IBA Application Examples

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iba AG

Application examples

Bringing Transparency
to the World of Automation.

Measurement and Automation Systems

Application examples by function


Automation of video monitored fire test simulations 4

A complete solution; with iba-Software
Optimization of a non-online capable legacy system 5
ibaLogic as a Co-Processor
The automation of a tandem group in a rolling section mill 6
Automation with ibaLogic
Controlling complex solar installations 7
System control with ibaLogic

Process Monitoring

ibaPDA-S7-Analyzer: troubleshooting at a minesite 8

Monitoring and commissioning in open-cast coal mining 9

Monitoring of automation projects and commissioning of new drive
technology for major equipment in open-cast coal mines
Drive Optimization in a Railcar Dumper & Train Positioner for Mines 10
Data acquisition with ibaPDA,; ibaBM-DPM-S and EtherNet/IP
Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Reeler Tuning 11
Data acquisition with; ibaPDA and EtherNet/IP
Finding and correcting malfunctions in the hot rolling mill 12
Process analysis; with ibaCapture-CAM
Process analysis in plants for tube manufacturing 13
Capturing and analyzing process data with iba measuring systems
Optimizing the hydraulic actuator on a ships drive 14
CAN-Bus Sniffer
Monitoring of over stage machinery functions on an opera stage 15
Signal capturing with PADUs
Transient Fault Recording in HVDC systems 16
Transient Fault Recording
The integration of a new thickness gauge in a legacy system 17
ibaLogic as a signal manager
System monitoring in a paper production facility 18
Process data acquisition; with ibaPDA
Process Monitoring

Plant monitoring of hot strip production 19

Sniffing on the Profibus
Equipment monitoring of medium hot strip mill 20
Database for maintenance; and quality control with ibaPDA

Quality Reporting

Length related data acquisition in strip processing lines 21

Quality data recording; with ibaQDR

Condition Monitoring

Optimization of wind energy systems 22

Condition Monitoring

Measurement and Testing Technology

Load tests for railroad ties 23

Data acquisition with; ibaPDA and ibaPADU-8
Data capture in a test bench for diesel drive systems 24
Integrated operator concept; with ibaQPanel

Modernization / Life Cycle

Gradually modernizing automation systems  25

Soft-Revamp with ibaLogic
Optimization of an exhaust air treatment adsorber system  26
Revamping with Soft-PLC
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Automation of
video monitored fire test simulations
Advantages at a glance
A universal solution for the entire system.
Central documentation of experimental results and
Relief personnel strain through fully automatic expe-
rimentation. ibaLogic-V4

fire test furnace [factory photo Trox GmbH] ibaPDA-V6

ibaCapture-CAM is a complete system, consisting of
hardware and software components, for the synchronized
A complete solution recording of visual information and measured data in co-
operation with ibaPDA-V6. It greatly facilitates tasks like
with iba-Software malfunction and process analysis, startup, training and
documentation of operational procedures.
ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized captu-
The Project ring and recording of process data. The recording can be
At the heart of the most modern flammability test la- chosen as time, length, batch or product related. Mea- ibaAnalyzer
boratory in Europe is a fire test furnace in which can be surements are stored as so-called DAT-Files and can be
tested even gigantic tunnel dampers that are used for evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer.
the extraction of smoke in subterranean traffic (tunnels).
A fire test furnace simulates a fire through standardized
temperature curves. This way, you can observe and mea-
sure elements such as temperature, deflection, etc., thus
simulating the behavior of components while they are
exposed to fire.
The requirement was a data capture system which was
easy to use while carrying out flexible test experiments.
All test data, experiment results and reports should be
stored in a centralized well organized way.

The Technology
Control and automation of the test furnace is done with
ibaLogic. The experiments are run fully automatic. Re-
sults of the fire test such as pressure gradients, tempe-
rature gradients and object temperature are captured
and evaluated with ibaPDA as cyclic values. Two cameras
deliver real time images to the control room. The captu- Konfiguration
Anlage / Prozess
red videos are stored synchronously with the recorded
data from the experiment. Inspection and evaluation of
the data and video sequences, including automatic report Project information Further information?
generation, is done with the complementary ibaAnalyzer. system integrator for this project: Do not hesitate to
contact us:
iba Products EAI iba AG,
Elektro- und Koenigswarterstr. 44,
ibaLogic combines the characteristics of a comfortable
Automatisierungstechnik GmbH DE-90762 Fuerth
signal manager with a powerful Soft-PLC. ibaLogic offers PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
an extensive function library as well as high transparence www.eai-net.de
MAIL [email protected]
with production and servicing of the application software.

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Optimization of a
non-online capable legacy system
Advantages at a glance
Cost savings through the reduction of idle and dead
Optimization of the software and the system during
continuous operations: no downtime.
Error free switching through the comparison of old ibaLogic
and new values.

Coils [Werner Plass]

ibaLogic as a Co-Processor

The Project
As a part of a preliminary study, the optimization potential ibaAnalyzer
The ibaLink-SM-64-io board is an interface card adapted
of a rolling stand (slab deposit and reversing process) was to the SIMATIC S5 and the Simicro MMC 216 systems. The
analyzed with ibaPADU. card has a fiber optic sender/receiver pair on the front
The goal was to increase the material flow-rate by mini- side so that 64 analog and 64 digital signals can be trans-
mizing dead time and slab idle time. mitted. By using multiplexing techniques, more signals
Standards for the optimization phase were the error free can be transmitted.
process optimization during ongoing operations and the
documentation of old and new conditions.
The Technology
Because the old system did not allow optimization during
operations (online), ibaLogic-System was deployed as a
Co-Processor. The communication with the old system
was accomplished with ibaLink-SM-64-io cards. All rele-
vant data was collected, a new logic circuit was built and
introduced and thus, the stand subassemblies could be
controlled. The possibility to perform online programming
with ibaLogic, without time consuming compilations and
reloading, allowed rapid progress with the optimization.
Through the comparison of old and new values (ibaLo-
gic dat-files), with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer, the
outcome of the optimization was quickly apparent. The
productivity rose by 30 to 60 percent.
Weitere information?
Further Informationen?
iba Products Do not hesitate
Kontaktieren Sietouns
In this particular application, ibaLogic functions as a co- direkt: us:
processor. iba AG,
Knigswarterstr. 44,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
Whats more, other modernization projects can be rea-
DE-90762 Fuerth
lized through the usage of methods such as the step by TEL 0911
PHONE 0911
/ 97282-0
/ 97282-0
step transfer of control functions of the old PLC to the MAIL [email protected]
new ibaLogic automation.

