Social Studies Standards Us History and World History

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Social Studies Standards

GRADE: 912


Standard 1: Use research and inquiry skills to analyze American history using primary and
secondary sources.


SS.912.A.1.1 Describe the importance of historiography, which includes how historical knowledge is
obtained and transmitted, when interpreting events in history.
SS.912.A.1.2 Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to identify author, historical
significance, audience, and authenticity to understand a historical period.
SS.912.A.1.3 Utilize timelines to identify the time sequence of historical data.
SS.912.A.1.4 Analyze how images, symbols, objects, cartoons, graphs, charts, maps, and artwork may
be used to interpret the significance of time periods and events from the past.
SS.912.A.1.5 Evaluate the validity, reliability, bias, and authenticity of current events and Internet
SS.912.A.1.6 Use case studies to explore social, political, legal, and economic relationships in history.
SS.912.A.1.7 Describe various socio-cultural aspects of American life including arts, artifacts,
literature, education, and publications.

Standard 2: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and
Reconstruction and its effects on the American people.


SS.912.A.2.1 Review causes and consequences of the Civil War.
SS.912.A.2.2 Assess the influence of significant people or groups on Reconstruction.
SS.912.A.2.3 Describe the issues that divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era.
SS.912.A.2.4 Distinguish the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans and other groups with the
13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution.
SS.912.A.2.5 Assess how Jim Crow Laws influenced life for African Americans and other racial/ethnic
minority groups.
SS.912.A.2.6 Compare the effects of the Black Codes and the Nadir on freed people, and analyze the
sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States.
SS.912.A.2.7 Review the Native American experience.

Standard 3: Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and
political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution.


SS.912.A.3.1 Analyze the economic challenges to American farmers and farmers' responses to these
challenges in the mid to late 1800s.
SS.912.A.3.2 Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the
second Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century.
SS.912.A.3.3 Compare the first and second Industrial Revolutions in the United States.
SS.912.A.3.4 Determine how the development of steel, oil, transportation, communication, and
business practices affected the United States economy.
SS.912.A.3.5 Identify significant inventors of the Industrial Revolution including African Americans and
SS.912.A.3.6 Analyze changes that occurred as the United States shifted from agrarian to an industrial
SS.912.A.3.7 Compare the experience of European immigrants in the east to that of Asian immigrants
in the west (the Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan).
SS.912.A.3.8 Examine the importance of social change and reform in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries (class system, migration from farms to cities, Social Gospel movement, role of
settlement houses and churches in providing services to the poor).
SS.912.A.3.9 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the labor movement in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries.
SS.912.A.3.10 Review different economic and philosophic ideologies.
SS.912.A.3.11 Analyze the impact of political machines in United States cities in the late 19th and early
20th centuries.
SS.912.A.3.12 Compare how different nongovernmental organizations and progressives worked to
shape public policy, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices in American
SS.912.A.3.13 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States

Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world
affairs through the end of World War I.


SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism.
SS.912.A.4.2 Explain the motives of the United States acquisition of the territories.
SS.912.A.4.3 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Spanish American War.
SS.912.A.4.4 Analyze the economic, military, and security motivations of the United States to complete
the Panama Canal as well as major obstacles involved in its construction.
SS.912.A.4.5 Examine causes, course, and consequences of United States involvement in World War
SS.912.A.4.6 Examine how the United States government prepared the nation for war with war
measures (Selective Service Act, War Industries Board, war bonds, Espionage Act,
Sedition Act, Committee of Public Information).
SS.912.A.4.7 Examine the impact of airplanes, battleships, new weaponry and chemical warfare in
creating new war strategies (trench warfare, convoys).
SS.912.A.4.8 Compare the experiences Americans (African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women,
conscientious objectors) had while serving in Europe.
SS.912.A.4.9 Compare how the war impacted German Americans, Asian Americans, African
Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans, women and
dissenters in the United States.
SS.912.A.4.10 Examine the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and the failure of the United States to
support the League of Nations.
SS.912.A.4.11 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States
Standard 5: Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the
Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.


SS.912.A.5.1 Discuss the economic outcomes of demobilization.
SS.912.A.5.2 Explain the causes of the public reaction (Sacco and Vanzetti, labor, racial unrest)
associated with the Red Scare.
SS.912.A.5.3 Examine the impact of United States foreign economic policy during the 1920s.
SS.912.A.5.4 Evaluate how the economic boom during the Roaring Twenties changed consumers,
businesses, manufacturing, and marketing practices.
SS.912.A.5.5 Describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars.
SS.912.A.5.6 Analyze the influence that Hollywood, the Harlem Renaissance, the Fundamentalist
movement, and prohibition had in changing American society in the 1920s.
SS.912.A.5.7 Examine the freedom movements that advocated civil rights for African Americans,
Latinos, Asians, and women.
SS.912.A.5.8 Compare the views of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey
relating to the African American experience.
SS.912.A.5.9 Explain why support for the Ku Klux Klan varied in the 1920s with respect to issues such
as anti-immigration, anti-African American, anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-women, and
anti-union ideas.
SS.912.A.5.10 Analyze support for and resistance to civil rights for women, African Americans, Native
Americans, and other minorities.
SS.912.A.5.11 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal.
SS.912.A.5.12 Examine key events and people in Florida history as they relate to United States history.

Standard 6: Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home
and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world.


SS.912.A.6.1 Examine causes, course, and consequences of World War II on the United States and
the world.
SS.912.A.6.2 Describe the United States response in the early years of World War II (Neutrality Acts,
Cash and Carry, Lend Lease Act).
SS.912.A.6.3 Analyze the impact of the Holocaust during World War II on Jews as well as other
SS.912.A.6.4 Examine efforts to expand or contract rights for various populations during World War II.
SS.912.A.6.5 Explain the impact of World War II on domestic government policy.
SS.912.A.6.6 Analyze the use of atomic weapons during World War II and the aftermath of the
SS.912.A.6.7 Describe the attempts to promote international justice through the Nuremberg Trials.
SS.912.A.6.8 Analyze the effects of the Red Scare on domestic United States policy.
SS.912.A.6.9 Describe the rationale for the formation of the United Nations, including the contribution
of Mary McLeod Bethune.
SS.912.A.6.10 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman
Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact).
SS.912.A.6.11 Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the
United States and the world.
SS.912.A.6.12 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War.
SS.912.A.6.13 Analyze significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
SS.912.A.6.14 Analyze causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War.
SS.912.A.6.15 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States

Standard 7: Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a
world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life.


SS.912.A.7.1 Identify causes for Post-World War II prosperity and its effects on American society.
SS.912.A.7.2 Compare the relative prosperity between different ethnic groups and social classes in the
post-World War II period.
SS.912.A.7.3 Examine the changing status of women in the United States from post-World War II to
SS.912.A.7.4 Evaluate the success of 1960s era presidents' foreign and domestic policies.
SS.912.A.7.5 Compare nonviolent and violent approaches utilized by groups (African Americans,
women, Native Americans, Hispanics) to achieve civil rights.
SS.912.A.7.6 Assess key figures and organizations in shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black
Power Movement.
SS.912.A.7.7 Assess the building of coalitions between African Americans, whites, and other groups in
achieving integration and equal rights.
SS.912.A.7.8 Analyze significant Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative
action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights.
SS.912.A.7.9 Examine the similarities of social movements (Native Americans, Hispanics, women,
anti-war protesters) of the 1960s and 1970s.
SS.912.A.7.10 Analyze the significance of Vietnam and Watergate on the government and people of the
United States.
SS.912.A.7.11 Analyze the foreign policy of the United States as it relates to Africa, Asia, the
Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.
SS.912.A.7.12 Analyze political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th
century and into the 21st century.
SS.912.A.7.13 Analyze the attempts to extend New Deal legislation through the Great Society and the
successes and failures of these programs to promote social and economic stability.
SS.912.A.7.14 Review the role of the United States as a participant in the global economy (trade
agreements, international competition, impact on American labor, environmental
SS.912.A.7.15 Analyze the effects of foreign and domestic terrorism on the American people.
SS.912.A.7.16 Examine changes in immigration policy and attitudes toward immigration since 1950.
SS.912.A.7.17 Examine key events and key people in Florida history as they relate to United States
Social Studies Standards
GRADE: 912


Standard 1: Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes.


SS.912.W.1.1 Use timelines to establish cause and effect relationships of historical events.
SS.912.W.1.2 Compare time measurement systems used by different cultures.
SS.912.W.1.3 Interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources.
SS.912.W.1.4 Explain how historians use historical inquiry and other sciences to understand the past.
SS.912.W.1.5 Compare conflicting interpretations or schools of thought about world events and
individual contributions to history (historiography).
SS.912.W.1.6 Evaluate the role of history in shaping identity and character.

Standard 2: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations

(Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).


SS.912.W.2.1 Locate the extent of Byzantine territory at the height of the empire.
SS.912.W.2.2 Describe the impact of Constantine the Great's establishment of "New Rome"
(Constantinople) and his recognition of Christianity as a legal religion.
SS.912.W.2.3 Analyze the extent to which the Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the old Roman
Empire and in what ways it was a departure.
SS.912.W.2.4 Identify key figures associated with the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.5 Explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.6 Describe the causes and effects of the Iconoclast controversy of the 8th and 9th
centuries and the 11th century Christian schism between the churches of Constantinople
and Rome.
SS.912.W.2.7 Analyze causes (Justinian's Plague, ongoing attacks from the "barbarians," the
Crusades, and internal political turmoil) of the decline of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.8 Describe the rise of the Ottoman Turks, the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and the
subsequent growth of the Ottoman empire under the sultanate including Mehmet the
Conquerer and Suleyman the Magnificent.
SS.912.W.2.9 Analyze the impact of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on Europe.
SS.912.W.2.10 Describe the orders of medieval social hierarchy, the changing role of the Church, the
emergence of feudalism, and the development of private property as a distinguishing
feature of Western Civilization.
SS.912.W.2.11 Describe the rise and achievements of significant rulers in medieval Europe.
SS.912.W.2.12 Recognize the importance of Christian monasteries and convents as centers of
education, charitable and missionary activity, economic productivity, and political power.
SS.912.W.2.13 Explain how Western civilization arose from a synthesis of classical Greco-Roman
civilization, Judeo-Christian influence, and the cultures of northern European peoples
promoting a cultural unity in Europe.
SS.912.W.2.14 Describe the causes and effects of the Great Famine of 1315-1316, The Black Death,
The Great Schism of 1378, and the Hundred Years War on Western Europe.
SS.912.W.2.15 Determine the factors that contributed to the growth of a modern economy.
SS.912.W.2.16 Trace the growth and development of national identify in England, France, and Spain.
SS.912.W.2.17 Identify key figures, artistic, and intellectual achievements of the medieval period in
Western Europe.
SS.912.W.2.18 Describe developments in medieval English legal and constitutional history and their
importance to the rise of modern democratic institutions and procedures.
SS.912.W.2.19 Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development.
SS.912.W.2.20 Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in
medieval Japan.
SS.912.W.2.21 Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages.
SS.912.W.2.22 Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.

Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South
American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.


SS.912.W.3.1 Discuss significant people and beliefs associated with Islam.
SS.912.W.3.2 Compare the major beliefs and principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
SS.912.W.3.3 Determine the causes, effects, and extent of Islamic military expansion through Central
Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula.
SS.912.W.3.4 Describe the expansion of Islam into India and the relationship between Muslims and
SS.912.W.3.5 Describe the achievements, contributions, and key figures associated with the Islamic
Golden Age.
SS.912.W.3.6 Describe key economic, political, and social developments in Islamic history.
SS.912.W.3.7 Analyze the causes, key events, and effects of the European response to Islamic
expansion beginning in the 7th century.
SS.912.W.3.8 Identify important figures associated with the Crusades.
SS.912.W.3.9 Trace the growth of major sub-Saharan African kingdoms and empires.
SS.912.W.3.10 Identify key significant economic, political, and social characteristics of Ghana.
SS.912.W.3.11 Identify key figures and significant economic, political, and social characteristics
associated with Mali.
SS.912.W.3.12 Identify key figures and significant economic, political, and social characteristics
associated with Songhai.
SS.912.W.3.13 Compare economic, political, and social developments in East, West, and South Africa.
SS.912.W.3.14 Examine the internal and external factors that led to the fall of the empires of Ghana,
Mali, and Songhai.
SS.912.W.3.15 Analyze the legacies of the Olmec, Zapotec, and Chavin on later Meso and South
American civilizations.
SS.912.W.3.16 Locate major civilizations of Mesoamerica and Andean South America.
SS.912.W.3.17 Describe the roles of people in the Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies.
SS.912.W.3.18 Compare the key economic, cultural, and political characteristics of the major civilizations
of Meso and South America.
SS.912.W.3.19 Determine the impact of significant Meso and South American rulers such as Pacal the
Great, Moctezuma I, and Huayna Capac.

