a proton attempted to
tunnel to a water that was incorrectly oriented, as depicted in Fig. 4.129, and a
successful event if the orientation was adequate, as in Fig. 4.130.
There are two processes that must cooperate for a successful proton transfer, the
basis of proton mobility. The first is water reorientation and then the second is proton
tunneling. Hence the rate of proton transfer will be limited by whichever of the two
processes is slower. One must therefore suspect that the water reorientation is the
rate-determining step in the process of proton transfer (because the tunneling through
the barrier has already been shown to be too fast to be consistent with the mobility

Fig. 4.129. None of the free orbitals of the water molecule are
correctly aligned and therefore no proton transfer occurs. (After
Lyons, 1996.)

Fig. 4.130. One of the free orbitals of a water molecule is

properly oriented and the proton is able to tunnel to the water
molecule. (After Lyons, 1996.)

Thus, in the new theory by CBL, a model was formulated in which the librational
properties of water played an important part. Even that was not the whole story. The
calculation of the specific rate of water reorientation is a complex task. One cannot
consider the reorienting water molecule as an isolated entity. If that were so, then one
could work on the only basis of the rate of rotation of a gas molecule and calculate the
rate. However, the water molecule is hydrogen bonded to other water molecules within
the 3D lattice and therefore the reorientation involves the torsional stretching and
breaking of the hydrogen bondsan attempt that seldom succeeds.
To summarize, in order for the proton to tunnel successfully, it has to wait for the
adjacent water molecules to turn so that they provide a properly oriented orbital. If the
tunneling protons have to wait for the water molecules to turn around spontaneously
and get into the right position every time a proton arrives on the scene,56 the predicted
mobility will be low compared with experiment. Figure 4.131 shows one of the CBL
calculations for the variation of energy in this turning process. However, as is hinted
by the figure, the energy of turning and finally breaking the H bonds that hold water
down is sufficiently large that it will happen seldom and the excessive speedup due to
tunneling will be slowed so much that the reduction in rate caused by the proton having
to bide its time will lead to an overcorrection.
Therefore there must be another factor, one that helps turn the water molecule
around in the ready position. The force to do this is readily found; it is provided by
the field of the approaching proton itself.57 The equation for the energy of a proton
water (iondipole) interaction is [see Eq. (A2.2.11)],

This spontaneous turning of the water molecules by random motions corresponds to the acceptor water
molecules reorientation by the thermal motions without help from surrounding electric fields.
This process is called the field-induced reorientation of the water molecules.


Fig. 4.131. Angular electrostatic potential-energy curves for ro-

tation of near the ion (ion dipole contribution not
included) (B. E. Conway, J. OM. Bockris and H. Linton, J. Chem.
Phys. 24: 834,1956).

where is the angle between the water dipole and the line between the proton and the
dipole center (Fig. 4.132), r is the iondipole distance, is the dielectric constant of
the medium, and is the dipole moment of water. As is reduced to zero,

Fig. 4.132. Angle of inter-

action between a proton
(positive charge) and a
water molecule (dipole).
Maximum interaction oc-
curs when and
therefore (After
Lyons, 1996.)

Fig. 4.133. Proton field-induced reorientation of a water

molecule. (After Lyons, 1996.)

goes to a maximum numerical value. Hence, as the proton approaches a water turned
away from it, it swings it around and with it, its appropriately oriented orbital, as shown
in Fig. 4.133.
One last matter remains. What has been said could be a description for the
self-diffusion of the proton, where the movements are random. In conduction, there
has to be a preferential movement in the direction of the electric field applied to the
cell. CBL calculated this motion also; it is a small correction, but causes a preferential
drift toward the negative electrode.

4.11.7. How Well Does the Field-Induced Water Reorientation Theory

Conform with the Experimental Facts?

Can the CBL theory predict experimental values? The answer is a resounding yes,
and the results justify printing the lengthy story of an advance made in 1956. The rate
of this field-induced water reorientation was faster than the rate of the spontaneous
thermal rotation, but turned out to be much slower than the proton tunneling rate. Thus,
it is the field-induced rotation of water that determines the overall rate of proton
transfer and the rate of proton migration through aqueous solutions. According to the
theory, the estimated value of the proton mobility is and that observed
experimentally is
The anomalous decrease in the heat of activation with an increase in temperature
also follows from the model. An increase in temperature causes increased disorder in
the water structure, and consequently there are on average, fewer H bonds to break
when water molecules reorient. Since the water reorientation increases, the heat of
activation becomes smaller.
The decrease in anomalous mobility of the proton in the presence of added alcohol
solvents (see Section 4.11.2) could also be explained: the larger size of the alcohol
makes its reorientation more difficult than that for water and causes a fall in proton
mobility by the tunneling and solvent-oriented method.
Finally, the stringent test for the CBL model was given by the 1.4 ratio of the
mobilities of hydrogen and deuterium. Therefore, the correct calculation of this
ratioas the model indeed makes possibleis strong evidence in favor of a mecha-

nism involving field-assisted water reorientation as the rate-determining step in proton


4.11.8. Proton Mobility in Ice

If extra confirmation of the CBL model is needed, it is given by interpretation of
the fact that in pure ice the protons mobility (not its conductance) is approximately
100 times greater than it is in water at the same temperature. Does this means that
water molecules turn faster in ice than in water? Intuitively, the reverse might be
However, the CBL model provides the answer. In ice, the concentration of the
proton is much less than that in water. Eventually, water molecules in ice do rotate
into the correct position, even without the help of an oncoming proton, so that they
offer an inviting orbital to any oncoming proton. With so few protons in ice, the waters
rotate spontaneously in time for the occasional oncoming proton. Every time a proton
is ready to jump, the waiting orbital is there. It is like an all-green traffic light on a
main thoroughfare, early in the morning when traffic is light. The former need for
water rotation to be spurred by proton attraction is no longer the rate-determining step,
and tunneling alone calls the shots. This tunneling is a much faster process than that
of water rotation, so that it leads to higher mobilities of protons in ice than in the water
or aqueous solutions in which the water rotation is rate determining.

Further Reading

1. J. Bernal and R. E. Fowler, The Structure of Water and Proton Conduction, J. Chem.
Phys. 1: 515 (1933).
2. B. E. Conway, J. OM. Bockris, and H. Lynton, Solvent Orientation Model for Proton
Transfer, J. Chem. Phys. 24: 834 (1956).
3. B. E. Conway and J. OM. Bockris, Proton Conduction in Ice, J. Chem. Phys. 28: 354
4. T. Erdey Gruz and S. Langyel, Proton Transfer in Solution, in Modern Aspects of
Electrochemistry, No. 12, J. OM Bockris and B. E. Conway, eds., p. 349, Plenum, New
York (1978).

1. K. D. Krener, Proton Conductivity, Chem. Mat. 8: 610 (1996).

Any proton-conduction mechanism in which the rate-determining step involves the breaking of hydrogen
bonds would succeed equally well in explaining the heat of activation and alcohol anomalies, but not the

1. V. Barone, L. Orlandini, and C. Adams, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 56: 697 (1995).
2. S. Consta and R. Kapral, J. Chem. Phys. 104: 4581 (1996).
3. R. Pommes and B. Roux, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 2519 (1996).
4. J. T. Hynes and D. Borgis, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1118 (1996).



In the one-dimensional random-walk problem, the expression for is found

by mathematical induction as follows. Consider that after N 1 steps, the sailor has
progressed a distance If he takes one more step, the distance from the origin
will be either


Squaring both sides of Eqs. (A4.1.1) and (A4.1.2), one obtains


The average of these two possibilities must be

This is the result for when the distance traveled after N 1 steps is exactly In
general, however, one can only expect, for the value of the square of the distance at
the (N l)th step, an averaged value in which case one must write

At the start of the random walk, i.e., after zero steps, progress is given by

After one step it is

After two steps, from Eq. (A4.1.6), one has

and, using Eq. (A4.1.8),


Hence, in general,

This equation has been derived for a one-dimensional random walk, but it can be shown
to be valid for three-dimensional random flights, too.
The mean square distance that a particle travels depends upon the time of
travel in the following manner. The number of steps N obviously increases with time
and is proportional to it, i.e.,

where k is the constant of proportionality. Hence, by combining Eqs. (A4.1.12) and


which may be written

where is a proportionality constant to be evaluated in the EinsteinSmoluchowski



The Laplace transform of a constant is by definition (4.33) given by

Hence, the Laplace transform of a constant is equal to that same constant divided by


According to notation [cf. Eqs. (4.273) and (4.274)],


Hence, one can carry out the following expansions


It has been stated [cf. Eq. (4.269)] that

and that [cf. Eqs. (4.276) and (4.277)]


Hence, substituting for and in Eq. (A4.3.4) and setting one has


In terms of these expressions, Eq. (A4.3.3) becomes

By notation,


and therefore Eq. (A4.3.9) can be rewritten as


Furthermore, according to the relation between current density and flux,


Using these relations in Eq. (A4.3.11), one has

By definition, however [cf. Eq. (4.247)],

By combining Eqs. (A4.3.14) and (A4.3.15), the result is

Similarly, it can be shown that


One can rewrite Eq. (4.353), namely,

in the form

where for conciseness the symbol m is used instead of

It has been shown, however [cf. Eq. (4.349)], that

If this relation is used in Eq. (A4.4.2), one gets

and substituting for in the right-hand side of Eq (A4.4.2), the result is

One has again been left with on the right-hand side and thus one again
substitutes from Eq. (A4.4.2). This process of substitution can be repeated ad infinitum
to give the result



1. The unit flux has been used in an attempt to simplify the solution of the
partial-derivative equation of Ficks second law. (a) Calculate, for a univalent
ion, what current density this flux will cause. Is this current density achievable

in a real experiment? (b) is a current density typically used in

electrochemistry laboratories. What is the flux in this case? (Xu)
2. Calculate the concentration gradient of a univalent ion in 0.1 M solution at 25 C
when the electric field is and the current density at the electrode is
3. Estimate the electrophoretic velocity of a sodium ion in 0.01 M NaCl solution
under an electric field of The viscosity of the solution is 0.00895
poise. (Kim).
4. Ohms law is generally applicable to electrolytes in solution. A theory suggests
that the observed current depends on the difference of two exponential terms,
i.e., where A is zFU2RT. The term / is the distance between sites
in diffusion, z is the charge on the ion, and X is the applied field. Calculate the
applied field in at which Ohms law breaks down.
5. If a current of 10 A is passed between two electrodes, each of and one
is depositing Cu metal from a solution, calculate the thickness of this
deposit after 6 h.
6. In an instantaneous-pulse experiment, the electrode material is radioactive and
hence detectable by a Geiger counter. As the pulse is realized with an electronic
device generating a current of 10 A on a electrode for 0.1 s, with a Geiger
counter placed 1 cm from the electrode, register the trace of the radioactive
univalent ion at 450 s after the pulse. Calculate the limiting sensitivity of the
instrument. Suppose the diffusion coefficient of the ion is the typical value of
7. Estimate the diffusion coefficient of and in water at 298 K from the
equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution, and
the cation transport number (Herbert)
8. In experiments involving radiotracer measurements of diffusion in molten salt,
the StokesEinstein equation has been found to be roughly applicable. For a
series of ions, in molten salts it was found that the product
From this information, find whether the best form of the coefficient in
this expression for this case is nearer to 6 or 4.
9. For aqueous solutions at room temperature, the order of magnitude of the
diffusion coefficient of most of the common simple ions is
Suppose now that a capillary tube containing a solution of an
electrolyte is brought into contact vertically and very gently with a capillary of
pure water; about how far would the electrolyte diffuse into the capillary of water
in 24 hr?

10. It is easy to understand that protons must have an abnormal mechanism of

transport through the solution. Thus, protons in aqueous solution exist almost
entirely as ions yet their conductivity is several times higher than one
would expect if they transported primarily by rolling along as Imagina-
tively discuss the alternatives. Explore what is meant by transfer to a neighbor-
ing water molecule. Can the proton come into this neighbor from any direction?
Why does it prefer to drift, particularly in one direction?
11. Write equations representing each of Picks laws. Exemplify the type of situation
in which each law applies. A glucose solution
diffuses across a region of 0.2 cm in length and in area. On one side, the
concentration is and on the other, effectively zero. Calculate the rate
of diffusion of the sugar across the boundary in
12. At first the results arising from the EinsteinSmoluchowski equation
may seem difficult to understand. Thus, the diffusion considered in the
equation is random. Nevertheless, the equation tells us that there is net move-
ment in one direction arising from this random motion. Furthermore, it allows
us to calculate how far the diffusion front has traveled. Is there something curious
about randomly moving particles covering distances in one direction? Comment
constructively on this apparently anomalous situation.
13. Show that the diffusion coefficient (D) is independent of the concentration for
dilute (ideal) solutions, using the example of planar steady-state diffusion.
Explain the meaning of the negative sign that is usually inserted into Ficks first
law of steady-state diffusion. (Bock)

14. A definition for specific ion conductivity frequently cited in electrochemical

literature is where i is ionic species, the number of the ion in a
unit volume, the conventional mobility, the valence state, the elemental
charge, and E the electric field. Derive this definition. (Xu)

15. When it comes to practical application, the actual conductance (the inverse of
resistance R) instead of specific conductivity is the important variable. This is
the reason why polymer electrolytes have drawn so much attention as a potential
component of alkali-metal batteries although their specific conductivities are usually
low compared with those at nonaqueous electrolytes
Calculate the conductance of in poly(ethylene oxide) and propyl-
ene carbonate, respectively. The former is fabricated into a film of 10 Tm thickness
and the latter is soaked with porous separator of 1 mm thickness. (Xu)

16. A conductance cell containing 0.01 potassium chloride was found to have a
resistance of 2573 Ohms at 25 C. The same cell when filled with a solution of
0.2 N acetic acid had a resistance of 5085 Ohms. Calculate (a) the cell constant,
(b) the specific resistances of the potassium chloride and acetic acid solutions,

(c) the conductance ratio of 0.2 N acetic acid, utilizing the following data at 25
specific conduc-

17. A 0.2 N solution of sodium chloride was found to have a specific conductivity
of at 18 C; the transport number of the cation in this
solution is 0.385. Calculate the equivalent conductance of the sodium and
chloride ions. (Constantinescu)
18. A conductance cell having a constant k of is filled with 0.01 N
potassium chloride solution at 25C; the value of for this solution is
If the specific conductance, of the water employed as solvent is 1.0
what is the measured resistance of the cell containing the solution?
19. The ionic conductivity at infinite dilution of a divalent copper ion is
and its ionic radius, Calculate the primary solvation
number of taking pm for the radius of the water molecule.
20. Calculate the equivalent conductivity of a 0.1 M NaCl solution. The diffusion
coefficient of is and that of is
21. Calculate the conductivity of Nal in acetone when the radii
for and are 260 and 300 pm, respectively. (Kirn)
22. Calculate the conventional mobility of a sodium ion in 0.01 M NaCl. The
viscosity of the solution is 0.00895 poise and the Stokes radius of a sodium ion
is 260 pm. (Kim)
23. In acetonitrile the equivalent conductivity for very dilute
solutions of KI is 198.2 at 25 C. Calculate the equivalent conductance of KI in
a similar concentration range in acetophenone.
24. Calculate the specific and equivalent conductivity of LiBr using the data in the
25. A student has to determine the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution for
KC1, NaCl, and solutions and the transport numbers of the ions
in these solutions. He managed to determine only
and and wrote them in a table:

Assuming that the determined values are correct, help him fill in the blanks in
the table without doing any further experiments. (Herbert)
26. Given the transport number of in and of
in KC1, calculate the transport number of in a solution
containing both 0.001 M and 0.01 M KC1, neglecting the variation of t
and with concentration. (Herbert)
27. A current of 5 mA flows through a 2-mm inner-diameter glass tube filled with
1N solution in the anode compartment and with a
solution in the cathode compartment. The interface created between the two
solutions moves 6.05 mm toward the anode in 10 min. Calculate the transport
number of the sulfate ion in this solution. (Herbert)
28. In a 1:1 electrolyte, measurements showed diffusion coefficients of
for the cation and for the anion. Calculate the transport
number of the anion.
29. Calculate the absolute mobility of a sodium ion when the drift velocity is
under an electrical field of (Kim)
30. Calculate the conventional mobility of a sodium ion in aqueous solution using
the diffusion coefficient of at 25 C. (Kim)
31. Calculate the radius of the solvated sodium ion in aqueous solution when the
absolute mobility of the ion is The viscosity of the
solution is 0.01 poise. (Kim)
32. The mobility of a cation is and that of the accompanying
anion is Calculate the specific conductivity of a
M solution.
33. A tube of glass 60 cm high is closed at one end, blue copper sulfate hydrate
crystals are placed at the bottom, and water is introduced. Calculate how far a
blue color will have spread upward after 1 min, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month.
34. Ions are pumped into a system electrochemically. At a short burst of
dissolution of an electrode is caused, giving rise to ntotal ions, which then begin
to diffuse away from the source. Seek in the text the appropriate equation by
which one may know the number of ions at a distance x and time t. This is a
plane-source problem. Thus, Cu ions could be dissolved from a Cu plate filling
the end of a tube of solution. The question is how many ions would have diffused
11 cm in 300 s?

35. Imagine, now, a horizontal tube of dilute KC1 solution. Exactly in the middle is
a thin slab of smooth, solid copper sulfate covered with an insoluble protective
plastic layer, suddenly removed at t = 0. At x (which can be positive for the

right-hand side of the slab and negative for the left) equals zero, the
begins to dissolve and diffuse in both directions. Draw a qualitative
schematic diagram, the concentration of (taken to be unity at on
the ordinate and the distance x in either direction on the abscissa. On the diagram,
plot the concentration (a) for a very long time, (b) for a day, and (c) for
an hour.
36. The ionic mobilities given in tables are around What would
be the corresponding order of magnitude for the absolute mobility (the velocity
under an accelerating force of
37. A saturated solution of silver chloride, when placed in a conductance cell with
a constant has a resistance of at 25 C. The resistance
of the water used as solvent was found to be in the same cell.
Calculate the solubility S of the salt at 25 C assuming it to be completely
dissociated in its saturated solution in water. (Constantinescu)

38. Utilize the calculated values of the thickness of the ionic atmosphere in 0.1
N solutions of a univalent electrolyte in (a) nitrobenzene, (b) ethyl alcohol, and
(c) ethylene dichloride to calculate the relaxation times of the ionic atmospheres.
39. Estimate the time for an ionic cloud to relax around a sodium ion in 0.1 M NaCl
when the drift velocity is under an electrical field of
cm1. (Kim)

40. In the text, a discussion of what happens to an ionic atmosphere when the ion at
its center is discharged gives rise to an equation for the relaxation time of the
ion atmosphere (as it disperses). Find such an expression. Apply it to find the
time the ionic atmosphere takes to relax around ions in a 0.01 M NaCl
solution when the diffusion coefficient of is
41. The diffusion coefficient of an ion in water is It seems
reasonable to take the distance between two steps in diffusion as roughly the
diameter of a water molecule (320 pm). With this assumption, calculate the rate
constant in for the ions diffusion.

42. Assume that a solution (100 ml) containing is reduced at a constant current
density, (j), of employing planar electrodes of area.
Calculate the time after which the concentration of would
have decreased by 10%. (Bock)
43. An investigator wants to study the Debye effect of diluted NaCl solution at room
temperature but has no clue about what frequency range he should look at. Please
help him. The diffusion coefficient of 0.001 M NaCl solution is

44. Calculate the junction potentials for the following situations, (a) 0.1 M HC1/0.01
M HC1, (b) 0.1 M KC1/0.01 M (Kim)
45. From data in the text, calculate the degree of association in NaCl in a 2 M

1. In the experiment described in Exercise 6 it was found that at a certain time the
Geiger counter registered a maximum ion flux, i.e., the intensity of the radiation
has a maximum with respect to time. It was also found that by placing the Geiger
counter farther away from the electrode, the time at which the maximum occurs
becomes longer, and the peak intensity of the maximum decreases rapidly.
Justify this observation and evaluate its usefulness in experimentally measuring
diffusion coefficients of ions. (Xu)
2. Does the ion valence affect the statement that the ion diffusion coefficient can
be considered a constant? Take electrolytes of the z:z type, for example, 1:1 and
2:2, and compare their diffusion coefficient variation over the concentration
range of 0.1 to (Xu)
3. The EinsteinSmoluchowski equation, gives a measure of the
mean-square displacements of a diffusing particle in a time t. There is the
mean-square distance traveled by most of the ions. Common observation using
dyes or scents shows that diffusion of some particles occurs far ahead of the
diffusion front represented by the equation. Determine the distance
of this EinsteinSmoluchowski diffusion front for a colored ion diffusing into
a solution for 24 hr Determine for the same solution
how far the farthest 1% of the total diffused material diffused in the same time.
Discuss how it is possible that one detects perfume across the space of a room
in (say) 30 s.
4. In a molten salt solution of in KC1, radiotracer measurements of the
diffusion coefficient of Cd at 470 C showed the heat of activation to be
A rough calculation of the entropy of activation showed this to be small,
about When the composition of the melt is 66% KC1, the
diffusion coefficient is Use these data to examine which of
the two models for transport in liquidsjumping from site to site or shuffling
alongis favored.
5. There are several ways of expressing ionic mobility. According to one of them,
the absolute mobility, is the velocity of an ion under an applied force of 1
dyne. The conventional mobility, on the other hand, is the velocity under
the force exerted on an ion by its interaction with an electric field of 1
Deduce the relation between and

6. The self-diffusion coefficients of and in molten sodium chloride are,

respectively, exp(8500/RT) and (a)
Use the NernstEinstein equation to calculate the equivalent conductivity of the
molten liquid at 935C. (b) Compare the value obtained with the value actually
measured, 40% less. Insofar as the two values are significantly different, explain
this by some kind of structural hypothesis.
7. It is normal to think that positive cations are reduced and deposited at negative
cathodes in electrolysis and negative anions react at anodes to be oxidized.
Although this is indeed the norm, there are a number of cases where negative
anions undergo reaction at negative cathodes. A well-known example is that of
the chromate anion, which is the entity from which chromium metal plates out.
Consider the phenomenon in terms of the NernstPlanck equation. Using a 2:2
electrolyte, and
calculate the needed to make anion deposition at a cathode possible.
8. Blum has developed an MSA approach to conductance (Equation 4.328). It
applies well in representing conductance as a function of concentration. Con-
versely, it neglects established characteristics of electrolytes, such as their
hydration (which changes with concentration and hence affects the ionic mobil-
ity) and association (which has been measured spectroscopically and calculated
theoretically to be substantial in the concentration region worked on by Blum).
Examine Blums equation in this text. Compare his treatment with that of Lee
and Cheaton. Does parametrization play a part in explaining why Blum gets the
right results with a model that neglects established aspects of the structure of the
moving particles?
9. The equivalent conductivities of KC1 and aqueous solutions at 25 C
were estimated as 146.95 and 124.11 respectively. Calculate the
molar and the specific conductivities when the concentrations of both solutions
were g-eq per What would be the measured resistance of these
two solutions when two planar Pt electrodes of area and 0.5 cm apart are
employed? Measurements of the specific conductivity and hence of the solution
resistance are usually carried out under a small ac field. Explain why a small ac
field is used. (Bock)
10. Waldens empirical rule states that the product of the equivalent conductivity
and the viscosity of the solvent should be constant at a given temperature.
Explain the data in Table P.1, which were obtained for NaI solutions in several
different solvents at 25 C. Calculate the radius of the moving entity in acetone,
applying Waldens rule. (Bock)
11. (a) Estimate the concentration of the supporting electrolyte (i.e., KC1) which
must be added to a M HC1 solution in order to study the diffusion of protons
using the data in Table P.2. (Bock)

(b) Explain the differences between the cation transference numbers listed in
Table P.3.
12. According to Faradays laws of electrolysis, an amount of electricity (i.e.,
number of electrons) will cause the equivalent weight of an ion in solution to
react at the electrode. In a very simple case, one might envisage the deposition
of (needing 1 mole of electrons per mole of Ag) to deposit at the negative
electrode or cathode of an electrolytic cell. Correspondingly, at the other
electrode, one might imagine an anodic oxidation to be occurring so that 1 mole
of (say) would be oxidized to 1 mole of At each electrode, the same
number of electrons would be transferred, and the same number of moles of
reactant affected. This sounds simple and expected. However, there is an
apparent problem. To react at the electrodes, ions have to be transported through
the solution to the interface at the electrode at a sufficient rate. This rate is a
fraction of the current given by the transport number. All would be well if each
transport number were exactly 0.5. However, this is not the case because
transport numbers vary greatly. In extreme cases, for very large ions, they tend
to be zero. Explain, with equations and diagrams, how Faradays laws can still
be obeyed.
13. It is desired to know the transport number of protons in trifluoromethanesulfonic
acid. The actual measurements made were of tritium self-diffusion and the result

obtained for 5 M at 80 C was The relative

values of the mobilities of and are (according to a modeling hypothesis)
As far as is concerned, this can be obtained from the
StokesEinstein equation. The necessary viscosity data are shown in Figure
P4.1. Calculate the transport number of in at 80 C. (The radius
of can be obtained from models.)
14. Ohms law implies that the equivalent conductivity is independent of the
strength of the applied electric field. This is certainly so for a very wide variety
of applied fields, 1 to in fact. However, Wien showed that (with
appropriate precaution taken against heating of the solution, etc.), the equivalent
conductivity of electrolytes undergoes a substantial increase at about
By appropriate consideration of the ionic atmosphere and its time of relaxation,
show that a credible model to explain the above is that the high applied field

Fig. P.4.1. Plot of log vs. K for at

different concentrations.

causes the central ion to travel so fast that in fact the ionic atmosphere does not
have time to form around the ion as it travels through the solution.
15. (a) Derive and plot the relations for variation in ion concentration at the surface
of the electrode, under conditions of constant flux and instantaneous pulse,
respectively, (b) In the constant flux-induced diffusion, the time when the ion
concentration at the electrode surface reduces to zero is called the transition time,
and is designated as Derive an expression of and comment on its physical
significance. (Assume that in the constant flux experiment the concentration
change is only caused by diffusion; i.e., the contribution of ion migration to
concentration change is suppressed and therefore negligible.) (Xu)
16. Calculate the junction potentials for the following situations, (a) 0.1 M HC1/0.1
M KC1, (b) 0.1 M HC1/0.01 M Refer to Table P.4. (Kim)
17. A two-compartment electrochemical cell contains NaCl in one compartment and
KC1 in the other. The compartments are separated by a porous partition.
Concentrations of both the electrolytes are equal. If and are the
equivalent conductivities of the two solutions, show that the liquid junction
potential is given by

18. (a) What are the liquidliquid junction potentials for a cell consisting of HC1
(0.1 M) in contact with KC1 when (a) the concentration of KC1 is 0.1 M and (b)
a saturated KC1 solution (i.e., 4.2 M) is employed? Refer to Table P.5.
(b) Discuss any practical advantages of selecting KC1 and/or changing the
concentration of the electrolyte in one half-cell. Also consider the factors that
could introduce deviations between the calculated and measured values of
19. In the study of nonaqueous electrolytes, the ion-pair effect is a severe factor
affecting ion conduction. The degree of association of salts in nonaqueous
solvents (or the solubilizing ability of the different solvents toward the salt) is
often estimated by comparing the Walden product, that is, Justify this
method and explain what hypothesis is included and how it holds. (Xu)
20. The EinsteinSmoluchowski equation, is a phenomenological
equation derived for diffusion along one coordinate. (For example, after the
release of a barrier, along a tube containing a liquid.) However, it also applies
to any medium. Suppose, now, that metal ions, (e.g., Pt) are deposited on a Pd
substrate. Calculate how far the Pt would diffuse into the Pd in 6 weeks. (The
diffusion coefficient of Pt into Pd can be estimated from other data as
at 295 K.)


1. (a) In an electrochemical analysis experiment, a univalent ion in a
solution with a large amount of indifferent electrolyte is constantly oxidized at
the electrode with a current density of Calculate at 0.05 s after the
constant current is switched on, the ions concentration at and
from the electrode, respectively. The diffusion coefficient of the ion
is at 250C. Use the error function table in the text if necessary, (b)
Calculate the concentration at and at 0.5 s
after the constant flux is switched on. Compare the results obtained at 0.05 s. (c)
Based on the above results and results of Problem 15, qualitatively draw the
three-dimensional distribution of the ion with respect to both time t and distance
x. (Xu)
2. From several points of view (for example, in battery technology), it is extremely
important to have solutions of maximum specific conductivity. Basically, the
specific conductivity increases proportionally to the concentration of ions. On
this simplistic ground, it would seem important to have as high a concentration
as possible up to the solubility limits. However (see the work of Haymet
described in Chapter 3), increasing concentration leads to an increase of ionic
association which decreases the concentration of conducting entities. Also, as

the concentration increases, the mobility decreases. By investigating the material

in the text and in books of data, propose a solution (aqueous or nonaqueous,
including a room-temperature molten salt) that would have a maximum conduc-
tivity at 25C. Estimate its value. Do not omit considering the effect of viscosity
and the insights of the StokesEinstein equation on the diffusion coefficient and
hence (through the NernstEinstein equation) on mobility and conductivity.



5.1.1. The Limiting Case of Zero Solvent: Pure Electrolytes

Modern electrochemistry is concerned not only with systems based on aqueous

solutions but also with solvent-free systems. Indeed, it is in such systems that many
important electrochemical processes are carried out, such as the production of metals
(aluminum, sodium, and magnesium) and the development of high-energy-density
The rationale behind the use of (and the search for) media other than water will
be restated (see also Section 4.8). In aqueous media, electrode reactions involving
hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions may compete with and even supplant the desired
electrochemical process (as in the deposition of magnesium from aqueous solutions).
Furthermore, in technologies based on the conversion of chemical energy into electri-
cal energy and vice versa, the desired rate of conversion may be limited by the
conductivity of the solution: when working with pure electrolytes (as in eutectics such
as those formed by LiCl-KCl), conductivity is never limiting.
Some of the difficulties associated with carrying out processes in aqueous solu-
tions, particularly the undesired competition from hydrogen and oxygen evolution,
can be sometimes overcome by using nonaqueous solvents consisting usually of
organic substances (e.g., acetonitrile) to which are added a solute that dissociates in
that solvent. However, often this is not a good approach just because of the low specific
conductivities of such solutions (see Section 4.8.5) and their tendencies to absorb water
from the surroundings.
So the question arises: Why have a solvent at all? This limiting case of an aqueous
or a nonaqueous ionic solution from which all the solvent is removed is a pure liquid
electrolyte. Conceptually, this definition is accurate. Operationally, however, if one

Fig. 5.1. An ionic crystal can be dismantled either

by the action of a solvent or by the action of heat.

removes solvent molecules from a solution by evaporation, for example, one is left
with ionic crystals, pure solid electrolyte. A further step in conversion from this solid
to the pure liquid form is necessary.

5.1.2. Thermal Loosening of an Ionic Lattice

The process of dissolution of a true electrolyte was described in Chapter 2. The
basic picture is that the ions in an erstwhile-rigid ionic lattice succumb to the strong
attraction1 of the solvent molecules and follow them into solution, executing a random
walk there as free, stable solvated ions. The result is an ionic solution that has the
ability to conduct electricity by means of the preferential drift of ions in the direction
determined by the applied electric field and the charge on the ion. The disassembly of
the ionic lattice was achieved by the solvent overcoming the Coulombic cohesive
forces holding together the ions in the regular arrangement called a lattice (Fig. 5.1).
A solvent, however, is not the only agency that can cause an ionic lattice to fall
to pieces. Heat energy also can overcome the cohesive forces and disrupt the ordered
arrangement of ions in a crystal (Fig. 5.1). This process of melting results in a pure
liquid electrolyte, a system having a conductance several orders of magnitude larger
than that of the corresponding solid (Table 5.1).

In the case of aqueous solutions, the forces are essentially iondipole and ionquadrupole in character.

5.1.3. Some Differentiating Features of Ionic Liquids (Pure Liquid

A common type of ionic lattice is that of a crystalline salt. One such ionic lattice
encountered in everyday life is sodium chloride. Molten sodium chloride is a typical
liquid electrolyte and displays the characteristics of many liquid electrolytes.2
An appreciation of the properties of liquid electrolytes can be gained by a
comparison between molten ice (water) and molten sodium chloride (Table 5.2). Both
liquids are clear and colorless. Their viscosities, thermal conductivities, and surface
tensions near their melting points are not very different.
In fact, one can go further and make the following statement: Molten salts look
like water and not far above their melting points have viscosities, thermal conductivi-
ties, and surface tensions on the same orders of magnitude as those of water. In general,
however, and with the important exception of some organic systems,
most fused salts are stable as liquids only at relatively high temperatures (500 to 1300
K) (Table 5.3).
One can quote exceptions to these generalizations. The tetraalkylammonium salts
as a class are liquid at temperatures below 300 K. There are liquid electrolytespro-
duced from dissolving into some complex organicswhich are liquid at room
temperature (Tables 5.3 and 5.4). Above the normal range of 3001300 K is another
set of molten electrolytes, the molten silicates, borates, and phosphates, for which the
characteristic temperature range is 13002300 K (Tables 5.5 and 5.6).

5.1.4. Liquid Electrolytes Are Ionic Liquids

The crucial difference between molten salts and molten ice lies in the values of
the specific conductivity (Table 5.7). Fused salts have about times greater specific
conductivity than fused ice.
The temptation to ascribe the high conductance of fused salts to conduction by
electrons must be rejected. The conductivity of a molten salt is high compared to that
of water; but it is ten thousand times lower than that of a liquid metal, such as mercury
(Table 5.8).
The terms pure liquid electrolyte, ionic liquid, fused salt, and molten salt are used synonymously.

Fused salts conduct by means of the preferential drift of ions in the direction of
applied electric fields. They are in fact ionic liquids, that is, liquids containing only
ions, the ions being free or associated (see Section 5.4).
Another class of ionic liquids consists of the molten oxides. These are highly
conducting liquids formed by the addition of a metal oxide to a non-metal
oxide These systems melt at much higher temperatures than the molten
salts. Some properties of the molten oxides are shown in Table 5.5. To develop a
perspective on the properties of liquid electrolytes, some properties of water, liquid
sodium, an aqueous solution of NaCl, fused NaCl, and a mixture of fused and
are shown in Table 5.6.

5.1.5. Fundamental Problems in Pure Liquid Electrolytes

In dealing with aqueous and nonaqueous solutions of electrolytes, the procedure
was first to seek a picture of the time-averaged structure of the electrolytic solution
and second to understand the basic laws of ionic movements. The picture that emerged
was of ions and solvent molecules interacting together to form solvated ions; of ions
interacting with each other to form ionic clouds and associated ion pairs or complexes;
and of all these entities executing an aimless random walk at equilibrium, which
becomes a directed drift under a concentration gradient or an external electric field.
The problems in pure liquid electrolytes are analogous, though more difficult to treat
mathematically because of the increased energy of interactions between the ions (com-
pared with those in aqueous solution) arising from the short distance between them.
The first problem can be defined as follows: What idealized model could best
replicate a solvent-free system of charged particles forming a highly conducting ionic
liquid? In the case of the aqueous solution, it was easy to understand the drift of ions
at the behest of the applied electric field. Positive and negative ions separated by large

Fig. 5.2. In an aqueous solu-

tion, the solvent separates the
drifting ions.

Fig. 5.3. In an ionic liq-

uid, there is no solvent
separating the drifting
stretches of water drift in opposite directions (Fig. 5.2). In a pure ionic liquid, however,
there is no water for the ions to swim in; the ions move about rather aimlessly among
themselves (Fig. 5.3). When an external field is switched on, how is it that the ions are
able to move past each other? Will not the large interionic force make them stick
together, forming a poorly conducting ionic lattice? The situation appears puzzling.
What is the essential difference between the solid form and the liquid form of an
ensemble of particles? This is a question that is relevant to all processes of fusion, e.g.,
the process of solid argon3 melting to form a liquid. In the case of ionic liquids, the
problem is more acute. One must explain the great fluidity and corresponding high
conductivity in a liquid that contains only charged particles in contact.
The second problem concerns an understanding of the sharing of transport duties
(e.g., the carrying of current) in pure liquid electrolytes. In aqueous solutions, it was
possible to comprehend the relative movements of ions in the sense that one ionic
species could drift under an electric field with greater agility and therefore transport
more electricity than the other until a concentration gradient was set up and the
resulting diffusion flux equalized the movements when the electrodes were reached.
In fused salts, this comprehension of the transport situation is less easy to acquire. At
first, it is even difficult to see how one can retain the concept of transport numbers at
all when there is no reference medium (such as the water in aqueous solutions) in which
ions can drift.
Third, there exists another problem, that of complex ions. In aqueous and
nonaqueous solutions, it is possible to regard the ionic atmosphere as a type of incipient
complex in which the mean distance between oppositely charged ions becomes smaller
with increasing electrolyte concentration. Eventually the ions come sufficiently close
so that the thermal forces that tend to separate them are overcome on an increasingly
frequent basis by the Coulombic attraction forces so that cation and anion pairs arise,
some of which remain stuck together (see Section 3.8).
This is a relatively simple solid from the point of view of the forces between the uncharged particles.

