Article of An Active Steering System
Article of An Active Steering System
Article of An Active Steering System
3, MAY 2007
AbstractIn this paper, a model predictive control (MPC) stability control systems [34] (which are also known under
approach for controlling an active front steering system in an different acronyms such as electronic stability program (ESP),
autonomous vehicle is presented. At each time step, a trajectory is vehicle stability control (VSC), interactive vehicle dynamics
assumed to be known over a finite horizon, and an MPC controller
computes the front steering angle in order to follow the trajectory (IVD), and dynamic stability control (DSC)). Essentially, these
on slippery roads at the highest possible entry speed. We present systems use brakes on one side and engine torque to stabilize
two approaches with different computational complexities. In the vehicle in extreme limit handling situations through con-
the first approach, we formulate the MPC problem by using a trolling the yaw motion.
nonlinear vehicle model. The second approach is based on suc- In addition to braking and traction systems, active front
cessive online linearization of the vehicle model. Discussions on
computational complexity and performance of the two schemes steering (AFS) systems make use of the front steering com-
are presented. The effectiveness of the proposed MPC formulation mand in order to improve lateral vehicle stability [1], [2].
is demonstrated by simulation and experimental tests up to 21 m/s Moreover, the steering command can be used to reject ex-
on icy roads. ternal destabilizing forces arising from -split, asymmetric
Index TermsActive steering, autonomous vehicles, model pre- braking, or wind [21]. Four-wheel steer (4WS) systems follow
dictive control, nonlinear optimization, vehicle dynamics control, similar goals. For instance, in [3], Ackermann et al. present a
vehicle stability. decoupling strategy between the path following and external
disturbances rejection in a four-wheel steering setup. The
automatic car steering is split into the path following and the
yaw stabilization tasks, the first is achieved through the front
ECENT trends in automotive industry point in the di- steering angle, the latter through the rear steering angle.
R rection of increased content of electronics, computers,
and controls with emphasis on the improved functionality
Research on the AFS systems has also been approached
from an autonomous vehicle perspective. In [16], an automatic
and overall system robustness. While this affects all of the steering control for highway automation is presented, where
vehicle areas, there is a particular interest in active safety, the vehicle is equipped with magnetic sensors placed on the
which effectively complements the passive safety counterpart. front and rear bumpers in order to detect a lane reference im-
Passive safety is primarily focused on the structural integrity plemented with electric wire [13] and magnetic markers [36].
of vehicle. Active safety on the other hand is primarily used to A more recent example of AFS applications in autonomous
avoid accidents and at the same time facilitate better vehicle vehicles is the Grand Challenge race driving [5], [23], [30].
controllability and stability especially in emergency situations, In this paper, it is anticipated that the future systems will be
such as what may occur when suddenly encountering slippery able to increase the effectiveness of active safety interventions
parts of the road [10]. beyond what is currently available. This will be facilitated not
Early works on active safety systems date back to the 1980s only by additional actuator types such as 4WS, active steering,
and were primarily focused on improving longitudinal dy- active suspensions, or active differentials, but also by additional
namics part of motion, in particular, on more effective braking sensor information, such as onboard cameras, as well as in-
(ABS) and traction control (TC) systems. ABS systems in- frared and other sensor alternatives. All these will be further
crease the braking efficiency by avoiding the lock of the braking complemented by global positioning system (GPS) information
wheels. TC systems prevent the wheel from slipping and at the including prestored mapping. In this context, it is possible to
same time improves vehicle stability and steerability by maxi- imagine that future vehicles would be able to identify obstacles
mizing the tractive and lateral forces between the vehicles tire on the road such as an animal, a rock, or fallen tree/branch, and
and the road. This was followed by work on different vehicle assist the driver by following the best possible path, in terms of
avoiding the obstacle and at the same time keeping the vehicle on
Manuscript received November 10, 2006. Manuscript received in final form
the road at a safe distance from incoming traffic. An additional
January 12, 2007. Recommended by Associate Editor K. Fishbach. source of information can also come from surrounding vehicles
P. Falcone and F. Borrelli are with the Universit del Sannio, Dipartimento di and environments which may convey the information from the
Ingegneria, Universit degli Studi del Sannio, 82100 Benevento, Italy (e-mail:
[email protected]; [email protected]).
