Social Studies Standards Us History and World History
Social Studies Standards Us History and World History
Social Studies Standards Us History and World History
GRADE: 912
Standard 2: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and
Reconstruction and its effects on the American people.
Standard 3: Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and
political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution.
Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world
affairs through the end of World War I.
Standard 6: Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home
and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world.
Standard 7: Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a
world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life.
Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South
American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.
Standard 4: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific
Revolution, and Age of Exploration.
Standard 5: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Enlightenment and its impact on the
American, French and other Revolutions.
Standard 7: Recognize significant causes, events, figures, and consequences of the Great War
period and the impact on worldwide balance of power.
Standard 8: Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War
Standard 9: Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the
20th century.
Standard 2: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and
Reconstruction and its effects on the American people.
Standard 3: Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and
political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution.
Standard 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world
affairs through the end of World War I.
SS.912.A.4.In.k Identify key events and SS.912.A.4.Su.k Recognize key events and
people in Florida history, such as the people in Florida history, such as the
participation of Florida troops and the role of participation of Florida troops in the Spanish
Tampa during the Spanish-American War. American War.
Standard 5: Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the
Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.
Standard 6: Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home
and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world.
SS.912.A.6.In.b Identify the United States SS.912.A.6.Su.b Recognize the United SS.912.A.6.Pa.b
response in the early years of World War States response in the early years of World Recognize that a country
II, such as the Neutrality Act, giving aid to War II, such as trying to stay out of the war can provide aid to other
Britain, and supplying war material to and providing aid and war material to other countries (allies) during a
other countries. countries fighting in the war. war.
SS.912.A.6.In.c Identify the impact of the SS.912.A.6.Su.c Recognize an impact of the SS.912.A.6.Pa.c
Holocaust during World War II on Jews Holocaust during World War II on Jews and Recognize that groups may
and other groups. other groups. be treated badly because
they are different.
SS.912.A.6.In.d Identify actions related to SS.912.A.6.Su.d Recognize an action related
rights for groups during World War II, to rights for groups during World War II, such SS.912.A.6.Pa.d
such as women, African Americans, as women, African Americans, German Recognize that groups may
German Americans, Japanese Americans, Japanese Americans, Native be treated differently during
Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Italian a war.
Americans, or Italian Americans. Americans.
SS.912.A.6.In.e Identify an impact of SS.912.A.6.Su.e Recognize an impact of Recognize that war causes
World War II on domestic government World War II on domestic government policy, changes in home life.
policy, such as rationing, national such as rationing, national security, civil
security, civil rights, and increased job rights, or increased job opportunities. SS.912.A.6.Pa.f Recognize
opportunities. that countries may take
SS.912.A.6.Su.f Recognize the aftermath of drastic measures to end a
SS.912.A.6.In.f Identify a reason why the the use of atomic weapons against Japan, war.
United States decided to use atomic such as destruction and the ending of World
weapons against Japan and identify the War II. SS.912.A.6.Pa.g
aftermath, such as destruction and the Recognize that people who
ending of World War II. SS.912.A.6.Su.g Recognize attempts to commit war crimes may
promote international justice by trying Nazi have a trial.
SS.912.A.6.In.g Identify attempts to war crimes after World War II (Nuremberg
promote international justice by trying Trials). SS.912.A.6.Pa.h
Nazi war crimes after World War II Recognize loyalty to one’s
(Nuremberg Trials). SS.912.A.6.Su.h Recognize an effect of the country.
Red Scare on the United States, such as the
SS.912.A.6.In.h Identify the effects of the loyalty review program. SS.912.A.6.Pa.i Recognize
Red Scare on the United States, such as that countries work
the loyalty review program and the House SS.912.A.6.Su.i Recognize a peacekeeping together in the United
Un-American Activities Committee. role of the United Nations. Nations.
SS.912.A.6.In.i Identify that the United SS.912.A.6.Su.j Recognize a consequence of SS.912.A.6.Pa.j Recognize
Nations was formed as an international the Cold War, such as the arms race, fear of that countries help each
organization to keep world peace and the spread of communism, plans to help other to prevent wars.
Mary McLeod Bethune was involved in countries rebuild after World War II, or that
developing the charter. countries in communist and western nationsSS.912.A.6.Pa.k
formed separate alliances. Recognize that countries
SS.912.A.6.In.j Identify the make agreements to
consequences of the early years of the SS.912.A.6.Su.k Recognize a concern about prevent war.