Standard 4: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific
Revolution, and Age of Exploration.


SS.912.W.4.1 Identify the economic and political causes for the rise of the Italian city-states (Florence,
Milan, Naples, Rome, Venice).
SS.912.W.4.2 Recognize major influences on the architectural, artistic, and literary developments of
Renaissance Italy (Classical, Byzantine, Islamic, Western European).
SS.912.W.4.3 Identify the major artistic, literary, and technological contributions of individuals during
the Renaissance.
SS.912.W.4.4 Identify characteristics of Renaissance humanism in works of art.
SS.912.W.4.5 Describe how ideas from the Middle Ages and Renaissance led to the Scientific
SS.912.W.4.6 Describe how scientific theories and methods of the Scientific Revolution challenged
those of the early classical and medieval periods.
SS.912.W.4.7 Identify criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church by individuals such as Wycliffe, Hus and
Erasmus and their impact on later reformers.
SS.912.W.4.8 Summarize religious reforms associated with Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Henry VIII, and
John of Leyden and the effects of the Reformation on Europe.
SS.912.W.4.9 Analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation in the
forms of the Counter and Catholic Reformation.
SS.912.W.4.10 Identify the major contributions of individuals associated with the Scientific Revolution.
SS.912.W.4.11 Summarize the causes that led to the Age of Exploration, and identify major voyages and
SS.912.W.4.12 Evaluate the scope and impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and
the Americas.
SS.912.W.4.13 Examine the various economic and political systems of Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands,
France, and England in the Americas.
SS.912.W.4.14 Recognize the practice of slavery and other forms of forced labor experienced during the
13th through 17th centuries in East Africa, West Africa, Europe, Southwest Asia, and the
SS.912.W.4.15 Explain the origins, developments, and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade between
West Africa and the Americas.

Standard 5: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Enlightenment and its impact on the
American, French and other Revolutions.


SS.912.W.5.1 Compare the causes and effects of the development of constitutional monarchy in
England with those of the development of absolute monarchy in France, Spain, and
SS.912.W.5.2 Identify major causes of the Enlightenment.
SS.912.W.5.3 Summarize the major ideas of Enlightenment philosophers.
SS.912.W.5.4 Evaluate the impact of Enlightenment ideals on the development of economic, political,
and religious structures in the Western world.
SS.912.W.5.5 Analyze the extent to which the Enlightenment impacted the American and French
SS.912.W.5.6 Summarize the important causes, events, and effects of the French Revolution including
the rise and rule of Napoleon.
SS.912.W.5.7 Describe the causes and effects of 19th Latin American and Caribbean independence
movements led by people including Bolivar, de San Martin, and L' Ouverture.

Standard 6: Understand the development of Western and non-Western nationalism,

industrialization and imperialism, and the significant processes and consequences of each.


SS.912.W.6.1 Describe the agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in
Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe, the United States, and
SS.912.W.6.2 Summarize the social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.
SS.912.W.6.3 Compare the philosophies of capitalism, socialism, and communism as described by
Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx.
SS.912.W.6.4 Describe the 19th and early 20th century social and political reforms and reform
movements and their effects in Africa, Asia, Europe, the United States, the Caribbean,
and Latin America.
SS.912.W.6.5 Summarize the causes, key events, and effects of the unification of Italy and Germany.
SS.912.W.6.6 Analyze the causes and effects of imperialism.
SS.912.W.6.7 Identify major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to

Standard 7: Recognize significant causes, events, figures, and consequences of the Great War
period and the impact on worldwide balance of power.


SS.912.W.7.1 Analyze the causes of World War I including the formation of European alliances and the
roles of imperialism, nationalism, and militarism.
SS.912.W.7.2 Describe the changing nature of warfare during World War I.
SS.912.W.7.3 Summarize significant effects of World War I.
SS.912.W.7.4 Describe the causes and effects of the German economic crisis of the 1920s and the
global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great
SS.912.W.7.5 Describe the rise of authoritarian governments in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and
Spain, and analyze the policies and main ideas of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito
Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco.
SS.912.W.7.6 Analyze the restriction of individual rights and the use of mass terror against populations
in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and occupied territories.
SS.912.W.7.7 Trace the causes and key events related to World War II.
SS.912.W.7.8 Explain the causes, events, and effects of the Holocaust (1933-1945) including its roots
in the long tradition of anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi
dehumanization of the Jews and other victims.
SS.912.W.7.9 Identify the wartime strategy and post-war plans of the Allied leaders.
SS.912.W.7.10 Summarize the causes and effects of President Truman's decision to drop the atomic
bombs on Japan.
SS.912.W.7.11 Describe the effects of World War II.

Standard 8: Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War


SS.912.W.8.1 Identify the United States and Soviet aligned states of Europe, and contrast their political
and economic characteristics.
SS.912.W.8.2 Describe characteristics of the early Cold War.
SS.912.W.8.3 Summarize key developments in post-war China.
SS.912.W.8.4 Summarize the causes and effects of the arms race and proxy wars in Africa, Asia, Latin
America, and the Middle East.
SS.912.W.8.5 Identify the factors that led to the decline and fall of communism in the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe.
SS.912.W.8.6 Explain the 20th century background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel
in 1948 and the ongoing military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab-
Muslim world.
SS.912.W.8.7 Compare post-war independence movements in African, Asian, and Caribbean
SS.912.W.8.8 Describe the rise and goals of nationalist leaders in the post-war era and the impact of
their rule on their societies.
SS.912.W.8.9 Analyze the successes and failures of democratic reform movements in Africa, Asia, the
Caribbean, and Latin America.
SS.912.W.8.10 Explain the impact of religious fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century, and
identify related events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades.

Standard 9: Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the
20th century.


SS.912.W.9.1 Identify major scientific figures and breakthroughs of the 20th century, and assess their
impact on contemporary life.
SS.912.W.9.2 Describe the causes and effects of post-World War II economic and demographic
SS.912.W.9.3 Explain cultural, historical, and economic factors and governmental policies that created
the opportunities for ethnic cleansing or genocide in Cambodia, the Balkans, Rwanda,
and Darfur, and describe various governmental and non-governmental responses to
SS.912.W.9.4 Describe the causes and effects of twentieth century nationalist conflicts.
SS.912.W.9.5 Assess the social and economic impact of pandemics on a global scale, particularly
within the developing and under-developed world.
SS.912.W.9.6 Analyze the rise of regional trade blocs such as the European Union and NAFTA, and
predict the impact of increased globalization in the 20th and 21st centuries.
SS.912.W.9.7 Describe the impact of and global response to international terrorism.
GRADE: 912


Standard 1: Use research and inquiry skills to analyze American history using primary and
secondary sources.


SS.912.A.1.1 Describe the importance of historiography, which includes how historical knowledge is
obtained and transmitted, when interpreting events in history.
SS.912.A.1.2 Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to identify author, historical
significance, audience, and authenticity to understand a historical period.
SS.912.A.1.3 Utilize timelines to identify the time sequence of historical data.
SS.912.A.1.4 Analyze how images, symbols, objects, cartoons, graphs, charts, maps, and artwork may
be used to interpret the significance of time periods and events from the past.
SS.912.A.1.5 Evaluate the validity, reliability, bias, and authenticity of current events and Internet
SS.912.A.1.6 Use case studies to explore social, political, legal, and economic relationships in history.
SS.912.A.1.7 Describe various socio-cultural aspects of American life including arts, artifacts,
literature, education, and publications.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.1.In.a Identify the SS.912.A.1.Su.a Identify the SS.912.A.1.Pa.a Recognize that
importance of the use of authentic importance of the use of authentic historians write about events.
sources and critical review by sources by historians to write about
historians to write about events. events. SS.912.A.1.Pa.b Use appropriate
sources to obtain information about
SS.912.A.1.In.b Identify the author SS.912.A.1.Su.b Identify the author history.
and purpose of significant historical and purpose of significant historical
documents using primary and documents. SS.912.A.1.Pa.c Use a timeline to
secondary sources. recognize an event that occurred in
SS.912.A.1.Su.c Use a timeline to the past.
SS.912.A.1.In.c Use a timeline to identify a historical event.
identify the sequence of historical SS.912.A.1.Pa.d Recognize pictures,
data. SS.912.A.1.Su.d Use pictures, cartoons, or artifacts about the past.
cartoons, graphs, artwork, artifacts, or
SS.912.A.1.In.d Interpret pictures, writings to obtain information about a SS.912.A.1.Pa.e Recognize
cartoons, graphs, artwork, artifacts, or time period and events from the past. information about current events.
writings to obtain information about a
time period and events from the past. SS.912.A.1.Su.e Recognize the
SS.912.A.1.Pa.f Use a case study to
accuracy of current events and obtain information on history.
SS.912.A.1.In.e Determine the Internet resources by comparing them
accuracy of current events and to reliable sources.
Internet resources by comparing them SS.912.A.1.Pa.g Recognize a
to reliable sources. selected socio-cultural aspect of
SS.912.A.1.Su.f Use a case study to American life, such as the arts,
recognize social, political, legal, and artifacts, literature, education, or
SS.912.A.1.In.f Use a case study to economic relationships in history. publications.
identify social, political, legal, and
economic relationships in history. SS.912.A.1.Su.g Recognize selected
socio-cultural aspects of American life,
SS.912.A.1.In.g Identify selected such as the arts, artifacts, literature,
socio-cultural aspects of American life, education, and publications.
such as the arts, artifacts, literature,
education, and publications.

Standard 2: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and
Reconstruction and its effects on the American people.


SS.912.A.2.1 Review causes and consequences of the Civil War.
SS.912.A.2.2 Assess the influence of significant people or groups on Reconstruction.
SS.912.A.2.3 Describe the issues that divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era.
SS.912.A.2.4 Distinguish the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans and other groups with the
13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution.
SS.912.A.2.5 Assess how Jim Crow Laws influenced life for African Americans and other racial/ethnic
minority groups.
SS.912.A.2.6 Compare the effects of the Black Codes and the Nadir on freed people, and analyze the
sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States.
SS.912.A.2.7 Review the Native American experience.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.2.In.a Identify the major causes and SS.912.A.2.Su.a Recognize the major SS.912.A.2.Pa.a
consequences of the Civil War. causes and consequences of the Civil Recognize characteristics
War. of life during the Civil War.
SS.912.A.2.In.b Describe the influence of
significant people or groups on Reconstruction, SS.912.A.2.Su.b Recognize the SS.912.A.2.Pa.b
such as Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, influence of significant people or groups Recognize there were
Robert E. Lee, Buffalo Soldiers, and Harriet on Reconstruction, such as Andrew leaders who promoted
Tubman. Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. social justice.
Lee, Buffalo Soldiers, and Harriet
SS.912.A.2.In.c Identify major challenges Tubman. SS.912.A.2.Pa.c
during Reconstruction, such as initial resistance Recognize that groups of
to readmission by Southern states, SS.912.A.2.Su.c Recognize major people continued to
disagreements between President Johnson and challenges in the period of disagree about slavery
the Congress, and opposition to blacks by Reconstruction, such as the after the war.
white extremist organizations, such as the Ku disagreements between the President
Klux Klan (KKK). and Congress and opposition to blacks SS.912.A.2.Pa.d
by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan Recognize that African
SS.912.A.2.In.d Identify freedoms guaranteed (KKK). American males have the
to African American males in the amendments right to vote.
to the Constitution, such as the abolition of SS.912.A.2.Su.d Recognize freedoms
slavery, the right to citizenship, and the right to guaranteed to African American males SS.912.A.2.Pa.e
vote. in the amendments to the Constitution, Recognize the social issue
such as the abolition of slavery and the of segregation.
SS.912.A.2.In.e Identify the purpose of laws of right to vote.
segregation, often called Jim Crow Laws. SS.912.A.2.Pa.f
SS.912.A.2.Su.e Recognize examples Recognize the social issue
of laws of segregation, often called Jim
SS.912.A.2.In.f Identify the sharecropping and Crow Laws. of segregation.
debt peonage system that was practiced in the
United States. SS.912.A.2.Su.f Recognize that SS.912.A.2.Pa.g
sharecropping was a common way of Recognize the social issue
SS.912.A.2.In.g Identify the Native American life for freed people. of forced integration.
experience during the westward expansion,
such as being forced to leave their native lands SS.912.A.2.Su.g Recognize the Native
to go to reservations and give up tribal identity American experience during the
and culture. westward expansion, such as being
forced to leave their native lands to go
to reservations and give up tribal identity
and culture.