vehicle ahead about road condition, which can give a significant
J. Asgari, H. E. Tseng, and D. Hrovat are with Research and Innovation amount of preview to the controller. This is particular is useful
Center, Ford Research Laboratories, Dearborn, MI 48124 USA (e-mail: jas- if one travels on snow or ice covered surfaces. In this case, it is
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). very easy to reach the limit of vehicle handling capabilities.
Color versions of Figs. 1, 2, and 412 are available online at Anticipating sensor and infrastructure trends toward in-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2007.894653 creased integration of information and control actuation agents,
1063-6536/$25.00 2007 IEEE
where and are front and rear wheel steering angle, respec-
tively, and
The following equations hold for rear and front axes by using
the corresponding subscript for all the variables. Longitudinal
and lateral tire forces lead to the following forces acting on the
center of gravity:
Fig. 2. Longitudinal and lateral tire forces with different coefficient values.
Tire forces and for each tire are given by
B. Tire Model
where , , , and are defined next. The tire slip angle
represents the angle between the wheel velocity vector and With the exception of aerodynamic forces and gravity, all of
the direction of the wheel itself, and can be compactly expressed the forces which affect vehicle handling are produced by the
as tires. Tire forces provide the primary external influence and, be-
cause of their highly nonlinear behavior, cause the largest vari-
(7) ation in vehicle handling properties throughout the longitudinal
and lateral maneuvering range. Therefore, it is important to use
The slip ratio is defined as a realistic nonlinear tire model, especially when investigating
large control inputs that result in response near the limits of the
if for braking maneuvering capability of the vehicle. In such situations, the
if for driving lateral and longitudinal motions of the vehicle are strongly cou-
where and are the radius and the angular speed of the wheel, pled through the tire forces, and large values of slip ratio and
respectively. The parameter represents the road friction coef- slip angle can occur simultaneously.
ficient and is assumed equal for front and rear wheels. is the Most of the existing tire models are predominantly semi-em-
total vertical load of the vehicle and is distributed between the pirical in nature. That is, the tire model structure is determined
front and rear wheels based on the geometry of the car model through analytical considerations, and key parameters depend
(described by the parameters and ) on tire data measurements. Those models range from extremely
simple (where lateral forces are computed as a function of slip
(9) angle, based on one measured slope at and one measured
value of the maximum lateral force) to relatively complex al-
The nonlinear vehicle dynamics described in (1)(9), can be gorithms, which use tire data measured at many different loads
rewritten in the following compact from: and slip angles.
In this paper, we use a Pacejka tire model [4] to describe the
(10) tire longitudinal and cornering forces in (6). This is a complex,
semi-empirical nonlinear model that takes into consideration
where the dependence on slip ratio and friction coefficient the interaction between the longitudinal force and the cornering
value at each time instant has been explicitly highlighted. The force in combined braking and steering. The longitudinal and
state and input vectors are and , cornering forces are assumed to depend on the normal force, slip
respectively. In this paper, is assumed to be zero at any time angle, surface friction coefficient, and longitudinal slip. Fig. 2
instant. depicts longitudinal and lateral forces versus longitudinal slip
Model (10) captures the most relevant nonlinearities associ- and slip angle, for fixed values of the friction coefficients. We
ated to lateral stabilization of the vehicle. Section II-B briefly remark that the front tire of the bicycle model represents the
describes the models of tire forces and . two front tires of the actual car.
in [34] to generate the reference path for a steering robot on nonlinear vehicle model (10) and the Pacejka tire model are
high . In this case, no trajectory replanning is needed and the used to predict the future evolution of the system. The mini-
contribution of the work presented in this paper is to facilitate mization of a quadratic performance index, subject to the non-
systematic and repeatable tests of safety critical emergency linear vehicle dynamics, is a nonlinear optimization problem.
