SWEEP & VERIABLE SECTION SWEEP Creo - Parametric - Core - and - Sketcher - v1 PDF

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Creo 1.

0 Parametric
- Core and Sketcher Technical Training

Technical Training
Creo 1.0
Creo Parametric User Interface

User Experience
Quick Access
Creo Consistent Ribbon UI Toolbar (QAT) Re-vamped config.ui
Microsoft Office 2010 Compliant UI Role based UI

Rich customization capabilities Ribbon UI throughout.

Highly Customizable.
New UI Customization
Adhering to MS Fluent UI
Config.ui works like config.pro
No more Hunting for
In Graphics Toolbar
Built in command finder
Customizable In-Graphics
Toolbar (IGT)
Enhanced graphics and
display better
highlighting, shading,

2011 CADSKY 2
Creo Parametric Sketching

Streamlined Sketcher Entry

Enhanced sketcher workflow and usability
Automatically enter sketch environment
Section Orientation menu in sketcher (RMB)
Add a reference without opening the Reference Dialog

Improved sketcher workflow and usability

UI Location:

>Automatic sketcher entry > Sketch based + Planar geometry

Action/Object or Object Action

>Section orientation menu > RMB

>Add reference > RMB > Add Reference

> While sketching > Alt-Select

2011 CADSKY 3
Creo Parametric Sketching

Feature Preview and Dynamic Edit

New Preview Options
Preview with Dynamic Edit
No Preview

Benefit: Unattached Preview

Attached geometry shows fully generated feature
Attached Preview
No surprises when you commit feature definition
Dimension draggers to isolate dimensions
All other section dims are locked!
Drag section and depth during preview
Automatic add/removal of geometry
config: Auto_add_remove yes

UI Location:

>Preview Options > UI

>Draggers > Dimension Arrows

2011 CADSKY 4
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Auto Regen Enabled

New capability to edit with Auto Regeneration option
Enhanced editing of multi-sketch based features

Improved user experience leveraging dynamic feedback
Once Auto Regenerate is on, Double-click any feature to edit

UI Location:
>Double-click feature > RMB > Auto Regenerate
> Regenerate > Auto Regenerate

Auto Regenerate Off

Auto Regenerate ON (Button Pressed)
2011 CADSKY 5
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Curve from Equation

New UI and workflow for datum curve from equation

Entering Curves in Natural Engineering Format
No parameterization required (but still allowed)
Enter any range for the independent variable
No longer limited to 0 to 1
Enter any constant for z
Not necessary 0 will be chosen by default

UI Location:

Model Tab > Datum > Curve > Curve from Equation

2011 CADSKY 6
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Curve from Cross Section

New UI and workflow for datum curve from equation

Easily create datum curve from cross section

UI Location:

Model Tab > Datum > Curve > Curve from Cross Section

2011 CADSKY 7
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Curve Through Points

New UI and workflow for datum curve Through Points

Easily create datum curve Through Points
Control settings of all points from dashboard radio group
Optionally mix straight line and spline segments in the placement panel
Support for Logical Grouping
Entire arrays can be selected and managed as a group
Various groups of common radii are automatically managed
Edit common radius points with a single edit
Familiar End Condition Controls
Use same tools as boundary blend
Choose free, normal, tangent or curvature continuous

UI Location:

Model Tab > Datum > Curve > Curve Through Points
2011 CADSKY 8
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Add Taper to Extrude Geometry

User is now able to specify the
option to Add Draft when creating an Extrude Feature

The ability to Add Draft when creating an Extrude
Feature eliminates the requirement to add an additional
Draft feature after creating the initial Extrude feature

UI Location:

Model Tab > Extrude > Define Sketch >

Options > Add Draft
Note: Sketch section must be closed, draft angle cannot
exceed +/- 30 degrees

2011 CADSKY 9
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Corner Chamfer
New UI for Corner Chamfer

Fast creation of corner chamfer geometry

UI Location:

Model Tab > Engineering group > Chamfer (pull-down)

> Corner Chamfer

2011 CADSKY 10
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Cosmetic Thread
New UI and workflow for
Cosmetic Thread

New Logical Analysis of Selected Surface
New logic compares selected conical or cylindrical surface
for a match in existing hole files
Suggests the appropriate thread from all available standards
Alternative Methods
Select a standard thread definition
Apply a standard offset from the selected
surface as in Creo Elements/Pro 5.0

UI Location:

Model Tab > Engineering > Cosmetic Thread

2011 CADSKY 11
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Cosmetic Sketch
New UI for Cosmetic Sketch
Ability to project cosmetic sketch
Ability to Enable UC Mode

Converted Cosmetic Sketch to standard sketch workflow
Constraint solver can be turned off to enable import of large 2D datasets (Enable UC Mode)
Cosmetic Sketch can be projected using the project tool

UI Location:

> Model Tab > Engineering (Pull-down) >

Cosmetic Sketch

> Sketcher > Operations >

Enable UC Mode

> Model Tab > Editing > Project

2011 CADSKY 12
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Helical Sweep
New UI and workflow for Helical Sweep

Easy creation of Helical Sweep geometry
Control pitch by ratio, distance along axis
or reference
Use internal or external helix profile
Variable or constant section allowed
Toggle left-hand/right-hand in dashboard

UI Location:

Model Tab > Shapes group > Sweep > Helical Sweep

2011 CADSKY 13
Creo Parametric Core Modeling

Sweep and Variable Section Sweep

Consolidated Sweep and Variable
Section Sweep

Easy creation of Sweep geometry
Single Dashboard-Based Interface
Constant cross section sweep is the default
Default geometry type is solid
Toggle constant/variable section

UI Location:

Model Tab > Shapes group > Sweep > Helical Sweep

2011 CADSKY 14

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