Fig. 5.4. The problem of distinguishing a

neighboring ion colliding with the reference
ion from a ligand (i.e., a partner in complex
formation) vibrating in relation to the refer-
ence ion.

For the ionic liquids, however, without a separating solvent, the situation is
different for the ions are always in contact. This absence of solvent causes conceptual
problems regarding the existence of complex ions in ionic liquids. Consider a particu-
lar ion associated with another to form a vibrating complex. The ion is also in contact
with, and continually jostled by, neighboring ions that are exactly like its partner in
the complex (Fig. 5.4). Which is the partner and which the neighbor? Which is the
vibration and which the collision? A distinction between these two types of contacts
constitutes one of the problems in this field.
In aqueous solutions, the situation is clarified by the solvent. This solvent keeps
the complex ions apart at mean distances, defines them as independent stable entities,
and permits probing radiation (e.g., visible light) to pick them out from the surround-
ings (Fig. 5.5).
The concept of complex ions is therefore more subtle in ionic liquids than in
aqueous solutions. There is not only the question of an objective means for identifying

Fig. 5.5. In an aqueous solution,

the complex ion is spatially sepa-
rated from the other ions.

ions that can be said to be joined in some way to other ions so that the aggregate is
distinctly an individual but also questions of distortion of ions in contact and the
introduction of covalent bonds between them.

Further Reading

1. W. Klemm and W. Biltz, The Distribution of Ionic Conductivity among Molten Chlorides
of the Periodic Table, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 152: 255, 267 (1926).
2. J. OM. Bockris and N. E. Richards, Free Volumes and Equations of State for Molten
Electrolytes, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A241: 44 (1957).
3. C. Solomons, J. H. P. Clarke, and J. OM. Bockris, Identification of Complex Ions in
Molten Liquids, J. Chem. Phys. 49: 445 (1968).
4. A. R. Ubbelohde, Research on Molten Salts: Introduction in Ionic Liquids, D. Inman
and D. G. Lovering, eds., Plenum Press, New York (1981).

1. J. E. Enderby, The Structure of Molten Salts, in Molten Salt Chemistry, G. Mamantov
and N. R. Marassi, eds., p. 115, NATO ASI Series, Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

1. I. Farnon and J. F. Stebbins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112: 32 (1990).
2. I. Strubinizer, W. Sun, W. E. Cleland, and C. L. Hussey, Inorg. Chem. 29: 993 (1990).
3. R. L. McGreevy and M. A. Howe, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 430: 241 (1990).
4. R. L. McGreevy and L. Pusztai, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 241A: 261 (1990).
5. M. L. Saboungi, D. L. Price, C. Scamehorn, and M. P. Tosi, Europhys. Lett. 15: 281 (1991).
6. M. L. Saboungi, D. L. Price, C. Scamehorn, and M. P. Tosi, Europhys. Lett. 15: 283 (1991).
7. Y. Toda, S. Hiroeka, Y. Katsumura, and I. Yemada, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 31: 2010 (1992).
8. Z. Ardeniz and M. P. Tosi, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A437: 85 (1992).
9. M. Oki, K. Fujishima, Y. Iwadate, and J. Mochinaga, in Molten Salt Chemistry and
Technology, Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society, p. 9 (1993).
10. M. Mahr and K. G. Weil, in Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, Proceedings of the
Electrochemical Society, p. 147 (1993).
11. A. N. Yolshin and M. Yu Bryakotin, in Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, Proceed-
ings of the Electrochemical Society, p. 338 (1993).
12. M. Matsunaga, S. Hara, and K. Ogino, in Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology,
Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society, p. 507 (1993).
13. Y. G. Boshuev and N. L. Kolesnikov, Industrial Laboratory 61: 98 (1995).
14. S. Ohno, A. C. Barnes, and J. E. Enderby, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 20: 3785 (1996).
15. U. Matenaar, J. Richter, and M. D. Zeidler, J. Magn. Reson, Series A 122: 72 (1996).
16. M. Abraham, M. C. Abraham, and I. Ziogas, Electrochim. Acta 41: 903 (1996).


5.2.1. Experimental Basis for Model Building

Ones first impression of a liquid (its fluidity, conformity to the shape of the
containing vessel, etc.), would suggest that its structure has nothing to do with that of
the crystal from which it was obtained by melting. If, however, a beam of monochro-
matic X-rays is made incident on the liquid electrolyte, the scattered beam has an
interesting story to tell, as have corresponding studies on concentrated electrolytes and
on molten salts carried out by means of neutron diffraction. The ions are almost at the
same internuclear distances in a fused salt as in the ionic crystal, actually at a slightly
lesser distance (Table 5.9). The X-ray patterns (Fig. 5.6) also indicate that in the liquid
state the local order extends over a very short distance (tens of nanometers). It is as if
the fused salt forgets how to continue the ordered arrangements of ions of the parent
lattice, although, curiously, the distance between individual ions becomes smaller
rather than greater.

5.2.2. The Need to Pour Empty Space into a Fused Salt

There is another important fact about the melting process. When many ion lattices
are melted, there is a 10 to 25% increase in the volume of the system (Table 5.10). This
volume increase is of fundamental importance to someone who wishes to conceptual-
ize models for ionic liquids because one is faced with an apparent contradiction. From
the increase in volume, one would think that the mean distance apart of the ions in a
liquid electrolyte would be greater than in its parent crystal. On the other hand, from
the fact that the ions in a fused salt are slightly closer together than in the solid lattice,

Fig. 5.6. Schematic diagram to show short-range and

long-range order in an ionic crystal as opposed to only
short-range order in a fused salt. In an ideal ionic crystal,
if one takes a reference positive ion, there is a certainty
of finding a negative ion at the lattice distance or a
multiple of this distance; in a fused salt, there is a high
probability of finding a negative ion one distance away;
but within two or three lattice distances away, the prob-
ability becomes half, i.e., a negative ion is as likely as a
positive ion. Thus, in a fused salt, there is no long-range

one would think that there should be a small volume decrease upon fusion.4 How is
this emptinesswhich evidently gets introduced into the solid lattice on meltingto
be conceptualized?
Before an answer is given to this central question, it is necessary to retrace the
steps that have been taken in respect to Fig. 5.6. One examines how it was obtained
because quantitative knowledge of the short-range order which does exist (dotted line
in Fig. 5.6) is vital to understanding the liquidity of molten salts.

5.2.3. How to Derive Short-Range Structure in Molten Salts from

Measurements Using X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Preliminary. Before World War I, little was known either about the
nature of X-rays (were they like waves or more like particles?) or about the

In the case of some salts, the volume changes on fusion are smaller than are indicated in Table 5.10. Thus,
calcium, strontium, and barium halides have volume changes that are about a fifth of the changes for the
corresponding alkali halides. This is because such salts crystallize in a form that already contains plenty
of open space in the solid lattice. When these open-lattice salts are melted, a smaller volume increase is
needed than is the case for the space-filled lattices of the solid alkali halides.

arrangement of atoms in crystals. Much light was thrown on the latter question as a
result of a thought experiment suggested by von Laue. He considered an apparatus
known as a diffraction grating. This consists of a great number of parallel slits. It can
be shown that if light of a specific monochromatic wavelength is incident upon a
grating on which the parallel slits are a distance d apart at a certain specific angle
then interference occurs among the light waves, so that for the Bragg condition,
=2d sin and no rays emergethey have been knocked out by destructive interference
with other rays.
The merit in von Laues thought was to see that the regular rows of atoms which,
in 1913 when he did his thinking, were only tentatively thought to be there, could be
regarded as a diffraction grating of atomic dimensions.5 For the diffraction experiment
to work with reasonable values of the incident angle, the wavelength must have
the same order of magnitude as the width of the slits in a grating or the interatomic

Von Laues flash of insight in recognizing that a crystal lattice equals a diffraction grating is a beautiful
example of the birth of a scientific idea. Since it gave rise to X-ray diffraction as a technique for obtaining
knowledge of the structure of solids, it can be regarded as having great historical significance. It was the
beginning of the effective study of the structure of the solid state. This creative thought is analogous to von
Helmholtzs suggestion that an electrode in solution charged with excess negative or positive charges would
attract to itself a monolayer of ions of opposite charge; the ensemble could be thought of as if it were the
two plates of a parallel-plate condenser.
Such flashes, inspirations if you like, do not happen while one is thinking in ones study or talking with
a student. They turn up like a photograph in the mind at some odd time later (Leo Szilard, for example,
got some of his best ideas while soaking in the bathtub). But they dont turn up at all unless one has thought
a great deal about the matter.

distance (d) in the crystals. However, X-rays can have wavelengths around 0.1 nm,
which is just the right wavelength to react to a grating in which the distance the slits
are apart is in fact the distance between ions. Von Laue boldly predicted that if a beam
of X-rays were incident upon a solid crystal lattice, destructive interference and
constructive augmentation would occur and a diffraction pattern6 would result. Trial
experiments succeeded and the method of X-ray diffraction for investigating structure
in solids, and solid-state structural chemistry, was born.
Shortly after von Laues suggestion and its validation, Bragg produced his
equation. He showed that conditions for interference would be reached when

The terms in Braggs law have been defined above except for n, which represents
the number of the crystal planes (in succession, going downward from the surface)
from which the reflected beam arises and therefore runs 1, 2, 3,.... The condition for
interference is that the difference in path length of two rays of light, reflected from
neighboring planes, should be an integral multiple of Finding maxima and minima
(non-interfered and interfered conditions) coupled with the strength of the reflection
(intensity) and the corresponding angle values of the reflected X-rays gives d [from
Eq. (5.1)], the internuclear distance.
For an ordered solid, as is changed, the peaks representing no constructive
interference repeat themselves for values of sin corresponding to n = 1, 2, 3, with a
constant d; i.e., the arrangement is of long-range order. On the other hand, as has been
seen, for liquids (see Fig. 5.6), the peaks fade rapidly with increasing distance from
the reference plane, representing a short-range order. Radial Distribution Functions. What happens when X-ray dif-

fraction occurs in liquids? To understand this (see also Section 3.11), it is best at first
to consider only a single-species liquid; one could have in mind not a binary molten
salt such as liquid sodium chloride, but, say, liquid sodium.
Then one defines a quantity called a pair correlation function, represented by
Consider a reference particle, A. The number of particles called B that occupy
a spherical shell having a radius r is

where is the number of Bs per unit volume.

A diffraction pattern is a series of bright spots alternating with dark areas that results from a plot of the
intensity of the reflected beam after it passes through the object examined, as a function of the incident
angle of the X-ray beam.

Fig. 5.7. A hypothetical radial distribution

function g(r) for a liquid that contains just one
chemical species. (Reprinted from J. E. En-
derby, in Molten Salts, NATO ASI Science
Series, Series C 202: 2, 1988.)

Enderby has illustrated an idealized radial distribution function [see Eq. (5.3)],
shown in Fig. 5.7. The figure suggests that starting from the center of A , nothing is
seen until a distance away, and the most probable distance to the center of the next
nearest particle is What does the distance mean? At distances greater than this, as
far as A is concerned, nearest-neighbor interactions can be neglected.
From these statements, one can begin to appreciate the significance of the radial
distribution function shown in the figure. This quantity is obtained by integrating Eq.

If one takes as the pair correlation function defined in Eq. (5.2), the radial
distribution function represents the number of particles of B in a shell up to around
A. If is then (see Fig. 5.7), one can regard Eq. (5.2) as giving the coordination
number of A in the liquid. In the example chosen for simplicity, species A is the same
as species B but this of course is only true for radial distributions of monatomics, e.g.,
sodium. It is found in practice that in a liquid, settles to unity by the third or
fourth atom away from the reference atom A.
Radial distribution functions can be determined experimentally using diffraction
(i.e., interference) experiments. X-rays or neutrons can be used. If one knows the pair
correlation function for each atom, one can work out the short-range structure
in a liquid. The question is then how does one find

5.2.4. Applying Diffraction Theory to Obtain the Pair Correlation

Functions in Molten Salts
The mathematical theory of diffraction7 is heavy stuff, and a very simplified
version takes several book pages to deduce. Here, some equations from this theory
will be presented to show their shape and size, and their significance to the task on
hand will be explained.
The amplitude of waves scattered by nuclei is given by an equation of the form

where is the X-ray form factor and defines the central atom, In the second
summation, k is the wave vector of the X-rays used, and is the distance from
the ith nucleus of the species i. This second part deals with the phase relationships8 of
the scattered radiation as a function of distance from the given atom,
The intensity of the scattered light is given by the equation

In this expression, is the atom fraction of the atomic species the same as
is the X-ray form factor; and F(k) is the average of the quantities called partial
structural factors and is given by

Diffraction is sometimes described as the bending of light around an obstacle. When light is interrupted
by an object, the shadow formed is bordered by alternating white and dark bands. To observe such effects,
one needs to use a point source and monochromatic light; hence diffraction effects are not observed in
everyday life.
Diffractionand the alternating dark and light bands to which it gives riseis based on the interference
of light waves that occurs when two light beams meet and annihilate or augment each other. Diffraction
should not be confused with the primary phenomenon of refraction, which refers to the bending of light
as it passes from a more dense to a less dense medium. When this occurs (and depending on the angle at
which the beam from the dense medium is incident upon the less dense one), the light may pass through
from one medium to the next or it may be reflected (or some of both). The change in direction of the light
beam on entering the new medium can be regarded as a result of the exchange of kinetic and potential
energy at the interface. Refraction is expressed in terms of the refractive index of the dense medium.
In electricity theory, phase relationships refer to the relation of current to potential in an ac circuit. If the
current and potential vary together in time, i.e., they reach maximum and minimum together, then they are
in phase. If the current and potential are out of step, by, say, a quarter of a phase, they are out of
phase. In diffraction theory, the phase refers to the variation of the amplitude of the light wave with time
at a given point. Two beams of radiation out of phase by a half cycle will annihilate.

Fig. 5.8. The conventional arrangement for neutron diffraction.

(Reprinted from J. E. Enderby, in Physics and Chemistry of
Aqueous Ionic Solutions, M. C. Bellisent-Fund and G. W. Niel-
son, eds., NATO ASI Series C 207: 131, 1987.)

The quantity symbolized by is called the structural factor.

How would pair correlation functions and partial structural factors be written for
a binary molten salt, e.g., sodium chloride? The corresponding correlation function
would be given by

and the partial structural factor by

These equations (also undeduced) may seem pretty fearsome. However, the
quantities present in Eq. (5.5), the partial factors, can all be determined from X-ray or
neutron diffraction setups. Figures 5.8 and 5.9 show at a schematic level what one does
to make diffraction measurements.
The material given here then shows how measurement of the diffraction of X-rays
(also neutrons, see later discussion) gives the pair correlation function, It can give
much more. As shown in Section 3.11, the determination of allows one to calculate
a number of properties of the liquid or solution. A property calculated from pair
correlation functions does not involve an assumed modeling theory. Instead, the
experimentally determined pair correlation functions are the basis of the calculated
properties. It is as though one had worked out9 the structure first and then used the
knowledge of that structure to calculate the properties. Is this a higher level approach
Working out the structure means determining the for the various entities (e.g., and ) present in
the liquid.

Fig. 5.9. Conventional arrangement for X-ray diffrac-

tion studies on liquids. (Reprinted from J. E. Enderby,
in Physics and Chemistry of Aqueous Ionic Solutions,
M. C. Bellisent-Fund and G. W. Nielson, eds., NATO
ASI Series C 205: 131, 1987.)

to the elucidation of the structure inside a liquid, rather than the alternative modeling
one in which one sketches several possible pictures of the liquid and then applies
uncontroversial theory to each to see the properties each model gives rise to, judging
the validity of the hypothesized structure from the match of the calculated results with
those of experiments?

5.2.5. Use of Neutrons in Place of X-rays in Diffraction Experiments

From the early years of this century, the only type of radiation used to find
long-range order in solids and short-range order in liquids was X-rays. However,
neutrons can also be used to carry out diffraction experiments, and with certain
advantages, as will be seen. The trouble is that while it is fairly easy (hence,
economically attractive) to use an X-ray source, one has to have a nuclear reactor handy
to achieve a neutron stream. The advantages of using neutrons rather than X-rays in
diffraction arise from a difference in how diffraction (i.e., interference) occurs for the
two forms of radiation.
X-rays interact with matter because their electromagnetic oscillations are affected
by the electrons of the material. Neutrons take no notice whatsoever of electrons when
they pass through matter. They interact with the nuclei. Neutron diffraction is sensitive
to the atomic number and atomic weight of the atoms constituting the substance. For
example, it can distinguish easily between Fe and Co in alloys and between isotopes
such as and
Thus, the b terms in Eq. (5.6) are 11.7 for but 3.08 for a difference much
greater than that intuitively expected. Such differences are helpful in using Eq. (5.7)
to give and to lead to the calculation of properties (Section Variation in
the concentration of the isotopes and measurements of the patterns for a series of such

changes provides added data for a given salt and improves finding the unknowns. All
this being the case, one has to weigh the undeniable pros of neutron diffraction against
the considerable cons of having to take a team of collaborators to a nuclear reactor to
obtain the neutron stream and work there day and night10 for some days.
What about the determination of voids in a liquid? Determination of the short-
range order may not allow one to determine the distribution (number and size) of
fluctuating voids in the liquid.11 While such voids may play a vital part in the
mechanism of transport, they are voids and hence would hardly make much impression
upon the probing radiation.
Nevertheless, neutron diffraction work in molten salts gives rise to much new
knowledge of the structure of these bodies; the only caveat is that it must be used in
conjunction with other kinds of measurements; the data from these measurements are
used to check on the structural concepts developed.

5.2.6. Simple Binary Molten Salts in the Light of the Results of X-ray
and Neutron Diffraction Work
Table 5.11 contains typical results obtained from neutron diffraction, and the
pair-correlation functions for and are shown in Fig. 5.10.
Channels on research reactors are let to research groups for a limited total time. The cost of even a small
university teaching reactor ($1020 million) is such that the amortization rate may be hundreds of dollars
per hour.
Such volumes of nothingness must be present to account for the large increase in volume upon fusion
while at the same time the internuclear distance decreases (see Tables 5.9 and 5.10).

Fig. 5.10. Partial radial distribution functions for molten

solid line, experimental data; points, root mean
cube fit. (Reprinted from R. L. McGreevy and L. Pusztai,
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 430: 241, 1990.)

Much neutron diffraction data of this kind are now available for molten salts. They
are basic to structural knowledge of these pure electrolytes. However, the data do not
play the same stellar role in determining the structure of liquid salts as they do for the
solid salts because in the liquids the free space introduced on melting affects the
dynamic movement of the ions and hence the liquid properties. In fact, this space is
counterintuitive to the internuclear distances given by X-ray or neutron diffraction.
The internuclear distances found in molten salts are smaller, not bigger, as might be
thought from the increase in volume.
Data on simple molten salts can be interpreted without bringing in any orbital
bond overlap; i.e., one can interpret the behavior of simple binary alkali halide molten
salts in terms of ionic attraction and repulsion in a way similar to that used for the solid
lattice. Molten salts containing complex anionssuch as those consisting of
and need models that involve directed valence forces. Many results from
different ways of modeling molten salts will be given in Section 5.2.8.

5.2.7. Molecular Dynamics Calculations of Molten Salt Structures

It has already been seen in Section 2.17 that computer simulation of structures in
aqueous solution can give rise to calculations of some static (e.g., coordination
numbers) and dynamic (e.g., diffusion coefficients) properties of ions in aqueous and
nonaqueous solutions. One such computer approach is the Monte Carlo method. In
this method, imaginary movements of the particles present are studied, but only those
movements that lower the potential energy. Another technique is molecular dynamics.
In this method, one takes a manageable number of atoms (only a few hundred because
of the expense of the computer time) and works out their movements at femtosecond
intervals by applying Newtonian mechanics to the particles under force laws in which
it is imagined that only pairwise interactions count. The parameters needed to compute
these movements numerically are obtained by assuming that the calculations are
correct and that one needs to find the parameters that fit.
Now, these numerical simulation methods seem superior to the approaches that
use alternative intuitive models. In the modeling approaches, one creates various
imaginative hypotheses as to what the liquid salt might look like from inside it. Then,
one calculates what one would expect from each intuited model in respect to its various
properties, e.g., the diffusion coefficient. Models that predict nearest to the experimen-
tal result are taken as the best approximation to the real thing. In molecular dynamics
calculations, on the other hand, one starts farther back by assuming a force law for
interaction between the two kinds of particles present ( and say) and finding out by
calculation what kind of arrangement among such particles is indicated by applying such
laws to the particles movements. In the end, which approach to applyresults of models
or calculation of ionic movementdepends on which is cheaper.
Experimental determinations and bench-type research may continue for a genera-
tion or two, for both methods need experimental results as a standard to judge success.
As the variety of available software grows and becomes more user friendly, the choice
will move toward computer simulation.
Another factor that counts in the balance is the degree to which playing with a
number of intuitive, imaginative models helps thinking new thoughts. Here one comes
to the question of how knowledge will be advanced in the new century. Can computers
imagine and create new ideas? Or must they always be supercalculating machines,
using human-derived software that instructs the calculator to work out numerical
equations written by intelligent beings? If the latter, is the intuitive perception of a
number of alternative possible models more likely to enhance progress? Or will
molecular dynamics simulation (computational chemistry) beckon on and spark the
vital new fantasies from which new paradigms arise?

5.2.8. Modeling Molten Salts

Some typical radial distribution functions for molten salts (see Section
are shown in Fig. 5.11. Those plots are made by assuming pairwise interactions

Fig. 5.11. Radial distribution functions of simulated KCI obtained by MC

at T = 1700 K over a wide density range. The numbers are the molar
volumes in The continuous line is long dashes and
short dashes (Reprinted from D. L. Price, M. L. Saboungi, W. S.
Howells, and M. P. Tosi, J. Electrochem. Soc. 9: 1, 1993.)

They naively assume that the additivity of such interactions (and nothing from ions
outside the pairs) will allow a realistic calculation of physical properties.12 However,
a somewhat more mature view is to take into account the dipole moments induced
among ions by nearest neighbors. Since this changes the ions shapes (e.g., makes them
spheroids and not spheres), the interaction equation usually assumed is not adequate.

Why can patently wrong assumptions be made to give excellent agreement with experiment? Does the
calibration of the parameters with experimental results in pairwise interaction equations introduce a degree
of empiricism into computer simulation that suggests a lessened integrity in the calculation? Could pair
potentials other than those used in Eq. (5.9) also give excellent results if their parameters were also
calibrated on experimental data of a kind similar to that being calculated?

If the properties of one ion affect those of the other when they interact, an iterative
approach has to be taken until constancy of intermolecular energy is obtained. This is
because the dipoles induced in the ions exert counter fields upon the surrounding ions
and the resulting change in shape modifies the values obtained for a system conceived
as a sum of attractive and repulsive forces of unchanging spherical ions. If such a
counter field can be calculated, then equations such as (5.9) can be used without the
introduction of a dielectric constant in the Coulomb attractive term. Thus, dielectric
constants are empirical devices that make an allowance for counter fields and forces
in electrical systems.

Further Reading

1. F. G. Edwards, J. E. Enderby, R. A. Howe, and D. I. Page, Neutron Diffraction for Molten
Salts, J. Phys. Chem. 8: 3483 (1975).
2. J. Enderby, The Structure of Molten Salts, NATO ASI Series C 202: 1 (1987).
3. R. L. McGreevy and M. A. Howe, Structure of Molten Salts, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 1:
9957 (1989).
4. R. L. McGreevy, New Methods for Molten Electrolytes, Nuovo Cimento 12D: 685

1. B. Guillot and Y. Guissani, Towards a Theory of Coexistence and Criticality in Real
Molten Salts, Mol. Phys. 87: 37 (1996).

1. T. Kozlowski, Int. J. Phys. Chem. 100: 95 (1996).
2. J. Ohno, A. C. Barnes, and J. E. Enderby, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 8: 3785 (1996).
3. Z. Akdeniz, G. Pastore, and H. P. Tosi, Phys. Chem. Liq. 32: 191 (1996).
4. T. Koslowski, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., Int. J. Phys. Chem. 100: 95 (1996).
5. L. Mouron, G. Roullet, J. J. Legendre, and G. Picard, Computational Chemistry 20: 227



5.3.1. Introduction
The general principle behind a Monte Carlo procedure has already been described
(Section 2.3.2). Woodcock and Singer were the first to make such a calculation for
molten salts, and their work is the source of the following section.

In all simulations in which the interaction involves Coulombs law, there is a

difficulty in the extent to which the Coulombic terms can be summed because the
number of particles used in the ensemble being considered (e.g., 216 in Woodcock
and Singers case) is too small. Thus, the Coulombic forces (which decline slowly
with increasing distance) have not yet become negligible outside the package. Some
way of terminating them without spoiling the calculation had to be found. A solution
to this problem, and the one that Woodcock and Singer used, is due to Ewald and lies
in a purely mathematical technique by which one nonconverging series is converted
into two converging series. One must bear with simplification here; a more quantitative
description of Ewalds artifices would take precious space without significantly
increasing the readers comprehension of how ionic liquids work.

5.3.2. Woodcock and Singers Model

Woodcock and Singer followed up on some considerations published earlier by
Tosi and Fumi. The latter suggested that the potential that forms a suitable basis for
the calculation of the pairwise addition potentials in a molten salt is suitably written

This equation was first used by Born, Huggins, and Meyer and therefore bears
their names. The first two terms represent, respectively, the attractive and repulsive
potentials. The last two terms represent dipole-dipole and dipole-quadrupole poten-
tials, respectively. In spite of allowing for the dipole interactions, the calculation is
still a hard-sphere one, a mean spherical approximation, because the forces are not
allowed to change the shape and the position of the particles. Later on, Saboungi et al.

Fig. 5.12. Pair potentials for potassium chloride.

(Reprinted from L. V. Woodcock and K. Singer,
Trans. Faraday Soc. 67:12, 1971.)

did take into account a mutual squeezing of the ions, and some of the work of this team
will be described later.
The various parameters needed in these equations come from other work and are
given in Table 5.12, taken from Woodcock and Singer. The pairwise potential for
potassium chloride, first calculated by Tosi and Fumi in 1964, is reproduced in Fig.
5.12. Typical computational data for an MC calculation are given in Table 5.13. The
software of the day generated only 80,000 steps per hour.

5.3.3. Results First Computed by Woodcock and Singer

Changes of volume upon fusion together with compressibilities, expansivities,
and specific heats calculated by Woodcock and Singer are shown in Table 5.14. What
is the uncertainty in these calculations? It is around and within this
error the agreement of simulated and experimental results is rather good. Thus, at 1045
K for the volumes

Radial distribution functions are characterized by the distance of closest approach

d, the position and height h of the main peak, the position of the minimum
following the main peaks, and the coordination numbers CN, defined by

On fusion, Woodcock and Singers calculation found that the coordination

number for molten KC1 decreases from 5.3 to 4 in accordance with experiment. The
distance of closest approach rather unexpectedly decreases as the temperature in-
creases, while the first peak (Fig. 5.13) becomes broader and lower (less order even
in the first shell).
Bockris and Richards experimental value of the free volume for KC1
agrees well with that of Woodcock and Singer. The volume change on
melting obtained experimentally, however, is 8.2 which is only 3% less
than the entirely acceptable calculated value obtained by Woodcock and Singers
Monte Carlo simulation. Their actual model for liquid KC1 is shown in Fig. 5.14 and
appears to contain hole volume corresponding to modelistic concepts which feature
this property (Section 5.5.1).

5.3.4. A Molecular Dynamics Study of Complexing

Saboungi et al. have carried out molecular dynamics studies in the 1990s that are
a great improvement on those done in the pioneering Woodcock and Singer studies.
They studied, for example, complexes between NaCl and by means of a
molecular dynamics program. These systems are well known from experimental work
to form and other, higher complex ions, such as

Fig. 5.14. Woodcock and Singers representation of

liquid KCI, the dark spheres representing chloride ions
and white spheres representing potassium ions. (Re-
printed from L. V. Woodcock and K. Singer, Trans.
Faraday Soc. 67: 12, 1971.)

In the molecular dynamics approaches to such systems, one of the principal

novelties compared with the work on simpler systems such as KCl (Section 5.3.3) is
the taking into account of anion polarizability, i.e., elimination of the hard-sphere
approximation. Anions are by and large more polarizable than cations. The polarizabil-
ity is proportional to The radii of cations, formed by losing an outer electron, are
smaller than those of the anions, which are formed by adding an electron. Hence,
anions are mainly the ions affected when polarizability is to be accounted for.
When an anion feels the field of a cation X, a dipole moment is induced into the

and this induced dipole moment will give rise to an additional energy of attraction
between the monopole and the dipole (cf. the corresponding effect in the theory of
hydration energy in Section 2.4.3). In addition, there will be dipoledipole interactions.
The calculations of Saboungi et al. on these systems do not lack
complexity. There are as many as ten terms of interaction. Thus,

Here, the first six terms refer to pair potential energies of interaction and the last four
terms represent dipoledipole or monopoledipole interaction energies.
Taking the anion as polarizable not only introduces these last terms but also
reduces the repulsive energies used compared with those of earlier calculations that
took a hard anion according to the mean spherical approximation. By hard anion
is meant one that doesnt respond to being squeezed, i.e., is not polarizable.
What do the calculated distribution coefficients look like? They are shown in Fig.
5.15. The positions of the first peaks show that the cations are largely coordinated
with as On the other hand, the parameter b in the repulsive potential [see
Eq. (5.10)] was given values so that the calculations would indeed show up ions,
so their appearance is not something that fills one with awe. According to the
calculations, these anions are present to the extent of 92%. The empirically enlightened
calculations show that there is some indication of doubly bridged A1-A1 pairs and these
are assigned to molecules present in the melt (see Fig. 5.16). These molecular
dynamics calculations (however much aided by information from prior experiments)
allow many properties (e.g., the angles in entities such as NaAlCl) to be calculated
(Fig. 5.16).

Fig. 5.16. Geometric relation-

ship between and tetra-
hedron. The cation sits
perpendicular to the center of a
face of the tetrahedron. Conse-
quently, one M-A-X triplet exists
at 180 for every three triplets at
64. (Reprinted from M. L.
Saboungi, D. L. Price, C.
Scamehorn, and M. Tosi, Euro-
phys. Lett. 15: 281, 1991.)

Calculations taking into account the anion polarizability in reduce the

approximation associated with the simple additivity of pairwise potentials in compu-
tational modeling (hard-sphere approximation) of molten salts. They predict new
entities (e.g., and in this respect have an advantage over earlier calculations.

Further Reading

1. N. Metropolis, A. W. Rosenblath, M. W. Rosenblath, A. H. Teller, and E. J. Teller, The
Monte Carlo Method, J. Chem. Phys. 21: 1087 (1953).
2. J. OM. Bockris, A. Pilla, and J. L. Barton, Change of Volume in the Fusion of Salts, J.
Phys. Chem. 64: 507 (1960).
3. M. P. Tosi and G. Fermi, Computer Simulation Methods for Liquid Salts, J. Phys. Chem.
Solids 25: 31 (1964).
4. V. Woodcock and K. Singer, Computer Simulation for Liquid KCl, Trans. Faraday Soc.
67: 12(1971).

1.. M. P. Allen and D. Tilderley, Computer Simulation of Liquids, Clarendon Press, Oxford
2. J. E. Enderby, in The Structure of Molten Salts, G. Mamantov and R. Marassi, eds., NATO
ASI Science Series, Series C 202: 2 (1988).

1. H. T. J. Reijer and W. Van der Lugt, Phys. Rev. B 42: 3395 (1990).
2. R. L. McGreevy and L. Pusztai, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A430: 241 (1990).
3. M. L. Saboungi, D. L. Price, C. Scamehorn, and M. Tosi, Europhys. Lett. 15: 281 (1991).
4. Z. Acadeniz and M. P. Tosi, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A437: 75 (1992).
5. S. Itoh, I. Okada, and K. Takahashi, Electrochemical Society, Molten Salts, 92-16: 88
6. L. A. Curtiss, Electrochemical Society, Molten Salts, 93-9: 30 (1993).



5.4.1. The Hole Model: A Fused Salt Is Represented as Full of Holes

as a Swiss Cheese
One of the models that can be used to approximately predict the properties of
molten salts is called the hole model. The outstanding fact that led to this model is the
large volume of fusion (1020%) exhibited by simple salts on melting (Fig. 5.17). The
basic idea of this rather artificial model is that within the liquid salt are tiny volume

Fig. 5.17. The hole model with randomly

located and variable-sized holes in the

elements, varying in size from the subatomic to about six ions, which are empty and
constantly fluctuating in size. Such a model is a kind of liberation from the lattice concepts
appropriate to solids and leads to equations that can explain liquid properties, some of them
with reasonable numerical accuracy and without any of those calibrating factors that
make the computer simulation approaches always agree with experiment.
How are the alleged holes in the molten salt produced? They are formed by a
process analogous to the formation of a vacancy in a crystal, but in a less ordered
fashion. The displacement of an ion from a lattice site in a solid produces a vacancy
at its former site. In the case of the vacancy in a solid, however, the ion is removed so
far from the original site that the displaced ion can be forgotten altogether. Suppose
instead that at high temperatures in the course of thermal motion some of the ions
constituting a cluster are displaced relative to each other but only by small amounts.
Then a hole is produced between them (Fig. 5.18). Its size must vary in a random
manner because the thermal motions that produce it are random. Further, since thermal
motions occur everywhere in the liquid electrolyte, holes appear and disappear
anywhere in this liquid. If one were able to label the holes with scintillating material
and enlarge the signals so one could see them, the molten salt would look like a set of
twinkling light sources, going on and off all over the melt.

Fig. 5.18. The formation of a hole in a

liquid by the relative displacement of ions
in contact.

Fig. 5.19. The formation of a hole can also be looked

at in terms of the number of ions occupying a volume
V. In (a) seven particles occupy the volume V before
the hole is formed, and, in (b), six particles occupy
the same volume after hole formation.

If a liquid electrolyte (Fig. 5.19) could be sliced up and subjected to nanometer-

scale photography with an exposure time of around s, the photos would resemble
those of cuts through a Swiss cheese. This is why, in the matter of randomness of size
and location, the hole theory of liquids has been referred to in homely terms as the
Swiss cheese model. What the cheese represents, however, is the time-averaged
picture of the holes. In the model, holes are continuously forming and disappearing,
moving, coalescing to form larger holes, and diminishing into smaller ones.
Although this model of a liquid was suggested independently of the results
obtained from computer modeling, the imagined picture of the hole model in Fig. 5.17
closely resembles the picture (Fig 5.14) from Woodcock and Singers model derived
from the Monte Carlo approach.



5.5.1. An Expression for the Probability That a Hole Has a Radius

between r and r + dr
To quantify the hole model, it is necessary to calculate a distribution function for
the hole sizes. This is a plot of the number of holes per unit volume as a function of
their size. As a first step toward this calculation, one can consider a particular hole in
a liquid electrolyte and ask: What are the quantities (or variables) needed to describe
this hole? This problem can be resolved by means of a formulation first published by
Frth in 1941.
Since a hole in a liquid can move about like an ion or other particle, the dynamic
state of a hole is specified in the same way that one describes the dynamic state of a
material particle. Thus, one must specify three position and three momentum coordi-
nates: x, y, z and There is, however, an extra feature of the motion of a hole
that is not possessed by material particles. This feature concerns what is called its
breathing motion (Fig. 5.20), i.e., the contraction and expansion of the hole as its size

Fig. 5.20. The breathing motion of

a hole involves its radial expansion.

fluctuates in the liquid. To characterize this breathing motion, it is sufficient to specify

the hole radius r and the radial momentum corresponding to the breathing motion.
To characterize a hole completely, it is necessary to specify eight quantities: x, y, z,
and whereas the first six only are adequate to describe the state of motion
of a particle.
According to the normal equations of classical statistical mechanics, which are
used to express velocities and momenta distributed in three dimensions, the probability
that the location of a hole is between x and x + dx, y and y + dy, z and z + dz; that
its translational momenta lie between and and and
that its breathing momentum is between and and, finally, that its radius is
between r and r + dr, is proportional to the Boltzmann probability factor,

where E is the total energy of the hole.

