Coast Artillery Journal - Feb 1937
Coast Artillery Journal - Feb 1937
Coast Artillery Journal - Feb 1937
Send orders to
By Senator Morris Sheppard By Captain John Harry
ZONE 4 By Major Charles 1. Clark
By Lieutenant Colonel J. B. Crawford "PROMOTION'S VERY SLOW" 55
A BAS ELIGIBILITY I 8 By Captain E. Carl Engelhart
By Major General Johnson Hagood THE KNOX TROPHY 59
By Colonel George U. Harvey
HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AND MODERN W AR-I .. 12 Fort Monroe News Letter-Hawaiian News Letter
By Captain JosePh 1. Greene -Panama News Letter-Corregidor News Letter-
Harbor Defenses of the Columbia-Fort Barrancas
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD 23 -Sandy Hook-Washington Chapter-Los Angeles
By Major E. D. Cooke Chapter-Manhattan Chapter-Duluth Chapter-
Philadelphia Chapter
By Captain Burgo D. Gill
Increase Morale and Spread Contentment-Shortage
MILITARY JUSTICE IN ANCIENT ROME 26 of Contributors-Opportunity Knocks-Regulating
By Major C. E. Brand Stations-ROTC Training Victory-Executive Coun-
cil-President, University of New Hampshire-Fly-
A SPELL ON THE YUKON 30 ing Infantrymen - 100% Subscribers - National
By Captain John M. Tatum Guard Trophy-Stereoscopic Height Finder-Motor-
cycles with the Modern Army - Switzerland-AA
"IDIOT'S DELIGHT" 34 Defense-Antitank Defense-Inadequacy of Service
By Agnosticus Pay-Classification of Coast Artillery Officers
By Major Richard G. Tindall THE CONTRIBUTORS 90
Opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in articles are solely those of the authors and are in no sense official.
They should not be considered as those of the Chief of Coast Artillery or any other branch of the War Department.
\Vhile a commander will still be chieHy concerned tween the .1l1tiaircraft artillery and the Corps Chief of
with the maneuver of his forces on the terrain with a view Artillery have always proved embarrassing. Instructors
to accomplishing his mission, most certainly in a war of and student officers of different arms of the service who
rhe future an effective defense of this force from hostile have dealt with this matter have invariably come to the
air operations will deep~y conce.rn hi 1:11. \Vith this tactic~l conclusion that our present organization should be
plan in mind he will gIve consIderatIOn to the hostile aIr changed and that the antiaircraft artillery should operate
~apabilities and to rh.ose ~lements. of h!s command \~hose directly under the corps or army commander. As a result
prorection from hostile air operations IS most essentIal to in map exercises now being conducted at the Command
rhe success of his tactical plan. He will be concerned with and General Staff School the antiaircraft artillery operates
rhe question of whether his antiaircraft plan provides for under the corps commander, not under the Corps Chief
rhe employment of every ;~vailable means for effecti~1g of Artillery.
a passive defense. He will gIve conSIderation to the abd~- If the commander of an independent force will in the
ries of different elements of the command to effect anti- war of the future be so concerned with an establishment
aircraft defense with their organic weapons. His antiair- of an effective antiaircraft defense as this paper would
craft defense plan will then provide for the reinforcement imply, it seems essential that the commander have on his
of these antiaircraft fires by the fire of his antiaircraft staff an officer who will act as his adviser on all antiair-
artillery and he will make every effort to see that the craft defense measures. This officer could well be the
antiaircraft defense plan provides for a coordinated em- antiaircraft artillery commander.
plo:'ment of all these means of antiaircraft defense.
Considering the important part that aviation will play
\Vhile our present War Department publications are in war the following steps are considered of importance
not uniform on the subject, the bulk of them seem to to enable our army to operate effectively:
indicare that the antiaircraft artillery in the corps and a. Our corps of officers should be indoctrinated with
rhe army will operate under the Chief of Corps Artillery the thought that the coordinated employment of every
or the Chief of Army Artillery. This appears to be a very available means of antiaircraft defense will be a most im-
faulty arrangement. Without going into any lengthy portant function of command. This involves the placing
discussion of the matter it would appear that considering of antiaircraft artillery directly under the commander.
rheir missions, there is absolutely no connection between b. The staffs of the division and larger units should
field artillery and antiaircraft artillery other than that they provide an adviser to the commander on antiaircraft de-
have both been called artillery. The author of this paper fense matters.
has observed the conduct of map exercises and map c. The organization of the corps and the army should
maneuvers through a period of years at the Command pro."ide the means for establishing an antiaircraft obser-
;md General Staff School. Attempts to troop lead the vation net.
command and staff elements of the corps in various tacti- d. The technical means for providing an effective
cal situations and to show any reasonable connection be-
alarm system should be developed.
eral officers. Evidently the old-fashioned method of technique taught at Leavenworth. The schools are tre-
ickin<Tout such men as Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Mc- mendously important, but there are other things that
Clel1a~, .Lee, Jackson, Beauregard, Johnston, Pershing. count.
Wood, March, and Bliss was all wrong, for we now have Every ambitious officer in the Army wants to go to
a law providing that generals should be selected only school. He will sacrifice anything for a school detail.
from colonels carried on the eligible list. But he does not thirst for knowledge. What he really
It would be difficult to name the particular American wants is to get the schools on his record. And the sad
officers who served with greatest distinction during the part of it is that many of the best officers in the Army are
World War. But merely on an ex officio basis we may be eating their hearts out because Father Time has beaten
excused for suggesting the following: them out in the race. While serving in the grade of
captain they become forever ineligible for promotion to
The commander of the A.E.F .
The army commanders 3 general. At least that is what they fear.
The corps commanders who had active service at the from 7 The present General Staff with troops is picked by
The commanders of the S.O.S 2 corps area commanders. by chiefs of staff, by G's, and
The American representative on the Supreme War Coun- by others who, without access to records, paw over the
cil (Bliss) . voluminous eligible lists. In many cases they ask for
The chief of staff of the Army (March) .
The head of the War Department Supply System men whom they would not recognize if they met them
(Goethals)' . on the street. The original General Staff of 1903 was
The author and administrator of the Draft (Crowder) .. picked by a board of officers who knew their men. That
The commander of the Army of Occupation (Allen) .. day may come again.
The commander of the Siberian Expedition (Graves) . It is all right to have a preferred list. It is essential to
The father of preparedness (Wood) .
have men slated in advance for high command in war.
Total ' 20
It is of-prime importance that we should develop in time
of peace a system of selection that we could use in time
None of these except Liggett and Bliss had ever been of war. But we should not have a fast-running stream of
prominently identified with the service schools. The eligibility which carries down the great mass of medioc-
significance of this would appear to be that intrinsic char- rity and leaves behind in the eddies some of the best men
acter is more important than the ever-changing military in the Army.
HE essentials of a system of national defense may what we did is still one of the mysteries of the War.
be said to be officers, munitions and men. In It is possible, of course, to acquire, out of books, a
many of the older European countries all are rep- considerable store of information in ninety days and we
resented in large standing armies. For these the demo- did our best. But there are many things about soldiering
cratic alternative is a nuclear system which may be ex- that are not to be learned from books. They can be taught
panded when danger threatens and expanded promptly only by experience. The individual soldier is not like a
enough to avert it. The idea back of the latter is not to piece of mechanism that will always respond the same
be immediately ready but to be ready to make ready way to the same conditions. He cannot be reduced to a
when the time comes.. mathematical formula. To make him an efficientfighting
The old notion that "embattled farmers" could be unit one must know something of what he thinks and
transformed over night into a defensive fighting machine how he acts. Textbook study ill prepared us for dealing
was dispelled by the World War. It might have had with the human equation. It helped little to weld into
some force when there were certain parallels between an effective combat unit men who had never been in an
.squirrel hunting and fighting battles but they no longer army and had only vague notions of military training
exist. Besides, squirrel hunting has ceased to be a na- and practice.
tional avocation. The new men, like the new officers, came from all
The Wodd War brought home the disconcerting fact walks of life. They knew nothing of time-honored or-
that the only difference between the American system of ganization traditions. Discipline-army discipline-was
national defense and the systems of older countries was foreign to them. It was not to be expected from men
that theirs were big and ours was little. The "resiliency" who had all their lives up to that time, conducted their
or "expansibility" by which a little system could be con- own affairs in their own way. We had exceptional raw
verted with reasonable promptness into a big system- material in both officersand men but without actual army
which was to have been provided by the militia-did training they made slow progress in adjusting themselves
not exist. Subjected to the tension of actual conflict it to their new status as soldier. We spent much of our
snapped like an old rubber band. time arguing with our seniors, questioning orders and
Under the circumstances it was necessaryto build up a wondering who the hell was bossing us. As free Ameri-
new big army to supplement the old little one, not to cans, subordinate officersand men had a hard lesson to
stretch a little army into a big one. Industry had to be learn before settling down to what they were told. Few
relied upon to provide munitions. The draft provided the of the real difficultieswe encountered in learning soldier-
men but, obviously, neither was of much value without ing could be met by consulting textbooks.
the skill to use them to best advantage. Accordingly, In 1917 and 1918 the situation confronting us appeared
effort was centered at the outset upon the training of to many of us to be little short of hopeless. Only dogged
officers. We have since come, as a matter of policy, to perseverance and a willingness to learn made it r 'ible
regard officersas the primary requisite in providing the to build up the great army which eventually' fact.d the
"expansibility" which is essential to a nuclear system of foe abroad.
national defense. They supply the resiliencywhich makes Today these conditions have changed. There are 96,-
it possible to convert a small defensive force into a large 000 in the Reserve Corps who, unlike the officerswho
defensive force with a minimum of delay and expense. stepped out of civilian life in the World War, have
The older men in the servicewill remember that at the learned to obey orders, to understand team work, and to
outbreak of the World War the dearth of properly trained make the most of the spirit of pride in the organizations
officers was the most formidable difficulty that lay in in which they serve. Ninety to ninety-five per cent of
the way of raising an army. All told there was available these Reserve officershave been commissioned since the
only a sufficient number to handle a force of about 21)0,- War. They know their duties, they have been properly
000 men. The War Department called for an army of disciplined, they have the book knowledge, but they do
four millions. Fortunately, while we were trying franti- not know the soldier-how he acts under fire, what cqn
cally to train the men necessary to that end, our allies be done to sustain his morale, how he can be fitted most
held the lines. Some day a situation might arise when advantageously into the fighting unit of which he is a
there are no allies to afford us such a breathing spell. part.
War was declared on April 6, 1917' By the middle of This is not the fault of the War Department. It is
May men were assembled in officers' training camps to due to the lack of an enlisted reserve-a sufficient en-
receiveninety days of instruction. These ninety-day com- listed reserve to provide a rounded, complete nuclear
manders-and I was one of them-were, in September, system of defense which would have all the elements of
given charge of drafted men. How we accomplished. a large fighting force. At the present time the enlisted
resen'e has dropped to 3,847 men. The Chief of Staff and ably subside. Instead of abandoning the system, which
the Secretary of War agree that a minimum of 15°,000 has served a very useful purpose, altogether, the frame-
is necessary. Up to the present time we have had a po- work might be taken over by the War Department and
tential reserve of men who served in the World War, made a part of the military establishment. The boys
but after nineteen years of civilian life without training could carry on the usual activities without serious inter-
they cannot be relied upon to meet this need, Their ference with their military training. As potential soldiers
df~ctiveness has also been reduced, in many cases, due they would be assets of inestimable value. At the end
to increased age. of their courses they would be familiar with military
D nder the circumstances it would appear to be the .training and could be called upon in an emergency. Given
part of wisdom to consider establishing an enlisted reserve six months in the army, they could, after discharge, be
that would not only constitute a nucleus of man power assigned for five years to the enlisted reserve. The cost
but would afford officersof the Reserve an opportunity to would be small compared with the saving, in lives and
supplement their, t~xtbo~k training, an~ limi,ted periods money, that it would effect in the event of war.
of active duty trammg wIth actual expenence m the com- The youths of this reserve could be drilled once or
mand of enlisted men of their own component. more a week and ordered to a military camp each sum-
We have such a potential enlisted reserve in the mer for thirty days. They probably would enter into the
Civilian Conservation Corps, or, at least, the foundations spirit of military life and their work could be divided
for it. The plan, with some modifications, would provide into fifteen days of drills and fifteen days in the field or
a reservoirof more than a million young men who would on the march. By this means the country could be given,
be available for the enlisted reserve for the next fifteen for the first time in its history, an adequate reserve and
Years. the Reserve officersafforded actual experience in the com-
- Now that the depression is passing, the pressing need mand of enlisted men of their own component which is
of c.c.c. camps for the purposes of relief will prob- now lacking.
MILITARY DRILL is one of the most democratizing elements at work in our student
body. It crosses all lines of college, church, fraternity, or social organization. It is
susceptible to no pull or favoritism. It measures all classes, rich and poor, idle and
industrious, social and misanthropic, by the same standard and insist on efficiency
or elimination. Its principle is "do" or "get out"-a most desirable antidote for the
enervating policy of indulgence pursued by so many American parents and college
faculties which tends to develop a race of mollycoddles and inefficients.
I am not disturbed by the fears of some of my pacifist friends that such military
drill as we are proposing will develop a militaristic spirit. This nation is much more
likely to go to pieces upon the greed of Mammon, or indulgence in the lust of eye
and of the flesh, or the pursuit of pleasure and other dangerous rocks of that kind
than upon any development of a warlike spirit.-DR. EDMUND J. JAMES, president
('.f the University of Illinois, before the Military Committee, House of Representa-.
Highway Traffic and Modern War-
- outside the State) was 35,9 miles per hour. miles per hour, and can keep up an average speed, in-
'Public Roads, August, 1936; and The World Almanac. 1936. cluding all normal halts, of 30 miles per hour or better.
In other words, on primary roads closed to cross tra~c, chieHy on the driving distance, or the length of roa
large columns of vehicles should be able to cover some- each vehicle occupies while in movement. The drivin
what greater distances in a given time than are now distance, we may assume, can be set in advance for
generally believed or taught as possible in our schools. the vehicles of a column. It may be advisable to have tw
Certainly if vehicles of every type and weight can move driving distances, one for fast travel on the open high-
40 miles per hour in the give and take of daily traffic, ways, and one for closed-up movement through populo
military vehicles, all moving at the same speed, can go districts. Or it may be best simply to have a set driving
just as fast on similar highways under similar conditions. distance for the fastest running speed and permit vehicl
The speed for daylight motor movements now used in to close in naturally at slower speeds. In either case, it i
problems at the Command and General Staff School is not to be expected that driving speeds can be maintained
25 miles per hour. When halts and unnecessarily long rigorously throughout a motor movement. However,
periods for entrucking and detrucking are averaged in, some normal driving distance for the maximum runnin
few motor movements in these problems will average speed should be set, and adhered to in general by all
much above 20 miles per hour. It is suggested here that drivers in a column.
although a set speed for daylight motor movements makes We must also think of the driving distance as including
for simplicity in the solution of map problems, the use the length of a vehicle; that is, driving distance is
of a set speed is bound to get us into a bad habit of mind. measured from the rear of one vehicle to the rear of the
Existing tables of rates of march take far too little cog- next. In much of the discussion that follows, and in all
nizance of the probable variations in motor vehicle road considerations of column lengths, road spaces, and time
speeds. They give us only one speed for each principal of travel for columns as a whole, it is necessary to include
type of vehicle for all types of roads. Common sense and the vehicle length as well as the space between vehicles.
daily experience tell us that practicable running speeds It is only from the driver's viewpoint that the space to
may vary from about I mile an hour to 45. We can go the next vehicle ahead, considered alone, is important.
50 times as fast skimming down a main route as we can A column with 100 yards driving distance per vehicle
creeping through the mud of a cornfield detour. Thus, if is twice as long as a column with 50 yards driving dist-
the logistics of any extended motor movement are to be ance per vehicle. At present, driving distances vary all
estimated with even fair accuracy, we need to know the the way from the 35 yards given in Reference Data, The
reasonable running speeds for all the types of roads on the Comman9 and General Staff School, 1936, to the wide
route. In fact, the type of road is more important than the bracket of 100 to 250 yards taught for peace-time convoy
type of vehicle, when motor vehicles alone arc concerned, movements at The Infantry. School. For example in a
because modern motor vehicles of all sizes arc capable recent maneuver at The Infantry School, the driving
of high speeds on good roads. At the appropriate place distance prescribed was 175 yards. But where great num-
in this article, detailed suggestions for thus enlarging bers of vehicles are involved, we cannot use driving
rates of march tables will be presented. distances of this length without wasting the possibilities
of highway capacity. Long driving distances are now
'*' '*' looked upon as a measure of antiaircraft protection. Under
In order to approach logically a study of the capacity certain conditions this may be the best practice, but often
of primary highways of two or more lanes, let us first the best protection against air attack will lie in speed
consider a one-lane, one-way road. Let us see what such a rather than extension of columns. And this means not
road will carry under the conditions we have already dis- only speed of vehicle travel but still more, speed of
cussed-no cross traffic, no civil traffic mixed in with column travel. A column 60 miles long, using a driving
the military, and daylight hours. distance of 100 yards and moving at an average speed of
Of course, a one-lane, one-way road is never found as 30 miles an hour, will take an hour longer to move any
a main highway. In some states 9-foot roads with good distance than a column containing the same number of
shoulders were the first type built on long main routes vehicles travelling with 50 yards driving distance. If 200
through sparsely settled regions. But for the most part, yards driving distance is used, it will take three hours
these have long since been replaced by 18- and 2o-foot longer to move the same number of vehicles any distance.
roadways of the usual types. Nevertheless, let us think At the same time, it is not practicable for the vehicles
for the present of a one-lane, one-way road, which is of a column to attempt movement of any length em-
equivalent in most respects to a single lane of a two-lane ploying less than safe driving distance. Safe driving dis-
road. tance is the minimum. And if a single driving distance
In order to determine the maximum traffic that any is to be used, it must be the safe driving distance for the
road will bear, we must ordinarily think in terms of fastest sustained speed at which the vehicles of a column
columns of vehicles. Under certain circumstances, military will move. This, from our previous discussion, we shall
vehicles in numbers may be operated in much the same assume is 40 miles per hour.
manner as civil traffic, but for the present let us confine Safe driving distance depends upon two things- re-
our attention to column movements. action time and braking time. Reaction time is the time
The maximum number of vehicles that can pass over it takes a driver to shift his foot from the accelerator to
a given stretch of road at a given average speed depends the brake pedal and begin applying pres,ure. It must
be measured from the moment the driver becomes aware To Highway Safety, by Harry W. McGalliard and
of a reason for slowing down, to the moment he begins Harry Tucker; a General Motors pamphlet on safe driv-
to apply the brake. Braking time is the time required ing; and a recent study on the same subject by the
for a vehicle to come to a stop, measured from the mo- Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
ment the driver first applies pressure to the brake. For In column (4) of the table, 7 yards is added to the
full safety, we must assume that the total of reaction values given in column (3). This is taken as the average
rime and braking time is long enough for a driver to length of light military vehicles.
bring his vehicle to a dead stop, lest an accident should
cause the next vehicle ahead to come to a dead stop. TABLE II
Such accidents would, of course, be rare on a one-wav
road without cross traffic. With all vehicles moving i~ Stopping distance
Safe driving distance
per vehicle, including
the same direction, the chance of a dead-stop accident is Speed
plus addition safe.
ty factor of 20 %
7 yards for vehicle
length (round num-
small indeed. In two-way traffic there is always the chance (yards) (yards) bers in parentheses)
of a head-on collision, but this is not present in one- (1) (2) (3) (4)
way traffic.
5 2.7 3.2 10.2 (10)
Moreover, in civil traffic the average driver by no means 10 6.0 7.2 14.2 (15)
maintains in heavy traffic a safe driving distance as we 15 10.0 12.0 19.0 (20)
have just described it. As Mr. H. C. Dickinson, U. S. 20 14.3 17.2 24.2 (25)
Bureau of Standards has pointed out,l "Every driver seems 25 19.0 22.8 29.8 (30)
to take for granted that the driver ahead will not stop 30 24.7 29.6 36.6 (35)
35 30.7 36.8 43.8 (45)
suddenly without warning except in an emergency," and 40 37.3 44.8 51.8 (50)
that "the driver behind is in almost as good a position to 45 44.3 53.2 60.2 (60)
appreciate an emergency as the driver ahead."
Mr. Thomas Rochester, Chief Engineer of the T raf-
Table II gives us our basic unit of measurement. We
fieSection of the New York City Police Department, has can now hnd out how many motor vehicles, at the dif-
alsoexpressedthe opinion that safe driving distance, as we ferent speeds and safe-driving distances given in column
have defined it, is more than enough in one-way traffic.
(4), can pass by a given point per hour on a highway of
Opinions to the contrary, and also in agreement, have one lane. This is given in Table III.
been received from officers who have had experience in
handling convoys of modern vehicles in time of peace. TABLE III
On the whole then, it seems reasonable to use our calcu- VEHICLES PASSING A GNEN POINT PER HOUR WHILE
Table II is based upon this assumption. The data in , VEHIOLES PER HOUR ,
Speed Without additional With additional
the first two columns is taken from a table prepared by (mph) safety factor safety factor of 20 %
Mr. H. H. Allen of the U. S. Bureau of Standards.1 (1) (2) (3)
!n column (I) we find the speed in miles per hour; and 5 905 860
III column (2) the distance in yards in which a driver 10 1355 1240
can stop his vehicle when it takes him one second to 15 1555 1390
20 1650 1455
change his foot to the brake pedal. This is slower than the 25 1695 1475
average reaction time of civil drivers, as ascertained by 30 1665 1445
the examination of many thousands of drivers. Data 35 1635 1410
tabulated by Dr. Harry DeSilva of the Harvard Bureau 40 1590 1360
of ~tree.t T r.afficResearch indicates that the avera:ge re- 45 1545 1300
actIOntime IS three-quarters of a second.
In column (3) is included an additional safety factor From Table III it is plain that more vehicles will pass
of 20 per cent of the stopping distances given in column by a given point a:t 25 miles per hour than at any lesser
(2). T~is factor is added to take 'care of a possible dif- or greater speed. The reason for this is that the safe
ference III the braking time of loaded light trucks over driving distance does not increase in direct ratio to the
that of passenger cars for which Mr. Allen's original speed but at a faster rate. The safe driving distance at
tab~ew.asprobably calculated. On the other hand, trucks 40 miles an hour, as we can see from Table II, is some-
ordlllanly have a larger braking surface than passenger what more than twice that at 20 miles per hour.
cars, and also have the friction surface of six large tires But what we are mainly interested in is covering long
o? the. road instead of four. The safe driving distances distances with motor columns of any size, as rapidly as
glVe~.Ill column (3) are greater than those given wide we can within reason. We know on the face of it that
publiCIty during the safe-driving campaign of 1936; for a single car travelling 40 miles an hour will finish a long
example, those given in Sudden Death and How To trip in half the time it would take at 20 miles an hour.
Avoid It, by J. C. Furnas and Ernest N. Smith; Guides
-1American Road Builders' Association Bnlletin No. 23.
*This table and several others used in the first part of this article
appeared in a preliminary study on highway traffic in Volume 12,
The Infantry Schaul Mailing List, January, 1936.
Thus, what we need to find out next is whether the loss vehicles per hour.) With these data in mind, let us no
in number of vehicles passing by a given point at speeds consider road capacities-in other words, let us see how
above 25 miles an hour-the point at which the greatest many vehicles can be moved over a given stretch of road
number pass by-is enough to offset seriously the ad- from one place to another in a given time. This is the
vantage of moving at higher speeds. For if that should important thing to any commander.
be true, there would be small point in moving motor '"' '"' '"'
columns at speeds faster than 25 miles per hour.
Table IV, however, shows us that this is by no means It will be best at this point to decide just what we
mean by "road capacity." On brief reRection it is evident
the case. Here, in column (3), we have the percentage
losses in number of vehicles passing per hour at speeds that this term should mean something different from the
above 25 miles per hour; and in column (4), we have cor:ception of the number of vehicles passing by a given
pOll1t per hour. But unless we pin the term down to a
the percentage gains in distance covered due to greater
clear meaning, the reader and the writer may find them.
speeds. At all speeds up to the greatest speed shown (45
miles an hour), the loss forms only a small fraction of selves at cross purposes.