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

The automation of a tandem group

in a rolling section mill
Advantages at a glance
Higher plant availability through shorter product
change times.
Higher flexibility with process improvement through
online editing.
Higher transparency of the automation system for ibaLogic
easier maintenance.

two-high roll stand [Hoesch Schwerter Profile]

Automation with ibaLogic

These features make ibaLogic-V4 a great solution for mo-
dernizing existing heterogenous automation structures.
With iba connectivity, different generations of automation
The Project worlds and systems of different manufacturers can be
A manufacturer of special steel profiles wanted an overall interconnected and combined. Bidirectional data ex- ibaNET750
modernization of the factorys rolling line. He wanted change enables the communication between controls that
all components to function fully automated. The goal of normally would be incompatible.
this investion was an enhancement in productivity and a
broader and more flexible product portfolio. The commis-
sioning of the whole tandem group as well as the drive
control have been realized by means of ibaLogic-V4.

The Technology
At the core of the new automation configuration are
control PCs (industrial computers) with ibaLogic-V4.
These PCs control the whole plant and are connected to
the input and output peripherals (WAGO System 750) by
iba interface modules and fiber optic cables (FO). Several
PROFIBUS master systems connect the drives to the
Logic computers. All important measured values are
captured by ibaPDA and stored as data files. The data can
be analyzed on any computer in the plant with ibaAnalyzer
(free of charge). The computer work stations are linked
via Ethernet. The plant has three building lots and one
repair lot, where the rolling stands for the requested spe-
cial profile can be pre-assembled and calibrated. On large
platforms, the rolling stands roll directly to the rolling line
for mounting. Changing the rolling line for a new product Project information Further information?
only takes 20 minutes. system integrator for this project: Do not hesitate to
contact us:
iba Products Fest AG iba AG,
www.fest-ag.net Koenigswarterstr. 44,
ibaLogic is a system for signal processing and automa-
DE-90762 Fuerth
tion. With ibaNet fibre optic cables, bus couplers and PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
system interfaces can be connected. Moreover, linking MAIL [email protected]
can be done via field bus, Ethernet and special protocols.

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Controlling complex solar installations

Advantages at a glance
Simple optimization.
Facilitation of measurement analysis.
Surplus solar energy is used for the heating and for
heating drinking water.

Solar collector in Fuerth, Germany [Sven Hein]

System control with ibaLogic

The Project
Having gathered experience with high temperatures du-
ring the very hot summer months in 2003, iba AG Fuerth
had the idea for a concept of air-conditioning for all office
rooms. Room temperatures of over 104.0 F exhausted
our employees. We even experienced PC breakdowns
caused by the high temperatures. Sustained by the spirit
of innovation, that has always been at the core of our
company and our products, iba was looking for a revolu-
tionary solution to get its employees heads cool again.
Of course, we were looking for a solution that is environ-
mentally friendly and energy-saving. We did not want to
generate cold by employing lots of primary energy.

The Technology
The main feature of this concept is the fact that the energy
needed for gernerating cold is given by the sun. There has
been a large reference project so far based on a similar
technogy - air-conditioning of the Berlin Federal Press
Office. iba AG wanted to show that air-conditioning only
based on solar energy can be done in a cost-efficient way
also for small and medium-sized builings. Flat collec- plant
diagram of the
plant forzur
solar autarkicKlimatisierung
air conditioning
tors mounted on the roof of builings heat a solar liquid,
flowing in a closed circuit. This liquid transfers its energy
via a heat exchanger to a water circuit. The heated water Further information?
ibaLogic is mainly used for fast and dynamic processes in
is lead to a 1000 gal buffer tank from where it can be used measurement and control technology. That is why short Do not hesitate to
for cooling and water heating. program cycle times and a deterministic time response contact us:
are the main features of the system. As ibaLogic offers iba AG,
iba Products not only a large function library but also a high tranparen-
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
DE-90762 Fuerth
ibaLogic combines the features of signal management cy in creating and maintaining the system software, it can PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
with those of a high-performing PLC - or as we call it be used also for quite slow processes like temperature MAIL [email protected]
today - a Programmable Automation Controller PAC. controls as we find it in our example.

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

troubleshooting at a minesite
Advantages at a glance
Quick and easy ad-hoc setup for any S7 PLC related
troubleshooting and optimisation tasks incl. symbol
based selection of variables from the S7 program.
Ethernet based high speed acquisition, capturing,
trend display and analysis of analogue and digital
Long term continuous recording possible as well as
trigger/event based recording.
In this particular instance, the ROI (Return On Invest-
ment) was measured in minutes. It is estimated that
Open cut mine site - image author: bondgrunge/www.shutterstock.com the usage of ibaPDA-S7-Analyzer saved many hours
of unscheduled downtime and associated production
The Challenge ibaAnalyzer
After a scheduled maintenance shutdown in an ore pro- cause was obvious and fixed a short time afterwards.
cessing plant, the start-up of a particular sequence came As it turns the digital output in question activated a
to a grinding halt whenever a certain step in the sequence solenoid valve which had been immersed in water during
was reached. The plant operators could not determine the maintenance work. This now created a partial short cir-
root cause of the problem, as their SCADA system was cuit which drained the 24V supply.
flooded with seemingly unrelated alarm messages when All up, the identification of this rather simple problem
this sequence stop occurred. was made possible by the power of ibaPDA-S7-Analyzers
A quick initial online monitoring of the S7 PLC logic by capability for high speed ethernet based data acquisition,
the site engineer also yielded no meaningful clue to the trending and analysis capability.
source of the problem.

The Solution
As an iba user, the site engineer quickly realised that it
was time to get serious and to start up their ibaPDA-S7-
Analyzer. Thanks to symbol based S7 program integrati-
on, setup of the digital inputs and outputs that required
monitoring was a cinch.
The ethernet based acquisition times was then set to
10ms to get a high resolution capture of the seemingly
fleeting event. A short few minutes later, the plant opera-
tors were asked to attempt another sequence start. High speed ibaPDA fault capture trend of the S7 PLCs digital I/Os
As soon as the sequence crash occurred, the engineer
took one look at the live data on his ibaPDA trend screen iba Products
and immediately realised the root cause of the problem. ibaPDA-S7-Analyzer
The trend clearly showed that all previously active 24V is a PC-based system
digital inputs dropped to zero a mere 150ms after the to record and analyse
sequence program gave the command to activate a parti- data at high speed
cular digital output. from any S7 PLC via
This loss of all the 24V digital inputs led to the alarm ethernet or MPI/DP.
flooding on the SCADA system as well as the PLC pro- The recording can be
Further information?
gram immediately aborting the sequence. Since this se- made to store data
quence stops also led to a deactivation of any associated continuously or event Do not hesitate to
digital outputs (including the one that drained the 24V based. contact us:
supply), all inputs became healthy again some 50ms later. The data is filed as so-called DAT-files and can be iba Oceania,
14 Laverick Avenue,
As all of this happened in the blink of eye, it was impos- analysed, processed and archived with the ibaAnalyzer
2322 Tomago NSW
sible to observe it via traditional SCADA or S7 PLC online software tool which is free of charge. An efficient report Australia
monitoring means. generator allows for the creation of customized analytical TEL +61 (2) 49648548
Based on the ibaPDA captured data though, the root reports. [email protected]