Standard 3: Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and
political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution.


SS.912.A.3.1 Analyze the economic challenges to American farmers and farmers' responses to these
challenges in the mid to late 1800s.
SS.912.A.3.2 Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the
second Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century.
SS.912.A.3.3 Compare the first and second Industrial Revolutions in the United States.
SS.912.A.3.4 Determine how the development of steel, oil, transportation, communication, and
business practices affected the United States economy.
SS.912.A.3.5 Identify significant inventors of the Industrial Revolution including African Americans and
SS.912.A.3.6 Analyze changes that occurred as the United States shifted from agrarian to an industrial
SS.912.A.3.7 Compare the experience of European immigrants in the east to that of Asian immigrants
in the west (the Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan).
SS.912.A.3.8 Examine the importance of social change and reform in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries (class system, migration from farms to cities, Social Gospel movement, role of
settlement houses and churches in providing services to the poor).
SS.912.A.3.9 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the labor movement in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries.
SS.912.A.3.10 Review different economic and philosophic ideologies.
SS.912.A.3.11 Analyze the impact of political machines in United States cities in the late 19th and early
20th centuries.
SS.912.A.3.12 Compare how different nongovernmental organizations and progressives worked to
shape public policy, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices in American
SS.912.A.3.13 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.3.In.a Identify responses to SS.912.A.3.Su.a Recognize responses to SS.912.A.3.Pa.a
economic challenges faced by farmers, economic challenges faced by farmers, such Recognize employment
such as shifting from hand labor to machine as shifting from hand labor to machine options in America.
farming, the creation of colleges to support farming, the creation of colleges to support
agricultural development, and increasing agricultural development, and increasing the SS.912.A.3.Pa.b
the use of commercial agriculture. use of commercial agriculture. Recognize goods that are
manufactured, such as
SS.912.A.3.In.b Identify economic SS.912.A.3.Su.b Recognize that mass clothing.
developments in the second Industrial production of transportation, food, and
Revolution, such as mass production of clothing was developed during the second SS.912.A.3.Pa.c
consumer goods, including transportation, Industrial Revolution. Recognize that inventions
food and drink, clothing, and entertainment changed life in the United
(cinema, radio, the gramophone). SS.912.A.3.Su.c Recognize technological States.
developments and inventions in the
SS.912.A.3.In.c Identify technological Industrial Revolutions in the United States. SS.912.A.3.Pa.d
developments and inventions in the Recognize transportation
Industrial Revolutions in the United States. SS.912.A.3.Su.d Recognize how a and communication
development in industry affected the United systems.
SS.912.A.3.In.d Identify how developments States economy, such as railroads or forms
in industry affected the United States of communication. SS.912.A.3.Pa.e
economy, such as railroads, forms of Recognize that inventions
communication, and corporations. SS.912.A.3.Su.e Recognize a significant help people.
inventor of the Industrial Revolution,
SS.912.A.3.In.e Identify a significant including an African American or a woman. SS.912.A.3.Pa.f
inventor of the Industrial Revolution, Recognize that
including an African American or a woman. SS.912.A.3.Su.f Recognize changes that government can control
occurred as the United States shifted from business.
SS.912.A.3.In.f Identify changes that an agrarian to an industrial society, such as
occurred as the United States shifted from laissez-faire policies and government SS.912.A.3.Pa.g
an agrarian to an industrial society, such as regulations of food and drugs. Recognize the social
laissez-faire policies and government issue of inequality.
regulations of food and drugs. SS.912.A.3.Su.g Recognize similarities in
the way European immigrants in the east SS.912.A.3.Pa.h
SS.912.A.3.In.g Identify similarities in the and Asian immigrants in the west were Recognize types of
way European immigrants in the east and treated, such as discrimination in housing assistance for personal
Asian immigrants in the west were treated, and employment. and social needs.
such as discrimination in housing and
employment. SS.912.A.3.Su.h Recognize the importance SS.912.A.3.Pa.i
of social change and reform, such as Recognize that workers
SS.912.A.3.In.h Identify the importance of settlement houses and churches that helped have rights.
social change and reform, such as the poor during the early 1900s.
settlement houses and churches that
helped the poor during the early 1900s. SS.912.A.3.Pa.j
SS.912.A.3.Su.i Recognize a cause and Recognize that people
consequence of the labor movement in the buy and sell goods and
SS.912.A.3.In.i Identify a cause and late 1800s and early 1900s, such as the services.
consequence of the labor movement in the need to improve working conditions and the
late 1800s and early 1900s, such as the resulting child labor laws and work
need to improve working conditions and the regulations. SS.912.A.3.Pa.k
resulting child labor laws and work Recognize that powerful
regulations. groups have a strong
SS.912.A.3.Su.j Recognize an example of influence on government.
an economic system, such as capitalism.
SS.912.A.3.In.j Identify major differences in
economic systems, such as capitalism and SS.912.A.3.Su.k Recognize that powerful SS.912.A.3.Pa.l
communism. Recognize an
groups in United States cities controlled the organization in the
government and gave favors to people who community that helps
SS.912.A.3.In.k Identify ways powerful supported them. people.
groups (political machines) in United States
cities controlled the government, such as SS.912.A.3.Su.l Recognize a way an
having enough votes to maintain control of organization or person has shaped public SS.912.A.3.Pa.m
the city and giving jobs or contracts only to policy and corrected injustices in American Recognize a key event or
people who supported them.
life, such as the NAACP, the YMCA, person in Florida history.
SS.912.A.3.In.l Identify ways organizations Theodore Roosevelt, or Booker T.
and people have shaped public policy and Washington.
corrected injustices in American life, such
as the NAACP, the YMCA, Theodore SS.912.A.3.Su.m Recognize a key event or
Roosevelt, and Booker T. Washington. person in Florida history related to United
States history, such as the railroad industry,
SS.912.A.3.In.m Identify key events and the cattle industry, or the influence of
people in Florida history related to United immigrants.
States history, such as the railroad
industry, the cattle industry, and the
influence of immigrants.

Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world
affairs through the end of World War I.


SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism.
SS.912.A.4.2 Explain the motives of the United States acquisition of the territories.
SS.912.A.4.3 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Spanish American War.
SS.912.A.4.4 Analyze the economic, military, and security motivations of the United States to complete
the Panama Canal as well as major obstacles involved in its construction.
SS.912.A.4.5 Examine causes, course, and consequences of United States involvement in World War
SS.912.A.4.6 Examine how the United States government prepared the nation for war with war
measures (Selective Service Act, War Industries Board, war bonds, Espionage Act,
Sedition Act, Committee of Public Information).
SS.912.A.4.7 Examine the impact of airplanes, battleships, new weaponry and chemical warfare in
creating new war strategies (trench warfare, convoys).
SS.912.A.4.8 Compare the experiences Americans (African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women,
conscientious objectors) had while serving in Europe.
SS.912.A.4.9 Compare how the war impacted German Americans, Asian Americans, African
Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans, women and
dissenters in the United States.
SS.912.A.4.10 Examine the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and the failure of the United States to
support the League of Nations.
SS.912.A.4.11 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.4.In.a Identify major factors that SS.912.A.4.Su.a Recognize a factor that SS.912.A.4.Pa.a
drove the United States to expand its drove the United States to expand its Recognize the continuing
influence to other territories, such as forced influence to other territories, such as forced growth over time of the
trade with China and Japan, policies that trade with China and Japan, policies that United States.
restricted access to the Western restricted access to the Western
Hemisphere, and the construction of the Hemisphere, or the construction of the SS.912.A.4.Pa.b
Panama Canal. Panama Canal. Recognize the continuing
growth over time of the
SS.912.A.4.In.b Identify the benefits of SS.912.A.4.Su.b Recognize a benefit of United States.
expanding into other territories by the United
expanding into other territories by the United
States, such as Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto States, such as Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto SS.912.A.4.Pa.c
Rico, and other islands. Rico, and other islands. Recognize the continuing
growth over time of the
SS.912.A.4.In.c Identify consequences of SS.912.A.4.Su.c Recognize a consequence United States.
the Spanish American War, such as ending of the Spanish American War, such as
the Spanish control over Cuba and gaining ending the Spanish control over Cuba or SS.912.A.4.Pa.d
control of islands in the Caribbean and gaining control of islands in the Caribbean Recognize that a canal is
Pacific. and Pacific. a man-made waterway
for travel.
SS.912.A.4.In.d Identify reasons why the SS.912.A.4.Su.d Recognize why the United
United States completed the Panama Canal, States completed the Panama Canal, such SS.912.A.4.Pa.e
such as improving trade and decreasing as improving trade and decreasing travel Recognize how countries
travel time; and identify challenges that were
time; and recognize challenges that were help each other in a war.
faced during its construction, such as faced during its construction, such as
disease and environmental impact. disease and environmental impact.
Recognize that citizens
SS.912.A.4.In.e Identify causes and SS.912.A.4.Su.e Recognize a cause and support their country
consequences of United States involvement consequence of United States involvement in during a war.
in World War I, such as conflicts among World War I, such as conflicts among
European nations, sinking of the Lusitania, European nations, sinking of the Lusitania,
threats by Germany, the arms race, and the threats by Germany, the arms race, and the SS.912.A.4.Pa.g
Allies’ plan for peace. Allies’ plan for peace. Recognize types of
transportation used in
SS.912.A.4.In.f Identify ways the United SS.912.A.4.Su.f Recognize a way the United
States government prepared the nation for States government prepared the nation for
World War I, such as initiating the draft, World War I, such as initiating the draft, SS.912.A.4.Pa.h
issuing war bonds, and using propaganda. issuing war bonds, or using propaganda. Recognize people in the
armed services.
SS.912.A.4.In.g Identify impacts of the SS.912.A.4.Su.g Recognize an impact of the
development of airplanes, battleships, and development of airplanes, battleships, or SS.912.A.4.Pa.i
new weapons during World War I. new weapons during World War I. Recognize that some
people do not support
SS.912.A.4.In.h Identify experiences SS.912.A.4.Su.h Recognize experiences
Americans had while serving in Europe, Americans had while serving in Europe,
including groups such as African Americans including groups such as African Americans SS.912.A.4.Pa.j
and women. and women. Recognize an
unintended effect of an
agreement (treaty).
SS.912.A.4.In.i Identify impacts of the war SS.912.A.4.Su.i Recognize an impact of the
on diverse groups of people in the United war on diverse groups of people in the
States, including dissenters. United States, including dissenters. SS.912.A.4.Pa.k
Recognize a contribution
of Florida as it relates to
SS.912.A.4.In.j Identify that the Treaty of SS.912.A.4.Su.j Recognize that the Treaty of American history.
Versailles held Germany responsible for the Versailles held Germany responsible for the
damages of World War I and established the damages of World War I and established the
League of Nations. League of Nations.

SS.912.A.4.In.k Identify key events and SS.912.A.4.Su.k Recognize key events and
people in Florida history, such as the people in Florida history, such as the
participation of Florida troops and the role of participation of Florida troops in the Spanish
Tampa during the Spanish-American War. American War.

Standard 5: Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the
Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.