Since it is impottant for a commander to know whether
the gain due to greater speed.
he can move his force from one area to another, on one
or more roads, within a certain number of hours, let us
define road capacity as the number of vehicles that can
IN SPEED AT SPEEDS ABOVE 25 MPH pass over a given stretch of road at a given average speed
within a given time. This definition assumes that the
A GIVEN POIST PER HOUR road is empty of vehicles at the beginning of the period
Without additional With additional Increase in speed and at its end. And in general, when we use the term
Speed safety factor safety factor of 20 % above 25 mph
(mph) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) "road capacity," let us think of it as the practicable maxi-
(1) (2) (3) (4) mum capacity. For if a commander knows the maximum
30 2 2 20 capacity of a proposed route, and finds that it is more
35 4 5 40 than enough, he thus has opportunity to use the extra
40 6 8 60 capacity in a number of different ways which we need
45 9 12 80
not go into here.
In Table V we see the truly astonishing numbers of
'"' '"' * vehicles that a single one-lane, one-way road will carry.
Thus far we have found no reason why we cannot
move motor columns at 40 miles per hour on good roads, Columns (2) to (4) show how many vehicles can pass
regardless of the numbers of vehicles in the column. And over, and clear, different lengths of highway in differenr
we have yet to find a reason for operating at distances periods of time.
greater than safe driving distances (51.8 yards at 40 TABLE V
mph). True, there may be conditions under which it is ROAD CAPACITY OF A ONE-LANE, ONE-\'{TAY ROAD AT AN
best to use driving distances of 100 yards or more. But
for the present purposes of this article, let us continue to
keep in mind the movement of large numbers of vehicles ROAD 4 Hours 8 Hours 12 Hours
()liles) (Vehicles) (Vehicles) (Vehicles)
in the shortest time possible.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
It will seldom be possible, of course, to maintain a
continuous speed of 40 miles per hour. On a primary 50 . 2,380 ....... 6,460 ...... . 10,540
100 . 680 4,760 ....... 8,840
highway that avoids towns and cities, and that has no
150 3,060 ....... 7,140
sharp curves or steep grades, the maximum speed could 200 . ...... . 1,360 ...... . 5,440
be maintained by all vehicles with little variation once 250 . ...... . ...... . 3,740
the motor column took the road. However, these factors 300 . ...... . ...... . 2,040
will usually be present and will cause the average speed
to fall somewhere between 30 and 35 miles an hour; and Table V indicates, among other things, the following:!
where much of the movement has to be made at slower On a single lane of primary highway, from which all'
speeds, the average speed may fall still lower. The other traffic, including cross traffic, has been barred: (I)
amount of delay that can be expected from these various A motorized brigade (about 700 vehicles), or its equiva-
factors will be studied in detail in the second part of this lent in a mechanized force, can move 100 miles in 4
article. In the pages immediately following it will be hours, about 225 miles in 8 hours, and 300 miles in about
assumed that a running speed of 40 miles an hour, and 10.5 hours. (2) A division (about 2,000 vehicles), can
an average speed of 30 miles an hour, with 1,020 vehicles move about 60 miles in 4 hours, about 175 miles 8 hours,
passing a given point per hour on the average, are rea- and about 300 miles in 12 hours.
sonable for most motor movements on primary high- This is what can be done on one-half (one lane) of an
ways. (A driving distance of 51.8 yards for the top ordinary first-class highway. But let us now see what
running speed of 40 miles an hour, taken with an average we can do with the other half of the road to better these
speed of 30 miles an hour, gives us the figure of 1,020 figures.
Ordinarily, we think of the left-hand lane of a two- exception: the highway permits two methods of use in-
lane, one-way road as being available for passing in the stead of one, since the vehicles of a motor column are
direction of traffic flow. Roads of this type are to be not hooked together in one long string like the cars of a
found at present leading into the majority of American train. In one method, the two lanes can be used for
cities of any size. The two one-direction parts of the separate columns, even of entirely distinct units, like two
roads are separated, usually by a parkway in the middle. separate passenger trains on a double track, or like a
Any good two-lane. highway, used ~o.rone-way traffic, is passenger train on one track and a freight train on the
the equivalent of eIther half of a dlVlded four-lane road. other.
In theory, and sometimes in practice, where the regula- But of greater advantage in important military move-
tion of traffic is strictly enforced, the outer lane is habitu- ments is the second way of using both lanes, a way that
ally used by slow vehicles and the inner lane for the has no parallel on a two-track railroad. The vehicles of
passage of faster cars, which are supposed to retutu to the a single unit can use both lanes by staggering the alter-
ourer lane when the chance affords. On through roads, nate vehicles of the motor column in both lanes. (See
such as the Pulaski Skyway which leads from New Jersey Figure I.) Thus, although safe driving distance is ob-
toward New York City, vehicles remain more generally served in both lanes, the actual driving distance, taking
in the same lane except for passing. In this case the all vehicles into consideration, is half driving distance,
traffic on an inner lane is often heavier than on an outer as shown in the figure.
lane. The vehicles in the two lanes could, of course, be
What we must imagine now, however, is a two-lane driven abreast; but the staggered formation has several
road on which there is no passing at all, and on which advantages. It is much less fatiguing. The strain of
both lanes are carrying their full capacity of vehicles in driving abreast of another vehicle is considerable. Stag-
the same direction. This is entirely possible, and when gering also gives individual vehicles a chance to swing
we consider it carefully, is far less dangerous or difficult over into the interval between two vehicles in the next
from the viewpoint of driving than the traffic on a lane for a few moments, if it should be necessary. (See
crowded highway. There, a driver must continuously Figure 2.) This is not usually dangerous at 40 miles an
watch out for those who pass him-sometimes on both hour. It is a thing commonly done by thousands upon
sides-and for those he passes. The double, one-way thousands of drivers every day, on our busiest highways.
trafficwe are now going to consider maintains a uniform Any reader can readily prove to his own satisfaction
speed except where it is necessary to reduce or increase the feasibility of the staggered formation by driving for
speed, as before and after an abrupt tutu. a few minutes in the left-hand lane of a two-lane road,
With both lanes operating to full capacity, a highway about 20 yards in rear of another car moving 40 or 45
becomes analogous to a two-track railroad, with this miles an hour. Only a little practice is required for any
bIB bda Q8I
52 YDS 52 YDS
52 YDS
1----- --------
~ -----
----f----- --------1
~ bdB bdB
Figure I
driver ro feel at home in the left-hand lane, particularly ro make the utmost use of roads during periods of poor
when he knows that there is ro be no passing in the visibility from the air.
column. Only one thing is sacrificed, and that not entirely.
The staggered formation also permits the vehicles in Other vehicles cannot pass freely up and down the col.
either lane to swing into the spaces in the other lane in umn. However, the formation does not prevent the pas-
order to pass through a short narrow stretch, as already sage of motorcycles in the direction the column is mov-
indicated. However, before undertaking any major motor mg. And passage back down the column can be ac-
movement of the kind we are discussing, it will be high- complished by an occasional vehicle by requiring the
ly desirable to eliminate all possible bottle-necks. For- left-lane vehicles to swing momentarily over into the
tunately, in the Unired States, hundreds of these, such as right-lane distances between vehicles. But for the most
narrow bridges and viaducts, are being widened each year part, there should be little need for such communication
on the system of primary roads. up and down a column during a rapid motor movement
It should be understood here that no mathematical once it is under way.
precision of driving is contemplated. A new device now The road capacity of a two-lane highway is found by
under test should enable drivers to maintain with fair multiplying by 2 the values given in Table V, since
accuracy driving distances up to 50 or 60 yards. Bur 2,040 vehicles pass a given point per hour instead of 1,020.
there will always be a certain amount of give and take Let us now compare motor movements made in several
in any moror column. (The causes and effects of closing different types of columns, in order to bring out the
up and extending driving distances within a motor col- advantages of using the entire surface of a highway.
umn are to be studied in Part II of this article.) T able VI gives the data on a brigade movement, and
The use, in this manner, of both traffic lanes has as its Table VII gIVes like data on a movement involving
.... main effect a doubling of the number of vehicles that can 10,000 vehicles.
pass by a given point in an hour's time. This means, of These two tables bring out the advantage of the double
course, that road capacity is also doubled. And in addi- column, especially in movements involving a large num-
tion, the length of any column, and the duration of its ber of vehicles. In the movement of a brigade (Table
interference with cross traffic, are cur in half. VI) there is no great difference between the time of
This method of operation is not proposed as a standard travel of a double and a single column at 30 miles an
method for habitual use, but mainly for use in important hour. (Time of travel is measured from the start of the
movements, where good two-lane highways are available, first vehicle of a column to the arrival of the last vehicle
and where every minute saved has the importance it usu- at the end of the Iso-mile run.) Bur I -3 hours, which
all" has in war. At the same time, both lanes can also may be precious indeed, are saved by moving 30 miles
be.' used for traffic in one direction on busy roads in rear an hour, in a double column instead of 25 in a single
areas, in order to reduce the hours of road use, or in order column. And the double column takes 1.7 hours less to
t-~----~----rne -----~-----eoo---{
Figure 2
COMPARISONOF A BRIGADEOF 700 VEIDCLESMOVING column column 50 100 150 200 250 300
(Vehicles) (Miles) (Hr.) (Hr.) (Hr.) (Hr.) (Hr.) (Hr.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Length of Time of Interference with cross
Type of roaa column column travel traffic at any point 100 1.5 1.7 3.4 5.0 6.7 8.4 10.0
(Miles) (Hours) (Minutes)
500 7.4 1.9 3.6 5.2 6.9 8.6 10.2
(1) (2) (3) (4) 1,000 14.8 2.2 3.8 5.5 7.2 8.8 10.5
Staggered double col- 2,000 29.5 2.7 4.3 6.0 7.6 9.3 11.0
umn (average speed, 3,000 44.3 3.1 4.8 6.5 8.1 9.8 11.5
30 mph. ; driving 4,000 59.0 3.6 5.3 7.0 8.6 10.3 12.0
distance in each lane, 5,000 73.8 4.1 5.8 7.5 9.1 10.8 12.5
52 yards) . 10.3 .. 5.3 . 20.5 6,000 88.5 4.6 6.3 7.9 9.6 11.3 12.9
8,000 118.0 5.6 7.3 8.9 10.6 12.3 13.92
Single column (30 10,000 147.5 6.6 8.3 9.9 11.6 13.2
mph.; 52-yd. driving
distance . 20.6 .. 5.7 ....... 41.0 'Halts of 10 minutes every two hours and a 20-minute halt for
refueling after 150 miles are included. On long runs more halting
Single column (25 time may be necessary.
mph.; 35-yd. driving 2Total daylight of 14 hours is taken as a maximum.
distance . 13.9 .. 6.6 . 33.4
Single column (30 Now, after examining Table VIII let us check once
mph.; 150-yd. driv- more against the figures on trafficflow that have been
ing distance 59.6 .. 7.0 119.2 presented by authorities on highway traffic,and against
the figures of actual traffic.Table IX, from a source that
TABLE VII has been quoted before,' is based on the following as-
COMPARISONOF A COLUMN OF 10,000 VEHICLES sum ption: (I) Length of car, 5 yards; (2) Distance be-
MOVING150 MILES BY DIFFERENT METHODS tween cars equal to a time interval of 1;1z seconds at
(Daylight Travel Only)1 whatever speed is indicated; (3) Traffic in one lane.
Lenl(th of Time of Time of with cross TABLE IX
Type of roaa column column travel travel traffic at
(Miles) (Hours) (Days) any point
(Hours) Cars passing a given
Speea point per hour
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5 1,180
Staggereddouble column . 10 1,780
(averagespeed 30 mph.; 15 2,140
driving distance in each 20 2,380
lane, 52 yards) ..... 147 9.9 0.7 4.9 25 2,560
30 2,700
Singlecolumn (30 mph. ; 35 2,800
52-yd. driving distance) 294 14.8 1.052 .. 9.8 40 2,880
Singlecolumn (25 mph.; 45 2,940
35-yd.driving distance) 199 18.0 1.32 9.9
This table, it is true, refers to passenger cars and not
Singlecolumn (30 mph. ;
150-yd.driving distance) 852 33.4 2.32 .. 28.3 to trafficlargely composed of trucks. But it is surely in-
dicative of the fact that we are staying well on the safe
'The longest actual time of travel for any individual vehicle in side in assuming that military trafficon two lanes is less
any of the types of column given is 6 hours (at 25 mph.).
than Mr. Dickinson considers possible for passenger cars
. 'In column (4), 14 hours is taken as the length of a day for day-
light running. Any large motor movement might, of course, be on a single lane (2,°4° vehicles per hour in contrast to
continued at night at slower speeds. The all-daylight running 2,700 vehicles per hour).
hours are given here simply for comparison.
In the same reference source, Mr. Charles Gordon,
In Table VII, the difference in time of travel for the Managing Director, American Electric Railway Associa-
v~rioustypes of columns isfar more marked. In fact,this tion, states: "The figure of 1,500 vehicles per lane per
dIfferenceis vital in one respect. The double column is hour for a highway with no grade crossing represents the
the only method that permits 10,000 vehicles to be practical maximum at satisfactory speeds." Here is a
moved IS0 miles between daylight and dark, assuming table given by Mr. Gordon, which isof particular interest
14 hours as the length of a day .. inasmuch as it gives us a comparison of trafficflow under
Table VIII shows the time of travel for various sizes differentconditions:
of columns and over various distances-for the double
Mr. H. O. Dickinson, in American Road Builders Associatio1l
column method only. Bulletin No. 23.
TABLE X steadily pouring into the Tunnel would require less than
MAXIMUM PRACTICAL TRAFFIC FLO\'.~ PER HOUR ON 6'5 hours to pass through it.
ROADWAYS UNDER TYPICAL CONDITIONS The enforcement of the simple driving rules within
No grade crossings. City Boule\"ard with City 5t reets with
the Tunnel are carried out by policemen stationed at in-
Xo stopping per- grade crossings- grade crossings- tervals along its course. They require vehicles to move
Roadway mitted parking prohibited parking permitted
in one No. of Yehicles No. of Yehicles No. of Vehicles at the 3D-mile speed and keep closed up to the minimum
direction moving per moving per moying per
lanes hour lanes hour Ian.,,; hour
driving distance. They also require vehicles to stay in
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
one of the two lanes throughout passage of the Tunnel.
A total of 100,000,000 vehicles passed through the T un-
20 ft. 2 2,650* 2 1,200 1 750
30 ft. 3,550 1,800 2 1,450 nel during its first nine years. Only 5 persons were killed
3 3
40 ft. 4 4,200 4 2,200 3 2,000 in accidents during that whole time. In militaty motor
columns the enforcement of similar driving methods
*New Jersey State Highway Department estimates 2,400 cars would come more from training and discipline than from
per hour under similar conditions on Route No. 25, which is an
elevated express highway. police control.
What we have done, in effect, in the foregoing dis-
The Holland Tunnel crafflc most closely approximates cussion, is to assume conditions of traffic flow well below
in its method of operation, the double staggered method the maximum possible for short stretches like the HoI-
of motor movement suggested above. The Tunnel aver- land Tunnel, and extend those conditions over long
ages more than 30,000 cars per 24-hour day in four lanes, stretches of good highway blocked off for the passage of
or 15,000 in two lanes. Peak traffic on holidays exceeds a military column of motors or vehicles of mechanized
20,000 vehicles in each two lanes. But even then the forces. In concluding the first part of this article, it
Tunnel is by no means worked to capacity throughout should be pointed out that we have so far considered only
the day. When the tide of trafflc is at its heaviest, 2,500 the actual movement on the highway, and not the impor-
vehicles are discharged on two lanes in an hour. The tant phases of forming the motor column as it begins a
record for a half hour is roughly 1,500 cars. run and of distributing traffic at the end of a run. Re-
The average speed maintained by vehicles in the T un- garding the latter phase, especially, we can learn much
nel is about 30 miles an hour, with 25 to 30 yards be- from modern traffic methods. These matters will be cov-
tween vehicles. A column of 10,000 military vehicles ered in the second part of this article.
OLDIER5 are always hungry. That is why army Diesel engines, hook onto the trailers and by single runs
TUDY the pictures of U. S. Army uniforms since tlut this was partially due to the bct that we began t
the inception of the Republic and you will notice suspect that a field uniform must afford camouAage
that they are a splendid example of the Laws of Hitherto, we used blue, or some other loud shade bulls
I mitation as laid down by Tarde. Not only is a foreign eye for enemy sl1:1rpshooters.
uniform invariabl~' copied, but it is always the uniform The American field uniform after the Spanish-Amen
of a European coumry that at the time appears to be a can War period was a cross between British khaki an
areat militarv nation. We have never developed a na- the German style dinky-cap-jammed-down-over-the-eyes
~ "
tional uniform patterned after American tastes and cus- But, as the \Vorld War wiped out the German inAuenc
toms. Why? we strutted next, quite British you know, with Ion
First, as was (luite natural, the American uniform fol- tailed coats, Woodrow caps, pink breeches, and polishe
lowed the British. Revolutionary Buff and Blue uniforms, buttons. It was the period of the "British glittered whe
except for color, were the san~e pattern as British Red- they went into the Battle of Mons. Although they we
coats. Next, Wi see Napoleonic and the French inAuence. almost wiped out, those that returned from that batt!
This was carried to such an absurdity during the Civil still glittered."
War that the Federal forces had zouave regimems dressed That might have been fine for American morale, bu
in aaudy, harem-like pams just because some French we doubt it! Whoever beard of Americans desiring t
ZOl~1\'eShad made a name for themselves in Africa. glitter on the field of battle? No one really believes tha
When the Germans cleaned up the French in 1870, Americans take willingly to spit and polish. The Civil
spiked helmets crept into bshion in some of our regi- War proved that.
ments. After that came British khaki. We must admit A certain major doing duty on the Ivlexican border 5ai
the following to his battalion. "Don'
shave until I do! Officers must wea
bandanna handkerchiefs like myself-
the enlisted men can if they wish t
buy them." He was a lot closer t
American psychology and desires tha
those who preach the" glitter" polic)'
The War Department has decide
upon a comfortable dress uniform an
we hear rumors that the field uniforn
will also be changed. It is for a reall)
improved field uniform that we mak
our plea. Make it distinctly American
and make it smart but more comfort
able and suitable to the wearer whe
in the field.
The urgent need for a comfortabl
• field uniform was forcibly impresse
upon the writer during the recent CC
mobilization. He was on duty in Ver
mont, where the thermometer droppe
to forty below on many occasions. Th
work clothes issued to the CCC we
adequate to keep the enrollees war
and at the same time were comfortabl
to work in. In fact, many of the office
and enlisted men started wearing CC
clothing such as "woodsmen" macki
naws, furred caps, heavy lumbermen'
sox, and the like. The practice becaJ11
so widespread that it came to the non
of the military authorities. An ord
The Artillerymen of 1776. The gunners of the Revolution. was finally issued that the army pet
sonnd must refrain from wearing such clothes. form, especially toward a more comfortable one, we hear
Comfort and suitability should be the deciding factors loud wails that it doesn't look military. In the first place,
but we believe that American traits and customs should it is "military" as long as the powers that be issue the
also be depicted whenever possible. The Poles wear square order. In the second place, growling is a time-honored cus-
rapped caps in their army. It's an old Polish custom, and tom, anyhow. But we think we arc justified in our stand.
a constant reminder of their nationality. The British For example, compare uniforms designed for athletic
we3r the Sam Browne belt. Sure, we admit it looks wear with those designed for show like the Army, door-
sW3nky, it's so British! But why should we look typically men, bellhops, and the like. Athletic uniforms are at-
British? The French Foreign legionnaires love their kepis. tractive, and-above all, they arc designed for maximum
Thev have them! The American trooper should have usage for their particular sport. This is true whether it be
som~thing about his uniform th3t he can look at with polo, track, football, or swimming. But, for the military,
pride 3nd say, "It is American!" hotel doormen, or the like, the uniform is first designed
Americans at work don't like coats. We should develop for show and is cluttered with useless gadgets. Sabre
a shirt they can wear with pride. The hunting shirt is chains, leather corsets, and whatnots dangle all over us.
thoroughly American, but at many posts it is considered Why not get back to common sense in designing a field
:1 disgrace. for a man to be seen without a coat, even in the uniform? Navy gobs don't have to polish uniform brass
summer time. buttons, or insignia by the hour. Why should a soldier?
Our working men and soldiers take unkindly to ties Moreover, we arc getting slightly sick and tired of being
while working or in the field. Why bother with tics? told by some admiring civilian when we arc all dolled up
\Vool shirts and coats arc apt to rasp the neck; use a in our best 0.0'5 that we "look so foreign." Bah!
khaki-colored, silken neckerchief. Anyhow, the necker- So, let's be American and comfortable. That in itself
chief is about as American a bit of uniform as could be IS synonymous-except in the present American Army
selected. It lends dash to the uniform. Besides if you have field uniforms.
ever done duty on the Border, or lived
in the West you'll readily understand
how useful a neckerchief can be when
s:1l1dor dust storms arc encountered.
The Civil War style of felt hat, or
the later way of pc:{king it instead of
creasing is typically American. But,
we arc becoming trench-cappy, and
tin-hatty, and we certainly suffer, es-
pecially in the tropics. No doubt now
that the Italians have been successful
in Ethiopia, we'll be having feathers,
a la Alpine, next.
Americans like sweaters. Under pres-
ent regulations they must be used hid-
den like an undershirt. Down on the
Border, they once saw daylight, but
then we weren't worried about spoiling'
Villa's finer sensibilities by shocking
him with a de trap garment. Any
worker will certainly testify that a
wool shirt, sweater, or mackinaw is
comfortable. But, no-we insist on a
tight coat instead of a sweater.
~.nd,. those wrap leggins! Well, the
BrItish 1!1 India got them, and that was
why we did. Or, was it? What's the
~atter with something more American
In foot and leg wear? And by that, we
know we open ourselves wide for some-
one to growl, "Does he expect us to use
occasins? "
Every time there is a change in uni- The dress uniform of 1885. Note the pickelhaubcn-spiked helmets.
Military Justice Ancient RaIne
A Spell on the Yukon
By CAPTAIN JOHN M. TATUM, Infantry Reserve
ELL do I recall my intense disappointment as I ant did their stuff with the Infantry company. Another
surveyed Fort Gibbon, Alaska, that chill Octo- Doughboy captain doubled in brass as post quartermaster,
ber day some twenty years ago. Clustered about and a lieutenant doctor represented the Medical Corps.
a small semicircular parade ground was a frontier minia- Only two of the three married officers had their wives
ture of an army post-barracks, headquarters, quarter- with them; the girl "outside" had decided not to ris
master warehouses, and officers' quarters. The gaunt the North because of a sick child. In the true spirit 0
towers of the Signal Corps station lent the only modern Army women the two wives did what they could to mak
touch; and were a telling reminder of the many miles life more bearable for the bachelors.
between us and the "outside." West of the post, the A dance in our honor enlivened our arrival, for w
broad Yukon rolled by in its course from the Circle to were as much an event to the community as it was to us
the Sea. The Loyal Order of Moose, appropriately enough a
The post town, Tanana, was as unprepossessing as strong organization in that home of the antlered tribe,
Gibbon. This Arctic metropolis consisted of one double threw the parry. The gathering was truly representative
row of wooden houses, cabins, and small stores precari- of the region---officers, enlisted men, the inevitable half-
ously perched on the banks of the river. Touch up this breeds, sourdoughs, and all the white women that could
scene with a weatherbeaten board sidewalk and you have be drummed up in several days' march. The bachelors
Tanana-all of it. made much over two unmarried white girls, the only
It took no lengthy inspection for me to decide that twO within 200 miles.
this place was not only far removed in miles from the Not long after our arrival ice began floating down the
three posts I had known in my army career, but equally river. Then the first snow fell, the ground froze, and
remote in living standards. steamboats prudently cleared the river. Then came the
The garrison could boast no more than one company real cold-and what a cold! We arose in the early quier
of Infantry, a microscopic Signal Corps detachment and of one morning to find the river solidly frozen from
a few odds and ends by way of medicos and housekeeping bank to bank. I had seen my first freeze-up.
details. A lieutenant colonel of the Signal Corps held Raw, blustery, and frigid, the long Arctic winter
forth as post commander, while a captain and a lieutcn- settled down upon us. There is only one way to appreci.