manoeuvres during limit conditions, such as obstacle avoidance Such optimization problem is solved online, at each time step.
manoeuvres on slippery surfaces, i.e., snow and ice. In the This can be computationally demanding, depending on the ve-
second method, we assume that a trajectory replanning module hicles states and constraints. The second formulation, presented
is available and the trajectory is recomputed at a less frequent in Section IV-B, tries to overcome this problem. A LTV approx-
rate than the frequency of the lower level controller. For both imation of vehicle model (10) and the Pacejka tire model are
cases, we focus on the lower level control design by means of used to predict the future evolution of the system. This leads to
nonlinear and LTV MPC for the specific scenario of an active a suboptimal LTV MPC controller. In this case, a time varying
steering system. convex quadratic optimization problem is formulated and solved
As suggested in [28], there is a significant challenge involved at each time step, leading to the reduction of the computational
in obtaining the steering required to accomplish the limit ma- burden with an acceptable loss of performance. We will show
neuver considered in this paper while maintaining vehicle sta- that the MPC performance is enhanced by including a constraint
bility. By focusing on the lower level MPC controller, we also on the tire slip angle which stabilizes the vehicle at high speed.
believe that the resultant steering may mimic a skillful driver
who takes the full vehicle dynamic states into account. Com- A. Nonlinear (NL) MPC
pared to the lower level control algorithms presented in the
In order to obtain a finite-dimensional optimal control
aforementioned literature, our approach 1) is model based and
problem, we discretize the system dynamics (10) with a fixed
uses the vehicle model (10) and the highly nonlinear Pacejka tire
sampling time
model described in Section II-B; 2) includes constraints on in-
puts and states in the control design; 3) is systematic and multi-
variable and can accommodate new actuators and higher fidelity (11a)
models. Moreover, we have experimentally validated the con- (11b)
troller presented in this paper with a dSPACE AutoBox system
which is a standard rapid prototyping system used in automo- where the formulation is used, with and
tive industries [11]. .
We define the following output map for yaw angle and lateral
When evaluating the online computational burden of the pro- additional term significantly improves the performance of the
posed scheme, in addition to the time required to solve the op- LTV MPC controller (16) and (17).
timization problem (16), one needs to consider the resources
spent in computing the linear models ( , , , ) in (16b) V. DOUBLE LANE CHANGE ON SNOW USING ACTIVE STEERING
and (c) and translating (16) into a standard quadratic program-
The MPC steering controllers described in Sections IV-A and
ming (QP) problem. Nevertheless, for the proposed application,
IV-B have been implemented to perform a sequence of double
complexity of the MPC (16) and (17) greatly reduces compared
lane changes at different entry speeds. This test represents an
to the NL MPC presented in Section IV-A. This will be shown obstacle avoidance emergency maneuver in which the vehicle
for a specific scenario in Sections VI-A and VI-B.
is entering a double lane change maneuver on snow or ice with
The stability of the presented control scheme is difficult to
a given initial forward speed. The control input is the front
prove even under no model mismatch and it is a topic of cur-
steering angle and the goal is to follow the trajectory as close
rent research. Also, robustness of nonlinear MPC schemes is an as possible by minimizing the vehicle deviation from the target
active area of research by itself. An analytical and meaningful
path. The experiment is repeated with increasing entry speeds
study of the robustness of the proposed scheme would be even
until the vehicle loses control. The same controller can be used
more difficult. The uncertainty of the tire characteristics and the
to control the vehicle during different maneuvers in different
road condition are often difficult to describe with a mathemat- scenarios [21].
ical formalism which is realistic and not too conservative.