SS.912.A.5.1 Discuss the economic outcomes of demobilization.
SS.912.A.5.2 Explain the causes of the public reaction (Sacco and Vanzetti, labor, racial unrest)
associated with the Red Scare.
SS.912.A.5.3 Examine the impact of United States foreign economic policy during the 1920s.
SS.912.A.5.4 Evaluate how the economic boom during the Roaring Twenties changed consumers,
businesses, manufacturing, and marketing practices.
SS.912.A.5.5 Describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars.
SS.912.A.5.6 Analyze the influence that Hollywood, the Harlem Renaissance, the Fundamentalist
movement, and prohibition had in changing American society in the 1920s.
SS.912.A.5.7 Examine the freedom movements that advocated civil rights for African Americans,
Latinos, Asians, and women.
SS.912.A.5.8 Compare the views of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey
relating to the African American experience.
SS.912.A.5.9 Explain why support for the Ku Klux Klan varied in the 1920s with respect to issues such
as anti-immigration, anti-African American, anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-women, and
anti-union ideas.
SS.912.A.5.10 Analyze support for and resistance to civil rights for women, African Americans, Native
Americans, and other minorities.
SS.912.A.5.11 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal.
SS.912.A.5.12 Examine key events and people in Florida history as they relate to United States history.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.5.In.a Identify an economic SS.912.A.5.Su.a Recognize a result of SS.912.A.5.Pa.a Recognize
result of demobilization, such as demobilization, such as the reintegration of that soldiers return home after
reintegration of soldiers into civilian life or soldiers into civilian life. a war.
SS.912.A.5.Su.b Recognize a cause and a SS.912.A.5.Pa.b Recognize
SS.912.A.5.In.b Identify the causes and reaction of the Red Scare, such as fear of behaviors that result from
reactions associated with the Red Scare, a communist revolution, strikes by workers, fears.
such as fear of a communist revolution, laws limiting immigration, or racial unrest.
strikes by workers, laws limiting SS.912.A.5.Pa.c Recognize
immigration, and racial unrest. SS.912.A.5.Su.c Recognize an impact of that the government makes
United States government economic rules about taxes and
SS.912.A.5.In.c Identify impacts of United policies during the 1920s, such as tax cuts, spending.
States government economic policies a reduction in federal spending, and high
during the 1920s, such as tax cuts, a tariffs. SS.912.A.5.Pa.d Recognize
reduction in federal spending, and high that when people have more
tariffs. SS.912.A.5.Su.d Recognize a result of the money, they can buy more
economic boom of the Roaring Twenties, goods.
SS.912.A.5.In.d Identify results of the such as the rise of automobile ownership,
economic boom of the Roaring Twenties, the mass production of goods, or the use SS.912.A.5.Pa.e Recognize
such as the rise of automobile ownership, of marketing. that countries want to prevent
the mass production of goods, and the wars.
use of marketing. SS.912.A.5.Su.e Recognize that the
League of Nations was formed to prevent
SS.912.A.5.Pa.f Recognize
SS.912.A.5.In.e Identify actions of the wars. the influences of groups with
United States and world powers to avoid different beliefs.
future wars, such as forming the League SS.912.A.5.Su.f Recognize an influence of
of Nations.
Hollywood, the Harlem Renaissance, or SS.912.A.5.Pa.g Recognize
SS.912.A.5.In.f Identify the influences of prohibition on American society in the that people in the same ethnic
Hollywood, the Harlem Renaissance, and 1920s. group may feel a sense of
prohibition on American society in the community.
1920s. SS.912.A.5.Su.g Recognize the effects of
freedom movements that advocated for SS.912.A.5.Pa.h Recognize
SS.912.A.5.In.g Identify the effects of civil rights for African Americans, Latinos, that people in the same ethnic
freedom movements that advocated for Asians, and women, such as a feeling of group may feel a sense of
civil rights for African Americans, Latinos, unity and a sense of community. community.
Asians, and women, such as a feeling of
unity and a sense of community. SS.912.A.5.Su.h Recognize the view of a SS.912.A.5.Pa.i Recognize
leader relating to the African American that groups may fear people
SS.912.A.5.In.h Identify the major view of experience, such as the way African who are different.
a leader relating to the African American Americans should go about obtaining their
experience, such as Booker T. rights. SS.912.A.5.Pa.j Recognize
Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, or Marcus that groups may fear people
Garvey. SS.912.A.5.Su.i Recognize that support of who are different.
the Ku Klux Klan changed during the
SS.912.A.5.In.i Identify that support of the 1920s with respect to groups, such as SS.912.A.5.Pa.k Recognize
Ku Klux Klan changed during the 1920s immigrants, African Americans, Catholics, that people struggle to meet
with respect to groups, such as Jews, women, and unions. their needs when they don’t
immigrants, African Americans, Catholics, have enough money.
Jews, women, and unions. SS.912.A.5.Su.j Recognize a reason why
there was support for and resistance to SS.912.A.5.Pa.l Recognize
SS.912.A.5.In.j Identify reasons why civil rights for women, African Americans, an important development in
there was support for and resistance to Native Americans, and other minorities. Florida, such as air
civil rights for women, African Americans, conditioning.
Native Americans, and other minorities. SS.912.A.5.Su.k Recognize a cause of the
Great Depression, such as drought,
SS.912.A.5.In.k Identify a cause of the inflation, or the stock market crash, and a
Great Depression, such as drought, consequence, such as the New Deal plan
inflation, or the stock market crash, and a for relief, recovery, and reform.
consequence, such as the New Deal plan
for relief, recovery, and reform. SS.912.A.5.Su.l Recognize key events in
Florida, such as the Florida land boom and
SS.912.A.5.In.l Identify key events and the development of air conditioning.
people in Florida, such as the Florida
land boom, air conditioning, New Deal
programs, and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.

Standard 6: Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home
and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world.


SS.912.A.6.1 Examine causes, course, and consequences of World War II on the United States and
the world.
SS.912.A.6.2 Describe the United States response in the early years of World War II (Neutrality Acts,
Cash and Carry, Lend Lease Act).
SS.912.A.6.3 Analyze the impact of the Holocaust during World War II on Jews as well as other
SS.912.A.6.4 Examine efforts to expand or contract rights for various populations during World War II.
SS.912.A.6.5 Explain the impact of World War II on domestic government policy.
SS.912.A.6.6 Analyze the use of atomic weapons during World War II and the aftermath of the
SS.912.A.6.7 Describe the attempts to promote international justice through the Nuremberg Trials.
SS.912.A.6.8 Analyze the effects of the Red Scare on domestic United States policy.
SS.912.A.6.9 Describe the rationale for the formation of the United Nations, including the contribution
of Mary McLeod Bethune.
SS.912.A.6.10 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman
Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact).
SS.912.A.6.11 Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the
United States and the world.
SS.912.A.6.12 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War.
SS.912.A.6.13 Analyze significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
SS.912.A.6.14 Analyze causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War.
SS.912.A.6.15 Examine key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.6.In.a Identify major causes SS.912.A.6.Su.a Recognize a major cause SS.912.A.6.Pa.a
and consequences of World War II on the and result of World War II on the United Recognize that the United
United States and the world. States and the world. States fought in a war.

SS.912.A.6.In.b Identify the United States SS.912.A.6.Su.b Recognize the United SS.912.A.6.Pa.b
response in the early years of World War States response in the early years of World Recognize that a country
II, such as the Neutrality Act, giving aid to War II, such as trying to stay out of the war can provide aid to other
Britain, and supplying war material to and providing aid and war material to other countries (allies) during a
other countries. countries fighting in the war. war.

SS.912.A.6.In.c Identify the impact of the SS.912.A.6.Su.c Recognize an impact of the SS.912.A.6.Pa.c
Holocaust during World War II on Jews Holocaust during World War II on Jews and Recognize that groups may
and other groups. other groups. be treated badly because
they are different.
SS.912.A.6.In.d Identify actions related to SS.912.A.6.Su.d Recognize an action related
rights for groups during World War II, to rights for groups during World War II, such SS.912.A.6.Pa.d
such as women, African Americans, as women, African Americans, German Recognize that groups may
German Americans, Japanese Americans, Japanese Americans, Native be treated differently during
Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Italian a war.
Americans, or Italian Americans. Americans.
SS.912.A.6.In.e Identify an impact of SS.912.A.6.Su.e Recognize an impact of Recognize that war causes
World War II on domestic government World War II on domestic government policy, changes in home life.
policy, such as rationing, national such as rationing, national security, civil
security, civil rights, and increased job rights, or increased job opportunities. SS.912.A.6.Pa.f Recognize
opportunities. that countries may take
SS.912.A.6.Su.f Recognize the aftermath of drastic measures to end a
SS.912.A.6.In.f Identify a reason why the the use of atomic weapons against Japan, war.
United States decided to use atomic such as destruction and the ending of World
weapons against Japan and identify the War II. SS.912.A.6.Pa.g
aftermath, such as destruction and the Recognize that people who
ending of World War II. SS.912.A.6.Su.g Recognize attempts to commit war crimes may
promote international justice by trying Nazi have a trial.
SS.912.A.6.In.g Identify attempts to war crimes after World War II (Nuremberg
promote international justice by trying Trials). SS.912.A.6.Pa.h
Nazi war crimes after World War II Recognize loyalty to one’s
(Nuremberg Trials). SS.912.A.6.Su.h Recognize an effect of the country.
Red Scare on the United States, such as the
SS.912.A.6.In.h Identify the effects of the loyalty review program. SS.912.A.6.Pa.i Recognize
Red Scare on the United States, such as that countries work
the loyalty review program and the House SS.912.A.6.Su.i Recognize a peacekeeping together in the United
Un-American Activities Committee. role of the United Nations. Nations.

SS.912.A.6.In.i Identify that the United SS.912.A.6.Su.j Recognize a consequence of SS.912.A.6.Pa.j Recognize
Nations was formed as an international the Cold War, such as the arms race, fear of that countries help each
organization to keep world peace and the spread of communism, plans to help other to prevent wars.
Mary McLeod Bethune was involved in countries rebuild after World War II, or that
developing the charter. countries in communist and western nationsSS.912.A.6.Pa.k
formed separate alliances. Recognize that countries
SS.912.A.6.In.j Identify the make agreements to
consequences of the early years of the SS.912.A.6.Su.k Recognize a concern about prevent war.
Cold War, such as the establishment of the spread of nuclear technology in the
the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, United States and the world. SS.912.A.6.Pa.l Recognize
NATO, and the Warsaw Pact. that countries help other
SS.912.A.6.Su.l Recognize a cause and countries in war.
SS.912.A.6.In.k Identify concerns about consequence of the Korean War.
the spread of nuclear technology in the SS.912.A.6.Pa.m
United States and the world.
SS.912.A.6.Su.m Recognize the results of a Recognize that the United
significant foreign policy event, such as the States is involved with
SS.912.A.6.In.l Identify a cause and Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin other nations.
consequence of the Korean War. Resolution—Vietnam, or relations with China.
SS.912.A.6.In.m Identify results of SS.912.A.6.Su.n Recognize a cause and Recognize that countries
significant foreign policy events, such as result of the Vietnam War. help other countries in war.
the Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution—Vietnam, and SS.912.A.6.Pa.o
relations with China. SS.912.A.6.Su.o Recognize key events in
Florida, such as the construction of military Recognize a development
bases and the development of the space in Florida, such as the
SS.912.A.6.In.n Identify causes and program. space program.
results of the Vietnam War.

SS.912.A.6.In.o Identify key events in

Florida, such as the construction of
military bases and World War II training
centers and the development of the
space program and NASA.

Standard 7: Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a
world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life.