:~.=~·- r'-"
. ,
'I ..
ate what a winter on the Arctic Circle means, and that is Fires burned continuously in the buildings during the
to spend one there. To say that it is hard on the nerves winter. There was no coal; we used wood and lots of it
is not enough; but then I suppose it is about impossible -at twelve dollars a cord. Our frontier heating system
to pomay the state of mind that comes with the realiza- required a long special duty list-janitors, stokers, and a
tion that you are to be snow-bound and ice-locked for few watchmen to keep an ,eye on the stoves.
eight months. Of course, isolation in itself is not necessa- During the winter months electric lights glowed all
rily nerve-racking, but when that isolation is scarred by day in offices, quarters, and barracks. Some days we
physical discomforts, inconveniences, and a never-ending never saw the sun; on others it would peep over the
monotony of the same duties, same food, same com- horizon at about eleven in the morning and then hastily
panions and same "pleasures," it is another story. Under duck back. Part of the time we had a greyish sort of
such conditions the nerves of even the most phlegmatic daylight.
growtaut. There seemed no limit to the snow. Day in and day
At Gibbon I have seen the thermometer register seven- out it fell in dry powdery crystals creating a vast white-
ty below in the middle of the day. Need I say that there ness that covered everything.
was no piped water during such weather? Sleds hauled The Fairbanks mail came once a week by dog sled.
water from house to house and delivery was made by From down the river the mail came very irregularly. The
bucket. Icicles hung to the ground from the nozzles on "outside" mail, mushed in over the trail, was rarely less
the water sled, and it was not uncommon to see them than thirty days old when it arrived. The sparks that
dangling from the nostrils of the horses. In barracks the crackled in the radio station appeared later on our bul-
water supply was kept in GI cans in heated rooms. letin board in the form of a daily poopsheet that gave us
Tanana's solution to the water problem interested me. the gist of the doings in the States. Those steel masts
Two methods were used. Those who lived on the river were our tie with home.
bank sawed holes in the ice and drew up the water, farm Food was the problem during the winter. There just
fashion, with bucket and rope. Those too far removed were no fresh vegetables, milk, eggs, butter, and the
from the river sawed ice blocks, hauled them to their like. So, the answer was canned foods aplenty. Fresh and
cabins and stacked them like cordwood in the front yard. frozen meats we had in abundance, for these were easily
!t was then a simple matter to chip off pieces for drink- procured by the hunters. Moose appeared on our tables
Ingand cooking purposes. An old sourdough gravely in- almost daily; properly prepared and seasoned it isn't bad.
formed me that on one occasion iceworms nearly ruined The poor mess officer really had a job. All he had to
hiswater supply. do was supply a balanced ration and avoid monotony on
Fort Gibbon had a community bath house. True the bill of fare. No wonder he went about with wrinkled
enough, it was no Roman 8ath, but then it was well- brow.
heated and afforded us the luxury of a warm shower. A Messing the bachelor officers was troublesome. We
schedule allotted bathing hours equitably among officers, tried messing with the company and promptly ran into
Women, and men. difficulties. The extras-sweets and cakes---on our table
32 THE COAST ARTILLERY ]OlJRJ.'JAL J allllar)'- Februar
brought growls from the men; they didn't, or wouldn't, tions an officer must be truly understanding and tactful t
understand that these were paid for by the officers. The hold his men together.
dissatisfaction grew to such an extent that the bachelors The trouble was not confined to the enlisted men-rh
finally sought eating facilities elsewhere. The Doughboy- officers themselves grew increasingly quarrelsome and
quartermaster took refuge at the QM mess. I stuck to irritable. The most trifling incident was enough to tu
the company for breakfast, snatched lunch wherever I one's best pal into a pettish schoolboy. Before the winter
could, and the Chinaman's restaurant downtown gave was over, our little garrison had divided into two mood
me dinner. The memory of the half dollars that went and bitter factions.
for eo-gs, when in season, is still a sour one, and I still Civilians were no more immune from spells of Arctic
regre~ the many quarters spent for soft drinks and poor lunacy than we. In fact, the craziest show I ever sa
As a matter of fact, two-bits was the smallest was staged by a civilian. This bucko hated the tow
medium of exchange in town, except at the post office- marshal who had once laid him by the heels for amino
there two-cent stamps still sold for two cents. I decided offense. So, one fine day, our village bad man got him-
that some day I would look up that officer who had con- self a snootful and forthwith descended upon the jail.
gratulated me upon my Alaskan orders, alleging that Finding its guardian absent, he took possession, and a
I'd save money! once began shouting drunken defiance at the sovereig
Prohibition was just another word in Alaska. Bootleg territory of Alaska in general and at the town marshal i
hooch was plentiful and cheap; moreover, former saloon particular. I came into the picture when the marshal
keepers had thoughtfully provided for the prosperous by burst into my room at the hotel and demanded my pistol.
caching large supplies of bonded whiskey just before His, it seemed, had been left at the jail. I passed over
giving up the legal ghost. my Colt, and rims armed, this stout son of the North
The liquor problem brought dual headaches. Bored to Countree stormed the lockup. Only in Alaska can I
death, fed up with routine, with nothing in store for conceive of a yegg breaking his way into jail.
the next year but a similar winter, the men were in a We fought the dreariness of indoor life with an endless
receptive mood for the bottle. We had real parties to round of dances, smokers, boxing matches, bowling tOut-
contend with. naments, competitive games, picture shows, and every
One officer broke up a noisy shindig in town, and al- conceivable kind of contest. But still to no effect-a look
though singlehanded, managed to shepherd fifteen hilari- out of the window and you saw the same cheerless ex-
ous and drunken soldiers safely back to barracks. A pay- panse of white, unending and unbroken.
day razee in the Doughboy barracks almost culminated Not all our time was spent indoors, for we did engage
in a mutiny. We tried discipline on the drunks, but then in winter sports. Mushing dog teams was a favorite
we couldn't jail half the company. recreation. The quartermaster corral boasted several good
To top off this depressing situation we had narcotics teams. A few of the noncoms bought dogs, or won them
to combat. Several dope peddlers plied their racket in with practiced fingers over the gambling tables in town.
the vicinity and found a lucrative market. On two occa- I shared a team with the Doughboy-quartermaster and
sions coke-crazed soldiers narrowly escaped committing the surgeon acquired one, too.
murder. One lad, full of happy dust, shot a hole through A satisfactory dog sled set you back fifty dollars, but
the orderly-room window which had been graced by the a good lead dog came higher and was worth whatever he
company clerk's head a split-second before. Another cost. Dogs are not pampered parlor pets in Alaska-
demonstrated his marksmanship upon the tam-o-shanter they are beasts of burden. At times, they are ferocious,
of the post exchange sergeant while that worthy still had snarling beasts, best handled with whip or club. But
it on. The bullet deftly lifted the tam from the sergeant's these wolfish animals possess an uncanny intelligence.
head, leaving him uninjured but considerably startled. and many a man owes his life to the unerring accuracy
One old sergeant, almost ready for retirement and of a lead dog's nose bent on a snow-covered trail that is
hitherto thoroughly dependable, went completely hay- invisible to his master.
wire while on guard. It was only with considerable dif- On all outdoor duty or activities it was necessary to
ficulty that the officer of the day succeeded in calming wear the special type of clothing known as Alaskan issue.
him down. Solitary was the cure for the corporal who This outfit, though decidedly effective in providing pro-
ran amok. Two privates of the guard stuck rifles in the tection against the elements, could scarcely be classed as
snow and blithely started out over the hill-this in a rakish. Reading from top to bottom the principal items
land where there was no place to go. Even the usually included: fur caps, flapped for face protection; heavy
harmless QM detachment had its moments. There a outer coats over the thick breeches; long woolen stock-
ninety-pound private suddenly went berserk and emerged ings worn over the breeches legs and rolled below the
looking for trouble. He picked a zoo-pound Infantry knees; and moccasins with thick felt insoles. In damp
sergeant and did his determined best to take him apart. weather we wore mucklucks, but these were not often
These little incidents portray the mood and temper of necessary, for Alaskan snow is usually quite dry. Ordi-
men under the strain of monotony. Under such condi- nary shoes were out, for leather froze as hard as a brick.
The moccasins were quite comforrable in spite of their The mosquitoes were formidable enough to defeat the
lack of heels ... Air Corps. A captain, up to give our station the once-
:\ soldier in this get-up looked abom as nuhtary as a over for use as a temporary landing field, did not tarry
\ bori chieftain. Perhaps this strictly utilitarian ensemble long. One bout with these winged furies and he con-
ilJd somethinCT to do with the lack of discipline. fessed himself routed. He turned in an adverse report.
As the mo~ths wore on, the day imperceptibly grew Before the Rier made his retreat we introduced him to
10nCTer.At last the snow began to melt, and the ground Scotty Kay, famed the length and breadth of the Yukon
bec~me mushy. Now, as if to make up for his long nap, as a king among poker players. Planes were new to the
the sun worked overtime. One fine morning we woke old sourdough and he was quite stirred. On the return
up to a series of deafening cras~les-for th~ ice had sta~ted trip the squadron Rew low over Scotty's hotel, dipped in
movinCTin the Yukon! The river turned IOtO a crashmg, salute, and dropped a note. The old settler was pleased
CTrindi~CTtorrent of ice Roes. For ten days it was unsafe to as a schoolboy.
~ross. Longingly we eyed the mail. piled within sight
on the opposite bank. '*' '*' '*'
Ducks winCTedin from the somh. Soon the ponds were
But with all its bitterness, Alaska offers beauty that is
alive with the~ and it was no feat at all tIJ bag five or six
breath-taking. From the top of a rise one looks down on
varieties on one hunt.
diamond-bright snowfields that stretch away to lost hori.
Now came new surprises. The uninterrupted daylight
zons. Sunlight slanting through ice-sheeted evergreens
was hard to get used to. At taps it required a sort of
has to be seen to be believed. The northern lights are
self-hypnosis to make .bedtime convincing with th.e sun
weird and awe-inspiring. They are best seen by moon-
uoinu full blast. ReveIlle would find the sun at mldsky.
light when their streamers ride across the night in brilliant
On dle 21st of June it shone right on through midnight.
and blinding color. No one can look on this play of
Flowers sprang up in the sun-warmed turf, and with
unearthly fire without an emotion compounded of fear
them came clouds of mosquitoes and gnats. Large and
and wonder. ,
vicious, they swarmed everywhere. On one memorable
occasion our midnight baseball game was called after five Love it or hate it; call it what you will; Alaska is a
inninus, but not on account of darkness-we Red before wonderful land-a rich country, a hospitable country.
an on~laught of determined mosquitoes. Out of doors we and withal, a topsy-turvy COUntry. Poised, as it is. on
( wore protective clothing-a wide-brimmed hat with a the Rank of the world. who knows the size of the Ameri-
veil to cover the face, and long gauntlets to protect hands can garnson It may some day harbor? Yau mav see
, and wrists. Alaska yet!
map reasonably up to date? Do we need the small army We know that the tempo of staff operation must be at
of clerks we now have? Should G-3 and G-2 be separate- least quadrupled if we are to survive in mile-a-minute
k functioning sections? Should it ever be necessary for battle. A staff cannot function a-horseback when troops
(;-3 to walk as far as 20 feet .to .I~ok over a G-2 map of move at a 50-mile clip. The hare cannot depend upon
questionable accuracy and reliability? You and the rest the tortoise for advice and orders. \\1ere real bullets to
of the army know the answers to these questions as well Hy, we would be forced to change these methods In a
as I do. hurry. \\1hy can't we imagine the bullets now?
FIG. 1 FIG. 2
36 THE COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL jalll1ar)'- Febmary
FIG. 3
GENERAL FROSSARD, although he was not beaten, thought he was beaten, and therf'-
fore was beaten. General Zastrow, though half beaten, refused to be beaten, and
therefore was victorioUS.-COLONEL F. E. V/J-HTTO:--:. 1I101tke.
The Will of the Leader-Part II
HEN the Chief of
the Great General
Every importantdecision urgently desired. An enemy cav-
alry division is in position west of
Staff awoke on Sep- was a leap in the dark. CMteau-Porcien.
tember I, 1914, he might well It was "shift left" again.
view the future with confi- The left wing of the Second
dence. As the date of the German national festival ap- Army would now move to the southeast. The message
proached-the forry-fourth anniversary of the surrender which ordered this "shift left" had been doctored quite a
of Napoleon III at Sedan-German armies, again un?er bit. Presumably, Tappen thought that hard~headed old
the guidance of a von .Moltke: were once mor~ sw.eepH~g Bulow ~ight not cooperate unless he believed matters
on to victory over theIr heredItary enemy. Vlctonous 10 were senous.
the first great clash, they were now approaching the heart Having thus dealt quickly, vigorously, and somewhat
ofFrance. imaginatively with the situation, it now occurted to
The enemy's left was separated from his central group- OHL that it might be a good idea to find out just what
ing and was retreating by forced marches to avoid de- the situation of its center armies really was. About nOOll
struction. On the other hand, the French central group out went radios to the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Armies,
seemedto be making a desperate effort to retrieve the asking for the locations of their corps, their wings, and
situation by a general counter-offensive. their front lines, and for the day's objectives of the vari-
So much the better! The German Fourth and Fifth ous corps.
Armies would meet the French frontally while the new Hausen's reply at 2:30 P.M. delighted OHL. In ac-
directiongiven to von Hausen's Third Army would auto- cordance with its orders, the Third Army had been about
matically result in an envelopment of the left flank of to attack when aviators reported the enemy retiring to
the French central grouping. Things seemed to be mov- the southwest. The Third Army would launch an ener-
ing rapidly to a successful climax. getic pursuit-to the south, since OHL wished it that
However, the situation soon lost some of its rosy aspect. way. (Map 1.)
Almost before Moltke had entered the little red-brick OHL certainly saw no reason to object. Neither did it
schoolon the anniversary of the Battle of Sedan, von feel called upon to countermand its recent order to BUlow.
Tappen thrust a message from Hausen before him. The Hausen was notifying Bulow of the new situation and
Third Army reported that on the evening of August 31 Bulow would issue his own counter-orders.
it had run into a strong enemy occupying an organized
Soon afterward an intercepted radio from the Fourth
positionbehind the Aisne. The Third Army felt it could
to the Fifth Army stated that the former was attacking,
not launch an attack against this position before Septem-
and added that according to prisoners' statements, dissolu-
tion was beginning in the French forces. Throughout
Thus the hope of enveloping the enemy's central mass
the rest of the afternoon, one victory-message followed
with Hausen's army went glimmering. But still worse,
another. The enemy was now in retreat before the Fourth
this left the Fourth and Fifth Armies to work out their
Army. Soon the Fifth Army reported that it was "pro-
own salvation unassisted. The Fifth Army was in an
gressing victoriously all along the front." Its center had
awkwardposition and the Fourth was seriously weakened
crossed the Meuse! At 7:25 P.M. the Fourth Army asked
by the heavy losses it had sustained in forcing the line of
for instructions.
the Meuse. OHL saw no choice. The Third Army must
helpat once-at any cost. Out went the following radio: Moltke, Tappen, and Hentsch briefly estimated the
Immediate continuation of a resistless attack toward the
situation. The French central armies were fleeing and
southeast by the Third Army is absolutely indicated, since beginning to break up. This success must be exploited;
on this the success of the day depends. therefore, the direction of pursuit prescribed on August
Butto OHL even this seemed insufficient, since Hausen 27 must be altered. Pursuit to the south was now indi-
could not envelop the French whose forces extended cated. The Third Army was moving south already. The
farther west than had been thought. How about von Fifth Army could not turn south yet. What should the
Biilo:,,'sSecond Army? It had only a beaten enemy be- Fourth Army do?
foreIt. Couldn't this army spare troops to make the en- The experience of the day had cured OHL of that
velopment? There was an idea and so, at II:55 A.M., masterful feeling. Just now it was through doing any
thisradiogram went to Bulow: coordinating. The Fourth Army, in accordance with the
Third, Fourth and Fifth Armies engaged in a hard battle principle that the buck is passed down, never up, received
against a superior enemy. Right flank Third Army at the following order:
OUteau-Porcien on the Aisne. Advance of the left wing in Exploit success in cooperation with Third and Fifth
this direction, and if possible, intervention with cavalry today Armies.
The Fifth Army reported soon afterward that there was hallucination brought about by misinterpretation of over-
danger of interference between the left wing of the enthusiastic reports. Far from seeking a decision with their
Fourth Army which was to march south, and the right central armies, the French had even countermanded a
wing of the Fifth Army. The Fifth Army was still ma- counter-attack by which they had once hoped to delay the
neuvering under the directive of August 27 and therefore German advance, and had withdrawn without fighting.
march southwest. Preconceived ideas die hard-particularly in the minds
OHL felt that the important thing at this time was to of exponents of that intelligence system known as the
reap the reward of victory; it would regulate boundary method of intentions. Moltke was the nephew of the
details later. Therefore, it disregarded the Fifth Army's leading exponent of that system which, by interpreting
dilemma and, at 10:30 P.M., dispatched the following the known and, by surmise the unknown, seeks to read
radio to the Third and Fourth Armies: the mind of the opposing commander and ascertain his
West and east of the Argonne Forest, French bivouacs over intention. J.
a large area. Columns of vehicles marching toward the south- Thus, a captured French order and one or two ex-
west. Enemy attempt to retreat to southwest probable. Early travagant phrases sufficed to rivet Moltke's attention on
energetic advance of Third and Fourth Armies to the south
may bring great success. his central armies to the detriment of his right wing. It
As a result of the rapidly changing situation in the seems improbable that he fully realized the density of the
concentration he ordered for his imaginary battle as the
center, the affairs of the left wing received comparatively
German central armies approached the Meuse-Argonne
little attention. Ear Iy in the day OHL ha d learned h
region were A merican forces were to figh t four years
the outcome 0f the Bauer-Rupprecht-Xylander- T
ater. appen- I Some I 8 in fantry an dId2 cava ry ivisions were
Moltke episode. T h e Sixth Army reporte d that the pre- d th d'ffi
scribed attack across the Moselle could not be launched jamme into e I cult region between Attigny on the
Aisne and the Meuse a little north of Verdun-55 kilo-
before September 2; furthermore, it would attack Nancy meters of hills, woods, and bad roads. American officers
at the same time despite OHL's objections. The artillery I b
wi 1 remem er acutely the inadequate communications in
deployment, made in accordance with Major Bauer's
this region.
plan, could not be modified conveniently so the Sixth hI
Meanw i e, on the German right, nine corps, without
Army would have to go ahead with the Nancy attack. depth and with no reserves behind them, were scattered
To OHL this indicated that the Sixth Army's previous 1
over 100 ki ometers. Moreover, the First Army on the
objections to the Moselle attack could not have been
marching flank was as ignorant of the general situation
well-founded. A few days ago the Sixth Army had seen f h
no chance of success in the Moselle attack-it had in- as OHL was 0 t e First Army's situation. Let us quote
General Fuller of the British Army:
sisted it was too weak. Now it was willing to tackle both If intercommunication between events in front and ideas
the Moselle crossing and the formidable Nancy position behind is not maintained, then two battles will be fought-
at the same time. Despite this change of heart, Moltke a mythical headquarters battle and an actual front-line one,
was somewhat dissatisfied this evening with the Sixth in which case the real enemy is to be found in our own head-
Army and its desire for methodical plodding. Its view- quarters.
point always seemed to differ radically from that of OHL. The mythical battle had been fought. The real battle
From Luxemburg to Dieuze, Sixth Army headquarters, was yet to come.
is less than 100 kilometers. Two hours at best separated
Moltke from Rupprecht and Krafft von Dellmensingen On the morning of September 2, Moltke still had
-if Moltke felt in the mood for auto riding. He did precious little news from his right Hank. Not a word had
plan to take an auto ride the next day-he would drive been received from Bulow since his report of August 31.
to Longwy and examine the ruins of the little French A delayed report from Kluck arrived, but it contained
fortress and admire the effects of the German heavy nothing not already known.
artillery. According to an intercepted radio, Hausen's Third
As to the situation of the right wing, OHL was in the Army was advancing rapidly and the enemy to its front
dark. Since early morning Cologne had been having was in flight. The Fourth and Fifth Armies reported
trouble reaching the First and Second Armies. The pow- that they would continue the pursuit. Thereupon, OHL
erful Metz post would soon take this over but the neces- at last found time to settle the question of boundaries
sary arrangements had not yet been completed. Any- for the central armies. These were so set as to cause these
how, OHL had become accustomed to waiting for re- armies to continue on to the south.
ports from Bulow and Kluck. The situation was virtually Finally, at 9:50 A.M., Bulow reported that he had cap-
normal. In any case the success in the center was the tured La Fere and expected to reach the Aisne by the
outstanding factor. That night Moltke wrote again to night of September 2. OHL was quite pleased by the
the Countess Elsa: location of his objectives for it appeared that Bulow had
Today on the anniversary (Schlachttage) of Sedan, we have 1The other intelligence system-the method of capabilities-holds thal
the enemy commander may endea'\'or to deceive, or may change his original
again scored a great success against the French. intention. and therefore that information bearing solely on the hostil'
commander's intention is insufficient. This method concentrates on estab-
'*' '*' '*' lishing accnrately tbe enemy's physical ability to adopt various lines 01
action. It does not discard any enemy line of action nntil i~ appears tbll
This great success was the VIctOry of a dream-an the enemy is physically unable to ailopt it.
• f tp zo
Scale in f1i1€'$
resumed his march to the south. The order of the day sequently the French could not be prevented from pull-
before, directing him to swing to the southeast to help ing forces out of Lorraine for employment elsewhere.
Hausen had done no harm. He had evidently corrected Tappen admirted all this.
his march direction very promptly when Hausen notified Krafft then discussed the plan to withdraw the Sixth
him of the changed situation. 2 Army and use a portion of the troops to help the Fifth,
Shortly before 10:00 A.M. Krafft von Dellmensingen, as Tappen's directive, dictated to Major Xylander, had
Chief of Staff, and Major von Mertz, G-3, of the Sixth suggested. Krafft rejected this because of the bad moral
Army, arrived at OHL. If Moltke would not go to the effect of a withdrawal, and because of the slowness with
Sixth Army, the Sixth Army felt it essential to go to which such a movement must be executed. The heavy
Moltke. Things must be straightened out. Major von artillery, just deployed, would have to be withdrawn,
Mertz, who feared that recent misunderstandings were and since it did not have teams, this would be a slow
~e prelude to disaster, had insisted on a personal inter- business. Moreover, largt= quantities of munitions had
VIew. been brought to the front in preparation for an attack.
Colonel Tappen saw these two officersfirst and painted This, too, would have to be evacuated. And finally,
a.glow~ng:picture of the general situation. Krafft aggres- since the armies west of the Meuse were pursuing, could
sIvely lllsisted that the Sixth and Seventh Armies had the Sixth Army arrive in time? Tappen admitted that
pulled their weight and estimated that they had continu- Krafft's views were well founded.
ously occupied the equivalent of eleven French corps. Krafft then eXplained why the main attack had to be
Hentsch, questioned as to these figures, was even more against Nancy, and not between T oul and Epinal as
enthusiastic. He thougpt there were thirteen and a half OHL desired. The effort must be made against Nancy
corpsstill in Lorraine. because OHL wanted an attack launched as soon as
.Krafft then discussed the present mission of the Lor- possible, and it was possible only to engage the heavy
rame forces-to hold in place an equal number of the artillery quickly in the vicinity of Nancy. Tappen con-
enemy. He said this could not be done. The French curred.
w~rebacked up against their fortresses, which, together Krafft promised to launch the big attack on September
Withthe river lines, offered defenses that could easily be 4. He showed the many things that had to be done and
held by inferior forces. Even a vigorous attack could not Tappen recognized that the Sixth Army had been right
fix forces equal to the Sixth and Seventh Armies. Con- not to make a premature uncoordinated rush against the
";'I'his complacency was scarcely justified. Hausen's message had been formidable French positions. Krafft promised that the
""':"00 several hours, so the failure of OHL to promptly countermand its
V o,:?er resulted in much useless marching by two of Billow's corps. Sixth Army would follow up vigorously if the enemy
te°~~iihl lays part of the blame for the pscape of the French Fifth Army
UU8movement. retired.
About the time agreement had been reached on all retiring southward to the east of Paris. It must be en-
points, Moltke entered the office. Things were eXplained veloped and driven to the southeast.
to him and he approved the plans of the Sixth Army . To Thus, the original idea of envelopment came back
make things unanimous, Stein came in, and he too again in an attenuated form. Moltke, however, was not
agreed. In parting Moltke said, "Be sure and prepare prepared to dispense with flank protection from the dan-
your attacks well with artillery." gerous direction of Paris, now that it seemed that the
Thus, in the interview with the aggressive Krafft, Germans, too, must pass east of that city. Therefore, the
OHL completely reversed its previous stand, and let the First Army, echeloned behind the Second Army, would
attack between T oul and Epinal, which it had previously protect the right Rank. The Second Army, instead of
considered as essential, be relegated to a back seat. the First, would make the envelopment.