Since the desired distribution function only concerns the radii (or sizes) of holes,
it is sufficient to have the probability that the hole radius is between r and r + dr
irrespective of the location and the translational and breathing momentum of the hole.
This probability Pr dr of the holes radius being between r and r + dr is obtained from
Eq. (5.16) by integrating over all possible values of the location, and of the translational
and breathing momentum of the hole, i.e.,

However, the total energy of the hole on average does not depend upon its
position; i.e., E is independent of x, y, and z. Hence,


the volume of the liquid. Thus, by incorporating this V into the proportionality constant
implicitly associated with Eq. (5.18), one has

Now the total energy E consists of the potential energy W of the hole (i.e., the
work required to form the hole) plus its kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is given

where is the apparent mass13 of the hole in its translational motions and is the
apparent mass in its breathing motion. Hence,

Inserting this value of E into the expression (5.20) for the probability of the holes
having a radius between r and r + dr, one has

From the standard integral,

it is clear that

Any entity that moves displays the property of inertia, i.e., resistance to a change in its state of rest or
uniform motion. That is, the entity has a mass. If the entity is not material (a hole is a region where in fact
there is no material), one refers to an apparent mass. Holes in semiconductors have apparent masses like
holes in liquids. The inertia of the hole arises as a result of the displacement of the liquid around the hole
as it moves, which gives rise to dissipation of energy (Appendix 5.1).


By using these values of the integrals in Eq. (5.23), the result is

It can be shown, however (see Appendix 5.1), that


After taking all the quantities that are radius independent into the proportionality
constant A, one has by combining Eqs. (5.27), (5.28), and (5.29) that

The evaluation of the constant is achieved through the following plausible

argument. The probability that a hole has some radius must be unity (i.e., is certain by
definition). Equation (5.30) expresses the probability of the radius of the hole lying
between r and r + dr. Similarly, one can write down the probabilities of the radius
being between and between and etc. If all these probabilities for
r from zero to infinity are summed up (or integrated), then the sum must be unity, i.e.,

However, to carry out this integration, one must know whether the work of hole
formation W is a function of r; i.e., one must understand what determines the work of
formation (or the potential energy) of a hole of radius r (Fig. 5.21).
5.5.2. An Ingenious Approach to Determine the Work of Forming a
Void of Any Size in a Liquid
A remarkably simple way of calculating the work of hole formation was found
by Frth, who treated holes in liquids, the sizes of which are thermally distributed, in
an article published in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. This
is an erudite university journal whose readers are mainly members of the universitys

Fig. 5.21. The basis of the hole model of Frth is the analogy
between (a) a hole in a liquid and (b) a bubble in a liquid. An
inward pressure and an outward pressure act on the
bubble surface.

colleges, and this conservative choice of publication medium delayed recognition of

the virtues of the model from 1941 until the 1970s, well after Monte Carlo calculations
had begun. In Frths model, a hole in a fused salt is considered to simulate a bubble
in a liquid (Fig. 5.21). The surrounding liquid exerts a hydrostatic pressure on the
bubble surface. Inside the bubble, however, there is vapor, which exerts an outward
pressure on the surface. The net pressure is therefore Furthermore, surface
tension operates in the direction of reducing the surface area and therefore the surface
energy of the bubble.
The total work required to increase the bubble size consists of two parts, the
volume work and the surface work where and A are
the net pressure on the bubble surface, the increase of volume, the surface tension, and
the increase of surface area of the bubble, respectively. Thus, the work done in making
a bubble grow to a size having a radius r is

The first term, i.e., the volume term, is negligible compared to the second or surface
term for bubbles of less than about cm in diameter. The work of bubble formation
reduces to

This expression can also be obtained from the general equation (5.32) by setting
This equality between and represents the condition that the liquid is
boiling. The analogy between a hole and a bubble consists therefore in assuming that
the work of hole formation is given by the expression for the work of bubble formation
in a liquid. Let the ability of the model to replicate experimental results be the criterion
of the acceptability of Eq. (5.33).

5.5.3. The Distribution Function for the Sizes of the Holes in a Liquid

Now that an expression for the work of hole formation has been obtained, it can
be inserted into Eq. (5.31), which must be integrated to evaluate the constant A . One


To carry out the integration, the following standard formula is used

where n is a positive integer. The integral in Eq. (5.34) is consistent with the standard
formula if one substitutes n = 3, and therefore,

The constant in Eq (5.34) is given by

Fig. 5.22. How the probability dr that a hole has a radius

between r and r + dr varies with r.

and the expression (5.30) for the probability of the existence of a hole of a radius
between r and r + dr becomes

This is the distribution function which was said to be the goal at the beginning of Eq.
(5.17). From it, the average hole volume and radius will shortly be seen to be obtainable
(see Fig. 5.22).

5.5.4. What Is the Average Size of a Hole in the Frth Model?

The average radius <r> of a hole can be obtained from Eq. (5.39) by multiplying
the probability of the hole radius being between r and r + dr by the radius of the hole
and integrating this product over all possible values of r. This is the general method
of obtaining average values of a quantity of which the probability is known. Thus, the
average hole radius is

The integral in Eq. (5.40) can be evaluated by using the substitution

which leads to

The integral dt is the gamma function (Appendix 5.2) and is equal to

3! from

Hence, Eq. (5.42) becomes


It follows that the average surface area of a hole calculated by this procedure is

Then from Eqs. (5.44) and (5.45), one obtains, clearly:

What typical values of mean hole radius does Eq. (5.44) yield (Table 5.15)? By
using the macroscopic surface-tension value, Eq. (5.44) shows that the average radius
of a hole in molten KCl at 1173 K is 190 pm. The mean ionic radius, however, is 160
A typical hole therefore can accommodate an ion in a possible movement into a
hole. This result is remarkable because of the process by which it has been attained.
One began by considering that a liquid electrolyte was a liquid continuum interspersed
by holes of random size and location imagined to be forming and collapsing as in a
boiling liquid. Thus, the work of hole formation was taken to be equal to the work of
expanding the surface area of a bubble in a boiling liquid. With the use of this
expression and simple probability arguments, the average hole radius was calculated
by taking the integral of Eq. (5.40) from zero to infinity.

At a fixed temperature, the only parameter determining the mean hole size is the
surface tension. Though one is aiming at a microscopic (structural) explanation of the
behavior of ionic liquids, one goes ahead and uses the macroscopic value of surface
tension. The mean hole radius then turns out to have the same order of magnitude as
the mean radius of ions comprising the liquid.
A remarkable conclusion can be drawn by looking at Table 5.15. One sees that
Frths theory of holes in liquidsliquids imagined to be nearly on the boil so that
0indicates that the holes arising from the model are molecular in size.
Why is this a remarkable conclusion? It is because no props (e.g., dependence on some
measurement of volume increase on melting) which would ensure that the right hole
size would turn up have been used. In fact, hitherto, nothing has been said about
molecules, ions, or any structure. It might have been thought to be a long shottaking
the bubble in a boiling liquid and seeing in such a concept any molecular reality. Look
back at Table 5.15. The molecular size of the holes arising from the theory is an
established fact. The conclusion: the model is worth investigating further and seeing
how its application works out when one comes to the interpretation of transport data
(Section 4.5.2). At this stage, it is sufficient to be properly surprised: the idea of bubbles
(holes) in liquids gives rise to the average size, which is that of the ions concerned.
Later on (Section 5.6) it will be seen just how this result offers a possible mechanism
for transport, e.g., viscous flow and diffusion.
The theory of an indication of molecular-sized holes supports the idea that the
model reflects some aspects of reality in liquids. How can bubbles in liquids be used
as the basis of a calculation of liquid properties? The answer is given by the degree to
which such an approach predicts facts, for example, the compressibility (Table 5.16).
The fact that it indicates the calculated size of holes seems to suggest a diffusion model
in which critical acts may be the formation of the holes and the jumping into them of
neighboring ions (but see Section 5.4.1).
These indications that one of the modeling approaches to molten salts looks
remarkably promising does not mean that it is the final word in making models of
molten salts. It is an imaginative portrayal, but there are some molten salts the
properties of which are not covered at all by any theory of holes distributed like bubbles
in boiling liquids. One of these undealt-with propertiesthe property of supercooling
liquids, which continue to retain their properties below the normal melting point
must be looked into before one returns to a modeling interpretation of viscous flow,
diffusion, and conductance (see Chapter 4).

5.5.5. Glass-Forming Molten Salts

A number of molten salt systems [e.g., the simple ionic system
have the property of being able to be supercooled, i.e., to remain liquid at temperatures
below the melting point down to a final temperature. This is called the glass transition
temperature, and at this temperature the salts form what is called a glass. This glass
is only apparently solid. It is a highly disordered substance in which a liquid structure

no long-range orderis frozen into what appears to be a solid. Although such

systems were studied in the 1960s and earlier, they subsequently received a seminal
and sustained contribution from the Australian physical chemist Angell, who has been
the driving force behind the discovery of much of modern knowledge of the super-
cooled state.

Mathematical treatment of molten salts that supercool was first carried out by
Cohen and Turnbull. The principal idea of the hole theorythat diffusion involves
ions that wait for a void to turn up before jumping into itis maintained. However,
Cohen and Turnbull introduced into their model a property called the free volume,
What is meant by this free volume? It is the amount of space in addition to that,
filled by matter in a closely packed liquid. Cohen and Turnbull proposed that the
free volume is linearly related to temperature

where is the temperature at which the free volume becomes zero. Cohen and
Turnbull named the temperature at which a supercooled liquid becomes a glass the
glass transition temperature.
To express the probability that the free volume occasionally opens up to form a
hole, Cohen and Turnbull first defined a factor which allows for the partial filling
of the expanded free volume to the size of a hole. It can vary between
value of means that the holes are empty, and a value of that they are half
The authors rejected the normal thermal probability term, involving They
used a statistical argument concerning the number of ways it is possible to mix free
spaces with ions and found thereby the probability of finding a void volume as
a fraction of the free volume. The expression for this probability comes to

Then the most elementary expression for a diffusion coefficient would be:

where l is the distance covered in one jump and v the velocity of the particle. This
primitive expression would be true if there were a void always available and each jump
were in the same direction. Since there are three distance coordinates, each having two
directions (i.e., six directions), and since the coming-into-being of a hole has the
probability given by Eq. (5.48), then,

Substituting from Eq. (5.47),



Cohen and Turnbulls model is oriented to liquids that form glasses. At the glass
transition temperature (i.e., at T= the diffusion coefficient becomes zero, which
is a rational consequence of what is thought to be going on: the supercooled liquid
finally becomes a glass in which D is effectively zero.
A difficulty might face the worker who wishes to apply Cohen and Turnbulls
theory to transport phenomena in molten salts not only near the glass transition
temperature but also above the normal melting point (see Section Experimen-
tal evidence shows that the heat of activation of diffusion and of conductance for
viscous flows is related to the normal melting point of the substance concerned

Accepting this on faith for the moment, then B from Eq. (5.51) can be written as

The order of magnitude of is If one identifies with a void into

which an ion jumps, then in transport phenomena this must be around
a typical molar volume for simple monatomic ions. Moreover, near to the melting
point, and
This result increases the credibility of the Cohen and Turnbull view: the meaning
of is that the hole is 20% full, and this seems consistent with the picture of
an ion-sized space filled 20% of the time with an ion.

Further Reading

1. R. Frth, On the Theory of the Liquid State, I. The Statistical Treatment of the Thermo-
dynamics of Liquids by the Theory of Holes, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 37: 252 (1941).
2. R. Frth, On the Theory of the Liquid State, II. The Hole Theory of the Viscous Flow of
Liquids, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 37: 281 (1941).
3. M. H. Cohen and D. Turnbull, Molecular Transport in Liquids and Glasses, J. Chem.
Phys. 31: 1164(1959).
4. A. F. M. Barton and R. J. Speedy, Simultaneous Conductance and Volume Measurements
on Molten Salts at High Pressure, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 71: 506 (1974).

1. C. A. Angell, Transport and Relaxation Processes in Molten Salts, NATO ASI Series C
202: 123 (1987).
2. G. Mamantov, C. Hussey, and R. Marassi, eds., An Introduction to the Electrochemistry
of Molten Salts, Wiley, New York (1991).

1. Y. Shirakawa, S. Tamaki, M. Saito, H. Masatoshi, and S. Harab, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 117:
638 (1990).
2. W. Freyland, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 117: 613 (1990).
3. R. L. McGreevy, Nuovo Cimento 12D (45): 685 (1990).
4. T. Nakamura and M. Itoh, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 1166 (1990).
5. M. L. Saboungi and D. L. Price, in Proc. Int. Symp. Molten Salts, Electrochemical Society,
p. 8 (1990).
6. M. Abraham and I. Zloges, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113: 8583 (1991).
7. M. Noel, R. Allendoerfer, and R. A. Osteryoung, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 239 (1992).
8. R. J. Speedy, F. X. Prielmeier, T. Vardag, E. W. Lang, and H. D. Ludemann, J. Electro-
chem. Soc. 139: 2128 (1992).
9. C. A. Angell, C. Alba, A. Arzimanoglou, and R. Bohmer, AIP Proc. 256: 3 (1992).
10. S. Deki, H. Twabuki, A. Kacinami, and Y. Kanagi, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 939: 252
11. S. Itoh, Y. Hiwatari, and H. Miwagawa, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 156: 159 (1993).
12. C. A. Angell, C. Lia, and E. Sanchez, Nature 362: 137 (1993).
13. C. A. Angell, P. H. Poole, and J. Shao, Nuovo Cimento 16: 993 (1994).
14. C. A. Angell, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92: 6675 (1995).
15. C. A. Angell, Science 267: 1924 (1995).
16. M. G. McClin and C. A. Angell, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 1181 (1996).



5.6.1. Simplifying Features of Transport in Fused Salts

An important characteristic of liquid ionic systems is that they lack an inert
solvent; they are pure electrolytes. Owing to this characteristic, some aspects of
transport phenomena in pure molten salts are simpler than similar phenomena in
aqueous solutions.
Thus, there is no concentration variable to be taken into account in the considera-
tion of transport phenomena in a pure liquid electrolyte. Hence, there cannot be a
concentration gradient in a pure fused salt, and [because of Ficks first law; see Eq.
(4.16)] without a concentration gradient there cannot be pure diffusion. In an aqueous

solution, on the other hand, it is possible to have a concentration gradient for the solute
and thus have diffusion in the normal sense.
Another consequence of the absence of a solvent in a pure liquid electrolyte is
that the mean ionion interaction field as a function of distance within the liquid is
constant. In solutions of ions in a solvent, however, the extent of ionion interaction
is a variable quantity. It depends on the amount of solvent dissolving a given quantity
of ionic solute, i.e., on the solute concentration.

5.6.2. Diffusion in Fused Salts Self-Diffusion in Pure Liquid Electrolytes May Be Revealed by

Introducing Isotopes. In the absence of a solvent, it is meaningless to consider a
pure liquid electrolyte (e.g., NaCl) as having different amounts of NaCl in different
regions. Let the possibility be momentarily considered that the system could be made
to have more ions of one species (e.g., in one region than in another. However,
this is impossible over significant time spans because any attempt of a single ionic
species to accumulate in one region and decrease in another is promptly stopped by
the electric field that develops as a consequence of the separation of charges. Overall
electroneutrality must prevail; i.e., there can be no congregation of an ionic species in
one part of the liquid.
Fortunately, electroneutrality only requires that the total positive charge in a
certain region be equal to the total negative charge. Suppose therefore that in a liquid
sodium chloride electrolyte, a certain percentage of the ions are replaced by a
radioactive isotope of sodium. There is no difference between the and as far
as the principle of electroneutrality is concerned; it is only required that the number
of ions plus the number of tagged ions are equal to the total number of
ions (Fig. 5.23). However, the labeled ions and the nonradioactive are
completely different entities from the point of view of a counter; only the former
produce the scintillations.
Herein lies a method of examining the diffusion of ions in pure ionic liquids that
differs from the diffusion of ions in aqueous solution, which is governed by Ficks
law. One takes a pure liquid electrolyte, say NaCl, and brings it into contact with a
melt containing the same salt but with a certain proportion of radioactive ions, say,
NaCl with radioactive ions. There is a negligible concentration gradient for
ions, but a concentration gradient for the tracer ions has been created. Diffusion
of the tracer begins (Fig. 5.24).
If a capillary containing an inactive melt is suitably introduced into a large
reservoir of tracer-containing melt at t = 0, then diffusion of the tracer into the capillary
starts (Fig. 5.25). At time t, the experiment can be terminated by withdrawing the
capillary from the reservoir. The total amount of tracer in the capillary can be measured
by a detector of the radioactivity. From the study of the diffusion problem and the
experimentally determined average tracer concentration in the capillary, the diffusion
coefficient of the ions can then be calculated.

Fig. 5.23. The principle of electroneu-

trality is satisfied if the number of tagged
positive ions plus the number of nonra-
dioactive positive ions is equal to the
total number of negative ions.

Since the tracer ions (e.g., diffuse among particles (e.g., that are
chemically just like themselves, one often refers to the phenomenon as self-diffusion
(tracer diffusion is a more explanatory term) and to the diffusion coefficient thus
determined as the self-diffusion coefficient. Results of Self-Diffusion Experiments. Self-diffusion coefficient
studies with fused salts really began to gather momentum after radioisotopes became

Fig. 5.24. The existence of a concen-

tration gradient for tracer ions produces
diffusion of the tracer, i.e., tracer diffu-

Fig. 5.25. A schematic of an experiment to study

tracer diffusion. A capillary containing inactive melt
is dipped into a reservoir of melt containing tracer
ions. Tracer ions diffuse into the capillary.

widely available, i.e., after about 1950. Some of the data for comparing the diffusion
coefficients of typical inert gases, room-temperature liquids, metals, and molten salts
are presented in Tables 5.17, 5.18, and 5.19.
It can be seen that the diffusion coefficients of these liquid electrolytes (near their
melting points) are of the same order of magnitude as for liquid inert
gases, liquid metals, and normal room-temperature liquids. This fact suggests that the
mechanism of diffusion is basically the same in all simple liquids, i.e., liquids in which
the particles do not associate into pairs, triplets, or network structures (see Sections
3.8 and 4.8.8). The order of magnitude of the diffusion coefficient has evidently more
to do with the liquid state than with the chemical nature of the liquid for in the case of
the corresponding solid substances, the diffusion coefficient ranges (Table 5.19) over
more than four orders of magnitude
An expected feature of the results on tracer diffusion is that the diffusion
coefficient varies with temperature. The temperature dependence observed experimen-
tally can be expressed in the type of equation exhibited by virtually all transport, or
rate, phenomena.

where is found to depend little on substance and temperature, and is the

activation energy for self-diffusion (Fig. 5.26). Some preexponential factors and the
corresponding energies of activation for diffusion are given in Table 5.18.
In some liquids, a deviation (Fig. 5.27) occurs from the straight-line log D versus
1/T plots expected on the basis of the empirical exponential law for the diffusion
coefficient (Eq. 5.55). An example of such a deviating liquid electrolyte is molten
but in the case of this substance, structural changes have been noted with
increasing temperature. This seems to be a reasonable explanation for the deviation
from the straight-line log D versus 1/T plot.

Fig. 5.26. The straight-line plot of log D versus 1/T

observed in the case of the diffusion of and
in molten CsCI.

The activation energy for self-diffusion is usually a constant, independent of

temperature. It is, however, characteristic of the particular liquid electrolyte. The
dependence of the activation energy for self-diffusion on the nature of the fused salt
was experimentally found by Nanis and Bockris in 1963 to be expressible in the simple
relation of Fig. 5.28, given by the equation

where is the melting point.

It is important to emphasize that this same relation is valid for liquids in general,
including the liquid inert gases, organic liquids, and the liquid metals, a remarkable
fact and one which some liquid theorists have had difficulty explaining (though see
Section 5.7.5). Equation (5.53) does not apply, however, to associated liquids, or to
those in which there is widespread intermolecular binding throughout the liquid, such
as water or molten silicates, borates, and phosphates (Section 3.8).

5.6.3. Viscosity of Molten Salts

An examination of the properties of viscous flow of molten liquids shows that
viscosity varies with temperature in a way quite similar to that of self-diffusion. For

Fig. 5.27. An example of a log D versus 1/T plot that

is not a straight line. The curve is for the diffusion of
and Cl in molten

Fig. 5.28. The dependence of the experimental energy of activa-

tion for self-diffusion on the melting point (1 cal = 4.184 J).

Fig. 5.29. The straight-line plot of log versus

1/T for viscosity of a molten salt.

simple, unassociated liquids, the temperature dependence is given by an empirical


where is a constant analogous to and is the energy of activation for viscous

flow (Fig. 5.29 and Tables 5.20 and 5.21).

This expression is formally analogous to Eq. (5.51) for the dependence of the
self-diffusion coefficient upon temperature. For simple liquid electrolytes, the experi-
mental activation energy for viscous flow is given by an expression (Fig. 5.30)
identical to that for self-diffusion, i.e.,

The fact that this empirical law applies so widely clearly is trying to tell us
something. It is that the basic factors determining viscous flow and self-diffusion are
the same for all liquids that do not have to break bonds before they undergo transport.
Simple ionic liquids have viscosities in the range of 1 to 5 centipoises (cP).
However, when there is an association of ions into aggregates, as, for example, in
near the melting point, the viscous force-resisting flow of the melt increases
above that noted for simple liquids. Such complex ionic liquids are discussed later
(Section 5.8).

5.6.4. Validity of the StokesEinstein Relation in Ionic Liquids

All transport processes (viscous flow, diffusion, conduction of electricity) involve
ionic movements and ionic drift in a preferred direction; they must therefore be
interrelated. A relationship between the phenomena of diffusion and viscosity is
contained in the StokesEinstein equation (4.179).

This equation was deduced in Section 4.4.8. It is of interest to inquire here about
its degree of applicability to ionic liquids, i.e., fused salts. To make a test, the
experimental values of the self-diffusion coefficient and the viscosity are used
in conjunction with the known crystal radii of the ions. The product has been
tabulated in Table 5.22, and the plot of versus 1/r is presented in Fig. 5.31,
where the line of slope corresponds to exact agreement with the StokesEinstein
Looking at Fig. 5.32, it can be seen that there is a fairly significant fit. The anions,
particularly those of the group II halides, are not very consistent with the StokesEin-
stein relation. However, their poorer fit is offset by the better StokesEinstein behavior
of the cations. The relatively good fit of the cations tempts one to conclude that there
is a particular reason for the deviations of the anions. Some attempts have been made

The essential applicability of this phenomenological equation is clearly shown by using the numerical
comparison of The right-hand side is for r = 300 pm, and the mean of the
experimental values is which is not bad!

Fig. 5.30. The dependence of the experimental energy of activation for viscous
flow on the melting point.
to elucidate this reason. For instance, it has been suggested that since anions are by
and large larger than cations, they require greater local rearrangements at a site before
they can jump into it, i.e., greater entropies of activation.
The StokesEinstein relation is based on Stokes law in hydrodynamics according
to which the viscous force experienced by a large sphere moving in an incompressible
continuum is What Fig. 5.31 tells one is that, even though ions do not move
in a continuum but among particles that are of approximately the same dimensions as
the ions themselves, Stokes law still holds! In view of the great dissimilarity of an
ion in a structured medium and a sphere in an incompressible continuum, the rough
applicability (in fused salts) of the StokesEinstein equation is somewhat unexpected
and very useful. Of course, it is entirely consistent with the agreement between the
heats of activation for viscous flow and self-diffusion. Each must evidently be
concerned with the same rate-determining step, mechanism, and heat of activation.

5.6.5. Conductivity of Pure Liquid Electrolytes

The electrical conductance of molten salts is the easiest transport property to
measure. In addition, knowledge of the order of magnitude of the equivalent conduc-

Fig. 5.31. When is plotted against 1/r, a straight-

line of slope should be obtained if the StokesEin-
stein relation is applicable to molten salts. The
experimental points are indicated in the figure to show
the degree of applicability of the StokesEinstein rela-
tion to molten salts.

tivity of a pure substance was used as a criterion for the nature of the bonding present.
For these reasons, the electrical conductance of ionic liquids has been the subject of
numerous studies.
The equivalent conductivities of some of the fused chlorides are given in Table
5.23, where the substances have been arranged according to the Periodic Table. The
heavy line zigzagging across the table separates the ionic from the covalent chlorides.
This structural difference is shown up sharply in the orders of magnitude of the
equivalent conductivities.
Two further correlations emerge from Table 5.23. First, the equivalent conduc-
tivity decreases with increasing size of the cation (Table 5.24); second, there is a
decrease in equivalent conductivity in going from the monovalent to the divalent and

Fig. 5.32. The straight-line plot of log versus 1/T.

then to the trivalent chlorides (Table 5.25), probably because of an increase in covalent
character in this order.
As with the other transport properties, the specific (or equivalent) conductivity of
fused salts varies with temperature.15 For most pure liquid electrolytes, the experimen-
tal log versus 1/T plots are essentially linear (Fig. 5.32). This implies the usual
exponential dependence of a transport property upon temperature

For some substances, the plots are slightly curved. In these cases, structural changes
(e.g., the breaking up of polymer networks such as those observed with occur
with change of temperature.
When the activation energies for conduction are computed from the log versus
1/T plots, it is seen (Table 5.26) that they are a little lower than the activation energies
for viscous flow and self-diffusion, i.e.,

but follow the same pattern; they are proportional to the melting point temperature.

A convenient means of comparing different salts is to use corresponding temperatures; usually 1.05 or
1.10 times the value of the melting point in kelvins is used for this purpose.

5.6.6. The NernstEinstein Relation in Ionic Liquids Degree of Applicability. Just as the StokesEinstein equation gives

the relation between the transport of momentum (viscous flow) and the transport of
matter (diffusion), the connection between the transport processes of diffusion and
conduction leads to the NernstEinstein equation (see Section 4.4.9). For 1:1
electrolytes this is

A more general expression of this same equation is

The NernstEinstein relation can be tested by using the experimentally deter-

mined tracer-diffusion coefficients to calculate the equivalent conductivity and
then comparing this theoretical value with the experimentally observed It is found
that the values of calculated by Eq. (5.61) are distinctly greater (by ~10 to 50%)
than the measured values (see Table 5.27 and Fig. 5.33). Thus there are deviations
from the NernstEinstein equation and this is strange because its deduction is pheno-
A phenomenological deduction is one that follows from general common sense or logic and involves only
very general laws. It does not involve detailed models. So if experimental phenomena dont agree with
predictions made on their basis, the only conclusion is that the conditions implied for the applicability of
the laws do not apply to the case at hand. In this case, the expectation that the conductivity measured
should agree with that obtained from diffusion data via the NernstEinstein equation requires that
diffusion and conduction at least involve the same particles (e.g., and If in diffusion an extra particle
comes into the picture that is not effective in conduction, then the NernstEinstein law will not apply.

Fig. 5.33. Plot to show deviations from the NernstEin-

stein equation; observed equivalent conductivity of
molten NaCI and calculated from Eq. (5.61).

Fig. 5.34. An entity formed by the

temporary or permanent associa-
tion of a pair of oppositely charged
ions is electrically neutral and there-
fore does not migrate under an
electric field. Possible Molecular Mechanisms for NernstEinstein Deviations.

The observed conductivity is always found to be less than that calculated from the sum
of the diffusion coefficients (Table 5.27), i.e., from the NernstEinstein relation [Eq.
(5.61)]. Conductive transport depends only on the charged species because it is only
charged particles that respond to an external field. If therefore two species of opposite
charge unite, either permanently or temporarily, to give an uncharged entity, they will
not contribute to the conduction flux (Fig. 5.34). They will, however, contribute to the
diffusion flux. There will therefore be a certain amount of currentless diffusion, and
the conductivity calculated from the sum of the diffusion coefficients will exceed the
observed value. Currentless diffusion will lead to a deviation from the NernstEinstein
It was suggested by Borucka et al. that a permanent association of positive and
negative ions is not a necessary basis for a breakdown of the NernstEinstein equation.
The only requirement is that diffusion should occur partly through the displacement
of entities which have (momentarily, during jumps) a zero net charge and thus do not
contribute to conduction. The entity may be, for instance, a pair of oppositely charged
ions, in which case the diffusive displacement occurs by a coordinated movement of
such a pair of ions into a paired vacancy (Fig. 5.35), i.e., a vacancy large enough to
accept a positive and a negative ion at the same time. The pair of oppositely charged
ions that jumps into a paired vacancy is neutral as a whole and therefore such
coordinated jumps do not play a part in the conduction process, which is determined
only by the separate, uncoordinated movements of single ions.
Thus, the experimentally observed diffusive flux of either of the ionic species is
made up of two contributionsthe diffusive flux occurring through the independent

Fig. 5.35. Schematic diagrams to indicate how diffusive displacement

can occur through a coordinated movement of a pair of ions into a paired

jumps of ions and that occurring through paired jumps. Taking the example of the
diffusion of in an NaCl melt, one has17

where is the experimentally observed flux of (primes refer here to experi-

mental quantities), is the diffusion of by independent jumps, and is
the flux due to coordinated jumps of and ions into paired vacancies


Adding Eqs. (5.65) and (5.66), one has

The subscript NaCl must not be taken to mean that there are entities in the melt that might be considered
molecules of sodium chloride. The NaCl does not refer to and ions that are bound together like
an ion pair in aqueous solution; rather, it refers to a pair of and ions that undergo a coordinated
jump into a paired vacancy during the short time for which they momentarily exist in contact. They do
not contribute to the conductance because their jumps are directed not by the externally applied field but
by the presence of a paired vacancy that exists before the ions jump as a pair.

However, from Eqs. (5.63) and (5.64)



On adding, it is clear that

The and ions that make coordinated jumps into paired vacancies, i.e., the
NaCl species, contribute to diffusion but not to conduction since such a coordinated
pair is effectively neutral. Hence, the NernstEinstein equation is only applicable to
the ions that jump independently, i.e.,

where is the experimentally observed equivalent conductivity of molten NaCl.

Making use of Eqs. (5.72) and (5.71), one has


The first term on the right-hand side corresponds to the value of the equivalent
conductivity that would be calculated on the basis of the experimentally observed
diffusion coefficients. Using the symbol for this calculated value, i.e.,

one has

which shows that the experimental value of the equivalent conductivity is always less
than that calculated from a NernstEinstein equation based on experimental diffusion
coefficients. This is what is observed (Table 5.27).

5.6.7. Transport Numbers in Pure Liquid Electrolytes Transport Numbers in Fused Salts. The concept and determin-

ation of transport numbers in pure liquid electrolytes is one of the most interesting,
and most confusing, aspects of the electrochemistry of fused salts.
The concept has been referred to in Section 4.5.2. The transport number of an
ionic species i is the quantitative answer to the question: What fraction of the total
current passing through an electrolyte is transported by the particular ionic
species i? In symbols [see Eq. (4.234)]:

In the case of z:z-valent salts, the transport number is simply given by

where is the mobility of the ion concerned, e.g., that of or The coordinate
system with which these mobilities are measured is considered later on. For a pure
liquid electrolyte consisting of one cationic and one anionic species,

It was seen (Section 2.4) that in aqueous solutions, the solvent could not be
relegated to the status of an unobtrusive background. The solvent molecules, by
entering into the solvation sheaths of ions, participated in their drift. Thus, in addition
to the flows of the positive and negative ions, there was a flux of the solvent. This
complication of solvent flux is absent in pure ionic liquids. There is, however, an
interesting effect when a current is passed through a fused salt.

Fig. 5.36. Schematic U-tube setup with M electrodes

and MX electrolyte. When 1 F of electricity is passed
through the system, one equivalent of ions is depos-
ited at the M cathode and one equivalent of ions is
produced at the M anode. Hence, a negative charge
tends to be produced near the cathode and a positive
charge near the anode.

Consider that a fused salt MX is taken as the ionic conductor in a U tube and two
M electrodes are introduced into the system as shown in Fig. 5.36. Let the conse-
quences of the passage of 1 faraday (F) of electricity be analyzed. Near the cathode,
one equivalent of ions will be removed from the system by deposition on the
cathode, and near the anode one equivalent of ions will be pumped into the
system. Since one equivalent of has been added and another equivalent has been
removed, the total quantity of ions in the system is unchanged (Table 5.28).
Is the system perturbed by the passage of a faraday of charge? Yes, because near
the cathode, one equivalent of ions has been removed, which has created a local
excess of negative charge. This local unbalance of electroneutrality creates a local
electric field.18 A similar argument can be used for the anode region.
How do the ions of the liquid electrolyte respond to this perturbation, i.e., this
creation of local fields? The ions start drifting under the influence of the fields so that the
initial state of electroneutrality and zero field is restored. How do the positive and negative
ions share this responsibility of moving to annul the unbalance of chargesmore anions
than cations near the cathode and vice versa? It should be noted (Fig. 5.37) that the original

This unbalance of electroneutrality and creation of field should not be confused with that arising from the
presence of the electrode, which causes an anisotropy in the forces on the particles in the electrode-elec-
trolyte interphase region. That anisotropy also produces an unbalance of electroneutrality and an electric
double layer (Chapter 6) with a field across the interface, but it occurs only within the first few tens of
nanometers of the surface.

Fig. 5.37. The tendency for

electroneutrality to be upset
near electrodes is avoided
in one of three ways. For
example, near the anode,
where positive charge
tends to be produced, (a)
positive ions can migrate
away from the anode, (b)
negative ions can migrate
toward the anode, and (c)
both (a) and (b) processes
can occur to various ex-

electroneutral situation can be restored by (1) only cations moving in the anode-to-
cathode direction; (2) only anions moving in the cathode-to-anode direction; and (3)
both cations and anions moving in opposite directions to different extents. However,
these possibilities represent different values of the transport numbers, which are the
fractions of the total field-induced ionic drift arising from the various species. Measurement of Transport Numbers in Liquid Electrolytes. Let
and be the transport numbers of the and ions of the fused salt. The changes
in the numbers of equivalents of and near the two electrodes are shown in Table
5.28, which is based on Fig. 5.36. The analysis of the changes leads to an interesting
result. The passage of 1 F of charge is equivalent to transferring equivalents of the
whole fused salt MX from the cathode region to the anode region (Fig. 5.38).
In the case of aqueous solutions, the ever-plentiful solvent could absorb this
equivalents of MX and register the transfer as a concentration change of magnitude
equivalents per liter, where V is the volume of the compartment. On the other
hand, a pure molten salt has no concentration variable. Hence, the transfer leads to an
increase in mass near the anode.
In molten salts, therefore, it is the change in mass in a compartment that reveals
transport numbers; in aqueous solutions, it was the change in concentration. However,
unless it is performed properly, the experiment provides information only on the
change in mass, not on the transport property.
What future has this mass increase? Left alone, the mass increase is short-lived
and the transport experiment fails. This is because gravitational flow of the molten salt
from the anode to cathode tends to equalize the amounts of MX in the two tubes (Fig.
5.39). It causes the liquid level in both tubes to be the same and wipes out the change
in level that the ionic movements tend to make.

Fig. 5.38. As a result of the passage of 1 F of

electricity, equivalents of MX electrolyte are
transferred from the cathode region (where the
electrolyte level falls) to the anode region (where
the level rises).