Cold War, such as the establishment of the spread of nuclear technology in the
the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, United States and the world. SS.912.A.6.Pa.l Recognize
NATO, and the Warsaw Pact. that countries help other
SS.912.A.6.Su.l Recognize a cause and countries in war.
SS.912.A.6.In.k Identify concerns about consequence of the Korean War.
the spread of nuclear technology in the SS.912.A.6.Pa.m
United States and the world.
SS.912.A.6.Su.m Recognize the results of a Recognize that the United
significant foreign policy event, such as the States is involved with
SS.912.A.6.In.l Identify a cause and Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin other nations.
consequence of the Korean War. Resolution—Vietnam, or relations with China.
SS.912.A.6.In.m Identify results of SS.912.A.6.Su.n Recognize a cause and Recognize that countries
significant foreign policy events, such as result of the Vietnam War. help other countries in war.
the Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution—Vietnam, and SS.912.A.6.Pa.o
relations with China. SS.912.A.6.Su.o Recognize key events in
Florida, such as the construction of military Recognize a development
bases and the development of the space in Florida, such as the
SS.912.A.6.In.n Identify causes and program. space program.
results of the Vietnam War.
Standard 7: Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a
world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life.
SS.912.A.7.In.j Identify the impact of the SS.912.A.7.Su.j Recognize an impact of the SS.912.A.7.Pa.k
Vietnam War and Watergate on the United Vietnam War and Watergate on the United Recognize that the United
States. States. States has interests in
other countries.
SS.912.A.7.In.k Identify aspects of United SS.912.A.7.Su.k Recognize an aspect of
States foreign policy as it relates to Africa, United States foreign policy as it relates to SS.912.A.7.Pa.l
Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Recognize a social or
Middle East. and the Middle East. economic concern of
SS.912.A.7.In.l Identify political, economic, SS.912.A.7.Su.l Recognize political,
and social concerns that emerged from the economic, and social concerns that emerged SS.912.A.7.Pa.m
late 1900s to early 2000s. from the late 1900s to early 2000s. Recognize a social
program of the
SS.912.A.7.In.m Identify components of the SS.912.A.7.Su.m Recognize a component of government.
Great Society program, such as Medicare the Great Society program, such as
and Medicaid, urban development, housing, Medicare and Medicaid, or housing. SS.912.A.7.Pa.n
and transit. Recognize a product
SS.912.A.7.Su.n Recognize a way the produced in another
SS.912.A.7.In.n Identify ways the United United States participates in the global country.
States participates in the global economy, economy, such as by trading with other
such as by trading with other countries and countries or making trade agreements. SS.912.A.7.Pa.o
making trade agreements. Recognize an act of
SS.912.A.7.Su.o Recognize that the United terrorism, such as
SS.912.A.7.In.o Identify effects of terrorism States has been affected by acts of September 11, 2001.
in the United States, such as the attacks on terrorism, such as the attacks on September
September 11, 2001, which led to the wars 11, 2001. SS.912.A.7.Pa.p
in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recognize that people
SS.912.A.7.Su.p Recognize that immigration immigrate to this country.
SS.912.A.7.In.p Identify ways that policy and attitudes have changed since
immigration policy and attitudes have 1950. SS.912.A.7.Pa.q
changed since 1950. Recognize a key event in
SS.912.A.7.Su.q Identify a key event in Florida, such as
SS.912.A.7.In.q Identify key events in Florida, such as the construction of Disney construction of Disney
Florida, such as the construction of Disney World, the growth of the citrus industry, World.
World, the growth of the citrus industry, changes in the space program, or
changes in the space program, and immigration.
Standard 1: Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes.
Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South
American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.
Standard 4: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific
Revolution, and Age of Exploration.
Standard 5: Analyze the causes, events, and effects of the Enlightenment and its impact on the
American, French and other Revolutions.
Standard 7: Recognize significant causes, events, figures, and consequences of the Great War
period and the impact on worldwide balance of power.
SS.912.W.7.In.i Recognize the wartime strategies SS.912.W.7.Su.i Recognize that Allied SS.912.W.7.Pa.j
and post-war plans that were developed by the leaders worked together to plan Recognize a
Allied leaders, such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and wartime strategies and create plans characteristic of warfare
Stalin. after World War II. during World War II.
Standard 8: Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War
Standard 9: Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the
20th century.