The brain child of Major Bauer, which OHL at first At 9:20 P.M. Moltke signed the following radio fat
had violently disowned, had been adopted into the fam- Kluck and Bulow:
ily. The unauthorized mouthings of a junior staff officer The intention of OHL is to throw th~ French back to the
had changed the strategical plans of two armies. southeast, cutting them off from Paris. The First Army will
But OHL was now too involved to consider this. Late follow the Second in echelon and will protect the right flank
of the armies.
in the afternoon an intercepted radio from Bulow to
Kluck, showed that the enemy was retreating behind As luck would have it, no sooner had this somewhat
the Marne and that the Second Army expected to reach carelessly worded radio been sent than news of the right
this river on September 3. But there was still no news wing began to arrive. Hausen reported enemy forces
from Kluck and this was disquieting. It was now fotty- entraining at several railway stations in front of the Third
eight hours since his situation had been known. More- Army. Several long trains had been seen moving to the
over, the exact situation of the Third and Fourth Armies southwest. Thus, OHL received the first unmistakable
was not known at 8:00 P.M. warning that German pressure was not strong enough to
In almost total ignorance of the situation, Moltke now prevent the French from regrouping their forces by means
made ?ne of the most important decisions of the Marne of rail movements. Regardless of a growing fear for the
campalgn. safety of their right flank, Moltke and Hentsch did not
Two days had gone by since the pursuit on the right consider it necessary to pass this information on to Kluck
wing had swung to the south. Therefore it was time to and Bulow. The dissemination of information was not
make a decision, information or no information. The OHL's forte.
armies must know whether they should continue to move Shortly before midnight OHL received a radio from
south or return to the ideas of the directive of August Kluck dated 5:00 P.M., September I. He reported that
27. Unless this matter were clarified, misunderstandings he had failed to strike the flank of the French Fifth
would follow. Army, and, by implication, asked for instructions. OHL
From captured documents Hentsch had drawn up a saw no reason to send further orders; it was assumed that
table showing the French order of battle. Most of the the radio it had just dispatched would be sufficient.
French regular corps had been identified; of the reserve Kluck's radio had taken some thitty-one hours to reach
formations, only six divisions had not been definitely Luxemburg. OHL's information was no longer fotty-
spotted. Unfortunately, the missing information was the eight hours old; it was only thirty-one hours old. Things
most vital. What forces did the French have available were looking up.
in the Paris region? Were other troops being moved
there? SEPTEMBER 3
Without this vital information, and without adequate A vigorous pursuit by Bulow's Second Army was now
intelligence of his own troops, Moltke was forced to base of supreme importance. Moltke still hoped for grear
his decision on the quicksands of assumption. He knew results from Bulow. It was also essential that the center
the entrenched camp of Paris had to be considered- and left exert enough pressure to prevent the French
French forces might be concentrating there secretly. In from maneuvering. This was the viewpoint of OHL as
fact, rumor indicated as much. Since French troops had reports of the day before began to come in.
already been shifted from Alsace to Amiens, otb-::rtroops The Fourth Army reported that it had made progress.
might equally well be shifted from Alsace to Paris. Hausen had been engaged and had captured prisoners
And speaking of Amiens, what had become of the from four French corps. Bulow reported that he had
French force that had been defeated near that city and pursued beyond the Aisne in constant contact with the
vanished behind the Avre? In the absence of actual in- enemy and that on September 3 he would pursue toward
formation Moltke assumed that this force did not "re- the Marne.
quire much strategical consideration." He dismissed the A report from Kluck-thitty-six hours old this time
British in like manner. The thing to do now, he con- -said there were three English divisions in his front be-
cluded, was to strike the mass of the French. The left tween the Oise and the Ourcq and that he would attack
flank of this mass was the French Fifth Army. This them on September 2d. After throwing them back, he
army was overlapped by the German right flank and was would hold himself in readiness for further orders. OHL
did not feel bound to answer this second request for in- and that the enemy was retiting. He stated that he in-
strUctions. It felt that the radio sent the evening before tended to rest his army the next day.
would be sufficient. OHL bounded into action. What could the Crown
A series of radios now came in. These indicated that Prince's chief of staff be thinking of? This was no time
the enemy was retreating in orderly fashion before the to rest. The Fifth Army was told in unmistakable terms
left of the Fourth Army and the right of the Fifth. The that it must advance on September 4; that any halt
Fourth Army confirmed hostile entrainments in the would seriously interfere with operations as a whole.
region north of S:hal~ns.and report~d intense activity on Meanwhile, buried in a mass of long, private mes-
certain railway hnes 10 Its front. BIVouacsseen the day sages and official telegrams of no importance, three short
before had disappeared. OHL realized that the French radiograms awaited their turn to be sent to Luxemburg.
had escaped the pressure of .the Fourth Army and were These were radios from Kluck which were to be sent to
moving troops away from Its front. But where? For Metz, decoded and then passed on to OHL. They
what purpose? OHL wondered-but took no steps to waited because the post of Metz was swamped. They
insure continuity of investigation. were short and concise and important, but they did not
In the afternoon, a radio from Kluck (written on the get to Luxemburg that evening.
evening of September 2) stated that his cavalry and ad- Moltke went to the Hotel de Cologne without know-
vance guards had failed to pin down the English. One ing that Kluck's First AFmy was plunging on across the
of his corps on the right had thrown back a French di- Marne; that contrary to orders, it was ahead of the Sec-
vision and an English cavalry division near Senlis. The ond Army instead of being echeloned to its right and
bulk of the English were retiring in the region of Meaux rear; and that (perhaps because of faulty wording of
and strong French forces were retiring by way of Ch£teau- OHL's order) Kluck was not worrying much at this time
Thierry. Kluck had sent his left corps, the IX, to about protecting the right flank of the German armies
strike the flank of these French forces. Two corps were from the direction of Paris.
facing Paris, covering the movement, and two were eche- SEPTEMBER 4
loned to the right of the IX. The Marne was clear of the
Early on a fateful day, "rich in worries and disappoint-
enemy to the west of Chateau-Thierry. Kluck added
ments," the first of Kluck's radios got through. This
that any attempt by the First Army to cross the Marne
message, dated 5:00 P.M., September 3, read:
on September 3 would have doubtful results.
The First Army crossed the Marne today at Chateau-
OHL was not worried. This radio had been sent be- Thierry and west thereof; partial indications of enemy. dis-
fore Kluck had gotten his new orders. Moreover, his solution.
views seemed generally in accord with those of OHL. OHL could not understand why Kluck had failed to
It could do no harm to Kluck's left to cooperate tempo- execute the order sent him. Although it was not clear
rarily with Biilow's pursuit, since Kluck himself was whether all the First Army had gone south of the Marne,
limiting that pursuit to the Marne, and was keeping an Moltke felt that Kluck had violated not only the letter,
eve on Paris. but the spirit of his orders. But in any event, a dangerous
. Consequently Kluck got' no new orders. Nor did he situation had arisen-in fact, the very one that Moltke
get any new information as to French entrainments in had wished to avoid.
front of other armies. He was not even asked to identify OHL felt strongly about the matter, but it did noth-
the French division he had thrown back near Senlis. As ing. It kept hoping for more news. Kluck would cer-
a r~ult, German Intelligence failed to learn that the force tainly not go far south of the Marne. His chief of staff,
whlc? had vanished behind the A vre, supposedly in dis- von Kiihl, was one of the best, and there was no need to
~lut1on, had reappeared in the Paris region. Therefore rush off a new set of instructions. Surely too, the First
It underestimated the danger. To quote the British Gen- Army would order air reconnaissance of the Paris region.
OHL did not need to remind Kluck to do that .
. Once again their Intelligence Service was showing itself Hausen announced the capture of Reims and stated
ma~equate, badly organized, and incapable of deducing con-
clUSionsfrom ascertained facts. that the Third Army expected to reach the Marne near
Ch£lons. The Fourth Army reported progress. The of-
At about TOO P.M. OHL received a radio from BUlow fensive of the Sixth Army seemed to have started or to
dated 5:30 P.M.: be about to start. The Seventh Army had launched its
The Second Army following close on the enemy's heels, attack and was progressing slowly. General von Beseler,
pursued until across the Marne. Even south of the Marne
th~enemy is retreating in complete dissolution. The Marne
commanding the forces observing the Belgians in Ant-
bndges are partly destroyed. Are there any orders for the werp, complained that an English landing at Ostend had
Second Army? made his situation difficult.
OHL promptly replied: Moltke, in accordance with his previous desire to ob-
Your actions' approved. The south bank of the Marne tain a decision against the French central armies, ordered
should be wo'M.. Duke Albrecht to push his Fourth Army toward the
The Crown Prince reported that his Fifth Army had southeast. (Map 2.)
captured a strongly forrified position near Montfaucon About noon Hentsch reported to Moltke with a grave
OSlO zo .
MAP 2 - The right wing would no longer have the principal r81e.
face. A reliable secret agent reported that two French French are pivoting toward their left wing. English to the
corps, the IX and XXI, were being taken away from the north of Coulommiers. First Army will continue on the 4th,
movement via Rebais-Montmirail.
Nancy-Belfort front. This meant that the enemy was
drawing troops not only from his center but from his The worst had happened. Not only was the bulk of
right as well. Relying on the strength of the eastern the First Army south of the Marne, but it was pushing
fortress line, the French were moving large forces behind onward even now. This report made no mention of any
their front by rail. They must be reinforcing their left. forces left north of the Marne and there was not the
The movements started September 2 in Champagne and slightest allusion to Paris.
would take several days. However, by September 8 they OHL realized that things were now in a mess and that
might well have several corps assembled near Paris. a big decision must be made quickly. Superficially, the
This news was a severe blow to Moltke. The thing situation seemed to consist of a joyful pursuit against a
which should have been prevented at all costs had hap- disorganized enemy, but recent rail movements point-
pened-the enemy in Lorraine and in the center had not ing toward a concentration in Paris, together with the
been contained. He had freedom of action and the ability known weakness of German forces on the right flank,
to maneuver. convinced OHL that things were not quite so simple.
A radio from Bulow stated that the Second Army had Groups of staff officers calculated and discussed things
crossed the Marne and gave the line it had reached. For in the little class-roomsby the light of flickering candles
some reason this army seemed to have side-slipped to the and dingy oil lamps.
left. Since there was no word about the enemy, OHL Gradually three schools of thought developed: to halt
surmised that the French Fifth Army had escaped and on the Marne, regroup forces and resume enveloping
that Bulow was now incapable of driving it toward the operations later; to face toward Paris with strong forces
southeast. and smash the attempted counter-blow when it came;
Kluck's second message came through about TOO P.M. or, finally, to stake everything on operations in Lorraine.
It showed that he had left two corps north of the Marne These three ideas were developed in conference between
to watch Paris. This was something of a reassur~nceto Moltke and his assistants.
OHL. Moltke rejected the plan to halt and regroup forces.
The big jolt came a few moments later when the last This would take time and Germany needed a quick de-
of the three messages arrived-Kluck's report of the day cision. There must be no halt in operations. The other
before, sent at 10:30 P.M. It read: two plans were discussed and the final "'!iolutionwas a
First Army has crossed the line of the Marne: La-Fette- compromise of sorts.
sous-Jouarre - CMteau-Thierry with leading elements; the The danger from Paris was recognized, but was not
yet considered imminent. There was still time to have the into battle under extremely favorable strategical con-
First Army face Patis, provided it could be stopped from ditions. In particular, the Allied left would have a nu-
going south. However, this army alone would be too merical superiority of nearly two to one over the German
weak to meet the threat. Bulow's Second Army would right.
have to help. It had a Heeing enemy in its front and Barring miracles, the Germans had lost the Battle of
therefore could maneuver. Moreover, there was no longer the Marne two days before it started.
any hope of driving the French Fifth Army to the south-
east. All things considered, this plan had no drawbacks.
True, the right wing would no longer have the principal On the morning of September 5th the decision of
role; it would be reduced to protecting a Hank, but that OHL was somewhat further developed in a general di-
could not be helped. rective for the armies. While staff officers were drafting
The hope for a decision now rested on the ability of this, a radio from Kluck arrived, dated 10:30 P.M., Sep-
the Third, Fourth and Fifth Armies, assisted by the at- tember 4th, and therefore relatively recent. Kluck had
tack from Lorraine, to rapidly crush the enemy's central thrown the French back on Montmirail with his left.
mass. The Fourth and Fifth would attack to the south- Four corps were to push on southward on September 5th,
east and the Sixth and Seventh to the west. The Third, pursuing the retreating enemy, who would be attacked
continuing to the south, would be able to reinforce either wherever met. The IV Reserve Corps and a cavalry di-
the offensive or defensive forces. vision had been left north of the Marne.
The Third Army got its orders promptly. The Fourth Gatt im Himmel! Would the First Army never stop
and Fifth were notified in good time of their new mis- going south? Kluck might consider one weak corps
enough to face Paris north of the Marne, but OHL
sions-"to open the crossings of the Moselle to the Sixth
and Seventh Armies by a rapid advance to the south- wanted the entire First Army there. Kluck seemed blind
to the danger from Paris.
east." Bulow received the following radio at 10:45 P.M.:
First and Second Armies will remain facing the east front
As usual, OHL debated but took no action. It con-
of Paris. First Army between the Oise and the Marne, hold- tinued to wait for another report to clear up the situation.
ing the crossings of the Marne west of Chateau-Thierry; Moreover, it took no action on a message from Hausen,
Second Army between the .Marne and the Seine, holding which had certainly been sent after receipt of last night's
crossingsof the Seine between Nogent and Mery, inclusive. radio, repeating that his army would have a rest day on
Third Army will march on Troyes. September 5th.
This message was also sent to Kluck, but it did not OHL waited, but the clock didn't. One by one the
reach the First Army until 6:40 A.M., eleven hours after hours crept by, each burdened with the destiny of na-
it was signed by Moltke. Indeed, OHL failed to do itself tions. At 9:00 A.M. the new directive was presented to
very proud, either in transmitting or in composing. mes- Moltke:
sages. The words "remain facing Paris" were hardly The enemy has evaded the enveloping attack of the First
suitable when OHL knew Kluck was already south of and Second Arm~esand a part of his forceshas joined up with
the Marne. These words might give Kluck the impres- those about ParIS. From reports and other information, it
sion that OHL had no idea what was going on. appears that the enemy is moving troops westward from the
front: Toul-Belfort (Alsace-Lorraine) and is also taking
Some of the staff officers at OHL had their doubts as them from the fronts of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Armies.
to whether the new decision was justified. This may ex- The attempt to force the whole French Army back in a south-
plair: why the staff work seems to have suffered on this easterly direction toward the Swiss frontier is thus rendered
evenmg. impracticable. It is far more probable that the enemy is
bringing up new formations and concentrating superior forces
In any case, when Hausen indicated that he was going in the neighborhood of Paris, to protect the capital and
to give his army a day of rest, OHL did not react as it threaten the flank of the German Army.
had in the case of the Fifth Army. Perhaps Moltke felt The First and Second Armies must therefore remain facing
that when the Third Army got the radio he had just the east front of Paris. Their task is to act against any opera-
sent, ordering it to march on T royes, that Hausen would tions of the enemy from the neighborhood of Paris and to
give each other mutual support to this end.
change his mind about resting. However that may be, The Fourth and Fifth Armies are still operating against
OHL did nothing. superior forces. They must maintain constant pressure to
drive them southeastward, and by this means open a passage
* * * * for the Sixth Army over the Moselle between T oul and
Miles away, in French General Headquarters another
. Epina!. It cannot yet be foreseen whether, by cooperating
commander in chief had also made a grave decision that with the Sixth and Seventh Armies, they will then succeed
evening. But there was this difference: unlike Moltke, in driving any considerablepart of the enemy's forces toward
General Joffre knew what he was doing. He had re- Swiss territory.
grouped his forces with their center of gravity in the The Sixth and Seventh Armies will continue to hold
west; he had filled up the French ranks with replace- the enemy in position on their front, but will take the
offensive as soon as possible against the line of the Moselle
ments; he had weeded out incompetent commanders. between T oul and EpinaI, securing their flanks against these
Now, well-informed as to the movements of the German fortresses. ,. ,. ,.
right wing, he knew that the French armies would go The Third Army "" '* '*
This document, though little more than a confirmation sages seemed ineffectual; perhaps a staff officer might
of the radio messages sent the evening before, is never- be able to induce Kluck to act in accordance with the
theless of considerable psychological interest. Inconsist- win of OHL.
ency is its outstanding characteristic-inconsistency both Before leaving Luxemburg, Hentsch took occasion to
with itself and with the fundamentals of German tactical emphasize another danger that threatened the German
and strategical doctrine. Army. English forces were concentrating in Belgium and
On the one hand it confesses the failure to obtain a the north of France, and growing stronger and stronger.
decision, and on the other the breakdown of the plan for One report had it that 80,000 Russians had disembarked
the sake of which Germany had made enemies of Britain at Ostend. Acting from Belgian ports and from the Line
and Belgium. It suggests that the initiative on the west region, where reports also said enemy forces were concen-
flank is about to pass to the enemy. It paints a somber trating, the enemy might march on Antwerp or cut the
picture of the situation of the Fourth and Fifth Armies, communications of the whole German right wing. These
opposed by "superior forces:' . reports made a deep impression on the Chief of Staff.
Under these conditions one might logically expect that Moltke's attention became particularly riveted on the
a complete regrouping of the German forces would be region of Line (in the north of France, not far from the
ordered, prior to any renewal or continuation of the of- Belgian frontier), where an agglomeration of industrial
fensive. But instead, the order provides for frontal attack cities and mining communities with a population of
by two armies against "superior forces" and by two nearly a million, could conceal several corps. Placing his
others against the fortified line of the Moselle. And to finger on the red spot which marked the location of Line
make the inconsistency complete, it then proceeds to on the situation map, Moltke said to Tappen, "Here is
cast doubt on the success of the operations it has just the danger; the danger is here:'
finished prescribing. To guard against this danger, Moltke immediately de-
The issue of this order, the drafting of which had ap- cided to take two corps from the left wing and send them
parently taken twelve hours, marked the last of the suc- to Belgium. Even at this late date, anything remotely re-
cessive retouches by which Moltke transformed Schlief- sembling the reinforcement of the right wing was de-
fen's wide envelopment into a frontal attack, delivered sirable. However, Moltke seemed consistently destined
under particularly adverse conditions. to weaken his main effort. Here, at the very moment
The danger from Paris was now becoming more pro- when he was avowedly seeking the decision of the war
nounced. That morning Hentsch told Moltke that secret with his center and left, he proposed the withdrawal of
service agents reported strong French forces being moved two corps from the left wing. But he met a snag.
there. The Seventh Army promised to give up a corps but the
Almost simultaneously the real miracle of the Marne stubborn chief of staff of the Sixth Army protested that
occurred. A radio from Kluck reached OHL within two he was making an important attack and could surrender
hours after the time it had been signed. It showed that no forces. Although Moltke had grown somewhat ac-
the First Army was still marching south on September customed to yielding to the Sixth Army, he decided, on
5th and, moreover, that Kluck did not intend to obey the this occasion, to place the matter before his Imperial
order sent him the evening before.. Master for a decision. The Kaiser, who had just returned
The radio showed that Kluck did not understand why from a visit to the Sixth Army, decided that this army
OHL wanted to stop his advance to the south. He did could spare-no troops at present. Later, perhaps, but not
not seem to recognize the danger from Paris, or even now.
realize that strong French forces were assembling there. Meanwhile, Biilow had sent OHL an unsolicited but
(OHL had not informed him and he does not appear to gratefully received estimate of the situation. He believed
have bothered much about reconnoitering that region the enemy to be concentrating near Paris in order to ob-
himself.) He apparently believed that OHL had ordered tain a decision by a blow against the right flank of the
him to face Paris merely for the purpose of beginning its German armies. He reported important rail movemeno
investment. Therefore, he proposed to continue the pur- toward the west in front of his army which, incidentally,
suit to the Seine. After that he would return north of the was continuing its advance. This message emphasized
Marne and face Paris. Kluck said he considered it danger- the divergent views of the commanders of the two right-
ous to cease pressure on the enemy on the south, and flank armies and foreshadowed a complete lack of co-
thus allow him freedom of action. operation. Kluck was not only out of step with OHL.
Kluck's appreciation of the situation and OHL's were but with Biilow as well. The situation obviously called
as far as apart as the poles. Confronted by this unmis- for Moltke to go to the front and do some first-class co-
takable fact, Moltke finally took action. OHL would ordinating.
send a liaison officer to Kluck; this officer would take a The question of moving OHL forward behind tht
copy of the new directive with him al'l.dexplain the situ- right flank appears to have been revived at this time. Tht
ation. Hentsch would be a good man-he knew von Kaiser had expressed this wish several times and most ol
Kiihl, Kluck's chief of staff, and could explain the enemy the staff agreed that it would be a good thing to locate
situation and the very real danger from Paris. Radio mes- OHL at Mezieres, for example. The German official
history explains that ~e general "po~de:osity" of OHL could no longer retreat. The message added that the situ-
preve~ted the move bemg made at thIS time. T aIk of es- ation of the Fourth Army was good.
tablishing a small advanced command post ended only About 7:00 P.M. an intercepted radio from Bulow to
in talk. Hausen stated that fractions of the First and Second
:Meanwhile, the Fourth and Fifth Armies reporred a Armies were engaged in a stubborn battle on the Morin
-ontinuation of the advance. Late in the evening nothing River (south of the Marne). The help of the Third
had been heard from Hentsch, but a radio had come in Army was requested. It was unfortunate that Hausen had
from Kluck. He asked for information of the movements taken a rest day while the other armies advanced. That
of the other armies and said that without this information had left a big gap in the front. The gap could be directly
he would be unable to make the proper decisions. He also attributed to OHL's negligence, but there was no use
asked to have his right wing reinforced and eXplained crying over spilt milk. Besides, OHL was rather used to
his reasons for pushing on toward the Seine. Finally, he Bulow's caIls for help.
pointed out that the fundamental scheme of OHL- Nevertheless, the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth
pushing the ~rench t?ward the southeast--<:ould be Armies were obviously heavily engaged. What was the
realized only If the Fmt Army preceded the Second enemy trying to do? Bulow had not mentioned any at-
Armv, instead of being echeloned behind it. tack from the direction of Paris and the French could not
Well, Hentsch must have reached the dynamic Kluck have anything ready there yet. However, the liaison of-
by this time and clarified OHL's views. For some reason ficer who had taken the new directive to Hausen, re-
a wave of optimism again flooded OHL. Everything turned with the information that Hausen believed a great
would turn out all right. battle was starting. Moreover, railroad records captured
However, the Minister of War, General von Falken- at Ch£lons showed that the French had already moved
hayn, was far from sharing this pleasant view. For sev- their IV Corps from the region of the Argonne toward
eral days he had held the opinion that the French were Paris. Moreover, the Fourth Army confirmed the fact
retiring according to plan and in good order. He insisted that since August 28th there had been heavy French rail
that they had never been beaten decisively. If so, where movements toward the left flank.
were all the prisoners and the trophies? But, then, A report from the Crown Prince, arriving soon after-
Falkenhayn had been to the front, at least as far as army ward, brought more perplexity. The Fifth Army had
headquarters. been attacked and had been engaged in stubborn fight-
SEPTEMBER 6 ing all day. A blow from Verdun had been repulsed,
but the army was in an awkward situation.
Morning brought great news to OHL. A radio from The situation on the right remained obscure. Hentsch
Kluck, sent about midnight, announced that the First had now been gone thirty-six hours, and still there was no
Army would at last begin its movement back to the word from him. Tension and apprehension increased.
north of the Marne to face Paris. It would pivot on its At 8:00 P.M. an urgent telephone call came from the
left, to the rear. There was no mention of the enemy. Fourth Army. Lieutenant Colonel von Werder, G-3 of
Favorable information also arrived from Belgium. The that army, wanted to talk to Tappen or at least to some
danger there had been overestimated. The Ostend enemy officer of the Operations Section. An important enemy
had reembarked and there were no new landings. All order had been found on the battlefield near Vitry-Ie-
through the morning pleasant news arrived. Franc;:ois. Yes, an order from the commander of the
. But shortly after noon tension began to grow. First, an French Fourth Army. It was dated 9:00 A.M., September
mtercepted radio from one cavalry division to another 6th. It repeated an order of the day of General Joffre.
(both belonging to the Second Army) stated that "a The fateful words came in one by one over the tele-
great battle had started on the front of the IX and III phone as the staff officer wrote slowly and carefully:
Corps" (two left corps of the First Army). The III At the moment of beginning a battle on which the fate of
Corps was asking for help. the nation depends, all concerned should realize that the
There was still no news from Hentsch and OHL did time for looking to the rear has passed; all efforts should be
directed toward attacking and throwing back the enemy.
not understand what the radio could mean. The Second
Troops who are unable to advance further must retain the
Army had reported no battle and it was in touch with conquered ground, cost what it may, and die rather than
the First. fall back. In the existing situation, no weakness will be
The slow, anxious hours of the afternoon passed. Then, tolerated.
about 5:00 P.M. a telephone call from the Fourth Army OHL at last understood. All the French armies had
announced that it was attacking all along its front and turned and were attacking and the final battle for a de-
that the Fifth Army was doing the same thing. An cision was now in progress. That was what had been go-
~netnycolumn coming from the south was reported mov- ing on all day. But what of the counter-offensive from
Ing on Vitry. The enemy must have turned around. The Paris? When would that be launched and with what
Fourth Army reported that one of its corps believed it forces? The little schoolrooms resounded with sharp dis-
Was being desperately counter-attacked by enemy troops cussions. Opinions differed. To some officers, the German
at the end of their strength-so e~austed that they situation was none too favorable. Tappen, however, was
enthusiastic. He hailed the news with gladness, confident had visualized a strong right wing, constantly reinforced,
in the superior quality of German troops and tactics. continuing to make the main effort throughout. Instead,
"The enemy is now pinned down," he said. "The the right wing, never reinforced, grew steadily weaker,
force of German arms will prevail. We will turn on the and gradually lost both its offensive mission and its ca-
power, and elemental strength will win the victory." pacity for offensive action.