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Monitoring and commissioning in

open-cast coal mining
Advantages at a glance
Efficient commissioning.
Cost savings due to targeted trouble shooting.
Monitoring for optimizing the drive and automation


Overview over partially automated projects. ibaAnalyzer

Bucket-wheel excavator (Photo: RWE Power AG)

Monitoring of automation projects and commissioning of new drive

technology for major equipment in open-cast coal mines

The project are captured directly on the FM458 PROFIBUS interface

by means of the ibaBM-DPM-S module or on the Simo-
In the open-cast coal mines of RWE Power AG, major de-
link-system bus via the ibaBM-SLM "Simolink monitor"
vices like bucket-wheel excavators and spreaders extract ibaBM-DPM-S
module. The measured values are then stored as a file on
more than 500 Mio t coal and overburden a year.
the computer.
For increasing productivity and process quality, these ma-
jor equipments are gradually partially automated, like e.g.
different steps of the excavation and the dumping process .
Moreover, in case of necessary replacements of system
components or economic advantages in the field of main-
tenance, drive technology is modernized.

The technology
When partially automating major equipment, a wide va-
riety of sensors is used. The raw data are prepared using
complex filter algorithms and provided to subsequent pro-
cesses. A SIMATIC S7 control with the FM458 application
module assumes the control functions. The data recording
and the analysis of the process values from the automa-
tion devices provide the basis for optimizing the control
and the subsequent quality assurance.
As support for the commissioning of new drive technology Supporting the commissioning of new drive technology
(e.g. for the 12x180kW DC-motors of the excavator chas-
sis), the time-critical measured values of the control are Using analysis regulations that are created just once,
directly measured on the FM458 PROFIBUS interface. Weitere information?
Further Informationen?
characteristic values and graphs for an easy evaluation
can be generated automatically. This way, not only the Do not hesitate
Kontaktieren Sietouns
ibaProducts always recurring evaluation expense can be reduced, but direkt: us:
An ibaPDA-V6-system acquires the measured values in iba AG,
also an efficient trouble shooting is made possible. The
Knigswarterstr. 44,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
the SIMATIC S7 control. Depending on the demands, either integration of the measurement system into the network DE-90762 Fuerth
a central measurement system or decentral systems are enables access directly from the office. TEL 0911
PHONE 0911
/ 97282-0
/ 97282-0
implemented on the major equipment. MAIL [email protected]
Time-critical measurement values of the drive controls

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Drive Optimization in a Railcar Dumper

& Train Positioner for Mines
Advantages at a glance
Data from all drives trended synchronously in the
same window.
Data continuously recorded without the need for trig-
gering. Acts like a black box for your drive system.
Effective trouble shooting, control system optimiza-
tion and documentation of the results. ibaPDA-V6

The Profibus network does not see any extra load as the
sniffer is passive and not part of the active bus. Data was
also captured from the Allen Bradley PLC via an Ether-
Net/IP interface. Any data available inside the PLC can
be marshalled and sent to the iba server and captured
synchronously with the Profibus data.
Multiple Motors on Car Positioner
Data acquisition with ibaPDA,
ibaBM-DPM-S and EtherNet/IP

The Project
iba Oceania designed a measuring system for a multiple
AC motor VVVF controlled car positioner in a mine. The
system was used to determine if load sharing issues
ibaAnalyzer Showing Load Sharing After
between the AC motors were occurring due to continual ibaBM-DPM-S
clutch failures. The data captured provided a clear iba Products
illustration of the issues relating to the load sharing ibaPDA-V6 is a PC-based system to centrally record data.
mechanism between the motors. The recording can be made to store data continuously or
Based on the recordings it then provided a clear path to event based. The data is stored in so-called DAT-files and
rectify the identified issues. Once the changes were can be analysed, processed and archived with the ibaAna-
implemented the iba system was then used to verify that lyzer software tool which is free of charge. An efficient
the load sharing mechanism between the motors was report generator allows for the creation of customized ibaPDA-Interface
correct. analytical reports. Ethernet IP
The iba system allowed for all VVVF drive data to be ibaBM-DPM-S is a fast interface device for Profibus DP.
trended synchronously in the same trend window. With The device has two modes of operation: sniffer mode and
modern VVVF drive software this is not possible as each active slave mode.
drives data must be trended in separate windows. ibaPDA-Interface-Ethernet-IP allows for data to be
captured using the EtherNet/IP protocol over TCP/IP for
The Technology Rockwell PLCs.
The VVVF drives are controlled via Profibus so an
ibaBM-DPM-S Profibus sniffer was used to capture the
drive data. With this bus module up to 512 analog and 512
digital signals can be read and recorded at 1ms sampling.

Further information?

Do not hesitate to
contact us:
iba Oceania,
14 Laverick Avenue,
2322 Tomago NSW
TEL +61 (2) 49648548
[email protected]
Configuration for VVVF Profibus Network
ibaAnalyzer Showing Load Sharing Before

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Reeler Tuning

Advantages at a glance
High speed data acquisition allows for fast and accu-
rate control system analysis and tuning.
Data continuously recorded without the need for
triggering. Acts like a black box for your drive sys-

an EtherNet/IP interface which allows monitoring of all

the control system variables and drive control signals.
Virtual signals were used within ibaPDA to apply further
Bucket Wheel Reclaimer - image author: Kodda/www.shutterstock.com processing algorithms to the raw PLC signals.
Convenient and powerful data analysis in ibaAnalyzer
Data acquisition with helped to identify existing issues and to remove them. ibaAnalyzer

ibaPDA and EtherNet/IP

The Project
iba Oceania designed and implemented a data logging and
analysis package to assist in fault finding and tuning of ibaPDA-Interface
a Reclaimer Reeler control scheme. The Reelers on this Ethernet IP
machine had been historically problematic, causing
production delays and damage to the drive system clut-
ches. ibaAnalyzer Showing Control Output After Tuning
The data analysis allowed the engineering team to clearly
identify flaws in the existing control scheme. This allowed iba Products
control improvements to be developed offline, designed to
ibaPDA-V6 is a PC-based system to centrally record data.
specifically target the issues identified in the data analy-
The recording can be made to store data continuously or
event based. The data is stored in so-called DAT-files and
The new control program was installed and the iba
can be analysed, processed and archived with the iba-
system used to assist in commissioning and tuning the
Analyzer software tool which is free of charge. An efficient
new control improvements. It has resulted in a significant
report generator allows for the creation of customized
improvement in machine reliablity and productivity. The
analytical reports.
iba system has proved itself to be an invaluable tool for
ibaPDA-Interface-Ethernet-IP allows for data to be
both engineers and operators to monitor and maintain
captured using the EtherNet/IP protocol over TCP/IP for
their machine.
Rockwell PLCs.
The Technology
The Reelers are driven by VVVF drives, controlled by a
Rockwell PLC. The iba system is connected to the PLC via

Further information?