Fig. 5.39. The difference in elec-

trolyte levels produced by the pas-
sage of 1 F of electricity leads to a
gravitational flow of the electro-

The first step in determining transport numbers in pure ionic liquids is to prevent
the gravitational flow from masking the transfer of electrolyte. If the hydrodynamic
backflow that gravity causes cannot be prevented, it must at least be taken into account.
The general procedure is to minimize the gravitational flow by interposing a membrane
between anode and cathode (Fig. 5.40). However, there are serious objections to the
use of a membrane, owing to hydrodynamic interferences between this and the moving

Fig. 5.40. The gravitational

flow can be minimized by in-
terposing a membrane be-
tween the anode and the

Fig. 5.41. A simple arrangement by which gravitational flow is avoided. The displace-
ment of the electrolyte from the cathode to the anode region occurs at one level. The
change in position of the melt in the capillary indicates the amount of electrolyte

It is also possible to open out the U tube and make the whole liquid lie down
so that the movement of the fused salt occurs at one level and not against gravity. The
amount of salt entering the anode region is then indicated, for example, by a sliver of
molten metal pushed along by the movement of the salt in the capillary (Fig. 5.41).
This method is also subject to difficulties, for the movement of salts in capillary tubes
may not be smooth but is sometimes jerky.
This experiment directly demonstrates that when electricity is passed through a
fused salt, there is a movement of the salt as a whole. In other words, the mass center
of the liquid electrolyte moves. Now, the ions also are drifting with certain mobilities,
i.e., velocities under unit field. But velocities with respect to what? One must define
a coordinate system, or frame of reference, in relation to which the velocities (distances
traversed in unit time) are reckoned. Though the laws of physics are independent of
the choice of the coordinate systemthe principle of relativityall coordinate
systems are not equally convenient. In fused salt it has been found convenient to use
the mass center of the moving liquid electrolyte as the frame of reference, even though
this choice, while providing a simple basis for computations, suffers from difficulties.
Even the elementary presentation given here makes it clear that transport-number
measurements in fused salts are based on the transfer of the fused salt from the anode
to the cathode compartment. The quantities measured are weight changes, the motion
of indicator bubbles, the volume changes, etc. Some basic experimental setups shown
in Fig. 5.42 include the apparatuses of Duke and Laity, Bloom, Hussey, and other
pioneers in this field.
The migration of the electrolyte from the anode to the cathode compartment can
also be followed by using radioactive tracers and tracking their drift. Since isotopic
analysis methods are sensitive to trace concentrations, there is no need to wait for the
electrolyte migration to be large enough for visual detection. The results of some
transport-number measurements are given in Table 5.29.

Fig. 5.42. Schematic diagrams of methods of determining transport num-

bers: (a) Measure velocity of the bubble; (b) measure transfer of the tracer;
(c) measure the potential difference due to pressure difference; (d) measure
the change in weight; (e) measure the transport of liquid metal electrodes; (f)
measure the steady-state level; (g) measure the change in weight; (h)
measure the moving boundary. Radiotracer Method of Calculating Transport Numbers in Molten

Salts. In the discussion of the applicability of the NernstEinstein equation to fused
salts, it was pointed out that the deviations could be ascribed to the paired jump of ions
resulting in a currentless diffusion. With fused NaCl as an example, it has been shown
that there is a simple relation between the experimentally determined equivalent

conductivity and the experimental diffusion coefficients of and as indicated

by radiotracer and The relation is

From this expression, it is clear that one can determine Knowing one can
obtain the diffusion coefficients and of the independently jumping
and ions from the relations (5.69) and (5.70), i.e.,


Further, by using the Einstein relation [Eq. (4.172)] and the relation between absolute
and conventional mobilities, one has

and similarly,

With these values of mobilities, the transport numbers can easily be calculated from
the standard formulas

which, in the case of NaCl reduces to

A comparison between transport numbers calculated in this way and those obtained
by some of the experimental methods used is shown in Table 5.30.

Further Reading

1. W. Klemm and W. Biltz, Distribution of the Property of Ionic Conductance among Molten
Salts on Liquid Halides in the Periodic Table, J. Inorg. Chem. 152: 255 (1926).
2. F. R. Duke, R. W. Laity, and B. Owens, Transport Numbers in Fused Salts, J. Electro-
chem. Soc. 104: 299(1957).
3. A. Borucka, J. OM. Bockris, and J. A. Kitchener, The NernstEinstein Equation in
Molten Salts, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A241: 554 (1957).
4. G. J. Janz, C. Solomons, and H. J. Gardner, Diffusion and Transport in Molten Salts,
Chem. Rev. 58: 241 (1958).
5. L. Nanis and J. OM. Bockris, Self-Diffusion: Heats of Activation as a Function of
Melting Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. 67: 2865 (1963).
6. H. Bloom, The Chemistry of Molten Salts, W. A. Benjamin, New York (1967).

1. C. L. Hussey, Transport in and Transport Numbers in Molten Salts, in Molten Salt
Chemistry, C. Mamantov and R. Marassi, eds., NATO ASI Series C 202: 141 (1987).
2. C. A. Angell, Transport and Relaxation Processes in Molten Salts, in Molten Salt
Chemistry, G. Mamantov and R. Marassi, eds., NATO ASI Series C 202: 123 (1987).
3. S. Smedley, Interpretation of Ionic Conductivity in Liquids, Plenum Press, New York (1990).

1. S.I. Vavilov, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 123: 34 (1990).
2. D. R. Chang, Langmuir 66: 11332 (1990).
3. Y. Shirakawa and S. Tamaki, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 117: 638 (1990).
4. D. G. Leaist, Electrochim. Acta 36: 309 (1991).
5. K. Igarashi, J. Electrochem. Soc. 138: 3588 (1991).
6. H. Rajabu, S. K. Ratke, and O. T. Furland, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 16: 595 (1992).
7. F. Lanlelme, A. Barhoun, and J. Chavelet, J. Electrochem. Soc. 140: 324 (1993).
8. M. Poupait, C. S. Valesquez, and K. Hasseb, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116: 1165 (1994).
9. W. Wang and John Newman, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142: 761 (1995).
10. C. Larive, M. Lin, and B. J. Piersma, J. Phys. Chem. 99: 12409 (1995).
11. V. A. Payne, J. H. Xu, M. Fursyth, M. A. Ratner, D. F. Shriver, and S. W. Deleuw,
Electrochim. Acta 40: 2087 (1995).
12. C. Cametti, J. Phys. Chem. 100: 7148 (1996).



5.7.1. A Simple Approach: Holes in Molten Salts and Transport

Some facts about transport processes in molten salts have been mentioned
(Section 5.6). Whether a hole model (Section 5.4) can provide an interpretation of
these must now be examined. First it is necessary to cast the model into a form suitable
for the prediction of transport properties. The starting point is the molecular-kinetic
expression (Appendix 5.3) for the viscosity of a fluid, i.e.,

where n and m are the number per unit volume and the mass of the particles of the
fluid, is the mean velocity of the particles, and l is their mean free path.
The quantity l is linked to the model for viscous flow in fluids. According to this
picture (Fig. 5.43), a fluid in motion is considered to consist of layers lying parallel to
the direction of flow. (The slipping and sliding of these layers against each other
provides the macroscopic explanation of viscosity.) When particles jump between
neighboring layers, there is momentum transfer between these layers, the cause of
viscous drag (Fig. 5.44). In this picture, the symbol is taken to represent the
component of the average velocity of the particles in a direction normal to the layers.
Irrespective of whether the fluid is in motion, the particles constituting the fluid
continuously execute random motion. The particles of a flowing fluid have a drift
superimposed upon this random walk. It is by means of the random walk of the
particles from one layer to another that the momentum transfer between layers is

Fig. 5.43. A fluid in motion is considered equivalent to

moving layers of fluid, the layers lying parallel to the flow

carried on. This momentum transfer is visible to the observer as the viscosity of the
Holes also move. As argued earlier (Section 5.5.1), anything that moves at finite
velocities must have an inertial resistance to motion, i.e., a mass (see Appendix 5.1).
Although it may continue to be surprising, holes have masses and moving holes have
Thus, according to the hole theory, the random walk of holes between adjacent
layers results in momentum transfer and therefore viscous drag in a moving fused salt
(Fig. 5.45). On the basis of this model, the expression for the viscosity of an ionic
liquid is

where and are the number per unit volume and the apparent mass for translational
motion of the holes.
The velocity component is given by the ratio of the mean distance between
collisions (i.e., the mean free path), to the mean time between collisions,

Fig. 5.44. Viscous forces are con-

sidered to arise from the momentum
transferred between moving fluid lay-
ers when particles jump from one
layer to another.

Fig. 5.45. According to the

hole model, viscous drag
arises from the momentum
transferred between moving
fluid layers when holes jump
from one layer to another.

The viscosity can be written as follows

The theorem of the equipartition of energy can now be applied to the one-dimen-
sional motion referred to by

and using this approximate relation, one has

5.7.2. What is the Mean Lifetime of Holes in the Molten Salt Model?
The parameter now invites consideration. In the gas phase, is the mean time
between collisions. What is the significance of in an ionic liquid?
In a liquid, in the present model, would be the mean lifetime of a hole, i.e., the
average time between the creation and destruction of a hole through thermal fluctua-
tion. To calculate this, one may use the formula for the number of particles escaping
from the surface of a body per unit time per unit area into empty space, i.e.,

where c is the number of particles per unit volume, m is the mass of a particle, and A
is the work necessary for a mole of particles lying on the surface of the hole to be
released into its interior.

In a time t, at particles escape from the exterior into a spherical hole of

radius The hole will be filled by these particles if this number is equal to the
number of particles in a sphere of radius that is, Then the time for
destruction of the hole is

Obviously, this is also the time for hole formation, and the lifetime, from Eqs. (5.91)
and (5.92), is

This is the mean lifetime of a hole. This expression is consistent with the idea that the
hole theory represents a Swiss-cheese sort of model of a liquid with holes of different
sizes [for is the mean radius for holes varying in size according to Eq. (5.44)].
The holes keep on opening and shutting, and the mean time they are open is given by
Eq. (5.93).
Before one leaves expression (5.93), it is well to note the innocent acceptance
with which A has been treated. It is the heat term associated with getting a hole
unmade, with collapsing the hole, the negative of the work of forming the hole.
However, it has not yet been said how this will be calculated, and what terms go into
this. Such a calculation will be one test that will be made of the hole theory in Section

5.7.3. Viscosity in Terms of the Flow of Holes

By inserting the expression for the mean lifetime of a hole [Eq. (5.93)] into Eq.
(5.90), one obtains the hole-theory expression for viscosity. Thus,

There are two quantities on the right-hand side of Eq. (5.94) which need discus-
sion. They are the number of holes per unit volume of the liquid, and A, which
occurs in the Boltzmann factor exp( A/RT), for the probability of a successful filling
of a hole. These quantities are discussed in terms of the closely related quantity of

5.7.4. The Diffusion Coefficient from the Hole Model

Now that the viscous flow properties of an ionic liquid have been discussed, the
next task is to derive an expression for the diffusion coefficient. The present modeling
interpretation of the elementary act of a transport process consists of hole formation
followed by a particle jumping into the hole. The focus in this elementary act has
hitherto been the center of the hole.
What is the situation at the original site of the jumping ion? Alternatively stated:
What has happened, as a consequence of the jump process, at the point where the ion
was before it jumped? At this prejump site, there has been precisely that moving away
of particles from a point that corresponds to hole formation (Fig. 5.46).
Thus, when a particle jumps, it leaves behind a hole. So then, instead of saying
that a transport process occurs by particles hopping along, one could equally well say
that the transport processes occur by holes moving. The concept is commonplace in
semiconductor theory, where the movement of electrons in the conduction band is
taken as being equivalent to a movement of so-called holes in the valence band. It
has in fact already been assumed at the start of the viscosity treatment (Section 5.7.1)
that the viscous flow of fused salts can be discussed in terms of the momentum
transferred between liquid layers by moving holes.
Hence, when diffusion of particles occurs, there is a corresponding diffusion of
holes. Instead of treating ionic diffusion as a separate subject, therefore, one can
consider hole diffusion and write the StokesEinstein relation (Section 4.4.8) for the
diffusion coefficient of holes

The hole-theory expression for viscosity is known. It is Eq. (5.94). Let this be
introduced into StokesEinstein relation [Eq. (5.95)]. Using Eq. (5.44) the result is

Fig. 5.46. When a

particle jumps into a
hole, there is the for-
mation of a hole at the
prejump site of the

The number of holes per unit volume can be expressed in terms of the known
volume expansion of a mole of the liquid at the melting point divided by the mean
hole volume and reduced to the number per cubic centimeter by dividing by the
molar volume of the liquid at Hence,

Utilizing the value of the hole volume derived by substituting for from Eq.
(5.44) in

The assumed identity of the rates of hole diffusion and ionic diffusion is recalled.
Thus, the final expression for the diffusion coefficient of ions in a fused salt is the same
as that for holes, i.e., Eq. (5.98).
The first point to note about this expression, apart from the fact that it is of the
form of the experimentally observed variation of D with temperature (i.e.,
is that the energy of activation for self-diffusion of cations and anions
should be the same. This is what is observed in Table 5.31.
What is meant by the term Arrhenius activation energy? This term arose from
the work of the early gas kineticists, who wrote equations of the type

and considered Z to have a negligible temperature dependence. Such an assumption

would of course give

and it is this coefficient that is often identified with the energy of activation.
Therefore, if one wants to calculate what a theory gives for this, one has to take into
account whatever temperature dependence is possessed by the preexponential factor
in the theory. If one knew (as one hopes to know later on in this chapter) a theoretical
expression for A of Eq. (5.98), one would have to calculate a theoretical value for E
from Eq. (5.100) (including the effect of the temperature dependence of the preexpo-
nential) and compare its theoretical value with the experimental value of E calculated
from Eq. (5.100). From Eq. (5.98),

In the following sections, a value of A will be calculated. Used in the right-hand side
of Eq. (5.101), it gives there the theoretical prediction of the experimental energy of
activation, i.e., the left-hand side of Eq. (5.101) [cf. Eq. (5.100)].

5.7.5. Which Theoretical Representation of the Transport Process in

Molten Salts Can Rationalize the Relation
It has been pointed out (Sections and 5.6.3) that the heats of activation for
viscous flow and for self-diffusion are given by the empirical generalization
where is the melting point in kelvins. Some of the data
that support this statement are plotted in Figs. 5.28 and 5.30. The empirical law is
applicable to all nonassociated liquids, not only ionic liquids. An empirical generali-
zation that encompasses the rare gases, organic liquids, the molten salts, and the molten
metals is indeed a challenge for theories of the liquid state, and hence also for
fundamental electrochemists interested in pure liquid electrolytes.

Several approaches to the theory of liquids can be distinguished (see Section 5.2).
One may express the properties of a liquid in terms of a distribution function (as given
in Section, an expression that indicates the probability of finding particles at
a distance r from a central reference ion. One may be able to calculate the distribution
function itself from molecular dynamics. Alternatively, one can make educated
guesses about the scenarios inside the liquid, i.e., one agrees to temporarily assume a
number of competing models of the structure, and goes on to develop the mathematical
consequences of the various assumptions. The results of predictions from alternative
models can then be compared with experiments and one may decide upon the most
experiment-consistent model and use it as a working hypothesis to calculate other
properties of the liquid model.
Several differing simple models of molten salts do indeed give reasonably close
calculations of equilibrium properties, e.g., compressibility and surface tension. What
these models do not do, however, is to quantitatively rationalize the data on the
temperature dependence of conductance, viscous flow, and self-diffusion. The discov-
ery by Nanis and Richards of the fact that simple liquids have heats of activation for
all three properties given approximately by presents a clear and challenging
target for testing models of liquids.

5.7.6. An Attempt to Rationalize

To find what Frths hole theory predicts for the heat of activation in viscous flow,
it is necessary to attempt to use it to calculate the term A in, e.g., Eq. (5.98). The
meaning of A has already been defined in Section 5.7.2. It is the work done in
transferring a mole of particles from the surroundings of a hole into its interior.
An assumption will now be added to the model. It is that near or at the melting
point, a hole is annihilated by the evaporation into it of one particle; i.e., just one
particle fills it. There is no violation of physical sense in this assertion, for use of Eq.
(5.44) shows that the size of the holes predicted by the hole theory is near that of the
ions which are assumed in the model to jump into them. Correspondingly, the work
done to annihilate a hole is numerically equal to the work done in forming a surface
of radius r, namely, where is the surface tension. Hence, if particles
must jump into a hole to annihilate it at temperature T

where is the term A (per mole, not molecule) at the temperature T. With the
assumption made

What of at Ts other than the melting point, at which temperature has been
assumed to be unity? From Eq. (5.44), the hole volumeand hence its surface
areashould increase as T increases (and decreases, as it does with an increase in
T). Of course, ions surround the hole and it seems reasonable to assume that as the
hole volume increases, the number of ions that surround it will increase, and thus the
number that is needed to fill it (thus causing the work will also increase.
Let it be assumed that the difference between the volume of the liquid salt
and that of the corresponding solid is due only to holes. Then the number of holes per
mole of salt at temperature T is

where is obtained from Eq. (5.44).

Thus, the number of ions per hole at T is


Let it be assumed that the number of ions that will be needed to fill the hole at
any temperature would be proportional to the number of ions per hole in the liquid.


Thus [and with Eq. (5.44)]

One can obtain numerical values for the term on the right. It has been calculated
from experimental data for some 14 simple molten salts, and if one restricts the range
of experimental data used to about 200 K above the melting point, it is found that

Under such circumstances, from Eqs. (5.110) and (5.111),


From Eq. (5.44)

From Eq. (5.112),

This result may be compared with the empirical heat of activation by substituting
it in Eq. (5.101). The term on the left of this equation, the experimental values, are
found to be about Using for which the derivation has been
given here, on the right of Eq. (5.101), one obtains agreement between observed and
calculated values of the heat of activation to within about 510%. The theory of holes
is thus able to give some approximate, numerical account of the heat of activation in
the transport of simple liquids above the melting point.

5.7.7. How Consistent with Experimental Values Is the Hole Model for
Simple Molten Salts?
The Swiss-cheese model approach is consistent with the X-ray data, which show
that the distance apart of ions remains constant or decreases on melting while the
volume increases ~20%. In this respect, it is more consistent with experiment than

some other models which upon melting involve expansion of the cell in which each
ion spends most of its life (so that the internuclear distance would increase).
An example of the ability of this Frth hole model to reproduce experimental data
numerically without previous appeal to experimental values of similar systems is
shown in Table 5.32, which gives a comparison of experimental expansivities with the
values that the hole theory yields. An interesting aspect of the evidence supporting the
usefulness of this model is the relation of the (cell) free volume (Fig. 5.47) to the
volume of the expansion of melting. This free volume, in the sense referred to here, is

Fig. 5.47. Plot of the free volume per ion against the average hole volume;
LiCI, NaCI, KCI, CsCI, NaBr, KBr, CsBr, Nal, Kl.

the space that is free to each atom on the average. This relation is shown in Fig. 5.47.
The continuous increase of the free volume with the hole volume is what would be
expected with a model in which, for between one in five atoms, there is a neighboring
hole, so that when a vibrating atom comes into contact with this space, its free volume
(= cell free volume and part of the volume of the hole) is increased. Thus, the free
volume due to the space within cells is related also to the hole volume, the volume
injected on melting, because the average ions freedom to move is increased by the
presence of holes. This is just what Fig. 5.47 confirms.
One must not give the impression that Frths theory of holes in molten salts is
more than an attempt to see what can be done in the matter of replicating experimental
values without the use of experimental data relied on by competing models. It is the
model that gives the greatest degree of numerical agreement for several properties,
particularly those of transport. It is, on the other hand, a very crude model indeed. It
attempts to deal with the problem in a curious, perhaps ingenious, way by using an
analogy between holes in an actual molten salt and bubbles in a near-boiling liquid.
One might at first not take it seriously, particularly when one finds that it eliminates
the term by assuming that the liquid is near boiling when but one
should see merit in the ability of the model to predict experimental data without relying
on values obtained from previous experimental determinations, as is done in Monte
Carlo and molecular dynamics approaches. On the other hand, the theory involves
some far-fetched imagery, for example, that one particle or thereabouts evaporates to
annihilate a hole.

Further consideration shows that a liquid molten salt bears more than one
resemblance to predictions of the hole theory. Ions do indeed tend to cling together in
clusters so that the internuclear distance does not increase to allow for the observed
large increase in volume on melting. Between these clusters of ions are gaps and
cavities of varying sizes, undergoing rapid changes in size. Some models similar to
the hole model seem unavoidable if one is to attain consistency with the increase of
volume on melting but lack of increase of the internuclear distance in the process. No
model of simple molten salts should be considered valid except a model that replicates
such unbending facts, and after that it is largely a matter of how to describe the space
introduced, varying in size and lifetime, in terms of physical chemistry, which is the
challenge and the answer to the question: Why is a liquid so fluid while a solid is so

5.7.8. Ions May Jump into Holes to Transport Themselves: Can They
Also Shuffle About?

Constant-Volume Measurements: Big Jumps? The theories representing

trans- port in molten liquids which have been the subjects of Section 5.6 are all
consistent with the one general idea as to how transport works in molten salts. This is
that ions vibrate in their cells surrounded on all sides by counterions for a relatively
long time, but when the opportunity arrives, they dart off into a nearby vacancy of
some kind. Only Frths theory is clear about what they dart toan opened-up
neighboring cavity similar to those in the Woodcock and Singer model of Fig. 5.14,
which then gets 90% filled up by the ions arrival.
Then the rate at which transport, viscous flow, diffusion, and conduction occur is
controlled by either the rate at which the opportunities for escape occur or the ease
with which the ion jumps into the new open structure. Of course, these statements
apply only to molten salts such as sodium chloride, simple molten salts as they are
called, and those for which the log D versus 1/T line is straight (Fig. 5.49).19 If the
molten salt forms complexes (e.g., which is formed in then it is
rather different; the control of transport rate in these substances will be discussed in a
later section.
It is desirable to give some evidence that supports the idea that the ions await some
rearrangement that allows the transporting ion to have a less coordinated existence for
the brief moment of movement. If one determines the diffusion coefficient (or
conductance, or viscosity) at constant pressure, then both these processesthe making
of the cavity and the jumping into itare components of the heat of activation (see
Figs. 5.48 and 5.49). This can be written as

Many molten salts apart from the archetypal NaCl show a straight line for log D 1/T.

Fig. 5.48. Arrehnius plots of fused salt self-dif-

fusion coefficients; anions; cations.
and Dworkin et al. (1960); TICI
and Angell and Tomlinson (1965);
Sjoblom and Behn (1968).]

where the suffixes H and J represent, respectively, the process of hole formation and
that for jumping into it.
One may also keep the temperature constant but vary the external hydrostatic
pressure. Doing this at various temperatures, one obtains relations such as those shown
in Fig. 5.50. Thus, knowing the expansivity and compressibility of the molten salt
concerned, one can figure out what values of log D have the same volume, though at
different temperatures (see Figs. 5.51 and 5.52).
At constant volume there can be no change in volume as the temperature increases,
a hypothetical and artificial state. Under these hypothetical conditions, changes of
transport with temperature cannot be affected by any corresponding increase in the
number of holes with temperature for if more holes were to increase with an increase
of volume, the volume of the solution would increase. Hence, under such (hypotheti-

Fig. 5.49. Activation energy for diffusion at constant


cal) conditions of constant volume, the energy for hole formation would no longer
influence the rate of diffusion. For this reason, it is reasonable to write

Knowing the values of both at constant pressure but also at

constant volume, one can separate out the heats of activation: the one for the formation
of holes, and the one for jumping into holes. Some of the values obtained for ordinary
liquids, molten metals, and molten salts are shown in Table 5.33.20
In rate theory terms, the rate constant for a happening is given by

If the make hole, then jump in model makes sense. It makes less sense if
Holes are there, all right, but they could be simply geographic features of the structure.

Fig. 5.50. Effect of pressure on the diffusion of

ion in molten

so that the lifetime of an event (e.g., the formation of a cavity) is

Knowing and estimating the entropy of activation for its formation, one can
calculate how long the hole will last.21 Thus, the values experimentally found for
and show that the hole lasts longer than the time for jumping

There is a quantity referred to in transport calculations called the velocity autocorrelation function (see
Section 4.2.19). When applied to the velocity of particles in liquids, it refers to the time needed for a
particle to be free of the influence of the previous movement of particles (i.e., uncorrelated). For KCl at
1045 K, the value calculated by Smedley and Woodcock by means of a simulation gave s for
the autocorrelation functionabout one-tenth of the time for a jump calculated by a hole model (see Table
5.33) for
This result is more consistent with a shuffle-along (Swallin) model than the wait-for-a-cavity-and-
leap-into-it model. The weight of evidence (particularly the law) is in the other direction
and one must then ask if neglect of the 20% volume increase on melting (with a decrease of internuclear
distance) has invalidated the significance of the results in Smedley and Woodcocks calculation. To
support this suggestion, one may point to the wrong sign arising from such models in calculating deviations
from the Nernst-Einstein equation.

Fig. 5.51. Evaluation of constant-volume conditions

(molten Standard of reference: 1 atm, 623 K

Fig. 5.52. Activation energy of jumping

ion in molten

This is just a confirmatory calculation and it could not be any other

way if the idea of an ion waiting for the right juxtaposition of thingsso it has space
to move elsewhererepresents microscopic reality, at least for the systems for which
the above result holds.

5.7.9. Swallins Model of Small Jumps

Many years ago, Swallin suggested another idea as a model for transport in molten
metals and molten salts.22 In his view, the free space that occurs when a liquid melts
does not play a part in the mechanism of transport, diffusion, conductance, and viscous
flow. This occurs, he suggested, by means of microjumps, a movement not unlike the
gyrations of a person in a large football crowd trying to get out to his seat in the front
row. Gaps in the crowd are too small to aid his motion, so that the only way is to shuffle
slowly forward, pushing and being pushed. Swallins23 suggestion did not sit well with
researchers studying molten salt at the time of its publication, however, because it was
accompanied by the following equation

where l is the jump distance and is the average distance between ion centers. This
is the volume difference between the ion in its activated statethe quintessential
situation of movement in the rate-determining happeningand the initial state, and it
is determined easily at constant temperature from the equation

The fact that (see Fig. 5.28) the temperature dependence of rare-gas liquids, ordinary liquids, liquid metals,
and molten salts obeys the equation may mean they all have similar mechanisms for
Swallins 1959 suggestion was made for metals. Here it may be more applicable than it seems to be to
molten salts. Thus, in Table 5.33, it is seen that for the ordinary liquids and molten salt
quoted but is close to 1.1 for metals. This signifies that the transport rate in a metal is determined less by
hole formation and influenced significantly by jumping.

It can be seen that knowing one can calculate l, the jump distance. For
at 620 K, this is equal to 380 pm, which is too big by far to be called a microjump as
required in Swellins shuffling, though it is just the right kind of number for a jump
into the conveniently opening neighboring cavity, hole, or vacant space.
On the other hand, Swallins idea has not remained unused. One of the early
simulation calculations on molten salt structuresthat by Alder and Einwohner
found that a jump distance much smaller than the diameter of an ion fitted the
simulation and therefore fitted Swallins microjump model. However, this would not
be consistent with the values, for if the microjump distance is l, then
and as l in the microjump model would be around 10-20 pm,
would be about compared with a measured of about 10
(e.g., for at 620 K).
Work by Rice and Allnutt24 for molten salts posed another threat to the making-
holes-and-jumping-into-them model. In fact, their work has been seen by some to
pump life into the aging Swallin theory. The simulation they made was based on
calculation of the distribution functions (see Section 5.5.3), but this could be its
Achilles heel because the function thus calculated neglects the large change in volume
that occurs in salts such as NaCl when they melt. This is like trying to play Hamlet
with the Elsinore castle in the backdrop, but a large live African elephant walking
across the stageit takes no notice of the main point (internuclear distance decreases
on melting but volume increases 1128%). Tables 5.33 and 5.34 contain the values
for and and Table 5.35 contains those of
At first it was thought that the work of hole making was as much as ten times
greater than that of jumping, but later on the two values were found to be not so far
apart, indicating that the difficulty of jumping can be competitive with that of hole
making; the ion is less eager to avail itself of the conveniently opened up neighboring
hole than had been thought.
So what of Swallins shuffling and his idea of microjumps? There is no need to
abandon microjumping even though the heat of activation for all nonassociated,
noncomplexed liquids follows the law suggesting a unified mecha-
nism of transport for metals, organic liquids, and molten salts. Perhaps in some liquids
two kinds of steps contribute to transport in parallel.
It is only in the types of liquids that fit into the relation shown in Fig. 5.28 (i.e.,
the linear relation of that hole formation seems to be the rate-controlling

The RiceAllnutt model may be understood by taking the ions that move to be analogous to a man who
enters a room full of partying people. His aim is to make it to the bar. There is no gap in the crowd present.
He dives in and essentially jiggles his way forward. This is a similar picture to the shuffling along
view presented in the 1950s by Swallin for diffusion in metals.

event in transport. Take the case of the transport of protons in water (Section 4.11.6).
They dart about, continuously jumping from water to water, tunneling through the
barriers in between, with a slight tendency to go more in one direction than the other
if there is an applied electric field or a concentration gradient. On the other hand, about
one-fifth of the ions also move along as moves along. Here, therefore, two
mechanisms contribute to transport. There is nothing against assuming (according to
Rice and Allnutts calculations, which neglected the distributed cavities in liquids) that
some movements of ions occur by a shoulder-to-shoulder pushing microjump shuffle.
While the evidence for holds, and the are about the size
calculated for a hole (if models involving cavity making and jumping
into it seem more consistent with experiments than those that feature shuffling.

Further Reading
1. H. Eyring, A Hole Theory of Liquids, J. Chem. Phys. 4: 283 (1936).

2. R. Frth, Transport Theory and Holes in Liquid, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 252: 276,
281 (1941).
3. M. Nagarajan, L. Nanis, and J. OM. Bockris, Diffusion of Sodium 22 in Molten Sodium
Nitrate, J. Phys. Chem. 68: 2726 (1964).
4. S. R. Richards and J. OM. Bockris, Relation of Heats of Activation to the Melting Point
in All Non-Associated Liquids, J. Phys. Chem. 69: 671 (1965).

1. Y. Tada, S. Hiraoka, and Y. Katsumura, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 31: 2010 (1992).
2. C. K. Larive, M. F. Lin, B. J. Piersma, and W. R. Carper, J. Phys. Chem. 99:12409 (1995).
3. M. Watanabe, S. Yamada, and N. Ogata, Electrochim. Acta 40: 2285 (1995).
4. M. Ma and K. E. Johnson, Can. J. Chem. 73: 593 (1995).
5. M. Abraham, M. C. Abraham, and I. Ziogas, Electrochim. Acta 41: 903 (1996).


5.8.1. Nonideal Behavior of Mixtures

A measure of understanding has been gained on the structure and transport
properties of simple ionic liquids. In practice, however, mixtures of simple liquid
electrolytes are more important than pure systems such as liquid sodium chloride. One
reason for their importance is that mixtures have lower melting points and hence
provide the advantages of molten salts,25 but with a lessening of the difficulties caused
by high temperatures. What happens when two ionic liquids, for example, and
KCl, are mixed together?
Consider, for instance, the electrical conductance of fused and KCl mix-
tures. If the equivalent conductivity of the mixtures (at a fixed temperature) were given
by a simple additivity relation, then a linear variation of equivalent conductivity with
the mole fraction of KCl should be observed (dashed line in Fig. 5.53). The straight
line should run from the equivalent conductivity of pure liquid at a particular
temperature to that of pure liquid KCl at the same temperature. Some binary mixtures
of single ionic liquids do indeed exhibit the simple additivity implied by the dashed
line of Fig. 5.53.

Advantages include no competing hydrogen or oxygen evolution during electrode reactions and an
that gives a greater velocity in any rate process. The drawbacks are corrosion and the extra
precautions that must be taken to avoid the breakdown of equipment. These threaten high-temperature
experiments and make those above 2000 K extremely difficult to carry out. Such difficulties are greatly
reduced by using the room temperature molten salts. However, their organic nature often leads to great
dissymetry in ion size between cation and anion.

Fig. 5.53. The variation of the observed equivalent conductivity of

mixtures as a function of the mole fraction of KCI. The
dashed line corresponds to the variation that would be given by the
additivity behavior.
There are, however, many systems in which deviations occur from a simple
additive law for conductance. The system of and KCl is a case in point (full line
in Fig. 5.53). A minimum in the conductivity curve is observed. What is the signifi-
cance of this minimum?

5.8.2. Interactions Lead to Nonideal Behavior

The situation is reminiscent of some happenings in aqueous solutions. At infinite
dilution of, say KCl, the properties (e.g., equivalent conductivity) due to the and
ions are additive (see Section 4.3.10). This is ideal behavior (see Section 3.4.1).
With increasing concentration, however, there is a departure from ideality: the equiva-
lent conductivities are not simply additive.
Nonideality in aqueous solutions (see Chapter 3) was ascribed to Coulombic
attractionbetween and ions, and the ion-ion interaction theories were evolved
for aqueous solutions. The electrostatic attraction between a pair of oppositely charged
ions could overwhelm thermal jostling and result in the formation of ion pairs (see
Section 3.8).
One can resort to similar explanations for departures from ideality in mixtures of
simple ionic liquids. However, there are specific differences between the situation in
fused salts and that in aqueous solutions. In pure liquid KCl, there is no concentration
variable and therefore fused KCl has a single value of equivalent conductivity (at a
particular temperature). The mean distance between the and ions cannot be
altered, as it can be in aqueous solutions, by interposing varying amounts of solvent

because there is no solvent. Hence, the equivalent conductivity of pure liquid KCl
embodies the effects of all the possible interactions for the temperature concerned. The
thermodynamics of mixtures of molten salts has been intensively studied by Bloom,
by Kleppa, and by Blander.
The interactions that one proposes to account for the deviations from ideality in
mixtures of ionic liquids are interactions between the ions of one component of the
mixture considered as a solvent and the ions of the other component that is added. In
the case of KCl added to pure one can consider, for example, the interactions
between ions and Cl ions, and this interaction can be more than simply
electrostatic, which is attraction without preferred direction. It may also involve
directed valence forces.

5.8.3. Complex Ions in Fused Salts

It is intended here to discuss nonideality arising from complex ion formation. In
the case of mixtures of pure liquid electrolytes, however, the idea of complex ion
formation raises some conceptual problems.
Consider complex ion formation in the system, and let it be assumed
for the moment that a complex ion is formed. If such complex ions were formed
in an aqueous solution of and KC1, they would exist as little islands separated
from other ions by large expanses of water. In fused salts, there are no oceans of solvent
separating the ions. Thus, a ion would constantly be coming into contact on all
sides with chloride ions, and yet one singles out three of these ions and says that
they are part of (or belong to) a complex ion (Fig. 5.54). It appears that in the
absence of the separateness possible in aqueous solutions, the concept of complex ions
in molten salts is suspect. As will be argued later, however, what is dubious turns out
to be not the concept but the comparison of complex formation in fused salts with
complex formation in aqueous solutions.
It is more fruitful to compare complex formation in ionic liquids with the
phenomenon of hydration of ions in aqueous solution (Chapter 2). It will be recalled
that though an ion was seen as constantly nudged by the water molecules of the
surrounding medium, a certain number of the water moleculesthe hydration

Fig. 5.54. The similarity between (a) a solvated

ion in an aqueous solution and (b) a complexed
ion in a mixture of ionic liquids.

numberwere considered to stay with the ion in its movement through the solution.
The criterion by which the two kinds of water were distinguished was that all those
water molecules that temporarily surrendered their translational degrees of freedom to
the ion and participated in its random walk constituted its solvation sheath.
Similarly, a completed ion is an entity in which a certain number of ligand ions
(e.g., three chloride ions in a complex) participate in the random walk of the
ion (i.e., the Cd2+ ion in the complex). The other Cl ions only underg o
promiscuous contacts with the ion of the complex, not long-term affairs. The
implication is that a complex ion (i.e., the ion and its ligands) is an entity with a lifetime
that is at least several orders of magnitude longer than the time required for a single
From the standpoint of this comparison (Fig. 5.54), it is seen that the concept of
a complex ion in a molten salt is at least as tenable as that of an ion with a primary
solvation sheath (Section 2.4) in aqueous solutions. What experimental evidence exists
for complex ions in fused salt mixtures? To anwer this question, one must discuss some
results of investigating the structure of mixtures of simple ionic liquids.