OHL felt that there was nothing much it could do ex- The maneuver lacked unity. Schlieffen had visualized
cept transmit news of the French offensive to all armies. armies linked together; guiding right, and obedient to
It saw no need to issue orders-it had just sent out a the will of the leader; armies that moved with the pre-
directive and it had no reserves. It did not take the trouble cision and regularity of battalions on the parade ground.
to issue any order of the day to German troops. It waited Instead, the united- effort was changed by the unco-
and devoutly hoped that victory would crown the Ger- 'ordinated impulses of various armies into divergent ef-
man arms. forts with dwindling forces. Better organization of co11l-
Late that night Hentsch returned. From him, more mand--employment of the group-of-armies echelon-
than twenty-four hours after it had happened, the Chief would have helped to avoid this.
of Staff learned for the first time that the blow from Paris The maneuver, initially wide enough, drifted into a
had also fallen. About noon on September 5th, von groove and the enveloping Hank was itself enveloped.
Gronau's IV Reserve Corps, the only corps Kluck had Rapidity, the only essential quality of an envelopment
left north of the Marne, had attacked superior French which the maneuver possessed throughout, was obtained
forces advancing from the direction of Paris. This corps at the price of marching the troops to death. While mo-
had been forced to retire after dark in order to escape bility is greatly to be desired, it may prove an expensive
envelopment by French reinforcements. Kluck was rush- asset if gained at the expense of power, cohesion and se-
ing troops to the rescue. But Hentsch did not know what curity. Mobility alone is not enough.
had happened on September 6th. He had left Kluck's Moltke's assistants failed to render him the service
headquarters early. which a leader has the right to expect of a staff. The
The one thing certain was this: The German right failure to secure accurate and complete information of
Hank, the original enveloping Hank, was now overlapped the enemy, and the breakdown of signal communication
and being enveloped by a superior enemy. cannot be charged solely against Moltke.
Colonel Koeltz (French G-2 today), who has made
* * * * a careful study of the Marne Campaign, insists that
Moltke, sitting in his office in the little red school- Hentsch as a G-2 was a mere recorder of information and
house amid the ruins of the Schlieffen Plan, was a pa- intimates that any high-priced clerk would have done as
thetic figure. His dreams of a great strategic victory, a well. Even allowing for a p9ssible French bias, there
Canna:, were gone. Now, like his principal collaborator, seems much truth in what he says.
Tappen, he was reduced to a hope-a hope that German As a result of the failure of the Great General Staff to
valor would compensate for the failure of German leader- do its job, nearly every important decision was a leap in
ship-that a "soldiers' battle" would be won. the dark. As Colonel Koeltz points out, the entire ma-
Little by little, the original scheme had faded, sub- neuver was conducted on unverified hypotheses, or
merged by events or by the mistaken initiative of subordi- hunches, which is as good a way as another of losing a
nates. Two weeks after Moltke had considered the war as war.
good as won, his dislocated right wing was being at- Moltke's principal subordinates showed little appreci-
tacked in Hank, his left was stopped before a fortified ation of team-work. The army commanders have been
front and all hope of victory was based in that frontal at- likened to an orchestra of master musicians each insisting
tack which Schlieffen had despised and which German on his own interpretation and ignoring the conductot.
tactical thought condemned. Each played vigorously but the result was merely a wild
Moreover, the condition of German troops at this time assortment of discords and sour notes.
shows the fragility of the foundation on which the hopes As a leader, Moltke never -enforced his will. The
for victory in a "soldiers' battle" were based. All units armies did as they saw fit. Far away, their chief sat
had been nearly marched to death. Most were down to quietly in a little schoolhouse and hoped for the best.
half strength. The right was weak and over-extended; He never initiated those steps which would have enabled
its communications were threatened and it was facing him to exercise his inHuence. He did not go forward to
greatly superior numbers. see for himself and he refused to send anyone to see for
Under these conditions, even Germany's unequalled him. The difficulties with signal communications were
troops would do well to avert disaster. Their valor could details that could have been easily remedied. There were
not compensate for the cumulated blunders of OHL and other radio sets in Germany; there were plenty of. tele-
the German commanders in the previous three weeks. phone experts and operators; there was a French com-
These mistakes stand clearly revealed in the white light mercial telephone system only partially destroyed; there
of history. were automobiles and staff officers and there were air-
The enveloping mass had become too weak. Schlieffen planes. A forward information center could have been
established at the end of telephone communication and with a Hank-protection mission, attacked toward Paris on
steadily pushed fotwatd. Liaison officers could have op- September 5, 1914. The attack revealed an entire French
erated from this center. Many things could have been army moving east from Paris and Kluck was warned be-
done and, undoubtedly, would have been done if im- fore it was too late. This was initiative pursuant to the
pulse had come from above. mission. German authorities consider it one of the finest
In short, the maneuver was not conducted because decisions of the World War.
Moltke lacked the will of the leader. But it was not Undoubtedly there will be times when a subordinate
only an individual who proved inadequate in the Marne will be justified in disregarding the orders of his superior.
Campaign. It was a system of command-a system of The difference between initiative and disobedience must
lax control and subordinates running wild. Before the be thoroughly understood. It is dearly indicated in a
war, German leadership placed the greatest emphasis on Command and General Staff School publication, extracts
inculcating initiative in all ranks. In his last address to from which follow:
the students of the Kriegsakademie, the elder von Moltke Only a radical change in the situation will justify an
stated: "The determining factor in war is the initiative of abandonment of a mission. In such circumstances the follow-
subordinate leaders." ing principles will guide the commander in deciding his
Unless this initiative is appropriate and is exercised course of action. A mission will never be departed from in
letter or spirit:
with judgment, it may be the determining factor-in
a. So long as the officerwho assigned it is present and does
favor of the other fellow. Mere quantity of initiative not himself alter it.
may mean nothing at all. b. If the officer who assigned it is not present, so long as
During the Marne Campaign, German subordinate there is time to report to him and await a reply without losing
leaders exercised initiative aplenty, but much of it was an opportunity or endangering the command.
If the above conditions do not exist, a departure from either
detrimental to the success of German arms. One reason
the spirit or letter is justified if the subordinate who assumes
for this lies in the fact that subordinates made far-reach- the responsibility bases his decision on some facts which could
ing decisions involving units other than their own; they not be known to the officer who assigned it, and if he is
did this when it was not necessary, and when it was en- satisfied that he is acting as his superior, were he present,
tirely possible to obtain a decision from higher authority. would order him to act.
If a subordinate does not depart from the letter of his
Some never even bothered to report their actions for
mission when such a departure IS clearly demanded, he will
hours. They lacked that intellectual discipline which be held responsible for any failure which may ensue.
Foch considered so necessary.
Another answer may be that in striving for initiative It would seem to be desirable for our service schools to
include among their tactical problems a certain number
by subordinates, German tactical training overemphasized
the initiative which takes action contrary to the mission. purposely drawn to illustrate abandonment or adherence
to the mission. However, abandonment of the mission
It is said that before the war, nearly every "approved
should be the exception, not the rule. If subordinate units
solution" to German problems contained some infraction
have to depart from their missions frequently, it merely
of the mission. Consequently, this came to be regarded
means that higher authority is not up to its job and is as-
as routine. In the Marne Campaign instructions from
signing defective missions. Let us trust that in war our
higher authority were disregarded at the slightest pre-
higher commanders will not always be wrong.
text. OHL's culpable laxity of control undoubtedly en-
couraged this tendency. Now although we wish to teach initiative, we cer-
Today-just as in 1914-the German Army still tainly can't do much abandoning of missions in peace-
places the highest emphasis on initiative. However, it time except in problems. What can we do?
trains its subordinates not only to exercise initiative, but One solution might be to emphasize initiative on the
under what conditions to exercise it. part of subordinates in executing the orders of their su-
We, too, recognize the importance of initiative. But periors. This would involve not only activity by the
mere lip service is not enough and never will be enough. subordinates, but considerable thought, not to mention
The amount of initiative officers display in war will- restraint, on the part of superiors. However, it is some-
probably be in direct proportion to the effort made to thing that can be practiced daily, in peace as in war, in
tnculcate it in peace-time training. administrative as well as in tactical matters, and in it
Unfortunately, with too many officers the word initi- there lurks no psychological danger.
ative is still synonymous with abandonment of a mis- And although it may not sound quite as high-powered
sion. Actually the finest examples of initiative are fre- as the other kind, the initiative that is the most -valuable
quently pursuant to a mission. For instance in a vague in war and should be the most frequent is initiative with-
situation, von Gronau and his weak IV Reserve Corps, in the frame-work of the mission.
(To be continued)
RED AI{\IY ACTI\"ITIES . .-l medil/m caliber gl/n 011 "
caterpillar mOl/nt . .-l motorcycle l/1Iit pJsses i1l rt'-
vieu ..• -1n AA battery rum-
bles throl/gh the struts of
Left: FR.-\=-CE-A parabolic sound locator
IIsed at the 1936 air maneuvers.
Center: SWITZERL\=-I>--A newly organize
AA IInit goes into action in the shadow (
the Alps. The eqllipment is neu'. All gill
ners are armed with tbe rifle .
T HE Antiaircraft Impact Chart is a device to be prescribed by the T rial Shot Correction Scales already
used, in conjunction with the Lewis Chart, and used with the Lewis Chart.
with the Trial Shot and Calibration Correction On the lower portion of the chart a graphical scale is
Scales which are furnished therewith, in order to simulate placed: its zero is directly below the plotted position of
the firing of Trial Shot Problems and Calibration Prob- the trial shot point, at a horizontal range of 4,740 yards
lems while teaching practical antiaircraft gunnery. It has from 01, The purpose of this scale is to make possible
been used successfully at Mississippi State College. the determination of the lateral (range) deviation of the
Essentially, the chart is a means of determining what shot from the trial shot point as seen from O2 in the in-
would be the deviation of a shot from the trial shot point, clined plane, the plane of sight being normal to the plane
or from the calibration point, as seen from the 01 station of fire. This scale is really a series of scales, so arranged
and the O2 station in the directions, that any horizontal distance from O2 to the trial shot
lateral (deRection) and vertical (angular height) point greater than 2,500 yards, and less than 7,000 yards,
from 01, and later (range) from O2• can be accommodated. The maximum lateral (range)
deviation which can be read is either right or left 60 mils.
To accomplish this object, the chart is constructed as
Just above and to the right of this series of scales is a
follows: Trial Shot Point No. I is plotted on the chart;
graphical chart for correcting the deviation, as observed
then through this point is drawn a line representing the
from O2 normal to the plane of fire, for the angle of
trajectory for a quadrant elevation of 700 mils. Also, the
trajectories for every la-mils change in quadrant eleva-
The foregoing described graphs, scales, and chart will,
tion, from a quadrant elevation of 650 mils to a quadrant
if properly used, determine the vertical (angular height)
elevation of 750 mils, are drawn. Superimposed on this
deviation and the lateral (range) deviation of the burst
system of trajectories, and through the trial shot point,
from the trial shot point. In order to determine the di-
there is drawn the equal fuze line for a fuze range of 13,
rection (deflection) deviation of the burst, there is placed
The line representing the line of position for an angular
in the upper portion of the chart a scale of deflection
height of 608 mils, and the muzzle velocity differential
probable errors. The center of this scale is directly over
line are then added.
the plotted position of the trial shot point. The scale is
Above and below the line of position, at the proper made long enough to allow for right or left 20 mils de-
distances therefrom, lines are drawn for each 5 mils flection probable errors. Just above this deflection probable
change in angular height. The lines representing the error scale is a mils scale, placed in such a way that its
even 10 mils are full lines; those representing the inter- zero deviation graduation has the same lateral position
vening 5 mil intervals are entered as dash lines. These as the center of the deflection probable error scale. The
lines are not parallel to the line of position, for the maximum deviation from the trial shot point which can
distance from the point of observation has been consid- be read is a right or left 25 mils.
ered in their location. The maximum vertical deviation To complete the chart, on the left edge an altitude
which has been provided for is plus or minus 40 mils. scale is placed, and along the bottom there is added a
Above and below the muzzle velocity differential line horizontal range scale. A table of dispersion, as indicated
there are entered at distances which correspond to by the fall of two dice, is also placed on the chart for
quadrant elevation errors in increments of 5 mils up to a quick reference.
maximum of 25 mils, high or low, a series of lines. These An accessory to the chart, essential to its use in the
lines are not parallel to the muzzle velocity differential solution of problems, is a xylonite dispersion diagram
line. Intersecting this series of lines at distances from scale. Probable error data for Trial Shot Point No. I are
the equal fuze line for fuze range 13, corresponding to used for the construction of this scale. There is a slight
changes in muzzle velocity of 20 feet per second, another error inherent in this use, for no consideration is given to
series of lines is drawn. The maximum change in muzzle that variation in the values of the probable errors which
velocity is plus 170 feet per second, or minus 210 feet is involved in moving away from the exact position of
per second, from the normal muzzle velocity of 2,600 the trial shot point; it is considered that the practical
feet per second. Each 100 foot per second line is made difficulties encountered in trying to allow for such changes
heavier than the others to aid in rapid identification. in the value of the probable error would overbalance the
By the use of these two systems of lines, any combi- small theoretical increase in accuracy to be gained by
nation of quadrant elevation and muzzle velocity can be their use, and these variations are therefore ignored.
represented within the limits; for quadrant elevation, of Another accessory to the chart is a set of dice, 6 in num-
plus or minus 25 mils; and for muzzle velocity of from ber, whereby dispersion is secured. There should be three
2,390 to 2,77° feet per second. These limits are those colors, and two dice of each color. Any other method of
~I I ~1 I
20 10
~ ~ 2 8 4 4 8 ~ ~ ~
__ zk
A ..... I
...r I>
Short I
Short zJZ
.s '.3
.short 3
SC:CUring dispersion would be satisfactory, but use of the dents firing the problems are already familiar with the
dIceseems to be the method most convenient. use of the Lewis Chart so that no description of its use
As stated in the beginning of this article, the chart is will be attempted. To use the impact chart with the
used in conjunction with the Lewis Chart to simulate the greatest facility, a detail of four students is required. The
firing of trial shot problems and calibration problems in duties of each member of the detail is, in general, as
teaching antiaircraft gunnery. It is presumed that stu- follows:
No. 1 is the Chief, and exercises general supervision. fire. Now, by reference to the angular height lines, the
He locates the xylonite dispersion diagram scale at the deviation of the burst in angular height from the trial
desired place on the chart, casts the dice, and indicates shot point, as observed from 01, can be determined. This
the position of the burst in the dispersion diagram is read to the nearest mil, interpolating by eye between
scale. the angular height lines on the chart.
No. 2 locates the center of impact pin at the desired The next step is to determine the lateral deviation of
place on the deflection probable error scale. He reads the burst from the trial shot point, as observed from O2
and announces the vertical and lateral deviations as ob- in the inclined plane. This is done as is shown hereinafter;
served from 01• follow the vertical lines from the position of the burst in
No. 3 reads the lateral deviation as observed from the plane of fire, downward to the scales for determining
O2, corrects it for the angle of obliquity, and an- the "lateral deviations observed from O2 in the inclined
nounces the deviation. plane normal to the plane of fire." The manner in use of
No.4 is the recorder. Using a prescribed form, he these scales is thus. eXplained; the horizontal range from
records all data used or determined by the impact chart O2 to the trial shot point, as announced by the battery
detail. commander, fixes the horizontal line on which the devia-
To simulate the fire of a problem, the student firing tions are to be read. Every 500 yard change in horizontal
must furnish the detail at the chart with the following: range is actually indicated by a line, but for the required
1. The horizontal distance from O2 to the trial shot accuracy to be obtained, interpolation to the nearest 100
pOlllt. yards of range must be practiced. On the proper horizon-
2. The angle of obliquity of the plane of sight with tal line is read the deviation in mils, either right or left
the normal to the plane of fire. from the trial shot point following the directions on the
3. Whether 01 is on the right or the left end of the chart, to the nearest mil, interpolating between the curved
base line. lines where necessary. After determining this value, it
4- The number of rounds to be fired. must be corrected for the angle of obliquity. This is done
Having been furnished with the necessary data, the by means of the subsidiary chart called "lateral deviations
impact chart detail proceeds with the following: observed from O2 corrected for the angle of obliquity"
1. The xylonite dispersion diagram scale is located in the following manner: enter the chart on the left edge
with its center at any convenient point; this point is with the deviation just determined, move to the rig-ht
identified by means of the coordinates of muzzle velocity along the horizontal line for the deviation read until the
and quadrant elevation. The scale is placed on the chart slanting line for the particular angle of obliquity, which
so that the arrow head points toward the battery; the was announced by the Battery Commander, is encount-
central line is parallel to the trajectory lines on the chart. ered; then move vertically downward to the bottom
Thereafter, during the firing of one trial shot problem, margin of the chart, where the corrected deviation may
this scale must not move. be read. This value is announced to the Battery Com-
2. A pin is placed at any convenient position on the mander.
scale of deflection probable errors; it should be more than b. The lateral (direction) deviation is determined as
4 probable errors from either end of the scale. This locates follows: from the position of the pin in the deflection
the center of impact for the lateral dispersion ladder. probable error scale, there is laid off a distance on the scale
3. Preparations for firing the trial shot problem are now which corresponds to the deviation, in terms of probable
complete. One throw of the 6 dice (2 red, 2 green, and errors, determined by the fall of the dice. This is the
2 white) is required for each shot. The three colors are position of the burst. Just above this position, on the mil
designed to represent the 3 dimensions of the antiaircraft scale, the deviation of the burst, right or left from the
volume of dispersion. trial shot point as observed from 010 may be read. This
a. At the command "Commence Firing," from the is read to the nearest mil, and is announced to the Bat-
student representing the battery commander, fire as many tery Commander without correction in any way.
shots as he directs and determine the deviations of each The foregoing repeated five times constitutes a normal
individual burst as it is fired. These deviations are de- trial shot problem.
termined as follows; after the dice are thrown, by refer- The procedure to be followed in the firing of a cali-
ence to the table of dispersion as indicated by the fall of bration problem is very similar to that involved in firing
two dice, the sum of the spots on the side uppermost on a trial shot problem, except that a center of impact must
the dice of the same color will determine the amount, in be chosen for each gun, both for the location of the
terms of probable errors, by which the burst deviates xylonite dispersion diagram scale and for the location of
from the center of impact in the dimension of the anti- the center of impact pin for the lateral dispersion ladder.
aircraft volume of dispersion represented by that color. This requirement thus demands that 4 centers of impact
When the vertical and range deviations in terms of prob- in the plane of fire be located, and that 4 pins be placed
able errors are combined, the position of the burst on the in the deflection probable error scale.
dispersion diagram scale will be fixed, also in the plane of The angle of obliquity is determined by the use of
fire since the dispersion diagram scale is in the plane of thes.e two formulae:
With 01 on the right end of the base line this one is quadrant elevation, was plotted. The coordinates used
used: are horizontal range and altitude in yards from 01:
Angle of Obliquity = Angle B - Angle A + Quadrant Elevation MuuIe Velocity Altitude Horizontal Range
1,600 mils. Error Deviation in Yards in Yards
'Vith 01 on the left end of the base line this one is -25 ill - 210 f/s 2913 4574
used: -25 ill Zero 3118 4916
-25 + 170 f/s
Angle of Obliquity = Angle A - Angle B + +25
ill - 210 f/s
1,600 mils. +25 ill Zero 3335 4667
The chart is drawn to a scale of fifty yards per inch. +25 ill + 170 f/s 3505 4856
All ballistic data required were taken from Firing Table
3AA-J-2, Firing Tables for 3-Inch Antiaircraft Gun, To locate the intermediate points between those whose
Models of 1917, 1917 MI, 1917 MIl, 1925 MI, and coordinates are given above, the distance between the
MI, M2, M3, and M4 firing AA Shrapnel, Mark I; control points was divided evenly and then the lines con-
Weight 15 Ibs. armed with Mark III Scovill Fuze. It necting the points located were drawn.
was found necessary to modify the data taken from the In Fig. I, the true center of impact is located at a point
tables so as to conform to the results obtained by using the coordinates of which are quadrant elevation deviation
the trial shot correction scales furnished with the Lewis of -5 mils, and a muzzle velocity of 2,480 feet per sec-
Chart. ond. The pin representing the true center of impact for
The following table gives the data by which the system lateral dispersion is 6 deflection probable errors to the
of lines. representing changes in muzzle velocity and in right of the trial shot point.
An Organized Reserve
forthcoming. So, all set to go, with three officers (one bers of our own organization upon their graduation froIU
stolen from the Infantry) we secured a list of all GM. the Blue camp.
T.e. students residing in this community and made per- The Valley Stream unit was then organized with a
sonal contact with each. Twelve responded to this appeal nucleus of two officers and 18 e.M.T.e. students. This
and formed the backbone of this unit. We had decided battery, after four meetings, turns out regularly over 40
to include in our battery membership all high school boys and puts over an infantry drill that would do credit
boys, and much to our surprise and elation the school to old soldiers.
authorities announced our meeting over the loud speaker Just last week, three lieutenants came into the area, and
system in each of the high schools. Thirty-two young hearing of our activity, joined up with us. We then
men came to our first meeting to find out what all the pushed ahead to establish our next unit in Rockville
shouting was about. We told our story and most of them Centre. An address before the Legion post of that vil-
signed up as charter members of the unit which we call lage brought enthusiasm, cooperation, and support. This
the Cadet Corps of Lynbrook Battery of the 530th Coast battery, with three officers available, and about 20 GM.
Artillery. This all happened in September, and today, T.e. students, began drill immediately.
four months later we have over 60 boys enrolled, and an
This summary covers only four months. We have four
average attendance of about 40 cadets.
batteries established. These meet weekly, with nearly ISO
Over in Great Neck, the colonel of the regiment had
young men and I I officersin attendance and provide con-
been instrUcting a group of boys of assorted ages, during
tinuous instruction based on the schedule of training in
the year prior to the adoption of this plan. He reorgan-
force at the Coast Artillery e.M.T.e. The attendance
ized this group, dropping those under 16, and with an
record of each battery improves weekly, and the regiment
inactive Infantry officer, started the Great Neck battery
is driving ahead to complete our objective, which is the
with a nucleus of seven of the older boys. The same
establishment of 12 batteries in Nassau County, each
methods of contact and publicity were followed, and
with 5 officersand 60 young men. We plan the purchase
now we have in this unit two officers and 30 cadets.
of a modest uniform, consisting of an overseas cap, white
Remember that all of our units drill weekly.
shirt, black tie, cotton slacks, and web belt. We can
Now we began to really go places. Publicity was pushed
secure this outfit for less than two dollars. The use of
and contacts were made with the various churches, who
rifles is not contemplated because of the character of our
began to understand that military training could make
regiment. Colors will be procured and each battery will
men and Americans as well as potential soldiers. The
be provided with guidons. We propose to so improve the
county organization of the American Legion heard our
military education of each student that his advancement
story and the County Commander immediately estab-
in the e.M.T.e. will be assured, thereby resulting in
lished a new county committee, known as the Junior
an increase in the commission output of this source of
National Defense, and appointed thereto those officers of
officer supply. The future officer personnel for this regi-
our regiment who are legionnaires. This action gave us
ment will come mainly from those receiving commissions
official recognition and gave us access to every post in
while members of our batteries. Such officers will be
the county.
required to carry on our pioneer work and maintain the
The movement began to expand and more communi-
high standards now in effect.
ties, recognizing the value of this youth movement, were
asking for units. But we had the task of finding the right Our efforts have proved that e.M.T.C. students want
kind of officers to direct such new organizations. Then to continue their training under competent direction.
we got another idea, which went up in smoke. We would We have found that the youth of our country are still
write to every junior Reserve officer in the county, ex- much the same as we were, and that young Reserve of-
plain our activity and ask for such assistance as they felt ficers will become devoted to duty if properly inspired.
they could give. Twelve letters were sent to these officers Many of us have come to the conclusion that initial
on two different occasions, asking them to witness the reserve commissions should be probationary for one year.
drill of the Lynbrook Battery, but not a one appeared, or The permanent commission should be based solely upon
replied to the letters. Rather disappointing. Our general active interest in reserve inactive training and attention
staff of brain busters then went into a huddle and came to duty during the probationary period. If these young
out with another decision. We concluded not to bother officers understand clearly that their commission in the
with this deadwood, but to forge ahead with our plans, Army presumes the ability to assume leadership in an
doubling up our officerswhere necessary, encourage senior emergency, and that this must be demonstrated during
C.M.T.e. students to assume leadership by acting as their period as second lieutenants, the entire attitude
cadet officers, and to secure our future officers from mem- regarding inactive training will be changed.