Do not hesitate to
contact us:
iba Oceania,
14 Laverick Avenue,
2322 Tomago NSW
TEL +61 (2) 49648548
ibaAnalyzer Showing Control Output Before Tuning Configuration for iba Data Logging Network [email protected]

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Finding and correcting

malfunctions in the hot rolling mill
Advantages at a glance
Correlations between process malfunctions and
measurements are easier to recognize.
Cost savings through targeted malfunction searches.


mit Livebild
process monitoring in a hot rolling mill

Process analysis
with ibaCapture-CAM
iba Products
The Project ibaCapture-CAM is a complete system, consisting of
hardware and software components, for the synchro- ibaAnalyzer
Components in hot rolling mills, where there is the
potential for a malfunction, were to be better monitored nized recording of visual information and measured data
and analyzed through visually recorded images from in cooperation with ibaPDA-V6. The intention is to focus
process events that are synchronized with corresponding the video recording on process events of special interest
process data. This allowed a faster process analysis and a rather than using the system for general surveillance like
reduction in cost through the removal of malfunctions in many other video systems. The precise linking of recorded
production plant.

The Technology
Visual data from cameras is recorded by the ibaCapture-
CAM video server and saved in a compressed form to
the hard drive. With continuous imaging, the fixed drive
storage is cyclically overwritten in a ring buffer. The so
called video trigger is configured to start and stop
imaging in specific procedure and sequence events. At
the same time, the storage domains are protected so that
the event triggered video recordings in the hard drive are
not overwritten by continuous imaging. Thus, important
process events are preserved for a long period of time and
available for later analysis.
The supervision of the continuous as well as the event Sample
triggered imaging is taken over by ibaPDA-V6 which is in
constant contact with the ibaCapture-CAM video server
Further information?
over the network. data and visual information provides an unprecedented
The study and evaluation of measurement data and video process analysis of high quality because it enables the Do not hesitate to
sequences takes place in the ibaAnalyzer with the help of user to look at visible process events in the machinery contact us:
the data files. The video recordings of every camera mo- and the corresponding historical data at the same time on iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
dule can be shown in a dockable window next to the usual one screen. Tasks like malfunction and process analysis,
DE-90762 Fuerth
measurement signal curves. The marker position in the startup, training and documentation of operational proce- PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
measurement curve and the video image are accurately dures are better supported. MAIL [email protected]

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Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Process analysis
in plants for tube manufacturing
Advantages at a glance
More efficient commissioning.
Optimization of processes and manufacturing.
Guarantee of quality and enhancement of quality.
Rise in customer satisfaction.

iba Products
ibaBM-DPM-S is an interface device for fast data ex-
change on PROFIBUS DP. The data received by PROFIBUS
are converted and transmitted to the ibaNet FO-cable
interface. Via an ibaFOB input card in the computer, the
data are available for ibaPDA-V6. The ibaFOB-D type input
cards are communication cards for ibaNet FO-cable con-
nections. The cards are used for connecting a computer
large-diameter pipes [press photo SMS Meer]
to the following iba peripherals: ibaPADU A/D conver-
ter, ibaNET750-devices, ibaLink system couplings and
Capturing and analyzing process ibaBM-bus modules. ibaPDA-V6 is a Pc-based system for
data with iba measuring systems centrally recording process data. Recording can be done
either with a time/length or batch/product reference. The
measured values are stored as so-called DAT files and
The Project can be analyzed with the ibaAnalyzer (free of charge).
A leading supplier of tube manufacturing facilities wanted
to shorten the commissioning times for his facilities ibaBM-DPM-S
and enhance product quality. For reaching this goal, he
wanted theoretic models for processes and machines to
be created. In course of a process analysis, we wanted
to gain a clear overview of the running processes and
analyze this actual state for detecting weaknesses and
savings potential. For gaining data that can be compared
to the process models, we needed a system for capturing
process data with a broad scale of analyzing possibilities.

The Technology
After first tests on an upsetting press, all key machines of
a big plant for tube manufacturing have been integrated.
The iba connectivity allows to interconnect the automation
worlds of different manufacturers. The PROFIBUS sniffer
ibaBM-DPM-S reads measured data from the SIMATIC-S7 Sample
and MAC-8 (Bosch-Rexrodt) controls. The computer for
data acquisition contaions an input card of the ibaFOB
family. The data are transmitted via FO-cables to the
ibaPDA-V6 data capturing software. All important mea-
sured values are stored in data files and can be analyzed
with the ibaAnalyzer (free of charge). By comparing actual
Further information?
and nominal values we can clearly see the optimizati-
on potential. With a powerful report generator, you can Do not hesitate to
create customized analysis reports concerning process Project information contact us:
stability, velocities etc. By these improvement measu- iba AG,
SMS Meer GmbH Koenigswarterstr. 44,
res, satisfaction of the end customers was enhanced as
www.sms-meer.com DE-90762 Fuerth
downtimes were minimized and machine damage could PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
be prevented. MAIL [email protected]

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Optimizing the hydraulic actuator

on a ships drive
Advantages at a glance
Detailed analysis of the operating behavior.
Precise fault finding by comparing the nominal valu-
es from the central ships control.
The capturing of nautic signals gives reasons for the
change in nominal values.

inputs (ibaPADU-8 or ibaNet750). The ibaBM-CAN reads

via the bridge on the CAN-bus several status via the Si-
matic S7 over ibaPDA-S7-Analyzer (TCP-IP) and nominal ibaPDA-S7-Analyzer
ferry-boat [press photo TT-Line]

CAN-Bus Sniffer iba Products

The valve blocks are controlled by pulse-width-modulated
nominal values. This is why the ibaPADU-8-M is used. It
records at a rate of 25kHz the power-on and the power-off
The Project cycle of the valves as raw values, which are subsequently
We faced a challenging task in the field of nautic enginee- converted via virtual signals into analog signals. As the ibaBM-CAN
ring: optimizing the hydraulic circuit of a ferry ships drive. communication of the hydraulic system and the control
First, we had to measure the relevant system signals of system runs via a CAN-bus, we use ibaBM-CAN sniffers
the position changer for the rudders. for recording data transfer between the systems. Moreo-
ver an RS422-interface is used for receiving nautic signals
The Technology like position and direction of the ship and wind speed and
The positions of the rudders are changed by hydraulic direction. These values are provided by an external tool to
engines. Electrical motors with an adjustable hydraulic the data capturing software ibaPDA-V6. Hence, we can not
pump supply these hydraulic engines. For optimizing the only measure the nominal values of the hydraulic systems
hydraulic circuit, several pressures are read in via analog but also find the reasons for changes in those values.