SS.912.A.7.1 Identify causes for Post-World War II prosperity and its effects on American society.
SS.912.A.7.2 Compare the relative prosperity between different ethnic groups and social classes in the
post-World War II period.
SS.912.A.7.3 Examine the changing status of women in the United States from post-World War II to
SS.912.A.7.4 Evaluate the success of 1960s era presidents' foreign and domestic policies.
SS.912.A.7.5 Compare nonviolent and violent approaches utilized by groups (African Americans,
women, Native Americans, Hispanics) to achieve civil rights.
SS.912.A.7.6 Assess key figures and organizations in shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black
Power Movement.
SS.912.A.7.7 Assess the building of coalitions between African Americans, whites, and other groups in
achieving integration and equal rights.
SS.912.A.7.8 Analyze significant Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative
action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights.
SS.912.A.7.9 Examine the similarities of social movements (Native Americans, Hispanics, women,
anti-war protesters) of the 1960s and 1970s.
SS.912.A.7.10 Analyze the significance of Vietnam and Watergate on the government and people of the
United States.
SS.912.A.7.11 Analyze the foreign policy of the United States as it relates to Africa, Asia, the
Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.
SS.912.A.7.12 Analyze political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th
century and into the 21st century.
SS.912.A.7.13 Analyze the attempts to extend New Deal legislation through the Great Society and the
successes and failures of these programs to promote social and economic stability.
SS.912.A.7.14 Review the role of the United States as a participant in the global economy (trade
agreements, international competition, impact on American labor, environmental
SS.912.A.7.15 Analyze the effects of foreign and domestic terrorism on the American people.
SS.912.A.7.16 Examine changes in immigration policy and attitudes toward immigration since 1950.
SS.912.A.7.17 Examine key events and key people in Florida history as they relate to United States
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.A.7.In.a Identify effects of post- SS.912.A.7.Su.a Recognize an effect of SS.912.A.7.Pa.a
World War II prosperity on American post-World War II prosperity on American Recognize a
society, such as the Baby Boom and the society, such as the Baby Boom or the characteristic of post-
growth of suburbs. growth of suburbs. World War II, such as
suburbs and modern
SS.912.A.7.In.b Identify the prosperity of SS.912.A.7.Su.b Recognize the prosperity of appliances.
different ethnic groups and social classes in different ethnic groups and social classes in
the post-World War II period. the post-World War II period. SS.912.A.7.Pa.b
Recognize that different
SS.912.A.7.In.c Identify ways that the role SS.912.A.7.Su.c Recognize a way that the groups of people may be
of women in the United States has changed role of women in the United States has rich or poor.
since World War II, such as having more changed since World War II, such as having
women in the workforce and politics and the more women in the workforce and politics or SS.912.A.7.Pa.c
use of birth control. the use of birth control. Recognize a role of
women, such as working
SS.912.A.7.In.d Examine government SS.912.A.7.Su.d Identify a government outside the home.
policies and programs in the 1960s, such policy or program in the 1960s, such as civil
as civil rights legislation, the Space Race, rights legislation, the Space Race, or the SS.912.A.7.Pa.d
and the Great Society. Great Society. Recognize a government
program that helps
SS.912.A.7.In.e Identify violent and SS.912.A.7.Su.e Recognize violent and people.
nonviolent approaches used by groups, nonviolent approaches used by groups, such
such as African Americans, women, Native as African Americans, women, Native SS.912.A.7.Pa.e
Americans, and Hispanics, to achieve civil Americans, and Hispanics, to achieve civil Recognize that people act
rights. rights. in violent and nonviolent
ways to bring about
SS.912.A.7.In.f Identify important acts of SS.912.A.7.Su.f Recognize important acts of change.
key persons and organizations in the Civil key persons and organizations in the Civil
Rights Movement and Black Power Rights Movement and Black Power SS.912.A.7.Pa.f
Movement, such as Martin Luther King, Movement, such as Martin Luther King, Recognize that people act
Rosa Parks, the NAACP, and Malcolm X. Rosa Parks, the NAACP, and Malcolm X. in violent and nonviolent
ways to bring about
SS.912.A.7.In.g Identify ways African SS.912.A.7.Su.g Recognize ways African change.
Americans, whites, and other groups joined Americans, whites, and other groups joined
together to bring about changes in together to bring about changes in SS.912.A.7.Pa.g
integration and equal rights, such as the integration and equal rights, such as the Recognize that people act
Freedom Rides and the March on Freedom Rides and the March on in violent and nonviolent
Washington. Washington. ways to bring about
SS.912.A.7.In.h Identify the importance of SS.912.A.7.Su.h Recognize the importance
landmark Supreme Court cases, such as of landmark Supreme Court cases, such as SS.912.A.7.Pa.h
integration—Brown v. Board of Education integration—Brown v. Board of Education Recognize that Supreme
(1954), affirmative action—Regents of the (1954), affirmative action—Regents of the Court cases have
University of California v. Bakke (1978), University of California v. Bakke (1978), important outcomes that
rights of the accused—Gideon v. Wainright rights of the accused—Gideon v. Wainright affect all citizens.
(1963), and reproductive rights—Roe v. (1963), and reproductive rights—Roe v.
Wade (1973). Wade (1973). SS.912.A.7.Pa.i
Recognize that people
SS.912.A.7.In.i Identify social movements SS.912.A.7.Su.i Recognize social work together for positive
of the 1960s and 1970s, such as movements of the 1960s and 1970s, such as change.
reimbursement for Native American lands, reimbursement for Native American lands,
working conditions of Hispanics and working conditions of Hispanics and bilingual SS.912.A.7.Pa.j
bilingual and bicultural education, and and bicultural education, and women’s Recognize an impact of
women’s rights. rights. war on people.

SS.912.A.7.In.j Identify the impact of the SS.912.A.7.Su.j Recognize an impact of the SS.912.A.7.Pa.k
Vietnam War and Watergate on the United Vietnam War and Watergate on the United Recognize that the United
States. States. States has interests in
other countries.
SS.912.A.7.In.k Identify aspects of United SS.912.A.7.Su.k Recognize an aspect of
States foreign policy as it relates to Africa, United States foreign policy as it relates to SS.912.A.7.Pa.l
Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Recognize a social or
Middle East. and the Middle East. economic concern of
SS.912.A.7.In.l Identify political, economic, SS.912.A.7.Su.l Recognize political,
and social concerns that emerged from the economic, and social concerns that emerged SS.912.A.7.Pa.m
late 1900s to early 2000s. from the late 1900s to early 2000s. Recognize a social
program of the
SS.912.A.7.In.m Identify components of the SS.912.A.7.Su.m Recognize a component of government.
Great Society program, such as Medicare the Great Society program, such as
and Medicaid, urban development, housing, Medicare and Medicaid, or housing. SS.912.A.7.Pa.n
and transit. Recognize a product
SS.912.A.7.Su.n Recognize a way the produced in another
SS.912.A.7.In.n Identify ways the United United States participates in the global country.
States participates in the global economy, economy, such as by trading with other
such as by trading with other countries and countries or making trade agreements. SS.912.A.7.Pa.o
making trade agreements. Recognize an act of
SS.912.A.7.Su.o Recognize that the United terrorism, such as
SS.912.A.7.In.o Identify effects of terrorism States has been affected by acts of September 11, 2001.
in the United States, such as the attacks on terrorism, such as the attacks on September
September 11, 2001, which led to the wars 11, 2001. SS.912.A.7.Pa.p
in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recognize that people
SS.912.A.7.Su.p Recognize that immigration immigrate to this country.
SS.912.A.7.In.p Identify ways that policy and attitudes have changed since
immigration policy and attitudes have 1950. SS.912.A.7.Pa.q
changed since 1950. Recognize a key event in
SS.912.A.7.Su.q Identify a key event in Florida, such as
SS.912.A.7.In.q Identify key events in Florida, such as the construction of Disney construction of Disney
Florida, such as the construction of Disney World, the growth of the citrus industry, World.
World, the growth of the citrus industry, changes in the space program, or
changes in the space program, and immigration.
Standard 1: Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes.


SS.912.W.1.1 Use timelines to establish cause and effect relationships of historical events.
SS.912.W.1.2 Compare time measurement systems used by different cultures.
SS.912.W.1.3 Interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources.
SS.912.W.1.4 Explain how historians use historical inquiry and other sciences to understand the past.
SS.912.W.1.5 Compare conflicting interpretations or schools of thought about world events and
individual contributions to history (historiography).
SS.912.W.1.6 Evaluate the role of history in shaping identity and character.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.1.In.a Use a timeline to show SS.912.W.1.Su.a Use a simple SS.912.W.1.Pa.a Use a simple
the relationship of historical events. timeline to identify the relationship of pictorial timeline to recognize a
historical events. sequence of events.
SS.912.W.1.In.b Identify terms of time
sequence, such as decade, century, and SS.912.W.1.Su.b Recognize terms of SS.912.W.1.Pa.b Recognize terms
era. time sequence, such as decade and that relate to time, such as day,
century. week, month, and year.
SS.912.W.1.In.c Examine and describe
information in primary and secondary SS.912.W.1.Su.c Identify information SS.912.W.1.Pa.c Recognize
sources, such as artifacts, images, and in a primary and secondary source, sources of information, such as
auditory and written sources. such as artifacts, images, and auditory artifacts, images, and auditory and
and written sources. written sources.
SS.912.W.1.In.d Identify basic uses of
historical inquiry and the relation to SS.912.W.1.Su.d Recognize a use of SS.912.W.1.Pa.d Recognize
geography, economics, and civics. historical inquiry and the relation to sources of information, such as
geography, economics, and civics. artifacts, images, and auditory and
SS.912.W.1.In.e Recognize differences written sources.
in interpretations of historians about SS.912.W.1.Su.e Recognize that
events. interpretations of historians may differ. SS.912.W.1.Pa.e Recognize
sources of information, such as
SS.912.W.1.In.f Identify the role of SS.912.W.1.Su.f Recognize the role of artifacts, images, and auditory and
history in shaping the identity of culture history in shaping the identity of culture written sources.
and character. and character.
SS.912.W.1.Pa.f Recognize a
characteristic of cultural identity.

Standard 2: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations

(Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).


SS.912.W.2.1 Locate the extent of Byzantine territory at the height of the empire.
SS.912.W.2.2 Describe the impact of Constantine the Great's establishment of "New Rome"
(Constantinople) and his recognition of Christianity as a legal religion.
SS.912.W.2.3 Analyze the extent to which the Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the old Roman
Empire and in what ways it was a departure.
SS.912.W.2.4 Identify key figures associated with the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.5 Explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.6 Describe the causes and effects of the Iconoclast controversy of the 8th and 9th
centuries and the 11th century Christian schism between the churches of Constantinople
and Rome.
SS.912.W.2.7 Analyze causes (Justinian's Plague, ongoing attacks from the "barbarians," the
Crusades, and internal political turmoil) of the decline of the Byzantine Empire.
SS.912.W.2.8 Describe the rise of the Ottoman Turks, the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and the
subsequent growth of the Ottoman empire under the sultanate including Mehmet the
Conquerer and Suleyman the Magnificent.
SS.912.W.2.9 Analyze the impact of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on Europe.
SS.912.W.2.10 Describe the orders of medieval social hierarchy, the changing role of the Church, the
emergence of feudalism, and the development of private property as a distinguishing
feature of Western Civilization.
SS.912.W.2.11 Describe the rise and achievements of significant rulers in medieval Europe.
SS.912.W.2.12 Recognize the importance of Christian monasteries and convents as centers of
education, charitable and missionary activity, economic productivity, and political power.
SS.912.W.2.13 Explain how Western civilization arose from a synthesis of classical Greco-Roman
civilization, Judeo-Christian influence, and the cultures of northern European peoples
promoting a cultural unity in Europe.
SS.912.W.2.14 Describe the causes and effects of the Great Famine of 1315-1316, The Black Death,
The Great Schism of 1378, and the Hundred Years War on Western Europe.
SS.912.W.2.15 Determine the factors that contributed to the growth of a modern economy.
SS.912.W.2.16 Trace the growth and development of national identify in England, France, and Spain.
SS.912.W.2.17 Identify key figures, artistic, and intellectual achievements of the medieval period in
Western Europe.
SS.912.W.2.18 Describe developments in medieval English legal and constitutional history and their
importance to the rise of modern democratic institutions and procedures.
SS.912.W.2.19 Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development.
SS.912.W.2.20 Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in
medieval Japan.
SS.912.W.2.21 Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages.
SS.912.W.2.22 Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.2.In.a Identify the extent of SS.912.W.2.Su.a Recognize the extent of SS.912.W.2.Pa.a
Byzantine territory. Byzantine territory. Recognize that there were
civilizations in different
SS.912.W.2.In.b Identify the impact of the SS.912.W.2.Su.b Recognize that parts of the world.
establishment of “New Rome” by Constantine the Great established
Constantine the Great with Christianity as Christianity as the official religion of SS.912.W.2.Pa.b
the official religion. Constantinople. Recognize Christianity as a
SS.912.W.2.In.c Identify similarities and SS.912.W.2.Su.c Recognize a similarity
differences of the Byzantine Empire and and difference of the Byzantine Empire SS.912.W.2.Pa.c
Roman Empire. and Roman Empire. Recognize a characteristic
of empires.
SS.912.W.2.In.d Recognize a key figure SS.912.W.2.Su.d Associate a key figure,
from the Byzantine Empire, such as the such as Justinian the Great, with the SS.912.W.2.Pa.d
emperor, Justinian the Great. Byzantine Empire. Recognize a characteristic
of empires.
SS.912.W.2.In.e Identify contributions of the SS.912.W.2.Su.e Recognize a contribution
Byzantine Empire, such as the development of the Byzantine Empire, such as the SS.912.W.2.Pa.e
of Western Europe, Islamic civilization, and development of Western Europe, Islamic Recognize a contribution of
spread of Christianity in Eastern Europe civilization, or spread of Christianity in medieval civilizations.
(Slavic peoples). Eastern Europe (Slavic peoples).
SS.912.W.2.In.f Identify contributions of the SS.912.W.2.Su.f Recognize a contribution Recognize a contribution of
Byzantine Empire, such as the development of the Byzantine Empire, such as the medieval civilizations.
of Western Europe, Islamic civilization, and development of Western Europe, Islamic
spread of Christianity in Eastern Europe civilization, or spread of Christianity in SS.912.W.2.Pa.g
(Slavic peoples). Eastern Europe (Slavic peoples). Recognize that disease or
war can destroy a
SS.912.W.2.In.g Recognize causes of the SS.912.W.2.Su.g Recognize a cause of civilization.
decline of the Byzantine Empire, such as the the decline of the Byzantine Empire, such
plague, attacks from barbarian tribes, or the as the plague, attacks from barbarian SS.912.W.2.Pa.h
Crusades. tribes, or the Crusades. Recognize that countries
fight to take control of other
SS.912.W.2.In.h Identify that the Ottoman SS.912.W.2.Su.h Recognize that the countries.
Turks conquered the Byzantine Empire and Ottoman Turks conquered the Byzantine
the Ottoman Empire grew. Empire. SS.912.W.2.Pa.i
Recognize a negative
SS.912.W.2.In.i Identify the changes that SS.912.W.2.Su.i Recognize a change that consequence of change in
occurred after the collapse of the Western occurred after the collapse of the Western civilization.
Roman Empire, such as less trade, the loss Roman Empire, such as less trade, the
of learning and knowledge, and the breakup loss of learning and knowledge, or the SS.912.W.2.Pa.j
into barbarian states. breakup into barbarian states. Recognize a contribution of
medieval civilizations.
SS.912.W.2.In.j Identify the social rankings SS.912.W.2.Su.j Recognize a feature of
in medieval society and the role feudalism Western Civilization that came from SS.912.W.2.Pa.k
played in Western Civilization. medieval times, such as a social class Recognize a positive
system or private property. consequence of change in
SS.912.W.2.In.k Identify the achievements civilization.
under the leadership of Charlemagne, such SS.912.W.2.Su.k Recognize an
as religious reform, establishment of courts, achievement under the leadership of SS.912.W.2.Pa.l
and cultural revival. Charlemagne, such as religious reform, Recognize a social support
establishment of courts, or cultural revival. provided by religious
SS.912.W.2.In.l Recognize ways Christian organizations.
monasteries and convents helped the SS.912.W.2.Su.l Recognize a way
people through education, charity, and Christian monasteries and convents SS.912.W.2.Pa.m
agriculture. helped the people through education and Recognize that people in
charity. different cultures can join
SS.912.W.2.In.m Identify the major together.
influences in Western Civilization that SS.912.W.2.Su.m Recognize that Western
fostered cultural unity. Civilization was influenced by many SS.912.W.2.Pa.n
cultures. Recognize that disease or
SS.912.W.2.In.n Recognize difficulties war can destroy a
experienced by Western Europe in the SS.912.W.2.Su.n Recognize a difficulty civilization.
1300s, such as the Great Famine, Black experienced by Western Europe in the
Death, and the Hundred Years War. 1300s, such as the Great Famine or Black SS.912.W.2.Pa.o
Death. Recognize that an
SS.912.W.2.In.o Recognize how the modern economy involves buying
economy developed, such as from the SS.912.W.2.Su.o Recognize a way the and trading goods.
growth of the early banking system, modern economy developed, such as from
advancements in agriculture, the rise of the the growth of the early banking system, SS.912.W.2.Pa.p
merchant class, and the growth of towns advancements in agriculture, the rise of the Recognize a characteristic
and cities. merchant class, or the growth of towns and of national identity.
SS.912.W.2.In.p Identify characteristics of SS.912.W.2.Pa.q
national identity in England, France, and SS.912.W.2.Su.p Recognize a Recognize important
Spain. characteristic of national identity in components of culture,
England, France, and Spain. such as education.
SS.912.W.2.In.q Identify figures, such as
Thomas Aquinas and Roger Bacon, and SS.912.W.2.Su.q Recognize an SS.912.W.2.Pa.r
achievements, such as the advancement of achievement of the medieval period in Recognize that people are
education and law, of the medieval period in Western Europe, such as the governed by laws.
Western Europe. advancement of education through the
SS.912.W.2.In.r Recognize that Recognize an impact of a
developments in medieval English history SS.912.W.2.Su.r Recognize a physical feature on a
established important legal principles, such development in medieval English history location.
as English Common law, the Magna Carta, that established modern democratic
habeas corpus, and the development of government, such as English Common law
modern democratic institutions. or the Magna Carta. SS.912.W.2.Pa.t
Recognize that civilizations
change over time.
SS.912.W.2.In.s Identify physical features of SS.912.W.2.Su.s Recognize selected
Japan that impacted its development. physical features of Japan that impacted
its development. SS.912.W.2.Pa.u
Recognize that civilizations
SS.912.W.2.In.t Identify major change over time.
developments in medieval Japan, such as SS.912.W.2.Su.t Recognize a major
the influence of the religions, feudal system, development in medieval Japan, such as
government, and military. the influence of the religions, feudal SS.912.W.2.Pa.v
system, government, or military. Recognize that people in
different cultures share
SS.912.W.2.In.u Identify major customs and practices.
developments in medieval Japan, such as SS.912.W.2.Su.u Recognize a major
the influence of the religions, feudal system, development in medieval Japan, such as
government, and military. the influence of the religions, feudal
system, government, or military.
SS.912.W.2.In.v Identify an example of
Japan's cultural and economic relationship SS.912.W.2.Su.v Recognize an example
to China and Korea. of Japan's cultural and economic
relationship to China and Korea.

Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South
American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.


SS.912.W.3.1 Discuss significant people and beliefs associated with Islam.
SS.912.W.3.2 Compare the major beliefs and principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
SS.912.W.3.3 Determine the causes, effects, and extent of Islamic military expansion through Central
Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula.
SS.912.W.3.4 Describe the expansion of Islam into India and the relationship between Muslims and
SS.912.W.3.5 Describe the achievements, contributions, and key figures associated with the Islamic
Golden Age.
SS.912.W.3.6 Describe key economic, political, and social developments in Islamic history.
SS.912.W.3.7 Analyze the causes, key events, and effects of the European response to Islamic
expansion beginning in the 7th century.
SS.912.W.3.8 Identify important figures associated with the Crusades.
SS.912.W.3.9 Trace the growth of major sub-Saharan African kingdoms and empires.
SS.912.W.3.10 Identify key significant economic, political, and social characteristics of Ghana.
SS.912.W.3.11 Identify key figures and significant economic, political, and social characteristics
associated with Mali.
SS.912.W.3.12 Identify key figures and significant economic, political, and social characteristics
associated with Songhai.
SS.912.W.3.13 Compare economic, political, and social developments in East, West, and South Africa.
SS.912.W.3.14 Examine the internal and external factors that led to the fall of the empires of Ghana,
Mali, and Songhai.
SS.912.W.3.15 Analyze the legacies of the Olmec, Zapotec, and Chavin on later Meso and South
American civilizations.
SS.912.W.3.16 Locate major civilizations of Mesoamerica and Andean South America.
SS.912.W.3.17 Describe the roles of people in the Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies.
SS.912.W.3.18 Compare the key economic, cultural, and political characteristics of the major civilizations
of Meso and South America.
SS.912.W.3.19 Determine the impact of significant Meso and South American rulers such as Pacal the
Great, Moctezuma I, and Huayna Capac.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.3.In.a Identify significant people SS.912.W.3.Su.a Recognize a significant SS.912.W.3.Pa.a Recognize
and beliefs associated with Islam, such as person or belief associated with Islam, that religion influences
Muhammad, Islamic law, and the such as Muhammad or Islamic law. culture.
relationship between government and
religion. SS.912.W.3.Su.b Recognize a difference SS.912.W.3.Pa.b Recognize
in beliefs or principles of Judaism, that there is more than one
SS.912.W.3.In.b Identify major differences Christianity, and Islam. religion.
in beliefs and principles of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. SS.912.W.3.Su.c Recognize an effect of SS.912.W.3.Pa.c Recognize
Islamic military expansion through Central that religion influences
SS.912.W.3.In.c Recognize effects of Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian culture.
Islamic military expansion through Central Peninsula, such as the spread of Islam.
Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian SS.912.W.3.Pa.d Recognize
Peninsula, such as the Crusades, the SS.912.W.3.Su.d Recognize a factor that that religion influences
capture of Jerusalem, and conversion of led to the expansion of Islam into India, culture.
the Mongols to Islam. such as traders, missionary activities,
invasions, or the introduction of Islamic SS.912.W.3.Pa.e Recognize
SS.912.W.3.In.d Identify factors that led to faith to Hindus in India. an achievement or
the expansion of Islam into India, such as contribution of Asian, African,
traders, missionary activities, invasions, SS.912.W.3.Su.e Recognize that or Meso-American
and the introduction of the Islamic faith to achievements in the Islamic Golden Age civilizations.
Hindus in India. included advancements in many areas of
learning. SS.912.W.3.Pa.f Recognize
SS.912.W.3.In.e Recognize achievements, an achievement or
contributions, and key figures associated SS.912.W.3.Su.f Recognize a key contribution of Asian, African,
with the Islamic Golden Age, such as in development in Islamic history, such as or Meso-American
medicine (Avicenna), mathematics, and the form of government (caliphate), the civilizations.
philosophy (Averroes). formation of different religious groups—
Sunni and Shi'a, or the importance of SS.912.W.3.Pa.g Recognize
SS.912.W.3.In.f Recognize key slave trade. people fight for their religious
developments in Islamic history, such as beliefs.
the form of government (caliphate), the SS.912.W.3.Su.g Recognize that the
formation of different religious groups— Crusades were a key European response SS.912.W.3.Pa.h Recognize
Sunni and Shi'a, and the importance of to Islamic expansion. people fight for their religious
slave trade. beliefs.
SS.912.W.3.Su.h Recognize that the
SS.912.W.3.In.g Recognize effects of the Crusades were a key European response SS.912.W.3.Pa.i Recognize
European response to Islamic expansion, to Islamic expansion. change of leadership over
such as the Crusades and Reconquista. time.
SS.912.W.3.Su.i Recognize the growth of
SS.912.W.3.In.h Recognize effects of the sub-Saharan African kingdoms and SS.912.W.3.Pa.j Recognize
European response to Islamic expansion, empires. an achievement or
such as the Crusades and Reconquista. contribution of Asian, African,
SS.912.W.3.Su.j Recognize a or Meso-American
SS.912.W.3.In.i Identify the growth of sub- characteristic of Ghana, such as salt and civilizations.
Saharan African kingdoms and empires, gold trade, matrilineal inheritance, rise of
such as Ghana, Mali, or Songhai. Islam, or slavery. SS.912.W.3.Pa.k Recognize
an achievement or
SS.912.W.3.In.j Recognize significant SS.912.W.3.Su.k Recognize a contribution of Asian, African,
characteristics of Ghana, such as salt and characteristic of Mali, such as gold or Meso-American
gold trade, matrilineal inheritance, rise of mining, salt trade, or slavery. civilizations.
Islam, and slavery.
SS.912.W.3.Su.l Recognize a SS.912.W.3.Pa.l Recognize
SS.912.W.3.In.k Recognize significant characteristic associated with Songhai, an achievement or
characteristics of Mali, such as gold such as gold, salt trade, Sankore contribution of Asian, African,
mining, salt trade, and slavery. University, or provincial political structure. or Meso-American
SS.912.W.3.In.l Identify characteristics SS.912.W.3.Su.m Recognize a major
associated with Songhai, such as gold, SS.912.W.3.Pa.m Recognize
characteristic of developments in East,
salt trade, Sankore University, and West, and South Africa. an achievement or
provincial political structure. contribution of Asian, African,
or Meso-American
SS.912.W.3.Su.n Recognize a factor that civilizations.
SS.912.W.3.In.m Recognize major led to the fall of the empires of Ghana,
characteristics of developments in East, Mali, and Songhai, such as disruption of
West, and South Africa. trade or internal political struggles. SS.912.W.3.Pa.n Recognize
change of leadership over
SS.912.W.3.In.n Recognize factors that SS.912.W.3.Su.o Recognize a legacy—
led to the fall of the empires of Ghana, such as religion, astronomy, or
Mali, and Songhai, such as disruption of architecture—of the Olmec, Zapotec, or SS.912.W.3.Pa.o Recognize
trade and internal political struggles. Chavin on later civilizations. an achievement or
contribution of Asian, African,
or Meso-American
SS.912.W.3.In.o Identify legacies—such SS.912.W.3.Su.p Recognize a major civilizations.
as religion, astronomy, and architecture— civilization of Mesoamerica and Andean
of the Olmec, Zapotec, and Chavin on South America.
later civilizations. SS.912.W.3.Pa.p Recognize
that there were civilizations in
SS.912.W.3.Su.q Recognize a role of different parts of the world.
SS.912.W.3.In.p Recognize major people in Maya, Inca, and Aztec
civilizations of Mesoamerica and Andean societies, such as class structures, family
South America, such as Maya, Aztec, and life, warfare, religious beliefs and SS.912.W.3.Pa.q Recognize
Inca. practices, or slavery. different roles of people.

SS.912.W.3.In.q Recognize the roles of SS.912.W.3.Su.r Recognize a common SS.912.W.3.Pa.r Recognize

people in Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies, characteristic of the major civilizations of an achievement or
such as class structures, family life, Meso and South America, such as contribution of Asian, African,
warfare, religious beliefs and practices, agriculture, architecture, astronomy, or Meso-American
and slavery. mathematics, or government. civilizations.