UProm.otion's Very SloW'''
outstanding American Coast Artilleryman, Gen- TARGETPRACTICE
eral John Knox, is awarded annually by the So- (Record Practices Only)
cieryof the Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts to the Coast Artillery battery demon- Minimum
Score for
Organi. Organi. Minimum
strating the greatest efficiency. sation Score zation Excellent
for Excel. Armament
Score lent in
The determination of the battery demonstrating the PE's
O"reatestefficiencyis a most difficult task. It is first neces- F-62 327.6 CaI. .30MG
~arv to segregate those batteries that are eligible for con- 236.0
. ,, .50MG
RIGADIER GENERAL and Mrs. Joseph P. ard, C.A.C. has been ordered from Fort Worden to ar-
Tracy departed on the Washington boat on the rive at Fort Monroe on January 20. Captain Shepard
evening of November 24. The Second Coast has been designated to attend the Chemical Warfare
Artillery Band and many friends were at the wharf to School from February 7, 1937 until May 5, 1937, Other
bid them farewell. Good-byes were shouted back and impending arrivals are Lieut. J. J. Lane, on February 22;
forth as the band played "California Here I Come," Lieut. Arthur L. Fuller, on December 31; Lieut. V. M.
"T~e Girl I Left Behind Me," and other appropriate se- Kimm on February 28; Captain Willard Wright on
lectIOns.T ears came to the eyes of many as the boat January 4; and Lieutenants Turner, Johnson, Patterson,
swung out and the sad strains of "Home Sweet Home" Williams, Andrews, Gillman, and Beazley.
Roated over the water. This was a gloomy parting for Second Lieutenant Norman C. Skinrood and Miss Gail
the entire command. Wilkinson were married at the post chapel on Novem-
Th~re have been several new assignments to the post. ber 24, by Chaplain J. Knox Bodel. The groom's class-
Captaro Albert D. Miller and family arrived on No- mates officiated at the colorful ceremony. Immediately
vember 20. Captain Miller took command of Battery after the services at the chapel the bridal party was enter-
"D," 52nd Coast J\rtillery and immediately started tained at a reception at the home of Major and Mrs.
~reparation for next year's target practices. Major Wil- Oliver B. Bucher. Lieutenant and Mrs. Skinrood departed
ham C. Mahoney, Q.M.C., and family arrived on De- on their honeymoon immediately after the reception.
cember I with their trailer from Fort Mason, California. During the football season many officers and their
Major Mahoney is assigned as assistant to the post families were attracted to the Casemate Club to enjoy
quartermaster. Impending arrivals and departures are .the football games in front of the radio and the football
numerous. Major J. T. Campbell, recently ordered to board. On days of big games free beer and soft drinks
Amherst, Virginia, on CCC duty, has now been ordered were served.
to the Philippine Islands to sail from New York on the The various organizations including the Coast Artillery
March transport. Second Lieutenant Clifford Hilde- Board and Coast Artillery School have been carrying on
brandt and Captain H. A. Brusher and family are also numerous activities. The Mine Planter General Schofield
ordered to leave on this tran~port. Captain Lloyd Shep- went to dry-dock in Norfolk on November 1st and the
signed to duties that make it almost impossible to attend \Vestinghouse plant in Pittsburgh, the \Vinston Plant
classes. in Cleveland, and the Pusey and Jones shipbuilding plant
The Special Course for officers of the National Guard in \Vilmington, Delaware.
and Officers' Rescrve Corps, which opened on September The Fort lv[onroe football season wound up even more
8th, terminated on November 28th, with a formal gradu- successfully than it began. After de£lnitely trouncing the
ation ceremony in the assembly hall of the main school strong Fort Totten team and the 260th Coast Artillery,
building. The class consisted of twenty-three National National Guard of \Vashington, D. C, early in the sea-
Guard officers and sixteen Reserve officers, all of battery son, however, Fort lv[onroe unexpectedly went into a re-
grades, and was divided according to regimental assign- verse for three gamcs, taking its worst lickings from the
ments into an antiaircraft artillery section of twenty-£lve Portsmouth Cubs and the Richmond Arrow A.C., both
officers and a seacoast artillery section of fourteen officers. members of the Dixie Professional League. These defeats
This class was thc £lrst to attend the Coast Artillerv scemcd to be just what the team needed to stir it up.
School under the policy of a twelve weeks instead of a~ The next and last two games of the season were played at
eight weeks coursc. The members of the class enthusi- ivIonroe beforc large crowds of enthusiastic supporters,
astically entered into the social life of thc post, and judg- who were pleased to see their team display power on the
ing from numcrous cxpressions, enjoyed and pro£lted ground and skill in the air to such an extent that it
greatly from their course of instruction. easily defeated the Pennsylvania Carlisle Barracks team
The class adopted the Oozle£lnch as a mascot; one of and the Norfolk Marines in that order, thus cleaning up
the members of the class (Lieutenant Ramon) modeled the Third Corps Area championship. To Major J. L.
the mascot in plastcr for reproduction in bronze. A class Hartman, thc coach, goes much of the credit for an out-
ycar-book, Bursts and Splashes, was published under the standing team.
supervision of Captain Cann, and what is intended to On December 14, a parade of thc harbor defense troops
become a school tradition-the "Ordcr of thc Oozle£lnch- was called for the purpose of prcsenting the athletic tro-
lings" to which future National Guard and Reserve stu- phies won during the past year in inter-battery athletics.
dents will be eligible-was established largely through Captain A. M. Wilson, Battery "C," 2nd CA. carried
the cfforts of Lieutenant Swett. It was a live class; we off the season's honors when his battery took the annual
miss its enthusiastic activities. trophy for securing the grcatest number of points in the
The spccial class for warrant officcrs of the Army ~{ine combined sports.
Planter Service completed its studics at thc school on At present, in the midst of the 1936-37 season, tl e
Dccembcr 18th. This class, consisting of \\Tarrant Officers Co:lSt Artillery School Detachment undcr C.1Ptain F . .P..
Christcnsen, lv[ickel, Lastovka, Reeve, and Carlson, have Kane is out in front with Battery "A," 51st Coast Art~;
been studying Diesel Enginc operation and maintenance lery and Battery "F," 52nd CA. running a close secol~
preparatory to assignmcnts to the new Mine Planter and third. Sccond Lieutenant H. J. Katz and Captain I."
Ellery Niles. They will continue their instruction :It the A. Brushcr, respectively, command the nll1ners up. (f
FRO:>;~Row (left to right )-Capt. Meadows, Capt. Beck, Capr. Bates, Capt. Paul, Capr. Isreall, Capr. Emery. Capt. Kolish,
Capr. Hlden, Capt. Tatum, Capr. Adams, Capt. Scharde, Capt. Cann.
SECO:>;?Row (left to right)-2d Lr. Stephens, 1St Lt. Shumsky, 1St Lr. \}lalker, 1St Lt. Schouman. 1st Lr. Swett. 1St Lt. DeBarr:'.
1st Lt. Linehan. 1st Lr. Ramon. Capr. Courtenay. Capr. Johnson, 1st Lr. Thompson. 1st Lr. Flewelling, 2d Lr. Nagel.
THIRD Row (left to right )-ISt Lr. Strahn, 1St Lt. Elford, 2d Lr. Commons, Jr., 2d Lt. Thomas, 1St Lr. Breckenridge, 2d Lt.
Haynes, 1St Lt. Johnson, 1St Lt. Aul, 2d Lr. Cosden. 1st Lt. Ladd, 1St Lr. Milz, 2d Lr. Czorny. 2d Lt. Faust, 1St Lt. Nlohler.
the sports included in the inter-battery competition only food supplies were given for distribution by the post Red
volle\' balL bowling, swimming and one cross-country Cross and communitl, chest committee.
run 'have been completed. Volley ball was taken by The stage for the" tableaux was framed on one side
Battery .'A,.. 51St CA., bowling ;nd swimming by the by the post choir in vestments. Back of the stage were
School Detachment. In the cross country run, Battery two lighted church windows, while on the other side
"D." 52nd CA" Captain A. D. Miller, commanding, there was a large pulpit occupied by the seer, who read
put up the first five men across the finish line to win from the scripture. On this side of the stage also, above
first place. However P.F.C Bowen of Battery "A," 2nd the piano, were placed gilded pipes in a frame, which
Coast Artillerv was the first individual contestant to gave the appearance of an organ. Both settings gave the
finish, breaking last year's record by almost one minute. effect of the interior of a church.
At the end of the first half of the intv:r-battery basket- The general chairman of the pageant was Major Eu-
ball competition Headquarters Battery', 51st Coast Artil- gene M. Foster. Mrs. Alva F. Englehart as organist and
lery, under Captain H. H. Newman, is leading, with director of music furnished a splendid program of
Battery "A," 2nd Coast Artillery under Captain Joe D. Christmas songs. Miss Mabel Marsh was in charge of
Moss trailing closely. Instead of presenting trophies to the committee on tableaux, which committee staged
the winning batteries as has been done in the past, this eight impressive pictures. An orchestra from the 2nd
year individual medals will be awarded to those athletes Coast Artillerv Band, under the direction of Warrant
~ompeting on the winning team. This practice presents Officer M. A: Quinto, rendered a prelude and postlude
something definite and personal for the competitors to of appropriate Christmas music.
strive for. Promptly at 6:00 P.M., December 23, the ancient live
The post basketball team has just been organized. oak tree on the parade ground again took over the job of
With much good material Lieutenant E. W. Thompson czar of all the armV Christmas trees. With hundreds of
CA. Res., who distinguished himself on the football colored lights the gigantic tree presented a most wonder-
field last fall, hopes for a winning team. The program ful sight. A large number of other trees on the post were
calls for a series of games with Langley Field to determine wired for electric lights and especially those on the water
first the winner of the so-called Monroe Circuit; the front were beautiful sights to behold.
Third Corps Area having been divided into two districts, The 2d c.A. Band in accordance with the old, old
the southern Of which is further divided into the Monroe custom paraded around the post on Christmas morning
,1l1dWashington Citcuits. The championship will go to playing Christmas carols. This custom adds materially
the winninr.' team of a seties between the best teams, one to the Christmas spirit and the members of the garrison
lfrom each district. appreciate deeply this service rendered by the band.
j Plans for probably the most popular of the Fort Mon- The horne service committee of the local Red Cross
"e winter sports have been laid. "Speedy" Lawrence,
o 1Celong time Corps Area lightweight champion, plans
Chapter performed a wonderful service for the needy
families at Monroe on Christmas day. Members of the
have a boxing tournament early in January to de- garrison donated over 300 toys both new and old and
rmine the best fighters in each class. With these as hundreds of articles of clothing. The Boy Scouts repaired
awing cards, two or three shows will be staged later on. and painted the old toys and the horne service committee
19ing by the interest already shown by the post per- assisted by the Girl Scouts renovated the clothing which
nnel, these coming bouts will be a great success. Lieu- was donated. Thirty baskets of food and 32 baskets of
tenant John R. Lovell, Olympic Games boxing referee, is toys and clothing were prepared and delivered to the
' forming a b?xing class from among the youngsters on needy families on Christmas Eve. Three toys were furn-
the post. It IS planned to put on several bouts between ished to each of 81 children and for weeks before
these boys at our regular boxing shows. Christmas the Red Cross Rooms resembled Santa Claus's
Fort Monroe started its Christmas festivities on Sun- Work Shop. The post is deeply indebted to Mrs. Rich-
day, December 20th, when a Christmas pageant depict- ard Cox, Mrs. Sam Parker, Mrs. Oliver Bucher, Mrs.
ing the Christmas story was presented at the Liberty Cecil Spann and Mrs. Warren Blair for the handling of
Theater on the post. The pageant was attended by over the enormous amount of work connected with this worthy
eleven hundred people from Fort Monroe and the sur- cause, which brought so much happiness to the less fortu-
rounding communities, and was acclaimed as a beautiful nate members of our garrison.
and inspiring picture of the old, old story. The enrire garrison is now eagerly anticipating the ar-
There was no admission charge, nor was an offering rival of General and Mrs. Gulick. General Gulick will
f".aken,but those attending were requested to bring a gift arrive at Fort Monroe on January 3rd and will assume
for a Whit~ Christmas for ~he needy in the neighbor- duties as commanding general of the Post. Welcome
hood, and 111 response to thIS plea, a large quantity of home to General and Mrs. Gulick.
Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery Brigade
News Letter
RIGADIER General Rob~rt S. Abernethy, hav- A three-way road, curting a new roure through Kapi-
Fort Kamehameha repeats its 1935 triumph.
Kam, and a neW landscape program gives the arrival a brigade attained great satisfaction from the results ob-
very pleasant picture. tained in those events in which they were matched
After a calm June, the fall and winter took a terrible against the other arms. With the exception of the 64th
toll from the bachelors, Lieutenants Voehl, Clark, Moor- the Coast Artillery units competed as battalions. That
man, and T umer joining the benedicts. they did so well in regimental competition speaks highl)'
T uming to the subject of those labors for which we for the organization and training of the competitors,
draw our shekels, you will find the antiaircraft machine- made doubly difficult with men doubling up on events
gun scores that were missing in our last letter, below: whe.n only a week was allowed for the preliminary prep-
Organization: Battery I, 64th Coast Artillery. Battery
The department commander presented the Coast Artil-
Commander, Major \\T. H. Donaldson. Dates, October 2- [3,
1936. Fire Control, Central Tracer. lery Cup for efficiency in the use of arms to the Harbor
Defenses of Pearl Harbor at a brigade review held at
Fort DeRussy on November 27. Battery B, 15th Coast
Platoon Caliber .30 Caliber .50
Artillery, was awarded a department streamer for "gen-
[st [[4.8 (~~y) 106,3 (Day)
74.6 .• eral military efficiency" in the use of arms for the train-
2nd 10 3.8
ing year 1935-36, as the outstanding firing battery in the
3rd 121.8 102.8
brigade. The Brigadier General John D. Barrette T roph)'
Average 1 [3.5 94.6 was awarded to Battery C, 16th Coast Artillery for ex-
cellence in administration, training, and activities for the
95.4 (N~qht) 44.9 (Night)
47.4 ,. same period. The competition for this trophy was ex-
85.5 51.[
ceedingly keen. Detailed records kept throughout the
training year just closed, required careful consideration
Average 87-4 before the winner was announced.
Interbattery boxing and basketball have been com-
The brigade commander's annual administrative in- pleted on all posts, and the Sector season will start in
spection will be completed by the middle of January. January. The Coast Artillery regiments are the only (3)
With the Barrette Trophy as an added incentive, all entrants for the South Sector boxing tide, but Luke
?atteries are particularly anxious to make a good show- Field, Fleet Air Base, Subron Four, the Marines, and
mg. Staff are added entries for the basketball gonfalon.
General Drum instituted department military compe- With an exceedingly profitable, happy and eventful
titions this fall, which took place from November 9th 1936 behind it, the Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery
to 13th. Covering all phases of field training, much bene- Brigade extends its ALOHA to the Coast Artillery for
fit was derived in the preparation for the events, and the the coming New Year!
AN OFFICER who is unwilling to study and to work to become efficient should not in
justice to himself, to his men, and to his government continue as such. It is criminal
of an officer who is knowingly ignorant of troop leading to take men into battle,
and it is brutal of a government to permit ignorant or inefficient officers to do so.-
Panama Canal Department News Letter
Department Artillery 0!firer
Fort Amador Fort Sherman
4th CA. (AA) 1st CA.
Fort Randolph
1st C.A.
a grand finale to the small arms training season C~rporal Hyland, Battery "C," 4th CA. (AA).
the annual regimental riRe and pistol matches Ptlvate Barry, Barrery "C," 4th CA. (AA).
were held on December 4th, riRe in the forenoon Corporal Deit~, Battery "C," 4th CA. (AA).
and pistol in the afternoon. The Pacific Sector Head- Corporal Willtams, Barrery "C," 4th CA. (AA).
quarters Company, althpugh not a part of the Fourth
Coast Artillery, is, in other ways an integral part of the Pistol
post and was included in the pistol match. In this match, two enlisted men were permitted to
enter from each battery of the Fourth Coast Artillery
and two from the Pacific Sector Headquarters Com-
In the riRe match each battery was permitted to enter pany. No team prize was offered but the individual
a team of five members, and a silver plaque was given prizes were the same as for the riRe. The ,45 calibre
by the regimental commander for the high team aggre- automatic pistol was used and the course was the same
gate. It will be remembered that we have been running JS in the nati0l1:1l matches, 50 and 25 yards on the stJnd-
a series of quarterly small-bore matches during the past ard AmericJn target.
six months for the permanent possession of a bronze High scores were as follows:
plaque for the battery winning three competitions. In
these small-bore matches the Service Battery has won 1st place-Captain Holger N. Toftoy 238
two and had looked forward to winning the .3° calibre 1st Enlisted man-Pvt. Ceo. W. Brown, PJc. Sect.
match as well. At the end of the slow fire strings the Hq. Co 206
Service Battery was ahead and it still looked to them as 2d Enlisted man-Sgt. Donald Stauffer, Service BJt-
though it was in the bag but, as in many contests, the tery 200
game is not won until the last shot is fired, and during 3d Enlisted man-Sgt. Clarence ivfadsen, Pac. Sect.
the rapid fire C Battery came through with a few pos- Hq. Co 196
sibles at the psychological time and won. 4th Enlisted man-Sgt. Dominic Stramock, Service
The plaque was presented to C Battery on December BJttery 192
21St at an appropriate ceremony on the parade ground. Captain T oftoy and the first three enlisred men re-
. In addition to the trophy, individual prizes were given ceived prizes .
In post exchange coupons as follows: The DepJrtment small arms matches Jre scheduled for
$10.00 to the winner of the match; $3.00 to second ]JtlUary 11-17 and one ideJ in holding the regimentJI
place and $2.00 to third place. The $10.00 prize, only, matches WJS to unearth materiJI for entries. With the
was open to officers as well as enlisted men with the enlisted men it was relatively easy and Lieut. LedwJrd
proviso that if an officer won it an additional prize of is now training a squad of riRemen while wfajor Pierce
$5.00 was to be given to the high enlisted man. Since
the match was won by an enlisted man this $5.00 prize
was not used. \Vinners appear below:
Rifle Match (.30 calibre Springfield, all at 200 yards)
Winner of T rophy-Barrery "C," 4th CA. (AA).
Winners of Individual prizes:
1St Place-Corporal Roop, Service Battery, 4th CA.
2d Place-Private ICI. Reese, Battery "c," 4th CA.
3d Place-Corporal Hyland, Rarrer)' "c" 4th CA.
(AA). New golf club near main gate at Fort Amador.
is working with the two high enlisted pistol shots. Both 3d Matching Program Plus the 1st and 2d
report satisfactory improvement and we look forward to Clayton 570
bringing to Amador a medal or two. Amador 515
With the officers it was different. Lieut. Ledward was Corozal 400
the only officer to shoot in the regimental rifle match Albrook 30
and has shown a great deal of interest in the develop-
ment of the Service Battery team this last year. He As a result of these bouts a Pacific Sector team was
would normally have been the one to represent the sent to the Atlantic side to Fort Davis to decide the
regiment in the department match but Captain Reierson department championship. A special train was run as
who was unable to shoot on December 4th challenged is the custom and a large crowd went over for the day.
such an idea. Captain Reierson and Major Pierce both Unfortunately for the Pacific Sector they had better
challenged Captain Toftoy's right to shoot the pistol. fighters over there and won the championship.
As a result a series of five matches with the rifle and with Baseball
the pistol was arranged to be completed by the end of
the year. As a result of the Fort Amador local league a final
A t t h e present writmg, on 1y one rifle match has been series of three games was played between Battery C and
. fired with Captain Reierson six points ahead. They ex- Battery F of the Fourth. F Battery won one and C Battery
. d . h' h f d won one. The play-off game was one that would delight
pect to fire t h e remam er Wit m t e next ew ays. the heart of even the most critical baseball fan. In eleven
Captain Reierson dropped out of the pistol series after .
the fourth match leaving Major Pierce and Capt. T oftoy mnings the score was still nothing to nothing. Finally
F Battery scored one run in the first half and at the end
to fig h t it out. T he competition was rather keen. Major
Pierce holds two silver medals and Captain T oftoy one of the eleventh inning C Battery had all three bases full.
No wonder F Battery is proud of the cup it wins as a
gold me da,I aIready, an d b ath were extreme Iy d esirous af result.
entering the department match. This keenness was re-
flected in the scores which suffered accordingly. They Now, the Pacific Sector team is tuning up in prepara-
were as follows: tion for the department championship.
Pierce T oftoy In the meantime the Pacific Sector team will play with
the Isthmian League, a Canal Zone affair in which there
December I I ....•..... " 240 244 . 1 f' mterest as we11 as some rea1 good b aseba11.
IS a ot a
13 249 225 These games will be played at the Balboa Stadium.
16 236 233 In this connection Colonel Pearce has been elected
23 243 233 President of the league and will officiate during the series.
27 266 241
1,234 1,176 The Christmas holiday season is seeing its usual run
Boxing of parties of all kinds, some large, some small, all im-
The boxing events have come and gone with Amador bued with the holiday spirit. (We might make a pun at
ending in second place with 515 points against Clayton this point but will leave it to your imagination, instead.)
with 570. Corozal scored a total of 400 and Allbrook The Amador Officers' Club held an eggnog party at
Field, 30. The competition between Amador and Clay- noon on Christmas Day which was a very friendly in-
ton was strong from start to finish, and although Clay- formal gathering. The regular monthly dance was held
ton led from the start, it was really nip and tuck as to on the 26th and an additional one in place of the regular
which would finish first. January dance will be held New Year's Eve.
The bouts were arranged into three matching pro- Colonel Pearce returned to the command on Decem-
grams of two smokers, each. The smokers were held at ber 29th after a leave of a little over a month in San
the various posts. The following shows the results of Francisco. Returning on the same transport, also from a
these matching programs: short leave was Major Jackson. Perhaps, needless to say
the regiment welcomes them both back.
I st Matching Program Miss Jennie Gray Pearce left early in December for
Clayton 165 an extended cruise down the coast of South America.
Corozal lID A number of other members of the garrison took ad-
Amador IDS vantage of the holidays to visit Costa Rica, a favorite
Albrook 25 trip from here. Still others went away for a few days
into the interior of Panama. These are gradually drifting
2d Matching Program Plus the ISt Matching Program
back one by one.
Clayton 375
Amador 265 Training
Corozal 195 December saw the end of the year's training program.
Albrook 30 All antiaircraft practices were finally fired, those for 1936
as well as a couple left over from 1935, We start the new ing of an Air Corps officer at Fort Sherman and an
year with a dean sheet. Artillery officer at France Field, was a great help in get-
. For the first time, of recent years, at least, the anti- ting planes on the courses at the right time. This re-
aircraft practices will be held in January and February. sulted in frequent landings of planes here during the
Heretofore these have been held later in the year with month, carrying liaison officers back and forth.
accompanying difficulties caused by poor weather. This During October, Fort Sherman saw the largest num-
next year they will be fired while the sky is the clearest. ber of departures from its shores in many months, and
This 'decision should be reflected in target practice scores. many were the fond farewells. To replace this stream of
Small arms, also, will be started early in the year with, departures was the largest single body of recruits seen
presumably, berter results than before. here in months. Colonel Carpenter's slogan of "Ath-
letics for every recruit" has shown up some otherwise
FORT RANDOLPH hidden athletic talent which should prove valuable on
Fort Randolph has a new commanding officer. Lieut. the various post teams during the coming year.
Colonel and Mrs. Charles B. Meyer arrived Tuesday, The post baseball league schedule ended early in the
December 22, 1936. Colonel Meyer assumed command month. Battel)' "~" won the post championship with a
that date, relieving Major H. P. Detwiler, c.A.c. Other record of 8 v1ctories and one defeat. The competition
recent arrivals are Captain George B. Anderson, C.A.C. was so close and interest so keen, that a second schedule
on December 22d, and 2d Lieut. Jack Alfrey, was immediately inaugurated, Battery "H" again win-
C.A.C. on December 15, 1936. -?ing, with Batt~ry "F" in second place. Very few games
m the league th1s year have been won by a margin of more
Fort Randolph made a splendid showing in the de-
than one or two runs. The pitchers, in general, have
partment boxing tournament, having six out of the eight
demonstrated their superiority over the batters, and a
contestants from the Atlantic Sector, and winning three
srong pitching staff is assured for the post team.
of the five bouts won by the sector.