Further information?

Do not hesitate to
contact us:
iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
DE-90762 Fuerth
PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
MAIL [email protected]

Seite 14 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Monitoring of over stage

machinery functions on an opera stage
Advantages at a glance
Detailed Analysis of operational behaviour.
Advanced troubleshooting.
Remote diagnosis in the event of a malfunction.


iba Products
State Opera Vienna [press photo Waagner-Biro] ibaPADU-8 is made up of 8 analog and 8 digital inputs.
Each channel is galvanically isolated (potential separa-
tion) and has an own a/d-converter. Hence, all channels
Signal capturing with PADUs can be captured simultaneously. The main advantage is
the positioning of the channels in close proximity to the
sensors. This way, electromagnetic disturbances are
The Project minimized.
As global supplier of high-quality stage technology, ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized capturing
Waagner-Biro continuously works on improving their me- and recording of process data. Recording can be done
chatronic systems. For reaching that goal, Waagner-Biro either with a time/length or batch/product reference. ibaPADU-8
entered into a working partnership with iba AG, two years The measured values are stored as so-called DAT-Files
ago. Detailed analysis of stage mechanics in international and can be analyzed by means of the ibaAnalyzer (free of
opera houses and theatres like the Seoul Arts Center, the charge).
Vienna State Opera or the Darmstadt theatre (Germany)
mainly contributed to innovations in the Waagner-Biro
product range.

The Technology
Mechanical stage technology comprises all movable parts
on a stage: Flying winches, lighting hoists, draperies for
machinery in the files, lifting podiums and understage
machinery that can be moved at random. The main requi-
rements concerning stage technology are gentle and quiet
movements and a high degree of reliability. Developments
of the past years lead continuously to a more and more
complex stage technology, that has to conform to the
highest safety requirements (level SIL3).

Sample Configuration

Project information Further information?

system integrator for this project: Do not hesitate to
contact us:
Waagner-Biro Stage Systems iba AG,
www.waagner-biro.at Koenigswarterstr. 44,
DE-90762 Fuerth
PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
MAIL [email protected]
Upper machinery [Waagner-Biro]

Seite 15 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Transient Fault Recording

in HVDC systems
Advantages at a glance
Fast fault analysis.
Cost savings by precise fault finding.
Trend monitoring by database-supported long-time


iba Products
The TFR function has been realized by combining the
following devices and components: industrial computers,
the data recording software ibaPDA with special conver-
ters for energy transmission (ibaPADU-16-M), fitted with
modules for current and voltage measuring, ibaNET750-
extra-high-voltage converter transformer [press photo Siemens AG]

Transient Fault Recording

The Project
HVDC (High voltage DC transmission) is the ideal solution modules for alarm and status reports and the interface
for transmitting high voltages over long distances, e.g. for module ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o for coupling the system ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o
supplying Europe with solar energy from the Sahara de- with SIMATIC TDC. Current transformers with an overload
sert or from underwater cables. The transmission losses factor of 1/100 at full resolution, developed especially
of this way of transmitting energy are much lower than for the requirements of electrical engineering are worth
that of three-phase AC current. mentioning. For analyzing the recorded disturbances, you
can use ibaAnalyzer.


The Technology
iba has delivered so-called TFR systems (Transient Fault
Further information?
Recorders) for several HVDC plants in Asia, Europe and
Australia/New Zealand. In case of disturbances, the Do not hesitate to
contact us:
TFR system records all important signals in HD (10-20 Project information iba AG,
KSamples/s). By defining trigger values and events, the
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
recording can be started very precisely. Each recording
Siemens AG Energy Sector DE-90762 Fuerth
has its own signal selection and assignment of store PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
profiles. MAIL [email protected]

Seite 16 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

The integration of a new

thickness gauge in a legacy system
Advantages at a glance
No downtime through parallel operations.
Error free toggling through the comparison of old and
new values.
Risk-free modernization.

hot strip mill [Werner Plass]

ibaLogic as a signal manager

The Project
A new thickness gauge (TMG) was to be put into operati- for integration into existing, heterogeneous automation
on, error free and in parallel to the old thickness gauge. structures for modernization.
The old gauge had a serial interface (3964R) and the new Because of ibas interconnectivity, different generations
gauge communicates via TCP/IP and hardware connec- from different manufacturers can be interconnected. A
tions. bi-directional data exchange enables the communication
between normally incompatible control systems.
The Technology ibaPADU (Parallel Analog Digital Unit) is the product
For the conversion phase, ibaLogic system was deployed family which measures analog and digital signals of any
as a signal manager. All hardware signals were integrated process.
via ibaPADU modules. ibaPADU-8
The ibaLogic computer functioned as a toggle switch. In
the OLD position, the serial link of the old TMG as well
as hardware signals was connected to the legacy system.
In the NEW position, the TCP/IP data from the new TMG
was converted by ibaLogic and marshaled to the serial
interface of the legacy system. ibaLogic recorded the tele-
grams and signals in corresponding files. With so-called
DAT-files, one could see and compare the old/new values.
Through parallel operations and systematic observations/
comparisons, a commissioning without errors and pro-
duction interruptions was possible.
alsa Signalmanager
signal manager
iba Products
Further information?
ibaLogic is a system for signal processing and automati-
on. Do not hesitate to
With ibaNet fiber optic cable, all modules from the contact us:
iba AG,
ibaPADU family, bus coupler and system interfaces can
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
be connected. In addition, coupling is available across DE-90762 Fuerth
the field bus, Ethernet and special protocols. Because of PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
this characteristic, ibaLogic-V4 is particularly qualified MAIL [email protected]

Seite 17 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

System monitoring
in a paper production facility
Advantages at a glance
Improved quality through process optimization.
Consistent product quality through continuous quality
High levels of system availability through prompt re-
cognition of malfunctions.

paper manufacture [ Semen Grinberg / PIXELIO]

Process data acquisition iba Products

with ibaPDA ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized captu-
ring of process data. The capture can be chosen as time,
length, batch or product related. Measurements are
The Project stored as so-called DAT-Files and can be evaluated with
the complimentary ibaAnalyzer.
The usage of different machine generations and product The bus monitor ibaBM-DDCS captures the system bus
lines from different manufacturers often make it difficult signals from the ABB drives. ibaBM-DDCS
to identify the source of a malfunction. In a facility which
yearly produces 555,000 tons of paper for newspapers and
magazines out of 100% recycled material, system trans-
parence should be improved.
A measurement system was required to continuously
record process data from the control system and the
drives. It should take data from the drive system ABB and
from the controller Simatic S7. This process data should
be collected and evaluated along with laboratory data and
data from the paper quality analysis (Tapio.)