SS.912.W.3.In.r Recognize common SS.912.W.3.Su.s Recognize a common SS.912.W.3.Pa.s Recognize

characteristics of the major civilizations of characteristic of the major civilizations of an achievement or
Meso and South America, such as Meso and South America, such as contribution of Asian, African,
agriculture, architecture, astronomy, agriculture, architecture, astronomy, or Meso-American
mathematics, and government. mathematics, or government. civilizations.

SS.912.W.3.In.s Recognize common

characteristics of the major civilizations of
Meso and South America, such as
agriculture, architecture, astronomy,
mathematics, and government.

Standard 4: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific
Revolution, and Age of Exploration.


SS.912.W.4.1 Identify the economic and political causes for the rise of the Italian city-states (Florence,
Milan, Naples, Rome, Venice).
SS.912.W.4.2 Recognize major influences on the architectural, artistic, and literary developments of
Renaissance Italy (Classical, Byzantine, Islamic, Western European).
SS.912.W.4.3 Identify the major artistic, literary, and technological contributions of individuals during
the Renaissance.
SS.912.W.4.4 Identify characteristics of Renaissance humanism in works of art.
SS.912.W.4.5 Describe how ideas from the Middle Ages and Renaissance led to the Scientific
SS.912.W.4.6 Describe how scientific theories and methods of the Scientific Revolution challenged
those of the early classical and medieval periods.
SS.912.W.4.7 Identify criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church by individuals such as Wycliffe, Hus and
Erasmus and their impact on later reformers.
SS.912.W.4.8 Summarize religious reforms associated with Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Henry VIII, and
John of Leyden and the effects of the Reformation on Europe.
SS.912.W.4.9 Analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation in the
forms of the Counter and Catholic Reformation.
SS.912.W.4.10 Identify the major contributions of individuals associated with the Scientific Revolution.
SS.912.W.4.11 Summarize the causes that led to the Age of Exploration, and identify major voyages and
SS.912.W.4.12 Evaluate the scope and impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and
the Americas.
SS.912.W.4.13 Examine the various economic and political systems of Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands,
France, and England in the Americas.
SS.912.W.4.14 Recognize the practice of slavery and other forms of forced labor experienced during the
13th through 17th centuries in East Africa, West Africa, Europe, Southwest Asia, and the
SS.912.W.4.15 Explain the origins, developments, and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade between
West Africa and the Americas.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Independent Supported Participatory
SS.912.W.4.In.a Recognize that Italian city- SS.912.W.4.Su.a Recognize that Italian SS.912.W.4.Pa.a
states had ideal locations on the Italian city-states grew wealthy through trade and Recognize that trade is a
peninsula that made them grow wealthy cultural diversity. characteristic of society.
through trade and cultural diversity.
SS.912.W.4.Su.b Recognize that artistic, SS.912.W.4.Pa.b
SS.912.W.4.In.b Recognize an influence of literary, and technological Recognize that
architectural, artistic, and literary accomplishments are distinctive architecture is a
development of Renaissance Italy. characteristics of societies. characteristic of society.

SS.912.W.4.In.c Recognize the artistic, SS.912.W.4.Su.c Recognize a SS.912.W.4.Pa.c

literary and technological contributions during development of the Renaissance, such as Recognize that art is a
the Renaissance of artists, such as da Vinci the work of artists, like Michelangelo and characteristic of society.
and Michelangelo; of writers, such as da Vinci; writers, like Shakespeare; or
Petrarch and Shakespeare; and of inventors, inventors, like Gutenberg. SS.912.W.4.Pa.d
such as Gutenberg. Recognize that art is a
SS.912.W.4.Su.d Recognize that works of characteristic of society.
SS.912.W.4.In.d Recognize characteristics of art reflect the culture and values of their
Renaissance humanism in literature and the society. SS.912.W.4.Pa.e
arts. Recognize the impact of
SS.912.W.4.Su.e Recognize a new idea science on civilization.
SS.912.W.4.In.e Recognize new ideas developed during the Scientific Revolution,
developed during the Scientific Revolution, such as the discovery that the Earth and SS.912.W.4.Pa.f
such as the discovery that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun, the Recognize the impact of
planets revolve around the Sun, the pendulum, the law of gravity, or the science on civilization.
pendulum, the law of gravity, the scientific microscope.
method, and the microscope.
SS.912.W.4.Su.f Recognize a new idea Recognize that people
SS.912.W.4.In.f Recognize new ideas developed during the Scientific Revolution, may change their beliefs.
developed during the Scientific Revolution, such as the discovery that the Earth and
such as the discovery that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun, the
planets revolve around the Sun, the pendulum, the law of gravity, or the SS.912.W.4.Pa.h
pendulum, the law of gravity, the scientific microscope. Recognize that people
method, and the microscope. may change their beliefs.
SS.912.W.4.Su.g Recognize that reformers
SS.912.W.4.In.g Recognize the impact of the challenged the beliefs of the Roman SS.912.W.4.Pa.i
Roman Catholic reformers, such as Erasmus, Catholic Church. Recognize that people
Wycliffe, or Huss. may change their beliefs.
SS.912.W.4.Su.h Recognize that reformers
SS.912.W.4.In.h Recognize characteristics of challenged the beliefs of the Roman SS.912.W.4.Pa.j
the Protestant religious reforms of Luther, Catholic Church. Recognize the impact of
Calvin, and Henry VIII. science on civilization.
SS.912.W.4.Su.i Recognize that reformers
SS.912.W.4.In.i Recognize the reforms that challenged the beliefs of the Roman SS.912.W.4.Pa.k
were enacted by the Roman Catholic Church Catholic Church. Recognize a cause for
during the Catholic Counter Reformation. exploration.
SS.912.W.4.Su.j Recognize a new idea
SS.912.W.4.In.j Recognize new ideas developed during the Scientific Revolution, SS.912.W.4.Pa.l
developed during the Scientific Revolution, such as the discovery that the Earth and Recognize a cause for
such as the discovery that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun, the exchange of goods.
planets revolve around the Sun, the pendulum, the law of gravity, or the
pendulum, the law of gravity, the scientific microscope. SS.912.W.4.Pa.m
method, and the microscope. Recognize that people
SS.912.W.4.Su.k Recognize why explorers value traditional ways of
SS.912.W.4.In.k Recognize causes that led came to the New World, such as to find life.
to the Age of Exploration, such as the need routes for trade.
for new routes and goods to trade. SS.912.W.4.Pa.n
SS.912.W.4.Su.l Recognize an impact of Recognize that slaves did
SS.912.W.4.In.l Recognize impacts of the the Columbian Exchange, such as the not have freedom.
Columbian Exchange, such as the exchange exchange of agricultural goods, diseases,
of agricultural goods, diseases, and ideas or ideas between Europe, Africa, and the SS.912.W.4.Pa.o
between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Americas. Recognize that slaves did
not have freedom.
SS.912.W.4.In.m Recognize ways the SS.912.W.4.Su.m Recognize that
economic and political systems of European European countries influenced the
countries were used in the Americas. economic or political systems in the
SS.912.W.4.In.n Recognize how the practice
of slavery and other forms of forced labor SS.912.W.4.Su.n Recognize that slavery
differed in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. and forced labor were used in Africa,
Europe, and the Americas.
SS.912.W.4.In.o Recognize how the practice
of slavery and other forms of forced labor SS.912.W.4.Su.o Recognize that slavery
differed in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. and forced labor were used in Africa,
Europe, and the Americas.

Standard 5: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Enlightenment and its impact on the
American, French and other Revolutions.


SS.912.W.5.1 Compare the causes and effects of the development of constitutional monarchy in
England with those of the development of absolute monarchy in France, Spain, and
SS.912.W.5.2 Identify major causes of the Enlightenment.
SS.912.W.5.3 Summarize the major ideas of Enlightenment philosophers.
SS.912.W.5.4 Evaluate the impact of Enlightenment ideals on the development of economic, political,
and religious structures in the Western world.
SS.912.W.5.5 Analyze the extent to which the Enlightenment impacted the American and French
SS.912.W.5.6 Summarize the important causes, events, and effects of the French Revolution including
the rise and rule of Napoleon.
SS.912.W.5.7 Describe the causes and effects of 19th Latin American and Caribbean independence
movements led by people including Bolivar, de San Martin, and L' Ouverture.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.5.In.a Identify differences SS.912.W.5.Su.a Recognize that a SS.912.W.5.Pa.a
between constitutional monarchies and constitutional government can limit the Recognize a king or
absolute monarchies in Europe. powers of a king or queen. queen as a leader.

SS.912.W.5.In.b Recognize influences of SS.912.W.5.Su.b Recognize an influence of SS.912.W.5.Pa.b

the Enlightenment, such as the the Enlightenment, such as the Recognize that leaders
Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, or can influence people.
Reformation. Reformation.
SS.912.W.5.In.c Recognize major ideas of SS.912.W.5.Su.c Recognize a major idea of Recognize that leaders
Enlightenment philosophers, such as the Enlightenment philosophers, such as the can influence people.
importance of a government and natural importance of a government or natural rights.
SS.912.W.5.Su.d Recognize a way the SS.912.W.5.Pa.d
SS.912.W.5.In.d Identify ways the Enlightenment influenced development in the Recognize an example of
Enlightenment influenced development in Western World, such as the spread of equality and freedom.
the Western World, such as the spread of democracy and equality in politics or
democracy and equality in politics and religious freedom. SS.912.W.5.Pa.e
religious freedom. Recognize an example of
SS.912.W.5.Su.e Recognize a way the equality and freedom.
SS.912.W.5.In.e Identify ways the Enlightenment influenced development in the
Enlightenment influenced development in Western World, such as the spread of SS.912.W.5.Pa.f
the Western World, such as the spread of democracy and equality in politics or Recognize an example of
democracy and equality in politics and religious freedom. equality and freedom.
religious freedom.
SS.912.W.5.Su.f Recognize an effect of the SS.912.W.5.Pa.g
SS.912.W.5.In.f Recognize effects of the French Revolution. Recognize that people
French Revolution, including the rise and fight for freedom.
rule of Napoleon. SS.912.W.5.Su.g Recognize that Latin
American and Caribbean countries achieved
SS.912.W.5.In.g Recognize effects of the independence.
Latin American and Caribbean
independence movements.

Standard 6: Understand the development of Western and non-Western nationalism,

industrialization and imperialism, and the significant processes and consequences of each.


SS.912.W.6.1 Describe the agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in
Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe, the United States, and
SS.912.W.6.2 Summarize the social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.
SS.912.W.6.3 Compare the philosophies of capitalism, socialism, and communism as described by
Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx.
SS.912.W.6.4 Describe the 19th and early 20th century social and political reforms and reform
movements and their effects in Africa, Asia, Europe, the United States, the Caribbean,
and Latin America.
SS.912.W.6.5 Summarize the causes, key events, and effects of the unification of Italy and Germany.
SS.912.W.6.6 Analyze the causes and effects of imperialism.
SS.912.W.6.7 Identify major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.6.In.a Recognize technological SS.912.W.6.Su.a Recognize a SS.912.W.6.Pa.a
innovations that led to industrialization in technological innovation that led to Recognize the impact of
Western Europe, the United States, and industrialization in Western Europe, the inventions.
Japan. United States, and Japan.
SS.912.W.6.In.b Recognize effects of the SS.912.W.6.Su.b Recognize an effect of Recognize a social or
Industrial Revolution, such as increased the Industrial Revolution, such as increased economic benefit of work.
productivity, the rise of the middle class, productivity, the rise of the middle class, or
and the conditions faced by workers. the conditions faced by workers.
SS.912.W.6.Pa.c Recognize
SS.912.W.6.In.c Recognize the major SS.912.W.6.Su.c Recognize that private that businesses are owned
differences between capitalism and individuals or government can own by people.
communism. businesses.
SS.912.W.6.In.d Recognize effects of SS.912.W.6.Su.d Recognize an effect of Recognize a characteristic
reform movements, such as abolition of reform movements, such as abolition of of equality and freedom.
slavery in the British Empire, expansion of slavery in the British Empire, expansion of
women’s rights, and labor laws. women’s rights, or labor laws. SS.912.W.6.Pa.e
Recognize the benefit of
SS.912.W.6.In.e Recognize the effect of SS.912.W.6.Su.e Recognize a beneficial people or countries working
the unification of both Italy and Germany, effect of the unification of separate nations together to achieve a goal.
such as the establishment of two countries or states into one country, such as national
with strong senses of patriotism and pride. SS.912.W.6.Pa.f Recognize
national pride. a characteristic of
SS.912.W.6.Su.f Recognize an effect of domination of one group
SS.912.W.6.In.f Recognize effects of imperialism, such as social and religious over another.
imperialism, such as social and religious impact on indigenous peoples, expansion of
impact on indigenous peoples, expansion political and economic control of other SS.912.W.6.Pa.g
of political and economic control of other countries, or perceived superiority of Recognize a cause of
countries, and perceived superiority of Western ways. change in government.
Western ways.
SS.912.W.6.Su.g Recognize a major event
SS.912.W.6.In.g Recognize major events in China, such as the nationalist revolution
in China, such as the Western incursions and formation of the Republic of China.
and the nationalist revolution and
formation of the Republic of China.