Although the boxers have been training for months,
The Randolph boxing squad also won the intra-sector
their first public appearance was October 17th, when
tournament, having seven of the medalists, which brought
they held their final eliminations for places on the post
the boxing cup to Fort Randolph.
team. On November 7, the post boxing team went to
Fort Davis and won 3 out of 8 bouts with the 14th In-
Colonel William M. Colvin left for the United States The smoker staged October 3 I was an outstanding
September 15th, on which date Colonel William T. success. The seats in the playshed ran out and manv
Catpenter became harbor defense and regimental com- men could find standing room only. The exhibition bo~-
mander and commanding officer of Fort Sherman. ing bouts were well matched and packed with action.
On account of the death of the Secretary of War, all The post suddenly became aware that a glee club had
socialactivities of the post were suspended. Due to an been organized, and in only two short weeks were able
unusually dry spell in the rainy season, Battery "H" was to give a very creditable performance. Most of the crowd
able to fire all of its 3" AA practices held over from 1935. also found out for the first time that there is a first class
Earlv in October it was decided that the batteries in the solo cornetist in the band. The climax of the afternoon
First Battalion at Fort Randolph could complete the was the presentation of trophies by Colonel Carpenter
target practices more quickly here at Sherman, so they to the winning teams in the post baseball, basketball,
cameover, one at a time, pitched camp in the corral near track, and volleyball leagues for 1936. The winners
Fort San Lorenzo, and with the able cooperation of our were: track, Battery "F"; basketball, Battery "F"; base-
friendsin the Air Corps and some breaks in the weather, ball, Battery "H"; and volleyball, Battery "c."
"A" and "B" Batteries finished all their firing and "E" The Fort Sherman "Navy" was augmented early in
B~ttery finished all their day firing, having only one the month by the arrival of the Junior Mine Planter
nIl?;htpractice held over. Fort Sherman officers were the Schumm from Fort Amador. It was immediately put on
officialsof these practices, and the time lost waiting for the schedule and is the only passenger boat in the Sher-
clouds to lift or scatter was most discouraging, but the man Navy which was not laid up for repairs at some
new system of rotating assignments prevented anyone time during the month. The Mine Planter Graham has
from suffering any great hardship. been kept busy with Battery "F's" Mine Practice and an
The improved liaison with the Air Corps, consist- extensive cable-laying project.
READINESSS FOR WAR depends on more than mere numbers, even numbers under arms.
It depends on what has been well-called fitness to win, which in turn is made up of
more things than are dreamed of in the philosophy of most men. But of all its fac-
tors, readiness to meet the first blow is probably most important.
Corregidor News Letter
59th Coast Artiller)' 91st Coast Artiller)' (PS)
CTOBER and November have been cooler. The L. Anderson, 1st Lieutenant George E. Keeler, Jr., 2d
1936) under the supervision of Mr. William Small who Landscaping at Fort Tilden proceeds at a fair pace.
released 70 pheasants of mixed breeds and 60 quail of Fresh paint, new trees, and shrubs have increased the
the eastern variety. It is expected that additional plant- natural charm of this post and the rapid progress made
ing will be accomplished in October, 1937, on the Far Rockaway bridge will soon offer possibilities
The deepening and widening of the Shrewsbury River in the way of rapid transportation to Brooklyn and New
which flows past the southern entrance to the post and York City which will appeal to those soldiers who seek
forms a part of the western boundary, commenced in higher education or light recreation.
October. The project provides for a channel 300 feet
wide and 12 feet deep at mean low water. It is expected
that it will be at least 12 months before it is completed
Washington Chapter Coast Artillery
and that after this improvement is generally known that
the visiting yachtsmen will appear in thousands instead
of in hundreds as they did during the last season and that
more boats of the commercial type will be in evidence. THE Coast Artillery Association is the meeting place
for all the various components of the Corps, whether
The grading of the main post road, preparatory to they bear the designation of regular, national guard, re-
future widening, is well under way, and it is estimated serve, or retired. The Washington Chapter is very proud
of the comradery of its membership, regardless of rank or arrar:ge informal meetings of the Chapter during the
of organization. The annual dinner of this chapter was commg year.
held at the Army-Navy Country Club at Arlington, The retiring president made no report of the curtailed
Virvinia, on the evening of November 17th, with about activities of the past year, except that many members of
-- in
/) .
attendance; thirty from the Reserves, sixteen from the Chapter were present at the meeting of the Associ-
the National Guard, twenty-four from the regulars, and ation at Fort Monroe, in August, and enjoyed greatly the
hve from the retired list. Preceded by conviviality in the program offered by the personnel at the post.
Club's tap-room, the dinner was served in the main din- The Washington Chapter feels greatly elated that so
ing room. A colored orchestra play~d war s~ngs, songs of many members of the Coast Artillery are filling key p0-
the various Corps, and modern swmg mUSiC.The mem- sitions on the General Staff and at the Army War Col-
bership even tried to sing "Crash On, Artillery" and lege, so that they may be considered as members of the
after the third verse thought it was pretty good. The time Chapter.
between courses was enlivened by much parliamentary
maneuvering by an organized minority to throw out the
balloting on the "canned" slate for the executive com- Los Angeles Chapter
mittee of the Association, but the presiding officer had
the loudest voice in the hall and won the argument, and
the voting proceeded.
T HE Los Angeles Chapter of the Coast Artillery As-
sociation held a meeting on December 14, 1936, at
the Griffith Park Planetarium through the courtesy of
The toastmaster of the evening was the retiring presi-
Colonel Dinsmore Alter, CA-Res. After the regular
dent, Colonel Earl W. Thomson, commanding officer
lecture Colonel Alter gave an interesting lecture on the
of the 916th e.A. (AA). Among the speakers of the
stars, especially Polaris. During the lecture he gave a
evening were Major General Henry D. Todd, U.S.A.
rough outline of the methods of astronomical measure-
(ret.), who introduced the subject of Old Gun Fotty at
ments and demonstrated how easy it was for an army
Fort Monroe and its romantic history; Colonel Thompson
officer to make astronomical observations on Polaris, the
Short, e.0. of the 913th e.A. (AA); Colonel J. Bruce
sun and other heavenly bodies with no other instrument
Bentley, C.O. of the 622nd e.A. (HD); Colonel H. T.
than a field gun. He recommended that every officerhave
Burgin, e.A.e., Executive Officer to the Chief of Coast
in his professional library The Nautical Almanac. Colo-
Artillery; Colonel J. Brady Mitchell, e.A.e. (ret.);
nel Alter proved himself to be an exceptional lecturer
Colonei F. H. Lincoln, G.S., who reminisced about his
for he treated a complex subject in an interesting manner
"undisciplined" candidates at Monroe during the War;
and in words of one syllable so that the least informed
Colonel H. K. Loughry, G.S.; Colonel H. G. Merriam,
could follow him closely. He has made the Planetarium
LG.D.; Colonel Clifford Jones, G.S.; Colonel Douglas
one of the popular show-houses of Los Angeles and it
Duval, M.e. (ret.); Lt. Col. E. B. "Dolly" Gray,
always plays to a capacity audience.
CA.C. (ret.); Major Aaron Bradshaw, Jr., e.A.e.,
Following the lecture the election of officers was held.
The following officerswere elected:
S. Lenzner, C.A.e. (D.O.L.), instructor of the District
of Columbia National Guard; Major Frank McSherry, President: Lieutenant Colonel F. H. Holden, CA-Res.,
CA.C.; Major Robert lYf. Carswell, CA.e., unit in- 975th CA (AA).
1st Vice President: Captain Vivian Rapp, Calif. N. G.,
structor of the 916th and 917th CA."(AA); Colonel H. 25Ist CA(AA).
P. Newton, e.0. of the 917th e.A. (AA); Lt. Col. 2nd Vice President: First Lieutenant H. R. Fisher, CA-
Walter Burns, e.O. of the 260th e.A., D.e.N.G.; Res., 519th CA-Res.
Colonel Avery Cooper, G.5.; Lieut. W. R. Leek, 913th Secretary-Treasurer: Major Glen 1. Miller, CA-Res., 625th
CA. (AA); Colonel John Pratt, CA.C, instructor at Members of the Executive Council:
the Army War College, and Lt. Col. William Foote, Colonel R. H. Williams, CAe.
C.A.C. This seems a rather long list of speakers, but the Colonel E. A. Evans, CA-Res., 977th CA(AA).
toastmaster had provided himself with a gong of the Lieutenant Colonel e. M. Thiele, CAe.
Major Bowes variety; and the speakers had to be short, Lieutenant Colonel G. W. Oertly, Calif. N. G.. 25Ist
to the point, and quick on the getaway, or the gong did Lieutenant Colonel F. R. McReynolds, CA-Res., 626th
its bit toward speeding up matters. CA(RAI).
The retiring officerswere: Colonel Earl W. Thomson, The Griffith Park Planetarium is located high on the
9 h e.A.(AA), President; Major LeRoy S. Mann, hills of Hollywood, and even though we were having
260th D.e.N.G., Vice-President; Lt. Col. Roy Atwood, most unusual weather, a heavy rainstorm, approximately
CA.e., Secretary-Treasurer. The new "offic~rs, elected 200 officers and their wives attended this meeting.
by acclamation, are: Major Mann, President; Major The coming year promises real activity for the Los
Aaron Bradshaw, Jr., Vice-President; Capt. Joseph H. Angeles Chapter. An executive council meeting is to be
Church, 913th e.A.(AA), Secretary-Treasurer. Major held in the near future, and it is hoped to map out a real
Mann appointed a committee whose duty it will be to program at that time.
Manhattan Chapter are on C C. C duty. The season's activities were started
UE to the splendid spirit of cooperation existing be- w~th ,a stag keno party. Captain Carl A. Anderson, the
D tween the Regular Army, National Guard, and Or-
ganized Reserve Coast Artillery in the Second Corps
~Ist,:ct Commander, C.e.e., arranged an officers' meet-
mg m Duluth on the date of this partT which added
Area, the members of the Manhartan Chapter were in- much to its success. '
vited by Brigadier General William Ottmann, command- ~egimental troop school conferences are held every
ing the National Guard Coast Artillery Brigade, to at- thIrd Wednesday of each month. During these confer-
tend one of those glamorous and inspiring events, a three- ences a series of tactical map problems are solved.
regiment brigade review. This review, held in the The Army and Navy football game luncheon held in
armory of the 245th CA. on December IO, 1916, was combination with the Naval Reserve officers was a fine
tendered to Major General A. H. Sunderland, Chief of party. The annual military ball which is to be held after
~oast Artillery and National President of the Associa- the Christmas holidays gives indication of being a real
tton. success.
In spite of a serious fire which swept the front part of
the armory the preceding night damaging the officers'
quarters and main reception rooms, Colonel Brver H.
Pendry, commanding the 24':;th CA., worked ~ut in- Philadelphia Chapter
genious arrangements to handle the large numbets pres-
ent. Several boxes adjoining- the reviewing- box were
reserved for members of th~ association, who were in-
S INCE the publicarion of the last number of The
JOURNALthe Philadelphia Chapter has been especi-
ally active. Capta~n Galen M. Taylor, Ordnance Depart-
clu?ed in the reception and collation which followed the
ment, the officer m charge of the fire control design sec-
tion a~ Frankford Arsenal, appeared before the chapter
The 244th CA., commanded by Colonel Mills Miller,
and dIscussed the latest developments in antiaircraft fire
the 2I2th e.A., commanded bv Colonel Edward E.
control. Lieutenants J. H. Simpson and Van Meter, U.
Gauche, and the 245th CA. con;tituted the brigade and
S. Navy, presented to the chapter at another meeting the
put on a perfect show. Three bands and over 3,000 men
were present and they were maneuvered within the limits ~aval antiaircraft gunnery picture. Some one said that the
lIeutenants went over with a "bang" but some of the
of the armory through several formations. The smooth-
ness with which this difficult task was executed speaks gunnery problems went way over the heads of some and
bounded lightly against the rear wall. All of the in and
well of the high efficiency attained by the entire brigade
out of town field officers of the two regiments gave short
and reflects great credit on the officers who planned and
talks on general welfare at another meeting. Major J. A.
carried out the maneuvers.
As a tribute to Fireman Nevielle, a former soldier, who Malone came through for the 603d, Colonels Bennett
and Herr, Majors Bullock and Dimmick for the SIOth.
was killed during the fire, the colors were trooped off to
the strains of "Abide With Me," while those present Colonel H. P. Newton, e.0. of the 917th was present
and contributed some helpful remarks as well as two
stood in respectful silence.
choice stories of high merit.
Major General John J. Byrne, President of Manhattan
Chapter, wishes to express the official appreciation of the On December 5, Colonel J. B. Bennett, commanding
chapter to General Ottmann, whose fine spirit of courtesy officer of the SIOth CA., broadcast the story of the
and cooperation made possible this splendid gathering of Coast Artillery as it relates to the citizens of Philadelphia
Coast Artillery officers of the three components of our over station KYW.
army. A continuance of this spirit of mutual interest Special emphasis is being placed on the necessity for
forecasts a brilliant future for the Association in this dis- uni~ training in preparation for the active duty training
trict. In unity there is strength, divided we all fall.. perIods at Fort Monroe. The 5IOth Coast Artillery
(AA) will train during the period August 8, to August
21, 1937, and the 603d Coast Artillery (Ry), August
Duluth Chapter 22, to September 4, 1937,
ABOUT.SUCCES: in getting wo'.k done "rlliet you into the. secret~there's nothing
really difficult tf you only begm-some people contemplate a task until it looms so
big, it seems impossible, but I just begin and it gets done somehow. There would be
no coralislands if the first bug sat down and began to wonder how the job was to be
done."-CoLONEL JOHN SHAW BILLINGS,M.D., LL.D., D.CL., Father of the
Army Medical Library.
ciation was changed beginning with the training year lfN the past there has been a great deal of discussion
1933-3+ This method of scoring is as outlined below Jl pro and con as to the value and need of motorcycles
and will continue in force until further notice. with motorized units. The motorcycles have strong advo-
Maximum cates and many opponents. Judging from recent activities
Weight in virtually all foreign armies, as shown in press reports
Results attained at target practice with the prin- and photographs, motorcycles have won their battle and
cipal weapon 70 have taken an important place not only as a means of
Per cent of units rated "satisfactory" at the an-
supplementing convoy control but also for use with
nual armory inspecnon IO
Attendance at drill during the I2 months prior scouting parties as connecting links, for carrying ma-
to the annual armory inspection IO chine gunners with covering forces, and for filling gaps
Per ce~t of units rated "satisfactory" at field in- between units. If the activities of our foreign friends are
spectIOn IO studied in detail it is believed that there will be less
The above information was furnished by the Chief of doubt as to the value and the uses that can be made of
the National Guard Bureau. Its publication should settle motorcycles in the modern motorized or mechanized
some of the uncertainty that National Guard regiments
have had regarding the manner of selection of the most
efficient regiment.
In order to be eligible for consideration a regiment Our Belief Was Not Founded on Facts
must be rated satisfactory at both the annual armory and
field inspections. In arriving at the score to be awarded
for the results attained at target practice the recom- COLONEL RICHARD H. WILLIAMS, of the
25Ist CA.N.G., has graciously called our attention
mendations of the Coast Artillery Board have been the to the fact that the statement on page 454 of the last
principal deciding factors. number of The JOURNALthat "we believed Lt. Graham's
an all-time record" was made because we were apparently
-f -f -f not familiar with Lt. Harold 1. Strahn's record as outlined
on page 334 of the September-October, J935, issue. Lt.
Stereoscopic Height Finder-Unilateral
Strahn piled up a winning total of I,O~ hours of exten-
sion course work. Colonel Williams is entirely correct.
Very Unsatis-
Superior Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory factory Not Rated Totals
Colonels ......................... 23 31 4 • 58
Lieutenant Colonels .... 36 88 6 2 1 133
Majors ., ............. 45 142 8 5 1 201
Captains .......................... 35 234 27 6 1 2 305
1st Lieutenants ................ 7 146 43 12 1 209
2d Lieutenants ................ 1 21 33 4 29 88
Totals ................ " ........ 147 662 121 29 1 34 994
NOTE:-I. Major General A. H. Sunderland, Chief of Coast Artillery, and Major General Thomas Q. Ashburn, Chairman Ad-
visory Board, are not included in the above figures.
2. Lieutenant Colonel R. B. Cracraft, Major P. F. Biehl, Captains H. E. Magnuson and Frank Richards, and First Lieu-
tenant Preston Steele, have not yet been rated for the F. Y. 1936. Complete reports on these officers for the year ill
question have not been received to date.
3. The 29 Second Lieutenants listed above as not rated are graduates of the 1936 class, 'the D.S.M.A.
Legion of the Lost in their .hearts.. But a man must be woefully ignorant of
the gemus of hiS own people to wonder that the bitter-
In an essay of considerable exhortatory power, the ness is there. I once discussed this same subject with a
spirit of which does him much credit, Invictus tries to profou~d student of history, a member of the faculty
rally the sagging morale of those who fear themselves of the Ecole Superieure de Guerre. He said he found the
e1i~linatedfrom consideration for detail to the various closest parallel to our system in that obtaining in the
advanced schools of the Army. He encouraginglv ad- autocratic army of Russia at the opening of the World
dresses them as the Legion of the Lost. It would be War. In his opinion, the jealousies and spiritual disunion
hard to improve upon the quality of his appeal to them bred of it were major contributory factors to the lack of
to accept: their situation cheerfully, a:. soldiers should. cohesion in the Russian Army, and its consequent series
A fine officerof our Army, once himself the victim of a of defeats.
bitter injustice of which he never complained, c,lme as There. is no use bli~king at the fact that our present
near as he evcr did to commenting upon it by saying: system 1S soul-destroymg. Of the many who fail of
"An indispensable quaiity of a leader is to be able to selection by it but few have the spiritual mellowness of
take it on the chin." In:rictus. The re~t are admirable humans whose disap-
Im,ictus has done a great service. He has brought out pomtment turns m upon itself and brews within them a
into the open a situation which sho'lld disturb every poisonous broth of resentment, jealousy, lost hope, de-
citizen devoted to the National Defense, a situation stroYC;d~mbitions, critical envy. Deploring it does not
which has been discussed for years in quiet corners, but exorcise 1t. The cure must be found in revision of the
with no helpful improvement as a result. It is normal for system which distills it.
officersto accept cheerfully the conditions of service. . No one presents the thesis that all officers are suited
When a large group departs from the norm, the momem for General Staff duty, nor possible material for high
1m come to examine not only the officers of the group, command. To attempt to pass all officers through the
but also the conditions of service. Why should such an processes necessary to prepare for such functions is in-
article as that of Invictus require writing? Why should compatible with the. day-t6-day tasks of the Army. But
a situation be permitted to continue which calls forth every officer who Wishes to do so should have the right
slich expressions as these, culled from the article: "dry- to be tested for fitness for such processing. Open, free
rot eating out their hearts," "this monstrous bitterness"? competition, carried on sequentially over a period of
The vitalizing force of any Army is the spiritual solidar- years, for the Command and General Staff School, the
ity of its corps of officers-the comradeship of arms. If War College, the Industrial College, and the eligible
it is lacking, there is no army. By so much as it is at- list for general officers, is the only method consistent
~ained,by so much is the conquering force of that army with the genius of our people. What an up-on-its-toes
Increased. Army we'd have, as a result! There would be an end to
Ours is the Army of a democracy. Yet our system of labelling as a son of Mary, a son of Martha, and vice
selectionfor the Command and General Staff School, the versa-an error which happens all too frequently FlOW.
~rmy War College, the Industrial College and the eligible COLONEL, c.A.e.
IJstfor grade of general is foreign to democratic principles,
repugnant to Anglo-Saxon traditions, and vulnerable to Sir:
personalinfluence and to accidents of service. The whole That the general morale of all ranks in our Armv is
bllsin~ssis done in camera until that final triumph of excellent is hardly open to argument. There can be no
secretivenessis reached, the list of eligibles for the grade argument, however, but that in certain groups and ranks
of general. That is not only prepared in camera, but it the morale is far above what it is in other groups and
IS ~ever permitted to escape from the Stygian darkness ranks. But not all officersenjoy this contented and happy
of Its birthplace. In the main, the Anglo-Saxon has state. In fact it is believed true that the majority of the
resented-and not infrequently with violence-the de- officers below field grade are not so happy. The officers
term.inationof his fate, or fortune, by star-chamber pro- in this category who are on duty with troops have watched
Ceedillgs.He insists upon his chance-fair, full, and with anxiety the increasing restrictions placed upon their
free-in the open, against his fellow. If he loses under eligibility to attend the Command and General Staff School
suchcircumstances, he cheers the winner. That spirit and the War College. They see in the age and other re-
has made great our race. We all decry the existence of strictions a lessening chance of their going to these schools
the Legion of the Lost, and "the monstrous bitterness" or of their ever getting on the General Staff eligible list.
A majority of these affected have had prolonged com- everyone-by mail if necessary-then a short period at
mand duty with troops and have acquired experience and a staff school for actual competition with others in the
skill far above those who have enjoyed easy jobs and staff solution of problems. Probably this should follow at the
details. Yet the latter class gets the breaks. end of 10, 15 and 20 years service.Don't take families_
There is no question that the officerson staff duty are go for intensive study and application. Then we can all
favored in efficiencyreport ratings. They perform service talk the same language. It has always appeared odd to me
generally under a sympathetic commander; have the ad- that we, as officers,are never examined in a thing. We
vice, assistanceof fellow staff officersin their work. It is examine all enlisted men-gunners, promotion in 1st
not so with the officerin command of troops. If he can three grades, warrant officers,cadets for commission, etc.,
be right nearly all the time he is a wonder. A command- but as soon as you become an officer, your mental ac-
ing officeris particularly on the spot. If he can accomplish celeration along professional lines is negative unless you
all the 367 missions listed in Army Regulations he should do it yourself by your own initiative-and there are
be placed on a pedestal with history's most accomplished mighty few of us who have that initiative because We
soldiers. can see no actual competition ahead of us. This discus-
The officer on troop dury feels that the construction sion will naturally lead to a direct criticism of our entire
placed upon the National Defense Act in respect to officer schooling system. It is queer but I believe We
"actual duty with troops" affects him adversely. It is not stand alone in the army school system of the world in
infrequent now that a student in one school goes im- our methods. CAPTAIN,e.A.e.
mediately to another, completing two successiveyears of
school duty. Although he never wears a uniform and Sir:
hardly ever sees a soldier, he is rated as having been in The article "Legion of the Lost" was fine. The con-
"actual command of troops of one or more combatant ditions discussed in it should be corrected.
arms" during the two years he is at school. Thus a "fair Why not expand the e. & G. S. School and the War
haired boy" with outstanding capacity to memorize text- College-why have just a limited number go? Every
books, establishes himself with a rating of "superior" in year there are a number of disappointments-some justi-
the actual command of troops without ever having any of fied, others not. However when you limit the number
the responsibilitiesor duties. to ten out of the entire e.A.e. no index in the world
The time is ripe to give fitter recognition to the young will give you a happy answer. On the other hand an
troop leaders of today who will be commanders of units in officershould be made to have real troop duty. Pershing
an emergency. Is there not some way whereby these writes from France "Officers selected for appointment
officers may attend the Command and General Staff general officerof line should be those with experience in
School and the War College, and enjoy a rating of "su- actively commanding troops. Officersnot fulfilling above
perior" in their efficiencyreports to the same extent as the conditions can be usefully employed at home training
"fair haired boys" who have less soldierly ability but who troops." 1STLT., e.A.C.
have been given preferment? CoLONEL,e.A.e.
Sir: The article on the "Legion of the Lost" was the best
Troop duty-no one wants it because it gets you no thing I've read in years. That man would make an ex-
place. Boiled down, no one wants an efficiency report cellent chief of staff for any outfit. HE ought to go to
from an officerwho is only one rank above him. Leavenworth.