5.8.4. An Electrochemical Approach to Evaluating the Identity of

Complex Ions in Molten Salt Mixtures
Here one measures a quantity called the transition time at an electrode (see
Chapter 7). One switches on a constant current through an electrode. This current is
such that the electrode reactions occur fast enough and the activation overpotential is
avoided. Under such conditions, an interval of time can be measured (the transition
time, ) at which ions in the interfacial layer in contact with the electrode exhaust
because they are being removed onto the electrode faster than the rate at which they
are being supplied from the solution. Then the electrode potential undergoes a dramatic
change in the electrode search for other ions to act as a sink for the electrons pouring
into it, which corresponds to the constant current strength chosen.
Then it is easy to show (Inman and Bockris, 1961) that under these circumstances

Here t is the time elapsed since the switch on of the current, and is the potential
reached at one-fourth of the transition time described earlier.
The key point here is that is independent of the concentration of the species
exchanging electrons at the electrode if there are no complexes formed. Conversely,
it is empirically found that if complexes are present, varies with the concentration.
To illustrate how one might use this method to find the concentration of the
complexes, consider a molten salt system such as dissolved in a eutectic of
at about 530 K. There are no complexes between and in the

system of Correspondingly, it is found that, is inde-

pendent of in this system.
What happens to when one adds to the nitrate system just described some
ion that complexes Cd, e.g., Then it is found that changes with the
concentration of added in contrast to its constancy in the absence of the ligand.
Now, where is the quarter-time potential under standard
conditions, and isthevalue of in the presence of -containing complexes
of Cd formed by adding, e.g., varying concentrations of KCl to the
DeFord and Hume derived expressions to treat the type of situations sketched
above and a version of their equation is

Two symbols require definitions; is the ligand concentration (the for example)
and m is the maximum number of ligand ions associated with Cd, that is 3, as in
other terms have their usual meaning.
Further functions are defined as follows ( is the experimentally determinable

when etc., are related to the successive formation constants

etc., by

By making suitable plots, it is possible to obtain the formation constants

of the complexes and then to calculate from the equations given above the formulas
of the complexes present. For example, if is plotted against the extrapolation to
should equal and the limiting slope at should equal and
so on, up the series. The F against plot for the next-to-last complex present in the
system should be a straight line with a slope equal to the overall formation constant
for the complex of the highest coordination number, and the intercept at the plot
for the last complex should be a straight line parallel to the axis. The calculated
formation constants are given in Table 5.36.
The way this plots out is shown in Fig. 5.55. The figure illustrates a lesson that is
easily understandable: the dominant complex changes with the concentration of the

5.8.5. Can One Determine the Lifetime of Complex Ions in Molten

Ideas on complex ions in molten salts tend to vary with the time at which they
were published. In the first half of the century, there seemed no doubt that complex
ions in molten salts were distinct entities and, it was implied, they were permanent.
Later, there was doubt as to our ability to identify complex ions in molten salts. Thus,
it was argued, there is no difficulty in accepting the existence of discrete ions in
aqueous solutions because each ion is a separate entity, and there are many solvent

Fig. 5.55. Dependence of the concentration of various complex

ions upon the addition of KBr.

molecules between each ion. In the molten salt, however, there is a continuum of ionic
entities and whether complexed ionic species can be distinguished seems less certain;
perhaps the Br ligands in the imagined are just shared equally among the
solvated ions in a solvent such as
These two views can be described in terms of a time representing the time an
ion such as remains bonded to a ligand, such as In the two extreme views
just given, would be minutes or even hours for long-lived complexes and zero for
the concept that distinguishable complex ions in molten salts do not exist.
Such problems can be tackled by spectroscopic means, as shown later. Raman
spectra, in particular, would indicate new lines having characteristic frequencies when
is added to and in the preceding section it has been
shown that an analysis of the variations of the electrode potential of in
with addition has given reason to believe in complex ions in the
cases quoted. However, there is a nifty electrochemical method that allows one to also
obtain the lifetime of the individual ions and hence remove doubt as to the real
existence of complex ions in molten salts.

If one applies a constant current density to an inert electrode such as Pt dipped

into a molten salt consisting of a solvent (e.g., with a solute of
it is found that the transition time varies with the strength of the electric
current passing across the electrode.
The transition time was described briefly in Section 5.8.4, but it is described in
more detail in Chapter 7. When one switches on a cathodic current (electrons ejected
from the electrode to the solution) at an electrode, at first there are plenty of ions in
the region near the electrode and plenty of current can flow. However, there comes a
time the transition time, when the solution near the electrode runs out of ions, and
the electrode potential then undergoes a significant change.
The value of for simple situations (no complexing in solution) is given by

where j is the current density, n is the number of electrons in the overall reaction, F is
the faraday, is the diffusion coefficient of the ion diffusing to the electrode, and
is the concentration of, e.g., ions in solution.
It can be readily seen from Eq. (5.130) that should be a constant for
independent of the applied current, and Fig. 5.56 shows that for the system indicated
in the annotation to the figure, it is not. Why not?
Figure 5.56 contains two linear sections. Thus, (which would be constant if
all were simple) decreases as the current density increases. This is consistent with a
homogeneous reaction occurring in the bulk of the solution. As the current strength
increases, the dissociation of the complex becomes increasingly unable to keep up with
the electrodes need for is kept constant). For this reason, sinks with an
increase of current density and hence decreases.
It is difficult to think of an interpretation consistent with these facts except some
sequence of the kind:

One of these reactions must involve a slow, rate-determining step that prevents
the complex from dissociating rapidly enough to make up the quantities that the
electrode removes from the interfacial region around it. Thus, in Fig. 5.56 for the lower
line (with higher current densities) the story is qualitatively the same. However, the
mathematical treatment goes into a different approximation at higher current densities
with the slope change.
It is possible to show that a two-sloped graph such as that shown in Fig. 5.56 can
be treated in such a way that the rate-controlling reaction in the above series can be
identified as the slow dissociation of and the corresponding lifetime of the entity
involved evaluated, also. The lifetime determined for the was 0.3 s in the nitrate

Fig. 5.56. against

KBr=9.21x (Reprinted
from S. Srinivasan, D. Inman, A. K. N. Reddy,
and J. OM. Bockris, J. Electroanal. Chem. 5:
476, 1965.)

eutectic considered. All this goes to show that there can be indeed complexed entities
in molten salts and they live for quite long times,26 although they are by no means


Cryolite is in the process for the extraction of Al, which is

obtained from the corresponding hydrate in the mineral bauxite,27 is added to molten

Long in comparison with some molecular complexes, which have lifetimes on the order of as little as
Bauxite is most easily available to U.S. companies from Venezuela and islands in the Caribbean; there is
also a lot in Australia. When bauxite ceases to be economically obtainable from nearby sources (after the
year 2000), Al will be extracted from clay (sodium aluminum silicate), which is one of the more abundant
minerals on earth and occurs in all countries. would be formed by chlorination of the clay and this
compound would be added to a KCl-LiCl eutectic around 770 K. Electrolysis at this temperature would
deposit solid Al. Because of the very large amount of Al available from clay, and because of its light
weight, Al is tending to replace Fe even in automotive manufacture.

Fig. 5.57. (a) Spectrum of molten cryolite at 1380 K ( halation),

(b) Analysis of the spectrum in Raman scattering (), thermal
radiation (- - - -), and instrumental background radiation (---).
(Reprinted from C. Solomons, J. Clarke, and J. OM. Bockris, J.
Chem. Phys. 49: 445, 1968.)

cryolite in such a way that Al deposits at the negative electrode of an electrolytic cell.
This is the method by which Al is obtained throughout the world. It is the number one
electrochemical process in terms of money invested.
In the study of this system, it is necessary to study the constitution of cryolite,
what complex ions are present in it, if any. The work is difficult because the
temperature is on the order of 1270 K, and cryolite is an aggressive substance,
particularly after has been added; it attacks most materials, even refractory
material such as Making up a cell that is both not attacked by the corrosive
cryolite and has a transparent window for radiation to enter and leave is a challenge.
The difficulty was first overcome in 1968 by Solomons et al., who used BN as a
refractory not attacked by cryolite. In a typical Raman experiment, a focused laser
beam enters into one hole in a BN crucible and the scattered light (see also Section
2.11), which carries information on the structure of the particles, emerges through
another hole in the crucible. Surface tension keeps the liquid cryolite and alumina from
escaping through the holes.
The Raman spectrum of cryolite is shown in Fig. 5.57. The features remaining
after deconvolution are two peaks, one at a wavenumber of 633 and one at 577

Both these peaks are polarized.28 The relatively high frequency and polarized nature
of these bands is consistent with the totally symmetric stretching frequency of AlF
in one of the two anions known to constitute cryolite (tetrahedral) and
In solid cryolite there is a band at 554 (wavenumbers)29 that has been
identified as originating in Is the band in the melt due to the same
ion? The more intense band (see Fig. 5.57) at 633 would be expected to be from
a complex of lesser coordination number and this fits
What fits the observations reported is the equilibrium

The mole fractions of and are determined from the relative values of the
peaks in the spectrum as 0.07 and 0.3, respectively; i.e., the that dominates the
solid at room temperature dissociates to a considerable extent in the liquid at 1270 K
to the simpler complex.
When is added to molten cryolite, another ion, also forms and may
(surprisingly, because it is an anion) take part in the final reaction at the negative
electrode31 that produces Al.

In Raman spectroscopy (see Section 2.11), one speaks of the polarization and depolarization of the
scattered light. The depolarization ratio of a line is the ratio of the intensities within the scattered light
polarized perpendicular and parallel to the plane of polarization of the incident light. The
depolarization ratio, is defined as There are several possibilities for the value of this ratio for
the emergent light. It can be nonpolarized or retain its initial polarization and In
practice, a Raman line is counted as depolarized if and polarized if Of course, to observe
this, one has to look at the Raman scattered light through a polarizing filter, which enables us to find the
ratio of to light. The importance of measuring the polarization of the scattered light is that its
interpretation tells us about the symmetry of the scattering source, i.e., gives information on the nature of
the ions present.
Wavenumber is defined as where is the wavelength. However, where is frequency and c
is the velocity of light. A higher wavenumber means a lower and a lower means a higher frequency.
Now for an oscillator, where k is the force constant of the vibration and is the reduced
mass of the oscillator, e.g., Al-F. A lower coordination number means a higher k, and hence v , because
of lessened repulsion between the ligands and diminished screening of the nuclear charge on the cation.
Readers should not be overly shocked at the idea that negatively charged anions such as may react
at cathodes, which are the negative electrodes in a cell. Electrodeposition at negative electrodes from
negative anions is quite common (Cr plating of car bumpers occurs from Although the anions are
electrostatically repelled at a cathode, there may be a driving force as a result of a diffusion gradient.
This can be seen from the NernstPlanck equation of Section 4.4.15. Here there are two terms. One
contains a potential gradient, and the other a concentration gradient, For a negative anion
approaching a negatively charged cathode, there is repulsion. However, transport to the electrode and
deposition is still possible if the concentration gradient term (which tends to impel the anion to the cathode)
dominates over the potential gradient term.

5.9.1. Raman Studies of Al Complexes in Low-Temperature Molten

complexes with inorganic ions such as to form and both
of which register in Raman spectra. might be considered a fruitful partner for
Solomons and Clarke found pure to be polymerized when liquid, and it
is highly viscous. The obvious question is: What happens when is added to
(both being in the liquid state)? This seems an ideal sort of question for study by a
Raman spectroscopist since AlCl and SnCl both show Raman-active bands.

Fig. 5.58. Raman spectra of equimolar

mixtures: (a) spectrum of the liquid (T= 500 K) and (b)
spectrum of the glass ( T = 298 K). (Reprinted from B.
P. Gilbert, F. Taulelle, and B. Tremillon, J. Raman
Spectros. 19: 1,1988.)

Figure 5.58 shows the spectra for the equimolar liquid and the corresponding
glass. Features that are not in the spectrum of either or liquid before they
are brought together are observed at This wavenumber is known to be
characteristic of Sn-Cl bonds. When the melt is cooled to form a glass, the
band breaks up to show a band at 248 and one at 219 The band
is probably partly depolymerized

The other band at 219 will be characteristic of a new Sn-Cl bond and this
could come from the breakdown of the polymer, perhaps in a new complex,
either as

or as

The second structure is preferred because it brings about a lesser symmetry in the
complex ion and this decreased symmetry is found to lead to an explanation of one of
the characteristics of the spectra, the fact that they exhibit polarization, i.e., have
differences in the spectra when the polarized light incident on the sample is in either
the parallel or the vertical plane, respectively. Thus, polarization of the scattered
Raman radiation is expected from the but not from the complex ion.

5.9.2. Other Raman Studies of Molten Salts

Some idea of how Raman spectroscopy workshow light from nonelastic
scattering on molecules contains information on the vibratory state of the bonds
thereinhas been given in Section 2.11. Raman spectroscopy can be used to obtain
information on the structure of ions in molten salts, as has been shown in the last three
sections. Here, two further molten salt systems that contain complexes and that have
been subjected to Raman spectroscopy are described. The first one concerns melts of
zinc chloride hydrate.

Fig. 5.59. Background-corrected Raman

spectra for ZnCI2 hydrate at 298 K. Solid
lines show the peak components ob-
tained by the least-squares fits. (Re-
printed from T. Pom, T. Yamaguchi, S.
Hayaschi, and H. Ohtaki, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 93:2620,1989.)

The associated spectra and Raman frequencies are shown in Fig. 5.59 from the
work of Yamaguchi et al. The predominant band at 280289 is attributable to
the ZnCl vibration in There is also a peak at 227234 for solutions
containing less than 40% Zn. The same peak is found in anhydrous melts and
is probably due to in aggregates (i.e., a number of ions joined together by
Cl atoms). Polarized light studies on the symmetry and structure do not seem to have
been done.
Another system studied by Raman spectroscopy concerns molten salts at room
temperature, which usually involve organic compounds. The system consists of

Fig. 5.60. Raman spectra for

MEIC melts at room tempera-
ture: (a) n=0.35 molar fraction
and (b) n=0.64 molar fraction
For both, the upper spectrum is ver-
tically polarized, and the lower one
is horizontally polarized The inten-
sity scales are different for the two
polarizations. (Reprinted from S. P.
Wicelinski, R. J. Gale, S. D. Williams,
and G. Mamantov, Spectrochim.
Acta 45A: 759,1989.)

gallium chloride in 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium chloride (MEIC) at ambient tem-

peratures. This system was examined by Mamantov et al. using an exciting wavelength
of 514.5 nm and some spectra are shown in Fig. 5.60.
Table 5.37 contains data on the chlorogallates. The peak at 376 corresponds
to but when the molar fraction of one would expect

The latter ion would have peaks as shown in the table; there is a weak peak at
that may indicate the presence of

5.9.3. Raman Spectra in Molten CdCI2-KCI

Tanaka et al. investigated liquid with special reference to the com-
plexes formed in the liquid state at from 750980. They used Hg blue light ( = 435.8
nm) and green light ( = 546.1 nm) as exciting sources. Four peaks were recorded and
the strongest ones are shown in Table 5.38.
The interpretation of what these peaks mean in terms of structure was made by
Tanaka et al. by comparing the numerical values of peaks shown in Table 5.38 with
values obtained for the corresponding solids where the structure is known by means
of the interpretation of X-ray diffraction patterns. Polarized light in the exciting source
was used in the investigation and indicated the degree of symmetry in the structure of
the ion being observed.
Over the range of compositions of 3366 mol% in no change
was observed in the Raman results; i.e., over this midrange of compositions there is a
stable complex. The peaks and polarization data were compatible with the complex
in pyramidal structure (tetrahedral and planar structures had also been possi-

5.9.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Other Spectroscopic Methods

Applied to Molten Salts
When a certain radio frequency is applied to substances which
themselves have been placed in magnetic field of about G (or 1 T), absorption of
the applied frequency occurs. The origin of this absorption lies in the spin of the protons

and neutrons in the nucleus of the atoms of the material. Contrary to the dogma of an
earlier physics, the properties of nuclei are not immune to their surroundings, i.e., to
the doings of electrons outside the nucleus, and hence to the chemical properties of
the substance and to the environment. Thus, a study of these frequencies of nuclear
magnetic resonance can give information on the properties of the systems being
Instead of varying the frequency of the exciting radiation, as in other kinds of
spectroscopies, and finding maxima at which absorption occurs, the usual thing with
NMR is to keep the frequency of the incident radiation applied to the substance the
same and vary the strength of the magnetic field H applied to it. The entity being
measured is the absorption (A) of the applied radiation as a function of the magnetic
field strength. Maxima and submaxima are observed, and the values of these (which
measure absorption in the nucleus) as well as the width of the spectral band can be
analyzed in a way that gives rise to information on the chemical structure of the
substance being irradiated.
As an example, in liquid one can interpret the characteristics of the
NMR absorption as being due to the existence of The ion is stable to 820 K.
However, no evidence of the ions rotation is seen, and a probable interpretation of
this is that groups are bonded into bigger structures, which prevent rotation of
individual units in the structure.
The radiation applied to materials induces an oscillatory extra magnetic field in
the nucleus and one thing which this does is alter the energy distribution among the
protons there. The change is not much but it reestablishes itself to the earlier equilib-
rium values when the incident radiation is removed. It turns out that the time taken for

Fig. 5.61. Fully optimized configura-

tion of the
system. (Reprinted from D.
Dymek, N. E. Heimer, J. W. Rowang,
and J. S. Wilkes, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
110: 2722,1988.)

what is named the spinlattice relaxation is between 1 and 100 s and this is a
convenient sort of time to measure. Study of can give information, e.g., on the time
of relaxation in diffusional movements in salts containing and
The study of ions containing aluminum in the liquid state can be done via NMR
very conveniently, particularly since their complexes with certain large organic
molecules are stable at room temperature. One may bring into contact with, e.g.,
pyridine or imidazoline and the result is a number of new materials that melt at or near
room temperature to form true solvent-free liquid electrolytes (see Section 5.12). The
cation may be pyridinium or imidazolonium, and analysis of the degree of absorption
in the Al nucleus as a function of the applied magnetic field strength can be used to
determine the structure, e.g., of the Al-containing ion. is the atom for which
nuclear resonance is being observed, and it turns out that it gives two signals. The
positions of these peaks are consistent with one peak being due to isolated
groups and the other to dimers (Fig. 5.61).

Fig. 5.62. Ring and chain structures of (Reprinted from M. Blander,

E. Bierwagen, K. G. Calkin, L. A. Curtiss, D. L. Price, and M. L. Saboungi,
J. Chem. Phys. 97: 2733, 1992.)

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and neutron diffraction can also be used
to study molten salts. An example of the former is a study of the motion of large
organics [2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-l-oxyl (tempo) and 4-amino tempo, or tem-
pamine] dissolved in room-temperature molten salts, e.g., 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazalo-

nium chloride (ImCl) and One can learn about the dynamics of movement in
these systems from such studies.
Neutron diffraction has been applied to the chloroaluminate melts to determine
the shape and structure of a number of anions there. They turn out to have chain and
ring structures in the higher members similar to those in liquid silicates and borates
(Fig. 5.62).

Further Reading

1. D. DeFord and D. N. Hume, The Determination of Consecutive Formation Constants of
Complex Ions from Polarographic Data, J. Am. Chem. Sot: 73: 5321 (1951).
2. D. Inman and J. OM. Bockris, Complex Ions in Molten Salts: A Galvanostatic Study,
Trans. Faraday Soc. 57: 2308 (1961).
3. S. Srinivasan, D. Inman, A. K. N. Reddy, and J. OM. Bockris, The Lifetime of Complex
Ions in Ionic Liquids: an Electrode Kinetic Study, J. Electroanal. Chem. 5: 476 (1963).
4. M. Tanaka, K. Balasubramanyam, and J. OM. Bockris, Raman Spectrum of the
KC1 System, Electrochim. Acta 8: 621 (1963).
5. C. Solomons, J. Clarke, and J. OM. Bockris, Identification of the Complex Ions in Liquid
Cryolite, J. Chem. Phys. 49: 445 (1968).

1. J. F. Stebbins, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at High Temperatures, Chem. Rev. 91:1353

1. C. L. Hussey, I-Wen Sun, S. Strubinger, and P. A. Bernard, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 2515
2. C. L. Hussey, I-Wen Sun, S. Strubiner, and P. A. Bernard, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 2515
3. M. Blander, E. Bierwagen, K. G. Calkin, L. A. Curtiss, D. L. Price, and B. L. Saboungi,
J. Chem. Phys. 97: 2733 (1992).
4. S. Takahashi, M. L. Saboungi, R. J. Klinger, M. J. Chen, and J. W. Rathke, Electrochem.
Soc. Proc. 92-16: 345 (1992).
5. E. A. Pavlatou and G. N. Papatheodorou, Electrochem. Soc. Proc. 92-16: 72 (1992).
6. D. L. Price, M. L. Saboungi, S. Hashimito, and S. C. Moss, Electrochem. Soc. Proc. 92-16:
14 (1992).
7. M. Oki, K. Fukushima, Y. Iwadata, and J. Mochinaga, Electrochemical Society, Molten
Salts 93-9: 9(1993).
8. D. L. Price, M. L. Saboungi, W. S. Howell, and M. P. Tosi, Electrochemical Society, Molten
Salts 93-9: 1 (1993).
9. J. F. Stebbins, S. Sen, and A. M. George, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 193: 298 (1995).

10. S. Das, G. M. Bejun, J. P. Young, and G. Mamantov, J. Raman Spectrosc. 26: 929



5.10.1. Facts and a Mild Amount of Theory

Bronstein and Bredig were the discoverers (1958) of the unexpected fact that 1%
concentrations of alkali metals dissolved in molten salts show electronic conductivity.
In the K-KC1 system, the conductance was found to increase more than linearly with
concentration while in the Na-NaCl system, it increases less than linearly.
The equation for the specific conductivity (see Section 4.3.6) is

where Ne is the number of moles of electrons per cubic centimeter, u e is the mobility
in cm2 V1 s1, and F is the electrical charge on 1 g-ion (96,500 C). Equation (5.134)
yields values for the mobilities. In the Na system, the mobility was found to be equal
to 0.4 and in the K system, 0.1 When the Na is 0.01 M in
the Na system, the concentration of electrons is about 1019 electrons
These values of mobilities of 0.1 and 0.4 obtained at 1070 K at first
appear to be 250 times more than those for the corresponding ions in aqueous solution
at 300 K It would hardly be reasonable to compare mobilities
at different temperatures. If one recalculates the ionic mobility for a hypothetical
situation of an alkali ion in an aqueous solution at 1070 K, the value for the mobility
in aqueous solution should increase from about to about 0.2
Hence, when the correction for the temperature difference is accounted for, the
electrons mobility in the molten salt is not very different from that of an ion in the
corresponding ion in an aqueous solution.
What about the lifetime of the electrons that conduct? One can find the lifetime
from a simple phenomenological theory of conductivity. Thus, the equation of motion
for the electrons movement under an electric field in the molten salt is

Here is taken as negative. The field X accelerates the electron and there is a retarding
force Cu which, because of the StokesEinstein equation (Section 4.4.8), one assumes
to be proportional to velocity.
Integrating Eq. (5.135), and taking u at t = 0 to be equal to zero, one gets

where t is the time after the last collision and is the time at which the mobility is
of the final value (as the electron accelerates).
Thus, the value at the steady-state value, is

In order to obtain some idea of the order of magnitude of it is reasonable to take

u as the mean of the values for the two salts described, i.e., (0.1 + 0.4) = 0.25. X is
1V g, and

which is a typical lifetime for an electron in a solid.

The meaning of is the average time the electron has to move from one ion before
interacting again with another one. Hence, the distance traveled in one direction
between collisions when the applied field is 1 V is only
cm = 0.004 nm, a surprisingly small distance, although it is consistent with the
short tunneling distance found in the following model analysis.

5.10.2. A Model for Electronic Conductance in Molten Salts

The fact that a concentration of about 1 mol% of an alkali metal in a molten salt
system can cause a considerable specific conductance demands some kind of expla-
nation. At 1 %, the electrons are about 2 nm apart, on the limit for tunneling site to site.
What is the mechanism of their easy passage through the molten salt?
Emi and Bockris suggested a model for this phenomenon that bears some
resemblance to the ConwayBockrisLinton (CBL) theory of the mobility of protons
in solution. Here (Section 4.11.6), protons tunnel from their positions attached to a
given water to another water whenunder the influence of the protons fieldthis
latter has rotated sufficiently to offer an orbital in which to receive a jumping proton.
There are three steps in the corresponding calculation for electrons. In the first,
one finds the energy of an electron with respect to its zero potential energy in vacuo,
both the energy in the filled state in the atom and in the empty state on a cation (each
at equilibrium, i.e., having an energy at a minimum of the potential-energydisplace-
ment relations). The next step is to allow the atom and ion to be displaced from their
equilibrium positions to such an extent that the potential energy of the filled and empty
electronic states in the atom and ion, respectively, become equal, which is the condition
for radiationless transfer.

Gamow-type expressions (see Section 4.11.5) can be used for the calculations of
the probability of tunneling (from atom to cation) and thereafter it is relatively simple
to calculate the electron mobility. This is given by the concentration times the vibration
frequency times the probability of tunneling from atom to ion.
According to this theory (Table 5.39), the mobility is not affected by the concen-
tration of electrons, because at 1% they are too far apart to interact. No change in

Fig. 5.63. radial

pair correlation functions. (Reprinted from C.
Malescio, Mol. Phys. 69: 895,1990.)

mobility was detected as a result of a temperature change of 40 degrees for Na-NaCl

(experimental; Table 5.39).
The radial distribution function of electrons in Cs has been calculated and is shown
in Fig. 5.63. The numbers given on the figure are the coordination numbers of the
electron by in terms of the distances from the center of the ion. They are
calculated from

where is the distribution function for the electron in Cs and r is the radius of the
electron orbit in the outermost shell. Values ranging from 3 to 6 agree with those from
corresponding neutron diffraction evidence.
Molecular dynamics calculations in metalmolten salt systems which could lead
to diffusion and conduction values were first made by Parinello and Rahman in 1984.
They have been used particularly by Malescio to examine the degree of delocalization
of the electrons, which increases with the radii of the metal atoms.

Further Reading

1. H. R. Bronstein and M. A. Bredig, The Electrical Conductivity of Solutions of Alkali
Metals in Their Molten Halides, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82: 2077 (1958).
2. T. Emi and J. O M. Bockris, Electronic Conductivity in Ionic Liquids, Electrochim. Acta
16: 2081(1971).

1. G. Malescio, Mol. Phys. 69: 895 (1990).
2. G. Malescio, Nuovo Cimento 13D: 1031 (1991).
3. G. M, Harberg and J. J. Egan, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 16: 22 (1992).
4. J. Lin and J. C. Poignet, J. Appl. Electrochem. 22: 1111 (1992).
5. J. Bouteillon, M. Jaferian, J. C. Poignet, and A. Reydat, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139: 1 (1992).
6. D. Naltland, T. Reuj, and W. Freyland, J. Chem. Phys. 98: 4429 (1993).
7. J. C. Gabriel, J. Bouteillon, and J. C. Poignet, J. Electrochem. Soc. 141: 2286 (1994).
8. L. Arurault, J. Bouteillon, and J. C. Poignet, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142: 16 (1994).


Molten salts can be good media in which to carry out chemical reactions. The rate
of all reactions increases exponentially with temperature. A liquid medium causes a
higher rate of reaction to occur in a solute compared with that in a gas at the same
temperature. Why is this? The situation needs thought. In the gaseous state, reactants

experience only a fleeting contact when they collide, which is often too brief a contact
to reach thermal activation and a successful product formation. Thus, gas molecules
fly around at about at room temperature. When they collide, the actual time
of contact is less than
A different situation is observed in liquids. Here, the time one reactant spends
next to another is much longer than that in the gas phase. For this reason, the two
particles can enlarge the possibilities from those of fleeting acquaintance to the more
productive ones of prolonged contact, leading much more often to permanent associa-
tion. One can determine the order of magnitude of the time of contact (see Section
4.2.18) as

where D is the diffusion coefficient, k is the rate constant for diffusion, and l is the
distance a particle covers in one jump of its movement in diffusion. From the above

Thus, is the residence time, the time between hops, the time the two reactant
particles have to decide whether to react. Near the melting point of a molten salt, the
diffusion coefficient in solutes is on the order of With l chosen as 3
cm (a typical value of the distance between sites within the molten salt structure),
one obtains s for the residence time, which is about 100 times longer than that
in the gas phase at the same temperature and hence there is a hundredfold greater
chance to react.
However, there is another reason why the molten salt is often a more effective
medium for carrying out a reaction quickly. Reaction rates are proportional to
where is the energy of activation of the reaction. Assume Ea = 105 J mol1.
Then, if one compares the rates at 300 and 600 K, the reaction rate is 108 higher at the
higher temperature if the rate-determining step in the reaction remains the same.
Consider, for example, a dissolved organic molecule, RH, reacting with dissolved
to give and If the reaction at 300 K occurs at a rate that at 600 K
should occur at a greatly increased rate. Could this be achieved by heating the dissolved
materials in an aqueous solution? Of course not! For unless one uses a pressure vessel
(with the added expense of having one made), the aqueous solution cannot be heated
much above 373 K before the solution boils. On the other hand, molten salts are
available over the whole temperature rangefrom room temperatures with the
complexes in organics such as imidazolineto molten silicates at 2000 K.
A good example of the success of a molten salt reactor is the work carried out by
Guang H. Lin at Texas A&M University in 1997. This has led to a new method for
the complete consumption of carbonaceous material at low cost. Lin introduced a
mixture of paper, wood, and grass in pellets into a molten salt eutectic of and

Fig. 5.64. Production of as a function of time in a

molten salt reactor of and
at temperatures that ranged from 670 to 870 K. At the same time, he contrived
to have a stream of minute bubbles of at 670 K flow through the liquid electrolyte.
The organic material (incompletely dissolved) reacts very rapidly to give and
A plot of some of Lins results32 is shown in Fig. 5.64.
The oxygen stream can be merely air. Lin showed that the method can be extended
to consume rubber. Scaled up, Lins work could be the solution to most waste disposal
problems (including consumption of the solid sludge left over from the modern
treatment of sewage; rubber tire disposal; and that of superdangerous organics such as
Agent Orange). The point is that the combustion is so complete and so quick that there
are no noxious effluents to reach the air.

Further Reading

1. J. E. Gordon, Application of Fused Salts in Organic Chemistry, in Techniques and Methods
of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1, Marcel Dekker, New York (1969).
2. L. Lessing, Sewage Disposal in Molten Salts, Fortune 138 (July 1973).
3. J. W. Tomlinson, High-Temperature Electrolytes, in Electrochemistry: The Past Thirty and
the Next Thirty Years, H. Bloom and F. Gutmann, eds., Plenum Press, New York (1977).

1. L. Kaba, D. Hitchens, and J. OM. Bockris, J. Electrochem. Soc. 137: 5 (1990).
The key to success is to keep the pellets from rising to the top of the molten salt and floating there. Lin
contrived to inject the pellets beneath a cage of metal gauze where they remain trappedkeeping them
in contact with the molten salt and until consumed.

2. A. Berrukov, O. Deryabina, L. Maharinsky, N. Halterinsky, and A. Berlin, Int. J. Polym.

Mater. 14: 101 (1990).
3. E. Sada, H. Kumazawa, and M. Kudsy, Ind. Ghem. Res. 31: 612 (1992).
4. U. Gat, J. R. Engel, and H. L. Dodds, Nuc. Technol. 100: 390 (1992).
5. C. Tennakoon, R. Bhardwaj, and J. OM. Bockris, J. Appl. Electrochem. 26: 18 (1996).


At the beginning of this chapter it was pointed out that aqueous and many
nonaqueous electrochemical systems suffer from the small size of the potential range
in which solutes dissolved in them can be examined. This is because (for pH = 0, say)
if the potential of an electrode immersed therein is more negative than 0.00 V on the
normal hydrogen scale (see Section 4.8.3), the water itself in the solution begins to
decompose to form On the other hand, at a potential more positive than 1.23 V on
the same scale, the aqueous solvent tends to decompose to form
It is true that this small window of 1.2 V is extendable in both potential directions,
particularly on the positive side because the phenomenon of overpotential (Chapter 7)
is especially strong there and the potential that has to be applied to the positive
electrode to get a significant current density may be as high as 1.8 V. Nevertheless, it
has been felt for decades that systems were needed in which one could make the
potential of electrodes more positive (thus releasing a greater power in oxidation) and
also more negative (greater power of reduction) than is currently possible because of
the solvent decomposition problem in aqueous solutions.
Indeed, the possibility of using molten salts to extend the potential window in
which electrochemical reactions can occur has been one of the driving forces behind
the need to know about the liquid electrolytes described in this chapter. Thus, for liquid
NaCl, significant decomposition does not occur till c. 3.0 V have been applied across
an electrochemical cell containing liquid NaCl. This gives twice the electrochemical
window, which in aqueous systems is as low as 1.2 V. However, the sacrifice has been
that one had to work at more than 1120 K, with all the attendant experimental
difficulties that work at high temperatures brings.33
It has long been known that liquid electrolyte systems that melted in the low
hundreds of degrees were available in systems of metal chlorides and and that
some tetraalkylammonium salts melted at 373 K. Hurley and Wier in 1951 showed
that a 2:1 mixture of some complex organic chlorides with gave liquid electro-
lytes at room temperatures. The discovery remained undeveloped for more than 25

There are a good many of these, although they are less at temperatures below, say 770 K, when glass
vessels can still be used, and they increase exponentially as the temperature is increased. They include
the difficulty that the containing vessels tend to dissolve in the liquid electrolyte solvent, the evaporation
and decomposition thereof, the need to take precautions in experimental design to achieve a uniform
temperature, the troubles of extensive thermal insulation, cracking of the refractory vessels, etc.

years. However, in 1977, Halena Chum, writing with Koch and Osteryoung, found
that such systems (to be precise: 1-Methyl-3-ethylimidazolonium chloride in union
with could be made into liquid electrolyte solvents, and that many such systems
had melting points near room temperature. Such systems have been under intensive
examination in the 80s and 90s, largely by American electrochemists, among whom
Osteryoung, Wilkes, and Hussey haveeach with his own teamled most of the
contributions. Although the chemistries (including the redox properties) of many of
these systems have been researched, their applications (e.g., to energy storage systems)
are in the early development stage and promise rich yields. The electrochemical
windows are often above 3 V and occasionally extend even to 6 V!

5.12.1. Reaction Equilibria in Low-Melting Point Liquid Electrolytes

Redox reactions are subject to examination in solvent systems such as 1-
butylpyridinium chloride with which melts at 308 K (correspondingly, 1-3-
dialklyimidazolonium chloride). These molecules are

Many treatments of these solvent systems are in terms of acidbase equilibria,

and the basis is to regard as a Lewis base.34 In these terms, the heptachloroalumi-
nate is a strong Lewis acid.

Robert Osteryoung is picked out here for recognition becauseapart from his pioneering work on low
temperature molten saltshe is well known for his early work on pulse techniques (Chap. 8). He was the
first to develop computers to control electrochemical experiments. Professor Osteryoung is a Head of
Chemistry at North Carolina State University where unlike some great researchers, he is well known for
his success as an able administrator.
In Lewiss view, a base donated an electron pair and an acid accepted an electron pair. For example,
consider the reaction

The is the base and the the acid.

This definition of acids and bases is broader than that of Brnsted, which had an acid as something that
gave protons and a base as something that accepted protons. Thus, Lewiss definition includes reactions
involving ions, oxide ions, and solvent interactions.

In one of the low-melting liquid electrolyte systems containing one has a

changing acid/base character, depending on the ratio of to the organic partner.

In systems of organic chlorides such as RCl with when the is first added
(in low concentrations), the Al is largely in the form of but as the
increases in relative concentration, the system becomes acid in the Lewis sense, and
the dominating constituent is the ion

To obtain the equilibrium constant in these systems, one can use electrochemical
cells such as those described in Section 3.4.8. For example, measurements that involve
Al electrodes have a K value of at 308 K and the reaction is displaced to
the right in a system formed with butylpyridinium chloride.
Attractive interactions occur between acids such as and A
sign of this is the increase in viscosity.
Among the kind of probable structures are = imidazolonium),

and NMR measurements are consistent with these structures.

5.12.2. Electrochemical Windows In Low-Temperature Liquid

Whereas 1.2 V is the fundamental electrochemical window in aqueous solutions,
more than 3 V is available in some of the currently discussed systems. As a concrete
example, Al can be electrochemically deposited from at 0.4 V with an Al
electrode taken as reference. The evolution of occurs at +2.5 V against the same
reference electrode. Thus, the window is 2.5 (0.4) = 2.9 V.