The Technology
An ibaPDA system was installed. The data from the drive
system was read in with the ibaBM-DDCSM and the
process data was read with ibaPADUs. A specialty of the
PADUs is the fast capture of incremental encoder signals
from all drives in the press and drying sections. Eccentri-
cities and roller abrasions were easily recognized through
a frequency analysis in the ibaPDA. At the control level, Beispiel-Konfiguration
Sample Configuration
an online surveillance of parameter scenarios render the
automatic generation of warnings and alarms. All vital
ibaPADU is a product family for measuring analog and Further information?
information was stored in data files and could be evalua-
digital signals from any process with sampling rates up to
ted with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer. A powerful report Do not hesitate to
1kHz. The main advantage lies in its ability to be placed in contact us:
generator allows for the creation of custom-made analy-
the near vicinity of the sensors. iba AG,
sis reports (process stability, speed, etc.). For a continued
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
quality assurance, the ibaDAT-Coodinator can take data
DE-90762 Fuerth
from different systems, process, evaluate and store this PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
information. MAIL [email protected]

Seite 18 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Plant monitoring
of hot strip production
Advantages at a glance
Accessibility of the measurement data throughout the
entire mill.
Minimization of machine downtime due to quick error
Trend observations made by means of long-term data
base analysis . ibaPDA-V6

hot strip finishing train [Salzgitter AG]

Sniffing on the Profibus

The Project iba Products

In a hot strip mill, several different measurement systems ibaBM-DPM-S is a fast interface device for Profibus DP.
were used within plant production areas. A unified mea- The device has two modes of operation: sniffer mode and ibaBM-DPM-S
surement system, which enabled the analysis of complex active slave mode.
relationships, was requested. The data obtained was to ibaLink-SM-128V connects VME bus systems with iba
be accessible throughout the rolling mill and saved for measurement systems as well as ibaLogic. It has 64
long-term analysis and quality evaluations. The control analog plus 64 binary channels over two fiber optic
systems used were Siemens S7 and SMS Xpact. cables sender links. An additional receiver link with 64 +
64 channels supports communication functions as well
The Technology
Because of the high number of measurement signals,
an analog measuring method was ruled out. With the
Profibus Sniffer ibaBM-DPM-S, up to 512 analog and 512 ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o
digital signals can be read per milli-second. Neither the
Profibus nor the S7-CPUs must bear an additional load
because the sniffer module is not an active part of the
bus. It merely listens to the communication between the
automation modules and drive units such as distributed I/
Os. The Profibus data is transformed and sent through the
fiber optic link to a data acquisition computer containing
input cards from the ibaFOB card family along with the Konfiguration
Configuration fr
for Simatic S7
acquisition software, ibaPDA-V6. Data acquisition from
VME bus-based system is carried out via interface board, as the expansion of VME systems with iba peripheral
ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o. All relevant data is placed in data devices. The refresh rate of all signals on the fiber optic
Further information?
files in their entirety and can be examined and evaluated bus is 1ms.
with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer. Also, the data can ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized captu- Do not hesitate to
be archived in an external database for long-term content ring and recording of process data. The recording can be contact us:
analysis. chosen as time, length, batch or product related. Mea- iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
surements are stored as so-called DAT-Files and can be
DE-90762 Fuerth
evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer. PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
MAIL [email protected]

Seite 19 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Equipment monitoring
of medium hot strip mill
Advantages at a glance
Accessibility of the measurement data in the entire
Consistent product quality through continuous quality
Optimization of work flow and production processes.

The ibaLink-SM-64-SD16 module serves as a direct
optical interface of the automation system, SIMADYN, to
the process data acquisition system, ibaPDA. The ibaLink-
SM-64-SD16 possesses an optical bidirectional channel
middle strip mill [press photo Siemens] in which 64 analog and 64 binary signals can be sent or ibaBM-DPM-S
received within 1 ms.
Database for maintenance ibaPADU (Parallel Analog Digital Unit) is the product
family which measures analog and digital signals of any
and quality control with ibaPDA process. The main advantage of ibaPADUs is that they can
be installed in direct sensor vicinity. This reduces the in-
fluence of electromagnetic interference to a great extent.
The Project The cards of the ibaFOB family are communication boards
A manufacturer of steel strip for high dynamic stresses for ibaNet fiber optic cable connections. The ibaFOB-4i-S
used a wide variety of data acquisition systems. This board is used to connect a computer running iba software
meant an abundance of non-transparent and incomplete applications and peripheral devices such as ibaPADU ibaFOB-4i-D
data. 4400 analog and 6600 binary signals were captured
and processed from a total of 140 control systems. A
unified data acquisition system was desired to create a
reliable database for maintenance and quality control.

The Technology
A broad range of interfaces guarantee the connection to
the automation systems from different vendors:
The data from SIMATIC-S7 is read with the Profibus-
Sniffer ibaBM-DPM-S and the process data from the
roughing and finishing trains are read in with ibaPADUs.
As an interface to the SIMADYN automation systems,
ibaLink-SM-64-SD16 is used. (Cards of this type can be
directly plugged into a Simadyn D rack and behave like
a standard Simadyn D card.) The data is transferred via
fiber optic cable to a data acquisition computer containing
input cards from the ibaFOB card family along with the
acquisition software, ibaPDA-V6. All data is stored in data Konfiguration
files and evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer.
The ibaAnalyzer-DB-Extractor compresses the DAT-Files
into a database. The result is a central product data infor- Further information?
mation system which covers plant wide networking, from analog to digital converter, ibaNET750 devices, ibaLink Do not hesitate to
single machines to cross-plant operations. system interfaces and ibaBM bus modules. contact us:
ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized captu- iba AG,
iba Products ring and recording of process data. The recording can
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
DE-90762 Fuerth
ibaBM-DPM-S is an interface device which is designed for be chosen as time, length, batch or product related. PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
high speed data acquisition on a Profibus DP drop. With Measurements are stored as so-called DAT-Files and can MAIL [email protected]
input cards from the ibaFOB family, data is transferred to be evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer.

Seite 20 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Length related data acquisition

in strip processing lines
Advantages at a glance
Automatic reporting (e.g. for the end customer).
Quality data management for superimposed systems
(MES, DataWarehouse).
System optimization through trend analysis.

Quality data recording

Quality data recording

with ibaQDR
inspection plants in the metal industry but can be used in
other industry fields as well. Besides the online display
The Project of measured signals, a status window provides detailed
Today, quality control is an indispensible component of information about which product is at which point and the
the production process. The end customers demand proof data file name.
about product quality. The production planning system Measurements are stored as so-called DAT-Files and can
requires data for optimum loading and the engineer
needs the data for process optimization. For example,
indications of quality for treated cold strip would be strip
thickness, the plating thickness of the zinc coating, strip
tension, or the course of the temperature during the
annealing process. These quality indications depend upon
the characteristics of the incoming strip and the corres-
ponding process effects of the treatment line.