Standard 7: Recognize significant causes, events, figures, and consequences of the Great War
period and the impact on worldwide balance of power.


SS.912.W.7.1 Analyze the causes of World War I including the formation of European alliances and the
roles of imperialism, nationalism, and militarism.
SS.912.W.7.2 Describe the changing nature of warfare during World War I.
SS.912.W.7.3 Summarize significant effects of World War I.
SS.912.W.7.4 Describe the causes and effects of the German economic crisis of the 1920s and the
global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great
SS.912.W.7.5 Describe the rise of authoritarian governments in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and
Spain, and analyze the policies and main ideas of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito
Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco.
SS.912.W.7.6 Analyze the restriction of individual rights and the use of mass terror against populations
in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and occupied territories.
SS.912.W.7.7 Trace the causes and key events related to World War II.
SS.912.W.7.8 Explain the causes, events, and effects of the Holocaust (1933-1945) including its roots
in the long tradition of anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi
dehumanization of the Jews and other victims.
SS.912.W.7.9 Identify the wartime strategy and post-war plans of the Allied leaders.
SS.912.W.7.10 Summarize the causes and effects of President Truman's decision to drop the atomic
bombs on Japan.
SS.912.W.7.11 Describe the effects of World War II.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.7.In.a Recognize major causes of SS.912.W.7.Su.a Recognize a cause SS.912.W.7.Pa.a
World War I, such as imperialism, nationalism, of World War I, such as imperialism, Recognize a reason for
and militarism, and the formation of European nationalism, militarism, or the formation forming an alliance.
alliances. of European alliances.
SS.912.W.7.In.b Identify the changing nature of SS.912.W.7.Su.b Recognize the Recognize a
warfare during World War I, such as the use of changing nature of warfare during characteristic of warfare
new weapons and strategies and increased World War I, such as the use of new during World War I.
destruction of the land and human life. weapons and strategies and increased
destruction of the land and human life.
SS.912.W.7.In.c Recognize the important effects Recognize an effect of
of World War I, such as the breakup of empires SS.912.W.7.Su.c Recognize an effect war.
into separate countries and the Treaty of of World War I, such as the breakup of
Versailles. empires into separate countries. SS.912.W.7.Pa.d
Recognize an effect of
SS.912.W.7.In.d Identify effects of the German SS.912.W.7.Su.d Recognize effects of economic depression.
economic crisis and global depression, such as the German economic crisis and global
closing of businesses and banks, loss of jobs, depression, such as closing of SS.912.W.7.Pa.e
poverty, and how governments responded. businesses and banks, loss of jobs, Recognize an effect of
and poverty. economic depression.
SS.912.W.7.In.e Recognize why authoritarian
governments came to power in the Soviet Union, SS.912.W.7.Su.e Recognize a reason SS.912.W.7.Pa.f
Italy, Germany, and Spain. that authoritarian governments came to Recognize an individual
power in Europe after the depression. right.
SS.912.W.7.In.f Recognize that the Soviet Union
and Nazi Germany used mass terror and SS.912.W.7.Su.f Recognize that some SS.912.W.7.Pa.g
restriction of individual rights in order to control governments used mass terror and Recognize a
their people. restriction of individual rights in order to characteristic of world
control their people. wars.
SS.912.W.7.In.g Recognize the causes of World
War II and the major events in the war, such as SS.912.W.7.Su.g Recognize a major SS.912.W.7.Pa.h
rise of totalitarian governments, conquest of cause and event of World War II, such Recognize a
countries in Europe, and Japanese invasion of as expansion of control of dictators and characteristic of
China; and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Battle of bombing of Pearl Harbor. discrimination.
Midway, and D-Day invasion.
SS.912.W.7.Su.h Recognize an effect SS.912.W.7.Pa.i
SS.912.W.7.In.h Recognize major effects of the of the Holocaust, including the Nazi Recognize that leaders
Holocaust, including the Nazi dehumanization of dehumanization of Jews and other work together during and
Jews and other victims. victims. after war.

SS.912.W.7.In.i Recognize the wartime strategies SS.912.W.7.Su.i Recognize that Allied SS.912.W.7.Pa.j
and post-war plans that were developed by the leaders worked together to plan Recognize a
Allied leaders, such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and wartime strategies and create plans characteristic of warfare
Stalin. after World War II. during World War II.

SS.912.W.7.In.j Recognize that President SS.912.W.7.Su.j Recognize that the SS.912.W.7.Pa.k

Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on United States dropped atomic bombs Recognize an effect of
Japan ended the war but led to the beginning of on Japan and ended the war. war.
the nuclear arms race.
SS.912.W.7.Su.k Recognize an effect
SS.912.W.7.In.k Recognize effects of World War of World War II, such as death of
II, such as death of soldiers and civilians, soldiers and civilians or the creation of
destruction of land and property, and creation of the United Nations.
the United Nations.

Standard 8: Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War


SS.912.W.8.1 Identify the United States and Soviet aligned states of Europe, and contrast their political
and economic characteristics.
SS.912.W.8.2 Describe characteristics of the early Cold War.
SS.912.W.8.3 Summarize key developments in post-war China.
SS.912.W.8.4 Summarize the causes and effects of the arms race and proxy wars in Africa, Asia, Latin
America, and the Middle East.
SS.912.W.8.5 Identify the factors that led to the decline and fall of communism in the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe.
SS.912.W.8.6 Explain the 20th century background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel
in 1948 and the ongoing military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab-
Muslim world.
SS.912.W.8.7 Compare post-war independence movements in African, Asian, and Caribbean
SS.912.W.8.8 Describe the rise and goals of nationalist leaders in the post-war era and the impact of
their rule on their societies.
SS.912.W.8.9 Analyze the successes and failures of democratic reform movements in Africa, Asia, the
Caribbean, and Latin America.
SS.912.W.8.10 Explain the impact of religious fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century, and
identify related events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.8.In.a Recognize that the SS.912.W.8.Su.a Recognize that countries SS.912.W.8.Pa.a
countries of NATO aligned with the United aligned with the United States or the Soviet Recognize a
States and countries in the Warsaw Pact Union after World War II. characteristic of an
aligned with the Soviet Union after World alliance.
War II. SS.912.W.8.Su.b Recognize characteristics
of the early Cold War, such as fear of SS.912.W.8.Pa.b
SS.912.W.8.In.b Identify characteristics of communism, formation of alliances, and Recognize a
the early Cold War, such as the Truman division of the free world from the characteristic of an
Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, and the Iron communists. alliance.
SS.912.W.8.Su.c Recognize that China SS.912.W.8.Pa.c
SS.912.W.8.In.c Identify that China became became a world power after the communists Recognize a result of
a world power after the communists took over the government. change in government.
defeated the nationalists in the Chinese Civil
War. SS.912.W.8.Su.d Recognize effects of the SS.912.W.8.Pa.d
arms race, such as increased weapons and Recognize a
SS.912.W.8.In.d Identify effects of the arms armies. characteristic of national
race, such as increased weapons and defense.
armies. SS.912.W.8.Su.e Recognize a factor that led
to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union SS.912.W.8.Pa.e
SS.912.W.8.In.e Recognize factors that led and Eastern Europe was the resistance by Recognize that
to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union the citizens within the countries. government can change.
and Eastern Europe, such as the arms race
and resistance by the citizens within the SS.912.W.8.Su.f Recognize a reason why SS.912.W.8.Pa.f
countries. Israel became a country. Recognize a
characteristic of national
SS.912.W.8.In.f Recognize a reason why SS.912.W.8.Su.g Recognize that African, independence.
Israel became a country and characteristics Asian, and Caribbean colonies moved
of conflicts between Israel and the Arab toward independence after World War II. SS.912.W.8.Pa.g
world. Recognize a
SS.912.W.8.Su.h Recognize a goal of characteristic of national
SS.912.W.8.In.g Identify post-war selected nationalist leaders, such as independence.
independence movements in African, Asian, Mahatma Ghandi, Fidel Castro, and Gamal
or Caribbean colonies. Abdel Nasser, in the post-war era. SS.912.W.8.Pa.h
Recognize a
SS.912.W.8.In.h Recognize the goals of SS.912.W.8.Su.i Recognize that African, characteristic of
nationalist leaders, such as Mahatma Asian, and Caribbean colonies moved leadership.
Ghandi, Fidel Castro, and Gamal Abdel toward independence after World War II.
Nasser, in the post-war era. SS.912.W.8.Pa.i
SS.912.W.8.Su.j Recognize an impact of Recognize a
SS.912.W.8.In.i Identify post-war religious fundamentalism or other factors in characteristic of national
independence movements in African, Asian, the Middle East, such as the Iranian independence.
or Caribbean colonies. Revolution, armed warriors (Mujahideen) in
Afghanistan, or the Persian Gulf War. SS.912.W.8.Pa.j
SS.912.W.8.In.j Recognize impacts of Recognize a cause of
religious fundamentalism and other factors conflict.
in the Middle East, such as the Iranian
Revolution, armed warriors (Mujahideen) in
Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf War.

Standard 9: Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the
20th century.


SS.912.W.9.1 Identify major scientific figures and breakthroughs of the 20th century, and assess their
impact on contemporary life.
SS.912.W.9.2 Describe the causes and effects of post-World War II economic and demographic
SS.912.W.9.3 Explain cultural, historical, and economic factors and governmental policies that created
the opportunities for ethnic cleansing or genocide in Cambodia, the Balkans, Rwanda,
and Darfur, and describe various governmental and non-governmental responses to
SS.912.W.9.4 Describe the causes and effects of twentieth century nationalist conflicts.
SS.912.W.9.5 Assess the social and economic impact of pandemics on a global scale, particularly
within the developing and under-developed world.
SS.912.W.9.6 Analyze the rise of regional trade blocs such as the European Union and NAFTA, and
predict the impact of increased globalization in the 20th and 21st centuries.
SS.912.W.9.7 Describe the impact of and global response to international terrorism.
Access Point for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Independent Supported Participatory

SS.912.W.9.In.a Recognize selected major SS.912.W.9.Su.a Recognize a selected SS.912.W.9.Pa.a
scientists, their important discoveries, and major scientist, the important discovery, and Recognize an effect of
their impact on everyday life. the impact on everyday life. scientific discovery.

SS.912.W.9.In.b Recognize effects of post- SS.912.W.9.Su.b Recognize an effect of SS.912.W.9.Pa.b

World War II economic changes, such as post-World War II economic changes, such Recognize an effect of
medical and technological advances, as medical and technological advances, economic growth.
increased consumption, and rise in increased consumption, or rise in
expectations for standards of living. expectations for standards of living. SS.912.W.9.Pa.c
Recognize an effect of
SS.912.W.9.In.c Recognize that SS.912.W.9.Su.c Recognize that different discrimination.
governmental policies and economic, factors have contributed to acts of
religious, and other cultural factors have discrimination and ethnic cleansing SS.912.W.9.Pa.d
contributed to acts of discrimination and (genocide) in some countries. Recognize an effect of
ethnic cleansing (genocide) in some discrimination.
countries. SS.912.W.9.Su.d Recognize that different
factors have contributed to acts of SS.912.W.9.Pa.e
SS.912.W.9.In.d Recognize that discrimination and ethnic cleansing Recognize that diseases
governmental policies and economic, (genocide) in some countries. can spread.
religious, and other cultural factors have
contributed to acts of discrimination and SS.912.W.9.Su.e Recognize the impacts of
ethnic cleansing (genocide) in some SS.912.W.9.Pa.f
the spread of diseases on groups in Recognize a
countries. developing countries. characteristic of global
SS.912.W.9.In.e Identify the impacts of the SS.912.W.9.Su.f Recognize a way a nation
spread of diseases on groups in developing participates in global trade and trade
countries. SS.912.W.9.Pa.g
agreements with other countries. Recognize a
characteristic of
SS.912.W.9.In.f Recognize ways nations SS.912.W.9.Su.g Recognize an impact and terrorism.
participate in global trade and trade response to threats of international terrorism.
agreements with other countries.

SS.912.W.9.In.g Recognize selected impacts

and responses to threats of international

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