5.12.3. Organic Solutes in Liquid Electrolytes at Low Temperatures

A number of organic solutes undergo reaction with For example, aromatic
amines dissolve in the room-temperature molten electrolyte butylpyridinium chloride.
Triphenylamine (TPA) shows two stages of oxidation upon polarographic examina-

tion. The first reaction involves the formation of the radical cation. On the other hand,
in a neutral or acid melt, the behavior is different and probably

followed by

5.12.4. Aryl and Alkyl Quaternary Onium Salts

Although researches on room-temperature systems of and butylpyridinium
chloride have contributed a new vista to the physical chemistry and electrochemistry
of molten salts, the systems carry with them the disadvantage that few of the materials
mentioned are commercially available. Correspondingly, molten systems containing
the easily available pyridinium cation have to pay a penalty in that pyridinium is easy
to reduce.
On the other hand, onium salts based in N (or S or P) are commercially available
in abundance. Extended by introducing a variety of alkyl and aryl groups, they present
a large variety of properties, being all liquid electrolytes.

The breadth of the compounds available can be gauged from Table 5.40. Some of
the remarkable properties of these compounds are exhibited in Tables 5.41 to 5.43,
taken here from the pioneering work of Jones and Blomgren in 1989. Melting points
go down as the complexity increases. Tetraheptylammonium chloride melts at 264 K!
However, the more complex salts have high viscosity and low conductivity. Conduc-
tivity is reduced by the presence of aryl groups. Mixed with liquid eutectics at
198 K can be obtained.
There is probably an interaction between the electrons of the arylammonium
cations and the anions. This would account for the lowering of the melting
point by these salts. Furthermore, these bonds may well be delocalized, again helping
to lower the melting point. The smaller organic groups provoke lower viscosity and
hence (Waldens rule) a higher conductance.
The electrochemical window obtainable with the low-temperature liquid onium
systems is about 3 V, which is about the same as that with high-temperature liquid
NaCl. NMR measurements of these low-temperature electrolytes can be informative.
For example, containing melts can be examined by registering the NMR
characteristics of probe groups (e.g., and The NMR relaxation provides
information on interactions in systems such as groups and various properties of
It is found that exhibits interaction of the ring and
Even greater electrochemical windows, up to 4 V, are available, for example,
with an alkyl-substituted aromatic heterocyclic cation and trifluoromethane sulfonate.

5.12.5. The Proton in Low-Temperature Molten Salts

is regarded as a contaminant in molten salt work. It arises from the pervasive
presence of water vapor. It can be studied, e.g., with 1-ethyl-3-methylimida-
zolonium chloride (ImCl). The methods used have been Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) and NMR spectroscopies and standard electrochemical techniques.
The proton is found to exist in these melts as HCl and The equilibrium
between these two forms can be studied by the methods stated (particularly NMR) and
turns out to be much in favor of the anion. If the concentration of HCl is above 0.5 in
mole fraction, various complex ions begin to form. Thus, it turns out
that can be taken up in these salts, but only in the form of complex anions.

Further Reading

1. F. Hurley and J. P. Wier, Electrodeposition of Metals from Fused Quaternary Ammonium
Salts, J. Electrochem. Soc. 98: 203 (1951).
2. H. L. Chum, V. R. Koch, L. L. Miller, and R. A. Osteryoung, An Electrochemical
Scrutinity of Organometallic Iron Complexes and Hexamethylbenzene in a Room Tem-
perature Molten Salt, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 97: 3265 (1975).

1. R. A. Osteryoung, Organic Chloraluminates Ambient Temperature, in Molten Salts, G.
Mamantov, ed, NATO ASI Series C 202: 329 (1987).

1. J. Jeng, R. D. Allendorfer, and R. A. Osteryoung, J. Phys. Chem. 96: 3531 (1992).
2. J. L. E. Campbell and K. E. Johnson, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 92-16: 317 (1992).
3. P. C. Truelove and R. A. Osteryoung, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 92-16: 303 (1992).
4. P. C. Truelove and R. T. Carlin, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 93-9: 62 (1993).
5. R. T. Carlin and T. Sullivan, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139:144 (1992).
6. T. L. Riechel and J. S. Wilkes, Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 92-16: 351 (1992).
7. T. L. Riechel and J. S. Wilkes, J. Electrochem. Soc. 140: 3104 (1993).
8. R. A. Mantz, R. C. Truelove, K. T. Carlin, and R. A. Osteryoung, Inorg. Chem. 34: 3846 (1995).
9. W. J. Gau and I. W. Sun, J. Electrochem. Soc. 143: 914 (1996).
10. E. Hondrogiannis, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142:1758 (1995).
11. W. R. Carper, Inorg. Chim. Acta 238: 115 (1995).
12. K. E. Johnson, Can. J. Chem. 73: 593 (1995).


5.13.1. The Liquid Oxides

Fused salts (and mixtures of fused salts) are not the only type of liquid electrolytes.
Mention has already been made of fused oxides and in particular mixtures of fused
oxides. A typical fused oxide system is the result of intimately mixing a nonmetallic
oxide and a metallic oxide
and then melting the mixture. The system can be
represented by the general formula where M is the metallic element and
R is the nonmetallic element.
Why give these liquids special consideration? Are not the concepts developed for
understanding molten salts adequate for understanding molten oxides? The essential
features of fused salts emerge from models of the liquid state. There is no doubt that
the fluidity of molten salts demands a model with plenty of free space, and a model
based on density fluctuations that are constantly occurring in all parts of the liquid
seems about the best way to think of the inside of a molten liquid. Is the same
dependence on the opening up of temporary vacancies an adequate basis for explaining
the behavior of the fused oxides?

5.13.2. Pure Fused Nonmetallic Oxides Form Network Structures Like

Liquid Water
Some of the special features of molten oxides must now be described for it is these
features that do not permit the hole model of ionic liquids to be applied to fused oxides

in the same way it is applied to molten salts. The first interesting feature of molten
silica, is that its conductivity is more like that of water (i.e., molten ice) than that of
fused NaCl (Table 5.44).
The dissimilarity in the conductivities of liquid NaCl, on the one hand, and liquid
water and liquid silica, on the other, is of fundamental importance. When NaCl is fused,
the ionic lattice (the three-dimensional periodic arrangement of ions) is broken down
(see Section 5.1.2) and one obtains an ionic liquid. When ice is melted, the tetrahedrally
directed hydrogen bonding involved in the crystal structure of ice is partially retained.
Thus, water is not a collection of separate water molecules but an association (based
on hydrogen bonding) of water molecules in a three-dimensional network. The
network, however, does not extend indefinitely. There is a periodicity and only
short-range order, implying a certain degree of bond breaking. It is this network
structure that is responsible for the small mole fraction of free ions and in
water, in contrast to the almost total absence of any ion association (into pairs,
complexes, etc.) in liquid NaCl. This great difference in the concentration of charge
carriers is responsible for a difference in the specific conductivities of liquid NaCl
(high charge carrier concentration) and liquid water (very low charge carrier concen-
tration) that is several orders of magnitude.
The specific conductivities of water and of fused silica are both very low. This
suggests that the structures of crystalline water [Fig. 5.65(a)] and crystalline silica [Fig.
5.65(b)] have much in common. Each oxygen atom in ice is surrounded tetrahedrally
by four other oxygens, the oxygenoxygen bonding occurring by a hydrogen bridge
(the hydrogen bond). In crystalline silica, there are tetrahedra occurring through
an oxygen bridge. The different forms of ice and the different forms of silica (Fig.
5.66) correspond to different arrangements of the tetrahedra in space.
It is reasonable therefore to consider that fused silica resembles liquid water. Just
as liquid water retains from the parent structure (ice) the three-dimensional network
but not the long-range periodicity of the network, one would expect that liquid silica
also retains the continuity of the tetrahedra, i.e., the space network, but loses much of
the periodicity and long-range order that are the essence of the crystalline state. This
model of fused silica, based on keeping the extension of the network but losing the
translational symmetry of crystalline silica, implies a low concentration of charge

Fig. 5.65. The similarity

between the basic building
blocks of (a) ice and (b)
crystalline silica structures.

carriers in pure liquid silica and therefore low conductivity in comparison with a
molten salt (see Tables 5.44 and 5.45).

5.13.3. Why Does Fused Silica Have a Much Higher Viscosity Than Do
Liquid Water and the Fused Salts?
It has just been argued that the conductivities of simple ionic liquids, on the one
hand, and liquid silica and water, on the other, are vastly different because a fused salt
is an unassociated liquid (it consists of individual particles) whereas both molten silica
and water are associated liquids with network structures. What is the situation with
regard to the viscosities of fused salts, water, and fused silica? Experiments indicate
that whereas water and fused NaCl have similar viscosities not far above the melting
points of ice and solid salt, respectively, fused silica is a highly viscous liquid (Table
5.46). Here then is an interesting problem.
One successful theory of transport processes in liquids are based on elementary
acts, each act consisting of two steps: (1) holes are formed and (2) particles jump into
these holes (see Section 5.7.4). For fused salts and other nonassociated liquids, this
theory was successful in explaining the movements and drift of particles although it
clashed with molecular dynamics calculations that seemed to favor a shuffle-along
mechanism for transport. The mean volume of a hole is determined by the surface
tension as follows [cf. Eq. (5.44)]:

Fig. 5.66. Forms of silicates result-

ing from different ways of linking up
tetrahedra: (a) single chain of
tetrahedra; (b) double chain of
tetrahedra, as in asbestos; (c)
sheets of tetrahedra, as in clay,
mica, and talc; and (d) networks of
tetrahedra, as in ultramarine.

from which it turns out that in unassociated fused salts, the size of the holes is roughly
equal to the size of individual ions. In those simple liquids, holes can receive ions of
the fused salt which jump into them. Furthermore, in simple ionic liquids, the free
energy of activation for the jumping of ions into holes is much less than that of the
free energy for forming the holes. Once the hole is formed in a fused salt, the jump
into the hole is three to ten times easier than forming the hole.
The surface tension of fused silica is only about three times that of fused sodium
chloride. Hence [see Eq. (5.144)] in fused silica also there would be many holes of
atomic dimensions, as for fused ionic liquids.

Fig. 5.67. Schematic diagram to show a segment

of an chain breaking off and jumping into an
empty hole: (a) before jump and (b) after jump.

In simple ionic liquids (e.g., NaCl), the holes are atom sized; so are the jumping
ions. Jumping is easier than making holes. What particles can jump into holes in fused
silica? Obviously, large chunks of a silicate network (for suggestions, see later
discussion) cannot jump into holes that are about the same size as those that receive
and etc. How then can jump-dependent transport processes occur? There may
be a way. Small segments (one to a few atoms in size) can break off from the network
and these pieces (segments) can do the jumping (Fig. 5.67).
A comparison between transport processes in simple fused salts and in fused
is interesting. In molten salts, the jump was easier than making the hole but neverthe-
less many voids of different sizes were shown to form in the liquid. The rate of the
process was controlled more by the rate of hole formation than the easier jumping.
However, with molten silica, the balance of influences is different. Holes are as easily
formed as in the ionic liquids because the rate of hole formation is controlled by the
vibrations of the atoms relative to each other, but it is difficult to produce individual
small particles because this would involve rupturing strong SiOSi bonds holding
the network together (Table 5.47). Therefore, in the silicates, the rate-determining
process is the bond-rupture step. While in simple ionic liquids the experimental
activation energy35 for a transport process, such as a viscous flow, is determined
predominantly by the enthalpy of hole formation, in associated liquids with network
structures it is determined entirely by the energy required to break the bonds of the
network to produce a flow unit sufficiently small to jump into the relatively easily
made hole.

It will be recalled that it was decided that the quantity obtained from the slope of the log versus 1/T
curve would be termed an energy of activation irrespective of whether it pertains to constant-pressure or
constant-volume conditions, though under the former it is an enthalpy and under the latter, it is an energy.

In this difference of the rate-controlling mechanism for flow lies the answer to
the next question. Why is the viscosity of associated water similar to that of molten
NaCl, which has no network? The difference in the viscosity behavior of water and of
fused silica lies in the ease with which segments can be broken off the two networks.
The SiOSi chemical bonds are much more difficult to rupture than the OHO
hydrogen bonds (Table 5.48). Thus, flow unitsprobably individual mole-
culesare so easily produced in water that the holes do not have much of a wait; an
ease of flow, high fluidity or low viscosity, results. This is not the case with fused
silica because of the much higher bond-breaking energy, and a high viscosity results.
Some support for the idea that the viscous-flow properties of associated liquids
such as liquid silica and water are determined by the step of bond breaking rather than
that of hole formation comes from the experimental plots of log versus 1/T. These
plots suggest a slight trend away from linearity (Fig. 5.68), which is not the case for
fused salts (Fig. 5.29). For water also, the plot is curved slightly, with the experimental
energy of activation for viscous flow decreasing with increasing temperature. The
explanation for this phenomenon is as follows. Because the energy of activation for
viscous flow depends upon the breaking of bonds and because, according to the
Boltzmann distribution, the fraction of broken bonds increases with temperature, the

Fig. 5.68. Two independent sets of data for the

difficultly determinable viscosity of liquid
Both suggest a slight tendency to curve in the
sense that the energy of activation becomes
higher at the lower temperatures.
fraction required to be broken by the shearing force in viscous flow decreases with an
increase in temperature and, correspondingly, there is a decreasing energy of activation
with increasing temperature.
To summarize: Unlike fused salts, mixtures of fused oxides are associated liquids,
with extensive bonding between the individual molecules or ions. In fused oxides, hole
formation occurs but it is not the step that determines the rate of transport processes.
It is the rate of production of individual small jumping units that controls them. This
conclusion makes it essential to know what (possibly different) entities are present in
fused oxides and what are the kinetic entities. In simple fused salts, the jumping
particles are already present (they are the ions themselves); the principal problem is
the structure of the empty space or free volume or holes, and the properties of these
holes. In molten oxides, the main problem is to understand the structure of the
macrolattices or particle assemblies from which small particles break off as the flow
units of transport.

5.13.4. Solvent Properties of Fused Nonmetallic Oxides

If fused silica is a three-dimensional, aperiodic network, all the atoms are to some
extent joined together, i.e., the liquid is a giant molecule. Can ions dissolve in such a

Fig. 5.69. The interaction between a metal oxide

and a silicon atom of the silica network.

structure? Water also is a network structure like and ions dissolve in water.
Hence, liquid may well be expected to have solvent properties leading to the
production of ionic solutions.
Water, it may be recalled (Chapters 2 and 4), has two modes of solvent action,
depending on the nature of the added electrolyte. The water can contact an ionic crystal
(e.g., NaCl), detach the ions from the lattice through the operation of iondipole (or
ionquadrupole) forces, and convert them to hydrated ions (Chapter 2).
The water can also interact chemically with a potential electrolyte (e.g.,
The hydrogen atom forming part of the hydroxyl group of the organic
acid does not differentiate between the oxygen atoms of the water network and that of
the OH group. The hydrogen of the OH group detaches itself from the organic acid.
Two ions are thus formed: a hydrogen bonded to a water molecule from the solvent
and an organic anion. This mode of solvent action is a proton-transfer or acidbase
The type of solvent action that fused nonmetallic oxides have on metallic oxides
may be likened to the second type of dissolution process, i.e., proton-transfer reactions.
The process may be pictured as follows. The oxygens cannot discriminate between
the metal ions (of the metallic oxide), with which they have been associated in the
lattice of a metal oxide before dissolution, and the oxygen atoms of the tetrahedra
contained in the solventfused silica. The oxygen atoms sometimes therefore leave
the metal ions and associate with those of the tetrahedra. Dissolution has occurred with
a type of oxygen-transfer reaction (see Fig. 5.69).
There is a further analogy between the solvent actions exercised by water and a
fused nonmetallic oxide. Just as water dissolves an electrolyte at the price of having
its structure disturbed, so also the reaction resulting from the addition of a metallic
oxide to a fused nonmetallic oxide like silica is equivalent to a bond rupture between
the tetrahedra (Fig. 5.70). Solvent action occurs in fused oxide systems along
with a certain breakdown of the network structures present in the pure liquid solvent
(e.g., in pure liquid silica).

5.13.5. Ionic Additions to the Liquid-Silica Network: Glasses

An interesting aspect of molten oxide electrolytes may be mentioned at this point.
Some liquids can appear to be solids, i.e., some solids are really liquids of such high

Fig. 5.70. The oxygen-transfer reaction leads to a

rupture between the tetrahedra.

viscosity that no significant flow occurs over tens or hundreds of years. These solidlike
liquids are called glasses. The structure breaking that has just been described is an
aspect of the basic mechanism behind the formation of glasses, which might be
regarded as cold molten silicates.
When ions with a relatively large radius and small peripheral field are added to
liquid silica, they produce structure breaking in the network. This is shown in a
one-dimensional way in Figs. 5.69 and 5.70. With an increase in the number of ruptures
in the network, there is an increase in the number of free or dangling ends of the
ruptured network. The network becomes increasingly distorted with an increase in the
mole fraction of the metallic oxide present.
If the broken-down network is at a sufficiently high temperature, it is known as
a liquid silicate. Such a system results, for example, from adding an alkali oxide (e.g.,
in low concentration to At these temperatures the system can be distinctly
a liquid, though the viscosity near the melting point may be, for example, 427 poises
(P) (at 1820 K), whereas that of water at its melting point is about 0.01 P. When the
temperature is dropped, the liquid silicate attempts to freeze, but, to do this, the
long-range order of the crystalline silicate has to be reestablished. The establishment
of order, however, requires rearrangement of the structure; i.e., the kinetic units of the
broken-down network must move into the sites corresponding to order. Were these
particles, or kinetic units, simple, they would be agile, i.e., their movements would be
easy, the viscosity would be low, and the restoration of crystalline order would be
accomplished almost immediately. A crystalline solid with a sharp melting point
would result.
However, this reorganization is precisely what is not quickly accomplished by the
entities in the broken-down networks in liquid silicates. The entities36 resulting from

The nature of these large anionic entities that exist in glass-forming silicates is discussed in Section 5.13.8.

the rupturing of three-dimensional networks when metal oxides are added are large
and sluggish. They cannot get into line in time; the viscosity is too high. The loss of
thermal energy during cooling catches them still out of position as far as the regular
three-dimensional arrangement of the crystalline silicate is concerned. Then it is too
late, for as the temperature drops still further, they are still less likely to be able to get
back into line before the structure forming about them is too inhibiting to allow further
movement. The loss of thermal energy freezes the structure of the liquid silicatea
glass is formed. It is a frozen liquid, i.e., a liquid that has been supercooled to such
a high viscosity that it seems to have the essential requirement of a solidabsence of
flow. A beam of X-rays, however, would reveal an essential characteristic of the liquid
state, namely, the absence of long-range periodicity.
If, however, sufficient time is allowed (e.g., a few hundred years), a sufficient
number of the units of the broken-down network will get back into line. Long-range
order will be partly reestablished; the glass will deglassify or devitrify, as it is called,
and will often split up and break.
How is the liquid-silicate network affected by the addition of various types of ions
in the production of the peculiar and complicated kind of pure electrolyte, a glass? It
is the answer to this structural question that provides the basis for the understanding
of the glassy state.

5.13.6. The Extent of Structure Breaking of Three-Dimensional

Network Lattices and Its Dependence on the Concentration
of Metal Ions Added to the Oxide
The extent of breakdown of the network structures present in a pure liquid solvent
can be viewed in the following way. The tetrahedron is accepted as the basic
structural unit in a mixture of metallic oxide and fused silica. However, are the
tetrahedra linked together at all and, if so, how are they linked together? What is the
number of links per silicon? Water molecules are the basic structural unit in an aqueous
solution, but extensive linkage and intermolecular bonding occurs in pure water. How
is this linkage in molten affected by the presence of new ions dissolved in it
(Section 5.1)?
In a fused-oxide system, the metal oxide (e.g., is the structure breaker; in
aqueous solutions, the electrolyte (e.g., NaCl) is the structure breaker. Does the extent
of structural breakdown of the continuous SiO network present in pure silica before
the addition of MO depend on the concentration of MO? The extent of breakdown
must indeed depend on the concentration of the structure breaker; then one would
expect that properties that depend on the size and nature of the structures present would
also be concentration dependent.
In fused-oxide systems, a simple way of expressing the concentration of the metal
oxide in the fused nonmetallic oxide is sometimes used. This involves the
so-called O/R ratio. The O/R ratio is related to the mole fraction of the metallic

Fig. 5.71. The variation of the energy of acti-

vation for viscous flow in an melt
as a function of the mole percent of (1
cal = 4.184 J)

oxide. For example, an O/Si ratio of 4 in a system of and is obtained when

the has a mole fraction of 66% (i.e., has four Os to one Si).
One way of probing the sizes of structures present in fused-oxide systems and
their variation with the mole fraction of MO added to the nonmetallic oxide is through
the variation of the ease of flow with composition. The viscosity of the system must
be keenly sensitive to the size and nature of the kinetic entities present because it is
these entities that must make the jumps from site to site involved in viscous flow.
Experimental results on the variation of the energy of activation for viscous flow,
as a function of the mole percent of the metal oxide are shown in Fig. 5.71. The
basic feature of the results appears to be a very high or
energy of activation for viscous flow of the pure nonmetallic oxide and then a rapid
fall with addition of the metallic oxide, whereupon there is a leveling off to a value of
about which remains relatively unchanged between
about 10 and 50 mol% of in This behavior can be used (Section 5.13.7)
as a touchstone in deciding between alternative models for the structural changes
accompanying changes in metal-ion concentration.
The structural theories presented will be in terms of the liquid silicates because
most research on molten oxides has been done with them, but one can extend the basic
structural ideas to fused-oxide systems involving metal oxides dissolved in and

and probably to most liquid electrolytes in which there are largely continuous
network structures at very low concentrations of

5.13.7. Molecular and Network Models of Liquid Silicates

A naive view of events after the addition of metallic oxides to molten silica is to
think of different uncharged molecular species, the species changing with the mole
fraction of the metallic oxide. This view has to be given up quickly because studies of
mixtures of and show that these systems are highly conducting and
therefore are rich in charge carriers (Table 5.45). One has to suggest ionic, rather than
molecular, structures.
A second attempt at interpreting the structure of liquid silicates starts with a
consideration of the curve of versus the mol% of (Fig. 5.71). It is in terms of
the gradual breakdown of the three-dimensional network of fused silica. Just as there
is thermal bond breaking on going from crystalline to fused silica, one can consider
that with the addition of, say, the additional O atoms cause SiOSi bonds in
the originally continuous network of to break. This produces structure breaking
to various composition-dependent degrees. A mole fraction of 66% for implies,
as already stated, an O/Si ratio of 4 and must therefore be considered a composition
at which the only anions are ions;
What model can be suggested for the corresponding structural changes inside
the fused-oxide system for the mole-fraction range from 0 to 66%? From the fact
that there is such a sharp fall in the energy of activation for viscous flow between zero
and about 10 mol% of (Fig. 5.71), one must think of a radical change (over this
composition range) in the difficulty of causing a kinetic entity or flow unit to break
off from the rest of the structure and jump from site to site in the random walk that is
the basis of diffusion (Section 5.7.4). The model must of course contain the explanation
of the generation of more free ions to account for an increase in conductivity with an
increasing amount of MO. The anions postulated as dominant for a given O/R ratio
must meet some exacting requirements. Thus (1) they must have formulas consistent
with the overall O/R ratio; (2) they must have a total charge that compensates for the
total charge of the cations and thereby ensures overall electroneutrality; and (3) they
must be shaped in a way consistent with the bond angles, particularly the ROR
angle, shown from X-ray data in the corresponding solids.
The broad approach used by Zachariasen in the network model of liquid silicates
is to break down the network present in the pure fused nonmetallic oxide thus

Correspondingly, for mol%, there are oxygen atoms in excess of the ability of the Si atoms
present to coordinate them (O/Si ratio > 4). Hence, liquids with such compositions probably contain
and entities in addition to the cations present.

Three-dimensional network with some

thermal bond breaking (e.g., two-dimensional sheets

one-dimensional chains simple monomers

The details of the network theory of liquid-silicate structures, which was first
suggested to explain the glassy state, are presented in Table 5.49. The chief defect of
this model is that it argues for very large changes in the heat of activation for viscous
flow in the composition range of 33 to 66%. However, this is not what is indicated in
Fig. 5.71, where the large change comes after 10% oxide. This is because in the
network model the size and shape of the kinetic unitthe jumping entityis supposed
to undergo a radical change in the composition range of 33 to 66%. Thus (Table 5.49),
sheets are being broken up into chains. The kinetic unit of flow would therefore be
expected, in this model, to change radically in size over this composition range, and
this diminution in size of the flowing unit would be expected to make the heat of
activation for viscous flow strongly dependent on composition in this composition
range (33 to 66% In contrast to the expectation, however, the changes by
only 25% over the composition range of 10 to 50% (Fig. 5.71), whereas from 0
to 10% the change in energy of activation is about 200% (Fig. 5.71).
Another inconsistency of the earlier network model concerns the implications that
it has for phenomena in the composition region around 10% This is an important
composition region. Experimentally, whether one measures the composition depend-
ence of the heat of activation for viscous flow, of expansivity, of compressibility, or

Fig. 5.72. The sharp change in the expansivity of

melts around the 10 mol% of compo-
sition; (o)

of other properties, in all cases there is always a sharp and significant change (Fig.
5.72) around the 10% composition, which indicates a radical structural change
at this point. However, this composition has no special significance at all, according
to the former network model. Thus, although the network model served well in an
earlier stage of the development of the theory of glasses, one must reconsider the
situation and develop a model that corresponds more closely, in the expectations it
produces, to the experimental facts.

5.13.8. Liquid Silicates Contain Large Discrete Polyanions

Consider the situation as one decreases the O/R ratio, i.e., decreases the mole
percent of the metallic oxide Between 100 and 66% there is little need for special
modeling because the quadrivalency of silicon and the requirements of stoichiometry
demand that the ionic species present be monomers of tetrahedra. It is in the
composition range of 66 to 10% that the network model fails (see Section 5.13.7)
in the face of facts.
What are the requirements of a satisfactory structural model for ionic liquids in
this composition range? First, since transport-number determinations show that the

conduction is essentially cationic, the anions must be large in size compared with the
cations (see Sections 4.4.8 and 4.5). Second, the marked change in properties (e.g.,
expansivity) occurring at 10% indicates radical structural changes in the liquid
in the region of this composition. From the sharp rise of the heat of activation for the
flow process to such high values (toward at compositions below 10 mol%
with decreasing mole percent of in this composition region, one suspects
that the structural change that is the origin of all the sudden changes near 10 mol%
must involve sudden aggregation of the Si-containing structural units into
networks. The difficulty of breaking bonds to get a flowing entity out of the network
and into another site explains the very sluggish character of the liquid at 10 or less
mol% of The potential flow unit (perhaps here itself) has to break off four
bonds to flow. Finally, from 66 to 10% there must be no major changes in the type of
structure, except some increase in the size of the entities, because there is only a small
increase in the heat of activation for viscous flow over this composition region (cf. Fig.
5.71). This relative constancy of the heat of activation for flow over this composition
region means that the various structural units present can become the kinetic entities
of flow over this region without great change of the energy involved; i.e., the flow
units present over the composition range must be similar.
The construction of a model (Table 5.50) can therefore start from the ions
present in the orthosilicate composition (66% With a decrease in the molar
fraction of the size of the anions must increase to maintain the stoichiometry.
One can consider that there is a joining up, or polymerization, of the tetrahedral
monomers. For example, the dimer (Fig. 5.73) could be obtained thus

Fig. 5.73. The dimer ion

This chemical change into polyanions is the concept of the discrete-polyanion model
(Bockris and Lowe, 1954) for the structure of mixtures of liquid oxides corresponding
to compositions greater than 10% and less than 66%.
At the outset, it does not seem easy to derive the structure of the polyanions
predominant for each composition of the liquid oxides. However, several criteria can
be used to suggest their structure. Electroneutrality must be maintained for all
compositions; i.e., the total charge on the polyanion group per mole must equal the
total cationic charge per mole for a given composition. Since the cationic charge per
mole must decrease with decreasing mole percent, the negative charge on the
polyanions per mole equivalent of silica must also decrease. It follows that the size of
the polymerized anions must increase as the molar fraction of decreases.
After a dimer, i.e., is formed, the next likely anionic entity to appear as
the ratio falls might be expected to be the trimer

Following the trimer, a polymeric anion with four units may be invoked to satisfy
the requirements of electroneutrality and stoichiometry, etc., the general formula being
On this basis, however, when a composition of 50% is reached, i.e.,
when the mole fraction of is equal to that of the Si/O ratio is 1:3. However,
from the general formula for the chain anion, i.e., it is clear that O/Si = 3
when (3n + l)/n = 3, i.e., when Near 50% an attempt to satisfy
electroneutrality and stoichiometry by assuming that linear chain anions (extensions
of the dimers and trimers) are formed would imply a large increase in the energy of
activation for viscous flow in the composition range of 55 to 50 mol% of because
here the linear polymer would rapidly approach a great length. However, no such sharp
increase in the heat of activation for viscous flow is observed experimentally in the
range of 55 to 50 mol% of (see Fig. 5.71). Hence, the composition range in the
liquid oxides in which linear anions can be made consistent with the flow data is
relatively smallbetween 66 and somewhat greater than 50 mol% of The linear

Fig. 5.74. The proposed ring anions: (a)

and (b)

anion must be given up as a dominant anionic constituent before the metal oxide
composition has dropped to 50 mol%.
An alternative anionic structure near a 50% composition that satisfies stoichiomet-
ric and electroneutrality considerations is provided by ring formation. If, in the
composition range of 55 to 50% the linear anionic chains (which are assumed
to exist at compositions between some 50 and 60 mol% link up their ends to
form rings such as (Fig. 5.74), then such ring anions satisfy the criteria
of the O/Si ratio, electroneutrality, and also the SiOSi valence angle that X-ray data
leads one to expect. Thus, the anion corresponds to an O/Si ratio of 3, and if
one is considering a 50% CaO system, the charge per ring anion is 6, and the charge
on the three calcium ions required to give is 6+. Further, the anion
is not very much larger than the dimer and hence there would not be any large
increase in the heat of activation for viscous flow. With regard to the SiOSi bond
angle, in the and ions, it is near that observed for the corresponding
solids, i.e., the minerals wollastonite and poryphrite, respectively, which are known
to contain and
Further structural changes between 50 and 30% are based on the and
ring system. At the 33% compositions, polymers and (Fig. 5.75)
can be postulated as arising from dimerization of the ring anions and
(Fig. 5.74). As the concentration is continuously reduced, further polymerization
of the rings can be speculatively assumed. For example, at when
is 25%, the six-membered ring would have the formula and would consist of
three rings polymerized together (Fig. 5.76) (Table 5.50).
Ring stability might be expected to lessen with increase in size and increasing
proportion of because the silicate polyanions that correspond to compositions
approaching 10 mol% of would be very long. The critical 10% composition at
which there is a radical change in many properties may be explained as that composi-
tion in the region of which a discrete polymerized anion type of structure becomes

Fig. 5.75. The proposed large ring anions:

(a) and (b)

unstable (because of size) and rearrangement to the random three-dimensional network

of silica occurs. That is, a changeover in structural type occurs to what is fundamentally
the network, with some bond rupture due to the metal cations. The very large
increase in the heat of activation for flow that takes place at this composition (Fig.
5.71) would be consistent with this suggestion, as would also the sudden fall in
These ideas about the discrete-polyanion model for liquid-silicate structures are
summarized in Table 5.50. As in most models, the description is highly idealized.
Thus, all the silicate anions may not have the SiOSi angle of the crystalline state;
only the mean angle may have the crystalline value. Furthermore, the discrete anion
suggested for a particular composition is intended to be that which is dominant, though
not exclusive. Mixtures of polymerized anions may be present at a given composition,
the proportions of which vary with composition.
The discrete-polyanion model is a speculative one because no direct proof of the
existence of its ring-polymeric anions, for example, is available. It provides a much
more consistent qualitative account of facts concerning the behavior of liquid silicates
than does the network model. It predicts the observed marked changes in properties
near 10% (Fig. 5.72), the relatively small variation in over the concentration
range of 10 to 50% (Fig. 5.71), etc. The suggestions for the structure of the anions

Fig. 5.76. The proposed

six-membered ring anion

receive some indirect support from solid-state structural analyses of certain mineral

5.13.9. The Iceberg Model

There are some facts, however, which cannot be easily explained in terms of the
discrete-polyanion model. First, the partial molar volume of which is related to
the size of the containing entities, is relatively constant from 0 to 33 mol%
(Fig. 5.77). On the basis of the discrete-polyanion model, the critical change at 10%
involving the breakdown of three-dimensional networks and the formation of
discrete polyanions would require a decrease in molar volume of at about 10%
for the following reasons. The structure is a particularly open one and has
a large molar volume; in contrast, a structure with discrete polyanions would involve
a closing up of some of the open volume and a decrease in partial molar volume
compared with the networks. Second, it is a fact that in certain ranges of
composition (e.g., 12 to 33% and are not completely miscible. The
two liquids consist of an phase and a metal-rich phase. The discrete-polyanion
model cannot accommodate this phenomenon.
It was suggested by Tomlinson, White, and Bockris (1958) that in the composition
range of 12 to 33% two structures are present. One is similar to that which exists
at 33% in the discrete-polyanion model. The other is a structure corresponding to
glassy or vitreous silica, i.e., fused silica with the randomized three-dimensional

Fig. 5.77. The negligible change in the partial molar

volume of an melt over the range of 0 to 33
mol% of

networks frozen in. The vitreous silica is in the form of islets or icebergshence
the name, the iceberg model of liquid-silicate structure. These icebergs are similar to
the clusters that occur in liquid water (Section 5.13.2). The submicroscopic networks
may be pictured as continually breaking down and re-forming. Microphase regions of
(the 33% structure) occur in the form of thin films separating the rich
icebergs; hence there is the possibility of a separation of the liquid into two phases,
one rich in and the other rich in Since most of the is present in the
icebergs, the almost constant partial molar volume of is rationalized.
An estimate of the order of magnitude of the iceberg size can be made. For 12%
the radius of an (assumed spherical) iceberg is about 1.9 nm, and at 33%
the iceberg of the iceberg model becomes identical in size with the discrete polyanion
of the discrete-polyanion model, which has a radius of about 0.6 nm.

5.13.10. Icebergs As Well as Polyanions

In the iceberg model, the structure of the medium on a microscale is heterogene-
ous. Flow processes would involve slip between the iceberg and the film. No SiOSi
bonds need be broken. At present, it seems that both the discrete-polyanion model and
the iceberg model probably contribute to the structure of liquid silicates. In a sense,
the iceberg model is the most complete model because it involves the discrete
polyanions as well as the entities called icebergs.

5.13.11. Spectroscopic Evidence for the Existence of Various Groups,

Including Anionic Polymers, in Liquid Silicates and
The structure of liquid silicates suggested in the last few sections was presented
as a reasonable interpretation of conductance, viscous flow, and density measurements
and the variation of the heats of activation with composition, for example. What
evidence for the chains, rings, and icebergs is given from spectral approaches such as
Roman and NMR? If all is well in the earlier interpretation, it should be possible to
see evidence of the structures in the spectral peaks.
The earliest workers to obtain this evidence were Furokawa et al., and then a little
later, work was carried out by McMillan. These researchers found that in systems based
on the metasilicate and the disilicate had two peaks, one that showed up
at and one at respectively. What molecular entities should these
peaks represent? This kind of question is grist for the mill among spectroscopists, who
often argue a great deal about the significance of the blips and shoulders on their
curves. In this system they have come up with a decisive but unambitious answer
each peak represents the vibrations of the SiO bond and the peak for this varies with
composition. Such a conclusion, of course, does not indicate the structural units

Evidence of various structures of the silicate anions shows up from these Raman
and IR studies. The results are shown with the attendant peaks in Table 5.51.
Although these anions are simpler than the structures deduced on the basis of
transport measurements, they agree with the structure (see Section 5.6). Chains are
present, as are and However, up to 1997, no peaks have yet been registered
that are characteristic of the ring structures known to exist in the corresponding solids,
the suggested presence of which in the liquid silicates fits stoichiometry, bond angles,
and the behavior of the heat of activation for viscous flow as a function of composition
(Fig. 5.71).
Farnan and Stebbins performed NMR measurements on simple molten silicates
in 1990 and managed to pull more out of their data than other workers in this area.