The Technology
With strip processing lines, all quality relevant para-
meters, which are measured at various points in the
facility, are recorded and assigned to the corresponding
one-meter segment of the finished product. The length
and product related data can then be analyzed with the
complimentary ibaAnalyzer.
With the ibaDat-Coordinator, it is possible to control
further automatic data processing. For example, it can Example for mapping of measured data to product position (length) in a processing line
initiate database extraction with the ibaDat-Extractor or
create reports with the help of the report generator. Natu-
rally, everything is fully automatic. Further information?

Do not hesitate to
iba Products contact us:
The quality data recording system ibaQDR is a PC based be evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer. iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
technology and offers a transparent quality data ac- The ibaDat-Coordinator is an auxiliary program for an
DE-90762 Fuerth
quisition with comfortable operation, a wide range of automatic post processing of Dat files. PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
interfaces and efficient data management. The system To date, circa 50 strip processing lines worldwide are MAIL [email protected]
has been optimized for rolling mills, processing lines and equipped with ibaQDR.

Seite 21 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Optimization of wind energy systems

Advantages at a glance
Remote control diagnosis upon malfunctions.
Possible damage can be prediagnosed.
Security and efficiency through the observation of

Remote control diagnosis -

image author: Michal Bednarek / www.shutterstock.com

Condition Monitoring

The Project
Normally, operators of wind parks only have access to ring, chatter monitoring and eccentricity analysis and
current system data and parameter values. In order to control. A synchronization channel on the backplane bus ibaPADU-S-IT
optimize the system and to diagnose system deviations guarantees that all I/O modules precisely and accurately
and damage, it is useful to consider system data over a function.
long period of time. The modular concept is based on a component rack with
a backplane bus for the ibaPADU-S-IT processor unit and
The Technology
For exact information about the current status of a wind
turbine, relevant mechanical (rotational speed, bearing
temperature, main bearing oscillation, etc.) and elec-
trical parameters of the generators (electrical voltages
and currents) are taken. Also of great importance for the
optimal usage of the system is knowledge about the outer
conditions (wind strength and direction) and orientation
of the tower in relationship to the wind. Implementation is
realized through the reading in and saving of (solid state
disk) relevant raw data direct from the tower from perti-
nent sensors with the help of an ibaPADU-S-IT system.
With the use of a data interface, additional information
from the system controls can be time synchronously
recorded. From the data won forms the basis for special Sample
analysis (order analysis, trend analysis) calculations.
The data is daily stored on a central data base (server) via
UMTS Router. Further information?

Do not hesitate to
iba Products up to four other input or output modules. I/O modules contact us:
ibaPADU-S-IT is a powerful CPU designed for fast mea- for analog and digital input/output, as well as SSI and iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
surement, signal processing and control. When equipped pulse generators, are at your disposal. The I/O modules
DE-90762 Fuerth
with the appropriate I/O modules, the ibaPADU-S-IT is are available for different signal levels, for voltage and PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
well suited for a wide variety of applications: for example, current signals and for sampling rates at the frequencies MAIL [email protected]
fast drive and position control, machine status monito- of 1 kHz or 20 kHz.

Seite 22 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Load tests for railroad ties

Advantages at a glance
Central documentation of the test results and data.
Customized analytical reports as proof for the com-
pliance with norms.

evaluation and the representation of the generated data ibaPDA-V6

file is carried out by the free software ibaAnalyzer. With the
report generator, a customized analytical report is made
for every test run. This report also serves to prove the
compliance with norms and specifications.

iba Products
ibaPDA-V6 is a PC-based system to centrally record pro-
cess data. The recording can be made referring to either ibaAnalyzer
the time/length or the batch/product. The data is filed as
so-called DAT-files and can be analyzed, processed and
archived with the ibaAnalyzer free of charge. An efficient
report generator allows for the creation of customized
analytical reports.
ibaPADU-8 has 8 analog and 8 digital input channels.

Test stand for load tests

Data acquisition with
ibaPDA and ibaPADU-8

The Project
iba designed a measuring system for a modern test labo-
ratory with test stands for new rail types, new railroad ties
and rail fastening systems.
Railroad ties have to fulfill various requirements; thus,
they have to withstand the weather, distribute loading, be
sufficiently dimensionally stable and not least affordable
concerning their maintenance.

The Technology
For cyclic flexural and load tests, an oscillating force is
put on the tie by means of a hydraulic cylinder. The force
and position is measured continuously with ibaPADU-8
devices. The devices are connected to an ibaFOB card Measurement report
which is installed in a PC by means of an optical fiber
cable. The ibaPDA software can collect and process the
data in its own measurement cycle. Further information?
Per 1000 test cycles, an average value is generated from
Do not hesitate to
10 measurement cycles. The force and position values contact us:
are clearly represented in a coordinate system. Also Each channel is galvanically insulated (digital potential iba Benelux BVBA,
statistical information, such as the maximum, minimum, isolation) and has its own A-D converter to simultaneous- Rivierstraat 64,
average value and standard deviation as well as the rate ly capture all channels. The main benefit is the extensive BE-9080 Lochristi
of change of the flexural force are available by one mouse placement in close vicinity to the sensors. Thereby, TEL +32 (9) 2262304
click. The values are always calculated for a part of the troubles caused by electromagnetic radiation can be mini- MAIL roeland.struye
curve quickly and freely adjustable with the cursor. The mized to the greatest extent.

Seite 23 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Data capture in a test bench

for diesel drive systems
Advantages at a glance
One system for the entire signal path from capture to
report generation.
Individually configurable.
User friendly display and input screens.


iba Products
ibaQPanel is a freely configurable visualization program
for the live representation of process and quality data.
For rendering, a choice of display objects is available.
Beside the usual trend curves, bar graphs, 2D false colour
topview charts, FFT analysis and alpha numeric status
MTU-Motor [press photo Tognum AG] ibaAnalyzer
indications and others are all available to the user. Thanks
to the possibility to use graphics as backgrounds HMI-like
monitor images can be realized.
Integrated operator concept ibaPDA-V6 is a PC based system for centralized captu-
ring and recording of process data. The recording can be
with ibaQPanel chosen as time, length, batch or product related. Mea-
surements are stored as so-called DAT-Files and can be
evaluated with the complimentary ibaAnalyzer.
The Project ibaPADU-S is a powerful modular system designed for
iba supplied to a leader in the diesel motor and drive sys- fast measurement, signal processing and control. The
tem industry the measurement and analysis equipment modular concept of this family allows users to combine an
for a test bench for decentralized energy systems (Diesel- intelligent I/O unit for virtually every task. It is based off of
Gen-Set). Besides data capture, the system should a component rack with a backplane bus for the ibaPADU-
also provide the operator interface for automated tests, S-IT processor unit and up to four other input or output
carrying out various analyses and creating test reports.
Above all it should also be easy to use. The purpose of
this implementation was to optimize the complete system
consisting of diesel motor, alternator and closed loop
control and to document defined transients in a report
which would be used later for required certification. ibaPADU-S-IT