One study I would like to see-it can easily be com- Very truly,
piled. Take any ten Coast Artillery officers who have E. CARLENGELHART,
been to Leavenworth or the War College or are ordered Captain, c.A.e.
there-figure the per cent of time in the five years pre-
ceding their selection that they have actually been with
troops, the per cent of time they have served on staff
Another Antitank Defense Advocate
duty or away from troops with a compilation of that
duty. I know it will be illuminating. Sir:
Now for something really constructive-why is the Congratulations on the first issue; I found it very
required study of staff problems confined to a few-is it readable.
not a part of the mental equipment of every officer?As I was very much interested in your remarks in the
you know-battery commanders and lieutenants can be Open Forum as to the use of AA guns against tanks and
had for a dime a dozen in an emergency. What we need other mechanized forces. At either Fort Monroe or at
is a vast reservoir of officers who have had at least a Leavenworth I was frowned upon by one of the instruc-
smattering of staff training-theoretical at least. Men tors when I suggested such a possibility.
who have been to Leavenworth tell me that it is very It seems to me to be a point worthy of considerable
heavily padded-actually the work could be done in emphasis and study. One can easily visualize a case where
three or four months. I would suggest basic training for the air might be clear but the ground forces in need of
1937 OPEN FORUM 85
support. In such a situation a battery of AA guns with under the control of the air force it will become a step-
their range and rapidity of fire could be very useful if child and make less progress and advancement than it is
the battery commander knew how to use them. making at the present time. The antiaircraft defens.e
Sincerely yours, problem is certainly a matter to be solved under the dI-
rection of an artilleryman, but nevertheless w~ shou.ld
examine the new German organization in an ImpartIal
Major, U.S.A., Ret.
and unprejudiced manner so that there will be no stag-
nation. CAPTAIN,e.A.e.
Horse Enthusiast -( of of
Any individual, whether or not he is a member of the service, is invited to submit constructive sugges-
tions relating to problems under study by the Coast Artillery Board, or to present any new problems that
properly may be considered by the Board. Communications should be addressed to the President,
Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
SECTION I belt one and one-fourth inch wide provided with a new
type buckle, and a flying cadt"t type of belt one and one-
Projects Completed Since Last Issue of the
half inch wide with the standard type of buckle. The
Journal new type of buckle consists of a hollow shell, through
PROJECTNo. I06S-FLASHLESS POWDERFOR ANTI- which the belt passes, provided with a knurled vertical
AIRCRAFT GUNs.-The two experimental lots of Rashless bar which holds the belt bv friction. The new buckle
powders proved to be unsatisfactory. Although there was has a neater appearance tha~ the old. The one and one-
a considerable reduction in the amount of Rash and some half inch belt was found to wrinkle after long wear, a
reduction in the amount of shock and noise, the large defect which did not occur with either of the narrower
quantity of smoke generated proved to be so conspicu- belts. The adoption of the one and one-fourth inch belt
ous that a hostile observer could have located the battery with new type buckle was recommended.
position by the smoke from the FNH powders easi~r PROJECTNo. r080- VARIABLE FUNCTIONCONVERTER.
than by the flashes of the standard smokeless powder. -The Board tested this device, described in the preced-
The Coast Artillery Board recommended that develop- ing issue of The JOURNAL,and found that it did in fact
ment work on flashless powders be continued with a view determine the log sine of any angle, within its range of
to decreasing the amount of smoke while maintaining, as action, to an accuracy of one unit in the fourth place of
far as possible, the same degree of flash suppression which decimals. However, when angles are set into the instru-
obtains with the present FNH propellants. ment continuously, thus requiring continuous operation
PROJECTNo. I072-MACHINE GUN FIRE CONTROL of the color-matching arrangement to secure a continuous
SYSTEM,63d Coast Artillery.-The desirability of carry- setting of the log sines, the maximum degree of precision
ing on further development of the fire control materiel is not readily attainable. The most useful application for
developed and used by the 63d Coast Artillery for its an instrument such as this appeared to be in the solution
advanced practices with caliber ,30 and caliber .50 ma- of the triangulations involved in position finding. In mak-
chine guns was carefully studied. This system differs ing such an application, the resulting instrument would,
from the central control equipment, which was tested by it seemed, perform the same functions in much the same
tbe Board 111 connection with Project No. r046, mainly in manner as the Lewis-Trichel seacoast computor E-I (now
that the 63d Coast Artillery employed an electrical system the gun data computor T 5) . The variable function
of data transmission whereas the Coast Artillery Board computor would merely replace the cams of the Lewis-
System relied upon Rexible shafting. Also, the machine T uchel system which is also expected to determine data
gun deflection computor which formed part of the 63d continuously. The cams of the Lewis-Trichel system
Coast Artillery system operated upon the angular travel operate with less manual intervention than the variable
principle, while the lead computor used in the firings function converter. Replacing the cams of the T 5 com-
for Project No. I046 was a linear speed instrument. Tht" putor with converters would add ten operators to the
63d Coast Artillery system is workable but is somewhat range section. The accuracy to be expected under these
more complicated and difficult to operate than the flexible conditions did not appear to be appreciably greater than
shaft system. It was recommended that the deflection that which was attained by the pilot model of the Lewis-
computor be given further tests in connection with the T richel instrument during its tests. None of the other
flexible shaft type of central control system. possible applications for the variable function converter
PROJECT No. I077-BELTS, WAIST, WEB, El'.'LISTED appeared to offer any important advantages over the
MEN'S.-Three types of belt were under investigation; methods and devices already in use. For these reasons,
the standard issue belt one inch wide. an experimental it was recommended that n~ action be taken to apply the
variable function converter to any instrument or device neath a tent fly. Such a cover is obviously inadequate
for Coast Artillery use. for anything except to give some shade in fair weather
PROJECT No. I~-OVER-ALL COVERSFOR 155-MM and as a result the tent fly is usually supplemented by
Gel'< MATERIEL.-A set of these covers consists of three improvised or "borrowed" shelter of some kind. The
parr.s;namely, a carriage cover, a breech cover for use present project pertains to a determination of the relative
when the gun is emplacc~d, and another breech cover merits of several proposed substitutes for the kitchen tent
With an extension sleeve to cover the splines and retract-
fly. The modified kitchen tent is shaped like a pyramidal
ing rack when the gun is in the traveling position. They tent except that the floor area is smaller and anyone or
were designed to protect all important bearing surfaces, all of the side walls, which are about six and one-half
gears, and racks from the effects of wind-blown sand feet high, can be raised to form awnings. For comparison
when the gun is emplaced, and from dirt thrown by the with the kitchen tent, a model 1934 pyramidal tent has
wheels when the gun is being towed. The tarpaulin, been furnished. This latter is the latest model of the old
now issued, is ineffective for these purposes. The Coast familiar squad tent. It is a marked improvement on the
Artillery Board found that the covers provided the desired original, having the same floor area but higher (one foot)
protec~ion,but that in placin~ the ~ar:iage cover on the sidewalls and thus will accommodate eight men with
piece It was necessary to slIde thiS megularly shaped comfort. Both the modified kitchen tent and the Model
pieceof canvas under the axle and then fold the ends and 1934 pyramidal tent are being considered also as officers,
Rapsup over the carriage and gun trunnions. In per- headquarters, and mess tents.
formingthis operation some sand was invariably scooped PROJECTNo. 1082 - MAP REPRODUCTION EQUIP-
up through the notches of the pattern and unless undue MENT.-T wo recently developed types of map reproduc-
carewas exercised, this sand was thrown on the bearing tion equipment have been furnished for test. One set of
surfaceswhen the ends and flaps were folded over the top equipment consists of bromide developing paper with
of the gun. This difficulty tended to vitiate the ad- the accessories necessary to finish the prints. The other
vantagesderived from the protection otherwise afforded. set uses a less sensitive type of paper, comparable to
The Coast Artillery Board recommended a redesign of blueprint paper in that respect, which gives black line
the coversto permit the carriage cover being put in place prints on white ground. Either set is intended to super-
from the top. sede the unit set of duplicator equipment which is now
authorized for brigade and regimental headquarters. In
SECTION II addition to making reproductions of maps and drawings,
Projects Under Consideration both sets can make facsimiles of prints and documents for
which photostat processes are now used and thus may
PROJECT No. 9S3-RADIO-CONTROLLED 'HIGH SPEED have a wide field of usefulness in headquarters where no
TARGET.-Visibility tests have been temporarily sus- photostat machines are available.
pended until the completion of a major overhaul of the
engine. Meanwhile, a new control unit which appears SECTION III
to be more positive in operation and less susceptible to
parasiticradio signals has been built. Miscellaneous
Al\'TIAIRCRAFT GUNs.-Materiel for this installation is DEPARTMENT,SEPTEMBER28, 1936.-The Board re-
now being installed on three of the carriages of a fixed cently recommended two important changes to the an-
antiaircraftgun battery at Fort Monroe. Manholes have nual training memorandum for the Coast Artillery target
been completed. The main junction box has been in- practices to be held during the calendar year 1937, One
st~lledand several of the underground cables have been recommendation was to the effect that in night practices
laid. Arrangements are being made to provide either by Regular Army antiaircraft machine-gun batteries the
pos~power or power from a mobile power plant for op- sleeve will not be illuminated. The opportunity to fire
erationof the data transmission system. It is expected at night with 6o-inch searchlight illumination will seldom
that the entire installation will be completed early in occur in actual service. On the other hand it is known
1937. Tests will continue through the spring and sum- that under favorable conditions, such as twilight or moon-
mertraining season of that year. Firings for the students light, both airplane and sleeve can be seen and fired on
of the Coast Artillery School and the various civilian at machine-gun ranges.
componentstraining during this period will be utilized to The second recommendation was to put into effect a
determinethe serviceability of this materiel. safety precaution to eliminate the danger to ground per-
PROJECT No. I08I-MoDIFIED KITCHENTENTS.- sonnel from a cut tow line when the target is being a continuation of Project No. 1047, described in towed over the heads of the troops. This precaution was
p~evloUsissues of The JOURNAL,which was concerned inspired by the knowledge that two casualties had been
WIth an early model of the proposed kitchen tent. Under caused at Fort Riley by a tow line which was cut during
the present table of basic allowances, the field kitchens antiaircraft firing.
of Coast Artillery units are supposed to be sheltered be- ANTIAIRCRAFT SEARCHLIGHT TRANSPORTATION. - A
study has been made and tests have been proposed with and the ground speed exceeded 120 miles an hour. With
a view to determining whether some method of trans- tow lines of less length, the safe portion of a course
porting the searchlight, less expensive than by use of the is very short.
present specially designed power plant trucks, can be de- WINCHESFORANTIAIRCRAFT PRIMEMOVERS.-It has
vised. It appears possible that commercially available been proposed that, in order to decrease the cost per unit,
trucks or trailers might be used to transport; in separate the winches might be omitted from the antiaircraft
loads, the portable type of power plant, the searchlight gun prime movers. Very little data on the efficiency of
and the sound locator. The awkward size and shape of the winches is available. Likewise, there is little on
the loads involved may cause some difficulty in finding record to indicate to what extent the medium tractor,
suitable vehicles. Arrangements are being made to con- authorized for each gun battery, can be employed as a
duct practical tests and secure data for a continuation of substitute for the winches. The improvements constantly
the study. being effected in the flotation and tractive power of trucks
Tow LINE LENGTHSFORANTIAIRCRAFT GUN TARGET combine to suggest that a modern truck with traction
PRACTICE.-The Coast Artillery Board undertook a study devices and a winch will be able to get itself and the gun
to determine the minimum lengths of tow line that will out of difficulties without the aid of a tractor. The Board
be safe for (I) the higher towing speeds to be expected proposed that a test be made in the near future to de-
with modern aircraft and, (2) the longer times of flight termine the relative usefulness of the winches and the
necessitated by the recent requirement that practices will tractors.
be fired at generally higher altitudes. The Board was of WIRE-LAYINGDEVIcE.-In laying wire from motor
the opinion that there is no adequate means of insuring vehicles, the slowest element of the job is the operation
the safety of the towing airplane in case of a gross error of manually dragging the wire off the road and out of the
in the data except by prescribing that the "line of metal" way of other vehicles. Staff Sergeant Cletus L. Luebbe
observers should at no time permit the gun to be fired has proposed an interesting method of wire laying which
when pointing ahead of the target. The Board found that will be described in a later number of The JOURNAL.The
tow lines of from 1,500 to 2,000 yards in length would Board recommended further study of this device to deter-
be necessary if the target altitude exceeded 3,500 yards mine whether the mechanism co~ld be simplified.
1 to 100 10c each 1 to 100 7c each
101 to 500 9c each 101 to 500 6c each
Over 500 7~c each Over 500 5c each
AGNOSTICUS, who hopes to keep his identity hidden, attention. The outbreak of the World War brought him
says he is a Guard officerwith a persistent Rair for getting into the Army on the ground Roor. He waited two years
in wrong. Inspired by both sincerity and mischief, he is for the United States to enter the conRict, during which
forever taking a crack at something or somebody. Except time he progressed from a recruit to first sergeant-a
for bird hunting, duck hunting, still fishing, Ry casting, greater accomplishment, Cooke believes, than returning
skiing, skeet shooting, tennis, and amateur photography, from France as a major; because, says he, anyone in th~
the Guard is his only hobby. He professes to believe that 2d Division who stayed in the front line and out of the
he can run a newspaper better than any publisher, operate division cemetery got promoted. Major Cooke claims the
a hotel better than any owner or run an army better than distinction of being the only Army officer to put in his
any general. He therefore advises that his pronounce- entire war service with the 5th Marines. He returned
ments be taken as those of one who may be suffering with the 9th Infantry, went out on a National Guard
from delusions of infallibility. detail, took the Company Officers' Course at Benning,
returned to a DOL job with the ROTC and then served
Major CLARENCE E. BRAND, Judge Advocate Gen- three years with the 7th Infantry. He recently graduated
eral's Department, was born in Alabama. He received from the two-year class at Leavenworth.
his A.B. and A.M. degrees from the University of
Texas, while in attendance at the First Officers' Training Lt. Colonel JAMES B. CRAWFORD, Coast Artillery
Camp at Leon Springs, Texas. After service in the Coast Corps, was born in New York. He is a graduate of We~t
Artillery during the World War he was commissioned Point (19II) and an honor graduate of the C&G.S.S.
in that arm in the Regular Army, on July 1, 1920. He ( 1926). All of his service has been in the Coast Artil-
is a graduate of the Coast Artillery School, Battery Of- lery, throughout which he is known for his pleasing per-
ficers' Course, 1925' sonality, and as a scholar and a gentleman. At present he
Since 1930 Major Brand has been affiliated with the is on duty at Fort Leavenworth as chief of the Extension
J.A.G.D., first by detail and then by permanent trans- Course S~ction, C&G.S.S.
fer to that service. He has attended the law school of
Yale, from which he received the degrees of LL.B. and Captain E. CARL ENGELHART, Coast Artillery
D.CL. He is a member of the bar of New York State Corps, is on duty with the Submarine Mine Depot, Fort
and that of the Supreme Court of the United States. Monroe. We were spared the labor of preparing his
Major Brand's article on Roman Military Law eventu- biography as he wrote his own ticket. Here it is:
ally will form the first part of a "larger work to embrace U.S.M.A. 1920. Graduated a runt. Went to Hawaii
the modern military law of all leading countries. A and regretfully lost an inch in height; medical corps
number of articles from Major Brand's pen have ap- records prove it. Went to Japan and for three and a half
peared in The JOURNALon various occasions; three of years enjoyed being a moderately tall man among men.
these were prize winners in the essay contests formerly Coast Artillery School, "Inc." Course, 1920-21. Gradu-
sponsored. Although he has left the Coast Artillery ated, became a mine property officer. Later learned to
Corps, Major Brand still follows our doings with interest, identify mine property, late enough to be short $80,000
and, what is more, still subscribes to The JOURNAL. worth. Acquired some practical knowledge on the sub-
Major CHARLES 1. CLARK, CA.-Res., is the secre- ject of O. S. & D. reports, surveys, expenditure vouch-
tary-treasurer of the Manhattan Chapter, Coast Artillery ers, and accidents, in a hurry. Tested mine cable. CA.
Association. He has been a leader in the reserve move- School Battery Officers' Course, 1931-32. Learned how
ment for years and has always been one of the Coast mine cable should be tested. Majored in traffic control
Artillery Association's stronge;t advocates. at the Yorktown Sesquicentennial. Held over for the
Advanced Engineering Course, 1932-33, because of dem-
Major ELLIOT D. COOKE (pronounced by his friends onstrated ability to guess wrong in placing a decimal
with accent on the "e") was born on Staten Island. point. Majored in bridge surveying at Yorktown. Have
New York. He early abandoned a prearranged career a pretty fair idea of how to get to Yorktown. Sperry
of stock broker for the more wandering vocation of Gyroscope Company, winter of '32-'33. Set up a neW
mining engineering, which took him over most of director. Adjutant, CCC Reconditioning and Replac~-
North, South, and Central America. He never quite got ment Camp, Fort Monroe. Lesson: avoid a staff job If
around to completing the formal requirements of his vou want a command.
adopted profession; so many interesting events taking o Assistant in the Police Office when the 1931 hurriGlne
place around the world seemed to require his personal hit Monroe. Learned about logging then. Became an
expertat pumping ~ut cellars and planting shrubs. ~ta~ed School Battery Officers' Course (1932). In addition to
pounding a typewnrer twenty-three years ago, swmgmg usual troop duty assignments he has had a tour with
from the elbows, and leave a wake of irreparable ma- the R.O.T.e. and during the early days of the e.C.c.,
chines. Had 3 brief career as a columnist. Submarine assisted with that project. He is now on duty with the
~Iine Depot, 1934 to date, a permanent change of station R.O.T.e. unit of Mississippi State College.
without a change of quarters. Ptincipal qualification: no Captain Harry served on the staff of the Engineers'
preconceivednotions about Ohm's Law. Magazine, the student publication of the College of
Addicted to Kelly pool and bowling. Handle a pool Engineering of his alma mater for three years. He lists
cue so skillfully it appears like unvarnished luck. Pre- amateur photography as a hobby, and golf as a recrea-
sented friend wife with a bowling ball last Christmas tion. In connection with the last named he gave no
which miraculously fits my hand-span. Very consistent scores, so it is impossible to state how seriously he takes
10 bowling; almost good. Expert Rifle and Expert Pistol. his recreation.
Secretambition: to coach a girls' rifle team.
Highest compliment received from a Japanese police- GEORGE U. HARVEY, soldier-statesman. Lieutenant
man on the arri,';'alof my first-born, a son: "Ah-h-h! you Colonel commanding 307th InL, 77th Division, D.S.e.,
.1reveryexpert! C.s.e., Ye., President of the Borough of Queens, New
York City.
Captain BURGO D. GILL, Coast Artillery Corps, hails MORRIS SHEPPARD, senator from Texas. Dean of
from Florida. After graduation from the university of Congress by virtue of having a longer continued service
his native state with the degree of B.S. in 1921, he at- than that of any other living member. Chairman com-
tended Leland Stanford University. His first military mittee on Military Affairs, U. S. Senate. Well known
servicewas as a second lieutenant of Field Artillery Re- to all soldiers and officers because of his interest in Na-
servein 1923' While in the reserve he attended the Re- tional Defense, the welfare of officers and enlisted men
serveOfficers' Course at the Field Artillery School, Fort and army activities.
Sill in 1924. Captain Gill then had an interlude as a
flyingcadet after which he was appointed a second lieu- Captain JOHN M. TATUM was born on June 19,
tenant of Field Artillery in the regular army. He trans- 1~5' in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. He spent
ferredto the Coast Artillery Corps in 1928, and is now a year at Wofford College and a year at The Citadel. He
on duty with the Cable Ship Joseph Henry. In 1935 he entered West Point in 1916 where he pursued but, ac-
graduated from the Coast Artillery School. cording to Captain Jimmy Crawford, never caught up
Captain Gill is a prolific writer. Articles and stories with his studies.
bearing his by-line have appeared in numerous service Captain Tatum resigned from the service on January
and civilian magazines. 23, 1922, and has regretted it ever since. He accepted a
Reserve commission in August, 1928. At present he is
Captain JOSEPH 1. GREENE, Infantry, is well known the Inspector-Instructor of District "F," CCC Head-
to the readers of The JOURNAL.He is a prolific writer on quarters, Tampa, Florida.
militarysubjects. At present Captain Greene is on duty
asa student at The Infantry School. Major RICHARD G. TINDALL, Infantry, entered the
service in 1916 with the First Provisional Officers' Class.
~Iajor General JOHNSON HAGOOD spent a great Prior to that time he had lived a while in Europe, had
part of his service with the Coast Artillery and is well been pronounced educated by the University of Missouri
knownto our readers. He retired from active service on in 19II, and had held various jobs from cub reporter to
~1ay 31, 1936, and has taken up writing and lecturing as night editor on the St. Louis Republic. While on the last
a profession. Four articles by him were published by the named assignment he distinguished himself by making
Saturday Evening Post during the fall of 1936. One of the front page with a poem on bedbugs. Thereafter he
these,"Rational Defense" appeared in condensed form in was accorded the privilege of having his longer yarns pub-
Reader'sDigest. His new book, We Can Defend Amer- lished under a by-line.
tca, will be for sale after January 22, 1937. In 1918 Major Tindall went overseas and got on the
fringes of the war in the Vosges and elsewhere. He also
Captain JOHN HARRY, Coast Artillery Corps, was served with the 7th Infantry in the Army of Occupation
born in Conway, Kansas, May 19, 1~. He graduated on the Rhine. He is a graduate of The Infantry School
frOIn the University of Colorado in 1921 with the degree (1927) and The Command and General Staff School
of B.S. in Engineering. During the World War, while (1928). ,
at Colorado, he served in the SATe. Appointed second Major Tindall entered the Ecole Superieure de Guerre
lieutenant of Field Artillery in the Regular Army on in 1933 and graduated in 1935. During vacation periods
August4, 1921. In February of 1924 he was transferred he tramped or rode over most of the battlefields of north-
tothe Coast Artillery Corps. Attended the Field Artil- ern France and the Belgian Ardennes. At present he is
lery School, Basic Course (1922), and the Coast Artillery an instructor at Leavenworth.
RAYMOND III OF TRIPOLIS AND THE FALL interest in this book notwithstanding the archaic weap-
OF JERUSALEM (II40-II87)' By Marshall Whit- ons then in use. The great principles of strategy and tac-
hed Baldwin, Assistant Professor of History, New tics are unchanging and the crusading period affords
York University. Princeton University Press. 160 pp. many instances of the truth of that statement.
2 maps. $2.00. The culmination of Raymond's life was the battle of
By Colonel Robt. E. Wyllie, C.A.C., Retired Hattin, and his description and critical analysis of that
engagement is likewise the highlight of Professor Bald-
Submitted as part of his doctor's thesis at Princeton, win's book. This battle is not as well known as it
this work of Professor Baldwin's is more than a biography deserves. It was one of the decisive battles of history.
of Raymond III, Count of T ripolis and Lord of Tiberias. Not only was it a complete victory but it also settled the
Raymond was unquestionably the ablest leader and the fate of the Holy Land and of Jerusalem until the cam-
most prominent figure of his time in the Latin kingdom paign of Allenby in 1918, a period of over seven hundred
of Jerusalem, so an account of his life becomes virtually a years. Furthermore several of the eternal verities of
history of the closing years of that realm. That his life strategy and tactics are well illustrated, either by their
ended in failure and the kingdom collapsed was due not performance of neglect. The battle has been described in
so much to any weakness of his, nor even to the superior several blocks of a popular narure, but only once from a
energy and ability of the enemy, the great Saladin, but critical military standpoint. That was by Sir Charles
to discord and dissension among the Christian leaders, a Oman, the well-known historian of the art of warfare,
fac~ which is clearly shown in the author's scholarly nar- and his account was sketchy and was evidently based on
ratIve. only a few of the quite numerous original sources avail-
Warfare was almost continuous in the Palestine of the able.
twelfth century, so the military reader will find much of Professor Baldwin has now filled this gap in an able
Instructor at the Commandand General StaffSchool (1932-36) ;
Graduate of £cole Superieurede Guerre (1932)
A frank expose of former fallacious military intelligence doctrines.
By means of numerous historical illustrations, it invites the reader's attention to the dangers of ap-
plying stereotyped tactical formulre to the solution of tactical situations in which the enemy is not
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It shows the close and indispensable relation between Intelligence and the decisionsof a commander.
The application of Intelligence principles to the operations of small units - a thing never before
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There is a very detailed and l~gical exposition of the methods to be employed in the formulation of
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Although written primarily for the use of small units of Infantry, this work should be
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124Pages HandsomeBinding 17Maps
$2.00 Postpaid
of of of
Bar is of bronze, gold-plated, center enameld red
(for Coast Artillery), with panel of black and gold
at ends designating an officer. Bar equipped with
gold-plated shank back button. Illustration
actual size. Bar, is only part that shows, when
worn. Neat and distinctive in appearance.
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Built for hard serVIce for Preserving
Simple and efficient War Departmen t
Capacity 400 Sheets
Flags of Am.erica
United States Army