They measured the lifetime of the tetrahedra and found it to be What

happens after an ion dies? Lifetime implies an exchange (perhaps by means of
between and another ion. By making such measurements on quenched samples
as a function of temperature, it is possible to get the heat of activation for the critical
step in viscous flow. Remarkably, the values for turn out to be
which is within of those measured earlier for viscous flow in
This fits well with the model for viscous flow (see Fig. 5.71). According to this model,
an entity has to break off from the silicate anion (i.e., exchange to another structure)
before the critical unit (which must be the size of a hole) can move into the cavity,
thus giving consistency to the idea of ions of limited lifetime. The dependence on
temperature of the NMR peaks for is shown in Fig. 5.78.
Up until the late 1990s the spectroscopic confirmation of the liquid silicates of
the model suggested in Sections 5.13.7 and 5.13.9 was limited to the ions

Fig. 5.78. Variable-temperature

NMR spectra of the lithium or-
thosilicate/metasilicate mixture.
Typically, narrow spectra required
64 pulses and broader spectra 500
pulses. The line broadening used in
processing each spectrum was less
than 10% of the total line width.
(Reprinted from I. Farnan and J. F.
Stebbins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112:

and etc. However, the ring anions also suggested are

well confirmed in the corresponding solid silicates.
The degree of certainty in the structures deduced as a result of modeling reasoning
from the facts of transport, partial molar volumes, etc., are better than one might think.
However, one needs to consider two important facts to be able to pick up the proper
structures; these are the necessity for electroneutrality and the fixed OSiO angle.
Thus, for a certain O/Si ratio, there must be a certain number of charges per ion to
match the concentration of cations that the ratio determines. The other matter concerns
the OSiO bond angle, which is fixed at 120.
Taking these two facts into account effectively decreases the number of structures
possible at a given O/Si value. They are those given in Table 5.50. Now, if there is
molecular silica present molecules in the complex water structure), as seems to
be indicated by the small change of over the composition range 033 mol%
in the system, molecular may indeed be added to the structure present
in the range of 12-33 mol% in and this would decrease the size of the
corresponding polyanion, probably to
A system of interest among the silicates is partly because of the
relevance of knowledge of the structure of the corresponding glasses and liquids to
geochemistry and materials science. Using 27A1 and 29Si, Poe et al. found it possible
to obtain the coordination number of O for the molecules cited above. Using IR spectra,
they were able to get information on the structure, leading to the idea of considering
polyhedra involving Al, which tends to replace Si as the main ion to which O
coordinates in structures. Poe et al. identified and
(polyhedra) with peaks at 700900, 600700, and respectively.How
are these polyhedra related to each other? It seems likely that exchange of O is the
active process:

The critical variables are the O/Al ratio and the molecular size, and hence the
representative anion formulated must depend on these parameters just as it does for
the systems (see Section 5.13.8).
The change in composition with the ions presented was determined by shifts of
the NMR peaks. The liquid samples were splat-quencheddropped into a cold body
in such a way that rapid solidification occurred, easing the measurements which then
could be made at room temperature. There is a danger in this method since the
quenching may not be fast enough, so that some change in structure from that at a
given composition and temperature may occur before the quenching ends.

5.13.12. Fused Oxide Systems and the Structure of Planet Earth

We live on an apparently solid earth, but the solidified crust is only some 60 km
thick. As one moves down into it, the temperature increases from about 300 K on the

surface toward about 1000 K at the bottom of the solid crust where the magma begins.
From here, for the next 6000 km (i.e., to the center of the earth) the temperature is
thought to remain in the 10002000 K range but the pressure increases linearly. The
mantle down to the iron core is made up of silicates of varying kinds which are
liquefied from the solid rock not only by the high temperatures but also by the
increasing pressure. Do the structures presented in the last few sections exist in the
earths interior? What is the effect of pressure upon the structure of liquid silicates?
These questions cannot be answered unless one knows the pressure inside the
earth as the depth increases. Knowledge of this is incomplete and it clearly must be
obtained somewhat indirectly (e.g., from the study of the pattern of seismic distur-

Fig. 5.79. spectra of

samples quenched from 8 GPa: (a) 1700 K,
glassy and (b) 1420 K, crystalline. Peaks
marked with dots are spinning side bands;
peaks marked with arrows are attributed to
Exponential line broadenings of about
20% of the peak widths (20 and 100 Hz) were
applied to enhance signal-to-noise ratios.
Scales for all spectra are in parts per million
relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS). (Re-
printed from X. Sue, J. F. Stebbins, M. Kan-
zaki, and R. D. Tronnes, Science 245: 963,

bances, etc.). However, one can also use the average density of the earth (6.7) and ask
what is the force per unit area at the bottom of a vertical column 1000 km deep. This
force per unit area turns out to be on the order of
Making a physiochemical measurement at and ~2000 K is clearly very
difficult indeed. How could it be achieved? One approach is to pressurize a silicate
such as at 1700 K (glassy state) and then freeze it very rapidly so that the
structure corresponding to the high pressure and temperature remains frozen in the
sample. Then NMR measurements can be made at room pressure and temperature
while the structure from the high pressure and temperature remains present. What can
be seen (Fig. 5.79)?
The main difference that occurs at these high pressures (like those deep in the
earth) is that the coordination number of Si begins to change. Throughout the material
described in this chapter so far, the central assumption has been that Si is four-coor-
dinated with O, as in but also in the polymer ions assumed for O/Si < 4. Now,
as seen from the arrow points in Fig. 5.79, some amount of six-coordinated Si exists
as well as a trace of octahedral structures.
Does this mean that deep in the magma liquid silicates would have a different
structure from that described on the basis of measurements at atmospheric pressure?
Probably! We are far from knowing what the detailed changes are, or being able to
say, for example, that the polymer ions in Fig. 5.75 are now smaller in size. However,
at least according to Xue et al. (1992), deep in the earth there is a more random
distribution of bridging and nonbridging oxygens than that observed in solid and liquid
silicates under conditions at the earths surface.

5.13.13. Fused Oxide Systems in Metallurgy: Slags

Knowledge of what goes on inside fused oxide systems is important not only as
a basis for future advances in glass technology but also for metallurgical processes.
Consider, for example, one of the most basic processes in industry, the manufacture
of iron in a blast furnace (Fig. 5.80). Iron ore, coke, and flux (essentially limestone
and dolomite) are fed into the top of the furance. Compressed air fed in through
openings in the bottom of the furnace converts the carbon in coke to carbon monoxide,
which reduces the iron oxide to iron. Molten iron collects at the bottom. On top of the
molten metal is a layer of molten material called slag.
What is slag? A typical chemical analysis (Table 5.52) shows that it consists
mainly of silica alumina lime (CaO), and magnesia (MgO)in fact,
precisely the kinds of substances (i.e., nonmetallic oxides such as and metallic
oxides such as CaO) the structure of which is being discussed here. (Slags, in fact, can
be regarded as molten glasses.) The constituents of the slags are present in the ores
and in coke.
Successful operation of the furnace and production of an iron with the desired
composition (and hence metallurgical properties) depend so much on making the slag

Fig. 5.80. Schematic of a blast furnace.

with the right composition by controlling the raw materials fed into the furnace that it
is sometimes said: You dont make iron in the blast furnace, you make slag!
Can one explain this importance of the slag? Measurements of conductance as a
function of temperature and of transport number indicate that the slag is an ionic
conductor (liquid electrolyte). In the metalslag interface, one has the classic situation
(Fig. 5.81) of a metal (i.e., iron) in contact with an electrolyte (i.e., the molten oxide
electrolyte, slag), with all the attendant possibilities of corrosion of the metal. Corro-
sion of metals is usually a wasteful process, but here the current-balancing partial electrodic
reactions that make up a corrosion situation are indeed the very factors that control the
equilibrium of various components (e.g., between slag and metal and hence the
properties of the metal, which depend greatly on its trace impurities. For example,

Fig. 5.81. Molten metal in contact with slag is electro-

chemically equivalent to a metal in contact with an elec-

The quality of the metal in a blast furnace is thus determined largely by electrochemical
reactions at the slagmetal interface. Making good steel and varying its properties at
will depends on making good slag first. Future developments in steel making depend
on having electrochemists controlling the electrical potential at the slagmetal inter-

Further Reading

1. W. Zachariasen, Chain and Sheet Structure of Glasses, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 54: 3841
2. J. OM. Bockris and D. C. Lowe, Viscosity and the Structure of Liquid Silicates, Proc.
Roy. Soc. Lond. A226: 423 (1954).
3. J. OM. Bockris, J. D. MacKenzie, and J. A. Kitchener, Viscous Flow in Silica and Binary
Liquid Silicates, Trans. Faraday Soc. 51: 1734 (1955).
4. J. W. Tomlinson, J. L. White, and J. OM. Bockris, The Structure of the Liquid Silicates;
Partial Molar Volumes and Expansivities, Trans. Faraday Soc. 52: 299 (1956).

l. B. O. Mysen, Structure and Properties of the Silicate Melts, Elsevier, New York (1988).

1. J. E. Stebbins and I. Farnan, Science 255: 586 (1992).
2. B. T. Poe, P. E. McMillan, C. A. Angell, and R. K. Sato, Chem. Geol. 96: 333 (1992).
3. Y. Kawasita, J. Dong, T. Tsuzuki, Y. Ohmassi, M. Yao, H. Endo, H. Hoshimo, and M.
Inni, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 156: 756 (1993).
4. C. Scamehorn and C. A. Angell, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55: 721 (1991).
5. X. Xui, J. F. Stebbins, M. Kenza, and R. G. Tronnes, Science 245: 962 (1996).


The pressure gradient in a fluid in the direction x as a result of an instantaneous
velocity u in that direction can be expressed as

Similar equations exist for the pressure gradients along the other two mutually
perpendicular axes, y and z. In these equations, P is pressure; is the density of the
fluid, and is its viscosity; u, v, and w are the instantaneous fluid velocities at the
points x, y, and z in the directions of the three coordinate axes; and X is the component
of the accelerating force in the x direction.
Stokes has shown that in cases where the motion is small and the fluid is
incompressible and homogeneous, etc., these equations can be simplified to a set of
three equations of the form

plus an equation of continuity

Solution of Eqs. (A5.1.2) and (A5.1.3) in spherical coordinates leads to a general

expression of the form

for the force of the fluid acting on the surface (r = a) of a hollow sphere oscillating in
it with a velocity v given by where and are the instantaneous normal and
tangential pressures at the points r and c is the velocity at time t = 0, and is the
frequency of oscillation. The term in can be ignored for present purposes since it
corresponds to a viscous force acting on the sphere owing to its motion through the
Inserting the appropriate expressions for ignoring the terms arising from the
viscosity of the liquid since there can be no viscous slip between a liquid and a hole,
and proceeding through a number of algebraic stages yields

where is the density of the fluid. Writing now

for the mass of fluid displaced by the sphere gives

However, from the equation

and on remembering that, by Newtons law of motion, action and reaction are equal
and opposite, it follows that

This force thus corresponds to the force that would be produced by a solid
body of mass operating under conditions where the fluid is absent; it is thus
produced by a hole of effective mass


The gamma function is defined thus

Some of its properties are as follows:

1. When n = 1,

2. When

Put in which case

dt = 2x dx


Using Eq. (5.24), i.e.,

one has


Integrating by parts,




Consider three parallel layers of fluid, T, M, B (Fig. 5.82), moving with velocities
and respectively, where z is the direction normal to the

Fig. 5.82. Viscous forces arise from

the transfer of momentum between ad-
jacent layers in fluid.

planes and is the mean free path of the particles populating the layers, i.e., the mean
distance traveled by the particles without undergoing collisions. In the direction of
motion of the moving layers, the momenta of the particles traveling in the T, M, and
B layers is mv, and respectively.
When a particle jumps from the T to the M layer, the net momentum gained by
the M layer is If is the mean velocity of
particles in the direction normal to the layers, then, in 1 s, all particles within a distance
will reach the M plane. If one considers that there are n particles per cubic
centimeter of the fluid and the area of the M layer is A then A particles
make the T M crossing per second, transporting a momentum per second of
in the downward direction.
When a particle jumps from the B to the M layer, the net momentum gained by
the M layer is i.e., the momentum transported per
particle in the downward direction is Hence, the momentum transferred
per second in the downward direction owing to B M jumps is
Adding the momentum transferred owing to 7 M and B M jumps, it is clear
that the momentum transferred per second in the downward direction, i.e., the rate of
change of momentum, is This rate of change of momentum is
equal to a force (Newtons second law of motion). Thus, the viscous force is given

However, according to Newtons law of viscosity, the viscous force is propor-

tional to the area of the layers and to the velocity gradient, and the proportionality
constant is the viscosity, i.e.,

From Eqs. (A5.3.1) and (A5.3.2), it is clear that

1. From different tables in the text, determine the average change of internuclear
distance upon melting for group IA and IIA halides. Then, tabulate the change
of volume for the same act. Comment on any contradictions you see when
comparing these two sets of data.
2. Draw the potential-energy vs. distance curves for the pair potentials in a molten
3. Calculate the mean hole size in CsBr for which the surface tension is 60.7 dyn
at 1170 K.
4. It is possible by measuring the velocity of sound to determine the free volume
of a liquid. Reference to the corresponding free volume for a solid shows that
there this concept describes the solid volume in a cell of the crystalline solid,
diminished by the volume of an atom in it.
In a molten salt (as shown by a diagram in the text), the free volume increases
with the hole volume in a roughly proportional way. Consider this correlation
and make deductions as to what kind of structure in a molten salt would be
consistent with the observation quoted.
To what degree and in what way do the data on heats of activation at constant
volume and constant pressure contribute to these deductions?
5. Explain the meaning of refraction and diffraction. What does a diffraction
pattern look like? Write down expressions for the radial distribution function.
What is the physical significance of the decline in value of the maximum with
increasing distance from the reference point?
6. Explain the difference between diffraction measurements with X-rays and with
neutrons. Determine which method you would use in examining a molten salt.
7. Determine and explain the terms radial distribution function, pair correlation
function, and partial structural factors.
8. By using the pair potentials of one of the pioneer works in the modeling of
molten salts (Woodcock and Singer) as well as the corresponding parameters in
this work, calculate the equilibrium distance for and ions just above the

melting point. In what way is the much later work of Saboungi et al. considered
to be an improvement on the pioneer calculations of Woodcock and Singer?
9. In Frths theory of cavities in liquids, there is a distribution function for the
probability of the hole size. It is

Deduce an expression for the mean hole size from this function. Work out the
mean radius of holes for molten KC1 near the melting point if the surface tension
is 89.5 dyn and the melting point is 1040 K.
10. Calculate the work of hole formation in molten sodium chloride, using the Frth
approach. The surface tension of NaCl, molten salt at 1170 K, is 107.1 dyn
and the mean hole radius of NaCl is (Contractor)
11. Describe the physical meaning of the glass transition temperature.
12. Explain the idea of a glass-forming liquid electrolyte and the glass transition
temperature. Cohen and Turnbull were the first to formulate a quantitative theory
of diffusion in a glass-forming liquid. Using equations from their theory, show
how it leads to an abrupt change of the diffusion coefficient from a value
continuous with that of the liquid above its melting point to zero at the glass
transition temperature.
13. (a) Assess the total number of individual SiO bonds in a mole of
(b) Give a chemical explanation of why the addition of to silicate causes
the breaking up of the tetrahedral network.
(c) Assuming three coordination exclusively for B in borate glasses, calculate
the moles of base needed to form a chain structure. What is the formula of the
glass? (Xu)
14. Frozen liquids can also flow. Research has found that the window glass of many
medieval churches in Europe has a thicker bottom than top (by as much as a
millimeter), and this deformation is evidently caused by the flowing of the
silicate under the effect of gravity. Calculate how far the moving species in the
glass can travel in a millennium at room temperature. [Hint: The glass produced
in ancient Europe is very similar to the so-called soda-glass today, which
contains about 20 mol% ] (Xu)
15. From data in the text, work out a measure of the degree to which
measures the activation energy for transport in molten salts. Does
this equation apply to other liquids?

16. Explain the value of constant-volume and constant-pressure measurements of

transport rates. What can one conclude from utilizing the values of each?
17. The determination of transport numbers in aqueous electrolytes is relatively easy
(Chapter 3), but in molten salts it poses difficulties of concept, which in turn
demand specialized apparatus. Explain why direct determination is difficult.
Would it not be better to abandon the direct approach and use the approximate
applicability of the NernstEinstein equation, relying on self-diffusion determi-
nations? Any counter considerations?
18. Calculate the transport numbers of the cation and the anion in molten CsCl at
943 K. The experimental equivalent conductivity of the fused salt is
equiv. The observed diffusion coefficients of and ions in molten
CsCl are and respectively. (Contractor)
19. Use the text to find an equation giving the lifetime of a hole in a molten salt.
Calculate it for KC1 using data in the text.
20. Calculate the relaxation time for an electron conducting in a metalmolten salt
mixture. (The mobility for such systems is about
21. For a molten salt mixture in which the reaction at an electrode involves one
electron, and Electrolysis is
occurring in constant-current pulses of 4 A Calculate the time at which
the reactant in the interface is exhausted.
22. In Raman spectroscopy of cryolite, a higher value of favors a lower coordina-
tion number. Why?
23. In the text of Chapter 5, there are X-ray data on the internuclear distance in the
solid and liquid forms of the alkali halides. In all cases, the internuclear distance
contracts on melting. Find the mean contraction in percent. What kind of
structure in the liquid could be consistent with your finding?
24. In Chapter 5, there are data on the increase in volume of the solid lattice when
it becomes liquid. Work out the average increase in volume in percent and
compare it with the average contraction of the internuclear distance on melting
(see the previous problem). What kind of structure of molten salts does this
25. Why is it that neutrons are preferred to X-rays in carrying out diffraction
experiments with, e.g., molten salts? What is the disadvantage (in practice) of
using neutrons compared with X-rays?
26. Sketch a few of the typical anionic polymer ions likely to be present at each
composition range in molten oxides. What new ions are formed if O/Si > 4?
Which ions have been confirmed to be present by spectroscopic methods?

27. State, in less than 50 words, the essential principles behind the Monte Carlo and
molecular dynamics methods of calculating the numerical values of phenomena
in liquids. Why is it that such methods need prior experimental determinations
in nearby systems?
28. Some of the ambient-temperature molten salts are made up from certain alkyl
ammonium salts or, alternatively, a mixture of with organics such as
imidazolonium chloride. They have two strong advantages over traditional
molten salts with melting points several hundred degrees above room tempera-
ture: their great ease of handling and the very large electrochemical window that
they allow.
From the information given in the chapter, suggest up to six solvents (systems)
that would allow the electrochemical oxidation of complex organics such as
polymerized isoprene (rubber) or even Teflon (polymerized tetrafluoroethylene)
at less than 373 K.
29. From the Cohen-Turnbull configurational entropy model, prove that the
temperature dependence of relaxation time and viscosity of super-cooled
liquids are both non-Arrhenius, i.e., of the type, where is
a characteristic temperature. (Xu)
30. (CKN) is a well-known molten salt that easily vitrifies upon
cooling. An attempt to ascertain the fragility of this system was made on a CKN
sample with a glass transition temperature of 350 K. This sample was heated up
to 390 K and its dielectric relaxation time measured by an impedance bridge as
Classify this ionic liquid. (Xu)
31. Assume that the electrical conductivity of CaO is determined primarily by the
diffusion of ions. Estimate the mobility of cations at 2070 K. The diffusion
coefficient of ions in CaO at this temperature is CaO has an
NaCl structure with a = 0.452 nm. Account for your observation. (Contractor)
32. The equivalent conductivity of molten salts depends upon the cationic radius.
Plot the equivalent conductivities of molten salts of monovalent cations against
the corresponding cationic radii. Comment on this linear dependence. (Contrac-
33. The diffusion coefficient of tracer ion in molten NaCl is
at 1290 K and at 1110 K. Calculate the values of the activation
energy and the preexponential factor. (Contractor)
34. Given that the equivalent conductivity of molten NaCl is
at 1193 K and that the self-diffusion coefficients of and ions in molten
NaCl are and respectively, evaluate the Faraday
constant. (Contractor)


1. In the text, data are given on the changes of volume on melting for certain molten
salts. Find out the free space per ion (use a standard compilation of ionic radii).
In the text will also be found a table showing some changes of internuclear
distances on melting. What is your conclusion in respect to the type of structure
for molten salts?
2. In deviations from the NernstEinstein equation in a molten salt, one hypothesis
involved paired-vacancy diffusion. Such a model implies that holes of about
twice the average size are available at about one-fifth the frequency of average-
sized holes. Use the equation in the text for the distribution of hole size to test
this model.
3. Based on the results of the hole model of ionic liquids, derive the average surface
area <S> and volume <V> of the holes. Compare <S> and <V> with the area and
volume calculated from the average hole radius. Calculate the work needed to be
done in making a hole of the average size at 1170 K in any molten salt if Frths
nearly boiling assumption holds. [Hint: has the
following properties: (1) (2) when n is a positive
integer; or (3) when n is positive real. (See Xu)

4. Use the Woodcock and Singer results in the text to calculate the coordination
number of by using the equations recorded and the radial distribution
functions shown.

5. The radial distribution function is the principal entity in the use of X-ray and
neutron diffraction data to determine a structure. Write an expression for the
number of particles, B, in a spherical shell of radius r with respect to a reference
particle. Calculate the number of particles in that shell, assuming that the
material concerned has a density of 1.6; that the first shell outside the reference
atom S is at least a distance of 0.20 nm from the latter (internuclear distance);
and that the r relation is idealized to a square box, height 2.0 and width 0.10
6. Frths model for liquids pictures the liquid as if the vacant spaces in it behave
like bubbles in a boiling liquid. Several other versions of liquids as disturbed
solids with vacancies exist. The Woodcock and Singer Monte Carlo simulation
of KC1 shows a structure for liquid KC1 similar to that of Frths proposition.
However, the most important point in favor of the model is this: a contradiction
to competing theories, in particular those arising from molecular dynamics, is
that it allows an explanation of the heat of activation exhibited for diffusion and
viscous flow for all nonassociated liquids,
Comment on the following:

(1) The expression for the hole size in Frths theory uses the surface tension
of the liquid and then gives a remarkable fit to ion size.
(2) The calculated compressibility and expansivity of typical sample molten
salts are ~20% of the actual values.
(3) There is a linear relation between the free volume from sound velocity
measurements and the hole volume (from volume of fusion data).
7. Several diagrams given in the text for transport properties attest to the validity
of the empirical expression It appears that from liquid
through liquid organics, to molten salts and metals, the activation energy when
plotted against has a slope of 3.74R. Discuss the significance of this. How
is this uniformity of behavior to be seen as consistent with two mechanisms of
transport, that in which the occurrence of vacancies is the key element and that
in which pushing through the crowd is a more fitting description of the
movement in transport?
8. Take the data in the text on transport (unassociated molten salt data only) and
work out Discuss whether this conforms more to a jump
into a hole (Frth) or shuffle along model of transport (Swallin). Make a
similar comparison for the activation volume.
9. (a) Use data in Chapter 5 to calculate the transport number in molten NaCl and
find out the temperature dependence of the coordinated diffusion coefficient,

(b) If the difference between calculated and observed equivalent conductivity in

the table in this chapter is phenomenologically attributed to the association
(either permanent or transient) between cations and anions in molten salt, what
is the temperature dependence of this association degree and how would you
explain the seeming contradiction with our knowledge about cationanion
interaction? (See Xu)
10. The conductance calculated from the NernstEinstein equation is several tens
of percentages more than that measured. An interpretation is that the diffusion
coefficient includes contributions from jumps into paired vacancies and these
(having no net charge) would contribute nothing to the conductance while
counting fully for the diffusion.
Assume one takes a 1:1 molten salt for which the increase of volume on melting
is 20%, while the internuclear distance shrinks by 5%. Calculate on the basis of
simple statistics the fraction of paired vacancies. For simplicity, assume the radii
of the cation and the anion are equal (as in KF) and use the StokesEinstein
equation to calculate the diffusion coefficient of the ions and that of the paired
vacancies. (The viscosity of KF at 1000 K is 1.41 centipoise; the mean radius

of and is 0.131 nm.) Then calculate the contribution of the paired vacancies
to the diffusion and find out how much greater the NernstEinstein equation
would indicate the conductance to be than it really is.
11. When a metal such as Na is dissolved in a molten salt such as NaCl, it is found
that 1 mol% of the metal gives rise to significant electronic conductance. Utilize
the equation where N is the number of moles of Na per cubic centimeter
and u is the mobility What would be the average distance apart
of the Na atoms? On the basis of this distance and an approximation square-well
model, calculate the probability of electron tunneling between a K atom and a
ion in molten KC1 and thereby the mobility.
Is the order of magnitude of your result consistent with the observed mobility?
If not, suggest an alternative model for electronic conductance of alkali metals
in alkali metal salts.
12. Using the distribution function, make a plot of probability that a hole has a radius
in molten sodium chloride at 1170 K. The surface tension of molten sodium
chloride at 1170 K is and the mean hole radius is
13. In the Frth hole model for molten salts, the primary attraction is that it allows
a rationalization of the empirical expression In this model,
fluctuations of the structure allow openings (holes) to occur and to exist for a
short time. The mean hole size turns out to be about the size of ions in the molten
salt. For the distribution function of the theory (the probability of having a hole
of any size), calculate the probability of finding a hole two times the average
(thereby allowing paired-vacancy diffusion), compared with that of finding the
most probable hole size.
14. In the liquid oxides of the type there are certain limitations on the
absolute structures. The OSiO angle may be assumed to be between 90 and
120; the saturated valence of Si is 4 and that of O is 2. Electroneutrality means
that the total charges on the metal ions (e.g., and must be equal
in number to the corresponding charges on the silicate anions. Finally, it is
always possible from the known composition, in mol%, to determine the value
of O/Si, e.g., 4 in On the basis of these givens, calculate the likely
structure of a liquid oxide for which O/Si is 2, 3, 4, and 5.
15. The heats of activation for flow in simple molten salts are generally <40 kJ
In the liquid silicates, the corresponding heat of activation is 5 to 10
times higher than that for <50% in Why is there this very
significant difference? Is there evidence that connects transport properties in
NaCl-type molten saltsthe movement into gaps or vacancies in the struc-

tureto a probable rate-determining step in the flow of liquid oxides (i.e., liquid
silicates, borates, and phosphates)?
16. There are several ways by which the structure of pure liquid electrolytes may be
examined. A leading way currently is by means of neutron diffraction, a method
that acts by registering the interferences caused by the reflection of neutrons and
gives the internuclear distance. Examine this method with respect to its ability
to contribute to conclusions stimulated by the two most outstanding facts
relevant to the structure of molten salts. These are that when the salt melts and
expands, the ions get nearer together rather than farther apart, and that the degree
of expansion on melting, particularly for the alkali halides, is about 20% of their
volume in the solid. To what kind of structures do these striking facts point? Can
neutron diffraction measure empty space?
17. Ring and chain structures of were deduced by Blander and Saboungi in
1992 and are given in diagrams in the text. Compare the structure shown there
( the coordinating ion) with those deduced by MacKenzie and Lowe for the
liquid silicates in 1955 (also given in the text). Differences? Similarities? Why
is the working temperature range for the liquid silicates (>1600 K) different from
the room-temperature systems studied by Blander and Saboungi?
18. A pairwise potential widely used in both Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics
computations is given as

which describes the potential as a function of distance between two ions i and j;
and are charges on i and j, respectively, while is the size parameter of the
ion pair (normally the sum of the crystallographic radii of i and j).
and are constants estimated from the studies on the crystal of
the corresponding salt.
(a) Identify the term that dominates the attraction between a pair of oppositely
charged ions in long range and the term that prevents these two ions from falling
into each other.
(b) Which parameter in the second term determines the steepness of the repulsion
felt by these two ions once their size parameters and center-to-center distances
have been fixed?
(c) In molten silicate, the SiSi equilibrium distance is ca. 0.32 nm. Determine
by calculation whether the force due to the second term or the Coulombic-like
charge repulsion dominates. What does the result suggest concerning the stabil-
ity of the silicate network?

(d) For simple molten salts such as KC1, the various parameters are given as

19. When a liquid supercools (i.e., does not crystallize when its temperature drops
below the thermodynamic melting point), the liquidlike structure is frozen due
to the high viscosity of the system. The supercooled liquid is in a so-called
viscoelastic state. If the crystallization can be further avoided as the temperature
continues to drop, a glass transition will happen at a certain temperature, where
the frozen liquid turns into a brittle, rigid state known as a glassy state. A
well-accepted definition for glass transition is that the relaxation time of the
system is or the viscosity is Pa s (an arbitrary standard, of course).
(a) Calculate the average distance an ion can travel during the period of a single
relaxation time in a substance with a room-temperature glass transition.
(b) A simple relation between relaxation time and viscosity exists in all liquids
down to the glass transition temperature: where K has a very small
temperature dependence and can be regarded as a constant independent of
temperature. Obtain this constant and calculate the theoretical upper limit of the
viscosity of liquids, using the fact that the electronic relaxation time measured
in the far infrared region is (Xu)
20. In the equation and the
constant B is an important characteristic of the structure of the liquid; its inverse
is known as the fragility of the liquid, i.e., the greater B, the stronger (or the
less fragile) the liquid.
(a) Explain how the value of B influences the non-Arrhenius behavior of both
the relaxation time and viscosity
(b) According to the value of B, liquids can be classed into categories of strong
(large value of B), intermediate (medium value of B), and fragile (small
value of B). Pure silicate belongs to strong with a B value of ca. 100; as
is added, the fragility increases and the resultant glass passes via intermediate
(B < 50) into fragile (B < 10). Interpret this transformation on a structural level.


1. Using references cited in the text, research the history and development of
room-temperature molten salts. The first publication was by Hurley and Weir in
1951. Why was there silence for a quarter century? What contribution was made
by Halena Chum in the pioneering 1977 work?
Make a 250500 word summary of the contributions of teams led, respectively,
by Osteryoung, Wilkes, and Hussey. Aluminum is often involved in this chem-
istry. It has very advantageous properties for storing energy because of the
combination of the low molecular weight and 3-electron transfer reactions to
form Because of the availability of an advantageous electricity storage
device would consist of a room-temperature molten salt involving (which
would deposit in a cathodic charging reaction and dissolve during discharge)
and a redox coupling involving
Devise a cathodic reduction reaction to occur during discharge of a cell that
would reduce in the melt and be comparable with the Al organic type of
2. What is the difference between average hole radius <r> and radius of the
most populous hole Calculate the most popular hole radius and
compare it with <r>.

If the answer in the above question is no, what parameter is needed to describe
the distribution of the hole size? Is there validity to the statement that all holes
are of the same size in molten salts? Using data in Table 5.15, find the above
distribution for KC1 molten salt at 1170 K.
[Hint: numerical integration may be needed to solve the last question.] (Xu)
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Absolute mobility, 445 Activity coefficients (cont.)

Absorption spectroscopy, and electrolytic solu- significance, 253
tions, 338 single ionic species, a different determina-
Acetone, effect upon the solubility of argon, tion, 255
177 testable form, 257
Activation energy, various valency types, 270
diffusion at constant pressure, 688 and the zeroeth approximation, 258
jumping, 690 Adiabatic compressibility, for electrolytes, 62
Activities, of the solute, from data on the sol- Adler and Wainwright, introduction of molecu-
vent, 261 lar dynamics, 321
Activity coefficients Alkaline metals and hydration numbers, 144
alcohol water mixtures, 269 Aluminum chloride
chemical potentials, 252 organic complexes, structure of, 711
comparison of observed and theoretical, 347 role in the new electrochemistry of molten
concentration cells, 265 salts, 19
electrolyte as a function of hydration Apparent charge, 462
number, 295 Appleby, director, of electrochemical center, 26
evolution of the concept, 251 Aqueous solutions, and solvent dynamic simu-
experimental, 264 lations, 163
determination, 260 Aquifers, contaminated, electrochemical purifi-
finite sized ions, the theory, 277 cation, 32
function of ion size, 278 Argand diagram, 532
higher concentrations, 274, 283 dissociated electrolyte, 533
and hydration, 69 Argon, its solubility in aqueous solution, de-
individual, 266 pending upon acetone content, 177
and interionic interactions, 69 Aristotles ideas on solutions, 35
and ionic strength, 259, 282 Asymmetry, of the ionic cloud, 514
ion pairs, and free ions, 314 Autocorrelation function
ion size, 279 ions, 415
and ionsolvent interactions, 293 liquid argon, 417
mean, 256 Average hole, in Furth model, 640


Bacons contribution to fuel cells, 2 Boltzmann equation, its linearization, 237

Batteries Booth, and the dielectric constant, near an ion,
with aluminum, 19 90
and fuel cells, from electronically conduct- Bopp
ing polymers, 560 his radial distribution function for chloride
Bergstrom and Lindgren, IR studies on solu- water interactions, 321
tions, 75 and molecular dynamic simulation, 321
Bernal and Fowlers seminal 1933 paper, 49 Borns
Bewick, development of FTIR, 20 contribution to solvation heats, 121
Bhardwaj, individual activity coefficients, 266 theory of the free energy of solvation, 50
Biological systems, and water, 197 Born equation, 204, 205
Biophysics, in hydration, 192 doubts, what it represents, 206
Biowater, molecular simulation, 198 BornHaber cycle, applied to solvation, 51
Bjerrum Boundaries, electrolyteelectrolyte, not always
association of ions, tabulated, 310 sharp, 267
and the fraction of ion pairs, 306 Boundary conditions, and diffusion processes,
and ion association, 333 386
nonaqueous solutions, distances in, 542 Breakdown potentials, as a function of conduc-
Bjerrums association constant, 311 tivity, 182
Bjerrums theory Breathing motion, in radial expansion of a
calculation of association fraction, 310 hole, 635
calculation of the minimum, 346
of ion pairing, 307 Card and Valleau, application of the Metropolis
Blast furnace: how it works, 752 Monte Carlo method, 320
Blum Center, for electrochemistry, at Texas A&M
and the dielectric constant in solutions, 328 University, 26
and the conductance theory in ionic solu- Chandrasekaran, and the mechanism of metha-
tions, 525 nol oxidation, 21
contributions to ionic solution theory, 336 Changes in volume at fusion, 627
Bockris Charge
the dielectric breakdown of water, contribu- function of distance, from the central ion,
tion to, 184 247
and dielectric constants in the double layer, ionic cloud, 246
94 interfaces, argued as inevitable, 7
his 1949 model, region around the ion, 84, moving under non-uniform field, 423
137 and the properties of interfaces, 6
and the salting in effect, 179 Charge density
Bockris and Nanis relation, distance from the central ion, function of,
diffusion, for viscous flow, 652 243
transport as a function of melting point, and Poissons equation, 235
680 Charge transfer,
viscous flow, 656 catalysis, 10
Bockris and Reddy, and the structure of the sol- interfacial, its significance over time, 27
vation shell, 119 reactions, disciplines involved in, 14
Bockris and Saluja Chemical potential
coordination numbers as a function of ra- variation with distance, 368
dius, 81 Chemical (or Thermal) reaction, 1 1
models, region near an ion, 116 Chloride, and its solvation by water, diagram-
solvation numbers as a function of radius, 81 mated, 82
solvation numbers, individual, evaluations Cloud, central, 242
for ions, 61 Cluster calculations, for water, 160

Cohen and Turnbulls Conductance (cont.)