The Technology
In order to fulfill the project requirements, an integra-
ted control concept compatible with the bench test was
realized with ibaPDA-V6, ibaQPanel and ibaAnalyzer. As
to the optimization, several test cycles are to be run with
varying parameters. If, after some testing, the optimal
behaviour of the system is found this state is documented
in a report which is also used as acceptance protocol. The
data files from the earlier failed attempts can then be
deleted. Beispiel
an experimental measuring
zur Optimierung
The measurement data is captured with a decentralized
Further information?
measurement unit from the modular family ibaPADU-S modules. I/O modules for analog and digital input/output,
which among other things is equipped with input modules for different signal levels, for voltage and current signals Do not hesitate to
for high voltages and currents. With the help from the as well as SSI and pulse generators, are at your disposal. contact us:
software ibaQPanel, which is a visualization add-on to Sampling rates of up to 20 ksamples/s are standard. iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
ibaPDA, a user friendly graphic interface and data display
DE-90762 Fuerth
were realized. The electrical values were computed with a PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
special online function in ibaPDA. MAIL [email protected]

Seite 24 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Gradually modernizing
automation systems
Advantages at a glance
Cost savings by revamping during production without
a line stand-still.
Existing software can be transferred, while functio-
nality and response of the plant or line remain the
same. ibaLogic-V4
Switching without faults by comparing old and new

Modernization - now more than ever!

Soft-Revamp with ibaLogic

iba Products
ibaLogic is a system for signal processing and automa-
tion that allows connecting ibaNet fibre optic cables,
The Project bus couplers and other interface connections. Moreover, ibaNET750
Especially in times when money is tight, companies linking can be done via field bus, Ethernet and special
have to ponder carefully which risk they want to take: a protocols. These features make that ibaLogic-V4 is a
decaying plant that constantly has to fight with system great solution for modernizing existing heterogenous
availability issues or a complete reconstruction with automation structures. With iba connectivity, diffe-
recommissioning. rent generations of automation worlds and systems
Fortunately, there is a golden mean: The so-called Soft- of different manufacturers can be interconnected and
Revamp. With this solution, you can take out step by step combined. Bidirectional data exchange enables the
single automation functions and realize them subse- communication between controls that normally would be
quently with a new system. incompatible. ibaLink-SM-128V-i-2o
ibaPADU (Parallel Analog Digital Unit) is a device family
The Technology for measuring analog and digital signals of any process.
As iba designs all system controls to operate bidirectio- ibaLink-SM-64 and -128V are interface cards:
nally, we can not just read values out of an automation The ibaLink-SM-64-io module is an interface card ad-
system but also write values in an active way. This is apted to the SIMATIC S5 and Simicro MMC 216 systems.
the main feature used for soft-revamping. The data of With this interface card, measuring data are transferred
the old system are analyzed by one or more iba system from a Simatic S5 or Simicro MMC 216-system to
modules. Meanwhile, the new system gradually takes ibaPDA or ibaLogic. The card can also be used for reali-
more and more of the tasks until the old system is zing a so-called frame-linking. On its front side, the card ibaLink-SM-64-io
superfluous. has a pair of FO sender and receiver.
In older systems, the decentral peripherals can not The ibaLink-SM-128V card connects VME bus systems
be integrated by a field bus. Instead, they use central to iba measuring systems and ibaLogic. It offers two FO-
input and output groups integrated into the automation cable sending links to 64 analog and 64 binary channels.
Further information?
system. Often, these groups when they have been used With a surplus receiving link with 64+64 channels, the
for a certain time, cause problems as they show more card offers communication functions. Moreover, VME Do not hesitate to
and more failures. In this case, we offer a solution: we systems can be expanded by adding iba peripherals. All contact us:
establish a direct connection between the iba system signals in the FO-cable bus have an update rate of 1ms. iba AG,
Koenigswarterstr. 44,
groups integrated in the old system and ibaPADUs or The card can be used without initialization. Data (signals)
DE-90762 Fuerth
ibaNet750-heads with intelligent WAGO/Beckhoff cage are directly written into the dualport RAM of the module PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
clamps. and read from there. Hence, you do not need complex MAIL [email protected]
driver interfaces within the VME-bus.

Seite 25 www.iba-ag.com
Hardware Software Training Applikationen

Optimization of an exhaust
air treatment adsorber system
Advantages at a glance
Simplified start up through on-line changes without
production interruptions.
Quick error analysis through integrated data recor-
Long term storage in customers central databank. ibaLogic
Automatic reporting, for example emission balances .



Revamping with Soft-PLC

The Project
Environmental protection requires special attention in All important data values are stored in data files and can ibaNET750
regard to pollutants. Therefore a modern exhaust gas be evaluated with the complementary ibaAnalyzer. The
cleaning system with the greatest amount of security is a ibaDat-Coordinator extracts the data files in an Oracle
must; especially in respect to the burden of proof required databank.
by public authorities. Also another economic aspect is
material recovery.
The existing plant had an human-machine-interface
based on an out-dated DOS interface which was afflicted
with errors and often crashed. As to the process controls,
several different PLC systems were used (more than 15
years old). After an analysis of the systems, the operator
came to the conclusion that it made sense to replace the
control system as well as the user interface.

The Technology
In order to fulfill customer requirements, an existing
exhaust gas cleaning system was to be modernized and
adapted to the flexible and easy to use Soft-PLC ibaLogic
which has an integrated data capture system and long
term archivability.

iba Products Konfiguration

At the heart of the new automation configuration is the
control PC with ibaLogic. This PC takes over the complete Further information?
system control and is connected to I/O periphery (WAGO
Do not hesitate to
System 750) through iba interface modules and fiber optic contact us:
cables. Modules for digital and analog input/output and iba AG,
PT100 elements are deployed. Connection over a long di- Koenigswarterstr. 44,
stance is not a problem because of fiber optic connection. DE-90762 Fuerth
The interface with two gas photometers with six channels PHONE 0911 / 97282-0
is implemented with ibaLogic. MAIL [email protected]

Seite 26 www.iba-ag.com
werden transparent

iba AG
Koenigswarterstrasse 44
DE-90762 Fuerth
PHONE +49 (0)911 / 97282-0
FAX +49 (0)911 / 97282-33
[email protected]

Measurement and Automation Systems


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