Alumni Survey Auto

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Department of Automobile Engineering

Alumni Survey
This survey is carried out to assess the effectiveness of the Objective and
Outcome of the Automobile Engineering Programme. By answering the
following questions, you will be helpful in providing valuable feedback that is
needed for the improvement of the programme. We look forward to your
response. (Please tick in the text box given)

1. Year of completion of B.E./B.Tech degree :

2. Gender : Male Female

3. Age :

4. Current careerdetails:

a) What type of concern are you in?

Central Government State Government

Industrial Corporate

Self employed Military

Engineering/design/consulting firm

Other (Please specify name - ________________________)

b) What is your main area of work?

Design Manufacturing

Research Teaching

Management Entrepreneur

Field Work Maintenance

c) What is your designation: ________________________________

d) What is the name and email address of your immediate superior?

e) Please provide the name/address of your employer:

5. The following are the current Program Outcomes for the Automobile Engineering
program at Hindustan University (Please tick in the respective cell)

After my graduation in Automobile

Strongly Strongly
Engineering programme, I have Agree Neutral Disagree
agree Disagree
1. Able to design and develop
virtual or real vehicle
2. Able to execute critical
3. Able to Communicate
4. Able to work individually
and in team.
5. Inculcate Lifelong learning.
6. Able to Practice personal
and social responsibilities.
7. Able to demonstrate social,
cultural & global

6. The following are the current Program Educational Objectives for the Automobile
Engineering program at Hindustan University. We expect the graduates to achieve these
objectives. Kindly give your suggestions by ticking()approximately.

The Automobile Engineering Strongly Strongly

Agree Neutral Disagree
Graduates agree Disagree
I. To provide clear understanding
of the concepts and principles,
analysis and synthesis in
engineering design and
applications appropriate to the
field of Automobile Engineering.
II. To provide a range of specialized
modules integrated within the
structured learning environment,
reflecting the global research
expertise within Engineering
Sciences, in order to broaden
and deepen educational
III. To offer a competitive degree
structure that respond to time,
need and technology.
IV. To train the students to become
a professional engineer with
excellent communication skills
capable of meeting the present
and future requirements of the
industry and the society.
V. To develop a culture that
promotes individual and team
work for carrying out innovative
projects, assignments and
research work in engineering
VI. To develop a challenging
environment that supports and
encourages an attitude of
independent learning and
application for life time.

7. What aspects of your undergraduate education were particularly good and should be
retained? Why? In particular, what aspects have been helpful in preparing you for your

8. What changes can be made to improve the undergraduate Automobile engineering


9. Any other additional comments:

10. Details:

Your name :

Address :

Mob. No. :

E-mail id :

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