model, compared with that for non-glass presence of ion association, 549
forming molten salts, 645 theory, 585
theory, for glass forming molten salts, 644 various salts, in nonaqueous solutions, 539
College Station, Texas, and centers for electro- Conduction,
chemistry, 26 the low field case, 470
Colloidal particles, distribution of proximal in polymers, a mechanism (after Lyons),
charge, 272 557
Compensation plots, for entropies of hydration, Conductivity
138 polymeric structures, Lyons diagram, 556
Complexes in molten salts, variation with con- of polymers, tabulated, 555
centration, of ligand, 700 Constant flux diffusion problem, 396
Complex formation, in ionic liquids, 609 Conway
Complex ions and dielectric constants in the double layer,
determination, by a quarter time potential 94
approach, 698 his extrapolation method for individual ionic
in molten salts, 696, 697, 699 properties, 99
Compressibility and local pressures, near an ion in solution,
adiabatic, for numerous electrolytes, 63 188
adiabatic, its dependence upon molar frac- seminal book on hydration in chemistry, 50
tions, 60 Conway and Soloman, upgrading of Halliwell
function of field strength, 186 and Nyburg, 110
measuring it, 60 Correlation functions
and pressure, 187 excess free energy, 325
and solvation numbers, 58, 59 obtaining solutions, 324
tabulated, 643 Current, its vectorial character, 439
Computations, for ionwater clusters, 157 Current density, in terms of ionic drift veloci-
Concentration ties (mobilities), 446
critical, for the addition of metal oxides to Cyborgs, the personmachine combination, a
liquid silicate, 740 part of life, 31
function of distance, after constant current
pulse, 391 Davies, an experimental method for detecting
function of distance at constant time in diffu- dimer formation, 330
sion, 395 Debye
relative, of ion hydrates, as a function of charging process, 303
pressure, 95 and hydration numbers, 64
Concentration response, reciprocal length, 248
constant flux, 390 his theory of salting out, 179
stimulus, under various conditions, 399 his vibronic potential, 64
Conductance Debye-effect, 529
concentration curve, as a function of solvent, Debye and Hckel
545 compared with virial coefficients, computer
and ion association, 548 simulations, and distribution coeffi-
and Kohlrauchs law, for ion association, cients, 333
550 difficulties with the limiting law, 273
liquid silicates, 730 ionic charge, the radius, 276
low dielectric constants, 546 limiting law, and the new equation for ion
methanolwater mixtures, 568 size effects, 281
molten chlorides, in Periodic Table, 659 model, schematic, 234
in nonaqueous solution, of true electrolytes, primitive theory compared with experiment,
553 271
xlii INDEX

Debye and Hckel (cont.) Diffusion (cont.)

their seminal paper of 1923, 1 of polyions, and hydration, 193
theory, 230 after step function application of current
and activity coefficients, 290 pulse, 389
an assessment, 286 transport, 3
ionic size effects, 275 Diffusion coefficient, 370
steps in, 289 calculation in ionic solution, 416
triumphs and limitations, 268 function of concentration, 371, 459
DebyeHckelOnsager function of temperature, 679
and concentration, 521 the hole model, 678
equation, 518 and ionic mobilities, related, 450
observed conductance curves, 520 and molecular quantities, 411
theory and rate processes, 414
improvements to date, 522 ways of calculating ionic drift, 420
for nonaqueous solutions, 537 Diffusion potentials, 483, 486
Decay time, of an ionic atmosphere, 512 in terms of Onsager coefficients, 496
Degani, and conducting enzymes, 23 Dimer and triplet calculations, from MD
Dependence of heat of solution, upon a results, 331
nonaqueous component, 176 Dimers and trimers, computed, 329
Dielectric behavior, of DNA, 195 Dimers in liquid silicates, 742
Dielectric breakdown Dipoleion interaction, deduced, 208
and the electrochemical model, 3 Dipole moment of water, 48
some mechanistic thoughts, 181 Disciplines, and charge transfer reactions,
of water, 179, 184 14
Dielectric constants Dispersion forces, the key to anomalous salting
critical, absence of ion pairs, 312 in, 173
function of field strength, 90 Dissolution, of ionic crystals, 36
function of frequency, 531 Distribution functions
in solution, 93 and Enderby and Nielsons work on neutron
measurement in ionic solutions, 92 diffraction, 78
and hydration measurements, 89 holes in molten salts, 636
their explanation, 87 liquids, 615
Dielectric effects, in solution, 87 sizes of holes in liquids, 639
Dielectric measurements, ion solutions, 91 in solvation, effects on solubility, 170
Dielectric relaxation, in water, 530 Distribution law, charges near the center of ion,
Dielectric saturation, and conductance theory, 236
524 DMSO, molecular models, 17
Dielectric spectra, proteins, 196 DNA, and dielectric behavior, 195
Diffraction theory, and pair correlation func- Drag forces, acting on ion, 452
tions, for molten salts, 616 Drift velocity
Diffusion average values of, 443
at boundaries, in solution, 484 and the effect of the unsymmetrical ionic
and concentration gradient, 369 atmosphere, 510
constant current source, 388 its electrophoretic component, 511
and driving force, 363 and ionion interactions, 517
and the EinsteinSchmulokowski equation, in a model, 465
410 Dynamic simulations, for aqueous solutions,
after instantaneous current pulse, 401 163
in molten salts, 647 Dynamics, molecular, and solvation, 39
non-steady state, an overall viewpoint, 380 Dysmmetry of the ionic atmosphere, and the
an overall viewpoint, 418 effect of frequency, 528
INDEX xliii

Einsteins equation, its deduction, 449 Electroneutrality

Einsteins relation, 448, 451 and conduction, a conflict?, 426
EinsteinSchmolukowski and drift of different ionic species, 487
theory, its mathematics, 583 its unbalance in molten electrolytes, 666
the calculation of the fraction counted, Electronically conducting polymers, 558
408 in electrochemical science, 559
equation, what fraction of the total diffusate Electronic conduction, in molten salts, 714
does it represent?, 378, 405 Electronics, medical, field of the near future,
fraction, 407 31
Electrochemical and chemical reactions, 8, 9, Electrons, flow across interfaces, 8
11, 29 Electron transfer processes, 427
Electrochemical cell, 10 Electrostatic potential, function of distance,
Electrochemical potential, its gradient, 471 from central ion, 242
Electrochemical reactor, 9, 10 Electrostatics, and work done, 366
Electrochemical windows, and low temperature Electrostriction, 185
liquid electrolytes, 722 calculated, 188
Electrochemistry and other systems, 190
and biology, 15 and volume changes, in water, 187, 189
and the center at Texas A&M University, Eley and Evans
26 statistical mechanics of ions in solution, 86
and companies, in College Station, Texas, 26 their seminal 1938 paper, 40, 114
chemical origins, 13 Enderby and Neilson, their seminal contribu-
cleaner environments, 25 tions to electrolytic solution, 78
a core science for a sustainable society, 30 Energy of activation
in the developing world, 28 cations and anions in molten salts, 680
discovered by Galvani, 1 for conductance, 658
and engineering, 15 at constant volume, 689
and electrodics, 4 in molten salt diffusion, 650
and geology, 15 for viscous flow, in liquid silicates, 737
an interdisciplinary field?, 15 Engineering, and electrochemistry, 15
definition, 1 Entropies
journals, 34 of hydration, compensation plots, 138
and metallurgy, 13 of hydration, tabulated, 113
and monograph series, 33 individual, 112
and other sciences, 12 ionic, and the evidence from reversible cells,
and progress since 1980, 18 110
related to civilization, 28 of solvation, described, 53
related to physical chemistry, 12 Entropy, librational, near ions, 132
and the theory of metabolism, 24 Entropy calculations
two kinds of, 3 and the SackurTetrode equation, 128
Electrodics, 4 various models, tabulated and compared,
some characteristics, 5 134136
Electrolytes Entropy changes, and solvation, 127
interactions, ionion, their relevance, 229 Entropy of hydration
potential, 226 as a function of reciprocal radius, for various
strong and weak, diagrammated, 228 models, 137
and their adiabatic compressibility, 62 possible models, 126
true and potential, 225 and relevant quantities in its calculation, 128
Electrolytic solutions, and the seminal work of Entropy of solvation,
Enderby and Nielson, 78 its dependence on radius, 54
Electron beam and Kebarle, 97 and heat of solvation, 138
xliv INDEX

Entropy of translation, for ions in solution, 129 Ficks 1 s t Law, 367

Environments, cleaner, and electrochemistry, 25 Ficks 2nd Law, 381
Equation, differential, for the situation of po- and LaPlace transformation, 387, 419
tential near an ion, 241 Field dependence, of orbital reorientation, 578
Equations Fields, near an ion, and the compressibility of
Arrhenius, 2 water, 188
Boltzmann, 237 Field strength, and dielectric constant, 90
Born, 204 Flux
DebyeHckelOnsager, 518 under concentration gradients, 472
Einsteins, 449 under field gradient, 473
EinsteinSchmolukowski, 378, 405 sinusoidal, and the treatment with LaPlace
GibbsDuhem, 262 transformation, 400
LaPlace, 392 Flux as a function of chemical and electrical
LeonardJones, 45 forces, 474
NernstEinstein, 456 Fluxforce laws, 495
NernstPlanck, 476 Forces, in the phenomenological treatment of
Onsager, 494 transport, 367
PlanckHenderson, 500 Fraction associated, as function of distance of
Poisson, 235, 344 closest approach, 313
PoissonBoltzmann, 239 Franck and Evans, their 1957 work, 84
SackurTetrode equation, 128 Franck and Wenn, their seminal paper of 1957,
Setchenows, 172 50
Tafel, 2 Frank, his theory of electrostriction, 190
Equivalent conductivity Free energies of hydration
and concentration, 434 dependence on radius, 54
of dilute solutions, tabulated, 435 how to get them, described, 53
function of rate processes, 467 Free energies of solvation, described, 53
at infinite dilution, 438 Friedman
variation with concentration, diagrammated contributions to the Mayer theory, 317
and tabulated, 437 contributions to ionic solution theory, 323
in terms of mobilities, 447 various contributions towards ionion inter-
Equivalent conductivity and molar conductiv- actions, 335
ity, 432 Frogs, and Galvani, 1
Error function, 394 Fuel cells
Excess free energy, and correlation functions, 326 discovered by Grove, 2
Exercises, student solution, inseparable from Bacons work, 2
ionic transport, 587 and metabolism, 24
on molten salts, 758 Functions, distribution, and x-ray measure-
on solvation, 213, 349 ments, 45
Expansivity, as a function of metal oxide addi- Functions of hydration, 203
tion, for liquid silicates, 740 Furth model, in molten salt theory, 638
Fused oxides, and the structure of liquid water,
Fajans, his original contributions to solvation, 53 726
Faraday, and his 1834 discovery, 2 Fused oxide systems, and the structure of
Faradays laws, 428 planet earth, 749
Fawcett and Tikanen Fused silica
application of dielectric constant variations its structure, 727
to MSA calculations, 329 its viscosity, 728
the MSA theory, 329 Fusion, the volume change, 613
Fermi levels, of electrons, and dielectric break- Fuxed oxide systems: slags: as liquid silicates,
down, 183 751

Galvani, his adventure with a frogs legs, 1 HelixCoil transitions, affected by solvation,
GamboaAldeco, on the compression of ions in 197
the double layer, 190 Heller, and conducting enzymes, 23
Gamma functions, some properties, 755 Hewich, Neilson, and Enderby, 1982 determi-
Gas phase nation of life time of water in vicinity
and ionic hydration, 93 of ion, 80
solvation and Hiraoka, 97 Hiraoka, and solvation in the gas phase, 97
Geology, and electrochemistry, 15 Histogram, showing distribution of O-Na-O
GibbsDuhem equation and the determination angles, 159
of activity coefficients, 262 Hitchens, and wastewater treatment, 26
Glasses, 734 Hittorfs method, 489
Glass forming, molten salts, 642 diagrammated, 490
Glucose, and diabetics, 22 the theory, 491
Gouy, originator of the ionatmosphere model, Hole, mass, 754
292 Hole model
Greenler theorem, 21 for molten salts, 633
Grotthus mechanism, and proton conductance, and probability function, 634
569, 570 and transport, 674
Grove, and power from chemical reactions, Hole radius, for molten salts, tabulated, 641
diagrammated, 12 Hunt and Taube, their determination of the
Grove, the discovery of fuel cells, 2 lifetime of water in a hydration
Guntelberg charging process, 302 shell, 82
Gurney Hussy, seminal contributions to molten salt
his 1936 book on ions in solution, 50 chemistry, 19
his idea of a co-sphere, 334 Hydration
Gutmann, his theory of metabolism, 24 in biological systems, spectroscopic studies
of, 198
Hal ides, hydration numbers, 144 in biophysics, 192
Halliwell and Nyburg of cations and anions, 201
the essence of their method, 109 in chemistry, and Conway, 50
and the individual properties of the proton, of cross linked polymers, 191
99 and diffusion of polyions, 193
Haymet and entropy changes occurring near it, 126
and dimer formation in electrolytes, calcu- and IR spectra, 73
lated, 331 its breadth as a field, 37
study of 2:2 electrolytes, 331 its dependence on radius, 54
Heat and entropy, for hydration, a relation?, and model calculations of Bockris and Sa-
138 luja, 114
Heat changes, accompanying hydration, dia- models, plotted against radius, 125
grammated, 117 quantities dependent on the number of
Heats of hydration ligands, 96
and atomic number, 150 polyions, 190
individual ions, 110 of proteins, 194
numerical evaluations from the theory, 124 and radial distribution functions, 156
relative, tabulated, 101 and thermochemical quantities, 96
tabular, 52 for transition metals, its strange dependence
for transition metals, 151 on atomic number, 145
Heats of solvation, thermodynamic approach, Hydration heats, and model calculations, 114
51 Hydration numbers
Heinziger, his contributions to computer simu- from activity coefficients, 299, 68
lation in ionic solutions, 343 affected by the dynamics of water, 141
xlvi INDEX

Hydration numbers (cont.) Ion hydrates, 95

for alkaline metals, 144 a function of partial pressure, 95
and coordination numbers, 140 Ion hydration, quantities for calculating, 118
determined by various methods, 143 Ionic atmosphere
function of, 296 effects on ionic migration, 505
for halides, 144 its thickness, for various concentrations,
from IR spectroscopy, 76 248
from measurements of dielectric constants, Ionic charge, apparent, 459
89 Ionic cloud
from the mobility method, 71 and adjacent charge, 244
and neutron diffraction, 79 catching up with moving ions, 507
primary, 140 and chemical potential changes, 250
methods of determination, 142 egg shaped, 508
those of Bergstrom and Lindgren, 75 electrophoretic effect, 509
ionic mobility measurements, 72 its potential, 250
and residence times, 165 a smeared out charge, 234
secondary, 140 Ionic cloud theory, a prelude, 232
total, 140 Ionic crystals, dissolution, 36
Hydrogen bonding Ionic current density, electric field, a hyper-
and the Periodic Table, 44 bolic relation, 468
in water, the importance, 43 Ionic diameters, average, obtained by Fawcett
Hydrogen scale, and solvation of ions, 100 and Tikanens approach, 329
Hydrophobic effects in solvation, 175 Ionic drift
Hydrophobicity, as a field, 38 under electric fields, 421
Hydroxonium ion, its structure, 566 some interactions, 476
under a potential gradient, 363
Ice, structure, related to water, 43 Ionic entropies, individual, and the contribu-
Iceberg model and liquid silicates, 745 tions of Lee and Tai, 111
Infrared (IR) measurements, and ionic hydra- Ionic equilibria, effect on permitivity, 539
tion, 74 Ionic hydration, in the gas phase, 93
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Ionic interaction, and the quadrupole moments
and intermediates, 20 of water molecules, 105
and electrolytic solutions, 340 Ionic liquids
Inorganic salts, melting points, 604 complex formation, 694
Interactions differentiating features, 603
of the ion-dipole model, 49 and gravitational flow, 669
in molten salts, and non-ideal behavior, models, 611
695 Ionic migration
Interfaces an atomistic picture, 442
in contact with solution, 6 as a rate process, 463
and the flow of electrons, 8 Ionic mobility measurements, and primary hy-
Intermediates, and infrared spectroscopy, 20 dration numbers, 72
Ion, models for, 116 Ionic movements, and the random walk, 372
Ion association, 304, 547 Ionic properties
and conductance, 548 individual, 98
a theory, 305 and the Conway extrapolation, 99
constant of Bjerrum, 309 extrapolation is the best method, 99
Ion-dipole summarized, 114
interaction, deduced, 207 Ionics
model for ion solvent interactions, 49 and electrochemistry, 4
Ion-exchange resins, 191 a frontier in nonaqueous solutions, 16
INDEX xlvii

Ionic solutions Ions (cont.)

and computer simulation, 319 and models for entropy, 133
and dielectric constants, 92 mobility, 444
and dielectric measurements, 91 movements under electric fields, 425
and Raman spectra, 73 and partial molar volumes, 56
Ionic solution theory radii, and solvation number, 81
and the 21st century, 342 response to electric fields, 424
student exercises for, 349 in solution and their partial molar volume,
Ionic solvation 55
and computer simulation, 153 in solution, thermodynamic properties, 55
and entropy calculations, 130 structure near them, by spectroscopy, 72
its effect on solubility, 167 surrounded by water, 47
and models, 115 Ion size parameters, 280
surveyed, 201 tabulated, 283
Ionic solvation numbers varying with concentration?, 285
the data, 65 Ionsolvent interactions
obtained in dilute solution, five methods, and activity coefficients, 293
119 the future of research, 199
Ionic transport, the ion quadrupole model, 103
a birds eye view, 503 and mobilities, a simplistic theory, 70
exercises, 587 Ionsolvent relations, defined, 47
Ionic volume Ion transport, 361
function of field strength, 186 problems, 593
individual, how to obtain them, 56 Ionwater clusters, computations thereon,
Ion-induced dipole interactions, 106 157
Ion-ionic solvation, the quadrupole model, Ionwater interactions, 162
107 dependence upon quadrupole interactions,
Ionion interactions, 225 104
activity coefficients, 251 Irish and Davis, and effect of solvation on
chemical potential, 231 nitrate spectra, 85
strategy for understanding, 230
vibrational spectroscopy, 540 Jump frequency, a rate process, 413
theory, its parentage, 292
Ion pair formation, and noncoulombic forces, Kainthla, and the dielectric breakdown of wa-
551 ter, 183
Ion-quadrupole Kalman, her early attempts at computing static
interaction, deduced, 209 solvation, 154
model, 103 Kebarle
Ions and the pulse electron beam, 97
and the autocorrelation function, 415 his seminal work on ionic hydration in the
concentration in a variety of media, 37 gas phase, 94
detected, in liquid silicates, by spectroscopy, Kohlrauschs law, 438
747 formulated, 458
effect on the structure of water, 46 and the independent migration of ions,
and entropy calculations, 131 439
enveloped by sheath of oriented water, 46 and ionic migration, 506
of equal radii, and their heats of solvation, in terms of ionic interactions, 519
101 Krestov
and finite size effects, 273 and the separation of ion and solvent effects
individual properties, 98 in hydration, 139
interacting with nonelectrolytes, 166 and the thermodynamics of solvation, 179
xlviii INDEX

LaPlace transformation, 382 Macroions

equation, 392 effect upon a solvent, 191
explained, 383 partial molar volumes, 192
partial differential to total differential, Mammantov, and the cutting edge of technol-
385 ogy, 1
schematized, 393 Marinelli and Squire, successive molecules
LaPlace transforms added to hydration shell, 150
of a constant, 584 Materials, and surfaces, 6
and dependence with concentration of time Mayers
and distance, 404 helpful stratagem, 317
tabulated, 384 theory, 316
and the treatment of constant flux, 398 compared with that of Debye and Hckel,
Lattice, a thermal loosening, 602 327
Lee and Tai virial coefficient approach, to ionic solu-
doubtful assumptions, 112 tions, 317
significant contribution to ionic entropies, McMillanMayer theory, 316
111 MD and Monte Carlo: are they just answer get-
Lee and Wheaton, their contributions to con- ters?, 322
ductance theory, 523 Mean activity coefficients, their theory, 345
LeonardJones equation, 45 Mean jump distance, 464
Levesqe, and autocorrelation functions, 417 a structural question, 412
Life time, Mean square distance, traveled in time t, 374
of complex ions, in molten salts, 699 Mechanistic thoughts, on dielectric breakdown,
of holes, in molten salts, 676 181
of water in hydration shells, 83 Melting points
Ligands, dependence of hydration quantities, of inorganic salts, 604
96 of tetraalkylammonium chlorides, 724
Lin, and waste disposal in molten salts, 719 Metabolism
Linearization, of the Boltzmann equation, and fuel cells, 24
237 a speculative model, 24
Linearized PoissonBoltzmann equation, solu- Metal oxide, and silica atom, interactions, in
tion to, 239 silica networks, 734
Liquids, various properties, tabulated, 606 Methanol oxidation, and the spectra therefrom,
Liquid ammonia, the preferred nonaqueous sol- 21
vent, 543 Migration of ions
Liquid electrolytes how it happens, 441
ionic liquids, 603 independent, 440
at room temperature, 720 Mitochondrion, and a model for the energy ex-
Liquid oxide electrolytes, 726 change in biology, 25
Liquid silica, Mobilities, related to diffusion coefficients,
and fused salts, transport processes, com- 450
pared, 732 Mobility
the effect of ionic additions, 734 absolute, 445
Liquid silicates of electrons, in molten salts, 716
conductance, 730 of ions, 444
and the effect of pressure on structure, 750 from Stokes law, 455
and the ring anions, 743 Model, for activity coefficients, finite sized
in spectroscopy, 746 ions, 280
Lodges experiment, 493 Model calculations, for hydration heats, 114
Lynntech, a leading electrochemical company, Modeling approaches, to conceptual structures
32 of molten salts, 632

Models Murphy, Oliver, President of Lynntech, College

in electrolyte theory, detailed, 332 Station, Texas, 32
for entropy calculations, 134
near ions, 133 NASA, their critical decision to use fuel cells, 3
for hydration shells, 120 Nernst, Walter, professor in Berlin, 263
for ionic solvation, 115 NernstEinstein
for liquid silicates, 738 deviations, in molecular mechanism, 662
for region near an ion, 116 equation, 456
for solvation, 202 deviations from, 460
for the structure of a hydration shell, 161 tested, 664
Molar conductivity relation,
and equivalent conductivity, 432 for equivalent conductance, 661
in methoxyethane, 541 in ionic liquids, 660
tabulated, 434 some limitations, 457
Molecular dynamic calculations, for molten NernstPlanck
salts, 621 equation, applied to deposition of anions at
Molecular dynamics cathodes, 476
the basic equations used, 155 flux, and transport numbers, 482
and protein hydration, 193 flux equation, 475
and self diffusion, 164 applied to problems, 481
simulation, 203 Network theory, of liquid silicates, 739
for ionic solutions, 320 Neugebauer, and introduction of FTIR into
and solvation, 40 electrochemistry, 20
an early attempt, 154 Neutron diffraction
and the study of complexing, 627 application to chloro-aluminates, 713
Molecular models, for DMSO, 17 approach to solvation, 77
Molten cryolite, Raman analysis of its struc- and distribution functions, 45
ture, 703 the experimental arrangement, 617
Molten salts used by Enderby and Neilson, 78
binary, as seen from neutron diffraction, 619 Neutrons, not X-rays, for diffraction experi-
conductivities, 607 ments, 618
and electronic conduction, 715 Neutron scattering, inelastic, 82
glass forming, 642 Newtons laws, applied to ionic motion, 373
modeling, 621 Nitrate, their spectra, and information it will
and neutron diffraction, 612 give towards solvation, 85
as reaction media, 717 NMR spectra in lithium silicate, 748
why they are good reaction media, 718 Nonaqueous solutions
at room temperature, 19, 720 a frontier in ionics, 16
structure among complexes of, 631 how much empirical data is available?, 538
Monographs, series of, in electrochemistry, 33 a new frontier?, 534
Monomers, dimers and trimers, as a function of and solvation therein, 74
concentration, computed, 330 their plus and minus, 536
Monte Carlo Noncoulombic forces, and ion pair formation,
approach, 319 551
approach to solvation, 39 Nonelectrolytes, interaction with ions, 166
and MD techniques: their future, 322 Nonmetallic oxides, solvent properties, 733
simulation, of potassium chloride, 623 Nuclear magnetic resonance
Movements, of ions, under applied field, 442 and molten salts, 709
MSA in solvation structures, 85, 86
and Blums theory of conductance, 525 spectroscopy, in electrolytic solutions, 340
a description, 41 studies, 341

Ohms law, and ionic conductivity, 431 Planet earth, and the structure of fused oxide
Onori, and his objections to Passynski, 59 systems, 749
Onsager phenomenological equations, 494 PoissonBoltzmann equation
Orbitals and its rigorous solution, 300
hybrid and water, 42 linearized, 238
of water, and a logical inconsistency, 301
and their effect on hydration of transition mathematics, 240
metals, diagrammated, 148 for point charged ions, 288
from hydration of transition metals, 147 schematic, 287
in water molecules, their alignment as key to Poissons equation
photon conduction, 577 and the charge density near the central ion,
Organic compounds, electronically conducting, 235
554 for symmetrical charge distribution, 344
Organic solutes, in liquid electrolytes at low Pollution, and oil, 31
temperatures, 722 Polyacetylene, as a photo electrode, 562
Orientation, of water molecules, near ions, Polyion model, for liquid silicates, tabulated,
91 741
Orienting dipoles and dielectric constants, Polyions
88 individual ones, 191
Osmotic coefficients, for various models, as a and liquid silicates, 740
function of ionic strength, 318 their hydration, 190
Osteryoung, seminal contributions to molten Polymer formation, in silicates, 740
salt chemistry, 19 Polymers
Oxygen transfer reactions, and the silicate, tet- electronically conducting, 554, 564
rahedra, 735 electronically conducting, diagrammated,
Pair correlation functions, 343 electronically conducting, various applica-
Pairpair interactions, 321 tions, 561
Paired vacancy model, for ionic transport in Pons, and his development of FTIR, 20
molten salts, 663 Potassiumwater interaction, as a function of
Palinkas, his early attempt at molecular dynam- distance, 158
ics of hydration, 154 Potential, super position of, 249
Parameter, adjustable, effect of, 284 Potential electrolytes, 226
Partial molar volumes schematic presentation, 227
defined, 56 Potential energy,
determination, and Conways method, 57 for protonoxygen bonds, 572
ions in solution, 55 curves, in rotation of water molecules near
of macroions, 192 ions, 579
obtained for ions, 56 Power supplies, caught up in electron flow, 8
Passynski Pressure
criticized by Onori, 59 near an ion, due to electrostriction, 185
and his argument about compressibility, 58 near an ion, its effect on compressibility,
Phenomenological relations, and time, 504 187
Physical chemistry, related to electrochemistry, Primary hydration numbers, their values, sum-
12 marized, 145
Picture, stereoscopic, of frozen waters near Primary solvation sheath, and the ion-induced
sodium ion, 160 dipole itneractions, 106
PlanckHenderson Probability
equation, 500 finding oppositely charged ions near each
and integration, 501 other, 304
and the liquid junction potential, 502 function, in hole model, 634

Problems, for student solution Radiotracer detection of diffusion, 406

pure liquid electrolytes, 762 Raman effect, 84
ionic solution theory, 352 Raman peaks, in various molten salts, 710
micro research standard, 357 Raman spectra
on hydration, 217 of chloro-gallates, 708
on molten salts, 758, 762 and ion solutions, 73
micro research standard, 767 of molten cadmium chloride, 709
on ion transport, 587 of molten organics, 707
Properties, of ions, individual, how to obtain and molten salts, 704
them, 98 Smekals prediction of, 86
Protein, in water, schematic, 193 and solution structure, 84
Protein dynamics, as a function of hydration, 194 Raman spectroscopy, and electrolytic solutions,
Protein hydration, tabulated, 195 339
Proteins Raman studies
and relay stations within, 22 for aluminum complexes, in low temperature
dielectric spectra, 196 molten salts, 705
Proton, and the individual properties by Halli- of molten zinc chloride, 706
well and Nyburg, 99 Random walk
Proton mobility, in ice, 581 and diffusion, 378
Protons, 565 explained, 376
motility, 571 and ionic movements, 372
and low temperature molten salts, 725 and its characteristic equation, 379
absolute entropies, 112 mathematical proof, 582
Proton transfer, and favorable orientations, 573 one dimensional, 377
Proton transport, 567 Random walking particles, 374
Proton tunneling, 575 Rassaiah and Friedman, improvements to the
Pulse generator, and short bursts of ion produc- mound model, 334
tion, 402 Rate constant, in diffusion, 466
Pure electrolytes, 601 Rate of distribution functions
diagrammated, 608 and coordination numbers, in complex mol-
Pure liquid electrolytes, fundamental problems, ten salts, 630
605 for KCl, from MD, 622
Rate processes
Quadrupoles, 102 and the diffusion coefficient, 414
and dipoles, 212 and equivalent conductivity, 467
energy and interaction with ions, 105 for ionic migration, 463
orientations near to ions, 104 Rayleigh scattering, 84
Quadrupole ion interaction, deduced, 211, Reaction equilibria, in low melting point liq-
209 uids, 721
Quadrupole model, evaluated, 109 Reciprocal length, in ionic cloud theory, 248
Quadrupole moments, 210 Relative heats of hydration, of opposite
Quantities, for calculating ionic hydration, charged ions with equal radii, 102
118 Relaxation, 526
Quaternary onium salts, liquid, 723 a general treatment, 527
Relaxation effects, 563
Radial distribution functions, 28, 620 Relaxation field, 515
solvation, 156 Relaxation force
of Woodcock and Singer, 626 and a better theory, 516
Radii, various kinds, 48 and the drift velocity, 514
Radiotracer approach, to transport numbers, Relaxation processes, in electric solutions,
672 526

Relaxation time Solutions

of the drift velocity, 512 electrolytic, as seen through spectroscopy,
effect of ions upon it, 532 337
and the ionic atmosphere, 513 a part of physical chemistry?, 3
Reorientation, the key to the Conway, Bockris, and the virial coefficient approach to devia-
and Linton theory, 576 tions from ideality, 316
Residence times and hydration numbers, 165 Solutionsolution boundaries, 485
Response, of a system to a stimulus, in diffu- Solution structure, and Raman effects, 84
sion, 397 Solvation
RiceAlnut theory, in molten salt transport, 693 and the transition, 197
Richards, Nolan, and sound velocity determi- approaches, 39
nations, 61 attempts to compute it, of Kalman, 154
Ring and chain structures, in aluminum com- breadth as a field, 37
plexes, in molten salts, 712 computation approaches, 154
Ring anions entropies described, 53
formation, and liquid silicates, 744 and hydrophobic effects, 175
in liquid silicates, 742 investigative tools, 50
six-membered, in liquid silicates, 744 and molecular dynamics, 40
Room temperature molten salts, 720 and nonaqueous solutions, 74
Rossky and Friedmann, repulsive ionion inter- from nuclear magnetic resonance, 85
actions taken into account, 331 a quadrupole model, 107
and Raman spectra, 83
SackurTetrode equation, used for ionic en- spectroscopy, use of, 40
tropy calculations, 128 and transport methods, 50
Salting in, anomalous, 174 Solvation energy, determined, the method, 52
Scattering, according to Rayleigh, 84 Solvation model, suggested by Bockris, 1949,
Self diffusion 84
coefficients, calculated, 164 Solvation numbers, 139
and molecular dynamics, 164 compressibility, 58
in molten salts, 648 coordination numbers, 140
Semiconductorsolution interface, and the dis- data, 66, 67
tribution of charge, 272 determination of vibration potentials, 58
Setchenows equation, plotted, 172 at high concentrations. 68
Shell of ions and electrolytes, 61
first, near an ion, 79 and mobility method, 70
spherical, near reference ion, 245 and relevant quantities, 65
Shuffling as a model for transport, in molten in salts, and vibration potentials, 64
salts, 692 Solvation of ions, on the hydrogen scale, 100
Silicates Solvation shell, a stereographic view, 178
and chain breaking, 731 Solvent
liquid and discrete polyions, 740 dynamic simulations, for aqueous solutions,
their various structures, 729 163
Slags effect, on mobility, 544
and an electrochemical theory of their com- properties, of fused nonmetallic oxides, 733
position, 753 Space charge, near an ion, 272
the importance of their composition, 752 Specific conductivity, 429
Solubility in terms of mobilities, 446
calculated, as a function of solvation, 169 tabulated, 433
ionic solvation, as a function of, 167 values of, 430
secondary solvation, changes due to, 168 Spectra, of hydration, in biological systems,
solvation, affected by 171 198

Spectroscopic methods, molten salts, 702 Thermodynamics,

Spectroscopy applied to heats of solvation, 51
detection of structural units in liquid sili- of ions in solution, 55
cates, 747 Time average positions of water near ions, 163
and structure near an ion, 72 Tools, for investigating solvation, 50
Standard partial gram ionic entropies, absolute, Transformation, chemical, involving electrons, 8
112 Transition metals
Star wars, and work on dielectric breakdown, a diagrammatic presentation of their hydra-
182 tion, 149
Step function, and diffusion there afterwards, hydration of ions, 146
403 ions, 203
Stokes, his long term collaboration with Robin- water orbitals, 147
son, 263 Transition time, in molten salts, and complex
Stokes and Robinson, and hydration numbers formation, 701
from activity measurements, 86 Translation, its entropy, for ions, 129
StokesEinstein relation, 454 Transport
for ionic liquids, 654 diffusion, 3
proof for molten salts, 657 experiment, in molten electrolytes, 667
tested, 655 and forces in its phenomenological treat-
Stokes Law, 453 ment, 367
vital to hydration number determinations, a function of concentration, 371
70 of ions, 361
Streamers, and dielectric breakdown, 180 in molten salts, various experimental ar-
Stress rangements, 670
mechanical, and moist surfaces, 6 methods, and solvation, 50
Stretching frequencies, from oxygen- and solvation numbers, 70
deuterium, 76 Transport numbers, 477
Structure breaking and the Achilles heel in the Hittorf method,
its effect upon hydration calculations, 122 492
in three dimensional lattices, 736 of cations, tabulated, 478
Structure broken region, near an ion, 123 and concentration, 479
Surfaces, their role in materials science, 6 and concentration cells, 263
Swallins model, small jumps, 691 determination of, 488
Swift and Sayne, and their model for primary in liquid electrolytes, how to measure them,
hydration, 86 668
System in molten salts, seven methods, 671
electrochemical, 10, 35 in molten salts, tabulated, 672
Szklarczyk in pure liquid electrolytes, 665
and the compression of ions in the double values of zero, 480
layer, 190 Transport phenomena, in liquid electrolytes, 646
and the dielectric breakdown of water, 183 Transport processes, in fused salts and liquid
silica, compared, 732
Tafel high field case, in ionic conduction, 469 Triple ions, in nonaqueous solution, 552
Temperature coefficients, of reversible cells, Triplets, 315
110 True and potential electrolytes, 225
Tetraalkylammonium chlorides, their melting True electrolytes
points, 724 and conductance, in nonaqueous solution, 553
Texas A&M University, and the development formed from crystals, 225
of electrochemistry, 26 schematic presentation, 227
Thermal loosening, of the lattice, 602 Turq, his contributions to ionic solution theory,
Thermal reaction, 11 323

van der Waals radius, and its distinction from Water (cont.)
other radii, 48 organized, within proteins. 38
Vectorial character, of current, 439 oriented towards ions, 47
Vibration potentials in sodium chloride, activities, 298
and the determination of solvation numbers, structure, 42
58 related to ice, 43
and their relation to the solvation numbers in research thereon, 44
salts, 63 Water molecules, 80
Virial coefficient dipolar properties, 48
approach, for solutions, 316 as dipoles, 42
and Debye and Hckel, 333 oriented towards a tetramethylammonium
Viscosities, of molten salts, 653 ion, 126
Viscosity as quadrupoles, 102
and the hole theory, 677 Water orientation, field induced, and its confir-
a kinetic theory, 756 mation with experiment, 580
of molten salts, 651 Water region, near an ion, 90
Viscous flow, as seen in hole model, 675 Water removal theory, of activity coefficients,
Viscous forces, acting on ion, 452 297
Volta, a co-discoverer of electrochemistry, 1 Webb, an early theory of the pressure near an
Volume change, where it occurs in electrostric- ion, 190
tion, 189 Wertheim, and dimer formation, calculations
Volume constant conditions, for diffusion, 690 due to Haymet, 331
von Laue, 77 White coats: a future?, 323
Wilkes, seminal contributions to molten salt
Waldens rule, 461 chemistry, 19
Wass, and methanol oxidation, examined spec- Woodcock and Singer
troscopically, 21 their seminal calculation, 624
Wastewater treatment, Hitchens, 26 model, portrayed, 629
Water Work done
affected in structure by ions, 46 in charge moving under potential gradient, 422
and biological systems, 197 in crossing concentration gradient, 364
bound, 294 in electrostatic changes, 366
does it have a different structure in biology? in forming voids in molten salts, 637
197 in lifting weight, 365
dynamic properties, and effect on hydration Wrist watch, glucose meters?, 22
numbers, 141
free, 294 Yamashita and Fenn, technique for spraying
general properties, 534 ions into the mass spectrometer, 98
liquid, and net works, 44 Yeager, contributions to solvation heats, 119
the most common solvent, its extraordinary
properties, 41 Zaromb, Solomon, and the aluminum battery,
near a chloride ion, diagrammated, 82 19
not always the ideal solvent, 535 Zig-zag motion, of a colloid, 375

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