The simulation and experimental results will be presented
It should be noted that in the MPC scheme (16) and (17), the
in Section VI. Next, we describe the reference generation and
introduction of the state constraints (16j) is needed in order to
present the experimental setup in Section V-B.
obtain an acceptable performance and it is a contribution of this
paper. As shown next in Section VI-A, such constraint arises A. Trajectory Generation
from a careful study of the closed-loop behavior of the non-
linear MPC presented in Section IV-A. In fact, extensive sim- The desired path is described in terms of lateral position
ulations have shown that the nonlinear MPC never exceeds cer- and yaw angle as function of the longitudinal position
tain tire slip angles under stable operations. By removing the
constraints (16j) the performance of the LTV MPC controller
(16) and (17) is not acceptable and the system becomes un-
stable at high vehicle speeds. In fact, a simple linear model is
not able to predict the change of slope in the tires characteristic
(see Fig. 2). To overcome this issue, we included constraints
(16j) in the optimization problem, in order to forbid the system
from entering a strongly nonlinear and possibly unstable re-
gion of the tire characteristic. In particular, by looking at the where ,
tire characteristics in Fig. 2, it is clear that a linear approxima- , 2, , ,
tion of the tire model around the origin is no longer valid if the , and .
slip angle exceeds certain bounds. Led by this observation and The reference trajectories (18a) and (18b), can be used di-
by a study on the closed-loop behavior of the nonlinear MPC rectly only in the nonlinear MPC formulation, being a nonlinear
presented in Section IV-A, we included the constraints (16j) in function of the longitudinal distance . In the LTV MPC for-
the optimization problem. In particular, for a given , the tire mulation, we generate the reference trajectories from (18a) and
slip angle is constrained in the mostly linear region of the lat- (18b) by assuming that the vehicle will travel a portion of the
eral tire force characteristic. By no means does the constraints desired path at a constant speed in the next steps.
(16j) enforce the dynamical system to operate in a linear region: Because of the assumption on constant travel velocity, the
system nonlinearities (11) and longitudinal tire nonlinearities method for generating the previously described trajectory can
are still relevant when constraints (16j) are included in the MPC affect the performance of the closed-loop system. In particular,
formulation. in extreme handling situations, when the tracking errors are
Note that the constraints (16j) are implicit linear constraints large due to spinning or side skidding, the computed reference
on state and input and they can be handled systematically only could lead to aggressive maneuvers. As explained in Section III,
in an MPC scheme. A soft constraint formulation is preferred to more accurate methods could be used in order to generate a
a hard constraint in order to avoid infeasibility. In fact, during smoother reference for the LTV MPC scheme by taking into
experiments the tire slip angle is estimated from IMU and GPS account the state of the vehicle.
measurements. Acceleration measurements are noisy and the
GPS signal can be lost. Moreover, as shown in (3) and (7), the B. Experimental Setup Description
tire slip angle depends on the steering angle. The latter, as ex- The MPC controllers presented in Sections IV-A and IV-B
plained in Section V-B, in our experimental setup is affected by have been tested through simulations and experiments on slip-
the drivers imposed steering angle. pery surfaces. The experiments have been performed at a test
An additional tracking error on yaw rate is included in the per- center equipped with icy and snowy handling tracks. The MPC
formance index of the LTV MPC problem (16) and (17) (com- controllers have been tested on a passenger car, with a mass of
pare (16d) to (12)). Extensive simulations have shown that this 2050 Kg and an inertia of 3344 kg/m . The controllers were run
Fig. 4. Simulation results at 7-m/s entry speed. Controller A described in
( )
Section IV-A. (a) Lateral position Y , yaw angle ( ) , and yaw rate .
( ) ( ) _
Fig. 5. Experimental results at 7-m/s entry speed. Controller A described in
( )
(b) Front steering angle , change in front steering angle (1 )
, and
Section VI-A. (a) Lateral position Y , yaw angle
( )
steering angle , change in front steering angle
, and yaw rate . (b) Front
(1 )
, and NPSOL output
NPSOL output flag.
angle (RWA) is the summation of the RWA from the MPC con- and are the root mean squared (rms) yaw angle
troller and the steering action from the driver. In lower plots of and lateral position tracking errors, respectively. The values of
Figs. 4(b) and 5(b), the NPSOL output flag is reported. In our and are the maximum tracking errors on the same
tests, the flag assumed the values 0, 1, 4, and 6. The value 0 is variables.
returned when an optimal feasible solution is found. The value By comparing the simulated and the experimental steering
1 is returned when the solver does not converge to a feasible command, we notice the presence of an unmodeled rate satu-
solution. The value 4 indicates that the limit on the iteration ration in the steering response. In fact, the actual road steering
number has been reached and a feasible but nonoptimal solu- angle variation is smaller than the selected in (14g).
tion has been found. The value 6 indicates that the solution does This can be observed in Fig. 5(b), between 12 and 14 s,
not satisfy the optimality conditions [15]. In simulation and ex- where the desired change in the steering angle was limited to
perimental tests, the solver often reaches the selected iteration , while the actual road wheel steering angle
limit and returns a suboptimal solution. Yet, because of the low increased at a slower rate. This led to a larger tracking error in
vehicle speed, the performance associated to the suboptimal so- the experiment during the second lane change compared to the
lution is excellent. simulations.
By comparing the lateral position and yaw angle in the sim- The experimental results 10 m/s in [12] show that the con-
ulation and the experiment, we can conclude that the matching troller is not able to stabilize the vehicle and, around 13 s, the
between simulation and experimental results is very good. The vehicle starts to skid. The controller fails because the nonlinear
tracking errors are very small and reported in Table II, where solver does not converge to a feasible solution.
Fig. 9. Experimental results at 19-m/s entry speed. Controller B described in
( )
Section VI-B. (a) Lateral position Y , yaw angle( ) , and yaw rate . (b) Front
( )
steering angle , change in front steering angle (1 ) , and front tire slip
angle .
Fig. 11. Experimental results at 21.5-m/s entry speed. Controller B described in
( )
Section VI-B. (a) Lateral position Y , yaw angle ( ) , and yaw rate . (b) Front
( )
steering angle , change in front steering angle (1 ) , and front tire slip
angle .
Fig. 12. Experimental results at 17 m/s entry speed. Controller C described in
( )
Section VI-D. (a) Lateral position Y , yaw angle ( ) , and yaw rate . (b) Front
( )
steering angle , change in front steering angle (1 ) , and front tire slip
angle .
summarized in Table VI, the results at 17 m/s are presented in In order to fairly compare Controllers B and C, the orientation
Fig. 12. offset observed during experimental tests of Controller B have
The plots results do not show any orientation error, being the been reproduced in simulations of Controller C. The tracking
experiments performed in a day different from experiments of errors for such simulation are reported in Table V. Compare the
controller B. It is interesting to observe that, even if the control tracking errors of Controllers B and C in Tables III and V, re-
horizon has been tightened significantly, the controller is still spectively. It can be noticed that Controller C performs slightly
able to stabilize the vehicle, even at high speed, and the tracking worse than Controller B. However, as confirmed by the exper-
errors do not increase significantly compared to Controller B. imental tests, it is able to stabilize the vehicle at high speed.
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43, no. 3, pp. 197214, Mar. 2005.
[35] Z. Wan and M. V. Kothare, Efficient scheduled stabilizing model pre-
dictive control for constrained nonlinear systems, Int. J. Robust Non-
linear Control, vol. 13, pp. 331346, Mar./Apr. 2003.
[36] W. Zhang and R. E. Parsons, An intelligent roadway reference system Hongtei Eric Tseng received the B.S. degree from
for vehicle lateral guidance/control, in Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.,
1990, pp. 281286. in 1986, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of California, Berkeley, in 1991 and 1994,
respectively, all in mechanical engineering.
He is currently a Technical Leader at the Research
Paolo Falcone received the Laurea degree in com- and Innovation Center, Ford Motor Company, Dear-
puter science engineering from the University of born, MI, where he has been since 1994. His previous
Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2003. He is work includes low pressure tire warning system using
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in automatic wheel speed sensors, traction control, electronic sta-
control engineering at the Universita del Sannio, bility control, and roll stability control. His current
Benevento, Italy. research interests include both powertrain and vehicle dynamics control.
His research interests include model predictive
control and vehicle dynamics control.